Knitted openwork collars. Crochet collars with patterns. Beautiful crocheted lace collars: diagrams, description, video

Lace knitted collars can add uniqueness to your look. With the help of such a crocheted collar, you can easily turn an ordinary dress into an elegant one.

Model 1

On a chain of chain loops of obviously longer length, tie the base for 12 “pineapples”. Cut off the extra loops of the chain and continue knitting according to the pattern. Tie the finished collar around the neck with single crochets, starch and iron.

Model 2

You will need 50 g of cotton yarn andhook №1

Knit “hearts” according to the pattern, connecting them as you knit. Then tie the neckline with a net and single crochets. For ties, knit a chain of 30 chain stitches, then tie another 7 chain stitches and close them into a ring with a half-column. Tie the ring with 6-7 arches of air loops. Starch and iron the collar.

Model 3

You will need 100 g of cotton yarn andhook №1,2.

Knit the collar according to the pattern from the center line in both directions.

Model 4

You will need 100 g of cotton yarn and a hook No. 1,2.

On a chain of chain loops of obviously longer length, knit the base for 12 repeats of the pattern. Cut off the extra loops of the chain and continue knitting according to the pattern. Tie the finished collar around the neck with single crochets, starch and iron. . For ties, tie a chain of 30-40 air loops, at the ends of which tie a bud. For the bud, tie 3 chain stitches, tie 6 single crochets into the last loop from the hook, then tie 12 single crochets, 2 single crochets in each stitch of the previous row. In the 3rd row knit 24 single crochets, in the 4th row - 12 single crochets, in the 5th row 6 single crochets. Next, tie the arches from 5 air loops and tighten the resulting bud.

In order for the bud to better hold its shape, you can fill it with padding polyester before tightening. Starch and iron the collar.

Model 5

Size: width approx. 15 cm.
You will need: cotton No. 10, approx. 35
crochet hook No. 0.75
Description of work: dial a chain of 234 v. P.
1st r.: 6th century. p. (1 v. p. rise + 5 v. p.), * 2 tbsp. s/n between the 6th and 7th centuries. n. base of the chain, 2 v. p., 2 tbsp. s/n in the same v. n. base of the chain, 2 v. p., 2 tbsp. s/n in the same v. n. base of the chain, 2 v. p., 5th century clause 1 art. b/n in the 8th century. n. the base of the chain from the hook. 1 tbsp. b/n in the 9th century. p. base of the chain from hook *, repeat from * to * until the end of the row. Finish the row according to the row diagram.
2nd p.: 7 c. p. (3 v. p. rise + 4 v. p.). in arches from the 2nd century. p. of the previous row, knit 2 tbsp. s/n, between 2 tbsp. s/n arch from 2nd century. p.. 4 c. p.. 1 tbsp. s/n in art. b/n of the previous row. Finish the row according to the row diagram. Continue work according to the scheme along the 23rd row.
Without tearing off the thread, tie the collar on three sides, st. b/n. Row finish connection. Art.
Starch the finished collar, stretch it and leave until dry.

Model 6

Width: 12 cm.
Materials: “Snowflake” yarn (100% cotton), about 30 g white. 1 button, hook No. 1.5.
Description of work: dial a chain of... p. (1 rapport = 9 v. p. + 3 v. p. + 3 v. p. rise + 2 v. p.). There are 20 rapports in total.
1st row: 1 tbsp. s/n in the 9th century. n. chains from a hook. * 2 in. p., 1 tbsp. s/n in the 3rd century. p. base of the chain from the hook, repeat from * to * to the end of the row.
2nd r.: 3 c. p. lifting, 2 tbsp. s/n in the arch from 2nd century. p. of the previous row. * 3 tbsp. s/n to the next arch from 2nd century. p. of the previous row *, repeat from * to * until the end of the row.
Then continue the work according to scheme 1 and scheme 2 up to the 15th row inclusive.
Tie the collar on three sides according to the tying pattern from the 1st to the 2nd row inclusive.
Starch the finished collar, stretch it to size and leave until dry. Sew a button.

Model 7

Author: Tamara Pukhova
Width: 10 cm.
Materials: yarn “Snowflake” (100% cotton) 25 g, hook NB 1.25.
Description of work: dial a chain of... p. (1 rapport = 7 v. p. + 3 v. p. + 3 v. p. rise). There are 15 rapports in total.
1st row: 1 tbsp. s/n in the 5th century. p. chains from a hook, 1 tbsp. s/n in v. p. base of chain from hook
2nd r.: 3 c. p. lifting, 3 tbsp. s/n in the next 3 sts. s/n of the previous row. 4th century p., * 1 tbsp. s/n in the 5th art. s/n of the previous row from the hook. 3 tbsp. s/n in the next 3 sts. s/n of the previous row. 4th century P. *. repeat from * to * until the end of the row. 1 tbsp. s/n in the 5th art. s/n of the previous row from the hook. 3 tbsp. s/n in the next 3 st. s/n of the previous row.
3rd row; 6th century p. (Zv. p. rise + 3 v. p.), 3 tbsp. s/n in the arch from the 4th century. p. of the previous row. 3rd century n., 3 sp/n in the same arch. 5th century p.. * 3 tbsp. s/n to the next arch from 4th century. p. of the previous row. 3rd century p.. 3 st s/n in the same arch. 5 in p. *, repeat from * to * until kon row. Row finish st. s/n Next, continue work according to the scheme up to the 11th row inclusive. Do not cut the thread.
12th row: knit in the round as follows: the upper part - according to the row pattern, narrow and lower parts - art. b/n. Finish the row with a connecting post.
Starch the finished collar, stretch it to size and leave until dry. Sew a button.

Model 8

Author: Galina Demina
Width: 20 cm.
Materials: yarn (100% wool), approx. 20 g sulfur and 50 g melange, hook No. 1.75.
Description of work
Leaf (9 pcs.): Use a gray thread to cast on a chain of 15 sts. p. (14 v. p. base + 1 v. p. rise).
1st row: 1 tbsp. b/n in the 3rd century. p. chains from a hook, 12 tbsp. b/n in the next 12th century. n. base of the chain. 4th century p., 13 art. b/n on the reverse side c. n. base of the chain.
2nd row: 1 c. lifting point. 12 st. b/n in the next 12 st. b/n of the previous row. 1 tbsp. b/n in the arch from the 4th century. p. of the previous row. 4th century p., 1 tbsp. b/n in the same arch, 13 tbsp. b/n in the next 13 st. b/n of the previous row.
Next, continue working in straight and reverse rows according to the leaf pattern up to the 15th row inclusive.
Braid: use a melange thread to make a chain of 10 sts. p. (5 v. p. base + 5 v. p.).
1st row: 1 tbsp. s/n in the 6th century. p. chains from a hook, 4 tbsp. s/m in the next 4 centuries. n. base of the chain.
2nd r.: 5 c. lifting point, 5 tbsp. s/n in the next 5 sts. s/n of the previous row. Next, continue working according to the braid pattern up to the 56th row inclusive. Attach the braid to the leaf according to the diagram, close the 1st and 56th rows into a circle with a connecting post. Knit 9 leaves in this way.
Floral motif (8 pcs.): Use a gray thread to cast on a chain of 5 sts. p. and close in a circle using soya d. st.
1st r.: 1 in, p. rise, 9 tbsp. b/n into the resulting ring. Finish the row using conn. st,
2nd r.: 8 c. p. (3 v. p. rise + 5 v. p.), * 1 tbsp. s/n in the 2nd art. b/n of the previous row from the hook, 5 in. p. *, repeat from * to * 3 times. Only 5 times. Finish the row with a connecting post. Next, continue the work according to the floral motif pattern up to the 4th row inclusive.
Attach floral motifs in the last row according to the diagram to the main leaves.
Base of the neckline: use a melange thread to cast on a chain of 13th century. p. (9 v. p. base + 4 v. p.).
1st row: 1 tbsp. s/n in the 5th century. p. chains from a hook, 8 tbsp. s/n in the next 8 centuries. n. base of the chain.
2nd r.: 4 c. lifting point, 9 tbsp. s/n in the next 9 sts. s/n previous rad. Continue work according to the pattern for the base of the neck up to the 87th row inclusive.
Attach the resulting braid to the leaves according to the diagram.
Stretch the finished collar to size, cover with a damp cloth and leave to dry.

