How to teach a child to say letters? Articulation gymnastics. Speech therapy exercises for children that will teach them to pronounce letters Video: Sound production p. How to teach a child to pronounce a sound with

The sound “r” is one of the most difficult in the Russian language. To pronounce it, the child must have a developed articulatory apparatus and learn to control his breathing. This is serious work for a baby, and there is nothing wrong with the fact that he will need time for this. Normally, by the age of 4.5 years, children pronounce all sounds except two - “r” and “l”.

These two have another year or a year and a half left, and if the baby already speaks well, but his vocabulary includes “kolov” and “gaazhi,” you don’t have to worry about this until he is 6 years old. “R” is the last sound that the child learns. Give him time to learn how to control the articulation apparatus, and most importantly, do not rush. But if at 6 years old the child still has not mastered the skill, it’s time to make an appointment with a speech therapist.

Do I need to see a doctor?

Yes, we should. Firstly, problems with articulation cause a lot of trouble and make a person feel awkward. This may lead to psychological problems in the future. And secondly, difficult pronunciation can be a symptom of dysarthria (disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system). Developed dysarthria can make it difficult for a child to learn new material at school.

Inability to pronounce the letter “r” may be a sign of illness!

Don't rush the process, but don't let it take its course. Your helpers are observation and willingness to come to the baby’s aid if needed. Remember: a good parent will not only explain to the child how to communicate with bullies, but will also help him overcome difficulties - be it night terrors or the inability to pronounce the letter “r”.

What is the problem?

Children “lose” sound in different ways. They can replace it with the sounds “l” or “y” (“lyba” and “kayandash”), omit it (“maoz”), pronounce it in an atypical way (grass, as in French, or vibrate, as in English). There may be several reasons for this.

  1. The structure of the "bridle". The ligament connecting the tongue and lower palate may be too short. Because of this, the tongue physically cannot reach the upper palate, and sound cannot be articulated. In such cases, two options are possible: stretch the frenulum with special exercises or trim it. The speech therapist will tell you what to do. He will either select gymnastics for the baby or decide on surgical intervention. If the doctor suggests the second option, do not be alarmed: everything happens very quickly and almost painlessly.
  2. Insufficient mobility of the articulatory apparatus. This problem can be treated simply and with pleasure - after all, the child only needs to grimace and grimace! Your task is to strengthen the facial muscles and develop the mobility of the speech organs. Ask your baby to curl his tongue into a tube, stretch his lips in a wide smile, reach his nose or chin with his tongue, move his jaws, bare his teeth, etc. All these exercises will benefit the articulation apparatus.
  3. Phonemic hearing disorders. They manifest themselves in the fact that the baby confuses voiced sounds with unvoiced ones, and hard ones with soft ones (“lublu”), misses sounds when pronouncing words, etc. In fact, the child simply cannot distinguish one sound from another. To develop phonemic awareness, you can play this game with your child. Say a few words to your baby and ask him to clap when he hears a certain sound. Or name a series of words into which you enter the misspelled word (“lublu”, “cafe”, etc.) and ask them to clap when the word is pronounced correctly.
  4. Speech breathing disorders. Such problems may arise due to respiratory diseases (acute and chronic), immune diseases or heart problems. A speech therapist will help relieve your child of speech breathing disorders. During the lesson, the child will perform special gymnastics, which is combined with speech.

Is everything okay?

How can you tell if your baby is pronouncing a complex sound correctly? Try to play with him: first let him growl like a tiger, and then repeat after you words with “r”: “crow”, “grass”, “cow”, “pocket”, etc. If it turns out that the baby does not hear the sound does not respond at all, start teaching him to pronounce “r” in isolation. If the baby easily growls, but does not cope well with words, do not force him to learn tongue twisters - let him start with syllables.

Tongue twisters should be started when the letter “r” itself has already been mastered.

This is a fairly common mistake of parents - forcing the baby to cram poems and tongue twisters with an unyielding sound. If the baby cannot pronounce it separately, what can we say about complex constructions - phrases and sentences! The work needs to be done in stages, giving the child time to hone a difficult skill. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • First, the child learns to articulate “r” in isolation, separately from other sounds.
  • Then he practices pronunciation in the syllables: “ri”, “re”, “ra”, “ro”, “ru”, “ry”.
  • After that, he learns words with the desired sound.
  • And only at the last stage does he begin to learn sentences, and then tongue twisters.

