How many biorevitalization procedures can be used to achieve an effect? How many biorevitalization procedures need to be done? When is it better to do biorevitalization according to the seasons?

Biorevitalization is an effective method of facial skin rejuvenation, which involves the introduction of injections of hyaluronic acid. The technology is popular among women who want to remain beautiful for as long as possible.

One of the most effective ways to preserve youth and beauty is biorevitalization. How many procedures do you need to do to achieve a positive result? Some patients note the effectiveness of the procedure after the first session, while others will need to visit the cosmetologist’s office two or three times.

Biorevitalization is a rejuvenating technology, the essence of which is the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin. This vital component performs very important functions in the human body. It is responsible for collecting and transporting moisture, stimulating the natural production of collagen, as a result of which fine wrinkles are smoothed out and deep wrinkles become less noticeable.

The most common questions regarding the rejuvenation technique with hyaluronic acid are at what age can you get injections for the first time, how often should you visit a cosmetologist, and how many procedures will be needed to achieve a visible result.

Features of the procedure

Biorevitalization is carried out in a cosmetologist's office. Although it is considered safe, however, the injections must be administered by a specialist to avoid possible negative consequences and complications after the procedure.

The session is carried out in several stages.

  1. First, the cosmetologist thoroughly cleanses the facial skin of makeup and impurities. Cleansing gels or milk can be used.
  2. If the patient has increased sensitivity to pain, the area to be corrected should be numbed. For this purpose, you can use regular ice or frozen chamomile decoction, which will soothe the skin. Cosmetologists offer patients special pain-relieving creams. Treat with an antiseptic.
  3. Now you can begin administering hyaluronic acid preparations. A special apparatus is used for this. The product is injected into the skin using needles in predetermined areas. These can be nasolabial folds, forehead, cheeks.
  4. After the procedure, you need to treat your facial skin with an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial drugs to prevent infection and the entry of pathogenic microorganisms.

You cannot do acupuncture if the doctor has not examined the patient’s health status, because there are a number of contraindications to biorevitalization.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure can be performed on women with visible signs of aging. As a rule, irreversible age-related changes in a woman’s body occur after 25 years.

Biorevitalization is indicated in the following cases:

  • Dry skin, dehydration, lack of moisture, roughness;
  • Condition of facial skin after burns;
  • The appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • Chronic fatigue, which is reflected on the face;
  • Age spots, acne, pimples in remission;
  • Changes in complexion as a result of smoking, past illnesses;
  • Consequences of laser or chemical peeling.

Biorevitalization is best done after the first signs of aging appear. Women whose face is in good condition and looks young and well-groomed should not seek the help of a cosmetologist.

There are a number of contraindications to the procedure. If you do not adhere to them, you may encounter unpleasant complications such as redness, hematomas, and allergic reactions.

Patients should not undergo biorevitalization in the following cases:

  • Inflammations and infectious diseases of the facial skin;
  • Allergy or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Pathologies of the immune system;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Taking blood thinning medications;
  • The presence of certain chronic diseases;
  • Herpes;
  • Acne and acne in the acute stage;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Before performing a set of rejuvenation procedures, the cosmetologist is obliged to familiarize the patient with the possible consequences, and also determine whether there are any contraindications to biorevitalization.

The modern cosmetology market offers a wide range of drugs that are used in biorevitalization. There are products that can be administered at any time of the year, and there are also those after which it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight on the face.

The most popular drugs include the following:

  • Juvederm is an American company that produces a whole line of drugs for biorevitalization procedures. Women over the age of 30 are recommended to use Juvederm Ultra, and those who have not yet turned 25 can use Juvederm Hydrate.
  • Meso Wharton P199 is an American-made drug - an innovative development of scientists. The main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid. It also contains a large number of substances beneficial to the skin.
  • Teosyal Meso is a product based on hyaluronic acid, which is used in leading Swiss clinics.

There are other, no less effective drugs that can be used to perform a set of procedures to rejuvenate facial skin.

How many procedures are needed?

The number of sessions required to obtain a stable result from a course of biorevitalization depends on the age of the patient, the drug used, and the desired effect. Very often, patients are interested in the question of how many procedures are needed, how often to inject hyaluronic acid into the skin, and how long the effect lasts.

The patient herself determines how many times a year to undergo facial skin rejuvenation procedures.

