How to raise a genius. Child prodigies from the cradle (about the dangers of early development) How to raise a genius

Every parent wants their child to be smart. What does it take to make a child a child prodigy? There are many early development systems, for example, the Montessori method, Walfdor pedagogy, the Nikitin system, Glen Doman's method, Zaitsev's cubes and other lesser known ones, which help develop the child's inclinations and abilities.

Each parent chooses which method is best suited to the child’s temperament and abilities, and also closer to the values ​​of the parent himself.

But in addition to the well-known systems of early development, there are general rules that contribute to the flourishing of the child’s abilities and inclinations, and the patterns or stages of the child’s intellectual development are also known.

What are these patterns? Let us turn to Piaget’s theory, which most clearly and fully reflects the stages of a child’s intellectual development.

In general, he identified 3 stages of development, while drawing attention to the fact that intellectual development tends to balance; at each stage it is disrupted and restored. Stages are levels of development that replace each other.

1. Sensorimotor stage (up to 2 years), pre-operational stage (2-7 years)

During this period, a kinesthetic knowledge base is accumulated, which will become the basis for further stages of development - the child needs to touch, tug, listen, even taste everything.

2. Concrete Operations Stage or Representational Intelligence (7-12 years old)

The stage when things are taken apart and put together - toys or even things of adults. This stage is necessary to move on to the stage of formal, logical operations - first these operations need to be done visually, by the child himself, so that later there is no doubt (thinking them through only in his mind) that this is the way it is.

3. The stage of formal operations (12-17 years old) or the basis of the logic of an adult; elementary scientific thinking, working with the help of hypotheses and deductions, is based on them. Abstract thinking is the ability to form conclusions according to the rules of logic, which allows a teenager to put forward hypotheses, think about testing them experimentally, and draw conclusions.

The foundation of human intelligence is laid in the first years of a child’s life - from birth to 5-6 years, because the brain grows and develops at an accelerated pace only in very early childhood. All information received during this period will become the foundation for a person’s future successful life. The main activity in preschool age is play.

So, rules for raising a genius.

1) Communicate with your child. Communicating means talking, listening and answering questions. The only authoritative source of knowledge for the little researcher is an authoritative adult. By asking questions, the baby not only receives information about the world around him. Your reaction to his questions shapes such personality traits as self-confidence or low self-esteem, curiosity or loss of interest in everything, developed creative thinking or simply following instructions.

When planning something, let it be the dinner menu - involve your child in the discussion. It is precisely such children, whose opinions are listened to, who most easily go through the period of the teenage crisis.

When a three-year-old child tells a story that happened in kindergarten, be patient and listen to the end. If an adult dismisses a child over and over again, he concludes: “They don’t like me,” “I’m not needed and I’m not interesting.” This conclusion is followed by a loss of both trust in an adult and self-confidence, bad behavior (in order to attract the attention of an adult), and the child’s anxiety grows.

Answer your child's questions. When asking a question, the baby seems to be asking: “Do you think that I am worthy of an answer, do you love me?..” All this can be hidden behind an innocent question, “Why does the wind blow or trees grow?” Parental respect is very important for children, including attention to their questions - this develops self-esteem in the child.

2) Give your child beautiful toys that develop imagination - you are not just spending money, but investing it in raising a genius. By allowing your child to draw, even on the walls, although of course it’s better on whatman paper pasted on the wallpaper, take apart the same toys, listen to the sound of a rattle, watch how objects thrown on the floor crumble, sculpt something from plasticine or dough - you ensure the child is at a successful sensorimotor stage of development.

You cannot force a child to study at an early age - this can discourage him from learning for a long time. But you shouldn’t stop your child from playing as he wants - this can make him passive and slow down his further development. Ideally, you want to play and teach at the same time. For example, letters and syllables are written on Zaitsev’s cubes in such a way that in the process of building a house or a train, entire phrases are obtained. The cubes themselves are filled with sawdust: wood sawdust if voiced consonants are written on them, and metal sawdust if voiced consonants are written on them.

By the age of five, children can easily learn up to five languages. An important factor for successful learning is naturalness - communication with native speakers or in the form of a game, for example, reading fairy tales, listening to songs.

3) Use bright details in the design of the nursery, let the child get acquainted with different colors from childhood. Introduce your child to art already in childhood - this will develop in him a sense of beauty. Educate even when you are not at home - decorate the walls with geographical maps, pages from encyclopedias that depict species of animals, plants, musical instruments, paintings by famous artists.

The child will not necessarily become a great artist or musician, but it will contribute to his overall development. The more information from different areas a child has at his disposal, the easier it is to reveal his talent and develop his inclinations and abilities. But the child should have the opportunity to choose.

4) Take a walk with your child - after all, the brain needs to be saturated not only with useful information, but also with oxygen. Go with your child to the forest, to the river, look at the surrounding objects, talk. For example, pick up the leaves of several trees and show the variety of colors and variety of shapes. And this will not just be information, but also a system of interconnected ideas of the child about himself and his place in the world around him. Does your baby enjoy running, jumping and climbing? Great, because activity stimulates the development of mental abilities.

