Men's jacket with a hood, knitted. Men's jacket with a hood with knitting needles. Men's sweater with a hood with crochet

Girls who have already knitted this pullover are advised to purchase about 1-1.1 kg of yarn. It should not be fleecy so that the pattern is clearly visible. For example, you can take Lanogold yarn from Alize or Yarn Art Super Merino. The knitting needles are different, ranging from No. 3 to No. 5, depending on what kind of yarn you take. But it is important not to make a mistake in choosing knitting needles, otherwise the pullover pattern will be stretched out and not neat.

Before you start knitting, you can make samples of patterns, this will help calculate the size and density of knitting.
We start knitting from bottom to top. At the bottom we knit an elastic band 2 by 2, after which we knit a roll from the purl rows in order to move from the elastic to the main fabric.
There is an example pattern with 5 sizes that may help you.

In the available patterns, the front rows are indicated, and we knit the purl rows according to the pattern.
Along the edges of the back, front and sleeves, a regular “iris” pattern is knitted, knit 1 by purl 1.
Harness diagram:

The harness pattern is given for 3 x 2, but you can knit it in the usual way 3 x 3 (3 knit stitches are removed while working on an additional knitting needle, and 3 loops are knitted with knit stitches, return the removed loops and knit them also with knit stitches. With this, the harness will shift to the right) .

Diamond pattern:

Weave 4 knit stitches (we remove 2 knit stitches while working on an additional knitting needle, knit 2 knit stitches, after 2 loops that were removed).
The expansion of the rhombus is knitted by shifting 2 knit stitches to the left and to the right from the middle (to the right we remove 1 purl stitch on an additional needle, knit 2 knit stitches, and then knit 1 purl stitch). Carry out further work according to the pattern, since the purl loop does not always need to be knitted with a knit stitch.
To move the rhombus to the left, we remove the 2nd knit stitches before working on an additional knitting needle, knit 1 purl knit stitch and remove the 2nd knit stitches and knit the stitches.
To make the rhombus narrow, you need to do the same thing, only in reverse order.
The rope in the middle of the diamond is knitted in the same way as the crossing of 4 knits in the first row.

Arana scheme:

You can try knitting crosses through a row, and not in each front row (We knit an additional row according to the pattern, knit and purl, without changes).
The weaves come out by crossing 5 loops to the left and to the right.

We start the 3rd row with 2 crossings to the right (3 loops, 2 knit and 1 purl, while working we remove on an additional knitting needle, knit 2 knit stitches and return the removed loops, knit them: 1st knit loop - 1 1st purl, 2nd knit - knit, 3rd purl - knit. Thus, the necessary loops are replaced to get a pattern (between the “paths” of 2 knits there should be 1 purl.
This crossing can be done in another way. 2nd person remove while working on the 1st additional needle, remove the 1st purl before working on the 2nd additional needle. knitting needle, knit 2, purl 1 from the 2nd additional needle, knit 2 from the 1st additional needle.

5th row: we make 3 crossings to the left (2 knits, remove before working on additional knitting needles, knit 3 loops, 1 purl and 2 knits (1st purl - knit, 2nd knit - knit, knit 3 - purl, return the slip stitch and knit them.

Another way: 2 persons. remove before work on the 1st extra. knitting needles, remove the 1st purl while working on the 2nd additional needle, knit 2 knits, 1 purl from the 2nd additional knitting needle, 2 knits from the 1st additional knitting needle.

We knit snood using the same patterns, you can use smaller knitting needles.

Pullover size: 48. If you knit with double thread, you will receive it as the original.

We will need:
1) yarn Yarn Art Super Merino (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 100 g/280 m)
2) circular knitting needles No. 3.5.

The product consists of a 2x2 elastic band - knit 2, purl 2, “roller” - 1st row (front): purl. P.;

I knit an elastic cast-on edge.
I use an auxiliary thread to cast on such a number of loops that it is half the required plus 1 stitch. Next, I knit with a thread of the main color, but I knit the 1st row, continue to knit 5 r. persons satin stitch At 6 p.m. I make *1st p. purl., then from the 1st p. I draw out a new st in the main color and knit knit*. I repeat the whole process until the end of the row.

