Watch how to become fashionable. Fashion tips! How to be fashionable, stylish, confident! Let's discover something new

Fashion tips!
How to be fashionable, stylish, confident!

A real fashion expert is the editor-in-chief of the Russian version of the international authoritative fashion magazine “L’Officiel”, the host of the “Fashion Sentence” program Evelina Khromchenko. Her advice and recommendations are always relevant, relevant and valuable, one might say “spot on”. Here are her main recommendations that will allow a woman to be fashionable, stylish and confident.

So, fashion tips from Evelina Khromchenko.

1. Be sure to have nude (natural) colored shoes in your wardrobe. They go great with any outfit and visually lengthen the leg.

2. Another must have is several white shirts. Men's fitted shirts perfectly highlight a beautiful chest, hips and waist.

3. In your wardrobe, be sure to have a set of clothes “for yourself”. You can wear it for your own pleasure – for communication and meeting with friends. Calm tones, layering without emphasizing the waist - all this contributes to your comfort.

4. Be sure to buy classic black trousers, a black jumper with a V-neck and black formal pumps with comfortable heels. Pants must fit you well and correctly; a jumper with such a neckline will emphasize the line of your neck. This outfit can be played up hundreds of times with different accessories and it will always look chic and different.

5. Remember that ribbons and straps on shoes shorten the leg. And classic pumps elongate your figure. This should be taken into account especially for short women.

6. Things of the same cut, style and color in the wardrobe are boring! A true fashionista should be diverse: different styles, different clothes, shoes and accessories.

7. The rule of a monochromatic suit is to have bright accessories and makeup! Place accents in the form of shoes, bags, brooches, scarves.

8. Tunic and bag of the same color - only for the beach. This set includes bare legs, flip-flops, a large straw bag and chunky sunglasses.

9. Your wardrobe must have at least one pair of high heels. The heel gives a woman some instability, which attracts men to support her.

10. When wearing a bright, catchy dress, do a smooth, discreet hairstyle so as not to distract attention from the dress.

11. Choose bright shoes with straps so that the ankle is exposed.

12. Remember, if the top of the clothing is voluminous and bulky, then the bottom should be light and airy. Seek harmony!

13. Wear bright, unconventional and revealing things at sultry resorts, where they look great.

14. For a dramatic look, open up your décolleté, elongate your leg line with well-fitting trousers, and add interesting accessories. A clutch, large sunglasses and a bright silk scarf will look good with a casual dress.

15. Don't be afraid of fashionable trousers with a low line between the legs. Contrary to popular belief that they shorten your legs, on the contrary, they fit perfectly and make you look slimmer.

16. Marilyn Monroe’s seductive and flirtatious gait can be imitated by wearing a skirt just below the knee, which will slightly interfere with walking.

17. Light skirts, for example beige, should be worn by slender, long-legged women.

18. You can attract the attention of others simply: put on bright lipstick, put on huge sunglasses and a bright bag.

19. A coat doesn't have to be tight. This is outerwear, which means it can be loose.

20. Skirts and dresses just below the knee length are suitable for full hips.

21. To show off your cleavage in a low-cut jacket, be sure to wear a top in a contrasting color.

22. Your wardrobe should have things for all occasions in your life. These are clothes for home, shopping, work, and elegant clothes. All these things should be appropriate, stylish and fit well on you.

23. Plus-size women can wear black to hide imperfections. But it’s worth emphasizing the advantages by adding a couple of bright elements, for example, in the chest area.

24. If the clothes on top are very frivolous, then the bottom should be in the same style.

25. Little women should expose their necks and décolletés, and not fasten all the buttons, so as not to create the impression of a person in a sheath.

26. Large ladies should not wear large bags, they will make you look even bigger and bulkier.

27. Beware of boring sets and lack of accessories.

28. Fashionable hair color – uniform and natural shades. Forget about highlights and different colors on your hair.

29. The best modern and elegant outfit for every day is a simple coat with a clearly defined shoulder belt, a pencil skirt, and pumps.

30. A manicure with painting or rhinestones is bad form. Everything that is called “nail design” is absolutely not fashionable and completely tasteless.

31. Jeans should be smooth and corrective. They should improve your figure, make you slimmer and your legs longer. Forget about jeans with embroidery, sequins and lace.

32. Bottle green, cool pink, lilac, beige, gray, azure and even red go well with purple.

33. Tops and blouses should be thick enough. They may have a neckline or open sleeves, but your body should not be visible through the fabric.

34. If you have a voluminous lower part, wide trousers that are tight on the hips and pencil skirts will suit you.

35. Do not use a floral pattern several times in one set, for example, on a skirt and on a blouse.

36. When choosing classics, buy things that are the perfect size. Classics must be perfect.

37. Translucent things look vulgar and disfigure your figure. But if you really like translucent blouses, you definitely need a flirty jacket to cover your body a little.

38. A fur item should not blend in with your hair, it looks funny.

39. For an evening out, one thing should shine in your clothes - either a dress or accessories.

40. Flat soles in shoes are a sign of housewives and oligarchs. If you don’t consider yourself one or the other, wear high heels.

41. Overweight girls should not wear low-waisted jeans; they visually shorten their figure. It is better to choose classic jeans and all kinds of skirts and dresses.

42. If you want a dressy look, don't bring a big bag, even if it's a good color and shape. It would be better to have a clutch of any size or a small, neat handbag.

Following fashion takes a lot of time and effort. You will have to regularly update your personal wardrobe and adjust your lifestyle to maintain your style. With effort, you can become a fashionable person.


Part 1

Join the fashionable style

    Learn the basics of fashion. Perhaps you have no idea what it means to be fashionable. If you have no idea about style, you should spend some time researching it. Consult your friends and think about your individuality.

    Pay attention to fashion sites and blogs. If you want to become more fashionable, reading fashion bloggers is a great way to keep up with the latest trends. Sites like these can inspire you and give you ideas on how to become more fashionable.

    Create a wardrobe foundation. Fashion comes and goes, but some things always remain in trend. Start with basic pieces and combine them with various accessories and other clothing items. For example, a simple white T-shirt is essential for both men and women. Pair it with jeans or trousers for a classic, minimalist look.

    Choose a style that suits you. Fashion is multifaceted. At any given time, fashion has several different styles, different types of items, and so on. Choose a look that suits your personal taste and makes you feel comfortable.

    Review your current wardrobe. Before you buy anything, look at what you already have. You can create great ensembles from new and old items. You can also throw away or give someone items that no longer fit you or that you are unlikely to wear again, so that they do not take up much space in your closet. New and never worn items can also be given away.

    Buy clothes online. Although it is more convenient to buy clothes in a store where you can try them on, you can also purchase some things from online stores. There are some very good deals here if you are sure of the size. If not, you're better off going to a physical store, as returning items purchased online can be expensive. However, you can easily buy accessories, such as handbags or scarves, online at better prices.

    Follow trends with caution. Fashion changes quickly, but following in its footsteps can be very interesting. Choose fashionable items that suit your style. Since fashion never stands still, you should not spend too much on purchases, because the purchased item will not please you for long.

    Buy accessories. Classic accessories will perfectly complement your wardrobe. Invest in quality accessories to add a little flair to your look. Look for accessories on sale at your favorite stores.

15 steps to triumph, advice from an image maker

Style is individual creativity for every day and for life. And it depends only on You how interesting Your style is to others, how much it fascinates, makes you admire or imitate.

1. Look at yourself in the mirror.
Do you like the reflection?
If you think you look terrible, start working on your style from within. To become stylish, you need to react to your own reflection in no other way than: “Great!!! Is your hair always disheveled? So slight negligence is in fashion now!”
Learn to present even your shortcomings as advantages.

Remove the negativity. Emphasize the positive. Donna Karan

2. A stylish person rarely looks in the mirror to fix something, etc. What for? This shows insecurity, but a stylish person is always confident in himself, because everything is always great with him.

3. Choose a style that suits your character and body shape.

Typical mistakes:

Overweight, temperamental women are pulled into black dresses instead of wearing loose, bright and colorful ones, smiling and looking cheerful. You can’t hide your fatness, but you can present it as a virtue - there must be a lot of good people!
Find out,

men come up with all kinds of ideas to hide their thinning hair. For what? Greasy, unkempt hair looks ugly, but a well-groomed bald spot reveals an intelligent, experienced man... in general, a real conqueror of women's hearts.

Stylish clothes

4. To look stylish, resolutely refuse: they do not fit your figure, the color does not suit, the size is not yours.

5. Try not to go out beyond its color type so as not to look tasteless.

When you are dressed well, others notice you; when you are dressed poorly, others notice your clothes. Coco Chanel

6. Buy only the right clothes., in which you feel comfortable. A new item must be combined with existing ones. To choose the right things by color, save yourself

Things must fit together.

7. Make an individual accent in your clothing. For example, Johnny Depp almost always wears a hat; the beauty appeared everywhere only in high heels.

8. A stylish person always looks impressive- not only in the office or at a party, but also at home, when no one is looking. However, you probably have someone who will appreciate the elegant nonchalance of those toiletries that you are unlikely to be able to demonstrate to your colleagues.

Ideas. Where to get?

9. Cinema. Take a closer look at which of the actors (movie characters) is close to you. Maybe a sophisticated or ardent animal defender?

Compare temperament, occupation, figure. Practice in front of the mirror. It turns out? Add some personal touches to your look. Look,

10. Fashion. You won't become stylish by blindly copying fashionable looks. But you can’t neglect fashion trends, otherwise you will look old-fashioned and dull. Each season, add a few things to your look: an interesting combination of colors, an original collar shape, a trouser style, a tie knot, a fashion accessory, etc. Choose things according to yours.

It is just as foolish to despise fashion as it is to follow it too zealously.
Jean de La Bruyère

11. Life. You can get ideas from anywhere - the main thing is to make this process creative by introducing some humor into it. Then even flowers on the window or a movie you watched can inspire you.

Important Style Elements

12. Gait. A fussy gait and poor posture will not add elegance to you. Learn to walk.

Fashionable stylish looks from collections: Moschino, Christian Dior, Dsquared2

13. Gestures, facial expressions. Learn sign language and in everyday life use only those that express your openness to others. And don't forget to smile!

Never stop smiling even when you are sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

14. Internal culture. A stylish person is aware of his attractiveness, but is never arrogant. Politeness, participation, nobility - these are important qualities.

15. Environment.
Not only appearance should be stylish, but also:
- the items you use;
- the house or apartment where you live;
- the dining room where you have lunch;
- the table at which you work;
- vacation spots, your hobbies and even travel.

Creative discoveries!

Alexandra Vernier,
© ShoppingCenter

Fashion is an essential attribute of modern life. What is it? There are a lot of definitions, for example, the most common type of clothing or a more complete and capacious one: “temporary dominance of certain tastes in all spheres of life, in clothing, in culture, in interior design and even in food”.

These tastes change quite quickly in our era, on average – once every six months. Answering the question, how to become fashionable, we can say that a fashionable woman is one who knows how, without betraying herself, to change along with the world around her and correspond to it.

What is fashion and style?

Thus, a fashionable person is someone who wears fashionable clothes, reads fashionable books, listens to fashionable music, attends fashionable performances and... Very often it is completely impossible to keep up with the capricious fashion of the moment. In this case, style comes to the rescue, the main thing for which is the inner individuality and inner world of a person who is not afraid to read and love classical Russian literature at a time when everyone is reading and discussing only foreign detective stories. A stylish girl will never wear a high-waisted or pencil skirt if her figure does not allow it. Obviously, in one article it is impossible to discuss all aspects of human life and society, so today we will study the most acute and pressing part of the problem, how to become fashionable– appearance and clothing.

The appearance of any woman consists not only of beautiful, modern clothes. It includes accessories, shoes, makeup, hairstyle, as well as the ability to wear it, posture, demeanor and the ability to move and speak correctly and beautifully. So, appearance is a combination of fashion and style. Moreover, fashion changes frequently and quickly, but style is developed and maintained over many years, changing gradually, along with changes in figure, pace of life, priorities, i.e. along with age. THAT'S why more and more women are thinking about...

What styles are there?

Traditionally, the following styles of clothing are most often called:

  • Classical.
  • Sports.
  • Folklore.
  • Romantic.

In recent years, an avant-garde style has also been distinguished, which is characterized by a combination of incompatible things, a mixture of contradictions, for example, chintz and fur, expensive finishing, provocative colors and shapes. In addition, great fashion designers, when creating their collections, develop their own style, or rather handwriting. Their clothes always correspond to certain characteristics. Jean Paul Gaultier (France) is considered a very extravagant fashion designer, his clothes are not only elegant and colorful, but also pretentious, bizarre, shocking, just remember Madonna’s costumes. And Calvin Klein (USA) first created clean suits for men, then clothes for women with a sophisticated silhouette, after which he brought models in designer jeans to the catwalk, the next step in his work was popular unisex clothing.

What is elegance?

Recently, the opinion has often been expressed that complete freedom reigns, you should only wear what is comfortable and what you like. Everything is fashionable: heels and flat soles, mini and maxi, wide and skinny trousers. Indeed, in today's fashion there are at least a dozen trends, which is equivalent to endless freedom of choice; it is important to be able to use this freedom wisely, to highlight the right direction for yourself, so as not to look like a bluestocking who neglects the importance of costume and appearance, or an absurd parrot, in whose costume all laws of compatibility are violated. Namely, the compatibility of a suit with a person is the key to elegance. After all, elegance is the harmony of a person and a thing, it is the ability to dress with taste, using one’s advantages and even disadvantages. What are the laws of elegance?

  1. Compatibility of the suit with the appearance, age and figure of both a mature woman and a young girl in silhouette and color.
  2. Suit compatibility with place (home, office, walk, nightclub) and time of day and season.
  3. Neatness in clothing, lack of negligence in hairstyle, manicure, clean, well-groomed shoes.
  4. Simultaneous ease and severity of the costume, lack of pretentiousness and shockingness, except for special occasions.
  5. Ideal cut, tailoring and fit of the suit to the figure.
  6. All accessories - an umbrella, a handbag, a scarf, a belt - must correspond to the same style and be combined not only with each other, but also with clothing in terms of material, color, and shape. A reasonable and appropriate amount of decoration.

In addition, all stylish, fashionable, elegant women are well aware of the rules of good manners and the norms of etiquette in any society.

Most of all, the everyday fashion of our contemporaries is influenced by: television, street, advertising, show business. They form a recognizable image that is fashionable today and gone tomorrow. The most important thing for girls and women who think how to become fashionable, is to know yourself, your figure and your ability to meet fashion trends, so as to always be very beautiful and modern.

There are several components to solving this problem:

  • The most important - learn to see yourself as you really are. There is no need to attribute non-existent shortcomings to yourself, for example, extra pounds, and lower your own self-esteem, but you also shouldn’t overestimate your own merits. Even the longest legs end somewhere and this place should be covered with a skirt and remain a secret for the majority. Adequate self-esteem is the basis of success.
  • Important take care of yourself and your body. A blurred figure (although on every corner they sell shapewear or offer fitness services), broken nails or unevenly dyed hair will ruin any suit.
  • Necessary develop taste. Taste is manifested in the art of dressing with a sense of proportion. There is an opinion that you are born with it, you either have it or you don’t, and you cannot cultivate it in yourself. This is wrong. You need to work on yourself, including looking at and studying artists’ paintings and understanding what proportion is, how colors are combined, what sophistication or vulgarity is. Great painting will answer all questions. In addition, it is useful to regularly look and analyze information in fashion magazines.
  • To create your own image that you want to say is fashionable, stylish, elegant, you need to cultivate an artist in yourself and not just an artist, but a worker. After all, the canvas, which is called “My Image,” is painted throughout one’s life, without weekends or vacations.

How to become fashionable: action plan

First of all, you need to see yourself “with a critical look, from the outside” in a large mirror in order to determine your appearance - figure type, face shape, skin color, hair, etc. It is best to invite a professional fashion designer and stylist as a consultant. You can take basic measurements yourself or with the help of a friend and read in fashion magazines or sewing manuals how their values ​​should relate to each other and what a deviation from the basic parameters means. These numbers will help determine your body type.

The next mandatory stage is the choice, taking into account the proportions and age, of a silhouette and cut of clothing that is adequate to the figure. Moreover, the silhouette is chosen not only for dresses, skirts and blouses, but also for jackets, trousers, coats and jackets. It is likely that this silhouette, which should give grace and slenderness to the figure, will stay with you for a long time and when choosing ready-made clothes in a store, you should follow it, and not the strict requirements of fashion.

Knowing the ideal silhouette for your figure and the shaped lines that will hide flaws and emphasize advantages (waist line, product length, armhole shape, etc.), you need to create a basic wardrobe. It should include compatible and interchangeable, convenient and functional things. The specific list is determined by the type of activity, family composition, favorite vacation. Then this set of clothes is replenished with accessories and outfits with pronounced signs of current fashion today.

After choosing a silhouette and a list of basic wardrobe items, you need to decide on a color. The attitude towards color changes with age from juicy and variegated, even garish, in youth to a muted gray-brown palette with bright details in the second half of life. It turns out that place of birth and place of residence influence clothing color preferences. Northerners choose muted dark colors, southerners choose light, joyful and bright ones.

In addition, the color of clothing is determined by the color and tone of the skin, hair and eye color. The colors of clothing are divided into warm - red-yellow palette and cold - blue-blue. Dark shades give clothing “heaviness” and visually reduce the figure, while light shades, which seem light and airy, visually enlarge the figure.

The choice of hairstyle and makeup is the prerogative of the stylist. He is guided by the combination of the oval of the face with the shape of the eyes, the shape of the eyebrows and lips, the quality of the hair and the basis on which a modern fashionable look can be formed.

Having determined your individual characteristics, it is worth getting advice from professionals from the fashion world. The most important thing to know is the degree of freedom in choosing clothes, hairstyle and makeup. For example, the length of the skirt can be “from” to “to”, the sleeves are ¾ or long with cuffs, but never short or very narrow. You can wear a high collar or it is better to always have a small neckline. These tips will help you be not only fashionable, but also stylish and elegant.

In conclusion, some advice, which was gleaned from the articles and interviews of our contemporary, fashion historian, fighter against bad taste and vulgarity, Alexander Vasiliev:

  1. When choosing clothes, you need to remember what suits you, and not what is fashionable at that moment in time.
  2. There is no need to wear a mini skirt and a blouse with a deep neckline at the same time, i.e. open both chest and knees.
  3. One set of clothes can only have three colors.
  4. Plastic nails, hair etched white (perhydrol), lips puffed up with gel and silicone breasts of incredible size, “vigorous makeup” and oversized heels are signs of not just bad, but terrible taste.
  5. A large number of sparkles, sequins and rhinestones on clothes, shoes and accessories often looks vulgar, especially in the morning and afternoon. "" the brilliant style has long gone out of fashion.
  6. A little black dress is a desirable element in every woman's wardrobe; it is always in fashion and always appropriate. However, its cut, as well as the entire wardrobe, must correspond to age and figure.
  7. After 50 years, there is no need to expose your shoulders, knees and chest.
  8. Overweight women should not wear not only tight, but also transparent clothes. Excess weight can be hidden with drapery, large patterns, dark colors, and a flowing silhouette.
  9. At home, even in the company of your guardian angel and yourself, you need to look beautiful and neat. Worn out slippers and faded robe are not acceptable.

Now you know, how to become fashionable. And finally, a quote from the great Japanese designer Yohji Yamamoto: “Fashion and everything that it generates can be compared to the peel of an apple. It covers and protects the flesh of the fruit, but at the same time it is both a result and a consequence, a visual manifestation of the internal, often mysterious forces that control us.”

Being fashionable is not as difficult as it seems. It is much more difficult, but the more valuable is the opportunity to be stylish. Not every person with good taste can be called such. Style is also your signature style, the difference that makes you special. How to be stylish?


Yes Yes! It is the ability to think and analyze that is key. Think about what you buy, what you choose from the many available things, how to wear it, decorate it and serve it.


In order to understand what suits you, you need to soberly evaluate yourself, your figure, color type, lifestyle, etc., determine how to emphasize your strengths and hide your weaknesses. It is very important to work with yourself today. Don’t create a style for the girl from the pages of a glossy magazine that you would like to be like, nor for yourself ten years younger or “soon to lose weight” by a size. You need to look great here and now.

The magic word "STOP"

It comes in very handy when shopping, when we are often fooled by a good price or simply despair of finding what we are looking for and settle for an unsuccessful replacement. By choosing the wrong thing, you lose more than you think you saved. Such clothes do not decorate you if they do not spoil you. Be steadfast and refuse the wrong style, length, color. Feel free to say “no” to outfits that are inappropriate for your age. Don't buy things that make you feel insecure. A stylish person is not shy about what he is wearing. Always choose what suits you, clothes, hairstyle, makeup. New purchases should be combined with other things.

Corporate handwriting

Think about what will distinguish your style from others and what characteristic features it will have. Usually, things that you love and use often do an excellent job of this role. Maybe you constantly change your glasses or brooches, like red lipstick, etc. Surprisingly, our shortcomings often help us find our specialty. Let your legs not be the most beautiful shape and you always wear loose trousers. They can become your business card. Many style icons were far from ideal beauties and wore dresses or shoes of the same style, and this became their signature style.


A spectacular accent in the image is a great way to look chic. This could be color, clothing design, or an unusual accessory. Pick one thing. Don't wear all the best things at once. you can read how to wear accent jewelry, and it says about color.


Perfect your style. Follow what is fashionable. Many people get stuck in terms of style at a certain age, dressing the same way as in their youth. We are changing. Fashion changes. New opportunities appear and should not be neglected.

Wardrobe audit

Analyze your wardrobe. Make a list of the things you wear most often, what ways you use to decorate yourself, what style these clothes and techniques belong to. If these things decorate you, they can become a style base from which you will build. You will get a sense of direction because, most likely, you will not give up these things. Their frequent use is dictated by lifestyle, which means they are necessary.


You can look for inspiration anywhere, in cinema, painting, nature. For starters, you can borrow some fashion techniques from famous style icons. Before trying on someone’s image, evaluate your data, figure, and appearance. A large lady trying to make herself a restless gamine, or a girl with the delicate appearance of an elf who is trying to create the image of a sultry woman will look very ridiculous. External characteristics and temperament should be organic to the image.


To keep everything looking fresh, add a few current seasonal ideas that fit into your style. Adapt fashion to suit you.

Environment, lifestyle, setting

A stylish person not only dresses with taste, but also creates a whole world around himself. Style is not only clothes, but also the places where you spend your leisure time, the company that is close in spirit and interests, your favorite cafes. Both your home and your workplace bear the imprint of your style. Surround yourself with loved ones and pleasant things.


Listen to what people praise about your outfits and what they criticize, especially if many people note the same thing. But most importantly, listen to yourself, because you are the main character in your life.


Don't be afraid of new things! Being on the search is very exciting. Try on different looks from the things you already have. Don't spend money right away. Collect several sets in different styles right in the store and put them on one by one. Did you like any style? Try more sets in the same spirit. What if this is yours?

Work on yourself

Try to look beautiful everywhere, both at work and at home. Develop a beautiful gait, straighten up. Any clothes will look more impressive on someone who knows how to present themselves. And smile more often! Charismatic and friendly people are the decoration of any outfit.