Healthy lifestyle in old age. Healthy lifestyle for the elderly Give advice on the lifestyle of the elderly

With the onset of autumn, the weather less and less pleases us with sunny, warm days. During this period, the risk of developing colds and autumn depression increases. You can avoid this if you follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Dress for the weather. It is necessary to follow the weather forecast and choose things that correspond to the autumn season;
  2. Choose the right footwear. To avoid foot problems, as well as falls and injuries, when choosing shoes, give preference to comfortable orthopedic options with a small heel;
  3. Take vitamin complexes. On the recommendation of a doctor, take vitamins, and do it regularly, without skipping;
  4. Keep physical activity. Try to be outdoors more physical exercise, develop fine motor skills;
  5. Follow your doctor's recommendations. Do not ignore even a slight deterioration in health, and even more so self-medicate. If you have any doubts about your health, you should seek the advice of a doctor;
  6. Follow the daily routine. This item is especially important for the elderly! Adhering to the daily routine, you can get rid of insomnia, and a healthy long sleep will give you a feeling of calm and stability;
  7. Try to communicate more with friends and family. Find common interests and hobbies, such as Nordic walking or swimming, and spend time with health benefits;
  8. Eat right. The autumn menu must contain seasonal vegetables and fruits, honey, berries, herbal infusions. Saturating your diet with vitamins and useful trace elements, you will strengthen your health and prepare for the winter. In the boarding house for the elderly "Visiting like at home", the balance of the menu is monitored not only by cooks, but also by dietitians. In cooking, organic products grown in our own garden or in a greenhouse are used. Eggs, meat of chickens, turkeys, rabbits comes from our own mini-farm;
  9. Rehabilitation after a serious illness or injury should take place under the supervision of qualified professionals. In the boarding house "Away like at home" in the Moscow region, all conditions have been created for high-quality and quick recovery after suffering ailments, there are all kinds of devices and simulators. If necessary, the rehabilitation doctor will develop an individual wellness program.
  10. Communicate more and enjoy life. Make new acquaintances and feel the joy of communication! Board games, drawing, collective viewing of TV programs, needlework, concerts and other events - in our boarding house all conditions are created for interesting holding leisure!

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healthy image life applies not only to the young, but also to the elderly. And no matter how we feel old man can only sit quietly on a bench next to the house and remember the past, in reality this is not so. Old age is a time of reflection on one's life, the ability to see true values, and not just passive rest. And the state of health of an elderly person - plays, perhaps, the main role, both in his physical and in mental state.

Physiological aging is expressed in a change appearance that occurs from 50-60 years of age. Although, from a medical point of view, the aging of the body begins with the cessation of its development, with a slowdown in biological processes, that is, at the age of 35. After 35, tissues and cells age, the functions of individual organs and systems change. The aging period is characterized by natural destructive processes that begin to prevail over reconstructive ones. Such changes affect not only the biological side, but also affect the social sphere of a person and his psyche. So almost everyone old man complains of impaired memory, deterioration of the brain, the ability to navigate in space, slow reactions. Against this background, psychological traits are sharpened, for example, caution turns into suspiciousness, practicality is replaced by stinginess, prudence - moralizing. A sharp narrowing of the social environment leads to loneliness, and an elderly person begins to feel unnecessary, unclaimed. You can read more about the psychological characteristics of older people.

The starting point of the aging process and its quality largely depends on social, living and climatic conditions, dietary habits, the presence of diseases, heredity, psychological characteristics specific person. At the same time, one must understand that people die not from old age as such, but from diseases. And to protect your body from diseases, or at least improve the quality of life in the presence of chronic or incurable diseases, it is quite within the power of every elderly person, of course, not only on their own, but with the participation of doctors. That's why healthy lifestyle is the key to late old age, good mental condition, normal intellectual and physical activity.

The basics of a healthy lifestyle are extremely simple: rational, thoughtful and comfortable daily routine, rejection of all bad habits, moderate and balanced nutrition, exactly the same moderate and systematic physical activity, good sleep and positive emotions. And all of the above is well founded. Take, for example, our favorite bad habits: overeating, drinking, smoking. After all, it is they who seriously shorten life, as they provoke the risk of the appearance of serious diseases. Moderate fractional nutrition can significantly extend our life. Remember what long-livers look like, because they are all skinny. Their food is usually moderate, if not ascetic. Healthy lifestyle, of course, does not suggest living from hand to mouth, but reducing the total amount of food consumed, and balancing its quality by reducing carbohydrates and animal fats, and increasing the consumption of greens, vegetables, fish and seafood is quite possible. With such nutrition, the human body is not overloaded and expends its strength not on digesting food, but on protecting the body from diseases. At all old man should eat according to their age. For example, after 50 it is important to consume foods containing calcium: cheese (preferably low fat), cottage cheese, sesame.

Moderate physical activity is also included in the concept healthy lifestyle. The fact is that in the process of movement there is an improvement in blood circulation, a decrease in bone loss and even an increase in bone density, which significantly reduces the risk of fractures. Choice motor activity will depend on the state of health of the elderly person and the instructions of the attending physician. However, there are activities that will be useful to everyone: for example, walking or its newfangled variation, the so-called "Nordic walking", which uses special ski-like poles. Walking is also good because it allows you to improve the functioning of all human systems and organs through effective aerobic training.