Model 9

Author: Galina Demina
Width: 30 cm.
Materials; yarn “Iris” (100% cotton). approx. 160g. hook No. 1.5.
Description of work
Right part: dial the chain from c. p. (1 rapport = 10 v. p. + 1 v. p. + 1 v. p. rise). Only 4 rapports.
1st row: 1 tbsp. b/n in the 3rd century. p. chains from a hook, 1 tbsp. b/n in c. n. the base of the chain from the hook.
2nd r.: 6 c. p. rise, 2 unfinished st. from 4/n. tied together, on one loop of the base, 9th century. n., *3 unfinished st. with 4/n, tied together, on one loop at the base, in the 10th art. b/n previous row, 9th century. P. *. repeat from * to * 2 times. Only 4 times.
Then continue work according to the diagram up to the 13th row inclusive.
14th r.: 6th century. lifting point. 2 unfinished st. with 4/n tied together, on one base loop. 9th century n., * 3 unfinished st. from 4/n. tied together, on one loop of the base, in the 10th art. b/n of the previous row. 9th century P. *. repeat from * to * 2 times. Only 4 times.
15th r.: 1st century. lifting point. 7 tbsp. b/n in the arch from 9 in, p. of the previous row, * 1 tbsp. b/n in linked together art. from 4/n of the previous row from the hook, 7 tbsp. b/n in the arch from the 9th century. p. of the previous row *, repeat from * to * to the end of the row. Row finish st. b/n.
Then continue the work according to the scheme along the 31st row inclusive.
Attach a new thread from the reverse side of the right side and knit according to the pattern from the 2nd to the 6th row inclusive. Set aside knitting.
Do the left side in the same way.
Connect the left and right parts using a chain of 70 v. P.
Continue the work according to the scheme from the 1st to the 21st row inclusive.
Tie the collar in a circle according to the pattern, from the 1st to the 6th row inclusive.
Starch the finished collar, stretch it to size and leave until dry.

Model 10

Author: Galina Demina
Width: 9 cm.
Materials: Macke yarn (100% cotton), 25-30 g, hook No. 2.
Description of work: dial a chain of 161 v. p. (1 rapport = 16 v. p. + 1 v. p.). There are 10 rapports in total.
1st r.: 1 c. lifting point, 1 tbsp. b/n in the 3rd century. p. chains from a hook, 1 tbsp. b/n in c. n. base of the chain.
2nd r.: 4 c. p. (3 n.p. rise + 1 v.p.), 1 tbsp. s/n in the 2nd art. b/n the previous row from the hook. * 1 c. p.. 1 tbsp. s/n in the 2nd art. b/n of the previous row from the hook *, repeat, from * to * to the end of the row.
3rd century: 8th century p. (4 v. p. rise + 4 v. p.). 1 tbsp. from 2/n to 1st century. lifting point. 4th century p., 3 unfinished art. with 2/n on one base loop, knitted together, in the 4th st. s/n of the previous row from the hook, 4 in. p., * 2 tbsp. with 2/n in the 4th art. s/n of the previous row from the hook, between st. from 2/n 4th century. p., 4th century p., 3 unfinished art. with 2/n, tied together, on one loop of the base, in the 4th art. s/n of the previous row from the hook, 4 in. p. *, repeat from * to * until the end of the row.
Glad to finish 2nd century. with 2/n in the 4th art. s/n of the previous row from the hook, between st. from 2/n 4th century. n. Next, continue work according to the scheme up to the 7th row inclusive. Do not cut the thread.
Tie the collar in a circle 1 next to the “crawfish step”.

Collar Vita

The openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2009 is crocheted from 80g of Vita Pelican yarn (100% double mercerized cotton; length 330m/50g) with crochet number 1. Collar width 10 cm.

Knitting a collar begins with a chain of 214 air loops (23 repeats of 9 loops + 4 loops for symmetry + 3 lifting loops) and then knitted according to the pattern.

The expansion of the collar occurs due to an increase in the number of air loops in the arches of the French mesh.

After finishing knitting, tie the collar along the narrow sides and neckline with the 1st row of single crochets and the 1st row of “crawfish step”. G

The cotton collar needs to be starched, laid out according to size and left to dry completely.

Jane Eyre Collar

Knitting begins with a chain of 105 air loops and then knits according to the pattern. The finished collar is decorated with a button closure or crocheted laces.

Collar Blooming pineapples

The openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2005 is crocheted from cotton threads No. 0.75. Collar width 12 cm.

Start knitting with a chain of 182 air loops (9 repeats of 18 loops + 17 loops for symmetry + 3 lifting loops) and then knit 16 rows according to the pattern.

Having knitted 16 rows, do not cut the thread, but continue knitting, tying the collar in a circle. Finish the row with a connecting column at the beginning of the 16th row.

Starch the finished collar, stretch it to shape, and leave to dry.

Double layer collar Pineapples

A beautiful collar with a pineapple pattern from an Asian magazine is crocheted from 110g yarn using No. 3 crochet. The length of the thick part of the collar is 50 cm.

The collar consists of a dense part 10 cm wide and pineapple leaves attached to it on both sides. The knitting density of the main part is 25 loops and 14 rows in a 10x10 cm square.

They start knitting the collar from the main part, for it they cast on a chain of 25 air loops and knit according to the pattern, finishing the knitting in a semicircle. The second semicircle is knitted on the initial chain of air loops.

After this, pineapple leaves are tied to the main part, 10 on one side and 9 on the other. The diagram next to each leaf shows in parentheses the rows of the main part to which the leaf is attached.

Finally, tie the ties with leaves at the ends, the length of the ties is 34 cm (32 rows).

Pentagonal collar

Pentagonal collar from Lets Knit Series Hot Line 6960/1993. The collar is crocheted from 35g cotton yarn using crochet number 2. Collar width 11cm, neckline length 44cm.

The collar consists of 8 pentagonal motifs, connected to each other during the knitting process of the last row. When all the motifs are connected and connected, they are tied in a circle in 2 rows according to the pattern.

Starch the finished collar, straighten it to size and leave until completely dry.

Collar Lily

The openwork collar from Valya-Valentina magazine for 2007 is crocheted from cotton yarn with size 1.5. Collar width 13 cm.

The repeat of the collar pattern is only 2 loops, thanks to this the size of the collar along the neck line can be made to any size. A simple pattern, accessible to knitters of any level, looks very gentle and romantic.

Start knitting with a chain of air loops of the required length and then knit 14 rows according to the pattern. Without cutting the thread, tie the collar along the narrow sides and neckline with single crochets.

Trim for square neckline

The lace trim for the square neckline from Puntillas Aplicadas magazine is crocheted using cotton yarn using size 3 crochet.

Collar Carved leaves

An elegant collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted using thin bobbin threads with a size crochet size of 0.75. Collar width 6 cm.

Begin knitting a collar with a chain of 261 air loops (excluding lifting loops), on which a series of single crochet stitches are knitted through 3 chain loops (the first stitch is formed by lifting loops). Next, tie 29 leaves, attaching them to every 3rd column of the 1st row. To make the leaves carved, knit single crochets behind the back wall of the loop.

Connect the tops of the leaves with a new chain of chain stitches, knitting 13 loops between the leaves. On this chain, tie 3 rows of binding.

Along the neck line, knit 3 rows with double crochets, adding 12 chain stitches on each side to the original chain.

Collar Bruges lace

The openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2006 is crocheted using thin cotton yarn No. 1.5-1.75. Collar width 18 cm.

Knitting a collar begins with knitting the inner motifs-forks. Link 11 motifs by connecting them together.

After this, tie a strip of wils with Bruges braid along the outer edge of the collar.

Lastly, the Bruges braid is knitted along the neckline.

Place the finished collar on a horizontal surface, give it the desired shape, moisten it and leave until completely dry.

Collar Soso

The large lace collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2009 is crocheted from Coco Vita Cotton yarn (100% mercerized cotton; length 240m/50g) using crochet number 1. Collar width 11cm.

Start knitting with a chain of 159 air loops (15 repeats of 10 loops + 9 loops for symmetry) and then knit 17 rows according to the pattern.

Tie 2 ties from air loops of arbitrary length.

Starch the finished collar, stretch it to size and leave to dry.

Collar Amelia

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads using No. 1 crochet. Collar width 10 cm.