It should be warned that the result is not noticeable immediately after biorevitalization, but only after a few days. The best time to get acupuncture is during the cold season. Then the active component does not evaporate under the influence of high temperature, the effect is more noticeable and stable.

There are two options for biorevitalization: preventive and therapeutic.

Women aged 25 to 30 do not yet show very pronounced signs of aging. Expression wrinkles may appear, which can easily be corrected by one biorevitalization procedure once a year.

Administration of hyaluronic acid preparations to patients at a young age for prophylactic purposes can be carried out no more than once a year. The most appropriate time to prevent aging is under 30 years of age.

Biorevitalization procedures help fill the epidermis with life-giving moisture. Facial skin becomes smooth and fresh, color improves, visible defects are eliminated.

Hyaluronic acid, which must be injected using special needles into the inner layers of the skin, stimulates collagen production. Thus, it can be observed that the aging process occurs more slowly in the body.

The preventive course of biorevitalization consists of two sessions, with a break between them of one month. The procedure is carried out to rejuvenate not only the facial skin, but also to remove imperfections on the arms, legs, and neck.

Patients who are over 31 years old must already undergo a treatment course. At this age, wrinkles are more pronounced, color deteriorates, and signs of fatigue and stress remain on the face. If you inject hyaluronic acid at least two or three times a year, the condition of your facial skin will noticeably improve.

After the procedure, you can observe that the number of wrinkles decreases, irregularities are smoothed out, and the facial contour becomes clearer. To ensure a stable effect, it is better to use proven drugs from well-known manufacturers.

After the procedure, you can observe that the number of wrinkles decreases, irregularities are smoothed out, and the facial contour becomes clearer. In order for the effect to be stable, it is better to use proven drugs from manufacturers that have proven themselves on the positive side in the cosmetology market.

The result that can be obtained after therapeutic biorevitalization:

  • Elimination of facial skin defects (irregularities, roughness, rashes);
  • Smoothing of facial and deep wrinkles;
  • Elimination of the effects of chemical peeling;
  • Improving the condition of facial skin (its color, texture).

Therapeutic biorevitalization can be carried out two to three times a year, depending on the condition of the patient’s skin and her age. The course consists of 3-4 sessions, which should be carried out with a break of one month.

Women are often concerned about the cost of a procedure that can help prolong the youthfulness of their facial skin. The price for biorevitalization ranges from 4,000 to 15,000 rubles.

If you decide to resort to the help of cosmetologists, remember that it is better to pay more, but be sure of the quality of the work. The procedure should be carried out by an experienced specialist. It is advisable to find several positive reviews about it. The session is held in a specially equipped room. All instruments that the cosmetologist will use must be treated with antiseptic solutions.

You can take a biorevitalization course at any time of the year, but it is better not to do this in the summer. Before inserting needles, the cosmetologist must conduct a preliminary consultation, during which the patient is notified of possible risks, information is clarified about her state of health, the presence of allergic reactions to anything or chronic diseases. After the session, the specialist provides instructions on how to care for your facial skin.

Biorevitalization is one of the most popular and sought after beauty procedures.

How many times and how often to do it depends on what result the client wants to achieve. After the drug expires, the appearance of the face does not deteriorate, wrinkles do not become deeper, and dependence on hyaluronic acid does not occur.

It is hardly possible to answer the question of how often biorevitalization is done. A number of factors influence the number of procedures required, including the patient’s skin characteristics and her age. It is believed that initially you need to undergo 3-5 sessions to achieve a visible result. And then it will be enough to perform the procedure once every 6 months. It is also worth understanding what contraindications there are for the procedure.

What kind of facial procedure is biorevitalization, how often can it be done and how long does it last?

Any woman wants to remain young and beautiful for as long as possible. One of the best methods of skin rejuvenation is injections of hyaluronic acid -. Such sessions are very popular among women, as well as.

How many injections do you need to do to get satisfactory results? Everything is too individual. Some women notice a positive effect after the first session. And some people have to visit a cosmetologist several times. You can get by, but the effect will not be so noticeable.

Hyaluronic acid is very important for the body. It is responsible for the production of collagen, thanks to which small wrinkles are smoothed out and deep ones become less noticeable.

Facial rejuvenation with biorevitalization must be done in the office of a cosmetologist. The sessions are safe for health, but you should still trust a professional to avoid possible negative complications.