With age, the problem of full sleep becomes especially relevant. Often aged people suffer from insomnia, shallow or interrupted sleep, early awakenings, or simply sleep poorly. For a good night's rest, it is advisable not to overeat at night, not to drink coffee, tea, chocolate less than 3 hours before bedtime; With such an invigorating temperature, a person will retain a state of youth much longer.

Healthy lifestyle involves an active intellectual load for each of us, however old man should pay more attention to this issue. The fact is that active intellectual activity can slow down the natural processes of memory deterioration and mental abilities in general. This happens as a result of the activation of metabolism and the circulatory system. (On the pages of the site you can find specific memory training exercises). And if you want to get extra years full of joy, then you can do any creative activity that you will, as they say, like: growing flowers, learning a new type of needlework, studying a computer or newfangled gadgets. The scope of your creative potentials is not as important as the process of creating something new, the process of realizing your internal resources.

As you can see healthy lifestyle- it's not as boring as it might seem at first. On the contrary, thanks to him, the life of an elderly person can become more joyful, vigorous and happy. Moreover, by itself healthy lifestyle in no way has any age restrictions and is able to bring real benefit every person.

From this article you will learn:

    What age is considered old

    What is the lifestyle of pensioners?

    How to change your life in old age

    What to do so that health in old age does not “let us down”

    What role does the family play in the life of an elderly person?

    Are the problems of older people being solved at the state level?

With age, a person begins to experience various deviations in his health, attitude. With retirement, loss of loved ones and illness, the life of the elderly changes, there are frequent stresses, ailments and depressions. Therefore, it is so important to ensure that our loved ones do not feel emotional decline.

What are the features of the life of the elderly

A person becomes old when youth ends and life enters the season of autumn. At this moment, changes occur in the body of everyone. As it turned out, gray hair, wrinkles or general malaise are not always a sign of aging. So how old does a person have to be to be called old?

Once upon a time, 20 years was already a decent age, and those who were lucky enough to pass this milestone were already considered respectable people. History shows us numerous examples of early marriages, when from the age of 12-13 young people got engaged and started a family. And there were also times in which a girl of 20 years old was already recognized as an old woman, but today everything is different.

According to members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the classification of human biological age has changed. The World Health Organization - WHO monitors the statistics of the dynamics of people's lives, health and general condition of the body. According to her research, human age is divided into the following stages:

    22-44 years old - youth;

    44-60 years - average age;

    60-75 years old - old age;

    75-90 years - old age.

All those who were able to overcome the upper bar are considered centenarians. As a rule, reaching 90, and even more so up to 100 years, is not so easy. And there are many reasons for this - diseases, ecology and other living conditions of older people.

According to sociological surveys that were conducted in many countries around the world, people do not want to grow old and are ready to admit that their years are already drawing to a close, only reaching 60-65 years. This, in all likelihood, gives rise to the introduction of bills to increase the retirement age.

Older people should take better care of their health. Moreover, at the age of 60+, it is not always easy to quickly adapt to a new situation due to a decrease in the speed of information perception. This mainly concerns scientific and technological progress, because it becomes difficult for most people to adapt to modern computer technology. But we don’t even think that for many it can cause severe psychological trauma. They may feel incapable and unnecessary, which will complicate the situation in general, since they are overestimating age on their part.

How is quality of life measured in older people?

There are four quality of life criteria:

    material security implies the necessary sufficiency, which is a means of satisfying human needs, as well as access to available savings for use at an older age. This item plays an important role in the lives of older people.

    Health status. Aging means, as a rule, a deterioration in well-being, which is a sign of malfunctions in the body. Therefore, improving the quality of life of the elderly is primarily based on maintaining the biological functions of a person.

    Education and employment. This criterion is made up of opportunities for social activities and leisure.

    Good conditions. According to the UN data from 2013, older people want to have freedom of choice, to be independent and independent. Therefore, improving the quality of life of older people is so important and relevant today.

The last point is in line with the provisions of the Madrid Plan of Action on Aging (2002), according to which the older part of society is in dire need of:

    Physical activity;

    Health monitoring;

    Improving the lives of the elderly.

What is the place of the family in the life of an elderly person?

Undoubtedly, the family in the life of elderly people plays one of the main roles. Aging, a person loses mobility, and with retirement, all activities revolve around the household and the home. Poor health often limits interests, after which older people begin to seek support from relatives.

The deterioration of health and malaise of the elderly affects the general mental state, which leads to their dependence on other family members. The need for attention and help arises more often when people are sick. Indeed, in the circle of loved ones, it seems to them safer and more reliable to experience all difficulties.

Very often, housework becomes a distraction and contributes to humility and getting used to your new position, and caring for children and housekeeping completely distracts from gloomy thoughts. Indeed, in such a situation, people feel needed and useful, which allows them not to fall into depression and cope morally with the awareness of their old age.

According to statistics, there are fewer older men than women of the same age. Consequently, the mortality of the former is earlier than that of the opposite sex. Such a disproportion was also achieved in Russia thanks to the war, when the number of the strong half was reduced in combat losses.

