Types of perm and effective care after the procedure. Treatment of hair after perm: how to correct the hairdresser’s mistakes and eliminate side effects Haircuts how to cut the effects of chemicals

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 45.9k. Published 10/13/2014

Have you decided to change your look, not waste time on styling and perm your hair? Of course, your curls will look spectacular around the clock, but do not forget that even the most expensive and gentle “chemistry” negatively affects the condition of the hair and changes its structure.

Hair restoration after perm requires intensive regular care.

Perm methods

Today, there are several methods of perm. Depending on your preferences, hair type and condition, you can choose the most gentle type of styling:

  • Suitable for healthy, problem-free hair;
  • Chemical alkaline, more gentle curling;
  • - easy root perm. Suitable for all hair types, except very thick and dense hair.

Classic permanent:

A permanent or classic perm will help give your hair volume.
Two types of “chemistry” are used:

  • Alkaline is the most gentle. Its main disadvantage is the short fixation period (up to three months). The curl will not hold on dense, thick hair.
  • Acid perm. The hairstyle is performed using an acid-based composition, which allows you to get a hard curl with enhanced hold. However, the aggressive components of the composition used significantly damage the hair structure. Often, after chemical styling, hair requires enhanced care.

Hair restoration after classic perm:

Your set of hair care products should include balms and oils:

  • Buy special products and complexes for hair restoration after chemotherapy, for example, the cosmetic hair care series of the Italian company Natura House “PBX + provitamin B5”, which contains valuable components: royal jelly, boxwood extract, provitamin B5, and pumpkin oil;
  • After each hair wash, apply restorative products with proteins (balms, conditioners, sprays);
  • To style and style your hair, use foam and hair care sprays with a healing effect.

Note! Experts advise choosing caring and restorative products from the same manufacturer. By complementing each other, they work more efficiently.

In order for the curl to look luxurious, and the curls and curls to retain their elasticity, the condition of the ends of the hair is very important. Therefore, before curling, they need to be cut.

But no one will argue that the best, simplest and most inexpensive hair care after chemicals is homemade masks without synthetic ingredients. Here are some recipes:

Mask with vodka

  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon or aloe juice;
  • 20 grams of vodka.

Rub into hair roots. After half an hour, rinse with shampoo and rinse with acidified water.

Castor oil mask

  • Onion juice.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply to hair. After 40 minutes, rinse with broth pharmaceutical chamomile, and then clean water. The procedure must be repeated several times a week and the hair will gain elasticity and shine.

After applying any mask, you need to put on a bath cap and wrap your head in a terry towel.

Important! For a sustainable healing effect, you need to carry out at least 10 caring procedures.

Carving or gentle chemistry

The method was proposed by specialists from Schwarzkopf. Carving, or light “chemistry”, is a long-term, gentle perm that gives root volume to the hair. Depending on the type and structure of the hair, it lasts 1 – 2 months. Gentle hair products are used to create hairstyles. chemical compositions, which injure curls to a much lesser extent than with conventional “chemistry”.

Photo. Examples of carving (can be enlarged)

Carving hair care provides soft curls, indistinguishable from natural curls. After the procedure, the hair looks impressive and natural: large waves of curls, spiral curls, or broken strands.

The main feature of carving is that, if desired, hair can be straightened using heat-protective sprays and serums, straightening irons, and a hair dryer with a round brush.

Hair care after carving

Any impact chemicals has a negative effect on the hair structure. Based on this, even such gentle styling is recommended to be carried out no more often than once every three to four months.

Caring for “carved” hair is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to follow the general recommendations and use care products (shampoos, balms, masks) that correspond to the condition of your hair and its type.

    After any perm procedure, do not wash your hair for several days. The composition should be fixed in the hair.

    Try to comb your hair less often and only use a comb with natural bristles or wide teeth.

    Important! Don't use a hairdryer. Hair should dry naturally.

What is cysteine ​​care?

Cysteine ​​hair restoration– this is a new word in restorative hair care. If your hair is constantly dyed or damaged as a result of perm, then cysting is the ideal procedure to restore vitality, elasticity and density to your hair. Cysteine ​​is also relevant for those who are unhappy with excessively curly hair. The procedure does not straighten curls, but reduces the volume of curls, giving the hair a noble look.

