Greedy or economical: how to understand a man. Stingy - the psychology of male greed If the husband is greedy then the wife

When a young man says that all women are greedy and materialistic, you can be sure that such people have nothing to give a woman. And it’s not always just material support. Male energy must be directed at someone, just as female energy must be received. The energy of money is masculine energy, and a woman receives it through her partner. The ladies' contribution to the couple is of a completely different nature, but the companion has nothing to worry about - this contribution is also there, the relationship in the couple is always circular. First of all, you need to figure out how a greedy man differs from a stingy or practical man. Psychology has been researching this topic for a long time and what to do about this problem.

A rich companion may seem really greedy to a lady. The fact is that this type prefers to spend their money on their own business, especially if they have just started doing their own thing. I wouldn’t dare call my friend greedy; he still spends his money, purposefully, though not on a woman.

For a woman, there is a certain risk in these investments, albeit necessary ones - what if it happens that now her companion is investing, and her friend is putting up with it, but when the time comes to enjoy the honestly acquired fruits of her labors, will a new chosen one appear, who will get everything, without a protracted waiting period. For women, when understanding whether a friend is greedy or not, it is important to evaluate not how much money the partner spends on her, but what part of his income he spends or is willing to spend. The amounts may be different, their significance for the partner himself may be different.

What is money is an indicator of a partner’s success in life.

For representatives of the stronger sex, this is expressed in these pieces of paper. Having a certain income, a person is self-sufficient, successful and masculine energy is strong. Such partners also have certain disadvantages, which a lady who aspires to have a real alpha male nearby must understand and still be ready to go along with. He will not be able to devote much time and attention - after all, at this time he is earning money. Will not listen to emotions and hysterics and understand whims. Accept - yes, but will not understand.

If a man is greedy, it means that he either can’t give you what you need or doesn’t want to. That a man should be generous not only to provide for his wife, but also for himself. Knowing how to give money to his companion, he is able to give warmth, attention, love. Closing everything into yourself destroys the circle of warmth, care and love between yourself and your partner; this will never create a healthy relationship. And the woman asks the question: are you a man or not?

How to recognize a greedy man - certain signs that psychology kindly offers will help you with this.

  • spends with pleasure only in cases where he receives direct benefits from spending. Dinner at an expensive restaurant is paid for only because it is his favorite restaurant. Any decoration will be purchased because you are going to a corporate party together, and you need to present your companion in a favorable light, without losing face in front of your business colleagues. Ultimately, these expenses are not for you;
  • gifts are given only for occasion. Spending should be logical, practical and justified;
  • Every time there is a conversation about finances, past achievements and extravagance in those days are remembered. This does not justify being frugal today, nor does it indicate how he intends to solve his difficulties;
  • each item is accompanied by his comment regarding the price, with or without reason;

  • knows everything about discounts better than you: where, what and when;
  • large sums are spent with great reluctance;
  • passion - collecting (apparently, including money);
  • never leaves a tip in a restaurant;
  • does not bring anything simply joyful into his life, without pronounced benefit. Having the means, he does not travel, is not interested in anything, has no passions (except for the mentioned collecting);
  • carefully counts change;
  • if you have just met, he does not try to treat you to a cup of coffee, and if this does happen, he offers to split the bill in half;
  • if you live together, you require a report for every penny spent;
  • the phrase “money doesn’t buy happiness” is a refrain in your relationships.

Some ladies also see stinginess in practicality, but if there is a rational explanation for this, which does not turn out to be a lack of attention and love for you, then this is rational spending. If the costs do not include the purchase of little things that bring joy to a companion, then the gift of emotions or attention will also be denied. Therefore, it is important to understand how to recognize and what to do next.

Reasons for Greed

Why men become like this and what influences it.