As a result, in our country the number of single women exceeds the number of men. However, having been widowed, the representatives of the stronger sex are more likely to remarry. And as a life partner, as a rule, they take a lady younger than themselves. For women who have lost a spouse, in this situation it becomes increasingly difficult to find a second husband.

An important factor in late marriage is the moral side, because many in old age want to have a true friend. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a public understanding regarding the formation of unions between the elderly.

With the end of work and access to the long-awaited vacation at a large number people at the same time there is a feeling of isolation from society, which leads to depression and loneliness. Many pensioners, dissatisfied with their age, often physically quickly become decrepit, and mental disorders that occur against this background only worsen their situation. The environment around them can also be different. Lonely old people find themselves in worse living conditions than those who live with their families.

Unfortunately, against this background, suicides are also common. Both men and women are predisposed to make this choice in the event of the death of a loved one, be it a spouse, child, or close friend. According to statistics, 25% of suicides occur due to the loss of relatives.

At the age of 55-65 years a person becomes a pensioner or receives a demotion, or simply long-term depression is also possible. All this affects the psychological state of an elderly person, a demobilization reaction occurs, when the future is presented only in a gloomy light, and the past, on the contrary, is idealized and presented as a better time.

At such moments, older people sometimes begin to voice passive expressions of a suicidal nature. Their loved ones should think, because this means that a relative urgently needs help. It is necessary to follow them during this period and try to help them morally cope with the difficulties that they have to endure. Therefore, it is so important to create favorable living conditions for the elderly, show them that they are still needed, and keep them busy with some household chores.

Ages 65 to 75 there are suicidal depressions. Being in a confrontation with himself and with his family, trying to defend his rights, a person can write complaints or go to the authorities, but unwillingness to help or inattention to his whims becomes the reason for voluntary death.

Age group over 75 - the most difficult period in relation to the psychological state. After all, they include old men or old women, most of whom cease to take care of themselves, do not want to eat. Moreover, they constantly think about death and how to quietly leave for good, without becoming an unbearable burden for anyone.

Drawing a conclusion, we see that the family is first of all important for the life of older people. After all, it is its members that become a kind of barrier to suicide. Family relationships should be built in such a way that everyone feels responsible for each other, including for the oldest person, his health and well-being. Guardianship and assistance are the main aspects in improving the quality of life of older people. In such situations, you can not do without the advice of social workers.

The situation and place of residence (village or city) also play an important role in the attitude of pensioners.

Not so long ago, in rural areas, there was a custom when relatives kept a place in the house until the end of their days, because the common household was fed by more than one generation. Living with a family guaranteed care for the elderly and gave them everything they needed to improve their quality of life.

But the situation has changed, and many children now, having acquired their own families, do not want to live with their parents. But after all, for good and close relations between relatives, the mutual desire to support and help is important.

And the most essential The factor is children. Most pensioners already have grown-up descendants. Family ties are maintained, as a rule, first in a straight line, and only then, if there are no children, then with other relatives. Cohabitation or separate, but subject to constant contact with loved ones, plays a very important role in the lives of older people and determines how their relationship will develop. Moreover, besides financial assistance old people want and need moral support and close emotional contact with children. After all, it is important for them to know that the connection with the child is not lost, and there is still love and mutual understanding between them. Assistance and support from children are for them an inalienable proof that they are still needed by their loved ones. Good living conditions for older people are made up of warm relations between relatives, moral satisfaction and a healthy mental state of all family members.

Financial assistance is the most common from children. Parents also try not to remain in debt and run the household or look after their grandchildren, thereby helping the family. Some prefer to spend their pension on general needs, thus supporting their loved ones.

If you look at the numbers, as a rule, people aged 65-69 help their children more than they receive support from them. But time passes, and from the age of 75 the situation may be reversed, because health is no longer the same, and the elderly need to rely on loved ones so much. If we compare families that live with their parents or not far from them with those who live at a distance from their elderly, then the difference in mutual support among the latter is many times less. According to statistics, 65% of older people who have a separate apartment believe that they receive no help from their children at all. However, among those who live with their descendants, only 10% of the rural population and 20% of the urban population express the same opinion.

If you look at participation in the fate of old people from the side medical workers and other healthcare workers, it is many times less than that which children accept in their parents. If we take it across the country, then only 1% of such people in Russia need home care by health workers, while in Denmark, for example, 3% of men and 12% of women, and in the United Kingdom of Great Britain 4% and 5%, respectively.

These data show that in the world, parental custody was relevant both before and now.

If we consider leisure, then, perhaps, there is nothing more pleasant to spend your time with your beloved grandchildren. They do not let their grandparents get bored and make them do more chores around the house, thereby wasting their time on pleasant pleasures. However, grandchildren do not always provide an opportunity to do something else useful. Thus, among middle-aged working men who live only with their wife, the number of people involved in public affairs is four times more than those who also live with their grandchildren. So, those who are not burdened with descendants spend their leisure time doing physical education, sports or walking in the fresh air. But, of course, children need contact with the elderly, because their relationship develops in a completely different way than with their parents. Grandparents look at life differently, and therefore the upbringing of young people passes through the prism of experience and wisdom.

Spending time with younger family members and caring for them make older people understand and realize that they are still useful and needed in this world. No wonder many old people say that grandchildren open up a second wind for them, a new goal in life appears, a different meaning and interest.