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. Facial skin cleansing. The cosmetologist uses special products for this.
  2. Anesthesia of the skin areas where correction will be performed. To do this, use ice, frozen herbal decoctions, and painkillers. Antiseptic treatment is required.
  3. Introduction using a special apparatus. Before this, the specialist determines the injection sites for the drug: cheeks, forehead, folds in the nose and lips.
  4. Treatment of skin with antiseptic preparations. To prevent harmful bacteria from entering the body, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents are also used.

Biorevitalization should be done only after examining the patient, since there are a number of contraindications to this procedure.

In the video - biorevitalization of the face:

Who can undergo the procedure and who cannot receive hyaluronic acid injections

Biorevitalization is also indicated for the appearance of facial wrinkles. If a woman has chronic fatigue, then everything is reflected on her face, so it would be useful to take several injections. And exactly how much will be determined by the cosmetologist. And you can find out about biorevitalization around the eyes.

Injections of hyaluronic acid can also be performed when age spots, acne appear, or when complexion deteriorates due to smoking. These procedures can correct the negative effects of chemical peeling and help the skin after burns.

Biorevitalization is not indicated for those ladies whose faces are in good condition, as well as those who look young and well-groomed.

At what age can you undergo a rejuvenation course?

Age-related changes begin after 25 years. The most common method of combating facial skin aging is biorevitalization. It is recommended for those women who already have visible signs of aging. Indicators such as dry skin, roughness, and lack of moisture allow us to conclude that it is time to think about injections. You can find out which is better: mesotherapy or biorevitalization.

In the video, who can undergo biorevitalization:

The following conditions are contraindications to the procedures:

  • allergy or excessive sensitivity to the constituent substances of the drug;
  • problems with the immune system;
  • mental disorders;
  • a number of chronic diseases (it is better to check with your doctor);
  • taking blood thinning medications;
  • exacerbation of acne;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period. And you can find out about papules after biorevitalization by.

Before performing procedures, you should familiarize yourself with their possible consequences. The cosmetologist should talk about this in detail and determine whether the patient has any contraindications to beauty injections.

How many procedures are needed to make the effect last long - number of sessions

How many sessions are needed and how often biorevitalization can be done is determined by the doctor, focusing on the patient’s wishes. Many factors are taken into account. For example, an important indicator is the age of the woman who came to the appointment. The drug chosen for injection is no less important. And what effect you ultimately want to get also plays a role in determining the number of sessions required.

On average, a rejuvenation course with hyaluronic acid consists of 4 sessions. If the skin is in good condition with small expression wrinkles, it will be enough to carry out preventive biorevitalization once a week for 3 weeks. If the doctor sees that the patient needs a therapeutic course, he may prescribe 3-5 sessions, with breaks of up to 3 weeks between them. Usually the course lasts for 6 months. If the procedures were carried out using a device, it lasts even longer.

How often should biorevitalization be done for those with aging skin? The initial course for such patients is prescribed longer. And the cosmetologist approaches the choice of the drug especially carefully, and it is recommended to repeat the procedure once every 3-4 months. You can find out about contraindications and consequences for photorejuvenation.

The maximum effect can be obtained only after completing the full course. It is important to saturate your skin with hyaluronic acid to make it work like it did when you were young. After this, rejuvenation of the integument occurs, as most of the cells are renewed.

If a woman is going on vacation to the sea, then it is advisable to undergo 2 sessions of youth injections before leaving and the same number upon returning home. This is necessary, since the sun's rays affect the skin quite negatively.

There are some rules to follow after the session is completed. So, you should not visit the bathhouse or sauna for 2 weeks after the injections. Solariums should also be avoided. resort to other cosmetic procedures, such as peeling. There is no need to attend physiotherapy sessions and contact plastic surgeons, and do not use . Compliance with these recommendations will help avoid negative consequences.

A woman will be able to notice the result after the first session. The skin gains moisture, becomes denser, more elastic and youthful. And after a couple more procedures, wrinkles are no longer noticeable.

Currently, many anti-aging cosmetic techniques are offered, but biorevitalization is one of the safest and most painless. And in terms of its effect, it is one of the best. But whether a woman needs the procedure or can do without it is up to the lady herself to decide. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with hair biorevitalization.

