Techniques for drawing with crumpled paper in kindergarten and school: master class. How to draw flowers, lilacs, landscapes, spring, dandelions with crumpled paper? Nod bouquet of lilacs non-traditional drawing techniques Let's start the creative process

Tatiana Salnikova


Dear colleagues, I would like to present to your attention master class on unconventional drawing techniques. In my work I have used several unconventional drawing technique: drawing on wet, drawing with crumpled paper, potato prints, spray.

For this we need:



Crumpled paper;

Potato stamps.

First, I cut out a stencil in the shape of a vase and prepared the necessary materials for work.

We take a large brush and white gouache and completely cover the sheet with white paint mixed with water so that the sheet is well moistened.

Dip the brush in yellow and add yellow strokes in places.

Dip the brush in blue and rub the blue color into the background in the same way in places.

For a smoother transition, you can moisten the brush with water.

I leave the paper until completely dry.

(slide 30) Next, I apply the stencil to the background and depict a vase using "spray". But before that, I advise you to make a spray on plain white paper in order to feel how your hand works and what kind of splashes you get.

I remove the stencil.

We take the color blue lilac and white.

We crumple the newspaper into a ball and dip it in blue paint.

We make prints according to the shape of flowers lilac.

This is how we form a whole bouquet.

I'll take it purple colour.

We crumple the newspaper into a ball and dip it in paint.

And at the top of each inflorescence we add lilac areas.

IN lilac We also add white color.

We use brush strokes to mark the lightest areas.

Take the color green, dip the stamp in paint and draw leaves.

Our work is ready.

I wish you creative success.

Publications on the topic:

So the happy preschool years have passed. The sad time has come to say goodbye to my beloved kindergarten. Prom. And invitations for guests.

Material: 1. Corrugated paper in two colors - white and lilac. 2. Green paper. 3. White paper. 4. Colored cardboard. 5. Scissors. 6. Glue.

In our kindergarten, an Open Day was held for parents, where I showed a master class “Do-it-yourself gift”. Let's write it down.

Equipment: cotton fabric 30 * 30 cm, fabric paints, brushes of different sizes, jars of water, wet wipes, woolen threads, scissors.

To make carnations we need: Colored cardboard base. Gouache, brush, jar of water, scissors, colored paper, glue. And a good mood.

Master class “Unconventional salt painting technique” Dear Colleagues! I present to your attention a master class “Unconventional salt painting technique”. The presentation provides a step-by-step approach.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I bring to your attention a master class using unconventional drawing techniques. Very much for children.

Administration Education Committee

Podolsk urban district

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 36 “Fairy Tale”

Summary of GCD for children of the senior group

Topic: “Bouquet of lilacs”

Prepared by:


Bool Yulia Vitalievna

Basic goals:

    To form in children an idea of ​​lilacs. Teach a new way of obtaining an image - using crumpled paper (a method of making a drawing by pressing it onto a sheet of crumpled paper.)

    Encourage children to convey in their drawing the features of a bouquet of lilacs, using impressions gained during conversations, plot and didactic games, listening to a piece of music, looking at paintings and illustrations,

    To form the experience of independently overcoming a difficulty under the guidance of a teacher based on the reflexive method, to consolidate the method of action “if I don’t know something, I’ll figure it out myself (I’ll ask someone who knows.)

    Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Develop the ability to obtain a clear imprint of depicted objects by making efforts to press on an improvised paper stamp (crumpled paper)

Didactic materials:

    Landscape sheet (size A 4), watercolor paints, jars of water

    Pony brush No. 4, sheets of paper 13x13 cm

    Tape recorder, flash card with music recording

    Fairy costume

    Drawings made using different drawing techniques



    Power Point presentation “Working algorithm”

    A stack of books, a bundle, a vase with water

Preliminary work:

Conversation about lilacs, listening to music, looking at paintings, illustrations depicting bouquets of lilacs, reading the poem “Lilac”, and other literature.

Brief summary of the work:

Stamping with crumpled paper is a method of making a design by applying paper crumpled into a ball to a sheet. The image is obtained with natural torn edges that resemble lilac blossoms. The work is aimed at developing the creative abilities of children, their search for various means of drawing, including the use of crumpled paper.