5) And lastly, do not pull the child back. Do not force your child to read a book when he wants to draw, so as not to discourage him from reading and prevent the development of his artistic abilities. A child who is constantly given comments and suggestions grows up unsure of himself and closed to receiving information. If a child feels needed, understood, accepted, he learns to find love in this world.

These are the features of educating future geniuses that author researcher Gene N. Landrum noted in his book “14 Geniuses” (Napoleon Bonaparte, Walt Disney, Isadora Duncan, Pablo Picasso, Maria Montessori, Nikola Tesla and others):

  • Indulgent parents. Treating your child as a unique, special person will instill strong self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Show your independence. Business or entrepreneurial activities of parents instill in the child the same behavioral patterns.
  • Numerous trips and frequent moves. New cultures and acquaintances have a positive effect on the development of courage and teach one not to be afraid of uncertain situations.
  • Freedom of action and movement. Allow children to experience risk, without risking disaster, of course. The child should be given the freedom to explore the world, while parents monitor his activities so that new experiences do not harm the health and life of their child.
  • Develop your strengths without paying attention to your weaknesses. Optimism is what should be the main thing in consolidating behavioral qualities. Never let rationalism and negativism guide your actions.
  • Instill in your child that being different from others is great. Leaders are different from others. Taking risks should be encouraged without scolding for mistakes, allowing children to experiment and learn from mistakes.
  • Game-based learning teaches abstract problem solving. Construction sets, mosaic puzzles and radio construction sets are the toys of a genius. Solving heuristic problems develops a holistic understanding of the world and creativity. Intuition for a genius is a golden quality.
  • Books, films and imaginary heroes. Imaginary and mythological heroes open up unlimited perspectives for the child,become examples forgrowth and release its energy. Books and voracious reading are the keys to success.
  • Knowledge and curiosity should be respected. Knowledge breeds enthusiasm. Children should receive knowledge inart, exact sciences, journalism, poetry and philosophy.
  • Place your child in an environment that is stimulating and challenging. The unconscious absorbs everything like a sponge, and we become a byproduct of our environment. Try to enrich it, not impoverish it.
  • Hyperactivity- extremely useful quality. High energy and speed always win. Monitor overly active children, but do not calm them down with drugs or punish them. Such behavior is controlled, but cannot be changed. Many powerful people in this world were very active in childhood.
  • Don't limit your imagination. All creative endeavors of adults come from childhood fantasies, which are a by-product of the developed right hemisphere (responsible for spatial-imaginative thinking) and a holistic vision of the world.

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Talented children began to be born more often. Intellectual clubs, development centers and growth studios are on every corner. Work with gifted children has become a special area of ​​pedagogy. Giftedness in child psychology has acquired the scale of a trophy that must be looked for in every child and diligently cultivated. Giving birth to geniuses has become fashionable and prestigious. Purposeful development of abilities has become a family expense... What kind of trend is giftedness?

From this article you will learn

It's fashionable to be special

Each new study only adds questions and everyone is looking for a way to make a genius out of a child. But is it really so important for a modern child to be gifted? Does his upbringing differ from the generally accepted one? Is every child really talented in their own way? How to measure talent?

Gifted people differ from their peers in a higher level of development of some or many qualities at once. This is usually associated with a certain type of activity: communication, learning, creativity, sports, etc. Educators and teachers in the USSR called such children with the simple word “capable” and recommended that parents develop their abilities, but always maintaining the harmony of the child’s personality. The fashion for geniuses sometimes distorts the meaning of the term “giftedness.”

Giftedness is a phenomenon of time

Until the middle of the 19th century and the emergence of practical psychology and psychodiagnostics, scientists did not think too much about measuring the magnitude of giftedness. Abilities were considered a natural property of the individual, a universal human quality, and formed the basis of character and behavior.

New Age Terminology

At the threshold of the 20th century, several groups of authors almost simultaneously developed a “formula” for giftedness and defined it as a systemic, already mental, rather than psychological, quality. The main function of the gift is for a person to achieve a level of practical (mental, sports, technical or creative) activity that significantly exceeds the capabilities of other people.

The scientists’ findings can be combined into a list of traits inherent in giftedness:

  • The general development of personality is the primary foundation for the development of a systemic, holistic mental characteristic - talent.
  • A child’s giftedness and non-standard thinking, as in Maxim Galkin’s program “You are Super!”, arises as a result of the interaction of the natural components of the personality with social and cultural factors.
  • Success in a particular activity that significantly exceeds the success of other people, or a skill that has developed earlier than the “norm,” should be considered as a reason for in-depth diagnosis.
  • Giftedness develops throughout life. Its level of expression and direction may change throughout life.