Cysteine ​​is a non-essential amino acid that is part of protein (keratin) and improves the structure of nails, skin and hair. Over time, the amino acid content in hair decreases, which leads to a decrease in its density. Unlike straightening (keratinization), cysteine ​​treatment nourishes hair from the inside, making it denser, shinier and more manageable. Salons offer cysteine ​​treatment with impeccable Amazon Series and Remedy cosmetics. Cosmetics can also be used at home, and the effect of the procedure is observed immediately after washing your hair. To replenish amino acids in the body, it is necessary to consume foods with high protein levels. Daily norm cysteine ​​intake is 1.8 g.

Benefits of cysteine-based cosmetics

  • Light and pleasant;
  • Delicate and long-lasting scent of all care products;
  • Important! Shampoos, masks, balms do not contain parabens, sulfates, formaldehyde!;
  • Consists only of natural ingredients;
  • Protects hair from the sun, sea water and negative environmental factors.

Hair restoration after ironing

Women's preferences change like spring weather. Some people do expensive perms, while many are not happy with the curls and use various hairdressing tools to create perfectly straight hair. Irons or straighteners help you quickly and easily new hairstyle. But frequent use of the tool leads to curls becoming brittle, dull and lifeless.

Damaged hair needs to be restored and the methods and techniques presented earlier in the article will be useful here: good cosmetics for hair care at home, homemade masks and gentle methods of drying and styling. There are a huge number of masks, which are based on natural oils(castor, sea buckthorn, wheat germ oil), honey, herbal decoctions. We present to your attention an original method for restoring hair after ironing:

  • Pour 30 g of gelatin with two tablespoons of warm water and leave for half an hour to swell;
  • After swelling, dissolve the composition in a water bath or in the microwave and add 50 g of hair balm;
  • Apply the mask to washed, damp hair under cellophane and a towel for 40 - 50 minutes;

Repeat the procedure weekly and your hair will become dense, shiny and healthy.

So, you are unhappy with the result of your salon perm and want to grow your hair faster. What needs to be done for this? We advise you to start with a visit to two specialists - an experienced hairdresser and a general practitioner.

The doctor will help you choose products that will affect your body from the inside.(for example, special vitamin complexes). And your hair stylist will discuss hair care issues with you, select the necessary care treatments and recommend proven cosmetic products.

Proper care after perm

To help your strands recover from harmful chemical exposure, follow a few simple rules. Firstly, try to avoid various types of hot styling, such as curling with a curling iron or hot rollers.

You should also not do complex, intricate hairstyles with an abundance of hairpins. Provide your hair with caring and constant care, which will include the use of all kinds of masks, as well as taking vitamins and all kinds of salon procedures.

How to care for hair after perm:

Choosing the right means

You can help your strands grow faster with the help of special cosmetics. Here are some examples of useful beauty products that you can use at home:

You can find these and other similar products on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetics stores.

Folk recipes

In addition to professional cosmetic products, there are also a lot of home recipes that do not require any special investment. Here are some simple examples:

ATTENTION! Keep in mind that all of these masks serve to increase blood circulation and awaken dormant hair follicles.

During such procedures, you may experience a slight burning sensation. If it becomes very strong, this is a sign that the procedure is not suitable for you, and it is better to interrupt it to avoid a painful burn.

Salon treatments

You can speed up the growth of your strands with the help of salon procedures. For example, it helps a lot with this problem.

This treatment procedure is based on the light impact of pulsed current. As a result, blood circulation improves and strand growth accelerates.

Darsonvalization must be carried out repeatedly, the optimal number and frequency of treatments will need to be discussed with your hairdresser.

In addition, it also gives a good effect quality massage scalp, made by an experienced master.

It is also good to supplement the set of procedures with various professional scrubs that improve blood circulation.

The so-called aroma combing, in which the hair is combed using all kinds of essential oils, also helps a lot.

REFERENCE! All these procedures can be very effective, but only if they are carried out not occasionally, but regularly.


It would be a good idea to help your hair not only with all kinds of external influences, but also from the inside. Add special vitamins and bioactive supplements to your diet. Very good for this problem, for example, are the “Inneov Hair Density” vitamins from the French brand Vichy.

