Spanish facial massage is a boost of youth and good mood. Spanish facial massage - an unusual technique for super rejuvenation Principles and indications for the session

Massage is one of the oldest therapeutic techniques aimed at healing, rejuvenating and improving the strength of the entire body. And throughout the millennia, this method of caring for the face and body has not ceased to improve. At the beginning of the 20th century in Spain, a completely new method of rejuvenating the body was invented, which was introduced to the world by chiropractor Enrique Garcia. He called his technique “Hemolymphatic Drainage,” but it is better known as “Spanish Massage.”

New - well forgotten old

Many people know that almost 27-30% of our body consists of intercellular fluid. It plays a vital role in the life of the human body. With its help, a two-way exchange of various biologically active substances occurs between tissue cells and blood. It is this liquid medium that is the main influence during massage procedures. Garcia was able to combine the best techniques of ancient techniques:

  • thousand-year-old traditions of Tibet, its spiritual practices;
  • one of the oldest Ayurvedic medicine in the world;
  • The oldest Indian teaching of body control is yoga.

The main basis of Spanish massage was the chiromassage technique, aimed at strengthening and eliminating various deficiencies in muscle tissue. Enrique Garcia's massage procedures are considered one of the most effective among other types of massage techniques.

What is unique about massage?

Spanish facial massage is aimed at maximizing the restoration of elasticity of the tissues of the entire face, which occurs in the process of deep relaxation. Garcia identified several basic postulates and laws on which his massage therapy is based:

  1. It is unacceptable to use two or more techniques at the same time, as they may have opposite effects, which will negate the entire effect.
  2. When massaging, the characteristics of the individual’s body are carefully taken into account.
  3. During the massage sessions, more than a hundred different techniques are used, which completely eliminates the body’s getting used to the same effects (during the procedure, techniques are not repeated twice).
  4. All techniques are distinguished by unique plasticity, which makes the procedure completely painless and at the same time as deep as possible.

Garcia placed special emphasis on achieving a feeling of pleasure and delight for the patient during the massage. He believed that the appearance of endomorphins (hormones of joy) provides maximum healing and rejuvenating effect. The technique of Spanish facial massage itself is also unique, which includes several different practices:

Myotensive. Its goal is to strengthen the elasticity of the muscle-articular joint. Special relaxing movements affect each muscle group, carefully working out an individual joint and its articulation.

Somatoemotional. It is aimed at training the entire nervous system. This is achieved through contrasting sensations: from harsh impacts on certain areas to gentle, relaxing, stroking techniques. Feathers, oval stones, and threads are often used in massage.

Lymphatic drainage. Aimed at removing excess tissue fluid. Along with it, decay products, toxins and various impurities go away.

Hemolymphatic. A technique that works to strengthen and improve blood circulation and normalize blood pressure.

Neurosedative. Gently and very effectively relieves apathy, irritability, and stress. Stabilizes sleep and stimulates certain brain centers. This technique seems to transfer the patient to the state of intrauterine development. A physical “rebirth” of a person occurs.

Magical Possibilities

What is Spanish facial massage? This is the submission of time, effective rejuvenation of the epidermis. Thanks to a combination of unique techniques, a Spanish massage course greatly increases the elasticity of the epidermis, removes wrinkles, and reduces wrinkles. Improves the color and texture of the skin. During the sessions, deep modeling of the entire face occurs:

  • destruction of the “double chin”;
  • lifting the entire eye area, tightening the upper eyelid;
  • lip shape correction (“silicone effect”);
  • getting rid of the “Shar Pei effect” (deep face lift).

Spanish massage effectively rejuvenates not only the facial area, but also the neck and décolleté area. This technique is ideal even for pregnant women (which indicates its absolute safety). After a course of sessions, all cells of the epidermis will be filled with life-giving oxygen, facial sagging goes away, and bio- and photoaging of the epidermis slows down many times over. Spanish massage is very effective for the following problems:

  • decreased immunity;
  • facial lymphostasis (impaired lymph outflow);
  • changes in the nutritional function of epidermal tissues;
  • constant formation of swelling;
  • , varicose veins;
  • increased skin dryness.

The magic technique also has a number of contraindications. Spanish massage cannot be performed for cancerous tumors, infectious and fungal skin diseases, or exacerbation of asthma.