You can do simple exercises with your baby at home. It is better to entrust work with more complex ones to a speech therapist or consult with him. Be patient: you will have to study for at least half an hour every day, and this will take up to a year and a half. However, exercises for developing the articulatory apparatus are similar to an exciting game, so the lesson can easily be turned into entertainment.

Classes for everyone

As you know, prevention is much more effective than treatment. Therefore, you can start practicing without waiting for the moment when it becomes clear: the baby cannot cope with the sound “r” on his own. There are exercises you can do with your baby up to the age of six. They will develop the articulatory apparatus and prepare it for the pronunciation of complex sounds.

  • "Motor". Let your baby wash his hands first. Now you need to put your thumb in your mouth, under your tongue, and move it left and right. The child can imagine that he is starting a motor.
  • "Clean teeth." The child stretches his lips into a wide smile. Now let him imagine that his tongue is a brush that needs to be used to clean the inside of his teeth. An important condition: you cannot move your jaw.
  • "Horse". The baby should click his tongue so as to imitate the sound of a horse's hooves.
  • "Teasers." Let the baby relax his tongue, stick it between his teeth and wiggle it with a characteristic sound, as if teasing. You can also have a competition to see who can stick out their tongue farthest or who can reach their nose and chin.
  • "Tiger cub." Let the baby imagine that he is a tiger and roar as hard as he can. You can growl together - whoever is louder.
  • "Kitty." Pour juice or milk into a saucer. Let the baby imagine himself as a cat and eat from the plate.

Exercises should be performed 3-5 times (or more) every day. They will be useful not only for pronouncing the sound “r”, but also for speech in general. To articulate the sound “r”, it is important to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and make its tip vibrate. Exercise can help with this too. It is better to perform them in front of a mirror to ensure they are correct.

  • The baby should open his mouth, place the tip of his tongue on the ribbed area of ​​the palate behind the front teeth, and his sides on the molars. You need to stay in this position for 10 seconds and then relax. Repeat 5 times.
  • Let your baby open his lips and lightly bite the tip of his tongue. The movement should be repeated 10 times.
  • The child should place his tongue between his lips and sharply blow out air. This will make the tip vibrate. Repeat 10 times.
  • Let the baby try to suck his tongue to the upper palate. If he does everything right, he will be able to click. This movement must be repeated 10–15 times, speeding up and slowing down.
  • Invite your child to touch the tip of his tongue alternately with the upper and lower teeth. Repeat 20 times.
  • Let the baby sharply hit the palate behind the upper teeth with the tip of his tongue and try to pronounce the sound “d” at the same time. The exercise must be repeated 10–15 times.

Don't forget to exercise regularly with your child!

If the problem has already appeared

The baby is already 6 years old, and still has problems with the sound “r”? It's time to start studying. The “training” should begin with a warm-up, and only after that move on to exercises for articulating the letter “r”.

  • "Brush". Let the baby smile and open his mouth slightly. In this position, you need to “stroke” the upper palate: move the tip of your tongue from the tubercle near the front upper teeth as far towards the throat as possible. The movement should be repeated 10–12 times.
  • "Pendulum". The starting position is the same - a wide smile and an open mouth. The baby should stick his tongue out of his mouth slightly and swing it left and right, from one corner to another and back. Repeat 15–20 times.
  • "Harmonic". Let your baby smile and open his mouth slightly, and then press the tip of his tongue to the upper palate. You need to open your mouth as wide as possible, and then close it without opening your tongue from the roof of your mouth. Repeat 15–20 times.
  • "Mosquito". Invite your baby to open his mouth, push the tip of his tongue forward and say “z-z-z-z.” Then close your mouth, rest on the upper palate and pronounce the same sound. Repeat 10–15 times.

After this, you can move on to articulation exercises. Some exercises require a special spatula. It can be bought at a pharmacy. Spatulas come in chocolate or caramel flavors, so it’s easy to persuade kids to work with them.

