How to remove unpleasant odor from shoes. The best remedies for odor in shoes - how to remove the smell of sweat from shoes? How to eliminate terrible odors with alcohol, boric acid and other antiseptics

Many people, when wearing a pair of shoes for a long time, find that they begin to smell unpleasant. Because of this, discomfort appears, since socks absorb the smell, it becomes embarrassing to take off your shoes in crowded places and guests, or leave your shoes somewhere.

This problem is typical not only for a worn pair, but also for absolutely new shoes. First of all, everyone is interested in how to get rid of this smell. To do this most effectively and not return to the problem again, you need to find out the cause.

Shoes start to smell bad for several reasons:

  • new shoes are treated with low-quality dye or impregnation;
  • when worn or after getting heavily wet, the shoes were not dried, as a result of which mold formed;
  • shoes are too closed, without ventilation holes, which creates a greenhouse effect inside;
  • low quality shoes, insoles, synthetic socks;
  • a person has excessive sweating of the feet or foot fungus, which creates an environment favorable for the development of bacteria;
  • some unpleasant-smelling liquid was spilled inside, for example, a cat or other animal relieved itself;
  • poor foot hygiene, dirty socks;
  • improper storage of shoes during the off-season;
  • shoes are not removed throughout the day.

Ways to eliminate unpleasant odor from new shoes

Almost every new pair of shoes has a specific scent. This is due to the materials used in its creation, dyes, glue, impregnations and substances used in leatherwork.

Not only leather and suede shoes smell, but also fabric sneakers, sneakers and leatherette. The latter especially often has a pungent chemical odor.

Most pairs of shoes stop smelling pretty quickly after wearing them, however, some substances are quite corrosive. To get rid of odor, you can use several methods, depending on the complexity of the situation.

So, how to remove odor from new shoes:

  • Simply airing your shoes often helps; To do this, the couple must be exposed to fresh air, for example, on a balcony or loggia with a slightly open window at night or for a day; In winter, cold air acts especially well and quickly;
  • if this does not help, you need to understand that it smells bad; if these are insoles, then you can wipe them with cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide and leave them to dry; if after drying, the insoles still have a pungent odor, you can gently wipe them with alcohol and a small amount of manganese, but this method cannot be used on white shoes;
  • Vinegar perfectly repels strong chemical odors; before wiping, you should first walk over the insoles with a soapy solution, and then wipe with cotton wool soaked in vinegar; shoes are left to dry and ventilate in the air;
  • Substances with high adsorbing properties will also help in the fight against pungent odors; they absorb odors and moisture well; this is normal baking soda and activated carbon; Simply sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda onto the insole and leave it for several hours, then vacuum the pair; you need to be careful with charcoal, because it stains quite strongly; it can be used directly in tablets, after which you should wipe the insoles with a dry cloth;
  • You can also simply dry your shoes with a UV dryer to remove odor and kill bacteria.

Eliminating sweat odor

Everyone's feet sweat to varying degrees. For some people, nothing helps them cope with this problem at all, so the smell inevitably transfers to their shoes.

If your shoes already smell, and the fight against sweating has just begun, eliminating the unpleasant aroma of your favorite shoes, boots or something else is simply necessary, regardless of the success of eliminating the root cause of its occurrence. This is not easy to do, but it is possible.

How to remove bad smell sweat from shoes:

  • sneakers, sneakers, slippers and other soft shoes can simply be washed in washing machine; when the pair dries, it is treated with a special deodorant for shoes at night and dried;
  • if these are winter or autumn shoes and the insoles can be removed, they can also be washed or replaced with new ones, and the shoes or boots themselves can be sprinkled with soda or talc, left for several hours, then vacuum the fur;
  • shoes, flip-flops and other shoes in which the insole is fixed can be washed with soapy water and a sponge, and then dried thoroughly; if the smell does not go away, you can wipe the pair with hydrogen peroxide or vinegar, and then ventilate; peroxide disinfects, and vinegar removes odors, although it itself has a rather strong smell.

How to eliminate the strong smell of cat urine

Cat urine has a very pungent and persistent odor that is extremely difficult to get rid of. Especially if the cat has relieved itself inside a pair of shoes. In eliminating the consequences of this incident, the speed of response is important.

Under no circumstances should urine be allowed to dry, because this way the chances of getting rid of its smell are practically reduced to zero.

If shoes are found wet and emitting a stench due to the fault of the pet, immediate action must be taken. How to quickly remove the smell of cat urine from shoes:

Removing mold from shoes and combating its odor

Sometimes, getting your shoes wet can cause mold to grow in them. Their odor is not as unpleasant as the examples listed above, but there is a different danger when they occur.

As a rule, mold affects leather shoes. This threatens the rapid destruction of the material and the growth of fungi.

When mold first appears, you need to get rid of it immediately and thoroughly.

How to remove bad mold smell from shoes:

Rules of foot hygiene and methods of getting rid of sweating

Despite careful daily care of your shoes, they may still have an unpleasant odor due to sweaty feet or other hygiene-related reasons. If the cause of the bad smell lies in insufficient care, dirty feet or socks, then this is easy to fix.

