What foods can pregnant women eat? What you can and should eat. We lead an active lifestyle

What not to eat and drink during pregnancy - what foods and drinks are preferred for consumption by expectant mothers? In fact, there are practically no strict restrictions for pregnant women. You can eat everything, but some foods in moderate or minimal quantities. Let's start with what pregnant women shouldn't eat, or at least shouldn't abuse it, and for what specific reasons. ABOUT possible consequences We will also not forget to tell you about non-compliance with restrictions.

1. Liver. Not only are the offal very fatty, that is, this delicacy can simply make the expectant mother feel ill, but it also contains a high concentration of vitamin A, which can have a teratogenic effect on the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should not eat liver, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the child’s organs are just forming, and the liver itself expectant mother there are any manifestations of toxicosis that may be aggravated by liver consumption.
However, this is not a product that pregnant women should absolutely not eat. Later, in the second and third trimester, liver can be consumed occasionally if the body tolerates it well.

2. Sausages. There are two reasons why pregnant women should not eat sausages, sausages and small sausages. To change their mind about eating them, many people only need to carefully read the fine print on the product packaging and find out its composition. This is far from pure meat. High Quality. And in the best case, pork lard with beef, generously seasoned with salt, dyes and flavors to make it more appetizing. Such “meat” will not benefit the body. And the salt with which the sausage is stuffed is harmful for the expectant mother. Because due to an excess of salt, a woman retains fluid in her body. Externally, this manifests itself as swelling. And blood pressure rises, and this is already dangerous. We'll save the sausage for the holidays, for salads.

3. Sweets. A pregnant woman should not eat them because chocolate, marmalade, cookies and similar treats are quickly digestible carbohydrates. All these products have a very high calorie content, but saturate the body and relieve hunger for a very short time. This forces a woman to eat sweets again and again. By the way, the same applies to super-calorie honey. It is, of course, useful, but in the amount of literally half a teaspoon. Our women love honey in sweets, for example, in baklava. And they gain weight very quickly during pregnancy due to their passion for sweets. Meanwhile, all these calories are deposited on the mother’s body and do not bring the slightest benefit to the unborn child. But it becomes more difficult for a pregnant woman to walk, tachycardia, shortness of breath, and pain in the back and lower back appear. And after giving birth, it is very difficult to part with extra pounds.

4. Lightly salted tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. All this is a source of salt, about the dangers of consuming large quantities which we have already written about earlier.

5. Alcohol. Adequate doctors always say that pregnant women should not drink alcohol at any time and in any quantity. Few expectant mothers have heard about FAS - fetal alcohol syndrome in the fetus. It occurs in most cases when taking a large amount of alcohol at once. As a result of such maternal libation, a child may not only develop developmental defects, but also mental retardation, as well as typical facial manifestations, similar to a genetic syndrome. And it is impossible to cure FAS, only prevent it by not drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

Meanwhile, the consumption of small doses of alcohol by the mother is also potentially dangerous for the fetus. It can provoke premature birth, placental abruption, and low intelligence in the child.

6. Tea and coffee. Many women consider these drinks unacceptable due to the caffeine they contain. But in reality, not everything is so scary. The level of caffeine contained in two cups of coffee is absolutely safe for an expectant mother. But 4 cups of coffee is already potentially dangerous. Pregnant women should not drink this much coffee.

If a woman regularly takes such large amounts of caffeine, the baby may experience intrauterine growth retardation. Such children are born weak and low birth weight. And here premature birth And caffeine does not provoke miscarriages.

Tea also contains caffeine in large quantities, but tea has almost no effect on the body, does not have an invigorating effect, since it is almost not absorbed from this drink.

Other products, such as chocolate, contain small amounts of caffeine. But some medicines contain a lot. For example, the headache remedy Citramon contains caffeine in high concentrations. Expectant mothers should not take it.

7. Sweet carbonated drinks. They are high in calories and have zero nutritional value. Lots of preservatives, flavors and dyes in the composition. If you really want fruit flavors, drink natural juice.

8. Narzan with high mineralization. Many of us consider mineral water to be beneficial for the body. This is true, but only if it is chosen and used correctly. Narzans differ not only in their taste, but also in their composition. Some of them contain a lot of minerals and salts, and therefore should be consumed in minimal quantities and only for medical reasons, usually in sanatoriums. The temperature of narzan also plays a role in its digestibility.
It’s just that it’s better to drink water with low mineralization. No more than 3 grams per liter (indicated on the label). This water will also help with heartburn.
But salty narzans, for example, “Essentuki 17,” can provoke increased blood pressure and swelling.

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The diet of the expectant mother greatly influences the speed of metabolic processes in her body and the absorption of nutrients necessary for the development of the baby. The intensity of metabolism determines the supply of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and beneficial microelements to the fetus, its uniform growth and development, as well as weight gain, the functioning of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels of the woman herself.

On the one hand, there are many foods that pregnant women should not eat. On the other hand, some expectant mothers are on a strict diet.

You shouldn’t go to extremes, you just need to figure out how unhealthy nutrition during pregnancy can actually harm you.

Why is proper nutrition so important during pregnancy?

Many expectant parents imagine the “harmfulness” of a particular food product literally: if a pregnant woman eats something, it will reach the fetus and harm it. However, this is not so: in reality, the situation with “forbidden” products is much more complicated. There is no direct digestive tube between the body of mother and baby. Food eaten by a pregnant woman is broken down in her digestive tract into the basic products necessary for the normal functioning of the body and the development of the fetus - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These substances are necessary for energy metabolism. Through the intestinal wall they are absorbed into the bloodstream and delivered through the blood vessels to the baby.

The placental barrier (a unique double microfilter from the walls of the capillaries of the uterus and placenta) protects the baby from most harmful components of modern food products - food additives, flavor enhancers, preservatives, dyes, flavors. If the placenta does its job well, then the molecules of harmful substances literally do not pass “customs control” and do not enter the fetal bloodstream.

Among the foods that we traditionally eat, there are none that could directly affect the health of the fetus. There is no such dish, drink, fruit or vegetable, nut, berry, etc., which is usually healthy, but becomes harmful during pregnancy. However, this does not mean at all that the expectant mother can safely eat whatever she wants without fear for the health of the unborn baby. Pregnancy is an additional burden on a woman’s body, and a very significant one at that. All its organs and systems work in “wartime mode”, and sometimes in the most literal sense: the growing uterus puts pressure on neighboring organs, including the stomach and pancreas, liver and gallbladder, spleen, kidneys, bladder and a large number of large blood vessels. With this mode of operation, any error in nutrition, which in normal times would manifest itself as a slight malaise or would go unnoticed, can seriously affect the metabolism and worsen the well-being of the expectant mother.

In fact, no food product can directly harm the baby. However, the consumption of harmful foods always has a detrimental effect on the health of the expectant mother herself, on which the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus depend. Thus, reviewing your diet during pregnancy is not an empty reinsurance, and you need to take it wisely and seriously.

What a pregnant woman should not eat: “black list” of toxic foods

Of course, the expectant mother should create a “forbidden list” for herself, which includes all products that are known to be hazardous to health. Pregnant women should not eat chips, chemically sweet drinks, food with flavoring additives and artificial colors, and canned food.

They contain harmful substances, complicating digestion, liver and kidney function, and are toxic to the body as a whole. During pregnancy, these dubious delicacies are strictly prohibited: the woman’s body experiences a double load, and improper nutrition during this period can much more quickly lead to serious health problems, which will immediately affect the condition of the fetus.

The most common consequences of eating unhealthy foods during pregnancy include cholelithiasis. These diseases, accompanied by severe pain and a significant deterioration in the well-being of the expectant mother, often require urgent surgical intervention, which significantly increases the risk of miscarriage.

In addition, while waiting for the baby you should not use coffee and alcohol– these products can provoke a rise in blood pressure, uterine hypertonicity and the risk of placental abruption. In addition, the half-life products of alcohol circulating in the blood of a pregnant woman are toxic to the fetus.

Nutrition during pregnancy: how to avoid excess weight?

In addition to the “prohibited list,” there are other products that it is desirable to significantly limit for various reasons. So it is better to reduce the consumption of bread, pasta and all kinds of baked goods, confectionery, as well as meat and meat products high in fat (lard, bacon, fatty sausages), since they contribute to excessive weight gain.

They literally harm the health of mother and baby, sometimes jeopardizing the very fact of pregnancy. Excess weight creates increased stress on the cardiovascular system.

Against the background of pathological weight gain, a pregnant woman’s blood pressure often increases, the tone of the uterus increases, and the placental blood flow. As a result of such changes, the fetus experiences a lack of nutrition and oxygen - fetoplacental insufficiency develops, often leading to (oxygen starvation) of the fetus.

Pregnant women with significant weight gain (15 kg or more) are at risk for the development of late toxicosis, or gestosis, characterized by the appearance of edema, increased blood pressure and loss of protein in the urine. Without timely treatment, this complication can lead to premature placental abruption, the development of eclampsia (convulsive syndrome due to an uncontrolled rise in blood pressure), and uterine bleeding.

Unfortunately, these most dangerous complications, threatening the lives of mother and child, in the vast majority of cases (82%!) develop in pregnant women with pathologically overweight. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to monitor uniform weight gain and limit pleasant “excesses” in her diet.

Foods that interfere with digestion during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is recommended to significantly limit consumption smoked, spicy, fried foods, as well as legumes, corn and highly carbonated drinks. The reason why the listed dishes fall out of favor is simple: during pregnancy, due to the pressure of the growing uterus, the digestion process becomes significantly more difficult, so foods that are difficult to digest cause the expectant mother particular discomfort.

An abundance of spicy and fried foods can cause hepatic colic and vomiting even in a completely healthy expectant mother, and legumes and soda can cause prolonged flatulence (bloating), which gives the pregnant woman a lot of discomfort and often becomes an indirect cause of increased uterine tone.

Avoiding allergens during pregnancy

The expectant mother should use “allergenic” foods with caution - citrus fruits, exotic fruits and dishes.

During pregnancy, a first-time allergic reaction to foods that a woman ate without any consequences before pregnancy is often discovered. Allergies are dangerous for an expectant mother because they are a predisposing factor in the development of early and late toxicosis of pregnancy - complications that sometimes cause miscarriage. Therefore, you should not rely on “recognized” allergens.

Many people believe that if the expectant mother eats allergenic foods during pregnancy, then... This is the most common misconception about the diet of a pregnant woman. But it is important to understand that there are no food products that directly affect the health of the fetus. Allergies are genetically determined at the time of fertilization or acquired during life under the influence of external unfavorable factors (for example, poor ecology or hazardous production). However, it is precisely in the embryonic period (during intrauterine development) that a person is reliably protected from the influence of unfavorable factors with the help of the placental barrier. Thus, the development of allergies in a child has nothing to do with the mother’s consumption of allergenic foods during pregnancy. You should only avoid those foods that provoke allergies in the pregnant woman herself.

Nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy is a special topic. After all, right now it’s tormenting you (if not, then wow, wow, wow!), and just looking at the food makes you vomit. But what to do, because you need to eat? Now more than ever it is necessary to eat properly and balanced, because the health and development of your baby directly depends on it.

So. You and I are pregnant. What and how do we do? What are we giving up and what, on the contrary, are we relying on? How many times a day do we eat? This article is about this and everything related to nutrition in early pregnancy.

First: through this we fight toxicosis.

Yes, yes, these are not fairy tales. Properly organized (in terms of quantity and quality) nutrition significantly reduces the manifestations of toxicosis. To do this you need:

  • eat often (5-6 rubles per day), but in small portions;
  • take the first meal (it can be crackers or something light) right in bed;
  • drink a lot between meals clean water(up to 2 liters per day);

Second: we eat healthy and wholesome food.

We forget about hot dogs, French fries, fatty foods, smoked foods (this applies to both sausage and fish), pickled, salted and canned foods, ketchups, mayonnaise. We don't like sweet sodas at all (especially Coca-Cola) and all products containing artificial colors (even yoghurts). When asked to drink a couple of sips of wine or beer, we respond: “Ugh, what disgusting!” and we do not give up under any pretext.

Now we have steamed, boiled and baked vegetables, meat, eggs, cheese, fresh salads, and fruits on our table. Definitely greens. Don't forget about fish. We replenish calcium reserves by eating dairy products, primarily cottage cheese.

We treat allergenic products (chocolate, honey, citrus fruits, etc.) with caution.

Third: if we want something, it’s for a reason. This means that we really lack this “something”.

There are numerous jokes and stories about the “food whims” of pregnant women. But the fact that a woman wanted seaweed or gnawed on a wall in the middle of the night is not a freak. This is a signal from the body about the lack of the substance it needs, in the examples given - iodine and calcium. Often pregnant women lack iron. This substance provides normal level hemoglobin, which is necessary for the transport of oxygen to tissues. If the mother is anemic, the baby will experience oxygen starvation. It can be obtained from red meat, fish, egg yolk, apricots, dark green leafy vegetables and grains.

Fourth: we do not forget to take the vitamins prescribed by the doctor every day.

Today's ecology and health of pregnant women, unfortunately, are not in the most ideal conditions. Therefore, every woman’s doctor prescribes the vitamins necessary during the stage of bearing and then feeding a child. You and I are no exception. Every morning (or lunch, depending on how it is written in the instructions) we honestly take , which supplement the diet (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B, C, A, E, etc.) and do not lead to excess body weight.

Fifth: we don’t want to gain unnecessary fat, so we don’t eat “for two,” but “for one, but with quality.”

Don’t listen to your mothers and grandmothers that now you simply have to eat for two. Pregnancy is not a reason to consume food, if not in tons, then in buckets. It serves no purpose other than overweight, will not lead. Now, when our body consumes additional energy and essential substances, it is better to focus on the quality and usefulness of products. Therefore, those who have not fully grasped the “golden rules of nutrition for a pregnant woman” return to the beginning of the article and read the paragraph “Second...”. According to medical indications, an average-sized woman should gain about 13 kilograms during pregnancy. Plus or minus a few kilograms is considered within normal limits. As for weight gain in the first trimester, it has been proven that at this time it is absolutely independent of nutrition.

And one more thing: we don’t do stupid things, namely: we don’t go on diets.

Pregnancy is not the time for experiments and, especially, tracking your figure in this way. If you are really afraid of gaining weight, it’s better to take up fitness for pregnant women. This is useful for both you and the baby.

Sixth: we are smart and everything will work out for us.

Yes, it is very difficult for us to change our eating habits at once. But we understand that this must be done for the sake of the baby, whose health depends directly on us. And we not only understand, but also do. And everything works out for us. And very soon, well, in about 8 months, a miracle will happen, and we are no longer just pregnant, we are already MOMS.

Especially for- Olga Pavlova

Pregnancy is the most important period in the life of every woman. One of the first questions that expectant mothers ask is what can’t they eat, drink or do while pregnant? Let's take a closer look at why pregnant women should not drink alcohol, coffee, and what pregnant women should not eat during the first, second and third trimesters.

Nutrition for pregnant women

Proper nutrition is one of the most important components of a successful pregnancy and the good health of the expectant mother throughout all 9 months. This does not mean that a healthy pregnant woman needs to follow any special diet. It’s just that her diet should be balanced, include healthy foods, which will provide mother and baby with all the necessary nutrients and beneficial elements.

Useless and harmful products, on the contrary, will need to be excluded so as not to burden the internal organs with unnecessary work, and also to avoid possible allergies in the newborn. This is why it is so important to know what pregnant women can and cannot eat. different dates.

  1. First, you need to clarify that the expectant mother should receive more nutrition than before pregnancy. Her body now works for two, and to bear a child she needs to receive 500-800 kcal more per day.
  2. However, excess nutrition is no less dangerous than malnutrition - it is an extra load on the stomach, liver, and excess excess weight can have a bad effect on your well-being. This is why pregnant women should not overeat.
  3. The result of improper nutrition can also be a large weight of the fetus, and this will lead to difficulties during childbirth and possible health problems for the baby in the future.

Prohibited products

Prohibition of alcohol and cigarette consumption

At your first visit, your doctor should tell you what pregnant women should absolutely not eat. This list contains the following products:

This is all that is not allowed for healthy pregnant women in the early and late stages. However, sometimes the list can be wider - it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Many people believe that pregnant women should not drink coffee - this is not entirely true. You can drink coffee while pregnant, but in very limited quantities.

Prohibited foods in the early stages

Nutrition during the first 12-13 weeks of pregnancy is practically no different from the usual diet. The increase in kilocalories consumed at this stage is insignificant - it is enough to drink an additional glass of kefir or eat one banana.

However, any woman needs to remember that pregnant women should not early.

  1. Green tea. It interferes with the absorption of folic acid, which is extremely important for the fetus in the early stages.
  2. Coffee. Caffeine can cause uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage - which is why pregnant women shouldn't drink coffee.
  3. Tuna, mackerel. These types of fish can accumulate heavy metals that harm brain development, as well as the central nervous system of the fetus.
  4. Herbal teas. These healthy drinks can be dangerous in the early stages, as some herbs have abortifacient properties.

In addition to what pregnant women should not eat during the first trimester, you need to know what you should not do without at this stage - these are fresh vegetables, fruits growing in your region, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, and offal. You need to eat meals in small portions 5-6 times a day.

Prohibited foods in later stages

For later periods of an “interesting situation” there is also a list of restrictions. Now the fetus is almost completely formed, so many women, breathing a sigh of relief, come to the conclusion that they can now eat as usual.

However, the last trimester is fraught with new difficulties, so you need to remember that pregnant women should not eat or drink during this period.

  1. Fried, spicy, fatty foods cause a lot of stress on the liver and gallbladder. While carrying a child, these organs work hard - you should not increase the risk of complications.
  2. Exotic fruits, seafood, berries, foods containing flavorings and preservatives can cause congenital food allergies in a child.
  3. Salt, as well as all foods high in salt. It has a bad effect on the kidneys, and also increases the likelihood of edema - one of the main problems of the last trimester - which is why pregnant women should not use this product.

Avoid eating spicy foods

What should you use with caution?

There are a number of products that are not completely prohibited, but can be harmful in large quantities. They should be used carefully, with an eye to the advice of a doctor.

In the absence of allergies, there is no reason not to please yourself with a piece of chocolate or a couple of slices of your favorite citrus. In addition, in moderate quantities, these products can be useful:

  • chocolate contains useful minerals, flavonoids that strengthen immune system, and also reduce the risk of preeclampsia;
  • Citrus fruits are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, good for digestion and help with nausea.

To reduce the risk from consuming these products, choose dark chocolate or make a drink from natural cocoa, and replace oranges with grapefruit.

For some reason, some women are sure that pregnant women should not drink coffee. Caffeine is not a strictly prohibited substance for an expectant mother. It is perfectly acceptable to drink a cup of coffee with milk in the morning - it will help you feel energetic and cheerful. In addition, coffee is indispensable for hypotensive people - it is an excellent way to normalize low blood pressure.

Dangers of poor nutrition

Not really

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The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

Approximate reading time: 10 minutes

Pregnancy is the most crucial period in a woman’s life. In order to avoid various situations where something could go wrong, you should clearly know what pregnant women should not do at different stages. The primary task of a pregnant woman is to adjust her diet, establish harmony with the outside world, have a positive attitude, not forgetting to observe healthy image life. With this attitude towards her health, a woman will give birth to a full-fledged baby, who will give real happiness to the whole family.

What pregnant women should absolutely not do: dangerous habits


Irreparable harm is caused to a woman’s body bad habits. Today, more than ever, we should focus on this. Alcoholic drinks, smoking, “passive smoking” will only harm the woman and the fetus. A pregnant woman should avoid places where smokers gather. This is especially common at work, when a group of employees retire for smoke breaks. Recently, smoking areas have been legalized in public toilets, where pregnant women often go. The components of cigarettes remain in the air for a long time even after the smoker leaves, especially if the room does not have forced ventilation.

The accumulation of nicotine and tar in the blood increases blood pressure, which can provoke a miscarriage at any time. Alcohol, in turn, puts everyone's jobs at risk. internal organs. Even, at first glance, low-alcohol drinks, such as beer or Martini, can cause severe intoxication of the body of the woman herself and the embryo. Alcohol irreversibly destroys groups of vital cells of the brain, hematopoietic organs, respiratory system, and nerve endings.

What clothes are harmful to pregnancy?

Great importance should be paid to clothing. During pregnancy, every woman needs to reconsider her wardrobe and change her preferences. You need to start with shoes. It should be comfortable, light, made of natural materials, and suitable for weather conditions. It is unacceptable to wear shoes on during the day. high heels having too narrow a shape and a high rise.

Tight clothing negatively affects the health of a pregnant woman. Need to give up thongs, too tight skirts with belts that are tightly tightened at the waist.

How to sleep when pregnant?

Starting from the second trimester, a pregnant woman should not sleep on her back. An enlarged uterus in this position of the body has high blood pressure to the inferior vena cava, as a result of which the blood supply to the embryo deteriorates and blood stagnation in the area of ​​the mother’s peritoneum. This is fraught with fetal freezing and disruption of internal organs. abdominal cavity women. For the same reason, pregnant women should not sit for long periods of time.


Expectant mothers should not be vaccinated. Exceptions may include the following vaccinations:

  • from the flu;
  • from anthrax;
  • from rabies;
  • from yellow fever;
  • from encephalitis.

Other vaccinations can cause severe allergic reactions and complications.

Working with household chemicals is extremely dangerous for a pregnant woman throughout her entire pregnancy. Toxic substances quickly penetrate the blood and quickly dissolve, spreading through the bloodstream throughout the body. Means used to combat indoor insects and garden pests cause equal harm to a woman’s body and fetus.


The danger is cosmetical tools, to which hormones and vitamins are added. An excess of these substances can lead to deformities and diseases in the developing embryo. These products also include hair dyes, antiperspirants, hair and nail polishes, household chemicals for washing dishes and sanitary surfaces.


Classes in gym should be discontinued during pregnancy. Excessive physical activity is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women at any stage.

cat litter

You can't clean up the cat litter. Contact with animal feces is fraught with the risk of transmitting toxoplasmosis to a woman, which can cause the death of the embryo.


Some women are prohibited by doctors from having sex during pregnancy. This is purely individual. On later sex is contraindicated during pregnancy.


It is extremely important for a pregnant woman to choose medications to overcome illnesses. Throughout pregnancy, a woman can suffer respiratory infections, intestinal inflammation, severe migraines and much more. It can be difficult to cope with the disease without the help of pharmacological drugs. In such cases, the attending physician will prescribe gentle treatment with minimal risk to the health of the woman and the fetus.

What else should you not do during pregnancy?

Some activities that a woman is accustomed to in everyday life can negatively affect the development of the embryo and the health of the expectant mother. Sometimes you don’t even have to think about the dangers they conceal. Particular attention should be paid medicines, which should not be taken without consultation with your doctor.


Pregnant women are prohibited from visiting the solarium. Throughout the entire period, the body actively produces melanin, sometimes this even leads to age spots on the skin of different parts of the body. Additional ultraviolet radiation can make the situation worse. Therefore, when going outside in the summer, when the sun is more active, you should apply it to your skin. protective cream from sunburn.


Flying on airplanes poses a high risk. At the moment of takeoff, blood pressure rises sharply due to the difference in atmospheric pressure and low oxygen concentration in the air. This may cause a miscarriage. Flight time is usually limited to several hours. Throughout this period, passengers are in sitting position, they are inactive and do not have the opportunity to go out into fresh air. All these factors are detrimental to a pregnant woman, and it is almost impossible to eliminate them until the plane arrives at its final destination.

X-ray and fluorography

Pregnant women do not undergo X-rays or fluorography. These studies have a negative impact on the development of the fetus. The nervous system, heart, respiratory and hematopoietic organs may be affected. X-rays are especially dangerous in the first trimester, when the formation of all internal organs and the brain occurs.

Conflicts and emotional TV shows

No matter how we all feel about the frequent stressful situations that surround us in the modern world, a pregnant woman, like no one else, needs to avoid them. Conflict situations in which a pregnant woman is forced to take part can provoke severe, prolonged headaches, psychosomatic disorders, and exacerbation of chronic diseases in a “sleeping” state. You should avoid watching heavy psychological programs and movies. It also causes stress, which results in increased levels of the hormone cortisol in the blood, often leading to premature birth.

Hot shower and sauna

It is extremely dangerous to take a hot shower and steam in a bathhouse. This can cause bleeding and miscarriage. The water temperature for swimming should not exceed 40°C.

Nutrition and daily routine: all the pros and cons

For some reason, there is an opinion that pregnancy for most women is an unbearable test due to the fact that there are a huge number of prohibitions and restrictions. Actually this is not true. An observing doctor will help you adjust your diet. Some products should really be excluded, however, they can be replaced with less dangerous ones that will not cause harm to the pregnant woman’s body and the embryo.

A pregnant woman needs to follow a daily routine. This includes getting enough sleep and eating a balanced diet. Anyone experiencing sleep deprivation is irritable, unable to concentrate, and performs normal daily activities with an overwhelming feeling of fatigue. Of course, in a pregnant woman this condition affects the development of the embryo. The fetus is very sensitive to even minor changes in the mother's mood.

The diet is of particular importance during pregnancy. Not everyone is ready to change their eating habits, however, everything that the supervising doctor recommends is aimed at maintaining the health of the mother and child.

The expectant mother should avoid drinking too strong coffee and tea. These are diuretics; they remove fluid from the body along with calcium, significantly increasing blood pressure.

Meat and seafood must be subjected to mandatory heat treatment to avoid infection with helminths. Sushi, shellfish and dried river fish are particularly at risk.

Table No. 1 presents a list of foods that should be excluded from a pregnant woman’s diet or their consumption reduced.

Table No. 1. What foods should be excluded during pregnancy


Not advisable


Fish high in mercury

Tuna and salmon accumulate mercury. The harm from mercury has been little studied, only the vapors are poisonous, but doctors do not recommend that pregnant women consume seafood that contains a high content of this element. Most low level mercury is observed in trout, sprat, sardines, horse mackerel, and flounder.

Soft cheeses

There is a high risk of containing Listeria bacteria, which can cause miscarriage. Soft varieties of cheese, such as Feta, Brie, and blue cheeses, should be avoided during pregnancy and the lactation period.

Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners can negatively affect the development of the embryo. Natural sugar substitutes: stevia and sucralose are considered safe.

Saccharin and Sodium Cyclamate are contraindicated.

Unpasteurized milk

Raw milk carries many potential dangers. These may be infections caused by pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Some of them do not manifest themselves immediately after entering the body, and diagnosing the resulting disease is very difficult.

The liver has a high content of retinol, which in large quantities can negatively affect the development of the embryo.

Caffeine, along with other tonic substances, can lead to miscarriage, especially if the woman is pregnant. However, it is not necessary to completely eliminate coffee. It is better to consult a doctor.

Meat, fish, chicken, smoked meats

Pregnant women should not eat sausages produced for retail sale in supermarkets. Such sausages can be made from meat, as they say, “not the first freshness”, flavored with a large amount of spices and salt. You should also avoid dried fish, sushi, and smoked meats. The ingredients used in smokehouses are extremely harmful to anyone, let alone pregnant women. Fish that has not undergone heat treatment should be excluded during pregnancy and lactation. Fish meat may contain some dangerous helminths. River fish caught in suburban areas carries the risk of phenolic intoxication.

Canned food

A raw egg

Raw eggs are contraindicated for pregnant women, as Salmonella can multiply in them, which causes severe gastrointestinal disorders, including prolonged dysentery.

Canned pickles

Canned vegetables, due to their high salt and spice content, can cause an increased feeling of thirst, increasing swelling. Salt consumed in large quantities leads to dehydration, and in the early stages contributes to miscarriage. Brine should be excluded from preservation altogether. The use of preserves must be agreed upon with the supervising physician.

Mushrooms are a little-studied product that is practically not absorbed by the body. Moreover, mushrooms can cause indigestion and even poisoning.

Store juices

Industrially produced juices may contain artificial colors and preservatives that can cause allergic reactions.

It is not worth exposing the body of a woman and her unborn child to the risk of exposure to little-studied drugs that have not undergone clinical trials and have not received the necessary quality certificates, which have been dietary supplements over the past several decades. If there is still a need to take such drugs, you should coordinate their use with your supervising doctor.

Most spices have a tonic and stimulating effect on the centers of the peripheral nervous system. Adding even a small amount of spices to a pregnant woman's food can increase appetite, which is not desirable for everyone. Also, in the early stages of pregnancy, hot spices can cause miscarriage.

Folk signs: should you believe them?

IN modern world, despite scientific and technological progress, philistine superstitions still exist, to which even highly educated people often succumb. Folk signs that suggest what pregnant women should not do have come to our time from the deep past, when ancient peoples tracked natural phenomena and worshiped the power of unbridled elements. Many modern people sincerely believe in folk signs. Perhaps at this moment little-studied mechanisms are launched in the body on a subconscious level. If a person believes in signs, they will definitely have an impact.

So, the most common signs for pregnant women:

  • You should not play with cats - the child will have many enemies;
  • You should not tell your friends about your pregnancy at an early stage - they may jinx it;
  • You cannot sit on the threshold - this is the border with the other world, in which evil spirits predominate;
  • Eating red berries is dangerous - the child will have too red facial skin throughout his life;
  • You cannot knit or sew - the baby may become entangled in the umbilical cord, which will complicate the delivery process;
  • You can’t cut your hair - it shortens the life path of the unborn child;
  • You cannot eat secretly and in the dark - the child will be born fearful and anxious;
  • You cannot purchase things for an unborn baby before the moment of birth - things that are not worn immediately after purchase are the refuge of evil spirits;
  • You cannot attend a funeral - in a cemetery, evil spirits can inhabit a baby who does not have a guardian angel before birth;
  • You cannot sit with your legs crossed - the baby may be born with crooked legs or flat feet;
  • You can’t hold your hands above your head for a long time (hanging curtains, underwear) - the baby may get tangled in the umbilical cord and be too active after birth;
  • You cannot use obscene language when you are pregnant - the baby may be born with large birthmarks.

To believe or not to take folk signs on faith is a personal matter for each person. The gullibility of many people gives them peace of mind and reduces anxiety. This has a beneficial effect on mental state pregnant. Although common sense should prevail in everything. For example, when it comes to cutting the hair on your head or consuming fruits that have a red tint.