How to dry jeans very quickly. Effective ways to dry jeans, how to do it quickly. Features of emergency drying

Reading time: 7 minutes

Perhaps everyone at least once in their life has wondered how to quickly dry jeans. Every person has favorite things in their wardrobe that they want to wear more often than others. These clothes are comfortable and practical, appropriate in different situations. What should you do if your irreplaceable jeans have been washed and you need to put them on in a few hours? You can save the situation with the help of household appliances and improvised means.

Denim fabric is quite thick and dries very slowly. If the pants are washed by hand, the water initially drips off them copiously and then evaporates from the fibers. The longest wait is for the seams, fastener area, waistband and pockets to dry. To solve the question of how to quickly dry jeans after washing, you first need to remove excess moisture. The easiest way to do this is in the washing machine on the “gentle spin” program.

If the product label contains a prohibition automatic washing and spinning, the situation will be corrected in literally 20 minutes with terry sheets or towels:

  1. dry cloth should be laid out on a horizontal surface;
  2. place wet jeans on top;
  3. cover with a second layer of towels;
  4. form a bundle or fold all layers into an envelope;
  5. wait until excess water is absorbed into the auxiliary tissue;
  6. repeat manipulations 1-5 using other towels.

In the summer, you can hang your jeans on the balcony, carefully securing them with clothespins to the edges of the legs or waistband. It is worth considering that in the sun the fabric becomes less bright, so you need to turn the pants inside out. Even in warm weather, you won't be able to dry your jeans in 5 minutes, but there are several ways to make it faster.

How to dry jeans in different ways

When you don’t have time to wait for jeans to dry naturally after washing at home, you have to use extreme methods. Aggressive impact on the material leads to destruction of the fiber structure. Such things wear out faster and lose their attractiveness. During emergency drying, moisture turns into steam and leaves the fabric fibers faster.

Devices that help dry clothes at home:

  • fan;
  • battery, heater;
  • electric dryer;
  • iron;
  • hair dryer;
  • oven.

Quick drying is not suitable for all denim items. If the fabric contains synthetic threads, high temperatures are contraindicated.


One of the most gentle options for removing moisture from clothes.

  • Jeans are hung on the back of a chair or the crossbar of a sliding dryer.
  • Install a fan at a distance of 30 cm and turn it on.
  • The device creates air circulation and the water evaporates faster.
  • By adjusting the speed of rotation of the blades, as well as periodically changing the position of the legs, you can dry your jeans in a few hours.

An air conditioner is used for the same purpose, directing the air flow onto wet clothes.

Heating device

In winter, central heating makes the task of drying clothes much easier.

  • Wet jeans are laid out on a hot radiator and left for a couple of hours.
  • After the time has passed, the pants are shaken and put back on the other side.
  • After two to three hours, the dry item is taken away.

The advantage of radiators is their relatively low temperature, which allows the fabric to be evenly heated without damaging its structure. However, if you forget your jeans on the radiator, they can become very dry overnight. Be careful when using this method!

In summer, water heating does not work, but there is an alternative - an electric heater. The drying process is different in that the electrical appliance cannot be left covered and unattended. You should lift your jeans more often and manually adjust the heating temperature.

Dry jeans quickly with an electric dryer

This appliance is specifically designed for drying clothes and linen, but is not an essential item. If you have such a unit in your apartment, you can forget about the long wait. Simply lay the jeans on the rods with heating elements and plug in the cord. The electric dryer works autonomously, allowing you to do your own thing. After a few hours you will receive ready-made pants without attaching special effort.


If you need to quickly dry your pants after washing, you will have to work hard. You will need an iron, a table or ironing board, several towels, sheets and diapers.

  • spread on work surface terry towel;
  • place the jeans on a towel with the wrong side up;
  • cover the trousers with a flannel diaper or sheet;
  • Iron your jeans with a heated iron;
  • remove the dampened cloth, shake the trousers and let them cool;
  • Repeat the ironing cycle several times, changing towels as they get wet.

Separately, we need to talk about how to dry jeans with different fabric compositions. Rough fabrics can be ironed with the iron at maximum heat. Long-term treatment with a hot iron is contraindicated for stretch products. You can use this method if you set the temperature regulator to the first division.


Using a hairdryer is easy to dry lightly splashed clothes. The same drying method is also used for freshly washed items. How long it takes for jeans to dry depends on the power of the device. The convenience of a hair dryer is that the flow of hot air can be directed both along the product and inside the legs.