There are also more affordable drugs, for example, vitamin complexes “Nutricap”, “Merz”, “Biotin” and others. To choose the right vitamins for yourself and calculate the course of intake, consult your doctor before visiting the pharmacy.

How quickly will hair grow back?

Following all the rules listed above and applying all possible ways and recipes, you can really speed up your hair growth somewhat. However, remember that nothing is impossible. Nobody promises you super-fast growth. Even under the most favorable conditions, strands are unlikely to grow more than 1.5-2 cm per month.


As you can see, the process of hair restoration after chemotherapy can be quite difficult. Therefore, think very carefully before creating a perm on your hair. This procedure can result in long-term and serious hair problems for you.

There are situations when a girl is dissatisfied with the result of chemotherapy and decides to grow her hair. In this case should start with consulting a doctor and an experienced professional stylist . So the doctor will prescribe treatment from the inside, prescribe vitamin complexes that the body needs to renew itself after a dangerous procedure. And the stylist will recommend external hair treatments and select options for daily care.

Basic care methods

  • Using special shampoos and conditioners.
  • Refusal harmful effects hot styling, such as a hair dryer, hot rollers, curling iron.
  • Ease of hairstyles. It is best to walk with fluffy hair or with a loose elastic band. You should not do hairstyles using bobby pins and hairpins. Also, when choosing hairpins, you should pay attention to plastic ones, not metal ones.
  • It is important to choose a comb. It should not have metal teeth. It is better to opt for a regular wooden comb. Under no circumstances should brushing be used.

Currently, there are a lot of drugs that have a beneficial effect on damaged hair. There are a huge number of companies producing medical products, and every girl will be able to choose what she needs. The pricing policy is also varied, from expensive to very cheap and affordable for many. Let's look at some of them.


These are just approximate types of shampoos that can be used to restore and grow hair. There are also many other useful products available in stores and pharmacies. Any manufacturer of hair products recommends the use of hair balms from the same series.

As the creators say When using shampoo and conditioner simultaneously, the effect is enhanced. In addition, oils will have a beneficial effect on hair. They are not expensive, as a rule, they are sold at the nearest pharmacy and are available to absolutely everyone.


  1. Burdock.
  2. Olive.
  3. Sea buckthorn.

Oils must be applied to a comb, preferably wooden, then comb the hair, thus creating a kind of massage that stimulates blood flow, and due to the oils, the hair is moisturized and takes on a healthy appearance.

Folk remedies

Basically, these products include hair masks made from everyday products that you always have in the house.

Homemade masks

At the heart of any folk remedies contains oils that have a beneficial effect on the hair structure and also increase blood circulation in the head, which promotes growth. When using homemade masks, a burning sensation may occur. If there is a financial opportunity or home care does not help, girls can resort to salon hair restoration procedures.

Procedures for recovery

  1. Darsonvalization– a salon procedure that is used in the most difficult cases. It is carried out with a special device, which, under the influence of current, affects the scalp. The master runs the device from the crown to the back of the head and from the crown to the temples. Thanks to this, hair growth accelerates, structure improves, and hair loss is effectively combated.

    Hair becomes healthier and more well-groomed. It is worth noting that to obtain the desired effect, this procedure must be carried out more than once.

  2. Massage– performed in almost any salon or hairdresser. Using a special technology, the master performs the movements in order. The procedure has a beneficial effect on the scalp, activating the bulbs to work harder.
  3. Scrub– special scrubs are used for treatment. They contain various components that affect the scalp, stimulating hair growth and health.
  4. Aroma combing– this procedure is used both in salons and at home. To perform this you will need suitable hair oil, as well as a wooden comb. You need to apply 3-4 drops of oil and comb your hair for 4 to 10 minutes. You can do this procedure several times a day. It has a beneficial effect on hair, moisturizing and nourishing it, thereby making it look healthy and growth accelerates.

It is important to help your hair recover not only by external methods, so you should take vitamins.

When choosing vitamins, you should pay attention that hair in such cases needs vitamins of group A, group B, C and D. They are the most important for health and growth.

Conventionally, in this case, vitamins can be divided into those used internally and externally.

