Planet tattoo on hand. Space tattoo: planets, stars, galaxy and other sketches for guys and girls. What to add, how to diversify planet tattoos

No matter how much we peer into space, it still remains a mystery to us. This is probably what attracts tattoo lovers who cover their bodies with star-studded designs. These people are often called romantics, irrational dreamers. However, this is not always true. Let's look at the fashionable type of body painting in more detail.

Meaning of space tattoo

A refutation of the fact that only irrational people fill the cosmos is the symbolism of the Universe itself. Despite little knowledge of boundless space, it is often associated with order, something holistic, complete. And the famous philosopher Plato once even equated it with a person. The complex structure of the galaxy seemed to him similar in structure to the consciousness of people. From this we can conclude that owners of space tattoos first of all seek harmony with the world within themselves. They want to feel and see their inner self in the mirror. And only then come dreams.

Others use the well-known symbols of the planets of the solar system to form their personal brand. To emphasize your “beginning”, to make its main features visible. In addition, each planet is associated with a zodiac sign. This interpretation has the right to life, since the Cosmos tattoo in its modern form is a fairly young trend. Previously, graphic outlines of constellations, astronauts, rockets, etc. were depicted. Nowadays, colored banners and large images of planets are in fashion. Let us consider their possible interpretation in more detail.

The meaning of planet tattoos

Each of the planets known to mankind has a certain set of symbolic representations. The most universal are the following theses:

  • The sun is a masculine image, symbolizing strength and indestructible energy. The widespread application of tattoos depicting the sun is also due to the former status of the luminary. Previously, it was revered as a deity. Therefore, owners of such a tattoo can well count on divine protection
  • The moon also refers to female images. She is often associated with a deep secret, a cosmic riddle. Moonlight brings peace and fulfillment of secret desires
  • Mars is often associated with insolence and aggressive masculinity. The character of a person with this planet on the body can have explosive power
  • Mercury is the patron of travelers, businessmen, in general, all those who do not sit in one place. The messenger of the gods promises good luck to the bearers of his image
  • Venus is too obvious a symbol to describe in detail. Let us only recall her love traits, which appear in every person from time to time.
  • Saturn is considered a symbol of wisdom and high spiritual level. Therefore, the owner of a tattoo with this planet is often a man over 30 or even 40 years old
  • The earth is too universal an image to be judged unambiguously. In any case, the tattoo has positive energy and attracts good luck. Usually popular with the female half of humanity. This is easily explained by the existence of a stable “Earth-Mother” connection. 
  • However, not only famous planets can be found on the bodies of space lovers. Distant stars and zodiac constellations are also intended to say something about the owner of the tattoo. This can be either tied to luck or a more “narrow” meaning. For example, a star on the wrist may indicate unusual sexual preferences. And, in fact, there are many such subtleties. Therefore, you should carefully study information about celestial bodies before recklessly stuffing them onto your body.

And it’s not surprising: Space has been little explored, attracting with its mystery and beauty, mystery and incomprehensibility. It has long been believed that the planets of our solar system influence people.

Planet tattoo - photo

Each person has his own planet according to his date of birth, and make planet tattoos- this means strengthening the positive influence of a given planet on a person, creating harmony and tranquility around him.

The meaning and significance of planet tattoos

As mentioned above, each planet carries its own meaning and concept of what it controls and what it is a symbol of:

— Mars – personifies all actions associated with struggle, war and victory. The planet is red in color, named after the god of war, Mars, and the person who gets a tattoo of the planet Mars usually has increased activity, is always on the move, and has a daring character.

Planet Mars tattoo - photo

— The sun is a symbol of fertility and life. The ancient Slavs, and not only them, worshiped our luminary, rightly believing that without it there would be no life on Earth. A person with is rightfully considered bright, kind and pure.

— Earth is a symbol of fertility, protection, home. Many peoples had this custom: when leaving on long journeys, a traveler, merchant or warrior took with them a handful of earth in a scarf so that it would protect them and help them not to forget their father’s home. In our time, it is a symbol of a person who loves his family and is strongly attached to it and to his native places.

Planet earth tattoo - photo

— Venus is the planet of love, prosperity and attention from the opposite sex. The owner of a tattoo of the planet Venus definitely knows a lot about love and joy in life.

Tattoo planet Venus - photo

Tattoo planet Venus - photo

— Mercury is a symbol of a businessman, a businessman, a merchant, in a word, a businessman. He is responsible for communication, luck and prosperity in business.

Mercury planet tattoo - photo

— The moon is peace, quiet joy and fulfillment of desires. Soft moonlight is harmony, tenderness, beauty and romance in everything that the person who made such a tattoo does not undertake.

— Saturn is responsible for agriculture and hard work. Most often, a masculine sign helps in sorrows and adversities. A person with a tattoo of the planet Saturn usually has a lot of life experience, with the help of which he can overcome all the hardships of life.

Tattoo planet Saturn - photo

— Jupiter is usually a masculine planet and represents law, order and prosperity. Most often, tattoos with Jupiter are made by managers and lawyers.

Colored tattoo with the planet Jupiter

— Pluto also has a masculine principle. A symbol of destruction, death, military action and aggression.

— Neptune is a planet of the water element. The power of water is known to everyone, but even better is its fluid properties, the ability to penetrate where others are denied access. Usually a female planet, a symbol of the beauty of the water element.

Planet Neptune tattoo on leg - photo

— Uranus is a neutral planet, responsible for creativity in a person, his imagination, knowledge and ingenuity. Suitable for everyone.

In what form are planet tattoos still made?

It often happens that a person wants to get a tattoo of a parade of planets or depict a tattoo of the solar system. It is believed that when the planets line up in one line, their energy and influence increase many times over. This is the desire to catch luck, the elusive beauty of the unknown.

Tattoo parade of planets - photo

Tattoo of a parade of planets on a girl’s back - photo

In addition, quite often there is simply an image of a star or constellations, which is a symbol of the desire for something difficult to achieve, for an ideal. Quite often they are also depicted against the background of a dark cosmic sky or galaxies, reddish-colored nebulae. The beauty and harmony of outer space is mesmerizing; we see this in the tattoos of the planets, sketches and photos of which are located below.

Who gets the planet tattoo and where?

The topic of planets and space is equally interesting for both men and women. These tattoos look very organic on the back, along the spine, and “cosmic” sleeves or a leg filled with this theme are simply a masterpiece of tattoo art, equally pleasing to both the artist and the client. Those around you will definitely not pass you by, and in almost 100% of cases, when they see such a universal picture, they will have positive emotions.

Tattoo with planets on the back - photo

Planet tattoo on back

According to their character and mind, tattoos with planets are usually ordered by any people, but more often philosophers, aesthetes, people who seem to belong to the whole world, peacemakers prevail.

You don’t have to be a believer, esotericist, astrologer or astronomer to allow yourself to get such a tattoo. Here you need to rely only on your own feelings. If the Cosmos, the Solar system and its bodies, mobile and immobile, please you and attract you with their uniqueness and beauty, then any planet or their parade depicted on the body will bring you and those around you joy and luck. Space is endless, as is the meaning of tattoos made with it. Of course, there are other types of similar drawings, for example, where not only planets are depicted, but also parts of the universe.

What to add, how to diversify planet tattoos

There are both black and white and color images of planet tattoos. In color, of course, it looks much more impressive. Such tattoos are complemented with inscriptions, and even rockets and satellites, which is also a matter of your desire, imagination and fantasy.

The planet tattoo, sketches of which are below, suggests that you should order a sketch in advance and have an exact idea of ​​what you want to do in order to ultimately get what you want. The inscription, as we understand it, can be made in any language and in any font. By the way, the image of aliens and UFOs is also a very interesting addition that can be found in this theme and goes well with the planet.

Pay attention to cosmic bodies such as meteors and comets. You can also read about interesting phenomena and places in outer space. Their beauty is impressive, captivating the eye, and, quite possibly, you will want to see a comet, black hole or white dwarf for yourself.

Sketch for a tattoo with planets

You need to know this when getting a tattoo

From a medical point of view, it is quite dangerous to get tattoos along the spine, especially for girls. This is due to the fact that during childbirth a caesarean section may be necessary, and modern obstetrics and gynecology use epidural anesthesia in this case. During such an injection, paint particles can enter the spinal cord canal and cause serious harm to health. The risk here is minimal, but it is there. In addition, examination of the spine using MRI has now become quite common. Tattoo ink contains iron oxide, which can cause very painful burns when exposed to magnetic resonance.

Today, people often get tattoos thoughtlessly, solely for decorative, rebellious, ethic and other reasons, while throughout the history of mankind, tattoos and piercings had the most important sacred meaning, applied to the body during rituals and ceremonies in order to “fix” certain conditions on the body . Today, this entire original plan has been lost, and people put symbols on their bodies, the meaning of which they do not know, they do this in prison and after a stormy feast, in places of causality and not so much. In fact, tattoos applied wisely can enhance or weaken the desired qualities inherent in the horoscope. They can help "offset" the destructive energies of some transits and fixed stars.

For example, drawing a fixed star, which is strongly expressed in the horoscope, can weaken its negative effect on a person.

Mars (including as the symbolic ruler of the 1st house) in different signs of the Zodiac can indicate the corresponding parts of the body that we most often hit. By applying a symbolic image of Mars to this place, we reduce the risk of injury. Here it is worth remembering which part of the body corresponds to which zodiac sign:

Aries: head and face (ears belong more to Gemini!)

Taurus: neck, collarbones

Gemini: hands

Cancer: breast

Leo: back, solar plexus

Virgo: belly

Libra: lower back (yes, the famous “kiss of Venus” - the area truly ruled by Venus!)

Scorpio: groin and lower abdomen

Sagittarius: hips

Capricorn: knees, spine

Aquarius: calves

Pisces: feet

Applying a symbol of a certain planet to the body (especially during its transit through the 1st house) is an opportunity to “strengthen” one or another quality of one’s personality. It’s like in the topic about stones. If there are planets in your first house that you would like to strengthen, go ahead! Choose a part of the body that corresponds to the zodiac sign in which the planet is located, and stuff it for your health.

  • Do you want to become more active, more proactive, more assertive, brighter, bolder, faster, more athletic, sexier? Track when Mars will go through 1 house (or its ruler) and apply its symbolism to yourself. This happens once every 2 years. Symbols of Mars, in addition to a circle with an arrow, can be all types of bladed weapons, piercing and cutting objects, spears, shields, chili peppers, leopards and wolves, scorpions, falcons, wasps, thistles and nettles. If you want to be more poetic, use the “Emperor” tarot lasso and the Teiwaz rune. Piercing also applies to Mars.
  • Do you want to shine and attract attention, become more noticeable and self-confident, more artistic, raise your overall level of vitality, joy and creative energy? Solar symbolism to help you: that’s it Sun, and Lions, and sunflowers, and scarabs - whichever is closer to you. Daisies, roosters, deer, palm trees - the list is long. The symbol of the Sun itself is a circle with a dot inside. Solar energy can be found in the Sowelu rune, in the 19th arcana of the Sun tarot.

  • Do you want to improve your intuition, strengthen your maternal instinct and generally become more feminine and kinder? Draw Moon and the symbols associated with it as the Moon passes through the required points. This happens once a month, don't miss it. The Moon itself, and the symbol of Cancer, and lotus lilies, and hares in cabbage, and all sorts of crab crabs, and kittens (arguably, they can also be attributed to Venus), and snail frogs, and even owls are suitable. Rune Berkana, II arcanum of the High Priestess tarot.

  • Do you want to learn how to communicate with people, have more friends and contacts? track Mercury and draw yourself its symbolism. In addition to the classic image of Hermes, these can be monkeys, foxes, ferrets, parrots, squirrels, books, and all kinds of bindweed. I arcan of the tarot "Magician" and the Ansuz rune.

  • Want to improve your empathy and attract romantic relationships? To become more feminine, more sensual, more erotic, more beautiful? Follow Venus, once a year it passes through your Ascendant. Symbols can be a rose, violet, daffodil, myrtle, doves, swallows, rabbits and butterflies, all sorts of donuts, lollipops, candies and other sweets, fluffy cute kittens. Arcana "Empress", runes Fehu and Gebo.

  • If you want to become more authoritative, more status, wiser, to emphasize your intelligence and importance - catch Jupiter once every 12 years and apply its symbolism. Well, if you really want to, then you can wait for the harmonious aspect to the ruler of the first house or the Ascendant. Be careful with Jupiter, he can make you fat! Symbols: centaurs, oak and acorns, cherry-figs, elephants, peacocks, eagles and tigers, lightning, crown, throne. V Tarot Arcana "High Priest", runes Jera and Ing.
  • Do you want to radically lose weight, become more serious, more restrained, more pragmatic, more consistent, and create the impression of a punctual and businesslike person? Draw Saturn. But here you should still be careful - this planet is not a virtue and can bring a lot of problems and restrictions into your life. Symbols include a clock, a bear, a bat, snakes-reptiles, crows, spiders, mountains, and the grim reaper.

  • Experiment with higher planets at your own risk! If you want to make your behavior unusual, rebellious, original, be different from others, increase the possibility of brilliant insights - hit yourself Uranus. He accompanies astrologers, programmers, and pilots. Once in 84 years, it is supposed to pass through your Ascendant. The symbols are controversial (as with all the Higher planets), but still they can be: airships, robots, computer themes, a light bulb, tumbleweeds, exotic birds and fruits, a sky with stars. Arcanum 0 “Jester” (I hope it won’t occur to anyone to beat themselves with the XVI Arcanum “Tower”...).

  • If you want to increase your musicality and develop sensitivity to sounds, smells, the subtle plane, increase the ability to perceive the collective unconscious, promote clairvoyance-clairaudience, or continue to hang around, draw symbols Neptune: hemp, poppies, fly agarics, seagulls and dolphins, albastroses, cameras, sea waves, sheet music, musical instruments, ships and submarines, chemical elements.

  • If you need to increase the hypnotic influence on other people, personal inner strength and pressure, dominance, strong-willed qualities (to push like a tank), magical abilities - hit Pluto. In some cases, it can also contribute to fullness! Symbols: pearls, predator plants, mushrooms, ants, rock band symbols, tanks, hypnotic spiral, Phoenix bird, Hades from the Underworld, oil rig.

If you are familiar with astrology, you understand the meaning, fill in what you want. If you are not well versed in astrology, then before applying drawings to your body, consult an astrologer. You may inadvertently activate unnecessary and problematic areas of your horoscope. For example, if Venus is problematic in your horoscope and is related to “bad” houses, then its strengthening can lead to unpleasant consequences. What can we say about Saturn and the Higher planets!

One of the basic rules is the correct time to apply a tattoo. Remember: we don’t give ourselves tattoos in a state of blues and depression, in a state of intoxication, in places where we would not like to return (it is especially undesirable to do this in places that are not so remote). Tattooing and piercing is a modification of one’s own body, 1st house (and the entire horoscope as a whole), transition to a new status. Therefore, think carefully about what you are fixing for yourself and what new status you are giving yourself.

"Traditionally, drawing a picture meant a transition to a new status and, as a rule, went hand in hand with the procedures of Initiation or Award. This was the case in the culture of the American Indians, and among European shamans, and in kempo schools, and even among the Japanese yakuza. Successful completion trials, problem solving, victory - all this is astrologically determined." K. Daragan "Astrology of personality transformation."

Applying tattoos to a visible part of the body is a hint at the presence of the planet in the upper hemisphere of houses, and therefore at changing the world around us. Applying a tattoo to the back and invisible area, hidden from view, is a hint of the lower hemisphere of houses, of deep personal changes, transformation of oneself, acquisition of a new status. Daragan in his book mentions SS tattoos under the armpits - in the Ophiuchus zone.

In short, if you don’t want to bother, but really want to stuff yourself with something, do it after a certain victory and good luck, obtaining a certain social role (for example, becoming a CEO, president or just a parent), and be sure to be in a good mood.

The space tattoo looks impressive on both the body of men and women. In most cases, planetary tattoos are applied in the form of a sleeve, since they have a special colorfulness and mysterious appeal. In this article we will look at the coolest space tattoos for girls and guys. Black and white, color, small asteroids and comets - everyone will find a sketch to suit their taste.

Space tattoo: meaning

The feeling you get when looking at the night sky is similar to the feelings that ancient people experienced. However, ancient civilizations understood space much less than modern humanity. And therefore, most cultures associated everything they saw in the sky with mystical forces and believed that the cosmos gave rise to life on Earth.

To show the importance of celestial bodies, ancient people resorted to rock paintings. Later, these drawings were found in the art of various ancient civilizations: from the Greeks to the Egyptians and Babylonians.

The meaning of a space tattoo: mysticism, secrecy, power, strength, limitlessness, eternity.

As people became more aware, these pictures evolved into body art, where they became part of traditional body markings. Initially, tattoos in the space style were very simple and represented a small image of the sun or moon, but later they acquired a completely different look.

Today, space tattoo designs look like a real work of art. The drawings are made in a realistic style using various techniques, including 3D.

Meaning of planet tattoo

Everyone knows that there are 8 planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. They got their name from the ancient Greek and Roman Gods. Venus, for example, was named after the Goddess of love and beauty, and is therefore often associated with women. Mars, on the contrary, is a masculine planet, since it is named after the Roman God of War.

If you are an expert in ancient Roman mythology or astrology, then space tattoos are a great idea for decorating your body.

The planet tattoo has a meaning associated with mystery, the unknown, mystery and love for certain sciences.

It is also worth knowing that each planet is tied to one of the horoscope constellations, so it can be compared with the corresponding zodiac sign and indicate the meaning associated with it.

Sketches of planet tattoos can be chosen by those people who want to show others their love of astronomy.

Tattoo placement options

Since space tattoos are often applied in the form of a sleeve, the most popular areas on the body for their placement are the legs and arms. Oblong tattoos on the theme of space look great on these areas: stars extending from the shoulder to the wrist, planets tattooed on the outer and inner parts of the forearm, or a galaxy placed on the shin. Below we will look at the most impressive female and male sketches.

Space tattoo on arm

The space sleeve can be worn both on the shoulder and on the forearm. This option is most suitable for those people who want to hide the image from prying eyes, for example, at work.

The most courageous connoisseurs of body art are offered a full sleeve, covering the entire arm from shoulder to wrist. The photo below shows various variations of the finished work.

Space tattoo on leg

It is worth knowing that the lower leg is a rather sensitive area, since the bone is located close to the skin. This point should be taken into account by people with a low pain threshold. If you belong to this category, then you can get a tattoo of the universe on your thigh. At this point the drawing looks no less attractive.

Space tattoo sketch

As a rule, space-themed tattoos are depicted in rich colors. Black and white images are much less common. Below are photos of solar system tattoos made by artists from all over the world.

Space in a triangle

Surely you have seen works in which part of the universe is depicted in a triangle. These tattoos are an original way of self-expression, therefore they are most common among young people.

Space in a circle

Tattoos in a circle are chosen by those people for whom the galaxy represents infinity and cyclicity. Small designs are great for adding to the wrist or neck.

Quasar star tattoo

Quasars are the brightest objects in the universe. Therefore, a tattoo is perfect for people who want to always be the center of attention.

Parade of planets

This motif symbolizes harmony, developed imagination and energy. As a rule, the parade of planets is tattooed either on the back or on the forearm.


Jupiter is a symbol of fortune, prosperity and abundance. Thanks to this, tattoos have become in demand among the male and female population who want to find something that is really missing.


Mercury symbolizes truth, self-development, achieving goals, mobility, patronage of trade. This motif will find a place on the body of a sociable, hardworking and purposeful person.

Planet Venus

The planet sketch is popular among girls, as Venus represents femininity, romance and wisdom. Venus looks most beautiful when applied to the shoulder blade or ribs.

The planet Mars

The Mars tattoo is chosen by individuals who are particularly daring, tenacious, aggressive, hot-tempered, and strong-willed. This planet will be an excellent talisman for men or women belonging to the “fire element”. The body pattern will pacify their ardor and direct excess energy in the right direction.

Black hole tattoo

Basically, this motif is popular among men. A three-dimensional design looks best on the hand.


Satellites, comets, asteroids and stars are the choice of dreamers and astronomy lovers. In the photo you can see the best works.

Cosmos tattoos amaze with their diversity. Realistic images of galaxies, miniature drawings of planets, portraits of astronauts and images of UFOs have more than once become subjects for tattoos. The vast expanses of the universe attract people with their secrets and discoveries. The childhood dream of becoming an astronaut is also embodied in bright tattoos.

Any tattoo style can successfully bring a space theme to life.

Meaning of Space Tattoo

There are several main meanings of Space Tattoos

1. Mystery, unknown

Until now, scientists have not been able to fully study even the solar system, not to mention more distant spaces. People have always been drawn to the unknown, which is why space themes attract the attention of tattoo lovers.

2. Dreaminess, determination, thirst for discovery

Many people dreamed of becoming an astronaut as children. This bright childhood dream transforms over the years into a thirst for knowledge, science, and acquiring new knowledge. A person comes into independent adult life as if into outer space, where there are many mysteries and secrets. But with the help of knowledge, courage and determination, a person learns about the world.

3. Man is part of the Cosmos

Everything in the Universe is interconnected. Many people believe that space is the opposite of chaos. That the structure of the world is designed for everything to interact with each other. In this case, a space tattoo will become a symbol of the unity of man and the world, space, and celestial bodies.

Popular Places and Subjects Tattoo Space

Tattoo Space Sleeve

The subject for voluminous sleeve tattoos is most often realistic images of cosmic bodies. Planets, stars, meteor showers and comets look mesmerizing in bright colors. The more detailed the artist draws the sketch, the more magical and unrealistic the final tattoo looks.

Space Tattoo on Wrist

It is customary to depict minimalist, laconic drawings. These could be small sketches of planets or stars.

Astronaut Tattoo

An astronaut can symbolize a brave, courageous pioneer. The first cosmonauts, such as Yuri Gagarin, were not just professionals, but national heroes. Many years later, the conquest of space remains a landmark event for humanity, and astronauts symbolize progress, masculinity and a thirst for discovery.

UFO tattoo

Tattoos with images of Flying Saucers are chosen by people with a good sense of humor. Unidentified flying objects symbolize fantasy, the ability to be surprised. Sometimes a UFO can become a talisman for creative people or science fiction lovers.

Planet Tattoo

Planets are often depicted on a tattoo in a row, in order of the Solar System. It can be a black and white tattoo or a realism tattoo.

Rocket Tattoo

The rocket is a symbol of space exploration. This is an object that flies towards its target at great speed to make new discoveries. This tattoo will appeal to active people who love adventure and travel. Discovering the world around you is no less interesting than conquering space.

Black and White Tattoo Space

Despite the color variety of celestial bodies, black and white tattoos do not lose their popularity in the space theme. Planets or the moon look beautiful in black and white.

Small Space Tattoos

Small space-themed tattoos are schematic images of celestial bodies, or geometric shapes filled with a starry sky. Most often, small tattoos are placed on the wrist or forearm.

Men's Space Tattoos - Space Tattoo Sketches for Men