The collar begins to be knitted with a chain of air loops and then 16 rows are knitted according to the pattern. The beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram with an asterisk, the end of knitting is indicated by a circle divided in half.

Attach the thread to the beginning of the knitting, this place is indicated by a circle with a cross inside. Knit 1 row of binding along the narrow sides and flap of the collar. The end of knitting is indicated by a black square.

Collar Daniela

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine Ganchillo Puntorama is crocheted from 20g of fine cotton yarn using a No. 1.5 crochet hook. Collar width 12.5 cm, neck length 39 cm.

Knitting a collar begins with a chain of 125 air loops (5 repeats of 24 loops + 5 loops for symmetry) and then knit 11 rows according to the pattern.

In the 12th row, the tying is done with arches of air loops, first along the flying part of the collar, adding a “picot”, and then along the narrow side, the neck line and the second narrow side.

Sun Collar

The collar begins to be knitted with a chain of air loops of the desired length, the beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram with an asterisk. Next, knit 3 rows with double crochets behind the back wall, knitting a button loop in the 2nd row.

Tie the main part of the collar with French mesh, leaving 12 stitches free on both sides.

Decorate the edge of the collar with round motifs, connecting them together and attaching them to the main part of the collar while knitting the last row.

Cat Paw Collar

Delicate openwork collar from Valya-Valentina magazine for 2007.

The collar, 9 cm wide, is crocheted from cotton yarn “Snowflake” with crochet No. 1.25.

Start knitting with a chain of 109 chain stitches (1 repeat = 9 ch + 1 ch + 3 ch rise). Next, knitting continues according to the pattern. Having finished knitting, and without tearing off the thread, tie the collar with single crochets along the narrow sides and according to the tying pattern along the neckline.

For ties, chains of air loops are knitted, at the end of which rings are made - the chain ring is tied tightly in columns.

The finished collar needs to be starched, stretched to size and left to dry completely.

Collar Sunflower

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads with size 1.25. Collar width 7 cm.

The collar begins to be knitted with a chain of air loops and then knitted according to the pattern. The beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram with an asterisk.

After finishing knitting the collar, without breaking the thread, tie the narrow sides and the neckline with one row of binding according to the pattern. The end of the knitting of the binding is indicated in the diagram with a black square.

Collar of large flowers

An openwork collar of pentagonal motifs with large flowers from the Lithuanian magazine Pacios 2008 is crocheted with polyester yarn with lurex (100-120g light and 50-70g dark) with crochet number 3-3.5.

The collar consists of 6 floral motifs. Each flower is tied with 3 rows of arches, the 4th row is used to connect the motifs. In the last row of arches on the sides that form the neckline and bottom of the collar, a smaller number of air loops are knitted to straighten the lines. The neck line and the bottom of the collar are tied in a “crawfish step”.

Collar Bunches of pineapples

Large openwork collar - model by Evgenia Vysokovskaya, crocheted from 3 spools of cotton threads No. 1.25.

On a chain of air loops, knit 8 repeats according to the pattern. At the end of the pattern, each large petal is knitted separately.

Having finished knitting all the petals, knit 1 row of single crochets along the neckline and 1 row of single crochets along the entire perimeter of the collar, making a button loop.

The collar can be worn with a fastening at the front or back.

Collar Mesh

An easy-to-make openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2004. knitted from thin cotton yarn with crochet number 1. Collar width 6 cm.

The collar is knitted in the transverse direction, starting with a chain of 50 air loops (45 pattern loops + 5 turning loops), and then according to the pattern to the desired length.

The collar is tied along the neck line in one row according to the pattern.

The finished collar needs to be starched, straightened and left to dry completely.

Collar Solomon loops

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads with size 0.6. Collar width 7 cm.

After the strip of French mesh, they move on to rows connected by “Solomon loops,” which are indicated in the diagram by an eye with a cross. After finishing knitting the collar, tie the narrow sides and the neckline with one row of binding according to the pattern. The beginning of the binding coincides with the starting point of knitting. At the end of the row of binding, form a button loop.

Collar Delicate pineapples

A delicate openwork collar from the Brazilian magazine Ganchillo is crocheted using thin bobbin threads using No. 1 crochet. Collar width 10 cm, neck length 44 cm.

Begin knitting a collar with a chain of 193 chain stitches (12 repeats of 16 chain stitches + 1 chain stitch for symmetry). Next, knitting continues according to the pattern. After 16 rows of the main pattern, knit 2 rows of binding in a circle. The number of air loops in the arches is indicated in the diagram by numbers.

The finished collar needs to be starched, straightened and left to dry completely.

New Year's collar

Large openwork collar - model by Evgenia Vysokovskaya, crocheted from 2 spools of cotton thread No. 10 with crochet No. 1.

On a chain of chain loops of obviously longer length, knit 1 row according to the pattern. The number of repeats of 15 loops can be any, depending on the collar length you need. For a turtleneck collar you need 13 rapports. Having decided on the length, cut off the excess air loops, securing the end of the thread, and then knit according to the pattern.

Having finished knitting, without breaking the thread, tie the collar along the narrow sides and flying edge with arches of air loops with “picot”, and along the neck line with single crochets.

The finished collar needs to be starched, arranged according to size and left to dry.

Collar Alice

The openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2008 is crocheted from 40g of yarn (50% cotton, 50% viscose) with a No. 1.5 crochet hook. Collar width 12 cm.

Start knitting with a chain of 189 air loops (15 repeats of 12 loops + 9 loops) and then knit 15 rows according to the pattern. Without cutting the thread, tie the collar along the narrow sides with 1 row of single crochets, and along the neckline with arches of 3 air loops and single crochets.

Starch the finished collar, stretch it to size and leave until dry.

Chain collar

An easy-to-make collar from an Asian magazine is crocheted using 20g of yarn using a size 3.5 crochet hook. Collar width 15 cm, neck length 50 cm.

Start knitting a collar with a chain of 91 chain stitches and then knit 17 rows, increasing the number of chain stitches between single crochets according to the pattern.

After this, make 4 rows of tying from fans with lush columns.

A version of the same collar made from finer yarn with mohair.

V-neck collar

The openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2007 is crocheted from thin cotton yarn with a No. 0.5 crochet hook. Collar width 14 cm.

Start knitting with a chain of air loops of the required length, taking into account that 1 repeat = 6 loops + 2 loops need to be added for symmetry.

The width of the collar can also be changed to suit your taste. In the photo, the collar consists of 7 rows, and the diagram shows 5. Rows 4 and 5 must be repeated again.

Starch the finished collar, stretch it to size and leave until dry.

Openwork collar Volumetric flowers

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads No. 0.75. Collar width 12 cm.

Knit 28 voluminous three-tier flowers, connecting them together.

On the inside of the chain of flowers, start knitting the mesh part of the collar, the beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram by a crossed out circle, and the end of knitting by a circle divided in half.

Tie the outer edge of the strip of flowers 1 side by side according to the pattern.

Greta Collar

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads with size 1.25. Collar width 8 cm.

The collar begins to be knitted with a chain of air loops of the required length at the rate of 1 repeat = 12 loops + 4 loops for symmetry and then knitted according to the pattern. The beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram with an asterisk.

Finally, without cutting the thread, tie the collar in the round with one row of binding. The end point of knitting is indicated by a black square.

Collar Lace Leaves

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads No. 0.75. Collar width 8 cm.

Knit 8 leaves according to the pattern. The eye with a cross in the diagram indicates “Solomon loops”. You can watch a video tutorial on knitting Solomon loops.

Connect the finished leaves with 3 rows of binding along the neckline. The beginning of the binding is indicated by a crossed out circle, the end by a black square.

Lay the collar flat and connect the leaves together at the touching points.

Linen Collar Corners

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin linen threads with size 0.75. Collar width 9 cm.

The collar is knitted in the transverse direction, the beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram with an asterisk. They begin knitting the collar with a chain of 23 chain stitches and, having knitted 1 row of single crochets, begin to expand the collar, knitting the first tight triangle.

Upon completion of knitting the main part of the collar, it is tied in a circle with one row of single crochets, complemented by “picot” along the flyaway and narrow sides. The end point of knitting is indicated by a square in the diagram.

The finished collar needs to be starched, straightened and left to dry completely.

Senorita collar

A chic collar-mantle from Fashion Magazine No. 476 is crocheted from 120 g of cotton threads with No. 1 crochet.

