The coolest congratulations when giving a lemon. Comic congratulations on the delivery of cool birthday gifts. Congratulations in the form of a theatrical performance

Anyone who chooses gifts with soul knows how difficult it is! I want to make a person not just pleasant, but to please, “get to the point,” “touch him to tears”...
The goals are different, but the gift must correspond to the tastes and preferences of the recipient. To like and, in one way or another, express our attitude towards the hero of the occasion. Not easy…

But it’s even harder to present correctly. So that a loved one feels the significance of the event. To be surprised, to laugh, to remember. You will have to use all sorts of resources: invention and imagination, creativity and originality of thought, numerous friends, neighbors, colleagues.

Let's give up the idea of ​​simple delivery. Let's look for how to present a gift in an original, cool, interesting way. So as to delight.

Design is no less important than content

The gift needs appropriate packaging. Appropriate
  • about the presentation,
  • gender of the donee,
  • our attitude towards him,
  • tastes and preferences of the hero of the occasion.
And our idea of ​​presentation. The gift cannot remain faceless (as we brought it from the store). It's nice to receive things that are meant for us.

  • Mom's favorite candies are decorated in the shape of her favorite flowers. The toy for the little pirate is hidden in a real treasure chest.
  • Decoration for your beloved - in an exclusive box or a blooming rose bud.
  • Whiskey for a strict boss - in an ancient imitation book.
Regular packaging paper can be decorated with fresh and artificial flowers, cards and balloons, original stickers, fabric and figurines. If the gift is interesting in itself or you are giving gifts to all guests, then gift tags with names, individual wishes, astrologer predictions, etc. would be appropriate.

What's a fun way to give a gift?

Jokes are allowed on a person who has a sense of humor. After all, our task is to evoke a storm of positive emotions. When giving gifts, only play pranks on people you know well.

Prank ideas:

  • Stolen item. It will not be stolen, it will be bought with honestly earned money. BUT we will convince the hero of the occasion otherwise. We present our loved one with a mobile phone, tablet, navigator or something similar. They said the appropriate words and listened to the gratitude. As soon as we sat down at the table... The doorbell rang. "Hello! Let me introduce myself. Police captain Pupkin. We have received information that a stolen mobile phone is located at this address. The operator tracked it using the IMEI code. Here is the search warrant... Show me your mobile phones..."
And everything like that. For the role of a policeman, take a person who is well known to you, but unfamiliar to the hero of the occasion. It’s good if the policeman has witnesses with him. The success of a prank depends on believability.
  • A gift that flew away. It should be a lightweight thing that can be lifted by helium balloons. You hide it in a box large enough to accommodate these same balls. You inform the hero of the occasion that here is what he has long dreamed of. Let this be a trip to the UAE. You give the opportunity to rejoice, jump with happiness and offer to open... Drum roll - the gift flies into the sky. You very plausibly lament your indiscretion. We wanted to do the best...
For the prank to be successful, the item being given must be desired. The recipient must know about his gift before opening the box. He should already feel the taste of the gift, the pleasure of ownership. Accordingly, we open the packaging outside.
  • Annoying distributor. Your friend, in the guise of a distributor, comes to the hero of the occasion. With an absolutely serious look, he offers absolutely useless things. It imposes, it gets boring. Offers to buy something and receive a gift “from company X.” When the hero of the occasion is running out of patience, he will present the gift you have prepared.

How else can you present a gift in an interesting way?

A gift that is given romantically becomes romantic.

People in love are most concerned about how to give gifts. There is nothing more precious than the glowing eyes of a loved one and his sincere smile. You don’t have to spend money to make the act of giving memorable. Fantasy, improvisation and a strong desire to make people happy are much more useful.

We give gifts in an original way

  • Invite your loved one to a restaurant or cafe. In the middle of the evening, a little girl dressed as an angel approaches your table. Gives a congratulatory speech and presents the box. The girl opens it and tropical butterflies fly out. There is decoration on the bottom. You can present the box with butterflies yourself.
  • A courier in a business suit and with an inscrutable face comes to the dear hero of the day. He asks to sign for the gifts due: for a portion of happiness, a huge basket of love, iron health, good luck, etc. The most recent document confirms the delivery of a particular item.
  • You go with your girlfriend for a walk to memorable places: where you met, kissed for the first time, proposed marriage, etc. During the walk, all sorts of unexpected pleasures happen. A complete stranger gave me a rose. So a street artist came up and presented a portrait. And there the musician performed your composition. The end of the path is a favorite place for both, where music is playing quietly, appropriate decorations have been prepared (inscriptions on houses, benches, romantic declarations on the asphalt). This is where the gift is presented.
  • You pack a small item in several boxes (at least ten). Cover each of the boxes with photographs telling the story of your love. When you get to the gift, you will plunge into cherished memories together.

Take a closer look at your loved one and wish with all your heart to make him happy on this special day. This approach will help you abandon stereotypes, use your imagination, and approach the presentation of a gift in an original way. Genuine delight, sincere laughter and joy will be the best reward for the giver.


Andrey! Congratulating you on your anniversary,
We don’t spare words (and feelings) for you!
Your 50 is just the middle
And there is no serious reason for worry.
We came here with pleasure today
And they brought you many gifts.
By the time we got there, we wandered around a bit...
The road to you has been long.

