Cosmetics for acne: la cri stop, acne derm, acnebay, doppelhertz, sea of ​​spa soap. La Cree cream - instructions, unique properties Allergic reactions to La Cree cream

With a disease such as atopic dermatitis, it is necessary to provide especially careful skin care. And not only during exacerbation, but also during calm periods, because in patients the water-lipid balance is disturbed. Let's figure out how products from the La Cree series are used for atopic dermatitis in order to reduce the risk of exacerbation and increase the skin's resistance to the adverse effects of external factors.

Cases of atopic dermatitis often occur in members of the same family because the disease is genetically determined. It manifests itself, but sometimes adults also suffer from this disease. Products from the La Cree line can be used to care for the skin of patients of any age.

Main manifestations

Dermatitis is a chronic disease; there is no panacea for this disease. It will be necessary to provide the skin with constant careful care. Exacerbations of atopy can be provoked by various factors, for example:

  • house dust;
  • animal fur or insect bites;
  • plant pollen;
  • food;
  • household chemicals, cosmetics.

Advice! it is imperative to treat persistently, since in the absence of treatment there is a high risk of developing such serious complications, like bronchial asthma or hay fever.

The disease manifests itself as dry skin, redness, cracking, and the appearance of a rash.

What care is required?

Affected skin requires the most careful care; medicinal cosmetics should provide the following effects:

  • reduce moisture loss;
  • fight dryness;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • eliminate peeling;
  • remove itching;
  • heal.

La Cree line

Therapeutic cosmetics are presented in pharmacies in a wide range, but one of the most popular series is the La-Cri line of drugs. These preparations are intended for the care of dry, irritated skin.


La-Cri preparations contain many components that help improve skin health. One of the main components is panthenol. This product effectively restores and heals the skin. In addition, it contains the following components:

  • licorice root extract helps to quickly relieve inflammation, has anti-allergic properties, and helps strengthen the protective properties of the skin;
  • violet extract has a similar effect, enhancing the effect of the first component;
  • string extract has an antifungal effect, helps relieve irritation and ensures faster healing of the skin;
  • bisabolol is a substance obtained from pharmaceutical chamomile, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves burning and itching;
  • Alligator pear oil has the property of softening the skin, stopping the inflammatory process, preventing its further spread.


At correct use drugs from the La-Cri series have the following effects:

  • antiallergic;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • moisturizing;
  • exfoliating;
  • stimulating regeneration;

  • soothing;
  • emollient.

Advice! This drug is ideal for proper care for atopic skin. He provide comprehensive care, eliminating the need to use several highly targeted drugs.


The line includes several drugs. If you use several products from the line at once, the effect will be better, since each of them enhances the effect of the other.


As a rule, patients use ointments for treatment, and to care for the affected epidermis it is recommended to use a cream from the La-Cri series. This product is designed specifically for skin prone to irritation and dryness. In addition, when using creams from the La-Cri series, inflammation is relieved, itching is eliminated, and redness is removed.

Advice! Hormonal ointment is often prescribed to treat inflammatory skin diseases. But this remedy can only be used in short courses. In addition, it is not suitable for small children.

But long-term use of La Cree cream for dermatitis does not cause harm and does not lose its medicinal properties. The drug can be used not only for atopy, this remedy will help with any lesions that require moisturizing and softening the skin.

The product can be used for patients of any age, even for babies under one year old. The product effectively combats dryness, eliminates moisture loss, and increases resistance to aggressive external environments.


This product is recommended for use by expectant mothers, as it effectively prevents the formation of stretch marks. Contains only safe components, so women do not have to worry about harm to the fetus. The drug has a delicate structure, the composition is enriched with valuable oils, including oils:

  • from wheat sprouts;
  • tangerine;
  • almonds;
  • peach seeds;
  • ylang-ylang.

The product is perfectly absorbed, it is convenient to use, since the bottle is equipped with a dispenser.

Advice! The emulsion can be used as a massage oil; the drug stimulates the processes of regeneration and blood supply.

