Birthday gift for a traveler. What gift to give a tourist to a traveler for his birthday. Ideas What to give a tourist for the New Year

The question of what to give a tourist may seem very simple at first glance. Just buy something useful to take on a hike, and the matter is decided - . However, in reality everything is not so simple.

When choosing a gift, you need to understand that tourists with extensive hiking experience or beginners, as a rule, are well equipped and know what the most necessary thing they need on a hike. In addition, it should be borne in mind that a tourist is not only someone who, with a backpack on his shoulders, hikes long distances or climbs mountains. Many people like to travel by car or even buy train or plane tickets and organize their own trip. Obviously, each category may have its own travel gifts. Besides, there are universal gifts for travelers regardless of their specific specialization.

What exactly can be given to a tourist in this or that case? Let's see what travel gifts can be offered by the gift selection expert "Super Helper", who has collected the most successful options in his opinion and grouped them into categories.

A gift for a tourist who prefers hiking

A multi-tool, which is an extremely practical thing that combines can openers and regular openers, a flashlight, a screwdriver, a bottle opener and other functions depending on the specific model, is perhaps one of the most necessary things to take on a hike;

Karimat is a special rug that allows you to sit on the ground or cold stones, which must be included in a traveler’s kit;

Thermal underwear is a very useful gift for a hiker.

Gifts for autotourists

Picnic set - an insulated bag with a set of dishes, cutlery, skewers, cutting board and other useful items for quickly organizing a picnic, in a word, a self-assembled tablecloth;

A navigator is a useful gift for a traveler in a car;

A set of tools in a case is a gift that has a mandatory status in case of long car trips.

Gifts for travelers who prefer planes or rail transport

A suitcase with a special lock is undoubtedly a necessary gift for a traveler;

A safety belt with a secret pocket for money is an original gift for a traveler that will give confidence and security on the road;

A digital photo frame is a universal gift for a tourist, because after a trip you really want to look at the photos and bring back vivid impressions.

Many other gift options for tourists Can .

There are people whose favorite topic of conversation is distant and not so distant countries, who strive to spend every vacation in a new place and who, having just returned from one trip, are already dreaming of the next. If you have a friend who is a self-diagnosed traveler, this list of useful gifts for the adventurous lover will come in handy.

Of course, I would like to give a traveler a universal ticket to any country in the world or a visa that opens all borders, but since making such a gift will be somewhat difficult, you will have to come up with something simpler.

Gift ideas for someone who loves to travel

  • Guide

One of the simplest, most obvious and yet necessary gifts. It’s great if you know what country your traveler sees in your dream. And if he hasn’t decided yet, then the gift will give him an idea and, perhaps, this will be the beginning of a new adventure. You can also choose not a guidebook, but simply a book about the country, its culture and history. Such a book will allow you to better understand this place and get into it.

Passport, money, bank cards, tickets, boarding passes - during the flight, all these things must be on hand and at the same time it is important not to lose them or spoil them. A special wallet will help you organize the documents you need on the road. Its main feature is its large size, which allows you to put airline tickets there that do not fit in a regular wallet.

  • Umbrella

Unfortunately, nature does not always spoil us with sun and blue skies. But why not cancel a walk around Paris just because it’s drizzling outside? Grab an umbrella and head to the Eiffel Tower! If you give a traveler a high-quality, beautiful, but at the same time compact umbrella, they will mentally say “thank you” many times while walking under it in different cities and countries.

  • Travel bag, portmanteau

You can help the traveler organize his luggage - give him a travel bag. This is a bag for storing small items or shower accessories. And if a person often travels on business and takes a suit with him, he will need a suitcase - a travel case for clothes that allows him to keep his suit ironed.

  • Everything for the beach

Those who like to relax on the seashore will be pleased with bright and beautiful beach accessories. A towel, an air mattress, a ball, a mat, a mask with a snorkel - things that will evoke pleasant emotions, as they will remind you of the upcoming trip to the south.

  • Dry bag

This is a gift for lovers of active recreation, sports, and extreme entertainment. This bag keeps water out and keeps the contents dry. They come in different sizes - from very small ones, containing only money and documents, to those in which you can pack all your existing things. Valuables hidden in a sealed bag will not get wet, which means you don’t have to worry about your passports if you get caught in a downpour, and feel free to take your camera even if you’re going rafting.