Elderly people and their lifestyle

The aging of the body tells us that a person is phylogenetically constantly in motion, and not at rest. It happened by itself when people had to work or lead physically to survive. active image life. After all, it depended on how fast and hardy a particular individual would be, whether he would be full, whether he would catch his prey, whether he could defend himself from an enemy or a wild beast, etc. And according to natural selection, the strongest survived, and the weaker died from starvation or themselves became the prey of predators.

If you look at the elderly, then, as a rule, they can be divided into two main groups - those who are active, cheerful, optimistic and relatively young in appearance until their very old age, and those who become older with age externally and internally, constantly dissatisfied, gloomy and inactive. But scientists came to the conclusion that every person had all these signs before, but as they age, they become more pronounced, which is why the lives of older people are so different.

Of course, aging, a person loses activity, he has a tendency to passive behavior, as well as to psychogenic stress. Of course, it all depends on the personal character and temperament of each. Someone finds strength in himself and overcomes these ailments, looks for new values ​​in life, sets other goals, strives to implement plans. Others, on the contrary, withdraw into themselves, all these features of advanced years only put pressure on them. As a result, people become passive and indifferent to many things, refuse to use their powers to the fullest and acquire senile tendencies already in advance. This leads to the fact that the body simply gets used to living like this and gradually reduces its own reserves and abilities. People begin to walk in a vicious circle, when the restriction in motor activity first leads to mental passivity, which in turn prevents the use of the body's adaptive capabilities. After that, the question arises - is this behavior a consequence of old age, or is it still due to the lifestyle of older people?

Paradoxical as it may seem, but activity has practically no effect on the rate of aging, however, the physical condition and capabilities of those who lead a sedentary lifestyle are several times less compared to those who are energetic and move a lot. This is due to the fact that active people begin to age at the age of 25-30 years, therefore, in terms of endurance, for example, at 60 years old, they are in better physical shape than those who are passive, and, accordingly, look 10-20 years younger. .

If we consider the mechanism of the impact of muscle activity on the human body, then it is quite complex. With intensive movement, the physical capabilities of a person are maximized, which subsequently reduces the load on various systems when working, not exceeding permissible levels. Therefore, we can say that activity contributes to the appearance of changes in the body, opposite to those that occur in the process of aging.

Due to the movement, the maximum ventilation of the lungs increases, breathing improves and becomes more correct, shortness of breath disappears and blood volume increases, which leads to an improvement in cardiac activity. The heart muscle no longer requires a lot of oxygen, and the rise in blood pressure is negligible after small physical exertion. The functions of the endocrine glands change, the body's endurance increases, muscles grow, which are able to use oxygen more efficiently during metabolism.

Therefore, we can conclude that improving the quality of life of the elderly directly depends on physical activity, because it is the most effective method in the fight against old age. Movement in not young age delay the decline in working capacity, and also prolong the possibilities of the person as a whole.

Indeed, in fact, old age approaches us in two ways - weakening the body and exhausting our psyche, lowering interest in life, etc.

In addition, scientists have found a connection of a psychophysical nature, proving that both these factors are interconnected. Many gerontopsychologists believe that such passivity entails physical inertia, and, conversely, an emotionally stable state and good spirits support and prolong happy years, pushing back the autumn of life. We can say that each person chooses and develops in himself a way of aging. But for some it can be cheerful and prosperous, while for others it can be gloomy and pessimistic.

One of the main tasks of medical staff is not only the treatment and prevention of diseases, but also the improvement of the quality of life of the elderly, support for psychological disorders. It is important to explain how to avoid helplessness, take care of your form, improve or reconsider relationships in the family. This is the improvement of the quality of life of the elderly, when the totality of all factors plays a major role in their well-being.

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the elderly

While we are young, our health is also relatively good. However, with age, physical condition and well-being will not always be ideal. Various ailments become commonplace. How to keep the elderly cheerful and not overdo it?

Prevention of diseases is one of the main directions in modern medicine. It is based on a healthy lifestyle. First of all, it implies the rejection of bad habits, the regimen and daily routine with the necessary rest, proper food, exercise and a positive mood.

When it comes to nutrition, there are certain rules that need to be followed. Eat small meals three to five times a day. After all, if you want to be a long-liver, you should make sure that you do not have overweight. It is necessary to perfectly balance the diet so as not to overload your body and at the same time fully provide it with useful substances. It is also desirable to choose the diet and menu according to the age and characteristics of the person. After 40 years, the use of beta-carotene is extremely necessary. It is found in full in fresh orange-colored fruits and vegetables, as well as parsley. After the age of 50, the skeletal system becomes fragile, which is why it is so necessary to eat enough calcium in food. Dairy products, especially cottage cheese and cheese, fish, and sesame, are rich in this element. Seafood can prevent atherosclerosis and strengthen our heart. Food containing selenium in its composition improves mood and helps to cope with stress. In general, a balanced diet consisting of fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and greens is essential to improve the standard of living of the elderly. The use of additional vitamin preparations will also be a good addition to the diet.

Why is movement so important, especially in old age? In fact, it not only improves the physical condition of the body, but also stimulates the release of essential hormones that an elderly person lacks. Motor loads improve blood circulation, restore skeletal mass, prevent its loss and sometimes ensure its growth. Walking, for example, is an excellent prevention of posture-related diseases, and it also increases bone density in the spine and hips. It has been scientifically proven that proper physical activity, daily wellness exercises (at least half an hour a day), including breathing exercises, walking, water procedures and a positive attitude prolong life, improving health and preventing premature aging.

