How to get rid of the smell of old age? What exactly should you do to avoid stinking in old age? Older people smell why and how

The smell of old age

Probably everyone has noticed that at a certain age people develop the smell of old age on their bodies. Sometimes this is simply a failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene, sometimes it is a sign of chronic diseases, disruption of the sweat glands and fat glands, and slagging in the body.

After all, with age, all human physiological processes undergo changes. The older a person is, the more problems appear with metabolic processes, the enzymatic activity of digestion is disrupted...

And if a person does not take this into account and continues to abuse meat and fried foods, which the body is no longer able to process and the rotting of which begins in the stomach, then the intensity of the unpleasant odors emanating from the body only intensifies. Often an old person has a trail of medications he takes.

What are the causes of these odors?

Scientists make another assumption about the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the age group of people. They associate it with loss of reproduction. The physiological processes of animals and humans are very similar, and by observing animals, scientists have concluded that males choose a female for mating by the smell that sex hormones synthesize. In the aging body of animals, the synthesis of sex hormones that attract males stops.

In the human body at a certain age, hormonal changes also begin, when the production of some hormones fades and completely different substances are synthesized.

Nonenals are the cause of senile odor

When studying problems, scientists rely not on sensations, but on scientific research and facts, giving each phenomenon an objective basis. The fact of the smell of old age was also given the same conclusion.

Japanese scientists have discovered nonenals, unusual chemicals that begin to be produced in the human body as we age, especially after 60 years. Moreover, the older a person gets, the more he synthesizes these substances with a characteristic odor that we associate with old age.

Nonenals are the cause of senile odor

Alas, science cannot yet influence or reduce the synthesis of nonenals, nor can it establish the specific reason for their formation.

A small but useful nuance: Scientists believe that perfumes help disguise the smell of old age that nonenals create. This is how nature designed our sense of smell. Often, without hearing our own smell, we acutely perceive the smells emanating from other people.

But men, on some subconscious level, are able to determine a woman’s age by her perfume... incomprehensible, but it’s true! They associate the smell of flowers with the smell of an old woman, especially the smell of roses!

And fruity notes of perfume - with youth! It is believed that the smell of grapefruit rejuvenates a woman in the eyes of men by almost 10 years!!!

Why shouldn't you eat fatty and fried foods?

Some scientists have suggested, based on their studies of sweat samples taken from older people, that the production of lactic acid bacteria and glucose increases as people age. The result of their activity is carbon dioxide (CO2), which has a pungent aroma.

Scientists have concluded that the repulsive aroma that appears in older people is a consequence of eating high-calorie, fatty foods.

In addition, it was noted that fresh fruits and vegetables at this age are also not beneficial and form an unpleasant odor when consumed frequently. This is explained by the fact that the digestive system in the elderly works sluggishly, unlike in a young body, so the rotting of fresh natural gifts begins in the stomach.

Important tip: In order to prevent the body of an elderly person from emitting unpleasant odors, you need to eat low-calorie foods, and eat heat-treated fruits and vegetables (baked, stewed, boiled). Fried foods should be completely excluded.

How to get rid of an unpleasant odor?

Russian scientists look at the problem of unpleasant odors emanating from older people in a more down-to-earth way, unlike their foreign colleagues.

I would like to introduce you to the opinion of Doctor of Medical Sciences Yu. Konev, who notes that the causes of odor in people of delicate age come from the body. Based on facts, he explains that a characteristic, heavy spirit always appears in the wards where severe immobilized patients lie, regardless of age.

But in nursing homes, with proper care for the elderly, there is no such smell. Therefore, in any case, caring for the elderly and the elderly and maintaining their hygiene are important.

Scents of purity are important

Life tells us that in old age people do not like to take a bath. There is a fear of slipping. There are other reasons:

Psychological, which are explained by loneliness, lack of incentive, sometimes just laziness.

Scents of purity are important

As people age, their skin becomes thinner, its oil content decreases, it becomes dry and sensitive, so washing causes discomfort.

After taking a bath or shower, the lipid film is completely washed off and the skin tightens and causes pain.

At this age, ichthyosis often develops - increased peeling of the skin (especially in men). In the area of ​​the genitals and anus, itching appears, called senile itching. These sensations, as a rule, often intensify after taking a shower.

But it is still necessary to maintain the hygiene of your body at any age. In old age, water procedures should be carried out much more often than at a young age.