Progress of the educational situation:

    Introduction to the situation.

Didactic tasks: motivate children to engage in play activities.


Guys, hello! What a wonderful morning it is today. May has already arrived and spring is just around the corner. Nature wakes up and brings us its surprises and wonders every day. This morning I smelled a new scent on the street.

Did you guys smell the aroma?

What is he like?

What could it be? (Eh then the lilac bloomed)

And now, guys, I suggest you listen to S. Rachmaninov’s musical work “Lilac” and try to feel how the composer conveyed the smell of lilac and its beauty.

In the middle of the music recording there is a knock on the door. The teacher goes to open the door and appears on the thresholdFairy of Flowers .

Fairy of Flowers: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Fairy of Flowers: I am the Fairy of Flowers from the Lilac Kingdom. I was here nearby and heard my favorite music coming from your group.

The Flower Fairy holds a bouquet of lilacs in her hands. But the fairy is sad.

Educator: Guys, music works wonders! The Fairy of Flowers herself came to visit us, but she was saddened by something.

Educator: Fairy of Flowers, today is such a wonderful morning, lilacs have bloomed outside, why are you sad?

Fairy of Flowers: I have been trying for several days to find the answer to how I can save the lilac bushes in my kingdom. An evil wizard cast a drought on them with his spell, and now they are slowly dying. I don't know what to do. I need to return to my kingdom and get to the library, there are a lot of ancient books stored there, maybe I will find the answer there. But I can't do it alone.

Educator: Guys, do you want to go to the kingdom of flowers and help the Fairy? ( yes, we want)

Can you? (Yes)

    1. Updating knowledge.

Game "Journey to the Lilac Kingdom"

Didactic tasks:

    update children's knowledge about non-traditional drawing techniques;

    train mental operations of analysis, develop attention and speech.

Fairy of Flowers: I will now say the magic words that you must repeat with me in order to find yourself in the kingdom.

Educator: Guys, are you all ready for the trip? Then we repeat the words after the Fairy of Flowers.

Fairy of Flowers:

Get to the kingdom

And save the flowers there.

Turn around yourself

Close your eyes, open your eyes.

Children turn around themselves, close their eyes, and then open their eyes and

"get" to the Lilac Kingdom

At this time, the teacher puts a vase of water on the table, and in it a bouquet of lilacs.

Fairy of Flowers: Well, here we are in the kingdom, let's go to our library.

(The fairy approaches a stack of books, looking for something.)

Well, I found it! Guys, here is the scroll that will help save the lilac.

(Unrolls a large scroll)

Guys, there's some kind of puzzle here. I don't understand anything, help me please.

It says here that you need to correctly identify all the objects that can be used to draw, and then the most important words will appear that will help remove the spells of the evil wizard.

Didactic game “Guess what the artist used to draw with”»

The teacher shows the children a presentation inPower Point “Non-traditional drawing techniques” (Appendix 1)

    leaves drawn with cotton swab prints.

    Finger drawn flowers.

    Tree branch drawn with a blot.

    Painting with splashes.

    Postcard decorated with stamps.

Fairy of Flowers: Guys, what are these drawings made with? ( children's answers)

Guys, you named everything correctly, words begin to appear that can be used to lift the spell. I'll read them now.

Draw lilac flowers

But not with a brush or a finger,

Attach the paper

And of course, don't rush.

Where the branches are and where the leaves are

How the bouquet will appear

There is no more spell.


Guys, what words do you remember from this old document?

(children's answers)

Guys, what needs to be done to remove the spell? ( If you draw branches and leaves with a brush, and flowers with paper, the spell will disappear).

    1. Difficulty in the situation.

Didactic tasks:

    create a motivational situation to introduce children to a new way of drawing - a paper stamp;

    to form, under the guidance of a teacher, the experience of recording a difficulty and understanding its cause;

    train mental operations of analysis, develop logical thinking and speech.

Fairy of Flowers: You guys are great, you helped me decipher the message. I'm so happy that I want to start dancing. Let me teach you the dance that all the people in our kingdom dance.