  1. Let the baby open his mouth, press the tip of his tongue against the tubercle near the front teeth and try to quickly say “d-d-d.” After a few seconds, without stopping, he must make an effort and pronounce this sound with a powerful exhalation. As a result, the baby will feel a strong vibration on the tongue, and this is exactly what is needed for learning. Over time, the child will learn to produce it himself.
  2. Let the baby open his mouth wider and pronounce the sound “w-w-w” for a long time. At this time, he should move his tongue gradually closer to the base of the upper teeth. Let it linger in this state for a few seconds. Then insert the spatula under your tongue and move it slightly but rhythmically left and right. This will create the vibration necessary for articulation.
  3. Let the child open his mouth wider, move his tongue as far as possible and pronounce the syllable “z-za”. Insert the spatula under your tongue and move it left and right. If the vibration is created correctly, you will hear a "r".
  4. Do everything that is indicated in the previous exercise, but ask the child to pronounce the syllable “z-zi”. In this case, the vibration will lead to the formation of a soft “r” sound.

And remember: a consultation with a speech therapist, a little time and your patience will help your child learn to correctly pronounce the most difficult sound in the Russian language - “r”. So get ready to win, and the result will not take long to arrive!

From about 15–18 months of age, a child is able to pronounce phrases of two or more words, and by the age of 18–20 months, his vocabulary should include about 60–100 words. During this period, the baby’s articulation intensively develops, and the correct pronunciation of sounds largely depends on family members: they must speak clearly to the child and in his presence, without distorting the words. But even if this rule is followed, in the future the child may still have difficulty pronouncing individual letters.

Classes with a child for correct pronunciation can be carried out at home, without resorting to the services of a speech therapist. However, if your baby has problems pronouncing many sounds, you will still have to consult a specialist, since some speech development disorders may be associated with the peculiarities of the articulatory apparatus. In this case, a training program for correct pronunciation should be developed by a professional speech therapist.

To practice independently with your child at home, you need to select special articulation exercises. Articulatory gymnastics includes breathing exercises, as well as exercises to develop the articulatory apparatus and practice certain positions of the tongue, lips and soft palate.

Breathing exercises. Such activities can be carried out with your child in the form of interesting games. For example, you can blow on cotton balls and, together with your baby, push them into an improvised “gate” (for example, into a box), or inflate balloons.

Exercises to develop lip mobility. “Tube - Smile”: ask the child to stretch out his lips with a tube, and then stretch them into a smile. “Piglet”: the lips elongated into a tube need to be moved to the right and left and rotated in a circle. “Fish”: clap your lips together, making a dull sound. “Duck”: stretch out your lips and squeeze them with your fingers so that your thumbs are under the lower lip, and pull your lips forward, trying to imitate the beak of a duck.

Exercises for lips and cheeks. “Hamster”: inflate both cheeks, and then inflate them in turn. Pull your cheeks in tightly. Then inflate your cheeks again and hit them with your fist so that the air comes out with noise.

Static exercises for the tongue. “Chicks”: a relaxed tongue lies in the oral cavity, the mouth is wide open. “Cup”: the mouth is wide open, the lateral and anterior edges of the tongue are raised and do not touch the teeth. “Pipe: the rock is open, the lateral edges of the tongue are raised. “Spatula”: a relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip. “Arrow”: the mouth is open, the narrow tongue is pushed forward.

Dynamic exercises for the tongue. “Candy”: the mouth is closed, the tense tongue rests on one or the other cheek. “Brushing your teeth”: the mouth is closed, the tongue circles the space between the lips and teeth in a circular motion. “Snake: the mouth is wide open, the narrow tongue moves forward with force and sharply retracts back. “Watch”: the lips are stretched into a smile, the mouth is slightly open, the tip of the tongue reaches in turn to the corners of the mouth.

Articulation gymnastics exercises should be performed 2–4 times every day. Exercises for the development of lips, cheeks and tongue are performed in front of a mirror. For one lesson, 3-5 minutes are enough, during which it is recommended to perform no more than 2-3 exercises with the child. Each exercise should be performed 5–7 times, and static exercises, in which the child needs to maintain a certain articulatory position, are done for 10–15 seconds.

How to teach a child to say the letters R, L and Sh?