In order to be a beautiful girl, you don’t need much: a little natural luck, a little good mood and basic care. Being a beautiful woman is more difficult. It requires character, willpower and careful care. This is neither more nor less, but a life position. Maybe that's why there are so many beautiful girls and so few beautiful women around. Not everyone dares to defy age and decide on biorevitalization and other cosmetic procedures without having any idea about their effect. Anyone who has taken on the challenge should make friends with aesthetic medicine in general and biorevitalization in particular.

What is facial biorevitalization and who is it indicated for?

Literally translated, this is bio-rejuvenation. After the procedure, rejuvenation really occurs. And not so much local as general action. Simply put, by rejuvenating your face, décolleté or neck, you will inevitably rejuvenate your entire body.

Since one of the important components used in this procedure is hyaluronic acid, no matter in which part of the body you use it, the concentration is sure to increase throughout the body.

Brief list of indications:

  • dry dehydrated skin;
  • wrinkles;
  • lifeless hair;
  • injured skin;
  • unhealthy skin color.

At the same time, biorevitalization is used not only to correct age-related changes, but also for preventive purposes. Its essence consists of injections with microscopic needles into the deep layers of the skin and saturating them with hyaluronic acid, as well as vitamin complexes.

By the way, there is not only an injection type of procedure, but also.

How many days does it take for the effect of the procedure to occur?

Already the first procedure, after the papules have passed, is incredibly refreshing and rejuvenating. Moreover, the more mature the skin, the more noticeable the result. By equalizing the water balance, tissues are moisturized and skin turgor increases. In addition, hyaluronic acid stimulates collagen production.

Since collagen production takes time, the effect of the procedure is cumulative. In other words, on the second day you will look younger than on the first, and on the third day you will look younger than on the second, and so on. The effect increases over three to four weeks and lasts about six months. That is, the result is prolonged.

In some cases, the effect is measured in years rather than months. Moreover, the effect of the injection is higher than that of a laser. True, the laser procedure is more comfortable.

No results from biorevitalization?

Having endured a range of unpleasant and painful sensations, and leaving a lot of money in the salon, some women are close to despair. There is no result and that's it. Moreover, his face is all punctured. After waiting for a new day, I go back to the mirror, but there is no result. Why is this happening?

As a rule, women naively believe that one procedure can solve their problem. This is wrong. After all, this is science, not magic. Although the effect of biorevitalization is indeed very similar to magic, you cannot get rid of it with just one procedure. A course is required that consists of five to seven, at least three procedures.

The interval between such events is about two weeks. This course is designed for six months to a year. For a better therapeutic effect, it is recommended to do one additional maintenance procedure about once every three months. This recommendation is not universal, because everything is individual.

In addition to the above, the lack of effect from the biorevitalization procedure can be explained by ordinary fraud. That is, the use of uncertified drugs or dummy drugs.

Remember that health is not something to joke about, so such procedures should only be performed by highly qualified specialists with a good reputation!

What needs to be done to prolong the effect of biorevitalization?

  • To maximize the effect of biorevitalization, you need to drink up to two to two and a half liters of water daily for ten days. This is due to the fact that the rejuvenation effect occurs due to the attraction of water molecules introduced by hyaluronic acid. So, in order to have something to attract, do not forget about this simple procedure.
  • If the gel has been injected, then you should not knead the grooves and small bumps formed as a result. They go away on their own very soon.
  • Avoid heating masks, saunas and other thermal procedures.
  • You can't sunbathe.
  • Avoid being in the cold if it happens in winter.
  • You can't play sports.
  • Avoid massaging and rubbing the skin

Can biorevitalization have a side effect?

Nothing in this world is perfect. Biorevitalization, unfortunately, is no exception to this rule. In some cases, such a nuisance as a side effect still occurs.

In general, injection cocktails use substances that are as close as possible to those produced by the body itself, but there is always a “but”. Allergic reactions to some components of the drug, as well as individual intolerance, are possible. Therefore, it is extremely important to undergo a comprehensive examination before the procedure and eliminate risk factors. Which drug is better for facial biorevitalization? Incompetence or lack of competence of a doctor can also provoke unpleasant consequences, in the form of a side effect.

Side effect manifestations:

  • swelling;
  • hematomas;
  • inflammation at puncture sites.