1. Here is a box of CANDIES...
True, they are no longer in it.
We ate them along the way...
Sorry - we couldn't resist!

2. Who, tell me, is not learned
Should I wash my hands with smelly SOAP?
Everyone is ready to wash their hands...
(Voice from the audience): So that there are no worms!

3. You've lost a lot of weight...
Maybe you haven't eaten for a long time?
Here is MUSTARD in the glass -
Very tasty thing!

4. If the soup is with veal heart
Not sharp enough
Here's a bag of PEPPER -
Light a fire in your mouth!

5. If your mouth is burning, then you should
Have a glass... of lemonade.
Do not tolerate severe torture -
Dilute the DRINK with water.

6. I put it on the bottom
And MOROZHENKO is one thing... (rummaging in the basket) –
It seems to have melted
All that was left was a stick!

7. To prevent teeth from hurting,
So that there is no trouble,
Here's a toothpick made from spruce:
Better for meat food!

8. There is only one place in the house...
It's called
The gentle word “toilet”.
Here's a “balloon bouquet” for you!
We don’t feel sorry for this DEO:
It will smell like violet there!

9. In the evening you refresh yourself in the shower,
You wash your head, feet and ears there.
LIQUID SOAP - for children it...
It will wash away the fuel oil... And wash away... Wine.

For Andreeva's hairstyle
Enough of this comb!

It’s a pity that it’s empty?... I don’t see the problem –
Do you need him? With such and such a face!
You're still doing great without the cream!

You can store buttons in a jar,
Maybe my wife won't forget to sew...

12. You’re a teetotaler here, aren’t you?
If you drink for an hour,
Then with this gift at once
You'll hit the mark on your shoes!

13. Cologne is a bit old –
He arrived from the Union.
Scent yourself with this rubbish -
You will become an indoor geranium.

14. Here is a CITRAMON TABLET.
Just accept it
From that cologne
Your head will hurt.

15. From “economic” feelings,
And also romantic
I'll give you another CANDLE!
And I want to tell you:
Consume electricity
Reasonable amount!

16. If you are alone now,
Smell the WINE CORKS!
Memories will come to life
About parties, about dates.

17. If you have problems with hearing,
With left or right ear,
So that you can listen to your wife -
Know: it's time to clean your ears!

18. If the lot has become bitter,
If the white light is not nice,
Here is a VALIDOL tablet -
Will revive the ardor of the heart!

19. Are you going to bed? Teeth on the shelf!
Here is the COOKIDENT. This thing is not without meaning!
In the morning, take your jaw out of the glass -
You will become handsome! I'm not lying!

20. And another ENVELOPE without a stamp -
Yellow-yellow, bright-bright!
It looks simple though
And it's still empty...

But I want to please you with this envelope:
You can put 100 euros in it.
To start with, I'll give you a little bit,
But the rest - report it yourself!

If desired, similar scenarios can be found on my page:

"A Dozen Comic Gifts"

Here's the baby in front of you

The baby is naked.
We need to dress him up.
So that the child does not freeze.

So that the head does not freeze,
We will pull on the cap deftly. (they give a cap)

So that something else doesn't happen,
And the underwear wouldn’t get wet from below,
Well, why are you laughing, who doesn’t?
In general, diapers won’t hurt us (they give diapers as a gift)

And if a bad mood comes
How to calm a child instantly?
Place a pacifier in your mouth so you don't scream
I knew that I would be silent more in life (they give me a pacifier).

Let's blindfold the birthday girl,
Let's intrigue you 100%!
What a gift with delivery
So has she been waiting for a long time?

Desired, new, delightful,
What it is is still a secret.
Only to her, the captivating beauty
We will give you something that doesn't exist yet.

Please accept my comic congratulations,
And be happy on your birthday
How long have we suffered in search
The gift is just an obsession.

Well, open your eyes quickly!
Here's a surprise!
He is yours! Hooray!

We give you a gift
Of course he is from the heart,
He is beautiful, useful, bright,
Hurry up to use it.

Remember your friends, of course
Invite me to visit more often.
Be a diligent housewife
Treat your husband deliciously.

So that your eyes glow with happiness,
Lips are swollen with love,
And the blush is only from passion
Your cheeks were burning!

(Any kitchen utensils, dishes, household kitchen appliances, maybe a cookbook, tablecloth, etc. can be used as a gift accompanied by this poem.)

We thought we were guessing

We spent the whole evening discussing:
What does a person need?
Having crossed the summer milestone???

Is happiness in trinkets?
In crystal vases, pillows?
In a small dacha by the river,
Or on a ring on your finger?

Of course not! That's bullshit!
Better than money - no!

We taxied to the store,
And we bought a gift!

Miracle apron - wallet,
Try it on my friend!!!

The apron itself is good,
You will find six pockets!

The first “FOR FRIENDS” pocket!
There is always a glass in it!
And a stash to drive away,
When there is nothing left to pour!!!

For “LOVE” there is a second pocket!

there lies a big surprise!
So that the stove does not go out!
Here's a candle for you Seryozhka!
And a bill for flowers,
So that you are ready for sex!!!

Our third pocket “PARENTS”
You call them day and night!
And to always be in touch -
I need to buy a card!

And the fourth “OUR CHILDREN”
And keep a pocket for them!
What do children need, guys?
Well, of course, money!!!

The fifth pocket here is “WORK”
Our main concern!
Buy yourself a travel card!
Not one, but three at once!!!

