If your lips are very chapped. Lips are cracking and peeling - causes and treatment, what to do first. Useful vitamins and minerals in the diet

Peeling lips can be painful and irritating. Although the problem is most common in children and pregnant women, it can sometimes affect anyone. Common causes of this condition range from vitamin deficiencies, hormone fluctuations and dryness during fever to allergic reactions to cosmetic products and certain diseases.

For most people, when lips peel, they become very sensitive, causing pain and discomfort when eating or drinking. In children and women during pregnancy, chapped lips can become inflamed, bleed and become infected. It is important that a doctor check the condition as soon as possible and rule out serious causes.


The most common cause of flaking is dryness, which most people experience. This problem is not a life-threatening condition; some people (usually women) use lip balm and the dryness goes away.

This is a chronic skin condition characterized by persistent flaking and dry lips.

If left untreated, continuous peeling leads to other symptoms such as burning, cracking, peeling and pain.

The exact cause of this condition is unknown. However, there are several factors that are thought to contribute to the problem, including an overgrowth of yeast infection, HIV infection, poor oral hygiene, nutritional deficiencies, and having a weakened immune system.


Yeast infection

Oral thrush, also known as oral thrush, is the cause of dry and flaky lips. Candidiasis is a yeast or fungal infection, caused by a fungus of the genus Candida on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Candida albicans is the most common type of infection in children.

The microorganism that causes candidiasis is not considered dangerous until it invades human tissue when the immune system is weakened. This is in most cases often accompanied by an opportunistic infection.

Signs and symptoms of this infection may include:

  • Burning sensation on lips and mouth
  • Soreness
  • Dryness and flaking
  • Red or white lesions.

Most people have no obvious symptoms. Thus, candidiasis may be misdiagnosed as burning mouth syndrome, which is a condition characterized by a burning sensation that has no underlying dental or medical cause.

The diagnosis of this disease can only be made in medical institutions. If it is not visually confirmed, special diagnostic methods can be used to detect the presence of Candida species, such as culture or serological tests after a smear or scraping.

Once diagnosed, candidiasis can be treated with a topical antifungal medication. Patients with weak or compromised immune system may require systemic treatment with oral or intravenous antifungals.


Worldwide, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. Overt exposure to direct ultraviolet rays is a common cause of the disease. According to research by Dr. William Stebbins and Dr. William Hanke, skin cancer on the lip is not that rare.

There are two most common types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. In addition to ultraviolet light from the sun, the use of tobacco and strong drinks alcoholic drinks can also cause illness.

Other symptoms include the following:

  • Blisters, pain and lesions in the mouth and lips
  • White and red spots on the lips
  • Bleeding from the lips, tongue and mouth
  • Swelling of the jaw
  • Soreness
  • Peeling and chapped lips.

Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body. Once diagnosed, treatment options will vary depending on its stage and type. In most cases, lip cancer can be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.

Skin infection

Cold sores or cold sores (not to be confused with the common cold)

Lips are very sensitive. They can become dry or cracked simply by being exposed to the sun, wind or cold. Simple skin infections on the face and around the mouth can also cause lips to peel and lose more moisture than usual. Once this happens, the skin becomes tight and begins to split. During an infection such as herpes, it is very tempting to bite into flakes of dry skin. This should be avoided as the lips may bleed and treatment will be slower.

Treatment of the underlying cause – The best way get rid of peeling. Regular use of lip balm containing petroleum jelly or beeswax may also help stop the problem. If there is pain, redness, or infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or antifungals to clear the infection.



Dehydration is the excessive and dangerous loss of water from the body. Unlike skin, lips do not have sebaceous glands, which help prevent moisture loss.

Dry lips can be a sign of widespread dehydration. You can prevent this by eating a large number of liquids, especially water. Severe dehydration can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.

Drooling in children

In young children, drooling is the main cause of dry, peeling lips. Uncontrollable dripping of saliva from the mouth is common in children, but can also occur in adults.


Lip licking is a common cause of dryness, especially in children. If you think that you will moisturize them by licking them, you are mistaken. This habit can turn into a continuous cycle of lip dehydration.

Saliva evaporates and the surface loses more moisture, leaving the skin drier than before licking. The rough, dry and wrinkled top layer of the lips separates from the bottom layer and begins to flake off.

Biting or chewing your lip can have the same effect. To relieve the condition, it will be helpful to apply a mild lip balm. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that a sufficient amount of fluid enters the body.

Reaction to cosmetics or toothpaste

Allergy of the skin of the lips to lip balm, which manifested itself in the form of swelling lower lip and dryness with peeling of the upper.

Cosmetic products, such as lip balm or lipstick and most types of toothpaste, rarely contain ingredients that can cause irritation, causing dryness and flaking. But this happens to some people. If the problem is the result of using such products, you should try replacing them.

Instead of harsh, low-quality products that harm your lips, you need to use high-quality products that will keep your lips healthy.


An allergic reaction to foods, supplements, or medications can also cause dry skin. Taking large amounts of vitamin B12 supplements, for example, can cause an allergic reaction to cobalt, causing lips to become dry, peeling, and bleeding.

According to dermatologist Audrey Kunin, some ingredients in products like toothpaste, lip balm and others, can cause an allergic reaction, which will lead to dryness and flaking.

According to a dermatologist, if your toothpaste contains guaazulene, or lipstick has propyl gallate or phenyl salicylate as an ingredient, peeling lips will most likely be due to an allergic reaction to these substances.

Other allergies to food, drink or medications may also cause these symptoms. Some forms of allergic reaction can be life-threatening, so urgent medical diagnosis is necessary to identify and stop them.

Environmental reasons

Environmental factors can also contribute to skin peeling. When exposed to the sun, wind or cold, the skin loses a lot of moisture, making it dry and cracked. This explains why dry lips are common in dry, cold weather and periods of high winds.

Internal diseases

Peeling can sometimes be a sign or symptom of an underlying medical cause. An autoimmune disease, for example, can cause lips to become sensitive to the sun, which can cause them to become dry and flaky. Before going outside, be sure to apply lip balm and sunscreen.

Other skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema (atopic dermatitis) and rosacea can also cause dry skin.

When there is an underlying medical cause for a problem, treating or controlling it is the best way to get rid of its symptoms.

Lack of protection

As mentioned, lips are very sensitive. Dermatologists say that more moisture is lost from the lips than from any other part of the body. Its continuous loss leads to dry and cracked lips. To prevent this, be sure to apply a protective layer of balm or sunscreen.

Lack of vitamins

Lack of essential minerals and vitamins can cause your lips to become dry and begin to peel.

A lack of the following minerals can cause them to not only dry out, but also begin to peel, crack, and bleed:

  • Vitamin B For healthy hair, nails and skin
  • Vitamin B Essential for healthy skin. Its deficiency can lead to dry and cracked lips, swollen tongue and dermatitis.
  • Vitamin B deficiency is associated with skin diseases, dermatitis and cracking at the corners of the mouth.

But too much of them can also be harmful, for example, consuming too much vitamin A can cause dryness.

During pregnancy

Lips begin to peel during pregnancy, usually due to hormonal changes, which occur in a state of readiness for the birth of a child. This is a common problem among expectant mothers. Hormonal fluctuations strip the skin of oil and elasticity, which help prevent dry skin.

When this is the only reason for peeling lips, then it is considered normal. The condition may be painful, but not harmful. You can simply stop the flaking and reduce the pain by using the simple home remedies discussed at the end of the article.

If your lips get worse, you should see a doctor to determine if there is a more serious problem that may be causing your lips to peel. Avoid licking or picking at them as this can cause cracking and bleeding.


Treating the problem involves treating the underlying causes that may be causing it. Once the underlying cause is identified, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment option.

When treating the main cause of dryness and cracks, it is necessary:

  • Use a mild lip balm to protect the surface of your lips
  • Use glycerin before bed
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated
  • Do not lick or bite your lips.

Folk remedies

There are simple remedies you can use at home to relieve and stop symptoms.

Aloe vera gel

Of all the natural home remedies, aloe vera gel is the most commonly used. It has healing and antibacterial properties that can help prevent infection. After applying the gel, you can get soft and moisturized lips.

  1. Wash and extract the gel-like pulp from fresh aloe leaves
  2. If the product is intended for use by children, add 2 tablespoons of raw honey
  3. Apply the paste to your lip and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing it off
  4. Repeat the procedure several times.

Castor oil is another excellent remedy, which can be used to get rid of dryness and flaking. Applying it to the lips, followed by a thin layer of soft Vaseline, can seal in the healing process.

In dry environments, applying glycerin to the skin can help increase moisture levels. It is known as an excellent natural humectant that relieves dry skin while retaining moisture.

Before going to bed or going out into the sun, you can try applying a few drops of glycerin to your lips. The product restores damaged tissue, accelerates the healing process and protects against harsh environmental conditions.

Iron supplements

In cases of anemia, iron supplements can help correct the low red blood cell count that leads to flaking.

If you don't think a vitamin or mineral deficiency is causing your problem, you should ask your doctor to check the condition as soon as possible.


Fresh cream is another effective home remedy, which can be used when lips are peeling. All you need to do is take fresh cow's milk cream, apply it to the affected area and leave it for a few minutes and then rinse it off clean water. You need to repeat the manipulations at least twice a day to achieve optimal results.

Sugar scrub

You can also use sugar to restore the natural softness of your lips.

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with a tablespoon of sugar
  2. Gently mix the ingredients to obtain a liquid paste.
  3. Apply the paste to your lips and leave it on for a few minutes
  4. Scrub the surface of your lips to get rid of dead skin.


To prevent peeling lips, you need to do the following:

  • Avoid licking or biting lips
  • Do not pick at dead skin on your lips, this can cause tearing and bleeding, which can make the condition worse.
  • In severe cases, breathing through your mouth may make dryness worse

There can be many reasons why lips peel and crack. However, the most common of them is vitamin deficiency (spring or autumn).

Drink vitamins

During these periods, the human body lacks vitamins, which can appear not only on the lips, but also on the hands. In principle, this problem is quite easy to solve: you need to purchase a mineral-vitamin complex at the pharmacy, and also, if possible, include natural juices, cereals, fruits and nuts in your diet. The skin on the lips will stop peeling as soon as the body’s supply of essential vitamins is replenished.

Lubricate your lips with oil

Cosmetologists unanimously speak about the beneficial effects of this or that oil on human skin: the fact is that oils nourish the skin, restoring it. Therefore, people with flaky lips are advised to apply their usual olive oil. For the best effect, you can use argan or jojoba oil. You can purchase them in specialized stores or pharmacies. To speed up the healing process of cracked lips, cosmetologists recommend lubricating them with tea tree oil: its unique properties can work wonders.

Get a massage

One way to speed up the healing of cracked lips is to massage them once a week with a soft toothbrush dipped in oil or water. Massage helps increase blood flow to the skin and removes dead skin from the epidermis (upper layer of skin).

Special scrubs designed to cleanse the face and lips operate on the same principle. For example, a scrub made from sugar and olive oil perfectly cleanses and nourishes lips.

To learn how to add volume to your lips, watch the episode of the “Beauty Jurors” program:

Make lotions from tea

In the fight against cracked and flaky lips, ordinary green tea. The fact is that it has unique antioxidant properties. You just need to brew bagged green tea (pour boiling water over it), then let the bag cool a little and apply it to your lips.

Drink more fluids

The cause of peeling lips can also be general dehydration of the body. In this case, doctors advise drinking as much regular fluid (water) as possible and as little alcohol and coffee as possible.

Find out the reason from your doctor

Often, peeling lips can be the result of an allergy to something. In this case, it is recommended to purchase corticosteroid ointment at the pharmacy. It is intended to be applied to lips throughout the day. If this remedy does not bring desired result, you will need to urgently seek the help of a specialist.

In general, peeling and cracks on the lips may indicate various diseases. internal organs, so it is recommended not to delay your visit to the doctor.

The sayings of the ancient Chinese “aesculapians” that have come down to us from the depths of thousands of years say: “The face is a mirror image of health and all diseases are written on it, beauty and health are inseparable.”

If you take this seriously, this phrase contains truth. You cannot boast of a “blooming appearance” if your insides are gnawed by illness. There are actually five zones on the face by which the condition of the body can presumably be diagnosed. What can be determined by the external condition of flaky lips, and how does modern medicine interpret this?

Reasons why lips dry, crack and peel

Due to the fact that a person’s lips are not protected by anything and are covered with a very thin, delicate and sensitive skin devoid of sebaceous glands, they are very susceptible to external negative influences. And this is the most harmless reason that causes dryness, peeling and cracking of lips.

However, there are a great many reasons that cause such an unpleasant symptom. When unpleasant and painful manifestations do not respond to treatment for a long time, the cause begins to be sought among internal disorders in the body. Since the state of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and dental problems are projected onto the mouth area, the search for the root cause begins in this direction.

But there is another reason, it is the most probable, because it can manifest itself as a result of a wide variety of influences. This is an inflammatory disease of the lips - cheilitis.

There are several main forms and manifestations of cheilitis:

  • exfoliative;
  • glandular;
  • meteorological and actinic.

The symptomatic manifestation is as varied as its variations - manifested by atopic and eczematous forms, chronic fissures and other signs.

1. Cheilitis of exfoliative form. The impetus for development is a decrease in immune functions. A hereditary factor cannot be ruled out. Mental imbalance and stressful situations contribute to the development of the disease.

The dry form is manifested by redness and peeling of the skin along the border of the lips, the formation of light, easily removable dry crusts. Dry skin develops a constant habit of moisturizing the lips by licking them with the tongue, aggravating the situation with additional chapping and the formation of skin peeling in the corners of the lips

With exudative manifestations, swelling of the lips, hyperemia, burning and soreness are noted. Easily removable yellow-gray crusts appear between the labial border and mucous tissue.

2. Grand form caused by inflammatory reactions in the salivary glands located in the area of ​​the labial border. From small red dots, droplets of salivary secretions constantly appear on the border, in the form of dew. Constant moisture and evaporation of liquid causes flaky and dry lips. Because of this, cracks and erosion appear. Penetration of infection into the inflamed glands is manifested by purulent formations, swelling and severe pain.

3. Meteorological cheilitis– consequence of influence external factors: humidity, frost or cold. The development of inflammatory disease is influenced by the presence of chronic skin pathologies and structural features of the skin. Signs of the disease include hyperemia, swelling, tightness, dry skin and constant peeling of the lips. Often there is an irresistible desire to moisturize them. Prolonged course is complicated by the formation of cracks.

4. Actinic appearance inflammatory disease of the lips is caused by an increased reaction to the influence of ultraviolet radiation, each time worsening with prolonged exposure to sunlight. Lips become red, dry, scaly and cracked. Areas of compaction and long-lasting erosive lesions form on the lips. If such signs appear with enviable regularity, this indicates a chronic process and a possible process of malignancy. (degeneration into oncological formations).

5. Thomas atopic cheilitis manifests itself with signs characteristic of skin pathologies - neurodermatitis or atopic dermatitis. The lips and the border surrounding them become very red and dry, and cracks appear. The skin above the lip peels, there is a burning sensation and itchy symptoms. All this may be a consequence of an allergic reaction to medications, house dust, pollen, bacteria and microorganisms, as well as food.

6. Eczematous form inflammatory disease. It happens that a sign of peeling of the lips is a consequence of a neuroallergic process, manifested by the general symptoms of eczematous development. In acute cases, bubble formations, scales, crusts and swelling appear on the hyperemic labial outline.

All these “delights” burn, itch, and are accompanied by painful symptoms. The pathological reaction covers the adjacent skin. With a protracted chronic process, the signs of swelling and hyperemia are less pronounced, but the affected skin thickens and becomes covered with scales and peeling.

7. Often signs of cheilitis are manifested by structural tissue disorders in the form of the formation of a deep transverse, long-healing and very painful crack on the edging labial border. Its formation is facilitated by stress, trauma, addictions and chronic pathologies. If the crack does not heal for a long time, a dark crust appears on the crack, the adjacent tissues swell and become inflamed.

The inflammatory process spreads to the tissue surface of the lips, causing redness and peeling of the skin in the corners of the lips. It is clear that healing is difficult, which is hampered by the constant movement of the lips while eating or talking. Even after healing, possible relapses occur in the same location, and the frequent appearance of cracks increases the risk of malignancy.

It is characteristic that the development of cheilitis is preceded by inept treatment of peeling lips that appears due to exposure to the external environment, infection, or inept use cosmetics, which disrupt the nutritional functions of the lips and contribute to the development of inflammatory processes. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of treatment, you need to know exactly what to do for flaky lips.

Lips peel and crack - what to do, how to treat?

If your lips have been peeling and cracking for a long time, and are not amenable to self-treatment, you need to think about possible problems within the body that contribute to this. And only a doctor can solve this issue by conducting the necessary examination.

The treatment program for peeling lips is drawn up according to the final diagnosis and includes:

  • The use of soothing and sedatives, indifferent creams for lubricating the affected skin of the lips, made on the basis of lanolin, petroleum jelly, salicylic acid, or boric acid. Such ointments are not absorbed by the affected skin, but help soften the keratinized flaky layer of the epidermis and, then, easily remove the resulting scales. At the same time, Bucca therapy procedures (radiation radiation) can be prescribed if problematic traces of peeling remain on the lips, as well as the drug “Pyrogenal”, which improves metabolic processes.
  • For severe inflammatory processes, Prednisalone or Hydrocartisone ointments and protective corticosteroid creams in the form of Flucinar help.
  • For enlarged salivary glands, an electrocoagulation procedure is performed, or excision of problem areas of the enlarged glands.
  • The established fact of an allergic effect on the appearance of cracking and peeling of the epidermis of the lips is stopped by the antiallergic drugs “Suprastin”, “Claritin”, “Fenkarol”. Vitamin complexes, corticosteroid drugs and ointments such as Afloderma and Ceralipa, lotions with chamomile or tea infusion are prescribed. An anti-allergenic diet is recommended.
  • In case of development of eczematous pathology, antimicrobial drugs “Sinalar-N”, “Lorinden-S”, or “Dexocord” and local treatment with corticosteroid ointments are used.
  • Treatment of chronic cracked lips is carried out various ointments, containing antibiotics – “Dibiomycin”, “Tetracycline”. Anti-inflammatory ointments: "Indomethacin", corticosteroids "Dermozolonova" or "Sinolar" ointments, antimicrobial "Nistitin" or "Lovorin". As epithelializing applications - oil solutions with vitamin A, rose hips and calendula, Shostakovsky balm.

To enhance therapeutic therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures in the form of endonasal electrophoresis, UHF and ultrasound therapy or UV irradiation can be prescribed. In the presence of infiltrative manifestations - a course of phonophoresis. It should be noted that treatment of the skin of the lips only with external means is very slow, and the prescription of the necessary drugs for internal use is selected individually.

Only timely comprehensive treatment of flaky, inflamed and cracked lips can achieve a complete cure and prevent the processes of malignancy (transition), which occur in more than 3% of patients.

If you see that your lips don’t look good and decide to bring them back to normal, you should first find out the reason why they may peel and crack. This is usually facilitated by:
- lack of vitamins A, B, E;

Obvious signs of a lack of vitamins are that the lips do not just peel off, but hives form on them.

- sudden temperature fluctuations;
- diseases digestive system, herpes;
- dehydration of the body;
- allergies to foods, creams or medications;
- normal weathering.

Lip care to help avoid flaking and cracking

Include foods rich in vitamins in your diet, or purchase a vitamin complex at the pharmacy. Drink as much as possible boiled water(1.5-2 liters) to avoid dehydration. Limit your consumption of very spicy and salty foods.

Use hygienic lipstick and special caring lip balms, especially do not neglect them in cold weather and extreme heat. There is no need to often paint your lips with super-resistant lipsticks - they dry out and tighten the skin of your lips. Also try not to wear lipsticks containing eucalyptus, camphor and menthol.

Never use other people's personal hygiene products; remember that a person can become seriously ill without knowing it.

Make it a rule to take care of your lips every day, and not occasionally, once in a while.

If a rash, herpes appears on your lips, the wounds become inflamed and festered, become very sick, under no circumstances should you pick out the ulcers and wounds and do not engage in self-medication. In this case, there is only one way - to a dermatologist.

It is very useful to rub jojoba oil, honey mixed with butter, tea tree oil, into your lips before going to bed. sea ​​buckthorn oil. You need to rub in carefully, having previously done a light massage of your lips with a toothbrush or other brush with medium-hard bristles while brushing your teeth.

There are many masks made from simple products that will help your lips. For example, sour cream mask, very simple and useful. Mix a teaspoon of fat sour cream and 5-6 drops of lemon juice, add 2-3 drops vegetable oil. Mix everything, apply to the surface of the lips, pre-warmed by massage, and rinse after 15 minutes. Then lubricate your lips with rich baby cream or Vaseline.

Lips crack, unfortunately, not only for the romantic reason “kissing in the cold.” The skin of the lips does not have sebaceous glands and is therefore highly sensitive and defenseless. Depending on exactly how the lips peel, symptoms and treatment methods are distinguished.

If your lips are peeling and cracking due to frost and chapping

It is especially dangerous to lick or bite your lips in the cold. If your lips crack from frost, then first there is a feeling of tightness, then the lips begin to burst, and painful cracks appear.

What to do if your lips are chapped due to chapping?

Use chapstick. Ingredients such as beeswax, jojoba oil and almond oil have a good effect on lips. Castor oil, cocoa butter, panthenol. At home, it is useful to lubricate your lips with honey - it disinfects and heals cracks, softens. Must use for lip care fat cream or cosmetic oil.

Lips crack and peel from the sun

There are no sebaceous glands on the lips, the lips are absolutely defenseless against ultraviolet radiation, and are often the first to burn. Sunburned lips not only peel, but also become swollen, painful when touched, and itchy.

What should you do if your lips are peeling because they are sunburned?

Always use chapstick with sun filters, this will prevent troubles in the future. What to do if your lips are already burnt? Use special means for sunburn, panthenol, lubricate lips with sour cream and make masks from cottage cheese and yolk.

Lips peel due to jamming

Cracks in the corners of the mouth (jams) are especially painful - in these places the skin rarely remains motionless, so the jams do not heal for a long time. appear due to vitamin deficiency and lack of minerals, in some cases they can be triggered by food allergies.

What to do with jams?

Avoid spicy and sour foods. Regularly lubricate your lips with syntomycin ointment to relieve inflammation. Use lipstick with natural ingredients: wax, honey, cocoa butter, aloe extract. Since seizures are a sign of a lack of vitamins and fatty acids in the body, you definitely need to drink a course of oils or a vitamin-mineral complex.

If a “cold” appears on the lips, the lips crack and peel

It all starts with the fact that the place where the fever (herpes) appears is itchy and burning. Soon a bubble appears on it. At the same time, the lips peel and become especially dry. The reason is decreased immunity, the herpes virus or other infectious diseases.

What should you do if you have a fever (herpes) on your lips?

Visit a doctor! An inflammatory blister on the lips can be a sign of various infectious diseases. Therefore, when lips crack due to a “cold on the lips”, this is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a health issue.

Peeling of the lips is sometimes accompanied by inflammation of the border

In this case, there is a high probability that your lips are cracking due to the use of low-quality or expired cosmetics.

What to do if your lips peel and the border around your lips becomes inflamed?

Remember what cosmetics you used in the last 10-12 hours and exclude them. Buy a neutral lip balm. Be careful with honey! It is very beneficial for the lips, but if you are allergic to bee products, it should be avoided. If the steps taken do not bring results, you should consult a dermatologist.

What to do if not only your lips crack, but also hives occur?

Enrich your diet with fresh vegetables and herbs, nuts, fruits and berries, red meat and fatty fish. Visit a doctor, get tested and determine which immunomodulators and vitamins you should take.

Lips peel and hives appear

This inflammation is characterized by a sudden appearance and sudden disappearance. The skin of the lips becomes tense, a feeling of dryness occurs, and eventually the lips crack. Urticaria appears periodically around the lips and on the lips. This problem is caused by vitamin and mineral deficiency.

What to do if your lips peel and turn pale?

Rapid loss of pigment can be triggered by active smoking, stress, lack of walks in the fresh air, and lack of sleep. Accordingly, you should quit smoking (this should be done, in fact, for many reasons), give yourself a break, walk more, and be less nervous. Don't forget about the physical impact: after brushing your teeth, after rinsing the brush, it is useful to massage your lips with it, and also rub honey and castor oil into your lips. If your lips become chapped and pale, this may also be side effect internal diseases, so it makes sense to visit a doctor and get examined.

Lips crack and lose pigment, turning pale

It also happens. The reasons why lips peel in this case are smoking, age-related changes, stress, diseases of internal organs.

What to do if your lips crack and peel?

Depending on the reason for the lips cracking and peeling, treatment is selected.

Universal rules:

If your lips are cracking and peeling, you should always use a lip balm, depending on the cause of the problem - with different properties. And in any case, it will be useful to take vitamin-mineral preparations and immunostimulants.