Physical exercise “If you like it, then do it this way”

Educator: You guys are great, you were able to remember all the movements and quickly repeat them, but in order to help the Fairy of Flowers and her kingdom, you need to do one more thing - draw a lilac.

You and I know what lilac looks like, as artists depicted it.

The teacher hangs sketches and paintings of artists on the board.

I suggest you sit at the tables and also draw a bouquet of lilacs on paper.

Let's start by drawing a vase, you will need to draw a vase, paint the vase partially with blue paint. Next, draw the lilac branches with a brush, and then in order to draw the flowers and remove the spell, you need to attach paper. Paper on your tables. Get to work.

Children have difficulty.

The teacher leads the children to understand that they do not know how to draw with paper.


Were you able to draw flowers? ( No)

Why couldn't they? ( because we don't know how to draw)

So, what do you have to learn now? ( we must learn to draw with paper)

    1. Discovery of new knowledge.

Game: “Journey to the Lilac Kingdom” (continued)

Didactic tasks:

    form an idea of ​​a new way of drawing - a print of compressed paper;

    to develop experience of independently overcoming difficulties under the guidance of a teacher (based on the reflexive method);

What if you don’t know something, what should you do? ( you need to ask someone who knows.)

The teacher encourages the children to ask her how to draw.

Ask me. I know.

Children ask the teacher a question.

Educator: Everyone has small sheets of paper on their desk. So they will help us.

Today you will draw in an unusual way - we will leave a stamp on the paper. The stamp is unusual - made of compressed paper.

The teacher shows the presentationPower Point The “algorithm” in which the stages appear uses animation.

The teacher and the children discuss the algorithm of work.

    Incorporating new knowledge into the knowledge system.

    1. Game “Journey to the Lilac Kingdom” (end).

Didactic tasks:

Educator: Guys, before drawing flowers, let's look at the bouquet and remember the lilac flowers are lighter where the light falls. Light can be shown with white paint. Guys, you can get to work.

Independent activities of children are carried out. If a child has difficulty, the teacher provides individual assistance.

When the children have finished making flowers, the teacher offers to paint the leaves of the bouquet with a brush.

Fairy of Flowers: Well done guys, what beautiful bouquets you have created, now it’s time to lift the spell, repeat after me

Draw lilac flowers

But not with a brush or a finger,

Attach the paper

And of course, don't rush.

Where the branches are and where the leaves are

You can pick up your brushes.

How the bouquet will appear

There is no more spell.

The melody of transformation sounds. Birds singing can be heard.

Fairy of Flowers: Guys, you are so great! Thank you, my garden is fragrant again.

Educator: Guys, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Fairy of Flowers: Goodbye guys, see you again.

Children: Goodbye

Educator: Remember how we got here? We need to do the opposite.

We now turn in the other direction and close and open our eyes again.

Children turn around and open their eyes.


Didactic tasks: restore in the children’s memory what they did in class and create a situation of success.

Educator: Our journey has now ended.

Where have you been today? Who did you help?

How did you help?

What new skill allowed you to help the Flower Fairy save her garden? ( We learned a new way to create an image using a stamp made from compressed paper).

Used Books:

1. Drawing with preschool children. Non-traditional techniques, planning, lesson notes. Edited by R.G. Kazakova, Moscow, 2005

2. G.N. Davydova Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. Moscow, 2012

3. L.G. Peterson, L.E. Abdullina. Workshop. System-activity approach in preschool education, issue 5, Moscow

    Annex 1

Presentation in Power Point (Didactic game “Find out what is drawn”)

    Appendix 2

Presentation in Power Point (Paper drawing algorithm)

Lessons on non-traditional drawing techniques: crumpled paper, polyethylene.

Drawing in unconventional ways is a simple and fun drawing technique. This is a great opportunity to teach your child to use well-known objects as art materials.
Ease of execution allows little hands to imagine freely, instilling confidence in the child in their abilities.

Techniques for drawing with crumpled paper and a plastic bag in kindergarten and school: master class

Drawing techniqueplastic bag

1 option

  • We dilute the paint in a small saucer
  • Wrinkle a piece of polyethylene well
  • Dip in paint
  • Making an imprint on a sheet
  • Next, use a brush to complete the necessary details.