Knitting a collar begins with a chain of air loops, on which 26 repeats of the pattern are knitted according to the pattern. After knitting 13 rows, break the thread and knit rows 14-17 on 3 sides of the collar.

After this, on the initial chain of air loops, knit 1-2 rows and on them finishing rows from 14 to 17.

Tie the collar along the neck line with the 1st row of double crochets and a row of crab step. Make a loop and sew a button for the fastener. Starch the finished collar and iron it.

Collar Vintage

The collar-mantle with a stand from Fashion Magazine No. 405 (model by Tatyana Piskunova) is crocheted from 100 g of viscose silk with crochet No. 1. The collar is fastened at the back with 6 small buttons.

Knitting a collar begins with a chain of air loops equal to the circumference of the neck, on which an even number of arches of 5 air loops are knitted. Next, knit according to the pattern, making a lifting loop at the beginning of the odd rows.

Having finished knitting the mantle, on the initial chain of air loops, knit a stand according to the pattern. Tie the vertical edges of the collar and the top of the stand with a row of single crochets, making a picot on every third stitch. Make 6 hanging loops and sew on buttons.

Collar Spikelets

Start knitting with a chain of 281 air loops (18 repeats of 15 loops + 10 loops) and then knit according to the pattern.

Starch the finished collar, stretch it to size and leave until dry.

Collar Stripes

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from 50g mercerized cotton with size 1.25.

The collar is knitted crosswise, which allows it to be made to any required length. Expansion occurs due to an increase in the number of yarn overs in the columns. The knitting direction is shown in the diagram by arrows.

Large loin collar Rose

The loin collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads with size 0.6. Collar width 20 cm.

The collar begins to be knitted with a chain of 412 chain stitches (409 stitches along the neck + 3 lifting loops) and then knitted according to the pattern. The beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram with an asterisk. Finish knitting with one row of single crochets.

Finally, tie the collar in the round with gold thread in one row of single crochets, adding a picot along the narrow sides and flap of the collar.

Collar School

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from mercerized cotton threads No. 1.25. Collar width 6 cm.

The collar begins to be knitted with a chain of air loops and then knitted 5 rows according to the pattern and cut off the thread. The beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram by an asterisk, the end of knitting the first section of 5 rows is indicated by a circle divided in half.

Attach the thread to the end of the first row of single crochets, this place is indicated by a circle with a cross inside. Knit 3 rows of single crochets on 3 sides of the collar and continue knitting the binding according to the pattern, adding stitches at turns.

Having finished the last row of the picot binding, tie the collar along the neck line with single crochets through a chain loop. The end of knitting is indicated by a black square.

Burdock Collar

The openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2007 is crocheted from 70g of “Iris” yarn with a crochet size of 1.25-1.5. Collar width 15 cm.

Start knitting with a chain of 200 chain stitches (13 repeats of 15 chain stitches + 2 chain stitches for symmetry + 3 chain stitches for lifting). Next, knitting continues according to the pattern.

The finished collar needs to be starched, straightened and left to dry completely.

Richelieu collar

An openwork collar with voluminous “popcorn” elements from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads No. 1.25. Collar width 7.5 cm.

The collar begins to be knitted with a chain of air loops and then knitted according to the pattern. The beginning of the binding is indicated by a crossed out circle, the end by a black square.

Collar Rings

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads No. 0.75. Collar width 7 cm.

The collar is knitted in the transverse direction according to the principle of continuous knitting. The beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram with an asterisk.

Having knitted a collar of the required length, without cutting the thread, tie the collar along the neckline. The end point of knitting is indicated by a black square.

Collar Anita

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads with size 1.25. Collar width 8.5 cm.

The collar begins to be knitted with a chain of air loops of the required length and then knitted according to the pattern. The beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram with an asterisk. Since the rapport of the collar is small, the length of the neck line can be made to almost any length.

Finally, without cutting the thread, tie the collar in the round with one row of shamrock binding. The end point of knitting is indicated by a black square.

Bird cherry collar

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads No. 0.75. Collar width 7.5 cm.

The collar begins to be knitted with a chain of 196 air loops (excluding lifting loops) - 13 repeats of 15 loops each + 1 loop for symmetry. The beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram with an asterisk.

Next, 11 rows are knitted according to the pattern, including a row with triple stitches. After this, a row of circular binding is knitted, making a row along the edge of the collar with 4 stitches knitted together. The beginning and end of the circular row of binding are indicated in the diagram by a black square.

P.S. The diagram does not show a button loop, which can be added when knitting a binding.

Collar Openwork luxury

An unusually beautiful openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2007 is crocheted from thin cotton yarn using crochet No. 1. Collar width 16 cm.

The collar is assembled from dense leaves, small floral motifs and a stripe along the neck line.

Start making the collar by knitting 6 dense leaves. After this, around each leaf you need to knit a frame of 8 round motifs, which are attached to the leaf and connected to each other during the knitting process.

The result is an openwork medallion, which is lined with additional arches, tied with single crochets, between the top motifs. The next medallion is attached to the previous one with “pico” motifs and additional arches.

Once all 6 medallions are tied and connected, tie a lace strip along the neckline.

Starch the finished collar, stretch it to size and leave until dry.

Sakura collar

Delicate collar from the website of the Japanese manufacturer of yarn and needlework goods Daruma, knitted from 45g of fine yarn with a No. 1.5 crochet hook. Collar width (maximum) 21 cm, length along the neckline 58 cm.

Knitting a collar begins with 2 strips of Bruges braid, on which 18 rows of French mesh are knitted with arches of 3 air loops. Next, an openwork binding is made, with which 14 flowers and 13 trefoils, knitted separately, are riveted.

The free edges of the Bruges braid are tied and laces made of air loops with trefoils at the ends are attached.

Collar - flounce for a round neckline

Puffy trim for a crew neck from an old Chinese magazine. Unfortunately, I was not able to decipher the details, but from the photograph it is clear that the shuttlecock is crocheted from cotton threads with a thin hook.
Knit a small sample from the first 2 rows and use it to calculate the required number of loops around the perimeter of the neckline. The trim can be worked in the round or clasped at the back if desired.
After knitting the flounce collar, be sure to starch it hard and dry it, stretching the edges.

Small openwork collar

A small openwork collar from a Portuguese magazine is crocheted with 20g cotton yarn using No. 1.25 crochet. Collar width 4.5cm, neckline length 44cm.
They begin to knit such a collar with a chain of air loops. To avoid the hassle of counting stitches, cast on a chain from a separate thread. You can pick up the missing loops or unravel the extra ones.
Pay attention to the long stitches in the diagram, these are stitches with 4 crochets. The finished collar is tied on all sides with single crochets.

Stand collar Sea blue

A cute and easy-to-make stand, knitted with lush columns, from the Pink Rose Crochet online blog.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a detailed description, but from the photo you can see that the collar is knitted from fairly thick cotton yarn.
A matching satin ribbon threaded along the first row of posts makes it possible to adjust the tightness of the stand-up collar to the neck.
Knitted from shiny yarn and decorated with beads, this stand will be a great addition to an evening outfit.

Large collar with voluminous flowers

The collar from the Let`s Knit Series magazine is crocheted with size 1.5 from thin cotton threads. Collar width 12 cm, neck length 45 cm.
The collar is assembled from 11 pentagonal and 12 hexagonal motifs with three-dimensional flowers in the center of each motif. The width of the pentagonal motif is 7 cm, the size of the hexagonal motif is 7.5 x 8.5 cm.
The last 4 rows of motifs of both types are connected by arches of air loops with “picot”, so the beginning of the rows is shifted. The transition to a new row is made through half-columns (connecting columns) knitted along the chain of the previous row.
The motifs are connected to each other during knitting of the last row. The connection points are shown in the diagram.
The collected motifs are tied in 4 circular rows, placing the neck line up to 45 cm with the binding.

Collar Romance

The elegant collar I found on the Pink Rose Crochet online blog is crocheted from cotton yarn with size 2.5.
The collar is knitted crosswise, which makes it possible to adjust its length during knitting. Start knitting with a chain of 17 air loops + 5 lifting loops and then knit according to the pattern (the number of rows in the finished collar should be a multiple of 6). The beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram by the letter A.
The knitting pattern uses crossed stitches with one crochet. You can watch a video tutorial on how to knit this element here
Upon reaching the desired length, perform 2 rows of binding, forming corners.
The ties are knitted in one strip along with the neckline trim - 3 rows of single crochets behind the back wall. When casting on stitches along the neckline of the collar, adjust it so that the collar fits better.