And the sixth pocket is “YOURS”
The most affectionate, dear.
What will you take from it?
Spend on yourself with love.
We didn't skimp for you
They didn’t hide even a ruble.

Accept a gift from us
Remember us with kind words.
Happy birthday
And we wish you to live richly!

Our birthday boy is wonderful,
Dear birthday boy,
We came to you with a gift,
With a bag full, big.

What's there? You guessed it!
You've been dreaming about this for a long time,
And enjoy today!
You have become the owner...

(At this moment they take out the desired gift to give the man a happy birthday)

Don't part with him now,
Take him to sleep with you,
Show off your gift
And love your friends!

Hello, dear friend!
Happy Birthday to You!
We will congratulate you in an unusual way,
And we will hand over the gifts personally!

1.) Here's a gift for the soul,
Don’t rush to be surprised,
Paint your soft lips,
There will be kisses to your heart's content! (Pomade)

2.) And this gift is important!
Even if it's paper.
He always helps out
Never fails! (Toilet paper roll)

3.) If a hole appears,
Something, somewhere is leaking,
It will certainly come in handy
Our gift for the girl. (Threads and needles, available as a set)

4.) If everything looks bad in the mirror,
The French say strictly:
Just wash your hair
Our shampoo is always with you! (Shampoo)

5.) So that your legs don’t hurt,
Didn't freeze, didn't sweat,
We give you slippers
Will they fit your feet? (Slippers)

6.) You have a big sweet tooth,
We know this for sure!
We give you candy
From my big heart! (Candies)

7.) To keep the lights on in the house,
Our gift will come in handy
This is a light bulb for you
Our red maiden! (Bulb)

8.) Don’t be a fool,
Here, take the comb.
Straighten the tufts in your mane,
Seduce the man.

9.) Finally, we give you a pen,
To write down your pay!

Birthday has arrived
And the question arose before us,
What should we buy as a gift?
We decided to give a hat! (cowboy hat)

Oh, what a cute hat!
A treat for the men.
But it seems out of season
Summer style hat

Well, I won’t give it away
And then I’ll give you a bandana! (bandana)
You look beautiful in a bandana,
Only somehow so playfully.

No, let's go in order:
We'll give you another hat.
The connection with sports will be strong,
If we give a cap! (cap)

Why do you need a cap these days?
And she sits loosely
Yes, and the color is not the theme at all,
No, let's give up this idea.

To be funny then
You need to give the cap
Take it off, it's all nonsense -
Dressed up like a jester (cap)

He's not a troll today
And of course the king
Headdress for the throne
This is the royal crown! (crown).

For birthdays we give a basin, it will always be just right.

You can wash floors in it, you can milk cows,

You can pick berries, burp after drinking,

You can wash with it in the bathhouse, it will be useful to you there too,

You can wash your clothes in it, you can wash your butt,

You can sow flour in it and hang it on a branch

You can ride down the slide, it will always be useful to you,

And how will it be (.50.60...) we will come to you again,

Prepare okroshka for us, and find a bigger spoon,

We’ll pour okroshka into a basin and celebrate the anniversary,

In general, you keep it, don’t break it, don’t crumple it,

Don’t leave it in the yard and put it back,

Happy anniversary, we wish you all a drink now,

Some from the pile, some from what, and we will drink from it.

Congratulating men hold brooms in their hands, like bouquets, and gifts: a washcloth, a hat, a massage mitten, a foot brush, a washcloth, a thermometer.
First: Who walks together in a row?
Second: This is a squad of bath attendants!
Third: Let's steam everyone up, warm them up.
Come on, people, be bold!
Fourth: The people here are very dirty...
Fifth: Sign up for five years in advance!
Sixth: But today is an exception
And such a message...
Together: There is more steam in our hall
In honor of (name) - the hero of the day!

First: We give a friend a washcloth,
Rub harder, we don't mind
Unless you're a fool -
You'll be red like a lobster! (they give a washcloth)
Together: Oh, ah, eh, uh, brothers, he gives up the ghost!

Second: We give a hat for curls,
And when there are no curls,
Cover your bald head with a hat -
You'll be a hero! (they give you a bath cap)
Together: Eh, uh, ah, oh, but the park isn’t bad at all!

Third: To remove fat from the sides -
We are urgently giving away a massager,
Oh, sorry, massager,
May you always rub your body! (they give you a massage mitten)
Together: Eh, uh, ah, oh, you'll soon burn off the fat!

Fourth: If you decide to swim in the Thames,
Then use this pumice stone
Englishmen, ordinary guys,
No need to scare your heels! (they give penza)
Together: Oh, oh, oh, oh, it’s not a sin for you to take a steam bath!

Fifth: We will give this gang so that,
If it's hot,
I drank beer from it,
I would remember this day!
Together: Oh, oh, oh, oh, we would like a broom, like fluff!

Sixth: If suddenly you have too much
And he gave the park away with interest,
Our thermometer will show
Maybe it will even go off scale!
Together: Uh, eh, oh, ah, the last stroke of the broom!

First: You, (name), our friend,
Pour your glass full!
We have something to pay -
We can give you a broom! (hand over their brooms).

Hello, well done man!
We've come for the name day!
Yes, with not empty hands,
And funny gifts!

1.) In the morning you get up from the couch,
And you run to the bathroom,
To shave the beard,
No foam again, fuck!