Vitamins taken orally

  • Evisent– contains B vitamins and calcium. They stimulate the hair follicles and improve hair.
  • Vitasharm– the composition includes vitamins A and B. They affect not only the activation of hair growth, but also make the hair stronger.
  • Evalar(hair expert) – contains brewer’s yeast, zinc. Nourishes the hair roots and restores its structure.

The vitamins used are similar in appearance to hair masks. They are sold in pharmacies in the form of ampoules. They must be rubbed into the scalp and insulation used.

Ampoules for application to the scalp

Undoubtedly ampoule products have a beneficial effect on hair in general and help to quickly and inexpensively restore them after the perm procedure.

Having studied the information in detail, it should be noted that it is quite possible to accelerate hair growth. It is necessary to use the funds in a complex and in a certain system, then the result will not be long in coming. However, it should be remembered that when using all the products, hair will grow no more than 2 cm per month. In conclusion, I would like to note that it is not so easy to restore hair after a perm. Therefore, it is important to think in advance whether it is worth doing this procedure at all.

In a healthy person, curls grow by 1.5-2 cm per month. There are lucky women whose growth rate reaches 3-4 cm per month. This is typical for young healthy individuals with good genetics who lead a healthy lifestyle.

But there is a different picture: the curls grow back so slowly that you have to wait a very long time to get your hair back. natural color hair after dyeing.

Factors affecting hair growth

There are a number of factors that affect how quickly your curls grow. We list the most significant of them:

  1. Frequent coloring.
  2. Perms, straightening with irons.
  3. Abuse of curling irons, curlers, hair dryers.
  4. Incorrect hair washing. The vast majority of women wash their hair in tap water containing chlorine. This element has a very detrimental effect on curls, making them dull, brittle and lifeless. Curls should be washed in soft boiled or settled water.
  5. Insufficient care. After washing your hair, you should definitely use caring balms and masks that fill the hair shaft with all the nutrients.
  6. Wrong selection of cosmetics. You should choose your own shampoo and nourishing conditioner for each hair type.
  7. Malicious influence external factors. In summer, during the scorching sun, it is necessary to protect your head with a hat. Active ultraviolet radiation not only dries out curls, it also negatively affects the blood vessels of the brain. Heatstroke may occur. In winter you should protect your head warm hat. Severe frosts damage the hair and can cause serious infectious diseases.
  8. Poor nutrition. This is perhaps one of the key factors to a luxurious mane. The growth, external gloss, and shine of the hair depend on how well the hair follicles receive nutrients. The diet should be balanced and contain all the necessary vitamins. Diets have a very detrimental effect on curls.
  9. Stress, lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol are the main enemies of beautiful curls!
  10. Improper head hygiene. This includes incorrect selection of the comb, a tight tail, and insufficient combing. The comb should be a massage comb with soft rods. You should comb your hair at least 2 times a day for 5-10 minutes. This promotes good blood circulation to the head, which means rapid growth of curls!

Thick hair means, first of all, daily work on yourself. There are lucky women with a good genetic predisposition who naturally have luxurious hair. But even if they stop painstakingly caring for their “treasure,” the curls will very quickly lose their shine and stop growing.

What are the types of hair?

To pick up proper care, you must first determine the type of curls.

Depending on the speed of pollution, hair can be:

  • normal;
  • fat;
  • dry;
  • mixed.

You can determine your type very easily. If the next day or the day after washing your hair, the curls look stuck together and unkempt, then their owner has an oily type. This is due to the fact that the sebaceous glands work very actively, producing excess sebum.

Normal hair retains a well-groomed appearance for a week after washing.

If the curls do not become oily at all within 1-2 weeks, and also look dull and brittle, then the young lady has a dry type.

There are also cases when a young lady’s roots become oily very quickly, while the ends of the hair shafts look dry and even split. This is a mixed type.

Fatty scalp depends on hormonal levels, genetic components, the presence of diseases, and also on lifestyle.

In order for your curls to always look well-groomed, you need your own approach to them. For example, shampoos should be selected only for your hair type. After washing, oily curls should be rinsed with a vinegar solution and dried naturally - in the air.

Dry strands should be nourished with special balms containing vegetable oils. Owners of mixed hair type should do double work: degrease the roots and nourish dry ends with oils.

According to their structure, curls are classified:

  • curly;
  • straight;
  • thin;
  • thick;
  • soft;
  • hard.