From childhood to adulthood

The lifelong nature of the process, proven by scientists, does not guarantee that a talented child will grow up to be a famous scientist or graduate from college at the age of 16. Here scientists have identified several more important characteristics for high personal success:

  • A gifted child will not necessarily become a gifted adult, even if his development is guided and an individual educational route is built for this individual. This property is called “potentiality”.
  • If children's talent often manifests itself in several directions at once, then, when it passes into adulthood, it differentiates. A young scientist is more likely to choose a narrow field of scientific activity.
  • The child does not need motives, he is simply interested and every moment demonstrates his ability diffusely. Childhood talent will develop into adult talent if a young person develops a passion (thirst, aspiration, passion) and a bright motive appears.
  • It is the motive that ultimately determines the choice of profession. In adolescence, the most important thing will not be to help you open up, but to help you find that very motive for development.

Origins of talent

Talent can be revealed gradually or arise unexpectedly. It does not obey the plan and may suddenly transform or disappear altogether. Just yesterday the young poetess was passionately reading Mayakovsky, and today she is peacefully painting spring landscapes in gouache. The little pianist suddenly wanted to dance or train his voice. Such transformations are recognized as natural and even characteristic. Instability of child development is a variant of the norm.

Early and advanced development. These terms are close, but not identical. In addition, there are restrictions. For example, there is an opinion that it is not always useful for a child to start reading early. But it is possible to discover the possibilities of the surrounding world at an earlier age than is provided for by social and pedagogical norms.

Monitoring is the main tool for teachers and parents in diagnosing and confirming children's giftedness. The following can be recommended:

  • Parents and the class teacher should consider the children’s abilities comprehensively and take into account information from different sources;
  • Observations must be carried out over a long period of time and record peak moments and periods of “stagnation”;
  • Involve children in different types of activities and analyze the results;
  • Apply the expert method (collect the opinions of third-party experts when assessing performance results);
  • Assess prospects for immediate development and participate in joint activities to support aspirations;
  • Carefully select and effectively combine diagnostic procedures;
  • Carry out diagnostics in conditions as close as possible to reality;
  • Evaluate real achievements (olympiads, competitions, competitions, shows);

Subjectivism is the enemy of quality diagnostics, like any shortcuts; inept “stimulation” can also have a negative impact. Awareness of the fact “you are the best among us” already limits opportunities for development: “why grow if I’m already the best?” Rational development is the main goal of diagnosing talent and giftedness.

True and “rehearsed” talent

Many children have a unique memory and can easily cope with combinatorics problems. These are more brain abilities than true genius. And parents are tempted to turn this into a gimmick. Little smart guy - it's so funny! Such children, at the age of 2–3, know by heart all the presidents of the United States, the dates of the Macedonian military campaigns, the distance to Sirius and chemical formulas.

And here a natural question arises for a child psychologist: does the child himself need this information? Should parents, in pursuit of uniqueness, emulate the achievements of Albert Einstein or Newton? Do you need to turn your child into a living encyclopedia with your own hands?

Is it possible to specifically train memory?? Children's memory can be very tenacious. Simulators are good for harmonization, achieving balance between mnemonic processes: memorization and reproduction, for example.

The key criterion for giftedness is the desire for innovation, and not the ability to memorize and reproduce. To create your own masterpiece is already an application. Therefore, the young polyglot is considered only a candidate for the “natural gift” category. So how do you know that an intellectual or creative genius has settled in your home?

Problems of gifted children

Children who have realized their exclusivity and uniqueness may have some characteristics:

  • rejection of the school education system due to a feeling of boredom;
  • immaturity or deviations in gaming activities;
  • denial of standards and rules;
  • imbalance of social and psychological development, violations of self-esteem;
  • finding friends among older guys;
  • excessive pedantry, perfectionism;
  • demonstrativeness;
  • rudeness in communication, etc.

The main model of behavior of teachers and parents with such children is cooperation and trust.

Difficulties in diagnosis

Abilities and talents that become obvious to parents and teachers are usually designated by the terms “interest” and “passion.” And it is this information that helps to recognize genius and giftedness.

Note! In psychology, there are several different classifications that separate types of giftedness in children. Parents should remember that no test gives an absolute result. It is advisable to use different types of instruments, measure abilities over time, and carefully observe the child in everyday life.

Watch a very useful video about giftedness in children and what parents can do about it:

Giftedness in toddlers and preschoolers (3–5 years old)

At 1–2 years old there is hardly any point in talking about, let alone identifying, bright inclinations. The little vocalist is also interested in everything that is around him and copes well with any age-appropriate tasks. Accept this as the norm for the development of a modern child; it is too early to test a child for genius.

There is always a very information-rich environment around, the most interesting toys, technology and the attention of a well-read mother. That is why the baby so actively exceeds the age norms of psychological and intellectual development, developed in the depths of the seventies.

A genius baby (baby) is rather a figure of speech, since genius itself is considered the highest level of development of a particular inclination. In other words, a one-year-old child prodigy is unlikely to sort out the periodic table or prove the Pythagorean theorem. To do this, he simply does not have the physical capabilities or the necessary level of knowledge.

But talking about inclinations and inclinations at the age of 3–5 years is very appropriate. The main criterion, or rather, the form of manifestation of high abilities at an early age, is the child’s imagination. Support for this quality from parents and teachers is a factor in the development of giftedness, which helps children grow up active and creative.

