The real benefits of ice cosmetic rubbing for facial skin. How to wipe your face with ice cubes Why you shouldn’t wipe your face with ice often

Many women prefer to wipe their face with ice in the morning, thereby replacing washing. This procedure is useful, but how exactly to perform wiping? We will talk about how to do this correctly, what recipes to use, whether there are any contraindications and all other nuances.

The benefits of ice: fact or fiction?

When ice cubes come into contact with the face, the skin quickly cools. The vessels that are located in the upper part begin to narrow, and the deeper ones, on the contrary, expand. This is very beneficial for the skin and, most importantly, even if you rub it every day, the effect will be consistently high.

Ice should be removed as quickly as possible after contact with the skin, as reviews indicate. If you do this a little slower, then the skin will begin to become supercooled more than normal. This can be harmful to the face, but more on the rules below.

In general, daily rubbing with an ice cube optimizes the metabolic processes of the skin, as a result of which the natural regeneration process is launched and wrinkles are smoothed out. Therefore, doing this procedure every day will be useful for women at any age:

  • at 20 years old - to maintain youthful skin for as long as possible;
  • at 40 or more - to prevent the aging process.

About the choice and use of ice

It would be correct to use cosmetic ice within the framework of the described procedure: twice during the day - in the morning and evening. In this case, it will be most useful for the skin to be exceptionally clean: after washing and removing makeup. Only then can it be wiped with an ice cube, and this must be done carefully.

It is advisable to guide it along the massage lines as gently and smoothly as possible. The most important ones are located from the central part of the face to the temporal region; it will be useful to use circular movements.

After the procedure, there is no need to wipe the skin; you can simply blot it a little to remove excess water. The same moisture, which is beneficial, and the active components are absorbed into the skin. As soon as the skin dries, you should apply a special cream with a moisturizing effect. Reviews say that it is not advisable to use the same composition every day. It would be best to alternate several types of creams, as well as recipes for making ice, which is easy to make at home.

It is also useful to use cosmetic ice cubes for the epidermis around the eyes. This way, you will be able to remove dark circles and reduce puffiness. The procedure can be used both for the skin of the neck and décolleté.

It will be especially useful to massage the face with an ice cube in contrast, for example, after a hot bath, compress, sauna or bath. After this, you should take a towel with soft bristles, place it in hot water, squeeze it out and apply it to the skin of your face. It is recommended to hold the compress until the towel cools down.


Cases when you cannot use ice cubes include the following contraindications:

  • increased sensitivity of the skin, in which it begins to turn red at the slightest contact with ice. A sign of even greater deterioration of the condition of the skin of the face should be considered a burning sensation or pain;
  • the presence of even minor rashes, inflammatory formations and wounds;
  • severe or progressive enlargement of pores;
  • allergic reactions to certain ice components;
  • winter or simply frosty season, just before going outside.

These contraindications affect all recipes and components from which the cubes are prepared.

How to make ice at home?

The first preparation method is universal; it is great for any skin type. In order to prepare cosmetic ice cubes, you need to brew leaves, as well as chamomile or linden flowers. After this, the resulting solution is allowed to brew at room temperature. The broth is filtered, cooled and poured into special forms.

Recipes with chamomile are the most popular because it not only moisturizes or neutralizes inflammation, but also gives the skin a healthy tone.

A rich infusion of chamomile can give an unobtrusive, pleasant golden hue, reminiscent of a tan.

You can use a decoction of green tea to rub the cubes and also to prepare them. It also needs to be strained and poured into molds. It is good because it perfectly tones the skin, fights the effects of aging, and is characterized by antioxidant effects.

Recipes with aloe juice for the face involve the use of not only this component, but also others. It is advisable that there be at least three of them, for example, filtered or mineral water, green tea, low-fat milk. This composition makes it possible to fight wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. The following recipes for healing cubes are:

  • parsley decoction. In addition, ice cubes with the addition of the presented variety of greens are characterized by a whitening effect;
  • Frozen extract of fresh cucumbers will perfectly moisturize, help remove hyperpigmentation and make the complexion even tone;
  • an extract of any citrus fruit (preferably lemon or orange), previously diluted with mineral water in a ratio of 1 to 1, will also be very useful. Such cosmetic ice helps get rid of peeling, makes it possible to tone and cleanse the skin;

Any ice cube recipes containing a decoction of mint or lemon balm will add freshness to your facial skin.