I knit the back.
From the cast-on 76 stitches I knit 7 cm with a 2x2 rib. I knitted a “roller”, after which I distributed the loops in this way: 1 edge, 6 sts of pattern 1, 10 sts of pattern 2, 6 sts of pattern 1, 30 sts of pattern 3, 6 sts of pattern 1, 10 sts of pattern 2 and 6 p. pattern 1, chrome. On each side in every 2nd r. at a height of 43 cm, I close 2 × 3 stitches for the armholes. And for the neckline, at a height of 65 cm, I close the middle 18 stitches and complete both sides separately. For the neckline, I decrease it every 2nd r. 3×2 p. on each side. And I immediately reduce it for shoulder bevels every 2nd r. 3x6 and 1x5 on the armhole side.

I knit the front.
The front of the pullover is knitted like the back, but with a deeper neckline. I close off the middle 12 stitches for the neckline at a height of 61.5 cm and finish each side separately. For the neckline itself, I decrease it every 2nd r. 3×3 p. on each side. I measure the height of 65 cm and on it I make a decrease for the shoulder bevels in the same way as I did on the back.

I am knitting a sleeve.
From the 46 stitches cast on, I knit a 7 cm 2×2 elastic band. Having tied the “roller”, in the 6th r. which I added evenly 3 p. = 49 p. Then I distributed the loops like this: 1 chrome, 10 stitches of pattern 2, 3 stitches of pattern 1, 21 stitches of pattern 4, 3 stitches of pattern 1 and 10 stitches of pattern 2, 1 chrome. I add 10 rubles to each side. 6 × 1 p., and in every 6th p. 4 × 1 = 69 p. I close off 1 × 6 p. on each side, then in every 2nd r. 10x1 p. and 3x3 p., and then close the remaining 39 p.

I am knitting a collar.
Having typed 88 sts, I knit 34 r. rubber band 2x2. I perform the “roller” and knit another knit. R. persons p.Next by knitting 2-3 p. Using an auxiliary thread of a contrasting color, I close the loops.

I'm doing the assembly.
I do the shoulder seams. Then I basted the collar to the neckline and sewed it with a kettle stitch and only then unraveled the auxiliary thread. I made the side seams and sleeve seams.

The snood is knitted simply, just like a wide scarf with a voluminous pattern. On top I make a strip for pulling the lace through it and an additional strip for buttons.

Men's jacket with a hood with a zipper and knitting.

The men's jacket with a zipper is knitted from LANG YARNS MERINO + yarn, consisting of extra-fine merino wool.

You will need 1000 (1050, 1100, 1150) grams of yarn or 20 (21, 22, 23) skeins of anthracite shade, knitting needles No. 4,5 and 5; zipper with two sliders 60 cm long.

Men's jacket sizes: S (M, L, XL).

Chest circumference: 94 (104, 112, 122) cm, length 70 cm.

Pattern I, needles No. 4.5: 1 edge, *1 purl, 2 knits, 1 purl*, repeat from * to * finish with 1 edge. In subsequent rows, knit loops according to the pattern (= purl 2, knit 2).

Pattern II, needles No. 5 (vertical stripes): knit according to the Chart. The diagram shows the front and back rows. Repeat rows 1 – 22.

Pattern III, knitting needles No. 5 (Braid on 8 loops): knit according to the Pattern. The diagram shows the front and back rows. Repeat rows 1 – 44.

Pattern IV, knitting needles No. 5 (Braid on 12 loops): knit according to the Chart. The diagram shows the front and back rows. Repeat rows 1 – 22.

Pattern V, needles No. 5 (Semi-patent - odd number of loops):

Row 1: 1 edge, *1 purl, 1 knit*, repeat from * to *, finish with 1 purl, 1 edge.

Row 2: 1 edge stitch, * 1 patent loop (1 knitting needle is inserted 1 row below), 1 purl stitch *, repeat from * to *, finish with 1 patent loop, 1 edge stitch. Repeat rows 1 + 2.

Note: at the last crossing of the braid, before decreasing, decrease the added loops again.