For example, the talents of younger preschoolers are so multifaceted, according to researchers:

  • group of talents in the field of practice: craft, sports, management;
  • intellectual aspirations in various fields of knowledge, or academic talent;
  • craving for creativity and aesthetics and high results in this direction;
  • attractive talent - desire for leadership, outstanding communication skills;
  • altruistic aspirations (spiritual and value-based activities, creation of intangible objects, desire to serve people).

Indigo or genius

Often, everyday understanding smooths out the boundaries of such a phenomenon as indigo. Initially, indigo children were called children who show high intuition, creative activity, and are distinguished by especially fluent speech and prudence. But indigo is not a genius, it is a talented child whose abilities can be further developed or blocked forever.

Is it possible/needed to raise an ordinary child to be a genius? There is no clear answer to this question. Some experts believe that basic abilities can be developed to any level, even genius. Other researchers have not found a single fact in favor of the targeted cultivation of a genius child and argue that it is useless to influence the ability from the outside if it is not enough for genius.

Identification of talent at 5–6 years old

The first truly significant signs of a child’s giftedness can be noticed during the period of preparation for school - about 5.5–6 years. During this short age period, a brilliant child becomes bright, his individual characteristics become obvious to others. Most often, teachers in preschool educational institutions (kindergarten) tell parents that they have noticed a craving for mathematical games, leadership roles, or the visual arts in their students.

Don't take away your child's childhood! Even if your boy shows signs of giftedness, try to treat him like an ordinary child (and he is an ordinary child!). Don't try to fill his whole life with math or drawing, let him enjoy his childhood.

Questionnaire for parents of 4–6 year old children

Answer “yes” or “no” to the questions provided. Then count the number of “yes” and compare the result to the score scale.

  1. Does a child often find a non-standard use for this or that object?
  2. Do the child's interests change periodically?
  3. Does your little artist draw abstract pictures?
  4. Does he draw imaginary, non-existent objects, show artistic vision?
  5. Does the young genius like science fiction stories?
  6. Does he himself compose such stories, poems, musical compositions?
  7. Does he sometimes successfully do something he didn't know he could do?
  8. Does he transform space and objects according to his extraordinary design?
  9. Can he identify the main idea of ​​the text and reason about it?
  10. Does he cut out intricate images from paper and cardboard?
  11. Invents new words, is able to come up with his own plot dance?
  12. Does he find made-up words understandable without explanation?
  13. Does he often rearrange furniture?
  14. Does he use things for other purposes?
  15. Can you guess the purpose of objects that you have never seen?
  16. Prefers to dress according to his own taste, denying yours?
  17. Does he have his own fantasy world in which he is comfortable?
  18. Is he trying to find an explanation for something he is not familiar with?
  19. Asks to explain surrounding phenomena, is keenly interested in events in the outside world?
  20. Does he like books without pictures?
  21. Drawing his own board games, cards, etc.?
  22. Remembers dreams well, can he retell them?
  23. Quickly and easily establishes a connection between cause and effect, even if this connection is not obvious.

A child for whom parents have marked “yes” 20 to 23 times can be considered gifted. A result from 15 to 19 indicates the preschooler’s intelligence and interest. 9–14 points - this is a smart kid, not too inclined to creative things. 4–8 points - this child is more of a logician and practitioner than a creator. Less than 4 - ingenuity is not yet developed; teachers and parents can work on its manifestations.

You are our superman!

Telling a child how exceptional he is is a recipe for ruin. Children with high self-esteem may appear spoiled, hyperactive, and demonstrate deviant behavior. All of the above can be considered risk factors.

The price of genius. An artistic or scientific biography always begins in childhood. And every famous poet or composer went from infancy to adulthood. Please note that the fate of a genius is often sad. There are many examples in history (Pushkin, Mozart, Yesenin...). Yesterday - an unrecognized genius or mediocrity, and tomorrow - a world-famous virtuoso. This is a huge burden on the human psyche! There is also a saying that nature rests on the children of geniuses...

The mechanism of the formation and development of genius has not yet been fully studied, so be reasonable and do not rush to shock your child with tests. Seeing talent in a child is half the battle. A good parent is a calm parent! Don't rush to conclusions or actions. The best choice at this stage of diagnosis would be psychological analysis. Use standardized questionnaires and testing and consider any deviation from the norm only as a symptom of giftedness, not a diagnosis.

It may happen that a child has a hidden talent that has not been recognized for some reason. For example, autistic people can also be talented. The catch is that sometimes such special kids are not expected to, and therefore are not sought for, a gift.

Sh. Amonashvili tells how to properly nurture a genius in a child.

Primary school and talented teenagers

Primary school age is the ideal time to diagnose already updated abilities. Children already experience a craving for very specific phenomena. These phenomena are understandable to them, and therefore stimulate unlimited interest in knowledge. At the age of 7, the young musician already truly shows hope, having barely mastered the elementary piano class.

