How to wash and bleach a white medical gown. How to wash a medical gown from grayness at home How to return the white color to a medical gown

A medical worker should always look well-groomed and tidy. Therefore, he should first of all take care of the cleanliness of his robe, because it is so easy to get dirty.

Stains on a medical gown can be very different, and accordingly they need to be eliminated using different means and methods. There are many available tools that you can use to make your robe clean.

Soda Ash. For seven liters hot water, you will need one hundred grams of the substance. Make sure that the powder is completely dissolved. The item should be soaked for forty minutes in the prepared solution. After this, wash the robe in the same water. Don't forget to wear gloves on your hands. After hand washing, you will also need to machine wash at a temperature of at least 70 degrees. Soda ash can be poured into the detergent compartment, in the first compartment. Don't forget the washing powder too.

Vodka and glycerin. For 350 ml. hot water you need to add 700 grams of vodka and 320 ml. glycerin. Mix everything and soak the clothes for forty minutes. Next, wash by hand with laundry soap. If the robe is very dirty, you can rub it with soap, leave it for one hour and only then wash it. After this, rinse the product thoroughly and hang it out to dry.

Lemon juice. Lemon juice has excellent cleansing and brightening properties. Squeeze the juice from two lemons and dissolve it in five liters of water. Soak the mold in the prepared liquid for one night. In the morning, take out your clothes and wash them as usual.

Boric acid. You can purchase the substance at a pharmacy. For two liters of water you need only two tablespoons of the product. The water should be warm, but not hot. When the solution is ready, place overalls in it for two hours. After the time has passed, wash the item with powder or soap.

Turpentine. Prepare a special cleaning solution. For five liters of warm water you need to add five tablespoons of the substance. Soak the robe in the solution for three hours. Next, wash in a machine with washing powder. Dry the product in fresh air to eliminate unpleasant odor turpentine.

Mustard powder. Mustard perfectly degreases and removes stains. Add the powder to warm water, mix well, and soak the necessary items in mustard water for three hours. After these procedures, you will need to wash your clothes.

We use household products

The easiest way to return the robe to its original white color is to use bleach. Moreover, the modern market offers a wide selection of bleaching agents suitable for different types fabrics.

Types of bleaches:

Powdered oxygen— is available in the form of a dry powder, and its base includes hydrogen peroxide. Safe for all types of fabric. This could be Vanish or another remedy. First, apply a little bleach to particularly dirty areas. To do this, add a little water to it to make a thick paste. After this, treat the stains, put the item in the machine, and add a little more bleach to the wash. The required amount of detergent is indicated on the packaging.

Liquid oxygen is a mixture of peroxide solution with surfactants. With their help, you can bleach any type of fabric, although they do not discolor the colored inserts.

Optic- the substance does not eliminate pollution, but masks it. Bleach particles are luminescent substances that penetrate the fibers and create the appearance of snow whiteness. For each type of fabric you need to select your own optical brightener.

As you can see, there are enough household products to make your robe clean; you just need to choose the substance that suits you.

Machine washable.

If you wash the product in a machine, you first need to set the correct mode.

  1. Set to delicate wash cycle.
  2. Add powder, fabric softener, and bleach to the correct compartments.
  3. Place the robe in the drum, close the door, and start the equipment.
  4. Set the soak and spin mode.
  5. After washing, dry the item in the shade.


Heat the water, pour it into a washing container, and dilute the required amount of bleach in it. Do not exceed the dosages indicated on the package, otherwise you may damage the item. Add the powder and soak the product for half an hour. After soaking, wash the robe and dry.

Preparation of bleaching mixtures

If the robe turns yellow or gray over time, using one product may not be enough. Therefore, you need to independently prepare a cleansing mixture consisting of several components.

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia . Dissolve 200 ml of ammonia and 185 ml of 6% peroxide in a bucket of hot water. Mix everything thoroughly and soak the robe in the solution for three hours. After the required time has passed, remove the robe. Before doing this, it is advisable to put on rubber gloves on your hands and a mask on your face. Also make sure that there is good air ventilation in the room so as not to be poisoned by fumes. Rinse the item in clean water, and upload it to washing machine. It is better to wash with the addition of bleach at 50 degrees. Dry away from the sun.

Table salt and ammonia. To prepare the cleaning mixture you will need:

  • 55 ml of ammonia;
  • 80 ml 6% hydrogen peroxide;
  • 175 g finely ground salt.