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (Shaving foam included)

2.) I shaved and combed my hair
And I looked at the shirt
These are the times! Well, where's the tie?
Well, where did I put him?

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (As a gift, a beautiful tie)

3.) Dressed up for work,
It's time for breakfast
Drink some coffee, where's the cup?
Ugh, you're in the sink, dirty...

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (Mug as a gift)

4.) You run to work,
Belated, trembling...
Rise before the sun,
Start up, don't forget!

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (Alarm clock as a gift)

5.) You came to work -
There are a lot of documents!
There are no pens, unfortunately,
Well, it's a sad case!

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (Ballpoint pen included)

6.) You're tired at work,
I walked to the car,
Oh, how it's covered in snow

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (A snow brush is included as a gift)

7.) And so that the wife waits at home,
I was dying of desire,
We give you something...
Even though you yourself: OH-HO-HO!

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (Viagra as a gift)

All in unison: - And we, and we, have a gift for you! (Calculator as a gift)

Finally, we wish
So that all your dreams come true,
And the gifts came in handy
And they came up to the occasion!

All in unison: - After all, with us, after all, with us, all the gifts are just great!!!

“To get this magnificent product, the best minds of the enterprise took the most wonderful components - “transparency”, so that the life of the hero of the day was like the height and depth of the spring sky. May clouds never come over him. We took the “fortress” because it is needed in overcoming life’s difficulties. We added “degrees” so that they were always at +100 and above, which shows the cheerfulness, charm and energy of the hero of the day. “Easy digestibility”, so that everything good, kind, and bright comes to his home. And “slight dizziness” from happiness, love and fun.”

Rules for using vodka:

It should then be used:
a) when the soul requests;
b) when the soul aches;
c) when the soul sings;
d) after a bath or shower;
e) if necessary;
e) in special cases.

1. Do not abuse, always keep yourself in an upright position;

2. Hide from children under 16 years of age and from your wife;

3. Keep away from fire;

4. Consume undiluted, always with a good snack;

5. With excessive libations - poisonous..

Even though you have a birthday today,
The laurel wreath will not shine for you.
You’d better accept a bouquet of bay leaves from us (they give a bay leaf)

Don't think of being angry with us -
A nail will be useful in the household (they give a nail as a gift)

They wanted to give a flashlight,
But we only found a ball (they give a ball)

When you go for a walk,
So that your trousers don't fall off,
You have with you
This pin made of steel (they give a pin)

Pour this into a glass
And drink slowly (they give you a glass)

After a drink, have a snack -
This is a very important matter.
Here's a sleeve for you
Paper napkin (they give a napkin)

And for dessert we have
There is some candy for you (they give candy)

You received flowers, roses.
They do not wither in the cold (they give a card with roses).

We present the birthday boy with a GIFT - a large box wrapped in beautiful gift paper and with a beautiful bow.
Presenter: (Name of the hero of the day), try it, guess, and then open it. That's 10 gifts in one! This is a mystery gift, but here’s a hint for you.

1. This is a symbol of the beginning and end of the day!

2. This is a health indicator!

3. This is the main achievement of human civilization!

4. This is an astronaut's dream!

5. This is a book lover's best friend!

6. This is the answer to the question: “Where does the salary go?”

7. This is something that everyone, if not bows, then bends their knees to!

8. This is the saddle of the most gluttonous horse in the world!

9. This is a porn photocopier!

10. And the last thing - This is the last chord in today's anniversary! Well, now open it!

(The hero of the day turns it around, and there is a seat with a toilet lid.)

Our dear birthday boy!
Even though you are no longer fifty dollars,
Still a joy for friends -
Birthday, anniversary!
After all, any of the birthdays -
Also a reason for giving.
Because - see for yourself! —
We came here with gifts.

Birthday boy, dear!
We come to you with all our hearts!
But first, pour it.
Drink, respect people!
No, we don't need alcohol,
We would like a drink like this
Just to refresh your throat!
And we'll start giving you
Everything we took with us.
It's still a lot of work -
After all, there are a lot of gifts!
Dear hero of the day
We are happy to give generously.
And without demanding a reward,
Let's get started. Is everyone ready?
We are for a dear friend
No regrets -
They barely got it.

(With these words, they bring out a large box in which all the prepared gifts are stored, and begin to take each item out of it one by one and read funny poems about each gift).

Gift #1.

Look here:
It says "WATER" here.
And although there is no water here,
Let us emphasize this point:
After all, the bottle, even empty,
But how beautiful!
Suitable for everything at once.
Well, first of all, it's a vase.
Secondly, the dishes are
And not only for the bouquet:
For water and compote,
And for tea with bergamot.

Gift No. 2.

Here's another "hello":
A pack of cigarettes.
And “hello” is from childhood:
Do you remember - summer, stadium...
100 meters in physical...
Gatherings in the yard...
There were cigarettes too -
You won't deny it though?
Even though you haven't smoked for a long time,
We donate the pack anyway.
One has only to take a glance,
To understand: smoking is poison!
Why, you ask, a pack? —
You will hide your stash in it!

(with these words they present a cigarette pack, preferably empty)

Gift No. 3.

Look how beautiful she is
This beer can!
You can make a rattle
A very nice toy -
Throw a couple of coins in there!
Why isn't it a joy for the hero of the day?
Rattle - isn't it?
And a piggy bank for coins.