  • Turn the jeans inside out and straighten them along the seams to ensure even heating.
  • Secure the item on a hanger and hang it from a rope in the bathroom. This will free your hands and allow you to turn your jeans the right way.
  • Turn the hair dryer to the middle position and direct the air stream onto the wet fabric.
  • Smoothly move the device up and down, covering the entire surface of the material with warm air.
  • After 10 minutes of use, turn off the hair dryer and turn the jeans right side out.
  • Repeat drying by placing the appliance nozzle in one of the pant legs for 5 minutes. Make sure that the air filter is located outside, otherwise the hair dryer may overheat and break.
  • Carry out a similar procedure with the second leg.
  • Finally, pay attention to pockets and waistbands, where thick fabric takes longer to dry.

Using a hairdryer, you can get your jeans dry in just over an hour. This method is characterized by the greatest labor costs. In addition, a powerful hair dryer consumes a lot of electricity, and if used for a long time, it can overheat and fail.


If you urgently need to dry your jeans without a hairdryer or iron, there is an extreme option - the oven. It's fast, but it's a fire hazard. You may be left without jeans, plus it is very dangerous.


  • wash the inside of the oven;
  • preheat the oven to 120 ºC;
  • roll up the jeans and place on the wire rack;
  • leave the door ajar;
  • Every 5 - 6 minutes, take out your trousers, shake them and fold them again.

Don't leave the oven, keep the process under control. Even within 10 minutes a fire hazard can arise. It will not be possible to completely dry the product in the oven - some areas are still wet, while scorch marks are already forming on others. You can also dry your jeans outside the oven by hanging them on the door handle.

For comfort different ways dryings are tabulated.

comparison table

Drying method Drying time pros Minuses
Natural drying 12 o'Clock in the noon The fabric does not deteriorate For a long time
Spin in a centrifuge 5 – 6 hours Minimum moisture remains in the fabric Used for preliminary preparation only
Fan 4 – 5 hours Safely;

low fabric shrinkage

Radiator 3 – 4 hours No extra effort required. Dangerous . There is a risk of drying out
Electric dryer 3 – 4 hours Autonomy Matter may dry out
Washing machine in dry mode 1 – 2 hours Fast, safe, autonomous High electricity consumption
Hairdryer 1,5 hour The quality of the fabric does not deteriorate Long and labor-intensive; Possible breakdown of the electrical appliance
Iron 1 hour Available The tissue structure is damaged
Oven 30 – 40 minutes Fast. Dangerous Advance preparation and observation required

Excessive heating is bad for the condition of the fabric. The use of household electrical appliances is important when you need to lightly dry clothes. To prevent jeans from tearing and to retain their shape and color longer, you need to dry them properly: hang them straightened out on a clothesline, securing them with clothespins.

Almost every one of us has gotten wet in jeans in the rain or summer waves, or found ourselves in a situation where we needed to run somewhere, but our trousers were washed and did not have time to dry. There is less and less time, but, as luck would have it, it is jeans - the most beloved, comfortable and in-demand clothing - that take the longest to dry. In order not to find yourself, as they say, “without pants” at a crucial moment, we will discuss in this article several ways to quickly dry jeans.

How to dry jeans correctly

Clothes from denim has firmly entered into everyday life and has taken the most important place in our closets. And this is not surprising: such trousers are reliable, practical, they can be worn at home, worn for a walk, on a hike, to a club, and even to work, if there is no strictly established dress code. You have to wash jeans often, but they take longer to dry than other clothes. In addition, you may get caught in the rain in denim pants or spill water or some kind of drink on yourself. Walking in wet pants is inconvenient, unpleasant, and sometimes unacceptable. In such cases, it is especially important to dry your jeans as quickly as possible. The problem is that denim is a very dense and stiff fabric, which makes it difficult to dry.

You can use high and extreme high temperatures- use an iron, oven, hot heater or hair dryer for drying, but they are not suitable if the jeans are made of thin or stretch fabric. As you know, when exposed to heat, the material loses its elasticity.

Note! Whatever method you choose to dry your denim, always turn it inside out. This way, the fabric will retain its color longer without fading or fading, and you can avoid getting your jeans dirty again while they dry.

You can speed up the drying of jeans after washing them in the washing machine by setting the maximum spin speed. This will not affect the quality of the fabric, but excess moisture will be removed and the drying time will be significantly reduced.