However, the interest of a recent kindergarten graduate may be unusual: dragon science, chemistry, history. And this is fully consistent with the concept of giftedness: any individual’s desire for innovation, creativity, creativity indicates talent.

The school program includes work with gifted children as a separate (mandatory) block. Therefore, teachers ignore the principle of free choice and conduct a targeted search for unique students among schoolchildren and almost forcefully draw into research activities those who at least slightly fit into the selection criteria.

Indicators expressed in numbers affect the school's rating. Oddly enough, this approach does not fail, since the school finds and develops something in the student that was missed by the parents. By the way, consultations for parents are included in the program of work with gifted students.

Position of the state On the wave of scientific progress, the country is solving the problem of shortage of personnel in this way - nurturing talents from a young age. And the school provides the state with all possible assistance in this. Take the time to attend a school-wide parent meeting on this topic at the beginning of the school year. Pay attention to the concept of the Russian national system for identifying and developing young talents.

Special methodological complexes and teaching technologies have been developed and are successfully functioning for teenagers. They are aimed at identifying and supporting gifted students. For many children, teachers’ methods of working with talented children act as a formative factor: a student who is not unique, but smart and has charisma, gets the opportunity to develop his abilities to the level of talent.

Support programs are implemented as part of additional education for schoolchildren. The child can be sent to a group like “Znayka” (3–6 years old) or “Young Erudite” (7–12 years old). Classes in an intellectual or creative laboratory help a child better master educational material, teach him structure, allow him to cope with tasks in a regular school lesson, develop creativity, and learn to work with literature. All these are universal skills that will be useful in any profession.

An example to follow

At the age of primary and secondary school, children search for (and find!) their idols. And why don’t you, as a parent, help in the search. Take an interest in historical facts together. Find the most brilliant example (for example, let it be the great scientist of his time, Leonardo da Vinci).

Get inspired by it together. Design, draw, sculpt - awaken the interest inherent in every primary school child. The birth of interest will be the first step towards the manifestation of talent in the future.

Create interest within the family. It is important for a small person to want to learn. And it will be possible to teach the subtleties with the help of teachers.

Literature on the topic

Start with A.I.'s textbook. Savenkova "Psychology of children's giftedness." The textbook breaks down all the information and helps you get an idea of ​​the phenomenon. It is better to continue education in this direction with materials from practicing teachers:

  • Giftedness: Blessing or Hindrance?
  • Article Passion in the structure of research talent
  • Personification of training and education of intellectually gifted students
  • Periodical publication “Gifted Child”.
  • Download methods for diagnosing giftedness in children.

If you want to study this issue in more depth, we recommend that you watch the webinar by Lyudmila Viktorovna Kunevskaya, Deputy Director for Water Resources Management of the Lyceum No. 9 of Novosibirsk:

Instead of a conclusion

Talent, gift, ability, divine spark - all these are concepts close to the term giftedness. All of them, to one degree or another, depend on natural inclinations. Seeing talent in a child is a matter of time and developmental psychology. Of course, we can say that a child is already talented in the womb. But it is also important to create conditions for development: to show the child the joy of discovery, to carefully guide his education, and to discard unreasonable expectations. And most importantly, both giftedness and talent should bring happiness to the child, and not burden him.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

Even simple child care can stimulate his intellectual development

If in Soviet times the main task of a pediatrician was the health of the baby and normal weight gain, now doctors are increasingly talking about the early development of the child, that is, about the disclosure of personal potential and the manifestation of talents literally from infancy. “If previously many rich people handed over their children to nannies, now they pay much more attention to them - everyone has become concerned about the early development of children,” admits professor, pediatrician, neonatologist Elena Keshishyan.

What methods and tools of early development are available today, when you need to start and what results to expect from your baby - in the material "MK".

“Today, pediatricians are really interested not only in the physical health of children, but also in their development - so that children absorb information and subsequently study well,” says Elena Solomonovna.

Speaking about early development, we mean the first three years of a child’s life - this is the period of maximum plasticity of the nervous system, when basic skills and abilities are formed. The correctness of the maturation and formation of the nervous system, of course, can only be assessed by specialists - pediatricians and pediatric neurologists.

Today there are a huge number of different methods of child development (M. Montessori, S. Lupan, M. Ibuka, Sh. A. Amonashvili and many others). All of them are good, but experts will be able to determine the one that is suitable specifically for your child during testing. As Dr. Keshishyan says, a new term has now appeared in world pediatrics - “developmental care.” New techniques are emerging that tell us how to care for babies so that their potential is maximized. Doctors advise starting to develop a child purposefully literally from the first days of his life - through touch, activation of auditory and visual images. And you can prepare for this perception even during pregnancy. “The sooner you begin to engage in the early development of your child, the more opportunities he will have to reveal his personal qualities,” says Elena Solomonovna.

The most effective tools for early development are toys. The basic rule is very simple - these toys should not be liked by parents, but should be suitable for children and meet age and skill requirements. At the same time, children have absolutely no need for some super toys that cost a fortune. They even play with clothespins with pleasure. If a child saw some household item in his mother’s hands, and then he gets it, this is an important message to become interested in it and do what he is asked to play. For example, take it out of a bucket, put it in a bucket, transfer it from one to another... The process of playing with such simple things can be long and constantly becoming more complex.