(with these words an empty beer can is presented)

Gift No. 4.

Here's another present for you
Under the name Eurocent,
To put it simply - a penny
Made from excellent stainless steel.
For what? It's no secret:
From donated coins
The birthday boy is pleased!
We will not take the gift back!
This is money, and besides,
Our modest contribution to this dinner.

(they present a coin and throw it into the already donated beer can)

Gift No. 5

Here's another surprise
Not a whim, not a whim:
This is a candy wrapper.
Why, you ask, is this?
We want to infect with an example:
You will become a collector!
This is the first copy.
Do you understand, hero of the day?
Who buys paintings?
Who collects coins...
Wrappers are still more reliable:
After all, paintings are more expensive!
And, giving sweets to friends,
Take off the candy wrappers at the same time.

(at this place they present a candy wrapper)

Gift No. 6

And made of refractory steel
We'll give you a pin.
You ask: why suddenly?
For the gum! Got it, friend?
You might say: “What is it?
After all, now the underwear is different -
From Trussardi, from Dior..." —
But what kind of conversation?
But take it, don’t torment your friends,
Just like that - just in case!

(with these words an ordinary steel pin is presented)

Gift No. 7

Look here, buddy:
This is a matchbox!
You say it's a small thing? No not like this:
This is not a trifle at all.
Even if you're not a tourist,
Not an avid climber,
But from now on you will be able to
Light a fire in your soul!

(with these words they present a box of matches)

Gift No. 8

We are happy to give you
This lipstick tube.
And although it is completely empty,
But beautiful female lips
He keeps the touch.
Oh yeah tube! What a sight for sore eyes!
And I can give advice:
Throw it into your enemy's pocket!
Will take revenge on him in full
His wife is for you!

(at this place an empty tube of lipstick is presented)

Gift No. 9.

Look how cute it is:
At least the jaw is still there,
Behind the teeth - an eye and an eye!
We give... Now, now...
(rummaging through the box)

The hero of the day is ready to receive
This dental floss?
Oops, looks like you made a mistake...
But we will hardly repent -
With a simple, ordinary thread
Somehow it’s more common to act.
But if you made a mistake, it doesn’t matter:
They will always come in handy!

(these words are used to present a spool of ordinary thread, maybe not a new one)

Gift No. 10.

And now it's serious
We will solve the “dental issue”.
This is pasta. Yes, dental!
So fragrant!
We know, we tried it too...
True, doubt gnaws at us:
Is it worth giving it?
Because buy a new one
We didn't have time today.
But let's give it away - really!

(with these words a tube of toothpaste is presented - in accordance with the text, you should take a used tube of toothpaste for this case)

Gift No. 11.

We're giving away a cup! Yes friends?
Look - she's yours!
Do you know if you were looking for her at home?
We see that the cup is familiar.
What for? The answer here is simple:
A wonderful toast will sound -
Well, you are the same as usual.
Drink from your usual container!
And imagine that you are drinking tea:
Don't get drunk and don't get bored!
Drink a Pepsi if it's hot.
Isn't it better to drink from a gift?

(with these words a cup belonging to the birthday person is presented)

Gift No. 12.

That's it, the gifts are over.
But no: the envelope is without a stamp!
Suddenly there will be some reason,
And the envelope is at hand!
Even a letter, or even a note -
After all, it’s a long way to the post office!
However, it’s better not to delay,

A good mood is the most important attribute of any holiday. If the hero of the occasion looks happy, as do the guests, this indicates that the holiday was a success. And for such an effect, not only a positive mood and truly positive gifts are required.

Everyone’s sense of humor, like their character, is individual, but there are several universal gift options to ensure that the holiday passes on a wave of positivity and enchanting mood.

Funny gift ideas

The most popular way to cheer up a person is to give him something quite ordinary, but with some twist that will delight and bring positive emotions.

Now let’s figure out what can be printed with original drawings or inscriptions. And what inscriptions and images to apply, you must decide for yourself, since this is all strictly individual.

Now we will try to voice several ideas for funny gifts:

It must be remembered that preparing a real gift requires a lot of time to prepare it.

If you know that you don’t have much time to prepare the gift you have planned, then you should pay attention to material gift options. But if you still decide to implement your plan, then go ahead!

A practical joke is considered a classic of the genre. But such a prank must be kind and
funny, built on human expectations. The important point in such a prank is not to overdo it and not to offend the person. You can find many similar scenarios on the Internet.

If you want to organize a prank and a show at the same time, choose a flash mob. Such an example could be funny group actions on the part of friends, or cool dances. It would be wonderful to film such a spectacle and then watch it; positive emotions are guaranteed with every viewing.

You can be original and give a funny birthday gift, created with your own hands from scratch or with the help of a professional.

Not every one of us is born an artist. But you can use the services of a professional artist who specializes in this area of ​​art. Select a photo and, with the help of a professional, present the hero of the occasion with a true creation of humorous art. As a rule, there is no shame in hanging such a work for general viewing.

Alternatively, you can take a huge number of photos of the hero of the occasion and make a cool collage out of them.

For example, you can make a comic from a photo that will tell about some event in a person’s life, but, of course, in an exaggerated version.

Video. This is a rather complex, but very effective gift option. You can choose a video with the birthday boy in the lead role and turn it into a funny video with a cool voiceover. The result will be impressive. If you don’t know the rules and principles of editing and voice acting, it’s best to turn to professionals who will definitely create a masterpiece of humor and fun.

