What to do with kids at an adult party? Games and fun in a hurry. What to do with children at a birthday party - entertainment for kids and teenagers How to entertain teenagers at a birthday party at home

The presenter describes the hero or heroine of fairy tales and cartoons in two or three words, without naming names, and the children must guess who they are talking about. Raised your hand - answered, answered correctly - received a prize. Examples: yellow cartoon characters, neither people nor animals, eat bananas (minions), female gender, blue hair, excellent upbringing (Malvina), from the cat family, in his world he is a king (Lion King) and so on.

Lost color

All the children stand in a circle, and the leader explains the rules: when he says: “One, two, three. Find the color red!”, the guys must find this color on the clothes of the guests or in the hall and put their palm to it. The one who could not find anything sits down, and for the rest the competition continues. Now the presenter calls a different color. And so on until one participant remains.

Guess the animal

The presenter says 2-3 words, and the child must guess the animal. Whoever raises their hand first answers, and whoever has the most answers wins a prize. For example: neck, spots - giraffe; saliva, hump - camel; horseshoe, cart - horse; king, mane - lion and so on.

Everyone to get vaccinated

Children are divided into 2 teams, the participants of which line up in 2 rows. Each team is given a syringe (without a needle). Opposite each team, at a certain distance, there is a basin or other container with water. And next to the first team members there is an empty container. The task of the teams is to transfer water from one container to another faster than their opponents using a syringe, with one participant replacing the other. The team that finishes it faster wins.


This competition will require large balloons and markers. They explain to the children that they have in their hands the planets of the Universe, which do not yet have inhabitants. Each participant must “populate” their “planet” with little people. The one with the most drawn creatures on his ball wins. You can also award a prize for the most original alien.

The strongest couple

Children are divided into pairs. The main task of each couple is to express themselves to the fullest and never let go of their hands. The presenter takes turns giving commands, for example, “run from the tiger”, “squat quickly, quickly”, “fly like an airplane”, “catch a butterfly” and so on. The couple that opens their arms is eliminated, and the strongest and most artistic pair of guys will receive a prize.

How many insects does the birthday boy have?

The host states that the birthday boy has a lot of insects and the guests will have to count them. In advance, in the room where the celebration will take place, different insects, for example, 7 butterflies, 7 ladybugs, 7 bees, are placed in the same number of cut-out paper or small toy-figurines. Insects can be placed anywhere - on the walls, on the ceiling, on a chandelier, on a table, and so on. Whichever guest is the fastest and correctly counts all the insects will receive a prize.

In the footsteps of a wild beast

Children are divided into 2-3 teams with the same number of participants. Teams line up in separate rows. Each team (the first participants) receives two footprints (footprints of a wild animal cut out of plain paper, for example, a tiger footprint). At the command “start”, the first participants place the first footprint, take a step, then the second, step on it and so shift the footprints and follow them to the goal. And this very goal will be the mark on which the bowl of cakes, for example, will be located. As soon as the participant reaches the goal, he eats one cake and runs back at a free run, passing the baton and tracks to the second participant. The team that follows the tracks of the wild animal the fastest and eats all its prey (cakes), with the first participants again in first place, will be the winner.

Don't drop the ball

Couples participate in the competition (not necessarily a boy and a girl, as they wish). Each pair gets a ball. Participants stand opposite each other. At the leader’s command, the guys must throw (pass) the ball to each other with their feet. The pair whose ball falls is eliminated, and the last pair to lose the ball is the winner.

Birthday snowman

A package of ice cream for everyone and a special ice cream scoop for each participant. At the command “start”, each participant, using a spoon, places ice cream ball onto ball on his plate, trying to make the tallest snowman. Whoever can build the tallest birthday snowman in a minute will win a prize.

What would a child's birthday be without fun games and entertainment. For example, here are the games we offer you. Moreover, all the games are not just fun, but they are aimed at the development of the child, the development of speech and coordination.