Collar Isabel

The openwork collar from the Magic Crochet magazine is crocheted from thin cotton threads with a size 1.5 crochet hook. Collar width 7 cm, neckline length 37 cm.
Start knitting with a chain of 151 air loops and then knit 8 rows according to the pattern. The 9th row is knitted in the round, having finished knitting along the flap of the collar, the narrow sides and the neck line are tied. The black triangle in the diagram marks the end point of knitting.
Place the finished collar on a horizontal surface according to size, moisten it and let it dry completely. Tie a chain of chain stitches and thread it through the edge of the neckline trim as a tie.

Lace trim for round neckline

The lace trim for the round neckline from the Puntillas Aplicadas magazine is crocheted from cotton yarn No. 2.5.
Before knitting, it is recommended to knit a sample and use it to calculate the required number of air loops and repeats that need to be knitted.
Even though the diagram shows a corner in the center, the trim falls on the round cutout. If the neckline is closer to square with rounded corners, then this pattern will not work.

Collar Fevronia

The openwork collar from the magazine “Valya-Valentina” for 2008 is crocheted from 25g of cotton yarn “Snezhinka” with crochet No. 0.75. Collar width 8 cm.
Start knitting the collar with a chain of 315 chain stitches (13 repeats of 24 loops + 3 loops for symmetry) and then knit 14 rows according to the pattern. Cut the thread.
Attach the thread to the base of the collar and knit 1 row of the binding according to the pattern.
Knit a row of single crochets along the neck line, and on the remaining 3 sides the 2nd row according to the piping pattern.
Starch the finished collar, arrange it according to size and leave until completely dry.

Openwork collar Buttercups

The openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine is crocheted from cotton yarn No. 0.8. Collar width 7 cm.
Start knitting a collar with a chain of air loops at the rate of 1 repeat = 10 loops + 1 loop for symmetry. Next, knit 10 rows according to the pattern.
Starch the finished collar, arrange it according to size and leave until completely dry.

Collar Diana

A small collar from Phildar magazine is crocheted using cotton yarn using size 1.75 crochet.
Start knitting the collar with a chain of 142 chain stitches (6 repeats of 20 loops + 2 loops for symmetry) and then knit 11 rows according to the pattern and cut the thread.
Having attached the thread to the right side of the neckline, tie the collar on 3 sides with single crochets with a picot.
The finished collar needs to be starched, arranged according to size and left to dry completely.

Lace collar with back closure

The original model of a knitted collar from Fashion Magazine No. 468 is crocheted with a hook No. 1.25 from 50 g of fine cotton yarn.
Knitting a collar begins with a central motif, from which a strip with small pineapples of the required length is knitted on both sides.
Tie the finished collar around the perimeter with picot fans. Make hinged loops at the back on one half, and sew buttons on the other.

Collar Karagoz

The openwork collar from the Magic Crochet magazine is crocheted from thin cotton yarn with size 1.25. Collar width 5 cm, neckline length 41 cm.
Start knitting with a chain of 184 air loops and then knit according to the pattern.
This symbol indicates a double crochet - pull a loop from under each of the adjacent arches and knit all 3 loops on the hook together.

You can watch a video tutorial on how to knit a popcorn element here.

Knitted collar Jadwiga

The lace collar from Fashion Crochet magazine is crocheted No. 1.4 from thin cotton threads. Collar width 8 cm, neck length 39 cm.

Start knitting a collar with a chain of 155 air loops and then knit 13 rows according to the pattern. After this, without cutting the thread, I tie the narrow sides of the collar and the neck line with a series of single crochets.

Tie or twist the lace as ties and sew tassels on the ends.

Collar Iedidi

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads No. 0.75. Collar width 9.5 cm.

The collar begins to be knitted with a chain of air loops of the desired length, the number of loops should be a multiple of 3 + 1 loop for symmetry (excluding lifting loops) and then knitted according to the pattern. The beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram with an asterisk.

The main part of the collar is knitted with “Solomon loops,” which are indicated in the diagram by an eyelet with a cross. You can watch a video tutorial on knitting Solomon loops here

After finishing knitting the collar, tie the narrow sides and the neckline with one row of binding according to the pattern. The beginning of the binding coincides with the starting point of knitting.

Collar Vintage

The knitted collar from the magazine “Knitted Finishing” No. 7 2013 is made with crochet No. 2.5 from “Tenderness” yarn (47% cotton, 53% viscose; length 400 m/100 g). Collar width 10 cm.

Knitting a collar begins with a chain of 113 chain stitches and is then knitted according to pattern 1. Having finished knitting, and without cutting the thread, tie the narrow sides of the collar and the neck line, alternating 1 single crochet and 1 double crochet.

According to scheme 2, knit a flower, sew a pin on the inside and use it as a clasp.

Collar Svetlana

The openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2007 is crocheted from thin cotton yarn with crochet No. 1. Collar width 9 cm.

Start knitting with a chain of air loops at the rate of 1 repeat = 9 loops + 3 loops for symmetry + 4 lifting loops and then knit according to the pattern.

After finishing knitting the 8th row, without tearing off the thread, tie the collar along the narrow sides and the neck line with double crochets. The direction of the strapping is shown in the diagram by arrows.

Starch the finished collar, stretch it to size and leave until dry.

Collar Bells

Openwork collar from Valya-Valentina magazine for 2007. knitted from cotton yarn “Mak” with crochet number 1.5. Collar width 14 cm.

Begin knitting a collar with a chain of 156 chain stitches (25 repeats of 6 chain stitches + 3 loops for symmetry + 3 lifting loops). Next, knit 8 rows according to the pattern and, without tearing off the thread, tie the collar in a circle in a “crawfish step.”

The finished collar needs to be starched, straightened and left to dry completely.

Collar Scales

An interesting wavy collar from an Asian magazine is crocheted from 70g cotton yarn with size 2.5 crochet. Collar width 9.5 cm.
The collar is knitted crosswise in the form of a straight strip with scallops, the length of the collar is 76 cm.
On a chain of 25 air loops, knit the 1st row of arches from 5 air loops, adding “picot” to the last 2 arches. Next, knit 127 rows or 21 scallops according to the pattern. When knitting the 4th and 6th rows, attach the last arch to the side of the “scale” of the previous row. Knit 2 rows of binding on the narrow side of the collar and tie the straight edge with arches of air loops with a picot in the middle of each arch. Without cutting the thread, sew 2 rows of binding on the second narrow side of the collar.
Lay out the collar according to size, moisten it and let it dry completely.
Pull a thin satin ribbon through the tie, slightly moving away from the straight edge of the collar.

Collar Two butterflies

An elegant collar from the Lithuanian magazine Pacios is crocheted from 70-100 g of silky polyester yarn with lurex with crochet size 3-3.5.
The collar consists of 2 motifs in the form of large butterflies, connected at the back and front by the ends of the wings.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find better quality diagrams. Therefore, please note that at the beginning of the pineapples on the wings, stitches with 4 crochets are knitted. The remaining columns in the diagram are with 2 and 1 crochets; they are more visible.
This cape collar, knitted from silver or gold yarn with a lot of lurex, will be a wonderful addition to an open evening dress.

Two-tier collar

The original collar from the Japanese magazine French Girly Crochet Collars and Tippets is crocheted No. 2 from 20 g of yarn. Collar width 6 cm, neckline length 44 cm.
The collar begins to be knitted with a chain of 162 air loops (19 repeats of 8 loops + 1 loop for symmetry + 9 loops for a hinged loop for a button), on which 7 rows are knitted (the lower part of the collar) according to the pattern.
After this, 2 rows of the upper part and 3 rows of the neckline are knitted on the initial chain in the other direction from the initial chain. When moving to the 3rd row of the binding, secure the tail of the initial chain, left under the hinged loop. The starting points of knitting are indicated in the diagram by light arrows, and the ending points of knitting are indicated by black arrows.

The collar is fastened with a round bead tied with collar yarn.

Collar Spikelets

The openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2008 is crocheted from 30g of cotton yarn using No. 1 crochet. Collar width 11 cm.
Start knitting with a chain of 281 air loops (18 repeats of 15 loops + 10 loops) and then knit according to the pattern.
Starch the finished collar, stretch it to size and leave until dry.