Curly hair can be either thick or thin. Tight thick curls need to be moisturized with oil balms. Sprays are also needed to make combing easier.

Thin hair requires nourishing masks, as well as special means, adding volume. When laying fine hair be sure to use various mousses and foams that help model your hairstyle.

By choosing adequate care, any hair can be brought closer to normal type, restore health and radiance to your curls.

Salon treatments for hair growth

You can quickly grow your hair after a perm, restoring its healthy shine, with the help of a qualified hairdresser in a beauty salon.

Main types of health procedures:

  1. Lamination. This is a cosmetic procedure that creates a protective film on curls. It protects them from the harmful effects of external factors.
  2. Mesotherapy. Unlike the previous procedure, mesotherapy has a therapeutic effect, not a cosmetic one. Its essence is that biologically active substances are introduced into the hair follicle ( hyaluronic acid, vitamins, oils) that fill the hair, making it healthy and shiny.
  3. Ozone therapy– a procedure based on the introduction of a special ozone cocktail into the hair follicles. This liquid is developed for natural basis and do not cause harm to health. With this procedure you can quickly grow long and Thick hair after coloring, unsuccessful haircuts.
  4. Shielding allows you to smooth the scales of the hair shaft, giving the hair material smoothness and shine. Most often, screening is used for curly and unruly hair. Shielding gives the strands a characteristic shade and straightens them along their entire length.
  5. Biolamination is a procedure for saturating hair follicles with a special substance that contains natural ingredients - dandelion and zucchini extracts.
  6. Phytolamination- analog previous version. Only in this case, the cosmetic liquid contains phytoelements that nourish the strands with vitamins. Phytolamination is characterized by the acquisition of a light shade.

Massage techniques effectively help grow hair after a short haircut. They can be done both in the salon and at home.

How massage helps you grow long and thick hair

Massage is a unique thing that stimulates blood circulation, restores metabolism, and improves all functions at the cellular level. Massage helps hair grow back after chemotherapy.

Head massage technology at home:

  1. The beginning of the manipulation is the forehead. To do this, use your fingertips to tap along the brow ridge from the center to the temples.
  2. Next, from the parting of the head, you should make circular movements towards the ears. The head massage should begin with gentle movements. This not only activates the hair follicles, but also relaxes the muscles of the neck and face.
  3. Using circular movements, massage the entire surface of the head: from the forehead to the back of the head, from the parting to the ears. The movements should be quite intense and rubbing. The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes.
  4. Cover your head with your palms and lightly press on the skull. Do 5-7 times.
  5. Complete the massage with tapping movements with your fingertips.

The entire session takes 10-15 minutes. This is quite realistic even for a business and busy woman. These techniques not only stimulate the growth of curls, but even eliminate headaches!

More effective techniques can be obtained using a massager. Head massagers are a special cap with mini-rollers, which in 2 minutes can bring more benefits than any professional massage.

Rules for using the “Spider Web” and “Hedgehog” massagers:

  1. Place the device on your head, then rotate it clockwise and then counterclockwise 5 times. Repeat movements for 30 seconds.
  2. Lift the cap slightly, then turn it first to the left, then to the right, and then up and down. This is necessary to treat the entire surface of the head.
  3. Finally, you should remove and put the massager on your head several times.

To enhance the effect, massage should be performed together with masks. To do this, apply a mask to the head and begin manipulations on the head. Thus, not only blood circulation is activated, but also nutrients begin to actively penetrate the skin.

Accelerating hair growth with masks

There are 3 types of masks:

  1. Moisturizing. These masks are necessary for dry, frizzy, dull, colored, and chemically damaged curls. They are made from cosmetic oils.
  2. Nourishing masks are necessary for any hair type. The ingredients they contain are rich in vitamins and minerals. They plump up the shaft, making it healthy and shiny. Most often in nourishing masks includes honey, eggs, kefir, fruit juices.
  3. To grow and strengthen strands, masks are made based on products that activate the activity of hair follicles, warming the scalp and improving blood circulation. In this case, they use such constant products as: red pepper, onion, mustard.