Shampoo and conditioner

The products are designed to care for the scalp, they help in the fight against seborrhea. You can use shampoo for infants to get rid of crusts on the head. The shampoo contains no additives that irritate the mucous membranes, so even if the product gets into the eyes, the baby will not cry.

Advice! Shampoo should be used in combination with conditioner. It eliminates the problem of dry scalp.


This variety is intended for washing the face. The product ideally relieves the manifestations of atopy, and also fights acne and comedones. Therefore, foam should be used in adolescence, when many guys and girls have skin problems.


This form can be used to cleanse the face and entire body. Suitable for bathing children and washing adults. Used in the shower or for washing. The composition contains valuable oils that effectively soften and ensure healing of damage.

How to apply?

Before you start using medicinal cosmetics, you must read the instructions on the packaging. Each form has its own characteristics. So:

  • first of all, you need to cleanse the skin, for this you can use foam or gel;
  • then you can apply the cream; you can apply it several times a day as needed.

The emulsion is used in the same way; it can be used every time the skin feels tight. Apply the products in a thin layer, lightly rubbing massage movements. In this case, you should not put too much pressure on the damaged skin; you need to act as carefully as possible.

Products from the line can be safely used for hygiene care for children of any age. They are not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. The only contraindication is the individual sensitivity of the body to any of the components included in the cosmetics.

Such phenomena are observed extremely rarely, but they are not excluded. Therefore, you need to take the time and conduct a trial test before the first use. A small drop of the drug is applied to the inside of the wrist.

If no negative reaction occurs within 24 hours, you can use the drug in full. If discomfort and redness appear, then use cosmetic preparation it is forbidden. It is necessary to choose a safe analogue.

So the La Cree line is medicinal cosmetics. The line includes several types of drugs; they can be used individually or used in combination. With proper use of cosmetics, you can achieve excellent results; the epidermis will receive additional moisture and nutrients. This will ensure damage restoration and healthy skin.

Mosquitoes and midges bit me, at first I lubricated the bite sites with a diluted spoon of soda and a spoon of water, at first it helped, I was even surprised, but after a week of use the effect was zero. What should I do, my husband bought La-Cri cream yesterday; you can even use it from birth. I anointed it once yesterday and today the redness really began to disappear. So, in general, I’m sharing it with you.

And instructions:

La-Cree cream instructions for use

Cream La-cree

Composition and release form

1 tube contains licorice extract, string extract, bisabolol, violet extract, walnut, panthenol, avocado oil, glycerol, distilled water; in a tube 30 g.

pharmachologic effect

LA-KRI is an effective and safe anti-inflammatory non-hormonal cream for adults and children based on herbal ingredients.

The complex composition of the cream allows it to act simultaneously on different components of inflammation, providing anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, moisturizing, softening and regenerating effects.

La-Cri cream, indications for use

Skin diseases accompanied by inflammation, itching, burning sensation;

Dermatitis of various origins;

Dry skin is hereditary and age-related (ichthyosis);

Irritation and itching after insect bites and plant burns;

Sunburn and thermal burns 1st degree;

Childhood eczema;

Diaper dermatitis;

Diaper rash.


Individual intolerance to the components of LA-KRI cream.

Cream La-cree

Composition and release form

1 tube contains licorice extract, string extract, bisabolol, violet extract, walnut extract, panthenol, avocado oil, glycerin, distilled water; in a tube 30 g.

pharmachologic effect

LA-KRI is an effective and safe anti-inflammatory non-hormonal cream for adults and children based on herbal ingredients.

The complex composition of the cream allows it to act simultaneously on different components of inflammation, providing anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, moisturizing, softening and regenerating effects.


Skin diseases accompanied by inflammation, itching, burning sensation;

Dermatitis of various origins;

Dry skin is hereditary and age-related (ichthyosis);

Irritation and itching after insect bites and plant burns;

Sunburn and thermal burns of the 1st degree;

Childhood eczema;

Diaper dermatitis;

Diaper rash.


Individual intolerance to the components of LA-KRI cream.

Side effectsactionsI

Rarely: allergic reactions.

Dosage and administration

Apply LA-KRI cream to dry clean skin face and body 1-2 times a day.

Storage conditions and shelf life

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Shelf life - 2 years.


Olya Likhacheva

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is :)


This cosmetic product has been produced for more than twenty years. Today, licorice cream, which contains mainly natural ingredients, is inexpensive, but effective means for the skin, and its use, according to the instructions, is allowed for both adults and small children. The popularity of the product returned several years ago, when women began to prefer not only effective, but also safe cosmetics.

What is licorice cream

The unique composition of the product is suitable for any skin type, including sensitive skin prone to irritation and peeling. Highly effective substances in the cream reliably protect the dermis during cold seasons, activate the rapid restoration of the skin after tanning (if you want to protect yourself from harmful radiation, you should apply the product to the skin before tanning). Natural cream with licorice extract practically does not dry out, so it is used economically. The natural remedy penetrates deep into the skin structure, providing a therapeutic effect.

The main advantages of licorice ointment are:

  • absence of aggressive chemical components;
  • small packaging and limited production batches of the cream guarantee the freshness of the product;
  • relatively low price;
  • economical consumption (with daily use licorice ointment lasts for several weeks);
  • minimal risk of allergies (all substances in the composition have a mild effect and are suitable for sensitive skin);
  • vegetable oils, which are contained in the cosmetic product, help restore dry skin, relieve inflammation, and help get rid of peeling and itching.

Liquorice cream composition

La-Cri cream cannot be called absolutely natural, however, it belongs to biologically pure cosmetic products. The downside of the product is the presence of perfume fragrances (in small quantities) and methylparaben. To avoid negative consequences, before applying the ointment to an infant do a sensitivity test. The full composition of licorice cream looks like this:

  • olive oil;
  • extract from licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra L);
  • purified water;
  • soybean oil;
  • triethanolamine;
  • lanolin;
  • higher fatty alcohols;
  • dimethicone;
  • Castor oil hydrogenated;
  • propylene glycol;
  • cosmetic fragrances;
  • methylparaben.

The role of active substances in the ointment is played by olive oil, lanolin and extract from licorice rhizome. The latter is a complex of effective biologically active substances, the main one of which is glycyrrhizic acid. In terms of structure, glycyrrhizin belongs to phytosteroids, that is, natural hormones that act as antioxidants. In addition, licorice extract has the following effects on the skin:

  • relieves redness;
  • does dark spots less noticeable due to natural whitening of the dermis;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • has an immunomodulatory effect;
  • disinfects the skin;
  • eliminates skin problems (rashes), prevents relapses;
  • restores the protective functions of the epidermis.

Lanolin is obtained from sheep's wool; it forms a protective film on the surface of the skin, thereby preventing cells from losing moisture. Thus, collagen fibers have the resources for timely replenishment. Olive oil– a multifunctional component in the composition of licorice ointment has a long-lasting nourishing and moisturizing effect. In addition, it protects the dermis from various diseases and nourishes it with essential vitamins.

Instructions for use of licorice cream

You should use La-Cri ointment depending on your goals. At the same time, the product is suitable for both healthy skin and damaged skin. It prevents drying out of the skin, relieves itching, and eliminates inflammation. Instructions for use of licorice cream contain indications for its use. So, you should use the ointment for:

  • sunburn;
  • dermatitis, including in infants;
  • diathesis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • allergic skin manifestations;
  • diaper rash;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • frostbite/chapping;
  • dry skin.

For children

Pediatricians advise using the ointment even for small children. The product begins to act after the first use, and you can see how the skin has softened, moisturized, and redness has gone away. You can use licorice cream for children daily by taking and rubbing a small amount of the product into the skin of the baby’s body and face. It is especially important to lubricate the child with ointment winter time, before going outside. The product is also suitable for treating external manifestations diathesis and diaper rash in newborns.

For hands

The composition of this drug is supplemented with green tea extract, thanks to which the licorice hand cream makes peeling, irritation and inflammation of the skin disappear. In addition, the mechanism of action of the ointment provides for rapid healing of wounds, elimination of tightness and roughness of the skin. According to the instructions, if you have injuries, you need to use the product several times a day, after washing off the dirt with soap and water.

For face

The product can be used both for the face and the whole body. Licorice ointment eliminates dryness, irritation, suppresses inflammatory processes and reduces the symptoms of diathesis or other skin diseases. Licorice face cream contains 2 active ingredients - olive oil and licorice extract - which provide an anti-allergenic, soothing effect. The product has a mild, immunomodulatory effect and does not cause side effects. According to reviews, with regular use of the ointment, pigment spots lighten and wrinkles become less noticeable.

For legs

The cosmetic product relieves pain and fatigue, softens the feet, and removes swelling from the legs. Licorice foot cream has this effect thanks to extracts of grapefruit and menthol - natural components that, among other things, provide a deodorizing and antiseptic effect. The cream reduces sweating by narrowing the sebaceous glands. The ointment should be applied to clean, dry skin of the feet, rubbing in with massage movements.

Liquorice cream price

The product is produced in limited quantities - this way the manufacturer has the opportunity to control the quality of its products. You can buy licorice ointment in Russia and the CIS countries. The cosmetic product is available in a 30 ml tube. In addition, if desired, the cream can be inexpensively purchased in an online store by selecting a product in a virtual catalog and ordering home delivery. What is the cost of the products? The price for licorice cream is not high; the cost range can be seen in the table.


I continue the story about the tested (as it later turned out - in vain) line of care products problematic skin La Cree.

The first thing that immediately attracts attention is the status of this skincare cosmetics, which is respected by mothers and their children, which means that La Cree will make decent products for adults with problem skin.

In this review I will tell you about the main points, as in my previous reviews of products of the same name.

Unfortunately, I no longer saved the boxes in which the lotion and cream were packaged, but I must say that they were very beautiful even for simple packaging - the cardboard was matte-ribbed, like a canvas for drawing and drawing, the drawings were delicate, like basically blow it, The entire line (with the exception of the cream for spot application) looks like this:

The cream-gel from the front looks like this:

From the description side:

The manufacturer assures that the cream is made without parabens and with a lot of useful ingredients. Unfortunately, the composition was indicated exactly on the packaging box, but the main ingredients were listed there:

1. Unique complex AlpaFlor Alp-Sebum;2. Betaine;3. Violet extract;4. Licorice extract;5. Sequence extract;6. Salicylic acid.

As in foam and tonic.

The volume of the cream gel was small 50 ml. It depends on everyone, but for me this is a completely small volume. The cost is about 300 rubles in an online pharmacy.

Manufacturer's promises:

Product for specialized dermatological care for problematic and oily skin prone to acne. - regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands; - mattifies the skin, eliminating oily shine for a long time; - prevents the appearance of acne; - evens out the surface of the skin

The consistency of the cream is both light and dense. When you spread it over the skin, you feel how light the cream is, but nourishing. As soon as you apply it, there is a clear feeling of a mask on your face, which goes away within minutes. And most importantly, it completely mattifies immediately.

Why did I give only two stars to this seemingly impeccable product?

Personally, this cream did not suit me. And I would even like to, but no. After an hour, an oily sheen appears, although from the very beginning the skin was completely matte. I'm also not happy with the small volume. After a few weeks of use, it caused an allergy in the form of red rashes where they had not been observed before. Probably, I was simply allergic to one of the components, because it seems that the cream itself is very worthy of attention. But, alas, not mine.

I can’t say anything about the cream clogging the pores, since the rash could be of an allergic nature or from a comedogenic effect.

Cleansing foam from the series of the same name

Tonic from the series of the same name