Get into the bottle!

To play this game, prepare three simple fabric belts, three ropes about 70 cm long, three pencils of the same length and three champagne bottles. Tie a pencil to the end of each rope. At the same time, attach the second end of the rope to the middle of the belt. After this, tie the belt around the player's waist so that the pencil hangs down the back. It should be located approximately at the level of the participant's knees.

You probably already guessed that the game will require three participants. They stand sideways to the audience, legs spread wide. Bottles are placed on the floor between their legs. On command, players must squat and hit the bottle with a pencil. Under no circumstances should you resort to using your hands. For this game, music is not necessary, since it will still be drowned out by the screams and laughter of the fans.

Extraordinary football

This game requires a structure made of a fabric belt and rope. However, a large nut or bolt must be tied to the end of the latter. In addition, the route should be marked, i.e. lay out a rope on the floor to mark the starting line, and mark a small gate at the finish line. Two or three people can play at the same time. They are given a matchbox as a ball. Everyone gets their own box. The participants’ task is to score their “ball” into the goal as quickly as possible, without resorting to the help of their arms and legs. Only the weight tied to the rope should touch the box. It is also advisable to lay out as long a route as possible, then the game will be more interesting and longer.

Competition for the best sandwich

Anyone can take part in this competition, except mothers, as they will be part of the jury. All participants gather at a table on which all kinds of products are laid out that can be used to make sandwiches. This could be mayonnaise, cheese, sausage, herbs, butter, caviar, tomato slices, etc. In the 10 minutes allotted for the competition, you need to make several beautiful and tasty sandwiches.

When preparing, please note that some participants may use the same ingredients for their sandwiches. Therefore, it is desirable that there be enough food for everyone.

The jury evaluates all creations based on two main indicators: taste and appearance. However, in controversial issues, you can take into account the speed of preparation and the originality of the name of the dish.

If you want to complicate the task, invite the “masters” to prepare sandwiches blindfolded. To do this, they will have to search and identify all products by touch. But the most difficult part will be decorating the sandwich, since participants can only imagine its appearance.

Dancing with a broom

When everyone wants to dance a little, you can have fun in the following way. All participants, including mothers, go to the middle of the dance room. They are divided into pairs, and it does not matter at all who dances with whom. An indispensable condition for dancing in pairs is to gently hold hands. The number of participants must be odd. As a result, one person is left without a partner. They hand him a broom. He must dance with the broom, holding it with both hands. The presenter is located near the music center or tape recorder. From time to time he turns off the music. As soon as the music stops, everyone should change pairs.

❧ Dancing with a broom can be organized in the form of a small performance, as if little Grandmothers-Hedgehogs had gathered for a Sabbath.

At the same time, the participant with the broom throws it on the floor and looks for a mate. The one who is left alone picks up the broom and continues dancing with it.

Indian squares

Prepare the playing field in advance: a square cut out of cardboard and lined into 9 cells with a side of 25 cm, 3 playing pieces (pebbles, buttons). In total you will need 2 sets of equipment.

It is advisable to participate in the game in pairs. One player randomly places chips on the playing field with only one condition: only one chip can be placed on one cell. Having laid out the chips, the player gives his opponent about half a minute to remember exactly where the chips are located, after which he covers his playing field with a sheet of paper. After this, the second player must, from memory, place the chips on his playing field in the same way as the first player did. The first playing field is opened, and the players check the correctness of their actions. If the second player did everything correctly, both players change roles.

❧ For older children (7-8 years and older), the conditions of the Indian Squares game become more complicated. For example, the playing field is made larger. Accordingly, you can take a larger number of game chips. The game will become even more interesting if you take colored chips: in this case, the player will need to correctly arrange them on the field not only by cells, but also by color.

This game is called "Indian Squares" because it was actually common among many Indian tribes, and was played by both children and adults. However, many nations have similar games, because this fun, although simple, is extremely exciting. It develops memory and attention.