You just need to start wearing clean pairs of socks and take better care of yourself. Sweaty feet is a rather complex problem. Here are a few ways to get rid of it, or at least make life with it a little easier:

  • when choosing socks, preference should be given to natural materials such as cotton, linen, bamboo;
  • It is better to wear breathable shoes; synthetics and leatherette are not welcome;
  • It is best to wash your feet at least twice a day, change your socks with the same frequency;
  • when washing, use bactericidal or special soap, spray your feet with a special deodorant;
  • To dry your feet at night, you can sprinkle your feet with talcum powder and put on a sock.

There are also several options for rinses and baths that help cope with excessive sweating of the feet:

  • using tannins contained in oak bark and tea; a concentrated decoction of oak bark is added to the water where clean feet are immersed; strong tea is also effective and is used in a similar way;
  • adding vinegar to water to rinse your feet also has a positive effect; it kills bacteria and eliminates odor;
  • a solution of regular baking soda also removes odor and helps get rid of sweaty feet.

If nothing helps, you need to consult a doctor who will select medication treatment.

Also the reason unpleasant odor foot fungus or foot fungus nail plate. It is also treated with special means.

How to properly care for your shoes

To avoid problems with eliminating unpleasant odors, it is best to take action in advance preventive measures. Timely care will not only keep your shoes clean, but will also help keep their appearance in pristine condition for a long time. Here are a few simple rules, following which you can avoid problems with odors and deterioration in the condition of any couple:

We hope that the article was useful and you will get rid of the problem of bad-smelling shoes once and for all. Good luck!

And a few more useful tips is in the next video.

Does the unpleasant smell of shoes bother you so much that you are ashamed to take off your shoes in front of strangers? Find out how you can fix it.

It is not at all necessary that odor in shoes occurs only in people who neglect the rules of personal hygiene. It is enough to buy low-quality shoes and wash your feet once for an unpleasant odor to appear.

It makes a person feel discomfort, lowers his self-esteem, and prevents him from communicating with people (of course, because the smell is felt not only by the person who wears the shoes, but also by his relatives, friends, and colleagues). The problem of unpleasant odor from shoes cannot be left to chance. She needs an urgent solution.

How to get rid of odor in suede and leather shoes?

Shoes can smell for various reasons:

  • it is made of synthetic materials
  • it is made from natural, but poorly processed materials, or in violation of technology
  • feet don't breathe in shoes
  • feet sweat excessively
  • feet are infected with fungus
  • there is a fungus in the shoes
  • cat marks shoes
  • the owner of the shoes neglects the rules of personal hygiene and/or does not care for them properly
The main reason for unpleasant odor in shoes is neglect of personal hygiene rules.

Usually, cheap Chinese shoes made of cheap leatherette and oilcloth, which are sold in markets and in subway passages, literally stink.

If it is new, the smell is emitted by the synthetic lining, cheap glue, paint, etc. After such shoes or boots have been worn only a few times, the “bouquet of aroma” is complemented by the smell of sweat and dampness. Here, in general, everything is clear, and the person initially knows what he is getting into.

But it happens that a couple of genuine leather or suede bought in a decent store also smells specific. Most likely, it was made recently, and the smell of the materials has not yet dissipated. To neutralize it, you need:

  1. Air out your shoes, for example, take them out to the balcony for a day
  2. Apply shoe deodorant. This product can be purchased at a shoe store or household chemical store.
  3. Wipe the inside of the shoes with hydrogen peroxide, vodka, vinegar or potassium permanganate solution
  4. Use an absorbent. I absorb odors quite well with baking soda, crushed activated carbon (only put it in shoes with dark insoles, as it gets dirty) or plain flour

IMPORTANT: In order not to wonder in the future how to get rid of the smell in suede and leather shoes, you need to properly care for them from the first day.

This care includes the following:

  1. Even if the shoes are made from natural materials, but they are closed, you must wear socks
  2. Replace insoles periodically
  3. Don't forget to wash your feet
  4. If your feet are affected by a fungus, be sure to cure it.
  5. After each use, the pair must be washed, cleaned and dried (preferably with a dryer with an ozonizer)
  6. It’s good to air your shoes periodically
  7. Use shoe deodorants as needed

How to get rid of odor in leather shoes?

Leather is a natural and hygienic material widely used in various industries. Shoes made from it are considered to be of the highest quality and practical.

But what is very important is how these shoes were made and how they were stored. It acquires a peculiar smell during the tanning process. Plus, leather has the ability to absorb foreign odors, for example, during storage in a warehouse. This is smoke, perfume, dampness.

If you find that a leather pair you bought in a store has an odor, you can do the following:

  1. Take the product to dry cleaning. This solution is considered the most correct, since the use folk remedies to remove odor can damage the leather and make the shoes unfit to wear. But it happens that professional cleaning costs almost as much as the shoes themselves, or even more. Then the risk of using vinegar, potassium permanganate or alcohol can be considered justified
  2. Take your shoes out into the sun and fresh air. Sometimes this is enough for the skin to stop smelling. At the same time, shoes or boots made from it should not be exposed to direct sunlight: the leather may become thinner or even crack if it is thin
  3. Dry with a hairdryer. If your leather shoes smell damp, this may help. The temperature of the supplied air should be minimal; keep the hairdryer at a distance of 50 cm from shoes, boots or shoes
  4. Wrap shoes in crumpled newspaper sheets. This is proven effective method, newspaper absorbs water and odors very well. Products should be wrapped in newspaper sheets in several layers and placed in a box, left there for 2-3 days

How to get rid of odor in shoes using folk remedies?

Usually, to prevent shoes from stinking, they use the following folk remedies:

  • perhydrol
  • ammonia
  • vinegar
  • potassium permanganate
  • Activated carbon
  • laundry soap
  • other

VIDEO: How to get rid of unpleasant shoe smell. Lifehack

How to get rid of cat smell in shoes?

It is believed that cute and fluffy cats help a person cope with stress. But the little cats themselves can provoke this stress if they are not clean and go to the toilet anywhere.

Very often, instead of a tray, they use shoes, and then they are instantly saturated with the disgusting smell of their urine. Cat marks smell even more unbearably.

The fact is that cat urine has a special composition, which includes:

  • urea
  • uric (uric) acid
  • urochrome

Uric acid quickly crystallizes and literally eats into the porous materials from which shoes are made. This explains the difficulty of removing cat odor.

IMPORTANT: Today it is possible to buy special products for the smell of cat urine: Odorgon Animal Gold, Dezosan, Urina Off, ZuSan, others

Shoe odor remover: Urine Off.

There are also proven folk methods.

METHOD: Treatment with potassium permanganate

A solution of potassium permanganate perfectly removes the odor from cat urine, but it can stain the surface being treated. It is used occasionally to treat the inside of shoes. You just need to wipe the inner surfaces of shoes or boots with a cotton pad soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

METHOD: Treatment with vinegar

But they can completely wipe a leather, suede or textile pair. 9% table vinegar is diluted in half with water. In addition, cats do not like the smell of vinegar and are unlikely to re-damage shoes treated with it.

METHOD: Treatment with perhydrol

Perhydrol neutralizes any odors well, including cat odors. But a potent substance can ruin your shoes. Before treating it completely with peroxide, it is recommended to test it on an invisible small area.

How to get rid of the smell of glue in shoes?

IMPORTANT: In addition to having a strong odor, shoe glue can also be toxic. You should not buy shoes that initially smell strongly of it, especially if they are for children.

But it happens that at the time of purchase the smell was not noticed, but it appeared already at home. Then you can try to eliminate it with soda or laundry soap.

METHOD: Treatment with soda

The soda is slightly diluted with water until it has the consistency of porridge. The paste is applied to shoes inside and outside (just don’t do this with varnish products!).

METHOD: Treatment with soap solution

To prevent shoes from smelling like glue, you can treat them with a solution of laundry soap. Grate the soap, 2 hours. Dissolve spoons in 200 ml of warm water. Wipe the boots inside and out twice with the solution, then twice with clean water.

How to get rid of mold smell in shoes?

If your shoes smell like mold, the best solution will throw it away. After all, fungus is not just an unaesthetic appearance and a musty, damp aroma. It can seriously harm your health.

But what if these are expensive or favorite shoes? It is necessary to fight both the smell itself and the cause of its appearance.

The strategy could be like this:

  • shoes must be washed and dried
  • insoles need to be replaced
  • soak a cotton swab in ammonia and thoroughly wipe the shoes with it, Special attention giving hard to reach places and seams
  • pour salt inside the shoes and leave for 24 hours
  • remove salt, re-treat with ammonia
  • apply shoe deodorant

After such events, the mold in the shoes should die, and the unpleasant odor should disappear.

How to quickly get rid of the smell of sweat in shoes?

Sweaty feet and smelly shoes are a vicious circle. On the one hand, shoes will emit an aroma if your feet sweat excessively. On the other hand, it is poor-quality shoes that do not breathe that are the cause of this excessive sweating.

IMPORTANT: Human sweat itself does not have an unpleasant odor. It is created by microbes that multiply in this sweat.

If it happens that a stench comes from sneakers or leatherette boots, you need to replace the insoles, use shoe deodorant, or crush 10 tablets of activated carbon and pour half the powder into each of the shoes, leave the carbon in them overnight.

How to get rid of smell in shoes with soda?

Baking soda not only absorbs unpleasant odors, but also disinfects. It is recommended to use it for light-colored shoes. You can pour baking soda directly onto the insole, or into a linen bag or sock.

How to get rid of smell in shoes with vinegar?

Vinegar has a pungent odor, so many people think that it simply covers up the unpleasant odor. In fact, vinegar has antiseptic, antimicrobial and degreasing properties. And his own smell quickly disappears.

As described above, you can simply wipe your shoes inside and out with vinegar. You can also soak cotton swabs in it and leave them inside your shoes or boots overnight.

IMPORTANT: Vinegar is also sprayed onto the shoes from a spray bottle, and then blotted with a napkin.

