A woman who is not afraid of frost. Living Snow Maiden

Meet 50-year-old Galina Kutereva from the city of Tolyatti. She works as an assistant to a kindergarten teacher and does not feel the cold at all. In sub-zero temperatures, she walks the streets in summer dresses, does not get sick and looks much younger than her age. How is this possible? - you ask. Let's find out.

Many people come up and ask what happened? They offer clothes or a ride by car. She replies with a smile that everything is fine - she’s just in such good health. There is no end to those who want to know how she does it, and just get to know each other. It is quite possible that this resident of Tolyatti is the only one in all of Russia or even in the whole world. Meet Galina Kutereva, assistant teacher at kindergarten No. 67 with the symbolic name “Joy”. She talks about herself reluctantly, being embarrassed by it and believing that it is better to talk about the Tolyatti psychotherapist, thanks to whom her life changed 180 degrees. But first things first.

Actually, I was born in Donbass, near the Sea of ​​Azov. “I’m from the south and I really love the warmth,” says Galina. - I came to Tolyatti in 1982 after graduating from the Chemical-Mechanical College. At first she worked at Phosphorus, but not for long. Since 1986, when I sent my daughter to kindergarten, I have been working as an assistant teacher.

The fact that you walk around without winter clothes is how you harden yourself?

No, although I also do hardening procedures - I take a contrast shower. I walk down the street like this because I’m not cold. I’m not cold in winter, not hot in summer, when everyone is tired, I continue to work, I don’t need smoke breaks - that’s how my body is.

How do you feel in the cold?

A slight tingling sensation, as if it were a hot summer day and a fresh wind was blowing. The stronger the frost and blizzard, the better I feel.

And what is the lowest temperature you can tolerate?

I don't know, but all last winter I wore summer clothes and felt good

What if it rains?

When it rains, I don’t hide - I feel good. Some people pay attention to the fact that I wear sandals and walk through puddles and snow. And they think my feet are cold. No - the snow melts on my feet. My hearing, smell, and vision improved - I took off my glasses. Memory has improved.

You are such a striking woman, and your hair is gray. Don't you want to paint them over?

No, this is on purpose so that you can see how old I am. I used to have more gray hair, but now I have less. I don't use makeup either. I wash my face and hair only with water. There is nothing artificial in my appearance, it is completely natural.

How did you achieve all this?

Like many people, I developed very serious illnesses far from adulthood. The doctors' treatment was of little use: the help was temporary, the illnesses did not go away, but worsened over the years. I began to look for other ways to recover. I self-medicated, including with clay, but all these methods did not produce lasting results. In 1989, I found out that there was a Togliatti doctor - then he conducted sessions at the Burevestnik cinema. I attended them, and then many of my illnesses, as well as fears and addictions, went away.

Feeling improvements, I began to live my old life, but as time passed, new diseases and new problems appeared. By 2005, my illnesses had overcome me so much that I again remembered the doctor, began to look for him, and found him. From that time on, I firmly decided to change my lifestyle, my attitude towards everything that surrounds me. I have fully recovered, and not only that, my body has rejuvenated. To get to this point, I became a different person.

What is the treatment? What have you changed about yourself?

The entire treatment system is built on goodness. When a person is kind and friendly and in a good mood, he is healthy. When there is health, there is longevity. A person must love the world and live in harmony with it. I fell in love with life and want to live. I know why I live - to be kind, benevolent and do good every day. My soul and body have become cleaner and brighter.

Is walking down the street naked also part of the practice?

Yes. The fact is that in the cold a person holds his breath. At the same time, the blood reaches the diseased organs, and the body itself begins to recover. The vessels become clean, elastic, blood begins to circulate easily and freely. We hold our breath several times a day. I also walk on my knees 400 steps a day, because under the knees there are points of longevity, and a person gets rid of many diseases: the spine, joints, intestines, and so on are healed. Any person can live a hundred years. “Person” - “age” - a century is defined for each person. To do this, you need to cleanse your soul, be kind and benevolent. Whatever you wish for someone will happen to you.

A whole teaching...

Yes, the word heals first of all. “You can kill with a word, you can save with a word, you can lead shelves with a word...” We heal with both word and thought, because thought is material. That’s why you need to learn to speak and think correctly, and watch your words. Both words and thoughts have power. We don’t hear a thought, but our soul perceives it, and when a person is thought of with love, it supports him.

Have you started eating differently too?

Yes, I practice separate meals and refuse food once a week so that my body can rest. On this day I drink water.

The fact that you have become healthier and younger is not the limit? Is there anything else you can achieve?

Yes, sure. Sometimes they tell me: if you have recovered, why should you continue to deal with this system? The point is that I want to be healthy and happy, and I want to help other people with this.

For what?

So that my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren live happily ever after and that they meet kind and benevolent people everywhere. All people should love each other. I want love and gratitude to be inherent in everyone - this is what gives health and success.

How do your family feel about your health activities?

My husband supports me, understands me and practices this system himself. He had problems with oncology, but thanks to this practice they went away - the tumor disappeared. 10 days later, when he came to the oncologist, the doctor said: “If I had not seen this myself, and someone told me, I would not have believed it.” My daughter is a psychiatrist. With a medical background, it is difficult for her to fully accept that everything I do is beneficial. At the same time, seeing the result - my health, she also supports me in many ways.

Why does a person get sick? Because he's evil?

From envy, jealousy, anger, irritability. Problems and illnesses come from a wrong outlook on life. We treat the current life circumstances incorrectly. Nowadays people are so passionate about survival that they forget that they need to live, not survive. Life is an exciting journey in which we should enjoy, live and relax. If you don't want to work, love your job and you won't have one. You will go to it as if it were a holiday.

What are your future life plans?

I have a lot of them. And I'm going to live more than a hundred years - disease-free, happily ever after. I really believe in this.

And those illnesses that you had, will not hinder you?

The me who was sick a lot, who had a lot of problems, is simply no longer there. I am completely different, I was born again. All my views have changed.

Were you more negative?

I was weak - both in health and in spirit. I was looking at life wrong. It seemed to me that what I was doing was good. But it was not good. I tried to live not my own, but someone else’s life, and it was wrong. Everyone must live their own life, go their own way. Now I help people look at life correctly, and I definitely need to live happily ever after for more than a hundred years so that my dreams and desires come true.

Do you think it is possible for a person to spend the winter in a snow-filled cave at an altitude of 3-4 kilometers, without fire, in light clothing or without it at all (!), and not freeze?! Any doctor will categorically answer that no. And at the same time, people who own this technique never freeze. TO Every year, dozens of Tibetan hermit lamas pass this test without the slightest damage to their health, reports the British magazine The Globe.

“Their extraordinary “frost resistance” is attributed to the ability to concentrate "tumo".

In Tibet, this term refers to heat, warmth, but not just heat emanating, for example, from a red-hot brazier, but specific energy released by the body solely as a result of long-term meditative training.

Very few lamas are familiar with all categories of tumo. However, its phenomenal effect, which preserves a person’s life in severe frosts and snow storms in the high mountain deserts, is known to all Tibetans. The old lamas who teach the art of tumo keep their methods in deep secrecy, claiming that information acquired by hearsay is completely useless. To successfully practice tumo, personal instructions from a teacher are necessary.

Positive results can only be achieved by students who already have special training in various breathing exercises and the ability to achieve incredible concentration of thought, reaching the point of deep trance. Finally, special permission must be obtained from a lama of special status. Initiation is always preceded by a long probationary period, which, among other things, gives the teacher the opportunity to check whether the candidate is in sufficiently good health.

After practicing for a month or two under the close guidance of a guru, the novice goes to a remote and completely deserted place in the mountains, at an altitude of at least 4 kilometers. Lamas assert that it is impossible to train using the tumo method anywhere in a village or nearby, because the air polluted by smoke and various ground odors counteracts the efforts of the student and can seriously harm his health.

A monk-disciple, having settled in a suitable place, can no longer see anyone. Only the guru sometimes comes to check whether the novice has died in an extreme situation.

The candidate must train every day until dawn. As the sun rises, a new set of exercises awaits him. Long before dawn, the monk leaves his cave or hut. No matter how cold it is, he is completely naked or dressed in a light shirt. Anyone who devotes himself to tumo renounces woolen clothing forever and never goes near fire.

Beginners are allowed to sit on a straw mat at night. Those who have advanced in learning sit on bare ground, and those who have reached the highest stage of learning sit on snow, on ice, or in a stream with icy water. Exercises are performed only on an empty stomach, with a complete ban on drinking water. Only two poses are also allowed - “lotus” or when the feet rest on the ground and the knees touch the chin.

The training begins with breathing exercises: together with the exhaled air, the monk expels greed, pride, anger, envy, and laziness from himself. When you inhale, the spirit of the Buddha, the five wisdoms - everything noble and high that exists in the world - are “drawn in.”

During the ten stages of exercises that follow, you must fully concentrate on the vision of fire and the associated feeling of warmth, completely getting rid of other sensations and mental images.

The tumo training period ends with something like an exam. On a winter moonlit night, students confident in their skills go with their guru to the shore of a rapid mountain stream. If the waters are already frozen, then an ice hole is cut. A night is chosen when a cold, sharp wind blows and the frost crackles - such nights are not uncommon in Tibet.

Tumo candidates sit cross-legged on the ground, completely naked. Sheets are dipped into ice water and the students are wrapped in them - they must dry them with their own bodies. As soon as the sheet is dry, it is again dipped in water and thrown over the novice. And so on until sunrise. The monk who can dry the most sheets with his body wins. There are initiates who have dried up to 40 sheets on themselves per night!

In addition to this exam, there are many more ways to test the level of proficiency in tumo. For example, the snow test. The student sits in a snowdrift. The amount of snow melted on it and the size of the melting radius serve as an indicator of the intensity of the heat emitted by it.

At the beginning of training, the sensation and generation of heat occurs only during training; As soon as the concentration of thought and breathing exercises stop, the cold makes itself felt and can even kill a person. However, for those lamas who have systematically trained tumo for many years, generating heat when the temperature drops becomes a natural function that works automatically.

A true lama-tumo is a person who is always dressed in a dress made of light cotton fabric or a special white skirt - a distinctive sign of someone initiated into the secrets of tumo.

To counterbalance them, there are anchorites, super-specialists in the field of tumo. They are superior to ordinary lam-tumos, for they refuse even light clothing and live as hermits high in the mountains in snow-covered ice caves - completely naked, for several years, and some until their death, feeding on the rare offerings of their disciples, without knowing either fire or armfuls. straw on its frozen stone bed.

This is by no means a myth, these are real people, and not so few in number - many Europeans have seen them.

“Oh, Snow Maiden, hello! - The man in the sheepskin coat and fur hat smiled. “Can I take a photo with you?” In Tolyatti minus 11. But Galina goes out into the street as if the thermometer is plus 40. You can’t hide the goosebumps on your hands, though. "So what? - speaks. “Do you want me to sit in a snowdrift?” And not her - I, in a down jacket, shivering from the cold.

Drivers, slowing down on the roads, stick their thumbs out of the window and wink. And when Galina walks with her 34-year-old daughter, young people follow them: “Girls, can I get to know you?”

Although I won’t be mistaken if I say that there are just as many enthusiastic people as there are those who think Galina is not of this world. She waves it off: “If you don’t attract bad things, they won’t attract them.” Not everyone can do this. Just like not everyone is capable of suffering, suffering and... starting a new life.

Someone else's life

Early childhood in the mining Donbass and constant lung problems. Chemical technical school in Kharkov - “I had to finish something.” And suddenly Togliatti is a city of automakers, which I unexpectedly liked.

- Since childhood, I didn’t like to be within limits,- says Galina. - At the age of 18, she left home, everyone was surprised: from Ukraine - to the Volga region?!

She got married and gave birth to a daughter. But either she was in a hurry, or she and her husband viewed marriage too differently... Stress and pain rained down on her - one more severe than the other.

- I experienced a mini-stroke, I was diagnosed with mastopathy, stomach and intestinal cancer... I was afraid of chemotherapy and operations like fire. Once, in a hospital queue, I listened to the unfortunate women, got up and left!

At first, Galya was still looking for doctors who would offer non-operative treatment. Then I started visiting grandmothers and healers. I spent everything on medicine.

- I kept a long fast, went to church, but the pain did not go away, and I continued to look for healing - in clay, in herbs, in urine...

One day I came to town Kashpirovsky- many still remember his television sessions, when he put the whole country to sleep. Galina decided to go to a meeting with a psychotherapist. Where there! Can't get tickets! And my colleagues tell me: “Yes, here Makarov treats us without drugs.” I went to him. Now she assures that during his sessions she stopped being afraid of dental treatment and got rid of the eternal desire to eat something.

After leaving the chemical plant, she worked in a kindergarten as an assistant teacher. Family, daughter (now a psychotherapist). Everything would be fine. But Galina still felt like she was living someone else’s life, the wrong one.

Second birth

For several years now, Kutereva, according to her, has been absolutely healthy, happy and young in body and soul. She retired with the firm conviction: “A person is happy only when there are happy people around him.” For the ninth winter, even in severe frost, Galya wears shorts, a short T-shirt and sandals. “The more exposed the body, the better. Everything is breathing. Plus you can sunbathe.” Once I was riding a bicycle and got wet to the skin. The driver leaned out of the car window: “And how is it?” - "Great! Join us!” - "What more!" - And disappeared into the cabin. Another time, during a snowstorm, a homeless person at a bus stop offered his jacket: “Take it, I still have it.”

She doesn't need fur coats. Women are jealous: what a savings! Yes, those who grew up in the Soviet Union remember the long-term experiment Porfiria Ivanova. And in the early 2000s, Muscovites greeted people on the street Naum Novakovsky. Both of them walked barefoot, without outer clothing, doused themselves with cold water, and stood barefoot in the snow. But with a bare navel in the cold?..

- Of course, I didn’t come to this right away,- says Kutereva. - Having been frozen since childhood, I gradually accustomed my body to it. One less blouse, two less... It was pouring from the nose - this is the disease coming out. I didn’t come down with pneumonia, I didn’t catch bronchitis or a sore throat, I even forgot the way to the clinic.

Two eggs with shells, bananas, green apples, sour cream, a piece of Lambert cheese, oriental sweets - the daily diet of this happy woman. And, of course, “charged” water - she believes in that too.

- I don’t need any cereals or soups. And for the New Year we buy groceries so that there is nothing left. No Olivier basins! But what energy! Easy as a bird. I cannot be offended or agitated. I'm not afraid of anything. And no drugs. I want to live!

Now Galina Kutereva is the president of the international club “Long-Liver”. A slender, smiling woman who has forgotten about her pain and age... I would like to believe that she is truly happy.

- My husband was also given terrible diagnoses - and he was cured. We used to quarrel, but now we are both free. We don’t go “to the left” - we just trust each other. I’ll leave suddenly - my husband is calm. He’ll stay late with his friends - I don’t pester him with calls: “When are you coming?” Everyone now lives on their own money. Although I work, and he was sent into early retirement.

Someone will say: a strange woman. Another will decide that this could not have happened without another “charlatan healer”: she believes in the miraculous power of Makarov’s recipes. The key word here, apparently, is “believe.” Damn bald man. They have been treated with self-hypnosis since the times of Aristotle and Hippocrates.

Doctor's opinion

Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy, Russian National Research Medical University named after. Pirogova, Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Karabinenko:

An individual hardening system helps to adapt to the cold, but it will not make winter walks comfortable for a person dressed in summer clothes. Usually in such cases there is low sensitivity to cold, which, although rare, occurs in humans.

The main principle of hardening is gradualism and systematicity. Extreme hardening procedures (which include going out into the cold in summer clothes) cause an overstrain of the body's defenses, and as a result, a breakdown of the immune system. It will take a very long time to restore health after such a “recovery”.

A cold is the most likely consequence of walking in shorts and sandals in the snow. For weakened people suffering from chronic diseases, this will end in pneumonia.

It is not so easy to answer this question unequivocally. There are many reasons for chilliness, so a thorough medical examination is necessary to identify the specific source of constant “underheating.”


All systems and organs under the guidance of three - the heart, liver and hypothalamus - participate in the regulation of heat in our body.

The liver uses biochemical reactions to heat the blood. Pumped by the heart, it runs throughout the body, evenly delivering heat to all its parts. Therefore, the vessels can be compared to the pipes of central heating radiators.

Depending on the external temperature, the “pipes” either expand to transfer excess heat outside the body (in summer) or contract to better retain it (in winter). But this process can be disrupted under the influence of various diseases or pathologies, which cause constant “frozenness”.

Why do people always feel cold?

Iron deficiency anemia or simply insufficient hemoglobin levels in the blood cause a delay in the delivery of oxygen to the internal organs and tissues.

The body tries to improve the situation of oxygen supply to the organs, and the vessels dilate to increase blood flow, that is, they behave as if tropical heat has set in or you are in a sauna. Accordingly, heat transfer increases - the body is deprived of the necessary supply of “heating” and freezes.

In fact, you didn’t sit - a lack of vitamins A and E, as well as fats in the diet, can also lead to constant chilliness even in warm weather.

The biochemical processes in the liver that are responsible for heating the blood become unbalanced, and the “batteries” slowly cool down.

Fat deposits are not just a dubious decoration, but a dense compressor. By squeezing the vessels, it leads to a narrowing of blood flow, and then everything follows the well-known pattern - inadequate oxygen supply to the internal organs and an attempt by the vascular system to compensate for this deficiency. The heat goes to the side, the person freezes.

The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating energy processes in the body - distributing energy reserves, including for heating.

When its function decreases (with hypothyroidism), the energy “industry” experiences a lack of attention, processes are disrupted, and high-quality heating becomes impossible. A thyroid gland that works at half capacity also slows down the metabolism. Accordingly, the formation of heat from calories received from food is inhibited.

Cold feet at any time of the day may indicate a hormonal cause of “frozenness.”

But most often, cold feet (and sometimes hands) are a sign of impaired peripheral capillary circulation. The heating simply does not reach its final destinations - the limbs. This is often associated with a condition such as vegetative-vascular dystonia (mainly of the hypotonic type), and a person begins to freeze the more the more worried he is, or experiences stress, or suffers from physical inactivity.

Vascular problems that lead to chilliness can also be of a completely different nature. For example, nicotine addicts and people suffering from atherosclerosis often experience spasms.

Age-related “frost,” which forces older people to pull on several layers of clothing or blankets, is also associated with deterioration of vascular function.

People who eat too little and don’t get their daily calorie intake are also doomed to freeze. After all, they simply do not provide the “stove” with “wood” - in the absence of a regular supply of calories, the body has nowhere to get energy from.

If a person is thin and moves little, he is doomed to slowly cool down during his lifetime. His body temperature even drops.

Diabetes mellitus is “to blame” for almost any disorder in our body, and constant chilliness is no exception. The root cause is serious disturbances in metabolism and the functioning of the cardiovascular system, but it is impossible to explain everything that happens in a nutshell. A clear sign of diabetes can be considered cold feet, in which sensitivity also disappears.

There is also a specific cold syndrome - Raynaud's disease, which is expressed in disruption of the arterial blood supply to the extremities. At the slightest emotional stress, as well as under the influence of too cold or warm temperatures, such people experience severe vascular spasm, disrupting thermoregulation.

Sunday, 14 Feb. 2016

In Togliatti she is the only one. A pretty lady who walks the streets in light summer clothes all year round, even in bitter winter frosts and snowstorms. At the same time, she does not get sick and has a blooming appearance. At first, you might think that this is a girl of 20-25 years old, although our heroine is much older, she has an adult daughter. Passers-by in winter jackets stop in surprise, following with their eyes the miniature, fragile lady walking with a flying gait along the snow-covered streets.

Many people come up and ask what happened? They offer clothes or a ride by car. She replies with a smile that everything is fine - she’s just in such good health. There is no end to those who want to know how she does it, and just get to know each other. It is quite possible that this resident of Tolyatti is the only one in all of Russia or even in the whole world. Meet Galina Kutereva, assistant teacher at kindergarten No. 67 with the symbolic name “Joy”. She talks about herself reluctantly, being embarrassed by it and believing that it is better to talk about the Tolyatti psychotherapist, thanks to whom her life changed 180 degrees. But first things first.

— Actually, I was born in Donbass, near the Sea of ​​Azov. “I’m from the south and I really love the warmth,” says Galina. — I came to Tolyatti in 1982 after graduating from the Chemical-Mechanical College. At first she worked at Phosphorus, but not for long. Since 1986, when I sent my daughter to kindergarten, I have been working as an assistant teacher.

— The fact that you walk around without winter clothes is how you harden yourself?

- No, although I also do hardening procedures - I take a contrast shower. I walk down the street like this because I’m not cold. I’m not cold in winter, not hot in summer, when everyone is tired, I continue to work, I don’t need smoke breaks - that’s how my body is.

- How do you feel in the cold?

- A slight tingling sensation, as if it were a hot summer day and a fresh wind was blowing. The stronger the frost and blizzard, the better I feel.

- And what is the lowest temperature you can tolerate?

— I don’t know, but all last winter I wore summer clothes and felt good
- What if it rains?

- When it rains, I don’t hide - I feel good. Some people pay attention to the fact that I wear sandals and walk through puddles and snow. And they think my feet are cold. No - the snow melts on my feet. My hearing, smell, and vision improved - I took off my glasses. Memory has improved.

- You are such a spectacular woman, and your hair is gray. Don't you want to paint them over?

- No, this is on purpose so that you can see how old I am. I used to have more gray hair, but now I have less. I don't use makeup either. I wash my face and hair only with water. There is nothing artificial in my appearance, it is completely natural.

- How did you achieve all this?

— Like many people, I developed very serious illnesses far from adulthood. The doctors' treatment was of little use: the help was temporary, the illnesses did not go away, but worsened over the years. I began to look for other ways to recover. I self-medicated, including with clay, but all these methods did not produce lasting results. In 1989, I found out that there was a Togliatti doctor - then he conducted sessions at the Burevestnik cinema. I attended them, and then many of my illnesses, as well as fears and addictions, went away.

Feeling improvements, I began to live my old life, but as time passed, new diseases and new problems appeared. By 2005, my illnesses had overcome me so much that I again remembered the doctor, began to look for him, and found him. From that time on, I firmly decided to change my lifestyle, my attitude towards everything that surrounds me. I have fully recovered, and not only that, my body has rejuvenated. To get to this point, I became a different person.

- What is the treatment? What have you changed about yourself?

— The entire treatment system is built on goodness. When a person is kind and friendly and in a good mood, he is healthy. When there is health, there is longevity. A person must love the world and live in harmony with it. I fell in love with life and want to live. I know why I live - to be kind, benevolent and do good every day. My soul and body have become cleaner and brighter.

— Is walking down the street naked also part of the practice?

- Yes. The fact is that in the cold a person holds his breath. At the same time, the blood reaches the diseased organs, and the body itself begins to recover. The vessels become clean, elastic, blood begins to circulate easily and freely. We hold our breath several times a day. I also walk on my knees 400 steps a day, because under the knees there are points of longevity, and a person gets rid of many diseases: the spine, joints, intestines, and so on are healed. Any person can live a hundred years. “Person” - “age” - a century is defined for each person. To do this, you need to cleanse your soul, be kind and benevolent. Whatever you wish for someone will happen to you.