Sounds that the child does not respond to at all should be worked on separately. As a rule, a child’s biggest problems may arise with letters such as R, L, and Sh. A child should learn to pronounce the letter R at the age of 4–6 years, and should start thinking about how to teach a child to say the letter L when he or she is 5–6 years. It is necessary to teach your baby the correct pronunciation of hissing sounds when he already pronounces other consonant sounds well enough. How to teach a child to pronounce letters that are difficult to pronounce? In addition to pronouncing words with these letters, it is necessary to do special articulation exercises.

How to teach a child to say the letter R? “Brushing your teeth”: the mouth is wide open, the tip of the tongue “cleans” the upper teeth from the inside, while the lips are stretched in a smile so that the upper and lower teeth are visible, and the lower jaw is motionless. “Painter”: the mouth is slightly open in a smile, the tip of the tongue moves across the palate, making movements back and forth, while the lips and lower jaw are motionless. “Drummer”: the mouth is slightly open in a smile, the tip of the tongue knocks on the upper alveoli, a hard “d” sound is pronounced, and the tempo of pronunciation gradually increases.

How to teach a child to say the letter L? “Jam”: the mouth is slightly open, the wide front edge of the tongue licks the upper lip with movements from top to bottom. “Steamboat”: the mouth is slightly open, the child pronounces a long sound “y”, while the tip of the tongue should be in the depths of the mouth and be lowered down, and the back of the tongue raised to the palate. “Horse”: open your mouth slightly and click the tip of your tongue, first slowly, and then faster (make sure that the lower jaw is motionless). 4.8 out of 5 (9 votes)

How to teach a child to say letters without “swallowing” and to pronounce the letters R and L correctly? If your child has difficulty pronouncing R or L, then a special a set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, exercises for the correct pronunciation of letters in syllables and syllables , and also - useful children's tongue twisters to improve diction will help solve this problem.

One of the most common problems that parents of a preschooler face is how to teach their child to pronounce letters correctly. . Usually children don’t succeed for a very long time correctly pronounce the tricky letters R and L. And in this article we will teach you step by step conduct classes with the baby to improve diction and correct pronunciation of letters. After you carefully familiarize yourself with the methods that will help you teach your child to pronounce the letters r and l, help from a children's speech therapist The child may not need it at all.

The “difficult” letter P remains intractable for most children takes longer to master than all other letters . As a rule, problems with the correct pronunciation of the letter P appear at a time when The baby's speech is just beginning to develop , at the stage of basic formation. You can't waste this time and put it off teaching the correct pronunciation of letters on the back burner so that the child develops the skills to express his thoughts well delivered speech and so that burr does not take hold.

Teaching a baby Pronounce the letters R and L correctly, it is important to organize classes correctly: Do not overtire the child, study with him no more than 15 minutes daily;
Teaching the skills of correct pronunciation of letters should be organized in a playful way ;
The tone in the process of teaching a child should not be intrusive and must be friendly.

So, with the help of the 6 steps below, you can teach your child to pronounce the letter r correctly:


Preparation for classes: facial massage

Before teaching your child to say letters correctly Let's give him a massage to warm up his facial muscles. The baby is facing you, his eyes are directly opposite yours.
Let's do
massage and voice all the actions: Slowly and gently stroke the superciliary area of ​​the baby’s forehead with warm fingertips and say: “This is how much we love ourselves, this is how reverently we cherish ourselves...” Then We begin to gently massage the wings of the nose and move our fingers in the direction of the maxillary sinuses, while saying: “Oh, what a nice little nose we have, what a cute snub nose we have...” After this, use massaging movements to smooth the baby’s skin around the cheekbones, lips, cheeks and up to the ears, and then in the opposite direction. At the same time say: “Sponges, our lips, break into a smile! Our mouth is a mouth, it is not silent at all! Our ears are our ears, you are always on top!”


Warm-up exercises

We have already given the baby a warming massage for the facial muscles. Let's start with the first exercises.

The child is still facing you, his posture is straight and his eyes are at the level of yours.

These exercises will help strengthen your muscles the baby's tongue and will contribute to the development of forced vibration of the very tip of the tongue.

Ask your baby to alternately reach the bottom teeth with the tip of his tongue. , then the upper ones (30-40 times).

