Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Belly at 26 weeks pregnant with a girl.

The calendar shows the 26th week of pregnancy, which means that you are already in the seventh month of expecting a baby and your pregnancy is at the end of the second trimester.

You still continue your active lifestyle and go to work for at least another 4 weeks, because the period for maternity leave without special medical indications is only 30 weeks. What is special about the 26th week and what does your baby look like?

Baby development at 26 weeks

  • The fetus at the 26th week of pregnancy is already similar in size to an average head of cauliflower weighing 850-900 grams and more than 36 cm tall;
  • Subcutaneous fat is actively forming and the baby’s body gradually becomes plump and shaped;
  • The skin itself is still wrinkled, but this is more likely the result of constant contact with liquid;
  • If you look at the baby’s face, you will see clear ovals of the eyebrows, eyelashes, even the ears have already acquired their normal appearance, except that they are slightly protruding;
  • By the way, the child’s ears can already hear quite well and the fetus can already distinguish who is communicating with him - his beloved mommy or daddy;
  • The eyes are also fully formed, but the baby is in no hurry to open them yet, but his eyelids tremble from the harsh light;
  • The skeletal system continues to strengthen every week and at the 26th week of pregnancy, you will already feel what is happening to the baby, whether he is happy with life or worried about hunger, through strong and active kicks;
  • The fetus still sleeps a lot, at least 18 hours a day, but during wakefulness it actively moves its legs and arms, so that your stomach can shake;
  • At week 26, the stage of formation of the pulmonary system approaches the finish line, thanks to which, after birth, the baby will be able to breathe on his own;
  • No less important achievements of the 26th week in brain activity: the pituitary gland begins to work, which is responsible for the production of its own growth hormone;
  • By the 26th week, the baby can already distinguish all sorts of shades of taste, and he will not fail to express his assessment of your menu, through pushes or hiccups.

And you can read detailed information about the development of the baby in the article Development of the child in the womb >>>.

Mom's well-being

An equally important question during the 26th week of pregnancy is what happens to the mother. Every week the load on your body increases, and it is important to know which changes are normal and which are a warning sign.

Uterus size

Along with the growth of the fetus, your uterus also actively increases.

  1. At the 26th week of pregnancy, its bottom is 6 cm above the navel, and its total size is at least 26 cm;
  2. Please note that your organ increases by 1 cm every week, so the pressure on your internal organs will gradually increase, and with it the discomfort;
  3. During a 26-week pregnancy, the cervix is ​​filled with a mucous mass, this is the so-called plug, which should protect the baby when the gradual opening of this very cervix begins during the prenatal period;
  4. But the walls of the cervix should still be uniform and smooth.

Pain at 26 weeks

  • Pain in the lower abdomen;

The reason for the tummy tugging at 26 weeks of pregnancy may also be training contractions of the uterus. This phenomenon is physiological, thus your body is preparing for the upcoming birth.

Another thing is the frequency and gradual reduction of the interval between contractions. It is necessary to contact specialists.

  • Back pain;

A shift in the center of gravity, a protruding tummy in front and a gradual expansion of the pelvis can cause aching pain in the back and sacral area. Your back may hurt even after being in an uncomfortable static position for a long time, take a moment to rest and the pain will subside.

  • Leg pain;

Swelling and cramps in the legs are common during the 26th week of pregnancy. The weight of the fetus and height increase, but at the same time your parameters do not stand still, and, consequently, the load on the legs also increases.

It is important to wear comfortable shoes and give yourself a break.

In addition, your body, under the influence of pregnancy hormones, also contributes to fluid retention in the body. The cause of seizures may be an imbalance of microelements; it is necessary to strengthen the diet with foods rich in calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins.

  • Stomach ache;

At 26 weeks of pregnancy, you may experience heartburn, bloating, and constipation. The cause of heartburn is the growth of the uterus and compression of internal organs, as well as relaxation of the muscular system and the possibility of release of gastric juice into the esophagus. Current information on this topic is in the article: Heartburn during pregnancy, how to get rid of it?>>>

  • Headache.

Stress, anxiety and worries about the upcoming birth can cause migraines. It is important to calm down, pay attention to positive emotions and take walks in the fresh air more often. Detailed information about what you can and cannot do if you have a headache during pregnancy >>>.

At 26 weeks, you may experience a feeling of tightness in your chest. It's all about the growth of the uterus, which is already reaching your ribs, hence the feeling of discomfort.

Bleeding. Discharge

Bleeding at 26 weeks of pregnancy is out of the question. This is a dangerous signal that cannot be ignored.

  1. Discharge at the 26th week of pregnancy is considered normal, transparent, odorless and in moderate quantities;
  2. At this stage, the discharge may increase slightly due to the formation of a plug in the cervix, but a regular daily pad should be enough for you for the day; heavy discharge may occur as a result of leakage of amniotic fluid;
  3. Please note that an increase in discharge may be accompanied by itching and burning. If the consistency of the discharge itself has not changed, then most likely there is an allergic reaction to contact with wet underwear;
  4. But a change in color is already an infection or inflammation:
  • Curd discharge with a sour smell indicates the progression of thrush. Find out how to save yourself in this case from the article Thrush during pregnancy >>>;
  • A greenish tint or brown spots are inflammatory processes with purulent discharge.
  1. You should be wary if, in addition to unusual discharge, you have a stomach ache; at 26 weeks of pregnancy this is a bad symptom.