  1. Replace your bath with a shower, which you take daily or every other day, since sweat glands gradually lose their activity with age.
  2. Replace the soap with a cream-gel with a neutral pH, which is more gentle and will preserve the lipid layer. After taking a shower, apply a moisturizing gel or cream to your skin.
  3. If you take a bath, it should have grab bars so that you can hold onto them with your hands. Be sure to place a rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub to prevent it from slipping. If it is impossible to comply with these rules, relatives are obliged to help their elderly parents in taking water procedures.
  4. Make the water temperature comfortable for the body. Not hot and not cool, so as not to irritate the skin again.
  5. If it is impossible to take a bath, the skin must be wiped with sanitary napkins. Wipes can be soaked in herbal extracts with anti-inflammatory properties and natural emollients. Or you can purchase baby care wipes for these purposes.
  6. Dry skin requires additional intake of B vitamins contained in meat and whole grain cereals; vitamins D, A, E, which should be prescribed by a doctor. After all, it is known that not only a deficiency of vitamins is dangerous for the body, but also their excess.
  7. It is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene, starting with oral hygiene: brushing your teeth, using dental floss...

Sensitive problems require special attention

Often, unpleasant odors provoke chronic diseases in people, such as gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes.

Important tip: Monitor your blood glucose levels yourself. A device for measuring sugar levels - a glucometer, can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor in old people is sometimes associated with a violation of physiological functions. Women and older men have problems with urinary and fecal incontinence. With age, older people's sense of smell also becomes dull and sometimes they simply do not notice the odors emanating from their body.

Serious and unpleasant diseases associated with urinary incontinence occur in 40% of elderly women; in men they occur less frequently. But nevertheless, they can also be treated and corrected. Surgical intervention (using TVT tape) is still considered the most effective way to get rid of urinary incontinence; special exercises also help... And of course, as a last resort, you can always use diapers or absorbent pads that neutralize odor.

How to get rid of the smell of old age in an apartment

Unpleasant odors can come not only from people, but also from unventilated things and furniture located around them. Sometimes a lot of dust accumulates in the apartment. And we must not forget that almost half of the dust consists of dead particles of the epidermis, constantly exfoliating from human skin.

Dead skin particles, being torn away from the body, settle in the folds of people’s clothes, get stuck on the fibers of soft bedspreads and furniture, in carpets, rugs and rugs, and accumulate along with dust in the corners of the room.

smell in the apartment

It is difficult for older people to carry out wet cleaning, change bed linen, wash and iron it and their clothes. Therefore, undergoing the process of decomposition, dead skin particles create a characteristic amber, which we call a stagnant, musty smell.

Do a general cleaning of the apartment

♦ You should not use air fresheners; they do not eliminate odors, but only mask them. But not only that, they cause enormous harm to human health. Behind the pleasant smells of air fresheners are hidden toxic chemicals that easily enter the body through breathing and are absorbed through the skin.

♦ It is better to carry out general cleaning, which should be undertaken by relatives of older people. Clean upholstered furniture, go through all your clothes and empty your closet of all things that have not been worn for a long time. Wash the remaining clothes using conditioner, iron and place on shelves. Place bags of dry herbs, orange peels, and fragrant bars of soap in the cabinets.

♦ It is better to get rid of carpets and rugs completely; these are real dust collectors that require constant cleaning.

♦ If animals live in the house, they intensify these odors. After all, if an elderly person cannot take care of himself, he, of course, does not at all monitor the cleanliness of his pet.

Removing odor in an apartment using dry fog

The Americans have invented a special generator that sprays dry fog into the apartment. The smallest microparticles of fog are produced by a unique liquid composition. Dry fog does not settle on the surface; its particles penetrate into all hard-to-reach places: gaps between cabinets, cracks, uneven surfaces, fabrics (even into their deep layers).
Microparticles of fog completely neutralize the unpleasant smell of the apartment, and the resulting film from them prevents it from appearing again for a long time.

Unfortunately, science has not yet invented ways of eternal youth and old age in everyone’s life is an inevitable natural process. Try to be more tolerant of your aging relatives and help them cope with the unpleasant symptoms of old age.

I wish you health and longevity!

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True, sometimes the smell of stale things, old photographs and centuries-old dust is mixed with foreign aromas, which, unfortunately, are not always pleasant to the sense of smell. And although it is not customary to talk about this sensitive topic in good society, we will still try.

Nothing greasy!

Poets would say that this is what despondency, melancholy and loneliness smell like. But scientists are more accustomed to relying not on sensations, but on scientific facts. And therefore they look for objective justification for each phenomenon. Including this one.

Thus, recently Japanese scientists discovered special chemicals - nonenals, which are produced in the human body as it ages. The older a person is, the more nonenals he has, which emit a characteristic odor that we associate with old age. Unfortunately, science is not yet able to influence the process of nonenal formation, so this discovery does not yet have practical significance. But the guess of American chemists and biologists from the University of Michigan can be used in real life. This study involved 340 men and women aged 45 to 70 years. Scientists took sweat samples from them and, after examining them, found that over the years, the human body produces increased amounts of glucose and lactic acid bacteria. Carbon dioxide (CO2) has a particularly strong aromatic effect.

