Who forms the assemblage point? Assemblage point. Levels of consciousness. Achieving the goals of the warrior's path and the seer's path

Assemblage point- a term that came into the esoteric environment from books Carlos Castaneda. The term has become popular and even “independent” - it is now used by many searchers without reference to the original source. Castaneda's books are not particularly authoritative among fans of classical teachings. Still, they contain interesting and useful ideas for life. For example: stalking, petty tyrants, assemblage point, etc.

I have suspicions that Castaneda first spoke about the assemblage point (without giving it a name) in the fourth book, where he spoke about the mind as the center of assembly of an initially disparate bundle of perceptions.

The assemblage point is usually described as a rounded spot of particularly intense luminosity at a thin level, about the size of a tennis ball. At this point the perception of every living being is collected and formed. The radiance of the assemblage point illuminates with the light of consciousness a certain spectrum of energy fibers that come into contact with it, and as it moves, new spectra become clearer, becoming cognizable. The “movement” of the assemblage point changes perception, self-awareness and, as a result, behavior. It is believed that during the process the assemblage point moves spontaneously smoothly and imperceptibly.

The implication is that we continuously recreate reality in our own consciousness by tuning our assemblage point to a specific spectrum of energy fibers. In yoga terms, at this time we “move” through the channels of our subtle body, highlighting with our consciousness the information contained in them.

Most people have a stable fixation of the assemblage point in the same position. Not many people have it “walking”. As Carlos Castaneda wrote: “the essence of magic is the movement of the assemblage point.” In other words, what our attention is focused on is what manifests itself. And what is important here is an intentional change of fixation, according to your own decision, and not like crazy people - chaotically and uncontrollably. The ability to feel and direct the movement of the assemblage point is one of the greatest in the human path. In the esoteric environment, a popular topic is about which chakra a particular person’s assemblage point is fixed on – which chakra he “is on”.

It is believed that true spiritual development begins with the heart chakra (anahata). Although, according to my subjective observation, most confessors, paradoxically, hover somewhere between the third and fourth chakras, and wage their battles (games) precisely in this area, where egoism begins to lose ground.

It may turn out that a person has a constant position of the assemblage point somewhere in the area of ​​the third chakra, but at the same time, during a long war (game) with the ego, a flank was prepared in the area of ​​one of the higher chakras. Then, from time to time, a person begins to shift there, and from the “top floor” of his own being, a wider view opens up to him. A temporary shift to the higher centers gives clarity, and the person wonders how he could have acted so rudely and imprudently just recently. For such a shift of consciousness to higher centers, a contemplative, detached, calm and detached look at habitual fixations is required.

It means awareness of any fixations and experiences as external observable phenomena. At a deep level, we only observe what is happening, without taking any personal part in it. The state beyond the fixations of relative “understanding” is the freedom of absolute “understanding.” In other words, the assemblage point itself is only a temporary refuge, a new identification, and attention as such in its absolute aspect is the very sought-after enlightenment.

One of the most intriguing concepts of modern times is the assemblage point. This term was coined by writer and anthropologist Carlos Castaneda. It is not easy to understand what this is if you do not familiarize yourself with some of the views of a talented researcher on the universe in general and man in particular. Welcome to a world where nothing is solid and permanent, where the dogmas and axioms of humanity lose their power and everything becomes possible.

An unusual view of the world

The concept of an assemblage point does not refer to the physical body of a person. Therefore, first you need to understand the description of the universe that Castaneda offered the reader in his books. He wrote that the world as we see it is just a description that captures a narrow spectrum of everything that actually surrounds us. In the picture of the world to which the assemblage point relates, the situation is completely different. Everything in it consists of countless emanations of energy, which has different densities and frequencies. Each type of living being has a unique, unique type of energy body and color of glow.

A person in this world description resembles a luminous white egg, which seems to be covered with a multi-layered shell. The human assembly point is located on the surface of this shell. It selects those emanations that will be perceived by a person, producing attunement of internal and external processes. That is, our perception completely depends on the position of the assemblage point. It is this that makes our world the way we see it, although minimal shifts occur in every person, but serious shifts are inaccessible to the majority.


When a person is just born, his assemblage point wanders across the entire surface of the luminous cocoon. He can see much more than what a “normal” person can see. Children constantly talk about amazing things that their parents don't see. In such cases, adults tell them that this does not happen, that everything they see is just a play of the imagination, nothing more. Thus, everyone whom a child meets on his life’s path becomes his teacher and instills in him a generally accepted picture of the world.

The position of the assemblage point of others influences a person. It turns out that there is an agreement between all representatives of humanity about what the world really is. Years of life only strengthen firm confidence in the instilled picture of the world, which is why the assemblage point is fixed in one place and remains there for life. This significantly limits a person’s perception, depriving him of the opportunity to realize the huge number of things available for perception. But accepting and understanding this concept will not help in any way to change the current state of affairs, since it is very difficult to intentionally shift the assemblage point. The most terrible guard, furiously guarding our picture of the world, is internal dialogue.

Internal dialogue

Each person constantly carries on a conversation with himself, in which the same decisions are constantly made, doubts and fears swirl. Also, through internal dialogue, the familiar picture of the world is consolidated, which makes shifting the assemblage point impossible. While a person is having a mental conversation with himself, any opportunity to significantly change his view of the world is closed to him. This bad habit is formed from early childhood, when the child enters into an agreement with society. It constantly reminds you that the world is only the way you see it. And nothing else. Thanks to his diligent supervision, everything that does not fit into the generally accepted picture of the world is simply discarded, without even entering the field of our perception.

Moreover, when a person is engaged in dialogue with himself, he cannot be “here and now.” His perception of the world will be only a memory of past moments. Internal dialogue creates an additional layer between a person and the universe, which significantly distorts reality. Hence the number of self-centered and crazy people who see around them only a reflection of their own person.

Stopping internal dialogue

The first thing you need to do in order to shift your assemblage point is to stop the endless dialogue with yourself. Only after this will any change in the perception of the world become possible. There are many techniques to stop internal dialogue. Many meditative practices are based specifically on inner silence. We can say that after stopping thoughts, the world ceases to be the way we are used to seeing it. But stopping the endless stream of judgments, doubts and meaningless thoughts is not as easy as it seems.

Practical techniques

One of the simplest ways to get rid of internal dialogue while walking. It is enough just to look at the horizon without concentrating your gaze on any of the objects in your field of vision. This technique overloads visual perception with objects, which complicates the usual flow of thoughts.

Listening also helps a lot. We receive most of the information about the world around us through visual perception, while sounds are often simply ignored. However, if you focus on the sounds of the world around you, then everything will become deeper and more voluminous, and the internal dialogue will weaken or stop altogether. You can combine both of these techniques to achieve the best result.

Changing the assemblage point

But why change the assemblage point of awareness? What will this complex and vague technique achieve, which looks stupid and incomprehensible to a modern pragmatic person? Shifting the assemblage point will help you at least look at the world from a different angle, re-evaluate old situations and find a way out of your usual rut. Many people live for years fulfilling a negative scenario that brings them only grief and sadness. This state of affairs has been developing for many years, so it will not be possible to change without difficulty. To shift the assemblage point, you need to change your habits and But it is possible and If you managed to change the assemblage point, then your inner world will change along with it.

Narcotic substances

One way to shift the assemblage point is by taking mind-altering substances. For example, the well-known alcohol changes a person’s awareness slightly, but enough so that he ceases to be in any way responsible for his actions. Some are unable to stop the movement of the assemblage point and fall into a completely insane state under the influence of alcohol.