Collar Buds

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads No. 0.75. Collar width 9 cm.
The collar begins to be knitted with a chain of 170 air loops (including 2 lifting loops) and then knitted according to the pattern. The beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram with an asterisk and arrow.
The last row of knitting is continued along the narrow side and a buttonhole is knitted. The second narrow edge is tied separately, starting from the neckline (the area between the circles in the diagram).
The scheme uses 2 unusual elements.

Make 5 yarn overs and knit the unknitted stitch, leaving 2 loops on the hook. Make 2 yarn overs, enter the first stitch at the level of the 3rd yarn over and tie the unknitted stitch, 3 loops on the hook. Knit 2 more unknitted double crochets in the same place as the first. Knit 5 stitches together.
Make 3 yarn overs, knit one. Make 2 more uncrocheted single crochet stitches. There will be 2 first yarn overs and 3 loops on the hook, knit these 3 loops together and work the remaining yarn overs.

Collar with tassels

The openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine is crocheted from cotton threads using No. 1 crochet. Collar width without tassels is 4 cm.
Start knitting the collar with a strip of 17 flowers, knitted with continuous knitting. Close a chain of 7 chain stitches into a ring, 7 chain stitches, 2 double crochets in the 4th loop of the initial chain, 7 chain stitches, 2 single crochets in the 4th loop of the starting chain, 15 chain loops (transition to the next flower), connecting stitch in the 7th loop from the hook. Continue knitting the top sides of the flowers. Knit the last flower entirely and then knit the bottom side of the strip. After this, tie the flowers with single crochets.
Knit 2 rows of circular binding according to the pattern and a row of binding along the neck line.
Along the flap side of the collar, knit a strip of ribbon lace, the knitting direction is shown in the diagram. Make the ties to the required length. Decorate the collar teeth and the ends of the ties with tassels.

Marietta Collar

A collar using the Bruges lace technique from Fashion Magazine (Spetsvyausk. Crochet. Embroidery) is crocheted with size 1.5 from 50 g of Snowflake thread.
Depending on the desired length of the collar, knit 11-15 separate internal motifs according to scheme 1, connecting them to each other. After this, tie the binding with Bruges braid along the outer edge of the collar.
According to pattern 2, knit the upper part of the collar, place it on the lower part, aligning it with the neckline, and tie it with 2 rows of single crochets, connecting both parts.
Starch the finished collar, arrange it according to size and leave until completely dry.

Openwork dome collar

A collar assembled from floral motifs, from Valya Valentina magazine for 2007. The collar is crocheted from 40g bobbin thread No. 10 with crochet No. 1.25. Collar width 10cm.
The collar consists of motifs. Each motif begins to be knitted with a chain of 10 chain stitches connected into a ring. On this ring, 3 rows are knitted in a circle. In the 3rd row, a connection is made with the previous motif. The connection points of the motifs are indicated by arrows in the diagram.
When all the motifs are knitted and connected, 1 row is knitted along the neck line with a separate thread (dark green in the diagram). With a new thread, 1 row along the narrow sides of the collar and neckline, 1 row of binding along the entire perimeter of the collar and 2 rows along the neckline.

Collar Party

The openwork collar from the Magic Crochet magazine is crocheted using thin cotton threads using No. 1 crochet. Collar width 6 cm, neckline length 37 cm.
The collar is easy to make and accessible even to beginner knitters. Start knitting with a chain of 210 air loops and then knit 11 rows according to the pattern. The expansion of the collar occurs due to an increase in the number of air loops in the constrictions between pairs of double crochets.
Place the finished collar on a horizontal surface according to size. Moisten and let dry completely. If desired, the collar can be lightly starched.

Collar Marianna

The openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2004 is crocheted from “Iris” yarn using crochet No. 1. Collar width 12 cm.
Begin knitting with a chain of air loops at the rate of 1 repeat 12 ch. + 11 v.p. for symmetry + 3 ch. rise + 1 ch). Next, knitting continues according to the pattern. There are 13 repeats in the collar in the photo, that is, 171 loops.
The finished collar needs to be starched, stretched to size and left to dry completely.

Pineapple collar with lush columns

The romantic openwork collar from Valya-Valentina magazine No. 24/2011 is crocheted from 40g of “Iris” yarn using crochet No. 0.9. Collar width 13 cm, length 66 cm.
Begin knitting with a chain of 199 chain stitches (16 repeats of 12 chain stitches + 1 chain stitch for symmetry + 3 chain stitches for lifting + 3 chain stitches). Next, knitting continues according to the pattern. For ease of use, odd rows are indicated in the diagram in blue, and even rows are indicated in black.
The finished collar needs to be starched, straightened and left to dry completely.

Collar Graceful

A small openwork collar from the magazine “Valya-Valentina” for 2004 is crocheted from Iris yarn with size 1.5. Collar width 7 cm.
Begin knitting a collar with a chain of air loops at the rate of 1 repeat = 12 loops + 4 loops for symmetry + 3 lifting loops + 2 loops. Next, knit 8 rows according to the pattern and, without cutting the thread, tie the collar along the narrow sides and neckline with single crochets and arches of 3 air loops.
If you plan to fasten the collar with a button, then form an air loop when tying the collar. Or thread a narrow satin ribbon tie between the posts of the 1st row.

Sirloin Collar Spiders

The loin collar from Asahi Crochet Lace 2013 is crocheted with size 2 using 25g cotton yarn. Collar width 9.5 cm, neckline length 45 cm.
Knitting a collar begins with a chain of 160 air loops, on which 7 fillet segments with “spiders” are knitted. 8 rows of the collar are knitted in a single fabric, and rows from the 9th to the 15th are knitted on each segment separately.
Having knitted all the segments, use a separate thread to tie the neck line with single crochets and knit a buttonhole.
Please note that in the 11th and 13th rows the “popcorn” elements are knitted.

Openwork collar Isabella

An elegant openwork collar from Asahi Crochet Lace magazine is crocheted from fine cotton yarn using a size 2.25 crochet hook. Collar width 8 cm, neckline length 47 cm.
Start knitting a collar with a chain of 145 chain stitches (9 repeats of 16 loops + 1 loop for symmetry) and then knit 11 rows according to the pattern.
The collar pattern uses a beautiful popcorn design.
Finally, the collar is tied along the neckline with single crochets, skipping every 4th chain stitch of the initial chain. Don't forget to make a slip stitch for the button at the beginning of the binding row.
Lay out the finished collar according to size, moisten it and let it dry completely. Sew on a button.

Collar Pineapple medallions

The large collar from Fashion Magazine No. 439 is crocheted No. 1 using 200 g of cotton yarn.
On a chain of air loops, knit 8 repeats according to the pattern. After separating the rapports, each corner is knitted separately.
Tie the finished collar in a circular row of single crochets, starch and iron, giving the corners the desired shape.

Collar Flowers

The delicate collar from the Magic Crochet magazine 12/1992 is crocheted from thin cotton threads with a No. 0.7 crochet hook. Collar width 4.5 cm, neckline length 45 cm.
They start knitting a collar with Bruges braid; 93 rows are knitted with it. Next, the main pattern with flowers from lush columns is knitted on this chain. Please note that the flowers are formed in two rows, the lower three petals in one row and the upper three in the next.
The finished collar needs to be starched, straightened and left to dry completely. Thread a narrow satin ribbon through the upper arms of the Bruges braid.

Large collar of openwork motifs

The collar from the magazine Wear & small interior lace NV 70174 2013 is crocheted with size 1.5 from 90 g of yarn. Collar width 20 cm, length 126 cm, along the neck line the collar is gathered with a drawstring.
The collar is assembled from 28 motifs with a diameter of 9 cm, which are connected when knitting the last row. The gaps between the motifs are filled with small flower motifs.
The assembled strip of motifs is tied along the outer edge with 3 rows of arches, and along the inner edge (neck line) with 9 rows. The rows of binding in the diagram are highlighted in a darker color.
For a tie cord 120 cm long, on a chain of 420 air loops, tie a series of connecting posts. Thread the finished lace-tie into the arches of the penultimate row of the binding.

Openwork collar Spikelets

A chic openwork collar from a Japanese magazine is crocheted from 65g cotton yarn with size 2.25.
Collar width 18 cm, neck length 64 cm.
Begin knitting with a chain of 160 air loops, 10 loops for each repeat.
Having finished knitting, tie a chain of chain stitches with single crochets with a picot.

