How to swaddle your head. How to swaddle a baby correctly - step-by-step photos with explanations. How to swaddle a baby correctly - step-by-step photos with explanations How to swaddle a newborn baby for the first time

Swaddling a baby is not as simple as it seems. It’s better to learn how to do this even before his birth, read literature, go to classes at a antenatal clinic. Is it necessary to swaddle a newborn? Until what age should this be done? How to swaddle a baby correctly - what is the sequence of actions? Does it make sense to wrap a newborn in a diaper during the hot season? We'll talk about all this.

The art of swaddling can be learned quickly, but the decision itself about the need for swaddling is quite difficult

The need to swaddle a newborn

Why wrap the baby? During pregnancy, the baby is under the reliable protection of the mother's body. Birth is physically and mentally difficult work not only for the mother, but also for the newborn: he is born and is deprived of his usual habitat. If you wrap a baby in a diaper, it will seem to him that he is again in his mother’s tummy and will feel protected.

Another important factor is the baby’s innate protective reflexes, in particular the Moro reflex: the baby may get scared of something in a dream, involuntarily throw up his arms, wake himself up and cry. To provide the baby with a restful sleep, he is swaddled, fixing the upper body. In general, swaddling a newborn is useful, you just need to learn this process, follow the technology and not violate hygiene.

Ways to swaddle a small baby

Before swaddling the baby, be sure to wash and dry him, then put a disposable diaper on the baby. A step-by-step diagram of use is drawn on the packaging. You can make your own diaper. To do this, 2 pieces of gauze 50 x 50 cm are sewn together on 3 sides, the seams are turned inside out and the edges are sewn inward on the 4th side. Then make another line around the perimeter of the diaper, departing 5 mm from the edges.

The diaper also needs to be washed, dried and ironed. An insufficiently clean or wet diaper will cause trouble for the newborn in the form of diaper rash or dermatitis.

Where to swaddle a newborn baby?

Wrap the baby on any surface - it could be a sofa or a dining table. Many parents buy a special changing table, chest of drawers or board. The main thing is not to leave the baby unattended while changing clothes! It is better that the changing surface is surrounded on 3 sides by restraints (furniture), which will prevent the baby from falling, and the mother stands on the 4th side.

A changing table is a real godsend for moms, because it makes changing diapers, swaddling or changing clothes simple and convenient

Tight swaddling

This method assumes that the baby will be completely wrapped in a diaper, with arms included:

  1. The diaper is spread on the table across its full width, the baby is placed on top in the middle. The upper edge of the diaper passes at the level of the newborn's neck, the head does not lie on the fabric.
  2. First, wrap your baby's arms by wrapping the swaddle over your baby's sides, across his belly, to his back.
  3. Then fold the bottom edge of the diaper over the baby’s legs, straighten it, and wrap it around his body, tucking one edge of the material behind the other.

Tight swaddling of a small child is often practiced before bedtime so that the baby does not wave his arms or hit his face with his palms, which would prevent him from sleeping peacefully. A video of swaddling a newborn can be seen below.

Swaddling with head

Methods for swaddling a newborn depend on the weather and time of day. You can wrap your baby up with his head - this method is used before a walk in cool weather. The diaper and blanket are placed on top of each other with one angle up. Stepping back a little from the end, lay the baby with its head towards the corner. Then the other two ends are wrapped around the handles. The bottom corner of the blanket is folded up over the baby's legs, then tied with tape to prevent the blanket from opening. The upper end of the blanket is draped over the baby's head if it is cold outside.

While awake, you can apply the following algorithm for wrapping a newborn, in which his arms will not be swaddled, and his legs will be able to move inside the fabric bag:

  1. Lay out a cotton diaper (in the cold season you can use a warm flannelette). It should be at the child’s armpit level.
  2. Wrap the diaper around the baby's body, leaving the arms free.
  3. The lower edge of the diaper is lifted up along the legs and tummy, straightened and also wrapped around, tucking one end of the diaper against the other.

Below is a video on free swaddling.

Should I swaddle my baby in hot weather and how should I do it?

In hot weather, it makes sense to use calico diapers - they are soft to the touch and thin enough, the baby will not be hot. Swaddling of a newborn baby is carried out using the free (open) method described above. For use on summer days, diapers made of knitted material are suitable. A newborn will be comfortable in them because they stretch, following all the lines of the baby’s body.

It is only necessary to take into account that the material must contain only natural ingredients - synthetic fabrics may cause irritation on the baby’s skin.