The specific sweetish aroma is most clearly distinguished by older people who eat high-calorie fatty foods. A repulsive odor is also produced by frequent consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. The fact is that the digestive tract of an elderly person no longer works as actively as in youth, so the rotting of nature’s gifts can begin in the stomach. Accordingly, low-calorie foods and thermally processed (boiled, stewed and baked, but not fried) fruits and vegetables will help older people smell more pleasant.

The scent of purity

While overseas scientists surprise us with their discoveries, domestic experts look at the problem more down to earth. Yuri Vladimirovich Konev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Therapy, Geriatrics and Apitherapy at MGMSU FPDO, presented his view on this topic to us.

“I believe that the smell of old age comes not from some substance, but from an unwashed body.” Indeed, in the wards of long-term immobilized patients of any age, this characteristic, heavy spirit also appears. But in homes where proper care is provided for the elderly, it is not there. For example, in a boarding house in the South-West of Moscow, where labor veterans live, hygienic care for the elderly is very well organized. There is special equipment installed there for carrying out water procedures, because for older people there are special requirements for the organization of such premises.

Unfortunately, many old people do not really like to take a bath. And not just because of the fear of slipping. Over the years, the skin becomes thinner, and the secretion of fatty lubricant decreases. Because of this, the skin becomes dry and very sensitive, so washing often causes discomfort. In addition, water and soap wash away the protective lipid film from the skin, so after a bath it becomes tight and painful. Many older people (especially men) develop ichthyosis (increased flaking of the skin), as well as senile itching (often in the genital and anal areas). The discomfort usually worsens after taking a shower. But still, you should not forget about hygiene at any age. It’s just that water procedures need to be carried out differently than in youth:

1. It is better to give up the bath and replace it with a shower. It is enough to take a shower every other day, because over the years the sweat glands no longer work as actively. For washing, you should not use soap, but gel creams with neutral PH - they preserve the lipid layer. After the bath, be sure to apply a softening cream or body lotion to the skin (any cosmetics for dry, sensitive skin are suitable).

2. Bathtubs must be equipped with handrails and a rubber mat placed at the bottom to prevent slipping. If it is not possible to remodel the bathroom, relatives should regularly help carry out this procedure.

3. The water temperature should not be too hot, but not too cool, so as not to injure the skin of an elderly person.

4. If it is difficult to take a bath, you can wipe your body with sanitary napkins soaked in natural emollient and anti-inflammatory extracts (wipes for babies are suitable).

To cope with the problem of increased dry skin, it is important not only to care for it properly, but also to take B vitamins (found in meat, whole grain cereals) and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E. However, they must be taken in the dose recommended by the doctor, because that both a deficiency and an excess of these substances are dangerous for the body.

Delicate problems

But not only natural processes explain the appearance of an unpleasant odor in elderly people. Many diseases are also accompanied by a trail of not the most pleasant aromas. But this is how a person is designed: he hears the smell of other people and almost does not notice how he himself smells. In addition, the sense of smell decreases with age, so many old people do not even suspect that they have such a delicate problem. Alas, we often associate the “smell of old age” with the smells of natural human functions. Indeed, in old age, men and women sometimes encounter problems such as fecal and urinary incontinence. These are serious diseases, but even today they are quite amenable to correction.

For example, there are many ways to treat (from conservative to surgical) involuntary urinary leakage in women. Up to 40% of older women suffer from this problem (men are half as likely). There are special medications that help regulate this pathological process, there is gymnastics aimed at training the pelvic floor muscles, and finally, there is an operation using the so-called TVT tape, which effectively eliminates this disorder. In addition, today there are many hygiene products on sale: from adult diapers to absorbent and odor-eliminating pads.

Grandma smells like pies!

But not only the body can smell unpleasant, but also everything that surrounds an elderly person: old trash, things that have not been ventilated for a long time, house dust, which, by the way, is largely formed from dead particles of the epidermis. In older people, keratinized skin flakes are torn off and get stuck in the folds of clothing, settle on bedspreads and upholstered furniture, and get stuck in the pile of carpets. Since it is difficult for old people to clean themselves (especially to carry out wet cleaning), as well as to often change, wash and iron their clothes and bed linen, a stagnant smell appears in the house. Younger relatives should take on the responsibility for cleaning and care.

It is better not to use air fresheners to scent a room - they often cause allergies. It is better to prefer natural smells to artificial ones: the smell of flowers, oriental incense. In the cabinets you can place sachets with herbs, pieces of aromatic soap, and cut citrus peels.