Massage technique

Spanish massage, unlike others, begins not with warming up the muscles, but with relaxation. Then the massage therapist gradually moves on to more intense techniques. Massage movements (almost all of them are circular) are performed with the fingertips or the entire palm. The work of a master massage therapist resembles an original dance of hands, when fluttering plastic movements with brushes turn into hard rubbing with the edge of the palm, and after a second into pinch effects and immediately become fluid again.

During the entire session, hypnotic musical accompaniment serves as the background, and specially selected aromatic oils and candles are used. Spanish modeling facial massage requires beauty in everything. Before lying on the massage therapist’s table, the face is thoroughly cleansed of all traces of makeup.

Question answer

“Can I give myself a Spanish massage?”

This science has been studied for many years. This practice requires the highest level of preparation (do not forget that Spanish massage is a serious impact that affects the deep muscles of the face and the skeletal system). An individual massage technique is developed for each client, taking into account the condition of the face, skin, and existing problems. The choice of necessary oils and creams also occurs strictly individually.

With a competent course of Spanish massage, you can solve almost all skin imperfections and appearance problems. Spanish massage has been compared to the work of an experienced plastic surgeon in terms of effectiveness and results. The effect of the procedures is observed after the first session.

“How often do Spanish massage sessions take place?”

Experts recommend performing sculptural massage procedures 2-3 times weekly. The full course is calculated personally for each patient (usually it includes 10 procedures). Spanish massage can be performed twice a year.

Video of Spanish facial massage:

Spanish massage is a fairly new technology, which, however, has already gained popularity in different countries. This is a completely unique technique that allows you to easily influence the skin and muscles, relaxing and at the same time eliminating problems such as cellulite, puffiness, sagging and laxity of the skin.

What is Spanish massage?

As already mentioned, this massage method is quite new. In 1920, Dr. Ferrandisa opened a famous school of massage, where a technique called chiromassage was first used. It was this that became the basis for the formation of the Spanish massage technique.

It is worth noting that this technique has many advantages. The most common body massage techniques, as a rule, include no more than 6-8 effective techniques. The human body adapts to such techniques very quickly, and the effect of the sessions decreases after just a few weeks. Spanish massage is a synthesis of the most effective Eastern and European techniques, and also includes methods of kinesiology and American chiropractic. The specialist has more than 100 effective techniques in his arsenal.

Today, Spanish massage is considered a completely unique treatment system that is used to restore the body.

Why do you need a Spanish massage?

This variety can be divided into two main directions, which are used for different purposes.

  • Myotensive massage technique is designed to affect the joints. The fact is that after injuries it occurs around the joints. Thus, a block is formed that limits freedom of movement. Spanish massage can solve this problem.
  • Neurosedative technique is intended, first of all, to relieve emotional and mental stress, which negatively affects the body, causing fatigue and sleep disturbances, problems with the digestive tract, etc.

In any case, Spanish massage has a wonderful effect on the skin, normalizes the flow of blood and lymph, has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system, perfectly relaxes muscles and, of course, helps eliminate the consequences of injuries and get rid of extra pounds.

Spanish facial massage

Today, this technique is becoming increasingly popular. After all, a soft but deep effect helps improve blood circulation, which in turn provides the cells with the necessary amount of oxygen. After several sessions, the skin becomes more elastic, acquires a pleasant color and a healthy glow. In addition, this technique allows you to eliminate swelling and fluid stagnation.

Spanish body massage

Massaging your body can help you get rid of many problems. First of all, Spanish massage helps get rid of cellulite, eliminate sagging skin, and reduce stretch marks. In addition, this technology allows you to easily and quickly treat problem areas, destroying fat deposits in the most inaccessible places. This technique also allows you to quickly relax muscles, relieve fatigue, tension and spasms.

Natalya Nikolaevna is a wonderful specialist! I had a Spanish facial massage with her. The master is friendly, responsive, does everything very carefully, pleasantly, efficiently, and receives you in a nice, cozy salon, not far from the metro. I had a set of procedures done by her and was very pleased with the results! I definitely recommend her to all my friends!

Grade 5+

Anna, metro Kitay-Gorod

Order services: Cosmetology. Spanish massage.