Knitting density of a men's jacket: Pattern I – III, knitting needles No. 5: 19 loops per 26 rows corresponds to 10 cm by 10 cm; Pattern V, knitting needles No. 5: 18 stitches per 40 rows corresponds to 10 cm by 10 cm.

Description of knitting a men's jacket with a zipper.

Back: cast on 96 (106, 114, 124) stitches and knit with Pattern I.

At a height of 5 cm from the cast-on edge, continue knitting with needles No. 5, distributing the patterns as follows: 1 edge, 5 (10, 10, 15) loops. Pattern II, 8 loops of Pattern III, 5 loops of Pattern II, 24 loops of Pattern IV, 5 loops of Pattern II, 0 (0, 8, 8) loops of Pattern III, 5 loops of Pattern II, 24 loops of Pattern IV, 5 loops of Pattern II, 8 loops of Pattern III, 5 (10, 10, 15) loops of Pattern II, 1 edge stitch.

Armhole: at a height of 44 (43, 42, 40) cm from the cast-on edge (measure by weight), close on both sides 1 (1, 1, 2) times 2 loops and decrease 3 (8, 8, 11) times 1 loop, 86 (86, 94, 94) loops in total.

Shoulder bevel: at shoulder height 24 (25, 26, 28) cm, close on both sides 1 time 6 loops + 3 times 7 loops, 1 time 6 loops + 3 times 7 loops, 3 times 7 loops + 1 time 8 loops, 3 7 times + 1 time 8 loops.

Neckline: simultaneously with the beginning of decreases for the shoulder bevel, bind off the middle 26 (26, 30, 30) loops and on both sides in every second row 1 time 2 loops and 1 time 1 loop.

Left front: cast on 49 (54, 59, 64) stitches and knit with Pattern I.

At a height of 5 cm from the cast-on edge, continue knitting with needles No. 5, distributing the patterns as follows: 1 edge, 5 (10, 10, 15) loops of Pattern II, 8 loops of Pattern III, 5 loops of Pattern II, 24 loops of Pattern IV, 5 ( 5, 10, 10) loops of Pattern II, 1 edge.

I will make the armhole and bevel the shoulder along the right edge at the same height and in the same way as on the back.

Neckline: at a height of 61 cm from the cast-on edge along the left edge, bind off 7 (7, 9, 9) loops 1 time, 3 (3, 4, 4) loops 1 time, 2 loops 1 time and decrease 1 loop 5 times.

Right front: knit symmetrically to the left front, distributing patterns as follows: 1 edge, 5 (5, 10, 10) loops of Pattern II, 24 loops of Pattern IV, 5 loops of Pattern II, 8 loops of Pattern III, 5 (10, 10, 15 ) loops of Pattern II, 1 edge.

Sleeve: cast on 41 (45, 47, 53) loops and knit in Pattern V. For a side bevel, add 1 loop on both sides in every 14th row 13 times, for a total of 67 (71, 73, 79) loops.

At a height of 49 cm from the cast-on edge, bind off on both sides in every second row 1 (1, 1, 2) times 2 loops, then decrease alternately in every 2nd + 4th row 18 (18, 19, 19) times 1 loop and close in every 2nd row 4 (4, 5, 5) times 1 loop, 1 time 2 loops and 1 time 3 loops.

At a height of 17 (17, 18, 18) cm, bind off the remaining loops.

Hood: Using size 5 needles, cast on 122 (122, 132, 132) stitches and knit with Pattern IV.

At a height of 20 (20, 23, 23) cm from the cast-on edge, close on both sides in every second row 4 times 12 loops, 4 times 12 loops, 1 time 14 loops + 3 times 13 loops, 1 time 14 loops + 3 times 13 loops

At a height of 48 (48, 53, 53) cm from the cast-on edge, bind off the remaining 26 stitches.

Assembly: sew seams. Sew the seam of the hood and sew it into the neckline.

Along the edge of the shelves and the edge of the hood, cast on about 340 (350) loops (edges of the shelves 110 loops each, edge of the hood 120 (130) loops).

Knit the next purl row with all knit stitches, then bind off all stitches.

Knit the zipper strips on 4 loops. Sew on a zipper. Sew in sleeves.