  • A systematic lack of funds in the past, perhaps poverty in the parents’ family and in one’s own. People who have experienced hunger will never throw food away; it’s the same with finances - the fear of getting into the same situation.
  • Birth trauma (for lovers of esotericism - karma). It is already recognized that the heritage of the family greatly affects the fate of each descendant. This also includes the model of behavior in the family: the father sharply limited the mother’s finances, reproached her for wastefulness, now your friend is repeating the laid down model.
  • Life for the distant future. By accumulating finances for the future, which will not be any time soon, such people forget about the present, which already exists now.
  • Doesn't believe in your relationship or feelings. This usually happens at the beginning of acquaintance, when prospects have not yet been determined and there is a risk. If the partner understands this reason, such a relationship may become even shorter - it is quite unattractive.
  • Complexes and fears. There are people who will forever be afraid that their companion has feelings not for him, but for his condition, status, advantages of living together. If a person is confident in himself, he will not be afraid of it. But a person who does not have this, and is already afraid of losing it, will not want to share this (even if non-existent) benefit. Potentially not.
  • As a child, his parents indulged their son’s selfishness. The last cake will never be yours, there is a habit that it is a favorite.
  • The most easily solved reason is a misunderstanding of a woman’s hints. The easiest way to deal with this is to stop hinting and say your desire in plain text. Perhaps the satellite is not aware of this at all and is ready to instantly solve this problem. If the hint turns into a direct request, and the result is the same, it means that you are still unlucky and the diagnosis is fixed.

Is it possible to find out in advance that you are dating a greedy man? Even at the stage of romantic meetings, you can check the attitude of a potential spouse towards money. For example, walking past a flower shop and hinting at your partiality for flowers. Or pass the costume jewelry department and admire the jewelry (it’s still possible and inexpensive, this is a test mode). If the gift is not received immediately, do not make hasty conclusions that he is stingy. Didn’t hear, didn’t understand, didn’t have the required amount (you went for a walk in the park, not in the jewelry store). And only if time passes, tests are repeated, and your little dream lies in its place and does not warm your soul, is it worth thinking about. In addition, sometimes the chosen one’s appearance encourages this opinion: worn-out clothes, shiny elbows, one sweater for all meetings.

How can this be changed?

How can you correct a man's character if his partner is very greedy? What to do if a man is dear to you? There are some tips for this case.

The greedy man himself suffers from this. Psychology can alleviate the problem, but there are no effective ways to combat this quality. Either a person can cope on his own if the desire arises, or no one can put this intention into consciousness. This is to some extent a diagnosis, and on the verge of an actual disease - the inability to share. He will probably try in some of his own ways to show love for his life partner, but will this suit both sides?

And if you don’t change, how can you continue to live?

Your husband is stingy. Neither divorce nor fix it, you need to move on with your life. How should wives who find themselves married to such a person behave? You will have to use all female wisdom and patience and include a sense of humor. So, advice for wives.

  • carefully and quietly manage his desires and intentions. Misers are characterized by a passionate desire to manage financial flows in the family. Let it be so, or rather let him think so. Who will remember who actually came up with this or that great idea? Of course, this is the husband’s idea - the main thing is to convince him of this with facts, arguments and undeniable evidence. Which amazingly save the family budget;
  • the purchase of the desired item is carried out only after other, more expensive and less economical, models have been demonstrated. The “cheap” option will be found as if by chance, after the zeros flash before the eyes of the unfortunate person;
  • a woman in such a situation should be at least somewhat financially independent and have her own budget, with pins. This will save your pride and allow you to at least sometimes enjoy an illegal chocolate bar or wear a blouse that “you bought a long time ago, you just forgot.”

A woman will have to constantly show remarkable ingenuity in order to live with a man who counts pennies. A successful couple will be in which both are tight-fisted, then there will be no discomfort in the relationship.

Legends are made up about greedy men, poems are written (and far from pretentious odes), such people become characters in poems and novels (remember the famous Plyushkin from the famous novel by N.V. Gogol). Psychologists write dissertations about greedy men. It is worth remembering that in case of a serious violation, the help of a specialist is required. This is worth doing if your partner has not previously noticed such behavior.

If you started dating a young man and realized that among his characteristic features there is also this, not the most pleasant, trait, all that remains is to determine for yourself whether it is worth continuing the relationship and where it will lead both of you in the end. Everyone's dream is a generous man.

The article tells how to live with a greedy husband. It describes the reasons why a man becomes greedy, how to deal with greed, and gives advice to those women who have chosen a greedy husband as their husband.

When a woman first meets a man, when she is going through a period of falling in love, she does not notice his negative qualities at all, everything around her is perceived as rosy, and this period can last for a long time.

Even if any errors are observed, the woman thinks that if the man is only hers, then he will become ideal, all his shortcomings can be corrected.

But if a woman notices signs of greed before marriage, then she needs to be wary so that in the future this quality does not become a reason for divorce. Unfortunately, recognizing a greedy man in the early stages of a relationship is quite difficult, because a truly calculating man reveals himself much later, after he has won the feelings and affection of a woman.