The constant leader – red pepper – will help you grow your hair in a week. Preparation of the red pepper mask:

  1. Buy red pepper tincture at the pharmacy and mix this tincture in equal parts with burdock oil. The oil will soften the effect of the pepper and prevent redness of the skin.
  2. Apply the liquid to dry hair roots. You should not distribute it over the entire length, as this will dry out the strands.
  3. Cover your head plastic bag, put on top terry towel and walk like this for 1.5-2 hours. If the product burns strongly, you can wash off the mask earlier.
  4. To wash hair regular shampoo, and then massage movements Apply moisturizing balm for 3 minutes.
  5. Dry without a hairdryer. For a good effect, the mask should be repeated 4-5 times within a month.

Under no circumstances should pepper be rubbed into your head in its pure form. This can burn the skin and achieve the opposite effect - hair loss.

How to grow hair in a month mustard mask. Cooking technology:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of dry powder with a teaspoon of sugar. Dilute the mixture with water until it becomes sour cream.
  2. Apply the composition only to the roots. You can apply nourishing coconut oils or regular balm to the remaining length of the curls.
  3. Put plastic on your head and walk around with the mask for 2 hours.
  4. Wash your hair, thoroughly rinsing off the mustard and dry.

This mask can be done 1-2 times a week. Mustard can cause dandruff in some people. This means that in this case it is necessary to look for another alternative.

You can grow hair in 2 months using a regular hair bulb. Preparation of the composition:

  1. Grate a medium-sized onion on a fine grater and mix the resulting pulp with honey in equal parts.
  2. Apply the mask not only to the roots, but also along the entire length. Onions not only stimulate growth, but also perfectly nourish curls.
  3. After an hour, wash off the mask with shampoo. So that the strands are not given away unpleasant smell, your head should be rinsed with a decoction of rosemary or parsley. These plants perfectly neutralize unpleasant odors.

It will help to grow your hair in 3 months by moisturizing and restoring it. honey mask with a skate. Cooking technology:

  1. Take 50 grams of cognac, add 2 teaspoons of warm honey and 0.5 spoon of cinnamon. Add 1 yolk to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mixture to the roots, carefully distributing it along the entire length.
  2. Leave the mask on for 2 hours, warming your head with a towel.
  3. Wash off with regular shampoo.

This mask returns shine to dull locks, filling them with a healthy glow!

After making one mask, you should not expect instant results! Only regular work will help you achieve the desired result.

Proper nutrition and necessary vitamins

Healthy hair directly depends on proper nutrition. After all, hair follicles receive all the necessary vitamins and microelements from the blood. This means that if a girl is into dieting and her diet is very poor, then she should not hope for thick and healthy curls.

What should you eat to get the hair you want? The basis of nutrition for hair growth is protein. The hair shaft consists of 80% protein - keratin. Therefore, the daily diet should be based on protein foods:

  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • lean meat;
  • cheese;
  • cereals

In second place in “hair nutrition” are B vitamins. With a lack of these vitamins in the diet, even baldness can occur. B vitamins are found in the following foods:

  • cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir;
  • beef liver;
  • yeast;
  • cabbage;
  • beans;
  • carrot;
  • nuts;
  • spinach;
  • parsley.

The third place in the hair diet is made up of “beauty vitamins”: A, E. A lack of these vitamins threatens the appearance of dandruff and hair loss. The following foods are rich in these vitamins:

  • fish fat;
  • seafood;
  • oil;
  • dairy products;
  • oatmeal;
  • corn;
  • almond;
  • sprouted wheat grains.

Iron and calcium promote hair growth very quickly. The sources of these valuable microelements are:

  • red meat;
  • eggs;
  • bran;
  • cereals;
  • cottage cheese;
  • pomegranate;
  • greenery;
  • tomatoes
  • garlic
  • apples.

Vitamins do not tend to accumulate in the body, and therefore their reserves must be replenished all the time. Eating fruits and vegetables should make up half of your daily diet!

Also, do not forget about the drinking regime. The hair shaft consists of 20% water. To keep your curls shiny and moisturized, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day every day.

The daily diet should be composed correctly so that it includes all the necessary elements in the right quantities. You can turn to a good nutritionist for help, who will prepare the correct scheme nutrition, taking into account individual characteristics.

Grow healthy long hair is quite real! To do this, you should conduct healthy image life, eat quality food, and also choose the right care for your hair.