  • Hidden bag for valuables

An ordinary wallet can easily be stolen, bags or backpacks can be taken away, cut off, pulled off, or snatched. Storing large sums of money in them is very dangerous. An extremely useful thing when traveling is a handbag for money and documents that can be worn under your clothes. Most often it is a waist belt (sometimes called a “money belt”). Such a bag-wallet is not visible to strangers, it cannot be unexpectedly snatched from your hands or cut unnoticed.

  • Phrasebook or dictionary

Most travelers are fluent in the language of facial expressions and gestures, and know the basics of pantomime. But there are situations when you need to say at least a few words in the local language. This is where phrases from a phrasebook will come in handy. True, some languages ​​have such difficult pronunciation that such a gift would be more of a joke, since it is almost impossible for an unprepared person to correctly pronounce a phrase in Thai or Chinese.

  • Travel set

Fans of distant countries have to spend a lot of time on planes. An amenity kit, including an inflatable pillow, an eye mask, earplugs, and airplane slippers, will help make a multi-hour flight as comfortable as possible. You can also add necessary little things to it, such as a luggage tag or a combination lock.

Long journeys, flights, transfers often lead to the fact that our phones and tablets are discharged. But they may be needed for work, for entertainment on the road, for navigation. In a situation where the phone's charge is low and you urgently need it, an additional battery will help out. Such a battery must be charged in advance, and then simply connected with a wire to your equipment and enjoy watching the screen light up and the battery charge icon blink.

If your close friend or loved one loves to travel, then choosing a gift for her with our resource will be very simple. We have collected numerous souvenirs and useful attributes that will be an excellent gift for a traveler.

“Podari Hit” recommends looking into the following product categories: “Trips, travel and outdoor recreation” and “Organization of everyday life in nature”, so you can find everything that a traveler may need. But still, first of all, a traveler is a woman, and this should not be forgotten.


If a girl prefers to explore the world in her car, then a headrest pillow will be a wonderful gift for a traveler, with which she will be comfortable on the road. More expensive and significant in this category of products will be a massage cover for the seat, which has several vibration modes and thereby helps the driver relax on the road.


For a girl who often uses air or rail transportation, a travel bag will be an indispensable gift. It wouldn’t hurt to take a closer look at cases for laptops and tablets. Because nowadays you can’t live without technology, and a reliable case will protect it from bumps and falls, which are possible with frequent moves.


Any trip should be marked not only with photographs, but also on the world map. To do this, give the traveler a souvenir card. You can hang it on the wall at home, and after the next trip, the place where she visited is erased with an ordinary coin and the outline of the country that the girl visited will become visual.

A cool and at the same time useful gift would be a thermal glass “Where am I?” Firstly, it will keep the drink warm, and secondly, it also has a map of the world on it, so while enjoying the drink, you can always dream about a new place where you haven’t been yet and plan a new trip for yourself.

Come in handy

On any trip there is always something missing - a needle, a knife or some useful small item. Give the traveler a Victorinox card that compactly contains 9 attributes that are almost always necessary on a trip. Such little things will always be at hand, and the girl will remember you with gratitude.

And so that the traveler can describe her impressions and simply write down useful information, give her a “Flight Log” - a diary that will reflect all her many travels.

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Mountain conqueror - climber

If your friend is a mountain climber, you will have to try and give him something that will make his journey even more interesting or comfortable. I would not recommend donating equipment - if a person is involved in mountaineering professionally, then most likely he already has everything he needs. And equipment is usually selected according to size.

  1. Special shoes with anti-slip soles.
  2. Flashlight.
  3. A book about summit conquerors. Here are just a few that will please your friend and demonstrate your attentiveness to his hobby: “Climbing Ballad” by A. Ortin, “Night on the Ridge of Ushba” by Kh. N. Tegkaev, “Bezengi Gorge” by B. A. Garf.
  4. Sleeping bag. Very often, climbers spend the night at one of the conquered stages of the mountains. Therefore, a warm, comfortable sleeping bag will be a wonderful manifestation of care.
  5. Thermal underwear. You can’t go mountaineering without it, because sometimes you have to overcome difficulties high in the mountains at very low temperatures.
  6. Gloves.
  7. Karimat. An excellent thing that allows you to sit on cold stones and ground even at low temperatures.
  8. Convenient dishes. The hike is a hike, and lunch is on schedule. Therefore, try to choose branded dishes that fold very compactly and weigh minimally.

We're going, we're going, we're going

Despite the fact that many of us associate a tourist with a backpack and hiking in the mountains, there may be other options. I have a lot of friends who love to travel by car, discovering new places. Therefore, for such car travelers, I would advise choosing practical things that will make any trip comfortable.