Does it make sense to wrap your baby up at night? This is a purely individual matter. Some children sleep well without swaddling, while others are wrapped in swaddling clothes until almost 3 years of age, although at this age it would be better to use other measures. If the child does not wake up from involuntary movements of his arms, he may not be wrapped tightly. The free wrapping method is still necessary in the first weeks of life.

Additional photo instructions

The classic version of swaddling: first, the left corner of the diaper is wrapped under the baby’s right arm, then the bottom corner is turned to the top, and at the end, the baby is wrapped with the remaining right corner, securing it at the back
This option is very similar to the previous one, the only small difference is that the bottom edge of the diaper is wrapped around the right handle. This is suitable for more active children

It is very convenient to swaddle your baby in a special diaper envelope. The technique is simple: the baby’s legs are “packed” into a bag, then the arms are pressed one by one and the edges are secured with special Velcro

Pros and cons of swaddling

Our mothers and grandmothers did not wonder whether it was necessary to swaddle a child - they swaddled everyone without exception, because there were no disposable diapers, no transformable diapers, no slips. Today this question is very relevant. Many young mothers adhere to the old views that tightly swaddling the baby is the most correct. Others believe that it makes sense to use the free method. Still others do not wrap their children at all, considering it unnecessary. Who is right? Swaddling has its pros and cons.

For swaddling

  1. The risk of baby stress after birth is reduced. In a diaper he feels protected, like in the womb, and sleeps more peacefully.
  2. A warm diaper is used for thermoregulation purposes. After birth, the baby does not immediately get used to the ambient temperature, because in the stomach it was at a temperature of 36.6 degrees Celsius. At first, it is necessary to provide him with the usual temperature.
  3. The baby is still poorly coordinating his movements. During sleep, his arms may move, he may scratch himself and wake up in fear. If you wrap it properly this won't happen.

Against swaddling

  1. Tight swaddling of a baby leads to fixation of the limbs in an extended state. This can lead to various diseases. An unswaddled baby keeps his arms and legs in a more natural state.
  2. In warm summer weather, tightly swaddling your baby can lead to overheating, disrupting heat exchange.
  3. When wrapped tightly, the baby may experience unjustified pressure on the chest, which will make it difficult for him to breathe.
  4. The result of tight, inept swaddling can be a dislocation of the hip - this is a clear argument against.
  5. Some psychologists believe that swaddling after 2 months has a bad effect on the psycho-emotional development of the baby.

Experts agree on a compromise version of loose swaddling, which does not have the disadvantages of tight swaddling, but has the same advantages. It does not restrict the baby’s movements and gives him the impression that he is safe.

Free swaddling is a compromise between opponents and supporters of swaddling. It leaves the arms and upper half of the body open, forming a free cocoon for the legs

How many months are babies swaddled?

If the baby is healthy and calm, sleeps well, it makes sense to continue fiddling with diapers for no more than 3 weeks after birth. Up to what age it is necessary to swaddle a particular baby, parents decide, but you should not do this for longer than 3 months.

If the baby does not sleep well, you can use special cocoon diapers or a light sleeping bag (we recommend reading:).

Dr. Komarovsky believes that swaddling is an individual process. Some children sleep poorly, are restless, and suffer from heat exchange disorders. They need to be swaddled strictly according to the instructions, with an eye to the weather and the child’s well-being. It is better to practice loose swaddling. Other children are calm and feel great without diapers - there is no need to swaddle them.

There are several myths that the famous pediatrician refutes:

  1. Wrapping a baby in a diaper corrects the shape of the legs - this is not true. The curvature of the legs can be corrected only by movement; for this, physical therapy and massage are prescribed.
  2. Swaddling protects the baby from hypothermia and the risk of “catching a cold” - another dubious conclusion. In cold weather, a warm diaper will help keep you warm, but in warm weather, on the contrary, it will contribute to the baby’s overheating and poor health.
  3. Tight swaddling has a bad effect on both the mental and physical development of the baby - not if it is used correctly. The baby is wrapped tightly at night when he should be sleeping. During the day, you don’t have to swaddle your baby at all or use a loose method that doesn’t restrict movement. Then the baby’s development will go exactly according to schedule.

How to swaddle a baby correctly? This is perhaps the first question that a mother has when she comes home from the maternity hospital with her baby. It is simply impossible to swaddle a baby evenly, neatly and tightly enough the first time. However, this problem can be solved very easily, the main thing is practice, and you will have enough of it in the near future)

When swaddling, we use only clean diapers. For a long time there was an opinion that it was necessary to iron it, and this had to be done very carefully, on both sides. However, as pediatricians have proven, ironing diapers is a waste of time and effort. Freshly washed diapers do not contain any pathogenic bacteria that would need to be destroyed using high-temperature treatment.

Where should you swaddle your baby? Yes, wherever it is convenient for you. This could be a changing table, a sofa, or a bed. The main thing is not to leave the baby alone for a minute, in order to avoid an accidental fall. If you need to leave, be sure to put the baby in the crib, where he will be safe while you are away.

How to swaddle a newborn baby

The baby must be clean and in a clean diaper. If you use gauze diapers rather than disposable ones, you need to have at least 20 diapers, since they will get dirty much more often.

If it’s cold outside and cool indoors, prepare a couple of films in advance.

The picture clearly shows what the process should look like swaddling bags with handles. This is how all children in maternity hospitals are swaddled.

We spread the diaper and carefully place the baby in the middle of the diaper so that his head is higher than the edge of the diaper. We press the right hand to the body, and wrap the right corner of the diaper diagonally, the edge of the diaper should be wrapped behind the baby’s back. Now we press the left arm to the body in the same way, and wrap the left corner of the diaper, like the right one, diagonally. At the bottom we get a “fish tail”. The edges are tucked under the baby one by one, and then fixed in the side pocket we created.

Everything is ready, the baby was swaddled quickly and not at all difficult. A few training sessions and this process will be brought to automaticity, don’t even doubt it.

Below we show how to properly swaddle a newborn in pictures step by step.

When the house is cool, we swaddle the baby in a second diaper, the only difference being that there is no longer any need to press the arms, since they are already hidden.

How to swaddle a newborn baby in the summer?

In hot weather it is best to use the method free swaddling. With this method, the baby, while swaddling, is positioned on the diaper so that his arms remain above the edge of the diaper. We wrap the diaper in the same way as with simple swaddling. Thus, the newborn baby's arms remain open. Or, you can use ready-made envelopes in which the baby’s legs are fixed and the arms are free.

If your swaddled baby shows obvious signs of anxiety and cannot calm down even in your arms, check whether you swaddled him too tightly and whether there are folds in the swaddle that are interfering with him. It is very important that the baby feels comfortable. The recommended air temperature in a room with a newborn wrapped in a diaper should be about twenty degrees.

Should I swaddle my baby?

Not long ago, whether to swaddle a baby or not became a subject of debate among pediatricians and parents of babies. Opponents of this method cite the following arguments in their favor:

  • It is possible for babies wrapped in diapers to overheat, since their thermoregulation mechanism is very different from adults. If the room is too warm, it’s hot outside, and the likelihood of overheating increases;
  • keeping a baby in a diaper can lead to developmental delays, since he is not able to freely master the movements of his arms and legs;
  • It is useful for newborn babies to sleep lying on their stomach, but while swaddled it is almost impossible to do this;
  • tight constriction can have a detrimental effect on the child’s cardiovascular system, as it slows down the blood circulation process;

In addition, common reasons for young mothers to refuse to wrap their baby tightly are the following:

  • simplifying newborn care;
  • inability and unwillingness to learn to swaddle;
  • It’s much easier to put rompers on your baby, and dad can change them if necessary.

At the end of the article we have prepared additional material for you. Download the checklist “How to properly put on and change diapers” and caring for your baby will bring you only joy!

Here's what proponents of the method say in defense of their position:

  • swaddling keeps the baby's body temperature normal in the first weeks of life;
  • the baby is calmer and sleeps better when wrapped in a diaper, as it does not disturb itself with uncontrolled movements of its arms and legs;
  • being in diapers, the baby feels more natural, because in recent weeks, while in the womb, he has become accustomed to the lack of living space, and therefore in diapers he is both more comfortable and calmer. In rompers and blouses, babies may get scared in their sleep and wake up;
  • Using diapers is much less expensive for a young family’s budget than purchasing new pants, tights, and blouses for a growing child every two to three weeks.

There are several types of swaddling. In addition to those already described, free and swaddling with handles, swaddling with an “envelope” and wide swaddling is practiced.

Swaddling with an "envelope" is done as follows. The corner of the diaper above the baby's head should be left free. We lift the bottom corner of the diaper and place it on the baby’s tummy. We lay the side corners as with normal swaddling. All! A child in such a diaper will feel great while walking outside. If it is cold, we wrap it in a blanket, but if it is hot, we use a gauze diaper.

Wide swaddling A newborn is used if the baby has muscle tone disorders or orthopedic problems. When swaddling wide, the baby's legs are bent, the hips are abducted, the position for the baby is very comfortable and familiar. This type of swaddling does not interfere with the proper development of the baby’s hip joints, it can help in cases of mild dysplasia, and prevent the occurrence of subluxation or dislocation of the hip in babies. This type of swaddling is used from birth to six months.

It is advisable to master all types of swaddling; this will be very useful for your newborn baby and will make your life easier. It is better to alternate different swaddling techniques.

And one more tip on how to swaddle a baby correctly.

Before swaddling, put on your baby a thin vest that wraps around the back, followed by a warm one that wraps around the chest. After that . A diaper is often a gauze square 80 by 80 cm, which is folded into a triangle. We pass a right angle between the baby’s legs, and wrap the sharp corners around the stomach.

Until what age should a baby be swaddled?

There are no specific time standards. Different babies need different times to get used to the new, huge world around them, which has replaced the close comfort of their mother’s tummy. One week may be enough to adapt, or it may take six months. In general, children from one and a half to three months can get by with loose swaddling. And yet, until how many months to swaddle a baby, you have to decide for yourself, and with experience you will definitely understand how to swaddle a newborn in the most convenient way.

Watching how your newborn baby falls asleep and sleeps, you will understand when the time comes to say goodbye to diapers.

Read our next article.

Download the checklist "How to properly put on and change diapers"

Do you think that gauze diapers are safer for your baby? By downloading the checklist, you will learn how to properly put on and change diapers. Let caring for your baby bring you only joy!

Most maternity hospitals adhere to the practice of classic swaddling of a newborn. Upon returning from the maternity hospital, the young mother is surrounded by advisers. Some show how to swaddle a baby, others talk about modern techniques that do not recommend using the “grandmother’s” method. A young mother is faced with the question: should she swaddle her baby or should she not even teach it?

There is no definite answer, so it is worthwhile to thoroughly understand all the arguments.

Even while waiting for the baby to arrive, pregnant women observe mothers and their babies to gain some experience. Mothers see that babies in diapers sleep better in the stroller and are less capricious. It seems that they are quite comfortable: they are in a safe position, they do not bother themselves with their hands and impulsive movements in their sleep. But how to master the types of swaddling of a newborn, how to do it correctly?

It is during this period that you need to master the swaddling technique, learn on a large “newborn” doll. It’s good if you have an experienced relative or friend who will wrap the baby in a diaper in the first month of life. It is useful to observe the baby’s reaction and the mother’s algorithm of actions. If these actions are skillful, then it is comfortable for the child in the “pocket” of the diaper to breathe and move his arms and legs.

But you can also notice that after a few months the child, who was swaddled, tries to free himself from the “captivity” of the fabric. Then another question arises: “Until what age should children be swaddled?”

On women's forums, where mothers exchange experiences, different opinions are expressed, but everyone agrees on one thing - it is recommended not to swaddle very tightly only in the first months of a newborn's life, and then, depending on the baby's reaction and actions.

Questions that interest young mothers

  • Which diapers to choose?

Definitely made from natural fabrics. In winter - a warm flannel jacket (or its analogues), in summer - linen or cotton (hygroscopic materials). There are also Velcro swaddles or changing envelopes for newborns: they are very convenient, especially when there is no experience.

  • How many times a day should you swaddle your baby?

No one has counted, but little children are turned around for bathing and changing clothes, massage and simple exercises. Some people only swaddle during stroller walks and at night (bedtime).

  • There is an opinion that tight swaddling can correct crooked legs, is this true?

Observations were made, and modern doctors did not find confirmation of this theory. Incorrect swaddling technique can cause damage to developing hip joints, and the legs gradually straighten out on their own.

  • How to secure the edges of diapers: can you use ties, elastic bands, safety pins and Velcro?

Children grow quickly, and the size for which all these fasteners are designed becomes small: the elastic band squeezes, the Velcro has to be adjusted weekly, and the pin can come undone and prick the baby without the mother noticing. When swaddling is done correctly, the corners or ends are folded over the fold.

  • Is it safe to leave a swaddled baby unattended for a short time?

You should not leave your baby unattended on a smooth surface without edges. An active baby is able to move to the edge of the changing table and fall while the mother is distracted by something or walks away for a minute.

  • What to do if your baby doesn’t like being in diapers?

Some mothers notice that children do not like being wrapped in cloth. They are probably wrapped too tightly and this is making it difficult for the baby to breathe, swallow and make sounds. You don’t have to swaddle, if there is an alternative - comfortable envelopes and vests with closed fingers, so that a slightly older baby does not scratch himself with his hands. However, in the first weeks after birth, it is better to wrap up, even with your head, to maintain body temperature.

In most cases, newborns are comfortable in swaddles, it is warming, soothing and relaxing, provided they are swaddled correctly.

The air environment where a newborn finds itself after birth differs from the comfort of the mother’s womb. Comfortable swaddling partially compensates for this feeling of security. But this time quickly passes, and when the baby needs freedom of movement, the need for diapers disappears. As a rule, this period ends with the standard period of breastfeeding - up to six months.

Main types of swaddling of babies

  • Simple swaddling, when the baby is wrapped up to the neck and a cap or cap is put on his head.
  • Full swaddling in a tight way with the head. The baby is wrapped entirely in a piece of fabric or a special envelope, and a kind of hood is formed around the head from the edge of the diaper. This is done before feeding, when the baby is going to be immediately put to sleep. This method also calms an overexcited child.
  • Loose waist swaddling: The swaddle wraps around the legs and lower torso for greater freedom of movement. The baby's arms and chest are in vests, without swaddling. It is important to learn how to swaddle him in such a way as to ensure sufficient freedom, but so that the diaper does not fall off, since children can “unwrap” themselves with their legs.

Each variety has its own advantages, so the methods are used according to the situation, at different infancy ages. A few decades ago, ideas about swaddling were slightly different - children were wrapped more tightly. Today, the view on this issue is being revised, but the algorithm of basic actions remains unchanged.

Factors against swaddling

  • It is difficult to control a baby's thermoregulation: warm diapers can overheat him, causing heat rash. It is important to constantly monitor whether the baby is sweating; it is necessary to have enough vests and wide diapers for a change.
  • Tight swaddling compresses the chest, interferes with free breathing, can slow down the baby's development and provoke some defects. Therefore, after 2 months you should abandon this method.
  • Kids themselves choose a comfortable position for sleeping or waking. Most often they lie on their tummy, and in diapers it is difficult for them to roll over into a comfortable position or move their arms and legs. The baby may be capricious only for this reason, and the mother tries to swaddle him tighter again, feed him, or look for another reason for dissatisfaction.

How and where to learn to swaddle a newborn?

You can sew diapers yourself from cotton fabric or buy them in a specialized store for mothers and babies. There are many places where you can get hands-on experience swaddling your newborn before birth.

  • This is taught directly at courses for young mothers; they can be attended with the future father, to make it easier to get involved in the role of a father.
  • You can learn how to swaddle directly in the maternity hospital, where women in labor are shown how to do it correctly.
  • Relatives willingly share their experience of swaddling babies. The mother of a woman in labor may forget a little, as they did in her time. It is better to contact those who have given birth recently.
  • Today, few people would think of going to the library to get specialized literature. But specialized books on caring for a baby in the first year of life can be invaluable advisors. Such literature is also available for free sale.
  • When there is no other source of information other than the Internet, and there is nowhere else to get practical experience, it is worth stocking up on a large doll and diapers by watching a video on the topic “types of swaddling a newborn”

What is important to know about the types of swaddling?

The closed method is very simple, when the child is prepared for a walk or feeding. You will need a cap (cap), a vest and a diaper (rectangular or square). Further according to the scheme:

  • Put on the vest and straighten it on the back to eliminate wrinkles. Put on the cap, its strings are tucked under the wrapped fabric.
  • Spread the diaper on a table or other convenient, clean surface, and place the baby in a diaper or diaper in the middle.
  • Wrap the edge of the diaper (right or left) under the baby's flank on the opposite side so that it lies awkwardly under the back.
  • Wrap the other half of the diaper in the same way.
  • Place the bottom and secure it at the back.

If something is not clear, see the diagram in the figure.

  1. The open method is similar to the previous one, but we do not swaddle the baby’s arms, but only wrap the diaper under the chest over the belly. The vest should have sewn-up sleeves so that he cannot scratch himself. The hat should be light unless it involves walking in cold weather. It is better to secure the vest with a diaper. The diapers should be slightly below the armpits so as not to cause discomfort. When you wrap the legs, make sure they are loose enough.
  2. Tight swaddling requires experience so that it is not too restrictive, but at the same time keeps the torso in the correct position. Previously, babies in the maternity hospital, wrapped in this way, looked like straight “columns”: the head was wrapped in a hood, the arms and legs were motionless. Today they are moving away from this practice, but it is so convenient to breastfeed your baby on the road.
  3. Wide swaddling gives the baby sufficient freedom of action.
  4. Wrapping oneself in a blanket in an envelope is practiced for walking in cold weather.

When making a decision, choose the most justified method.

Karina is a regular expert on the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about games, pregnancy, parenting and learning, child care and the health of mother and child.

Articles written

Even in the womb, a newborn child acquires its attitude to this world. Tactile sensations are one of the baby’s first sensations. The position of the body in the mother's belly and limited movement are a comfortable environment for him. Therefore, after birth it is very important to create familiar conditions for the child. This can be done correctly using swaddling.

The first weeks after birth are the baby's introduction to a new reality. Limiting his movements with films will recreate a cozy feeling for him. Therefore, swaddling at first very much helps the mother create comfortable conditions for the newborn while he sleeps, since the baby spends the first weeks after birth in exactly this state.

Then the child begins to explore the new world around him. By the age of 2-3 months, many babies already want to free themselves from the constraining movement of the cocoon and wave their arms and legs with interest, and for some, the usual state of constraint does not cause inconvenience, and they continue to stay comfortably in diapers. That's why, At what age parents decide to stop swaddling their baby.

Swaddling of children is acceptable until the age of 6 months.


Each mother makes her own decision about swaddling her newborn. Many modern parents completely abandon this type of clothing, using rompers and baby vests. And some, on the contrary, use diapers until the child begins to sit.

However, in some cases you should refrain from swaddling, especially tightly. For example, if the baby’s umbilical wound has not healed, then the diaper can compress it, causing discomfort and pain, and also interfere with the penetration of air . In such a situation, you should wear looser and more comfortable clothes, such as shirts and rompers, the elastic of which should not touch the umbilical wound.

In hot weather, it is also better to use light clothing instead of diapers to avoid diaper rash or overheating. Pediatricians may recommend that parents stop using diapers when their child is diagnosed with congenital muscle tone.

Attributes that will be required

Every mother wants to know how to swaddle a newborn correctly, as well as what attributes should be purchased for this, when preparing for the arrival of the baby.

First of all, you need a safe surface for the child, where at arm's length you need to place baby care and hygiene products, such as powder, cotton swabs, brilliant green (when treating an umbilical wound), baby cream and other accessories. And the diapers themselves, thin for hot weather from chintz and ordinary flannel.

The size of the diaper depends on whether the baby is swaddled with his head, without a head, or just his legs. To swaddle the baby's body, you will need diapers measuring more than 1 m by 1 m. When swaddling the legs separately, you will need a size of up to 1 m in length and height. If you swaddle with the head, you will need large rectangular diapers.

Where to swaddle

Modern chests of drawers with a hinged lid are very popular for changing babies. Many manufacturers of cabinet furniture present various options for functional chests of drawers. Or you can use changing boards placed on the crib.

Many mothers begin to swaddle their babies where they sleep, but this option is less convenient, as it puts extra strain on the back. Therefore, it is advisable to equip a separate changing area with the necessary accessories. Perhaps it will be a regular table covered with a blanket.

Rules for choosing a diaper

When choosing diapers for a newborn, you should pay attention to a number of factors and give preference to those that best suit them:

Features of swaddling babies in summer

Many parents do not know how to swaddle a newborn correctly in summer in hot weather.

However, you should follow some rules to avoid overheating your baby.:

  • Refrain from swaddling with the head and it is advisable not to use caps in hot weather. You can wear a thin cap while walking.
  • All folds on the baby’s skin must be treated first. You can simply wipe with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. If necessary, use a special powder; apply it only to the child’s clean skin.
  • After each swaddling, regardless of whether the diaper is wet or dry, it must be washed and ironed.
  • Use mainly loose swaddling, because when swaddling tightly, the baby will not be safe and comfortable in the heat. There must be a layer of diaper between the body and the arms.
  • In hot weather, thin diapers should be used, for example, calico.

Pediatricians still advise refraining from swaddling in hot weather to avoid diaper rash or overheating of the child.

By using light shirts or bodysuits, this can be avoided.

Types of swaddling: classic tight version

You can swaddle a newborn with or without a head.

This section will discuss how to do this correctly:

With your head Headless
  • spread a large diaper on the changing table;
  • lay the baby dressed in a diaper, leaving a supply of diaper on top. The legs should be straight or slightly bent;
  • Place the top of the diaper on your head and immediately bend the right corner into a scarf, tuck it behind your shoulder and under the back. Then overlap the left side of the diaper and tuck it in as well;
  • then place the remaining material from the bottom over the baby to the level of the chest, fold both ends of the diaper under the back one by one, and tuck it into the folds of the diaper. The diaper should fit neatly and tightly around the baby's body.
  • spread out the diaper. Place the child so that the level of the upper border of the diaper is slightly above the shoulders, the legs are straight or slightly bent;
  • place the right hand on his tummy or chest, pull the right side of the diaper and bend it over the opposite side of the child;
  • then place your other hand on the tummy or chest and place the left side of the diaper behind the baby’s other side;
  • straighten the lower part of the diaper, take the corners with both hands, throw it over the child to chest level above the bends of the arms;
  • bend one corner behind the back, draw the other corner through the back and bring it out on the other side. The corner can be fixed in the fold of the diaper or you can use tape to secure it.

With handles

This swaddling will be convenient for walks while the baby is sleeping in the stroller and when feeding the baby, so that he does not interfere with the movements of his arms. You can also use this swaddling technique at night, because some newborns twitch in their sleep and get scared when they feel the movements of their own arms.

It is useful to learn how to properly swaddle a newborn with arms by familiarizing yourself with the technique of this swaddling:

Free swaddling technique

Such swaddling implies that the baby in the bundle will be able to move his arms and legs without hindrance. This method of swaddling allows the baby to feel comfortable without restricting movement.

How to swaddle so that the baby can move without getting out of the swaddle will be described below:

  • spread the diaper flat, place the baby on it with the shoulder blades on the top edge of the fabric;
  • leave the arms above the diaper, wrap both edges of the fabric under the baby’s side one by one;
  • Fold the bottom edge of the diaper up and secure it at the back so that the legs in the bag move freely.

If the baby often twitches, spreads his arms and wakes up from this, you can swaddle him not from the level of the arms, but from the level of the neck, while leaving a little space inside the bag. The baby will be able to move his arms, but will not be afraid of them.

Ways to freely swaddle a baby:


This method is needed for walks in autumn and winter, when it is necessary to dress a newborn not only in diapers, but also in warm blankets. The number of blankets and their thickness depends on the outside temperature.

Technique for swaddling with an envelope with two blankets:

  • spread out 2 blankets in a diamond pattern;
  • place the pre-dressed baby on top of the blanket, leaving the upper corner above the head free. Wrap the baby using the swaddling technique with arms;
  • Cover the child’s legs with the bottom of the top blanket;
  • then wrap the baby on both sides alternately with a lower blanket, throw the lower part over the legs;
  • wrap the bundle with tape around the child so that the blanket is fixed along the entire height of the bundle. Tie at tummy level;
  • The upper corner of the blanket can be used to cover your face from strong winds.

How to swaddle your feet

Swaddling of feet is mainly used when the newborn is a little older. The baby's own hands no longer frighten him, and he moves them freely both in his sleep and while awake. Such swaddling may be for medical reasons (wide swaddling).

How to swaddle:

  • spread a small diaper;
  • position the baby on the diaper so that its top is at the level of the baby’s lower back;
  • alternately wrap the legs on both sides, tilting the edge of the diaper down diagonally, tucking the corners under the baby’s bottom;
  • Place the lower part over the legs, wrap them loosely, fixing the corners in the folds of the diaper.

A baby who has just been born needs comfort, tenderness and care from loved ones. When swaddling, you should observe the baby's behavior, also focusing on his age.

Some newborns find it comfortable and pleasant to be wrapped in swaddles and blankets. And for some, more active babies, a diaper can be a hindrance that limits movement. Therefore, it is the parents who decide whether to use swaddling or not. But you definitely need to know how to do it correctly in order to provide him with the most comfortable feeling in the first weeks of life.

Article format: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: how to properly swaddle a baby

Learning how to swaddle a baby correctly:

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Do you know how to swaddle a newborn? Probably, in the era of little men and bodysuits, we think less and less about outdated diapers and undershirts. Today we will talk about what is better - to swaddle a newborn in diapers or to dress a newborn in loose clothes.

Whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn in diapers is up to each mother to decide individually. You still have to wear it. Swaddling refers specifically to swaddling with diapers. Dressing rompers and blanket men is no longer swaddling. If you use reusable cotton diapers, then putting them on is also called swaddling, but only swaddling diapers.

Let's look at what diapers exist:

  • Tight swaddling;
  • Free swaddling;
  • Wide swaddling;
  • Swaddling in a sleeping diaper bag.

The opinion on whether or not to swaddle a newborn is divided not only among mothers, but also among pediatricians.

Some consider this necessary, others consider it a relic of the Soviet past. In any case, if you swaddle a newborn, then only in the first 2-3 weeks of life (longer - less often).

This is explained by the fact that a newborn, accustomed to the tight and comfortable mother’s tummy, finds himself in a cold and vast world. He feels scared and uncomfortable in it. To help your baby adapt to a new life, you need to try to provide him with conditions that will resemble his previous cozy nest. Swaddling in warm swaddles and blankets gives your newborn a feeling of warmth and security. This way he adapts to the world around him faster.

2. Tight swaddling

Tight swaddling was used in maternity hospitals during Soviet times. It was believed that this way the baby would not wake himself up with his hands, would not get scratched, and it would be easier for the medical staff to deal with him. This is now considered an outdated method. They have already abandoned it in favor of free swaddling.

Still, I'll show you the algorithm of actions such swaddling in pictures. You might find this useful:

Here you can see that the newborn is swaddled with arms, and the head is left open. The tension of the diaper itself can be different.

Dear mothers, if you decide to swaddle your baby in a column, that is, tight swaddling, try not to do it too “tight”; blood should circulate freely in the baby’s veins and not stagnate.

In general, I want to say that the point of such swaddling itself is to ensure that the legs are fixed.

The downside of this method is that you can squeeze the baby’s fragile body in such a way that it can subsequently cause physical injury, displacement or damage to the hip joint. You can also get psychological discomfort.

In addition to the shown method of tight swaddling, there is also swaddling with the head, that is, the corner of the diaper is located above the level of the head, so that at the end you get the baby in an envelope. The head is swaddled in a blanket or warm diaper when going outside in the cool season. The ends of the diaper or blanket are pinned, or simply tucked under and secured with tape.

3. Free swaddling

Free swaddling does not provide for clear fixation of the legs; on the contrary, the legs under the swaddle are in motion.

At the same time, first they put a vest on the baby, and then swaddle the legs. The diaper is wrapped at chest level, under the arms. This is a free swaddling of the legs. The baby can move them while remaining warm.

Plus This type of swaddling is that you can save on onesies, from which newborns outgrow so quickly.

Minus the fact is that in a month the child will already be kicking his legs so much that he will take off these diapers and freeze if his mother is not nearby. You can find videos on the Internet on how to swaddle a baby correctly and safely.

4. Sleeping bag

Free swaddling can also be done with handles. Fortunately, progress does not stand still and the masses have launched the production of special diapers - sleeping bags. Such bags completely cover the child, giving him a feeling of comfort and warmth in a limited space, like in a mother’s stomach.

Meanwhile, the child has the opportunity to move, nothing is pinched, and he won’t be able to open up. These diaper bags are elastic, the baby can toss and turn without feeling stiff:

With a sleeping bag, a mother, especially an inexperienced one, will not have to think about how to properly swaddle her newborn, and also so as not to disturb anything.

5. Wide swaddling

Dear mothers, once again I want to remind you that it is up to you to decide how to swaddle your baby, but it must be a safe way.

If the baby is swaddled incorrectly, the baby may get dislocated, or the joints and bones will grow incorrectly. Then there will be a high probability of developing hip dysplasia.

If the doctor has already diagnosed dysplasia in the newborn, special medical restraints and wide swaddling will help. That is, in addition to free-style swaddling, you need to place a diaper folded several times or a special pad between the baby’s legs. In this method, the legs are fixed in an extended position.

6. Avoid swaddling

Many young mothers who live in the modern world and do not tolerate any outdated methods of caring for a child, refuse swaddling in favor of baby clothes for newborns.

Why, they think, should they restrict the baby’s movements and bother with winding these diapers? Without a doubt, rompers, bodysuits and people for newborns are more convenient for mom to use.

But we must not forget about the natural need of a newborn for shelter, for the comfort that he feels, wrapped in a blanket, curled up in a ball of warmth. This helps him painlessly move from the small world of his mother’s tummy to the big world.

In the first weeks of his life, the baby must sleep in a limited space. That is, it is better to sleep in a small crib or cradle, and not on a large bed, if your mother is not nearby. Even after dressing in a comfortable little person, the baby will also be more comfortable wrapped in a blanket in winter or a diaper in summer. Let it just take cover, and not drag on. It’s more pleasant for him that way.

The famous doctor Komarovsky also does not encourage modern mothers to strictly adhere to swaddling, but does not dissuade them from it either. It is also necessary to take into account the individual developmental characteristics of a particular child, and the pediatrician will help determine this, he believes:

I want to summarize. Dear mothers and grandmothers! If you want to swaddle your baby, then do it following the instructions of the medical staff and my recommendations. Then the child will not be at risk of dislocation or stress.

If you do not want to swaddle him, then please create a comfortable transition for your baby into the big world. Then you may need sleeping bags or swaddles that cover the baby's body and are secured with clasps.

In any case, the diapers should not only be clean and soft, but also ironed before swaddling so that the baby feels their warmth. I hope that my tips are useful to you. If you liked the article, share the material on social networks and do not forget to subscribe for updates. See you soon!