With age, the need for good sleep increases, and in a cool room. A night's rest in a room at 17-18 degrees will prolong life and allow you to look fresher and younger, because age-related changes and metabolism also depend on the ambient temperature.

Of course, the standard of living of older people is affected by both intellectual and creative activity. Constant thought processes do not allow mental abilities to degrade, and also stimulate blood circulation and metabolism. If a man creative person then life will be filled with pleasant moments. Therefore, it is so important to find a favorite thing for every day. It could be a hobby or just interesting activity. To improve the standard of living of older people, it is also necessary to choose a job to their liking, because this will have a positive effect on emotions and mental state in general. The main thing is not to sit still, but to move and develop further, because new information and hobbies will be not only interesting, but also useful for the brain.

What is the active life of the elderly

Most people associate the ending labor activity with helplessness, illness, boring and monotonous life. It is not easy for an elderly person to come to terms with the fact that he will have to stay at home and his active work and social status will change to retirement. As a rule, the majority, if not experiencing depression, then at least feels the changes and starts to worry about it. The nervousness of this situation will not lead to anything good, because it is the basis and root cause of all diseases. The life of the elderly begins to go in a vicious circle, when they do not want to accept a new form of being, they are nervous because of this, thereby aggravating their ill health and depressed psychological state, pushing old age. This may seem sad. But you don’t have to sit idly by, but you need to start moving and developing further.

So, let's look at what activities any elderly person can entertain himself with.


It can be both walks with grandchildren or a spouse, and trips that are not straining and not tiring, for example, out of town or to a park. After all, it's finally time to take a break from work, endless fuss and worries and enjoy your well-deserved vacation. Like in that old joke when a person is tired of the service and wants to retire, do nothing, sit in a rocking chair and enjoy. "And then what?" they ask him. “And then I’ll start rocking!” he replies. The main thing in this matter is not to delay the second phase, but to rest a little and continue to live in full force.


If desired, older people can continue to work when it pleases them. Especially if a person belongs to those who are used to being at the center of the team all the time or just working tirelessly. You should not abruptly quit your business if you cannot imagine life without daily worries of this kind. You can stay at your previous job or choose a slightly different one, a little quieter, which will not be a burden and at the same time will be comfortable and enjoyable. Someone will probably want to do something more active. Why not? After all, retirement will provide a chance to think about what you like and what you want to do. There is no need to assume that you will not take root in a new team or that you will not be able to find another occupation at all because of your age. Your professional experience will do everything by itself, because you have spent so many years doing what you love, gaining new knowledge year after year. Believe me, another employer will definitely appreciate it. You should not look for a place for pensioners, choose what you like, and everything will work out for you.

make a dream come true

The life of the elderly may not be so boring after all, because it's time to do what you love! Another interesting and important point of retirement is that many people very often dream of something, but, as always, there was not enough time and energy to fulfill these desires. Therefore, another way to dispel bad thoughts and enjoy life in retirement is to realize your ideas, whether it's gardening, knitting or repairing an apartment. The main thing is that it should be a joy, and you will feel that life is getting better. Retirees need to look at themselves differently, find new friends, remember their passion, realize their dream, and their days will be filled with light and meaning. A hobby or your favorite pastime can also become a source of income. You just need to think it over and approach this matter with enthusiasm. Proper organization of leisure will also improve the living conditions of the elderly, diversifying them and supplementing them with positive emotions.

Take care of your development

Speaking of development, we mean not only the needs of the body, but also the spiritual ones. Self-care - mental and physical - will help raise the standard of living of older people. You should try to make new friends or establish closer ties with existing ones. In addition to being outdoors, bring something else into your life. Abroad, yoga, dancing or sports are very popular among pensioners. This, finally, came to Russia, and now it is not considered shameful for the elderly generation to diversify their lives and combine business with pleasure. Indeed, by visiting such places, older people not only benefit from physical condition but also for the emotional.

Sometimes pensioners start to earn extra money by working with teenagers. Thus, communicating with young people, they draw positive and at the same time spend their leisure time. Work can be different - from the coach of a football or basketball team to a craftswoman in circles for schoolchildren.

Take care of your health

Of course, all of the above points should not go to the detriment of your health in any way, because the life of older people should, first of all, be rational and balanced. But try not to jump above yourself and not overdo it. You also need to monitor your ailments. As a rule, pensioners are suddenly struck by a number of diseases, and often they do not want to deal with them. After all, quite recently they were healthy, and now they do not want to realize that various sores have flooded in. All this can happen due to the fact that you stopped keeping a strict schedule, began to sleep until dinner, eat as much as you like without a regimen, and especially at night. The body abruptly begins to work differently, and as a result, various diseases appear that are easier to prevent than to treat later. Therefore, it is so important for older people to monitor nutrition and ensure that life is balanced and full of full-fledged pastime, and try to follow some order and lead an active lifestyle. You should not sit in front of the TV all day or lie on the couch reading the newspaper. This, of course, can be part of your routine, but only a small one, and the rest of the time, do something useful. Spice up your schedule with jogging, exercising, yoga, or maybe a swim in the pool, and you'll see how your good health and alertness will be the reward for all your efforts.

Be part of the whole

Well, one of the important criteria for the quality of life of older people is still good relationships with loved ones. After all, mutual assistance and good disposition of relatives is the basis of a healthy family. Believe me, when you retire, your children and grandchildren still need your support. You need to remember that you, as a person, have not gone anywhere, you have not become different, you just now have a lot of time to realize your plans and spend it on your family and friends.

6 Examples of Old People Being Active Makes Them Happy

Unfortunately, many argue that retirement is the last stage of our existence, happy days are behind us, and only old age lies ahead. But look at it differently, because the life of older people can be varied and interesting, everything is in your hands! A middle-aged person is also able to become prosperous, cheerful and bright, which proves to us a whole project called "The Age of Happiness" by the famous photographer Vladimir Yakovlev. A series of images demonstrates how diversified the lives of older people can be. The heroes in the photographs have long passed over 70, and some even over 90 years old, but they all breathe energy and show us that we need to strive for the best, embodying our ideas and dreams.

Let's take a look at some highlights.

Robert Marchand- full of energy and desire to win a cyclist who is already 102 years old. Does not look like it? But it is so!

Ruth Flowers- one of the oldest DJs, perhaps. But how does she do it! Having taken up this hobby at 68, the 72-year-old still enjoys her hobby.

Lloyd Kahn realized that his life should be connected with a skateboard when he was 65 years old. He has not left his favorite hobby for 13 years!

Annette Larkins- Vegetarian and raw foodist. Perhaps someone will say that she should not be in the pictures among these elderly people, because she looks no more than 40 years old. But no, she's already 70!

A Yvonne Dowlen having a great time on the ice, having mastered figure skating. She is no less than 80 years old!

Paul Fegen- a multimillionaire in the past and a card magician in the present. 78 years - it's time to do something interesting!

What is the program to improve the quality of life of older people in Russia

Recently, the government of our country has developed a plan to improve the quality of life of the elderly. It was carried out from 2011 to 2013 and is ongoing.

Keeping active and healthy has an impact on improving the lives of older people, which leads to the satisfaction of the needs of each person, as well as strengthening the capacity of the country and the full development of generations.

These arguments and reflections became the basis for the development of a program to improve the situation of pensioners in the regions. A number of measures were proposed that implement the goals and objectives of improving the quality of life of the elderly.

The main aspects to improve the condition of the elderly population in the country began to include:

    Provision of social services in all regions for elderly people in need. The program must cover at least 90% of retirees who require such a service.

    Creation of the necessary conditions to improve the quality and life expectancy of older people, especially those living in nursing homes.

    An increase by 1.5-3 times in the number of representatives of the older generation who need services from social services under the scheme " foster family"," Patronage Service "and others. This will lead to a reduction in queues at stationary institutions.

    Increase to 35-50% of pensioners who require technical means for rehabilitation and care (from the total percentage of people of the appropriate age who need these devices).

    Removal and disposal of old equipment and buildings in stationary institutions in the amount of up to 20% per year.

    Creation of three to five points of rental or sale of care products for the elderly in the country (per region) and increase the level of satisfaction of older citizens with them.

    As well as other aspects of the socialization of the older generation.

All these items should be carried out strictly under the control of this program and lead to an improvement in the quality of life of the elderly. As the analysis showed, the improvement of the situation of pensioners cannot be carried out only through the provision of additional payments, benefits and subsidies. In addition, it is necessary to diversify their social activity. These aspects include maintaining and improving health, social leisure, participation in public works, taking care of intellectual abilities and other things that are so necessary to maintain and improve the quality of life of older people.

With age, many people begin to either carelessly treat their health, or, conversely, pay excessive attention to it. If your elderly parents are among them, then we offer you simple tips how to help them lead a healthy lifestyle and comply with the measure in taking medications.

Neglecting your health

Why do many people in old age begin to neglect their health, deny illness and avoid doctors? There may be several reasons:

  • unwillingness to acknowledge one's age and the limitations it imposes;
  • the habit of not paying attention to the signals of your body;
  • subconscious fear of finding out your diagnosis, facing the need to go to the hospital;
  • distrust of doctors;
  • the desire to consider yourself young and healthy as long as possible;
  • subconscious desire for illness (for example, it is “convenient” to have high pressure, if it can be used to manipulate households).

If your elderly relatives, for one reason or another, bypass the clinic, sit in front of the TV all day and eat unhealthy food, you need to urgently take action. Explain to mom or dad why it is so important to you that she or he feel good and remain healthy and cheerful for many years to come. Find a doctor or clinic that the older person can trust. Convince him that old age is not a sentence at all, but a balanced diet, physical activity and supervision by a competent doctor will allow you to remain active for many years.

Where does the love for drugs come from?

Many retirees show exactly the opposite approach. From the early morning they take a queue to the doctors, drink handfuls of pills and do not miss the opportunity to complain about a bunch of diseases. And this behavior also has its own reasons:

  • desire to draw attention to oneself, to arouse pity;
  • boredom and lack of communication (talks in line and dialogues with the doctor become an outlet);
  • fear of the future and the desire to be treated “with a margin”.