Qualified massage therapist. Osteopath. Deep back work. Diagnostics. During a massage session, he can, in principle, work silently, giving recommendations on the position of the body, arms, and head. What is valuable to me personally. I feel everything in the muscles during and after the massage, but this is not an uncomfortable pain sensation, but quite logical. In areas where “accumulation” has accumulated during the massage, it may be more sensitive, which is also normal. No bruises. Emphasis on these areas, and those identified by diagnostics. I had...

restorative massage after two consecutive pregnancies and childbirths. I am grateful to Vladimir for his good, conscientious work. The masseur comes out with his massage table. The massage therapist's wife is a children's massage therapist, which may also be useful to someone.

Grade 5+

Maxim Viktorovich, Krasnogorsk

Order services: Massage. Back massage.


We completed a full course of massage with Svetlana - 10 lessons and were very pleased with her work. Svetlana is a punctual, intelligent, friendly and pleasant person to talk to. She immediately found a common language with the child. It is difficult to judge the professionalism of a massage therapist. To do this, you either need to be a massage therapist yourself, or often resort to the services of massage therapists in order to be able to compare, or have some very serious problem that massage helped solve. We have a little problem...

(tone of the arms) they managed it and already in the third lesson they began to roll over on their own. In our opinion, Svetlana does her job well. And the main thing is that she is very attentive to the child and feels his mood. And, probably, the most important thing. If we ever need the services of a massage therapist, we already know who we can trust with our treasure! Thank you, Svetlana, for your work and your attitude towards it!

Grade 5+

Elena, metro station Yugo-Zapadnaya

Order services: Massage. Children's massage.


We really liked the massage therapist. He does everything competently and professionally. We liked it right away and decided to take the course. Contact with the child was quickly found. My daughter is happy about the arrival of the specialist. He knows how to find an approach to a child. When a child starts to be capricious and doesn’t like the exercise being performed, the master changes the exercises. And then return to the first one. We are very pleased that we asked for a massage therapist and this specialist was selected for us. We have already applied for the services of a massage therapist....

But we like this massage therapist better: the classes last longer, almost an hour. The master is very tactful. I will recommend it to my friends.

Grade 5

Anastasia, m. Maryino

Order services: Children's massage.

Review of a series of massages from May 14, 2017 to May 13, 2018 (year), weekly, excluding the massage therapist's vacation. After a year, I can report the following. 1. The massage therapist is client-oriented: 1.1. Notices problem areas and spends more time on them (I usually have a neck, stiffness in the lower part of the spine, fluid accumulation (swelling) in the legs); 1.2. Gives advice for eliminating identified problem areas (for example, if I remember correctly, to eliminate swelling, lie on...

on your back for at least 15 minutes with your legs above the level of your body and head); 1.3. Interests in a series of procedures, providing bonuses (additional services and/or for the regular price it provides services that are much more expensive): - oil-based face mask (during the massage, pleasant aromatherapy and, as a result, improved skin quality); - myostimulation (slight tingling, but in the end it feels like after an intense workout on certain parts of the body (legs, stomach); - wrap (algae: the result is moisturized and nourished skin; chocolate-pepper wrap: during the wrap - aromatherapy and effects on subcutaneous fat, after - reduction in volume); - pots on the stomach, butt (vacuum principle, resulting in open pores (like after a bath or hammam), improved skin quality). All bonuses are pleasant and, after a series of procedures, may well lead to lasting result; 1.4. Takes care of the client’s comfort (- does not allow the body and legs to cool down, wrapping them in blankets (several blankets); - selects musical accompaniment, etc.); 1.5. To get a greater effect from the massage, invites the body to rest for a few minutes over a cup of hot drink (tea, coffee) 1.6 If strong tension is detected, takes measures to relieve it (pressure on the sciatic nerve and nerves in the neck, legs, heat rolls through the body, tension goes away). 2. Hygiene is beyond doubt: everything is clean, tidy, disposable materials (bed sheets, face pad, cap, etc.). 3. The workplace is equipped with appropriate equipment (myostimulator, professional massage table, many cosmetics (oils, masks, etc.), Lyapko applicator (roller with needles), bamboo broom, silicone jars, which confirms extensive practice in various areas of massage 4. As a result of massage for a year, mobility was formed in the spine (in the lower part), which was previously absent, stiffness in the neck disappeared, skin tone increased, volumes decreased. Taking into account the above: - I believe I was not mistaken in choosing a massage therapist; - I will recommend, if necessary, to my friends; - I recommend to site visitors; - I will continue (with the consent of the massage therapist) my procedures.