Collar with mesh and voluminous flowers

A collar from an Asian magazine is crocheted from 100 g of yarn using crochet number 2. The width of the collar is 16.5 cm, the length along the neck line is 44 cm.
They begin knitting a collar with a chain of 156 air loops, on which 14 rows are knitted with a complex mesh with “picot”. The additions necessary to widen the collar are indicated in the diagram in a darker color.
After knitting the main part of the collar, perform 2 circular rows of binding.
Knit 28 small and 29 large flowers. Attach large flowers along the flap of the collar, and embroider the mesh with small flowers according to the pattern.

Large collar with lush columns

The Aiamu Olive Magazine Collar is crocheted in size 2.5 using 170g section-dyed yarn (length 82m/25g). The width of the collar without fringe is 17 cm.
Knitting density: 26.5 stitches and 16 rows in a 10 x 10 cm square.
Begin knitting a collar with a chain of 169 air loops (excluding lifting loops). Mark the 45th, 85th and 125th loops on the chain; along these loops you will need to widen the collar.
Having knitted 27 rows according to the pattern, tie a row of double crochets through a chain loop along the narrow side of the collar and cut the thread.
Carry out the same row on the other narrow side, joining the thread at the neck line.
After this, without cutting the thread, knit a row of fringe binding along the outer edge of the collar and a row of single crochets with picots along the other 3 sides.
Tie a lace 84 cm long and thread it between the double crochets of the 1st row.
It is proposed to use a knitted flower brooch as a collar decoration (there is no flower pattern in the magazine). In addition, you can wear a collar in different ways - with draping ends and turning them over the shoulder.

Collar Elegance

An elegant collar from a Spanish magazine is crocheted using thin cotton thread No. 1.25. Collar width 7.5cm, neckline length 36cm.
The collar begins to be knitted from the line where the scallops join. 14 cm (7 scallops) are knitted in one direction, and 22 cm (11 scallops) in the other direction.
At the same time, the flying part of the collar expands due to scallops, and the upper part forms a small stand.
Since the original Spanish diagram is not very readable, I am using a version of this diagram from Fashion Magazine No. 462.
Using the same pattern, you can knit a symmetrical collar, making 9 scallops (18cm) on each side.

Openwork Lace Collar

Openwork collar from the website of the Japanese company Clover. The collar is crocheted from 30 g of yarn with a crochet number 2.25. The maximum width of the collar is 11 cm, length along the neck line is 57 cm.
Begin knitting a collar with a chain of 137 air loops (34 repeats of 4 air loops + 1 loop for symmetry, lifting loops are not included in this count). Next, knit the middle of the collar from 12 rows according to the pattern.
Next, perform 4 rows of binding, starting from the neck. Without tearing off the thread, knit one tie, tie the collar along the neckline with one row of single crochets with a picot and knit a second tie.

Collar Monastic windows

The openwork collar from the Valya-Valentina magazine for 2007 is crocheted from 30g of raw cotton yarn with a No. 1.25 crochet hook. Collar width 11cm.
Start knitting a collar with a chain of 196 chain stitches (18 repeats of 11 loops + 2 loops for symmetry + 3 lifting loops) and then knit 11 rows according to the pattern.
The finished collar needs to be starched, straightened to size and left to dry completely.

Openwork collar Air

The openwork collar from the Spanish magazine MYM Cuellos is crocheted from thin cotton threads with size 0.75. Collar width 7.5 cm.
The collar begins to be knitted with a chain of air loops and then knitted according to the pattern up to the penultimate row inclusive. The beginning of knitting is indicated in the diagram with an asterisk.
Without breaking the thread, continue knitting the penultimate row, tying the narrow sides of the collar and the neck line. Knit the last row in the round. The end of the knitting of the binding is indicated in the diagram with a black square.

Carolina collar

A large openwork collar from the magazine Wear & small interior lace NV 70174 is crocheted with size 1.5 from 60 g of yarn. Collar width 21.5 cm, neck length 58 cm.

Start knitting a collar with a chain of 200 chain stitches (33 repeats of 6 loops + 2 loops for symmetry) and then knit 28 rows according to the pattern. Please note that when knitting the last row, each scallop is knitted separately with 2 additional rows. After this, without cutting the thread, tie the narrow sides of the collar and neckline with a series of single crochets with a picot.

For the ties, tie 2 30 cm long laces with trefoils at the ends and attach them to the places marked with gray dots in the diagram.

Openwork collar

Yarn "Maxi" consumption about 50 g, hook 1. A very convenient knitting pattern, the collar is knitted lengthwise, you can easily calculate the size and number of motifs.

Based on materials from the site:

Peacock collar

An openwork collar is an always relevant element in a woman’s wardrobe that will never go out of style. Crocheted collars, made from the finest yarn, look incredibly impressive both in a strict business style of clothing and in playful romantic attire. An elegant collar will be a great decoration for a laconic dress, a flowy blouse, or even a warm pullover.

Knitted collars are always removable, and therefore representatives of the fair sex can safely experiment, complementing various looks with them. In addition, today craftswomen offer so many different knitted collars, differing in texture, ornament and patterns that each of us will find a model to our liking.

Most often, novice needlewomen do not even look at crocheting collars, mistaking them for an incredibly difficult and almost impossible job. But there are quite simple knitting patterns that even beginners in crocheting can easily master!

Especially for those who want to master various techniques for crocheting collars, we have put together a selection of the best master classes and video lessons, thanks to which you can learn how to knit lace collars as quickly as possible.

The most delicate openwork collar made of pink yarn

A knitted lace collar made of fine cotton yarn “Iris” in a soft pink color looks incredibly original, adding a romantic twist to any woman’s look. We offer a step-by-step look at the process of making such a collar, which even novice craftswomen can easily start knitting.

Collar knitting pattern:

Abbreviations used in descriptions of all diagrams in the article:

  • air loop - VP;
  • double crochet - st. s/n;
  • single crochet - st. b/n;
  • connection column - SS;
  • double crochet - st. with 2/n;
  • half-column - half-column;
  • previous row - PR.


We assemble a base chain of 148 VPs (including three lifting VPs).

Row No. 1: knit 1 tbsp. s/n into the fifth VP of the chain from the hook, then we knit 143 stitches s/n - one in each VP.

Row No. 2: knit 4 VP rises, then 1 unfinished st. s/2n from the fourth VP lift, then – 3 VP + 2 unfinished sts. with 2/n under one top + 5 VP + 1 st. s/n in the fifth art. s/n PR + 3 VP + 1 tbsp. s/n again in the 5th art. PR + 7 VP + 1 tbsp. s/n in the sixth art. s/n PR + 3 VP + 1 tbsp. s/n again in the 6th art. + 5 VP.

Next, we do 7 repetitions of the following rapport: in the fifth column of the PR from the hook we knit 2 unfinished stitches. with 2/n under one top + 3 VP lifts + 2 unfinished sts. with 2/n under one top in the same st. PR + 5 VP + 1 tbsp. s/n in the fifth art. s/n PR + 3 VP + 1 tbsp. s/n in the same article. PR + 7 VP + 1 tbsp. s/n in the sixth art. s/n PR + 3 VP + 1 tbsp. s/n in the same article. + 5 VP. There should be a total of 9 repeating combinations. Then we knit 2 unfinished stitches. with 2/n under one top in the fifth st. PR + 3 VP lifts + 2 unfinished sts. with 2/n under one top in the same st. ETC.

We continue to knit in straight and reverse rows in accordance with the above pattern. Row No. 11 ends with SS.

We tie the collar, starting from the base chain, with the following rapport: 1 tbsp. b/n + 3 VP. We tie the wide side of the collar using picot according to the pattern.

We starch the finished product, give it the correct shape, and iron it with a hot iron. The openwork collar is ready to try on!

Sophisticated stand-up collar

Knitted stand-up collars look truly exclusive - they can be worn with a smart blouse, a dress with open shoulders, and even with warm golf socks. The process of knitting it is more complex, but the results will not keep you waiting - such a knitted accessory attracts the attention of everyone around!

Collar knitting pattern:

In order to start knitting, we recommend preparing medium-thick yarn and hook No. 2. You can also knit a thinner knit using toffee yarn and a No. 1-1.5 hook. The collar is knitted in the round, starting from the stand, continuing with a lace cape.