More powerful drugs produce an even more serious shift, bringing together previously unseen worlds before the eyes of their victim.

What is the danger of changing consciousness? The fact is that when taking them, a person has no control over the movement of the assemblage point. This can cause serious harm to the psyche and health. Therefore, it is better not to resort to such means, since the benefit from them in any case will be zero. But they can cause harm for a long time. For example, if your assemblage point goes on such an uncontrolled journey and fails to return, then you will never be able to assemble the familiar world again and will spend the rest of your life within the walls of a psychiatric hospital.


Any strong shift in the assemblage point is nothing more than controlled madness. This practice changes perception and thinking so much that it does not allow one to remain within the limits of “reasonableness.” Those crazy people who have gone forever into their own incomprehensible worlds, invisible to an outside observer, are an excellent example of this. Their assemblage point shifted as a result of some event that gave a serious shake-up. Then they simply couldn't get it back into place. Therefore, the familiar world was never collected by their consciousness, and they remained forever in new, unknown spaces. To avoid such an outcome, you need to take the displacement of the assemblage point extremely seriously. After shifting in one direction or another, it is imperative to return it to its usual position so as not to lose control of the situation.

How to move the assemblage point

What are some practical ways to change the position of the assemblage point? In order for even the slightest conscious shift to become possible, you need to diligently practice stopping the internal dialogue, which will make the fixation of awareness less rigid. Then you should change your habits. Over the years of life, each person accumulates a lot of habits, which form the position of his assemblage point. Changing them will inevitably lead to a shift, albeit small, but stable.

After new habits take root, the next position of the assemblage point will be fixed. At first, she will persistently try to return to her original place, but if you do not pay attention to these pathetic attempts, they will soon stop. You can change your habits as often as you deem necessary, gradually gaining experience in consciously changing the position of the assemblage point. The more new and unusual things you try, the more malleable your mind will become.


It is safest to move your assemblage point within the “human lane”. Thus, Carlos Castaneda called the spectrum of all possible positions of consciousness located within the human world. Of course, an experienced practitioner will be able to gather his awareness in such a way as to perceive amazing things that are inaccessible to ordinary people. But this has no practical benefit for most. Moreover, such long journeys into the unknown can lead to disastrous consequences, since not everyone will be able to return themselves to normal.

The smartest thing to do would be to use this exotic concept as another tool to work on yourself. Giving up bad habits and gaining moral qualities that you lacked are just some of the beneficial things that changing your assemblage point can bring. The practice of such shifts will allow you to get out of a negative life scenario and create your own, useful for you.

The mystery of Carlos Castaneda. Analysis of the magical knowledge of Don Juan: theory and practice Alexey Petrovich Ksendzyuk

4. Assembly point

4. Assembly point

“Real new ground in a particular science can only be achieved when, at the decisive moment, there is a willingness to abandon the foundation on which the old science rests and, in a certain sense, take a leap into the void.”


From the point of view of current science, we have already jumped into the void by declaring that human perception is almost incredibly removed from Reality, and that is why human communication with Reality is extremely ineffective. The academic approach insists that the process of perception involves the detection of an object in the perceived field, the discrimination of individual features in this object and their synthesis. In this case, one should ask the following questions: is the volume of the perceived field determined by some external law and should the proposed system of interpretation of sensory signals present in a given field be considered optimal? After all, we will not deny that the fate of man as a cognizing subject depends on the resolution of these questions. Or, as the American psychologist W. Neisser wrote (Cognition and Reality. San Francisco, 1976): “perception is the basic cognitive activity that gives rise to all other types.” And here he asserts an idea that inevitably leads us to the question of the nature and scope of the perceptual field: “What is even more important, however, is that in perception cognitive activity and reality meet. I do not think that most psychologists correctly understand the nature of this meeting. Dominant point vision consists of exalting the perceiver: it is said that he processes, transforms, recodes, assimilates and generally gives form to what would otherwise be meaningless chaos. This approach cannot be correct; the purpose of perception, like evolution, is undoubtedly discovering what the environment really is and adapting to it." (Italics are mine - A.K.)

The field of perception presented to man for certain reasons is a part of Reality, transported in perverse ways to our consciousness by the tonal; rather, a caricature of Reality, rather than a harmonious building that grew out of “senseless chaos.” For we have no right to call the Incomprehensible “senseless.” (Remember? “Your precious mind is only the center of the assemblage, a mirror that reflects something outside it... The tonal of each of us is simply a reflection of the indescribable unknown, filled with order, and the nagual of each of us is only a reflection of the indescribable emptiness that contains everything. " - IV, 280–281)

Thus, already in the fourth book, a concept is briefly mentioned that, starting from the book “Fire from Within” (VII), will become decisive for the entire teaching of don Juan. In the energetic reality of the nagual, where "we are feeling, sensation, and what we call our body is a bundle of luminous fibers endowed with awareness" (IV, 97), the question of the choice of fields of perception is resolved from the point of view of the position of the assemblage point.

“The next truth is,” don Juan continued, “that perception is possible thanks to the assemblage point - a special formation, the function of which is to select internal and external emanations that are subject to tuning. The specific tuning option that we perceive as the world is the result of that , where in the cocoon the assemblage point is located at the moment." (VII, 354–355)

In other words, a number of energy flows influencing the human form from the outside can be assembled into a holistic picture of perception only when they find themselves in the sphere of action of a certain element on the luminous cocoon of a living being - in the area called by don Juan the assemblage point. The rest of the energy flows bypass this area in one way or another and therefore find themselves beyond the threshold of human perception.

As you can see, the limitation of a living form is still inevitable: we never deal with the entire Reality as a whole, we perceive only what corresponds to the position of a single point of our energy body. Figuratively speaking, it is our only and true “eye”, through which the nagual acquires its inscrutable features. "Each of us is covered with an energetic shell in the shape of a cocoon. Inside the cocoon is contained a small part of the emanations that make up the universe. Awareness arises due to the constant pressure of the emanations located outside the cocoon and called large, on the emanations located inside the cocoon. Perception is a consequence of awareness and arises when internal emanations are tuned to the larger ones corresponding to them." (VII, 354)

Don Juan argues with such care and so systematically that you begin to understand the incredible complexity and significance of the phenomenon that the warrior faces at this stage. After all, ultimately, all the achievements of the Don Juan tradition turn out to be associated with a controlled change in the position of the assemblage point - up to the final realization of absolute freedom.

The fixed position of the assemblage point is controlled primarily by the tonal - which is why we spent so much time considering its mechanism. Don Juan explained that human beings choose to perceive the same emanations all the time for two reasons. Firstly (and this is the main thing), we were taught that it is these emanations that are accessible to perception. The “Description of the World” maintains itself from generation to generation, preserves itself, and is preserved in descendants as an invaluable treasure of accumulated experience. Secondly, such a biological form as a person, a certain position of the assemblage point was inherent initially - as a result of the specifics of its energy exchange, as a result of the struggle for survival among similar biological forms. The tonal and the learning of the tonal have made the fixation of the assemblage point rigid, and now it is almost impossible to move it.

But magicians have found many ways to break fixation and make the assemblage point move.

“According to the command of the Eagle (about the Universe of the Eagle - in the next part of this book. - A.K.), the assemblage point is located on the cocoon within a certain area,” don Juan said. “But its exact location is determined by habits, that is, constantly repeated actions "First we learn that it can be in a specific place, and then we ourselves order it to be there. Our team becomes the Eagle's team, demanding that the assemblage point be located in this particular place." (VII, 364)

To change this situation, we only need energy. The first attention, or the attention of the tonal, the “description of the world,” leads to what don Juan calls “self-absorption” - that is, a mode of energy exchange that is a closed cycle: any energy produced is absorbed by the structure that generates it. For example, in the life of the ancient “seers,” rituals and spells played a distracting role - they temporarily “freed” the first attention from self-absorption, the most powerful fixator of the assemblage point.

"The obsessive engagement of the first attention in self-absorption or rationality is a very powerful fixation force. Ritual behavior, repeated day after day, forces the first attention to release some of the energy occupied by contemplating the inventory list. As a result, the rigidity of the fixation of the assemblage point is somewhat reduced." (VII, 364)

However, how is it that our attention, bound and limited by the tonal, the “description of the world”, working in a very specific way (remember the diagram of the human perceptual apparatus?), attracting an inventory list and other similar things, is capable of transmitting to consciousness a holistic perceptual picture, being in contact with energy fields completely unfamiliar to him? Don Juan explains it this way:

"The first attention perceives emanations in blocks or bundles. The organization of such perception is also a function of the assemblage point. An example of a bundle of emanations that is isolated and amplified in the form of a single block is the human body as we usually perceive it. The rest of our being - a luminous cocoon - never stand out or intensify. They are doomed to oblivion. After all, the function of the assemblage point is to force us not only to perceive certain bundles of emanations, but also to ignore all others.

I urgently demanded to dwell in more detail on the block organization of perception. Don Juan explained that the assemblage point emits a glow that groups internal emanations into bundles, which then tune into corresponding larger emanations, also collected into bundles. The formation of bundles occurs even when the seer is dealing with emanations that have never been used. As soon as the emanations are isolated and intensified, the laws of block perception characteristic of first attention come into play." (VII, 367–368)

You and I will have some difficulties if we try, relying solely on the books of K. Castaneda, to accurately determine the usual location of the assemblage point in the human energy cocoon. In Book VII (The Fire from Within), he gives the following information through the mouth of don Juan:

"The assemblage point is located high, approximately three-quarters the height of the cocoon, on its surface." (VII, 366)

In the ninth book, “The Art of Dreaming,” the author briefly mentions that the assemblage point is located on the back wall of the cocoon, approximately “between the shoulder blades.” Be that as it may, this element of luminosity is located in the “band of human perception” - a group of energy fibers that cross the “luminous egg” diagonally and through. Its movement along the “strip” (or, more precisely, the disk - i.e., the section inside the cocoon) is usually perceived by those who see it as a shift to the left (after all, the cocoon is transparent), although in fact the assemblage point simply plunges inward, towards the core of the “cocoon” . That is why the terms “right-sided awareness” and “left-sided awareness” arose, which correspond in the same terminology to the first and second attention.

Below we will talk in more detail about the types of movement of the assemblage point, as well as the experiences and perceptions associated with them. Now it is more important for us to understand what sensations and symptoms accompany a shift in the assemblage point as such.

We experience minor movements of the assemblage point every day. Fluctuations in the internal mental state, the level of physical or emotional tone - all affect the location of this perceptual center. But don Juan is talking about much larger movements of the energy structure. Moreover, he claims that any person with sufficient strength for this purpose is capable of performing such movements:

“First of all, a person must realize the fact that the world we perceive is the result of a certain position of the assemblage point on the cocoon. Once this understanding is achieved, the assemblage point can be shifted by an effort of will as a result of the acquisition of new habits.” (VII, 363)

One might say that such an explanation does not explain anything. It only affirms the possibility of this achievement, but at the same time raises a number of questions:

a) how to realize that perception is the result of a certain position of the assemblage point?

b) what is the nature of the volitional effort necessary to shift it?

c) what does “acquiring new habits” mean?

The “theoretical” awareness of the first question took us the entire first part of the book, but we are talking primarily about the practical awareness of this fundamental position. It can come, of course, only after at least one of the methods proposed by don Juan “works” in your personal experience. Now each of you is ready to experience a change in the mode of perception, using exclusively the techniques of Toltec “magic” and no other. The problem is that you need energy. When we consistently analyze where and how energy is accumulated, you will see that this problem can also be solved.

Things are more complicated with a rational understanding of volitional effort. In the chapter on intention, you can see that the author is almost unsuccessfully trying to break through the language limit, because we have never learned to talk about it. Take, for example, any act of will - for example, raise your hand. As easy as pie. Now please describe to me how you did it? I am not interested in the sequence of operations, how your muscles moved, etc. Explain how you decided to raise your hand and why you raised it. This is the volitional effort before which we become numb.

As for “acquiring new habits,” then, on the one hand, this concerns methods of accumulating energy, which we will talk about later, and on the other, the problem of learning in general. When you learned to walk, you tried - you fell, got up and fell again. In the same way, one learns to shift the assemblage point. After some time, a new skill becomes a “new habit,” that is, it is done automatically and without much effort. This way we walk, talk and do a lot of other things.

But let's return to understanding the specifics of human perception. We here, having neither don Juan nor any other “seer” (psychics do, as you understand, other things), were forced to compile a whole monograph on this subject. Don Juan acted practically: "The Master is rebuilding the picture of the world. I called this picture the island of the tonal. I said that everything that we are is on this island. The sorcerers' explanation says that the island of the tonal is created by our perception, learned to concentrate on certain elements. Each of these elements and all of them taken together form our picture of the world. The work of the teacher in relation to the student's perception is to transfer all the elements of the island to one half of the bubble. By now you must have realized that cleaning and rearranging the island of the tonal means regrouping "All these elements to the side of the mind. My task was to divide your usual picture of the world: not to destroy it, but to make it roll over to the side of the mind. You did it better than anyone I know." (IV, 257)

The entangled half of the “bubble” is filled with will - that is, with the energy that can influence the assemblage point and move it. The right side (the side of the mind) is called the tonal, and the left is called the nagual, since it is directly related to the perception of its effects. And if the nagual side takes over at the right moment, the unimaginable can happen:

“Do you know that you can forever expand your boundaries in any of the directions I have indicated?.. Do you know that one moment can be an eternity?

<…>For now, you still don’t have enough personal strength... Otherwise, my words would be enough to gather my integrity and direct it to break through my own boundaries.

He walked over to me and rapped his knuckles on my chest.

These are the boundaries I'm talking about,” he said. - You can marry them. We are the feeling, the awareness contained here." (IV, 15)

We now better understand don Juan's metaphorical riddle. Free movement of the assemblage point - that's what he's talking about, that's what Carlos Castaneda didn't have the energy for. Therefore, at first, the teacher uses his own energy to “knock” Carlos’s assemblage point from a fixed place.

So, we have already come close to the area of ​​so-called “altered states of consciousness” - that area of ​​phenomena that for modern science lies somewhere between experimental psychology and psychiatry. If so, let us consider the symptoms of a shift in the assemblage point on a scale where its movement leads to noticeable changes in the way of perception. Description of symptoms for psychiatry is necessary and mandatory. Let's start:

“At some point, I heard a buzzing sound, similar to an ordinary ringing in the ears, and at first I did not pay any attention to it. It intensified, but still did not go beyond the limits of ordinary bodily sensations. I remember that attention seemed to be divided between people, which I watched, and the sound that I heard. It was a turning point. People's faces suddenly became brighter, as if they had turned on a light. At the same time, it did not look like an electric light, nor like the light of a kerosene lamp or a blazing fire. Then "What I saw was more like luminescence, a pink glow, very blurry, but nevertheless noticeable from where I sat. The ringing in my ears seemed to be getting worse." (II, 227)

It is worth noting that at that moment Carlos, although he was present at the mitote (ritual consumption of peyote), did not take any hallucinogens himself, remaining in the role of an observer. In another case, sound is also present, but this occurs under the influence of mescaline. This time the power of sound is amazing.

“I had never heard this word before, and wanted to ask him again what he said, when I noticed a sound similar to ringing in the ears. The sound grew louder until it turned into a roar. For a few moments, the roar became unbearable, and then gradually died down, and There was complete silence. The power and depth of the sound scared me half to death. I was shaking so much that I could barely stand on my feet, and yet my thoughts remained completely clear." (I, 83)

The following symptoms are repeated with some modifications:

“I was absorbed in my wonderful ability to see in the dark... At times everything was so clear that it seemed like morning or evening dawn...

I was completely captivated by this discovery when the old strange sound reappeared... The sound was so thunderous, so all-consuming that everything else lost its meaning...” (I, 84–85) And again, Carlos, a few minutes later, hears a roar - “powerful as the roar of a hurricane wind."

Of course, psychiatry will easily attribute all this to “intoxication hallucinosis”, and the first case will be reduced to the so-called “induced delirium” (in psychiatric reference books they write that induction is facilitated by “the conviction with which the patient expresses his thoughts, the authority that he enjoyed before the illness " - looks a lot like Don Juan if you take him for a patient, doesn't it?). We will not touch upon mental health problems, especially since don Juan considers “madness” itself to be the result of an uncontrollable shift in the assemblage point. As for hallucinogens, he says the following about them:

“Then don Juan said that at the beginning of my training he used power plants, because this is what new seers recommend doing. Based on the experience of their vision, they know that power plants shake the assemblage point very strongly, “shaking” it from its usual place... Disorienting the influence of such a shift is then used by the teacher to consolidate in the mind of the student the understanding of the fact that the perception of the world can never be final and unambiguous." (VII, 483)

So, we should note three characteristic signs of a shift in the assemblage point in subjective experience: a) the suddenness of the onset of the process; b) the appearance of a sound similar to ringing in the ears or buzzing - as the sound intensifies, it can cause a distinct vibration in the body, after which the sound reaches a “terrifying roar”; c) the appearance of luminescence, which is perceived as a change in illumination, usually towards yellowish or pink tones. This is precisely luminescence, and not an external light source, since objects do not cast shadows, but the illusion of an unusually clear distinction of all the details of the surrounding world, down to the smallest, arises.

In addition, from other similar experiments it turns out that immediately at the moment of shift, the perceived field, by its expansion, provokes a temporary defocus of attention (“attention seemed to be divided between people ... and sound”).

(Based on the reports of K. Castaneda, the results of experimental studies and my own experience, I can assume that the strength, sharpness and timbre of the subjectively experienced sound are directly related to the nature and speed of the shift of the assemblage point. Uneven localization and “movement” of the sound source in the internal auditory field may indicate that the assemblage point is moving spasmodically or chaotically.)

In general, it should be noted: sound so often accompanies a shift in the assemblage point that it can cause feedback of a conditioned reflex type. Remember what a strange device called a “spirit catcher” the Indian “magicians” sometimes armed themselves with! The device produced a unique sound, after which it was necessary to “listen to the silence.” The phenomenon of an “ally” is always accompanied by specific acoustics - the same roar, the sound of crushing stones, crunching branches, etc., etc. The “call of a butterfly” in the form of rhythmic tapping can also provoke a shift in the assemblage point. Don't forget about the strange "click at the base of the neck" that signals the release of a "take". Uncontrolled "feedback" with an acoustic effect can even become a serious danger. Don Juan, at the end of the first book, interrupts his classes with Castaneda due to some unusual symptom: it seems to the student that any rumbling and vibrating sound can “carry away his consciousness.” Don Juan calls this "loss of soul," and in a certain sense it is exactly that - an uncontrolled shift in the assemblage point can make an inexperienced student lose his mind or even kill him. In short, acoustic effects are varied and almost always present. The same applies to suddenness and changes in lighting. They may not be specifically described, but upon careful study of Castaneda’s reports they are certainly present, as if in the background.

Similar symptoms were noted by other mystics, especially those who were addicted to “astral travel,” and various spirit seers. Even Swedenborg, talking about his conversion to a traveler in the world of spirits, testified to some “loud sounds,” vibrations, shocks, “like the collision of winds.” (Illustrated history of superstitions and magic // Compiled by Dr. Lehmann. M., 1900. P. 170.) We can say that this phenomenon itself occurs more often than is commonly thought. Many meditators note “sudden noise in the ears and the appearance of a yellowish light,” but do not pay special attention to this, since they consider such effects to be an obstacle to their “spiritual development.” Even people who have not been involved in the occult sometimes encounter something unexpected, for example, as a result of a sudden awakening.

Of the three types of movement of the assemblage point (about which a little below), we are currently considering only the shift. On the one hand, it quite clearly demonstrates changes in the mode of perception, and on the other, it allows us to talk about areas that are still quite close to human experience in the broad sense of the word. Here we still remain in the realm of “ordinary” mystical exercises and can refer to similar results from other researchers.

For example, the transverse shift of the assemblage point is of particular interest. We found an analogy for this phenomenon in John Lilly, who gave a detailed classification of conditions in his book. But first, let us remember what don Juan says about the transverse shift:

“Visions of this kind (we are talking about visions of ghost worlds, much like our own - A.K.) are a product of human inventory,” don Juan continued. “They have no value for a warrior striving for absolute freedom, since they are formed due to the transverse shift of the assemblage point.

Don Juan fell silent and looked at me. I knew that by “transverse shift” he meant the movement of the assemblage point not deep into the human strip, but across it - from edge to edge. I asked if I understood correctly.

That’s exactly what I meant,” he confirmed. - At both ends of the human strip there are strange accumulations of garbage - unimaginable heaps of human rubbish. A sort of warehouse of ominous pathologies...

<…>... in principle, any person can get into this trash by simply stopping the internal dialogue. If the shift is minimal, the result is what is called a figment of the imagination. If the shift is significant, what is known as hallucinations occurs.

<…>On the right edge we find endless visions of physical activity, violence, murder, sensual manifestations. On the left edge - spirituality, religiosity, everything connected with God. "(VII, 376)

How can one not recall Emmanuel Swedenborg, who spent half his life wandering in these “transverse shifts”? And how many others like him continue this fruitless search!

John Lilly approached this matter with scientific thoroughness. The result of his experiments with altered states of consciousness was a very revealing table. (See: Lilly J. Cyclone Center. Kyiv: “Sofia”, p. 125.) He assessed the conditions on a 48-point scale. Without going into the details of his concept, we will simply point out: if +48 is the normal state of the “human biocomputer”, then + 12 is Ananda, a state of bliss (the goal of many religions), and -12 is “an extremely negative state, as in a severe attack migraines. Consciousness is compressed and suppressed, giving an account of the present and of pain... Limitations over the self, you are isolated." That is, states change symmetrically in one direction or another. For example, +6 - "Buddha-making, astral travel, clairvoyance, merging with other entities in the universe." A -6 - “similar to +6, except that it is extremely negative. A hell-like state in which a person is only a point source of consciousness and energy. Fear, pain, guilt to an extreme degree, the meaninglessness of everything is obvious.” And so on. State +3, by the way, is characterized as “union with God.” Thus, the extreme absorption on the left side of a single band of emanations turns into the highest achievement of man as a spiritual being. J. Lilly tried to reconcile everyone with the help of a rather artificial scheme, the symmetry of which for him is simply axiomatic and is a consequence of the universal law of symmetry of being. Only don Juan, it seems to us, puts this undoubtedly useful and instructive classification into place. But for him, this is just a neat list of “heaps of human rubbish.”

In addition, the assemblage point can move down, but there is the “position of the beast”, and don Juan does not advise Castaneda to practice such tricks.

"Through this practice," he says, "the ancient seers became adept at taking animal forms. They chose various animals as points of reference, calling them their nagual. The Toltecs believed that by moving the assemblage point to certain positions, they acquired the properties of the chosen ones." animals - their strength, wisdom, cunning, dexterity or ferocity." (VII, 377)

Many will consider such a statement by don Juan to be a metaphor, although in fact we are talking about a very real and comprehensive transformation. The fact is that a change in the position of the assemblage point on a significant scale leads to a change in the entire energy cocoon, and in the world of the tonal this is our “physical body”. By the way, for the same reason, an uncontrolled or misdirected shift of the assemblage point can kill a person.

Rice. 2. Energy body of a warrior: clearance and assemblage point

Take a look at fig. 2. The human energy body is heterogeneous. According to the description of the “seers”, it has a “lumen” somewhere at the level of the navel or solar plexus. Through this “gap” both those external emanations that nourish and support our form, and those that seek to destroy it, penetrate into the cocoon. In the normal position of the assemblage point, this “gap” is small and copes with its function perfectly - it absorbs the necessary emanations and discards the disastrous ones. But with a strong shift of the assemblage point in any direction, the clearance changes its shape accordingly. It can open up to such an extent that the cocoon will be destroyed by the outer ocean of raging energies. The warrior is saved by the “shields” of attention, which we talked about in the previous section. Attention returns the assemblage point to a safe zone, and the lumen closes. Failure to do this in a timely manner means putting at risk not only your psyche, but also the entire “vital integrity” of the body.

To summarize the brief overview of the movements of the assemblage point, it should be said about our classification of these energy processes. Based on observations, Castaneda's reports and other communications, we have come to the conclusion that we can talk about three types of movement of the assemblage point. Castaneda, according to don Juan, mentions only two types: shift and movement, despite the fact that the first (unmentioned) type is much more common and is, as it were, a prelude to the other two. By its nature, this type of movement may well be classified as a shift, and only its special role in preparing the warrior’s energy body for decisive transformations and wanderings in the nagual forces us to talk about it separately.

Figure 3. Types of movement of the assembly point.

Pay attention to fig. 3.

a) We called the first (initial) process deepening. It is characterized by very slight movement. (We depict the assemblage point as a cylindrical object, a segment of an energy tube that collects and organizes emanations incoming from the outside.) It is very important that the first attention, i.e., the attention of the tonal, continues to function in this area. In the assemblage zone, practically the same emanations remain as in the mode of ordinary perception. The interpretation of perception changes only due to some expansion into the depth of the resonant processes, due to which the internal distance of awareness changes, leading to violations of the ordinary emotional and sensory response specified by the tonal. We encounter this state, first of all, with intensive practice of impeccability and stalking (see the following chapters). A striking example of such a movement of the assemblage point is the achievement of the “place without pity”, described in detail by Castaneda in Book VII. The main advantage of this position of the assemblage point is the constant generation of excess perceptual energy, which inevitably “pushes” the center of perception to larger movements. This is, so to speak, the “energy gate” through which the shift and movement of the assemblage point is achieved.

b) The actual shift of the assemblage point is considered by Castaneda in the most detail. In this case, emanations that have never been collected before enter the field of perception, so the effect of their assembly is so strikingly different from the ordinary picture of perception that they speak of the inclusion of the second attention, or the attention of the nagual. If the assemblage point has moved not far from the usual perceptual zone, the tonal can actively use the remnants of the correspondences familiar to it and “synthesize” interesting series of perceptions. It is in such cases that don Juan says to Castaneda: “I don’t know what you saw. This spectacle is only for you.” The play of a "confused" tonal with new, unfamiliar emanations that cannot be ignored is always extremely subjective. This was the case with the vision of the “bazaar” in Mexico City after the “teleportation”, and this was the case with the “talking coyote” during the “stopping of the world” in the Sonoran Desert.

c) In Castaneda's ninth book, The Art of Dreaming, we finally come across a clear definition of the difference between shift and movement of the assemblage point. The last process (movement) is characterized by such effects as the isolation of a “take” and the development of a “dream body”. The assemblage point in this case goes beyond the human energy body and begins its journey outside, that is, among the energy fibers of the emanations of the external world. Of course, the assemblage point does not lose connection with the main cocoon and forms behind itself a trail of specifically elongated connecting bundles of its own energy. The shape of the luminous cocoon undergoes significant metamorphosis. According to don Juan, the warrior’s luminous body in this position resembles a smoking pipe with a long stem, and the role of the stem is played by the connective tissue formed between the main cocoon and the outward assemblage point. It is in this phenomenon that lies the key to the physical teleportation of magicians, since under certain conditions and masterful handling of energy flows, a warrior can drag the entire integrity of his own cocoon to the place where his wandering assemblage point will be. In the same way, a warrior can leave the world of ordinary perception and move to other energy planes along with his physical body.

We may or may not accept the concept of the assemblage point - after all, for us it is entirely speculative, since it is based on experience that we have never experienced. However, one cannot but agree that even logically such an idea finally brings together the variety of “altered states of consciousness” and explains phenomena that previously did not find a place in other “descriptions.” We believe that the view of human nature proposed by don Juan opens up exceptional and incomparable prospects for development. Neither God nor the devil no longer limits our comprehension - the entire infinite spectrum of Reality becomes accessible to a transformed human being. “And if the assemblage point aligns the emanations inside the cocoon in a position different from the normal one, human senses begin to perceive the world in the most incomprehensible way.” (VII, 369)

4. “Assemblage Point” by Carlos through the eyes of Margaret Castaneda How to put all these inexplicable visions on paper, and do it in such a way that any average person from Schenectady to Long Beach can understand them? Carlos Castaneda had enormous problems with this, waking up at night in

From the book The Wind of the Nagual or Farewell to Don Juan author Smirnov Terenty Leonidovich

Jumping assemblage point Other strange and sometimes incredible things began to happen to me more and more often. I continued to dive deeper, deeper into the Toltec stream of consciousness. I wanted to reach the bottom and emerge with secret magical knowledge! There was an opportunity to choke and

From the book Fire from Within author Castaneda Carlos

From the book The Power of Silence author Castaneda Carlos

MOVEMENT OF THE ASSEMBLY POINT A couple of days later, don Juan and I went to the mountains. Halfway to the top we sat down to rest. The day before, don Juan had decided to find a suitable place where he could explain to me some of the complex aspects of the mastery of consciousness. He usually liked it

author Castaneda Carlos

Chapter 7. Assemblage Point After my fight with my ally, don Juan interrupted his explanation of the art of mastering awareness for several months. However, the day came when he returned to it again. The impetus for this was one very strange event. Don Juan was in his

From the book by Carlos Castaneda, books 1-11 (Sofia Publishing House) author Castaneda Carlos

From the book Playing in the Void. Carnival of Mad Wisdom author Demchog Vadim Viktorovich

The assemblage point, happiness is here and now. Let’s draw a line, or set a few final points to move on. To do this, we will need a term from the compendium of methods of the legendary K. Castaneda - assemblage point. In a very rough paraphrase, this is a kind of energetic

From the book Thresholds of Dreaming author Ksendzyuk Alexey Petrovich

Attention as assembly. The Assemblage Point Since nagualism believes that attention has a direct bearing on the assembly of sensory signals, it is necessary to say a few words about the phenomenon of the "assemblage point" and the relationship between assembly and attention, which has

From the book Fire from Within author Castaneda Carlos

author Ksendzyuk Alexey Petrovich

From the book After Castaneda: Further Research author Ksendzyuk Alexey Petrovich

From the book The Secret of Carlos Castaneda. Analysis of Don Juan's magical knowledge: theory and practice author Ksendzyuk Alexey Petrovich

4. Assemblage Point “Real new ground in a particular science can only be achieved when, at the decisive moment, there is a willingness to abandon the foundation on which the old science rests and, in a certain sense, take a leap into the void.” Heisenberg From the current point of view

From the book Vision of the Nagual author Ksendzyuk Alexey Petrovich

From the book The Power of Silence (translation 2001 by I. Starykh) author Castaneda Carlos

From the book Signs for Girls author Vaksa Olga

Section II. Period, period, comma... Signs about appearance and personal hygiene EYEBROWS - there are a lot of signs associated with eyebrows, but they are so contradictory that everyone can choose something for themselves at their own discretion and sacredly believe in it. Let's take, to for example,

In order to operate with the same terms, let's define what is the assemblage point of consciousness.

Term assemblage point, is now used very often and very often without understanding what it really is. Much confusion arises from what is behind the word assemblage point a word is forgotten consciousness. Therefore, the abbreviation TS is not entirely correct; it would be more accurate to say TSS (the assembly point of consciousness).

What is an assemblage point - described in the books of Carlos Castaneda. The assemblage point is the organ that perceives the world. The assemblage point is like the slider of a radio receiver, and the chakras are like the specific frequencies of the transmitting stations. That is chakras are the position in which the vehicle can be placed. The assemblage point is a certain device, which allows us to perceive the outside world. And each person can independently adjust this perception.

Carlos Castaneda describes the assemblage point as a luminous area located on the surface of the energetic cocoon. When the position of the vehicle changes, a person’s perception changes. With a slight shift in the assemblage point, a person begins to see our physical world as if from a different angle. The simplest example is alcohol intoxication or the influence of recreational drugs. With a stronger shift in the assemblage point, a person begins to perceive other worlds. The assemblage point is fixed both by your consciousness and by external factors. And the main point comes down to the ability to manage your assemblage point.

Therefore, they talk about the attunement effect, in which assemblage points other people affect the position of your vehicle. Thus, they seem to draw a person into their inherent position as a vehicle. They influence each other and, as it were, create the world, not only their own, but also those around them. As a consequence, our world is something between the positions of the assemblage points of all people. In magic it's called Agreement. We can say that the Treaty is formed by the pictures of the world of the people participating in it. Globally, the Treaty is an attunement of all thinking beings.

Castaneda identifies horizontal (right left forward backward) and vertical (top bottom) shifts of the assemblage point. Also, movement is determined assemblage points inside and outside the cocoon. Its usual position is as if on the surface of a cocoon. And this is what gives us the opportunity to perceive the world around us.

Moving vertically the assemblage point is fixed in the chakras, but fixation in other places is also possible, the number of these places is very large. The position of the vehicle affects a person’s perception, as well as the dimension of the perceived world.

For example: when the TS shifts below muladhara, the human appearance may change, and here the shift to the area of ​​animal forms begins. A shift of the TC above the sahasrara chakra also leads to the loss of the human form, but in favor of the angel of such creatures.

Position of fixation of the vehicle on a specific chakra, denotes your Varna (Caste). TS on Manipur or lower, then these are the first three castes. Above this is already a magical perception.

Conventionally, when the vehicle shifts to the left, we move towards Air. Forward, into the element Earth, back into Fire, shifting the assemblage point to the right, we move into Water. In this way a cross of elements is formed.

With deeper shifts of the assemblage point, beyond the cocoon, we can begin to perceive the world from another point, from here we can talk about leaving the physical body.

Therefore, the common phrase is “where is my assemblage point.” It occurs very often, but is much less often correctly understood by those who ask it. This question implies the position of the assemblage point that it occupies most of the time. If a person, with the help of magical practices, has learned to jump from manipura to Vishuddha and hold there for several minutes in order to perform some kind of magical work. This does not mean at all that he is on Vishuddha! This means that he remained in Manipura... Although many such “specialists” run around and tell everyone that they are already on Vishuddha.

This is where the old joke comes from.

Two ShMA adherents meet, and one says to the other:
- I have a TS on Vishuddha, and where is yours?

The point of the joke is that if you have a TS on Vishuddha, you will not have a question about where this or that person has a TS. You will see it.
If a person works in society for 8 hours a day, then all this time his vehicle is on the manipura or even svadhisthana chakra, with the exception of some creative individuals. Poets (anahata), artists (anahata), some scientists (vishuddha), strong speakers (vishuddha) as well as good programmers (vishuddha), etc. But even most of them, when they come home, fall on manipura. Therefore, if a person goes to a simple office job every day (not to mention physical labor), and in the evening devotes 2 hours to practicing magic. In most cases, it is very difficult for him to escape from the world of images, from the world of manipura chakra.

For more details, see Castaneda's books:
Fire from Within, The Art of Dreaming

The concept of the Assemblage Point (AP) and levels of human consciousness

Human consciousness develops within the framework of planetary consciousness according to the existing scheme, from simple to complex. All people have, at each specific moment in time, different levels of consciousness, and, accordingly, different capabilities. Therefore, different people are better or worse at the same actions. One performs simple physical work well and begins to suffer when he has to work with his head, while the other, on the contrary, is ready to rack his brains all day over a problem and begins to suffer from any physical work - even simple and in the fresh air...

Some people will go to a restaurant in their free time, others to the theater, others will read books, and still others will study the world and perform esoteric practices. Each person builds his life according to the level of his own consciousness. And people choose their friends and partners based on this same criterion - without even understanding why this happens.

Understanding this mechanism, and a correct assessment of one’s own level of consciousness, will help a person choose a more appropriate place for himself in social life and select more suitable partners in life or work.

A person is a clot in the energy-information field of the universe. It consists of the same energies that are distributed in the universe.

The human soul is created from the energy-informational “material” of the universe, and then becomes more complex in the process of evolutionary development. In this way, the evolution (complication) of the universe itself occurs - due to the complication of its individual elements.

If we simply imagine the energy-information universe as an ocean of water, then the nascent human soul will look like a glass of water that was scooped up from this ocean. If you break a glass, the water will pour into the ocean and merge with it...

In the process of life, the structure of water becomes more complex - for illustration, let’s imagine that part of the water has turned into ice. If you now break a glass, then part of the water will pour into the ocean, and part will remain in the form of a piece of ice.... A similar thing happens to a person after death. His shell (glass) dissolves and only the structured part of his soul remains - what he managed to accumulate during this and previous lives.

We can take the resulting piece of ice into a new similar glass and continue the process... After some time, there will be more ice... Repeating this cycle many times, we will eventually get a full glass of ice...

If we now break the glass, then nothing will change in its contents, since all the water is already structured - it has turned into ice...

A similar thing happens with the human soul over many incarnations in the body. The energy information of the soul turns into structures (structured) and becomes more complex until this structure fills the entire possible volume. The energy-informational structures of individuals (or souls) created in this way are then combined into more complex structures. As a result, from simple energy-information objects more complex ones are obtained, which is the evolution in our simplified example...

The interaction of human consciousness with the external energy field is carried out by an organ called the Assemblage Point. It is like a lens, focusing external energies into the inside of the human cocoon. Hence its name - this is the point that collects the world for us, because the world that we perceive is an energy-information signal that focuses on the “receiver” of our consciousness. We will talk about this later.

If we change the position of the Assemblage Point, it will focus (collect) other external energy information on our consciousness, and the world we perceive will change.

There are many sayings of sages that “man himself builds his own world.” These are absolutely true statements, and in this article we will look at the mechanism (Assemblage Point) with the help of which we ourselves build our world.

For example, imagine street light focused through the lens of a movie camera onto film. The resulting small frame of light on film can be compared to human perception. Just as this frame contains only part of the energy of external light, so a person perceives only part of the energies of the universe. If we change the position of the lens and raise it upward, towards the sky and the sun, then the illumination of the frame on the film will increase. If we improve the quality of the glass in the lens, then light in a wider spectrum will enter the film... A similar thing happens with human consciousness. As it develops, the parameters and position of the Assemblage Point change, and more energy information of the universe passes into the human consciousness. At the same time, the parameters of a person’s consciousness change, his thinking changes, and the world he perceives changes.

Since we are talking about a multidimensional universe, the Assemblage Point itself is a multidimensional object. Therefore, a change in the position of the Assemblage Point should be understood not as its movement along 3 coordinates, but as a change in its qualities along one or more of 22 parameters. In particular, movement along 3 coordinates. In the future, by the “position” of the Assemblage Point we will understand not only its physical position, but also the qualities corresponding to this state.

All human states are determined by the “position” of the Assemblage Point and the personality structure developed over many lives. Learning any craft or science is nothing more than moving and fixing the Assemblage Point in a certain position. That's why it's always so difficult to start learning something new. The Assemblage Point is not yet accustomed to moving to the required position.

The child's Assemblage Point is not fixed in any one position. That is why children so easily perceive different pictures of the world, believe in fairy tales, are afraid of monsters, and see other worlds.

In the process of socialization (upbringing, education), the Assemblage Point is fixed in a position similar to that of parents, friends, and society. A person chooses friends, work, and hobbies in accordance with the position of his Assemblage Point.

Many people have paid attention to the fact that the freedom of thoughts and actions of children and youth gives way to a rigidly fixed position in life for some people by mid-life. This happens when the Assemblage Point of a given person is rigidly fixed in one position and does not allow him to perceive the world outside the given direction of the “lens”.... This can be compared to a movie camera rigidly mounted on a tripod. Her lens is always aimed at one point and on film we will see only what happens at this point. And a person perceives this reflection of part of the external signal at the input of his consciousness as the objective world. But you can turn the lens, and a completely different world will appear on the film. Moreover, you can move the lens in all coordinates and a different world will be collected on the film each time.

A similar process is possible with the human energy cocoon, into which the energies of the external world that have passed through the Assemblage Point are “projected”. If a person is able to change the position of the Assemblage Point, he gets the opportunity to “move” between different worlds. This can be either an altered perception of our world (when the vehicle moves along the same coordinates/parameters), or the perception of completely different worlds.

We will talk about this later.

As life experience is gained, a human energy-informational “cocoon” is formed (energy redistribution within the cocoon) and the Assemblage Point moves.

The position of the Assemblage Point on the cocoon determines (characterizes) the level of development of consciousness of a given person, his mental capabilities, his vision of the world and his behavior. The TC is perceived by psychics as the most energy-saturated place on the cocoon. It is located where about 70% of the energy is concentrated. The remaining 30% are located above the level of the Assemblage Point. Below the TS level there are already completed structures developed in past incarnations. This is the ice that has already formed in the glass...

Thus, the Assemblage Point is also a “measuring” indicator for determining the level of development of human consciousness.

For convenience, measure the position of the vehicle relative to the chakras. When the maximum amount of energy of the human cocoon is concentrated at the Muladhara chakra level, then we say that the TC is at the Muladhara level. And this corresponds to the lowest level of development of human consciousness.

As life experience accumulates, energy-information structures are formed in the cocoon. What we call learning from experience means developing more and more complex algorithms of behavior in various situations. These algorithms of our behavior are encoded and stored as energy-information structurestc1fr.jpg of our personality. It is this process that we call structuring (or “firmware”) of the human cocoon.

Having determined the position of the Assemblage Point for any person, we can draw conclusions about his current location on the ladder of personality evolution, about his worldview and mental capabilities.

The higher the position of the TC, the higher in the cocoon there is a zone of maximum energy concentration and the more energy is supplied to the brain (the remaining 30%) - and the more intensely the brain of a given person works, which in turn determines his mental capabilities.

Sometimes you hear or read about various studies that indicate that the resources of human consciousness are not being fully utilized. That a person uses only a small part of his memory, and that, apparently, a person has a large reserve of untapped resources...

Esoteric knowledge provides the answer to this question. The human physical body (which, within the framework of our model, can be compared to the hardware of a computer) is designed to serve consciousness, both the lowest and the highest levels. Those. The “material part” (physical body) of a person does not change during the evolution of consciousness.

Regardless of the level of consciousness of the individual, the same “model” of the physical body is built, designed to “work” with both the simplest and the most complex consciousness.

The use of the body by consciousness (in our model this will be a program running on a computer) will be different at different levels of development of consciousness itself. With a low level of consciousness development, corresponding to the position of the TC on the Muladhara chakra (and a minimal amount of energy on the cerebral cortex), some brain resources will indeed not be used.

The process of evolution of human consciousness within the framework of planet Earth will continue until all energy is concentrated in the area of ​​the upper, high-frequency Sahasrara chakra and will maximally nourish the cerebral cortex. In this case, all the resources of the human body will be in demand. And the consciousness and capabilities of such a person will be radically different from all other people.

About a hundred years ago G.I. Gurdjieff expressed the idea of ​​the complexity of the concept of Man as follows:

"Let us turn once again to the idea of ​​man. In the language I am talking about, instead of

the word "man" uses seven words, namely: man number one,

man number two, man number three, man number four, man number

five, person number six and person number seven. With these seven concepts

people, speaking about a person, will already be able to understand each other.

"Man number seven is a man who has reached full

development possible for a person who has everything he can have

person, i.e. will, consciousness, constant and unchanging Self,

individuality, immortality, as well as many other properties that we

in our blindness and in our ignorance we attribute to ourselves. Only when we

to a certain extent we understand man number seven and his characteristics, we can

understand also those gradual transitions with which we are approaching it, i.e.

We understand the process of development possible for us.

"Man number six is ​​standing very close to man number seven.

differs from person number seven only by the fact that some of

his qualities have not yet become permanent.

"Man number five is also an unattainable standard for us,

for he is a man who has achieved unity.

"Man number four is an intermediate stage. I'll talk about him

"Man number one, two and three are the people who form the mechanical

humanity and those who are at the same level on which they were born.

"Man number one is a man whose center of gravity is mental

life lies in the moving center. This is a person of a physical body who has

motor and instinctive functions take precedence over emotional and

mental functions.

"Person number two is a person at the same level of development, but his

the emotional center coincides with the center of gravity of mental life. This

a person whose emotional function takes precedence over all others,

a person of feelings, emotions.

"Man number three means a man at the same level of development; but

According to him, the center of gravity of mental life lies in the intellectual center, i.e.

the mental function takes precedence over the motor, instinctive and

emotional functions; he is a man of reason who approaches everything with

point of view of theories and mental considerations.

"The division of man into seven categories, or seven numbers, explains the thousands

phenomena that are otherwise impossible to understand. This division gives a correct idea of

relativity as applied to man. Things can be one way or the other

depending on the type of person from whose point of view they

perceived or in relation to which they are taken.

"In accordance with this, all internal and external manifestations of man,

everything that belongs to man, everything that he has created, is also divided into seven

"Now we can say that there is knowledge number one, based on

imitation or instincts, memorized, squeezed into a person, communicated to him

long exercises. Number one man, if that's what he is

words, memorizes everything like a parrot or a monkey.

“Knowing man number two is simply knowing what he likes;

but he doesn’t know what he doesn’t like. Always and in everything: he wishes

something nice. If this is a sick person, he will, on the contrary, know

only what is unpleasant to him, what repels him, awakens fear in him,

horror, disgust.

"The knowledge of man number three is knowledge based on

subjective-logical thinking, in words, on a literal understanding. This

knowledge of the bookworm and scholastic. Man number three, for example, calculated,

how many times each letter of the Arabic alphabet is repeated in the Koran of Mohammed; And

based on this a whole system of interpretation of the Koran.

"The knowledge of man number four is a kind of knowledge very

different from the previous ones. This is the knowledge coming from man number five,

who in turn receives it from man number six; and besides it

comes from person number seven. But of course, man number four

learns from this knowledge only what he can assimilate in accordance with his

forces. Compared to man number one, two and three man number four

has already begun to free himself from subjective elements in his knowledge, has begun

movement along the path to objective knowledge.

"The knowledge of man number five is complete, indivisible knowledge. He has

one indivisible Self, and all his knowledge belongs to this Self. He cannot have

one "I" that will desire something that is unknown to the other "I".

What he knows, his whole being knows. His knowledge is closer to

objective knowledge than the knowledge of person number four.

"Knowing man number six is ​​all the knowledge possible

for a person; but it can still be lost.

"Man number seven's knowledge is his own knowledge, which

impossible to take away from him; it is objective and entirely practical knowledge

"The situation is exactly the same with being. There is the being of man number

one who lives by instincts and sensations; there is the existence of man number two,

so to speak, the existence of a sentimental, emotional person; there is being

person number three, being a rationalist, a person of theoretical mind, and so

Man number one, two or three - and the reason for this is his being - not

perceives the knowledge of person number four, five and above. And no matter what you give him

given, he will explain it in his own way, belittling any idea to that.

the level at which he himself is.

"The same order of division into seven categories should be applied to everything

what pertains to a person. There is art number one, i.e. human art

number one, imitative and copying, crudely primitive and sensual,

such as the music and dances of primitive peoples. There is art number two -

sentimental art; there is art number three, intellectual and

far-fetched; there must also be art number four, five and so on

P.D. Uspensky (In search of the miraculous. Fragments of an unknown teaching)

Here is what the Head of the Atlantis School of Magic, B.M., says on the same topic. Monosov:

Magicians distinguish 4 castes of people, which represent stages in the individual evolution of a person (like school classes). Having acquired the necessary characteristics in each life, a person moves from caste, spending different amounts of time on the transition depending on the goals that he realizes in this life (whether they contribute to the development of the quality of this caste). Each caste has its own characteristics, which can be divided into behavioral and energetic. Energy signs are available only to “seers” (psychics), but behavioral criteria are available for simple analysis.

Magic is a way of life for caste 4, which in turn is divided into 4 levels. Testing the levels of Mages is more difficult than testing human castes. Here is a brief description of castes and methods of testing them. I would like to note that testing is only possible from the outside, since most people will “worry about their team” and will find signs of all 4 castes. For an outside observer, the “peak activity” occurring in a specific caste will be clearly visible.

1 Caste (workers): in this caste the “soul” is formed (that which will be reborn later). In this caste, people perform simple physical work (they do not yet have the skills for complex work) and value such virtues as diligence and hard work. As a rule, they are not verbose (since they haven’t really learned how to talk yet). From the point of view of physiognomy, these are large, strong people with a big appetite and strong muscles (by nature). They eat a lot (quantitatively) but are not picky about food. By the end of this caste, virtuosity in work is developed and an element of creativity appears. Personality is developed according to Newton's 3rd law when interacting with rough material, as a set of individual differences. For example, one person differs from another in his ability to hold a shovel, spoon and hammer. Gradually, so many individual characteristics are accumulated that a personality emerges.

2 Caste (merchants): communication skills are developed in this caste. The main characteristic of a person of this caste is talkativeness and love of company. From the point of view of an outside observer, people of this caste are empty talkers, however, they are simply developing the skill of communication. At the end of the caste, the “merchants” master the skill of effective communication, the result of which is profit. From the point of view of physiognomy, these are fast, dexterous and restless people who do not have much strength, but are hardy and absorb food abundantly. Very sexually active and polygamous.

3 Caste (warriors): These people determine their place in society. Like particles in Brownian motion, they collide with each other, creating a certain order (hierarchy). A warrior is characterized by the presence of enemies. Warriors love training. They are always preparing for some upcoming battle and are afraid of being unprepared. Warriors are distinguished by their will, with the help of which they develop qualities and fight fear.

4 Caste (Mages): These people are engaged in understanding the world around them. They are attracted by knowledge itself as such. Usually Mages do not have a fixed appearance and are capable of quite strong changes. Their state is determined largely by internal parameters: emotions - for level 1, thoughts - for level 2, images - for level 3, and the System - for level 4. The main characteristic of Mages is self-sufficiency. Lock a person alone for 2 weeks and if by the end of this period he does not go crazy, then he is a Magician. For Mages, not only the result of knowledge is interesting, but also the process itself. It’s not for nothing that the most classic definition of science is: “this is what we would do even for absolutely free...”. The classic definition of Magic itself is as follows: “Magic is a system of knowledge belonging to a race of beings who have the necessary abilities to understand and use it.” Attempting to use Magic by ordinary people is called sorcery (a derogatory term among Mages) and usually produces nothing, or much less than nothing (some kind of creepy side effect).

B.M. Monosov (School of Esoteric Knowledge Atlantis)

We have 7 different levels of human consciousness, i.e. 7 different categories of people, each of which will perceive the world in its own way, i.e. actually lives in his own world. A person’s level of consciousness is uniquely determined by the position of his vehicle in the normal state, i.e. not while engaging in any esoteric practices.

There is a fundamental difference in the work of the Assemblage Point at different levels. When the Assemblage Point is positioned before the Anahata chakra (the first three castes), it works inside the cocoon, i.e. only collects external energies and projects them inside. This allows the developing personality to build his inner world, his behavior, his attitude towards things.

When the vehicle is raised to the level of the Anahata chakra, it begins to turn over and can work outward. From this moment, a person’s thoughts and intentions begin to “gather” the world around him and begin to influence the outside world. With a high position of the TC (Anahata chakra and higher), it is enough for a person to think about something, and the situation around him begins to change. The work of consciousness begins to have a direct impact on the outside world. Therefore, some people are judged for their actions, and others for their thoughts...

We advise you to read the articles:

Methods for determining the position of the Assemblage Point

Characteristics of different levels of consciousness

This “mystical” Assemblage Point

What are Behavior Algorithms

Table of Caste Behavior Algorithms

Three Stages of Magical Transition

Food as a supplier of energy - “caste” approach