Grade 5+

Irina, m. Strogino

Order services: Massage. Lymphatic drainage massage.


We really enjoyed the massage procedure. The very first thing I liked: the massage therapist doesn’t push you, as others usually do. She approached the massage wisely, and does it in a day or two. That is, he gives a massage for a day and allows the child to recover for two days. This is the only massage therapist we were looking for. That's why she gets an A+ because she doesn't stupidly earn money, but also takes care of her little patients. But also, of course, for finding an approach to the child. The first massage therapist of this for us...

couldn't do it. I am very pleased with her work the first time. I don't think things can get any worse. The master is easy to communicate and makes contact well. And she approached the child very well. At first the child was naughty, and then even laughed when she played with him on a ball. At such moments, I tried not to make the child cry. If the child started to become hysterical, she tried to distract him from crying. If we compare with our previous massage therapist, after 10 minutes of work he took his money and left. Elena tries to calm the child down in order to continue the procedure. I liked her very much. She is as gentle and pleasant as in the photograph, and that’s how she is in real life.

Grade 5+

If you dream of achieving absolute relaxation in the shortest possible time, while remaining in a surprisingly cheerful state of mind and body? Then the famous and unique Spanish massage is exactly what you need. This technique is not only completely unique and very effective, but also proven over the years, and is an ideal and completely safe way to rejuvenate the body. The services of a professional massage therapist will take you to sunny Spain, and the beneficial results of this magical procedure will be noticeable after the first session.

More about Spanish massage

The technique of this massage was developed by the famous scientist Enrique Garcia during his time as a leader and was called “ hemolymphatic drainage" The main features of the procedure are a very specific and, at the same time, extremely positive effect on the entire human venous system, as well as interstitial fluid, which is vital for the normal flow of metabolism between the cells of the body’s tissues and the blood.

Interesting fact- Spanish massage is a very organic combination of progressive therapeutic and restorative techniques of Europe with the healing techniques of the East, and includes all the wisdom of yoga, Ayurveda medicine and Buddhist spiritual practice. It implies the deepest knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, and allows the patient to achieve the following results:

  • forget about irritability, depression, feelings of apathy,
  • cope with insomnia and get a good night's rest,
  • restore the functioning of the immune system,
  • get rid of the effects of stress,
  • significantly improve the condition and appearance of the skin of the face and body,
  • get rid of age-related changes,
  • best way to correct the oval of the face,
  • relieve all symptoms of varicose veins,
  • eliminate swelling of the skin,
  • prevent such unpleasant phenomena as rosacea or facial wrinkles.

Please note the fact that the technology of Spanish massage is thought out literally to the smallest detail, and is based on a number of important rules. Thus, the number of techniques used in its implementation is more than a hundred - when selecting them, the individual characteristics of the body of a particular patient are certainly taken into account, and the process of getting used to certain movements is completely excluded, since they are constantly changing. This approach contributes to the maximum effectiveness of the massage procedure.

It will be useful to take note that all traditional techniques of exotic Spanish massage are so flexible that the occurrence of pain or other unpleasant sensations is almost completely excluded. In addition, it provides a deep effect on the systems and tissues of the body, and significantly increases the production of endomorphins, which cause feelings of pleasure and joy in patients.

And a few more interesting points

Spanish massage is designed to strengthen human muscle tissue in every possible way and actively combat their possible pathologies. As you already know from the above, during the entire session, none of the techniques used on a particular patient is repeated. Carrying out chiromassage affects such areas of the human body as the legs, face and back - after all, these are the areas that, as a rule, are the most problematic for each of us. The beginning of the massage is not traditional warming up, but, on the contrary, complete relaxation. After this, a transition is made to deeper techniques - first of all, these are circular movements performed with the tips of the fingers or palms.

It should be noted that the world-famous Spanish massage today is based on several very effective techniques, including:

  1. Myotensive- designed to restore the natural elasticity of various muscles and joints.
  2. Somatoemotional- significantly strengthens the patient’s nervous system.

Interestingly, when using it, additional elements can be used - for example, bird feathers or stones.

  1. Lymphatic drainage- allows you to remove metabolic products from the body, as well as excess fluid from tissues.
  2. Hemolymphatic- helps normalize blood circulation, reduces both intracranial and blood pressure.

Neurosedative - ideal for normalizing sleep, relieving irritability and apathy.