Even the process of eating can be turned into a game. “Today, many baby food manufacturers pay attention to packaging, trying to attract children with bright pictures. Some supply jars of curds with puzzles, others have come up with soft packages of puree, equipped with “intelligent” multi-colored lids that connect to each other and form figures from a simple daisy to castles, towers and animals. You can collect interesting toys while developing finger motor skills. Elements of play are very important for early development,” continues Dr. Keshishian.

Early development also includes the child’s involvement in a group—in other words, going to a nursery or kindergarten. However, many children have a hard time experiencing such changes in their lives - some scream and throw tantrums. “And the parents say: my child loves me so much that he can’t tear himself away. In fact, such children do not have developed communication skills. It is also known that many children in kindergarten often get sick. I assure you that most of these diseases come from the head. About three-quarters of children's illnesses in kindergarten are pure psychosomatics. Children subconsciously do not want to go to kindergarten and are more willing to grab viruses. And such diseases do not always need to be treated - the pediatrician’s task here is not to prescribe medicine, but to understand the problem. The sooner children are accustomed to society, the better they are socialized in the future, the more successful they will be in life. Overprotection for a child is bad from any point of view. Well, if a child doesn’t go to kindergarten at all, he will have problems communicating at school,” our expert continues.

Pediatricians advise developing a child’s communication skills from the moment he begins to feel like a part of society. The child must understand that he is growing up in a family, and parents should not interrupt their activities or their conversation as soon as the baby begins to demand attention. “At 3-4 years old, it will be too late to retrain a child,” warns Elena Solomonovna.

Today, many psychologists talk about a new generation of adults who grew up according to Dr. Spock's method - as a rule, these are soulless, unloved people. Dr. Keshishyan calls his colleague Spock “a product of Soviet ideology”: “He became popular in America during the depression because he taught not to pay attention to children’s pain, to feed babies strictly according to the clock. These children grew up with confidence: don’t cry, no one will come, mom will kiss you twice a day, and dad will kiss you once a week. As a result, such people can be made into nails.”

How will new generations of children grow up? This largely depends on the parents.

Every parent considers their child special, unique, as it is now fashionable to say, exclusive. Of course, this is true - all people are different from each other - and thanks to this, living in the world is interesting. But, of course, everyone wants their child to not only have a bright personality, but also to compare favorably with others intellectually. In order to achieve such a result, parents almost from the cradle begin to take their children to educational activities, in fact, partly depriving them of their childhood. But in order to raise a genius, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money and time on developing your child using innovative methods. To do this, a few very simple but effective methods are enough.

Growing a genius at the earliest stages of development

Surely, you have heard more than once about these ways to raise a genius, but you never thought that they had such an effect.

1. Breastfeeding

Scientific studies have shown that children whose mothers breastfed them had a higher IQ at age six than children who were bottle-fed. Moreover, children whose mothers breastfed them for up to a year or longer showed better results in reading, mathematics and writing than their peers who were weaned early.

2. Healthy lifestyle for mother

Raising a genius will be difficult for a mother who used drugs before and during pregnancy. It has been scientifically proven that children born to cocaine-addicted mothers were 5 times more likely to be mentally retarded than children born to mothers leading a healthy lifestyle.

3. Father's age

The established opinion that the concept of “biological clock” is relevant only for women has recently been systematically refuted. In fact, the father's age also matters - not only for the child's health, but also for his intelligence.

Children whose fathers conceived them in their twenties are more likely to become geniuses than children born to older fathers. Moreover, children conceived by fathers forty or older are more likely than others to have problems with the nervous system and even suffer from autism and schizophrenia! Thus, if you want to raise a genius, it is better to choose a young man as a father.

1. Game

The main activity of a child is play. It is during the process of play that the baby develops his curiosity, learns about the world around him and begins to feel an interest in learning. In this regard, it is very important that the child spends most of his time in games in the early stages of life. As a result of the game, he will develop curiosity, which will allow the child to actively develop subsequently - and, quite possibly, that in this way you will be able to raise a genius!

2. No TV for up to 2 years

The American Academy of Pediatrics conducted a study, as a result of which scientists discovered an interesting fact. It turned out that children who were not familiar with television before the age of 2 had more developed brains, communication skills, and were generally much better developed than little “movie buffs.” Scientists have come to the conclusion that the time spent by a child during the period of active development on television is better used to communicate with others and obtain information empirically - and not as a ready-made model from a television screen.

3. Reading

Any mother who wants to raise a genius, or even just an educated person, needs to read aloud to her child. And the more, the better. The brain of a child being read to. He actively processes the information received, which helps him develop his vocabulary. In addition, reading books to a child from an early age ensures that when he grows up, he will love to read, and he will not have to be forced to do it. And, of course, you should have an extensive library at home.