In medicine, there is even a name for such behavior - hypochondria, that is, suspiciousness, the search for non-existent diagnoses, a heightened perception of ordinary symptoms.

If your parents sometimes behave like hypochondriacs, find out the reason and take action. If the fault is boredom and narrow circle socializing, find hobby groups for them, involve them in household chores and raising grandchildren, send them on vacation more often, or even invite them to get a pet. Spend more time with them, talk heart to heart, even if you don’t really want to listen to a retelling of the next melodrama or tips on caring for violets. Take your parents with you to nature, to the cinema, to the theater - let them feel as long as possible in the thick of life. And then the desire to entertain yourself by going to the doctor and taking medication will disappear by itself.

Motivation for a healthy lifestyle

Well-being at any age depends on three factors:

  • objective state of health (presence chronic diseases, features);
  • nutrition;
  • the presence of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • physical activity.

Unfortunately, not all older people have acquired healthy habits at a young age and therefore continue to lead a not the most healthy lifestyle by inertia. However, it is never too late to change your regime and menu, give up cigarettes and glasses, if there is sufficient motivation for this.

Alas, for older people such motivation is not always found. “I don’t have much left”, “It’s too late to change something” - this is what you can hear in response to the proposal to start a healthy lifestyle.

However, age is just a number, and hundreds of elderly athletes, scientists, businessmen, volunteers, teachers who every day change our world for the better are proof of this. Many people only in retirement find their dream job, meet a life partner, find harmony and the meaning of existence. But even if your mom and dad aren't planning big things in retirement, you can still convince them that staying healthy and active is important. Healthy pensioner:

  • can help their children and grandchildren;
  • can continue to work while maintaining income and making savings;
  • will not become a burden for loved ones, because neglect of health sooner or later leads to illness;
  • will stay active longer, will be able to do everything that interests him;
  • prolong years of life.

So, first of all, you should make sure that your elderly relative really realized the need for health care and took an active position in this matter. Otherwise, the sports equipment you bought will remain gathering dust in the corner, and the fitness subscription will lie unopened.

Old habits and how to break them

When both you and your parents are ready to get down to business, you can begin to gradually change your lifestyle. First, find out what needs to be changed, and our simple tips will help you with this.

  1. Assess your level of physical activity. Do your mom and dad exercise? How many steps a day do they walk? Do they attend physical education classes for pensioners, which are probably available at the nearest physical dispensary? Do they have exercise machines at home: a treadmill, an exercise bike? A fitness bracelet will help you evaluate and further track your results. Buy this inexpensive gadget and sync it with your smartphone. So you can find out daily how many steps your mom and dad took.
  2. Rate the menu. Many older people are accustomed to saving on everything and do not allow themselves to buy products that are expensive in their opinion. In addition, many healthy fruits and vegetables - Chinese cabbage, avocado, mango, pomelo - are unfamiliar to them, so they do not buy them either. At the same time, the same sausage or "cheese product", which, by the way, are not cheap, is readily bought and eaten by pensioners - as usual!
  3. Assess the state of health and the amount of medicines taken. Many people believe for years that they suffer from a certain disease, because some therapist once suggested this diagnosis. Conversely, some serious conditions go unnoticed. At this stage, find a good clinic and conduct a complete examination of the body of your father or mother. At the same time, find out what medications they are taking. Often, pensioners continue to take pills "just in case" after they have recovered. And it can take years! Another common practice is to start taking medication on the advice of a neighbor or a casual interlocutor in line with a doctor. Not bad cashing in on pensioners and manufacturers of dietary supplements, who persistently offer their products by phone or bypassing apartment after apartment. Most likely, most of the pills that older people drink out of habit can be canceled. Instead, you can start taking really healthy nutritional supplements prescribed by a competent doctor.

  1. Buy fruits and vegetables, especially those that your parents haven't tried before. Learn how to clean and cook them. Buy a supply of fruits and vegetables regularly. It is convenient to do this with the help of a delivery service - now they work in all major cities. Give a good food processor and vegetable peeler.
  2. Buy fitness gadgets. These can be the already mentioned bracelets, as well as smart watches, pedometers, electronic scales, and home exercise equipment. Show your parents how to use them.
  3. If there is a problem with smoking or alcohol, solve it urgently. Allen Carr's book " easy way quit smoking” and the groups that work on his program. For the treatment of alcoholism, it is better to contact specialists.
  4. Sort through the first aid kit, throw away expired medicines, and everything else so that there is no temptation to take a pill or two from scratch. Instead, purchase healthy nutritional supplements recommended by your doctor.
  5. Introduce your parents to running, cycling or Nordic walking. It is better if you do this with the whole family: this will create additional motivation.
  6. Enroll your parents in a fitness class and help them overcome their embarrassment if they have any. It is better if at least the first time you train together. Choose moderate activities such as swimming, aerobics, simple yoga, as well as Healthy Back classes, which are offered in many fitness clubs. Even better would be to hire a personal trainer to work with your parents on an individual program. Or you can become such a coach yourself.
  7. Encourage parents to be as active as possible. Traveling, walking, volunteering at a local dog shelter, social work, creativity - all this will help you stay motivated, improve the quality of life and leave no free time for TV, tea with sweets, gatherings on a bench and other little-useful things.

