Mask for breast skin. The best masks to increase breast size and firmness. Mask for firm breasts with honey

Masks for breast elasticity should be done as regularly as face masks. Since the décolleté area lacks muscle and fat layers, this area is most susceptible to aging. Many cosmetologists believe that this zone reveals a woman’s real age. A responsible approach and simple techniques will help prolong the beauty and health of the body. Like any part of the body, the skin in the chest area requires cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. When choosing a special cosmetic product, you need to pay attention to the content of vitamin F in its composition, which has the property of slowing down skin aging.

Cleansing and nourishing masks for breast firmness

Caring for this area does not take much time, since every day, while taking a shower, you can do a water micro-massage, directing water jets from the center of the chest to the shoulders.

Before you start using masks for breast elasticity and firmness, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the mask.

  • the composition of the mask must be applied in such a way that it does not touch the area of ​​the areola and nipple;
  • To enhance the effect of using the mask, it is recommended to wrap the chest in film after applying the mask; keep the product in this form for no more than 20 minutes.

There are many homemade recipes for the décolleté area. A scrub mask will help get rid of old cells and renew your skin. To prepare it, just mix oatmeal with honey and vegetable oil. This mild mixture will effectively cleanse and will not scratch or irritate even sensitive skin.

The cleansing procedure is best done after an evening bath or hot shower. It is enough to apply the scrub to this area once a week and massage lightly, making circular movements. After which you need to moisturize the skin with special milk. Or make your own moisturizing lotion by mixing cucumber juice with warm chamomile infusion. This procedure will significantly improve the skin of the breast if it has a lot of stretch marks.

Quite simple recipes for nourishing masks will ensure radiance, elasticity and prolong the youth of the skin. For the mask, you will need to grind the apple pulp and mix with olive oil. Another recipe: dilute oatmeal in warmed milk and add a little peach or almond butter. Keep the mask on the décolleté and neck area for about 20 minutes.

Masks for breast elasticity based on honey

To keep your skin smooth and well-groomed, experts recommend using all kinds of masks for breast lift.

Thus, the most popular component of most breast masks is bee honey.

To use on normal skin, honey must be preheated, then spread in an even layer over the face and after 15 minutes rinse thoroughly. Moreover, the first water for rinsing should be warm, and the second should be cold.

A breast tightening mask made from honey is prepared as follows: honey is mixed with lemon juice, and then mixed thoroughly. The resulting homogeneous mass is carefully applied to the chest and neck area.

A honey mask for fading and sagging breasts is made differently: honey is ground until it turns white, and the yolk of a chicken egg and cow's cream are added to it. The composition is evenly distributed over the skin of the chest and neck, it is allowed to absorb for half an hour, after which it is washed off with water. After warm water, it is recommended to rinse your chest and neck with rose infusion.

A mask made from honey, strong tea, oatmeal and water will help dry and wrinkled skin. The resulting mass should be wiped with special care and then allowed to warm up in a water bath. The mask in question should be applied to the skin in sufficient quantity, then the chest is covered with a paper napkin and covered with a towel.

Fading skin will be rejuvenated by a mask made from bee honey, which in addition to this component includes fresh chicken yolk, vegetable oil and rowan juice. Before applying this mask to the skin, it is recommended to make a compress or bath from a decoction of linden flowers.

Skin subject to active aging requires special care. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare the following mask for it: mix honey with flour and add the white part of a chicken egg, after beating it. Using a cotton swab, the mixture is applied to the chest and allowed to dry. When one layer of the mask dries, a new one is added to it and so on several times.

After leaving the mask on for half an hour, wash it off. It is important to first use warm water, and after completing the procedure, switch to cold water. You can use the mask described above no more than once every 10 days.

A mask made of honey and gelatin will tighten flabby and wrinkled skin. To prepare it, you need to take a pack of regular gelatin and dissolve it with 30 ml of clean water. When half an hour has passed, 10 g of honey must be added to the swollen gelatin, followed by 60 g of glycerin. The mixture is kept in a water bath and applied warm to the face and neck. As it cools, this mask gives a smoothing effect. This mask is also used to treat stretch marks.


You need to make breast masks at least 1-2 times a week. If the breast skin is in poor condition, it is recommended to use a breast mask 3 times a week. It is best to do the procedure while lying in a warm bath, when nothing distracts you. Contrasting douches will be beneficial for the skin of the chest. This not only improves blood circulation, but also strengthens the body as a whole. If a contrast shower brings you discomfort, you can apply compresses. Soak 2 towels in hot and cold water and apply alternately for a couple of minutes on the delicate area.

Simple daily exercise will help maintain skin elasticity. It is enough to stretch your arms to the sides and make circular movements 8-10 times. A general recommendation for breast health and décolleté beauty is a properly selected bra. It must have wide straps made of natural fabrics with a wide cup that covers the chest as much as possible.

Breasts are in excellent condition mainly in young girls and those women who know how to properly care for their bodies. In addition to a proper diet and healthy lifestyle, attention should be paid to useful external remedies and other supportive measures. The first part of the article describes simple and at the same time effective masks for breast firmness; they are good because they include affordable natural products. The second part of the text examines the basic rules for protecting the bust from defects.

Recipes for masks for breast beauty

Mask around chest


  • clay;
  • milk;

At the first signs of loss of ideal breast shape, you can use products that help strengthen weakened muscles. This includes clay. Use a variety that suits your skin type. For the session you will need only 2 large spoons of clay, which should be diluted with milk; add such an amount of liquid to obtain a thick paste. If bee products are well tolerated, add a small spoon of honey to the finished clay and mix the product again. This mixture should be generously lubricated on the body from the solar plexus to the neck. It is important not to involve the breast itself, that is, not to apply clay with honey to the mammary glands at all; only the adjacent areas are treated. Leave the mask until it hardens, then soften it with water, take a shower and use a toner.

Lifting mask


  • oatmeal;
  • boiling water.

To prepare a tightening mask, you need to take 3 tablespoons of flakes, brew them with hot water, after 10 minutes remove excess liquid and cool the mixture slightly. Apply soaked oatmeal to the problem area, leave for about 20 minutes, then rinse using cool water, and finally wipe the chest with tonic.

Firming mask


  • aloe juice;
  • lemon oil

To implement the mask recipe for breast elasticity and saturate the tissues with impressive portions of valuable vitamins, you will need a spoonful of honey, a little aloe juice and 5 drops of an essential preparation. Use the resulting mixture as a mask, and you need to work on all the skin of the décolleté and breasts, with the exception of halos. After a quarter of an hour, rinse the skin with cool water.

Fruit-yolk mask


  • fresh green apple;
  • raw egg yolk.

This popular mask is prepared by mixing grated green apple and yolk. While lying down, spread the mixture over your chest, cover yourself with a breathable cloth and rest for a quarter of an hour, then wipe off the mask and wash the treated area with cool water.

Oil mask to nourish the skin


  • olive oil;
  • tea tree oil.

The mixture of oils works great for the problem of redness, peeling, acne and early wrinkles. Add the essential preparation in a volume of 5 drops to olive oil - a product of the first cold pressing. Using a nutritious mixture, gently massage the mammary glands, capturing the surrounding areas, but avoiding touching the nipples and areolas. This mask does not require rinsing; it is best to do it before a night's rest.

Gelatin mask


  • food gelatin;
  • boiling water.

After adding boiling water to the gelatin granules, you need to stir the mixture perfectly so that all the lumps dissolve. Having lubricated the body with the jelly mass, wait for it to dry and rinse with water, which must be at a cool temperature; when using warm water, the protective collagen film is removed.

can be prepared from cosmetic clay, oatmeal, edible gelatin, natural oils, fruits, raw eggs, honey and other healthy products; to achieve results as quickly as possible - comprehensive body care must be added to external remedies

Breast care

Restorative procedures

Pay attention to a useful procedure called microcurrent therapy, which perfectly stimulates the functioning of skin cells. Intensive division of cells producing elastin and collagen begins, microcirculation in the pectoral muscles improves, and they become toned. In the modern beauty industry, there is another effective procedure - myostimulation, which is based on muscle contraction, as a result of this work they are naturally tightened and strengthened, in addition, the blood supply to the tissues improves. If possible, use different types of physical therapy, since this type of body care does not stimulate the mammary gland tissue, but acts directly on the muscles responsible for holding the bust in the correct position.

The right underwear

When a bra puts excessive pressure on your breasts or, on the contrary, cannot stably hold them in a normal position, it is definitely harmful. Use only underwear in which you feel comfortable. High-quality items do not leave any marks on the body after use. During outdoor activities or sporting events, it is advisable to wear comfortable, seamless underwear designed to easily wick away moisture.

Home exercises

Classic push-ups work flawlessly on women's breasts. The “prayer” exercise will be no less effective; its implementation consists of joining your palms in the chest area with your fingers pointing up. Having attached your closed hands to your body, you need to forcefully press your palms together, holding the pressure for 3 seconds. After a short pause, repeat the manipulation and do several such approaches. If significant tension is felt in the shoulder girdle, in the forearms and in the chest, it means that the gymnastics is being performed without errors. In order to have a beautiful, toned bust, you will have to regularly perform these and other exercises, increase the flexibility of the body, take care of ideal posture and under no circumstances gain excess weight.

Apply homemade masks for breast elasticity, do water contrast massage using a shower head, wear comfortable underwear, practice exercises, use the services of salons, arrange seaweed wraps, lubricate the skin with special creams that include phyto-estrogen, extracts from medicinal plants, vitamins, herbs oils and animal fats. All efforts together will definitely give a positive result.

Beautiful and is the dream of every woman. Homemade bust masks are a surprisingly effective remedy. The composition includes only natural products that are rich in various beneficial substances. Regular use will help achieve the desired result.

Indications for the use of breast masks

Making your breasts beautiful and firm without it is real. The use of homemade food-based masks has been used since ancient times. They are safe for the body, rich in vitamins and other beneficial substances that are necessary for nutrition. Breast masks are relevant at any age. They can be done by a young girl who wants to enlarge or simply moisturize her bust, or by a mature woman to combat tissue fading.

Breast masks can be used in the following cases:

  • age-related changes;
  • skin;
  • uneven skin color;
  • loss of elasticity and firmness;
  • dermatological problems;

Important! By performing breast massage, you can detect many unpleasant problems in time. For example, mastopathy or tumor formation.

Contraindications to the use of breast masks

Masks made from natural ingredients are in most cases useful and harmless. And this is justified, because their composition is completely natural. But still, they should be applied to the skin only after studying possible contraindications.

When is it better to stop using masks:

  • if there is a tendency to be allergic to the selected product for the mask;
  • in the presence of malignancy in the breast tissue;
  • with inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • during the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • if there are open wounds or skin diseases on the skin.

Before using masks, you need to carefully examine your breasts and decide on the problem that needs to be solved.

To avoid an allergic reaction, before applying the prepared product to the delicate skin of the chest, it is better to first test the mask on the elbow. If after 15 minutes no redness or irritation appears, then the mass can be safely used for your own purposes.

What breast problems cannot be solved with masks?

Any homemade mask cannot become a magic pill for all problems. There are cases when the external effect is simply impossible to achieve.

Masks will not help if you have:

  • severe deformation;
  • advanced flabbiness;
  • pronounced drooping of bust tissue;
  • deep wrinkles.

There is no need to expect magic from masks with an increasing effect. They are aimed more at tightening and the increase may seem larger. In adulthood, you also don’t need to wait for a miracle. Using natural-based masks will only help cope with minor problems. In other cases, it is better to turn to professional remedies.

To achieve the desired result, you need to learn how to use the chosen mask correctly. There are some tips and tricks from experts.

So, what you need to adhere to:

  1. Apply the mask only after a shower. The skin should be clean and steamed.
  2. Do not wash off the product before 15 minutes. Self-control is one of the most important rules.
  3. To increase the effect, it is advisable to wrap the breasts with cling film.
  4. It is necessary to wash off with warm running water without using a washcloth.

In addition, it is important to adhere to regularity in the procedures. There is no need to stop after 2-3 procedures, because results cannot be achieved in several sessions. Homemade masks, although effective, are slower than professional ones.

Effect after using breast masks

Everything will directly depend on the chosen mask, which has its own purposes. You can achieve the following results:

  • increase tone and elasticity;
  • restore healthy skin color;
  • A little ;
  • restore skin turgor;
  • get rid of small stretch marks;
  • overcome age-related changes;
  • nourish with vitamins and other beneficial substances;
  • moisturize and eliminate;
  • repair after minor damage.

Homemade masks are especially relevant for women after breastfeeding. Such procedures will help quickly and safely return your bust to its former attractive appearance.

Preparing breast skin for the procedure

In order for the mask to lie evenly and be well absorbed, you need to prepare the skin for the procedure.

Preparation consists of simple steps:

  1. Take a hot shower using a scrub. Cleanse the skin well with light movements.
  2. Rinse with running water.
  3. Dry skin with a soft absorbent towel.

Advice! To improve the effect while using a homemade mask, you can perform a contrast douche.

Homemade breast masks: preparation instructions

It is not difficult to prepare a mask for the procedure at home. You can use most products that are in the refrigerator. These are vegetables, fruits, dairy products, berries and much more.

You must adhere to the following instructions for preparation and use:

  1. You must use all the ingredients specified in the recipe. The weight of the products and proportions can be slightly adjusted at your discretion.
  2. If the mask is prepared from dairy products, then it must be removed from the refrigerator in advance to reach room temperature.
  3. Apply the prepared mask with massage movements onto the cleansed skin of the chest.
  4. Distribute the product using your fingertips from the edge of the areola to the chin, armpits and shoulders.
  5. Cover your chest with cling film and lie on your back.
  6. Rinse off after the time specified in the recipe with warm running water.
  7. Lightly blot your bust with a soft towel and lubricate the skin with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Breast augmentation

Self-massage using homemade masks is a good way to help give a woman’s breasts a beautiful and toned shape. It’s unlikely to succeed significantly, but you can make your décolleté area more attractive after just a couple of months.

For this use:

  1. Herbs. You will need to mix 5 ml of hop tincture, 10 ml of horsetail tincture and aloe extract. Add a couple of drops of lemon and lavender essential oils. Place the resulting product in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Apply to the skin of the bust twice a day. Wash off after 20 minutes.
  2. Apples. Take 1 tbsp. grated apple, add to it 5 g of natural honey and 10 g of fatty butter. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse.
  3. Cacao butter. This mask will only need one ingredient. Apply the pure oil extract only to the area around the breast skin. The exposure time is no more than 15 minutes.

The positive effect of the procedure can be noticed after 1-1.5 months. But don't stop there. It is enough to carry out a couple of sessions a week to give your breasts a beautiful shape and maintain health and beauty.

Increased elasticity

Such masks are often needed by women after the end of lactation or those who have suddenly lost weight. Breast tissue loses its previous shape due to loss of elasticity. The breasts hang down and look rather ugly. By using homemade natural masks you can significantly improve the appearance of the mammary gland and restore its lost shape.

The following masks will help:

  1. With kelp and sour cream. Kelp powder 10 g and full-fat sour cream 2 tbsp. need to mix well. Apply the mixture according to the instructions and wait 20 minutes. Rinse off. Carry out the procedure 2 times a week.
  2. With cottage cheese. Using a fork, stir cottage cheese (low-fat) 100 g and 1 tbsp. liquid honey. The mass should be more or less homogeneous. Add 1 tsp. olive oil. Mix. Apply to skin for 20 minutes.
  3. With cream. Mix the following products: heavy cream (30g), lemon juice (2 tsp) and 2 chicken yolks. Apply to the bust for half an hour.
  4. With potatoes. Grate raw potatoes on a fine grater. Add 30 ml of olive oil to it and stir. Leave on your chest for 15 minutes.
  5. With effect. In order to prepare such a mask, you need to pour 1 tsp of boiling water over a cup. peppermint (sold at the pharmacy). Leave to infuse for 15 minutes. During this time, melt 5-7 g of beeswax in a water bath and add 1 tbsp to it. olive oil. As soon as the consistency becomes homogeneous, it should be removed from the water bath. Strain the peppermint infusion and pour into the oil-wax mixture. Once it cools down, add 3-4 drops of lemon balm essential oil. Apply to the breast for 20 minutes.
  6. Vitamin. Mix 10 ml of aloe juice with 1 tbsp. candied honey. Add 6 drops of orange or lemon essential oil. Exposure time 15 minutes.
  7. With cognac. In a bowl, mix 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 2-3 tsp. olive oil. Add enough cognac to form a thick mass resembling a cream in consistency. Apply the mask to the skin of the chest and rinse after 15 minutes.

The result can be seen after 2-3 months. It is recommended not to stop using procedures with a firming mask in order to achieve maximum effect.

For breast firming and lifting

Any cosmetic procedure requires a regular approach. Women who believe that their breasts have lost their former shape and firmness should start getting massages twice a week using one of the masks.

With yogurt


  • full-fat yogurt (natural without additives) – 2 tbsp;
  • oily vitamin E – 20 drops;
  • chicken yolk – 1 pc.

Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed and apply to the skin of the breast. Leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off.

With camphor


  • camphor – 12-15 ml;
  • cosmetic petroleum jelly – 1 tsp;
  • natural honey – 1 tbsp;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp.

Combine all necessary ingredients in a bowl. Keep refrigerated. Use in two procedures. It is recommended to keep this mask on for 20-30 minutes.

With watermelon


  • watermelon without peel - 1 tbsp;
  • chicken egg yolk – 1 pc.;
  • milk (low-fat) – 1 tbsp.

Combine all ingredients and beat with a blender. Apply a homogeneous mass to the skin of the bust. Wash off after 20 minutes. Milk in combination with watermelon and eggs will give the breasts tenderness and softness.

With melon


  • ripe melon pulp - 1 tbsp;
  • liquid honey (preferably flower honey) – 1 tsp;
  • butter at room temperature – 1 tsp.

Mix the products and beat with a mixer or in a blender (which is easier). Use the mixture on the skin of the breast twice a week. You need to stand for 20-25 minutes.

Honey and onion ice


  • honey – 1 tbsp;
  • onion juice – 1 tbsp;
  • mineral water – 1 glass.

Combine onion juice, honey and water. Stir well. Pour the mixture into ice cube trays. Place in the freezer. Rub an ice cube over problem skin in the morning and before going to bed at night. A similar procedure must be carried out daily.

With clay


  • blue clay - 2 tbsp;
  • milk - approximately 3-4 tbsp.

The clay needs to be mixed with milk, and you need to take enough cow product so that a thick mass comes out. Apply a thin layer of the mask to the chest and neck. Leave until completely dry. Rinse off.

With clay and cocoa


  • pink clay – 1 tbsp;
  • cocoa – 1 tbsp;
  • oatmeal (ground in a coffee grinder) – 1 tbsp.

Combine all dry ingredients and add boiling water. Mix. You need to take enough water so that the mass comes out of medium thickness. Then leave to cool to a temperature that is pleasant for the body. Leave on your chest for 30 minutes and rinse.

With tomato


  • ripe and juicy tomato – 1 pc.
  • lemon essential oil – 10 drops.

Pour boiling water over the tomato for 1 minute and remove the peel. Grind in a blender until pureed. Add oil. Use the mask twice a week for 30 minutes to increase the elasticity of the breast gland.

With seaweed


  • kelp (powder) – 2-3 tbsp;
  • oily vitamin E – 1 tsp.

Mix the powder with warm water until it becomes sour cream. Add vitamin E. You need to wash off the mask from your chest after 30 minutes.

With oatmeal


  • oatmeal – 2 tbsp.
  • hot water – 50-70 ml.

Pour boiling water over the flakes. Leave for 7 minutes. There should be no water left. Apply the resulting paste to the chest. Wash off after 20 minutes.

With radish


  • black radish – 100 g;
  • unrefined vegetable oil – 2-3 tbsp.

Grind the vegetables on the finest grater. Add oil. Place the paste on a cotton towel and apply to the bust. Remove the application after 15 minutes.

With ginger


  • ginger (powder) – 1 tsp;
  • decoction of hop cones – 2 tbsp;
  • licorice root powder – 1 tsp;
  • lavender essential oil – 3 drops.

Pour warm broth over ginger root and licorice root. Mix. Add oil and apply to skin. Wash off after 20 minutes.

With beans


  • red beans – 100 g;
  • sea ​​salt – 1 tsp;
  • chicken yolk – 1 pc.;
  • aloe juice – 1 tsp.

Boil the beans and grind in a blender bowl. Add remaining products. Mix. Leave the mask on your chest for 15 minutes.

For breast beauty

Many women are not satisfied with the appearance of their bust. Some want to increase, others to decrease. But it is enough to even out the skin color and increase elasticity to make the décolleté area look beautiful and attractive. Homemade natural products will help with this.

To do this, use one of the women's masks:

  1. With butter. Mix 10 g of olive oil and 4-6 drops of tea tree oil. Rub into skin with light massage movements. No need to rinse off. You need to wear loose clothing on top so that the oils are well absorbed by your chest and not by the fabric. Carry out the procedure 2 times a week.
  2. With banana and rose. Grind the ripe banana in a blender. Add to it finely chopped rose petals, 2 tbsp. milk and 1 tbsp. olive oil. Mix. Place in a water bath for 10 minutes. Apply to chest and rinse after 20 minutes.
  3. With apricot and sour cream. You need to take 5 ripe apricots, remove the seeds and grind them into a puree in a blender. Add 1 tbsp. fat sour cream and mix well. Spread the resulting mass over the skin and wait 25-30 minutes. Rinse and pat dry with a towel.

These masks are for tightening and evening out unhealthy or uneven skin color. They will fill every cell with vitamins and microelements. The skin will be elastic, firm and hydrated.

Oil masks for breasts

Massage oil for lifting effect

You need to prepare the following oils:

  • fennel;
  • rosemary;
  • grape seeds;
  • orange;
  • patchouli;
  • ylang-ylang.

The base is grape seed oil. It should be taken 10 ml. Add to it 2 drops of fennel oil and 1 drop of all other esters. Use the prepared product once a day.

Important! The indicated dosage must be strictly followed to prevent burns.


Required products:

  • freshly squeezed orange juice – 3 tbsp;
  • cottage cheese (low-fat) – 2 tbsp;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp.

Combine all ingredients, mix well and apply to skin. Wash off after 30 minutes. Instead of olive oil, you can use unrefined sunflower oil.

Tonic with protein

Prepare the following products:

  • chicken egg white – 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice – 1 tsp;
  • olive oil – 1 tsp.

Beat the whites with a mixer until a slight foam appears. Add lemon juice and olive oil. Mix. Wash off after 20-40 minutes.

Well-moisturized décolleté skin is the key to success. If you adhere to regularity in carrying out such procedures from a young age into adulthood, your breasts will not lose their attractiveness.

To moisturize the breast gland, you can use the following masks:

  1. With banana and coconut oil. Puree a ripe banana using an immersion blender. Add 1 tbsp. liquid honey and 1 tbsp. coconut oil Mix well. Use twice a week for 20 minutes.
  2. With strawberry. Add 7 berry puree to full-fat sour cream (2 tbsp). Mix well. In a separate bowl, pour 2 tbsp boiling water. pink clay. Combine the two masses and stir until smooth. Use 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes.

In order to relax as much as possible during the procedure, you can turn on your favorite music or read a book. Time will fly by unnoticed, and the mask will absorb well and fulfill its purpose.

Preparing a homemade scrub is not difficult, and the products are available to every housewife. Scrubs are best used before a shower. Basically, there is no need to keep the product on the skin, because its main function is to scrub the skin, which improves the effect of a homemade mask.

Required products:

  • strawberries – 5 pcs.;
  • raspberries – 7-10 pcs;
  • candied honey – 2 tbsp;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp.

Crush the berries to a puree. Add honey and oil. Mix. Apply to the chest with massage circular movements. It is important not to press so as not to damage the skin.

You will need the following products:

  • almonds – 100 g;
  • almond essential oil – 1-3 tsp;
  • cereals.

Grind the flakes and nuts in a coffee grinder. Add essential oil and stir. You should get a mass that resembles a cream in consistency. Apply to the skin of the bust and décolleté area. Leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

With sugar


  • natural honey – 2 tbsp;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.

Combine these two components. Warm slightly in the microwave and use twice a week.

It's never too late to start taking care of your breast skin. Homemade masks on a natural basis will help improve the appearance of the bust, give it firmness, attractiveness and a beautiful shape. If you adhere to regularity and follow all recommendations for the preparation and use of masks, you can notice a positive result after 2-3 months.

Every part of a woman’s body requires care and attention, but we women, for various reasons, more often devote time only to those that are in plain sight. But is sure that this is a very wrong approach. Each of us wants to make our breasts firmer and their skin soft and silky like a baby’s. And the best method for this is breast firming mask.

What's in the article:

How to prepare for a mask

Before you start applying any mask to your chest, you need to prepare your skin. And to do this you need to clean it with a scrub. This scrub has already been mentioned in the article. This way the result after the procedure will be more pleasant and effective.

The scrub can be purchased at a pharmacy or store, or you can make it yourself. Here are simple homemade scrub recipes:

  1. Honey and sugar scrub. Mix one teaspoon of sugar with one tablespoon of honey, and place this mixture in the microwave to warm it up a little. Apply a warm, freshly prepared scrub onto your chest with massaging movements for a couple of minutes, and then wash with warm water.
  2. Scrub with oatmeal flakes. To make this scrub, you need to grind the flakes in a coffee grinder, mix them with a few tablespoons of vegetable oil and the composition is ready.

Such scrubs are very useful and partially fulfill the task of masks for the elasticity of the breast skin. In addition to the fact that they cleanse the skin, scrubs also moisturize it well and help reduce stretch marks.

Before you start using a mask for breast elasticity and firmness, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the masks.

  • The mixture should be applied in such a way that it does not touch the area of ​​the areola and nipple;
  • For a better effect, the chest with the mask can be wrapped in film, but for no more than 20 minutes.

Masks for breast firmness: recipes

There is a considerable variety of breast masks, and each of them is popular among many women. And then I want to offer you some recipes that you can prepare yourself and to your taste.

Oatmeal mask

This mask is very simple to prepare, but very effective in practice. To prepare it, you only need two tablespoons of oatmeal and a glass of boiling water. The flakes need to be steamed and left for about twenty minutes so that they cool well to a mushy state. Apply the mask to the chest and neck and keep it until it dries, and then wash the body with warm water.

Systematic use of this mask will make the breast skin tightened and elastic.

Mask of egg whites and lemon juice

Beat two egg whites with one tbsp. spoon of lemon juice and apply to your chest for twenty minutes. This mask for breast elasticity also copes well with its task and significantly changes the shape of the breast for the better.

Algae mask

Mix seaweed powder with olive oil or sour cream and apply to your chest. This mask, like the previous one, needs to be left on for 20 minutes. Masks with algae for breast elasticity restore the breast skin well, remove stretch marks and fix the breasts.

Cottage cheese and sour cream mask

Mix half a glass of low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream to make a paste and add one tbsp. a spoonful of thin honey. Apply to the chest for twenty minutes.

Heavy cream mask

3 tbsp. spoons of heavy cream;
2 yolks;
2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

All this needs to be mixed, and the mask is ready. Immediately apply it to your chest and leave for about twenty-five minutes. And then rinse off in the shower.

Mask with cream and potatoes

Boil one potato in its jacket. Then peel it, knead it and add 1 tbsp to this mashed potato. spoon of cream, 50 ml. sunflower oil and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Masks for breast skin elasticity based on cream perfectly rejuvenate the skin, and also make it elastic and silky.

Clay masks for breast firmness

Dissolve 3 tbsp in warm water. tablespoons of cosmetic clay until creamy and add another 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey. Apply this mixture to your neck and chest and leave for 20 minutes.

Clay has always been in demand in the preparation of masks, as it has a very good effect on the skin, and the chest is no exception. Clay perfectly nourishes the skin of the breast, cleanses pores, smoothes out shallow wrinkles, and restores firmness and softness.

To prepare this mask, any cosmetic clay is suitable: blue, red, white, etc.

Super-lifting mask for breast skin

This mask is very effective, and even its name speaks about this, which, by the way, it borrowed from the Push-up bra. The mask gives a similar effect to this bra. After using it, you don’t have to use straps or inserts to support your breasts. To cook this mask for breast skin elasticity, you will need:

  • 2 teaspoons fresh mint;
  • 1 teaspoon of dry mint;
  • 1 glass of boiling water;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of almond oil or olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of crushed beeswax;
  • 2 drops each of eucalyptus, mint and lemon balm essential oils.

Mint needs to be brewed in boiling water and left for about twenty minutes. Steam olive or almond oil and add wax to it. When the mint is infused, you need to strain it and mix it with a mixture of oil and wax and add essential oils to the resulting composition. Apply the prepared mask to the body and leave for 20 minutes, and then wipe it with a napkin soaked in olive oil.

Yogurt mask

In one art. spoon of yogurt, add one raw egg and one small spoon of vitamin E oil. Beat all ingredients well and apply to the chest with massaging movements for twenty minutes.

This mask will be a good helper in the fight against sagging breasts and will significantly tighten your breasts.

Mask with camphor alcohol and honeydew honey

  • 15 ml. camphor alcohol;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honeydew honey;
  • 15 ml. Vaseline;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 teaspoon of herbal infusion (calendula, mint, chamomile, rose).

Everything needs to be mixed and applied to the chest for 30 minutes, then washed with warm water.

Mask with watermelon or melon

Mix a little watermelon pulp in a blender with one tbsp. a spoonful of milk and one yolk. Hold the freshly prepared mixture on your chest for 20 minutes and rinse off. This mask also helps maintain the firmness and beauty of your breasts.

Prepare the melon mask in the same way in a blender. Only to the melon you need to add one teaspoon of honey and the same amount of butter.

The main thing is not to be lazy, use masks and other useful products and always find time for yourself!

"Size matters!" - this is the opinion of the overwhelming number of women who are trying to come up with new ways and exercises to enlarge their breasts and restore their elasticity. Meanwhile, the recipes were invented long ago by our grandmothers, who also wanted to have a full and firm bust. Study the five most effective and efficient breast masks and try to use them - visible results will not be long in coming. Most likely, they will not increase the size, but they will certainly restore elasticity and make the skin silky and soft.

1. Bulk apple

Ingredients: apple, honey, butter.

Cooking method: Grate the apple, mix the puree with a spoonful of softened butter and add a spoonful of honey to the mixture. If the honey has thickened, you can melt it in a water bath. The mask should be mixed until smooth.

Application: Gently rub into the chest area, massage a little and leave for 25-30 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

Apples have a rejuvenating and tightening effect on the skin.

Effect: the skin tightens and becomes elastic and silky. Flabbiness disappears and the breasts seem fuller.

2. Yogurt tenderness

Ingredients: a spoonful of creamy yogurt without additives or dyes, a teaspoon of oily vitamin E, one chicken egg.

Cooking method: Beat the egg until foamy, add yogurt and vitamin E. Mix all ingredients until completely homogeneous.

Application: Apply the mask to your chest and do a light massage so that the mixture is absorbed into the skin. Leave it on the skin for 20-30 minutes, then wash off with a damp sponge.

Effect: Vitamin E nourishes, moisturizes and has a regenerating effect. The egg tightens sagging skin, and yogurt saturates the tissue with collagen. As a result, after the first use, the breasts look more toned and firm.

3. Cabbage with apple

Ingredients: Art. a spoonful of fresh cabbage and apple puree, a spoonful of butter and a spoonful of honey.

Cooking method: mix all ingredients.

Application: The best effect can be achieved if you apply this mask after a special massage for breast enlargement. The muscles warm up, the skin warms up and the components of the mask penetrate deep into the tissues. Leave the composition on the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse off the composition with warm water and apply any nourishing cream.

Effect: With regular use, the apple-cabbage mask will tighten the breasts and restore firmness.

4. Mashed potatoes

Ingredients: 1 small boiled potato, 50 ml vegetable oil, a spoonful of cream and a spoonful of honey.

Cooking method: Mash the potatoes into a puree and pour butter and cream into it. Mix everything thoroughly and add honey to the mixture.

Application: Apply to the chest area and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse and lubricate the skin with caring cream.

Potatoes soften, nourish and smooth the skin of the breast, making it soft and silky.

Effect: disappearance of fine wrinkles and sagging, firmer and more voluminous breasts.

5. Radish mask

Ingredients: white radish, vegetable oil.

Cooking method: Grate a small radish on a fine grater. Place the resulting puree on cheesecloth and allow excess juice to drain. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the mixture and stir everything carefully.

Application: spread the mixture over gauze and apply the cloth to the chest area. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then remove the gauze and wash the skin with warm water. After the mask, be sure to apply a daily care cream.

Effect: radish increases blood flow to the skin and has a pronounced warming effect. As a result of using this mask, all wrinkles and unevenness on the skin are smoothed out, it becomes young, radiant and elastic. The bust is tightened and visually looks more luxurious.

Masks for breast enlargement will be much more effective if you combine them with special exercises and the right foods. An integrated approach gives much impressive results and your bust will certainly increase by 1 or even 2 sizes.