4. Self-control

In history, there is information about one study that was conducted to control children's impulses. The children were given two cookies and told that one cookie could be eaten immediately and the second after 15 minutes. As a result, it turned out that those children who were able to wait the allotted time scored 210 points higher on the School Assessment Test than the rest.

Scientists attribute this phenomenon to the role of impulse control in human mental development. Impulse control is a key factor in executive function, which scientists believe is associated with the mind. Executive function refers to the ability to switch from one task to another, retain information in working memory, and suppress impulses.

5. Involving the child in conversation

If you want to raise a genius, you must first of all develop the child’s thinking and vocabulary. Communication between you and your baby is important in this matter. Some parents believe that there is no need to talk to a small child, since he still does not understand anything. In fact, the baby hears and understands everything - and absorbs new words like a sponge.

While walking, talk to your child, show him objects, name them and talk about them, accompany your speech with facial expressions. Draw the child's attention to interesting objects, ask questions (even rhetorical ones), sometimes trying to translate affirmative sentences into interrogative ones. For example, when giving your cat food, say not: “Murka needs to be fed,” but: “Do you think Murka is hungry? Should I feed her?
And remember: when communicating with your child, remove all other sources of noise. A working TV, radio or music turned on - all this should not be in the children's room.

6. Music lessons

It has been scientifically proven that children who have been involved in music for at least 3 years show better verbal skills than children who have nothing to do with music. In addition, playing music improves memory.

7. Physical activity

It has been scientifically proven that aerobics increases a child's executive abilities by 100%, the role of which is very important in raising a genius. And since parental example is the most effective motivation, do exercises with your child if you want to raise a genius.

In addition, people who exercise are not overweight, which is also a significant plus. According to scientific research, children who are overweight perform worse on reading tests than children of normal weight. And the educational achievements of overweight children in most cases leave much to be desired.

8. Learning a foreign language

Research has shown that children who studied at least one foreign language for two years scored better on a school assessment test than those who did not study any foreign languages.

9. Creative activity

Creative activities are very beneficial for a child. It promotes the development of motor skills, imagination and intelligence. To raise a genius, it is enough to choose any type of creativity: appliqué, drawing, cutting or something else. The main thing is regularity and the absence of serious restrictions on the “creative flight” of your child.

10. Proper nutrition

To raise a genius, you need to use healthy nutritional supplements in his diet - for example, fish oil. The fatty acids found in fish help brain cells better transmit information from neuron to neuron.

Studies have shown that children who consumed Omega-3s performed more successfully on various tests and even had higher IQ levels.

If you want to raise a genius, in addition to the methods already listed, I can only advise you one thing. Develop your child, but don't rush him. Everything will come in due time and when needed. Your task is to support your baby, instill in him an interest in the world around him and a desire to explore it!

Early child development Frame one. “Look carefully,” the mother says to the 11-month-old baby, “This is a Mirage fighter jet manufactured by Dassault.” The baby, sitting on the floor, listens carefully to her mother’s voice. This advanced woman works with her child using the Glen Doman system. The main thing in this system is constant lessons with the child using cards taken from the world encyclopedia. And on the cards, as you already understood, is not just an uncle, but, for example, the first president of America, George Washington. Doman's supporters and the author himself claim that thanks to these cards, parents embed extensive encyclopedic knowledge into the child's brain, which then “pops up” simply automatically...

Frame two. Sixteen years later, the same child is shown a card of the same planes. “I have no idea what this is,” the teenager says in a deep voice. “This is the first time I’ve seen this.” So is the game worth the candle?

The term “early child development” appeared relatively recently. In Russia, the first experimenters were the Nikitin family. In America, Glen Doman's system gained great popularity, in Italy - Maria Mantessori, in Japan - Masaru Ibuka. All these worthy people agreed on one thing - the existing education system is fundamentally wrong. If you don’t work with children from the very first days of life, then it will be too late. And so the babies are told world history, taught foreign languages, and told how to add fractions correctly. Skeptics grin wryly and, foaming at the mouth, prove the absurdity and even harm of all these actions. And the children of such parents demonstrate their knowledge of Shakespeare in front of the camera at the age of 5, build “mother” from Zaitsev’s cubes at seven months, play the violin at three years... Genius or training?

All basic ideas of early development were based on one fact - the human brain grows and develops only in early childhood. To be more precise, up to three, sometimes five years. And if during this period you do not explain to the child who the first president of America is, then later this same thing will have to be drummed into him long and hard. In other words, it is always easier to teach five-year-olds than six-year-olds, four-year-olds than five-year-olds, three-year-olds than two-year-olds, and so on. Recently, a huge amount of literature has begun to appear on what exactly a pregnant woman should listen to and what exactly she should read so that her child is born smart.

However, recently, major Western scientists have begun to say that the human brain can grow and develop throughout life! But! It will do this only under certain conditions. Does this discovery mean the end of theories of early development?

Not at all. You just need to approach them, like everything else in this life, from a position of common sense.