Earth, water, air and fire

This is a simple and fun game. Prepare a medium-sized rubber ball. Among the players (5-10 people can play), choose a leader to whom you will give the ball. The remaining players line up at a distance of 3-4 steps from the leader, facing him.

The game begins. The presenter throws the ball to any player of his choice and at the same time pronounces one of four words: “earth”, “water”, “air” or “fire”. The player's response depends on which word the presenter said. If the name is “land,” then the player must catch the ball and quickly throw it to the leader, while naming some animal that lives on land. If the presenter said “water,” then the player must name some fish or other animal whose native element is water (the actions with the ball are the same). If the leader says “air,” then the player’s task is to quickly throw the ball to the leader, while naming some kind of bird. If the presenter says “fire,” then the player should under no circumstances catch the ball. He should just quickly turn his back to the leader. If the player catches the ball by inertia, it will be considered that he is “burnt.” Then he either drops out of the game, or, for example, stands with his hands raised up until the host throws the ball to him again, giving him the opportunity to re-enter the game. The same applies to the situation when the player says the name of an animal that has already been spoken before. They play until they get bored.

Blind turns

The game helps develop proper coordination of movements. An almost unlimited number of players can take part in it. The only condition is the presence of large free space. Participants must be able to perform good turns to the right, left and around.

The players stand in a line at a distance of 1 step from each other, facing the leader (senior) and close their eyes. At the leader’s command, they perform the commands “right”, “left” and “circle” without opening their eyes. The presenter gradually complicates the game, commanding, for example, the following: “Two turns to the right, three turns to the left,” etc. Having given quite a few commands and thereby completely confusing the players, the presenter allows them to open their eyes, after which they can finally look who found themselves in what situation. We think the ending of the game will make everyone laugh. The presenter, carefully watching the game, names the player (players) who completed the task best and declares him the winner.


An unlimited number of participants can take part in it. The presenter asks the guys to repeat his movements after him. It is difficult to perform these movements: you need to salute with your right hand, and at the same time extend your left hand forward with your thumb bent up. At the same time, you should say: “Wow!” After clapping hands, they change hands: with the left hand they show how to salute, and with the outstretched right hand they depict “Wo!” Everyone does this quickly. The most attentive ones who repeat the gestures exactly win.

The leader (one of the adults) must ensure that hand movements are performed simultaneously.

"Please do!"

The presenter (it is better if it is one of the elders) explains the rules. They are simple. The leader will give commands to the players, and they will carry them out.

The commands should be simple, for example, “raise your right hand up” or “touch the tip of your nose with your left hand,” etc. However, players should not respond to all commands, but only to those accompanied by the word “please”. “Impolite” commands from the presenter must not be followed under any circumstances.

The most attentive player wins. The good thing about the game is that an almost unlimited number of people can take part in it: you can play with the whole group in kindergarten, the whole class at a school event, the whole company in the yard.


The entertainment is interesting because children learn to recognize feelings by the intonation of their voice. The presenter tells how a person’s feelings and his voice relate. He demonstrates this with a specific example - he says the same phrase with different intonations, imitating certain feelings. Then he says a short sentence, for example: “I want to sleep.” The first participant repeats this sentence, expressing a preconceived feeling. The rest of the players guess what feeling the child intended.

You will need

  • Magician's kit
  • Puppets for puppet theater or masks for dramatization
  • Various little things for prizes and gifts
  • Attributes for outdoor games
  • Some pyrotechnics or a hot air balloon


Holiday entertainer,

Can handle every task

Sweet beauty"

“My son, son -

Big kid.

You won't find anyone braver

You won't find it stronger.

Smart girl

Mom's nightingale,

Dad's faithful friend,

Our rosy pie"


Right leg, left leg

Safka stomp along the path,

Right handle, left handle

Scatter the clouds in the sky.