Mix the ingredients together and add eight liters of warm water to the resulting mixture. Mix everything again and pour into a basin or bowl. Soak the uniform in the solution for thirty minutes. After the time has passed, remove the items from the basin, rinse them in clean water, and send them for washing. If you wash by machine, choose an intensive wash cycle. It is better to dry the item somewhere in the shade, otherwise it may turn yellow from direct sunlight.

Soda and chlorhexidine. Bring 3.5 liters of water to a boil and pour it into a washing container. Add a pack of soda to the water and wait until it completely dissolves. Wait until the water has cooled to a temperature comfortable for hand washing, and add a bottle of chlorhexidine to it, the substance can be purchased at the pharmacy. Soak the necessary items for forty minutes in the solution, then remove them, squeeze them well, and at a suitable temperature.

In the compartment where the detergent is poured, add 100 g of soda to the second compartment, and powder to the first, and you can start the device. When the washing process is finished, dry the robe away from the sun.

Keeping the medical gown white for a long time

To keep your robe white for as long as possible, follow these recommendations:

  • wash the product separately from other items;
  • If you need to wash a lot of uniforms, you need to separate them by type of fabric;
  • Chlorine-based bleaches can only be used on cotton clothing;
  • uniforms must be washed at least once a week;
  • be sure to add conditioner when washing;
  • If you wash things in a washing machine, clean the drain regularly;
  • try to wash your robe immediately after it gets dirty.

As you can see, with proper care, and with the right products, you can keep your robe snow-white for a long time.

How to bleach a medical gown? Every healthcare worker should know about this. Doctors, nurses, and pharmacists are required to monitor the cleanliness of their work clothes, because this is the first thing that catches the eye of patients. A clean and well-groomed white coat indicates the neatness and cleanliness of medical personnel. It is unlikely that anyone would be pleased to be treated by an untidy doctor.

Many health workers, as a rule, know from institutes and universities how to bleach correctly medical gown. Of course, separate lectures are unlikely to be held on this subject, but in between, they definitely talk about steam whitening.

Employees of hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies know better than anyone else how quickly a medical gown becomes dirty, because in these institutions they have to come into contact with people every day. medicines, biological fluids and ink. In addition, white honey clothes become gray over time, and this happens due to frequent washing. So how can you restore the whiteness of a medical gown if it has turned grey, yellowed or simply very dirty? We will talk about this in detail in the next section.

Whitening medical gown

Bleaching a medical gown is most often done at home. This is not such a painstaking job that you need to turn to dry cleaning services for help. And it’s not economical, because work clothes often have to be returned to their whiteness.

The most famous method of washing white clothes is the use of bleach.. This method is also suitable for processing medical gowns. Professional bleaching agents can be used for hand and machine washing of clothes. In the first case textile product soaked in a basin, and in the second - directly in the washing machine, if the unit is equipped with a pre-soaking function.

Despite the popularity and effectiveness of industrial bleaches, they must be used very carefully. Be sure to take into account the composition of household chemicals, as well as the type of fabric. For example, known whiteness bleaches cotton clothes well, while it is strictly contraindicated for processing synthetics because it contains chlorine.

For washing more delicate fabrics, bleaches based on hydrogen peroxide are suitable.. These include:

  • Persil;
  • "Perox";
  • Amway;
  • Vanish;
  • "Persole."

Some of the listed products, for example, Vanish, can be used for washing not only white fabrics, but also colored ones. This is very good, since many doctors are accustomed to wearing medical suits rather than gowns. They come in snow-white, green, blue and pink.

Hospital staff often use folk remedies to whiten their work clothes because they are less expensive and still do the job well. In the table below we have collected all the available substances that can bleach white textiles at home, including a medical gown.

Folk remedy


Hydrogen peroxide

If three percent peroxide (1 tsp) is mixed with water (2 l), you will get a good bleaching agent that is safe for all types of fabrics. Textiles are soaked in this solution for twenty minutes.. The clothes must be turned over several times so that the material is bleached uniformly.

Salt – delicate folk remedy, suitable for bleaching natural, artificial and mixed fabrics. Before use, salt crystals (a handful) are dissolved in two liters of water, and then supplemented with ammonia (1 tbsp.) and peroxide (3 tbsp.). In the resulting composition, the grayed robe is kept for about two hours.

To get the most good result, the listed components can be supplemented with any washing powder.


If the medical gown is made of cotton and is contaminated with yellow spots, then it can be bleached using turpentine diluted with water (5 tablespoons and 5 liters, respectively). Pre-washed work clothes are kept in the prepared solution for three hours. After this time, the textiles are washed and dried again.

Potassium permangantsovka

This drug gives good results in combination with laundry soap. However, before combining these components, you need to prepare two solutions. The first is prepared from a piece of crushed soap and 10 liters of water. The second will be a weak solution of potassium permanganate soft pink color. Combine the two resulting liquids, and then immerse the yellowed white things in them. After six hours of soaking, the yellowness and grayness will disappear, and the textiles can only be washed in the usual way.

Soda powder has been used as a bleach since ancient times. In this case, you need to make a solution from soda. To do this, take it in the amount of six tablespoons and dissolve it in 5 liters of water, preheated to a temperature of forty degrees. Pour 2 tbsp into the resulting composition. l. ammonia, then mix everything well. Then soak the medical clothing for 2 hours. After this procedure, the fabric will need to be washed in any usual way.

Note! If the white robe has suffered greatly from yellowness, then it can be boiled in a soda solution. However, this bleaching method is only suitable for cotton.

Boric acid

This substance can only be used for processing cotton items. A solution for soaking clothes is prepared from 2 liters of water and 2 tbsp. l. boric acid. The textile holding time is two hours.

This method also works well for cotton. Dry mustard (5 tbsp) is dissolved in 5 liters of hot water, resulting in a bleaching solution. Cotton items should be left in it for 2 or 3 hours, depending on the degree of contamination.


In the basin with hot water you need to pour in 5 tbsp. l. ammonia. You must immerse a white coat in the resulting liquid and wait three hours. After the specified time, clothes should be washed by hand using laundry soap.

Lemon juice

Natural lemon juice will help remove fresh stains on medical clothing. To do this, squeeze two lemons into 10 liters of warm water. The fabric should remain in the resulting composition for twenty-four hours. This method is suitable for any textile variety.

Laundry soap

This substance also works great on fresh stains. However, it cannot be used on synthetics or any delicate fabrics. Laundry soap works well for bleaching thicker textiles. Treat pre-moistened stains with the product and leave the item overnight. The next morning, the textile product is rinsed in large quantities water with added fabric softener.

Ammonia + peroxide

These two drugs themselves are good whitening agents. And if you combine them, you will get an even more effective folk bleach. A solution is prepared from ammonia and hydrogen peroxide at the rate of 6 tbsp. l. ammonia and 5 tbsp. l. peroxide per 10 liters of water. White fabric items should remain in the resulting composition for about two hours.

The advantage of this method is that peroxide uniformly bleaches white fabric, and alcohol prevents the appearance of yellowness.

There is another option for using the listed components. It is perfect if the robe contains synthetic impurities. Peroxide (3 tbsp), ammonia (1 tbsp), as well as coarse salt (6 tbsp) and washing powder (50 g) are dissolved in warm water (10 l). Keep contaminated items in the resulting solution for no more than thirty minutes. In this case, it is very important not to overdo the soaking time, otherwise the fabric may be damaged.

As you can see, it is very easy to bleach a medical gown from gray and yellowness at home using improvised means or household chemicals. You just need to choose a suitable bleaching agent and use it for its intended purpose. However, it is better to adhere to the basic rules for washing white clothes so that they retain their whiteness for as long as possible.

  • It is recommended to wash medical gowns separately from other items, but if simultaneous washing is absolutely necessary, then be sure to sort the clothes by type of fabric. First wash, for example, cotton products, and then synthetic ones. In this case, be sure to take into account the color of the textiles. Treat colored items separately from white ones.
  • Use chlorine-containing products carefully. Remember that they are only suitable for cotton and linen. This means that it is strictly forbidden to bleach other types of fabric with such chemicals.
  • Don't forget to use fabric softener. In addition to their main function, they are able to soften water.
  • If you prefer to wash medical gowns in the washing machine, then clean the drain in a timely manner. If it continues to get clogged, things will be dirty, gray and ugly even after washing.

Ideally, work clothes should be washed after each use. If you follow all the rules of the washing procedure, your medical gown will remain snow-white for a very long time.

The classic white medical uniform often gets dirty and requires cleaning. You can bleach a medical gown using folk recipes at home.

A medical white coat is a professional piece of clothing that is the uniform of doctors, pharmacists and students of specialized universities. The traditional uniform of clinic staff helps maintain the reputation of the staff.

The robe indicates that the specialist belongs to the hospital department and demonstrates his position. Proper cleaning of this product prevents the formation and transmission of germs. In the planned bleaching regime for doctors' uniforms at a medical institution, things go through the mandatory stages of collection, storage, transportation, washing, drying, ironing, repairing and recycling textiles.

A number of requirements that help clean and bleach gowns include disinfecting the material in the hospital building laundry.

Washing linen for medical institutions is regulated by sanitary standards and rules. Staff uniforms are sorted by fiber type, including worn fabrics, color and level of soiling.

To whiten the robe, items undergo aggressive disinfection and machine wash.

Methods for whitening at home

An employee of a medical institution is obliged to monitor the condition of his gown. The absence of dirt, wrinkles and grayness on work clothes characterizes the cleanliness of a doctor in a medical institution and wins over patients.

The uniforms of hospital and clinic employees quickly become dirty, especially when interacting with medications. Frequent washing leads to the fact that workwear acquires a shade of gray or yellow. Using industrial or improvised means, you can easily bleach a white coat at home. It is advisable to use professional substances for machine cleaning with pre-treatment and soaking of medical clothing.

Popular and effective means, which can bleach fabric, must be used with caution in accordance with the instructions.

Before use, you should find out which powder or gel is suitable for this type of material.

You can bleach a dirty medical gown by hand if there is no heavy soiling, especially on delicate fabrics. Boiling is permissible only for dense material that does not contain wool.

Using bleach

Hardware stores provide a huge selection of household chemicals that help in cleaning bathrobes. various types fabrics. Professional products, which can whiten an element of a medical uniform, are suitable for hand or machine washing. For the first option, you must first soak the medical gown in water with the addition of powder. For the second option, you can use the soaking mode in the most washing machine.

You need to bleach a medical item carefully so as not to damage it with industrial stains. chemical agent. The composition should be selected for a specific type of material. A synthetic robe can be damaged if you use a white color suitable for cotton clothing.

For a medical suit from delicate fabric Suitable bleaches containing hydrogen peroxide:

  • Persil;
  • Perox;
  • Amway.

If the product is not selected correctly, a white medical suit may become stained, while a colored one may fade. Vanish can be used for delicate fabrics and as a stain remover. The material can be bleached using a chlorine-containing substance.

A universal remedy that can whiten a yellowed robe is a washing capsule. The gel in the form of a tablet carefully removes greasy marks, grayness, yellowness and green stains without damaging the fabric and texture of clothing.

Recipes with peroxide

The method of using ammonia and peroxide to whiten a suit consists of six tablespoons of alcohol and 4 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide, which are combined with 10 liters of water. To remove stains and return the medical uniform to its original color, you need to place the gown in the solution for several hours. In case of heavy contamination, it is permissible to add 1 tbsp to the recipe. l. turpentine. After soaking, it is recommended to wash the item in a machine.

To achieve a snow-white uniform color, you can soak the robe in a ten-liter bucket of water with the addition of 4 tbsp. l. peroxide, 1 tbsp. l. ammonia, 6 tbsp. l. salt and 55 g of regular washing powder. Medical clothing should be left in water for half an hour, then rinsed and machine washed.


You can bleach a robe with surface contamination using citric and boric acid. The method is less aggressive compared to chemical bleaches.

A recipe using fresh lemon involves dissolving the juice of 2 lemons in a bowl of warm water. To better penetrate the acid into the fibers, medical clothing should be soaked for at least 9 hours, after which the uniform should be rinsed and machine washed as usual.

Citric acid will help whiten a robe if you soak it in 60 grams of raw material with 3 liters of hot water. Clothes are soaked for 3 hours, after which they are rinsed and washed as usual.

Boric acid should be used to clean medical products made from cotton. The recipe is to combine 2 liters of water and 2 tablespoons of boric acid. You can whiten a robe by soaking the item for 2-3 hours and then washing it.

Soda and vinegar

The baking soda and bite method is effective and cheap. You can bleach an element of a medical uniform in a washing machine by adding 2-3 tablespoons of soda to the powder. No boiling is required, just set the temperature to 75 degrees.

To whiten a yellowed medical gown using hand washing, dissolve 6 tablespoons of powder in hot water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of ammonia and a couple of aspirin tablets. After 2 hours of soaking, the item should be washed with powder.

Using simple vinegar, you can easily whiten a medical uniform. It is acceptable to use essence and ordinary vinegar to remove yellowness. The recipe is to dissolve 280 ml of the substance in 6 liters of water. Duration of soaking is up to 50 minutes. After thorough rinsing, the robe can be washed by hand or in a washing machine.

Vinegar essence will require much less - 80 ml. The concentrate should be mixed with 7 liters of warm water and left to soak for 40–50 minutes. You can finally bleach the item using any preferred washing method.


It is advisable to use mustard for a cotton medical gown. Powdered seasoning should be dissolved in 5 liters of water, the temperature of which is 80 degrees. You can whiten the mold by soaking it for 3 hours.

Laundry soap

You can use laundry soap for medical suit material that does not contain synthetics. The product can be treated with individual stains or applied to the entire robe using a rubbing motion to whiten the yellowness. The product should be left for 8–9 hours. When the soaking step is completed, the uniform is washed using fabric softener.

How not to ruin your robe

In order to bleach a medical uniform, you should follow certain rules:

  1. You should start washing after studying the composition of the material.
  2. It is prohibited to use products containing chlorine and laundry soap for synthetics.
  3. The use of boiling is highly discouraged. The permissible machine wash temperature is 50–60 degrees.
  4. Bleaching and washing a medical white coat with colored items can damage the fabric.
  5. Long-term stains are more difficult to bleach.
  6. You can use a chlorine detergent to bleach cotton and linen items. For other fabrics, bleach can be harmful.
  7. Medical clothing should be washed using fabric softener to soften the water and keep the gown fresh.
  8. A yellow discoloration remover should be selected with the “bleaching” label.

If you follow all the washing rules, you can easily bleach an old medical gown at home. To avoid rapid wear of the work uniform, stain removers should only be used as needed.

An indispensable attribute of everyone's uniform medical worker is a robe. Basically, it always has a white color, which symbolizes purity. But, no matter how much you would like, it is very difficult to ensure that the snow-white robe does not lose its original color and appearance. Many people turn to dry cleaning for help, but they cannot always find the means to go there multiple times. In this article you will learn about effective ways whitening a medical gown at home.

Methods for whitening medical scrub at home

There are many ways to whiten your robe at home. All of them are simple, effective, and most importantly economical. You can find almost all the necessary components for whitening at home or purchase additional ones if necessary. You can give things a flawless look using a washing machine or hand washing, using some little tricks. It all depends on preferences and capabilities.

When washed in a washing machine

Ordinary shallow stains can be easily removed from clothes using regular washing powder. But what if there is deep dirt on the robe or it has become yellowish or grayish? The first thing that comes to mind when you need to return your robe to its original white color. This is, of course, the thought of bleaches. We use them when washing in a washing machine, if it has a pre-soaking function. If there is no such function, before washing, soak the item in a basin with cold water approximately 20 minutes.

REFERENCE: very often you can see that health workers boil their uniforms in a solution with the addition of bleach. There is no need to do this, because this way things lose their appearance. It is best to purchase specialized chloride bleach. True, it cannot be used for synthetic fabrics, because it can ruin the item.

When soaking by hand

You can also restore the snow-whiteness and freshness of your robe by hand washing, following some effective methods:

Soda remedy

Baking soda does an excellent job of removing dirt and yellow stains. It is available to everyone, you can literally buy it for pennies. To make a bleach with soda, you need to dissolve 0.1 kg of soda in seven liters of hot water. We soak the robe in the resulting product for half an hour. After this, we wash the item in the machine on a standard cycle.

Using bleach

Soak the product in cold water using bleach. For cotton fabrics, bleach is ideal, and for synthetic fabrics, bleach is ideal. Pre-soak the robe for 20-30 minutes, and then wash it in the machine.


A good bleaching agent is simple laundry soap (an excellent stain remover). Rub the contaminated areas of the robe well with laundry soap. Then rinse in warm water and leave the robe to soak in it overnight. Then we take it out and hang it to dry.


Lemon will definitely end up in every housewife's kitchen. Squeeze the juice from two lemons and dilute it in ten liters of warm water. Soak the product in this liquid overnight. Afterwards, rinse with warm water and leave to dry. The stains are gone!

Hydrogen peroxide

Add four tablespoons of peroxide, six tablespoons of salt, one spoon of ammonia and 50 grams of powder to ten liters of water. We will get a kind of bleach based on hydrogen peroxide. Soak the item in this solution for half an hour, then rinse and dry.

Important nuances - how to bleach and not spoil

Cotton fabrics can be washed with white, but for synthetic fabrics white is contraindicated, because it contains chlorine;
Do not boil things in a solution containing bleach. This significantly shortens their service life;
When preparing homemade bleach, proceed strictly according to the specified recipe, otherwise there is a risk of hopelessly ruining the item.

We hope that our article was useful to you and you received answers to all your questions about bleaching a medical gown.

A dressing gown is a very comfortable and practical item in your wardrobe. You can wrap yourself in it after a bath or warm up after a long walk. Having picked up correct style and colors, you will look elegant and stylish even at home. Many people try to buy a robe in dark shades, because they believe that a household item should not be a brand. If you follow all the rules for caring for terry products, you can safely choose bright colors.

Rules for washing terry products

Buying white coats, the first question that arises in your head is how to wash it later, or even bleach it completely? Whatever you have to do special effort When washing, do not wear the item until it becomes heavily soiled. Any stain can be washed off before it has set in.

If contamination cannot be avoided, washing should be carried out according to the following rules:

  • sort white from colored and dark;
  • If you have hard water, be sure to add a water softener when washing;
  • at hand wash to soften, add vinegar, proportion - 100 ml per 10 liters of water;
  • set the washing machine mode indicated on the product label, and if there are no such instructions, do not wash the product at more than 60 degrees;
  • It is advisable to use gels for washing, since powder particles are difficult to wash out of the fibers and make the product hard;
  • For severe stains, use additional bleach.

Terry bleaching products

Today, the chemical industry offers various powders and stain removers, especially for white items. But if you trust the experience of our grandmothers, then it is quite possible to deal with stains and return things to their whiteness without expensive products. There is a stain remover for each type of stain.

You can get rid of greasy stains using regular detergent for dishes. And also soda, laundry soap, ammonia, salt, starch and hydrogen peroxide.

Juice stains, which are often left by children, are very corrosive. And for mothers this is real torture. They can be removed using boiling water, laundry soap or a mixture of vodka and glycerin in a 1:1 ratio.

Tea and coffee stains are common on women's dressing gowns. You can remove them with regular salt or laundry soap. The stain should be washed immediately after it appears, before it penetrates deeply into the fibers.

Fasteners and metal buttons begin to leave traces of rust over time. You can get rid of them using citric or acetic acid. To prevent them from appearing in the future, it is better to replace the fasteners with plastic ones.

Bringing back its former whiteness

It often happens that after prolonged wear and washing women's home dressing gowns lose their whiteness. It is also possible to return it, and this can be done even at home. Before washing, you should soak the item in a special liquid solution. It could be like purchased funds, and homemade. When buying whitening powders, carefully monitor the composition and recommendations. They should only be used on terry cloth.

Check pockets before soaking. They should be free of any debris and crumbs. The length of soaking depends on the product you use. If the bleach is coarse white, then soaking should be no more than 1 hour. And the quantity should be according to the recommendations on the packaging.

After soaking, the robe should be rinsed well and wrung out by hand. To secure the result, put the product in the washing machine. It is not allowed to load any other laundry of a different color, and the drum should not be more than a third full. Avoid spinning at high speeds. It is better to twist the robe by hand after washing.

Don't forget about softness. Special rinses and balms will help you not to lose it after washing. And under no circumstances iron terry cloth! To avoid creases, straighten it and dry it on a hanger in a dark place.

How to bleach synthetics

To whiten a synthetic robe, the product will have a different composition and will correspond to the type of fabric and its characteristics. As for chemical bleaches, regular white is suitable. To avoid yellowing and damage to the fabric, do not overdo it with the amount and soaking time.

If you don't want to take risks, use gentle bleaches. But you shouldn’t leave the product soaked for a long time either. The main rule for any whitening is to rinse well. Particles of powder or bleach remaining in the fibers of the fabric may turn yellow, and it will no longer be possible to get rid of them.

If you don’t have specialized products at hand, you can easily mix a bleaching agent from the simplest ingredients. You will need 3-4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tablespoon of ammonia, 6 tablespoons of table salt and 50 grams of washing powder. Dilute all this in 10 liters of warm water and soak the product for 20-30 minutes. After this, rinse the robe in cold water and set it to dry.