The maximum spin function in your washing machine will help you significantly speed up the drying process of denim clothes.

Even if you haven't washed your pants and are caught in the pouring rain, you should still put your jeans in washing machine and squeeze.

The easiest way to dry a separate wet spot is when you just spilled water on yourself. It is enough to iron it with an iron or blow it with a hairdryer.

In the summer, on a hot day, there is no need to panic at all: wet jeans will quickly dry on the body during a walk and without additional manipulation.

The matter becomes more complicated if we are not talking about clean water, but about juice, sweet soda, tea or coffee. In this case, you must first wash the clothes so that no stains remain, and then start drying. If you iron a juice or coffee stain, it is very likely that it will stay with you forever.

Ways to quickly dry jeans even after washing

On open air

The easiest way to dry jeans is to hang them on the street or balcony. Natural drying in warm weather, fresh wind and strong sunlight is the most convenient and correct, and it will take no more than 2 hours. This is actually an ideal drying method that will not harm your items.

Drying jeans on a clothesline on outdoors- the simplest and most gentle way, but not the fastest

As a last resort, if you expected 2 hours, but in an hour and a half your jeans have not yet dried properly, in the remaining half hour it is quite possible to finish drying them using more extreme methods.

How to dry jeans at home in an hour

Towels and hairdryer

It’s unlikely that you can quickly dry freshly washed jeans with just a hairdryer, but if you took them out of the machine after the maximum spin cycle, then this option is worth a try.

  1. Lay your jeans flat on a large dry towel. Roll everything into a rope as tight as possible.
  2. When the towel gets wet, replace it with another one. Repeat until there is no moisture remaining on the next towel.

    To be sure to achieve the effect, you can sit for a few minutes or even jump on a rope made of a towel and jeans. Your child will be happy to help you with this.

  3. Now hang your jeans on a line or lay them out on a flat surface, such as a table. Take a hairdryer, turn it on at full power, and direct a stream of hot air onto your clothes, holding the device at a distance of about 30 centimeters.
  4. To speed up drying, blow dry your jeans on all sides. You can even turn them inside out and back a couple of times to dry the seams more thoroughly.

Blow drying will take you about 1 hour. Try to use this method as rarely as possible:exposure to too hot, dry air negatively affects the quality of denim.

There is another, more cunning way to dry jeans with a hairdryer:

Video: drying jeans with a hairdryer

On heating devices

In the cold season, when the heating is on in the apartments, you can easily use hot radiators or electric heaters. Don't forget about the measures fire safety: Do not leave jeans on the heater for a long time.

If we are talking about getting a part of the product wet (for example, when you spilled water on your jeans), it will take about 10 minutes.

Very fast drying in 30 minutes

In the oven

This method, strange at first glance, is considered the most effective and fastest, but will require caution. Firstly, jeans should not be kept near an open flame if we are talking about a gas stove oven, or too close to a heating element if an electric oven. Secondly, the oven and its door must be clean so that the jeans do not get dirty or saturated with food odors.

A gas or electric oven will help you dry your jeans faster


  1. Preheat the oven to medium temperature.

    Be sure to also use the fan mode (convection), if your oven has one.

  2. Open the oven door, hang the jeans on it, straightening them as evenly as possible. During the drying process, the door should always be slightly open and in the same position. Turn your jeans over to the other side every 10 minutes.

Drying time depends on the density of the fabric and the intensity of wetting. For example, on pressed summer jeans it will take you 10–20 minutes.

You can dry your jeans without hanging them on the door, but right inside the oven. This method is more extreme; it is only suitable for thick cotton denim without elastane or synthetic threads in the composition.

  1. Fold the item so that it does not take up much space and place it on the wire rack. The door must be slightly open so that the generated steam escapes freely.
  2. Jeans need to be turned over every 10 minutes and folded with the other side out, so the drying will be even.


You can use an iron. This method is simple and quick, but it is not suitable for very wet trousers, as whitish or shiny streaks may appear on the fabric.

  1. Pre-dry your jeans sunlight or battery.
  2. When the clothes are just a little damp, turn them inside out and lay them out on the ironing board.
  3. Iron your jeans slowly and thoroughly without using the steam function. Iron through dry gauze folded in several layers or a piece of clean cotton fabric. You will need several pieces of material. As soon as one becomes damp, immediately replace it with another to speed up the drying process.
  4. Iron the trousers in this manner several times on the front and back sides.

