Responsibilities of a speech therapy group teacher. Analysis of educational programs for visual arts in kindergarten Analysis of drawing classes in the preparatory group

State educational institution of additional professional education (advanced training) for specialists in the Moscow region Pedagogical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Department of Adaptive Education

Analysis of the educational field of fine art using finger paints.
(for middle group)
“Developmental and correctional potential of using non-traditional drawing techniques in art classes”
Korablinova Elena Vyacheslavovna
Group No.
Non-traditional drawing techniques in art classes carry developmental and correctional potential, as they meet the age characteristics and needs of the child and correspond to modern educational trends.
As an example, I offer an analysis of an art class I conducted using finger paints. This lesson has a number of positive, as it seems to me, sides:
the presence of innovative forms of work;
variety of use of visuals;
combination of different types of arts (visual arts, poetry, music):
the presence of game forms of work.
Throughout preschool age, the development of motor skills and fine motor skills of the hands is necessary. Working with your fingers develops speech, which is why experts clarify: children need to draw as much as they need to talk.
The purpose of the work is to teach drawing using non-traditional techniques to preschool children in the classroom. When planning the lesson, we took into account age characteristics, children’s preparedness, and accessibility. Children drew not only on paper, but also on plexiglass, a section of wood, and convex and three-dimensional figures.
Purpose of the lesson: to develop fantasy, imagination, children's creativity.
Objectives: to arouse children’s interest in decorating a balloon with snowflakes; get an emotional response; consolidate skills in non-traditional finger painting techniques.
Materials: Balloons, gouache of different colors, paper napkins, wet wipes.
Visual range:
snowflakes on the windows, painted with white gouache;
snowflakes on the New Year tree.
Musical series: P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons”: “December”, “January”, “February”.
Preliminary work: conversations about winter, about snow, about snowfall; viewing paintings and illustrations; memorizing a poem:
Snow, snow is spinning,
All white street
We all gathered in a circle,
Spun like a snowball
How the snowflakes settled
We sat down and sat...
And then everyone stood up
And they flew away together...
examining snowflakes of various shapes and configurations;
drawing on three-dimensional figures.
Progress of the lesson
Organizing time
The teacher invites the children to the art studio, decorated for the New Year holiday. Snowstorm sound music. A teacher appears dressed in a “Zimushka-winter” costume. He comes in and is surprised.
Winter-winter: Oh, how beautiful and fabulous everything is, where did I end up? How warm and cozy it is here!
Hello guys, do you recognize me? I am “Zimushka-winter”.
Guys, New Year is coming, but I don’t have time to prepare for it, I have so much trouble. Cover the fields, wrap the trees in white fluffy snow. And decorate your house for the New Year. I have magic balls, but it seems to me that they are somehow not winter, not New Year’s, something is missing in them! Tell me, guys, do you know what New Year's balls should look like?
Children list answer options.
- I understood, guys, and came up with my own pattern for the magic balls - these are snowflakes. I love them so much because they only come in winter. They are so soft and fluffy, aren't they? Tell me, please, what other snowflakes are there? (Children list.)
- Well done! Guys, there are a lot of balls, but I’m alone. Help me decorate them with snowflakes. I see you already have gouache on your tables, but where are the brushes? Oh, I forgot to take them, what are we going to draw with? Well, it’s okay, it’s not for nothing that they call me a sorceress, now I will touch each of you with a magic wand, and you yourself will be able to create miracles and decorate the balls with the help of your fingers. Well, are you ready? Then let the magic begin. And to make the snowflakes beautiful, now you will hear fabulous, winter music.
Music is playing, children are drawing.
“Zimushka-winter” approaches each child and lists epithets for the word “snowflake”, in order to enrich the child’s vocabulary: tender, fluffy, light, airy, sparkling, clear, lace, openwork, cold, silvery, fabulous, beautiful. Children finish paint.
– What beautiful balls you made! Let's bring them together!
“Zimushka-winter” collects balloons.
- Guys, let's leave the balls here, and we ourselves will turn into snowflakes and fly, fly, fly.
Music of blizzard sounds.
“Zimushka-winter” invites children to the hall for a game, the children make a circle, holding hands. “Zimushka-winter” reads poetry with the children.
Snow, snow is spinning,
The whole street is white,
We all gathered in a circle,
Spun like a snowball
How the snowflakes settled
Sat down, sat down,
And then everyone stood up
And they flew away together.
Snowstorm sound music. Children, like snowflakes, return to the art studio.
“Zimushka-winter” is addressed to children.
I thank you all for your efforts and skill, and now I’m giving you all an elegant winter ball.
“Zimushka-winter” distributes balloons to children.
– Children, on December 31st you can attach your wish to this ball and release it into the sky, it will fly to my fairy-tale tree, I will recognize your wish and in the New Year I will try very hard to fulfill it. And now it’s time for me, because I have so many things to do and troubles before the New Year.
In the studio the music of the blizzard sounds again, and “Zimushka-winter” leaves the art studio.
After the lesson, the group teacher remains and addresses the children:
- Guys, let's now go to the kids and tell them who came to visit you, show them our magic balls.
Thus, I conducted a lesson in fine arts using non-traditional drawing techniques, namely finger paints. An educational project was drawn up and carried out, representing a synthesis of the arts - visual arts, poetry, music. Game tasks were also developed and selected. During the lesson with preschoolers, I had conversations, looked at paintings and illustrations, memorized a poem, listened to a piece of music, and decorated balloons with snowflakes using finger paints.