Surely, when you went to the hairdresser to get a permanent perm, you wanted to leave the salon with luxurious shiny curls. But instead, the hair after a perm is like a washcloth, and even falls out, driving you into panic. Alas, such a hairdressing procedure is stressful for the hair. And although the beauty industry has moved far ahead, and innovative compositions are used for curling, hairdressers still warn women about the possible consequences. But when has this stopped the fair sex on the path to change? So, let's talk about how to save your hair after a bad perm.

Types of permanent styling

First, let's figure out what types of permanent hair styling are offered in salons today, and after what chemicals hair begins to fall out:

  • Alkaline. This type of styling gives the most durable result - it lasts about 3 months. It is achieved due to the fact that the drug penetrates deep into the hair shaft, while lifting the scales of the hair cuticle. Of all types of curls, this is the most budget-friendly solution. And alas - the most harmful.
  • Acidic. The technology is based on the use of thioglycolic acid. The composition penetrates into the hair shaft without lifting the scales of the hair cuticle, and forms elastic, strong curls that last for about 1-1.5 months. The procedure is not suitable for those with dry and weakened hair, as the results on them will not last long. It is not recommended for sensitive skin scalp, since the acidic composition causes irritation.
  • Biowave. This is the most expensive, but also the safest type of perm. The formulations used to shape curls do not contain ammonia, thioglycolic acid or hydrogen peroxide. All components are natural and have a molecular composition similar to hair. In addition, the composition is enriched with vitamins and minerals, which additionally care for curls. The effect of biowave lasts from 3 to 9 months.
  • Neutral. Performed with low acid content compounds. This type of permanent hairstyle is suitable for any hair type. The composition includes keratins, which cover the scales of the hair cuticle, promoting the restoration of curls. The effect of neutral curling lasts 2-6 months.
  • Japanese. This type of curling is suitable even for those with thin and brittle hair. It can also cope with coarse hair that does not hold its shape well. The composition includes a special lipid complex that smoothes the hair cuticle, fills cavities and creates a protective barrier on the hair.

As you can see, not all types of perms are equally harmful. Moreover, some are even expected to benefit!

Causes of hair loss after perm

Damaged hair after perming is most often the result of an incorrectly chosen technology. It is very important that the styling method matches your hair type.

The second equally important point is to carefully follow the hair care instructions after the procedure. No matter how delicate the composition you use, salon-permed hair needs more intensive nutrition and hydration.

And finally, hair loss after a perm can be a consequence of the hairdresser’s basic lack of professionalism or the use of a low-quality composition. Therefore, you can trust such an important undertaking only to a qualified craftsman. Before the procedure, he must carry out several simple measures. By the way, if the hairdresser did not bother himself with any preparation, but simply offered the curling option that he knows how to do, it’s time to get up from the chair and leave the establishment.

So, so that you don’t have to think about how to grow your hair after a perm, the hairdresser should do the following:

  • Assess the condition of your scalp for dandruff, any damage and signs of infectious diseases.
  • Determine the type and condition of your hair. The specialist must understand what kind of hair you have - hard or soft, dyed or not, and what exactly it is dyed with.
  • Do an allergy test. The selected composition is applied to the skin. The reaction is checked after a quarter of an hour.
  • Take a test drive on one strand. Some hair is too resistant to curling. The master must make sure that the procedure will be effective so as not to subject the entire head of hair to it in vain.

Rules for hair care after permanent hair removal

Even if everything went well and you are completely satisfied with the result, you should not relax. It can be very easily ruined along with your hair if you don’t pay enough attention to it.

Let's start with how to wash your hair after a perm:

  • Hygiene procedures are allowed only when soiled. Perms dry out your hair, so don't once again expose them to alkali. Use only shampoos for dry and normal hair.
  • After washing, do not keep a “turban” made of a towel on your head and do not rub your hair. Just blot gently.
  • It is better to wash your hair in the morning so as not to go to bed with wet hair.
  • Avoid washing hot water. This is a universal rule, but after curling it is especially important to follow. The scalp is already very irritated.
  • Conditioner should be a mandatory part of your hair care program. It will help restore water balance curls and scalp and smooth the scales of the hair cuticle after washing. In addition, it detangles the hair and makes combing easier.
  • Be sure to make a mask with an intense restorative effect once a week.

The procedure for combing hair will also change. Curly curls are more difficult to comb than straight ones. Therefore, get a comb with rare teeth and a massager with natural bristles. All combs with metal teeth go into the trash!

What else you need to know about hair care after perm:

  • Keep heat styling to a minimum and try to avoid exposing your hair to sunlight. If you really can’t resist using a hairdryer, use a diffuser to dry your hair. And be sure to use professional products for hair after perm - thermal protection and sprays with a high SPF factor.
  • For 3 weeks after the procedure, avoid styling products.
  • Try not to tie your hair with elastic bands or twist it into tight hairstyles.
  • Don't forget to renew your tips regularly.

How to restore hair after a perm

What should you do if almost immediately after perm your hair feels like a washcloth? If instead of the promised curls you have something resembling tow on your head, most likely the master chose the wrong composition or simply overexposed it.

Most often, in this case, women decide to take radical measures - they do short haircuts, and then look for ways to speed up hair growth after chemotherapy. However, if for some reason this is not possible, you should try lamination. The essence of the procedure is to apply a special mask to the hair. Under the influence of temperature, it forms a protective layer on the hair. At the end, the hair is straightened with an iron, and it becomes perfectly smooth and shiny. However, the effect of the procedure does not last long - only a few weeks. Then it will have to be repeated - and so on until the “tow” grows completely.

Keratin straightening gives a longer lasting effect. It can last up to 10 months.

You can fix bad curls with these salon procedures. But if your hair falls out after a perm, what should you do? In this case, additional stress will only worsen the situation.

Hair restoration after an unsuccessful perm requires an integrated approach:

Nourish the body from the inside

Many women focus so much on the visual effect that they completely forget that everything in the body is interconnected. How to treat hair after perm? You need to add vitamins to your diet. There are specialized preparations - for example, “inneov hair density” from Vichy. But it is better for your doctor to select a suitable mineral-vitamin complex for you.


If you come to beauty salon and ask how to treat hair after perm, you will be offered several procedures that will help speed up hair growth. These are darsonvalization, mesotherapy, laser therapy, massage. The principle of their effect on the scalp is different, but the essence is the same: all these methods are aimed at activating metabolism in the scalp. As a result, hair follicles are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients. Hair growth accelerates, the condition of curls improves.

Folk recipes

How to grow hair after perm using available funds at home? There are several simple, proven recipes for masks that stimulate hair growth:

Mustard mask. Dilute mustard powder and 1 teaspoon of sugar with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Add 1 teaspoon vegetable oil. Rub thoroughly into scalp. Place under plastic and wrap your head with a warm towel.

Hot pepper tincture mask. This product is sold in any pharmacy. The tincture is rubbed into the scalp and also covered with cellophane and a towel.

Cinnamon mask. Cinnamon powder should be mixed with 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil. Next - according to the same principle: under polyethylene, and keep your head warm.

All homemade masks need to be left on for quite a long time - at least half an hour, and then washed off thoroughly with water. You should first make sure that you are not allergic to the ingredients of the masks.

You can also add oils to your home care. Burdock, castor, and coconut have especially proven themselves. Oils moisturize hair that has been over-dried by perms and nourish hair follicles.

Important! Oil care should be done carefully if you have oily skin heads.

Of course, miracles from home care It's not worth the wait. It can act as an auxiliary tool. If the hair falls out a lot, then the problem requires immediate intervention by a trichologist.

Professional cosmetics

Almost every major cosmetic brand has lines aimed at stimulating hair growth. Pay attention to the products of such brands as Davines, L’oreal, sexy hair. It is advisable to choose products from the same line - shampoo, conditioner, mask. Thanks to a single active formula, each product complements the action of the other, and the result will be better.

In addition to classic care products, many cosmetic companies offer ampoules. This is an excellent alternative to salon mesotherapy. Ampoules are a concentrate of nutrients. Their contents are rubbed into the scalp, thereby providing it with intense nutrition.

So, now you know what to do if your hair falls out after a perm. The main thing is to remember that even after an extremely unsuccessful procedure, the loss of curls is reversible. Of course, you will have to work hard to restore them, but this is not the end of the world. The modern beauty industry offers many products that allow you to regain lush and thick hair.