Carefully iron the jeans from the wrong side, and then from the front side.

If we are talking about a small wet area of ​​​​fabric without seams, you can handle it with an iron in 5 minutes.

As you can see, all methods of drying denim trousers, even quite extreme ones, one way or another, will require time and effort from you. In 5-10 minutes, only small wet spots can really dry well. But at least you can significantly speed up the process, especially if weather conditions do not allow you to quickly dry your jeans naturally by hanging them outside on a warm sunny day.

The life hack in the case of wet jeans is that you can intelligently combine the described methods with each other to get excellent dry jeans. For example:

  • First, wring out the trousers in the machine (5–10 minutes);
  • then remove excess moisture with towels (10 minutes);
  • blow dry (15 minutes);
  • when the fabric is no longer very damp, use an iron or oven (30 minutes).

However, do not forget that quick drying methods can be destructive to fabric and paint, so use them only when necessary.

Video: methods for quickly drying denim pants

Today, few people remember that this universal wardrobe item - jeans - originally served as a robe. But trousers made of thick canvas fabric proved themselves so well that they soon migrated to the shelves of expensive stores and to the shelves of wardrobes of fashionistas and fashionistas. Denim pants go well with any style of clothing, although they belong to urban casual. Young ladies skillfully complement them with airy blouses made of thin fabrics and high heels. Powerful of the world This is combined with jackets and leather oxfords. Children run around the yard in them, and pensioners count their jeans the best clothes for walks and travel.

However, versatility is not the only advantage of denim pants. Another advantage is their ease of use. You can wash jeans with soap, powder, and soft gel. The trousers do not wear out for a long time and after each “visit” to the washing machine they look like new. By the way, it is also not necessary to iron the jeans - they instantly smooth out on their owner a couple of minutes after putting them on.

Casual is an everyday style of clothing with an emphasis on comfort and practicality.

If you do it according to the rules

Before you start talking about how to dry thoroughly wet jeans in a short period of time, it’s worth understanding the rules of proper drying. There are only four of them.

  1. Natural process. Quick drying is always an emergency measure, damaging the fibers of the fabric and shortening the wear time of the pants. In a good way, it is better to dry jeans naturally - on a clothesline or a special dryer installed in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.
  2. Down with your feet. You need to hang denim pants in the same position in which you wear them. And not upside down, as many people think. The most convenient way to secure the waistband of your pants to a rope or wire is with clothespins.
  3. Inside out. Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the quality of fabric, so rich colors often fade in the sun. To prevent this from happening, jeans must be dried inside out, exposing the reverse side to the sun's rays.
  4. Strong spin. Jeans are not at all afraid of the high speed of the washing machine drum. Therefore, they can be safely pressed even on the strongest mode. This process will not have any negative effect on the fabric, but will remove moisture from clean pants to the maximum.

How to quickly dry jeans using electrical appliances...

So, your pants are clean, and now you are faced with the task of drying wet jeans in 10 minutes. Let's dot all the i's in advance and clarify an important detail. If the clothes were washed by hand and not partially, but completely, they must be wrung out in the washing machine. If this is not possible, do not expect quick drying. After hand washing, a huge amount of moisture remains in the trousers. To evaporate it, you will need to use the iron for more than an hour. Only a dryer can dry denim pants in literally five minutes. But in our country, this unit is more common in laundries, and few people have it directly in their house or apartment.


Peculiarity . A miniature compact device, powered by electricity, can partially replace an automatic dryer. True, to achieve the desired effect and dry your pants as quickly as possible, you will need to sweat a lot. Jeans wrung out in a washing machine should be ironed for 20-25 minutes - if they are made of thin fabric. It will take more time to get rid of moisture that has penetrated into dense matter - from 30 minutes to an hour. A thin sheet or kitchen towel will help evaporate the moisture faster. You can dry it without an auxiliary piece of fabric, but in this case the process will take a little longer.

What to do

  1. Turn clean jeans inside out.
  2. We plug the iron into the outlet and set it to the maximum temperature without steaming.
  3. Place the pants on the ironing board and cover them with a dry, thin cotton cloth.
  4. We begin to iron the surface of the trousers through the fabric.
  5. Periodically turn the jeans right side out and continue ironing them through the cotton flap.

Hairdryer and towels

Peculiarity . You can quickly dry wet jeans with a hairdryer only in fragments. That is, if one or more small areas were washed. Trying to dry completely washed trousers with a hairdryer in half an hour is useless. If the situation is such that the only electrical appliance you have access to is a hairdryer, but you still need to dry your pants quickly, use several bath towels. User reviews confirm that a preliminary “spin” using terry towels helps a lot in a hopeless situation. By the way, in summer period In this way, you can dry wet jeans very quickly, allowing them to dry on you.

What to do

  1. We wrap the wet jeans in a terry towel and begin to wring out the item of clothing with four hands.
  2. If you don’t have an assistant next to you, to do the spin, simply place something heavy on the jeans wrapped in a towel.
  3. When you see that the towel is completely wet from the absorbed moisture, remove the pressure, take out the jeans, wrap them in a similar but dry towel and install the pressure again.
  4. Turn your denim pants inside out, hang them on hangers in a convenient place and start blow-drying the fabric on all sides.
  5. Pay special attention to high-density areas - back and front pockets, waistbands and seams.

To prevent blow-drying from spoiling the color and quality of denim, keep your distance. There should be at least 20 cm between the spout of the electrical appliance and the pants.

Next to the oven

Peculiarity . The oven method is considered both the most dangerous and one of the most effective. When implementing it in practice, you must adhere to important rules. Firstly, you need to turn your pants over to the other side every 10-15 minutes. Secondly, under no circumstances should you leave the kitchen while drying. The process must be closely monitored so that it does not end in fire. Third, you should not use this method if the oven is too dirty or smells like recently cooked chicken.

What to do

  1. Turn on the oven.
  2. We open its door completely and hang wet pants near the opening.
  3. Periodically turn the jeans over, exposing first one side or the other to the heat that the oven emits.

If a gas oven is used, then the method can safely be classified as one that does not require electricity.

...and without them

Unfortunately, electrical appliances are not always at hand. In addition, no one is immune from a power outage when there is rain outside the window and peals of thunder are heard every now and then. Therefore, you should keep a few in reserve effective ways drying without a hairdryer and without an iron, as well as other electrically powered devices.

On battery

Peculiarity . The “battery” drying method is available only in the cold season - when central heating is running in our apartments, and the radiators are, if not hot, then at least warm. However, if you have an oil heater, the “battery” method will be available to you all year round. Please note: stretch jeans must be dried correctly on a hot radiator so that they do not shrink. Never set an oil heater or temperature-controlled batteries to maximum power. This rule does not apply to thick denim pants without stretch.

What to do

  1. Turn your pants inside out.
  2. If the battery is standard, we hang them with the letter W.
  3. If we use an oil heater, hang it so that the entire surface of the trousers is in contact with the metal.

Using a radiator with a surface temperature of 30°C, you can dry your jeans completely overnight – 100%.

In a draft

Peculiarity . If there is a through flow of warm air in the apartment, jeans can dry in literally half an hour. And if you hang them on an open balcony, exposing them directly to the sun’s rays, drying will take a minimum of time. But unfortunately, this method is relevant only in the warm season and in sunny weather. Because on a rainy summer day, due to high humidity, it will not be possible to achieve results quickly.

What to do

  1. Turn your denim pants inside out.
  2. We hang it in a window opening on a balcony or in a room - provided that the window is wide open.
  3. After 20 minutes, turn the other side of the jeans towards the sun to ensure uniform heating of the fabric.

Pros and cons of different methods

If you only have half an hour to dry your pants, then spending half of that time choosing a method is completely stupid. In order not to read all the recommendations carefully outlined in the action algorithms described above, to select quick drying, you can use a table with the advantages and disadvantages of each method mentioned.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of methods for quickly drying jeans

WayprosMinusesDuration, minutes
Iron- Comfortable;
- effective
- Requires long periods of standing;
- fire hazard if operating rules are not followed
Hairdryer- The process is simple and comfortable- Too long for completely wet jeans;
- constant participation in the process;
- a low-quality electrical appliance may overheat
Terry towels- Available;
- easy to implement;
- does not require the use of electrical appliances
- Requires a strong assistant;
- does not dry trousers 100%;
- effective only in summer
Battery- Does not require total control;
- easy to implement
- Only relevant in winter30-60
Oven- Dries quickly and 100%- Fire hazardous;
- requires constant human presence
Draft- Safe;
- effective
- Long lasting compared to other methods;
- relevant only in summer

After most of the listed emergency drying methods, tight areas of the pants (waistband, patch pockets) still remain noticeably damp. If it's summer, you can wear jeans without a doubt. After just 15 minutes, not a trace of moisture will remain on them. The sun and the warmth of your body will have a two-way effect and will finish drying what you didn’t have time to dry with a hairdryer and iron. It’s a different question if it’s winter. Going outside in wet jeans in cold weather is not the best good idea. The idea could end in illness, so don’t take the risk.

When looking on the Internet for tips on how to quickly dry jeans at home, remember: emergency measures are for that reason, so as not to resort to their use day after day. Aggressive exposure to high temperatures damages the fabric, negatively affects the color of clothing and significantly shortens its wear life. Therefore, before resorting to the quick drying method, ask yourself whether this impulse is momentary. Most often, your favorite jeans can be painlessly replaced with another wardrobe item.

Sometimes unforeseen situations happen when you urgently need to dry clothes, but there is sorely not enough time for this. The culprit may be the rain, which suddenly wet the jeans. Or suddenly, before going to work or school, you discovered that your trousers were not dry after washing. When there is nothing to replace a thing, you have to come up with extreme ways to get out of the situation. Any household appliance that produces a sufficient amount of heat will help dry clothes quickly. The most important thing in such a situation is to remain calm, act quickly and clearly, try not to spoil the thing or cause a fire.

To dry jeans at home as quickly as possible, it is necessary to remove excess moisture after washing. If you have a washing machine at hand, you should immerse the product in the drum and set the spin mode. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated again. After this, you need to shake the jeans thoroughly and straighten out the creases. To remove as much moisture as possible from clothes, you should spin wet jeans in the washing machine along with a dry terry towel. The towel will absorb any accumulated water.

It is much more difficult to remove excess water without a washing machine, since after manual spinning there is still water left in the fibers of the fabric. a large number of liquids. A dry and clean terry towel will help you cope with this difficult task. Wrap trousers or sweatpants in it and press down with a weight. If there is no suitable heavy object nearby, you can sit on a towel yourself. Under the weight of the fabric, the water will release, but the towel will immediately absorb it. When the preliminary preparation has come to an end, you can proceed directly to drying.

Washing machine

Modern washing machines brands LG, Whirlpool, Bosch, Siemens are equipped with a drying mode. The principle of operation is that heated air is supplied to the drum, which slowly rotates in one direction or the other, turning over the clothes in it. Thus, hot air is distributed evenly and dries things from all sides. On average, this method takes from half an hour to 40 minutes.

Drying cabinet

A clothes drying cabinet makes it possible to dry jeans without damaging the structure of the fabric. Soft temperature regime ensures the safety of fibers and a gentle effect on any matter. Before drying, you need to read the instructions and choose the mode that is most suitable for a particular item of clothing. The sensor installed on the device will notify you when the work is completed.


One of the most effective ways to quickly dry wet pants is by ironing. You need to spread a towel on a flat surface and carefully lay out the item on it, avoiding the formation of folds and bends. The product should be turned inside out, covered with a cotton cloth (you can use a sheet) and begin ironing the fabric. While the towel will absorb accumulated moisture, the fabric will absorb steam. It is recommended not to set the device to the maximum temperature, otherwise the risk of ruining your clothes is very high. This is especially true for sweatpants and stretch jeans.

Every 5-7 minutes the item must be turned over to the other side. If a towel or cloth becomes too wet, it must be replaced with a new dry one. After processing the back side, you can begin ironing the front side. Particular attention should be paid to ironing seams, pockets and waistbands, as these are areas where a large amount of water accumulates.

This way you can easily dry slightly damp trousers in 5 minutes. If the fabric is thick and very wet, it will take longer to dry (from half an hour to an hour). It is advisable to let the item cool down after the procedure - for example, hang it under the flow of cool air on the balcony.


Blow drying

There are two ways to dry jeans with a hairdryer: by hanging them and by inflating the legs. In the first option, the item should be hung on hangers or attached to a rope with clothespins and evenly blown with a hot stream of air from all sides at a distance of 25-30 cm. It is necessary to process both the back and the front side, Special attention paying attention to seams, waistband and pockets.

The second method: you need to lay the jeans on the floor or on the bed, tuck up the bottom of the pant leg and waistband, and secure with pins or needles. A stream of hot air from a hair dryer should be directed into the loose pant leg, making sure that there is no air leakage. This way the product can be dried in 1-2 hours. The disadvantages include the duration of the procedure and the danger of breaking the device. Such a load can cause the hair dryer to fail.


One of the most quick ways drying jeans without an iron or hairdryer is an oven. It is also one of the most extreme and dangerous, since the likelihood of fire is very high if a person does not control the drying process. In general, the procedure takes 15-20 minutes, which is very convenient if time is limited.

It is necessary to preheat the oven to 110-120 degrees and hang the jeans on the slightly open door. The item should be turned over every 5-7 minutes to prevent the fabric from burning. To avoid fire, it is strongly recommended to remain in the kitchen at all times during drying. If the oven is electric, the jeans can be placed on a baking sheet and placed in the oven. Before the procedure, you need to make sure that the door and baking tray are clean. Otherwise, your clothes will get dirty and absorb food odors.


Another unusual way to dry jeans without using a hair dryer or iron is in the microwave. You need to fold the item and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. After this, you should turn the product over and put it back into the appliance to dry. The steps should be repeated until the item is dry on all sides.

When using this drying method, you must constantly be near the microwave and monitor the process. During heating, a lot of steam will be released, which should be released immediately. A product with metal fittings in the form of fasteners and buttons must be folded in such a way that the metal does not peek out. Otherwise, the sparks will cause the electrical appliance to catch fire.

Drying your pants

Trousers made from dense material take a relatively long time to dry.

Sometimes circumstances turn out in such a way that your favorite jeans are wet, but you urgently need to go somewhere.

In such an unforeseen situation, the question that remains of concern is how to quickly dry your pants without harming the material.

What can you do to ensure that your clothes dry quickly without being late for your meeting?

Of course, a miracle won’t happen, but you can handle it in an hour or an hour and a half.

Basic drying rules

There are options on how to clean up and quickly dry your jeans after washing.

In this case, you must adhere to the following simple rules.

  1. Dry the product on a flat surface in a horizontal position to prevent moisture from accumulating in certain places.
  2. Do not use dryers made from low-quality materials, as they can leave problematic marks on clothes. Products made of thick plastic may be an ideal option.
  3. To reduce the risk of the material fading, do not dry your pants in the sun.
  4. If you plan to dry your pants outside, turn them inside out. This will protect the item from mechanical damage and unwanted tightening.
  5. Do not lay out jeans to dry in the kitchen or other place that is a source of foreign odors.
  6. Make sure that the fabric does not dry out, otherwise you will have problems with ironing.
  7. Do not expose the wet product to high temperatures. This procedure can scorch the material or contribute to its shrinkage.

In addition, do not forget that it is not recommended to resort to express drying often. Otherwise, the fabric will quickly lose its original appearance and become thinner.

Secrets to drying pants quickly

A hair dryer comes to the rescue; the more powerful the device, the faster drying can be done.

This simple method will help you get your jeans in order within an hour.

First, one side of the product is processed, then the other, while paying attention to such elements as seams, waistband and pockets.

This method is quite labor-intensive, and long-term use of the device can lead to its breakdown.

Therefore, it is better to use it to dry not the entire thing, but individual areas.

In addition to a hairdryer, you can use an iron.

Using this method, you need to be extremely careful not to damage or burn the material upon contact with high temperatures.

Start processing the item from the wrong side and only then iron the front surface.

Using the high heat setting, iron your trousers only through a liner of white cotton fabric or gauze.

Treat the waistband, seams and pockets more carefully.

Cover the surface to be ironed with a terry towel, which will absorb excess moisture during heat treatment.

To ensure that jeans retain their shape and do not stretch at the knees, do not wear them immediately after treatment. Let the item cool and air out for half an hour.

An oven will help dry your pants quickly.

A thoroughly washed oven needs to be preheated.

The optimal temperature for drying is 120˚C. Hang the product inside out on the door.

To avoid harm, do not forget to turn your pants over every 10 minutes.

Alternative drying methods

You can tidy up your washed trousers using the following equipment:

  • repeated maximum spin mode;
  • use of an electromechanical dryer;
  • heat gun or fan.

In addition, a draft will help to quickly dry pants made of dense materials naturally.

Hang your jeans in a place where the wind blows and it is sunny.

This method is safe and very effective, but drying takes a long time.