There is nothing more important and valuable than the life and health of mom and dad. However, when it comes down to it, it can sometimes be very difficult to break years of habits of junk food and a sedentary lifestyle. Start small, be persistent, spend more time together and you will see how your elderly parents feel better. Believe me, they will surprise you with deeds and deeds that not all young people can do!

Understanding an active lifestyle in our modern time is a little narrowed down. Many only say that they walked, or did exercises in front of the TV on a rug with an open window and, it is not necessary to go out into the fresh air today. Or cooked dinner and did a lot of household chores and walked a lot. It's a pity they don't count how long they spent on the couch. Would be horrified! Is this called an active lifestyle? This is called an excuse for an active lifestyle.

Doing favorite things

At the age of 58, I consider myself leading an active lifestyle. And, I understand it in such a way that when I have time or mood, I can sew a thing for myself or knit it. Let it take more than one week, in view of the fact that I am still working. But these are the things from which I get great pleasure and satisfaction. This is one of my favorite activities. I have more than one such lesson and I will not describe them so that you do not get bored reading. I do them when and for what mood and desire. I don’t do it to finish one thing and start another, otherwise it will be violence against myself, not pleasure.

And, after this pleasure from my favorite pastime, my brain, yes, that brain, all of me is experiencing a flow of new energy. She probably recovered to new activities. Right now, for example, I am doing another one of my favorite things, writing an article for you. And I imagine how many of you will read and then write messages to me on social networks. And I already feel the warmth of your letters and rejoice in them in advance. This is the joy of life! How much of it is in the little things.

Movement is life!

Walking for me is another of my favorite activities and even turned into a principle of life. It's okay and fun! And for long distances too. I avoid public transport at every convenient opportunity. I do gymnastics every day or march in a room with an open window for 25 minutes so that cholesterol does not deposit on my blood vessels. So that the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and shoulder joints are in motion and congestion in the muscles and joints does not begin. I also choose this when I want one or the other.

It's important to do what you want! But moving in old age is necessary and intensive enough every day! We must understand that human joints are restored during a fairly intense movement. In this state, metabolic processes are accelerated, and more nutrition is supplied to our joints. And there is food and the recovery process will be.

  • You need to walk at an accelerated pace for at least 25 minutes. Such walks during the week will strengthen the heart muscle, and even contribute to weight loss. But overdo it in the intensity and high pace of classes or walking! Duration is much healthier and safer for people who are over 50 years old.
  • Be sure to do stretching exercises at least once a week.
  • Swimming in the pool will also bring great benefits.

Add to your diet "Glucosamine and chondroitin" - the building material of articular cartilage. Older people produce little growth hormone - this must be taken into account. Drink a glass of "Instant Creatine - Siberian Super Natural Sport" before intensive walking on the street or gymnastics. The production of growth hormone will begin, namely, it is involved in the restoration of cartilage tissue.

Pay more attention to the liver. She also takes active steps to restore the joints. Clean it and restore it with our products - "Synchrovital IV"; EPAM 4; Tea "Grass of Life"; "The Origins of Purity". Take Trimegavital "Siberian flax and Omega - 3" or "Northern Omega - 3" and your microtraumas in the cartilage tissue will heal more intensively. This is also the best remedy for cleaning and strengthening blood vessels.

Positive emotions

Sigmund Freud said: “Each time we wake up in the morning, we seem to be reborn.” So, let's be born every day happy people! It is important to go to bed with positive thoughts so that you can start the day the same way again. That's what I try to do. And, waking up, I definitely think that everything is fine, everyone is healthy and happy, what else do you need? If the sun shines outside the window, then it is added Have a good mood. I always try to pay attention to my appearance so that when I look in the mirror, I get a charge of good mood. We must create the mood ourselves, living on the positive.

If thoughts are bad for a long time, then this will affect the mood, and eventually the psyche, and, undoubtedly, will lead to physical illness. The body loses its vitality and diseases appear. Tibetan doctors argue that protective emotions such as anger, greed, fear, hostility and many others can be the source of any, even infectious diseases. I rarely or don't watch negative TV shows related to disasters, murders, violence, the end of the world, etc.

They cause strong emotions and negatively affect my health. Heart palpitations, anxiety, fear begin, and, finally, a feeling of anxiety arises, from which it is difficult to get rid of. Then I accept EPAM 1000 and EPAM 44, switch the TV to another channel. Strong emotions tire the body and introduce it into a stressful state - this has long been proven by science. And, after all, malignant tumors also arise, often after a shock.

My job is to communicate with people

And yet, I am a networker, the owner of the store - office of "Siberian Health" and am at the stage of early development. I work as a manager in my store. This is both a burden for my age and a joy at the same time. I communicate a lot with good people And I also enjoy it a lot! I take the courses "Trimegavital DHA superconcentrate", "Synchrovital II" - they help the brain to work well. negative people meet too, but these are their problems and I do not get hung up on their behavior.

I also try to eat right, I have been taking dietary supplements for many years and this is also one of my constant habits. Give the body what modern food cannot give now, since it is very depleted in its composition in relation to bioactive substances. We do not receive substances for vital activity - biologically active substances, necessary for the normal or proper functioning of our cells. Here active life person over 50 years old. I never get bored! But I don't consider myself old.