Therefore, many are concerned about the question of how to live with a greedy husband while married. It is worth noting that some men show this quality quite quickly. They can carefully choose products in supermarkets, ask the price, and pay attention to current promotions.

A woman should be very attentive, because if the chosen one comes on a date empty-handed or does not invite you to the cinema, but prefers to relax in nature, you should not rush to conclusions. Perhaps at the moment he is faced with a difficult financial situation, maybe he lost his job, but he is afraid of losing his girlfriend, so he is afraid to save the relationship by any means.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand what greed is, what kind of property it is and why it arises. In fact, greed is one of many character traits and can be inherent in both women and men. But the husband perceives his wife’s greed differently; he transfers management of the family budget into her hands and is glad that his chosen one is economical and thrifty.

If a woman hears the phrase, greedy husband, she immediately has a lot of negative emotions about this. These emotions arise because a woman believes that if a man is generous, then he loves and appreciates her, fulfills all her wishes, she thinks that her beloved will be ready to do anything for her.

When a woman hears about a greedy man, the following portrait immediately appears before her eyes: a rather curvy man, certainly with a cigarette in his mouth, who hides huge sums of money in his pockets, but at the same time regrets buying a small bouquet for his own wife. He constantly thinks why buy flowers if they need to be thrown away anyway.

It is interesting that many women determine the amount of love by the price of the gift; the more expensive they are, the stronger the love. But this is an erroneous opinion, and reasoning in this way is absolutely unacceptable.

In fact, greed or stinginess are exceptional personal qualities that can be inherited. For example, you can observe the members of this person’s family, everything will immediately fall into place.

It is not often that this quality appears after a person has experienced a difficult childhood in material terms or was given a bad upbringing. It happens that personal qualities may depend on the location of the planets at the time of his birth, in other words, on the zodiac sign.

Psychologists identify the following types of greed:

  • Pathological greed, when a man constantly thinks that everything is not enough for him. The extreme level of such greed is hoarding. Most often it is caused by insufficient attention in childhood.
  • Innate greed, as mentioned above, was inherited by the man from his relatives.
  • Greed for others, but not for yourself. The husband does not pay attention to what his wife looks like and what she needs; he only worries about having all his needs met.
  • Selective greed is a very difficult type of greed, when the husband strictly controls every penny, and suddenly after a while it turns out that the husband has a mistress who needs absolutely nothing. Such a husband should be abandoned immediately, despite his good qualities.

In fact, it is very difficult for a woman to make a greedy man become generous; you can try to slightly correct this quality. For this there is one condition - a woman must love her husband very much.

After all, she married him because she noticed many good qualities in him that covered all the bad character traits. Maybe he acts as a loving father and an attentive, caring man, a good lover.

Therefore, you should not focus your attention only on the material side; it is better to try to praise him for showing love and care to all family members. It is worth noting that the husband did not become greedy in order to cause suffering to someone, one must accept the fact that it is difficult for him to part with the money he earned through honest labor.

Only a frank conversation with your husband will help bring harmony and mutual understanding back into the family. You need to choose the right moment, a calm atmosphere and tell him about your love, that relationships between a man are built not only on the principle of “take”, but also “take and give”. You also need to invite your husband to share his experiences and grievances.

He needs to be taught to share what he has. Let it be love, care and time devoted to loved ones, while you need to explain to him that sharing is not at all difficult. It is very important that this conversation does not turn into continuous complaints, but ends with kisses and hugs.

It often happens that a man is stingy not only with money, but also with emotional emotions - warmth, affection and care. This also needs to be talked about, because you rarely meet men who figure everything out on their own.

He needs to be shown the line between where frugality is and where there is excessive stinginess, you can even shame him a little, let him feel ashamed that a woman gives all her best to please him, but gets nothing in return.

In no case should a woman tolerate her husband constantly showing his displeasure about women who waste the money their husbands earn, while his wife engages in selfless charity, washing his shirts, preparing impeccable dinners. She has the right to fully demand trips to a restaurant, the purchase of things she needs, and even a nice ring for her wedding anniversary.

When a man’s stinginess has spread to all members of the family, when the wife wears only boots for the third winter in a row, and the children do not see sweets for some time, at a time when the husband managed to buy himself a gun and an inflatable boat, then it is worth thinking about whether such family mutual understanding and love. In most cases, such a person loves only himself, and cares only about himself.