Then the baby sharply slaps his tongue across the area of ​​the palate, where the upper row of teeth is located. , while pronouncing the letter D. Be sure to demonstrate all actions so that the baby performed the exercises accurately.

Further. Ask your baby to stick out his tongue a little while keeping his lips closed. The child strongly pushes air out of his mouth, and by inertia the tip of the tongue should vibrate. In subsequent exercises, the baby will independently learn to reproduce this sound without pushing air out of his mouth.


Basic exercises to improve tongue mobility and strengthen the skills of correctly pronouncing the letter r

* Now let’s bring more game elements into training . Ask the child to show his tongue - let him relax it a little and wag it with a sound coming out between his teeth, as if teasing. Then arrange a competition with your baby to see which of you can stick out his tongue further.

* An excellent activity that will help your baby quickly learn to pronounce the letter P is to imitate the clatter of horse hooves, characteristically clicking your tongue. Teach your child to click his tongue and ask him to repeat these sounds fifteen times.

* How to learn to pronounce the letter r in a playful way using a proven method? Great exercise - the baby moves his thumb in different directions , placing it under your tongue. At the same time, the child tries to pronounce the letter P (growl like a running car engine).

* Another good exercise that can be used in a playful way You can master the correct pronunciation of the letter P and strengthen the muscles of the tongue. Ask your baby to show a smile by spreading his lips wider and using the tip of his tongue“clean” your teeth first from the outside and then from the inside . It is advisable to repeat the exercise 20-25 times. The lower jaw should not move.


How to teach a child to pronounce all letters, including R? We continue to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and develop its mobility.

- Ask your child to open his mouth wider and show his teeth . The sides of the tongue are located on the molars, and the tip is on the surface of the front teeth. Ask your child to make the tongue “strong” for ten seconds, and then relax for a while. Repeat the exercise with your baby (6-7 times).

This exercise to strengthen the tongue muscles will be a little more difficult for the baby. But having mastered it, the child will quickly learn to pronounce the letters r and l correctly.
The exercise is as follows - the baby seems to “suck” the surface of the tongue to the palate, and then “tears” it away from the palate with a characteristic click. We do this exercise ten times at a slow pace, then speed up and slow down again (a total of 30-35 repetitions at different paces).

Now ask the child to slightly open his lips and lightly bite the tip of the tongue (15-20 repetitions)

The final exercise to strengthen the muscles of the tongue - the baby blows air with force, while the tongue is between the lips. It is advisable to ensure that the tongue vibrates.


And now we move on from “physical training” exercises for the language to mastering the skills of correctly pronouncing the letter P in different syllables and short combinations.

First, rehearse with your child the skill of correctly pronouncing R in an open syllable - ro, ra.
Then try pronouncing R with hard consonants - dr, tr.
When your child consolidates these skills, move on
to learning to pronounce words correctly (short, known to the child) with these syllables. These exercises are good hone the technique of correct speech and help teach the child to pronounce the letter r.


Children's tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction in a child.

If your child already knows how to pronounce the letter P quite well, but sometimes (during a conversation) he “chews” it or pronounces it incorrectly, then it’s time to introduce your child to tongue twisters.

Popular tongue twisters are great for eliminating speech impediments , relieve the child from tongue-tiedness, contribute to the development of skills in correct pronunciation of letters and words and are considered the most effective method of “honing” the articulation of different sounds.

If your baby can already memorize short nursery rhymes , then you can start getting to know tongue twisters . But you need to learn tongue twisters by heart step by step - first the baby repeats the tongue twister (following you) very slowly. In this case, the child must understand the meaning of the text being memorized. We gradually increase the pace of pronouncing the tongue twister, but you must correct articulation and diction. Below you will find the most suitable tongue twisters , with the help of which you can teach your child to pronounce letters, including the “complex” letter P:

Children's tongue twisters to improve diction, correct pronunciation of the letter P and speech development


Before you teach your child to say letters, do not forget that A preschooler learns material more easily in a playful form of learning. Sometimes the baby does not pronounce the letter L correctly for quite a long time. There are effective exercises to solve this problem. The method is in many ways similar to practicing the skills of correct pronunciation of the letter P

It is advisable to perform each exercise for ten seconds 5-7 times. The whole complex - 3 times from start to finish step by step. (daily 2 times)

Exercise 1

We practice the skill of lifting the tongue up and strengthen the muscles of the tongue.
Ask your child to show you his teeth with a wide smile. The child's tongue touches the palate and clicks, like a horse hooves on the asphalt.