Elmira Abasova
Analysis of organized educational activities on drawing “Golden Fish” in the middle group

Analysis of organized educational activities

on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) V middle group

Full name of the teacher:

Group: 1 average

Amount of children: 21

Start of class: 09 h 30 min, ending: 09:50


1. Types of children's rooms activities: communicative, cognitive.

2. Program content classes: type of lesson: traditional, thematic. Correspond to the goals, objectives, and content of the topic of the lesson established by the teacher at the OOD.

Working space with different shapes OA organizations:

a) adult – partner, next to children, in a circle;

b) children are assigned jobs.

Subject: « Goldfish» .

Form organization of training: integrated, creative application of knowledge and skills

Purpose of OOD: Teach children to establish equality and inequality groups objects at different intervals between objects at different intervals between objects in each of them;


Educational: To develop the ability to convey in drawing image of a fairy-tale fish to portray a hero using skills drawing with wax crayons, brush;

Developmental: develop coherent speech, enrich children’s vocabulary; practice dexterity and speed of reaction to a signal;

Educating: cultivate aesthetic perception, encourage creative initiative; consolidate children's knowledge about the works of A. S. Pushkin.

3. Creating conditions for conducting classes

At the beginning of the lesson, I managed to switch the children’s attention to the upcoming activity, stimulating interest in it, creating an emotional mood. Gave precise and clear instructions for the upcoming activity. During the lesson, the teacher used illustrations for fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin. Together with the children I remembered the works of Pushkin. She suggested remembering the name from passages fairy tales:

Squirrel sings songs

And he gnaws all the nuts,

And nuts are not simple,

All shells gold(The Tale of Tsar Saltan).

“My light, mirror! Tell,

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All rosy and white?”

And a mirror in response to her:

“You, of course, no doubt;

You, queen, are the sweetest of all,

All blush and whiter” (the tale of the dead princess and the seven heroes).

Once he threw a net into the sea -

A net arrived with nothing but mud.

Another time he cast a net -

A net came with sea grass.

For the third time he cast the net -

A net came with one fish(a tale about a fisherman and fish) .

Offered it to the children themselves draw« Goldfish» and make wishes for her.

3.2 Indira Osmanovna prepared the following types of visual aid for the start of the lesson benefits: illustrations for fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin; chest; toys ( fish, cockerel, squirrel, mirror; sheets of paper for drawing; wax crayons; paints; wide brushes; glasses of water; napkins

4. Activity teacher during the lesson

The teacher was ready for the lesson, skillfully organized OOD. From the first minute I created game motivation to achieve results in class. The speech was correct, expressive, and told in an emotionally accessible way.

Conducted individual work with students, showed the sequence of drawing, showing with a clear example

First we draw the body fish, which has an oblong oval shape, then draw a curved, droplet-shaped tail, finishing the eye, separate the head from the body with an arc, then add fins and scales. Since our the fish is not simple, A golden, draw her a crown. Our the fish is ready, all that remains is to color it. (Invite the children to complete the drawing with seaweed and colored pebbles.) Fish Although ours is not simple, it also cannot live without water, so we tint it with paint.