In some cases, you can ignore the necessity and logic of a gift and give something with humor. There is a whole list of unusual funny gifts that are one hundred percent absurd, their purpose is to amuse a person - and this is the main thing. And in order for your gift not to be completely useless, attach a cash gift to it - and then joke without the slightest twinge of conscience.

Professional gift.

An excellent option is to take the recipient’s profession as the basis for a gift and present him with something exaggerated. For example, in a situation where a person works in the construction industry, a skillfully packaged brick or shovel can be presented as a gift. For an accountant, you can present invisible ink. It will be funny to watch how a person writes with such a pen.

Useful, but funny gifts

These are very practical gifts and at the same time humorous. Performing their main function, they will certainly provide a portion of laughter.

Funny wedding gifts

On the wedding day, the newlyweds are given various gifts, among which there is a place for funny ones.

For funny wedding gifts, you can consider the following options:

  • You can give the newly-made husband and wife paired T-shirts with the inscription “Protected by marriage,” which will become a kind of protection from admirers of other people’s wives and hunters of other people’s husbands.
  • As a rule, newlyweds dream of a beautiful car, a trip, or a country house. Save money for your
    A piggy bank, funny and original, will help them achieve their dreams. For example, in the form of a bomb. But one piggy bank is not enough to make your dream come true; you need a typewriter. It can be constructed from two rollers, between which a banknote can be placed. Such an original gift will greatly amuse the newlyweds.

  • Close friends can present the newlyweds with panties for lovers with the image of some animal.
  • A married couple with a good sense of humor can be given a Kama Sutra cube. At first glance, you might think that this is the most ordinary cube. But if you look closely, you can find points from 1 to 6. Such a gift will help a couple in love master the positions from the book on love pleasures.
  • It's boring to give newlyweds just money. Can
    put money in a head of cabbage. Carefully insert them between the leaves. This cabbage is given to young people with the wish that there be more such cabbage in their lives. You can track when the young people find the first bill, and then offer to look for more. Maybe this way the child will be found?
  • Some relatives give the newlyweds a car as a wedding gift. But simply handing over the keys is not interesting. Be original and give gifts with humor.
    To prevent the newlyweds from immediately guessing about the gift, you can show a photo of the car, talk with the guests, of course in a humorous manner, about its advantages and disadvantages, and then hand the keys to the newlyweds.
  • Or you can invite a clown or magician to your wedding celebration, who will give the bride and groom keys to the car. After such a presentation, the lucky owners of the keys will be tormented for a long time by the question of whether this is a real gift or not.

  • If you don’t have the funds to buy a car, give a more modest gift. This is also a machine, but only a washing machine. Such a gift will certainly find its place in the household. Tie the device with a beautiful wide ribbon. Decorate the top with a fluffy bow. Sound the gift like a car. No more, no less. You are not confusing anything, a washing unit, by its status and by its name, should be called a machine.

Comic gifts for a man's birthday

A birthday is a special holiday that should be filled with positive emotions, sincere smiles and good laughter.

A real man who has a wonderful sense of humor will appreciate a funny gift.

By correctly playing with and decorating even the most familiar thing, you can turn it into a funny gift:

Tie with a cool pattern
. Many representatives of the stronger half of humanity adore ties and wear them not only to work, but also in everyday life. Such accessories can be decorated with fun prints. Underwear can be a substitute for a tie, but such a gift is only suitable in a situation where you are in a very close relationship with the recipient.

Cups or personalized glasses with an unusual design will be a wonderful gift.
. In accordance with the preferences of the birthday person - tea or stronger drinks, we choose the simplest set of such dishes. And then, using the popular service of applying inscriptions or images, we decorate our set.

In this case, imagination has no boundaries: it can be funny pictures, or comic wishes, quatrains, or the scope of application of each item in this set, etc.

Such a gift will look truly funny if the birthday boy is a serious man of advanced age. Give him slippers with funny puppies or cats, or better yet dinosaurs - dilute his serious image with a touch of fun and enthusiasm.

Funny birthday gifts for a man can be presented as an addition to the main gift - such a contrast will not leave the birthday boy indifferent.

And in order not to miss the surprise, it is necessary to take into account the recipient’s lifestyle, his hobbies, habits, and certainly global dreams:

Such nesting dolls will be made if it is possible to provide photographs of all family members.

The largest matryoshka is usually the birthday person, i.e. the head of the family, then the spouse, children, etc.

These pretty funny birthday gifts for men are appropriate for any occasion.

But it is necessary to take into account the symbolism of the gift - how it will be regarded by the hero of the occasion.

For your husband, you can give a wish checkbook as a funny gift. On its pages you need to write down the most
various desires of your significant other, which you promise to fulfill upon request. Such a cool surprise will diversify your relationship and bring new notes to it.

When choosing a funny gift, you need to take into account how close your relationship is with the hero of the occasion; an important factor when choosing such a gift will be his dreams, hobbies and personal characteristics.

A correctly chosen and correctly presented funny gift is the key to the success of an original congratulation!

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The tradition of giving gifts for any holiday is popular with both adults and children. But few people think about the fact that presenting a gift correctly is an art. This can be done solemnly, ceremoniously, or you can give this or that thing to a person, doing it in a light comic form. For each gift you can write a short comic poem. This will certainly cheer up the hero of the occasion and all the guests who have gathered to celebrate this event.