Exercise 2

We “sharpen” the baby’s skill of making his tongue wide, developing the ability to quickly tense and relax the muscles of the tongue.
Ask the child to open his mouth a little and stick his tongue out far, and then place it on the lower lip with a wide edge. Ask your baby to hold his tongue in this position for 5 seconds.

Exercise 3

Now we teach the child to exhale air in thin streams along the edges of the tongue.
Opening his mouth slightly, the child lightly bites the tip of his tongue with his front teeth and begins to blow, increasing the pace and strength. Control the strength and direction of the air stream using a light feather (don’t forget about the play element in teaching a small child)

Exercise 4

We practice the baby’s skill of quickly changing the position of the tongue. This exercise is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the tongue so that the baby can easily and quickly connect the letter L with different vowels - U, A, O, Y

the child opens his mouth slightly, presses the tip of his tongue firmly against the base of the upper teeth from the inside, and then quickly changes the position of the tongue, resting its tip against the base of the lower teeth. At first the exercise is performed slowly, then we speed up the pace.

Exercise 5

Now we move on to learning the correct pronunciation of the letter L in words and syllables. Words and syllables ( lu-lu-lu-lu, la-la-la-la, lo-lo-lo-lo, la-lo-lu-la-lo-lu) it’s even better to sing rather than pronounce.
After this, open a children's book with pictures, the objects in which contain the letter in their title L in different combinations with other letters. Let the child try to tell something about each object so that its name appears in every sentence.

Now you know how to correctly and quickly teach your child to pronounce “difficult” letters , including the letters R and L. Let us highlight 3 key points that form the foundation for developing a child’s pronunciation skills of different letters: exercises to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and its mobility, teaching the child correct pronunciation of a particular letter in different syllables, memorizing tongue twisters and repeating them frequently (slow-fast). If your child does not succeed in something, do not move on to the next stage of training, but continue to practice skills in the exercises where you stopped.

Before you begin learning letters and sounds, you need to understand what stage of language development your child is at. For this, there are special tables for the dynamics of speech development, in which you will record the periods when the baby began to babble, pronounce the first sounds, phrases, etc. This way, you can analyze how his passive and active vocabulary develops.

How to create a developmental environment for a child?

If you don’t know how to teach your child to pronounce letters correctly, first try to create a favorable environment for development. This is not difficult to do, just take a few simple steps:

  • Communicate with your child

Try to communicate with your child as often as possible, explain to him everything you are doing. This approach will increase the baby’s vocabulary and also teach him the correct turns of speech.

  • Use simple phrases

When communicating with your child, do not forget to use the simplest and most understandable phrases. This way your child will have a better chance of understanding you.

  • Show cartoons

To help your children grow up smart and develop well, make a playlist of educational cartoons. This activity will not only distract the child, but will also teach him how to pronounce letters correctly.

How to teach a child to pronounce letters?

In addition to regular communication with the baby, parents should conduct speech development classes with the child. According to statistics, one of the most difficult sounds for children is the sound “R”. However, we also advise you to pay attention to how the baby pronounces the letters “L”, “W”, “F”.

In the meantime, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the exercises that will tell you how to teach your child to pronounce the letter “R”.

  • Lung workout

Before you start exercising, give your child a short lung workout. To do this, ask the child to take a very deep breath, and then not just exhale, but blow hard. And so that the baby understands the technique of performing the exercise, you can place a lit candle in front of him, which he must blow out with his breath.

  • Window

While performing this exercise, you need to open your mouth wide and hold it in this position for as long as possible. At the beginning, you can count to three, gradually increasing the duration of the task.

  • Growl

One of the simplest and most fun games in this category is growling. Imagine that you and your baby are a tigress and a little tiger. Show your child how to growl and ask him to repeat after you.

  • Swing

This exercise will not only help you find the answer to the question “How to teach a child to pronounce the letter “R”,” but will also make his speech clearer. Ask your baby to smile and open his mouth wide. After this, start counting to two, saying the numbers out loud. At each count, the child should move the tip of his tongue from one corner of his lips to the other. At the same time, make sure that the baby’s lower jaw remains motionless during the exercise.

  • Toothbrush

For this task, the child needs to smile and open his mouth slightly. With the tense tip of the tongue, the baby should imitate the movements of a toothbrush on the upper teeth. This exercise takes about three minutes.

Now you know how to teach your child to pronounce the letter “R” correctly. We are sure that the exercises from our selection will help in the development of your baby’s speech. We wish you pleasant experiments and good results!

How to get rid of porridge in the mouth is a pressing question for many parents.
As our kids grow up, we parents are often touched by their funny words, and to be honest, they amuse us and we often become motivators for incorrect pronunciation of words and letters. On the contrary, when we meet an adult whose pronunciation of many letters is incorrect, we become irritated and dislike him. So it is better to correct speech defects in childhood, although the situation can be corrected at almost any age.

Causes of speech defects

In nature, there are a huge number of speech defects associated with various developmental disorders:
  • alalia - when a person does not speak at all;
  • dysarthria - when the palate and lips are motionless due to brain damage;
  • aphasia - when the loss of speech is associated with illness.
But most often, speech therapists encounter dyslalia in which a person cannot pronounce individual letters, skips them or replaces them with other letters. It is this deficiency that manifests itself in early childhood, from about 2 years of age. Many parents do not pay attention to this and think that it will all go away with time. In most cases, this is what happens, the formation of the speech apparatus ends by the age of 7 and 70% of children eventually speak correctly, but there are no special illusions to be had, and it is better to show the child to a speech therapist and correct speech defects before school, because Children with dyslalia learn written language worse.

Speech defects can also be a consequence of malocclusion in children, adenoids, gaps between teeth, a short frenulum of the tongue and a high palate.
But there are often cases when a child does not have any of the above problems, but he simply imitates one of the adults, or the adults themselves motivate him to speak incorrectly - they “lisp” and distort words. No matter how funny and amusing it may be, from an early age children need to be corrected and taught to speak correctly.
Diction problems often occur in bilingual children when children adopt the pronunciation and phonetics of another language.
Or the child does not perceive by ear the differences between hissing and whistling letters, hard and soft sounds.

Problems pronouncing letters

More often than others, difficulties arise with the pronunciation of the letter “R”. People simply call this defect “burr” and say that the child “burrs.”
Further, the second most common speech defect is when a person distorts whistling letters (s-3), hissing letters (sh-zh) and (h-shch).
Impaired pronunciation of the letter “L” is also common.
In order to correct speech defects, there are a lot of exercises, but it is very difficult to give any advice that would be suitable for your child in absentia, and here you need the consultation of specialists - a speech therapist, an ENT doctor, an orthodontist, who will accurately identify the cause. You can correct poor diction at any age, but it is certainly better to do it at an early age.

Articulation gymnastics

Before starting any exercises, we find out what causes incorrect pronunciation.
At the very beginning of classes, the child should be taught to breathe correctly. Often it is precisely because the speaker does not have enough air that he swallows and chews words and sentences.
In order to start practicing, you need to sit next to your baby and it is advisable to do this in front of a mirror so that he can see his movements.
Everything should be done in a playful way, so that your child is interested and interested. Don't push him if he's not ready. Everything has its time.

How to teach a child to pronounce “r”

Sit your child in front of a mirror and first show how to do the exercise, asking the child to repeat after you.

Extend your tongue and place it on your front teeth and hold for 15 seconds. Then ask your child to repeat the exercise. Let the child repeat this exercise 3-5 times.

The second exercise to help put the correct letter “P” is this: the child should open his mouth wide and hit the cusps behind the front teeth with his tongue and pronounce the letter “D.” Repeat this exercise for 20 seconds.

It also happens that a child pronounces the letter “P” in certain syllables, for example “re” and “ryo,” but cannot in others. Repeat these syllables with him, and then after the exercise ask him to speak words with other vowels, and so gradually the child himself will understand the difference in pronunciation and will speak better and better each time.

By finding out the reasons for incorrect pronunciation of words and letters, and following the recommendations of experts, you will teach your child the correct speech.