Conducted finger exercises with the children

I’ll take two palms and swim across the sea (handles float)

Two palms, friends - this is my boat (cup your palms)

And on the wild waves (showing waves)

They're floating fish here and there(imitate the movements of fish).

During the children’s independent work, the teacher helped children who were experiencing difficulties with her advice. Encouraged children to express their creative imagination.

After finishing independent work, I played a game "Fishermen and fish»

Children are divided into 2 groups, one forms a circle - these are networks, raise their clasped hands up. Other group of children -« fish» are outside the circle. After the teacher's signal « Fishes swim» , running in and out of the nets. On signal "Clap" the nets slam shut, those children who are inside the circle are considered caught.

Reflection: The teacher thanked the children and approved herself. Works; invited everyone to make one wish « goldfish»

5. Methodology of conducting the lesson

During the lesson I used different types activities, they alternated (Explanatory and illustrative). Used the allotted time wisely. She worked on the development of practical skills and abilities of children.

6. Motivation. Throughout the entire lesson, the children were active, this was achieved by __ using gaming techniques in the lesson with the inclusion of elements of competition ( "Who is faster", "Who is first", stimulating activity and initiative in children. To increase motivation when teaching children, she used various speech exercises.

7. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the premises, temperature and light conditions were observed. During the lesson, I conducted physical education sessions, carried out different types of work and dynamic pauses, which prevented the child from getting tired. The duration of the lesson complies with sanitary and hygienic standards.

Stimulate and encourage children's individual achievements;

Try "see" each child, listen and hear his answers, suggestions, statements.

Publications on the topic:

Complex drawing lesson in the senior group “Goldfish” Goal: To develop children’s ability to depict images large, on the entire plane of the sheet, to maintain proportionality between parts of the image.

Goal: To develop children’s ability to depict images large, on the entire plane of the sheet, to maintain proportionality between parts of the image;

Summary of organized educational activities on FEMP in the middle group Summary of organized educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the secondary group “Forest.

Summary of organized educational activities on salt painting in the preparatory group “Butterfly” Summary of organized educational activities on drawing in the preparatory group “Butterfly” (drawing with salt). Objectives: continue.

Summary of organized educational activities on drawing in the preparatory group “Reflection in water” Summary of organized educational activities on drawing in the preparatory group “Reflection in water”. Objectives: to improve.

Summary of organized educational activities in drawing in the preparatory group “Underwater World” (scratchboard) Summary of organized educational activities in drawing in the preparatory group “Underwater World” (scratchboard). Tasks: To consolidate.

Summary of direct educational activities on designing “Fish” using the origami technique in the middle group Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group Topic: Fish (Origami) Purpose: Creating a social situation of learning.

Summary of a lesson on speech development and drawing in the second junior group “Goldfish” Summary of a lesson on speech development and drawing in the second junior group Topic: “Goldfish”. Goal: To develop children’s ability to portray.

Summary of drawing lesson “Goldfish” Goal: to develop the ability to create fairy-tale images, to shape the creativity of children. Objectives: to develop children’s ability to use various means.

Image library:

Avdonina Victoria Ivanovna
Educational institution: State Public Enterprise "Nursery-garden No. 2 of the akimat of the city of Kostanay, department of education of the akimat of the city of Kostanay"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-01-30 Example of lesson analysis for young teachers Avdonina Victoria Ivanovna State Public Enterprise "Nursery-garden No. 2 of the akimat of the city of Kostanay, department of education of the akimat of the city of Kostanay" The work presents an example of an analysis of an attended lesson at a preschool educational institution; this work will help a young specialist competently write an analysis of any open lesson.

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Example of lesson analysis for young teachers

Lesson Analysis

Date: 11/26/16.

Group: “Sun”

Educator: Kolmychenko A.I., Pavlova S.V.

Lesson: Speech development, drawing.

Topic: “Give Kindness”

Goal: formation of ideas about peace, love, goodness.

The lesson I watched was prepared and conducted in accordance with the group program and the volume of program content. The lesson corresponded to the level of development of children of this group; all stages of the lesson fully corresponded to their age characteristics.