VIDEO: Getting rid of unpleasant shoe odor

Regardless of the time of year, some people face the problem of sweat smelling from their shoes. There is no point in getting upset ahead of time. There are many different ways How to remove unpleasant odor from shoes. In such a delicate matter, every effort must be made to eliminate the problem. At the same time, you need to react quickly before a more serious situation arises.

Why do shoes smell bad?

First, you need to figure out why shoes smell and where the bad odor comes from:

  • model made of a synthetic product;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • lack of special care for shoes;
  • excessive sweating of the feet;
  • excess of toxins in the body;
  • wearing the model for a long time in the heat.

It is possible to completely avoid a specific smell only by eliminating its cause. Only then can you comfortably and without embarrassment wear your favorite model.

Folk remedies against unpleasant odor from shoes

Options that effectively help remove the smell of sweat using folk remedies:

  1. Peroxide from the smell in shoes - they need to wet a little cotton wool and wipe all the inner corners of the shoes, so the smell of sweat will disappear for a long time. This option is not suitable for every case. This applies to black shoes as they may become discolored.
  2. Vinegar essence - moistened with it small piece cotton wool and wipe the shoes from the inside, after which the shoes must be aired outside. Vinegar can only be used at 6 or 9%.
  3. Alcohol solution - it can be used to disinfect and eliminate traces of unpleasant odors. Ammonia, vodka, and potassium permanganate are the best options.
  4. Washing - thanks to this option you can get rid of the smell of shoes. Be sure to dry your shoes thoroughly after washing, otherwise microbes will begin to multiply in a humid environment.
  5. Freezing - thanks to this method, under the influence of sub-zero temperatures, all bad bacteria are eliminated. However, it is not recommended to put shoes in the freezer to remove the smell for patent leather models.
  6. Designed sprays - thanks to them, they get rid of the bad smell of sweat, but only after eliminating their cause. The entire inside of the boots is treated with the spray.
  7. Absorbents - baking soda in shoes, as well as activated carbon, flour, all these substances help absorb moisture and then remove the bad aroma of shoes. One of the selected products should be poured into a clean sock and placed inside the shoe, and left overnight.
  8. Drying + ionizer - thanks to this product, which is available in the pharmacy, you can get rid of any bacteria, including fungus. This method will help you forget about the unpleasant smell for a long time.
  9. Tea tree oil also helps effectively against shoe odor. To prevent your shoes from smelling, you need to drip a couple of drops onto the insoles twice a week. The method will help not only remove the stench, but also eliminate the cause of its occurrence.
  10. Boric acid to remove odor in shoes, as well as talc will help eliminate the problem. To do this, boric acid crystals or talcum powder are sprinkled inside the shoes. After a day, you will need to vacuum up the remains. Excellent product for a warm model. Naturally, the insoles will need to be washed with an antibacterial agent or laundry soap.

How to remove chemical smell from new shoes

Chemical odor from shoes can be eliminated using any home method. For example, you can use soda, or vinegar with ammonia, or activated charcoal.

A tea bag in shoes for odor will also help eliminate the problem situation. To do this, you need to dry the used tea bags and place them in your shoes for a couple of days.

The same method is applicable if you need to remove the smell of Chinese shoes. For a new couple, it’s enough to just wait a while, but if you don’t want to wait, you can also use the freezing method. Shoes are left in the cold for a day if it is winter outside.

In summer weather, a freezer is perfect. Before putting away the shoes, they are wrapped in a bag and tied tightly. After freezing, you need to let the shoes warm up and then put them on. You can also use a machine wash or hydrogen peroxide to remove odor from Chinese shoes.

It is also useful to know how to remove glue smell from new shoes. Need immediately after purchase new model air out on the street. This procedure is especially effective in winter. However, if the smell of the boots still remains, then you should use peroxide, with which you need to wipe the inside of the model. In difficult cases, potassium permanganate and alcohol are used together. If necessary, the session is repeated a couple of times.

How to remove foot odor from shoes you wear often

How to get rid of unpleasant odor in your favorite shoes

In this case, we can be helped by special anti-odor insoles with activated carbon, which have become an excellent way out of a problematic situation. It is advisable to use leather insoles, they last the longest. It is also necessary to replace the insoles in a timely manner so that such odors do not arise in your shoes.

How to remove shoe odor from indoor slippers

An effective remedy for shoe odor is Eucalyptus oil. Any smell gets through. Also used for preventive purposes.

How to get rid of odor in ballet shoes

Fabric ballet flats can be machine washed on a delicate cycle. They need to be placed in a special bag to avoid deformation. Under no circumstances should you turn on the push-up mode; the ballet shoes dry naturally.

Suede ballet shoes can be cleaned with ammonia or use the same method as for leather ballet shoes.

Synthetic ballet shoes are wiped with a damp cloth soaked in a soapy household solution, I also use washing powder, but without passion.

How to get rid of the smell of winter shoes

Firstly for winter shoes needs special care. For example, before going outside, clean it with wax-based cream. So that she doesn't get wet. Less getting into puddles and dirt. When you get home, open your boots completely and take out the insoles.

It is hygienic to remove and dry battery-powered insoles monthly. If possible, purchase scented or antimicrobial insoles.

If shoes with fur stink, then in order to remove the smell, you can clean the inside with potassium permanganate, vinegar or alcohol. Then air dry thoroughly.

A great option is to have 2 pairs of shoes; while one pair is drying, the other can be worn. This way the shoes will last longer and smell less.

To get rid of the stench of winter or demi-season shoes, you need to use water-repellent agents to prevent getting wet. If your feet often sweat or you get caught in the rain, you can use a dryer with an ionizer. If you don’t have such a device, then a regular newspaper will do. It needs to be crumpled up and stuffed inside the boots, while changing it hourly until the boots are completely dry.

How to get rid of mold smell in shoes

When shoes are stored in a damp room for a long time, a moldy smell will naturally appear. To get rid of it, you need to thoroughly wash your shoes in soapy water and clean the inside with a chlorine solution for disinfection.

Mix ammonia and vodka and wipe the inside of the product with it, and also treat the outside. Do not leave the smell of mold anywhere. Then leave to dry for several days. You can replace it with vinegar essence. Never wear untreated shoes, otherwise the fungus will spread to the skin of your feet.

How to remove odor from sneakers

To prevent sneakers from stinking, when you come home after purchasing, you need to treat them with peroxide or potassium permanganate. Thanks to these products, not only the unpleasant odor will disappear, but also disinfection will occur. Baking soda in sneakers also helps in this matter.

A deodorant designed to remove odor from shoes will help eliminate the problem. You just need to carry out the procedure at night so that the insoles are dry by morning.

How to remove odor from rubber boots

To get rid of the stench of a rubber model, special adsorbents are used, that is, something that will really help in an active way absorb excess moisture and stench. Baking soda for shoes is a great helper in this matter.

If you notice that Rubber Shoes The sweat stinks a lot, you need to wash the inside of your boots. If the inside of your shoes stinks, the military method works well for this case. Place washing powder inside and clean thoroughly using a toothbrush previously soaked in water. Rinse generously and dry. The material from which the boots are made is also taken into account. If the material is of high quality and strong, then the option is quite acceptable.

What to do to prevent shoes from smelling later

We looked at the reasons for the unpleasant odor of the shoe. However, it is worth paying attention to preventive measures. An attentive buyer will be interested in what kind of granules are put in new shoes. These granules are called silica gel. They are considered an excellent sorbent and absorb moisture well. Don't throw them away after buying a new pair.

If you place the granules in a box with shoes, the excess moisture will be well absorbed, and the new shoes will last for a long time. They also help eliminate unpleasant odors from new shoes, or the smell of solvent, paint and other chemical odors.

Simple rules will help prevent the appearance of unpleasant odor in shoes:

  • do not wear the same pair all day long;
  • wash white socks with a special antibacterial agent;
  • walk less in rainy weather and get into puddles;
  • for the office, use a spare shoe that is convenient and comfortable;
  • clean your feet more often with pumice stone to eliminate problems;
  • purchase a shoe dryer and dry your shoes every time;
  • purchase high-quality leather shoes whenever possible;
  • monitor your health.

If you take the necessary measures in a timely manner, you will enjoy your new shoes for a long time.

The onset of summer brings not only quite obvious advantages in the form of warm sun, blue sky and green grass, but also very unpleasant disadvantages. One of them is the terrible smell that can settle in some people's shoes.

The odor is a consequence of the growth of bacteria in a humid and hot environment, which is formed as a result of wearing tight and poorly ventilated shoes. Sometimes this is due to the individual characteristics of the body.

In any case, the unpleasant smell that drives away all your friends the moment you take off your shoes can be overcome. We'll tell you how to do this.

Dry your shoes

No bacteria can live in a dry environment, so take steps to thoroughly dry your shoes. Pull the laces out and lift the tongue up and out, then place the shoes on a radiator or in direct sunlight.

Put your shoes in plastic bag, and then place it in the freezer overnight. The next morning, expose your shoes to the sun to achieve best results. There is plenty of evidence that this strategy works because the bacteria get a double whammy.

Put orange, grapefruit, lemon zest in your shoes

Fresh citrus peel has a bright and persistent odor due to the compounds it contains. essential oils. Place some peels in your shoes overnight. It will smell much nicer in the morning. Approximately the same effect can be achieved by dropping a few drops of lavender oil on the insoles.

Fabric shoes can be successfully washed in a washing machine. Place it in an old pillowcase or wash it with a couple of towels, but don't overuse it. hot water and a centrifuge.

You can also use conditioner to add a nice scent and white vinegar to kill odor-causing bacteria. It is better to dry your shoes in the fresh air.

Make deodorizing powder

Mix three tablespoons of baking soda, one tablespoon of cornstarch and five drops of tea tree oil. Treat the inside of your shoes with this mixture and leave overnight.

This powder is a powerful antibacterial and fungal agent, and also has the ability to absorb odors and have an antiseptic effect.

Use newspaper or cat litter

Another way to get rid of excess moisture in your shoes is to place crumpled newspapers or cat litter in them. They will be able to absorb all the sweat and the accompanying odor, after which they can simply be thrown away.

And if misfortune befalls you and your sneakers win the competition for the title of the stinkiest shoes in the city, then use several of the listed methods at once. For example, sprinkle them with deodorizing powder, fill them with newspapers, place them in the refrigerator overnight, and then expose them to the first rays of the morning sun. Then your shoes will smell only of lilies of the valley and honey gingerbread.

Every person at least once in his life has been faced with the question of how to get rid of odor in shoes. Almost new shoes, on which a lot of money was spent, suddenly begin to exude a heavy spirit. And the point is not at all that their owner does not maintain hygiene or does not take care of his shoes. It happens that an unpleasant odor comes from brand new shoes or sneakers.

This problem always causes a lot of inconvenience. After all, the smell emanating from shoes is felt not only by its owner, but also by everyone around him. A person begins to feel embarrassed to take off his shoes when visiting, because he is afraid of hitting everyone with an unbearable aroma. For the same reason, it is inconvenient for him to change clothes in the pool or gym, or try on new shoes in the store.

The smell from shoes can and should be combated, and for this there are many different means and substances that are usually always available in the kitchen of a diligent housewife.

To determine the appropriate methods for getting rid of the smell of sweat in shoes, you need to find out for what reasons it appears.

Most often, the occurrence of a foul odor from shoes indicates excessive sweating of the feet of their owner or the presence of fungal diseases. To get rid of this problem forever, you need to keep your feet clean every day, wear cotton socks and use medications that reduce sweating. For excessive sweating of the feet, you can use numerous traditional medicine recipes.

Another important reason for the appearance of a heavy odor is improper care of shoes. It is known that a damp and dirty environment is the most suitable place for the activity of microorganisms and mold. If you take proper care of your shoes every day, the problem will disappear on its own.

Shoes made from low-quality and synthetic materials can also smell bad even when they are still brand new. When purchasing another pair of shoes, you need to ask what material they are made of, and if there is a specific smell, refuse to buy them altogether. After all, shoes made from low-quality materials are dangerous not only because they smell bad, but also due to their ability to increase sweating and the development of fungal foot diseases.

How to get rid of unpleasant shoe odor

It's no secret that sweat has no odor. A heavy spirit appears as a result of the activity of bacteria that thrive and multiply in a warm and wet environment, while eating particles of sweat and dirt located on the soles of the feet. The first thing you should do is not create such ideal conditions for the life of microorganisms. But, if your shoes begin to smell unpleasant, you can eliminate this problem on your own. Here are a few simple ways How to get rid of the smell of sweat in shoes.

Vodka or ammonia

To eliminate the stench from shoes, you can use alcohol-containing substances such as vodka, ethyl alcohol, and ammonia. Using a cotton swab, generously soaked in one of these liquids, treat the inside of the shoe, and then apply it to the outer surface using a spray. After drying, the shoes are aired. The smell disappears forever.

Green tea and coffee

Sachets with green tea can be used as a flavoring agent and as a sorbent if placed for some time between the insole and sole of the shoe. A bag of tea will absorb the unpleasant odor and replace it with its fragrance.

No less effective means is ground coffee. A certain amount of ground coffee is poured into shoes, which masks the bad smell.

Hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate

A simple solution of potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide will help clean your favorite shoes from harmful microorganisms and get rid of the stench. To carry out disinfection, you need to dissolve 2 g of potassium permanganate in 1 liter of water, moisten a piece of gauze in the resulting solution and treat the inside of the boot or shoe. Then repeat the treatment, but use hydrogen peroxide instead of potassium permanganate, and it is not necessary to dilute it with water.

If you are unable to eliminate the smell, you can pour peroxide inside the shoe, wait for the bubbles to form, then pour the liquid out of the shoe and leave it to dry.

Coal is an indispensable substance for removing stench from shoes, especially if they have dark color. The first step is to sew a couple of bags from loose, thin material. Then crush tablets or plates of activated carbon into powder, pour into prepared bags and place inside pre-dried boots for a day. If you don’t have time to bother with sewing a sachet, you can simply pour the powder made from tablets into a boot or shoe, and shake out the dust after a day.


If an unpleasant odor comes from recently purchased shoes or sneakers that have been worn for dozens of kilometers, ordinary table vinegar will help destroy it. With a piece of gauze soaked in vinegar, you need to wipe the shoes inside and out, and then take them outside or onto a balcony for airing.

Low temperature

An effective and inexpensive method of eliminating stinking odor from shoes is to freeze them. It is enough to take the boots with the tops turned out onto the street on a frosty winter night, and by the morning the foreign smell will disappear without a trace. If leaving your shoes outside is not an option, an alternative method is to place them in the freezer. Boots or shoes are packed in a waterproof bag and placed in the freezer for several hours. You just need to remember that if the shoes are made of genuine leather, then low temperatures it will crack easily.


When the smell from your shoes seems ineradicable, you can pour regular table salt inside the shoe and leave it there for three days.

This easy-to-use and inexpensive product should be given special attention. In every house where people who care about cleanliness live, there is. To eliminate shoe odor, this product can be used in several ways.

  • Pour baking soda inside the shoe and leave it there for at least 5 hours, then shake out the powder and wipe the shoes with a damp cloth.
  • Make a sachet with soda, that is, sew two small bags of thin fabric and fill them with soda powder. Place bags of baking soda at the front of the shoes. This method is especially effective for suede shoes, since direct contact of suede with soda leads to cracking of the outer surface.
  • A simple and convenient way to care for shoes is to make flavored soda balls. To make them you need to combine 1 tbsp. l. soda, the same amount of flour and white clay. Add a few drops of aromatic oil to the mixture and form small balls, which, placed in gauze bags, will need to be placed inside the shoes overnight. This product can be used every day until the nasty smell completely disappears.

How to get rid of moldy smell from shoes

If shoes have been in a damp place for a long time, they will certainly smell like mold. To destroy it, you need to do the following:

How to remove cat marks from shoes

All over the world, cats are considered one of the most popular pets. These adorable furry creatures can relieve stress after a long day at work and even alleviate the symptoms of certain diseases. Because of the positive emotions that cats and seals evoke, the owners tolerate all their tricks. Who hasn't put their feet into slippers or boots and discovered a suspicious puddle there?

It is quite difficult to get rid of the stench of cat urine, but it is still possible. Although you will have to be patient and put in a lot of diligence so that the shoes do not spread a specific smell.

You will be very lucky if the cat marks shoes made of fabric, for example, or house slippers. In this case, the problem is easily solved. It is necessary to wash the contaminated area with laundry soap as quickly as possible and wash the product in a machine, if this is provided by the shoe manufacturer. Dry outside.

With leather boots or shoes you will have to tinker a little longer. First, the shoes must be washed with soap and dried. Then wipe on all sides with a gauze swab soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate, vinegar or citric acid. Shoes disinfected in this way should be placed outside or on a balcony for a day. Usually, these activities are enough for the foul aroma to disappear. But, if the result obtained is not satisfactory, you can buy a special spray in the store and repeat the treatment using this drug. In addition, in order to rid your shoes of your pet’s pranks in the future, you can treat them with Antigadin.

How to rid new shoes of a specific smell

When buying another pair of shoes in a salon, you should not only look closely at them, but also smell them. If you notice that the shoes emit a specific smell, it is better to refuse the purchase. The pungent smell from new shoes comes from several reasons. This could be due to incorrect packaging, poor quality materials and glue. If, after all, the purchase took place, and only after that an unpleasant odor appeared, you can easily eliminate it on your own.

  • It is necessary to unfasten the zippers, unlace the shoes and thoroughly ventilate the product.
  • It is recommended to place a bag of green tea underneath. It will absorb the bad smell and leave its bouquet.
  • Wipe the inside surface with vinegar.
  • To treat new shoes from odor, you can use soda, salt, and activated carbon.

How to remove rubber smell

Products made of rubber or having rubber inserts usually always have an unpleasant specific odor. To remove it, you need to use absorbents, one of which is baking soda. Soda powder is poured into small fabric bags and put inside boots or shoes for several hours. If the smell has not completely disappeared, you can treat the product with hydrogen peroxide in the manner described above.

How to remove leather odor

Natural leather shoes is recognized as the most environmentally friendly and healthy, which is why many people prefer it. But not everyone likes the way their skin smells. You can get rid of a persistent aroma on your own and without spending much money.

Shoes are stuffed with newspapers or unnecessary porous paper and closed for two days. cardboard box. The newspaper will perfectly absorb moisture and foreign odors.

How to remove odor from shoes using leather substitute

When purchasing shoes made from synthetic materials, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to periodically get rid of the foul odor. After all, shoes made from leather substitutes “do not breathe,” which causes increased sweating and an unpleasant odor of sweat. Only an integrated approach can solve the problem, namely proper shoe care, use and various methods of eliminating odor, previously described in the article.

Preventing shoe odor

To avoid the question of deducing the opposite, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • Typically, insoles made of synthetic material emit a pungent odor. They should be changed once a month. Insoles filled with activated carbon cope well with the problem of odor.
  • When you come home, you need to thoroughly clean your shoes with a brush and soapy water, and then dry them thoroughly. If leather or suede shoes are left damp and dirty, they can become moldy and give off a musty, musty odor.

A household electric dryer can be an excellent assistant for drying shoes, the ultraviolet rays of which can deal not only with odors, but also with bacteria.

  • In no case should you neglect the rules of personal hygiene, non-compliance with which threatens not only the appearance, but also the development of hyperhidrosis of the legs.
  • During the autumn rains, you should treat your shoes before going outside. special means, repelling water.
  • Treating shoes with special deodorizing agents will help prevent the appearance of a disgusting odor. And if you combine them, the effect will double. Currently, such products are produced in the form of sprays, sticks and tablets.
  • Sprays are easy to use and allow you to treat areas that are difficult for other products to penetrate. They protect shoes from the appearance of heavy odors and prevent the spread of fungal diseases.
  • A deodorant in the shape of a pencil with a twist-out core is called a “stick.” It is less convenient to use such a deodorant, since it may break when processing the insides of shoes or boots.
  • More recently, shoe deodorant, available in tablet form, has appeared in sports stores. It is designed specifically for professional athletes and contains aromatic fragrances that quickly drown out the smell of sweat and mold. In addition, this product has antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  • In order for your favorite shoes to last as long as possible and not give off an unpleasant, foul odor, it is necessary to properly care for the products. You can always get rid of the smell that appears using folk remedies.

It happens that you have to get rid of new shoes because they began to emit an unpleasant odor. And the reason for the appearance is by no means a violation of personal hygiene rules. Even new shoes or, which appears immediately after the first wear. If the inside of your shoes has acquired an unpleasant odor, this is not a reason to throw away an almost new pair of shoes. You just need to apply a shoe odor remover. There are many products on sale that can give shoes a pleasant aroma.

The most effective remedies for odor in shoes from the pharmacy

The main cause of unpleasant odor in shoes is sweat. To get rid of odor in shoes, you must first get rid of excessive sweating of your feet. Usually for this purpose, they are produced in the form of ointments, creams and sprays. Below are the most effective means from hyperhidrosis of the legs:

How to choose

In addition to medications, there are many other means that can be used to get rid of unpleasant odor in shoes. In order for the bad smell to disappear forever, you must first eliminate the cause of its appearance, and this, in most cases, is sweat. Therefore, first you need to purchase one against hyperhidrosis of the feet, and then fight against the smell that has already started in your shoes. Often, in order to get rid of the smell that appears in shoes, it is enough to arrange proper storage of shoes, and then no one and nothing can spoil the shoes.

What to pay attention to

Improper care and storage is another common reason for the appearance of a bad smell in boots. For the care and storage of shoes, there are several tricks and rules, following which you can get rid of the unpleasant odor and prevent its occurrence in the future:

If it is not possible to use a dryer, there is no time, or it is impossible to purchase one, then you can use one trick. Place socks covered with cat litter in your boots for several hours. The filler will quickly absorb moisture.

Modern remedies for shoe odor

In most shoe stores, in addition to boots, they also sell shoe care products. In addition to creams and ointments for caring appearance, on the shelves you can see various products, sprays and powders, to eliminate the unpleasant smell of shoes. As part of the range of products for eliminating odor in shoes, there are foot deodorants on the shelves. Deodorants are the modern, most popular and effective means of combating. The principle of their operation is to work proactively.

Almost all deodorants that can be found on store shelves contain antibacterial components and fragrances. Such products are not applied to the legs, but spray directly into the shoe and allow to dry. This method of application is the safest, since although the product penetrates the skin, it is not in such quantities as if the drug were applied to the feet.

In addition to deodorants, you can find products on sale to eliminate odor in shoes, available in the form of tablets or pencils. They are easy to use. The tablets are simply placed in the shoe and left there for several hours. After this, you can safely wear the shoes, the smell will disappear. The only drawback of this tool is high price, therefore, instead of tablets, a product in the form of a pencil is often used. It is quite difficult to apply the active substance in this form, especially since the pencil crumbles and breaks.

Recently, deodorant-drying agents have appeared in stores, which are two small bags that are placed in shoes in the evening, and in the morning the shoes are already dry and smell nice. The bags contain zeolite chips - a substance that can absorb moisture and dirt, and also has an antibacterial effect. Along with deodorants, absorbers are used to combat odor. They are the same bags, but only bamboo charcoal is used as a filler. They eliminate odor by absorbing it.

Folk remedies for odor in shoes

You can remove an unpleasant odor using folk remedies at home. To do this, use products that have antimicrobial properties and a strong odor. They are poured inside the shoes or wiped with a cotton swab. After the procedure, the boots must be aired.

One of the most popular ways to remove odor is to rub the inside of your shoes with a swab dipped in vinegar. But such a remedy has one drawback - vinegar itself It doesn’t smell very pleasant, so it’s better to use alcohol or a decoction of St. John’s wort or yarrow instead of vinegar. It should be borne in mind that the broth usually has a golden color and, if the shoes are white on the inside, the fabric may be stained.

You can get rid of it in your shoes using herbal bags. You can use socks instead of bags. Pour crushed mint, St. John's wort, lavender, chamomile flowers, and valerian into bags. Tie it and put it in your boots overnight. They will not only dry well, but will also begin to smell fragrant. There are also the following recommendations, following which you can quickly get rid of odor in shoes:

  • You can also remove the smell using activated carbon tablets or talc. Place 2-3 tablets of activated carbon in each shoe and leave it overnight.
  • Place a few drops of lavender oil on each insole, ammonia or lemon juice. These substances have an antimicrobial effect and effectively eliminate bad odors;
  • A simple tea bag helps get rid of unpleasant odors and excess moisture. This is easy to do; just put one tea bag in your boots and leave it overnight. Any tea bags will do;
  • In winter, freeze bad-smelling shoes and leave them on the balcony overnight. The frost will destroy the bacteria and the bad smell will go away. At other times of the year, the smell can be frozen in the freezer.