Biorevitalization, like any medical and cosmetic procedure, has contraindications, here is a list of absolute ones:

  • oncology (any localization);
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infections;
  • skin diseases;
  • age up to twenty-five years.

Professional skin rejuvenation requires an individual approach, so it is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of how many biorevitalization procedures need to be done. Much depends on the type of skin, the chosen method of administration, as well as the composition used. The number of sessions is directly related to the patient’s age, the condition of the skin, and the “response” of the epidermis to the administered components. It happens that a monocomposition in the form of hyaluronic acid does not produce the desired effect on mature skin. Then the specialist is forced to select a multi-component product that effectively “works” on the epidermis of a particular person.

At its core, biorevitalization is a method of rejuvenation by introducing a drug based on hyaluronic acid under the skin. The latter saturates the dermis with moisture, strengthens weakened collagen and elastin fibers. It leads to:

  1. Relief restoration;
  2. Tightening of “sagging” areas of skin;
  3. Getting rid of unwanted pigmentation;
  4. Acquiring a healthy color.

Penetration of the active substance into the skin is carried out in two ways:

  • By frequently pricking the problem area with a thin needle (injection method);
  • Using a device that allows you to deliver the components of the product to the level of the dermis without disturbing the integrity of the skin (usually a laser is used).

The first method is more traumatic because it involves multiple microdamages of the skin. Its advantage is its faster action: the drug is delivered immediately to the desired subcutaneous level. Since the effect is carried out without delay, the effect is achieved in a short time.

To achieve the same result with a laser, you will have to increase the number of sessions. The second method is attractive due to the lack of subsequent rehabilitation.

In each individual case, a different concentration of the active substance is used. The specialist varies the composition, focusing on the age and condition of the patient’s epidermis.

Depending on the concentration of hyaluronic acid, the cosmetologist calculates how many ml of the active substance is needed to treat the face at the time of the procedure.

IMPORTANT! In some cases, the specialist resorts to ready-made formulations with the required concentration. This helps to avoid erroneous calculations when diluting hyaluronate.

The main guideline for starting rejuvenation procedures is the first age-related changes in the skin. They can appear both at the age of 25 and after 30. You should seek help from a cosmetologist in the following cases:

  • The appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • Decreased skin turgor;
  • Dryness of the epidermis;
  • Presence of pigmented spots;
  • Photoaging;
  • Post-peeling recovery (if chemical exposure was performed).

In the latter case, for biorevitalization of the face, the calculation of how many ml of hyaluronate is needed for optimal restoration of the epidermis is carried out taking into account the aggressiveness of the peeling performed and the rate of skin regeneration after it.

A course of rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid should be abandoned if:

  1. There is a high allergic reaction to the active substance;
  2. There are inflammatory processes in the affected area;
  3. There is an exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  4. The woman is pregnant or breastfeeding;
  5. Increased body temperature;
  6. There are herpetic rashes.

When choosing the injection method, you must refrain from taking blood thinning medications.

There is no single answer to the question at what age it is necessary to start rejuvenation, since biorevitalization can be done both from 25 and 35 years.

The main criterion for starting procedures is the presence of the first signs of skin aging.

Skin that is exposed to frequent tanning and does not have constant care ages faster. At the same time, the first age-related changes can appear at 25 years of age. But this does not mean that it makes sense to immediately overload the dermis with intensive hyaluronate treatment. Usually, up to 30 years of age, the epidermis needs a preventive treatment consisting of a course of 2-3 procedures. Prevention should not be repeated more than once a year.

After 30 years, as the first wrinkles appear and elasticity is lost, biorevitalization often has to be done for medicinal purposes. This course involves taking it twice over the course of one year with a break of 6 months.

If preventive treatment with hyaluronate was carried out before this age, then the break between courses can increase to 8-9 months.

At the age of 30, before starting biorevitalization, you should visit a cosmetologist who will tell you how many procedures need to be done to eliminate visible skin problems.

In case of lack of proper care and seeking help from a specialist in adulthood, the number of sessions and frequency of their repetition are determined individually.

On average, cosmetologists, answering the question of how many biorevitalization procedures are needed for 35 years, recommend doing courses of 2-3 approaches for injection therapy, and at least 10 for laser therapy. In the first case, 2-3 weeks should pass between sessions, while in the second, the break should not exceed 7 days.

