What is proper weight. How to determine your normal weight by height. Useful video materials about the height and weight index for women

Normal human weight is a concept that cannot be exact. His criteria include not only weight and height, but also the physique and even the age of a person. Many men and women experience problems with being overweight or underweight. In this article I would like to tell you how to calculate your weight and what, in general, is the norm.

Calculation of weight by height and age

There are many ways to help calculate weight by height and age. But it should be remembered that such schemes may not be entirely perfect, since other factors that are often not taken into account can also affect the weight ratio.

Method 1

Since ancient times, many people have trusted Brock's method.

A person's height is taken in centimeters, then 100 is subtracted from this.

But after some time, the indicators of this method are slightly changed. This formula is best used to calculate weight by height for females aged 40 to 50 years. How does it change

Women under 30 need to have a body weight 10% less than this result.

Method 2

To calculate weight by height and age, it is considered more accurate Quetelet method. This formula calculates the ratio of fat and bone and muscle tissue as a percentage. It allows you to identify whether a person is overweight, or maybe underweight. Typically, this calculation method is used for people from 20 to 60 years old.

For men, 10-15% of body fat is considered normal, for women, only 12%.

How is it calculated: body weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

Shouldn't be used This calculation method is for pregnant women, lactating women, adolescents and people involved in sports.

Method 3

There is a formula that helps to identify the distribution of fat by measuring the waist and buttocks.

Calculated as follows: buttocks should be divided by the waist.


  • for men - 0.80;
  • for women - 0.60-0.80.

Method 4

In order to determine your type of body composition, you need to measure the circumference of the wrist of the right hand, but if the left hand is the working one, then you need to measure it. In the normostatic type, it is equal to 17-18.5 cm, in the wide-boned type - more than 18.5, and in the thin-boned type - less than 17 cm.

Weight by height and age

Of course, age has a strong influence on body weight. It has been scientifically proven that over the years, body weight in men and women gradually increases with age. At the same time, it may not be extra pounds, but a natural physical process. But height also affects the weight of people.

Weight, height, age - table for men

Each person has their own body type. In total there are 3 of them: thin-boned, normo-boned and wide-boned. Each type of body composition has its own characteristic features.

Features that distinguish one type from another:

This table shows the weight for men, which is considered the norm, taking into account its body type and height:

thin-boned addition Normosseous addition Broad-boned addition
155 cm - 49 kg 155 cm - 56 kg 155 cm - 62 kg
160 cm - 53.5 kg 160 cm - 60 kg 160 cm - 66 kg
165 cm - 57 kg 165 cm - 63.5 kg 165 cm - 69.5 kg
170 cm - 60.5 kg 170 cm - 68 kg 170 cm - 74 kg
175 cm - 65 kg 175 cm - 72 kg 175 cm - 78 kg
180 cm - 69 kg 180 cm - 75 kg 180 cm - 81 kg
185 cm - 73.5 kg 185 cm - 79 kg 185 cm - 85 kg

It should be noted that with thin-boned addition, sometimes subtract 3-5% from the weight indicated in the table. With broad-boned 1-1,5%.

Weight, height, age - table for women

Using this table, you can track the average weight for a woman, taking into account her height:

Height, cm Normal weight, kg
148 46,3
149 47
150 47,4
151 48
152 48,4
153 48,9
154 49,6
155 50
156 50,7
157 51
158 51,8
159 52
160 52,6
161 53,4
162 54
163 54,5
164 55,3
165 55,8
166 56,6
167 57,6
168 58,2
169 59
170 59,5
171 60
172 61
173 62
174 62,5
175 63,4
176 64
177 64,5
178 65,2
179 65,9
180 66,8
181 67,4
182 68,5
183 68,8
184 69,5
185 70

Weight, height, age - table

In these tables, you can see the normal body weight for women and men, depending on their age and height.

The first table will tell you how much weight men and women aged 20 to 29 should have:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 52 48,9
152 53,5 51
154 55,3 53
156 58,5 56
158 61 58
160 63 59,8
162 64,6 61,6
164 67,3 63,6
166 68,8 65
168 71 68
170 72,7 69,2
172 74,1 72,8
174 77,5 74,3
176 81 77
178 83 78,2
180 85,1 80,8

The second table will tell you about the normal weight for the stronger and weaker sex aged 30 to 39 years:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 57 54
152 59 55
154 61,5 60
156 64,5 61,5
158 67,3 64,1
160 70 65,8
162 71 68,5
164 74 70,8
166 74,5 71,8
168 76,2 73,7
170 77,7 75,8
172 79,3 77
174 81 79
176 83,3 80
178 87 82,5
180 88 84

In the third table, you can see the normal weight of people from 40 to 49 years old:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 58,1 58,5
152 61,5 59,5
154 64,5 62,4
156 67,3 66
158 70,4 67,9
160 72,3 69,9
162 74,4 72,2
164 77,2 74
166 78 76,6
168 79,6 78,2
170 81 79,8
172 82,8 81,7
174 84,4 83,7
176 86 84,6
178 88 86,1
180 89,9 88,1

The fourth table will tell us about the normal weight between the ages of 50 and 60:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 58 55,7
152 61 57,6
154 63,8 60,2
156 65,8 62,4
158 68 64,5
160 69,7 65,8
162 72,7 68,7
164 75,6 72
166 76,3 73,8
168 79,5 74,8
170 79,9 76,8
172 81,1 77,7
174 82,5 79,4
176 84,1 80,5
178 86,5 82,4
180 87,5 84,1

And finally, in the fifth table we will talk about the normal weight of men and women in old age, that is, from 60 to 70 years:

Height in cm

male weight in kg female weight in kg
150 57,3 54,8
152 60,3 55,9
154 61,9 59
156 63,7 60,9
158 67 62,4
160 68,2 64,6
162 69,1 66,5
164 72,2 70,7
166 74,3 71,4
168 76 73,7
170 76,9 75
172 78,3 76,3
174 79,3 78
176 81,9 79,1
178 82,8 80,9
180 84,4 81,6

It is known that in old age motor activity decreases significantly and metabolism in the body decreases. But some of the habits of older people on proper nutrition and an active lifestyle remain unchanged even after many years. Therefore, despite the decrease in muscle tissue, many people do not stop gaining weight over the years.


Summing up the above formulas for calculating weight and tables that indicate weight norms for men and women, we can conclude that a person's weight is directly related to many other criteria.

These criteria are:

  • the person's age;
  • height;
  • body type.

Also an important factor is heredity. If a person has a predisposition to be overweight at the genetic level, then it will be much more difficult to get rid of extra pounds.

In conclusion, I would like to say that knowing whether your weight corresponds to normal body weight helps to eliminate a lot of problems, and sometimes to identify the presence of a disease.

Controlling your weight is the prevention of many serious diseases. Hypertension and diabetes are usually accompanied by obesity. At the same time, both oncological diseases and diseases of the alimentary tract can lead to dramatic weight loss.

In order to maintain a normal body weight, you must:

  • proper and healthy nutrition;
  • you need to have breakfast every day, as this helps to avoid snacking at a later time;
  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • regular weighing of body weight;
  • consultations with a specialist if there is excessive or, on the contrary, insufficient weight;
  • To maintain a normal weight, a man needs 2500 calories per day, and a woman 2000.

Watch your weight and nutrition, be healthy!

Do you know your ideal weight? Worried about health? Do you want to maintain optimal body proportions? In order to start changing your lifestyle, go in for sports or introduce healthy foods into your diet, you need to calculate the weight by height and age. This will be the starting point, a kind of guideline in developing a weight loss program, selecting a set of exercises or compiling the “right” menu.

  • 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
  • 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
  • female Husband


  • Body mass index (BMI)::
  • Weight must be in the range:
  • Your ideal weight:
  • Body fat:

We consider BMI in the online program

Do you want to know the indicator in a matter of seconds?.
For calculations you need:
  • 1. Indicate height;
  • 2. Enter data on body weight;
  • 3. Choose gender;
  • 4. Indicate the age;
  • 5. Press the "calculate" button;
  • 6. Get the result.

Calculating the ideal weight for women on a calculator from the site is a way to determine the norm of body weight, which will help you always keep fit and monitor its changes.

BMI: what is it and why count it

In the middle of the 19th century, practitioners and doctors of medical sciences noticed that the ratio of height and weight affects the state of health. And in 1869, Adolf Quetelet (a well-known scientist at that time) named it "body mass index" (BMI). It is designed to determine the correspondence of these parameters.

It is calculated for both men and girls according to one formula:

where M is the weight indicated in kilograms; P - height squared. Take the value in meters.

Let's calculate the body mass index of a representative of the weaker sex with a height of 167 cm and 74 kg, translate the height from centimeters into meters: 167 cm \u003d 1.67 m. Then we square this value: 1.67 * 1.67 \u003d 2.8. We substitute the numbers in the formula: M \u003d 74 / 2.8 \u003d 26.4.

The BMI for this woman would be 27.4. What gives this value? By itself, it is just a number, but with a body mass index interpretation table, it is useful knowledge. By comparing it with the indicators available in it, you will determine how much the current weight corresponds to the norm.

Body mass index (BMI) What does Recommendations
>40 3 degree of obesity It is worth correcting the situation in the near future. Since the risk of acquiring a particular disease (hypertension, for example) is increased. Seek help from a nutritionist.
35 to 30 2 degree of obesity There may be problems with the cardiovascular and other body systems.
30 to 25 1 degree of obesity There is a chance to quickly and without consequences for the body to throw off extra pounds, which will help to avoid illness.
24.99 to 18.5 norm Weight in the optimal range for your age and height. Try to keep the mass in this limit and the chances of staying healthy will increase significantly.
18.5 to 16 and below underweight Increase the amount of food you eat. Sign up for a consultation with an endocrinologist. Review your diet.

The concept of "ideal weight" is a generally accepted framework, the limits of which become the designation of the optimal height / all ratio. We are all different, and the body weight of a person depends on such factors.

The topic of ideal weight has been of concern to physicians and ordinary people for a long time, so today a large number of different formulas and algorithms have been created, each of which interprets this concept in its own way. Some of them are distinguished by their simplicity, but their disadvantage is a very high error, which can significantly reduce the adequacy of its application in a particular case.

So, one of these options is the so-called Broca, named after the French scientist who developed it. She proposes to calculate the ideal weight of a man under the age of 40 as follows: subtract 100 from the height expressed in centimeters. At the same time, at the age of over 40, it was proposed to calculate the ideal weight by subtracting the number 110 from the same parameter. Thus, a man aged 30 years, having a height of 180 centimeters, according to this formula, should weigh 70 kilograms.

Other formulas, on the contrary, were quite complex and used a large number of different coefficients. Such, for example, is the Cooper formula, according to which the ideal weight for a man can be calculated based on the following expression: (height in centimeters * 4: 2.54 - 128) * 0.453. The same man described above, according to this formula, should weigh 70.4 kilograms.

Body mass index

However, all these and many other formulas have one significant drawback: they derive a single average value based on the height of a man, without taking into account that, depending on many other parameters, for example, muscle mass, body type, and others, the normal range for different men may differ significantly.

Therefore, today in medicine an indicator has been adopted that has greater variability in determining the ideal weight. It is called the body mass index (BMI) and is measured quite simply: to calculate BMI, you need to divide the weight, expressed in kilograms, by the square of height, expressed in meters. For example, for the man described above, the BMI would be 21.6.

The normal weight of a man, according to the developers of the index, is within the BMI range from 20 to 25. Thus, by performing simple arithmetic calculations, it is possible to determine the boundaries of normal weight for a man with a height of 180 centimeters. According to this indicator, its weight should be in the range from 64.8 to 81 kilograms. Moreover, all values ​​​​within this interval are normal and do not require a man to gain weight or get rid of extra pounds.

There are many different factors that affect a woman's ideal height-to-weight ratio. Some of the fair sex have wide bones and more muscles, others have thin bones and practically no fat layer. The optimal values ​​are individual for each figure.

The shape of the figure of any person is determined by the type of skeletal structure and the amount of muscle mass.

The most important indicator of an ideal body is the balance of adipose and musculoskeletal tissue. In the female body, the norm of fat is 12-20% of the total mass.

The ratio of height and weight in women is considered ideal:

  • if the circumference of the waist approximately coincides with the volume of the chest and is less than the circumference of the hips by 25 cm;
  • with a waist volume corresponding to the formula "height in cm minus 100";
  • which is valid for an average height of 165-175cm - the waist is approximately equal to their weight in kilograms.

So, a proportionally folded girl, 172 cm high, has a hip circumference of 95-97 cm and a waist of 72 cm, wears clothes of size 48. But weight and height, the norm for women, can vary depending on a number of factors:

  1. age;
  2. body type;
  3. hormonal changes;
  4. individual features,
  5. some diseases.

For example, for an apple-type figure weighing 68 kg, the hips will be less than the chest circumference and about 20 cm more than the waist. And in the opposite case, for pear-shaped proportions - the chest is smaller than the hips, and those are 30 cm wider than the waist.

Brock's formula

This is a simple formula for a woman's body weight relative to height:

  • subtract 110 from the height in cm;
  • multiply the resulting number by 1.15;
  • what works for owners of a normal physique;
  • ladies with curvaceous and heavy bones should increase the result by 10%; graceful girls with thin bones, subtract the same 10% from the resulting value.

For example, for a height of 170cm, the optimal weight = (170-110) * 1.15, that is, 69kg.

Quetelet formula

Body mass index allows you to determine the presence of obesity or problems with excessive thinness. It is calculated by the following formula:

  1. BMI=M\(P*P);
  2. BMI - body mass index;
  3. M - weight in kg;
  4. P - height in meters.

Indices of normality of the ratio of body weight and height in women

The second table of weight and height for women takes into account the correspondence of body weight to a certain age:

Optimal body weight values ​​depending on age and height

Types of female physique

It is easy to see that the data given in the tables are not focused on the features of the proportions of the human body. For most girls and women, weight distribution depends on their body type.

Type A

The structure of the body outwardly resembles a pear, its characteristic features include:

  • massive hips and buttocks;
  • small waist and bust;
  • short legs with wide ankles and calves;
  • graceful shoulders and thin arms;
  • fat deposits in the area of ​​​​the sides and priests;
  • acute problem with cellulite.

However, this type of figure is attractive to men. Only 15% of girls have it.

Type X

Such proportions are called "hourglass" or "x". Happy owners of such parameters have an ideal weight-to-height ratio for women:

  1. even distribution of fat;
  2. rounded shape of the buttocks, smooth lines of the figure;
  3. slender long legs, proportional to the upper part;
  4. the volume of the bust is comparable to the width of the hips;
  5. 7 circumference at the hips is the waist.

Type O

Visually, the body resembles an oval or circle. Its structure is characterized by:

  • a lush bust and a flat bottom with narrow hips;
  • full round face with a short neck;
  • the presence of average growth;
  • fat layer in the waist and abdomen;
  • beautiful slender legs are a clear advantage of this type.

Type H

A masculine somatotype that looks like a young man:

  1. almost the same width waist, chest and hips;
  2. flat buttocks, as well as the general features of the figure as a whole;
  3. accelerated metabolism and thinness;
  4. toned beautiful legs.

Type U

U-shaped forms are opposite in their features to a pear-type figure. They tend to:

  • the presence of narrow hips and wide shoulders;
  • flat ass and lush chest;
  • slender legs and a thin waist;
  • fat accumulations in the upper part and the abdomen.

How to determine your height and leg length

To understand what body weight is optimal for you, you need to accurately determine your height:

  1. stand straight with your back against the wall so that the buttocks, shoulder blades, back of the head, calves and heels touch it;
  2. lay a flat bar on the top of your head and make a mark in the place where it joins the wall;
  3. measure the distance from the floor to the mark you made.

Depending on the results obtained, you will be able to determine your height:

  • <150см - низкий;
  • 151-156cm - below average;
  • 157-167cm - medium;
  • 168-175cm - high enough;
  • >176cm - very tall.

There are many beauty studies that have calculated the ideal length of female legs, according to their data, there are indicators for each height:

  1. 161-167cm - leg length 84-89cm, thigh circumference 56-57cm, and lower legs - 34-35cm;
  2. 168-174cm - 90-94cm, 57-58cm and 35-36cm;
  3. 175-180cm - 95-100cm, 58-59cm, 37-38cm;
  4. for those who do not fit into these numbers - the difference between the length of the legs and half the height should be 2-6 cm.

In order to check the calculations, you need to correctly measure the length of your legs:

  • sit on a flat floor and stretch your legs, closing them together;
  • attach a centimeter to the outer part of the thigh, its upper point;
  • spread it along in a straight line so that it touches the ankle bone;
  • the resulting number is the length of your legs.

Does age affect height-to-weight ratio?

The answer to this question is obvious. With each passing year, the metabolic processes in the female body slow down, hormonal changes and chronic diseases also play a role. Therefore, the norm of weight growth age in women is more common in 20-21 years old in young girls than in those who are over 50 years old.

Maintaining an attractive physique is not an easy task, but even after 50, you can speed up your metabolism if you stick to proper nutrition and reasonable physical activity.

Women's Height to Weight Ratio Calculator

There are many different ways to calculate BMI, by which you can find out how many kilograms you need to gain or lose to an ideal value. A simple and popular option on how to calculate the normal weight of a woman by height is given in Brock's simplified formula:

There is also a weight and height calculator for women:

body weight \u003d (height in centimeters - 100) - (height in centimeters - 150) / 2;

all that is needed is to substitute your parameters into the formula.

Many people strive to lose weight by adhering to their own ideal standards. However, in pursuit of the parameters of the figure of a top model or actress, you can overdo it and harm the health of the body. Remember that the optimal body weight of a person is always calculated individually. Therefore, it is important to calculate the correct body weight. There are several formulas for this, and there is also a special weight and height calculator for men and women.

Before we talk about how to calculate the ideal weight, we note that each of us has an individual genetically predetermined value of the optimal body weight. It depends on the innate characteristics, the structure of the body. Therefore, any calculation of the norm of weight is conditional.

What determines the ideal weight of a person

Before moving on to the ideal body weight formula, it is important to understand what criteria affect the definition of a person's ideal weight. First, it is the gender of the person. A woman has a greater amount of fat by nature. Secondly, body type (normostenic, hypersthenic and asthenic). Thirdly, height and age play a significant role in calculating ideal weight. For example, it is much more difficult for people over 40 to lose weight due to the ongoing restructuring of the body.

The hereditary factor also plays an important role. If at the genetic level there is a predisposition to fullness, it is much more difficult to get rid of extra pounds. If we discard this factor, you can find out the weight norm for men and women using various formulas, we will consider each of them in more detail.

Body weight formulas for men and women

There are various weight and height calculators for adults and teenagers, but the easiest and surest way is to calculate the ideal weight by height yourself. There are many formulas developed by scientists that allow you to find out weight by height.

Brock's formula

The French physician Paul Brock developed the formula for the ratio of weight and height, which is still considered one of the most universal. The formula takes into account not only height, but also physique (lean, normal, stocky) and age.

Brock's ideal weight formula is as follows: height - 100. If a person has a thin physique, you need to subtract 10%, and if there is a stocky one, add 10%.

If the height is less than 165 cm, subtract 105, if above 175 cm, subtract 110. Age should also be taken into account. People between 20 and 30 years old need to reduce the figure you get by 10-12%. If you are over 50, increase it by 5-7%.

Lorentz method

Calculation of the optimal weight for women: (height - 100) - 0.25 x (height - 150).

Ideal weight formula for height and age

Weight norm for women by age and height: 0.9 × (50 + 0.5 × (Height, cm - 150)) + 0.5 × (age - 20)

Weight and height formula for men: 1 × (50 + 0.5 × (Height, cm - 150)) + 0.5 × (age - 20)

Tables of normal weight and height

In addition to special formulas, there are weight and height tables for men and women.

Quetelet index

We present a table of norms of weight and height for adults from 20 to 65 years. Please note that this calculation of weight and height for undergrowth, pregnant women, athletes and the elderly from 65 years of age is not suitable.

The result obtained must be compared with the height and weight table for girls and men:


Calculation of the ideal body weight of an adult Quetelet

This author has another table of ideal height and weight, taking into account the age and physique of a person. To find out the ratio of weight, height and physique, divide the weight in grams by the height in centimeters. Compare the result with the parameter in the specified cell, relative to your physique. The main criterion is to be honest with yourself when evaluating the physique.

Example: we calculate the normal weight with a height of 175 cm, age 25, weight 60 kg and a normal physique: 60,000 / 175 = 342.8. This is a normal index for this person.

Table of weight and height of an adult Egorov-Levitsky

To calculate the weight for a man and a woman using this table, you just need to compare the data. Be careful, this is not the ideal weight for men and women, but the maximum. Also remember that the table shows the height and weight of an adult from 20 to 69 years old.