  1. Neck pillow. This is simply a chic and irreplaceable thing if you have to take a nap in the car. Believe me, I have tried it on myself several times and I am very grateful to my friend for such a gift. I especially like the inflatable version - it fits in the glove compartment, and, if necessary, can provide a full-fledged pillow, giving travelers a rest.
  2. Thermos. Well, where would we be without him! Moreover, there are options for drinks, and you can also give motorists bulk options for home lunches and dinners.
  3. Picnic set. Yes, you can’t take it on a hiking trip, since it’s a very heavy backpack, but if your friends or loved one is a fan of relaxing in the lap of nature, then he will certainly appreciate this stylish set, which has everything you might need on a picnic .
  4. GPS navigator. This is simply an indispensable assistant on any hike.
  5. An indispensable thing on any trip or hike will be a multifunctional shovel, which in a matter of seconds turns into a pickaxe, saw, or opener. No matter what problem happens on the road or on a picnic, this shovel will become an indispensable assistant. In addition, it also has a compass, without which tourists can’t go anywhere.
  6. Sleep masks.
  7. Convenient organizer for your car. Anyone who has traveled for weeks in a car knows that already on the second day it is difficult to find glasses, a phone, a map, etc. To ensure that everything is in its place and always at hand, give such a practical thing.

Selecting a gift for a water driver

Oh, this is a separate subspecies of tourists who cannot imagine their life without the sea, lakes, rivers... Romance! What to give such a tourist?

  • Flippers;
  • Scuba;
  • Special shoes for coral reefs;
  • Thermal protective suit;
  • Thermal underwear;
  • Water glasses;
  • Waterproof case.

The journey has a beginning, the journey has no end

Still, I am a supporter of hiking. Well, there is a certain romance in this: songs with a guitar by the fire, sleeping in the open air in a sleeping bag and dozens of kilometers traveled. If among your friends and loved ones there are the same romantics and adventurers, then you will please them with the following gifts:

  1. Multi-tool. Everything that makes life easier and hiking more comfortable. This could be a set of openers, a folding knife, a folding ax, etc.
  2. Burner. Very helpful at the end of the day to prepare a hot dinner.
  3. Tent.
  4. Sleeping bag.
  5. Backpack. Choose according to the type of hike. If a person likes one or two day hikes, then there is no need to take more than 15 liters. For experienced tourists, choose from 35 liters.
  6. Set of camping utensils. It is best to choose titanium. It weighs minimally, heats up quickly on the burner and does not burn your hands.
  7. Headlamp. A very convenient thing when you have to make your way through a thicket or climb a mountain. Helps free your hands and illuminates exactly the area where you are looking.
  8. Thermal underwear. An indispensable item on any trip. Especially for areas where even in summer at night the temperature drops to 10-15 degrees.
  9. Sneakers. What can I say - this is the most important thing for a tourist, so choose the most convenient ones so that the trip is not spoiled.
  10. Camera. It would be a great idea to give it as a gift along with a thermal cover, so that even in rainy weather it will be reliably protected.

Oh, I was writing this article and suddenly I wanted to go hiking myself!)) If you found my advice useful or want to add to my list, I’m waiting for your comments. Share, subscribe and check out my blog more often. I have so many more interesting things for you!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

This section of the creative expedition catalog presents functional gifts for travelers. It’s not difficult to please a lover of hiking and tourist marches - you just need to choose a good gift for a tourist or traveler for his birthday, the practical benefits of which are not discussed. This could be a good hiking backpack, a convenient sealed belt bag, a sippy cup, a “magic” multitool assistant, etc. Thermal underwear, sleeping bags, kerosene lamps and other appropriate equipment necessary for winter hiking are those irreplaceable gifts for tourists that are both pleasant to choose and joyful to give!

Birthday gifts for tourists

To make the trip as successful as possible, it is important to prepare for it carefully. And in this regard, functional birthday gifts for tourists are an excellent help for those who want to please friends, colleagues or beloved relatives with a successful find on such a holiday. Beautiful modern gifts for travelers are a guarantee of a good mood, which means an additional incentive to achieve your goals! We offer a wide variety of gifts for tourists, so you will certainly be able to impress newcomers and surprise “seasoned” lovers of active pastime. So, the best gift for a man who loves to travel is attention and care, realized through a successful purchase in the Expedition online store!