46 (48/50–52/54–56/58)

You will need

Yarn (70% sheep wool, 30% alpaca wool; 90 m/50 g) - 750 (800-850-900) g blue; knitting needles No. 6; circular knitting needles No. 6, 40 cm long.

Patterns and schemes

Pattern “Braids with an elastic band”

Knit according to pattern A. Distribute the stitch width according to the description in the instructions. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 4th row/circle.

Pattern "Central braid"

Knit according to pattern B, repeat = 47 sts. Repeat the marked repeats in height.

Knitting density

22 p. x 25 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with the “Braids with elastic” pattern;
47 p. x 25 r. = 23 x 10 cm, knitted with the “Central braid” pattern;
17 p. x 25 r. = 8.5 x 10 cm, knitted on the middle loops of the “Central Braid”.


Completing of the work


Cast on 94 (104-114-124) sts and for the placket knit 4.5 cm = 12 r. "Braids with elastic" pattern.

Next, distribute the loops as follows and add 1 row in the middle. 1 p. = 95 (105-115-125) p.: chrome, 20 (25-30-35) p. pattern “Braids with elastic”, starting from arrow a, 3 (4-5-6) repeat the rapport twice (= 5 stitches between the arrows) and finish at the arrow b, 3 stitches of purl stitch (see page A2), 47 stitches of the “Central braid” pattern, 3 stitches of purl stitch, 20 (25-30 -35) p. of the “Braids with an elastic band” pattern, while repeating the rapport 4 (5-6-7) times (= 5 p. between the arrows), chrome.

After 35.5 cm = 88 rub. from the bottom bar, close on both sides for the armholes 1 time, 2 stitches each, and then decrease on both sides for raglan bevels every 6th row. 2 times 1 p. and in every 4th r. 6 times for 1 p. (in every 6th row 5 times for 1 p. and in every 4th row 3 times for 1 st. - in every 6th row 7 times for 1 st. and in next 4th row 1 time 1 p. – in the next 8th row 1 time 1 p. and in every 6th row 7 times 1 p.) = 75 (85-95-105) p.

After 16 (18-20-22) cm = 40 (46-50-56) r. from the beginning, close the armholes on both sides for shoulder bevels 1 time, 2 (2-3-4) p., then in every 2nd r. 5 times for 2 sts and 3 times for 3 sts (8 times for 3 sts - 4 times for 3 sts and 4 times for 4 sts - 8 times for 4 sts).

After 7 cm = 18 r. from the beginning of the shoulder bevels, close off the remaining 33 sts.


Knit like a back, but after 16 (18-20-22) cm = 40 (46-50-56) r. from the beginning, close the armholes on both sides for shoulder bevels 1 time 3 (4-5-6) p., then in every 2nd r. 1 time 3 (4-5-6) p. and 3 times 4 (5-6-7) p.

Simultaneously with the beginning of the shoulder bevels, close the middle 27 stitches for a deeper neckline and finish both sides separately.

To round, close along the inner edge in every 2nd r. 1 time 3 p., 1 time 2 p. and 1 time 1 p.

Finish the second side symmetrically.

Left sleeve

Cast on 49 (54-59-64) sts and for the placket knit 4.5 cm = 12 r. "Braids with elastic" pattern.

Then distribute the loops as follows and in the 1st row on the middle 21 sts, evenly distributing, decrease 4 (3-4-3) sts = 45 (51-55-61) sts: chrome, 10 (13- 15-18) p. of the “Braids with an elastic band” pattern, start from arrow a, knit rapport 1 time (= 5 p. between arrows) and finish at arrow b (repeat repeat 2 times (= 5 p. between arrows) and finish at arrow b - start at arrow a, repeat rapport 2 times (= 5 sts between arrows) and finish at arrow b - repeat repeat 3 times (= 5 sts between arrows) and finish at arrow b), 3 sts purl stitch, 17 stitches of the “Central braid” pattern from arrow a to b, 3 stitches of purl stitch, 10 (13-15-18) stitches of the “Braids with elastic” pattern, repeating the rapport 2 times (= 5 sts between arrows) (repeat rapport 2 times (= 5 sts between arrows) and finish at arrow b - repeat rapport 3 times (= 5 sts between arrows) - repeat repeat 3 times (= 5 sts between arrows) and finish at arrow b), chrome.

For bevels, add 11 (9-7-7) rubles on both sides. from the bar 1 time, 1 p., then in every 10th r. 6 times and every 8th r. 3 times (every 8th r. 8 times and every 6th r. 3 times - every 6th r. 13 times - every 6th r. 9 times and every 4th r. 5 times) 1 p. = 65 (75-83-91) p. Include added loops in the “Braids with elastic” pattern.

After 40.5 (38.5-36.5-34.5) cm = 102 (96-92-86) r. from the bar, close on both sides 1 time, 2 stitches each, then close on both sides for raglan bevels in every 2nd row. 13 (12-10-10) times 1 st and 3 (6-9-11) times 2 sts = 23 sts.

After 9.5 (11.5-13.5-13.5) cm = 24 (28-34-38) r. from the last raglan decrease, close from the left edge 1 time 3 p. and in every 2nd p. 5 times 4 p.

Right sleeve

Knit the right sleeve symmetrically.


Cast on 139 sts and knit with the “Braids with elastic” pattern, start with 3 sts before the 1st arrow, repeat the rapport 26 times (= 5 sts between arrows) and finish 6 sts after the 2nd arrow.

After 3 cm = 6 r. From the bar, knit 2 rows for the fold. purl stitch.

After 17 cm = 42 r. from the cast-on row, knit 2 stitches together purlwise on both sides of the middle 3 stitches = 119 stitches. Repeat these decreases 14 times in every 2nd row. = 91 p. Finally, close off the remaining 91 p.


Sew shoulder and raglan seams (see alignment marks).

Using circular knitting needles, cast on 110 stitches along the edge of the neckline and knit 3 cm = 6 rounds. pattern “Braids with an elastic band”, while repeating the rapport (= 5 sts between the arrows). Close the loops.

Sew the back seam of the hood. Fold the front edge of the hood along the fold line to the wrong side and sew. Sew the hood into the neck behind the trim, leaving the middle 9 cm free. Twist a cord 130 cm long and thread it through the drawstring of the hood. Sew sleeve seams and side seams.

Knitting patterns for men's hooded pullover

Pattern “Braids with an elastic band”: knit according to pattern A. Distribute the width of the loop according to the description in the instructions. Repeat in height from the 1st to the 4th row/circle.

Pattern "Central braid": knit according to pattern B, repeat = 47 sts. Repeat the marked repeats in height.

Knitting density: 22 p. x 25 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with the “Braids with elastic” pattern; 47 p. x 25 r. = 23 x 10 cm, knitted with the “Central braid” pattern; 17 p. x 25 r. = 8.5 x 10 cm, knitted on the middle loops of the “Central Braid”.

Description of knitting a men's pullover with a hood

Back: cast on 94 (104-114-124) sts and for the placket knit 4.5 cm -12 r. "Braids with elastic" pattern. Next, distribute the loops as follows and add 1 row in the middle. 1 p. = 95 (105-115-125) p.: chrome, 20 (25-30-35) p. pattern “Braids with elastic”, starting from arrow a, 3 (4-5-6) repeat the rapport twice (- 5 stitches between the arrows) and finish at the arrow b, 3 stitches of the purl stitch, 47 stitches of the “Central braid” pattern, 3 stitches of the purl stitch, 20 (25-30-35) stitches of the “ Braids with an elastic band”, while repeating the rapport 4 (5-6-7) times (= 5 stitches between the arrows), chrome. After 35.5 cm = 88 rub. from the bottom bar, close on both sides for the armholes 1 time, 2 stitches each, and then decrease on both sides for raglan bevels every 6th row. 2 times 1 p. and in every 4th r. 6 times for 1 p. (in every 6th row 5 times for 1 p. and in every 4th row 3 times for 1 st. - in every 6th row 7 times for 1 st. and in next 4th row 1 time 1 p. - in the next 8th row 1 time 1 p. and in every 6th row 7 times 1 p.) -75 (85-95-105) p. After 16 (18-20-22) cm = 40 (46-50-56) r. from the beginning, close the armholes on both sides for shoulder bevels 1 time, 2 (2-3-4) p., then in every 2nd r. 5 times 2 p. and 3 times 3 p. (8 times 3 p. -4 times 3 p. and 4 times 4 p. -8 times 4 p.). After 7 cm - 18 r. from the beginning of the shoulder bevels, close off the remaining 33 sts.