By the way

A great way to fight off the smell of old age is with perfume. Scientists have experimentally proven that gentlemen can subconsciously determine the age of a lady by her perfume. Almost all men associate the smell of roses with an elderly woman, but fruity notes with young girls. Grapefruit has the best anti-aging effect - its aroma can rejuvenate a woman in the eyes of a man by ten years at once!

In a house where older people live, there is often a special, specific smell. Many people notice it in their elderly relatives, but it is not customary to talk about this sensitive topic. Let's try to find out the reasons for the phenomenon of "grandmother's" smell and analyze the most effective ways to destroy it.

What causes it in men and women?

It is generally accepted that senile body odor occurs mainly in women, but this is not true. Men who reach old age also acquire their scent of old age.. It is almost impossible to get rid of the smell, since it is a physiological feature of the body.

The human body is a complex system of interaction between internal organs, glands, hormones and various systems, the work of which slows down in old age. The digestive system finds it more difficult to cope with heavy foods, reproductive function is lost and a general restructuring of the body occurs. It was during the period of 45-50 years that the formation of a senile train was noticed.

Recent developments by foreign scientists have revealed that nonenals are the cause of odor.

Nonenals are special chemicals that are formed during the oxidation of omega-7 fatty acids, and their content in fatty secretions increases over the years.

In addition to the inevitable biochemical reactions of the body, other reasons contribute to the appearance of senile amber; by familiarizing yourself with them, you can better understand how to get rid of the unpleasant aroma.

Chronic diseases

Over the years, a person accumulates diseases that can become sources of unpleasant odor. Most often, the cause is problems of an intimate nature - urinary incontinence, enuresis. Elderly men and women, faced with the problem of urinary incontinence, are embarrassed to seek help from a specialist and mask it with additional layers of clothing or perfume.

Urine released drop by drop during the day creates a persistent, suffocating odor from clothes, but the person himself may not notice it.

Nutritional Features

Elderly people should adhere to a diet that will help both improve the general condition of the body and remove the hated trail of aroma from the apartment. Should be added to the diet:

  • vegetables that have undergone heat treatment;
  • lean meats;
  • various cereals;
  • dried fruits.

It is advisable to avoid fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as heavy fatty foods. The slowing process of digestion cannot cope with the load, and the process of fermentation and rotting begins in the stomach.

Taking medications

The result of accumulated illnesses over a lifetime is the use of many medications.. When combined with spices, garlic and onions, their aroma intensifies and haunts a person. Elderly people often use homeopathy methods and folk remedies, which may contain substances with a pungent, strong odor.


At a young age, people pay more attention to the issue of hygiene than when they are older. The reason lies in the following factors:

  • Physical capabilities. Often, taking a bath becomes a whole ordeal for older people: a high side of the bath, a slippery floor, an inconvenient location of the shower. A person physically cannot cope with the hygiene procedure, and is forced to reduce it to a minimum. If there is a bedridden patient in the house, his care depends entirely on relatives or a nurse.
  • Skin problems. The lipid layer that covers and protects the surface of the skin from the external environment thins over the years. This leads to a feeling of dryness, tightness and irritation, which intensifies after taking a bath. Often it is older men who suffer from ichthyosis (flaking skin) and senile itching.
  • Psychological factor. The children have grown up and are living their own lives, there is no need to go to work, and household chores are kept to a minimum - it seems that this is the time to live for your own pleasure. But some old people begin to feel forgotten, useless, and stop paying attention to appearance and hygiene.

    Bed linen is changed less frequently, new clothes are not purchased, and daily hygiene procedures are postponed. All this contributes to an increase in unpleasant odor.

Room clutter

Older people are more sentimental about trinkets and old things, tend to hoard and are reluctant to part with piles of unnecessary junk. A large number of objects accumulate dust, which mainly consists of dead skin cells.

If cleaning has not been done for a long time, rotting processes begin, fungus can form and, as a result, a bad smell in the house that trails behind the owner.

How to deal with this unpleasant odor in the house?

It is impossible to completely remove a specific smell, but if you follow simple recommendations, it will not cause discomfort.

Regular water treatments

Relatives and friends should support their elderly relative and, if possible, help equip the bathroom for convenience and safety. It is better to replace the bath with a shower(it’s hard for old people to step over the high side), or purchase special steps. Place an anti-slip mat on the bathtub floor and secure the shower holder at a convenient height.

Instead of a bath, it is advisable to take a shower; after water procedures, use creams and ointments that moisturize the skin. Soaps and gels wash away the lipid layer of the skin, so they should be avoided in the daily shower, using 1-2 times a week.

Balanced diet

Following a simple diet will prevent the appearance of a putrid odor and help you feel better. There are many devices on the culinary market that make cooking easier and faster - steamers, multicookers, ovens. And a variety of healthy nutrition recipes will help you create an individual menu for older people.

Eliminating urinary problems

The problem of involuntary urination can be successfully treated surgically in most cases. In addition, there are special techniques and exercises that help tone the pelvic muscles. Special sanitary pads or diapers for adults can ensure proper hygiene and prevent the occurrence of unpleasant odors from clothes.

Healthy lifestyle

Unfortunately, It is almost impossible to cure chronic diseases, but it is possible to help relieve symptoms and improved overall well-being. Moderately active activity, regular walks in the fresh air, and frequent ventilation have a beneficial effect on the body, due to which the smell of old age is not so noticeable.


Scientists have found that perfume with notes of citrus disguises a woman’s age and can make her look younger in the eyes of men by several years. Moderate use of perfume can brighten up the smell of age and improve your mood.

How to get rid of it in an apartment?

  • Thorough cleaning, maintaining general cleanliness, and preventing clutter will help cope with the unpleasant smell in the apartment.
  • Elderly people rarely open windows, as they are afraid of drafts and often freeze, however, it is necessary to ventilate.
  • It is advisable to get rid of carpets, they absorb more dust, and wash bedspreads, curtains and capes with conditioner.
  • Bed linen, pillows and blankets absorb sweat and odor and become smelly with prolonged contact. Bed linen is washed weekly, pillows and blankets are washed every few months.
  • Clothes retain body odor for a long time; it’s worth clearing out your closet and throwing away what you haven’t used for a long time. Wash items with conditioner and add pieces of scented soap or scented sachets.
  • Windows, surfaces and floors must be washed with a damp cloth, and if necessary, re-glue the wallpaper - they absorb odors very well, and dust settles on their surface.

Aging is an irreversible process. Probably everyone has noticed that at a certain age, elderly patients smell of old age.

Often its manifestation is associated with the patient’s inability to ensure personal hygiene. In some cases, the cause of an unpleasant odor is associated with chronic diseases and disorders of the sweat and fat glands.

Why is odor produced?

After 65-70 years, the human body can no longer intensively process fatty, spicy, fried foods, as a result of which rotting and fermentation processes occur inside the stomach. Decomposition products are less readily excreted from the body and skin due to disruption of metabolic processes. Against this background, a bad aroma begins to emanate from the body.

The cause of the repulsive odor may be the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits. Due to the weakness of the gastrointestinal tract, fiber does not have time to be digested, products are not absorbed and are not removed from the body in a timely manner.

Leading experts conducted their research. In their opinion, the smell of old age manifests itself along with the loss of reproductive ability.

Starting from a certain age, a person’s hormonal background begins to change significantly. Experts from Japan claim that a large number of unusual chemical compounds, namely nonenals, appear in the body of an old person.

Such elements are not currently studied, but researchers report that they are the cause of the characteristic odor. According to experts, it can be veiled using hygiene products.

A specific aroma from the body of an elderly patient may appear due to an imbalance of the endocrine glands or the development of any diseases. Age-related changes have a direct effect on the composition of the secretion of the sweat glands. Sweat acquires a specific odor; the appearance of an unpleasant odor may be associated with disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys.

Often the source of the unpleasant odor is urinary incontinence. The appearance of a strong odor may be due to changes in diet. According to nutritionists, you can remove body odor by normalizing your diet.

When to see a doctor

Often the patient ignores the need to visit a specialist when a characteristic odor appears. It is considered a natural process that accompanies aging.

However, specialists in the field of gerontology recommend that their patients undergo examinations at least once a year. A specialist can explain the cause of the unpleasant odor and tell you how to remove it.

  1. Patients should replace the bath with a shower, which should be taken daily or every other day. This is due to the fact that sweat glands lose their activity with age.
  2. Regular soap should be replaced with shower gel with a neutral alkaline balance, which will preserve the lipid layer.
  3. After taking a shower, you should apply a moisturizing gel to your skin.
  4. Relatives should remember their responsibility when helping their elderly parents with water procedures.
  5. The water temperature should be cool, not hot. This condition will help get rid of skin irritation.
  6. If it is impossible to take a bath every day, you should wipe your skin with sanitary napkins. It is better to pre-impregnate them with an anti-inflammatory composition or an extract of natural herbs with a softening effect.
  7. You can cope with dryness and flaking of the skin by using B vitamins. They should be rubbed into the skin once a week.
  8. The patient must remember to observe the rules of personal hygiene. Oral hygiene should be complete, including not only brushing, but also the use of rinses and dental floss.
  9. The patient's menu should contain healthy foods, namely whole grain cereals, dairy products, vegetables, fruits and dried fruits.

Attention! The patient's relatives should be attentive to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. This recommendation has nothing to do with neglect of the elderly. You should not once again remind the patient that a specific aroma emanates from him. It is better to guide him yourself and tell him how to deal with this problem.

Odor associated with diseases

The cause of an unpleasant odor can be a symptom of certain diseases, such as gastrointestinal disorders or diabetes. Patients over 60 years of age should monitor their blood glucose levels daily.

A level measuring device should be purchased at a pharmacy. The formation of an unpleasant odor is associated with certain physiological disorders. Elderly men and women often experience pathological incontinence of feces and urine.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the sense of smell deteriorates with age, so patients themselves may not perceive unpleasant odors emanating from their own body. Serious diseases associated with urinary incontinence develop in 40% of women. With timely and adequate intervention, they can be corrected.

Psychological reasons

When considering the reasons for the appearance of unpleasant odor from the elderly, do not forget about the social and psychological factor:

  1. Old age is often associated with the patient himself with a feeling of weakness and uselessness to society. The patient becomes deeply depressed and does not want to take care of himself. An unpleasant aroma that trails behind a person comes from non-compliance with hygiene standards.
  2. Elderly patients are often afraid of drafts and are wary of any cold, so they arrive indoors with the windows closed. Lack of fresh air can cause mold and mildew to form on the walls. Such conditions create the preconditions for the development of some odor.
  3. The living space is not ventilated, and wet cleaning is carried out extremely rarely. The problem here is not with the patient himself, but with his environment. It is worth paying attention to the fact that elderly patients often can barely move around the apartment, so they are unable to carry out basic home care measures. Relatives and friends should come to the rescue.

How to remove an unpleasant smell from an apartment

Not only older people themselves can emit unpleasant odors, but also unventilated items and furniture around them. Often a lot of dust accumulates in the apartment, which consists of epidermal cells of the patient’s exfoliating skin.

Such particles are torn away from the body and settle in the folds of a person’s clothing and upholstered furniture. It is difficult for older people to carry out wet cleaning and constantly change bed linen, because particles constantly accumulate and emit that same musty smell.

  1. Removing unpleasant odors should start with wet cleaning.
  2. It is not recommended to use air freshener. They do not kill the smell, but only mask it, while causing irreparable harm to human health. Behind the pleasant aroma lies a sufficient amount of toxic substances that penetrate the body and are absorbed through the skin.
  3. It is worth carrying out general cleaning regularly. Relatives of older patients can help them clean upholstered furniture, sort through all their clothes, and empty their closets of any items that are not in use. The remaining clothes should be washed with conditioner, ironed and put back in the closet.
  4. To prevent the reappearance of an unpleasant odor in the closet, you should put bags of herbs and fragrant bars of soap.
  5. You need to try to persuade your relative to get rid of the carpets. They are sources of unsanitary conditions and often emit an unpleasant odor.

From this article you will learn:

    What are the reasons for the appearance of a specific odor in older people?

    How to help an elderly person get rid of odor

    How to eliminate the smell of old age in an apartment

Aging is an inevitable and irreversible phenomenon that affects everyone. Decreased visual and hearing acuity, deterioration of smell, and limited physical capabilities are just a small part of what happens to people in old age. For those who constantly communicate with representatives of older generations, one of the most unpleasant features is the smell emanating from old people. In this article you will learn why older people smell and how to help them eliminate this problem.

Causes of old age odor

What most people call “body odor” is actually an odor coming from the skin. So why and what do old people smell like? This phenomenon is associated with the chemical composition of the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands, which changes during different life periods.

Although people may not realize it, body odor conveys a variety of social and biological information. It encrypts signals that help in choosing a partner and show that a person is ready to start a family and have offspring.

Humans' ability to detect age by body odor may be evolutionary. Scientists believe that this is very similar to animal instincts. After all, animals, trying to distinguish a young, healthy and strong individual from an old one, smell it and read information from the aroma.

The Journal of Investigative Dermatology believes that old people smell because 2-nonenal molecules appear on their skin. This substance is an unsaturated aldehyde, which gives the aroma of beer and buckwheat porridge.

2-nonenal is formed as a result of the metabolism of omega-7 unsaturated fatty acids in the secretions of the sebaceous glands. In youth and middle age it practically does not exist - fatty acids appear as a result of other reactions. After the age of 40, both sexes produce increasing amounts of 2-nonenal molecules, and the skin's natural antioxidant defenses decrease and it begins to smell unpleasant.

2-nonenal is a fat-soluble substance, so it remains on the skin even after washing it. In addition, it is quickly absorbed into clothes, and it is very difficult to wash it off.

What makes skin odor worse for older people?

In reality, skin is more than just tissue of the body. It is the largest and most important organ of the human body. The skin protects internal organs and partially removes metabolic products (toxins and waste). The bulk of substances formed during the metabolic process are excreted in feces, urine and carbon dioxide during respiration. So what is the smell of old age or why do older people smell?

Here are the main reasons:

    Deterioration in the functioning of the excretory organs.

As you know, in old people the body begins to function worse. In particular, the number of working elements in the renal parenchyma decreases, resulting in the development of chronic renal failure. Peristalsis in the intestines is weakened, constipation occurs, and therefore toxic metabolic products are reabsorbed through the intestinal wall and enter the blood. In addition to the above, gas exchange in the lung tissue deteriorates. The skin strives to compensate for these disturbances and tries to perform the functions of the excretory organs, which is why older people smell bad.

    Chronic diseases.

If old people smell bad, this may be due to various chronic pathologies:

    Intestines – dysbiosis, colitis, enterocolitis, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.;

    Adrenal glands and gonads that produce testosterone (the metabolic products of this hormone affect the activity of the sebaceous glands);

    The endocrine part of the pancreas, responsible for the synthesis and production of insulin, resulting in the development of diabetes mellitus, which leads to changes in the pH and microflora of the skin.

Therefore, before deciding that your elderly relative simply smells of “old age,” rule out the presence of the diseases listed above.

    Taking medications.

Also, older people smell due to the fact that they take many medications. These medications, as a result of transformations within the body, break down into individual molecules, which must be excreted with carbon dioxide, feces, urine and sweat. And since the excretory organs work less well in old age, medications are eliminated more slowly.
If your relative's skin smells too bad, discuss this issue with your doctor. Perhaps he will reduce the dosage or prescribe other drugs.

    Nature of nutrition.

All food entering the human body passes through the intestines. If it has a complex composition, then it lingers in it for a long time and is exposed to various enzymes. In combination with the deterioration of the secretory, peristaltic and excretory functions of the intestines, this leads to the fact that older people smell, because the skin again has a huge burden of excreting metabolic products.

The diet of old people should not contain too fatty, spicy and fried foods. You should also avoid eating fast food. Such food increases the load on the intestines, which are already not working at full strength, and therefore on the skin.

    Hygiene problems.

In older people, the skin becomes thinner and more sensitive every year. It loses its protective film and becomes prone to constant peeling. Old people, after taking a shower, no longer get the same feeling of cleanliness that they had in their youth. On the contrary, hygiene procedures are often accompanied by discomfort: tightness, itching and dryness of the skin, especially in the perineal area. To reduce discomfort, older people tend to wash as little as possible. That's why they smell.

There is another factor why older people smell old. Over the years, the pelvic floor muscles become weaker, which means urinary and fecal incontinence may develop. This makes the smell of an unwashed body even worse.

In addition, starting from the age of 55, the acuity of smell also decreases. By the age of 70, presbyosmia develops in a quarter of older people, and by 80, in a third of old people. This is due to a decrease in the number of receptor cells responsible for the perception and transmission of odors to the brain. This disorder cannot be prevented. It turns out that older people smell, but do not feel it and do not understand that they have such a problem.

    The nature of habits.

Old people often live alone. The passing days no longer bring them proper joy, and if relatives do not maintain contact, then older people, as a rule, become depressed. In such a situation, they find an outlet in accumulating and storing various things. They are afraid to get rid of old household items, so they surround themselves with carpets, upholstered furniture, pillows and other items that are quite difficult to clean and wash. Combined with the fact that most older people try to avoid open windows and drafts, this leads to them smelling even worse.

This passion for accumulating things is also characteristic of senile dementia. In this case, the whole apartment smells due to the penetration of 2-nonenal and other substances from the skin of an elderly person into surrounding objects.

In addition, older people usually have poor circulation. Old people freeze faster and try to dress warmly even in good weather. At the same time, such dense items are rarely washed, since not everyone has several woolen jackets and trousers. And even if there are clothes, older people are very conservative and like to wear one thing, besides, “you have to save money.” Therefore, the less often old people wash things, the stronger they smell.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor

Domestic scientists consider the problem that older people smell bad in a more down-to-earth way than foreign experts.

Doctor of Medical Sciences Yu. Konev believes that the causes of the unpleasant spirit from old people come from the body. Based on the facts, he explains that this is what smells like in hospital wards, where there are seriously ill patients who are unable to move, regardless of their age.

But in nursing homes, where elderly residents are cared for, older people do not smell as strongly, or they do not emit an unpleasant odor at all. Therefore, it is extremely important to maintain hygiene and properly maintain the elderly.

Many older people smell because they don't like to shower. And all this, as a rule, is due to their fear of slipping.

Although there are a number of other reasons:

    Psychological, explained by loneliness, lack of motivation and laziness.

    Over the years, the skin becomes thinner and more sensitive, it loses its protective film, so washing is accompanied by such unpleasant sensations as dryness, tightness and itching of the skin.

    In older people, usually men, ichthyosis occurs - increased peeling of the dermis. Most often this is observed after taking a bath and is accompanied by itching, usually in the genital area, perineum and anus.

But still, in order to smell nice, you need to try to maintain hygiene even in old age. Moreover, in old age you should take a shower even a little more often than in your youth.

If older people smell bad, but for some reason do not like to bathe, they can be given the following recommendations:

    Replace the bath with a shower and take it daily or every other day, as sweat glands become less active over the years.

    Instead of regular soap, you should use a more gentle gel with a neutral pH. This will help maintain a protective film on the skin. After a shower, the body should be moisturized with cream.

    The water should not be too cold or hot. Make it as comfortable as possible - this way you won’t irritate the skin, and the procedure will become more enjoyable.

    The bathroom must have grab bars and a rubber mat. This will protect the elderly person from slipping and injury. If it is impossible to equip a bathtub in this way, then the help of younger relatives during water procedures is mandatory.

    If older people smell, and there is no opportunity to take a bath or shower, the skin should be wiped with special wet wipes. They can be additionally soaked in extracts and infusions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties, as well as emollients. Wipes can be used to care for infants.

    For dry skin, an elderly person should be prescribed additional B vitamins. They can be obtained from meat and cereals. Vitamins A, D, E are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. After all, it is known that health is negatively affected not only by a deficiency, but also by an excess of nutrients. And if older people smell bad, it’s even more dangerous for their body.

To maintain a pleasant aroma, it is important to maintain personal hygiene, starting with the oral cavity. You should brush your teeth and floss regularly.

Often, old people smell unpleasant because they have chronic gastrointestinal diseases or diabetes.

Also, sometimes older people smell bad due to a disorder of physiological functions. For example, older people often have problems with holding feces and urine. In addition, over the years, most people's sense of smell becomes less acute than in their youth, and they simply do not notice that an unpleasant odor emanates from them.

Severe illnesses that cause older people to smell bad and are associated with urinary incontinence occur in 40% of older women. In men, such pathologies appear somewhat less frequently. But it is worth remembering that these ailments can be corrected. The most effective treatment for urinary incontinence is surgery (using TVT tape). Special physical exercises are also used.

In severe cases, when older people smell bad and surgical treatment is impossible, diapers and special pads are used to neutralize unpleasant odors.

How to eliminate the smell of old age in your home

Not only older people, but also things and furniture located in an unventilated apartment can smell unpleasant. There is also a lot of dust in a living room, and, as you know, almost 50% of it consists of dead epidermal cells, which are constantly exfoliated from the surface of people’s skin.

These particles accumulate in clothes, carpet fibers and furniture, and therefore older people and their apartments smell even stronger.

It is difficult for old people to clean the house, change bed linen, wash and iron. Therefore, the skin particles accumulated in clothes and linen begin to gradually decompose and smell unpleasant, creating a stagnant and musty spirit in the apartment.

    Do a general cleaning of the house.

    Do not use air fresheners - they will not eliminate the unpleasant odor, but will only mask it temporarily. In addition, they negatively affect human health, because they contain a huge amount of toxic substances that penetrate the body through breathing and through the skin.

    If older people smell bad, carpets should be removed from the apartment, as large amounts of dust accumulate in them, and it is not always possible to clean them regularly.

    If there is an unpleasant odor in a room where older people live, it is better to do a thorough cleaning. Sort through your clothes, wash them, dry them well and iron them, get rid of unnecessary things, clean upholstered furniture. Place bags of dried aromatic herbs, bars of soap or orange peels in the cabinets. Thanks to this, the air in the room will be much more fragrant.

    Pets contribute to increasing the smell in the apartment. After all, if older people smell bad and are unable to maintain personal hygiene, then they will not be able to monitor the cleanliness of their pet.

    Eliminate unpleasant odors in the house with dry fog.

The Americans have created a special apparatus that sprays dry fog around the room. Its microparticles are created by a unique liquid composition. Molecules of dry fog do not remain on the surface and penetrate even the most inaccessible areas of the apartment: cracks between cabinets, folds of clothing, etc.

If older people smell bad, then you should definitely try dry fog in their apartment, because its microparticles completely eliminate unpleasant odors, and the resulting film prevents their reappearance for a long time.

Alas, scientists have not yet come up with a recipe for eternal youth, and old age will overtake every person. Therefore, even if older people smell bad, try to be more tolerant of them, and also help your relatives fight these unpleasant phenomena.