Fact. Scientifically proven on rats. Those animals that were given bright, beautiful houses, rings, or labyrinths had their brain volume increased by 25%! The same thing, according to science, happens to humans. When you buy your child beautiful toys that develop imagination, you are not just spending money, but investing it in growing a genius. Just remember that there is no point in buying toys and storing them in a box under lock and key (what if a child breaks them?). Your job as a parent is to provide free access to these toys for your child. So that from early childhood he can choose what to do. Ideally, a child should have:

- paints (for very little ones there are edible finger paints), plasticine, colored paper, safety scissors for children, glue

— construction sets (for kids, the best series is LEGO for kids, which combines musical effects with ease of assembly)

— sports corner (slide, wall bars, swings, trampoline, mats)

— role-playing sets (kitchens, doll houses for girls; garages, workshops for boys)

— musical instruments (drums, bells, tambourines, children’s synthesizers)

- soft toys (just don’t go overboard with them, just as you shouldn’t give them to children under one year old)

Believe me, there are no children who do not like to play, but there are children whose parents do not teach this. Yes, yes, games also need to be taught. Show how, play a little together, praise for the result. And now you are calmly reading a book, and the child is fiddling around in the room for four hours, finding something to do and, most importantly, developing his brain. By the way, the most optimal organization of children's space from this point of view can be found in the works of Maria Mantessori. She placed the main emphasis on zones: sports, sensory (there should be objects of different textures, water, massage balls, boxes with different smells, etc.), games.


Not really a fact. Most child psychologists are inclined to believe that the minimum age when you need to teach a child foreign languages ​​is 5-7 years. That is, not before the child confidently speaks his native language. Meanwhile, supporters of the theory of early development advise learning a foreign language from the cradle. Who is right? It is already known that a child who is taught two or more languages ​​immediately from birth begins to speak later than his peers. It's clear. In an effort to achieve bilingualism, parents overload the child’s brain.

And the child cannot figure out words, sentences, etc. Some psychologists even claim that the best age for learning foreign languages ​​is 14 years old. The best advice from child psychologist Lena Danilova: if you really want to start learning a foreign language with your child from childhood, then limit yourself to one nursery rhyme. But so that this poem, as they say, will bounce off your teeth. Then, at the age of 14-16, this rhyme will form the basis of the entire foreign language without any effort.


Do you remember the very first example? So, apparently, there is no point in tormenting babies with the world encyclopedia. The biggest disadvantage of Glen Doman's theory is the reduction of the child's role from the creator (like Mantessori) to the listener. Instead of playing hide and seek with the child, the “Domanovo” parent persistently shows the cards. However, something can be taken from here. Simple cards with a familiar subject and its spelling will help your child not only expand their vocabulary, but also start writing earlier. And five minutes a day to play lotto is pure pleasure for the baby.


It has been proven that the music of Mozart (and only his) activates human brain activity. That is, a person who listened to Mozart will solve more problems before a test than a person who did not listen to music. It is a fact. And how to dispose of it is your business. One thing to remember: music is not easy either. Japanese Masaru Ibuka, whose book “After Three It’s Too Late” sells huge copies, warned that if the mother is deaf, it is better not to sing lullabies to the baby. Otherwise, the child will also have no hearing. And only a very good psychologist who has managed to sing a false tune to a person can break this programmed pattern. This is, firstly. Secondly, do not use just one musical toy with the same tune. This is especially true for numerous crib pendants. And don't forget that the music (especially for small children) should not be too loud. This also applies to musical instruments.


Big misconception. It is very important, especially in our winter conditions, when most young children are locked up at home, to give the child the opportunity to move a lot. This is why we need various sports complexes or just outdoor games. Believe me, this is much more important than a foreign language or encyclopedic knowledge. Moreover, child psychologists talk about the mandatory presence of a wall bars at home. It turns out that the ability to climb in children stimulates not just mental abilities, but also self-confidence. Who would have thought that buying a ladder for your child would encourage the development of a leader?


I wonder what our children will say in thirty years? “Immediately step away from the time machine and sit down and at least watch TV”? And our parents were persecuted by our grandparents for reading books. I want to say that of course, sitting at a computer for 12 hours can tire your eyes and ruin your vision. But reading books for 12 hours is also harmful to the eyes. So there is no need to panic and reproach yourself for buying another computer game. Just try to manage your time and get the young computer scientist to take technical breaks in time. And make sure you have good lighting and a good recliner chair to avoid scoliosis. But there is no scientific data on the terrible consequences of a running TV or computer on children’s health and psyche. It is only clear that the old Soviet Winnie the Pooh is better for educational purposes than Tom and Jerry.

To summarize, I would like to emphasize two rules:

1. It is much better to overdo it with early education methods than not to engage with the child at all.

2. If you have a choice between a violin lesson and a walk, then you need to choose the latter. Better for your health. And as you know, health can’t be bought for any amount of money.

Glen Doman "Harmonious development of the child"
Cecile Lupan "Believe in your child"
Maria Mantessori "Guide for Parents"
Nikitin “Educational games”, “Health reserves for our children”
Masaru Ibuka “After three it’s too late”
Evgeny Komarovsky “The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives”