Tatar wedding customs

Muslim nikah is a marriage ceremony that resembles a wedding among Christian peoples. Traditionally, nikah is held at the bride's house. To conclude the nikah, a local imam is invited. Also today, nikah is held in a cafe, in a restaurant or even in a mosque, but basically the imam (mullah) is invited home. However, Muslim marriage has its own rules (conditions).

Conditions for concluding a nikah

1. In addition to the Muslim cleric, two male witnesses must be present. If there are no two men, then it is allowed to appoint one man and two women. Witnesses must be Muslims.

2. The bride and groom must be Muslims. Usually, the imam asks them to pronounce the Muslim formula of monotheism in front of witnesses and guests "Laya Ilyaha ilyallah, Muhammad rasulullah" (meaning: There is no God but the One God of Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of God), by which they prove their faith in the One God - Allah.

3. The groom must give a mahar (gift to the bride). Usually they give gold jewelry (earrings, chain, ring, etc.). The imam asks the groom to show the mahar (gift) to witnesses, guests and give it to his daughter-in-law.

4. Both must agree to the marriage. During the act, a sentence and a response are pronounced. For example, the mullah first asks the consent of the bride:

By the order of our creator Allah Subhanak wa Tagala and by the sunnat of our prophet, Mr. Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, you are Amin, the daughter of Ilyas, by your consent, married Abdullah the son of Ali.

The bride replies:

Yes, I married him by my own accord.

Abdullah son of Ali, by the order of our creator Allah Subhanak wa Tagala and by the sunnat of our prophet, Mr. Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, did you, by your consent, take Amina's daughter Ilyas as your wife?

The groom replies:

Yes, I took her with my consent

According to the madhhab of Abu Hanifa, the question is asked in the past tense and therefore the answer should also be the same. After receiving answers before witnesses, young people are considered husband and wife. Nikah is considered a prisoner. After that, the imam begins to read the khutba nikah and makes a dua (prayer) for the newlyweds.

Now we understand that the main condition for nikah is the observance of all the above rules. Namely, the verification by the mullah of compliance with all these conditions in front of witnesses is the conclusion of the nikah. Many are mistaken in thinking that nikah is such a ceremony where the mullah reads a prayer in front of the newlyweds and they are then considered husband and wife. No, nikah is the conclusion of an agreement before the witnesses and the main witness, the Almighty, by checking compliance with the mandatory conditions (rules), and not so that the mullah read the prayer and all the deeds.

Nikah between a Muslim and a Christian or Jewish woman is allowed, but the man is obliged to call his wife to Islam in the process of living together. Between a Muslim and an atheist woman (who does not believe in God), nikah is not allowed.

Nikah between a Muslim woman and a Christian or a follower of another religion, as well as an atheist, is prohibited. A Muslim woman has the right to marry only a man of her faith (only a Muslim). The only exception is if the groom voluntarily converts to Islam.

Nikah between two holidays and during Uraza

There is an opinion among people that between two holidays (ides) it is impossible to conclude nikah. This is an erroneous opinion. Nikah can be read on any day of the year. And during an uraza (fast), it is not very convenient to make a celebration, since you can’t eat and drink during the day. Even if people do not fast, but still, for the sake of respect for the month of Ramadan, it is impossible to hold a banquet, a feast during the day. If necessary, you can conclude nikah during the day without a feast, or organize a small banquet during iftar (breaking the fast) in the evening.

And you can also read nikah on the day of Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha, but on this day the clergy are busy holding the holiday in mosques and this can create inconvenience for them. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss everything with them in advance.

What dua is read on nikah by the bride and groom

Many newlyweds are interested in what dua should be read during nikah. We look at the above section of the rule for concluding a nikah, point two, and we see that the young must pronounce the shahada: “Laya Ilyayaha Illallah. Muhammad rasulullah ”(short version), or another option:“ Ashkhadu alla Ilyayakha ilyallah, Ashkhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasulukh.

You will need

  • Witnesses: two men or one man and two women. Skullcaps for all the men present (if they suddenly do not have their own skullcaps), shawls for women. Change money - "for sadak."


Nikah is a marriage ceremony that can be compared with the customary wedding ceremony. Traditionally, nikah is performed by relatives in the bride's house, with the help of her relatives. Although now there is a tendency to conduct nikah in the mosque, but still in most cases the mullah or imam is invited home.

When you choose the date for the ceremony, keep in mind that nikah is not read during the Muslim fast - “uraz”.

Keep in mind that while reading the nikah prayer, the bride and groom will also need to say a special prayer. And if you do not know the words of the prayer, you need to ask the mullah for them on the day when you agree with him on the date of the nikah. Learn them ahead of time.

To participate in the nikah ritual, invite witnesses (also Muslims); two men or one man and two women. Of the guests, basically, let only the closest relatives be present.

During the ceremony, everyone must be dressed appropriately. Men cover their heads with skullcaps. Women in kerchiefs and dresses covering the legs to the calves and arms to the wrists. Ideally, you should wear a hijab.

Alcoholic drinks are not allowed on the festive table. There is a certain set of traditional dishes that must be put on the table when making nikah. This is a soup with homemade noodles, which is served as a first course. On the second - boiled meat with potatoes and dressing of fried onions and carrots. And also belish - so a pie stuffed with meat and potatoes. Tatar cuisine is famous for its dough dishes, and therefore, a variety of pastries must be present on the festive table for nikah. This is Gubadiya - a pie with rice, raisins, dried apricots and boiled sweet cottage cheese. Also put on the table the attributes of the festive wedding table - chak-chak, triangles (patties with potatoes and meat) and honey.

From the side of the groom, there should be a gift in the form of two baked stuffed geese, one of which is cut up by the groom's father during the meal, and the second is taken away by the groom's relatives, according to custom. A pair of geese is a newly formed married couple.

At the table, all guests must be seated in a special order, the mullah at the head of the table. A welcome prayer is read. Before reading the main prayer, the mullah asks the bride and groom, witnesses and relatives about the presence or absence of circumstances that may prevent marriage. Then, according to tradition, he explains to the bride and groom what nikah is, what obligations he imposes on those who are combined with this ceremony. Next comes the main prayer. During the prayer, the mullah asks the bride and groom for their mutual consent, which they must confirm by repeating the prayer three times.

Then the mullah asks the groom for the so-called "mahr", simply saying a gift to the bride. Traditionally, some kind of gold jewelry acts as mahr, so get ready for this, get it ahead of time.

Before the end of the prayer, all those present should stand up and give each other “sadaqah”. So in the Islamic tradition is called a donation in honor of the Almighty. Usually it is money from 10 to 100 rubles. Pass the money folded in four, covering it with the palm of your hand.

After the completion of the prayer, the mullah gives parting words to the newlyweds and tells how they should behave in marriage. Followed by congratulations and wishes from the guests.

When the solemn ceremony comes to an end, you can proceed to the festive meal.

6) prepare a treat;
The image of the bride


Whom to call?

How is the ceremony

How to do nikah


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Muslim marriage ceremony - nikah (nikah)

A ceremony similar to a Christian wedding in Islam is called "nikah", this word can be deciphered as a marriage. We perceive this term as a Tatar wedding, but in fact this ceremony also exists in Kyrgyzstan, Dagestan, India and Arab countries, however, wherever there is a Muslim faith, you can find this marriage ceremony.

What is needed for nikah?

Tatar wedding traditions

According to the laws of the Muslim faith, in order to successfully marry, young people must fulfill at least four conditions. The ceremony must be attended by a male relative of the bride, it can be a father, grandfather, uncle, brother. On both sides, that is, from the side of the groom, and from the side of the bride, witnesses must be present - men of the Muslim faith. Nikah is supposed to be held only after paying the bride price, which is appointed by the bride and her relatives. Kalym is this payment for the opportunity to get a girl, most of all it is not something transcendental. Today it is more a symbolic tribute to traditions than a real ransom.

The most important condition for a blessed marriage is the desire of both young people to live together. Nikah is carried out in the following way. During the ceremony, a certain surah of the Koran is read in front of the young, after which the marriage is considered valid, and no official notification is required.

Often, after the completion of the Islamic rite of marriage nikah, a certificate is issued to the young, which is considered an official document in many countries. The traditions of the Muslim rite of marriage are well known to the whole world. For example, such a ceremony as bride kidnapping, we all know it. But few people know the true purpose of this maneuver. It turns out that only the young man who had absolutely no hope of the girl's voluntary consent to marriage could go for the kidnapping of the bride. At the same time, the girl’s relatives had absolutely no choice but to agree to marriage, because the kidnapped girl was no longer considered clean, and the girl’s dishonor was a terrible shame for her family, and only a wedding could wash away this shame. Thus, with the help of bride kidnapping, a young man got himself a bride without any problems. But at the same time, for the kidnapped bride, the parents demanded a dowry at least twice as much as usual. And the rite of nikah itself took place, according to eyewitnesses, sadly and sluggishly.

Today, the rite of bride kidnapping is not so common, which makes the life of a young girl much easier, giving her much more freedom. If we study the Qur'an, we will see that the Wise and Just Allah established the procedure pleasing to Him for concluding a marital union. According to the rules, a young man who wants to get married must first approach the girl in a public place, and only then inform her family about the desire to enter into a legal marriage.

In the Muslim faith, there are many conditions provided by the Qur'an for young people to enter into a life together. Violation of any rules in the conduct of the rite of nikah may serve as a reason for dissolution of marriage. The ceremony can take place both at home and in the mosque. Then, according to tradition, guests from both the groom and the bride are invited to the groom's house, refreshments are served there and an entertainment program is conducted. The wedding treat is a sunnah muakkada (highly recommended), and is an attribute of the wedding festive table, although some argue that this, although a desirable dish, is not at all obligatory.

According to tradition, all Muslims who wish to enter into a marriage union must perform the nikah ceremony. An ordinary marriage in the registry office DOES NOT REPLACE the nikah ritual.

How to spend nikah in Ufa

If the traditions associated with the state registration of marriage are sometimes treated freely by couples, then with religious rites everything is more serious. Karina is perfectly familiar with the peculiarities of preparing for "civil" weddings: she helps brides decorate the holiday, creates cute wedding accessories. But they were connected with Ruslan by a beautiful Muslim ritual. Karina told Marry Me, Rustem! about all the subtleties and meanings of nikah.
“Nikah is a Muslim marriage. For us, nikah is a confession before Allah that we love each other and want to live together. This is something so personal, intimate, very sincere and full of love.
When Ruslan made an amazingly romantic proposal to me on 11/11/2011, I jumped for happiness, hugged, kissed, jumped again, was delighted and ... I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to do anything. There was a month left, because we wanted to have time to hold nikah in 2011. Had:
1) choose a mosque, set a date;
2) choose a mahr - a gift for the bride;
3) buy an outfit, beautiful and unusual;
4) warn guests from the three republics;
5) buy gifts for relatives;
6) prepare a treat;
7) and most importantly, to find out what are the traditions, customs and regulations associated with a Muslim wedding.
The image of the bride
It should be a traditional white Muslim outfit - a floor-length dress, a headscarf. Beautiful earrings, bright makeup and a bouquet of white flowers with a dark green satin ribbon should have added dynamism and emphasized individuality.
I looked for everything I needed in shops at mosques, for example, in Muslim clothing stores. I measured almost everything, I didn’t like anything - it was too simple and unpresentable. I found a department where the girls themselves sew dresses. Tried one and fell in love. Bonnet was sewn for him - a special headdress made of white satin with ties. There I bought some beautiful pins with rhinestones to fasten the bonnet on my head.
If you choose not a Bonnet, but just a scarf, you will also need a small hat under it so that the scarf does not slip. And you will need a professional who can beautifully tie it on the day of nikah. I lived far away from professionals, so ready-made bonnet was perfect for me. After a few workouts, I could drape all the folds on my own.
Try to choose a comfortable dress and tie a scarf not tight. Unaccustomed to the mosque, you may feel dizzy from excitement and pressure on your head. That's how it was for me 🙂
It is not necessary to purchase specifically Muslim clothing. In principle, a long evening dress is suitable, as long as it covers the legs. Hands will cover the bolero in color. The scarf will cover your neck. But don't buy a tight dress, especially if you're curvaceous! In the mosque it looks very vulgar, ugly, sometimes even funny.
A skirt and blouse is not the best option. There is a chance that the guests will look better than you.
In extreme cases, the dress can be made to order. Sew a scarf or bonnet from the same fabric.
Don't think you won't look attractive in a fully covered outfit! There are many ways to tie a scarf, designed for any type of face. A dress can hide figure flaws. Play with color, style, accessories, jewelry - bracelets and rings are not forbidden!

Nikah can be held either in the bride's house or in the mosque.
If you spend nikah at home, it is enough to choose a hazrat (preferably on the advice of friends), agree on a date with him. He does not ask for money. How much you give yourself - so much will take (I advise at least 1000 rubles). It is also advisable to bring and take it away at your own expense.
The ceremony takes place at a laid table, then the guests eat, thank the hazrat, give gifts and he leaves.
By the way, advice for non-Muslim guests or those in the tank: when the hazrat reads prayers and everyone folds their hands and looks at them - do the same! Think about the good, about your dreams and desires, at the end say “Allah akbar” (“Allah is great”) and run your palms over your face as if you were washing your face. This means that you are asking for grace from the Almighty and, expecting grace to be sent down in the palm of your hand, pass it over your face.
If you want to have a really wedding-wedding, choose a mosque. We decided to hold our nikah in the most beautiful, in our opinion, mosque of the city - Lyalya-Tulpan.
The groom, bride or parents should go to the mosque, where the hazrat will write them down in a journal and give them a questionnaire to be filled out and brought on the day of nikah (along with their passports).
When we set the date (it was winter), there were a lot of free days.

Whom to call?
Usually, only close relatives are called on nicknames: parents, brothers, sisters, and always grandparents. They are like sensei, the guardians of your family values ​​- the most important guests. My nenechka, for example, read prayers herself, blessed our union.
It is not customary to call friends, but you can. The hall in Lyalya-Tulpan allows you to gather about 100 people.
One of our good friends could not miss this event and came to the mosque of his own free will. We were very happy with this surprise. The rest of my friends came to the feast at my house.
Immediately warn all your guests that you need to dress modestly in the mosque. The men are in skullcaps. Women's clothing should cover their knees, arms, neck. On the head is a scarf. Make-up is allowed, jewelry can be worn, a scarf and outfit can be bright, with embroidery or a pattern.

How is the ceremony
Hazrat advises to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the ceremony: you will need to give him the completed application form and passports. In the same place, you will name the names and surnames of the witnesses - two men each from the side of the bride and groom. It can be a father, brother, uncle. Although sometimes women are also recorded.
Having done all this, we waited for our turn, went into the hall. At the entrance you need to take off your shoes or put on free shoe covers.
Hazrat read prayers in Arabic and translated into Russian, since many Tatars do not know very well, including me.
And here I regretted that we did not record the ceremony on video. Hazrat said such important things for the future life that were worth remembering. About family, about life, about Allah. For example, that the duty of a wife is to take care of her husband and raise children, and she can not work at all 🙂
In order to be declared husband and wife, we had to convert to Islam, saying in Arabic the words: “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet” - “La Illah il Allahu wa Muhammad rasuli Allah.”
It's good that I assumed such a development of events, having read about it on one Ufa forum, and learned this phrase a little! Nevertheless, when hazrat asked me to say it out loud, I was, to put it mildly, at a loss. My lover said everything without hesitation and then helped me and everything went well 🙂 Thank you Allah for my wonderful husband!

How to do nikah?

At that moment, I was very proud of him.

Then the hazrat asked the groom to give the mahr - a gift to the bride. It can be different precious jewelry. The bride can ask for something specific in advance. I wanted a ring 🙂 The groom gave me a beautiful gold ring with blue topaz and cubic zirkonia, and the hazrat asked if I was satisfied with such a gift. I, knowing in advance about this chip, said: yes, I don’t need anything else. In general, the bride has the right to say: no, I want more earrings with diamonds. And the groom will be obliged to buy.
Then we were handed a beautiful green little book - a certificate of marriage. In some testimonies there is even a line “Mahr”, where they enter a list of gifts given to the bride and those that the groom still has to buy.
Then parents and other relatives can give khair to hazrat and newlyweds. This is not required, but encouraged. Usually hazrat is given 500-1000 rubles.
The entire ceremony takes exactly half an hour.

My new relatives and fiancé were supposed to arrive in Ufa the day before nikah from Tatarstan and from the north. Our parents didn't know each other then. In such a situation, God himself ordered to exchange gifts between families. For men - shirts, skullcaps, for women - large beautiful scarves. We have specified sizes and colors in advance. Plus, my future relatives brought a traditional baursak for the bride, which was presented on a chic tray. Well, and kushtanashch (goodies), of course - pies, fruits, etc.
After nikah, we walked around the city, and then everyone went to my house together, and a spiritual feast began.
If nikah passes at home, alcohol should not be drunk. Only later, when the hazrat leaves. That's what people say. But my husband and I decided not to drink even after nikah. This is how you grew spiritually 🙂
Prepare traditional, simple dishes. No shrimp with cream sauce and mushroom tartlets. We had pies, chak-chak, fruits on the table, noodle soup for the main course, boiled meat and vegetables for the main course. The table was covered almost completely by my guardian angels - my brother's wife's wife. Thank them very much!
A little later, I was finally able to remove the bone, which by that time was already pressing on my ears and brains 🙂
As a result, a very important day for us went wonderfully. I regretted only one thing - that we did not call a professional photographer. Don't repeat this mistake!"

December 13, 2012marrymerustemUseful

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This article will focus on such a rite (tradition) as nikah, which among the Tatars and Bashkirs, in general, among Muslims, in fact, plays the same role as the wedding among Russians. The Islamic wedding ceremony is called nikah rite union of lovers by marital ties. It is typical not only for Tatar weddings, it is celebrated by residents of Dagestan, Kazakhstan, India and Arab countries that profess Islam.

Muslim wedding traditions

nikah tradition provides for four conditions, having fulfilled which, lovers can be united in the sacred bonds of marriage. First, any male relative of the bride must be present at the ceremony. The second condition is the presence of witnesses - Muslim men, one each from the side of the bride and groom.

Third condition: rite of passage nikah can only be carried out after the groom pays the ransom due for the bride - dowry. Modern kalym, as a rule, is purely symbolic, and is rather paid as a tribute to traditions. And, finally, the most important condition is the desire of the newlyweds to marry and live a family life. Official notice of marriage is not required, after marriage, young people receive a certificate, and in many countries it is an official marriage document.

Nikah, tradition which comes from antiquity, today has undergone many changes. Some of his customs were borrowed by other countries. This is, for example, the well-known custom of bride kidnapping.

Rite of nikah among Muslims (Tatars, Bashkirs): traditions and customs

In the old days, a young man kidnapped a girl from home only when there was no hope of her or her parents' voluntary consent to marriage. After the kidnapping, the girl was considered dishonored, and only a wedding could wash away the shame from her and her family. So the parents had no choice but to give a blessing for the marriage. However, they could require the bridegroom to pay a kalym twice as much as the traditional one.

According to the Qur'an, in order to conclude a sacred marriage union and obtain the girl's voluntary consent to the wedding, a young man in love with her had to first explain his feelings for the girl, being with her in a public place, and only then inform her family about her intentions to enter into a legal marriage .

Matchmaking as part of tradition

Nikah of the Tatars usually preceded by matchmaking, during which the groom's relatives propose to the bride's relatives and discuss the terms of the future marriage together. Before the nikah, the groom is not allowed to be alone with the bride. Nikah is often held at the end of autumn, after the completion of agricultural work. The bride and groom prepare each other rich gifts on nicknames. From the side of the bride, as a rule, these are handicrafts, from the side of the groom - various decorations and other symbols of his prosperity. gifts for nikah among the Bashkirs consisted of horses and cattle. The groom gave one of the horses to the bride's father, and the bride herself could dispose of the rest of the herd. Most were usually slaughtered for wedding feasts. When the groom paid the dowry, the bride's father gave a rich dowry, which could be even larger than the dowry.

One custom is interesting, which is carried out on Muslim nikah. The act of transferring the groom's wedding gift to the bride is registered in the marriage document. Usually this is an expensive gold jewelry that the bride wears and can sell in case of financial difficulties, providing for herself.

Compliance with the traditions of nikah still plays a huge role in concluding a marital union. Violation of any custom can even lead to divorce. The ceremony can be held both at home and in the mosque. The mullah recites certain suras of the Koran to the young, giving them instructions for their future life together. Then the holiday begins in the groom's house - tui, which could last two or three days.

On our wedding portal, you will find information about why a wedding ring is dreamed of in a dream, what documents to change when changing a surname, and also here you can find wedding congratulations in prose and much more.

The tradition of holding nikah on the territory of our country is observed by Muslims with an enviable, as they say, constancy, in different historical periods. Most often, holding nikah these days is more a tribute to tradition than following the internal laws of faith. Although the latter is also common.

How to do nikah

For nikah you will need:

  • Witnesses: two men or one man and two women.
  • Skullcaps for all the men present (unless they suddenly have their own skullcaps), headscarves for women.
  • Change money - "for sadak."

Nikah is a Muslim marriage ceremony, which can be compared with the wedding ceremony adopted by Christians. Traditionally, nikah is performed by relatives in the bride's house, with the help of her relatives. Although now there is a tendency to conduct nikah in the mosque, but still in most cases the mullah or imam is invited home.

When you choose the date for the ceremony, keep in mind that nikah is not read during the Muslim fast - “uraz”.

Keep in mind that while reading the nikah prayer, the bride and groom will also need to say a special prayer. And if you do not know the words of the prayer, you need to ask the mullah for them on the day when you agree with him on the date of the nikah. Learn them ahead of time.

To participate in the nikah ritual, invite witnesses (also Muslims); two men or one man and two women. Of the guests, basically, let only the closest relatives be present.

During the ceremony, everyone must be dressed appropriately. Men cover their heads with skullcaps. Women in kerchiefs and dresses covering the legs to the calves and arms to the wrists. Ideally, the bride should wear a hijab.

Alcoholic drinks are not allowed on the festive table. There is a certain set of traditional dishes that must be put on the table when making nikah.

How to conduct a "nikah" - a Muslim wedding

This is a soup with homemade noodles, which is served as a first course. On the second - boiled meat with potatoes and dressing of fried onions and carrots. And also belish - this is the name of a pie stuffed with meat and potatoes. Tatar cuisine is famous for its dough dishes, and therefore, a variety of pastries must be present on the festive table for nikah. This is Gubadiya - a pie with rice, raisins, dried apricots and boiled sweet cottage cheese. Also put on the table the attributes of the festive wedding table - chak-chak, triangles (patties with potatoes and meat) and honey.

From the side of the groom there should be a present in the form of two baked stuffed geese, one of which is cut up by the groom's father during the meal, and the second is taken away by the groom's relatives, according to custom. A pair of geese symbolizes a newly formed married couple.

At the table, all guests must be seated in a special order, the mullah at the head of the table. A welcome prayer is read. Before reading the main prayer, the mullah asks the bride and groom, witnesses and relatives about the presence or absence of circumstances that may prevent marriage. Then, according to tradition, he explains to the bride and groom what nikah is, what obligations he imposes on those who are combined with this ceremony. Next comes the main prayer. During the prayer, the mullah asks the bride and groom for their mutual consent, which they must confirm by repeating the prayer three times.

Then the mullah asks the groom for the so-called "mahr", simply saying a gift to the bride. Traditionally, some kind of gold jewelry acts as mahr, so get ready for this, get it ahead of time.

Before the end of the prayer, all those present should stand up and give each other “sadaqah”. So in the Islamic tradition is called a donation in honor of the Almighty. Usually it is money from 10 to 100 rubles. Pass the money folded in four, covering it with the palm of your hand.

After the completion of the prayer, the mullah gives parting words to the newlyweds and tells how they should behave in marriage. Followed by congratulations and wishes from the guests.

When the solemn ceremony comes to an end, you can proceed to the festive meal.

How to spend nikah in Ufa

If the traditions associated with the state registration of marriage are sometimes treated freely by couples, then with religious rites everything is more serious. Karina is perfectly familiar with the peculiarities of preparing for "civil" weddings: she helps brides decorate the holiday, creates cute wedding accessories. But they were connected with Ruslan by a beautiful Muslim ritual. Karina told Marry Me, Rustem! about all the subtleties and meanings of nikah.
“Nikah is a Muslim marriage. For us, nikah is a confession before Allah that we love each other and want to live together. This is something so personal, intimate, very sincere and full of love.
When Ruslan made an amazingly romantic proposal to me on 11/11/2011, I jumped for happiness, hugged, kissed, jumped again, was delighted and ... I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to do anything. There was a month left, because we wanted to have time to hold nikah in 2011. Had:
1) choose a mosque, set a date;
2) choose a mahr - a gift for the bride;
3) buy an outfit, beautiful and unusual;
4) warn guests from the three republics;
5) buy gifts for relatives;
6) prepare a treat;
7) and most importantly, to find out what are the traditions, customs and regulations associated with a Muslim wedding.
The image of the bride
It should be a traditional white Muslim outfit - a floor-length dress, a headscarf. Beautiful earrings, bright makeup and a bouquet of white flowers with a dark green satin ribbon should have added dynamism and emphasized individuality.
I looked for everything I needed in shops at mosques, for example, in Muslim clothing stores. I measured almost everything, I didn’t like anything - it was too simple and unpresentable. I found a department where the girls themselves sew dresses. Tried one and fell in love. Bonnet was sewn for him - a special headdress made of white satin with ties. There I bought some beautiful pins with rhinestones to fasten the bonnet on my head.
If you choose not a Bonnet, but just a scarf, you will also need a small hat under it so that the scarf does not slip. And you will need a professional who can beautifully tie it on the day of nikah. I lived far away from professionals, so ready-made bonnet was perfect for me. After a few workouts, I could drape all the folds on my own.
Try to choose a comfortable dress and tie a scarf not tight. Unaccustomed to the mosque, you may feel dizzy from excitement and pressure on your head. That's how it was for me 🙂
It is not necessary to purchase specifically Muslim clothing. In principle, a long evening dress is suitable, as long as it covers the legs. Hands will cover the bolero in color. The scarf will cover your neck. But don't buy a tight dress, especially if you're curvaceous! In the mosque it looks very vulgar, ugly, sometimes even funny.
A skirt and blouse is not the best option. There is a chance that the guests will look better than you.
In extreme cases, the dress can be made to order. Sew a scarf or bonnet from the same fabric.
Don't think you won't look attractive in a fully covered outfit! There are many ways to tie a scarf, designed for any type of face. A dress can hide figure flaws. Play with color, style, accessories, jewelry - bracelets and rings are not forbidden!

Nikah can be held either in the bride's house or in the mosque.
If you spend nikah at home, it is enough to choose a hazrat (preferably on the advice of friends), agree on a date with him.

Nikah: how to get married

He does not ask for money. How much you give yourself - so much will take (I advise at least 1000 rubles). It is also advisable to bring and take it away at your own expense.
The ceremony takes place at a laid table, then the guests eat, thank the hazrat, give gifts and he leaves.
By the way, advice for non-Muslim guests or those in the tank: when the hazrat reads prayers and everyone folds their hands and looks at them - do the same! Think about the good, about your dreams and desires, at the end say “Allah akbar” (“Allah is great”) and run your palms over your face as if you were washing your face. This means that you are asking for grace from the Almighty and, expecting grace to be sent down in the palm of your hand, pass it over your face.
If you want to have a really wedding-wedding, choose a mosque. We decided to hold our nikah in the most beautiful, in our opinion, mosque of the city - Lyalya-Tulpan.
The groom, bride or parents should go to the mosque, where the hazrat will write them down in a journal and give them a questionnaire to be filled out and brought on the day of nikah (along with their passports).
When we set the date (it was winter), there were a lot of free days.

Whom to call?
Usually, only close relatives are called on nicknames: parents, brothers, sisters, and always grandparents. They are like sensei, the guardians of your family values ​​- the most important guests. My nenechka, for example, read prayers herself, blessed our union.
It is not customary to call friends, but you can. The hall in Lyalya-Tulpan allows you to gather about 100 people.
One of our good friends could not miss this event and came to the mosque of his own free will. We were very happy with this surprise. The rest of my friends came to the feast at my house.
Immediately warn all your guests that you need to dress modestly in the mosque. The men are in skullcaps. Women's clothing should cover their knees, arms, neck. On the head is a scarf. Make-up is allowed, jewelry can be worn, a scarf and outfit can be bright, with embroidery or a pattern.

How is the ceremony
Hazrat advises to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the ceremony: you will need to give him the completed application form and passports. In the same place, you will name the names and surnames of the witnesses - two men each from the side of the bride and groom. It can be a father, brother, uncle. Although sometimes women are also recorded.
Having done all this, we waited for our turn, went into the hall. At the entrance you need to take off your shoes or put on free shoe covers.
Hazrat read prayers in Arabic and translated into Russian, since many Tatars do not know very well, including me.
And here I regretted that we did not record the ceremony on video. Hazrat said such important things for the future life that were worth remembering. About family, about life, about Allah. For example, that the duty of a wife is to take care of her husband and raise children, and she can not work at all 🙂
In order to be declared husband and wife, we had to convert to Islam, saying in Arabic the words: “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet” - “La Illah il Allahu wa Muhammad rasuli Allah.”
It's good that I assumed such a development of events, having read about it on one Ufa forum, and learned this phrase a little! Nevertheless, when hazrat asked me to say it out loud, I was, to put it mildly, at a loss. My lover said everything without hesitation and then helped me and everything went well 🙂 Thank you Allah for my wonderful husband! At that moment, I was very proud of him.

Then the hazrat asked the groom to give the mahr - a gift to the bride. It can be different precious jewelry. The bride can ask for something specific in advance. I wanted a ring 🙂 The groom gave me a beautiful gold ring with blue topaz and cubic zirkonia, and the hazrat asked if I was satisfied with such a gift. I, knowing in advance about this chip, said: yes, I don’t need anything else. In general, the bride has the right to say: no, I want more earrings with diamonds. And the groom will be obliged to buy.
Then we were handed a beautiful green little book - a certificate of marriage. In some testimonies there is even a line “Mahr”, where they enter a list of gifts given to the bride and those that the groom still has to buy.
Then parents and other relatives can give khair to hazrat and newlyweds. This is not required, but encouraged. Usually hazrat is given 500-1000 rubles.
The entire ceremony takes exactly half an hour.

My new relatives and fiancé were supposed to arrive in Ufa the day before nikah from Tatarstan and from the north. Our parents didn't know each other then. In such a situation, God himself ordered to exchange gifts between families. For men - shirts, skullcaps, for women - large beautiful scarves. We have specified sizes and colors in advance. Plus, my future relatives brought a traditional baursak for the bride, which was presented on a chic tray. Well, and kushtanashch (goodies), of course - pies, fruits, etc.
After nikah, we walked around the city, and then everyone went to my house together, and a spiritual feast began.
If nikah passes at home, alcohol should not be drunk. Only later, when the hazrat leaves. That's what people say. But my husband and I decided not to drink even after nikah. This is how you grew spiritually 🙂
Prepare traditional, simple dishes. No shrimp with cream sauce and mushroom tartlets. We had pies, chak-chak, fruits on the table, noodle soup for the main course, boiled meat and vegetables for the main course. The table was covered almost completely by my guardian angels - my brother's wife's wife. Thank them very much!
A little later, I was finally able to remove the bone, which by that time was already pressing on my ears and brains 🙂
As a result, a very important day for us went wonderfully. I regretted only one thing - that we did not call a professional photographer. Don't repeat this mistake!"

The Muslim rite of marriage (nikah) consists of several parts.

1. Marriage sermon.

The marriage sermon is read by the imam of the mosque (or mufti, qadi), who leads the marriage ceremony. Although the sermon can be read by the groom himself, it is advisable, based on the prevailing conditions in Russia and the modern world in general, that the sermon, like the marriage ceremony itself, be conducted by a person with a religious education.

The absence of a marriage sermon does not affect the correctness of the canonical registration of marriage, but somewhat violates its completeness and completeness.

The sermon begins with the praise of the Lord, uttering the shahada (evidence of faith in the One God and the prophetic mission of His messenger Muhammad), salavat (asking for blessings for the prophet Muhammad) and reading an ayat calling for fear of God.

Sample marriage sermon sequence:

Introductory speech: “Al-hamdu lil-layahi nahmeduhu wa nasta‘inuh, wa na‘uuzu bill-layahi min shuruuri anfusina va sayiaati a‘maalina. Man yahdikhil-lyahu failing mudilla lyakh, wa man yudlil failing haadiya lyakh. Wa ashhedu alla ilahe illa llahu wa anna muhammaden ‘abduhu wa rasuuluhu.

The Supreme Creator in the final Scripture addresses us:

“O people, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul [from one beginning] and from it a couple [the human race went, according to the will of the Most High, starting with the creation of Adam and Eve]. And from them (Adam and Eve) He scattered [across the earth] many men and women” (see).

“Marry unmarried women and marry unmarried men who are ready [morally, spiritually, psychologically, physically and financially] for marriage” (see).

With a certain degree of certainty, we can say that the full value of family life, including the worthy upbringing of children in the spirit of Islamic tradition, will depend to a certain extent on religious literacy and the commitment of a husband and wife. And it is precisely when creating such a full-fledged family that it will be possible to avoid various misunderstandings and strife.

The Messenger of the Lord Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

- “To whom Allah (God, Lord) will give the opportunity to find a pious life partner [educated and well-behaved], he will help in half of his religiosity [will make life easier for a person by 50%, including in its spiritual, religious component]. But let him be afraid of God in the second half [circumstances and situations where the family cannot help, where a man will be obliged to show willpower, fortitude of character, fidelity to his wife, piety] ”;

Concluding the sermon, it is necessary to summarize what has been said, emphasizing the need to manifest a sense of fear of God, fidelity to each other, mutual respect and adherence to religious practice in the family.

2. Du‘a (prayer) for unity and future comprehensive well-being of the family.

Abu Hurairah reports: “When the Prophet Muhammad congratulated the newlyweds, he said: “Baarakyal-laahu lak, wa baarakyal-laahu ‘alayk, wa jama’a baynakumaa fii khair.”


“May Allah (God, Lord) send you God’s grace in everything (give you His blessing) and unite you in good” .

“Allaahumma, ij’al haazen-nikyayakhe maimuunan mubaarakya. Wa allif bainehumaa kyamaa allafte beine eedeme wa hawva, wa allif bainehumaa kyamaa allafte beine muhammadin wa hadijatel-kubra. Allahumma, hab lyakhum avlyayadan saalikhiin, varizkan vaasi‘an wa ‘umran tavylya. Allahumma, baariq fiyhim va baariq ‘alaihim va baariq fi kulli tasarrufaatihim wa a’maalikhim va amvaalihim, ente ‘alaya kulli shayin qadiir.”


“O Supreme! Make this marriage happy and blessed. Unite their hearts, as united the hearts of Adam and Eve, the Prophet Muhammad and his wife Khadija. Lord, grant them pious, well-behaved children, an abundance of good things and a long life. Oh my God! Send them divine grace in everything. Give Your blessing in their deeds, wealth. After all, You are able to do whatever You want!”

3. Holding the wedding on Friday before sunset.

The marriage ceremony can be held between the third prayer (‘Asr) and the fourth (Maghrib). The hadeeth says: “Perform the marriage in the evening! Indeed, this is better for barakat (grace)."

As for Friday, this day of the week is festive and blessed, moreover, it has an hour when all prayers (du'a) are accepted.

4. Mention of a wedding gift (mahr).

It is highly desirable to stipulate a wedding gift during the marriage, and not only the fact of its presence, but also its specific content. It is advisable for the groom to give the bride a wedding gift (mahr) immediately, without postponing to a later date. The size of the mahr can be fixed in the marriage certificate, which is issued by the registering person (imam, qadi, mufti).

5. Inviting guests to the wedding.

When the Messenger of the Lord Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) learned that ‘Abdurahman ibn ‘Awf was married, he said: “Arrange a wedding feast [by slaughtering] at least one ram.” B O Most of the theologians believe that the wedding treat is an obligatory sunnah (sunnah of muakkyada), that is, it is highly encouraged, and some scholars, for example, imams ash-Shafi‘i and Malik, insisted on its necessity (wajib).

Those invited to the wedding should remember what the hadith says:

- “If one of you is invited to a wedding celebration, then let him come by all means”;

- “If one of you is invited to a wedding celebration, then let him answer [by coming]”;

- “If one of you is invited to a treat, then let him answer it [by coming]. If he wants to, he will eat; if he doesn’t want to, he won’t eat.”

However, all scholars emphasize that if the wedding is clearly forbidden (drinking alcohol), and the invitee cannot change this order, then his presence at the celebration is unacceptable. This opinion is based on the words of Ibn ‘Umar cited in the set of hadiths by Abu Dawud that “the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) forbade sitting at a table at which they drink alcohol (alcohol)”. In the realities of our time, if a believer is faced with a similar situation, when one of the spouses is his close relative, he should still come to the event, generously congratulate him on such a significant event and quietly leave the feast. Islam attaches great importance to the preservation and development of family relations.

6. Reading a prayer.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If one of you marries, then let him say: “Allaahumma inni as'elukya hairahaa wa haira maa jabaltahaa 'alaihi wa a'uuzu bikya min sharrihaa wa sharri maa jabaltahaa 'alaihi » .


“Lord, I ask You for the good of her [bride] and the best of what You created her for [may it be manifested in our family life together]. And I ask You for protection from her evil and the evil [perhaps] laid down during her creation [let this not harm the happiness of our family life with her].”

Prayers with this kind of meaning in any language can be spoken by a girl regarding her fiancé.

Answers to questions on the topic

Can a mullah refuse to conduct nikah if he believes that people have no intention of starting a family? In one of the mosques, I saw how a man came with a Russian girl, a non-Muslim, and asked them to marry. The mullah wanted to explain something to them about Islam, but this guy interrupted him rudely and said that she was Russian and she didn’t care. Then the mullah began to talk about the duties and rights of the spouses, and this guy said that the mullah would quickly read nikah, and they would sort it out themselves. Oh Lord, I was struck by the calmness and patience of this mullah, who did not object and simply read nikah! But on the other hand, it is clear that people came simply to legalize zina (cohabitation). Aisha.

Of course, the imam may refuse to perform nikah if there are appropriate reasons, such as those mentioned by you.

When is the best time to get married (nikah)?

There is no such time of day, day or month in the year when it would be forbidden to hold a marriage. Nikah is one of the very responsible and laudable events before the Almighty, which is not limited by time frames. If you have seriously decided to become a husband and wife, if there is a parental blessing and other necessary conditions for marriage, then do not postpone this matter for a long time.

In Ramadan, I am going to register my relationship with a person in the registry office and get married in a Muslim marriage. Is it allowed to do this in the month of Ramadan?

You can get married in Ramadan.

I recently converted to Islam and I am wondering: is there a ban or undesirability of making nikah in the holy months?

“Allah (God, Lord) made the Kaaba, the Sacred House, a support for people [support in acquiring earthly and eternal blessings]. And also sacred months[Zul-qa‘da, Zul-hija, al-Muharram and Rajab], and a sacrificial animal [whose meat is distributed to the poor and indigent during the pilgrimage], and decorations [with which people marked these animals to distinguish them from ordinary ones]. [The Lord laid the good in all this.] "(). The Almighty laid down in the sacred months precisely the good, and not the prohibition or undesirability. Therefore, there are no problems with marriage at this time.

Four years ago I got married. My husband married me in a Muslim way: they slaughtered a ram, there were about one hundred and fifty guests, mullah. We call it khatmi-kuron. They announced it was a wedding. He gave me a lot of gold jewelry, everything is as it should be. Now we have complete mutual understanding in our family, we love each other, a daughter was recently born. But we didn't have a nikah. The husband believes that this is not necessary and that nikah is needed so that there are simply witnesses, and we had as many as one hundred and fifty people. I can’t convince him and make nikah. What do i do? Aishat, 32 years old.

Your husband is right. The event you described, with the presence of the mullah, guests-witnesses and your consent to marriage, was nikah. You have thus combined nikah and wedding, having arranged a grandiose event.

Does the bride have the right to attend the wedding ceremony?

She not only has such a right, she must be there and publicly announce her consent to marriage.

I note that some peoples have a tradition to limit the presence of the bride at the wedding ceremony itself, instead of her there is a trustee. This does not apply to the canons of Islam.

No, it won't work. Do not ignore the mother, especially in such important matters.

We decided to hold nikah, but, unfortunately, we don’t know how. My future husband is Russian. He was determined to become a Muslim. We really want to conduct a Muslim wedding ceremony, but the groom does not understand Tatar. His parents are Christians and also want to be present. I was raised by my mother. There is no father who would give me in marriage. Who should attend nikah? What to do? How can we be? Muslim.

1. There is no need to conduct nikah in the Tatar language. Let it be carried out on the one that everyone understands.

2. There is no problem with your fiancé becoming a Muslim.

3. As for the guardian who would give in marriage, one of the following relatives can act in this role: father, grandfather, siblings, nephews, paternal uncles, paternal cousins. In extreme cases, a local state or religious figure can act as a guardian (this is mentioned in the hadith).

4. Then register the marriage in state bodies - the registry office.

I have a girlfriend, I don't want to sin. Therefore, I ask you: is it possible to confine oneself to marriage in the mosque, and celebrate later? Islam.

Yes, of course, but only with the presence of your parents and witnesses. In parallel with this process (nikahom), sign up at the registry office for the official registration of your marriage. And as for the numerous guests and delicious treats, this is when you want.

My question is about Islamic marriage. In this case, marriage with a Christian. What conditions must be met and how will the ceremony take place in this case? Irazkhan.

There are no special conditions. It is desirable that the marriage sermon be not so much lengthy as understandable and useful for the bride.

Is it possible for Christian relatives to be present at nikah?

Yes, sure.

I have heard that it is necessary to re-read nikah (repeat the marriage procedure) almost after every long separation of a husband and wife.

When I was married, the mullah mixed up my father's name. Is my marriage valid? Do I need to re-read nikah?

1. Such a tradition is found here and there. It has no canonical justification in Islam.

2. If he turned specifically to you, and you yourself spoke out your consent to marriage, then you do not need to reread anything.

I had a nikah two weeks ago. My fiancé and I found a mullah from the street. The nikah was attended by me, my fiancé, my sister, a mullah and two male witnesses, all Muslims. I didn't have a guardian because my father died and my brother was only 7 years old.

Mulla didn't even ask if I had a guardian. And during the ceremony he did not ask either my name or consent. The same goes for the groom. I read it in Tajik, which my sister and I do not understand. If the mullah assumed the responsibility of a guardian and did not inform me or the groom about it, is such a nikah considered valid? Are we married?

Don't know. Somehow everything is not very serious, childish. Marriage is not a sandbox game, but an important once-in-a-lifetime event. Is it possible to treat him so lightly?!

1. Is it possible to conclude nikah away from home and without witnesses? At the moment we are away from home, that is, there is no way to invite friends or relatives.

2. I was also told that after nikah you should immediately have an intimate relationship with your wife, otherwise nikah will be cancelled. Is it so? Danis, 23 years old.

1. Without witnesses, your nikah will be invalid. In addition, the presence of a guardian on the part of the bride is necessary, and better - both yours and her parents, mother and father!

2. You have been misinformed. Nikah in this case is not canceled, even if there is no intimate relationship for a month or two. Only a full-fledged divorce can annul nikah.

1. My husband and I were read nikah, neither his parents nor mine knew about it. But later I told my mother, and she has nothing against our marriage. Is our nikah considered valid?

2. My parents did not make nikah at all, are they considered husband and wife before Allah? Amina, 18 years old.

1. Your nikah (marriage) is valid if all its conditions have been met, but it is somehow strange that at the age of 18 you did not notify your parents in advance about such an important event, did not consult with them and did not invite them to the wedding. Very strange.

2. If their relationship is registered in the registry office and all the conditions of marriage were initially present, then they are considered husband and wife before God.

My husband and I got married through the registry office, and six months later we converted to Islam. Do we need to read nikah?

There is no canonical necessity, there is no obligation for this in your case. And the rest - at your discretion.

A friend of mine recently began to pray. He is married. As far as I know, the marriage is officially registered in the registry office. Wife is non-Muslim. Do they have to read nikah now?

Not necessarily, it is enough that the marriage is registered in the registry office.

Me and my future husband are Muslims. I was already married and widowed. My father died and I have no male relatives, with the exception of my five-year-old son. Can I take my future husband's brother as a guarantor? And how is the nikah ritual performed in an Arab mosque? Alfiya.

As a widow, you can decide for yourself who you marry, the presence of a guardian in your case is an optional condition.

Traditions may be different, but the main points were previously outlined.

For the wedding, my wife and I went to the spiritual leader of a small mosque, but due to our youth, we did not pay attention to whether the rite of nikah was complete or not. I consulted after, and I was told that one of the conditions for accepting nikah is drinking water, but we did not drink water. Can we go to the Central Mosque and do nikah again just to be sure? Elvir.

Drinking water is not a condition of nikah. The main thing is that you intended to become husband and wife for the rest of your life, had two witnesses, the consent of the bride's guardian and voiced your consent to marriage.

Dear Shamil, please tell me if the marriage was registered correctly. For both the girl and the young man, this marriage was the first. The marriage was registered at home by the mullah. The mullah with a ransom (in cash) came to the girl's parents' house along with several men and women, relatives of the groom. He went into the bride’s room (there was an adult woman with her), read “al-Fatiha”, asked the bride to repeat after him a few verses from the Koran and du’a. Asked if she gave permission to her father to act on her behalf. The girl agreed. Then the mullah went into another room to the girl's father, asked him to repeat a few verses after him and asked permission for his daughter's marriage to such and such. The girl was taken from her parents' house. Upon arrival at the restaurant where the wedding took place, the mullah got into the car with the groom, read a short sermon to him and asked him if he wanted to marry such and such, the daughter of such and such. The groom agreed.

The description of nikah given by you differs from that described by me. Clarify please. Maybe nikah should be repeated?! Amin.

There is no need to repeat Nikah. The only thing is that it is better to register the marriage in the registry office.

If there was mutual (groom and bride) consent to marriage, then in your case everything is in order. The basic conditions of a Muslim marriage are met, judging by what you described, they are simply denounced in places as national rites, which in no way violates the validity of the marriage.

I also note that there is no such thing as “bride price” in Islam. Giving gifts to her parents is a tradition, but giving a valuable gift directly to the bride is an important condition, as stated in the Qur'an:

“Give your brides (your wives) a wedding gift as a free gift” (see).

I am now away from home and from my parents. I found a Muslim girl for myself and I want to marry her. Is it possible to perform the nikah ceremony with the same girl twice: once - here, and the second - in your homeland. Beck.

Three months ago, I met a man who immediately offered me to read nikah. A week later, we read nikah at his house, inviting a person who could read it. Is all this considered valid, because after a while he told me that he was leaving me.

He is an adult, he is 44 years old. I always thought grown men wouldn't hurt a woman. Now I am in disarray, all relatives know that I married him, and then such a sharp turn of events. Am I Shariah His Wife? Will God punish him for this? Sadiya, 37 years old.

I advise you to remember how it all happened.

1. I hope he gave you a valuable wedding gift (mahr).

“Give your brides (your wives) a wedding gift as a free gift!” (cm. ).

In Islam, there is the concept of mahr - a wedding gift given to the bride during the marriage or after. It must be valuable, expensive. It is important to note that at the time of the marriage, the name of the gift and its value must be agreed upon in front of witnesses. This gift does not symbolize the "acquisition of a wife", it is only a free gift from the groom to the bride. The size of the mahr can reach one cantar (approximately 44.928 kg) in gold, as mentioned in the Holy Quran.

2. Marriage (nikah) is best done in the presence of a large number of relatives from the side of the bride and groom. The minimum for witnessing is two men or a man and two women.

3. The presence of the bride's guardian (for example, father or brother) is important.

4. For the validity of marriage from the point of view of Muslim canons, the spouses must have the intention to become husband and wife for the rest of their lives. Deliberate temporality violates its reality.

The mentioned canonical requirements, as well as individual folk traditions, contribute, among other things, to the awakening of a deep sense of responsibility in the spouses. And ignoring the canonical requirements and certain traditions is more like entering into a temporary union for the purpose of animal satisfaction of the flesh without any obligations.

Concerning " he is an adult, he is 44 years old”, then I remind you that no matter how old a person is, he remains a person, and the Koran says:

“Man [is] created weak. [It is difficult for him to resist the satanic calls to sin, to resist the temptations and passions of his soul, but there are many other human qualities that contribute to personal growth and self-improvement. To resuscitate them, awaken them and revive them, purposeful constant efforts and strict self-discipline are required from a person.] ”(see).

Sometimes sin does not seem so sinful, it is justified and individually interpreted. For example, one American serial killer, when he was caught after many years of searching, sincerely claimed that he had a "very good heart." Although, in order to deprive a person of his life, it was enough for him to meet a not very friendly look or hear a remark that he did not like in his address. You should not be surprised at someone’s meanness, but you should take into account, cut yourself on the nose, that religious canons (with their correct, objective and competent interpretation) and individual traditions help us live if we try to understand their essence and put into practice.

But regarding " will punish The Quran clearly states:

“[Whether you like it or not] but whoever does evil will certainly be rewarded for it [by appropriate punishment, which can take various forms: illness, financial loss, difficulties, difficulties, sadness, etc., and at any time and anywhere]. And he will not find for himself a patron and helper besides Allah (God, Lord) ”().

Whether people want it or not, this is a pattern established by the Creator in our universe. Evil will return like a boomerang, if not in this life, then on Judgment Day, in eternity.

My future husband and I planned nikah for mid-August. The problem is that my regulars fall just in the middle of the month. Of course, I know a way to move the period of regulation (with the help of oral contraceptives), although I have never tried it yet. Is this allowed? Or should I notify the future husband that there will be no intimate relations on the wedding night? I know that we can spend nikah despite this, but I would like to become a full-fledged wife. Olesya, 28 years old.

I do not advise you to artificially move the term of the regulation. If it matches, wait.

See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 9. S. 6616–6618.

Of course, the presence of religiosity and piety in each of the spouses does not exclude the possibility of misunderstanding and contention. And sometimes, unfortunately, divorces.

Hadith from Anas; St. X. al-Hakim. See, for example: as-Suyuty. J. Al-jami‘ as-sagyr. S. 527, Hadith No. 8704, Sahih.

With the onset of puberty, a person becomes responsible before God for his words and deeds - on the Day of Judgment he must answer for them.

This implies, among other things, a leader of any rank - the quality and effectiveness of his activities, the organization of the work of the team and relations with subordinates.

Hadith from Ibn ‘Umar; St. X. Ahmad, al-Bukhari, Muslim, etc. See, for example: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-bukhari [Code of Hadith of Imam al-Bukhari]. In 5 vols. Beirut: al-Maqtaba al-‘asriyya, 1997. T. 3. S. 1667, hadith No. 5188; al-Suyuty J. Al-jami ‘as-sagyr. S. 396, Hadith No. 6370, Sahih.

See, for example: Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Collection of Hadith of Abu Dawud]. Riyadh: al-Afkyar ad-davliya, 1999. S. 242, hadith no. 2130, "sahih".

Hadith from Abu Hurairah; St. X. Abu Hafsa. See, for example: az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 9. S. 6618.

Depending on the circumstances, nikah can be held on any other day. There are no rigid canonical frameworks and categorical requirements in this regard.

Hadith from Anas; St. X. al-Bukhari and Muslim. See, for example: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-bukhari [Code of Hadith of Imam al-Bukhari]. In 5 vols. Beirut: al-Maqtaba al-‘asriyya, 1997. T. 3. S. 1659, hadith No. 5153.

See, for example: az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 9. S. 6619.

Hadith from Ibn ‘Umar; St. X. al-Bukhari and Muslim. See, for example: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-bukhari [Code of Hadith of Imam al-Bukhari]. In 5 vols. Beirut: al-Maktaba al-‘asriyya, 1997. Vol. 3. S. 1664, hadith No. 5173; al-Naisaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadith of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkyar ad-davliya, 1998. S. 566, hadith No. 96–(1429).

Hadith from Ibn ‘Umar; St. X. al-Bukhari and Muslim. See, for example: al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-bukhari [Code of Hadith of Imam al-Bukhari]. In 5 vols. Beirut: al-Maqtaba al-‘asriyya, 1997. Vol. 3. S. 1665, hadith No. 5179; al-Naisaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadith of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkyar ad-davliya, 1998. S. 566, hadith No. 97–(1429).

Hadith from Jabir; St. X. Ahmad, Muslim, Abu Dawud and Ibn Maja. See, for example: an-Naisaburi M. Sahih Muslim [Code of Hadith of Imam Muslim]. Riyadh: al-Afkyar ad-davliya, 1998. S. 567, hadith No. 105–(1430); ash-Shawkyani M. Neyl al-avtar. T. 6. S. 188, Hadith No. 2741.

See: Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Collection of Hadith of Abu Dawud]. Riyadh: al-Afkyar ad-davliya, 1999, p. 416, hadith no. 3774, "sahih"; as-Suyuty. J. Al-jami‘ as-sagyr. S. 558, hadith no. 9343, "sahih"; al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 9. S. 6621.

See, for example: Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Collection of Hadith of Abu Dawud]. Riyadh: al-Afkyar ad-davliya, 1999. S. 245, hadith No. 2160, "hasan".

The people of Tatarstan, settled throughout Russia, are a nation with a rich culture and historical heritage. Language differences, national rituals, created over many centuries, leave a certain imprint on the way of life of every Tatar. The uniqueness of the nation is clearly manifested in the wedding traditions that are being revived today. A Tatar wedding is the most important event in the life of a future Muslim family. The rich national customs of the ancient people make such a holiday truly original and interesting.

Preparing for the celebration

Preparations for the Tatar celebration begin long before the official date of the wedding. Prior to the marriage, with the blessing of the mullah, matchmaking and conspiracy between the parents of the future newlyweds takes place. Young people do not take part in negotiations. The matchmaking process is divided into three stages:

  • bride's show,
  • groom story,
  • negotiations between the parties.

The representatives of the newlywed are the matchmaker (Yauchi) plus one older relative. If the first two stages of matchmaking were successful, then at the last stage, the groom's parents join them. During the final wedding negotiations, the parties discuss the material and other aspects of the life of the new Tatar family: the future of the place of residence of the newlyweds, the obligations of the parties to purchase furnishings for the young, the income of the groom, the volume and composition of the kalym for the bride, and other issues.

Traditionally, the ransom must be paid before or on the day of the wedding in full. The kalym may include gold jewelry, sets of winter and summer clothes, bed linen, dishes, a certain amount of money. The wedding dowry of the bride during the conspiracy is not discussed. If the parties come to an agreement, then the newlyweds are informed about the positive outcome of the negotiations, the engagement date is set. Then the discussion of the Tatar wedding celebration begins, which includes:

  • The Nikah wedding ceremony is a Muslim marriage that takes place in a mosque or in the bride's house. Consists of prayers, reading the Koran, spiritual parting words and instructions. Marriage sacred vows are given either by the newlyweds themselves or by their representatives.
  • Registration of marriage in the registry office, which legally seals the family union. The application is submitted on the day of the engagement, after which the bride is considered a betrothed girl (yarashkәn kyz).
  • Tatar wedding (Tui) is a holiday that lasts for many days, first in the bride's house, then in the groom's house. In the modern version, a wedding celebration can be held for several days in the banquet hall of the restaurant.

If the bride and groom are well acquainted, the parents on both sides and the participants agree to the wedding, then the agreement and engagement are carried out within one day. A festive table is laid in the bride's house. Parents of the future spouses discuss the terms of marriage, exchange gifts. After the completion of the transaction and the engagement, they begin to prepare for the Tatar wedding celebration.

The preparation of a Tatar holiday event takes an average of 3 to 5 weeks. The groom collects and pays the dowry in parts, buys gifts for the bride, her parents and close relatives for the wedding. The newlywed completes the preparation of the dowry, which she began preparing as a teenager. Parents, close relatives on both sides are busy organizing a wedding celebration.

Decoration of the venue

The Tatar wedding is celebrated for many days. The decoration of the venue for the celebration depends on the taste, desire, religious preferences of the groom, bride and their parents. Popular as standard wedding decorations, for example, balloons, garlands and complex flower arrangements, as well as national decor: embroidered tablecloths, dishes with Tatar patterns, small pillows with ornaments. Particularly religious couples decorate their wedding premises with elements with spiritual instructions, parting words in family life from the Koran.

Musical accompaniment

The musical accompaniment of the Tatar wedding celebration is selected in accordance with the format of the event, tastes, preferences of the newlyweds and relatives. Musical compositions by modern performers in Tatar and Russian are popular. Both melodic and incendiary folk songs are widely used, as well as eternal musical wedding symbols, for example, Mendelssohn's March.

Traditional Tatar outfits for newlyweds

Traditional Tatar outfits for newlyweds differ from the usual European outfits. The bride is a symbol of modesty and virtue of the wedding. The white outfit of the newlywed should cover the entire body as much as possible, including the arms, neck and décolleté, see the photo below. A long wedding dress (as an option - a tunic with trousers) must be complemented by a headdress, for example, a scarf that completely covers the hair. It is permissible for the bride to leave her hands and face open, all other parts of the body should be hidden from the eyes of strangers with spacious clothes made of dense fabric.

There are fewer requirements for the outfit of the Tatar groom than for the bride's dress. The bride and groom at the wedding can be in a classic suit in black, navy blue or any other color, complemented by a white shirt and tie. Tips for choosing a groom's outfit for a Tatar celebration are practically the same as recommendations for a European wedding. The only feature is the obligatory headdress for the newlywed: a skullcap.

The scenario of the Tatar wedding

The successful holding of the Tatar celebration depends on a well-thought-out scenario, which must necessarily include wedding customs and traditions. To make the holiday fun, interesting, and liked by the guests, agree in advance with the toastmaster about all the subtleties and nuances that you want to take into account at the celebration. For your convenience, we offer a ready-made script with replicas of the main characters, taking into account the main wedding rituals.


The matchmakers arrive at the bride's house. Parents meet guests, escort them to the house to start negotiations. According to the ancient Tatar wedding tradition, all conversations at the first stages are allegorical, so that evil spirits do not spoil the deal. Present: matchmaker, uncle of the groom, father and mother of the bride.

Bride's Father:

Hello, dear guests! What did you complain about?

Groom's wedding:

- Hello! Thank you for your hospitality! We have a good deed for you! We heard that you own a treasure - an uncut precious stone of special purity, amazing unearthly beauty. This is true?

Bride's Father:

- People say different things. And what do you care about that?

Groom's wedding:

We would like to take a look at the treasure. If the rumors are true and we like it, then we want to offer your jewelry a worthy setting. It will not only multiply the value of the treasure many times over, but also keep it from any dangers and troubles for a long time.

Bride's Father:

“Many people come to us with similar proposals. Why do you think your frame will be the best?

The matchmaker begins to praise the groom in detail, the uncle completes his story about the merits of the future spouse: loving, caring, earns well, honors and respects elders, has no bad habits, is religious, etc. After the story, the bride is shown to the matchmakers, then they move on to discussing the wedding bride price. The size of the initial Tatar ransom, the representatives of the groom will find out in advance from the parents of the newlywed.

Groom's wedding:

People are telling the truth! Your treasure really has a unique beauty, worthy of only the best. We want to offer a good price that will compensate for your loss.

Bride's Father:

But we don't sell anything! Our treasure is very dear to us. We appreciate it, carefully store it, cherish it. How much are you willing to offer if we decide to sell?

There is an active, lengthy wedding auction for the bride. The matchmaker, the uncle of the groom is trying to bring down the price, the parents of the newlywed are trying to increase the cost of the Tatar bride price. When the preliminary agreement is completed, the parties agree on the next meeting and say goodbye. At the last stage of the Tatar matchmaking, parents from both sides are present, who discuss in more detail material issues related to living together, the life of a young family, including the organizational aspects of the wedding.

Bride ransom

According to the Tatar tradition, on the wedding day, the bride's parents take the future spouse from his house and take him to a special room to the future wife, which is called the groom's house (kiyau eye). Previously, a temporary room was specially built for this near the house of the newlywed's parents, now they rent a hotel room or a separate apartment. In addition to the redemption of the bride by the groom, which takes place at this stage of the Tatar wedding ceremony, this room is intended for the first wedding night of the newlyweds.

The wedding procession arrives at kiyau eye. Relatives, friends of the bride do not let the groom through until he pays the dowry in full or pays an additional amount of money. The ransom is conducted either by the wedding toastmaster, or by a relative of the newlywed. The Tatar wedding begins with the meeting of the groom and his relatives with the words of the host:

Hello, dear guests! Introduce youreself. What did you complain about?

The groom calls his name, replies that he came to pick up the bride.

The wedding host takes out a sheet of paper, symbolizing the marriage contract, begins to verify the data:

- Yes that's right. I have written: Ruslan (the name of the groom) undertakes to pay a predetermined fee of 50,000 rubles. for Dinara (name of the bride). Have you prepared kalym?

The groom, together with the witness, begins paying the wedding bride price. The host checks the list, accompanying the actions with comic remarks, praising the gifts of the newlywed. The main amount of money, large gifts of the Tatar kalym can be transferred to the bride's parents before the wedding, and during the ceremony, payment is organized in the form of small and symbolic gifts, taking into account ancient traditions. For example, the groom can bring with him decorative barrels filled with honey and oil, give jewelry, etc.

After the completion of the payment of the Tatar kalym, the presenter continues to hold comic wedding contests. Interesting ideas are given in the article "". Having successfully passed all the difficulties and trials on the way to the newlywed, the groom takes his betrothed from the kiyau eye. Then the newlyweds, along with relatives and wedding guests, go to the Nikah ceremony.


The Tatar wedding ceremony is held either in the mosque or in the bride's house. The ceremony is attended by a mullah, newlyweds, close relatives of the newlyweds. The ceremony lasts about an hour, is held in silence behind closed doors. The mullah takes a place at the head of the table, the newlyweds are located on the male side or opposite it. The wedding ritual begins with a prayer during which the bride and groom stand. Then, in accordance with the precepts of Islam, the newlyweds make a marriage vow.

The wedding ceremony ends with the proclamation of the newlyweds as a legitimate husband and wife in the face of Allah, spiritual parting words, prayers from the Koran. At the end of the sacred ritual, relatives give gifts to the mullah, congratulate the newlyweds on a legitimate Muslim marriage. After the Tatar rite of Nikah, the wedding procession goes to register the marriage at the registry office.


After the completion of the official marriage ceremony, the long celebration of the Tatar wedding celebration begins. The event is divided into several stages:

  • a festive feast in the house of the bride's parents;
  • moving wife to her husband;
  • wedding feast at the groom's parental home.

According to the Tatar tradition, the parents of the newlywed must set the festive table in their house to meet the newlyweds after the registry office. The bride and groom are seated at the head of the wedding table, the young wife sits on the right side of her husband. On the side of the newlywed are the parents of the husband, and next to the son-in-law are the parents of the young. On the left side of the table - the relatives of the bride, on the right - the relatives of the groom. The Tatar wedding festivities begin with traditional treats, national dances, competitions, and entertainment.

The festive feast in the house of the bride's parents ends with the wedding night of the newlyweds in kiyau ey. The next day, according to the Tatar wedding tradition, the young people are heated in a bathhouse, treated to pancakes and pancakes. The newlyweds receive congratulations from numerous relatives on the part of the bride and groom, neighbors, friends, and acquaintances. After several days of celebration, a ceremony is held for the young wife to move to her husband's house. Then the wedding feast lasts for several more days.

Wife moving into husband's house

A Tatar wedding includes a special ritual - the wife's move to her husband's house. The ceremony has a significant impact on the future relationship between the parents of the newlywed and the daughter-in-law. Even at modern weddings, it is customary to observe traditional customs during the meeting of future relatives. The ritual helps the bride to show her best qualities as a wife and hostess. For the groom's parents, this is a good opportunity to demonstrate kindness to the daughter-in-law, to personally express the wishes of a prosperous family life to the newlyweds.

On the day the wife moves to her husband's house, the groom takes the bride from the parental home. According to the Tatar wedding tradition, the young people are escorted by the relatives of the newlywed, and are met by the parents of the future husband. In his house, the ceremony begins with the arrival of the procession. Under the feet of the bride, the male part of the guests puts a skin or pillow as a sign of special honor to the guest, a warm welcome. The mother of the groom and the elder sister treat the daughter-in-law with bread and honey so that the relationship between them is kind-hearted. Relatives offer the newlyweds to dip their hands in flour so that there is prosperity in the new family, they give a variety of living creatures.

Entering the house, the young wife performs the Tatar wedding ceremony of lighting the dwelling (өy kienderү): she hangs new towels, wall cloth decorations, beautiful curtains, lays rugs. The ritual helps the daughter-in-law to get comfortable in her husband's house and demonstrate her dowry to her husband's relatives. The wedding ceremony - accompanying the newlywed for water (su yuly kursәtu) - the opportunity for the daughter-in-law to show her housekeeping, accuracy: the less water she spills, the more respect for her. The wife's move to her husband ends with an exchange of gifts and a wedding feast in the new home.

Wedding feast and national treats

A Tatar wedding involves a wide feast with a large number of various national treats. Traditionally, cold and hot appetizers are served at the beginning of the celebration, followed by shurpa - a thick soup made from lamb and homemade noodles, and other traditional wedding dishes. During the feast compotes, fruit juices, carbonated and non-carbonated water are served. Alcoholic drinks are prohibited during Nikah celebrations.

Especially for the Tatar celebration, two large geese are prepared, which symbolize a new married couple. According to tradition, only an older man, who is appointed by the parents of the newlywed, is entrusted with cutting this wedding dish. The main task of the ritual is not to damage the bones of the bird by cutting the carcass into pieces. The removal of geese is accompanied by the presentation of numerous gifts and money to young spouses.

Particular importance is attached to the ritual serving, cutting of several more Tatar wedding dishes:

  • gulbadia - a closed wedding cake with a multilayer filling (meat, rice, cottage cheese, raisins), which is made to order just before the celebration;
  • chak-chak is a traditional Tatar sweet, consisting of fried dough with honey, prepared by the bride.

Wedding gulbadia can be cut by both men and women. Responsible is appointed by the groom's parents. Immediately before the ritual, the cake is covered with a large scarf, on which guests must put money, redeeming the treat. Gulbadia is cut carefully, in one motion, into four parts so as not to damage the middle of the wedding cake, preserving its layering. According to custom, one fourth of the pie is taken by the groom's parents, in order to then distribute to relatives who could not come to the wedding, the remaining parts are distributed among the guests.

Not a single Tatar wedding is complete without a chak-chak - a treat for the bride (kyz kumach). This dish is served at the end of the event along with other sweets and tea. The person who will cut the wedding chak-chak is appointed by the bride's parents. By tradition, this role goes to the wife of the elder brother or the aunt of the newlywed (kyz zhingy). Before cutting, there is a bargaining between relatives, wedding guests. As in the case of gulbadia, chak-chak is cut into four parts: one is taken by the groom's parents, the rest is distributed among those present.

Video: traditions and customs at a Tatar wedding

The Tatar wedding celebration, held in accordance with all traditions and customs, is a great holiday, from which a long, happy life of a young married couple begins. Sacred vows given by the newlyweds in front of the mullah and close relatives give the religious event a special solemnity and strengthen the family union for many years. Warm words, sincere wishes of relatives, joy, happiness for the newlyweds will remain in the memory of the newlyweds and wedding guests for a long time.