Breakfast (pointing to eyes, nose, mouth, etc.)

Open your eyes wider

Celebrate the new day soon!

Nose smells delicious

What's this for breakfast?

And he smacks his mouth,

And the empty tummy grumbles.

He says: go eat.

First syllables (for speech development)


I'm speaking now myself

Daddy daddy daddy

Well, tell me, I'm a sweetheart.

Ba-ba-ba, grandma

Also a bastard

De-da, de-da, de-da-de

Where are your mustaches?

Hide and seek

Hide and seek games can be varied by covering the child with a scarf or blanket, as well as peeking around the corner. This is a useful training for temporarily separating from your mother. The baby seems to be learning a lesson: his mother disappears, but she returns. A toy can also be a search object.

Old magazines

Children love to tatter magazines and newspapers, the main thing is that a new issue does not end up in their hands, and tasty notes do not fall into their mouths. Glossy magazines are harder to tear, and the pictures on them are brighter! While you are leafing through one of them, your little one will be especially interested.


You can offer finger paints to the little ones. You can smear the whole family in them and make memorable prints and even entire masterpieces based on them. You should be careful with pencils, but under watchful supervision, you can introduce your child to them.

Fine motor skills

Many mothers give their children to play with cereals, pasta, and boiled rice. By picking up small objects with his fingers, the child develops his hands and learns to make more precise movements. And most importantly, it's very exciting.


You can use cards with images of animals and objects from the first months of life. Black and white are recommended first, as contrasting colors are most eye-catching. But you can immediately use colored cards. And if you draw them yourself, the child will find it even more interesting. When showing animals, make their characteristic sounds: woof-woof, meow-meow.

Balls and balls

Another great item for games is a ball or balloon. Kids are delighted with inflatable balloons, but there is a danger that they will burst them and get very scared. Therefore, it is better to give a deflated ball, then this probability is reduced, or get by with a fabric or rubber ball. You can roll them over each other or place a child on them.

Pyramids and Co.

Pyramids and nesting dolls are excellent simulators for the development of nerve centers, motor skills and hand coordination. Their role can be played by disposable cups, mother’s saucepans, and other kitchen utensils. The main thing is to inspect the objects and make sure that they do not pose any danger to the baby.


You can read children's books with thick pages and pictures, but you can also read adult books with adequate content. The child will be interested in both, and parents can be spared from rereading the same fairy tales a hundred times.

Box with a secret

Now homemade fabric books and panels have become popular, to which various zippers, fabrics, Velcro, pockets, and clasps are attached. This is simply heaven for a child. So many interesting things in one bottle. How they love to open the latches and peel off the Velcro! You can order such a thing or make it yourself.

Of course, that's not all. There are so many other great things you can do with your little ones, but even this list will help you avoid getting bored. The main thing is not to impose your games if the child is not interested, and alternate intellectual games with active ones. However, movement is one of the ways to develop intelligence, and raising children is an excellent way to develop parents.

Video on the topic

Good day, my dears!

If you have a child, then the happiest day of your life was his birthday. But over time, it becomes an important event for parents when your baby’s friends come to your house.

It is necessary that the guests do not get bored, and the hero of the occasion does not regret it for a minute. What to do with children at a birthday party? Some parents prefer to celebrate in a cafe with animators or invite them home. But you can save money and arrange real fireworks for your kids yourself!

What games can you come up with for children?

When thinking about the evening program, adults will probably be puzzled: what games are suitable for children of this age? What competitions can be organized with children aged 2, 7, etc.?

My advice to parents: make sure everyone has fun. Do not forget that adults, for example, parents of invited children, can also be present at the celebration. I definitely recommend inviting them, because this way the holiday will be much more fun.

What adult wouldn't want to feel like a child? Parents will encourage their children to play and dance. Remember that entertaining games are meant to create a fun atmosphere, not to teach.