Feelings at 26 weeks

The main sensations of the 26th week of pregnancy are associated, of course, with the baby’s movements.

  • It may seem to you that the fetus has become more restless, but this is not so. He just grew up and now you notice his every move. In addition, the time of its activity gradually increases and, in some cases, the baby’s movements at the 26th week of pregnancy are observed up to 6 hours a day;
  • Another new feature is the baby’s heartbeat, which can be heard by placing your ear to your stomach. But this bonus is already for the baby’s dad;
  • Remember that excessive restlessness of the baby at 26 weeks can be caused by hunger or your uncomfortable position. Try lying on your side or walking a little. Regular rocking can calm down a brawler. Walking in general is quite useful in your situation;

Full information on this issue in the article Walking during pregnancy >>>

  • It is difficult to classify the following sensation as pleasant. This is tightness and itching of the skin. The skin tissue cannot keep up with the rapid growth rate of the child and, at the same time, your abdomen. You may face the problem of stretch marks;
  • After a long walk, you may feel pain in the lower abdomen. Perhaps you are just tired or walking quickly, take a comfortable position and relax. If the unpleasant sensations have passed, then there is no reason to worry.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

During pregnancy, you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for your baby. Therefore, your health and lifestyle are under special control. You need to know what can harm your child and what you should avoid.


Don't be alarmed, but a temperature of 37 at 26 weeks of pregnancy is normal and does not mean that you are sick. Such physical indicators are caused by changes in your body, mainly at the hormonal level.

In addition, elevated temperature can be a kind of protective reaction of your body when immunity decreases. But if the temperature is above 37, then you should pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.

Cold at 26 weeks of pregnancy

An elevated temperature can signal colds and viral diseases; in addition, the temperature can also increase due to inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder. It is important to analyze all symptoms before starting treatment.

An alternative is traditional medicine, vitamins in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits, and drinking plenty of fluids. If the temperature goes off scale, you can take paracetamol or ibuprofen, but you should not abuse the medicine.

At week 26, you may be concerned about a low temperature around 36. The cause may be anemia, decreased immunity, or simple fatigue. In any case, vitamins and fresh air will not be superfluous.


The 26th week of pregnancy is not a reason to refuse sexual relations with your partner. Firstly, orgasm has a good effect on your circulatory system, in addition, caresses help you relax and tune in to a positive wave.

Alcohol at 26 weeks

Alcohol and smoking are bad habits that need to be abandoned before pregnancy, and even more so during pregnancy. Even a small amount of alcohol is harmful and dangerous for the fetus and its liver. Alcohol easily penetrates the placenta and poisons the child and affects, first of all, the brain.

Examination of mother and child

In the seventh month of pregnancy, which is the 26th week, you will be invited to see your obstetrician every two weeks.

  1. Each time you come back with the results of a urine test, since at this stage it is important to monitor the absence of protein and bacteria in it;
  2. And also once a month you bring the results of a blood test to monitor hemoglobin;
    In addition, these analyzes determine whether you have hidden inflammatory processes or allergies (read a detailed article about allergies during pregnancy >>>);
  3. At your appointment, your weight will be measured and the doctor will take your blood pressure and take measurements of your tummy and the height of your uterus. All these data are compared with the table and it is determined whether fetal development is normal at 26 weeks of pregnancy.

If you have gained a lot, a specialist may prescribe an additional sugar test to eliminate the likelihood of developing diabetes. Please note that the normal weight at 26 weeks of pregnancy is no more than 10 kilograms of the initial body weight. You should gain no more than 300, maximum 500 grams per week.

Ultrasound at 26 weeks of pregnancy

At 26 weeks of pregnancy, the baby may still turn on its own, but this issue will already be under control.

During an unscheduled ultrasound, the amount of amniotic fluid is measured and the degree of maturity of the placenta is assessed. At 26 weeks of pregnancy, the placenta should be at zero maturity; its aging is considered normal in the last three weeks before birth.

Lifestyle at 26 weeks of pregnancy

You know that pregnancy requires special responsibility from you; changes must occur in everything, even in your lifestyle.

  • Normal sleep, a clear daily routine, proper nutrition and daily walks in the fresh air;
  • At week 26, it’s time to enroll in maternity school and attend preparatory classes. You can take your partner with you, this will be important if you are preparing for a partner birth;
  • If you feel weight gain, you can increase the time of evening walks or sign up for a fitness class for pregnant women.


Nutrition during pregnancy is a separate issue. You shouldn’t follow your desires and wash down the herring with milk, but it won’t hurt to listen to the body’s needs.

  1. If you want overseas fruits, don't refuse. Citrus fruits, for example, are rich in vitamin C, watermelon and kiwi are leaders in the amount of vitamins B and E, dates and nuts will help replenish magnesium reserves. Current article: What fruits are good for pregnancy?>>>;
  2. To avoid blaming the scales, watch your caloric intake. You need to consume no more than 2500 kcal per day, and you should not feel hungry. You need to give up empty calories and remove baked goods, sugar and sweet carbonated drinks from your diet. And if your soul requires a holiday, you can enjoy dried fruits, honey, halva;
  3. Instead of noodles and potatoes, your menu should be dominated by porridges, and a variety of them. This way you will satisfy your hunger and receive a unique set of essential microelements and vitamins;
  4. Don't forget about milk and cheese, meat, eggs, fish. The main thing is that the listed products are thermally processed;
  5. Despite the swelling, there is no way to refuse fluids. Weak green tea, fruit drinks, fresh juices, and still mineral water will replenish your water balance. Find out which water you can drink and which you should refuse from the article Mineral water during pregnancy >>>;
  6. In the taboo zone are smoked and canned foods, snacks and fast foods, fried and fatty foods;
  7. During pregnancy, it is better to avoid a raw food diet, including sushi;
  8. Also, you will find a lot of useful information on nutrition in the book Secrets of Proper Nutrition for an Expectant Mother >>>