There are also types of men who are afraid to make various expenses because they are worried about being left without any money. In this case, the woman should also act wisely by allocating the family budget clearly.

You can purchase several envelopes and put the words “Food”, “Repair”, “Rainy Day” and so on on them. Then he will be sure that the “Rainy Day” envelope will not be opened unnecessarily.

It is also necessary to know that stinginess of incredible proportions cannot be cured by ordinary conversations or remedies, like a cold. Only the help of a real specialist will be appropriate in this case.

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Family psychologist, interpersonal relationship consultant, director of the dating agency “Me and You” Elena Kuznetsova tells the story.

Recognize a greedy person

The line where frugality ends and greed begins is very thin. But there are still differences. Thus, a thrifty person will not buy what is unnecessary, but will buy what is necessary. And a greedy person will not buy anything at all. A thrifty person worries about how he looks in the eyes of others, and therefore, if necessary, he will participate in the financing of something. The greedy person does not care about public opinion in principle; he worries exclusively about the safety of his money.

To understand exactly what type of man is in front of you, you need to put him in conditions where he needs to pay for something.


Clothing is not an indicator

A poorly dressed man is not at all an indication that he is a cheapskate. It's all about habits and mentality. It happens that they are not even dressed in the best way, and all because they were not taught to dress well.

“But if a man is well dressed, then a woman definitely had a hand in this: mother, girlfriend, wife, who taught him to beautiful things. In addition, daffodils and gigolos dress well and strive to please the ladies,” says Kuznetsova.

You can't rehabilitate a greedy person

There is no way to re-educate a greedy person. This quality is deeply rooted in childhood. Sometimes a greedy person grows up in a very loving family, when the child was pampered, overprotected and denied nothing. But most often, greedy people come from other families when the child was not only not given something, but was also constantly humiliated and, perhaps, even beaten. Greed is often mixed with aggression, humiliation and self-centeredness.

“Rich men and poor men can be greedy equally. This quality does not depend on the financial success and social status that a person achieves in the future. It was “brought up” in childhood,” explains Elena Kuznetsova.

Greedy people often look unpleasant in appearance, they look like a rat or a ferret: a nervous sculpting of the face, pursed thin lips, narrowed eyes, eternal discontent and wariness in the face.

It is impossible to eradicate greed in a man. This quality can only be combated by creating conditions under which the greedy cannot help but pay. Relatively speaking, if he understands that if he does not pay for electricity, he will sit without electricity, etc.

Show off

Greedy men usually do not save only on themselves: they buy clothes that they like, or they can spend all the money on their favorite hobby, for example, buy a spinning rod for fishing with their entire salary. They can eat truffles and caviar in the dark, as long as no one sees it, and they don’t have to share.

But sometimes a greedy person is still able to fork out money. He is ready to do this if he senses a benefit. So, if a man, he can go broke on a restaurant. But at the end of the evening, he will try to get the lady to “pay back” for dinner.

Greedy people are not capable of deep feelings

Helpful information

Elena Kuznetsova, director of the dating agency “I and You”, family psychologist. Phone 8-920-909-62-35.

Hoarders cannot truly love a woman precisely because they are self-centered and selfish. Such men are very unreliable, because they are able to spend their entire salary on themselves, without caring that their wife and children will be forced to eat only buckwheat and pasta for the entire month. So, if you understand that your chosen one is not a thrifty man, but rather a greedy one, think about whether it’s worth continuing to date him.

If you have questions for psychologist Elena Kuznetsova, you can ask them by writing a letter to the editorial office of AiF-Vladimir: [email protected] .

Greed is not the best character trait, especially when it comes to a man. A greedy man is stingy with gifts, compliments, and positive emotions. How to recognize it in the early stages of a relationship and what to do next? More on this later.

A character trait such as greed is not so easy to determine from the first meeting. Do you think that you can’t interrogate a greedy person for a penny? In general, this is true, but it is not so easy to determine, because at first he may try to appear in a more advantageous light and impress you. But after several meetings, this character flaw can be identified, and here are its signs:

  • a greedy man can spend a lot of money on himself (that is, on his own pleasures and what is useful to him personally), but at the same time spare money for others (not tip, for example). And don’t think that someday you will become a happy exception;
  • how he gives gifts and what exactly he gives. A greedy man will not give you something just like that, unless there is a good reason (and sometimes even if there is, for example, on your birthday, you can get a penny souvenir, or even nothing at all). In addition, even if he gives you a gift, he will try to save money on it (for example, during the courtship period, he invites you to a restaurant and comes there with a bouquet of several roses, and you see that the flowers are not entirely fresh and of high quality, and he obviously saved on them by buying something cheaper. It may be nice to receive such a bouquet, but the joy will be short-lived, because flowers bought on the cheap will wither the very next day);
  • in a conversation, he may mention expensive prices in the store or talk about discounts and cheap prices (and this will appear already during the courtship period);
  • loves when they give him something for free, so he will move from store to store and buy where the price is a ruble or two cheaper;
  • rarely gives you gifts, but at the same time considers himself generous - after all, he still gives them;
  • bargains with you in the style of “you give me this, I’ll give you that” - and this is a sign of not only manipulation, but also greed, because such a man is greedy for both money and feelings, he cannot give you something just like that , just because he likes you, it’s too wasteful for him.

How to test a man for greed

At the beginning of the candy-bouquet period, it is difficult to recognize a greedy person, but still possible. You should be alert to such signs as:

  1. selfish character. Such a man loves himself, his beloved, and can also spend money on himself, but an egoist will easily save on a woman;
  2. he never tips the waiter;
  3. start a conversation about a big purchase made by mutual friends and see his reaction. For a greedy man, this reaction will be criticism or;
  4. Is he already saving money on you? For example, he buys you flowers that are not entirely fresh, but are cheaper, or takes you to a concert, tickets for which are sold at a huge discount. These all seem to be little things, but they greatly spoil the entire impression of communication and at the same time say a lot about your gentleman;
  5. he doesn't understand your hints. For example, if you say that you like a new expensive restaurant (and you know that he is quite capable of inviting you there), but he still does not invite you or has completely forgotten about it - most likely, this man is just greedy and does not want to spend on you have extra finances, besides not knowing whether the relationship will turn into something serious or not. This is also a sign of greed.
  6. pay attention to the family he grew up in. If it was a poor family, then he will probably have character traits such as stinginess and frugality. This is, in general, not bad, but over time these qualities can turn into greed, and this is much worse. By the way, his constant lack of finances may be one of the reasons why a man is greedy. In this case, such a disadvantage may disappear if the financial situation improves.
  7. greed in actions. Not only your man’s finances, but also his actions can speak about his attitude towards you. Typically, a greedy man will not do too much, too well, too often for you. He will always wonder if he sold himself short when he treated you this way and not otherwise. He may even demand some actions from you in exchange for his own, that is, “bargaining” is also a manifestation of greed. He will never do an act for you if it is beneficial to you and at the same time not beneficial to him.

What to do and how to behave

If you understand that most likely your young man has a character trait such as greed, then in fact you have three options:

  • deal with it;
  • try to change it;
  • end the relationship.

And, perhaps, ending the relationship is the easiest way out, especially if you do not yet have great feelings for him. But what to do if a man is really for you, but at the same time you clearly see that he is greedy? You can try to correct his behavior and see the result after a while. If he becomes more generous towards you, then all is not lost. If not, don't waste your time, he won't change.

Also, if your relationship with this man is very important to you, you can try to accept him for who he is, that is, greedy. But you need to clearly understand that for him saving on himself and on you is natural and normal. Would you be comfortable living with such a person, even if he is otherwise just perfect? The answer is up to you. Well, if a man is far from ideal, and even greedy, and you clearly feel discomfort in communicating with him, then it’s hardly worth tolerating and putting up with this. In this case, the best option is to look for another, more suitable gentleman.

What to do if your husband is greedy

If you realized at the very early stages of communication that this is a greedy man, then it will be much easier for you to part with him. But what to do if greed has already manifested itself in marriage, when it is not so easy and quick to say goodbye to each other?

Firstly, do not refuse it and encourage even the smallest and most insignificant gifts. Of course, you don’t need to beg him to give a gift, but when he made it himself, you should react with a positive emotional connotation. This will help him understand that you like gifts and that this is what he should do if he wants to please you.

Secondly, emphasize his generosity, even if he is stingy and greedy. This will help him reevaluate his behavior and attitude towards finances and spending.

It is very important to remember that if a man’s greed has become a persistent habit and character trait, then it is difficult to re-educate it. Therefore, you can try, but you should not create illusions. Of course, greed is not the cornerstone of