Scenario of the holiday “Colorful game. Scenario for outdoor summer fun “in search of the colors of the rainbow” Rainbow color competitions for birthdays

Scenario for the holiday “Rainbow Day” (senior and preparatory groups)

Goal: Creating an atmosphere of joyful mood during joint musical and gaming activities. Objectives: Clarify the idea of ​​a rainbow as a natural phenomenon; consolidate knowledge of the colors of the rainbow; develop attention; ability to act on a signal: cultivate emotional responsiveness.

Preliminary work: lawn watered with a hose.

Characters: Summer, Rain, Koschey the Colorless, Rainbow.

Venue: summer playground.

Attributes: a jump rope, two raincoats, two umbrellas, two hats, two chairs, multi-colored cards corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

PROGRESS of the holiday.

Children are located on the summer playground. Summer enters.


Hello guys!

I am made of heat,

I carry the warmth with me,

I warm the river

"Take a bath!" - I invite you.

And love for it

You all have me. I…




Of course, I am Summer! And today we have a holiday. And now you can guess which one. You see, it rained, and what always happens after the rain?




Yes, guys, today is our holiday - Rainbow Day! And she will definitely come visit us.

Rain runs in.


Help, good people! Help out!


Hello rain! Calm down, say hello to the guys and explain to us what's the matter?


Hello guys!

The sun was burning hot,

The sultry earth was blowing.

At night a cloud came over,

The fields were waiting for the rain.

All the blades of grass are glad, glad,

And ears of corn and flowers,

What funny raindrops

They pour loudly from above.

The rain is noisy and cool,

A song full of miracles!

At dawn he breathes greedily

A forest filled with moisture!

I'm Rain! I like traveling very much. Today I watered your flower beds and lawns so that the flowers and herbs grow beautiful and bright. But without my friend Rainbow, this is impossible. She was kidnapped by Koschey the Colorless. And he gave me tasks. Until I fulfill them, he will not return my friend Rainbow to me. Help me please!


Shall we help you guys?


Yes! Let's help!

Rain: The first task of Koshchei the Colorless is to list all the colors of the rainbow.

Children list. Koschey the Colorless comes out. In his hands he has seven multi-colored cards corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

Koschey colorless:

Yeah, you know the colors! Then here are the tasks for each color! The first color is red. And the task is - guess my riddles! Or maybe you are so small and stupid that it’s not worth getting involved with you!

What's dawning in the sky

And warms everyone with warmth?


Let's run along the path

Silver thread legs.


Lightning flashes in the sky,

Thunder rumbles in peals,

The vine bends to the ground

It begins...


Across the river - jump -

The bridge has spanned.

Made friends with the shores

Seven-color arc.


How smart you are! Okay, here's the next one - the "orange" task.

Rainbow loves to jump rope, and jumping rope in the air looks like a rainbow. The task will be like this - you need to make as many jumps as possible, jumping: on two legs, on one leg. Or maybe some of you know how to cross forward or backward?

Children come out and compete.

Koschey the Colorless:

Oh, what clever friends Rain and Rainbow have! The next task will be more difficult. Here's a “yellow” task: I have a lot of fairy tales stored in my dungeon. Do you want to release them?



Koschey the Colorless:

Then answer my questions and the tales will be released.

How the phrase ends: “Soon the fairy tale will tell, but not soon...

1. the job is done,

2. the soup is boiling,

3. the book is being written.

Who left grandparents?

1. Pinocchio,

2. Kolobok,

3. Fox.

Who did Brother Ivanushka turn into after he drank water from the hoof?

1. in a teddy bear,

2. into a baby elephant,

3. into a kid.

What did Emelya drive in the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command”?

1. on the stove,

2. on a sleigh,

3. by car.

Who helped Grandfather pull out the turnip?

1. elephant,

2. mouse,

3. pig.

What happened to the Snow Maiden?

1. ran away,

2. got married,

3. melted.

Yes, you are not only smart, but also real experts in fairy tales! I'll have to release them.

Here is your next task - “green”. I want to see how dexterous and nimble you are! Wow! It's raining!


You, Koschey, look, the sun is shining, there is no rain!

Koschey the Colorless:

This is what my task is called - “It’s raining!”

The conditions of the task are as follows: you need to split into two teams. Look - at the finish line, there are props on the chairs. At my command, the first participants run to the finish line, put on raincoats and hats, open umbrellas and say loudly: “It’s raining!” Then they carefully take off their raincoats, hats, close their umbrellas and return to the starting line, passing the baton to other team members. The team whose members completed the task faster and correctly wins.

Well done, you are both dexterous and nimble!

The next task is “blue”: let’s see how attentive you are! I will name different parts of the body and show them on myself. You must repeat after me. I'll confuse you on purpose!

Attention! Ear! (lists body parts).

How attentive you are! Okay, there is another task for you - “blue”. I want to check how literate you are! Do you all know the letters of the alphabet?



Koschey the Colorless:

Tell me many, many words starting with the letter “A”.

Children call.

And now for the letter “R”:

Children call.

Well done! You upset me with your knowledge! I'll probably have to give you the Rainbow! Well, okay, here's your last task - guess where I hid the Rainbow:

Dad puts on his cap

Scenario Rainbow Anniversary is a game in which the birthday girl will participate. Several bright multi-colored ribbons, stretched in the shape of a rainbow, under each color you need to make a wish. After this competition there will be a feast and games that will be no less entertaining.

Rainbow anniversary - the beginning of the celebration

Good afternoon, dear friends, relatives, colleagues and mentors of Galina Vladimirovna!

Today you have a very important, responsible and honorable mission - to be guests! Guests at the wonderful anniversary of a woman who unites us with her generosity and determination, spiritual energy and heartfelt charm, good spirits and healthy optimism.

For the hero of today’s occasion, this anniversary is a wonderful occasion to bring together those who are dear to her, to remember the touching moments of life and your participation in her destiny, to touch the strings of the soul of each of you and to hear music - the music of the unity of friendly hearts.

If everything is ready,
The heart beats more and more strongly,
We will open together together
The long-awaited anniversary!
Let the guests applaud
They sound jubilant now...
Galina Vladimirovna, dear,
We look forward to seeing you!

Dear Galina Vladimirovna! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, on your Golden Jubilee. Today everything is for you: flowers, music, songs, poems, and in your honor!

And each of us came to your holiday with the sole purpose of giving you many happy moments, so that you remember this day as the brightest event in your life.

AND OUR FIRST SURPRISE IS A unique opportunity to walk under the RAINBOW OF HAPPINESS. Let each color give you hope, protect you from troubles and bring you good luck.

Dear Galina Vladimirovna, I ask you to walk under the rainbow and make 7 wishes for each color.

Birthday even in bad weather,
Even in the most polar wilderness,
Illuminated by a rainbow of happiness -
The colors of a beautiful soul!

1. You step under red - the color of great and passionate love!
It shines, gently keeping us
Selflessness without vulgar bargaining -
This is our love and family!

2. If you stand under orange, you will live in happiness for a long time!

3. Yellow color is a symbol of prosperity,
A bright golden ray of sunshine,
And the willingness to share without reserve
The last penny with dashing simplicity.

4. Green color - in the distant winter hut
Or in the heat of tropical days,
Wherever you are, this is health!
Let it be even greener!

5. You stepped under the blue one - there will be peace and tranquility in the house!

6. Blue color is also created for bliss -
The color of vastness and prospects,
And, of course, our colleagues,
That is our team!

7. Purple is now a symbol of loyal friends!
There is a belief that whoever finds the edge of the rainbow will find TREASURE!! You walked under the rainbow, but you found your treasure long ago, on your wonderful anniversary you are standing in the circle of friends.

May the mood be rosy
On a special day, birthday,
Will give a bouquet of impressions
Smiles, flowers, congratulations!
Happy birthday, we congratulate you, present you with the jubilee crown and congratulate you in unison!

Happy anniversary! Happy big birthday!
The blessings of the earth and health! Hooray!

It's high time to invite guests to the table.

I ask the men to raise their right hand and wave to the hero of the day, and hop-hop, we take a bottle, pour it for ourselves and for those sitting next to us.

The lovely ladies waved their left hand to the hero of the day and hop-hop filled the men's plates with snacks.

Team “Pourers” (pointing with my hand to the right side of the table).

The motto of “Pourers” is “Fight drunkenness!” So let’s have a drink before the fight!”

Team “Drinkers” (pointing to the guests on the left side of the table). The motto of “Drinkers” is “We are always ready to drink to you!”

Music Galina

Dear Galina Vladimirovna!

You are beautiful and smart, of course.
Talented and very versatile,
You are mysterious and a little strange,
In you, laughter and tears are fused together,
You are as energetic as Trufaldino.
The energy rages and bubbles,
Well, the soul either cries or laughs.
And prose is inappropriate here today,
You are, as always, beautiful and lovely.
We are happy to give you compliments,
Those beautiful moments of love.
You are a woman in the highest sense of the word,
I can’t find any other definition.
And a friendly and family environment
We express our admiration to you!

Well, the guests stood up together,

Yulia Kochinova
Scenario for the summer holiday “Rainbow Day”




Presenter, Rain, Koschey, Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Pirate,

Leader, Waterman, Rainbow.

Equipment and materials: 4 basins, 3-liter jar, 2 sponges; big tambourine; ball, broom; 2 bundles of colored balls, ratchet; spray gun; 2 spoons, 2 medium buckets, fruit box, 10 fruit toys; chips-circles.

(Before the beginning holiday groups gather at an appointed place.)

01. Fanfare sounds.


Hello, dear children. We are very glad to meet you! The long-awaited summer has arrived! Let's celebrate it brightly and joyfully so that the whole summer will be fun and happy for us. Do you know that in order to be happy, it is enough to go under rainbow?

The sun is bright with rain

They are building a rainbow together -

Seven-color semicircle

Of seven wide arcs.

This rainbow now

Happiness will bring for you!

Everything is under let's walk like a rainbow

And we will attract good luck.

02. Rain Appears

Rain: I am Rain! I like traveling very much. Today I watered your flower beds and lawns so that the flowers and herbs grow beautiful and vibrant. And my friend – Fairy – was supposed to appear Rainbow. But Koschey the Colorless kidnapped her and hid her in his dungeon. And here he is, do you hear? He walks and cracks his bones!

03. Koschey comes out.

Koschey: What is this noise and commotion? Now I’ll ask you! You don’t let us reign in peace, make noise here, have fun. Now you won’t laugh - I stole all your colors rainbows, and everything around will soon become colorless and ugly! Only I will shine in different colors - it’s time for me to change my suit, otherwise I’ve been wearing the same thing for 300 years. Ugh, I'm tired of it!

Leading: Your Colorlessness! We don't want to live without rainbows, return it to us!

Koschey: Look what you want! Far, far away behind the high mountains, behind the blue seas, behind the green forests live my friends and buddies, my faithful assistants - hurry to them, colors rainbows, fly and live there forever! (casts a spell)

Leading: Guys! Don’t be upset, we’ll go searching now and put the colors together! You are ready?

Koschey: Ha ha ha! Well, try, but you’re unlikely to succeed - you’re still too young. You probably don’t know how to do anything!

Leading: But that’s not true! Boys, girls, let's show Koshchei how friendly we are. Let's introduce our teams loudly and cheerfully.

Team presentation.

Leading: And now - let’s go save the colors rainbows! Take a travel map on the road, it will help you.

Issue routes

Koschey: Go, go... And I will rest a little on my royal throne.

04. Teams go their separate ways.



Kikimora: Yeah! Guests are welcome! Well, come on in, come on in... Why did you come?

Educator: We are looking for colors rainbows!

Kikimora: Yes, yes, I remember... One color came to me here, but what... - guess the riddle and you will find out.

The frog jumps in the swamp

She's always on the hunt.

Goodbye, stupid mosquito!

And the frog's color... (green)

Kikimora: Well done! To get it, pass my test, show what you are capable of! If you cross my swamp, take your color! (children go through sports obstacles on the playground)

Relay race.

After the games, praise the children and give them a green circle.



Water (hums): I am a merman, I am a merman…. If only someone could talk to me...

(See children) Well, finally, at least someone came to my lake.

Otherwise it’s all leeches and frogs…. Ugh, what disgusting...

Educator: Dear merman, we are children from kindergarten. We are looking for colors rainbows.

Water: Yes, yes, I heard about you, I have 2 colors, but they are hidden in a riddle. Listen here.

The sonorous stream brothers -

These two colors are friends.

Clean water

All the guys are invited to get drunk (blue, blue).

Water: Right! You guessed it! But I won’t just give them to you. Come play with me.

A game "Guess our deeds".



(show movements, Vodyanoy guesses)

Water: Good game, thank you. I have one water test for you. Are you ready to take it?

A game “Carry the water in a paddle”

(Children are divided into 2 teams; we use a spoon to scoop up water from one bucket and run to pour it into the other.

After the test, praise the children - give blue and blue mugs.



(Baba Yaga waves a broom, as if tidying up, notices the guys....)

B-Y: Who else is this... I wasn't expecting any guests at all. Well, go back to where you came from! Otherwise I'll put you in the oven (waves a broom at the guys.)

Educator: Grandmother - Yaga, don’t drive us away. We have a very important matter. We are looking for colors rainbows.

B-Y: Colors rainbows you say....(thinks) I have favorite flowers, they are just the color you are looking for. Listen carefully!

Very cute flowers

Purple petals!

They grow in the meadows

And they bloom beautifully there.

Be a little smarter

My flowers are calling. (violets)

B-Y: Look, how smart they turned out to be, they guessed it right away! Now help me, draw for me my favorite violets and other flowers. They are all so beautiful! Then, so be it, I will give you the color purple.

Chalk drawings on asphalt.

After the test, praise the children - give them a purple circle



Pirate: Did you sail to Africa? Who are they? (children's answer).

Where is your gold and diamonds?

Give it back now!

Otherwise I will tell you all now... (waves saber)

Educator: Pirate, wait, we didn’t just come. We are looking for colors rainbows.

Pirate: I have two very beautiful, very bright colors, but I hid them so that no one would find them. And only the smartest can find them!

Educator: We guys are very smart!

Pirate: Then listen!

It is in the egg and in the chicken,

In the oil that lies in the oil can,

In every ripe spikelet,

In the sun, in the cheese and in the sand. (yellow)

Every orange is full of it,

Even a clown has more fun with him,

He's all over the fox

And on a squirrel in a wheel. (orange)

Pirate: Well done, you solved everything! I have one more task for you! I need to collect fruits on my island. If you help, I won’t eat you and give you the colors.

Relay game "Collect fruit with a spoon"

After the game, praise the children - give them yellow and orange chips.



In raspberries and strawberries,

Tomato and lingonberry

The taste is, of course, very different,

Well, the color is similar -. Red.

Leader: Hello, travelers! I don’t know what brought you here, but I’ll tell you about my trouble anyway. I am the leader and also the keeper of the sacred fire on which we cook dinner every evening. But it went out! And all the members of my tribe are hunting, so I can’t light a fire myself...

Educator: We welcome you, leader - keeper of the fire. Why can't you light it yourself?

Leader: Because for this you need to perform a ritual dance for all members of the tribe! And they are all on the hunt.

Educator: So accept us into the tribe and show us how to properly dance around a fire!

Leader: Indeed, this is a way out! I accept you into my TUMBA-YUMBA tribe. Now stand around the fire and repeat all the movements after me!

They dance a ritual dance.

Leader: Thanks guys! What brought you to me?

Educator: We are looking for colors rainbows!

Leader: For helping me, I will give you the color of fire, red!

Gives you a red chip!

(After all the tests, everyone gathers at the appointed place.)

Koschey: I looked at everything - everyone showed up, and they weren’t dusty at all!

Leading: Your Colorlessness, you are not angry, but rather make friends with us! The guys have collected all the colors, release them Rainbow from the dungeon!

Koschey: Eeeh, I never expected that you guys would turn out to be so dexterous, strong and savvy. Well, okay, if I promised - (casts a spell)"all the colors come together so that the rainbow has come to us like a miracle!”

06. Appears rainbow with rain.

(take out the balls)

Rainbow: Hello my friends!

How long have I been sleeping!

Everything is fine with us now

Our world will become bright again.

Thank you guys for collecting all my colors.

Let's all release magic balls into the sky together, so that after every rain a multi-colored one will shine for us in the sky. rainbow.

(releases balloons into the sky)

Rainbow: The holiday was a great success!

And for the kids to have fun.

And now, guys,

Receive gifts from me.

I will come to you more than once,

Goodbye, good morning!

(large box of chocolates)

Leading: Sound, music, play!

Invite us to dance!

Take each other's hands,

And hurry up and dance!

Celebration of initiation into young artists. Goals and objectives of the event: to cultivate positive relationships between children, develop associative thinking, develop fine motor skills, a sense of form, consolidate the concepts of color science in the fine arts, and develop skills in working with color.



Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity

Seven wonders of the rainbow

(initiation to Young Artists)

Holiday scenario

developed by a teacher

additional education

Zanberova A.V.


Ved.: (illustrates the poem with drawings)

A rainbow hung in the spring sky,

I looked at the earth cheerfully from the sky.

We smiled joyfully in response:

Rainbow - rainbow, light - overexposure.

The rainbow did not hang in the sky for long,

I didn’t look from heaven to earth for long...

Has melted...

What did she leave as a souvenir for everyone?

Red poppies,

Yellow sand,

Green turned on

There is a leaf on a branch.

Beetle purple

Warms the sides

Blue splashes

River to its banks.

Orange sun

The forests are warm.

And the starling has blue eyes.

Ved.: Dear boys and girls! Today there is a big celebration in our studio - new guys will join our ranks, and there will be much more joy for the artists. But to become a rainbow. We must pass all the tests of the Rainbow Goddess. You are ready? Great. Now I will ask those guys who came to study in our studio this year to come to me. Today you have to go through as many tests as there are colors in the rainbow. Let's remember and list them all: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. What famous expression is used to remember the colors of the rainbow? (Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits).

Ved.: So, the warm-up is over, and now - the first test. Now you must divide into two teams and choose a captain. For each correctly completed task, your team receives a stripe of one of the colors of the rainbow. The team with the most colors in the rainbow wins.

Ved.: We found out that the first color of the rainbow is red. There is a red stripe at stake. And our first competition is called “Who is the fastest”.

(Teams are given pens and pieces of paper. Within 3 minutes, teams must list as many objects as possible that can be drawn with red paint).

Ved.: The second color of the rainbow is orange, the color of orange.

We come to the store

We buy an orange.

He's huge

It's heavy

He's brilliant

He is big.

Just imagine

Orange grove.

Just imagine a tree

Just a branch - it's easier!

Our next competition is called “Feed a Friend”.

(4 volunteers come out, 2 people from each team. At the leader’s command, one participant begins to peel the orange and treat their partner with them one slice at a time. The winner is the one who feeds the orange to his friend first).

Ved.: Let's name the next color of the rainbow in unison. That's right, it's yellow, the color of the sun. In our next competition we will test how well you understand colors. Our next competition is called “Palette”.

(Teams receive sheets of paper with pasted cardboard circles of 4 additional colors - orange, green, brown, purple. The task of the competitors is to choose cardboard circles of suitable primary colors from the box and stick them opposite the additional ones. The team that made fewer mistakes wins).

Ved.: Everyone knows the famous riddle - “winter and summer in the same color”, which refers to a Christmas tree - a green tree. When creating what paintings do artists most often use this color? Indeed, these are landscapes. And our next competition is called “Build a Briefcase”.

(Each team receives a box (briefcase). In it, team members must put everything they need for drawing and artistic work. At the command of the leader, they run to a chair on which there are pieces of paper with the inscriptions “Album”, “Chips”, “Pencil” ", etc. The winner is the team whose briefcase contains everything they need and fewer extraneous items).

Ved.: Now pay attention - the next color of the rainbow - warm or cold? Blue color is cold. And first of all, we associate it with the sky. Our next competition is called “Firmament”.

(Each team receives a sheet of blue Whatman paper, and each team member receives a white landscape sheet. The task of the competitors is to cut out clouds and stick them on the “firmament” (according to the number of participants). Who is faster).

Ved.: The next color of the rainbow is blue. And our next competition is called “Guess it.”

(Teams receive sheets of crossword puzzles about stationery. The team with the most correct answers wins).

Ved.: And now the competition for captains. When you mix red and blue paint, you get violet, the last color of the rainbow. Purple is a fantastic color, the color of magicians and wizards, the color of creative people, and therefore the color of artists. How do you imagine a real artist? I invite the captains of both teams to draw his portrait. The drawing must be clear and neat. Time has passed.

Ved.: You and I repeated all the colors of the rainbow. All that remains is to connect them to make a real rainbow, and find out which team is the winner.

(Summing up the results of the competitions).

Ved.: You have completed all the rainbow tasks. I believe that both teams present here are worthy of the title of “Young Artist”. I ask everyone to come here and, placing their hand on the rainbow, repeat after me the oath of the Young Artist.


Seeing the unusual in the ordinary! See the world through the eyes of an artist! I swear!

Make the world around you happy with the fruits of your creativity! I swear!

Try your hand at the easel every day! I swear!

(Senior students present commemorative medals to newcomers).

Ved.: Dear guys! We bless you on your creative path. Good and thorny! Awaken the good and beautiful in people with your art! May the fire of creativity in your hearts never go out! wear the title of Young Artist with pride! I wish you to be as bright, different, extraordinary as a rainbow.


Goals and objectives :

- Foster positive relationships between children;

Develop associative thinking;

Develop fine motor skills, sense of shape;

Reinforce the concepts of color science in the visual arts;

Develop skills in working with color;

Participants: Students of the Design studio, 40 people aged 7 to 15 years.

Awards : All participants are awarded commemorative medals.

Holding a birthday party according to this scenario is suitable for three-year-old children. Since children are not yet old enough to independently participate in games according to a given plan, their parents must be with them, who will help in difficult situations with their tips and help.

It is better to entrust the role of the presenter, or rather the presenter, to the mother of the birthday boy, who will be Rainbow. But this is not important, since dad can cope with such a task. To do this, you will need a costume, which can be easily made by attaching a lot of multi-colored satin ribbons to any clothing, preferably in accordance with the saying: “Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits.” Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Light Blue, Blue, Purple. Each tape must be duplicated, because a certain amount (according to the number of invited guests) will be required to be given to the children.

The presenter will need an assistant, or adult assistants, who will prepare the props and tell the children what to do.

Meeting with guests

It’s good if the invited children arrive exactly at the appointed time. But there will likely be some gaps in arrival.

When a new guest appears, the host, together with the birthday person, meets him and offers to guess a riddle, so that after receiving the answer to it, he will be given a colored ribbon, which must be tied or pinned on his clothes.


- Hello, dear guests! My name is Rainbow! Today you will visit my fairyland! Now I will tell you a riddle and as a reward for the correct answer, you will receive this beautiful ribbon, which will be a pass to the land of the Rainbow!


Each child is given one riddle that mentions a color. If it is difficult to answer, the child needs to be helped with the correct answer with a hint. If there are more than seven children invited, you can repeat some of them.

  • A frog jumps in a swamp

She's always on the hunt.

Goodbye, stupid mosquito!

And the frog’s color is... (green).

  • He grew up in the summer meadow,

And I can rip it off.

I'll bring a flower home -

Bell... (blue).

  • Getting up early in the morning

I'll pick some juicy berries.

Strawberries have a beautiful color

They call him... (red).

  • A dandelion grew in the field,

Golden light boy.

He was friends with this color

And it looked like the sun (yellow).

  • She grows on a tree

The gardener will pick it for us.

Round, beautiful

Our plum... (blue).

  • This color of the forest cheat,

Carrots also have

Mr. is painted in it,

Sweet citrus - orange (orange).

  • This color is one violet

He gave me perfume - he didn’t mind.

He painted the violet,

Because it's beautiful (purple)!

Adventures in Rainbow Country

You will need a map of the Rainbow Country, which must be drawn on paper. It should have all the stopping points described below.

- My dears! I prepared a surprise for you this morning, but trouble happened - the terrible and evil Gloomy Cloud kidnapped him and took him to the distant, and even enchanted “Cave of Blue Stones”! But let's not be discouraged! According to the map of the country that I have (shows the map), we can get there together! Guys, are you ready for exciting and dangerous adventures?

Rainbow tells the children and shows on the map where they will go first. At this time, assistants are preparing the place for the first game.

Purple tussock swamp

You will need a green blanket, a blanket or sheet and purple circles that need to be cut out of colored paper to the size of the child’s foot. By laying everything out on the floor, an imitation of a swamp is created with hummocks that you will need to step on.

Rainbow leads the children to a makeshift swamp and says:

- Guys, now we need to get through this swamp. But in order not to drown in it, you can only stand on these purple hummocks.

While the children are crossing the swamp, the facilitator's assistants prepare the next obstacle as the children complete the adventure map.

Yellow Desert

Next to the spread yellow blanket and at some distance from it (as far as the room allows), small blue drops cut out of colored paper are laid out. The presenter holds a hat or any other suitable item (bag, basket, plastic bucket) in his hands.

- Children! Before us is the Yellow Desert! And we need to get through it. But it's very, very hot here! All the inhabitants of this desert, lizards, jerboas, gophers, want to drink water! Therefore, you and I need to collect all the blue droplets that are scattered here, and we can make it rain for the inhabitants of the desert!

Children find and collect drops scattered around the room and put them in a hat (bucket). When they are all collected, Rainbow, raising her hat high, pours them out in the middle of the yellow blanket that was sent out with the words:

- Rain! Rain! It will be for everyone...

- Water!

The assistant, meanwhile, is preparing the next adventure.

Gorge of Blue Winds

You will need inflated blue balloons and a long blue ribbon.

— Friends, we have come to the Gorge of Blue Winds! There is always a strong wind here! But now he has disappeared somewhere. To move on to the next point on the map, you and I must learn to blow like the real wind does!

Children line up against one of the walls of the room. Opposite them (along the opposite wall) or just at some distance, there is a blue ribbon on the floor. A ball is placed in front of each child, on which he must blow strongly to force him to appear at the tape.

After finishing this game you can take a break. Cheerful music and dancing will help take your mind off the difficult journey, and if the children are tired, you can clean up or just sit.

Green Lake in the Edible Forest

The Edible Forest and Green Lake are made from products and the Tarragon drink. A clean tray is placed on the table, on which flat pieces of sliced ​​cheese are laid out in paths; flowers are made from bell peppers, sausage and cucumbers along their edges. In the free space, mountains are erected from pieces of bread, between which there are mounds of olives. This will be a forest where the main tree will be an ordinary branch hung with dried fruits and placed in a napkin cup. The green lake is made from a large glass (crystal) salad bowl, at the bottom of which you need to put a plastic key, so that after the drink is drunk by the children, it is found and taken with you to open the magic doors on the subsequent journey.

- Guys, we found ourselves in the beautiful Edible Forest, which has a Green Lake! How cool and interesting it is here! Let's eat the forest and drink the lake, because at its bottom is hidden the magic key to the lock on the door of the Enchanted Cave of Blue Stones!

Children, under the supervision of adults, eat the ingredients of the Edible Forest and drink green “Tarragon” from the Green Lake. While they are doing this, the presenter and his assistant are preparing the props and furnishings for the next stage of the journey through the land of the Rainbow.

Wild Red Fire Tribe

In this episode you will need a costume for the Redskin Leader. It should consist of a colorful cape (poncho) and a headdress made of real (or cut out of colored paper) feathers. Children will need to prepare amulets in the form of beads and feathers (one for each child). Amulets are hung around the neck, and a feather is inserted into the headband.

In the middle of the room, a mock-up of a fire is made from red fabric with branches folded on it and a Christmas tree garland, which will later simulate the appearance of fire.

The leader, together with the children, approach the leader sitting by the extinguished (Christmas tree garland is not lit) fire.

- Guys! Have you ever seen real Indians? What do you know about them?

— While traveling, you and I ended up on the land of the Red Fire Indian tribe. These people hunt wild animals all day long, and in the evenings they gather around the fire and cook their prey on it to eat later.

- And here comes the Leader of the Redskins! He was quite sad for some reason...

The leader of the Redskins:

- Hello, strangers! I cannot know what road led you here, but I must tell you about my misfortune. I am a great leader, and also the permanent keeper of a constantly burning fire, on which our tribe prepares dinner every evening. But it suddenly went out! All the members of my tribe are still hunting, and I myself will not be able to light a fire...

“Chief, why can’t you light it yourself?”

- Because in order for a fire to arise, it is necessary to perform a sacred ritual dance, which is performed by all members of the tribe!

- So accept us into your tribe and show us how to properly dance around a fire! We will help you get fire! Really, guys?

- Thank you! This is the only way out! I will give you all our magical amulets and signs of belonging to the tribe (he distributes amulets, feathers, and headbands to the children).

- Now you need to repeat all my movements!

The volume of the music increases, and the leader begins to dance next to the fire, and the children repeat all his movements after him.

While the children and the leader are dancing, the garland is quietly turned on and the fire begins to burn.

- Thank you so much, guys! Now my tribe, in the evening after the hunt, will be happy to fry and eat freshly prepared meat! Everyone will thank the great spirits of the tribe and you, our new members!

- Maybe I can help you with something?

Show and explain to us how we can get from here to the Forest of Orange Trees.

The leader shows something on the map and explains the road to the leader, majestically pointing in the right direction with his hand.

Silent Forest of Orange Trees

You will need a sheet of Whatman paper with painted orange trees, bushes and grass. As well as bags or bags with animal and bird stickers folded into them.

- Look, children! Yes, this is the Forest of Orange Trees! But why is it so quiet and deserted here? Oh yes! Certainly! The Gloomy Cloud visited here and drove everyone out of the forest! Let's populate this forest with new animals and birds!

- I will give you all bags (bags) in which there are small inhabitants, and you will take them to the forest!

Having received several stickers in bags, children choose a place in the forest drawn on whatman paper and stick images of birds and animals on it.

Enchanted Cave of Blue Stones

To carry out this part, you need a tent (children's playroom), blue fabric (several meters), two (four) chairs with high backs, a padlock with a key obtained from Green Lake, a box (promised surprise) with toys, soap bubbles, balls, sweets and other small gifts for children.

The structure of the cave is arbitrary from available means and items indicated above. Recommended option:

A Christmas tree garland is attached to the erected tent, which is covered with a blue cloth on top. Before entering the tent, chairs are placed with their backs facing each other and a small distance apart to create a passage between them that is free for the child. The backrests are covered with the same blue fabric as on the tent, which forms a covered passage into the cave (tent). The entrance to this tunnel is closed by a door made from another chair, on which a lock hangs; the children have the key to this lock. A surprise box with gifts is placed inside the tent.

- Guys, look! Here is the cave we were looking for (points to the tent)! Yeah! There's a castle here! But you and I have the key that will open it! Now I'll use it (opens)! I'm sure my surprise is still there! Well, it’s open!... Come in!

The children go into the tent one by one. They can stay there as long as they want.

Tea party with birthday cake

- Dear friends! Did everyone enjoy the trip to the magical Rainbow Land?

- Very good! And now, I suggest, dear travelers, to sit down at the table and drink tea with a beautiful and very tasty cake!

- ... (name of the birthday boy or girl), happy birthday to you! Hooray!

The candles on the birthday cake are lit. The birthday boy (birthday girl) makes his deepest wish and blows out all the candles.

Children sit down at the table and congratulate the birthday boy and enjoy a delicious cake.