Tyrolean clothing. Kitchen in Tyrolean style. Kitchen furniture styles. The most famous models and elements of the Austrian costume

Since we are talking about the Tyrolean village, it is simply impossible to ignore such a cultural event as Tyrolean National clothes .
Staying true to tradition in dress is probably the most fundamental component of Tyrol's village culture. Leather shorts, a collarless felt jacket and a Dirndl dress have literally become a fetish of Tyrolean culture.

Judge for yourself - Tyrolean wooden houses are one way or another losing ground in favor of modern heat-saving technologies, peasant capabilities are changing with the advent of automated technology, even the centuries-old traditions of making cheese or Tyrolean dried meat are being replaced by new, more hygienic production technologies. Only the Alps and village clothes do not change.

But let's take things in order. What do I mean by the term Tyrolean national dress (Tiroler Trachtenkleid)?

There are two types of clothes in the photo above. Usually casual on the right and formal on the left.

Casual option (also formal) - Man: leather shorts (lederhose) 3/4 length, coarse knit socks made of thick thread, boots with bias diagonal lacing with laces or with a buckle, shirt usually NOT white, vest for a warmer option, warming felt jacket without a collar for a cool option. Felt hat optional.
The implication is that there is nothing else underneath the shorts. If it is very hot, then shorts can be mid-thigh length. Suspenders on shorts are optional; if you have suspenders, you can wear a large, boxing-type belt over the top. The latter, by the way, helps a lot when lifting and carrying heavy objects.

The woman wears a simple cotton dirndl dress with an apron without frills, and underneath the dress is a blouse with puffed sleeves. Huge cleavage is encouraged, but not required. The chest is out, the back may not be closed. Headwear is not required. Male version clothes became allowed for girls, I think, in the last 50 years.

The official option for a man is: Collarless jacket, white shirt, gray wool pants, bias-laced shoes. Formal slanted felt hat if necessary.
For women - dress with Dirndl skirt, Lace-up front. Closed back. Headwear is not required.

The most important thing in all this is that clothing must correspond to a standardized color scheme communities of the village where the villager comes from. This can also be reflected in small embroidery patterns on the back of a dress or the lapels of a jacket or shorts. And God forbid you get confused!

On the left are the colors of the Vorarlberg valley on the right is Paznaun.

For a formal dress, not only the choice of color but also the embroidery is absolutely important. The pattern on the back characterizes the income of the village woman’s house, and some elements of the pattern can bear the characteristics of heraldry and form the family tree of the housewife. The same applies to vests or jackets for men, buttons on vests or, for women, ties at the front.

On the left the colors of the Vorarlberg valley on the right Paznaun view from the back.

The ability to determine from a pattern and color where a married couple came from is a fairly accurate science, and by studying it you can gain a lot of honor and respect from the villagers, who themselves are often confused. In the right photo above, among the dresses of the Paznaun Valley, you can find three dresses: from Carinthia, from South Tyrol and from the Swiss conton of Grisons. By the dress you can determine whether a woman is married or not, whether an unmarried woman will be married off or not yet, whether she is a girl or a girl. But the latter is already aerobatics.

In principle, the national dress of Austria is generally standard everywhere, but some federal states emphasize their wealth in clothing. On the left is the ceremonial "St.Anton" in the center and the usual "Paznaun" on the right.

I am proud that I managed to catch the Santa Antonov men with their fur circular hats and their woman with a bag-bonnet.

The cost of making one dress “according to the rules” in 2012. was approximately 1200€. To go with it, you will need a blouse and low-heeled shoes. For a man, everything is more modest; a complete set can be found for 800 €.

Everything you said here is certainly interesting, you say. But where are the tits promised in the title?
Comrades, well, here they are! You are allowed to watch.

And in this availability for viewing and this is the main eroticism of Tyrol. Even with a completely covered chest is allowed women's clothing stands on the border between childish innocence and wild depravity.

Many advertising firms are speculating on this. The slogan - put a dirndl on a rake and get a girl here is taken literally: breasts appear out of nowhere, and attractiveness begins to go off scale, this applies even to the most difficult cases. Everyone can feel welcome in a dirndl.

Oh yes, don't make mistakes like the leftmost heroine in the top left photo. Tall boots should not be worn with a Dirndl, this is a hint of... uh... publicity.

And undisguised eroticism shines through the folds of every Tyrolean woman’s dress, and the leather belt of every Tyrolean man stirs quite well. The poetry of the seemingly covered body is superbly reflected in the classic 1973 Tyrolean film "Unterm Dirndl wird gejodel":

After watching this classic creation, I realized that I, too, am fit to play the role of the main character. By the way, I even have something more authentic - I’m talking about the nose, of course.

And the next Tyrolean work from 1974 is generally worthy of being in the chamber of weights and measures, as an example of the sexuality of the Tyrolean nation. By the way, it’s called “Beim Jodeln juckt die Lederhose” - “Jodel makes itchy in your shorts.”

And if looking at all these pictures still doesn’t make your shorts itch, think about it: maybe it’s time to buy them?

The dirndl dress and leather pants are the emblem of the national costume. But Tyrolean folk costume and rural fashion are much broader and this is evident both in design and materials, as well as in accessories.

The dirndl dress and leather pants are the emblem of the national costume. But Tyrolean folk costume and rural fashion are much broader and this is evident both in design and materials, as well as in accessories.

All over the world, this clothing is considered the embodiment of the original Tyrolean character, the respect for traditions characteristic of the Tyroleans: Tyrolean folk costume and rural fashion famous good quality materials– primarily linen, leather and cloth – and modern design. In Tyrolean peasant fashion, the tastes of urban and rural environments intersect, fashion trends crossed with traditional motifs.

National costume in a new interpretation

The result of this fusion is eye-catching outfits that guarantee unique and expressive appearance. Whether simple or theatrically spectacular, clothing in the style of Tyrolean folk costume and rural fashion is always unique. Bespoke items, selected from an exclusive boutique or purchased directly from the factory: among various collections The choice of models is so large that everyone will find something to suit their taste.

Tyrolean national costume: cultural traditions in life

Among the most zealous guardians of the traditions of the national costume are Tyrol Folk Costume Association. More than 10,000 members of this voluntary society ensure that the traditions of regional costume are preserved primarily through their participation in official events. In addition, folk costumes are worn primarily on holidays of the annual cycle and on the most important days of a person’s life. Things are a little different with the locals musical chapels and rifle companies: At formal events, participants are usually required to wear matching suits. Even for newly created chapels and companies, special costumes are designed to order.

However, the love of the Bavarians and Tyroleans for their national costumes is easily explained. Firstly, they are very comfortable - all the fabrics are natural, warming in cold weather and pleasantly cool in hot weather, and the cut of the suits is almost perfect and does not restrict movement at all. Secondly, they are distinguished by elegance, femininity and, accordingly, masculinity, good taste and excellent finishing (love of detail, as the Bavarians and Tyroleans like to say).

Bavarian and Tyrolean National costumes basically very similar, changing depending on the land (in our opinion, the region) only favorite colors and some not very significant details. This is also not surprising, because Bavaria and Tyrol during a significant period of time for the formation of the nationality were a single state (they still have mutual language). Then the Tyrol was part of either Austria-Hungary, then Italy, then Germany - but still, the Tyrol has the most common features with the Alpine and Alpine Bavaria.

However, in other countries, residents of mountainous, inaccessible areas still have a love of tradition and the desire to preserve every detail of their national costume. And if Scottish kilt has not spread very widely throughout the world, although it is no less widely known than the Bavarian national costume; the trachten or dirndl, if not by name, then by silhouettes and certain details, are used in almost every corner of the earth.

A men's hunting hat with a feather or a dark green jacket combined with leather trousers, women's blouses with a gathered neckline and puffed sleeves or a tightly tightened corset in combination with fluffy skirt- do you recognize it? These are typical and well-known features of Tracht and Dirndl, including in Russia.

Of course, gone are the days when the clothes of a resident of the Alpine Mountains told almost everything about him - about his position in society, about his family, age and number of children. Gradually, the folk costume of the Alpine mountaineers becomes more and more colorful, more and more decorations appear on it - ribbons, lace, embroidery, emblems, metal plaques. Even men's vests and frock coats are decorated with chains and embroidery, and instead of a tie, men tie ribbons around their necks.

Well and women's suits they are simply full of all kinds of decor: vests, blouses, skirts, dresses, jackets, coats are decorated. The suit must be complemented with a necklace around the neck, and an elegant apron with a bow is tied over the skirt or dress. By the way, don’t get confused when you try on a Bavarian suit: if you are single, the bow should be on the left, if you are married, on the right, widows tie the bow in the middle.

Unfortunately, these suits are very, very expensive. Especially if you want to buy not a tourist option, but an outfit that the Germans and Austrians themselves wear, you will have to fork out some money. Firstly, all the materials from which they are made are of the highest quality, and secondly, they contain a lot self made and expensive finishing. Loden (natural felted wool), natural suede and fine leather, linen, cotton and wool highest quality. A wide variety of embroidery - the most popular motif is edelweiss (sometimes these flowers are knitted or crocheted and sewn as an emblem, including on men's frock coats). A variety of silk ribbons, bows, chains, and lace are often sewn on top of each other in several layers. Buttons are also made from natural materials: wood, bone or metal.

Add to this accessories such as leg warmers, hats with goose, rooster or eagle feathers or with a chamois hair tassel, embroidered straps for leather trousers, canes, shoes or boots for men, scarves and handbags, woolen shawls, miniature hats , black shoes with buckles for women, and also winter options - suede jackets for men or flared coats with embroidery for women, etc. All this actually looks elegant and is not cheap - a good reason for the outfit not to go out out of fashion for several centuries.

The costumes that tourists buy at a lower price, at first glance, differ little from the “real” Bavarian or Tyrolean outfit. But if you look closely at the details, there will be a lot of differences. Firstly, as mentioned above, trachts and dirndls are made only from natural materials good quality. The addition of viscose, and especially any synthetics, is simply unacceptable. Secondly, on real alpine dresses there are almost no ruffles in the form of ordinary gathers, edged with multi-colored threads, lace only black or white etc., etc. And thirdly, national costumes differ in details depending on the area where they are worn - and true Alpines will never mix unacceptable colors, emblems, embroideries and other details in one outfit.

Interesting fact: a century and a half ago Wedding Dresses in Bavaria and Tyrol they were usually made of black or dark green fabric and only the veil was white. Now it has become exotic.

I would like to hope that in the cozy mountain towns of Bavaria and Tyrol they will wear comfortable and beautiful national costumes for a very long time, making a minimum of changes to them.

IN THE PHOTO AT THE BEGINNING OF THE ARTICLE we tried to show you how beautiful the clothes and accessories, including those stylized as Bavarian and Tyrolean costumes, are.

We would also like to offer, as part of this article, small master class on production VELVET WITH SCARLET SILK ROSE

Style is determined by details! A woman did not appear at any festival or fair without a decoration on her neck. And now sometimes a hand-made flower made from silk scraps on a velvet braid looks better than expensive jewelry.

YOU WILL NEED Chesucha made of natural silk Pink colour; black braid approx. 1.00 m wide 1.5 cm; sewing threads.

HOW TO DO Cut approx. from silk. 15 circles with a diameter of 10 cm. Fold each circle into four. Cut the sections into a clover leaf shape. Fold the circles folded in four into a flower, sewing the centers together. Sew the flower to the braid. Tie the braid around the neck in a bow.

Dedicated to the Oktoberfest holiday

The material was prepared by Elena Karpova

Do you like to hunt? Are you dreaming of a home in the natural, authentic style of the Tyrolean mountains? Gable roofs, white plaster, contrasting half-timbered elements, large roof overhangs, massive beams? An expensive and spectacular project using the highest quality materials requires the durability of the most natural material - wood. But it is precisely in such projects that wood shows its character in the most visible place: beams dry out, overhead elements crack, and the geometry of the beam changes. The fact is that, as a rule, all wooden decor in such projects is made glued across the width, since there are no solid boards of the required width. Therefore, very soon all the risks associated with the use of wood appear on site. The best solution is to use thermal wood, especially since thermally treated wood turns out to be the desired dark brown color.

The supplier of wooden decor for such objects requires coordinated work of the molding and carpentry shops, as well as the installation team on site, since many elements are assembled on site from correctly prepared components in production.

As a rule, overhead beams and all elements that should look massive are made hollow inside the U-shaped profile, which reduces the cost and weight of the beams, which is important for bulky facade structures. Reliable fastening of such beams or false beams can be aesthetically hidden with identical wooden plugs or, conversely, emphasized with special forged plugs-bolts.

When concluding a contract with us from the production of Drevmarket, all elements are delivered to the site strictly in accordance with the specification, which saves material consumption and installation time on site.

Our friends are lovers of ski holidays, so we visited most of the Alpine resorts, ultimately stopping in Austria. In addition to the ski slopes, they love the Tyrolean style, so they tried to incorporate its elements into the interior of their kitchen and convey its welcoming spirit.

When you first look at the interior, you are amazed at the number of items that make up it. Many details and accents are present on every square meter of the kitchen that attracts your attention.

Welcome to the table. It is made to order from wood, its diameter is 80 centimeters, and is attached to the floor tiles and the bar counter directly adjacent to the table.

The design is very reliable and stable, and from a practicality point of view it is ideal, since you can not only eat with your family, but also sit comfortably with friends. Good round table able to unite a lot of people around him.

Next, something like a cabinet wall was built, in which there was a drawer for utensils at the bottom, a shelf for culinary and other literature on top, and a forged bar structure was screwed directly to the ceiling. It contains glass containers according to their purpose.

Kitchen furniture consists, as usual, of lower row cabinets and wall-mounted cabinets. The kitchen is placed at an angle with almost straight sides.

For the convenience of the housewife, one section is completely devoted to water components: a thermos kettle, a sink, a water filter faucet, a food waste grinder in one of the sections of the sink, a dishwasher. In the upper glazed drawers you can see multi-colored, monochromatic and rather massive dishes; this is exactly the kind of dishes that are used in the everyday life of Austrians.

The stove area is decorated in the same style.

A huge hood with a wooden outline corresponds to the owners’ idea. In the Tyrolean lands, small figures and intricate objects are usually placed on such hoods around the perimeter. Our friends went further; the kitchen wall was completely devoted to decorative plates, personally brought from different countries.

Above the electric stove there is a crossbar with necessary tools and potholders.

The kitchen has an “appendix” - this is a corridor that houses household electrical appliances and a refrigerator.

Initially, the apartment had one awkward niche, opposite which they built a similar structure and used it in an original way. In the niche on the left there was a microwave oven and an oven, one above the other, and a refrigerator was placed opposite.

It is not difficult to guess that the walls were decorated with the same decorative plates, between which a wall clock logically fit.

The walls and floor themselves have an uneven and lumpy texture, this enhances the stylization of Tyrolean life within a city apartment.

The kitchen furniture is made of wood, so the recessed ceiling light is also made of this material. The structure is assembled to order in a wooden workshop; the glass of each window is dismantled separately, which makes it easy to change burnt-out fluorescent lamps.