On what holidays is it appropriate to give such gifts?

There are many events in our lives that are usually celebrated on a grand scale. A comic gift with poems can be presented to friends, relatives or work colleagues. There can be many reasons for this: You can congratulate a person this way on New Year, birthday, anniversary or wedding.

It is worth noting that it is customary to give comic gifts with poems not only to the heroes of the occasion. They themselves can also organize a reciprocal action of giving small but pleasant surprises, playing it like a win-win lottery or an action of universal kindness.

Guests gathered at the holiday will be pleased to receive from the bride and groom or from the hero of the day, even a small but memorable gift. If you plan to thank your friends or family in this way, tell them about it at the very beginning of the event so that no one leaves early and can take part in the joke raffle.

How to write a poem for a gift?

A person with mastery of words can independently compose short comic poems for any gift. Here it is important to understand that when giving a certain thing, you should limit yourself to just a short comic quatrain, so as not to tire the hero of the occasion. Here are a few simple recommendations with which you can easily compose humorous poems for comic gifts:

A humorous gift should be neutral and not indicate any problems. Only then are you guaranteed to give a great mood to the hero of the occasion.

Examples of gifts and quatrains for them for women

If you need to give an original comic gift to a woman on the occasion of any event, but you can’t write poetry yourself, you can use ready-made examples of them.


You can give a bottle of wine to women of absolutely all ages. Even if the hero of the occasion is not a fan of strong drinks herself, she will be able to treat them to friends or relatives who unexpectedly come to visit. You can hand over a bottle of wine by saying the following words::

The holiday began a long time ago, Let's have fun and don't get bored! Well, for now we’re handing over the wine to the birthday girl.


A bouquet of flowers is far from being a trivial gift, as many people think. Any woman will always be pleased to receive delicate and incredibly beautiful plants as a gift. You can present a bouquet with these words::

You are beautiful and sweet, You have driven me crazy with your beauty, Accept our answer - A wonderful bouquet!


Household appliances can be given to women for any occasion. The main thing is to find out in advance that the hero of the occasion does not yet have such equipment. An indispensable item for the kitchen is a microwave oven. Do not think that a woman will not be happy with such a gift. A real housewife will always appreciate such a gift. You can give away a microwave oven with the following comic text::

In microwave mode, the dishes will become hot, so that you can cook deftly - Get a microwave!

Makeup kit

High-quality and expensive cosmetics will never be superfluous. Any woman will be delighted with such a pleasant surprise. This short quatrain is suitable for presenting such a gift:

Your beauty is wonderful And your tender gaze is beautiful, So that you are always lovely, Here is a set of cosmetics!


Don’t think that giving bedding gifts is bad manners. It's not like that at all. After all, some women sometimes cannot afford to purchase, for example, an orthopedic pillow filled with healthy buckwheat, but they will be incredibly happy to receive it as a gift. You can give it like this:

On your beloved's bed You should sleep sweetly and sweetly, And that's why we give you a soft pillow under your ear!

Piggy bank toy

Today there are a large number of beautiful and original souvenir piggy banks on sale. Of course, the tradition of storing small amounts of money in the figures of various animals and cartoon characters is already a little outdated, but no one is stopping you from resuming this glorious custom. Buy a beautiful piggy bank in the store and be sure to pay attention to the fact that this ceramic splendor does not need to be broken to get money out of it. Now among the souvenirs there are special piggy banks with a hole at the bottom, closed with a convenient lid. This allows you to remove money from the figurine without breaking it. Here is a funny quatrain with which you can present a piggy bank as a gift to a woman:

Here's a toy for you - Not a bear with sawdust, You can collect money for yourself in a piggy bank!


Birthday - on this day, I’m not too lazy to sing your praises! You are beautiful - there are no words, but there are no poems to write down.

I’ll give you a notebook, so that you don’t forget me throughout the next year, and make dates!


Let the burning flame of this candle play in your gaze in the evenings. I congratulate you - and don’t be silent, share your dreams and dreams with me.

Our affectionate home is pleasant and bright, You are the best woman on this planet! You surround me with reliable warmth, in which all the secrets, riddles, answers.


A rattle is not a toy, Not a postcard, not a cracker, But a gift is very loud, But cheerful, kind, ringing.

He will remind you of childhood, Joy, games and coquetry. You will remember the entertainment and lift your spirits!


Let the warm mittens warm your hands, protect you and overcome the frost. You look at them and you will smile in response, And with this smile you will walk through life.

On your day, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, And most importantly, we remind you - Be kind and bright, be sincere with us, And rays of happiness will flow in poetry.

rolling pin

You are a first-class housewife, And dumplings with potatoes fly from the plate straight into your mouth, little by little.

Roll out the dough quickly, bake a pie, love. Just don’t hit her husband, he’s obedient to you.


The beads on your swan neck shimmer in wondrous music. I am forever fascinated by beauty, And I am very excited by the congratulations.

I wish you happiness and continuation, Eternal youth, like a revelation. Holidays in life on ordinary days, Meetings and conversations with your friends.

Felt boots

Wow, what felt boots, they look great on your feet! Get dressed quickly, friend! - Suddenly the blizzard starts blowing again.

Let's go dancing for your birthday. Where are the sweets and jam? We congratulate you with all our hearts, Let's throw a feast like a mountain!