Characteristics of the teacher’s activities: when working with children, teachers used the following techniques to solve the assigned tasks: visual techniques (showing illustrations, samples), verbal techniques (the teacher’s story, children’s answers), practical techniques (drawing). All techniques used corresponded to the age of the children in this group. The teachers were attentive to taking into account the individual characteristics of the children when preparing the lesson. This was clearly visible during their work, for example, children with visual impairments were closer to the demonstration material.

Characteristics of children’s activities: children easily learned the new material presented. The atmosphere of the class was favorable. The children were active in dialogues with teachers and attentive in mastering new material. They responded to activation techniques with ease and desire. In my opinion, the children achieved the didactic goal, they learned new material. It was also noticeable that the children experienced positive emotions throughout the lesson: joy, surprise, fun.

In this group, the teachers were able to properly set the children up for work and used the surprise moment to ensure that the children were psychologically liberated.

During the lesson, the optimal balance between dialogic and monologue communication between teachers and children was observed.

The appearance of the teachers was neat, neat, and encouraged the children to communicate and work in class, especially since costume elements were used.

The psychological distance “nearby” was noted, i.e. children felt comfortable interacting with teachers.

The conditions met sanitary and hygienic requirements: the room was ventilated, cleaned, in my opinion, the only thing missing was lighting.

Educator: Avdonina V.I.

. .

Self-analysis of GCD for drawing using non-traditional techniques “Winter Landscape”

Topic: “Winter landscape”

The lesson was conducted with children from the preparatory group; there were (7) children present. Children easily make contact with adults. They know how to hear and listen to the teacher.

When developing this lesson summary, I first of all took into accountage and mental individual characteristics of childrenpreparatory group.

Taking all this into account, I outlined the goal, objectives, content of the lesson, determined the form of delivery, methods, techniques and means necessary for positive results..

Purpose of the lesson: evoke aesthetic feelings for nature and its images using unconventional drawing techniques.

During the lesson it was expected to solvenext tasks


  • To clarify children’s ideas about landscape as a genre of painting;
  • Develop the ability to correctly ask a question that requires a clear answer;


  • Develop creative abilities in the process of one’s own artistic activity through the use of non-traditional materials and drawing methods;
  • To promote the development of the ability to analyze and express one’s opinion;
  • Develop cognitive processes; Mental operations: analysis, comparison, generalization;


  • Cultivate interest in understanding nature, displaying ideas in visual arts.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, I usedactivities:gaming, cognitive, productive, motor.

Methods and techniques:

Methods of forming consciousness (individual and frontal conversation);

Methods of organizing activities and developing behavioral experience (games, speech situations);

Methods of stimulating behavior (encouragement);

Methods of control, self-control and self-assessment (survey, analysis of the results of one’s own activities);

Methods of organizing and implementing cognitive activity (story, modeling a picture);

Methods of saving, preserving and strengthening health (games “Bring the Picture to Life”, finger play “Snowball”)

To successfully solve the identified problems, I have prepared the following:

Preparatory work: conversation about winter; viewing and talking about landscape paintings; drawing “Autumn landscape”; the use of modeling in direct educational activities.

Equipment and materials:models, tinted sheets of cardboard (for each child), stacks, skewers, ready-made dough for drawing; rags, Velcro pictures depicting objects and natural phenomena, plastic cups, audio recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. February” exhibition of paintings, presentation of paintings by famous artists.

The end result for the child: knows how to depict a winter landscape using an unconventional drawing technique, plans his activities and implements a preliminary plan, freely navigates a limited surface.

I think that painting with an unconventional technique causedinterest and activity children.

The lesson consisted of three parts.

  1. Introductory part.

Contributed to the creation of psychological comfort. We set the children up for active work, positive contact with each other, provided psycho-emotional release, and created interest in the upcoming activity.

2. Main part.

Aimed at creating a positive emotional mood and developing the educational situation itself. This part of the educational activity used a combination of game motivation, visual, verbal and practical methods.

1. To describe natural phenomena in winter, I used the didactic exercise “Winter - good, bad...”, as a result of which the children’s vocabulary is enriched with adjectives characterizing natural phenomena.

2. The task of developing visual perception, memory and logicalI decided on thinking and cognitive activity in the process of viewing landscape paintings and working with model pictures related to the landscape.

3. Emotional expressiveness and the ability to convey the mood of a picture were reflected in the theatrical sketch-improvisation “A Picture Alive”. The children's ability to correlate words with movements and the expressiveness of performing movements was strengthened.