Based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin, the course of hyaluronic acid is repeated after 5-8 months.

At the age of 40, biorevitalization is already a necessity, and how many procedures need to be done to achieve a quality result depends on the thoroughness of previous skin care. The more the epidermis received nutrition and hydration from a young age, the less it requires the number of rejuvenation sessions. If a woman has only become concerned about her appearance in adulthood and has deep wrinkles, sagging, and a gray face, then the procedures are carried out more actively, and the interval between them is reduced.

When wondering whether it is possible to rejuvenate the skin after 40 years and how often to do biorevitalization, you should again focus on each specific case. In a neglected state, previously formed wrinkles already form deep folds. It is not always possible to completely get rid of them, but reducing their manifestation is quite possible. At the same time, hyaluronic acid provides a significant face lift, returns the skin to a healthy appearance, and produces intense hydration of the epidermis.

The products used in anti-aging procedures differ in the concentration of the active substance and additional vitamin components. To achieve high-quality results, you should use proven products that have proven themselves in the beauty industry. Depending on the chosen method, biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is performed 2-3 times, or 10-15 times, while the specialist decides how many procedures are needed in each specific case.

The safest compounds include:

  • IAL Sistem (Italy) – a universal composition with a minimum of side effects;
  • Restylane Vital (Switzerland) – for mature sensitive skin;
  • Meso Wharton p199 (USA) – with antioxidants, for patients 40-45 years old;
  • Teosyal Meso (Switzerland) – hyaluronate without additives, suitable for any age;
  • NCTF 135 (France) – contains vitamins and is available for different age categories.

Each course of biorevitalization for the face begins with the calculation of the product and depends on how many times the skin is treated and how many ml will be administered during the session.

How often facial biorevitalization can be done depends on the patient’s age. Young women should not resort to rejuvenation sessions more than once a year, while in adulthood the frequency of course repetitions reaches 3 times.

To understand how many times and at what intervals you need to do repeated biorevitalization of the face in a particular case, you should ask a cosmetologist about the condition of your skin, as well as what drug is used to carry out the procedures.

The choice of procedures will help determine how many sessions are needed if biorevitalization is carried out on mature skin: injection or non-injection treatment. With injection treatment, the course includes 3-4 times, while laser therapy involves 10-15 sessions.

With a one-time administration, on average, 1-2 ml is needed per face; in complex cases, one biorevitalization requires as much of the drug as is needed to achieve a positive effect.

How many sessions need to be done in a particular case depends on the cosmetologist conducting the biorevitalization course.

Prevention is carried out only before the age of 30 years. It includes a minimum of procedures aimed at eliminating mild age-related changes and slight dryness.

How often to do biorevitalization at a young age: no more than once a year.

For prevention, 2 sessions with a break of 3-4 weeks are enough. This type of hyaluronic therapy is suitable for restoring the skin after chemical peels.

Anti-aging procedures are therapeutic in nature if they are used with an interval of 4-8 months. To determine at what interval and how often you need to do biorevitalization of the face for therapeutic purposes, you should pay attention to the duration of the effect of the course of sessions.

As a rule, the higher the patient's age, the shorter the breaks between courses become.

Sometimes, depending on how much facial biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid costs, the method of performing the procedure is chosen.

Since the injection method gives a faster effect, its cost is higher than that of the laser method. But regardless of the chosen method of administering the anti-aging drug, the overall course will cost the same.

The price for the biorevitalization procedure varies between 4,000-15,000 rubles. A lower cost indicates the use of low-quality products or a lack of specialist experience. Therefore, the desire to save money can have fatal consequences.

Serious women periodically ask themselves the question: how often is facial biorevitalization done to maintain the results obtained?

The appearance of the skin depends on many factors. Age has a determining influence.

The quality of nutrition, compliance with hygiene rules, and daily routine are also considered important components of this process.

All these components must be taken into account when determining the number of skin rejuvenation procedures.

Today, biorevitalization is considered the most effective and safe rejuvenation technique.

The essence of this technology is to introduce a special filler under the skin. Hyaluronic acid and various gels based on it are used as a filler.

During normal metabolism, acid is produced in the body. It is necessary for the synthesis of collagen and for retaining moisture in the skin.

You can inject this substance when the skin becomes dry and flabby. The woman decides for herself how often the procedure should be performed after consultation with a cosmetologist.