Let the curls of your hair decorate my modest gift. I got to know you without any omissions or remarks.

Full of kindness and tenderness, you will not find a more beautiful woman. I'll raise a glass of wine to everything you hear now.

Nail polish

Your image is fabulous and languid, I’ll add a small touch. Accept my gift, even if it is modest, Believe me, I always remember you.

Your most beautiful hands, Let the pearl varnish adorn. You never know boredom, Our world blossoms with love.


My gift without a hint, Here I come, wash my hands! I feel lonely without you - My heart melts from boredom.

With freshness and purity, we revive the senses! Let's cheer everyone up with jokes and kindness!

Examples of gifts and quatrains for them for men

When congratulating a man on his anniversary, New Year or other event, you can also use humorous poems. This will cheer up the hero of the occasion and amuse the guests gathered at the holiday. Here is a list of popular gifts for men, the presentation of which can be played up with the help of comic quatrains:


A bottle of good cognac is a great gift for a man of any age. You can present it with these words:

It’s not enough to be born cheerful; you need to be treated correctly. Here is a magic elixir - It will decorate any feast!


A perfume set for real men is also a great gift. Everyone will like it, because it is an indispensable thing for daily use. You can present it using this comic quatrain:

So that you always attract women and success comes without any reason, We will give you, without any flattery, a Perfume Set for worthy men!

What can newlyweds do? Should we limit ourselves to wishing all the best or should we creatively approach its composition? Are you in desperate need of DIY wedding invitation ideas? Then ours is prepared just for you. At the following address you will find several options on how you can congratulate your teacher on his birthday.


Tea in a beautiful gift box is a wonderful present for a man. You can purchase it at any specialized store. In order for the gift to be to the taste of the hero of the occasion, find out in advance from his relatives what kind of tea he prefers: black or green, with aromatic additives or regular. You can give a gift box of tea with the following words::

We sincerely congratulate you and wish you to live without troubles, and also with this tea to finish any lunch!


A tea set is an indispensable item in a household. Don’t think that only women will like such a gift. Any man will be happy to receive a beautiful porcelain set. Here is a short comic quatrain that is suitable for giving such a gift:

We have prepared a surprise - a porcelain set for you, Don’t get bored at the table - Drink tea from our cups!

Mobile phone

A mobile phone is an original and good gift for a man. Everyone without exception will be happy to receive it. You can present a new mobile phone with these words::

What is ringing piercingly? Can you hear this ringing? We are glad to give you a cool new phone!


If suddenly you want a message, Write it down and leave it for centuries, I took care here in advance - You, of course, need a pen!

Can you tell generations how life was in the twenty-first century, how your birthday was celebrated, and how we drank here today!


I can’t remember any interesting stories by chance that started with “Would you like to drink this delicious, exquisite tea?”

But funny incidents that started with vodka - wow! And let him lead you to the climbs, and let the hangover wait!


For modern man, in this turbulent age of ours, it is extremely harmful to one’s health to keep all the negativity to oneself.

Don’t lash out at your loved ones, Don’t look for scapegoats, I’ll give you an alarm clock, So that you can hate it!


To scatter around the house, To keep your feet warm. To feel worthy We all need socks.

So that when guests suddenly arrive, or you suddenly need to go to work, a pair of worn out socks, old, callous, does not cause everyone to be scared!


I decided to give you beer, I say this head-on, like a man. And without any beautiful words, keep your wishes from the heart.

I wish you strong nerves, And you value peace of mind: Although beer does not solve problems, But it makes life more pleasant!

Family panties

I am not a jacket or a shirt, I decided to give it to you. One of the most important items is Panties.

Cowards are like a symbol of power, the Crown is like that of kings. Whoever is wearing panties is in everyone's house and is in charge.


My gift will be practical, And it will come in handy only when you feel the urge to sneeze, Straight from the heart, more than ever!

Not in the sleeve, not in the towel, not in the hand - God forbid! To look intelligent, carry a scarf with you!


I was thinking about what to prepare for such a festive day. I don’t have money or curiosities, but I’ll give you a shovel!

You will bury all the problems, you will delve into the essence of things. Having dug out the treasure, you will become rich with my shovel!

Emergency sign (for motorists)

Let my gift gather dust, May it never become necessary for a motorist.

And let gasoline become more expensive, And let taxes rise. It’s important that things don’t come to this.


I don’t know a more useful thing - It’s like a message from heaven! It unites the keys, adding weight to the pocket.

And in very boring moments, When you don’t know what to do, You ring the keychain with your keys, To spite everyone around you!

Giving a comic gift to the hero of the occasion needs to be done correctly.. If you are attending a large celebration hosted by a toastmaster or emcee, tell them in advance that the presentation of your gift will be special. Before congratulating you, let the organizer invite you and the hero of the occasion to the center of the hall. Ask him for a microphone so that all guests can hear your speech.

If the celebration takes place in a homely atmosphere, take the initiative into your own hands: ask for the floor and say that you have decided to congratulate the hero of the occasion in a special way. You should not give a gift with a straight face. Smile and give joy to your loved one! It doesn’t really matter what gift you give to your loved one, the main thing is that the kind words you say come from a pure heart! And ironic short poems will help you put in a good mood not only the hero of the occasion, but also the guests present at the event. Well, if a person has a voice and knows Spanish well, then why not give a gift with a song! We watch the following video about this: