Condition of the woman and fetus in the eighth week of pregnancy. Eighth obstetric week of pregnancy: what happens in the body of the mother and fetus? Pregnant belly at 8 weeks

Congratulations, you just found out you're pregnant! Perhaps you are wondering when others will begin to learn about your condition themselves, that is, when your belly will begin to grow? Soon your body. The changes will be most noticeable in the abdomen, which will expand to accommodate the developing fetus. Watching your belly grow is a part of pregnancy that can make you as nervous as it is exciting. Some women have a visible belly already at 8 weeks, and they wonder if this is normal?

Visible belly at 8 weeks of pregnancy - is it normal?

There is an opinion that in women carrying their first child, the belly becomes visible later, while in women who are pregnant for the second time, it “shows” sooner. To some extent this opinion is true; however, the time at which body changes become visually noticeable depends on a number of factors, including body type, time of conception and weight. On average, pregnant women begin to show belly fat during their second trimester at some point between the 12th and 16th week of pregnancy.

Abdominal growth at 8 weeks of pregnancy is not typical when expecting your first child; however, this is normal in subsequent pregnancies. After your first pregnancy, your abdominal muscles may lose some of their holding capacity, so your abdominal muscles may begin to protrude earlier. Although 8 weeks is too early for your belly to start showing, there are many factors that can influence this. For example, if you have a thin figure, or you are pregnant with twins, then pregnancy in this case becomes noticeable earlier.

Please note that sometimes women have a belly bump one day, but the next day, perhaps after intestinal motility improves, it disappears. This phenomenon is completely normal.

Reasons why your belly may be visible at 8 weeks

  • Projected time frame. The pregnancy may be longer than you think.
  • Pregnancy with twins;
  • Excessive weight gain. The belly may be protruding due to fat deposits rather than the growth of the uterus.
  • Lack of muscle tone. Pumped up and strong abdominal muscles help hide your position for as long as possible. In women with weak muscles, the belly tends to show earlier.
  • caused by lactose intolerance or constipation. Hormones produced during pregnancy often cause. In addition, many women change their diet during this period and consume more dairy products.

Reviews from other women

Taken from a foreign forum:

“Different women show their belly at different times. Just because it's your first pregnancy doesn't necessarily mean it will be noticeable after 8 weeks. Although when I was pregnant with my first child, my belly showed up after about 7-8 weeks. The doctors said this was completely normal. I'm currently 9 weeks along and it's hard to deny the pregnancy right now. The presence of a growing belly is obvious!”

“I visited the maternity hospital at 9 weeks pregnant, and in the next room there was a woman at 20 weeks, and my belly was bigger than hers! If your belly was very small before pregnancy, it will probably start showing quite early. Although the fetus is roughly the size of a bean during the first 8 weeks, the body prepares a lot of extra space in preparation for its growth. It's also important to remember that there are no averages in these things. Every pregnancy is different. I'm currently 17 weeks along and most people are shocked that my due date is in December. By looking at my belly, they believe the baby is due next month! "

“I'm only 6 weeks pregnant and I already have a belly! I'm not slim, but my tummy is definitely starting to protrude! I can't retract it and it looks pretty solid! Secretly, I love it, but will need to hide it for another 6 weeks. I think I'll be huge!"

“I'll be 9 weeks in two days and I'm wearing pajama bottoms for comfort. The jeans still fit me; however, they fit very tightly and uncomfortably around the waist. I just went through a very unpleasant few weeks of nausea and vomiting that was very similar to my first pregnancy. I even lost 6 kg! I am currently taking Unisom, Vitamin B6, Folbecal (anti-nausea medication), Promethazine (syrup form) and Zofran. The combination seems to work great! I feel much better! While my pants are quite loose in the leg area, they are still tight in the waist.”

How will the belly grow further?

After 8 weeks, your belly will undergo changes throughout your pregnancy. The uterus is usually the size of a lemon. By 14-17 weeks it rises above the pelvic cavity and increases to the size of a small melon. At this point it will be above the waist.

From now on, you'll probably need to start shopping for maternity clothes (if you haven't already).

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Pregnancy is similar in size to a bean - the length is from one and a half to two centimeters, it weighs about three grams. The child becomes more and more like a person, the “tail” disappears, the head is still disproportionate to the body.

The baby is actively growing and developing. First of all, the musculoskeletal system becomes stronger, bone tissue becomes stronger. At this stage, the baby’s knee and elbow joints are barely visible, and you can see the shoulders and ankles. Facial features become more and more clearly visible, fingers and toes appear. They are still connected by a skin membrane.

An important achievement of the baby is the development of the reproductive system, and although boys have already developed testicles, and girls have ovaries, the sex of the child has not yet been determined due to a large error. Ultrasound examination is strictly limited to:

  • contours of the upper and lower jaw;
  • nose and even nostrils.

You can see the eyelids, which will soon open. The eyes begin to produce pigment responsible for light perception.

The baby’s heart has divided into four chambers, and valves are actively forming. The hole between the ventricles is already closed, but between the atria it remains. The heart produces from 150 to 170 beats per minute. At the eighth week, the baby is still in a bent state (the so-called “fetal position”), but soon the baby straightens up. The respiratory organs, bronchi and lungs are formed. Already in the eighth week, the baby tries to clench his fists, but such movements are not yet noticeable to the mother.

The development of the brain continues, and neurons form more and more complex connections along which the first paths of nerve impulses will pass. The intestines are formed, the esophagus and stomach are distinguishable. The liver begins to produce blood cells. The spinal column continues to improve. A very important organ is formed - the thymus gland, which participates in the body’s immune defense; it is the one that produces the first protective cells - lymphocytes.

Development of twins

Kopa Birth

Babies during twin pregnancy at this stage do not lag behind in development compared to a singleton pregnancy. The only significant difference is the weight of the twins. Babies weigh approximately 1 g and do not exceed one and a half centimeters in length. The babies have heads equal to the length of the body, the position of the twins is twisted. The outlines of the face become clearer, the eyes are still on the sides of the face, but the nose, ears, mouth and tongue are clearly visible. Babies continue to receive nutrition from the corpus luteum, since the placenta has not yet formed to support their life.

Large and small joints are formed, but they are not always clearly limited. And if the hands almost resemble human ones, then the legs are more like fins. In a normally developing pregnancy, the cardiovascular system of twins is normal. Every baby has a four-chambered heart. The digestive organs are differentiated, germ cells are produced, and one fetus can be a boy, the second a girl.

The amount of amniotic fluid during a twin pregnancy is slightly greater than during a singleton pregnancy. Therefore, the size of the uterus does not correspond to the timing of pregnancy, the maternal organ is somewhat larger, which is the first sign of carrying a multiple pregnancy - an ultrasound examination will finally dispel the doubt. At this stage during pregnancy with twins, the mother’s belly is not noticeable.

The umbilical cord in babies is already formed, the endometrium is gradually destroyed by the villous chorion. In the eighth week, it is very important that the placenta and umbilical cord develop correctly, since during a twin pregnancy the risk of abnormalities increases.

What's happening to mom: sensations

The eighth week of pregnancy brings tangible changes in a woman’s life. If in the first weeks the body is just being rebuilt, then at this stage the hormonal background still remains unstable, significantly different from the woman’s pre-pregnancy state. This provokes ailments and new sensations in the mother’s body, to which we now need to adapt.

Changes in the uterus. By the 8th week of pregnancy, the uterus continues to grow, but does not increase in size much, being in the area no higher than the pubic area. If sexual contact occurs at this time, the uterus is unnecessarily irritated and minor bleeding may occur from small blood vessels. This occurs due to the influence of hormonal levels on the uterus, but does not negatively affect the child.

Increased urination. This is not noticed by all women, but indeed, when the bladder is full, urges arise, because the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder, causing it to give signals for emptying.

Pain in the lower abdomen. It is quite normal if a woman feels slight stretching in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. First of all, the pain is associated with stretching of the uterus, preparing to bear the baby. Also, the cause of pulling sensations is multiple pregnancy. If the pain is periodic, disappears on its own and is not accompanied by other signs, then there is no need to worry.

Headache. During pregnancy in the 8th week it occurs due to overwork, which is provoked by hormonal instability and weakening of the mother's body. To avoid headaches, do not be nervous or expose yourself to stress. If you experience frequent headaches, you should consult a doctor - this may be a sign of an infectious disease or vascular disorders.

Discomfort in the lower back. The lumbar area becomes especially sensitive during the period when the uterus increases in size. Compression of the nerve endings spreads a dull, aching pain in the lumbar area, from which many women suffer greatly in the 8th week, and staying in one position completely intensifies these sensations. A light massage and changing body position will help you cope with such pain. If the pain is sharp, radiates to the kidneys, and urination is difficult, then there is a suspicion of a pathology of the urinary system. If lower back pain is associated with bleeding, this could be a miscarriage. In these conditions, you should immediately contact the clinic.

Chest pain. There is nothing unusual in the fact that under the influence of hormones, a pulling sensation occurs in the chest - this is how the mammary glands prepare to feed the baby. In particularly sensitive women, these signs appear as early as the 8th week. There is a feeling of heaviness in the chest, enlargement of the mammary glands, and a tingling sensation. Usually the discomfort is quite tolerable and after the hormonal levels normalize, the chest pain subsides a little.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, the baby inside the womb is the size of one grape. The weight of the fetus at this time is only 3 grams, and the baby’s height varies between 14-20 mm. what happens to the expectant mother and the embryo at the 8th obstetric week of pregnancy? Read more about this.

What does it feel like for a woman who is 8 weeks pregnant?

The first symptoms of pregnancy, which appeared in previous weeks, become more noticeable and greatly aggravated during this period. The amount of hormones continues to increase, and outwardly this is manifested by constant drowsiness, sudden mood swings, tearfulness or bursts of joy. The uterus is greatly increasing in size, although this is not yet visible from the outside. However, the enlarging uterus puts pressure on nearby internal organs, and they begin to feel discomfort. This manifests itself in constipation and more frequent urination. During this period, vaginal discharge often intensifies. They can be considered normal, unless the discharge is accompanied by itching and burning in the vaginal area. In some women, this discharge may be brownish in color. Again, if a woman is not bothered by lower back pain or poor health, then such discharge can be considered normal. However, you should still warn your doctor about such symptoms.

For many pregnant women at 8 weeks, toxicosis becomes the main problem. The expectant mother complains of increased salivation, lack of appetite due to constant vomiting, and the development of a strong aversion to food. Of course, most pregnant women go through such unpleasant sensations, however, if vomiting is too frequent (5 times during the day or more), then this becomes a reason to consult your doctor.

Ultrasound at 8 weeks of pregnancy

An ultrasound scan at the 8th obstetric week of pregnancy is unscheduled and considered early. The main task of ultrasound examination at this stage is to clarify the fact of intrauterine pregnancy. Eliminating the possibility of fetal pathology, establishing the exact age of the baby. If a patient is diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy, then a period of 8 weeks is the deadline that allows an abortion to be performed without harm to the health of the pregnant woman. Often, if doctors have suspicions about ectopic implantation of the fetus, an ultrasound scan is prescribed a little earlier, at the 5th week of obstetric pregnancy.

Ultrasound examination at the 8th week of pregnancy allows:

  • Confirm that the fetus is implanted in the uterus and is developing normally.
  • Using the heart rate, determine how viable the baby is inside the womb and whether it is developing correctly.
  • Using the standards corresponding to 8 weeks of pregnancy, determine the size of the embryo inside the uterus and the size of the fertilized egg.
  • Determine the location of the fertilized egg in the uterus. The ideal option is to fix it on the posterior wall of the uterine cavity.
  • During a multiple pregnancy, an ultrasound at the 8th week allows you to determine the number of fetuses, and even fully confirm the very fact of a multiple pregnancy.
  • Assess the state of health of the embryo, the presence of all organ systems and vital tissues.
  • Study the characteristics of the corpus luteum.
  • Carefully examine the fallopian tubes, uterus and ovaries.

An ultrasound in the 8th week of pregnancy is of great importance for a woman, because with its help a frozen fetus that has stopped developing is diagnosed in a timely manner.

Features of fetal development in the 8th week of pregnancy

At the 8th week of pregnancy, a new status appears in the baby developing inside the mother's womb. From now on, it is officially called not an embryo or fetus, but a fetus. The placenta is actively developing, and blood circulation between the placenta and uterus is significantly improved. Starting from the 8th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to nourish itself by receiving the necessary components through the umbilical cord. The size of the fetus during this period of time is still very tiny, only 1.5-2 cm. However, the baby is already quite similar to a person, albeit a very tiny and fragile one. During an ultrasound examination, the fetus's arms, legs, facial features, and head are already visible.

During this period of development, the internal organs of the fetus also improve. The baby’s heart is divided into 4 chambers, kidneys and bronchial branches are formed in the already formed lungs. At the 8th week of obstetric pregnancy, the baby’s genitals begin to appear (for girls, these are the ovaries, and for boys, the testicles). However, based on the external gender characteristics shown by ultrasound, it is still impossible to understand who lives in the mother’s tummy - a girl or a boy. During this period of time, the nervous system of the fetus is subject to active improvement. From this week, the baby begins to actively move in the mother's womb. He is already able to clench and unclench his fists, tumble and move his legs. All these body movements are clearly visible on an ultrasound. However, the size of the fetus at the 8th week is still so small that the expectant mother will not yet be able to feel all these movements. In order for a woman to feel the baby's kicks inside the womb, several months of pregnancy must pass. By the 8th week of pregnancy, all the baby’s organs and systems are already fully formed, and nothing new will be added in the following weeks. Now the fetus will only grow and develop, and all systems and organs will be improved in every possible way.

Belly at 8 weeks pregnant

The appearance of the abdomen at the 8th week of pregnancy will depend on the woman’s body constitution. Basically, the majority of expectant mothers have a small tummy, but it is already quite noticeable. A woman should understand that the period from the 8th to the 12th week of pregnancy is considered the most vulnerable for the fetus. If development conditions are unfavorable, placental abruption may occur and, as a result, miscarriage. Signs of danger for the baby inside the womb include pain in the abdomen and lower back, as before the onset of menstruation. With such symptoms, bleeding may occur. In general, if you have such symptoms, you should definitely get medical advice and provide your body with complete rest.

Mandatory examination at the 8th week of obstetric pregnancy

If before the 8th week of pregnancy a woman has not yet managed to register with a gynecologist, then now is the time to do this, especially since it is no longer possible to delay. When registering, the gynecologist will issue a referral for the necessary tests that will confirm the fact of a progressing intrauterine pregnancy. The specialist will also select the optimal complex of vitamins and mineral components, and, if necessary, prescribe the woman to undergo an ultrasound scan at the 8th week of pregnancy.

In addition to the mandatory examination by a gynecologist, a woman who is in the 8th week of pregnancy will have to undergo examination by a dentist, therapist, or venereologist. At this stage, the tummy is already noticeably rounded and becomes visible even to strangers. However, when registering, a woman should still notify the doctor about her interesting situation. Pregnancy for each woman proceeds individually, therefore, the size of the tummy at the 8th week of pregnancy may be different. If the expectant mother has any chronic diseases for which she is forced to take potent medications, she should definitely tell her gynecologist about this. If the need arises, the doctor can prescribe additional tests for the pregnant patient, adjust the medication intake, and perform the required medical examinations.

What tests should you take at the 8th week of pregnancy?

At the 8th week of pregnancy, doctors recommend that women undergo the following types of tests:

1. Biochemical blood test. With its help, the condition of the internal organs of a pregnant woman is assessed. Such a study allows you to find out exactly which microelements the expectant mother’s body lacks.

2. Several types of urine tests. The Nechiporenko system option will help identify hidden inflammatory processes. A general urine test will help doctors assess the condition of a pregnant woman’s kidneys. Finally, testing your urine for sugar will allow you to accurately determine the level of glucose in your blood.

Useful tips for a woman who is 8 weeks pregnant

If a woman in the 8th week of pregnancy does not have any particular cause for concern, then she can continue to lead her usual lifestyle. You can play sports during this period of time, although you will have to reduce the amount of physical activity. There are also no contraindications to sexual activity. However, all these conditions are feasible only if the pregnant woman is not in danger of miscarriage. If it persists in the 8th week, then sexual contact and sports exercises should be excluded for a while.

Many women in the 8th week of pregnancy note the presence of symptoms such as fatigue and nervousness. Such unpleasant symptoms can be avoided if a woman walks in the fresh air more often. Proper nutrition and the predominance of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet also play an important role in the normal course of pregnancy in the 8th week. A pregnant woman's daily menu should include fermented milk products and protein foods. But foods such as sweets, cookies and candies, coffee, and foods with allergens should be completely excluded from your diet.

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8 obstetric week of pregnancy is unlikely to bring many positive emotions for the mother. This week is considered the most unpleasant for a woman. At this time, the body adapts to its new state.

This week, a woman may be accompanied by severe toxicosis (up to 10 times a day), lower back pain, weakness and malaise. Meanwhile, the baby is experiencing a developmental leap.

Fetal size and development at 8 weeks of gestation

During the 8th week the embryo actively growing and developing. Outwardly, he does not yet look like a little man. His body is elongated, and his proportions are far from ideal.

Baby size can be compared to the size of a strawberry or grape (about 8-12 mm). And it already weighs 2-3 grams. But, despite such small sizes, the embryo’s body becomes every minute more and more like a small person.

How does the fetus change at this stage?

  • gills and tail are rejected;
  • long fingers appear, connected by a membranous film;
  • The face develops: nostrils, eyes, and upper lip are formed. The face takes on a more familiar appearance;
  • the formation of the eyelids is completed;
  • the jaws acquire a normal shape;
  • the inner ear and auricles are formed;
  • the child's heart develops;
  • the bronchi finish their formation;
  • The reproductive system is formed. In girls, the ovaries begin to develop, and in boys, the first signs of testicles appear;
  • development of sweat glands begins;
  • bone tissue becomes denser.

At 8 weeks in the embryo all the organs are already there, but is still in its infancy. For this reason, starting from this period, official medicine stops calling the child an embryo and assigns it the proud title of a fetus.

At the 8th obstetric week, the baby is in amniotic fluid. He took a comfortable position in which he would spend the remaining time in his mother’s belly. In the fetus intrauterine reflexes appear. He is already moving his arms and legs. Although this can rather be called involuntary twitching. A lot of free space in the uterus gives the baby room for swimming, somersaults and rollovers.

What happens to mom at 8 weeks

The uterus is actively growing during this period of time and reaches the size of an average orange. But if you look at the belly of a pregnant woman at 8 weeks, no one will even suspect that the woman is expecting a child. By the 8th week, the future, and many even drop it if they are tormented by toxicosis. Above you can see in the photo what mothers' bellies look like at 8 weeks of pregnancy.

Unpleasant sensations, pain and weakness are characteristic features of the 8th week. Due to the active enlargement of the uterus in the abdomen, there may be sharp spasms which lead to muscle strain.

Weakness and malaise along with vomiting - constant companions for 8 weeks. Normally, nausea can occur about 2-3 times a day; if it occurs more often, it is better to consult a doctor. Too much toxicosis can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Strongly breasts become larger and heavier. It becomes more sensitive and veins may appear on it. Although there is no need to think about changing clothes yet, it is worth worrying about buying a new bra. Also, some mothers experience.

Despite the fact that during this period the fetus leads an active life in the mother’s womb, it is still too early to talk about its movements. No matter how hard the mother tries to listen to her body, she will not feel the baby’s movements.

Often appears at this time phlebeurysm. If a woman has a tendency to, then, most likely, at the 8th week of pregnancy it will make itself felt, as the load on the legs increases.

A woman may experience pain in the pelvis and hips. This is caused by the growing uterus irritating the sciatic nerve. Choosing a comfortable body position will help you get rid of these unpleasant sensations. If the pain radiates to the left side, it is better to lie on the right. And vice versa.

A growing uterus at 8 weeks can also cause frequent urination. This process should not cause any discomfort or pain. If pain and burning occur when visiting the toilet, you should consult a specialist. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by pyelonephritis.

Due to indigestion, it can make itself felt heartburn.

Normal discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy is uniform in consistency, has a whitish color and a faint sour-milk odor. Their number may increase slightly due to the growing level of hormones in a woman’s body.

Changes in color, odor, and the appearance of copious discharge, pus, and mucus indicate an infection of the genitourinary system. These symptoms may be accompanied by itching, burning and pain. Necessary consult a gynecologist to get rid of this problem. Untreated infections, in addition to discomfort for the woman, pose a danger to the fetus. You can find out more about discharge in early pregnancy.

Brown or bloody discharge should be a serious concern. Especially if they are accompanied by severe pain. In such situation - consult a doctor immediately!

Tests, examinations and ultrasound in the 8th week of pregnancy

Eighth obstetric week of pregnancy - registration time to the antenatal clinic. During the appointment, the gynecologist will examine the woman on the chair. Check the condition of the uterus and cervix. And based on the examination, he will give a conclusion about the presence of pregnancy.

Afterwards, the obstetrician will measure the pressure, as well as the woman’s weight and volume. Then he will give directions to a number of mandatory tests:

In addition to directing tests, the obstetrician will conduct a small survey. A woman must be prepared to answer a number of questions. For example:

  • date of last menstruation;
  • cycle length;
  • the presence of bad habits in a woman and her husband;
  • what kind of pregnancy was there and whether there were any miscarriages or abortions;
  • whether there are hereditary diseases in the family;
  • whether the woman and husband had serious illnesses.

Pregnancy is not the best time to start playing sports, or for heavy physical activity. You need to exercise until you break into a light sweat.

Some people are concerned about the issue during pregnancy. Many people believe that after this event occurs, you can forget about sex with your beloved man for 9 months. But that's not true.

If there is no threat of termination of pregnancy or other contraindications, and there is also desire and good health, then intimate intimacy is not only not contraindicated, but also useful.

True, you shouldn’t be overly active during this period. Choose comfortable positions and listen to your body. Excessive zeal in this process can lead to miscarriage.

Week 8 is a difficult time for a mother and her baby. Now it’s worth taking care of yourself and being positive. Our recommendations for the expectant mother will help you with this:

  1. Try to stay calm, sleep more and walk in the fresh air.
  2. Eliminate alcohol and try to get rid of bad habits.
  3. Avoid heels.
  4. Register with the LCD and follow all recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist.
  5. Eat right.
  6. If you need to take medications, do not self-medicate.
  7. Consult a specialist who will select medications approved for pregnant women.
  8. Exercise.

Video about 8 weeks of pregnancy

You can find out what exercises are useful for the expectant mother in the first trimester from this video guide. The obstetrician-gynecologist will give his recommendations regarding physical activity during pregnancy. He will tell you what is best for already trained women and those who showed no interest in sports before conception. And the fitness center instructor will show exercises for expectant mothers.

Toxicosis at 8 weeks is very common. You can find a lot of advice on the Internet on how to deal with morning sickness. But everyone’s body is different, and therefore there are simply no universal methods. Tell me, please, How did you deal with the manifestations of toxicosis?. Maybe this will help other moms.

The 8th week of pregnancy is the second obstetric month. If you look at it by week, 50-56 days have passed since conception. The 8th week of pregnancy is the final week in the second obstetric month of gestation and represents. For expectant mothers, it is not much different from the previous ones, but for the baby and its development, the 8th week of pregnancy is of great importance, since it is during this period that the formation of all its main organs ends and their further development and improvement begins.

Development and size of the fetus (embryo) at 8 weeks of pregnancy

The 8th week of pregnancy is the period when the embryo can rightfully be called a fetus, since day by day it becomes more and more like a real person. Despite the fact that the baby is still very tiny and its size (the height of the fetus reaches 2 centimeters, the weight of the fetus at the 8th week of pregnancy is no more than 3 grams) it resembles a grape, pea or currant, its main organ - the heart - is already completing its preliminary formation. Now it is divided into four chambers, like in all mammals. It is at the 8th week of pregnancy that the fetus’s genital organs begin to develop, which causes a strong hormonal surge in the expectant mother.

In addition, the first convolutions of the brain appear, the stomach takes its proper and permanent place, the bronchi begin to branch, and the baby’s intestines and nervous system are formed. The legs are several times smaller than the arms, however, they are already capable of bending, as large joints appear, and the baby thereby gains the ability to move. While these movements are chaotic, but with the development of the nervous system they will begin to acquire a more meaningful direction.

Ultrasound examination of the fetus - ultrasound at 8 weeks of pregnancy

At 8 weeks, an ultrasound is not required, but many mothers do it for their own peace of mind, to make sure what is happening with the baby, whether everything is okay, and also to exclude the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. The 8th week of pregnancy is the period when an ultrasound can clearly distinguish the head and torso of the embryo, and also notice the formation of individual facial features. The eyes still look like 2 black dots and are not located symmetrically to each other, however, the eyelid and eyelashes are already beginning to form, and the outlines of the nose, lips and chin are becoming more and more clear. The main indicator of the correct course of fetal development at this stage is the number of contractile movements of the baby’s heart muscle. Normally, at 8 weeks of pregnancy, the beat rate is between 150 and 170 beats per minute.

Ultrasound photo at 8 weeks of pregnancy

8th week of pregnancy. What's happening to mom

It is almost impossible to guess the “interesting” position of a woman who is 8 weeks pregnant by external signs, since the tummy is not yet noticeable to others. However, the expectant mother herself begins to notice that her previous clothes are becoming too tight for her. This is due to the active growth of the uterus and its already significant increase by the 8th week of pregnancy.

Changes are also noticeable in the chest area. It has swollen significantly, and may even have increased by 1-2 sizes. In addition, the venous veins began to clearly show through, and the nipples became larger and darker, which is a consequence of the pregnant woman’s body preparing for lactation, namely the growth of the milk ducts, which are responsible for feeding the baby after birth.

Another reason that causes anxiety and concern for a expectant mother at 8 weeks is increased hair growth in places where previously they were almost invisible. For example, in the abdominal area. If this happens, then there is no reason to worry; this is a normal reaction of the body to hormonal changes. This phenomenon is temporary and after the birth of the baby there will be no trace of it.

Photos of bellies. Belly at 8 weeks pregnant

8th week of pregnancy: feelings of the expectant mother

The first trimester, in particular the 8th week of pregnancy, is considered the most difficult morally and physically for the expectant mother, especially with regard to her general well-being. During this period, mothers increasingly begin to complain of severe fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness, lack of strength and desire to perform any actions. In addition, almost all pregnant women experience severe nausea, sometimes leading to vomiting, and due to changed eating preferences, intestinal upset may occur, manifested in the form of gas formation, or.

The urge to go to the toilet becomes more and more frequent, and outsiders can observe the woman’s emotional instability. All this is the result of hormonal changes in the body, which affects not only a woman’s well-being, but also her external beauty. As a result, there may be a deterioration in the structure of the hair, as well as problems with the skin of the face and nails. All these phenomena are temporary, and by the 12th week most pregnant women begin to feel a surge of strength. The main thing is to be patient.

8th week of pregnancy: complications

The first three months are considered the most dangerous for the fetus, especially the 8th week of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that it is at this period that miscarriages and fading of pregnancy are most often detected. Right now the baby is most vulnerable to external irritants. It can be destroyed by any infection in the mother’s body, regardless of its type.

Frozen pregnancy at 8 weeks of pregnancy

The main signs of fetal fading are the following: a sharp cessation of toxicosis and other manifestations of pregnancy, as well as the appearance of bloody or brown discharge from the genital tract. If the absence of toxicosis can be attributed to the individual characteristics of pregnancy, then the appearance of atypical discharge is a reason to call an ambulance as soon as possible, since blood from the genital tract is a sign not only of a non-developing fetus, but also of an incipient miscarriage, which, if contacted in a timely manner, the medical facility can be stopped while preserving the pregnancy itself.

8th week of pregnancy: discharge

Normally, at the 8th week of pregnancy, the discharge is clear or slightly whitish, and it may also increase slightly. If suddenly the discharge not only becomes noticeably more abundant, but there is also itching and discomfort in the genital area, then this is a direct indication of the presence of a sexually transmitted infection. Urgent measures are needed to eliminate it, since many infections are fatal to the fetus. Only a doctor can choose the correct treatment.

Another reason to contact a medical professional may be the appearance of painful sensations when urinating. In itself, frequent urination during pregnancy is the norm, since the enlarged uterus at 8 weeks puts significant pressure on the bladder, but the appearance of pain or burning during this process may indicate the development of cystitis or other kidney diseases. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, since the pregnant woman is now responsible not only for her health, but also for the life of her unborn baby.

In addition, it is important to understand that any infection currently in the mother’s body can lead, if not to the death of the fetus, then to the formation of pathologies or defects in its internal organs and systems.

Severe form of toxicosis at 8 weeks of pregnancy

Complications during pregnancy also include aggravated toxicosis, which manifests itself in frequent vomiting. We are talking about hospitalization if vomiting occurs more than 5 times a day, constant weakness is felt and severe weight loss is noted.