Pedagogical activity of the teacher. Description of the results of the pedagogical activity of the teacher Natalia Nikolaevna Prokopieva Types of professional activity of the preschool teacher

Alena Turyeva
Pedagogical activity of the teacher

IN education everything should be based on personality teacher, because educational power flows only from the living source of the human personality. No charters and programs, no artificial organism of the institution, no matter how cunningly invented, can replace the individual in business education.

K. D. Ushinsky

Every day, while rushing to work, I think about my pupils, about a meeting with their parents, about the upcoming events of the coming day. Be teacher- this means wanting and being able to relive childhood again and again with each child, see the world through his eyes, be surprised and explore the world with him. To be invisible when the child is busy and indispensable when he needs help and support. Try to do everything to make his childhood meaningful and joyful. How a person’s childhood goes depends on his entire future life.

The goal of my work in kindergarten is the harmonious development of preschool children.

The tasks that I have before myself I bet:

Formation of integrative qualities of preschool children;

Implementation of educational areas;

Development of cognitive mental processes in preschool children;

Expanding your own methodological culture.

Directions of my work activities are realized through the use pedagogical technologies , main are:

Health-saving technologies;

Design technologies;

Gaming technologies;

Information and communication technologies (ICT)

Health-saving technology is implemented through the organization of dynamic breaks, outdoor and sports games, relaxation, gymnastics: finger, for the eyes, respiratory, invigorating; physical education classes, healthy lifestyle classes, etc.

Design educational activities- the educational process of the preschool educational institution is in the nature of cooperation, in which children and preschool teachers, and also involves parents and other family members. Parents can be not only sources of information, real help and support for the child and teacher in the process of working on the project, but also to become direct participants in the educational process, enrich your teaching experience, experience a feeling of satisfaction from your successes and the successes of your child.

Gaming technology is implemented through such methods How: games with rules, outdoor games, dramatization games, role-playing games, director's games, fairy tale therapy, creating problematic situations with elements of self-esteem.

I outlined what methods and techniques I use to develop the integrative qualities of preschoolers, but without the help of parents it is very difficult to achieve good results. I believe that only what is formed in the family can take root in a child, which means that parents are the basis for success.

The subject-spatial organization of a group room creates conditions for various types of children's activities, interaction of children with each other, and for privacy, is equipped with a variety of play equipment, didactic materials, audiovisual aids; organized on the basis of the following principles: openness, flexible zoning, stability, dynamism; causes pupils feeling of joy, an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, enriches with new impressions and knowledge, encourages active creative activities, promotes the intellectual development of preschool children.

Pupils my group are active participants, winners and prize-winners of competitions at the All-Russian, regional and municipal levels

I improve my professional skills, engage in self-education, attend advanced training courses, and participate in creative exhibitions, performing at pedagogical councils . I publish my developments on the information portal. And of course I participate in life kindergarten.

The presentation outlines my work experience. Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

The rain walked on long legs along the asphalt path, and under it daddy's umbrella and the boy Dima walked decorously. Drawing with non-traditional techniques.

At this time of year, many experiments with snow are carried out with children. Have you ever wondered what benefits snow brings? (the most important.

Pedagogical living room with teachers “Project activities of a speech therapist” Teacher-speech therapist: Elena Vladislavovna Vorobyova From work experience in modern ones.

Activities of a teacher supervising a pupil living in a social apartment Activities of a teacher supervising a student in a social apartment. Educator: Koval E.V. There were 10 people in the group, of which 9 were children.

Day 1: Participation of a teacher-psychologist in the implementation of a project on speech development and artistic and aesthetic development. The date of the:.

Name: Self-analysis of the professional activities of a teacher of the highest qualification category during the inter-certification period
Nomination: Kindergarten, Certification of pedagogical preschool employees, Self-analysis, Compensating type group (children 5-7 years old)

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 52
Location: Rybinsk city, Yaroslavl region

Information about the results of professional activities

teacher of the municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 52

Full name of the teaching staff, position, name of the public organization in accordance with the Charter

for the inter-certification period (last four years)

  1. Dynamics of educational achievements of students

1.1.Creating conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program preschool education

1.1.1.Design of RPPS in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

One of the most important factors in the development of a child’s personality is the environment in which he lives, plays, studies and relaxes.

The developmental function of the environment is the leading one. The development of a child, as a result of upbringing and training, as a progression from the “zone of actual” to the “zone of proximal” development (according to L.S. Vygotsky), dictates the need for the presence in the environment of materials and objects with which the child can act as if together with an adult , and independently. Activities in an enriched environment allow the child to show inquisitiveness, curiosity, and learning. the world without coercion, strive for a creative reflection of what is known. In a developing environment, the child realizes his right to freedom of choice of activities. He acts based on his interests and capabilities, strives for self-affirmation, and engages in activities of his own free will.

The stimulating function of the environment is no less important. The environment develops a child only if it is of interest to him and motivates him to action and research. The environment serves as a direct organizer of children's activities and influences the educational process.

The created environment is also necessary for children because it performs an informational function in relation to them: each object carries certain information about the world around them and becomes a means of transmitting socio-cultural experience. Objects are a vivid source of knowledge of the world around us.

Function of maintaining psychological health. The environment is the most important factor for a child, influencing his emotional state. The content of materials and equipment, their placement, and color characteristics evoke positive emotions, provide security and comfort.

Organizational function. The environment not only creates favorable conditions for the child’s life, it also serves as a direct organizer of children’s activities and influences the educational process.

Therefore, I pay special attention to building an environment in my age group, considering this the leading direction in my work.

Academic yearresults
2012-2013 The conditions created in the group ensure the full development of the child’s personality in all educational areas. Therefore, I pay great attention to creating a subject-development environment. In my work I rely on the development of “The Concept of Building a Developmental Environment in a Preschool Institution” edited by V.A. Petrovsky.

The subject-developmental environment in the group is organized in such a way that every child has the opportunity to freely do what they love. The equipment is located in development centers and allows children to unite in subgroups based on common interests: design, drawing, manual labor, theatrical and play activities, experimentation. There are a large number of “improvised” materials (ropes, boxes, wires, wheels, ribbons) that are creatively used to solve various gaming problems. Didactic games have been introduced to help master the elements of literacy and numeracy: printed letters, words, tables, books with large print, manuals with numbers, printed board games with numbers and letters, puzzles, materials reflecting the school theme: pictures about the lives of schoolchildren, school supplies, photographs of schoolchildren with older brothers or sisters, attributes for games to school. Materials have been selected that stimulate the development of broad social interests and cognitive activity of children. These are children's encyclopedias, illustrated publications about the animal and plant world of the planet, about the lives of people in different countries, children's magazines, albums, and brochures.

The developmental environment in my group is the main means of shaping a child’s personality and the source of his knowledge and social experience. It ensures the safety of children’s lives, promotes their physical development and health promotion.

Physical education corner

Goal: organization of motor activity of children in free activity.

The motor environment is the basis for the physical development of children. In my group, physical education equipment is selected taking into account program objectives and age-related developmental characteristics of children of senior preschool age. I competently use a wide variety of sports equipment (balls different sizes and types, jump ropes, hoops, a volleyball net, a basketball hoop, ring throws, skittles, “health tracks”, a sports complex with stairs, horizontal bars, climbing ropes and swings).

In the physical education corner, sports equipment has been updated: “sultans” for the outdoor switchgear, sandbags, and a “traps” manual have been made. This equipment is practical, safe, multifunctional, colorful. Can be used for the development of large and fine motor skills both hands, such physical qualities as coordination and flexibility, contribute to the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system.

Corner of nature

Goal: to create conditions for the formation of initial ecological ideas about nature, mastering the basic experience of preserving nature, and safe interaction with it.

In the nature corner of our group, children are given the opportunity to focus their attention on a small number of objects, on their most typical features, and thereby achieve deeper and more lasting knowledge. The diversity of plants that children encounter directly in nature makes it difficult to identify what is common, essential and natural in their lives. Therefore, familiarization with a limited number of specially selected objects in a corner of nature allows us to solve this complex and important problem. Children get the opportunity to take a good look at the plants and observe them for a long time. When becoming familiar with living objects, preschoolers develop observation skills, interest in nature, mental and cognitive processes (thinking, perception, imagination, as well as attention and memory). While caring for the inhabitants of the corner, children develop valuable qualities, such as hard work, caring for living things, and responsibility for the assigned work.

The nature corner is located in the bright zone of the group, where indoor plants are presented, as well as a “garden on the window” (planting onions, seedlings). This center contains various types of indoor plants. For all plants, passports have been issued with symbols indicating the characteristics of care. The selection of plants for the corner of nature was carried out in accordance with the age group program and methodological recommendations for children of senior preschool age. Among them are plants that differ sharply in their moisture needs: cyperus, cacti (zygocactus), sansevieria. Requiring very little and infrequent watering: tradescantia, asparagus. With a great need for moisture: Uzambara violets. Many subtropical plants need moderate watering in winter: geraniums, fuchsias. The so-called viviparous plants - chlorophytum, bryophyllum - are of great interest to children. Amaryllis, clivia, crinum, dracaena - have a dormant period and bloom in the spring.

In addition to indoor plants, in the corner there are various didactic games: “Living Pyramids”, “Inhabitants of the Forest”, “Neighbors on the Planet”, “Who is the Extra One”, “Each Fungus in its Own Box”, “When Does This Happen?”; albums: “Animals of the forests”, “How a flower appears”, “Animals of different continents”, “Plants that heal”. An important component of a corner of nature is the observation calendar.

The necessary equipment for caring for plants (aprons, watering cans, loosening sticks, spray bottles) is also located here. An integral part of the corner of nature are children's crafts from natural material.

Didactic games “Hydroquiz (water, nature, technology, energy)”, “Electric quiz. Water and electricity in human life” with the aim of expanding children’s ideas about nature and technology.

Experimentation Center

Goal: development of children's interests, curiosity, formation of cognitive actions, primary ideas about objects of the surrounding world. The “I want to know everything” corner contains equipment and materials necessary for conducting experiments: special utensils (cups, tubes, funnels, plates, natural materials (pebbles, sand, seeds, etc., recycled material (wire, paper clips, threads) other materials - magnifying glasses, thermometers, etc. The main principle: everything that is presented in it is at the complete disposal of children, everything can be touched, picked up and examined. The center is periodically enriched with new games, manuals, colorful materials and is replenished taking into account the completed program material, individual capabilities of children. In the process of conducting experiments and experiments, children learn to see and solve a problem, set a goal and predict the result through analysis, that is, they formulate an object or phenomenon in speech, compare various facts, put forward hypotheses, and draw conclusions. The ability becomes important child to plan the work process. The subject content of the experimentation center meets safety requirements.

The experimentation corner was replenished with a collection of stones and minerals, albums about the diversity of stones in nature, their practical use and application in human life. The purpose of using new equipment is to develop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions, development of imagination and creative activity.

Corner social development

Goal: mastering moral and moral standards and values, development play activity children , familiarization with basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults, the formation of gender, family, citizenship, and patriotic feelings. In the corner there is play equipment, including operating objects (for a plot game), toys (characters and markers (signs) of the play space ). The content of the subject-development environment corresponds to the interests of boys and girls, changes and is enriched with a focus on maintaining children’s interest, awareness and satisfaction of their individual needs.

Goal: direct personal contact between teacher and students, development of free communication between children, development of all aspects of speech, practical mastery of speech norms.

Corner of solitude

Goal: maintaining the emotional well-being of children, relieving psycho-emotional stress and discomfort. In the space of our playroom there is a corner of solitude that is conducive to contemplation and quiet conversations.

Role-playing games center

Goal: formation of role actions; stimulation of plot-role play; formation of communication skills in the game; development of imitation and creative abilities.

The toys presented in the center bring children as close as possible to the objects that surround them in everyday life. To implement gender-based approaches to raising children when creating a subject-based developmental environment, I took into account the interests of boys and girls and selected the necessary attributes for gender-role games.

The educational center

Goal: development of mental activity, intelligence, memory, attention, intelligence, readiness for educational activities, formation of cognitive interest.

Includes a magnetic board, a variety of visual, handout, counting material, didactic games, mosaics, puzzles, rulers, a geographical map, a globe, atlases, a variety of sets of letters and numbers, an alphabetical table, magnetic material for reading and counting, etc. All material is selected taking into account the age of children, for independent use and practice of the material covered.

Speech corner

Goal: creating conditions for enriching vocabulary, improving the sound culture of speech, figurative and grammatical aspects of speech, developing dialogical speech, introducing the culture of reading fiction.

In the speech corner, children are given the opportunity to act individually. I have accumulated and systematized a variety of practical material on lexical topics and for organizing speech games: manuals for articulation exercises, materials for storytelling, a variety of didactic, board and printed games, games for the development of fine motor skills. I believe that a speech development environment is in a special way an organized environment that most effectively influences the development of different aspects of each child’s speech.

Book corner

Goal: development of all components of oral speech in various forms and types of children's activities, formation of a holistic picture of the world, introduction to verbal art. The content of the book corner corresponds to the age characteristics of children of senior preschool age and the educational program implemented in the preschool institution. It contains small libraries: books for reading to children and independent reading for reading children, illustrations for works, thematic albums, speech material, speech games, magazines, temporary thematic photo exhibitions that promote the development of various aesthetic ideas of children.

Local History Corner

Goal: creating conditions for preschoolers to familiarize themselves with the sights native land, countries, acquaintance with human life in ancient and modern times, the culture of different peoples.

Here are the albums: “Our City”, “Our Region”, “Russia”, “Mologa - a True-Life City”, “Memorable Places of the City”. Illustrations and manuals from the series “How People Lived in the Past”: “People’s Houses”, “Transport”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “Shoes”, “Clothing”. Folders: “I live in Rybinsk”, “Darwin Nature Reserve”, “Rybinsk Sea” (about flora and fauna), “Plants of my native land”, “Volga”. Illustrations of decorative and applied arts of the Yaroslavl region, folk outdoor games, map of Russia, Yaroslavl region.

Goal: developing the ability to embody an aesthetic image in the material of an integral structure through effective, practical and mental experimentation with its elements.