Before: knit like a back, but after 16 (18-20-22) cm - 40 (46-50-56) r. from the beginning, close the armholes on both sides for shoulder bevels 1 time 3 (4-5-6) p., then in every 2nd r. 1 time 3 (4-5-6) sts and 3 times 4 (5-6-7) sts. Simultaneously with the beginning of the shoulder bevels, close the middle 27 sts for a deeper neckline and finish both sides separately. To round, close along the inner edge in every 2nd r. 1 time 3 p., 1 time 2 p. and 1 time 1 p. Finish the second side symmetrically.

Left sleeve: cast on 49 (54-59-64) sts and for the placket knit 4.5 cm = 12 r. "Braids with elastic" pattern. Then distribute the loops as follows and in the 1st row on the middle 21 sts, evenly distributing, decrease 4 (3-4-3) sts = 45 (51-55-61) sts: chrome, 10 (13- 15-18) p. of the “Braids with an elastic band” pattern, start from arrow a, knit rapport 1 time (= 5 p. between arrows) and finish at arrow b (repeat repeat 2 times (= 5 p. between arrows) and finish at arrow b - start at arrow a, repeat repeat 2 times (- 5 stitches between arrows) and finish at arrow b - repeat repeat 3 times (= 5 stitches between arrows) and finish at arrow b), 3 stitches . purl stitch, 17 stitches of the “Central braid” pattern from arrow a to b, 3 stitches of purl stitch, 10 (13-15-18) stitches of the “Braids with elastic” pattern, repeating the repeat 2 times (= 5 sts between arrows) (repeat rapport 2 times (= 5 sts between arrows) and finish at arrow b - repeat repeat 3 times (- 5 sts between arrows) - repeat repeat 3 times (- 5 sts between arrows) and finish at arrow b), edge For bevels, add 1 stitch on both sides 11 (9-7-7) rows from the bar, then in every 10th row. 6 times and every 8th r. 3 times (every 8th r. 8 times and every 6th r. 3 times - every 6th r. 13 times - every 6th r. 9 times and every 4th r. 5 times) 1 p. - 65 (75-83-91) p. Include added loops in the “Braids with elastic” pattern. After 40.5 (38.5-36.5-34.5) cm - 102 (96-92-86) r. from the bar, close on both sides 1 time, 2 stitches each, then close on both sides for raglan bevels in every 2nd row. 13 (12-10-10) times 1 st and 3 (6-9-11) times 2 sts = 23 sts. After 9.5 (11.5-13.5-13.5) cm = 24 (28-34-38) rub. from the last raglan decrease, close from the left edge 1 time 3 p. and in every 2nd p. 5 times 4 sts. Knit the right sleeve symmetrically.

Hood: cast on 139 sts and knit with the “Braids with elastic” pattern, start with 3 sts before the 1st arrow, repeat the rapport 26 times (= 5 sts between the arrows) and finish 6 sts after the 2nd arrow. After 3 cm = 6 r. From the bar, knit 2 rows for the fold. purl stitch. Next, continue with the “Braids with an elastic band” pattern and close on both sides every 6th row. 7 times 1 p. and then in every 4th r. 2 times 1 p. = 121 p. After 17 cm - 42 r. from the cast-on row, knit 2 stitches together purlwise on both sides of the middle 3 stitches = 119 stitches. Repeat these decreases 14 times in every 2nd row. - 91 p. Finally, close off the remaining 91 p.

Assembly: perform shoulder and rib seams (see alignment marks). Using circular knitting needles, cast on 110 stitches along the edge of the neckline and knit 3 cm = 6 rounds. pattern “Braids with an elastic band”, while repeating the rapport (= 5 sts between the arrows). Close the loops. Sew the back seam of the hood. Fold the front edge of the hood along the fold line to the wrong side and sew. Sew the hood into the neck behind the trim, leaving the middle 9 cm free. Twist a cord 130 cm long and thread it through the drawstring of the hood. Sew sleeve seams and side seams.