Option 2

We create an unusual, spectacular background using plastic film and watercolors:

  • We paint a sheet of paper very boldly with watercolors. Mixing different colors of the same tone will create a more structured background.
Apply watercolor thickly
  • We put polyethylene in paint diluted with water, make folds with our hands

Compressing the film
  • Leave the film on the sheet for about 10 minutes. Do not remove it immediately - the watercolor will spread and the effect will be lost
  • This method can be used not only for the background. Looks original: greenery of an exotic flower, crystals, veins in plant leaves

Unusual background using polyethylene

Drawing techniquecrumpled paper

As in any creative work, there are no established requirements or restrictions in this method.
Next, we will consider the main step-by-step steps. Over time, an understanding of the essence of the method will come, then rebuild it in any direction.
For example, the varied thickness of the paper material allows you to make sharp or smooth, thin or thick strokes. In your creativity you can use watercolor, gouache, ink, acrylic. And someone might want to make a natural dye from squeezed juice of fruits and berries. After all, the quality of the paint has a strong influence on the finished drawing.

Choose the method you like

Let's get started:

  1. We start by preparing the paint. Selecting the necessary tones for the future drawing
  2. Pour a small amount of water into each separate saucer
  3. Using a brush, add some watercolor. We adjust the color level using density, but leave the gouache liquid
  4. We tear any paper into shreds
  5. Roll them into balls of a convenient size
  6. We give each palette an individual piece of paper and prepare a few extra ones, just in case.
  7. Dip the lumps into a saucer with diluted paint
  8. We wait a little until the excess water goes away
  9. We apply stamps to a blank sheet of paper, forming the intended pattern.
  10. Using sliding movements we make strokes and stripes
  11. By blotting lumps onto paper we create textures
  12. Everything is simple and easy

How to draw flowers with crumpled paper?

  • First, let's crumple up the paper. This is a very entertaining process for children, and also develops fine motor skills.

Preparatory stage
  • Then we draw the branches of the flower
  • Throw thicker branches
  • Add thin branches and leaves

Forming the flower trunk
  • Dip the paper balls in the color of the selected flower
  • We form the petals, leaving marks on the paper
  • The flower is ready

An unconventional way to paint flowers

How to draw lilacs with crumpled paper?

For work we prepare:

  1. Paper - A4 format
  2. Gouache - purple, white, yellow, blue, black, green
  3. Brush - flat for sketching the background
  4. Brush - thin for drawing details
  5. Palette
  6. Crumpled soft paper

Let's start the creative process:

  • First draw the yellow background with horizontal stripes
  • Add blue lines, blur the borders of the connection
  • Drawing a vase

Sketches of a vase on the main background
  • We put flower branches in a vase

Twigs in a pot
  • Take crumpled paper and dip it in purple paint diluted on the palette
  • We form lilac flowers with spots in the picture
  • Then we lighten them with white
  • Using a thin brush, make specks of white gouache in some places
  • We look through the entire drawing, if necessary, add a little more white color

The bouquet is almost ready
  • Revitalizing the bush with green leaves
  • Draw white curves on the greenery, as shown in the picture
  • A simple but beautiful bouquet is ready

Lilacs using crumpled paper

Video: Drawing with crumpled paper: lilac

How to draw a dandelion with crumpled paper?

There is nothing easier than drawing an airy flower in this way.

  • Make the background with a wide brush: the sky is blue, the grass is green
  • Painting bright green dandelion branches with a brush
  • We crumple the scraps of paper
  • Dip in yellow or white paint
  • Apply to the branches
  • We get cute flowers

spring primrose
  • In the same way, we make delicate yellow flowers on the green background grass.

An easy way to draw dandelions

How to draw a landscape with crumpled paper?

It is very easy to draw a winter forest using crumpled paper.

  • We begin to paint the sky with dark tones, gradually moving to lighter, almost white
  • Let's move on to the image of snow. The principle of the approach is exactly the opposite: top is light, bottom is dark

Landscape background
  • We crumple the pieces of paper thoroughly
  • Dip in white watercolor
  • Forming clouds by pressing paper to the sky
  • The higher the clouds, the closer they are to us in the picture
  • We make small clouds with small pieces of paper, large ones with voluminous ones.
  • Draw a dark horizon line with a brush
  • Using a narrow brush, apply Christmas tree strokes throughout the design.
  • We don’t draw the details; they won’t be visible under the snow anyway.
  • We draw nearby figures larger, and as we move away we make them smaller.
  • We wrap the Christmas trees in snow using crumpled paper and white paint
  • We do everything carefully, without rushing
  • Adjusting paper size for large and small trees

We depict snowy fir trees
  • We get such a beautiful winter forest

Snowy Christmas trees

How to draw spring with crumpled paper?

We prepare:

  • Multi-colored paints
  • Saucers with water
  • Tassels
  • paper

Let's get to work:

  • Divide the sheet into three wide horizontal stripes of blue, yellow and green using a wide brush.

  • We make prints of different densities so that the sky is varied. We get openwork clouds.
  • The main color of spring is green. We depict the spring landscape in full bloom. The grass is rapidly turning green. We stamp it with lumps of paper soaked in green. Using the same color we sketch out the shape of the tree.
  • Let's add a warm breeze by tilting the print towards the wind.

  • Spring dresses nature in colorful clothes. We depict the first spring flowers: yellow dandelions, red poppies, blue bells.

Beautiful roses

  • Thinking
  • Observation skills
  • Aesthetic perception
  • Helps develop control and self-control skills.

    This is not only an interesting and entertaining activity, but also very useful.

    Video: Drawing with crumpled paper

    Summary of a lesson in the senior group “Lilac Branch” using the non-traditional drawing technique “printing with crumpled paper”

    Educational area: Creation


    1. To cultivate an aesthetic and moral attitude towards nature through the depiction of its image in one’s own creativity

    2. Expand children’s knowledge and ideas about the world around them, introduce them to appearance lilac , its flowering branches.

    3. Form a sense of composition and rhythm,perform a drawing without first drawing with a pencil. Continue to introduce children to the unconventional drawing technique of “printing with crumpled paper.” Develop imaginative thinking.


    lilac branch or a photo illustration with its image;

    Set of gouache paints;


    • A piece of paper, brushes, “crumpled paper”, cups of water.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Educator: How many amazing and interesting things can be observed in the spring, when nature wakes up and comes to life after a long winter sleep, buds swell on the branches of trees and shrubs, then delicate green leaves appear, and then fragrant inflorescences, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off, they are so beautiful. Today I would like to introduce you to one of these spring miracles.


    Cloud fragrant

    Hiding in the garden -

    I'll get up early

    And I will come to him;

    I'll take a deep breath

    Wonderful perfume,

    And they will be born on their own

    New poems...

    I feel good with you

    Dear lilac -

    It would have stayed that way

    Here for the whole day...

    Physical education minute


    The sun is sleeping and the sky is sleeping,

    (palms to left cheek, to right cheek)

    Even the wind doesn't make any noise.

    Early in the morning the sun rose

    (raised hands up, stretched)

    Sent all its rays.

    (We shake our hands up)

    Suddenly a breeze blew,

    (wave hands up and down)

    The sky is overcast.

    (cover your face with your hands)

    And shook the trees.

    (Swinging the body left - right)

    The rain pattered on the roofs,

    (jumping in place)

    The rain is drumming on the roof

    (claps hands)

    The sun is sinking lower.

    (Bends forward)

    So it hid behind the clouds,


    Not a single ray is visible.

    (Stand up, hide your hands behind your back)

    Teacher: shows the children a sprig of lilac - in kind or photo illustration.

    Educator: There are leaves and flowers on the main branch. Each leaf has a round shape with a pointed end; the leaves are attached to the branch using a thin stick - a cutting. And between the leaves on the branches there are many small flowers collected in a cluster. To draw such a bunch, we will use an unusual object for drawing - Crumpled paper. (The teacher reminds the children of the unconventional drawing technique “printing with crumpled paper.” The children press the crumpled paper to a stamp pad with paint and make an imprint on the paper, conveying the shape of a lilac. Shows how to finish drawing a twig or leaves.)

    The children get to work.

    At the end of the lesson, the teacher, when examining the work, draws the children’s attention to what beautiful and different branches of lilac the children produced.

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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