Although the corner is concentrated in one place and takes up little space, it is quite mobile. Its practicality lies in the fact that with the contents of the construction corner (in which various types and forms of constructors are presented in a wide variety), you can move to any place in the group. This allows our children to feel comfortable in any corner of the group room. The children independently use diagrams and models of buildings to realize their plans. Corner added small toys for playing.

Goal: development of prerequisites for the perception and understanding of works of fine art, the natural world, formation elementary ideas about the types of fine arts, the implementation of independent visual, constructive and modeling activities. Here are materials for introducing children to various types of fine and decorative arts, equipment necessary for children's visual activities (modeling boards, stacks, napkins, pencils, paints, gouache, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, stencils, paper different colors and textures, scissors, etc.) and artistic design (toy sets - vehicles, animal figurines, puzzles, Lego, sets of small building materials (cubes, prisms, arches, waste and natural materials).

Multifunctional sensor box equipment has been manufactured with semolina filling, a set of small toys, and natural materials for flexible use in accordance with the child’s plan, the plot of the game, for the development of creativity, imagination, and thinking. The manual is suitable for use by a group of children at the same time and initiates joint actions between children and adults.

Goal: development of prerequisites for the perception and understanding of works of musical art, the natural world, the formation of elementary ideas about the types of musical art, the perception of music, the implementation of independent musical activity. The corner presents musical instruments (guitars, synthesizers, drums, xylophones, pipes, microphones, tambourines, various musical and educational games, homemade toys, audio equipment, audio recordings for performances, events, musical influences.

Unconventional aids have been added to the music corner - sounding musical instruments (rattles, maracas), colorfully designed and attracting the attention of children with the aim of developing musical abilities and developing musical taste. Non-traditional musical instruments are multifunctional and can be used in outdoor games, role-playing and didactic games, theatrical activities, and develop fine motor skills.

This is an important object of the developmental environment, since it is theatrical activities that help unite the group and unite children interesting idea. Here are presented various types of theaters, attributes that contribute to the development of children's communication skills and abilities, coherent speech (dialogue and monologue), enrichment of social experience and correction of pupils' behavior in various play situations and productions. A music library has been created, which contains recordings of classical and folk music, sounds of the forest, sea, and various fairy tales. In the theater, the guys open up, demonstrating unexpected facets of their character. Here children play finger, table, and puppet theaters, play out fairy tales on flannelgraph, select attributes for dramatization games (costumes, masks, hats) and director's games (small dolls, clothes and objects for operating with them, Dollhouse etc.), where there is always an opportunity to develop your imagination, speech, expressiveness.

The theater corner has been replenished with a new type of theater: mitten theater. Theaters were made on flannelgraph “Little Red Riding Hood”, “ The Snow Queen" Tabletop theaters “Masha and the Bear” and “The Fox and the Crane” were purchased. These types of theater help unite children in play, develop social and communication skills (develop speech and fine motor skills), allow them to express creative abilities, and develop the child’s confidence and success.

Goal: forming the foundations safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature. The corner includes various materials to familiarize children with the rules of the road and form the foundations of safe life. There is a wide range of visual aids, board and printed games, as well as gaming material.

Properly organized environment in speech therapy group creates opportunities for the successful elimination of speech defects, overcoming delays in speech development and allows the child to demonstrate his abilities not only in classes, but also in free activities, stimulates the development of creative abilities, independence, initiative, helps to establish a sense of self-confidence, and therefore, contributes to the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual. I tried to organize the developmental space of the group so that each child had the opportunity to exercise, observe, and achieve their goals. The group setting provides for the alternation of specially organized activities and free activity of children, promotes the implementation of a physical activity regime, which prevents mental fatigue and promotes health. In addition, when creating a correctional and developmental environment for the group, I strived to ensure that the environment was comfortable, aesthetic, mobile, and aroused the desire for independent activity.

Speech corner “Zvukarik”

A toy Cat-Talker was manufactured and introduced, which helps children learn to perform complex articulation exercises. He is the owner of the speech corner. Here children practice correct sound pronunciation in front of a mirror, looking into which they always smile. The cat “invents” new exciting games for children with sounds and words: labyrinths, composing games, difficult words, etc. In the game, children master the pronunciation of “difficult” sounds. Various aids for the development of fine motor skills have been included: “Feed the piglet”, “Colored beads”, massagers - “hedgehogs” - su-jok and expanders, finger pool (pea filler). A “Blow the Wind” shelf is equipped with the aim of teaching proper breathing, increasing the energy supply of brain activity, calming, and relieving stress.

2013-2014 Created in 2012-2013. The group environment is constantly evolving. I rethought and adjusted the developmental subject-spatial environment in accordance with the following principles defined by the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education:

- multifunctionality: a subject-based developmental environment opens up the opportunity for children to use various components in a variety of ways subject environment, such as screens, soft modules, mats;

— transformability: provides the opportunity for changes that allow, depending on the situation, to bring to the fore one or another function of space;

— variability: a subject-based developmental environment presupposes a periodic change of game material, the emergence of new objects that stimulate research, cognitive, play, motor activity children;

— saturation: The environment corresponds to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the educational program.

— availability: the environment provides children with free access to games, toys, materials, and aids;

- security: the environment meets the requirements for ensuring reliability and safety.

The developing subject-spatial environment of my group, adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, ensures the implementation of the leading type of activity - games, guarantees the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, their emotional well-being.

In building a developing subject-spatial environment, I also relied on the model of personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child. In this case, the environment acts as a driving force in the holistic process of formation of the child’s personality, stimulates the development of all potential individual capabilities, his independence, and the ability to master various types of children’s activities. When creating a developing subject-spatial environment, gender-role specificity was taken into account - providing the environment with both general and specific material for girls and boys (Gender approach to the organization of gaming activities).

Role-playing games center

Corners for role-playing games for boys and girls were equipped and decorated: “Car service”, “Firemen”, “Blesk” beauty salon. Goal: creating conditions for a child to master the position of a subject of play activity, reproducing the relationships of adults depending on gender.

Included: album “The World of Hobbies of Boys and Girls”, didactic games on gender education. Goal: formation of one’s own self – boy (girl), development of the child as an individual in society and family, awakening a sense of masculinity (femininity).

Safety and traffic corner

Added toy cars of various types of cargo and passenger transport, updated road signs and a model of a traffic light, a special uniform for a traffic police officer was sewn, a builder was brought in to model the infrastructure of the Perebory microdistrict.

Corner of solitude, social development corner

There is a corner of privacy combined with a corner of social development. Albums are included on the biological age of humans, the emotional state of humans and animals. The corner is designed to solve one of the tasks of the preschool education standard - protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children. Including their emotional well-being (creating favorable conditions for the realization of the child’s individual need for peace). Demonstration material “Lessons of Kindness” has been added. Conversations based on pictures”, lotto “Professions”. Goal: development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers, formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions.

Local History Corner

The album “Interesting places in the Perebory microdistrict” has been added with the goal of expanding ideas about the small homeland and fostering love for one’s native village.

Educational field "Speech development"

Speech corner

A manual “Gluttonous Fruits” was produced and introduced for the development of correct speech breathing, and training manuals “Su-Joku” and “Beads-Beads” - for the development of fine motor skills.

Book corner

The book by E. Lavrentieva “Funny Proverbs and Sayings” has been included. Goal: to expand children’s understanding of Russian folklore, the ability to delve into the meaning of proverbs.

Corner of nature

The album “Animals of different latitudes. Demonstration material." Goal: expanding children’s understanding of the animal world of planet Earth, developing curiosity.

Experimentation Center

The “Secrets of Stones” museum has been created, promoting the development of children’s interests, curiosity and cognitive activity, the formation of primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, their properties and relationships.

The educational center

Puzzles “Mind Games”, puzzles “Baby and Carlson”, cubes in pictures “Favorite cartoons”, “European fairy tales” have been added. Goal: development of thinking, imagination, attention, memory.

Constructive activity corner

A visual and thematic set “Construction from building materials” was purchased, and tabletop mosaics were updated. Goal: formation of techniques of mental activity, creative and variable thinking.

Fine Arts Corner

Replenished with visual materials: pastels, markers, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, watercolor paper, paper napkins, colored cardboard, didactic games included: “Make a portrait”, “What does it look like?”, “Make a pattern”, “Magic bag”. Goal: development of attention, observation, compositional skills, imagination.

Music activity corner

Musical toys have been updated and a professional instrument, the button accordion, has been added. Goal: stimulating children’s desire to engage in musical activities, expanding their understanding of musical instruments.

Corner manual labor

A visual and thematic set “Manual Labor. Models of manual labor made from paper.” Goal: expanding children's understanding of the design possibilities of paper, developing creativity and fine motor skills.

Corner theatrical activities

Theaters on flannelgraph were made and introduced: “Confusion”, “Kroshechka-Khavroshechka”, “Winter Quarters of Animals”. Goal: developing interest in theatrical activities, stimulating creative activity, improving the monologue and dialogic aspects of speech.

Physical education corner

Massage paths were purchased to correct poor posture and prevent flat feet.

Features of the environment in a speech therapy group

Speech corner “Zvukarik”

A Yup'ik alien toy was manufactured and introduced. Together with Yupik, children learn to correctly pronounce the sounds of their native language, distinguish them by ear and pronunciation, become familiar with letters, and master the skill of continuous reading. Yupik teaches children to “speak” with their fingers - together with him, children perform finger gymnastics, which promotes the development of fine motor skills and stimulates the development of the brain and speech.

Breathing simulators have been added: “Veterok”, “Blizzard”, “Pushinki”, “Twirlers”. Children love to launch boats in a basin of water and blow “frost pictures” out of a straw. In the evening, children organize an orchestra - each bubble sounds differently.

A collection of Kindersurprise toys has been created that help practice the syllabic structure of words and improve counting skills (one blue hippo, two blue hippos, three blue hippos, ten blue hippos). Children are happy to talk about the toys they brought, write funny and educational stories, and build cities and homes for their characters.

Thus, the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in my group, taking into account the federal state educational standard of preschool education, is structured in such a way that it most effectively develops the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity, and state of health. The entire structure of the subject-development space helps to establish the necessary balance between classes, independent play and creative activities. Children can receive from the subject-development environment the information necessary to carry out all types of activities, allowing students not only to develop, but also to show their individuality, to realize their own self.

2014-2015 In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, I create in the group a developing subject-spatial environment that ensures maximum realization of the educational potential of the group space; availability of materials, equipment and supplies for the development of children's activities; protection and promotion of health of children and adults; physical activity, as well as the possibility of privacy. I systematically continue to replenish and update the objective world surrounding the child, following the methodological recommendations “Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in accordance with the federal state educational standard of preschool education” by O.A. Karabanova, E.F. Alieva, O.R. Radionova, P.D. Rabinovich, E.M. Marich. But most importantly, the environment works to develop the child’s independence. It has the character of an open, non-closed system, capable of adjustment and development. I try to support the child’s activity in various activities and create conditions for the implementation of creative ideas.

For the first time, the federal state educational standard for preschool education puts forward requirements not only for a developing subject-spatial environment, but also for walking areas. The most important components of the ecological development environment on the site in our group are the ecological trail and the educational and experimental site (flower bed). By observing objects and phenomena of inanimate and living nature and actively interacting with them, children learn the nature of their immediate environment. Work on the path and the educational and experimental site is carried out taking into account seasonal changes and local conditions, in accordance with the work plan, age and individual characteristics of the children. During walks and excursions along the ecological trail, children play, experiment, and observe. They gain orientation skills in time and space, and make sketches from life. They develop memory, speech, and thinking. And most importantly, a sense of beauty appears, a love for nature is fostered, a desire to protect and preserve it.

Educational field "Social and communicative development"

Role-playing games center

Introduced motivator cards for role-playing games: “Beauty salon (haircut, hair coloring)”, “Car service” (car painting, tire change, oil change), “Veterinary clinic”, “Policlinic”, “Supermarket”, “Journalists” ", "Sailors". Motivator cards are designed to solve the problem of supporting children's initiative and independence in gaming activities. The corner for girls “Studio Craftsman” has been equipped, decorated and furnished: the dolls have been updated, various clothing options for Barbie have been sewn (casual, sports, festive, outerwear), albums with various types of clothing and fabrics have been added. The corner for boys “Gas Station Gas Station” has been equipped, decorated and furnished. “Electronic Digital Equipment Salon” was created from scratch. Their goal is to form in children initial ideas about the professions of adults (fashion designer, costume designer, cutter, seamstress, gas station worker, cellular operator, digital equipment sales consultant). The child’s internal need to “be an adult” is realized. Special role-playing vests were made: “Car mechanic”, “Gas station worker”, “Bartender”, “Traffic police inspector”. The overalls and attributes for the game “Polyclinic” have been updated. The range of “products”, “vegetables”, “fruits”, “cutlery” in the “Romashka” cafe has been replenished, a new modern “cash register” has been purchased. These attributes contribute to the development of interest in role-playing games, individuality and initiative, and provide the opportunity for children to express themselves in the game.

Corner of solitude, social development corner

Games have been introduced that develop the social and communicative abilities of children. Their use solves the problem of mastering norms and values, including moral ones, accepted in society; develops the child’s communication and interaction with peers and adults, emotional responsiveness and a sense of empathy: “A goat went through the forest”, “Elephant”, “Spider and flies”, “Cap”, “Ring”, “Find a pair”, “Daisies in the meadow” ", "Guess whose voice", "Cucumbers, tomatoes", "Tangle". A manual “Mood in a Bag” has been produced, which allows the child to assess his internal state at a given specific moment, develops speech and fine motor skills.

Educational field "Physical development"

Physical education corner

A sports simulator for teaching children the elements of the game of ping pong (table tennis) “Dexterous ball” was created and found its application in the life of the group, the purpose of which is to form initial ideas about a sport such as table tennis, and for children to acquire motor experience in working with the ball and racket, development of coordination of movements, motor reaction. Sports games purchased: “Outdoor basketball”, “Bowling alley”, “Darts”. Goal: formation and development in children of the ability to control their movements in the motor sphere.

Educational field "Cognitive development"

Corner of nature

Volume lotto games have been purchased: “Winter in the Forest”, “Spring in the Forest”, “Summer in the Forest”, “Autumn in the Forest”, which form children’s ideas about natural phenomena, develop fine motor skills, and expand their vocabulary.

Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Fine Arts Corner

An educational and practical guide “Complete the Landscape” has been produced, which develops fantasy, imagination, technical visual skills, interest and desire to engage in visual arts.

Music activity corner

Musical toys “Snitch” have been added, allowing you to develop not only creative abilities, but also fine motor skills. Stereo headphones have been introduced to help create interest in music lessons, individualize the child in play activities, and expand the plot in role-playing musical games.

Theater Activity Corner

The corner is decorated with a curtain, and theaters on flannelgraph have been added: “The Fox with a Rolling Pin,” “Where Did the Sparrow Have Dinner?” the purpose of which is to develop children’s ideas about different types of theater, gain experience in performing in public, and develop social and communication skills.

Features of the environment in a speech therapy group

Speech corner “Zvukarik”

Equipped with a dry pool (filler beans).

The educational center

Equipped with a magnetic board, sets of colorful letters and a cut-out alphabet. The following manuals have been introduced: “Colored words”, “Make up a story”, “Syllable lotto”, “Syllable domino”, which help children master the complex grammar of their native language and enrich their vocabulary through independent and practical action with educational material.

The manual “Zvukovichki” was produced and introduced. Goal: the formation of phonemic hearing and perception (the ability to perceive and distinguish speech sounds), sound analysis (the ability to establish which sounds are heard in a word, determine the order and quantity).

Diagrams of visual-motor trajectories were made and introduced. Oculomotor exercises allow you to expand the space of visual perception, train the muscles that control eye movements, relieve mental fatigue, promote the development of visual perception, improve the circulation of intraocular fluid, and train the eye’s ability to focus.

Communication Center

A large carpet allows you to perform physical exercises right in the group room to develop coordination of movements, stretching to normalize muscle tone, carry out relaxation exercises and physical exercises during classes to prevent children from getting tired.

In the developing subject-spatial environment of the group, conditions were created for children with special educational needs (speech-pathic children) for consciously regulated activities of children, which carry the direction of corrective influence on speech and mental development, providing for their interaction. The practical significance of this approach to organizing a developmental space is that with an individual and personal approach to each child, the effectiveness of correctional influence increases, which helps improve the quality and strength of the results of my work.

Thus, the developing subject-spatial environment in my group and on the site serves the interests and needs of each child, enriches the development of specific types of activities, provides a “zone of proximal development”, encourages making conscious choices, putting forward and implementing one’s own initiatives, making independent decisions, developing creative abilities, and also shapes the personal qualities of preschoolers and their life experiences.

1.2.Creation of conditions that are safe for the life and health of children (based on monitoring results)

One of the objectives of the federal state educational standard for preschool education is to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “I am not afraid to repeat again and again: caring for health is the most important work of an educator. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.”

IN modern society The problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children is more relevant than ever before. This is explained by the fact that high demands are placed on preschoolers, which only healthy children can meet. My efforts are aimed at preserving the existing health potential of children and at timely correction of emerging deviations. Therefore, the creation of the necessary sanitary, hygienic and psychological pedagogical conditions I pay special attention, because only healthy child he is successful, copes with the demands, he is active, efficient, and develops normally. I pay great attention to sanitary education work. Folders - slides, screens for parents were designed: “Adaptation of children to preschool”, “Hardening a child at home”, “Rational nutrition and daily routine”, “Dirty hands are a source of intestinal infections”, “Prevention of colds”, “Preventive vaccinations and their importance."

Academic yearGroup III groupIII groupIVgroupHealth Index
2012-2013 12 3 13,6
2013-2014 11 4 14,0
2014-2015 12 3 13,8

Health groups

Most of the children in the group belong to health group II (having certain deviations in the state of functional health). That is why the importance of all recreational activities carried out in the group increases. Goal: to promptly correct emerging deviations in the health status of pupils and prevent the transition of children from health group II to III. I believe that it is important at this stage to form in children a base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

    1. Parents' satisfaction with the quality of the educational process and the conditions of their child's stay in a preschool educational institution (based on survey results)
Methodology used for survey and countingAnalysis of the results of a survey of parents’ satisfaction with the quality of the educational process
Academic yearShare of satisfied with quality and conditions
2012-2013 Of the 15 parents who took part in the survey, 93% of parents emphasized that in kindergarten teachers and specialists optimally coordinate their goals for the full development and upbringing of the child. Teachers provide consulting and other assistance to parents in matters of raising children.
Questionnaire “Identifying the level of parents’ satisfaction with the quality of activities of preschool educational institutions” (methodology of candidate of pedagogical sciences L.Yu. Koltyreva)2013-2014 95% of parents paid attention to the fact that the kindergarten’s operating hours are optimal for the full development of the child and are convenient for parents. The child spends time in kindergarten with interest and benefit; he is invited to participate in organized events. When analyzing the questionnaires, it was revealed that almost all respondents were satisfied with the work of educators and specialists in the group.
Questionnaire “Identifying the level of parents’ satisfaction with the quality of activities of preschool educational institutions” (methodology of candidate of pedagogical sciences L.Yu. Koltyreva)2014-2015 The results of a survey of parents regarding satisfaction with the services of the preschool educational institution showed that 97% of parents were completely satisfied with the quality of the educational activities of the group. Speaking about the results of this work, we can note positive aspects: the importance of preschool education has increased in the eyes of parents; Parents showed interest not only in medical, but also in pedagogical problems.
    1. Additional analytical information to pp. 1.1.-1.3, indicating the effectiveness of the teacher’s activities, including: the presence of a system for monitoring the dynamics of children’s development; working with children with special needs; the role of a certified teacher in enhancing the cognitive activity of students; the impact of this activity on educational results, etc.

In order to determine the quality of implementation of the educational program of the kindergarten, developed on the basis of the “Approximate basic educational program of preschool education” and taking into account the comprehensive program “Childhood”, in order to study the dynamics of pupils’ achievement in all areas of development, determine the individual educational route of each child, I conduct diagnostic classes for all types of children's activities. When conducting pedagogical diagnostics for the 2012-2013, 2013-2014 academic years, I relied on the criteria developed by the authors of the scientific methodological manual“Monitoring in kindergarten” by Babaeva T.I., Gogoberidze, A.G., Mikhailova Z.A., as well as the methodological manual “Results of monitoring the educational process” (author N.V. Vereshchagina), which corresponds to the “Federal state requirements to the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education.”

Positive development results for students:

Development direction

(educational field)

Combined group

2012-2013 academic year

Combined group

2013-2014 academic year

high level (%)average level (%)low level (%)high level (%)average level (%)low level (%)
Physical development
Physical Culture53% 47% 50% 50%
health40% 54% 6% 58% 36% 6%
Cognitive and speech development
cognition40% 60% 50% 44% 6%
communication54% 40% 6% 29% 59% 12%
reading fiction 26% 72% 6% 35% 59% 6%
Social and personal development
life safety fundamentals20% 80% 50% 50%
socialization60% 40% 36% 64%
work26% 74% 50% 50%
Artistic and aesthetic development
music33% 67% 15% 85%
artistic creativity14% 86% 36% 64%

Thus, analyzing the results of pedagogical diagnostics, the positive dynamics of the level of development of children in different types of activities is noticeably visible. This was achieved thanks to the construction of educational activities in the group on the principles of systematicity and consistency, a person-oriented approach to learning (differentiated approach to children with a high level of development, individual approach to children with low levels of development), active cooperation with specialists and the use of electronic educational tools.

Systematic monitoring makes it possible to detect initial deviations in a child’s development and behavior, timely adjust educational work, determine individual psychological and pedagogical influences for him and a further educational route.

Since 2014, I have been determining the level of development of children using the method of pedagogical observation, compiled on the basis of the methodological recommendations of N.A. Korotkova and P.G. Nezhnova “Observation of the development of children in preschool groups.” This makes it possible to determine the level of development of children, create an individual educational route for each child and find ways to improve the quality of educational services provided.

GroupCreative initiativeInitiative as goal setting and volitional effortCommunication initiativeCognitive initiative - curiosity
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Combined group40% 60% 33% 67% 30% 70% 45% 55%

The results of the survey allow us to speak about the effectiveness of educational work in the group and the significance of its results for the further education of children at school.

Our kindergarten does not have a teacher-psychologist, therefore, in order to determine the readiness of pupils for schooling We invite specialists from the Municipal Educational Institution PPMS "Children's Assistance Center". They diagnose school readiness using diagnostic methods. N.Ya. Semago, M.M. Semago. The center’s specialists give specific recommendations to educators and parents on preparing children for school, which I rely on in my work in direct interaction with specialists, parents, and doctors. The results of the survey allow us to speak about the effectiveness of the work to develop the readiness for schooling of children in my group.

Children's readiness for school

2. Identification and development of students’ abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical education and sports activities, as well as their participation in olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions

2. 1. Cognitive activity of pupils

2.1.1 . The results of the participation of students trained by a certified teacher in:

- in tournaments, shows, competitions, exhibitions, competitions, etc.LevelResult of participation
Municipal level

City Ecological Olympiad for Preschool Children 2012

1 participant
Municipal level

City Intellectual Olympiad for Preschool Children “Umka” 2012

1 participant
Microdistrict level

Reading competition dedicated to the centenary of the birth of S. Mikhalkov 2012

1 participant
Municipal level

Exhibition of children's and youth creativity " Winter's Tale»

4 participants
Microdistrict level

Competition "Miss Thumbelina" 2012

1 winner
Municipal level

Environmental campaign “Don’t cut this tree” 2012

1 winner
Municipal level

Exhibition “I’m building with my dad” 2012

1 participant
Municipal level

Review competition children's creativity on a fire theme “Remember Every Citizen: Rescue No. 01” 2012

3 participants
Municipal level

Open lean project “Droplet”. Nomination “Image of water in photographs” 2013

1 winner

1 participant

Municipal level

Ecological project “Fish settlement” 2013

2 participants
Municipal level

Festival of Children's Creativity "Fireworks of Talents" 2012

2 winners
Stage of the All-Russian children's environmental forum “Green Planet 2013”1 participant
Municipal level

Open competition of children's creativity “Nature and Fantasy” 2014

4 participants
Municipal level

City Environmental Olympiad for Preschool Children 2014

1 participant
international competition

“Grandmother Next to Grandfather” 2014

1 winner
Municipal environmental campaign “Don’t cut this tree”, exhibition of children’s creativity “Christmas tree - a green needle” 20147 participants
Municipal exhibition of children's and youth creativity " New Year's serpentine» 20145 participants
Municipal stage of the regional review-competition of children's creativity on the fire theme “Remember every citizen: rescue number 01” 20141 participant
Municipal level

City festival of theater groups "Theater Spring - 2015"

1 winner

1 participant

Municipal level

City exhibition "A Look at Fashion" as part of the city festival of children's and teenage fashion "Charm" 2015

3 participants
Municipal level

Open exhibition-competition of children's creativity “In the rhythm of coffee” 2015

1 winner

1 participant

Municipal level

Family Newspaper Competition 2015

3 participants
Municipal level

Interdepartmental campaign “Children - care of adults”

All-Russian action “Soldier’s Shawl” 2015

4 participants
All-Russian competition of drawings about space “And we dream about the grass near the house...” 20151 winner

2 participants

All-Russian photography competition “My Pets” 20151 winner

2 participants

— in the project activities of studentsLevel

(educational organization, municipal, regional, federal), name, year of participation.

Result of participation

(indicate the number of winners, prize-winners, participants).

Name of the order, number and date, institution/organization that issued the order, or a supporting certificate from the administration of the educational organization

Interregional distance competition of design and research works for preschoolers “Rainbow of Discoveries” 20131 winner
DOW level

Project “Gift for Mom” 2014

1 participant
DOW level

Project “The World Under Your Feet” 2015

1 participant
District level 2015

Project "Family Newspaper" 2015

2 participants

In order to support and develop cognitive activity, initiative, creativity and talent of children, I organized the participation of the group’s pupils in olympiads, competitions, festivals, and competitions at various levels.

By participating in creative activities, children gain new experience, have the opportunity to realize their abilities, and gain public recognition for their talents. Participation in competitions creates a situation of success, self-realization, and contributes to the replenishment of children's portfolios. There are no incapable children. Each child in my group is talented in their own way, each demonstrates their success by participating in educational events: kindergarten, municipal, regional, all-Russian, international.

2.2. Development of pupils' abilities: the presence of clubs led by a certified teacher, additional education programs for preschool children.

In order to improve the quality of the educational process, motivate children to knowledge and creativity, and develop their abilities, circle work has been organized in the group, which I carry out within the framework of the modified “Drawing” program I developed, the purpose of which is to develop the child’s personality, the ability to express his creativity and his one’s own “I” through the embodiment of one’s ideas and plans when creating unusual works of fine art using unconventional methods and drawing techniques.

Objectives: to reveal the importance of non-traditional techniques of visual activity in working with children for the development of imagination, creative thinking and creative activity; familiarize children with techniques and methods unconventional drawing using various materials; learn to understand and highlight such means of expression as composition and color; to develop the ability to enjoy the diversity and grace of forms, colors, sounds of the surrounding world; encourage children to experiment with visual materials; invent and create compositions and images; encourage and support children's creative discoveries.

Unconventional drawing makes it possible to use well-known objects as artistic materials; such drawing surprises with its unpredictability. Drawing with unusual materials and original techniques allows children to feel unforgettable positive emotions, show imagination and creativity. There are many non-traditional drawing techniques; their unusualness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result. Visual activities using non-traditional materials and techniques promotes the child’s development of:

Fine motor skills and tactile perception;

Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, eye and visual perception;

Attention and perseverance;


Visual skills and abilities, observation, aesthetic perception, emotional responsiveness.

In addition, in the process of this activity, the preschooler develops control and self-control skills.

In children with general speech underdevelopment, not only all sections of the speech functional system suffer, but also many mental non-speech functions: visual perception, attention, memory, imagination. As a rule, their sensory functions develop with a delay. Many children do not distinguish and cannot name the primary colors, shape and size of objects. In addition, children with speech disorders rarely have confident coordination of finger movements. They have motor clumsiness, imprecise movements, difficulties in mastering the motor program, which is expressed in the inability to hold a pencil, brush, trace contours, or paint a picture.

The significance and value of non-traditional images for the comprehensive development and education of children with speech disorders is great and multifaceted. Working with paints, pencils, markers, pastels and wax crayons, candles, crumpled paper, sponges and other materials are very important sensory-motor exercises. The sensory-perceptual capabilities of artistic activity allow me to use it in developmental work with speech-language pathologist children.

2.3. Additional analytical information to clauses 2.1 – 2.2(working with children with special needs; the role of the teacher in enhancing the cognitive activity of students; the influence of this activity on educational results, etc.).

Cognitive activity is the active activity of acquiring and using knowledge. It is characterized by the child’s cognitive activity, which consists in the ability to see and independently set cognitive tasks; outline an action plan; select solutions; achieve results and analyze them.

I organize the cognitive development of children in the group in two main blocks of the educational process:

1) in the joint cognitive activity of children with the teacher.

2) in the independent cognitive activity of children.

When forming cognitive interest, I create psychological and pedagogical conditions that allow the child to discover new knowledge, I use methods and techniques aimed not at transferring knowledge to the student, but I activate the process of their development; providing increased awareness in cognition (discussion “What I want to know”), we consider children's encyclopedias and books; I use the “What’s missing?” techniques. (absence of attractions on the map), “I don’t know” (searching for information from books, photographs), exchange of information “I learned today”, implementing children’s projects on a topic attractive to children, creating situations of “increased complexity”. One of the ways to develop the cognitive activity of children in the group is collecting and creating a mini-museum (collection of stones and minerals, mini-museum “Secrets of Stones”).

In the process of developing cognitive activity, I ensure the development of the child’s personality and form readiness for schooling.

Working with speech-language pathologists

Elimination of speech disorders in children requires an integrated approach, since speech disorders are associated with a number of reasons, both biological, psychological and social. Therefore, the group organizes the joint work of a teacher-speech therapist, educator, music worker, instructor physical culture, mathematics specialist, senior nurse.

The psychological development of children with speech disorders has its own characteristics. In preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment, higher mental functions closely related to speech suffer: memory, attention, thinking. The amount of attention is significantly reduced, instability and limited possibilities for its distribution are observed. They forget the sequence of tasks and complex instructions. Preschoolers with ODD have difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis without special training, and are lagging behind in verbal development - logical thinking. General motor disorders may be observed (poor coordination of movements, motor clumsiness), underdevelopment of fine motor skills, and decreased interest in gaming activities. The emotional-volitional sphere often suffers: children are aware of their impairments, so they have a negative attitude towards verbal communication, sometimes affective reactions to misunderstanding verbal instructions or the inability to express their wishes, as well as:

  • pronounced negativism(opposition to the requests and instructions of all others or specific persons);
  • aggressiveness, pugnacity, conflict;
  • increased impressionability, often accompanied by obsessive fears;
  • a feeling of depression, a state of discomfort, sometimes accompanied by neurotic vomiting, loss of appetite;
  • increased sensitivity, vulnerability;
  • tendency to morbid fantasies.

I take into account the developmental features of children with speech disorders when solving problems correctional work in Group:

— Prevention of neuroses and neurotic reactions, behavioral disorders;

— Correction of emotional well-being, relieving emotional tension, reducing aggressiveness and destructive forms of behavior, including negativism, anxiety, depression, restlessness, disinhibition, etc.

— Development of the child’s personality, creation of a positive attitude, strengthening of constructive behavior, the ability to recognize and express in words one’s own actions, thoughts, feelings, development of communication skills, successful integration into secondary school and peer society.

An integrated approach to overcoming speech impairment in children, with the active involvement of all teachers and staff of preschool educational institutions, is as effective as possible, contributes to optimal speech correction, increasing the level of speech development, and the formation of general mental skills. Children can, as a result, follow the directions and instructions of a speech therapist or educator, control themselves, their general cultural level increases, and their readiness for social interaction is formed.
3. Personal contribution to improving the quality of education, improving teaching and upbringing methods, and the productive use of new educational technologies, broadcasting the experience of the practical results of their professional activities, including experimental and innovative ones, to teaching teams;

active participation in the work of methodological associations of teaching staff of organizations, in the development of program and methodological support for the educational process, professional competitions.

3.1. Productivity of teacher's methodological activities

My activities provide effective solutions to professional pedagogical problems and typical professional tasks that arise in real situations of teaching activity. I am proficient in modern educational technologies, methodological techniques, pedagogical tools and constantly improve them. I conduct educational activities based on achievements in the field of methodological, pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology, as well as modern information technologies.

3.1.1. Development of software and methodological support for the educational process ( methodological developments, didactic materials and etc.)Name and type of methodological products (program, notes, script, etc.)
Scenario of the “Gift to a Veteran” campaign
Scenario of the action “Take care of the earth!”
Scenario for parent meeting “Beauty lives everywhere”
Scenario of a sports festival, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland
Scenario for the Earth Day holiday for older preschoolers and first-graders
Electronic library of outdoor games for children of senior preschool age
Digital library didactic games on gender development of children of senior preschool age

Educational project “World of the Sea”

Educational project “To our beloved grandparents”

Educational project “Make friends with planet Earth”

Educational project “World of Stones”

Educational and thematic work plan for the formation of the foundations of environmental culture in children of senior preschool age
Methodological folder “Organization of work in a group on traffic rules”
The material “Social and communicative games” is summarized
3.1.2. Improving teaching and educational methods, productive use of new technologiesModern educational technologies/methods usedPurpose of using technology/methodologyResult

application of technology/methodology

Health-saving pedagogical technologies:

Finger gymnastics

Articulation gymnastics

Gymnastics for the eyes

Breathing exercises

Awakening gymnastics



Logorhythmic exercises

Su-Joku therapy

Technology of cognitive and research activities.
N.M. Korotkova,
A.I. Ivanova.

Technology for organizing a story game in a preschool educational institution.
N. Mikhailenko,
N. Korotkova.

Origami technology
BEHIND. Bogateeva

Portfolio technology


Technology of project activities

E. Evdokimova, N. Ryzhova.

Problem-based learning technology

Information and communication technologies

Personality-oriented technologies

TRIZ technology (the theory of solving inventive problems)

Multi-level training

Ensuring a high level of real health of a kindergarten pupil and fostering valeological culture, as the totality of a child’s conscious attitude to human health and life, knowledge about health and the ability to protect, maintain and preserve it, valeological competence, allowing a preschooler to independently and effectively solve the problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of basic medical, psychological self-help and assistance.

Promoting the establishment of a culture of health, including a culture of professional health for preschool teachers and valeological education of parents.

Forming in preschoolers the ability to establish cause-and-effect and temporal connections between objects and phenomena, independently and creatively find ways to solve problems based on logical algorithms, develop judgments and conclusions, satisfying children's natural curiosity.

Formation of mental processes that make it possible to model patterns of interaction in the surrounding reality in a visually effective form accessible to the child.

Development of intellectual abilities of preschoolers, accuracy and coordination of movements, arbitrariness of mental processes, increasing the effectiveness of learning based on vivid emotional self-expression.

Portfolio technology allows you to purposefully collect and systematize information about the child, record the individual, unique subjective manifestations of children, which is especially important in preschool age, when the child’s development is characterized by unevenness, spasmodicity, individual rate of maturation of mental functions and the accumulation of subjective experience

Development of the child’s creative abilities through the organization of research activities, during which cognitive, communication skills, and intellectual initiative are formed.

Creating a cognitive task, situation and providing children with the opportunity to find means of solving it, using previously acquired knowledge and skills. Problem-based learning activates children's thoughts, makes them critical, and teaches them independence in the process of learning.

Forming the basis of a child’s information personality

Ensuring comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions development of the child’s personality, realization of her natural potentials, individual approach to pupils.

The teacher creates conditions for maximum development of individuality, providing assistance in finding and acquiring an individual pace and style of activity, revealing and developing individual cognitive processes and interests, developing creative abilities, mastering the skills of self-knowledge.

Development, on the one hand, of such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, systematicity, dialecticism, and on the other hand, search activity, striving for novelty, development of speech and creative imagination.

TRIZ is a technology with which teachers develop qualities in preschoolers creative personality. The main means of working with children is pedagogical search.

The teacher creates conditions for the maximum development of the child’s individuality, providing assistance in finding and acquiring an individual pace and style of his activities.

As a result of the use of this technology, favorable dynamics were noted in the health status of the children in the group - a decrease in the number of cases of the disease during the year.

The use of physical education and health technologies has increased the level of physical fitness of children.

The emotional state of the children has improved, the desire and desire to lead a healthy lifestyle has formed.

The use of didactic games (for example, “Rules of conduct on the street, at home and in nature”), visual material on valeology and sports topics helped to form in children a conscious and careful attitude towards their safety, and to acquire basic knowledge on maintaining health.

The culture of parents in matters of protecting and promoting the health of children has improved, this was facilitated by parent meetings, conversations about a healthy lifestyle, the benefits of playing sports (“A healthy mind in a healthy body”, “Mom, dad and I are a sports family”, etc.).

A consultation bank has been created for parents on the topic of preserving and strengthening the health of children.

Preschoolers have developed search activity: the ability to analyze the results obtained, predict further development, and model future actions.

The ability to analyze and synthesize, the ability to analyze and evaluate a situation, make judgments and inferences are observed.

Children's activity in exploring the most common phenomena and objects has increased. Based on the experimental study of various objects and phenomena, preschoolers’ speech was enriched with relevant concepts: phenomenon, cause, similarity, difference, possibility, impossibility, dependence, etc. The attitude towards observations in nature has changed from simple contemplation to meaningful, purposeful perception.

A consultation bank for parents has been created on the topic “Development of cognitive activity of preschool children”

Preschoolers learned to take on a play role.
Distribute roles among themselves without conflicts.
More than half of the group of children are included in story game.
The game reflects real facts and knowledge about the professions of adults.
Comply with ethical standards of behavior during the game: benevolence, responsiveness, sensitivity, mutual understanding, fairness, empathy, truthfulness.
The ability to resolve conflicts and prevent them is observed.
They take the game to its logical end.

A consultation bank for parents on the topic “Role-playing games and social adaptation of preschool children” has been created.

As a result of using technology, there is an increased concentration of attention and improved memory: children remember techniques and methods of folding;
Graphic skills of working on a sheet of paper have become more confident and of better quality;
children enjoy preparing paper attributes and characters for theatrical productions;
preschoolers are better oriented on the plane and in their surroundings; use various techniques for working with paper: bending, folding, cutting, gluing.

The participation of children in creative events of preschool educational institutions, cities, regions, and the All-Russian level is organized.

Exhibitions of children's creativity for parents in kindergarten.

Electronic bank of the best children's works.

Each student has their own point of success, which helps solve such important pedagogical tasks as: supporting the motivation of preschoolers; encouraging their activity and independence, expanding the possibility of self-learning; development of reflective and evaluative (self-evaluation) skills; develop the ability to learn - set goals, plan and organize your own educational activities. Work on maintaining a portfolio helped strengthen child-parent relationships.

The students learned to understand and accept the problem and formulate important questions.
Children have developed a need for help solving problems,

increased creative activity in making decisions to achieve goals. The activity of children in carrying out any activities related to the implementation of the project has increased. The participation of parents in the life of the group has increased. Preschoolers have developed the ability to take into account and make decisions in favor of their peers, and to subordinate their desires to the interests of the common cause.

Demonstration of the best children's projects on the Internet.

Children acquired the ability to see problems and pose them independently; create a solution hypothesis, evaluate it, moving to a new one if the original one is unproductive; guide and change the course of a decision in accordance with your interests; evaluate your decision and the decisions of your interlocutors.

A consultation bank for parents has been created on the topic “Application of problem-based learning technology in working with preschool children.”

Thanks to the use of ICT, children's learning is easy and exciting, since the presentation of information on the screen in a playful way arouses great interest in children: traveling around different countries, children get acquainted with the natural features of these countries, their culture and attractions, listen to the sounds of rare animals, travel into space and the past of the Earth.

Knowledge acquisition occurs faster through the use of presentations, videos, audio recordings, slides, and computer games.

An electronic bank of presentations for educators and parents on cognitive development “I want to know everything” has been created.

The use of this technology contributes to the development of the individuality of a preschooler. Depending on the children’s abilities, I selected educational games for them that helped to maximize and develop the child’s talent (in drawing, design, mathematics).

In the process of this interaction, children learned to independently engage in active activities. The children showed a positive emotional attitude, cheerfulness and openness.

Children joining life values, build better relationships with adults and children.

An electronic library of didactic games on gender development of children of senior preschool age has been created.

Children show their individuality, are able to think outside the box, and such moral qualities, as the ability to rejoice in the successes of others, the desire to help, the desire to find a way out of a difficult situation.

The use of games with TRIZ elements in working with children - “Teremok”, “Good - bad”, “Yes - no”, “What will happen if” - made it possible to reveal the speech activity of children.

The children developed a positive emotional attitude towards classes, they began to make more independent decisions, their horizons expanded, and the accuracy of their judgment increased.

An electronic card index of games with TRIZ elements for children of senior preschool age has been compiled.

It helped to effectively organize the educational process, in which educational material, its depth and complexity, was selected taking into account the level of development of each child.

This made it possible for children to learn educational material in certain areas of the educational program at different levels, but not lower than basic, depending on the abilities and individual characteristics of each child.

3.1.3. Speeches at scientific and practical conferences, pedagogical readings, seminars, methodological associations (except for organizational issues) and etc.Topic of speechLevel of conference (seminar, etc.), name, location, date

“Formation of an ecological culture of participants in the educational process through the organization of interaction between kindergartens, schools, and libraries in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.”

Municipal conference "Interdepartmental interaction at the municipal level as a mechanism for implementing new educational standards in the general education system" Rybinsk 2014

An educational and practical guide to the formation of the foundations of environmental culture in children of senior preschool age - eco-letter book “The multi-colored word “Hello!” Result - Small Prize of the VI Municipal Fair of Innovative Products for Teachers for an educational product that scored greatest number votes in public examination.Municipal educational event Innovation cascade - 2014. Municipal Fair of innovative products for teachers in Rybinsk 2014
An educational and practical guide to the formation of the foundations of environmental culture in children of senior preschool age - eco-letter book “The multi-colored word “Hello!”
3.1.4. Conducting open lessons, classes, events, master classes, etc.Topic of an open lesson, classes, events, master class, etc.Level, place and date of the event
Earth Day holiday for senior preschoolers of kindergarten and first-graders of school No. 15Kindergarten, 2012
Workshop on innovative experience within the framework of the municipal educational event “Innovation Cascade - 2013”
Master class “Environmental action as a form of interaction between kindergarten and primary school on the formation of an ecological culture.”Kindergarten, 2013
VI Interregional stage of the XIII International Fair of Social and Pedagogical Innovations, Rostov 2014
Master class “Formation of the foundations of ecological culture of participants in the educational process through the use of eco-letters “Multi-colored word “Hello!”Kindergarten, 2014
Master class “Practical guide to developing the foundations of environmental culture in children of senior preschool age - eco-letter book “Multi-colored word “Hello!”XIII International Fair of Social and Pedagogical Innovations, Perm 2015
Speech at the teachers' meeting “The importance of health in the lives of children and adults”Kindergarten, 2012
Workshop “Fundamentals of the project method in the modern educational space”Kindergarten, 2012
Speech at the teachers' council "Formation of a unified information and educational space of preschool educational institutions"Kindergarten, 2013
Celebration dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the VictoryKindergarten, 2015
3.1.5. Scientific, scientific-methodological and educational publications, including in electronic version on the website of specialized publishing housesType of publication, title, imprint, volume of publications.In the electronic version, indicate the website of the specialized publishing house
Educational project “World of Stones”. Type of project – informational, group. This project is focused on working with children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old). The direction of activity is to introduce children to the variety of stones in nature and their significance in human life.
Methodological development: scenario for the joint holiday “Earth Day” for older preschoolers and first-graders.

Target: develop cooperation between educational institutions in the field of ecology based on the exchange of experience in implementing a variety of creative and environmental activities.

Objectives: to form an active life position in relation to global problems facing humanity; to educate children to respect common universal values ​​in accordance with the principle of preserving cultural and natural diversity.

Electronic portfolio. Goal: accumulation of materials demonstrating the level of professionalism of the teacher and his ability to solve the problems of his professional activity.
Scenario of a master class for teachers of a preschool educational institution “Formation of the foundations of the ecological culture of participants in the educational process through the use of an eco-letter book “The multi-colored word “Hello!” Goal: dissemination and transfer of pedagogical experience in the process of active communication, training in methods of working with the eco-letter “Multi-colored word “Hello!”
Ecobook. Issue 1. Formation of an ecological culture of the individual.

Article " Short description experience in forming the foundations
ecological culture among preschool children"

Consultation for parents “Household responsibilities for children. Without reminders and with pleasure.” Goal: to help parents prepare their child as fully as possible for the transition to adult life through a system of household chores, forming habits for the future.
Consultation for parents “Why does a child tell lies. What should parents do? Goal: to acquaint parents with the manifestations of children's lies, their reasons, and correction options.
Consultation for parents “How to organize a child’s birthday?” Goal: advice to parents on how to organize a child’s birthday in order to make the holiday chores enjoyable, the gifts original, and the day unforgettable.
Consultation for parents “Mistakes you should not make.”

Goal: to help parents in raising children in situations where the child’s behavior is perplexing, annoying, or infuriating.

Consultation for parents “When punishing, think: why!?” Purpose: to give parents practical advice How to understand the reasons for your child’s actions, choose a model of your behavior and, perhaps, abandon punishment altogether.
Consultation for parents “Why is a child aggressive.” Goal: to equip parents with knowledge about the causes of child aggression, to provide an algorithm for the correct behavior of adults when working with such children.
Consultation for parents “The birth of a second child: how to minimize the manifestation of childhood jealousy.” Goal: to inform parents about the origins of childhood jealousy, ways to smooth out such manifestations as much as possible.
3.1.6. Participation in design, research, experimental and other scientific activitiesName of the experimental, methodological, base site, level (educational organization, municipal, etc.), topicName of the order, number and date of the order on the creation or continuation of the site, name of the institution/organization that issued the order
Municipal innovation project “Formation of an ecological culture of participants in the educational process through the organization of interaction between kindergarten and school in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard”Order on innovative activity dated January 10, 2013 No. 01-03/2-2
3.1.7. Participation in the activities of expert commissions, expert groups for certification of teaching staff, subject commissions, professional associations, juries of professional competitions, etc.Name and level (educational organization, municipal, etc.) of commissions, jury of competitions, professional associations, permanent seminars, etc.Title of the order, number and date of the order of appointment/creation, name of the institution/organization that issued the order
Member of the jury of the review-competition “Best subject-development environment of the group” 2012
Member of the jury of the review-competition “The best corner for traffic rules in a preschool educational institution” 2012
Member of the jury of the review-competition of corners of nature “Young Naturalist” 2013
Member of the jury of the review competition “Readiness for the School Year” 2013
Member of the jury of the review-competition “Preparation for the Summer health work» 2014
3.1.8. Management of methodological associations and other professional communities, student practiceName of methodological association or professional communityName of the order, number and date of the order of appointment
3.1.9. Participation in professional skills competitionsName of professional competition, level (educational organization, municipal, etc.), year of participationResult of participation (winner, runner-up, participant)
Competition for the best organization of work to promote a healthy lifestyle in educational institutions. Municipal level, 2012Participant

Review-competition of mini-museums in groups, preschool educational institution level, 2015

3.2. Awards
State and departmental awards, as well as prizes of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Prize of the Governor of the Yaroslavl Region in the field of education for the entire period of professional activityName of the award

Supporting documents (a certified photocopy of the award, a copy of the order (or an extract from the order) or a certificate confirming receipt of an award of the appropriate level)

Reward level
Certificate of Honor from the Department of Education of the Administration of the Yaroslavl Region 2005Regional

3.3. Professional Development Information

3.3.1. Advanced training courses, internship

No.Name of promotion courses



Name of the organization carrying out the promotion


Title and

Document No.

(filled in when

completion of training)

Number of hours
1. Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education: content, introduction technologiesMOU DPO "IOC"GOAU YAO "IRO"26.05.2014-06.06.2014 72
2. Management of state and municipal procurement ( Federal laws No. 44-FZ dated 04/05/2014 and No. 140-FZ dated 06/04/2014MOU DPO "IOC"MOU DPO "IOC"14.07.2014-14.08.2014 Certificate of advanced training72
3. Using Microsoft Excel to process statistical informationMOU DPO "IOC"MOU DPO "IOC"January – March 2013Certificate36
4. Creation of a subject-development space in a preschool educational organization to ensure the comprehensive development of the child’s personality in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool EducationMOU DPO "IOC"MOU DPO "IOC"17.02.2015-09.04.2015 Certificate of advanced training36

3.3.2. Second vocational education, retraining

3.3.3. Professional scientific development

4. Other information and analytical data indicating the effectiveness of the teacher’s activities

The ongoing changes in the preschool education system are due to the objective need for changes that are adequate to the development of society and the educational system as a whole. I recognize the need for change in my work. I believe that the main mechanism for such changes are new forms of organizing joint activities between adults and children, which I try to use in my teaching activities.

I am an active participant in the implementation of the municipal innovation project “Formation of an environmental culture of participants in the educational process through the organization of interaction between kindergarten and school.” As part of the creative team, successive forms were developed and tested environmental education preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. This made it possible to increase the efficiency and quality of the educational process in kindergarten.

I am a member of the strategic team for the development of the educational program of the preschool educational institution. Currently, it has been adjusted on the basis of the “Approximate basic educational program for preschool education” and taking into account the comprehensive program “Childhood”.

Currently, I am the administrator of the kindergarten website, responsible for its content and timely updating.

I constantly improve my professional level through attending various seminars at the regional and municipal levels (“Analysis of the educational program of a preschool educational institution,” 2012; “Innovative activity as a vector for the effectiveness of kindergarten development in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education,” 2014; “Social adaptation as a factor in overcoming deviant forms behavior in children and adolescents" 2015.

I don’t stay away from sports life either. She took part in the festival among teachers “Be an example!” I have a participant certificate.

Participation in children's matinees, leisure activities, and entertainment is an integral part of my work. Positive emotions of children during the holidays are a reward for the teacher. In all the variety of events that were held in our group, I took a direct part in each of them. I went through a lot of roles, learned to get used to the image of different heroes. The role of the presenter made it possible to competently lead the children's audience, maintain contact with them, and come to the aid of the child in a moment of fear or difficulty.

Interaction with the family is based on the principle of actively involving parents in the life of the group, forming their ideas about the main goals and objectives of raising children. When working with them, I use, along with traditional forms of work, new interactive forms of cooperation that allow parents to be involved in the process of learning, development and knowledge of their own child:

Traditional forms: conducting a sociological study of the families of pupils; information stands; consultations; parent meetings; survey; joint holidays; exhibitions of collaborative works; participation in group sporting events.

Innovative: discussions; interactive games; social and environmental actions.

I have my own page on the Internet on the international educational portal MAAM.RU, where I publish my materials and share my work experience.

“_____” _____________ 20____ __________________________

/signature of the person being certified/

I assure the results of professional activities ______________________________________________________________.

/ Full name of the certified teacher /

Head of educational organization __________________________

/signature of the head of the public organization/

"___" ____________20 ____

Description of the results of the pedagogical activities of teacher Natalia Nikolaevna Prokopieva

Description of the results of teaching activities

teacher municipal government preschool educational institution Pavlovsky kindergarten "Sun"

Prokopieva Natalia Nikolaevna

A person’s life in society begins in kindergarten, and that is why the foundations of social relations laid teacher, are decisive in the further development of the child’s general abilities, which are necessary for every person in any form activities. “The ability to communicate with other people, to act together with them, the ability to want, to be happy and upset, to learn new things, albeit naively, but brightly and unconventionally, to see and understand life in one’s own way - this and much more carries with it preschool childhood.” , wrote L.A. Wenger. That's why teacher must be an attentive and responsible person, responsive and tactful, sociable and patient, have a good memory, attention, and high communication skills. What is required is general culture and erudition, competent and intelligible speech, a well-trained voice, the ability to manage a team, and the ability to control one’s behavior and emotions. Educator must constantly improve his skills using achievements pedagogical science and best practices, must go forward, master innovative technologies and methods.

Among the factors influencing the effectiveness and quality of education of children in preschool educational institutions, an important role belongs to the educational program. I work in basic general education preschool educational program, the content of which is based on an approximate basic general education program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. My I am building pedagogical activities, focusing on the leading goal of implementation Programs: creation of favorable conditions aimed at the development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics according to the main directions: physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic.

I believe that for optimization activities of a modern educator In kindergarten, it is important to be able to plan your work, i.e. draw up a plan that will not only contribute to the organization of the educational process and the solution of intended tasks, but will also get the job done teacher more meaningful and effective. Therefore, at the beginning of the school year, I compile a comprehensive - thematic planning for the year, where I indicate topics, content, types activities, deadlines, final events. I plan work for every day (calendar planning, I determine specific tasks, content, forms and methods of working with children for a certain period of time. Scheduling I make up two weeks in advance. This gives pedagogical the process is organized, gets the job done effective. I plan the educational process taking into account the complex thematic principle and the principle of integration of educational areas. This approach allows us to combine complexes of various types of specific children's activities around a single"Topics", provide children with a holistic view of the world around them, master information through different channels perception: visual, auditory, kinesthetic. As options for themes I use, "events", "seasonal phenomena in nature", "holidays", "traditions".

Our time is characterized by constant updating of information; it is dynamic and changeable. These conditions dictate to me, kindergarten teacher, work in a new way, using modern technologies when organizing the educational process educational technologies. To determine the level of mastery of the educational program kindergarten students, feasibility of planning pedagogical, correctional and developmental work, obtaining operational information about the real state and trends in the child’s development twice a year, and, if necessary, in the middle of the year, I conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. For quality, more full implementation diagnostics covering all aspects of child development, using a monitoring system. System for monitoring children’s achievement of planned results provides an integrated approach to assessing final and intermediate results of mastering the Program, allows you to obtain the required amount of information in the optimal time frame, and assesses the dynamics of children’s achievements.

Diagnostic materials include specially designed tasks, tests, observations, taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of children. Analyzing diagnostic results, I use elements pedagogical technologies: technologies of differentiated approach, technologies of individualization, health-saving technologies.

Its primary task pedagogical activity I believe in revealing the individual abilities of each child, taking into account his personal capabilities. To ensure that every child is successful and feels comfortable, I use the following forms work: dividing children into subgroups taking into account their individual abilities, characteristics, inclinations and interests, level of health, gender. To improve the quality of mastering program content and developing children’s integrative qualities, I use visual aids perception(illustrations, pictures, tables, I use tasks of varying complexity, I determine the number of repetitions of the same task. I act according to the scheme "from simple to complex". A large role in its activities I pay attention to the individualization of the educational process. During individual lessons through the creation of a game situation, alternating types activities, a set of interesting material I interact with only one pupil. I am planning an individual (correctional and developmental) work two weeks in advance. This approach allows you to fill individual and subgroup work with children with content that takes into account the real level of development of each child, his personal problems and difficulties.

In the learning process and in free activities I use a variety of techniques, methods and means to achieve good results on mastering the educational program. When conducting a directly organized activities I rely on the structure of the developing classes:1) creation of a problematic situation; 2) identification of a significant problem; 3) putting forward a hypothesis; 4) management of independent search for children; 4) conducting reflection.

Planning pedagogical activity, application in teaching and educational process various methods, techniques, forms of work, an individual and differentiated approach when conducting incoming and final diagnostics led to positive dynamics in the quality of mastering the content of the educational Program by children.

At school, at the first stage of education, children often experience difficulties with by letter: the hand gets tired quickly, the working line is lost, and letters cannot be written correctly. These difficulties are caused by underdeveloped fine motor skills of the fingers and insufficient development of visual-motor coordination. This problem interested me, and I decided to work on a methodological topic for self-education, “Development of fine motor skills of the hands as a means of preparing children for learning to write.” The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that targeted and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills in preschool children contributes to the formation of speech activities. Having studied the experience of working on this problem, I came to the conclusion that work on the development of fine motor skills should be based on a comprehensive approach: a combination of speech development, physical education, finger and game exercises. I put the following tasks: improve hand-eye coordination of children, teach them to navigate in microspace, strengthen the fine muscles of the fingers, and promote the activation of speech function. I chose the most effective methods and means for the development of small businesses motor skills: massage of hands using natural materials; finger gymnastics with various objects and without objects; work with various materials (seeds, counting sticks, paper, strings, etc.); copying patterns, drawings or working in copybooks; working with stamps; stencil strokes; unscrewing and tightening caps on vials, jars, bottles; playing with small toys; stringing beads or pasta onto a thread. My kids play with the finger theater with special interest. I made dolls for the Russian folk theater fairy tales: "Teremok", "Hare and Fox" etc. Fairy tale dramatizations gave children the opportunity to act as screenwriters, stage directors and actors. Theatrical performances develop not only the creative potential of children, but also fine motor skills and speech, since fingers are actively involved in them. In my work I use many methods unconventional technology drawing: drawing with fingers and palms, drawing with a candle, blotography, drawing with foam sponges and cotton swabs. Unconventional drawing methods are quite simple in technology, so they appealed to me pupils. Using the listed methods in your work helps improve orientation in microspace (on a sheet of paper, and develop coordination of movements in children.

Systematic work in this direction made it possible to develop fine motor skills of the dominant hand and achieve positive results, as evidenced by the diagnostics carried out "Manual skill".

Manual skill

Academic year

2008 2009 2010 2011

Self-care skills 59% 64% 76% 84%

Working with a pencil

Working with a brush

Proficient in modeling techniques 59% 67% 73% 88%

Working with scissors

For a child to fully develop, it is necessary for the child to be healthy. With the modern course of life, unfortunately, it turns out that preschool children spend most of their time in kindergarten. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions in preschool educational institutions for the development, preservation and strengthening of children’s health. I devote special attention to solving this problem, using technologies for preserving and promoting health and learning technology healthy image life.

The systematic use of the above technologies made it possible to reduce the incidence of children's illnesses by an average of 20% and, accordingly, increase the percentage of attendance. During the ECD, the children became more active and attentive because they became less tired.

Average attendance

Academic year

2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011

Often, being drawn into the cycle of everyday life, we forget about how many unexpected dangers await a person on the path of life. Our carelessness and indifference to our health often lead to tragedy. But a person can prevent trouble, protect himself and his loved ones from danger, if he has basic knowledge of the basics of safety vital activity. This knowledge is formed in the process education therefore, teaching children how to keep them safe vital activity is relevant pedagogical task. Therefore, it has become a tradition to hold daily safety minutes, thematic conversations (“Why did the cat Timoshka end up in the hospital?”, “How the guys crossed the street”, "Dangers on the Road", "When Mom Isn't Home", creating problematic situations.

I pay a lot of attention education in children of patriotic feelings, the formation of their civic position. I conduct excursions to the school museum to get acquainted with the history of the village, themed holidays "Defender of the Fatherland Day", "Conquerors of Space", "Victory Day". I systematically work on artistically - aesthetic development children, involving them in drawing on different topics ("Defending the Motherland", “I’ll tell my mom about my love...”, "My favorite kindergarten", for production greeting cards, applications, for the design of exhibitions of children's works. I enrich children’s experience through reading fiction and looking at illustrations. Children participate with pleasure in general kindergarten folklore events: “Hello, Maslenitsa!”, "Holiday Happy Easter» , "Holiday of Ivan Kupala".

My pupils took part in regional competitions (toy competition "Parade of Siberian Toys", in a children's drawing competition “What a delight these fairy tales are” and in the competition "Green Light") and regional actions "Let's keep the forest alive".

With the transition to FGT, the relationship between the kindergarten and the family also changed. Parents are not outside observers, but active participants in the educational process. With this in mind, I involve parents in all matters. groups: joint creation of a subject-development environment, production of handouts and demonstration materials, design of photo exhibitions and exhibitions of children's works, preparation for the conduct of educational activities. I am completing "Parent's Corner", where I post information about the topic of the current week, about the upcoming joint activities of teachers and children, the planned final event, as well as consultations on all sections of the Program. It should be noted that parents are most interested in small text messages. materials: recommendations, advice, reminders. To ensure the greatest effectiveness work with parents for the new school year, I am conducting a survey in order to identify the most acceptable and effective forms of work with the parent community. When recruiting a group of children, I draw up a social passport for each family in order to identify educational opportunities for parents and invite parents to answer the questionnaire "Let's get acquainted". Specially selected questionnaire questions allow me to learn more about the child, look at him from different positions, and see his characteristics. I involve parents in preparing for and participating in matinees, holidays and sports activities ( “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”, “We ask you to visit us in autumn”, “All works are good - choose according to your taste”, to the design of the playground. At the beginning of each academic year I compose long-term plan working with parents, in which I prescribe work in several directions:

conducting psychological pedagogical consultations;

study, generalization and implementation of the best family experience education;

prevention of violations in parent-child relationships;

involving parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of work.

I involve parents in participating in numerous creative competitions and in making costumes for holidays and concerts. I conduct parent meetings at various Topics: “Child’s adaptation to kindergarten”, "Peculiarities raising boys» , “Increasing communicative competence among juniors preschoolers through the development of fine motor skills of the hands,” "We're a year older", “What a preschooler should know about traffic rules”, « Upbringing love for my native village", "Prevention of deviant behavior", “What toys do children need?”. I organize exhibitions of joint creativity between children and parents, musical and sports holidays. In 2012, the team of parents of my group took first place in the competition "Winter's Tale", parents actively participated in the campaign of landscaping the playground, won the competition “Our site is the best” in nomination "Most Creative".

It has become a tradition to hold annual environmental events ( "Feed the birds in winter", "Let's save the forest beauty", "Nature's Book of Complaints", holding "Open Days", "Health Week", celebrating children's birthdays.

I am constantly improving my pedagogical skill, studying the latest psychological and pedagogical literature, I attend advanced training courses, seminars and workshops both at our kindergarten and in the district. On current issues of training and education I share my experience of working with kindergarten colleagues and parents, I have repeatedly spoken at teachers’ councils, methodological associations, and given open events ("Winter's Tale of Summer", "Visiting Grandma Akulina", "Droplet's Journey", was part of the creative group for drawing up the basic general education program.


On the topic of:

Professional activity and personality of the teacher.


Savina Tatyana Nikolaevna.


1.1 The essence of teaching activity………………3

2. Personality of the teacher……………………………………….8

2.1 Pedagogical abilities…………………………..12




Every person during his life will play many times in the role of a student, pupil, and in the role of a teacher, educator (teacher, mentor, instructor, etc.). The teaching profession is one of the oldest and most honorable in the history of mankind. However, it is not possible to determine the exact timing of its appearance. Over a large historical period of time, education was carried out without professionally trained specialists in the course of natural life relationships between the older generation and the younger.

Teachers are people who have appropriate training and are professionally engaged in teaching activities, i.e. issues of upbringing, education and training. The content of the teaching profession is to educate the younger generation.

Here you should pay attention to the word “professionally”. Teachers are engaged in teaching activities professionally, and almost all people are engaged in this activity non-professionally. Professional activity is one of the main forms of human life. Both his general well-being and the effectiveness of his activities depend on how a person perceives and evaluates his work, his achievements in a certain activity and himself in a professional situation. Meanwhile, it is difficult to imagine another activity that is as diverse and equally demanding of the qualities and capabilities of the performer. The requirements for a teacher are determined not only by the great importance, but also by the rare originality of pedagogical activity. The entire experience of human development proves that in the matter of education, the personality of the educator is of particular importance, since he influences the student with his behavior, his way of life, and his attitude towards everyday life. The teacher becomes a master of his craft, a professional as he masters and develops his professional activities, recognizing pedagogical values.

1. Professional activity.

1.1 The essence of teaching activity

Pedagogical activityas a professional one, it takes place in educational institutions specially organized by society: preschool institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, institutions of additional education, advanced training and retraining.

Another character of pedagogical activity is spontaneous, due to the fact that a person is influenced by various external and internal factors, influencing its development.

Professional pedagogical activity is systemic in nature, manifested in the unity of goals, motives, actions and results. The main, historically established goal of the teaching profession is education. A teacher, while implementing his activities, must strive to form a person’s personality capable of successful life in modern society, taking into account the possibilities of a person’s self-realization, based on his interests and aspirations. The main objects of pedagogical influence are the educational environment, the activities of students, the educational team and the individual characteristics of students. Among the leading tasks of a teacher are the formation of an educational environment, the organization of the activities of students, the creation of an educational team, and the development of individuality.

All properties of pedagogical activity are manifested through pedagogical action, which is the total unity of the goals of incontinence. The primary task in which

is a pedagogical action - cognitive, whichbecomes a design and transformation task. The entire process of pedagogical activity comes down to solving many problems of different levels of complexity, classes and types, and pedagogical tasks in most cases do not lend themselves to algorithmization and often require a non-standard heuristic solution that arises in the process of hard work, including research, analysis, forecasting, experiment, control and conclusion. Each new step of the teacher becomes for him a source of new information, which is transformed into accumulated experience.

The main types of pedagogical activity are traditionally education and teaching.

Educational worksubordinated to the goal of harmonious development of the individual. As part of educational activitiesthe teacher must organizea team of students and direct its activities to solve educational problems leading to achieving the goal. The success of solving educational problems is determined by the presence of positive changes in the consciousness of pupils, manifested in behavior, emotions and everyday activities. Educational activities are distinguished by the lack of formalization of specific actions of the teacher: he can only, predict your actions and guide students. In every specific case the choice of means and methods of education depends on the individual characteristics of the pupil or the atmosphere and composition of the group of pupils. It is quite difficult to evaluate the results of a teacher’s work, because... it does not have strictly defined criteria and assessments; it is largely determined by the initial state of education of the ward.

The essence of teaching is more logical. Teaching or learning is usually carried out within a specially organized spatial and temporal framework, is amenable to planning, algorithmization and elaboration, has clear goals and corresponding tasks, as well as certain criteria for their achievement.

Primary in pedagogical activity is still

Educational work, in this regard, when preparing teachers, it is necessary to take care of the formation of their readiness for the competent organization of educational and educational processes in conjunction with subject knowledge.

Structure of pedagogical activity. The components of pedagogical activity are interrelated and interdependent elements, differ from each other and are somewhat isolated, which allows them to be considered independently of each other. The following components are distinguished in pedagogical activity: constructive, organizational, communicative.

The pedagogical profession makes certain demands on the personality of the teacher, namely: he must have a stable social and professional position, which is expressed in his attitude to the world around him, the profession and the subjects of pedagogy. The teacher’s position reveals his personality, the nature of his social orientation, and the type of civic behavior and activity.

The social position of the future teacher is formed starting from childhood, continues to develop during the learning process in secondary school and is the basis for the formation of views and beliefs associated with the teaching profession.

There are also professionally determined requirements for a teacher; they are divided into two groups. The first includes psychological, psychophysiological and physical readiness, and the second includes scientific, theoretical and practical competence as the basis of professionalism.

The professional readiness of a teacher is determined by the correspondence of his personal and professional qualities in the professionogram, which combines their idealized version into three interrelated complexes: general civic qualities; qualities that determine the specifics of the teaching profession; special knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject.

The most important role in the activities of a teacher is played by his personal orientation, reflected in the professionogram and characterizing his social, moral, professional, pedagogical and cognitive orientation.

The basis of all activities of a teacher is his ideological conviction, which determines his moral basis. The choice of a teacher's profession should, first of all, be based on love for children, the desire to help them in self-improvement and self-realization by opening for them ways to achieve these goals. The professional orientation of the teacher acts as the core around which all his professional qualities are formed. Important and inalienable qualities of a worthy teacher are his dedication and willingness to work despite temporary territorial boundaries, putting his professional duty above all else.

The cognitive activity of a teacher is determined by the desire to master new knowledge, interest in what is new in pedagogical science and the teacher’s subject area, and the ability for self-education. One of the main factors of cognitive interest is love for the subject being taught.

2. Personality of the teacher

The personality of the teacher plays a vital role in education. The effectiveness of education is achieved when the teacher is attentive to the educational process, constantly analyzing it and drawing the right conclusions.

Only on the revival of simple human feelings - love and mercy - should the educational process be built. Famous Swiss teacher Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, according to his biographer, “he was kind to the point of self-forgetfulness.” The task of education, according to Pestalozzi, should be the development of human abilities in accordance with the laws of nature, that is, when “the heart wants to believe and love, and the mind wants to think.”

The manner of work of a real teacher is distinguished by external simplicity with great internal depth; a wise, very selective attitude to the means of education, a skillful combination of old methods with new ones. A true master always thinks about ensuring that the system of relationships contributes to the development of the inclinations and abilities of children, creative, constructive forces in the children's team.

The educational position should be delicate, unnoticeable, perhaps even hidden from the student. The educational process can be called an art, which expresses the uniqueness of the teacher’s personality, his individuality, character, and his attitude towards his students. There is an opinion that only a talented person, a teacher from birth, can become a true master teacher.

A genuine teacher will always find a non-standard answer to any question, will be able to ignite, excite the student, and increase his motivation. A real teacher achieves this effect when education develops into self-education.

K. D. Ushinsky was convinced that “in education everything should be based on the personality of the educator, because educational power flows only from the living source of the human personality”

A teacher, including a young specialist, is just co Having graduated from college or university, he acts as an integral person with a special mindset, individual temperamental characteristics, and a certain style of behavior. But the very content of pedagogical activity places a number of specific requirements on him, forcing him to develop certain personal qualities. How professionally significant and mandatory. These qualities, being realized in the activities of the educator and ensuring its success, acquire a specific professional connotation. On the one hand, they are necessary for the implementation of the functions of a teacher, and on the other, the implementation of functions trains and develops professionally necessary qualities.

“The teacher himself must be educated.” This well-known position is an immutable commandment for everyone involved in the matter of education. Education is not only a science, but also an art, which is impossible to master in a short time. It is rightly believed that a teacher can be called someone who constantly studies and improves throughout his life. The same applies to the educator: a real educator is one who constantly studies the art and science of education constantly engages in self-education. What should a kindergarten teacher be like?

Firstly, to have certain personal qualities, and secondly, to be a professional, a master, only in this case he will be able to form a comprehensively developed personality, creative, active, and possessing high moral qualities.

What personal qualities should a teacher have?

He must be patient love children, be kind and fair, be able to sympathize, be responsive. At the same time, he must be organized, consistent, demanding, and hardworking. This list could be continued. To the teacher need to have many qualities, but above all to behighly moral person.

A very important personal quality of a teacher ischeerfulness,optimism, sense of humor. A person is not born with these qualities; they must be developed in oneself. One of the necessary and natural conditions of education is love for children. Reasonable love, not coddling, not coddling and satisfying whims, but genuine concern for the all-round development of the child, friendly communication, attentive attitude to requests, tactful persistence.

In addition to personal qualities, a teacher must have many professional knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to carry out professional activities.

K. D. Ushinsky, emphasizing the complexity of the matter of education and how much a teacher needs to know and be able to do this, what a multifaceted personality he must be, wrote: “The art of education has the peculiarity that almost everyone seems familiar and understandable to it, but sometimes even an easy task - and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it theoretically or practically. Almost everyone admits that education requires patience, some think that it requires innate ability and skill, that is, a skill; but very few have come to the conclusion that in addition to patience, innate abilities and skill, special knowledge is also needed. These qualities are acquired in the process of professional training. And they are connected with the goals and objectives of raising children at each age stage of their development.

The goals of education, first of all, include strengthening the health of children, developing their mental abilities, instilling love for the Motherland, developing activity, responsibility, a sense of duty, camaraderie, kindness, honesty, and hard work. With this in mind, educators can purposefully and therefore most effectively prepare children for independent life.

The teacher must be intelligent a person in the full sense of the word. Genuine intelligence will not allow him to speak disrespectfully about the child’s parents, about the child himself, or to talk to parents from the height of his pedagogical knowledge. If, when communicating with parents, a teacher talks only about the child’s shortcomings, this only causes a negative reaction. Otherwise, there will be no contact, which is so necessary for raising children. And the positive emotional atmosphere in the group will be disrupted. After all, children are so sensitive to the nuances of human relationships. Children are taught not only and not so much by what we instill in them. They absorb and adopt the general tone and all the subtleties of the teacher’s behavior.

The work of a teacher cannot be formal. It requires a constant search for new forms, new approaches to organizing classes, independent activities of children, and a combination of group and individual classes.

2.1 Teaching abilities

Pedagogical activity makes demands on the personality of the teacher and on his professional qualities that correspond to its characteristics. The measure of compliance of a person’s personal and professional qualities with the requirements of teaching activity determines his teaching abilities.

The list of basic teaching abilities corresponds to that proposed by V. A. Krutetsky.

Didactic abilities are manifested: 1) in the ability to present educational material in an accessible, clear, understandable manner, in the ability to appropriately transform and process educational material; 2) available installation for registration psychological characteristics students, their level of training and ability to independently complete the task; 3) in the ability to organize a lesson, prepare students to perceive educational material, mobilize attention and create a favorable emotional mood; 4) in the ability to adapt during the lesson depending on the prevailing circumstances and, most importantly, the characteristics of students’ assimilation of the current educational material

Academic abilities are associated with the presence of the ability to navigate the content of the scientific field of knowledge to which the taught academic subject relates, with competence in this field, with breadth of outlook and interest in research work.

Perceptual abilities are the ability of the teacher to penetrate into the inner world of the student, the psychological observation of the teacher, which allows him to understand the personality of the students and the slightest changes in their condition by insignificant external manifestations in behavior and response.

Speech abilities are manifested in the teacher’s ability to clearly and clearly express their thoughts and feelings through speech, as well as facial expressions and pantomimes. The teacher’s speech should be addressed to students, help activate their thoughts and attention, be lively, imaginative, intonationally bright and expressive, etc.

Organizationalabilities are the ability of a teacher to organize a student team, unite it, inspire it to solve important problems, as well as the ability to properly organize their work: plan it, adjust it, control it, and also develop a “sense of time.”

Authoritarian abilities are the ability of a teacher to have a direct emotional and volitional influence on students, to gain authority, and to be able to convey to students his conviction in something.

Communicationabilities are the teacher’s ability to organize communication with children, the ability to find the right approach and establish appropriate relationships, and observe pedagogical tact.

Pedagogical imaginationis expressed in the ability to foresee the consequences of one’s actions, in designing and forecasting the development of students’ personality, in the pedagogical optimism of the teacher, in his faith in man.

Abilities are both formed and manifested in the process of activity, the productive implementation of which requires appropriate skills. Therefore, the process of developing abilities is always associated with the acquisition of skills. Pedagogical activity is most often considered as a solution to a countless number of pedagogical problems. Consequently, pedagogical skills can be considered as the ability to solve various pedagogical problems.

Solving these problems, the teacher searches for and predicts the future, evaluates options, and reveals the projection of what is being studied or the upcoming activity onto the student’s personality. In some cases, the search can be reduced to sorting through already known options and adapting them to the conditions of the situation. Then the creative element in the search is not so significant. In other cases, known approaches do not provide optimal solutions (problematic pedagogical situation). Then the need for a truly creative search arises. In both cases, the teacher uses and develops general pedagogical skills identified by N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova and a number of other researchers. Constructive and related prognostic and design skills combine the ability to select educational material and design it in accordance with specific educational goals, design the student’s personality, and select pedagogical means that ensure the achievement of planned results.

Communicationskills serve to establish correct relationships with students, ensure comfort and effectiveness of pedagogical communication, and open up opportunities for mutual understanding and cooperation between teacher and student.

Gnostic skills help to use literature, study the experience of leaders and analyze your own experience.

Organizing wards for various types of activities, directing their activity in accordance with the goals and objectives of training and education allowsorganizationalskills. They include the ability to set goals for activities, bring them to students (pupils) or encourage them to put forward goals, facilitate the distribution of roles, stimulate, control and adjust activities.

There are also applied skills related to the implementation of artistic, sports and other abilities of the teacher-educator, as well as the requirements of professional work (pedagogical graphics, singing, mastery of technical means, choreography, etc.).

Also important for pedagogical analysis and correction reflective skills - the ability to see yourself from the outside, analyze and evaluate your work, identify and correct mistakes. Recognize and consolidate successes.

The most complete description of pedagogical skills is given in the work of A.K. Markova. She identifies ten groups of pedagogical skills: 1) skills related to the formulation and setting of pedagogical tasks, their specification and anticipation of the results of their solution; 2) the ability to work with the content of the material and interpret it, make interdisciplinary connections, take into account the capabilities and possible difficulties of students; 3) possession of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and its practical application; 4) knowledge of techniques for setting and solving communication problems; 5) mastery of techniques for achieving productivity of communication (means of communication, rhetorical techniques, etc.); 6) implementation and development of pedagogical abilities, creation and strengthening of a positive self-concept; 7) awareness of the prospects for one’s professional growth; 8) the ability to characterize the knowledge acquired by a student, determine learning ability, stimulate the desire for self-education and self-training; 9) the ability to evaluate the education of schoolchildren; 10) the ability to integrally evaluate one’s work and professionalism.

To solve creative problems, a teacher also needs to master a set of mental skills specific to creative activity. This is the ability to see a problem and relate factual material to it (problem vision); the ability to reveal the interconnection of problems, that is, to see a given problem as an integral part of a more general one; the ability to express a problem in specific cognitive tasks, put forward a hypothesis and carry out mental anticipation (anticipation) of actions; ability to use analogy and transference, combine new combinations known elements, look for an alternative to the obvious solution, etc.

Everyone who, in one way or another, is involved in creativity knows how difficult this work is. It requires complete dedication and perseverance, it involves risk, does not immediately lead to success, and is often associated with dead ends, failures, and crises. That is why, in order to carry out productive, creative activities, a teacher needs such moral and volitional qualities, such character traits, such as integrity, demandingness towards oneself and others, criticality and self-criticism, honesty, hard work, tolerance, accuracy, perseverance, consistency, etc. Only systematic enrichment of knowledge, development of creative skills in search activities form abilities, develop experience and generate personality traits.


Education, like all areas of work with people, needs talent. They have been needed at all times, but this need has become more acute than ever in recent years, during the period of intensive renewal of domestic education. A talented, creative, enthusiastic, active personality can only be nurtured by a talented and enthusiastic teacher. The most advanced theories, original innovations, modern systems and technologies, well-written instructions and developments by themselves will not make the pedagogical process effective. The personality of the teacher plays a decisive role in this. It is through it that the impact of world culture and the potential of the environment on a growing person is largely refracted. Words of K. D. Ushinsky: “In education, everything should be based on the personality of the educator, because educational power flows only from the living source of the human personality. No statutes or programs, no artificial organism of an institution, no matter how cunningly invented, can replace the individual in the matter of education...” have not lost their relevance today.

A high level of social responsibility, the uniqueness of the object of influence, which is a developing personality, the originality of situations and the variety of factors influencing them determine serious requirements for the erudition, general culture, creative capabilities, professional ethics of teaching staff, and, consequently, for the system of their training. In educational institutions there have always been creative, searching, restless people, true enthusiasts, devotees of education. The professional activity of a teacher involves the process of the teacher setting pedagogical tasks, their hierarchy, restructuring depending on specific conditions and situations, the teacher develops the ability for pedagogical goal setting and goal implementation. An important component This ability is the ability to adjust goals during the process of pedagogical influence itself, to create in the mind an image of the possible result of one’s actions. This requires not only a constant analysis of all components of the pedagogical situation, but also the teacher’s self-analysis and the ability for pedagogical reflection.

The uniqueness of the teaching profession is that it is humanistic in nature. In the process of education, the teacher solves two problems: Adaptive, humanistic.

The adaptive function is associated with the adaptation of the student to the specific requirements of the sociocultural situation, and the humanistic function is associated with the development of his personality and creative individuality. On the one hand, the teacher prepares his students for a certain social situation, for the specific demands of society. But, on the other hand, he, while objectively remaining the guardian and conductor of culture, carries within himself a timeless factor. By developing the child's personality based on the richness of human culture, the teacher works for the future. The teacher, in the course of his professional activities, performs the main functions: Teaching, educating, developing, psychological preparation.

The implementation of these functions requires the following personal parameters from a modern teacher: needs and abilities for active and versatile professional and socio-cultural activities; tact, a sense of empathy, patience and tolerance in relationships with children and adults, readiness to accept and support them, and if necessary, to protect them; understanding the uniqueness and relative autonomy of personal self-development; ability to provide intra-group and inter-group communication; prevent conflicts in children's and adult communities; knowledge of features mental development, especially children with problems, and the desire, together with them, to purposefully create the conditions necessary for their self-development; abilities for one’s own self-development and self-education.

A humane teacher must rely on the student’s capabilities, his potential, and not on the authority of his power and coercion. Its main task is to identify, reveal and develop everything valuable in a person, and not to form the habit of obedience.
The teacher, like any other leader, must have a good knowledge and understanding of the activities of the students that he manages. Thus, the teaching profession requires dual training - human science and special.


1. Bolotina L. R., Komarova T. S., Baranov S. P.

Preschool pedagogy: A textbook for students of secondary pedagogical educational institutions. 2nd ed. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 1997. -P. 174.

2. Krutetsky V.A. Fundamentals of educational psychology. - M, 1972. - P. 238-246.

3. Markova A.K. Psychology of teacher work. - M., 1993. - P. 18-71.

4. Ushinsky K.D. Izb. ped. op. - M., 1953.-T. 1.-S. 266).

5. Ushinsky K. D. Man as a subject of education. Izb. ped. op. - T. 1. - P. 229.

6. Ushinsky K.D. Collection op. - M., 1950. - T. 2. - P. 63-64.

The essence of pedagogical activity

The meaning of the teaching profession is revealed in the activities carried out by its representatives and which are called pedagogical. It is a special type of social activity aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparation for the implementation of certain social roles in society.

It is obvious that this activity is carried out not only by teachers, but also by parents, public organizations, heads of enterprises and institutions, production and other groups, as well as, to a certain extent, the media. However, in the first case, this activity is professional, and in the second, it is general pedagogical, which every person, voluntarily or involuntarily, carries out in relation to himself, engaging in self-education and self-education. Pedagogical activity as a professional one takes place in educational institutions specially organized by society: preschool institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, institutions of additional education, advanced training and retraining.

To penetrate into the essence of pedagogical activity, it is necessary to turn to the analysis of its structure, which can be represented as the unity of purpose, motives, actions (operations), and results. The system-forming characteristic of activity, including pedagogical activity, is the goal (A.N. Leontyev).

The purpose of pedagogical activity is connected with the implementation of the goal of education, which today is considered by many as a universal human ideal of a harmoniously developed personality coming from time immemorial. This general strategic goal is achieved by solving specific tasks of training and education in various areas.

The purpose of pedagogical activity is a historical phenomenon. It is developed and formed as a reflection of the trend of social development, presenting a set of requirements for to modern man taking into account his spiritual and natural capabilities. It contains, on the one hand, the interests and expectations of various social and ethnic groups, and on the other, the needs and aspirations of the individual.

A. S. Makarenko paid much attention to the development of the problem of educational goals, but none of his works contain their general formulations. He always sharply opposed any attempts to reduce the definition of educational goals to amorphous definitions such as “harmonious personality”, “communist man”, etc. A. S. Makarenko was a supporter of the pedagogical design of the individual, and saw the goal of pedagogical activity in the program for the development of the individual and its individual adjustments.

The main objects of the purpose of pedagogical activity are: the educational environment, the activities of students, the educational team and the individual characteristics of students. The implementation of the goal of pedagogical activity is associated with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as the formation of an educational environment, the organization of the activities of students, the creation of an educational team, and the development of individuality.

The goals of pedagogical activity are a dynamic phenomenon. And the logic of their development is such that, arising as a reflection of objective trends in social development and bringing the content, forms and methods of pedagogical activity in accordance with the needs of society, they form a detailed program of gradual movement towards the highest goal - the development of the individual in harmony with himself and society.

The main functional unit, with the help of which all the properties of pedagogical activity are manifested, is the pedagogical action as a unity of goals and content. The concept of pedagogical action expresses something common that is inherent in all forms of pedagogical activity (lesson, excursion, individual conversation, etc.), but cannot be reduced to any of them. At the same time, the pedagogical action is that special one that expresses both the universal and all the richness of the individual. Turning to the forms of materialization of pedagogical action helps to show the logic of pedagogical activity. The teacher's pedagogical action first appears in the form of a cognitive task. Based on existing knowledge, he theoretically correlates the means, the subject and the intended result of his action.

The cognitive task, having been solved psychologically, then turns into the form of a practical transformative act. At the same time, some discrepancy is revealed between the means and objects of pedagogical influence, which affects the results of the teacher’s actions. In this regard, from the form of a practical act, action again passes into the form of a cognitive task, the conditions of which become more complete. Thus, the activity of a teacher-educator, by its nature, is nothing more than the process of solving an innumerable set of problems various types, classes and levels.

A specific feature of pedagogical problems is that their solutions are almost never on the surface. They often require hard work of thought, analysis of many factors, conditions and circumstances. In addition, what is sought is not presented in clear formulations: it is developed on the basis of a forecast. Solving an interrelated series of pedagogical problems is very difficult to algorithmize. If an algorithm does exist, its use by different teachers can lead to different results. This is explained by the fact that the creativity of teachers is associated with the search for new solutions to pedagogical problems.

Structure of teaching activity

In contrast to the understanding of activity accepted in psychology as a multi-level system, the components of which are goals, motives, actions and results, in relation to pedagogical activity, the prevailing approach is to identify its components as relatively independent functional types of activity of the teacher.

N.V. Kuzmina identified three interrelated components in the structure of pedagogical activity: constructive, organizational and communicative. For the successful implementation of these functional types of teaching activities, appropriate abilities are required, manifested in skills.

Constructive activity, in turn, breaks down into constructive-content (selection and composition of educational material, planning and construction of the pedagogical process), constructive-operational (planning one’s actions and the actions of children) and constructive-material (designing educational, methodological and didactic support for educational activities). process).

Organizational activities involve implementing a system of actions aimed at including children in various types of activities and creating conditions for joint activities.

Communicative activities are aimed at establishing pedagogically appropriate relationships between the teacher and children and other teachers. preschool, parents.

In the works of A.I. Shcherbakov’s pedagogical activity is considered as a unity of informational, developmental, orientation, mobilization and research functions. Special attention devoted to research function. Its implementation requires the teacher to have a scientific approach to pedagogical phenomena, mastery of heuristic search skills and methods of scientific and pedagogical research, including analysis of their own experience and the experience of other teachers.

All components, or functional activities, are manifested in the work of the educator. Their implementation requires the teacher to possess special skills.

Professionally determined requirements for the personality of a teacher

The set of professionally determined requirements for a teacher is defined as professional readiness for teaching activity. In its composition, it is legitimate to highlight, on the one hand, psychological, psychophysiological and physical readiness, and on the other, scientific, theoretical and practical competence as the basis of professionalism.

To date, a wealth of experience has been accumulated in constructing a teacher’s professiogram, which allows the professional requirements for a teacher to be combined into three main complexes, interconnected and complementary: general civic qualities; qualities that determine the specifics of the teaching profession; special knowledge, skills and techniques.

When justifying a professionogram, psychologists turn to establishing a list of pedagogical abilities, which represent a synthesis of the qualities of the mind, feelings and will of the individual. In particular, V.A. Krutetsky highlights didactic, academic, communication abilities, as well as pedagogical imagination and the ability to distribute attention.

A.I. Shcherbakov considers didactic, constructive, perceptual, expressive, communicative and organizational to be among the most important pedagogical abilities. He also believes that in the psychological structure of a teacher’s personality, general civil qualities, moral-psychological, social-perceptual, individual-psychological characteristics, practical skills and abilities should be highlighted: general pedagogical (informational, mobilization, developmental, orientational), general labor (constructive, organizational , research), communicative (communication with people of different age categories), self-educational (systematization and generalization of knowledge and its application in solving pedagogical problems and obtaining new information).

A teacher is not only a profession, the essence of which is to transmit knowledge, but a high mission of creating personality, affirming man in man. In this regard, the goal of teacher education can be presented as the continuous general and professional development of a new type of teacher, who is characterized by:

  • - high civic responsibility and social activity;
  • - love for children, the need and ability to give them your heart;
  • - genuine intelligence, spiritual culture, desire and ability to work together with others;
  • - high professionalism, innovative style of scientific and pedagogical thinking, readiness to create new values ​​and make creative decisions;
  • - the need for constant self-education and readiness for it;
  • - physical and mental health, professional performance.

This capacious and concise characteristic of a teacher can be specified to the level of personal characteristics.

In a teacher’s professional profile, the leading place is occupied by the orientation of his personality. In this regard, let us consider the personality traits of a teacher that characterize his social, moral, professional, pedagogical and cognitive orientation.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “The main road to human education is conviction, and conviction can only be acted upon by conviction. Every teaching program, every method of education, no matter how good it may be, that has not passed into the convictions of the educator will remain a dead letter, without "no power in reality. The most vigilant control in this matter will not help. A teacher can never be a blind executor of an instruction: not warmed by the warmth of his personal conviction, it will have no power."

In the activities of a teacher, ideological conviction determines all other properties and characteristics of a person that express his social and moral orientation, in particular social needs, moral and value orientations, a sense of public duty and civic responsibility. Ideological conviction underlies the social activity of the educator. That is why it is rightfully considered the most profound fundamental characteristic of a teacher’s personality. A citizen teacher is faithful to his people and close to them. He does not isolate himself in a narrow circle of his personal concerns; his life is continuously connected with the life of the village and city where he lives and works.

In the structure of a teacher’s personality, a special role belongs to professional and pedagogical orientation. It is the framework around which the main professionally significant properties of a teacher’s personality are assembled.

The professional orientation of the teacher’s personality includes interest in his profession, teaching vocation, professional and pedagogical intentions and inclinations. The basis of pedagogical orientation is interest in the profession, which is expressed in a positive emotional attitude towards children, towards parents, pedagogical activity in general and towards its specific types, in the desire to master pedagogical knowledge and skills. A pedagogical vocation, in contrast to a pedagogical interest, which can also be contemplative, means an inclination that grows from an awareness of the ability to teach.

The presence or absence of a vocation can only be revealed when the future educator is included in educational or real professionally oriented activities, because a person’s professional destiny is not directly and unambiguously determined by the uniqueness of his natural characteristics. Meanwhile, the subjective experience of a calling to a particular activity or even a chosen activity can turn out to be a very significant factor in the development of the individual: it can cause passion for the activity and confidence in one’s suitability for it.

Thus, a pedagogical vocation is formed in the process of the future teacher accumulating theoretical and practical teaching experience and self-assessment of his teaching abilities. From this we can conclude that shortcomings in special (academic) preparedness cannot serve as a reason for recognizing the complete professional unsuitability of a future educator.

The basis of the teaching vocation is love for children. This fundamental quality is a prerequisite for self-improvement, targeted self-development of many professionally significant qualities that characterize the professional and pedagogical orientation of the educator.

Among these qualities are pedagogical duty and responsibility. Guided by a sense of pedagogical duty, the teacher always rushes to provide assistance to children and adults, to everyone who needs it, within the limits of his rights and competence; he is demanding of himself, strictly following a unique code of pedagogical morality.

The highest manifestation of pedagogical duty is dedication. It is in it that his motivational and value-based attitude towards work finds expression. A teacher who has this quality works regardless of time, sometimes even of health. A striking example of professional dedication is the life and work of A. S. Makarenko and V. A. Sukhomlinsky. An exceptional example of dedication and self-sacrifice is the life and feat of Janusz Korczak, a prominent Polish doctor and teacher, who despised the Nazis’ offer to stay alive and stepped into the crematorium oven along with his pupils.

The relationship between a teacher and colleagues, parents and children, based on an awareness of professional duty and a sense of responsibility, constitutes the essence of pedagogical tact, which is both a sense of proportion, a conscious dosage of action, and the ability to control it and, if necessary, balance one means with another. The tactics of behavior in any case is to, anticipating its consequences, choose the appropriate style and tone, time and place of pedagogical action, as well as make timely adjustments.

Pedagogical tact largely depends on the personal qualities of the teacher, his outlook, culture, will, civic position and professional skills. It is the basis on which trusting relationships between the teacher and children grow. Pedagogical tact is especially clearly manifested in the control and evaluation activities of the teacher, where special attentiveness and fairness are extremely important.

Pedagogical justice is a unique measure of the teacher’s objectivity and the level of his moral education. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Fairness is the basis of a child’s trust in the teacher. But there is no abstract justice - outside of individuality, outside of personal interests, passions, impulses. To become fair, you need to know the spiritual world of each child in detail " Sukhomlinsky V.A. I give my heart to children. - Kyiv, 1969. - p.83..

Personal qualities that characterize the professional and pedagogical orientation of a teacher are a prerequisite and a concentrated expression of his authority. If within the framework of other professions the expressions “scientific authority”, “recognized authority in their field”, etc. are commonly heard, then the educator may have a single and indivisible personal authority.

The basis of a person’s cognitive orientation is spiritual needs and interests.

One of the manifestations of the spiritual forces and cultural needs of the individual is the need for knowledge. Continuity of pedagogical self-education is a necessary condition for professional development and improvement.

One of the main factors of cognitive interest is love for the subjects taught. L.N. Tolstoy noted that if “you want to educate a student with science, love your science and know it, and the students will love you, and you will educate them; but if you yourself do not love it, then no matter how much you force them to teach, science will not will produce an educational influence" Tolstoy L.N. Pedagogical essays. - M., 1953. - p. 72. . This idea was also developed by V. A. Sukhomlinsky. He believed that “a master of pedagogy knows the alphabet of his science so well that in the lesson, during the study of the material, the focus of his attention is not the very content of what is being studied, but the students, their mental work, their thinking, the difficulties of their mental work " Sukhomlinsky V.A. Selected pedagogical works: In 3 volumes - M., 1981. - T.3. -P.56..

A modern teacher must be well versed in the various branches of methodological sciences, the fundamentals of which he teaches, know their capabilities for solving socio-economic, industrial and cultural tasks. But this is not enough - he must constantly be aware of new research, discoveries and hypotheses, see near and far prospects for the development of methodological science.

Most general characteristic The cognitive orientation of the teacher’s personality is the culture of scientific and pedagogical thinking, the main feature of which is dialecticity. It manifests itself in the ability to detect in every pedagogical phenomenon its constituent contradictions. A dialectical view of the phenomena of pedagogical reality allows the educator to perceive it as a process where continuous development takes place through the struggle of the new with the old, and to influence this process, promptly solving all the issues and tasks that arise in his activities.

All these features acquire their special coloring in the activities of a teacher raising children of early and preschool age. Creating favorable conditions for the development of children in the first years of life requires taking into account their age characteristics. The period from birth to entry into school differs from all subsequent life stages in that it ensures general development, which serves as the foundation for the future acquisition of any special knowledge and skills and mastery of various types of activities. The main “acquisition” of a child is that during preschool age he becomes a person endowed with the physical and mental qualities necessary for every member of society, no matter what place he subsequently takes in it. Such qualities include mastery of basic movements, the ability to consciously perceive the world, think, communicate with other people, manage one’s behavior, etc.

Fundamental Role preschool period development in the process of formation of the human personality determines the corresponding requirements for the educator. First of all, this is the need to understand responsibility for a child’s happy childhood, his destiny. However, for a teacher to be successful, there is little understanding of the enduring value preschool childhood, knowledge of the patterns of child development is also required. One of the laws is the dependence of the child’s mental and physical development on the environment, the impossibility of his existence without adults. This leads to the most important professional functions of a teacher:

  • -creation of pedagogical conditions for the successful upbringing of children;
  • - ensuring the protection of life and strengthening the health of children. Each of these functions is embodied in a specific area of ​​activity of the teacher. The implementation of the first function is associated with the creation of a so-called developmental environment, i.e., an environment that encourages the child to be active, to engage in activities of a developmental nature. Taking care of improving health (physical and mental) is the key to proper upbringing in preschool age, since during this period the child’s development is very dependent on his condition, mood, and emotional manifestations. For example, children’s susceptibility to educational influences decreases when they get sick, feel offended by rough treatment, are tired due to inadequate sleep, poorly organized activities, entertainment, etc. The teacher must be attentive to the surrounding environment (in the kindergarten, on the site), anticipate any little thing that could be dangerous to the life and health of children.

Carrying out educational work with children is the main function of a teacher preschool education. It is implemented in the planning of upcoming work based on program and methodological documentation, in the direct implementation of this work, and in the analysis of its results.

A modern teacher, based on psychological and pedagogical data, sociological research, realizes that the foundations of a person’s personality are laid in the family, the influence of which on the development of the child cannot be replaced by the influence of any, even a very qualified public educational institution. In the interests of students, the teacher must help improve the pedagogical culture of parents, ensure consistency in raising the child, and help individual families in this process. Therefore, the professional functions of a modern teacher are the following:

participation in pedagogical education of parents;

regulation and coordination of educational influences of family and preschool institution.

The creative nature of pedagogical activity encourages the teacher to study and borrow the best practices of colleagues, making him sensitive to innovations in the field of education.

In recent years, there has been a clear tendency to update and enrich the educational work of preschool institutions. This makes another direction in a teacher’s activity professionally necessary—participation in experimental and research work.

Thus, we can conclude that the professional activity of a preschool teacher is very multifaceted in its content and is conventionally divided into a number of areas (functions). The sphere of pedagogical activity covers children, their parents, colleagues, and the teacher himself, who consciously improves both his skills and his personality.