Determining the purpose of the topic (drawing a landscape)

A physical training session was held " Snowball" . In order to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Independent productive activity.

3. Final part.

Assessment of children's performance and self-esteem. Summing up the results of the GCD.

All stages the classes were interconnected and interdependent, subordinated to the given topic and goals of the lesson. Changing the type of activity at each stage of the lesson helped prevent fatigue.

I don’t forget that play is the leading activity for preschool children, so I offered the children the games “Winter – good, bad...”, “Picture Alive”.

During the lesson, to ensure the efficiency of the children's team, I used the followingforms of organizing children's activities:

Team workwith model pictures.

Individual . Each child drew independently.

Throughout the entire lesson, I paid attention to the children’s speech: I sought complete answers, posed searching questions about how we could draw, and created conditions for dialogue with the children.

During the lesson, the children were active - they participated in the game and answered questions.

The children's interest remained throughout the lesson. The children were attentive.

Summing up the lesson, I involved the children in this and asked them to speak on the topic of what we know about painting and what other ways can we draw pictures.

CONCLUSIONS: – The stated topic was fully consistent with the content of the lesson.

I believe that I was able to fully implement the assigned tasks.

Khakimova T.F., teacher, MADOU No. 106 “Fun”, Naberezhnye Chelny, RT

Integrated direct educational activities were carried out in the first junior group. There were 7 people present.

This activity belongs to the “Artistic Creativity” section of the program.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition"; "Communication"; "Socialization"; "Music".

Target: introducing children to an unconventional way of drawing.

Based on the goal of the GCD, I set the following tasks:

Continue to introduce children to an unconventional way of drawing - with fingers;

Reinforce the idea of ​​the color red;

Encourage children to give answers to the teacher’s questions;

Develop the ability to arrange an image throughout the sheet;

Promote the development of fine motor skills and attention;

Cultivate interest in artistic creativity;

Create a positive atmosphere in the group.

The duration of the NOD is 10 minutes, which complies with SanPin standards.

The following structure was chosen for the GCD:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Emotional tuning.

III. Main part.

GCD corresponded to the interests, temperament, and level of preparedness of the children. The organization of children's activities is adequate to teaching, developmental and educational tasks. The formation of children’s knowledge throughout the activity was facilitated by the logical presentation of the material, accessibility, and the creation of a game situation. The transition from one type of activity to another made it possible to involve each child in an active process.

The first part of the GCD is built in a playful form, since play is the main activity of preschoolers. When selecting the content of GCD, the age and psychological characteristics of children and their speech capabilities were taken into account. Taking these characteristics into account, I tried to build the structure of joint activities between adults and children in such a way as to constantly intensify attention: this is visibility (pictures, surprise moment - bird). When building the structure of the activity, she relied on an algorithm for the psychological foundations of skill formation: she used questions aimed at activating existing knowledge, expanded children’s understanding of the topic, and offered to complete a practical task. The children were asked to draw berries on a plate using an unconventional drawing method - with their fingers. During practical work, children showed increased interest in the task, children were interested, and no fatigue was observed. During verbal communication while the students were doing work, she gave a positive assessment of the children’s activities and the children’s responses. Speech activity, the ability to listen and understand an interlocutor - children acquired these skills in a relaxed manner. I tried to create a friendly atmosphere in the group with the intonation of my voice. If the students had difficulties, she repeatedly gave instructions to complete the task, developing a sense of self-confidence. The instructions were clear, understandable, and accessible. I activated each child to participate in the analysis of completed work. The practical part of the GCD was accompanied by music.

To achieve my goals, I used various principles: (visuality, systematicity, accessibility, consistency, individual approach, development, voice and emotional modulation, psychological comfort).

Methods and techniques:

Verbal (speech sample, explanation, repetition, explanation, clarification, request);

Visual (showing illustrative material, algorithm for performing the work);

Practical (non-traditional drawing with musical accompaniment);

Game (surprise moment).

Thus, the goal and objectives set within the framework of the NOD were realized. Educational activities contributed to increasing playful motivation for learning, creative development, and cognitive interest. The level of activity of children was at a sufficient level, all children were involved in activities, interest was maintained throughout the entire educational activity. All types of tasks planned with the children were carried out.