To ensure that your pregnancy brings only joy, you can use these useful tips:

  • Dream. It’s as if the baby is specially waiting for the moment when you lie down to start dancing. If he gets too rowdy, try singing him a lullaby, or ask your husband to talk to the baby. As a rule, upon hearing dad's voice, the restless person calms down;
  • To make it easier for you to find a comfortable position, and you have to choose between the left or right side, purchase a special pillow. It will be useful to you both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Read a detailed article about pregnancy pillows >>>;
  • Breast. wear special maternity underwear to avoid stretch marks. Also read the article

The 26th obstetric week is the 24th week from conception - the embryonic period of pregnancy, as well as the 26th week from the beginning of the last menstruation. You have already come a long way. There are approximately 100 days left until you meet your baby!

Dimensions of the baby at 26 weeks of pregnancy

What happens to the fetus at 26 weeks?

At this time, the baby’s muscle tissue and limbs are actively developing. This gives him the ability to push hard. The baby makes faces, thereby expressing a reaction to sweet or bitter. If you eat something sweet, after a certain time you will feel the baby actively moving. The baby, while still in the womb, begins to love sweets. This addiction to sweets indicates the rapid development of taste receptors in the baby.

The digestive system continues to develop, forming meconium during its work. An active lifestyle requires replenishment of lost nutrients. The constant development of the brain increases the number of neurons that connect the central nervous system. At the 26th week of development, the formation of the baby’s eyes ends, so he can open and close them with ease. The fetal lungs, previously freely located in the chest, this week take their place to the right of the heart and to the left of the liver, and are separated from the lower abdomen by the diaphragm. They take the shape of a triangular pyramid, the top of which faces the neck.

The baby constantly listens - to the mother’s heartbeats, her voice, even bowel sounds. Long after giving birth, the child will fall asleep to the beating of his mother’s heart, since for him this sound is associated with comfort and peace.

What does a baby look like at 26 weeks of pregnancy?

This week, your baby’s facial features are already clearly visible. They acquired uniqueness and individuality. Mostly lies head down, although its position can change many times.

The baby's face still looks a little like an old man's, due to the abundance of wrinkles. The layer of adipose tissue already has several layers, but the main part of it is formed in the late stages of pregnancy. The disappearing folds in the skin made the baby’s body look thin at first glance, but after a few weeks of intensive nutritional intake, everything will change. The main weight gain in the fetus will occur almost before birth.

Ear cartilages are formed. The baby’s ears are no longer adjacent to the skull, but are slightly protruding. As you know, the shape of the auricle is as unique as fingerprints. Your baby becomes an individual, although for you he has long been the most special in the world.

The toenails continue to grow, as do the hairs; by the time labor begins, they will reach a length of six millimeters.

Your baby is the size of... a papaya. Weighing 850–950 grams, height 330–350 mm, heartbeat 120–160 beats/min.

Baby development at 26 weeks of pregnancy

  • Mostly lies head down, although its position can change many times.

  • The baby gains weight primarily through muscle development and fat deposition.

  • The child is already able to see and lives in the world of sensations. His developed vision allows him to see only blurry colored spots so far.

  • The taste of amniotic fluid, which the baby already feels, directly depends on the food his mother eats.

  • The baby gets used to the mother's heartbeat. That is why, after his birth, the baby immediately calms down, you just have to press him to your chest.

  • The baby remembers sounds - the voices of his mother and relatives, music. If you sing lullabies to your baby now, then after giving birth he will quickly fall asleep to them.

  • The development of the baby's lungs continues - he is already preparing for his first breath, swallowing amniotic fluid. The lungs take the shape of a triangle and are positioned with the apex up.

  • Heart rhythm is from 120 to 160 beats per minute.

  • A very important achievement of this week is the production of the fetus’s own growth hormone by the pituitary gland.

  • Connections are established between the brain and the adrenal cortex - hormonal levels are formed.

  • The formation of permanent teeth occurs, which remain deep in the soft jaw tissue until they are replaced by milk teeth at the age of 5–6 years.

  • The bone apparatus is strengthened.

  • In boys, at 26 weeks of pregnancy, the testicles begin to descend into the scrotum. And after 3–4 weeks they will be completely located in it. And in girls, the formation of the vagina and external genitalia is completed.

What happens in a woman’s body at 26 weeks of pregnancy

You are approaching the finish line - the third trimester. Before you know it, the baby will be in your arms. There is only a third of the way left until the birth. Maternity leave is coming soon and you can plunge headlong into the worries of your upcoming pregnancy.

The fundus of the uterus rises 26 cm from the symphysis pubis, increasingly displacing the internal organs upward. The baby's movements become more and more noticeable, especially when he pushes into the liver area or the lower segment of the uterus. From time to time, these blows even make your stomach tug, but the sudden pain passes very quickly, leaving no trace. The appearance of heaviness in the right hypochondrium may be associated with stagnation of bile or even the formation of stones in the gall bladder. Pregnancy greatly contributes to the development of gallstone disease, especially in those who abuse fatty foods and do not monitor their weight.

At 26 weeks of pregnancy, a woman may experience increased back pain. This is due to the fact that the tummy has grown, and the center of gravity has shifted more forward. To maintain balance, the spine also has to bend more. At the same time, the load on the back muscles increases, and the pain becomes stronger.

At 26 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother often feels unpleasant spasms in the calf muscles, especially during sleep or after it. Cramps are most often caused by low levels of potassium and calcium in the body, but very high levels of phosphate. A woman needs to reconsider her diet and replace meat dishes with fish, seafood, and legumes in order to get complete protein. Calcium supplier - dairy products, cottage cheese, cheese.

Discharge that is colorless and odorless during this period of pregnancy is normal. An increase in discharge during this period of pregnancy may be a consequence of the formation of a mucus plug. If the discharge is moderate, light or white in color with a uniform consistency, then there is no need to worry, such discharge is normal.

Belly at 26 weeks pregnant

The belly continues to grow quite quickly. And if a few weeks ago a woman could easily cope with her responsibilities around the house, now it is becoming increasingly difficult to bend over or sit down. Some women have a round belly that can protrude from the sides, while others have the opposite - sharp, small, from the back you can’t see the mother’s position.

There is a popular belief that in the first case, girls are born, and in the second, boys. In fact, the shape of the abdomen depends only on the tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, the mother’s physique and the structure of her pelvis. Thus, an acute high belly often occurs if the mother has a narrow pelvis, and it does not matter whether she is carrying a boy or a girl.

Video blog - nutrition during pregnancy

During the entire pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully monitor weight gain: every week the mother should gain 300–500 g. Since the appetite in the second trimester is excellent, by the 26th week of pregnancy the weight can already correspond to plus 7–10 kg. Therefore, try to eat only wholesome and healthy foods, without deviating from your prescribed diet.

An increase in the size of the placenta, fetal weight and amniotic fluid volume will cause increased stress on the spine. To reduce the load, purchase shoes with flat soles; this will ease the condition of your legs, relieve calf cramps and help avoid varicose veins.

Fetal movements

The frequency and intensity of movements at 26 weeks of gestation depends on the size of the fetus. The larger the fetus, the less often the expectant mother will feel the baby’s movements; this happens because the baby has begun to take up a lot of space in the uterine space. At this stage, painful sensations in the ribs may appear; this is also associated with an increase in the uterus and the size of the fetus. There is an opinion that increased fetal activity is a sign of hypoxia, this fact has not been proven 100%, but still, do not take unnecessary risks and consult a doctor. If frequent movements occur, calm the baby down with gentle stroking of the tummy and gentle conversation; he is already able to hear perfectly and reacts to sounds.

Doctors record the number of movements at a certain time, this allows them to determine the amount of oxygen supplied to the fetus and its vital activity. If the number of daily movements is less than 10 times, it is worth telling your doctor about this so that he can dispel your doubts.

Good to know

If it seems to the mother that the nature of the fetal movements has changed - they have become more active, with virtually no periods of rest, or, on the contrary, have slowed down greatly, almost disappeared - she should immediately tell her doctor about this in order to establish the reasons for the change in the baby’s routine. It is better to play it safe every time the expectant mother becomes anxious about one or another moment of pregnancy, and attention to yourself and the baby during this period is never superfluous.


If your sleep becomes restless, purchase a special pillow for pregnant women. This is a long C-shaped, U-shaped or other shaped cushion that a woman can wrap her arms and legs around while sleeping. The pillow relieves stress from your back muscles and supports your growing belly. This allows the expectant mother not to experience discomfort while sleeping.

Heartburn or constipation may occur during the 26th week of pregnancy as a result of the enlargement of the uterus and the effect of hormones on the digestive system.

  • Watch what you eat, but don't give up the balanced nutrition your body needs.

  • Eat slowly.

  • Try not to eat at night and do not lie down for several hours after eating.

  • Ask your doctor which antacids you can take during pregnancy.

How to prevent constipation?

  • Eat foods rich in fiber.

  • Drink more fluids: at least eight glasses a day.

  • Don't forget about old attachments. Fruits and juices, especially plums, continue to be an effective remedy.

  • Try to eat more often, in small portions.

  • At 26 weeks pregnant, increase your physical activity. An extra 10 minutes of exercise can allow your body to recover.

  • Iron supplements or medications may cause constipation in some cases. Try to take them with prune juice.

Proper nutrition

The nutrition of the expectant mother at 26 weeks of pregnancy is aimed at providing the baby with the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and, of course, nutrients, and therefore must be complete and correct. First of all, you should limit yourself in consuming foods that are allergens: cocoa, chocolate, honey, milk, eggs, orange and red fruits and berries. The group of forbidden foods includes fried foods, carbonated water, fast food, and smoked foods. These products should be abandoned as soon as pregnancy becomes known.

It is advisable to bake, boil or steam all dishes included in the diet, adding a minimum amount of salt. Everyone knows that salt retains water in the body, causing the development of edema.

Can a pregnant woman eat, for example, chocolate, pastries, cakes or other sweets? Of course you can! Naturally, if you are not allergic to them. But this does not mean that you can eat a whole bar of chocolate. Sweets contain a large amount of simple sugars, which, in addition to satisfying energy needs, cause excess weight gain not only in the mother, but also in the fetus. Children born with high weight become candidates for the development of diabetes and obesity. Is it worth putting the child's health at risk?

But still, you shouldn’t completely deprive yourself of the joys of life, because your mood, in the end, and therefore the well-being of your child, depends on it. Chocolate generally promotes the production of the happiness hormone - serotonin. If you want chocolate, eat a couple of cubes a day, preferably dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate. The hand reaches for the cake - eat half, choosing a less fatty one, for example, with jelly and fruit, but remember that there is no benefit from sweets at all, which means you should not abuse it.

Sex at 26 weeks pregnant

Having sex is allowed (if there are no contraindications), but do not forget to use a condom, because even the conditionally pathogenic flora of your husband, with your reduced immunity, can cause inflammation in the vagina.

Dangers at 26 weeks of pregnancy

The appearance of edema in the legs, arms, anterior abdominal wall, excessive weight gain, and increased blood pressure are symptoms of late toxicosis, a pathology that poses a threat to a woman’s health and worsens the condition of the fetus. Despite its severity, toxicosis does not cause any pain in a woman. The swelling may not be that big, and the pressure may not be so high as to cause headaches and discomfort in the heart. Based on this, women believe that they are completely healthy and do not need any treatment, especially in a hospital. It can be difficult for a doctor to explain to a pregnant woman that late toxicosis in its initial stages is an asymptomatic disease, and the appearance of the first subjective sensations is an indicator of the advanced state of the disease and the particular severity of the woman’s condition.

Bloody discharge from the genital tract of a pregnant woman is always a signal to immediately call an ambulance. Its cause may be abruption of a normally located placenta or placenta previa. Even if your stomach does not hurt, you should not try to get to the antenatal clinic or hospital on your own. Bleeding can become alarming at any time. You should calm down, lie down and wait for the doctor.

The rupture of amniotic fluid is characterized by the appearance of moderate or profuse watery discharge from the genital tract. A woman may not even immediately notice changes in her condition, because other than increased humidity in the area of ​​the external genitalia, sometimes nothing bothers her. If you have the slightest suspicion of premature rupture of amniotic fluid, you should immediately consult a doctor.

At 26 weeks, periodic contractions may appear, which doctors call training or Braxton-Higgs contractions. Such contractions are not very painful and are irregular. In this way, the uterus prepares for childbirth and neither the baby nor the mother are threatened by training contractions. But if at 26 weeks the uterus begins to contract with particular frequency, accompanied by severe pain and watery discharge, you should urgently call a doctor.

Heaviness in the lower abdomen may be associated with isthmic-cervical insufficiency, characterized by a gradual, premature opening of the cervical canal of the cervix. Loose closure of the cervix creates conditions for infection to penetrate from the vagina into the uterus. Infection of the membranes and excessive pressure on them from the uterus often leads to premature rupture of amniotic fluid and the onset of premature labor. Sometimes the infection reaches the fetus, causing illness. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is corrected by installing a pessary or applying a circular suture to the cervix.

Mucopurulent, cheesy discharge from the genital tract in a pregnant woman is a sign of an infection in the genital tract. Leucorrhoea is an indication for an in-depth study of the vaginal microflora, microbiological analysis of smears and blood tests. Pathogenic microorganisms can infect the membranes and penetrate the uterus.

Tests at 26 weeks of pregnancy

Now you may have a scheduled consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist. In addition to regular urine tests, he may prescribe:

  • A glucose test to evaluate the presence of gestational diabetes, a transient type of diabetes that can occur during pregnancy.

  • A test for Rh antibodies, which can be treated during pregnancy (if you are Rh negative).

  • Test for anemia caused by iron deficiency (hemoglobin level in red blood cells in a routine blood test). Anemia should also be treated during pregnancy.


  • Weight measurement.

  • Blood pressure measurement.

  • Measuring the height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference.

  • Listening to the fetal heartbeat using an obstetric stethoscope.

The screening ultrasound has already been done at this point. Only women who have not previously been screened or pregnant women who cause concern to the doctor are sent for the study.

When performing a fetal ultrasound at 26 weeks of pregnancy, you may notice changes in the baby's behavior. It will either calm down or, on the contrary, actively move. These changes in behavior are also associated with the fact that the child feels the pressure of the sensor and hears the unfamiliar voice of the doctor, and not at all with the sensation of ultrasound as such.

The size of each baby at the beginning of the third trimester is already individual, and special attention is paid to the development of organs.

On average, the baby’s indicators at week 26 vary within the following parameters: weight from 700 grams to one kilogram, height from 32 to 35 centimeters, head diameter from 62 to 65 mm, chest diameter within 64 mm, tummy diameter up to 67 mm. By the way, at this stage of pregnancy, the list of indicators already indicates the size of the foot, which can reach 5 centimeters. Perhaps the mother will want to get another photo of the baby, at that moment when he is enthusiastically studying his legs, trying to reach his finger.

Many parts of the brain are available for study during fetal ultrasound at 26 weeks of pregnancy. The ventricles of the brain are assessed to exclude hydrocephalus and impaired formation of the cerebellum. The facial parts are better visualized with volumetric reconstruction to exclude facial malformations (“cleft lip”, “cleft palate”, etc.).

Fetometry (fetal size) with fetal ultrasound at 26 weeks of pregnancy is normal

  • BDP (biparietal size) 61–73 mm.

  • FZ (fronto-occipital size) 77–93 mm.

  • OG (fetal head circumference) 224–262 mm.

Normal dimensions of long bones on fetal ultrasound at 26 weeks of pregnancy

  • Femur 45–53 mm.

  • Humerus 41–49 mm.

  • Forearm bones 35–43 mm.

  • Tibia bones 41–49 mm.

When performing an ultrasound, the amount of amniotic fluid is determined, which normally should be within 700 grams. Attention is also paid to the quality of amniotic fluid. If at the beginning of pregnancy the baby’s environment resembled a fairly thick plasma, then by week 26 the waters were already diluted with the baby’s urine and became less thick. At this stage, the quality of amniotic fluid depends largely on the mother’s nutrition, therefore, depending on the tests obtained, the daily diet is adjusted.

You are 26 weeks pregnant. The baby has recovered significantly, now he weighs about 850-900 grams. Size from crown to sacrum (sitting) about 23 cm, full length 33-34 cm.

Two thirds of the long journey is already behind us!

Baby. What does the fetus look like at 26 weeks of pregnancy?

Your baby is a real naughty boy, he has grown up and plays around in your tummy. It is the size of a milk can.

With each new week of pregnancy, your baby’s face acquires more and more distinct features, for example, now, his eyebrows and eyelashes are already clearly visible, his nose and ears are distinctive. He already looks like mom or dad!

The main event of this period is the baby opening his eyes for the first time! The tissues of the eyeball are already almost completely formed. The baby's eyes are blue, and will remain so for some time after birth. This is completely natural for newborn babies, even if both parents are brown-eyed.

The genetically determined eye color will appear only a couple of months after birth, and this can happen quite abruptly: you put your blue-eyed baby to bed, and in the morning he will look at you with gray, brown or green eyes.

Now your baby can already see, the walls of the uterus let in a small amount of light, so he does not have to sit in complete darkness.

The hearing becomes thinner. The child no longer perceives only sounds, but is able to grasp the melody and even move to the beat of music or singing.

Buy CDs with the sounds of nature, the splashing of waves, the singing of birds, talk to your baby and sing lullabies to him.

The child reacts sensitively to sharp clapping or knocking, and freezes anxiously at sounds that are unpleasant to him. He is interested in anything around him: television conversations, the sound of the sea or the operation of a car engine.

The baby feels most calm when he hears the familiar voices of mom and dad and mom’s heartbeat.

Now the final formation of the structure of the inner ear is taking place, although hearing itself began to develop at 7 weeks. The child’s ears are no longer adjacent to the skull; now they are slightly protruding.

The ear cartilages are fully formed.

Development of internal organs and systems of the fetus at 26 weeks of pregnancy

The taste buds of the tongue are able to distinguish between the tastes of sweet and bitter. The bitter taste makes the child wince and grimace. If you often indulge yourself with sweets, your baby will certainly enjoy it, but at the same time, you risk raising a future sweet tooth. Moreover, excess carbohydrates cause excessive weight gain for both you and your baby.

And too much sugar in the blood can lead to

The 20 rudiments of future baby teeth continue to develop, but the permanent teeth have begun to ossify. The remaining 12 rudiments of later teeth will appear only after the birth of the child. At 26 weeks, the baby’s entire skeletal system begins to strengthen.

Cells in the brain reach maturity, which in the future will be responsible for the level of intelligence and thinking abilities. Also during this period, the relationship between the brain and the adrenal cortex is established, and the pituitary gland begins to produce growth hormone.

Thanks to the perfection of the nervous system and enhanced brain function, the baby establishes a daily routine. The child sleeps 16-20 hours a day, and now you can determine who is growing inside you: the future “lark” or “owl”.

Some experts advise adjusting periods of sleep and wakefulness to suit your own needs, “training” your baby to go to bed and wake up on time. On the other hand, even without your effort, this process will sooner or later improve on its own, but only a few months after birth. Of course, you should be prepared for the fact that your child will not immediately master the rules of sleep in “adult life.”

The baby's skin, despite the accumulated fat, remains deeply pink and wrinkled under the influence of the aquatic environment, but every day it smoothes out and brightens more and more. This will pass as subcutaneous tissue grows and as fat reserves increase.

The main “fat reserves” will be formed in the later stages of pregnancy, and before the moment of birth the baby will acquire the necessary plumpness. Already now there are pleasant folds on the bends of the arms and legs, as well as under the buttocks. Gradually, you can look for a child in which the child will be exactly as sweet and beautiful as you imagine. During this period, expectant mothers pay attention to the following products:

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The child's endocrine systems are activated. Now his pancreas and thyroid glands not only produce all the necessary hormones, but can also “share” them with his mother.

The baby’s heart beats intensely, the norm is 120-180 beats per minute. Sometimes, during a routine examination, you may notice that your baby's heartbeat is irregular. This is quite possible, since when the child moves, the heart rate quickly increases, and during sleep or at rest it decreases.

However, significant deviations in the functioning of the intrauterine patient’s heart may force the doctor to prescribe an additional test for the expectant mother - a cardiotocogram (CTG). Using special sensors, the fetal heartbeat is applied to a paper tape for 30 minutes.

As a rule, during this time the baby makes some movement and sensors record changes in his heart rate. A change in the number of heartbeats of a child during movements and uterine tone is an absolutely normal, healthy phenomenon. There are situations when it becomes necessary to record CTG regularly (for example, once a week or even daily).

You should know that it is completely safe for both you and the baby. If any abnormalities are detected, the fetal heart function will be constantly monitored, including during childbirth.

If necessary, a neonatologist or pediatric cardiologist will be present in the delivery room. Specialists will conduct additional diagnostic tests after the baby is born and help the little heart work properly if necessary.

Between the heart, liver and diaphragm, the lungs take their place. They are already similar to the lungs of an adult, but the number of alveoli continues to increase and the surfactant system matures. At this stage of pregnancy, the baby’s lungs are not yet ready to work completely independently.

As mentioned earlier, the neural connections between the brain and internal organs continue to improve, including the interaction between the brain and the lungs. It is this connection that will give the signal for the first breath after birth, and then for full independent breathing.

Of course, now your baby is not yet ready for life outside your body, so it is too early for him to be born. Babies born in the sixth month spend a long time in a special box (incubator), which not only provides them with oxygen, but also creates an optimal temperature regime for their tiny body.

Your baby is growing and actively pushing, he is already a little cramped inside you. Quite a bit of time will pass and the baby will take a stable position in the stomach, which will remain until the birth itself (usually downwards, less often - upside down); now he can still turn over, although he spends much more effort on this than before.

Listen to the child's activity, encourage him with words and strokes. Let other people “allowed to the stomach” “play” with the baby, he will gladly respond with friendly “kicks”.

Make dad happy! He will be left with a lasting impression when he leans in to listen to the baby's heartbeat.

In general, we can say that the beginning of the third and final trimester of pregnancy is marked by the qualitative development of all the senses of your baby. Vision, hearing, smell, touch and coordination are the main achievements of the baby at 26 weeks. Now your baby’s body is thoroughly preparing for the future birth.

Mother. What happens in a woman’s body at 26 weeks of pregnancy?

By this time you could have gained 7-10 kg. To avoid overdoing it, try to eat small portions and often. Try to keep your weekly weight gain to around 300-400 grams. Even if yours is a little higher than normal, you shouldn’t experiment with diets. Consult your doctor, maybe he will prescribe fasting days, but only with a set of products that are safe during pregnancy. Buy for pregnant women.

The uterus has risen 26 cm above the pubis, it continues to grow, and its walls become thinner. The belly becomes more noticeable. To make you comfortable, wear special panties made of elastic fabric with a soft elastic band.

The placenta also increases in size. All these processes require a lot of physical activity from you; many pregnant women complain of increased fatigue and a constant desire to sleep.

You are probably already familiar with the problem of shortness of breath. To prevent your breathing from becoming interrupted and your baby to receive the oxygen he needs, try to spend at least 2 hours a day in the fresh air (preferably more) and not wear tight clothes. You should always be able to unbutton your collar and sit down or lie down to rest.

There is still only a little time left to endure difficulty with breathing; before giving birth, your stomach will drop and you will breathe deeply again.

As for the breasts themselves, in the third trimester they continue to enlarge and swell; take this feature into account when purchasing bras for pregnant women. Modern medicine does not recommend preparing nipples for future feeding. After all, when a baby is correctly applied to the breast, he should not grasp the nipple, but the entire areola. Therefore, nipple size and shape are not of fundamental importance for successful breastfeeding. But air baths of the chest will not harm.

For health and comfort, purchase:

  • , And ;

Now your uterus is 6 cm higher than your navel. This still leads to the “usual” symptoms: frequent urination. Of course, such manifestations cannot be called pleasant, but they are natural accompaniments of pregnancy.

If, suddenly, urination becomes painful, accompanied by pain and discomfort, be sure to consult a doctor. Such symptoms indicate an inflammatory process in the organs of the urinary system (for example, it develops) and, naturally, require treatment.

Due to weight gain and a shift in the center of gravity during this and subsequent periods, expectant mothers may experience pain in the back and hip area. Rest will help reduce these unpleasant manifestations. It is important that the room in which you lie down is dark, cool and well ventilated.

Monitor your blood pressure. Of course, during each routine examination, a doctor, nurse or midwife will take a “control measurement,” but if you suspect or know about possible problems in this matter, be on the alert yourself. An increase in blood pressure may be the first, and sometimes the only symptom of late toxicosis of pregnancy -.

Sometimes high blood pressure is a consequence of your emotional or physical stress, poor kidney function, or other reasons. In any case, if your blood pressure increases, you need to seek medical help and strictly monitor these indicators in the future.

During your third trimester, you'll begin to experience Braxton Hicks contractions more frequently. They may be slightly painful, but the pain should subside within a few seconds or minutes with rest. As a rule, training contractions are unsystematic and irregular. Their appearance indicates a peculiar preparation of the uterus and baby for the birth act.

There is no danger in training bouts. But if you feel a certain periodicity, severe pain in the abdomen or lumbar region, or notice the appearance of bloody or clear watery discharge, call an ambulance immediately.

Now the baby is in full control of your stomach, and sometimes his activity can make you feel uncomfortable.

For example, if he begins to methodically kick you in the bladder or hypochondrium.

Change the position of your body, stand in the knee-elbow position for several minutes - this way you will force the baby to shift a little and, perhaps, get rid of discomfort for a while.

Sometimes it may seem to you that the child is quiet and not moving. Most likely, he is just sleeping, and you, while performing ordinary duties, missed the moment when exactly he fell asleep. To stop worrying, go to bed and lie motionless for a while; as a rule, little sleepyheads wake up exactly when you want to sleep - this is where their real activity begins! Some pregnant women cannot even sleep at night because the baby is twisting and pushing so much.

If for some reason the anxiety does not subside, ask your partner to listen to the heartbeat by placing his ear to your stomach, or visit your doctor, he will listen to the beating of a small heart using a stethoscope. Surely, everything is fine with the child, he is just “busy with his important matters.”

Probably the most difficult thing for you right now is to adjust your rounded tummy to sleep. The easiest way is to surround yourself with pillows so that they “surround” your stomach on all sides. It is better to sleep on your left side, and place a pillow or thick blanket between your legs. Best used to maintain your restful sleep.

Now your thoughts are completely occupied with the future baby. Most likely, it is no longer possible to fully concentrate on work. Don’t worry, now nature decides everything for you - you are an expectant mother, which means everything else doesn’t matter. Prepare your work at your own pace and warn your colleagues about this so as not to let anyone down.

If you feel stressed or tired, do not hesitate to ask your superiors for the necessary concessions. Hold on just a little longer, at 30 weeks you'll officially head off on maternity leave.

For information! Some expectant mothers go on maternity leave a little earlier. Thus, from 27 weeks of pregnancy, maternity leave is provided to women who have certificates of victims of the Chernobyl disaster. Women employed in hazardous industries go on maternity leave within the period specified in their employment contract (usually 28 weeks).

Tests and studies at 26 weeks of pregnancy

This week you can expect:

  • Blood pressure measurement;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Listening to the fetal heartbeat;
  • Glucose tolerance test to exclude gestational diabetes in pregnant women (performed from 24 to 28 weeks).

If you are expecting twins, your doctor will probably recommend preparing the necessary medical documents to apply for maternity leave - you can start taking rest from the 28th week of pregnancy.

This is interesting at 26 weeks of pregnancy

If by nature you are prone to adventure, and despite the interesting situation, you want to plunge into a real whirlwind of emotions, arrange for yourself to communicate with the “animal world”. A trip to a horse base or a dolphinarium is best suited for this purpose.

It has long been known that these animals have an incredible positive effect on the human psyche. It has been repeatedly proven what an amazing effect swimming with dolphins has on people who have suffered severe stress.

With the help of hippotherapy and dolphin therapy, post-traumatic syndromes and many neurological diseases are corrected in both children and adults.

Important! Riding a pregnant horse is strictly prohibited, but caring for an animal, leading it by the bridle, stroking it, feeding it, combing it, looking into the deep, charming eyes of your four-legged friend is a spoiling pleasure. Pregnant women get a special feeling from watching mother horses look after their foals as they frolic carelessly nearby.

As for communicating with dolphins, now there are special courses for pregnant women, during which women swim with the animals, talk and draw with them. Dolphins, thanks to their unique abilities, “feel” the human body. They see the baby in the mother’s belly, “kiss” it, and this gives both the baby and the mother great pleasure.

For a pregnant woman, such an experience is simply unforgettable, but, of course, not every woman is ready for such thrills. Of course, such entertainment is always carried out under the careful supervision of experienced instructors.

Be sure to ask your doctor what he thinks about this. Perhaps in your case such extreme is unnecessary.

Something about dad at 26 weeks pregnant

Around this stage, a period may begin that can be called “the husband is to blame for everything.”

It’s hard for a woman, her belly is already large, and she experiences a lot of inconvenience, even with an ideal pregnancy. It’s hard for her to walk, hard to sleep, hard to breathe, and hard for almost everything. And, it is quite understandable that a woman begins to blame the person closest to her - her husband - for all the hardships of her condition.

This is, of course, understandable, but not very pleasant.

The man feels: “No matter what he did, everything is wrong, and his wife is unhappy.”

Therefore, during this period, you can give the following recommendations to your husband:

  • Be patient. Try to treat your wife like a naughty child.
  • Tell your wife that you understand her, that you understand how hard it is for her.
  • Talk to her more often about how much you love her.
  • Help her in everything, offer your help. This can concern completely ordinary, everyday things: helping to get out of bed, serving something, helping to get in and out of the bathroom, helping with cooking, etc.

And for women we can say the following. Although it is difficult for you, terrorizing your family with a negative mood is unacceptable. Everything needs moderation. That's why:

  • Try to find some more constructive outlet for your irritation. As an example: clean up, take a walk, throw out unnecessary things, turn on music and sing, etc. All this is much more useful than taking it out on loved ones.
  • Remember that your family loves you and cares about you, and that is why they tolerate your antics.
  • Going to the pool helps a lot. It seems that the water directly “takes away” all your worries and fatigue. If you have not swam before, start by visiting a special group for pregnant women, where an instructor will supervise you. In addition to the benefits of swimming, you will receive clear benefits from communicating with expectant mothers like you. Who better than another pregnant woman can understand how difficult it is to sleep, what heartburn or other unpleasant companions of pregnancy are tormenting. Maybe someone's experience will be useful to you.

In general, hang in there, try to do as much useful and pleasant things for yourself as possible. Warn your loved ones that sometimes you may feel so tired that you almost feel like crying. And ask for specific help, tell clearly what exactly they need to do at such moments (maybe make tea, or massage their back, or something else). Remember, together it is always easier to overcome any adversity.

Useful at 26 weeks of pregnancy

What not to buy.