Recent practice shows that additional stimulation of skin regeneration and renewal with hyaluronic acid brings a positive effect.

At the same time, biorevitalization sessions should not be carried out too often and uncontrolled.

It is important to emphasize that injections should only be done in a beauty salon or clinic.

You can buy filler with gel at a pharmacy or cosmetics store, but making injections for facial rejuvenation at home is strictly prohibited. Such amateur activities often lead to serious troubles.

Features of the technique

According to the current medical regulations that cosmetologists follow in such situations, the treating specialist is responsible for all negative consequences of health and therapeutic sessions.

In this case, a cosmetologist who performed biorevitalization. To prevent the negative consequences of the technique, you must strictly comply with all hygiene and sterility requirements, doing this at a professional level.

Most often injections are performed on the following areas of the face:

  • nasolabial folds;
  • cheeks.

Even the slightest inaccuracy during the procedure will be visible to the naked eye.

A biorevitalization session is performed in a certain sequence and in several stages. The first step is to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin of oil, dirt and makeup residue.

Cleansing gels and milk are often used for these purposes. Then you need to numb the areas where injections are to be made. For this purpose, ice or frozen chamomile decoction is often used.

The cosmetologist has pain-relieving creams and antiseptics at his disposal. Hyaluronic acid injections are performed using special syringes.

After the session is completed, the face is treated with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The biorevitalization procedure takes no more than half an hour. The period is determined by the number of injections. To make injections, a very thin needle is used.

This is an important condition, since punctures leave small wounds. When such violations of the structure of the skin are performed frequently, the likelihood of infection in damaged areas increases.

Depending on the condition of the skin and the rejuvenation program, hyaluronic acid can be injected either into the deep layers of the skin or into the superficial ones. Injections are performed at predetermined points.

Preventive and therapeutic procedures

Many years of experience show that the first signs of aging skin on the face appear at the turn of 30 years - expression lines are already clearly visible.

The biorevitalization procedure will provide timely support to the body during this period. It helps fill the epidermis with moisture.

As a result, visible defects disappear from the face, it becomes smooth and fresh.

You can eliminate emerging defects not only on the face, but also on the arms and neck.

Women who have entered the age range “after 30” need to undergo therapeutic biorevitalization.

By this time, wrinkles appear in more contrast, the complexion becomes dull, and the skin often becomes porous and flabby.

When the treatment procedure is performed two to three times a year, the following results can be seen:

  • irregularities, roughness, and rashes disappear;
  • deep wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • texture and complexion improves.

The course consists of 3 – 4 sessions, you need to take a break of one month. The result of treatment is largely determined by the quality of the drug.

In this context, it should be emphasized that clear standards or regulations for the number of biorevitalization sessions have not been developed to date.

How often anti-aging procedures can be done is determined by the individual characteristics of the patient.

When going to a beauty salon, you need to know that the effect of injections will only fully appear after a few days. It is preferable to give injections in the off-season, in spring or autumn.

At this time, there are no severe frosts or excessive heat, so the filler is not exposed to extremely high or low temperatures.

Indications and contraindications

The following indications can be considered as grounds for contacting a cosmetologist:

  • facial folds;
  • dry and sagging skin on the face;
  • pigmentation and acne;
  • dull complexion after illness.

You need to know that nicotine has a great influence on skin health. It is not for nothing that smoking is considered a bad habit, especially for women. Regular stress also has a depressing effect on the skin.

There are certain contraindications to biorevitalization. Before deciding to undergo a rejuvenation session, you need to make sure that there are no fundamental obstacles to this.

For women who are breastfeeding or just preparing for childbirth, the anti-aging procedure should be postponed.

It often happens that a contraindication for a session is an exacerbation of a chronic illness. It is impossible to do biorevitalization in this condition.

Before proceeding with biorevitalization, the doctor must familiarize the patient with the list of contraindications.

This list contains the following conditions:

  • allergy to filler components;
  • acne in the acute stage;
  • herpes;
  • infectious disease on the face.

In case of mental disorders and unstable emotional state, cosmetologists are prohibited from engaging in rejuvenation and performing appropriate procedures.

Today, medications that thin the blood are often taken. This is done to prevent blood clots from forming. The biorevitalization technique is not available for such people.