There are many examples of competitions and competitions that can be held at home. Choose depending on the capacity of the rooms and the number of people.

Don't be afraid that simple and straightforward games will be boring for older children. We all get tired of difficulties, and children too. Children aged 10 will also not mind having carefree fun.

Examples of games

Hide in the house

The competition is suitable for both adults and children. Take one fewer chair than the number of players. Place the chairs in a circle, the participants stand around them. At the signal they begin to run. As soon as the signal sounds again, the players must occupy the house.

The one who does not make it in time is eliminated from the game, and one chair is removed. This continues until there is only one winner left. Of course, it is better to offer this game to children aged 5 years and older, since children will not understand its meaning and may get upset.


The following game is suitable for any age from 2 years. Make a large daisy out of paper in advance, and write some funny tasks on the back of the petals, for example: jumping on one leg, crowing, reading a poem, etc.

It all depends on the age of the participants. For kids, select tasks related to imagery, for example: show how a butterfly flies, how a dog barks, etc.

Guess the gift

This theatrical performance is suitable for children aged 7 years and older. Divide the children into groups and ask them to think of a gift for the birthday boy.

Then they will have to show this item using gestures, and the birthday person will guess what kind of gift it is. By the way, this is an original way to give gifts to the birthday boy after he guesses right.


A fun activity that is also suitable for small children. Two chairs are placed on one side of the room, plates with two potatoes and two spoons are placed on them. If you are concerned about the safety of your dishes, you can take plastic plates, but the spoons should be metal.

On the opposite side of the room you need to place two chairs with two plates. Two teams of 2 people each participate. The competition is like a relay race. In turns, 2 representatives from the teams simultaneously transfer the potatoes in a spoon to the opposite side and back.

This will continue until all team members try to move the potatoes. The team that finishes the game first wins.


This is a task for the little ones. For it you will need musical recordings of beautiful melodies or children's songs and hoops. If there are no hoops, make circles out of paper. But they must be large enough to accommodate several people.

Children will play the role of flowers in the flower beds. When the music plays, they jump out of the hoops and dance, and when the music stops, the children must return to the space inside the hoops.

Harvest year

Each child is given some kind of container (baskets, boxes, bags, etc.). Objects are scattered on the floor in random order, preferably of the same volume.

This could be potatoes, balls, small soft toys. At the signal, the children begin to quickly collect them. When the signal sounds again, the children stop. Everyone counts how many items have been collected. The winner is the one who collects the most items.

Are there enough competitions? I think you're guaranteed a fun evening. At first, you can offer the kids more active competitions, and when they get tired, move on to calm ones. If there are adults at the party, do not forget to involve them in competitions. Kids will willingly play with their parents.

Don't forget to give everyone small prizes at the end of the evening for their active participation. These could be magnets or keychains to remember the evening. The kids will enjoy it!

Birthday is a fun holiday. What makes him happy? Of course, entertainment! This is exactly what little guests are waiting for. No matter how delicious the food is, and no matter how beautifully the festive table is set, children are most looking forward to games and competitions. The choice of entertainment is significantly narrowed if a birthday is celebrated at home, but despite this, you can always choose interesting and original children's games for a birthday at home. Here are some fun activities for kids.

This game is good to play at the very beginning of the holiday, especially if the children do not know each other. It allows you to remember the names of those present, as well as relax and join the new team.

How is the game going? The first child says his name, the second says the name of the first and his own, the third says the names of the first two and his own, and so on in a circle. Thus, the chain of names becomes longer and longer and players can get confused. Usually, when a child gets confused, it causes fun for everyone else and the game starts all over again. The game ends when all players correctly name the chain of names.

The game can be complicated and diversified by adding the name of your favorite dish or favorite cartoon to the names.

Funny story

A good option for entertainment at home. A piece of paper is taken, on which the first participant writes a phrase, then the piece of paper is folded and passed to the next participant, where he writes his phrase, and so on until the end of the piece of paper. Then the piece of paper is unfolded and read. The stories turn out to be very funny! You can specify the topic of the story in advance to make the text more coherent.

Invisible round dance

Participants stand in a circle and hold hands. In the center of the circle is one participant blindfolded. The leader gives a signal, such as clapping, and the children begin to move in a circle. You can do this with music. At the command of the leader, the round dance stops and the child in the center approaches any of the children. He can touch it and try to guess who it is. If it doesn’t work out that way, he asks you to make some sound, for example, meow. A child who has been “declassified” becomes a driver.

Guess the fairy tale

For this entertainment you will need the help of an adult who will read the fairy tale. Only the fairy tale must be read, omitting names and titles, or replacing them with other names and titles. It turns out quite funny, and the children’s task is to guess what fairy tale the presenter is reading.


For this entertainment you will need sheets of paper and pencils. On the sheets we first draw simple geometric shapes - circle, square, triangle. The children’s task is to complete the remaining details to create a complete drawing. A circle, for example, can turn into a sun, and a square into a house. This game perfectly develops imagination and creativity in children.

Lottery with riddles

This is a win-win lottery option for little holiday guests. Prepare small souvenirs for the kids in advance and number them. You will also need pieces of paper with numbers and riddles. The player draws a piece of paper, solves the riddle and receives a prize under the number indicated on the piece of paper. In such a lottery you can win sweets, fruits, books, small toys, and souvenirs.

Hide and seek

A traditional game for a children's home birthday or any other holiday. Yes, you can play it on a weekday. If in an apartment there are not many places where a child can hide, then you can somewhat transform this entertainment and hide not the baby, but an object. Then it will be more like “hot and cold”, but still quite interesting.

Ball and color

Children sit opposite the leader. The presenter names the color and throws the ball to one of the children, and the participant must name an object that comes in that color and quickly throw the ball back. For example, blue is the sea, yellow is the sun. A more complicated version of entertainment is to name only vegetables and fruits. The player who does not name the object and does not throw the ball to the leader is eliminated from the game.

guess the word

We determine a topic and think of a word on this topic. If the theme is animals, you can wish for a cat, dog, cow, etc. One of the participants makes a guess, the rest guess. The person who made the wish can be asked questions to which he can only answer “yes” or “no.” For example, “Can this animal live in an apartment?” or “Does this animal eat mice?” and the like.


A universal version of the game for a children's birthday at home. In order to organize it, you must first prepare a list of questions. You can make a thematic quiz dedicated to a specific cartoon or book. Thematic quizzes are especially appropriate at themed holidays. If you're celebrating a Peppa Pig-themed birthday, why not have a quiz based on the cartoon?

Puppet show

Props for this fun can be found in every home. If there are no special dolls, it is quite possible to use the most ordinary ones. Children love to play various role-playing games, just give them an idea. Let it be a performance based on a certain fairy tale. And the parents will act as spectators.

Ring-ring, go out onto the porch

A game from our childhood, but I think modern kids will also like it. Participants sit in a row, one of the children picks up a ring. He holds it between his palms so that others cannot see it. The rest of the children also put their two palms together. The driver passes his hands between the palms of each participant, but only one of them quietly passes the ring. Then he stands in front of all the participants and says, “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch.” The task of the participant with the ring is to jump out to the driver, and the rest of the children try to detain him. If he succeeds, then he becomes the driver; if not, the game is repeated.

Find the color

The presenter says the phrase “One, two, three, find the color green!”, and the children look for something green and touch it with their palm. Each time the presenter names different colors. If the child does not find the color, he is eliminated from the game.


Before the holiday, prepare a story on a random topic. It may not be too long, a few sentences will be enough. Remove all adjectives from the story by first counting their number. Already at the holiday, ask the children to name the adjectives that first come to their minds and insert them into the text, and then read this “work”. The result is quite funny.