Row No. 1: we knit a base chain from VP. Their exact number is determined by each craftswoman independently. You need to dial in such a quantity of VP that the collar can subsequently be put over your head without any hindrance. At the same time, keep in mind that the total number of collected VPs must be a multiple of 3. We connect the chain into a circle using SS.

Row No. 2: 3 VP lift + 1 tbsp. s/n + 1 VP + rapport to the end of the row: 2 tbsp. s/n in one loop PR + 1 VP. We connect the end of the row with a SS.

Row No. 3: knit with rapports: 2 tbsp. We knit b/n into VP PR + 2 VP. Repeat until the end of the row, finishing with a SS. To hide the connection of the rows as much as possible, you can additionally knit a half-column in the st. s/n PR.

Row No. 4: knit with rapports: 2 tbsp. s/n for a chain of two VP PR + 1 VP. We connect the ends of the row with SS. If desired, we additionally knit a half-column in st. s/n PR.

We knit row No. 5 by analogy with row No. 3.

Row No. 6 is knitted as row No. 4.

Row No. 7: we tie the collar stand using the following repeat: 1 tbsp. b/n under VP PR + pico + 1 tbsp. b/n under the same VP PR + 1 tbsp. b/n in the space between the columns s/n PR. We finish the row with SS. Fasten and cut the thread.

We turn the knitting over, the openwork part of the collar is in front.

Row No. 8: start from the back of row No. 1, tying the chain-base st. b/n.

Row No. 9: we make an expansion using a combination of rapports: according to the 1st art. s/n in each PR loop, in the 3rd loop - we knit 2 tbsp at once. s/n. We finish SS.

Row No. 11: knit st. s/n in each loop PR.

Rows No. 13-15: we continue to knit according to the pattern, adding a larger number of VPs in the rapports (in the 13th row - 5 VPs, in the 14th row - 6 VPs, in the 15th row - 7 VPs).

Rows No. 16-17: into columns of uncapped PR we knit along a fluffy column of three sts. s/n. Between the lush columns we knit chains of VP (in the 16th row - 8 VP, in the 17th row - 9 VP). We finish SS.

Rows No. 18-20 are the most difficult. Their implementation must be approached with special care.

Row No. 18: knit with rapports: 2 tbsp. we knit s/n into a lush column PR + 3 VP + 2 tbsp. s/n we knit in a chain of 9 VP PR + 3 VP. We finish SS.

Row No. 19: repeats again: 2 tbsp. we knit s/n into the gap between two sts. s/n PR + 4 VP. We finish SS.

Row No. 20: rapports: 1 tbsp. b/n in the interval between 2 tbsp. s/n PR + 2 VP + 6 tbsp. s/2n, between which we knit 5 picots + 2 VP. The end of the row is SS.

So, our stand-up collar is ready! All that remains is to sprinkle it with starch solution, give it the correct shape, iron it and dry it.

Stylish burgundy collar made with zigzags using openwork technique

Such a laconic collar will definitely appeal to a business woman who prefers to always be the center of attention. By the way, its knitting is not so difficult, especially for those who understand the patterns without any problems. For beginners, we provide step-by-step instructions for knitting such a colorful women's accessory.

Knitting pattern for a burgundy collar:

Step-by-step knitting instructions

We assemble a base chain of 45 VPs (including 4 VPs for lifting).

Row No. 1: 1 VP + 1 half stitch. in the third VP of the base from the hook + 2 VP + 1 column of s/n in the same VP of the base + 5 VP + 1 column of s/n in the sixth VP of the base-chain + 2 VP + 1 tbsp. s/n + 5 VP + 1 tbsp. s/n + 2 VP + 1 tbsp. s/n + 21 stitches s/n in the next 21 loops of the base chain.

Row No. 2: turn the knitting: 3 VP rise + 21 stitches s/n in 21 loops PR + 2 VP + 1 stitch s/n next. column s/n PR + 3 VP + 1 column b/n in the arch of 5 VP PR + 3 VP + 2 columns s/n in the next. 2 columns of s/n PR + arch of 2 VP between columns of s/n PR + 3 VP + 1 column of s/n in an arch of 5 VP PR + 3 VP + 1 column of s/n in column of s/n PR + 2 VP + 2 half-columns in two PR loops.

We continue knitting in straight and reverse rows in strict accordance with the above pattern. We finish SS.

We make the strapping.

Row No. 1: we knit with rapports: 1 column s/n + 2 VP, treat the inner corners of the collar with two unfinished columns s/n with one vertex, tie the outer corners with arches of 5 VP. Row

No. 2: we knit with rapports: 2 columns of b/n + picot. At the end - SS.

At the end, we tie all the edges of the collar first - with non-woven columns, on top - with a “crawfish step”. From a chain of air loops we make ties of the desired length.

Sprinkle the finished product with starch solution, give it the correct shape, and iron it. Ready!

As you can already see, crocheted lace collars look absolutely gorgeous. There are thousands of variations on the theme of such knitted accessories, but we will present the most striking knitting ideas that can easily be brought to life:

For greater clarity, we present to your attention a selection of detailed video tutorials on crocheting openwork collars.

Master class on knitting a simple collar for beginners

Cape collar under a dress

Openwork collar with pineapple pattern

Snow-white collar “Peacock Feather”

Complex collar using Irish lace technique

Bruges lace collar

We hope that with the help of our detailed master classes, supported by step-by-step instructions and video tutorials, you have become a real ace in crocheting openwork collars. Don’t stop there, there are plenty of options for knitting collars – get creative, create exquisite masterpieces with your own hands. And we will feed your imagination with new diagrams and descriptions for them.

The collar is a native Russian additional element of the dress, decorating and shaping the neckline. In Soviet times, removable collars were a necessary addition to the school uniform. Openwork was created by original decoration, and was especially valued.

Modern fashion trends have returned this forgotten element to the wardrobe, making it an independent accessory. Openwork collars are especially successful when crocheted. They can vary in size from very tiny, adjacent to the neck, to the size of a small shawl. The openwork brings lightness and tenderness, making the image sophisticated and romantic. With all the artistic expressiveness for beginners, it is better to choose simpler collar designs, since once you have figured out a simple model, you can safely proceed to the collar you like.

The easiest way to knit a collar is in the master class; it gives the most detailed description. In fact, a master class for such a thing consists of a thorough study of the knitting pattern. When starting to choose a model, you should not focus on a beautiful pattern, but first of all, you should start from the thing that will decorate the collar. The stylistically restrained model of the dress will be diluted by a light openwork collar with floral motifs. A flying veil of thread weaves, similar to a frosty pattern, will also make the dress evening.

Master class on knitting an openwork wide collar

Initially, following the master class, 141 are dialed air . loop that form a base chain plus 3 air lifting loops. All subsequent rows are performed with the number of lifting air loops indicated in the diagram. Knitting is done “back and forth” according to the pattern.

The final row according to the diagram is the 9th, in which the thread is secured.

To prepare for wear, the collar should be washed and starched. Place the still damp item on a flat surface - spread each “picot” and iron it.


○ – air loop

͡ – connecting post

+ – single crochet

Columns - column with 1, 2 yarn overs

Pico consisting of 3 air . p. and 1 column without yarn over , knitted in the 1st air P.

Arch made of air loops, quantity indicated under the arch

The icons combined at the top are unfinished columns that are knitted together. Accordingly icons having connection at the bottom - columns knitted from one loop at the base.

Master class: how to knit a simple apache


  • - air loop

͡ – connecting post

│ – single crochet

Columns - column with 1, 2 yarn overs

▲- picot, consisting of 3 air . p. and 1 column without yarn over , knitted in the 1st air P.

Master class on knitting a floral collar

The model requires experience in crocheting products. The advantage of this model is that the combination of shades can be matched to a specific item, creating a complete ensemble. Whereas, complementing it with beads and sequins , you can create a festive version.

The size of the product depends on the number of connected flower motifs.


The yarn used is synthetic - 100 g of light shade and 50 g of dark brown and hook number 3.


For medium size, it is enough to make 6 colors symmetrically. Ready-made floral accents, which are knitted according to the pattern, are connected with arches of air loops. On average, 3 tiers of arches are made between flowers, in the 4th one the individual parts are combined. To straighten the line of the top and bottom of the collar in the final rows of arches, the number of air loops