Rubbing your face with ice is the simplest procedure that ensures recovery and improvement of its condition. However, when resorting to the presented method, you should take into account contraindications and simply remember all the rules.

Today there are many ways to get rid of wrinkles. However, one of the most effective, but forgotten, is the use of ice cubes. It should be understood that the technique, despite its benefits, has certain contraindications and precautions. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of using ice cubes before actively using them. This is the only way to minimize the occurrence of side effects.

The benefits of ice for facial skin

Rubbing ice cubes on your face has many positive effects. It is no coincidence that this method of skin toning has been actively used by the first beauties since ancient times. Ice cubes have the following effects on the face:

  • Tightens sagging areas. The fact is that when you pass the cube over the skin, small capillaries begin to narrow. Deeply located vessels, in turn, expand. These processes invariably lead to toning of the treated areas. With regular use of ice, sagging areas become firmer.
  • Helps smooth out skin texture. A sharp change in temperature has a positive effect on the smoothness of the face. In addition, the cubes prevent the formation of new depressions and bulges.
  • Makes skin fresher and more radiant. This is facilitated by improved blood supply to cells. When the latter receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients, the face becomes more well-groomed.
  • Accelerate tissue renewal. Thanks to the timely growth of young cells, the skin looks fresher.
  • Fight dark circles and swelling. These formations are gradually eliminated due to improved metabolism within cells. The fact is that metabolism directly affects fluid retention in tissues.
  • Helps saturate the skin with moisture. During the procedure, the ice melts and the cells are filled with liquid.
  • Temper the skin of the face. The immune system The dermis is noticeably strengthened during the procedure. Thanks to this, the skin becomes less vulnerable to the aggressive effects of external factors.
  • Increases the elasticity of the dermis. This is facilitated by increased blood circulation, as well as alternate constriction and dilation of blood vessels.
  • Combat dry skin. Due to the saturation of the dermal cells with moisture and the penetration of nutrients from the active composition of the cube into the tissues, peeling is eliminated.
  • Normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. During the procedure, the pores are narrowed and the activity of bacteria on the surface of the skin is reduced, thereby minimizing the risk of pimples and blackheads.

Indications for the use of ice cubes for the skin

In addition to small and already noticeable wrinkles, the main indications for using ice cubes for the face are:

  • oily dermis type,
  • sagging skin,
  • constant peeling.

Rules for using ice cubes

Using ice cubes on your face involves three main steps:

  1. Preparing the skin for the procedure.
  2. Main stages.
  3. Follow-up facial care.

Preparing the skin for the procedure

Preparing the skin for the procedure is no less important a step than the main stages. Many people neglect this point, but in vain. The fact is that properly prepared skin better absorbs the active components of the cube. It should also be taken into account that it is thanks to this stage that the risk of side effects from the procedure is reduced.

When preparing your skin, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Remove any remaining makeup from your face, if any. This can be done using a cotton pad and micellar water or any other convenient method. The fact is that foundation and other cosmetic products interfere with the beneficial effects of nutrients on the skin.

    The first step in preparing your skin for using ice cubes is to remove decorative cosmetics

  2. Wash your face with foam, gel or other cleanser. It is also recommended to use a scrub to get rid of impurities in the pores as much as possible. Remember that you should finish the washing procedure with cold water, since immediately after this stage (for oily and combination skin) the use of ice cubes will follow.

    After removing decorative cosmetics, you should wash your face with gel or foam.

  3. If you are the owner of dry or normal skin, then be sure to lubricate it with any basic squeeze (almond, olive, etc.) or oily lotion. 3-5 drops of the product will be enough. Remember that too thick a layer of product will prevent the penetration of active substances into cells.

    Almond oil will protect dry and sensitive skin from the aggressive effects of the ice cube

Main stages

The basic steps are the main part of the process of using ice cubes. That is why it is important to study this stage especially carefully. Follow the following algorithm:


Subsequent facial care after rubbing the skin with ice cubes is necessary in order to consolidate and increase the effect of the procedure. In addition, this stage is designed to calm the dermis after active exposure. Follow the following algorithm:

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the benefits of ice for the face, this method of rejuvenation still has a number of contraindications. The latter include:

  • Low air temperature outside. In this case, even without ice, the skin is constantly exposed to the aggressive effects of cold. Excessive stress can negatively affect the health of the areas treated with the cube (face, décolleté, etc.).
  • Presence of colds. In this case, the use of ice may worsen the patient's condition. The same can be said about chronic pathologies. The use of cubes in the presence of the latter can result in an aggravation.
  • Cuperosis. Dilated vessels may become more noticeable when using ice. However, in this case, it is still recommended to consult a cosmetologist, since in rare situations, cubes can have a positive effect on the course of the disease.
  • Skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema and others. When using ice, existing pathologies may worsen. This is caused by increased metabolic processes inside cells.
  • Abrasions, cuts and other damage to the skin. Ice cubes slow down the healing of wounds. In addition, during the procedure it is easy to introduce infections into the recesses.
  • Excessive skin sensitivity. If after using the cubes the face remains red for a long time, then you should abandon the anti-aging procedure. The fact is that cold exposure is not for everyone.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the cube. Be sure to test every new recipe you use for allergic reactions.

The main side effects of using ice cubes on the face are:

  • redness,
  • rash,
  • the appearance of a “vascular network”,
  • occurrence/exacerbation of colds.

Precautionary measures

To reduce the risk of side effects when using ice cubes on your face, take the following precautions:

  • Test each new recipe for individual intolerances. To do this, run the cube along your wrist or the inside of your elbow. Try not to wash the treated area for 24 hours. If after the specified time no redness or rashes appear, then the composition is suitable for you.
  • Do not hold the cube in one place for more than 4 seconds. The fact is that such experiments can lead to hypothermia of the treated area.
  • Do not use ice under any circumstances if there are contraindications.
  • Do not use the technique more than twice a day. If the cube contains aggressive components (coffee, etc.), up to one time will be enough. The skin should rest from active exposure so as not to get used to it. In addition, constant cold treatment of the face can lead to its worsening. appearance.
  • Do not use an expired cube. Despite freezing, the active composition should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than 5 days. The fact is that a cube prepared long ago will not bring significant benefits to your skin.
  • Do not wipe your face with the cube right before going outside. The fact is that irritated skin is more susceptible to the aggressive effects of wind, sun and other environmental phenomena. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at least an hour before leaving.
  • If at least one occurs side effect stop using ice immediately.

As a precaution, it is also recommended to consult with a professional cosmetologist to ensure the benefits and safety of the procedure in your particular case. The specialist will accurately determine the feasibility of using the technique.

Video: what are the benefits of ice for the face and how to use it correctly


Today there are many recipes for making ice cubes aimed at eliminating facial wrinkles. All of them are divided into groups depending on the main component. Try these recipes:

  • Mint based. Most often, ice for wiping the face is prepared on the basis of this herb. The fact is that mint perfectly refreshes the skin and tones it, which is especially important in mature age. There are several ways to prepare compositions for cubes based on the described ingredient:
    • Traditional. Take two tablespoons of dry mint leaves and pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. Cover the container with the future infusion with a lid. After half an hour, strain the liquid and cool it. Pour the mixture into molds. The recipe is suitable for all skin types except dry. Mint cubes, prepared in this way, smooth out wrinkles, mattify the face and fight excess sebaceous secretions.

      To prepare the composition, you should use not fresh, but dried mint.

    • With milk. Add a few tablespoons of dry mint to 200 ml of boiling milk. When the liquid has cooled, strain it and pour into molds. The composition is ideal for moisturizing dry and sensitive skin. In addition, the milk-based recipe smoothes out the relief on the surface of the face.

      Milk intensively softens the skin

    • With linden blossom. Combine dry herbs: mint, coltsfoot and linden blossom. Take one tablespoon of each ingredient. Pour 250 ml of boiled water over the herbs. When the infusion becomes cool, strain it and pour into molds. The recipe is intended to smooth out wrinkles on dry skin.

      You can prepare dried linden flowers yourself or purchase them at a pharmacy.

    • With sage. Pour a glass of boiled water over a mixture of dried mint and sage leaves. Each ingredient should be taken in the amount of one tablespoon. After an hour, strain the liquid and pour it into molds. The composition is suitable for anti-aging care for dry and sensitive skin.

      Sage soothes skin

  • Based on green tea. The latter is able to tone the skin, restore lost freshness and radiance to the face, and relieve swelling. Green tea is indispensable in the fight against wrinkles and can compete with the most effective anti-aging cosmetics. Try the following recipes:
    • Classical. Brew a tablespoon of green tea in a glass of boiling water. Strain the cooled liquid and pour into molds. The recipe is suitable for all types of dermis. This ice helps improve the appearance of drooping and aging skin, mattifies it, and also fights swelling under the eyes that are not associated with chronic diseases.

      Green tea effectively fights swelling

    • With elderberry. Combine a tablespoon of elderflower flowers with the same amount of dry green tea. Pour boiling water over the resulting mixture and leave for an hour. After the allotted time has passed, strain the infusion and pour it into molds. These cubes soothe overly irritated skin and smooth out the first wrinkles.

      Elderberry flowers effectively relieve skin irritation

    • With lemon juice. Add a few tablespoons to a glass of cooled green tea lemon juice. Pour the resulting liquid into molds. Such cubes effectively tone and smooth the surface of the face. The recipe is recommended for oily and combination skin. Remember that lemon juice whitens the treated areas, so when using it, carefully strictly follow the suggested dosage.

      Lemon juice slightly whitens skin

    • With cucumber. Add four tablespoons of cucumber juice to 100 ml of cooled green tea. It is advisable to squeeze out the latter yourself. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze. Ice is suitable for moisturizing mature skin of any type.

      Cucumber juice refreshes the skin and saturates it with moisture

    • With honey. Add a tablespoon of honey to 250 warm green tea. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze. Such cubes tighten the skin and make it more elastic. Remember that honey helps to awaken the hair follicles, so if you have increased facial hair, the proposed composition is not recommended.
  • Chamomile based. Pour a few tablespoons of dried flowers with cool water (200 ml). Place the liquid over low heat, bring it to a boil and cool. A few hours after preparation, strain the drink and pour it into molds. The composition is suitable for any type of dermis. Chamomile helps soften and mattify the skin. In addition, the flowers have anti-inflammatory and calming effects.

    Dried chamomile flowers can be purchased at any pharmacy

  • Based on parsley. The latter contains a loading dose of vitamins A and C. Interestingly, the plant has a powerful antioxidant effect, which means it prevents premature aging skin. Try these anti-wrinkle ice recipes with parsley:
    • Classical. Chop a few bunches of fresh parsley. In this case, only the leaves should be taken. Pour the resulting mass with 500 ml of boiled water. Place the container with the liquid on low heat for a quarter of an hour. After this, cool the mixture and strain. Pour the resulting liquid into molds and freeze. The cubes refresh and heal the skin, and also prevent the formation of wrinkles and fight existing ones.

      Fresh parsley effectively heals and smoothes the skin

    • Bleaching. Pass enough parsley through the juicer to make 50 ml of product. Combine liquid with water in a 1:1 ratio and freeze. The composition tones, whitens and smoothes the skin.

      Fresh parsley juice helps whiten and tone the skin

    • With tomato juice. Combine the latter with parsley juice in a ratio of 3:1. Pour the resulting liquid into molds and freeze. The composition is suitable for anti-aging care problem skin.

      To prepare the composition, store-bought tomato juice is also suitable.

    • With black tea. Chop enough parsley to make three teaspoons of pulp. Add to the last 30 g of dried chamomile flowers and a tablespoon of dry black tea. Pour the resulting mixture with 500 ml of cool water and place on high (until boiling), and then on low heat. After 20–25 minutes of simmering, cool and strain the liquid. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze. These cubes soften, tone and cool the skin. In addition, the recipe helps make the surface of the dermis more uniform in color.

      To prepare the cubes, you should take regular black tea without additives.

  • Coffee based. Coffee ice improves skin tone, makes it fresher, and effectively copes with dark circles and fine wrinkles. By washing your face with this cube, you can successfully cleanse your skin of minor acne and dead cells. Try the following recipes:
    • Standard. Brew half a tablespoon of natural ground coffee with 250 ml of boiling water. After 15-20 minutes, strain the liquid and distribute it into freezer trays. The finished cubes have a pronounced lifting effect.

      Ground coffee effectively tones and smoothes the skin

    • With cream. Dilute a tablespoon of instant coffee into 300 ml hot water. Add 50 ml of heavy cream to the drink. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze. The recipe is suitable for anti-aging care for dry and sensitive skin.

      Coffee cubes with cream are ideal for anti-aging care for sensitive skin

    • With honey. Brew coffee in a Turk or another way, you will need 250 ml. Try not to make the drink too strong. Stir a tablespoon of natural liquid honey into the resulting liquid. Pour the drink into molds and freeze. The recipe is used to deeply nourish and tighten mature skin.
    • With salt. Brew a classic Americano (300 ml). Stir a tablespoon into a hot drink sea ​​salt(you can also use a regular kitchen one). Pour the cooled liquid into molds and freeze. The recipe is intended for anti-aging care for oily and combination skin.

      To prepare the cubes, you can use both regular and sea salt.

  • Based on aloe juice. Take two tablespoons of freshly squeezed aloe juice (you can also use store-bought, but it’s better to make it yourself) and combine it with water in a 1:1 ratio. Pour the resulting liquid into molds and freeze. The composition is ideal for moisturizing and softening mature skin.
  • Milk based. Take the latter in the amount of three tablespoons and heat, but do not bring to a boil. Add a teaspoon of honey and a few drops to warm milk olive oil. When the liquid has cooled, pour it into a glass and place it in the freezer. The recipe is intended for deep nutrition and healing of aging skin.

    Olive oil intensively nourishes and moisturizes the skin

Video: How to use ice cubes with milk for the skin around the eyes

Cosmetic ice is actively used in many salons today. This procedure is especially relevant in the summer. But in addition to the refreshing effect, rubbing with ice cubes has an excellent toning effect, restoring skin cells and eliminating skin folds. But it is not at all necessary to go to the salon and spend a lot of money on this procedure. You can prepare and wipe your face with ice cubes at home, and the resulting effect will be no different from a professional one.

Why rubbing your face with an ice cube is beneficial?

Those who regularly use ice cubes for facial care are familiar with a slight tingling sensation during rubbing. Despite this discomfort, this procedure has a profound effect on cellular processes that play an important role in healthy and beautiful skin.

Why it is useful to do procedures, we can highlight the following:

  1. A toning and invigorating effect that the skin lacks after sleep;
  2. Blood circulation receives a cold influence, and with an increase in blood flow in the skin, metabolic processes begin to intensify.
  3. After the procedure, skinned cows receive additional hydration.
  4. Ice effectively treats acne, pimples, and also tightens pores and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Using ice cubes made from chamomile infusion effectively relieves redness and soothes irritated dermis.
  6. After the procedure, the skin becomes soft.
  7. With regular use of ice, it is possible to eliminate fine wrinkles, reduce blueness under the eyes and puffiness.
  8. Ice washes improve the tone of the face and a red blush appears.

You can find a list of acne creams.

On the video, is there any point in wiping your face with ice, the benefits and harms:

Harm from rubbing the skin

Like any cosmetic procedure, ice rubbing has its own negative qualities. You can get harm from such care; it occurs quite rarely, but you need to understand that each person’s skin is individual and has its own needs and predispositions. Speaking about the harm of ice rubdowns, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • washing with ice is stressful for the skin;
  • after such a procedure, the pores close, so applying the cream is completely useless, it will not be fully absorbed;
  • after applying ice, blood vessels narrow, which leads to a delay in the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • If you actively rub the skin at night, you can earn insomnia, since the temperature difference will cause the nervous system to enter the activating stage, and it will no longer be possible for a person to fall asleep.


Despite this a large number of positive qualities, ice rubbing of the face has a number of contraindications that should be taken into account by those who want to actively engage in this technique. Among the aspen contraindications are:

  • acne, open wounds and inflammation on the integument;
  • eczema;
  • weak immunity;
  • predisposition to herpes rashes on the lips and face;
  • acute inflammatory skin diseases;
  • problems with blood vessels.

How to cleanse your face age spots can be found out .

It is prohibited to use ice cubes for rosacea. You can only wash your face with warm water. When using contrast procedures, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. The use of ice cubes is allowed only for the prevention of rosacea, but not when there are pronounced vascular changes.

Proper washing against wrinkles

Before you begin the procedure, you need to understand that there is a risk of harming the skin from cold. To get the maximum benefit, you need to take into account a number of nuances and tips that will help you solve various skin problems:

  1. For freezing, the water used should only be purified. It is best to use mineral or distilled. Tap water is not suitable for this.
  2. Prepared cubes can be stored in the refrigerator for more than a week, but it is better if you make new ones. Various herbs are known to have a positive effect on the skin. When preparing cubes, try to use not ordinary water, but herbal decoctions, vegetable juice, and fruit juice.
  3. Do not overcool the skin. The duration of the influence of ice is no more than 5 seconds. The number of wipes per day is 2 times - morning and evening.
  4. When preparing cubes, you need to consider your skin type. Then you can choose all the ingredients correctly. If we are talking about dry skin, then you need to use soothing and nourishing ingredients. This includes parsley, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, and dandelion. Gooseberries, sea buckthorn and rowan also perfectly nourish the skin. To care for normal skin It is necessary to use components that are rich in vitamins. They improve the protective functions of the skin and provide additional hydration. You can use strawberries, raspberries, watermelon. Components with a mattifying effect are excellent for oily skin. These include green tea, grapefruit, cranberry, calendula, burdock, St. John's wort,. For oily skin Ice with lemon is a great option. To obtain a drying effect, add alcohol or vodka and other herbs to the healing solution before freezing.
  5. Do not treat the skin with a cube while holding it with your bare hands. To do this, you need to wear gloves, otherwise you may freeze your fingertips.
  6. Wiping must be done in a circular manner, massage movements, passing along specific lines.

The video shows how to carry out the procedure correctly:

Is it possible to wipe it every day?

Cosmetologists recommend that you wipe your face with ice cubes 2 times a day – morning and evening. Concerning daily use procedures, it all depends on the skin type. After a week of active wiping with ice has passed, it is necessary to assess the condition of the skin. If they have changed and there is no discomfort, itching, or peeling, then you can continue to use ice rubdowns.

You can find out how to quickly rejuvenate your face at home.

Here's a video showing how often you can wipe your face with ice:

The attitude of various people—both “cosmetic” clients and cosmetologists—to wiping their facial skin with ice is far from clear.

Some believe that this is the most useful, inexpensive and effective procedure. Others see in it only undoubted harm to the skin. Most likely, the truth, as always, lies somewhere in the middle. Otherwise, various specialized media and Internet sites would not describe recipes and methods for making ice “cosmetic” cubes.

Let’s try to dot all the i’s in one material and look at the pros and cons of this process.

In this article:

First about the benefits

Is it beneficial to rub ice on your face? Many experts believe that ice plays a significant role in activating immune processes. The effect of icy cold on the human body stimulates its protective properties. This, naturally, also applies to the epidermis. Metabolism improves in this layer of skin, making the skin more elastic and firm.

When you rub an ice cube on your face, your secretion doubles hyaluronic acid, which is known to regulate water balance, and skin cells absorb water from the melted cube more intensely and retain it for a longer time.

The skin receives three undoubted benefits:

  • moisturizes as much as possible;
  • it improves blood circulation;
  • pores narrow (which is especially important for oily skin).

After such regular procedures, the skin becomes smooth and silky, loses its oily sheen, and becomes matte.

In addition, you can prepare cubes with special additives so that it has a whitening effect. This way, freckles and age spots can lighten.

Answering the question why wipe your face with ice, it is worth noting that one wipe a day is enough for the aging skin of the face, as well as the neck and décolleté to rejuvenate and become more attractive - this procedure tones it.

Having decided for yourself that it makes sense to keep your skin toned with ice, remember: you must first determine whether your skin is able to tolerate low temperatures.

What's the harm?

Opponents of wiping with ice give exactly the opposite arguments, recalling that Low temperatures can cause a stressful state in the skin: blood vessels sharply narrow. And since this procedure is carried out repeatedly, their constant narrowing and expansion has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the skin. In this case they can:

  • blood flow is disrupted;
  • spider veins appear;
  • swelling;
  • the effect of enlarged pores may occur.

At the same time, the sebaceous glands reduce their function, and significantly less of their secretion and sweat are released onto the surface of the skin. This primarily affects the elasticity of the skin, it becomes flabby and dry, covered with fine wrinkles.

Rubbing with ice cubes can cause obvious harm for very sensitive skin.

This is not difficult to determine: if you experience unpleasant sensations when touching ice - a burning sensation or even pain, this method of rejuvenation is definitely contraindicated for you.

You cannot carry out “ice-cosmetic” wiping if:

  • inflammatory processes of the skin;
  • pustular rashes or wounds;
  • severely enlarged pores;
  • allergies to cold.

With great care, such a procedure should be carried out with dry skin, which is very sensitive to temperatures - both high and low. Because of the cold, this type of skin experiences peeling, inflammation and microcracks.

When: morning or evening and which is correct?

Experts agree that It is harmful to use ice therapy during the cold season. During the warm season, the question of whether it is possible to wipe your face with ice cubes every day should not even arise. It is only recommended to do this exclusively in the morning, so as not to cause overstimulation before bed.

Any procedure requires compliance with a number of rules. So, before you start wiping with ice, the skin should be cleansed with lotion, scrub or tonic.

People with problem skin and acne may benefit from using “anti-inflammatory” ice. The infusion consists of equal amounts of dried chamomile and celandine.

The volumes of raw materials in this case are different: you need to take two large spoons, fill them with two glasses of boiling water, and then keep them in a water bath for 20 minutes.

For acne skin will suit also a frozen mixture of aloe juice with chamomile infusion.

A decoction of parsley has a whitening effect. It also gives elasticity to the skin.

Chamomile, beloved by the people, is suitable for all skin types, moisturizing it. In addition, it also has antiseptic properties.

What other ice should I make?

Certainly, To simply tone the skin with cold, you can use regular ice. It is better to take purified or boiled water for it. It is very good to prepare cubes from non-carbonated mineral water. But, of course, the best (and also healing) effect will be provided by frozen tea - black, green, herbal, rose water or juice. Moreover, the latter can be made from any berries and fruits, from anything, even watermelon and geranium.

If the fruit juice is thick, you can dilute it in half boiled water or, if available, distilled.

Juices for cosmetic ice must only be freshly squeezed!

Fresh birch sap, rich in antioxidants and vitamins, is very useful. Effectively cleanses the skin by washing with a frozen solution of sea salt (in a ratio of two spoons per 250 ml).

Exists interesting way for mixed skin types. To do this, you can make a two-layer cube by freezing two different infusions suitable for each type. When wiping your face in the morning, turn the cube to the desired side.

A very strong antioxidant is coffee. Coffee ice cubes not only tone and refresh the skin, but also cleanse the epidermis of dead cells and small acne. Coffee (natural, of course) is not brewed very strong - half a tablespoon per glass of liquid. In the case of dry skin, it will not hurt to add cream to the solution.

It may seem somewhat unexpected, but it is proposed to make cubes from a decoction of rice and oatmeal. This ice cleanses and nourishes the skin well. A couple of spoons of cereal are poured into a glass of boiling water and left until it swells. The liquid remaining in the swollen cereal is filtered and frozen in molds.

What kind of ice should you wipe your face with for rejuvenation? The answer is in the next video:

Every woman, having doubted someone’s advice or having read mutually exclusive opinions, can come to the decision she needs only by trying “ice therapy” on herself. There are so many recipes that you can choose the most suitable ones from this mass. Moreover, experts recommend not to focus on any one composition, but to alternate them for greater effect.

In contact with

Ice is rightfully considered an effective tonic. He easily removes dark circles and bags under the eyes, fights premature wrinkles, gives the skin healthy looking. Cosmetic ice can be prepared from seasonal berries and fruits, vegetables, infusions of medicinal plants, green and black tea. However, the procedure includes its own characteristics that are important to know. Let's look at the technology of rubbing the skin with ice and highlight popular recipes for its preparation.

Action of ice

  1. After rubbing the skin with cosmetic ice, the production of elastin and collagen fibers accelerates, the dermis is saturated with hyaluron, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out.
  2. Since the ice begins to melt during use, water penetrates deep into the skin and saturates the cells with moisture. The tissues receive enough oxygen, as a result of which the face looks fresh and rested.
  3. The procedure for treating the epidermis with cosmetic ice helps make the face matte and smooth. Thanks to the effects of cold, pores narrow, the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized, and blood circulation improves.
  4. Ice has whitening properties, as a result of which many girls use it to combat freckles and age spots.


  1. If you feel discomfort during the anti-aging procedures, stop the procedure immediately. Unpleasant sensations include itching, burning, pain, tingling. A similar feature is noticed in people with hypersensitivity, we recommend finding another way of rejuvenation.
  2. Girls whose facial skin is covered with a rash should not wipe their skin with ice. The same applies to the presence of purulent inflammations, deep cuts or scratches, or any inflammatory processes.
  3. People whose pores are very enlarged are not recommended to carry out the procedure more than once every 5 days. In this case, it is necessary to constantly monitor the reaction of the skin; deep creases may form on it.
  4. Those who suffer from rosacea should not wipe their skin with cosmetic ice. Also carefully examine the dermis for the presence of vessels and capillaries located close to the surface; they should not be there.
  5. Cosmetologists unanimously say that rubbing with ice cubes is not recommended during the cold season. If you decide to start therapy in the fall-winter, carry out the procedure 2-3 hours before going outside.

Technology of wiping the face with cosmetic ice

  1. To begin, rub the skin of your cheeks with light circular movements, then go down to the nasolabial folds, working them in a straight line. Try not to stay at one point for more than 3 seconds.
  2. Now lower the ice to the middle of your chin, work it in a circular motion, then move up your jaw to your earlobes. Carry out the manipulations 4 times, proceed to the next step.
  3. Wipe the area around the lips, again moving to the cheeks and the area under the eyes. Grab the bridge of your nose, treating areas alternately.
  4. Next, move the ice cube from the bridge of your nose to your cheekbones and back, repeat the steps 6 times. Touch the eye area again, moving from the outer to the inner corner, then in the opposite direction.
  5. The forehead is processed last, smooth it from temple to temple for 5 seconds. Next, place the ice on one eyebrow, move to the hairline, then down again (zigzag movements).
  6. Complete the procedure by wiping your face in a chaotic manner. If you have time, repeat the steps 2-3 more times with an interval of a quarter of an hour.

All of the listed compositions differ in the availability of components. Every housewife can easily make ice at home.

  1. Grapefruit. Cut the peel off the citrus fruit, chop the fruit into slices and pass through a meat grinder (you can use a blender). Grate the zest on a fine grater and mix with porridge. Add 10 ml. olive oil, package in bags and freeze.
  2. Oak bark. Buy oak bark at the pharmacy, take 45 grams. plants and fill it hot water in a ratio of 1:4. After 30 minutes, pass the infusion through cheesecloth. Chop the fresh cucumber into thin slices and grind into porridge using a food processor/blender. Combine with oak infusion, pour into molds, and freeze.
  3. Cornflower. Pour 220 ml into the pan. melt water, add 45 g. dried plant, place on the stove. Bring until the first bubbles appear, reduce power, simmer for another 15 minutes. Turn off the stove, cool the mixture to room temperature, pour into molds and freeze.
  4. Greenery. Wash one bunch of fresh parsley and dill, dry, remove the stems. Chop the lemon into cubes along with the peel, pass through a press (blender, food processor, meat grinder). Add 50 ml to the lemon porridge. water and place the dill with parsley, chop everything again. Divide the mixture into ice bags or freeze in molds.
  5. Baking soda, salt. Mix 20 gr. baking soda and 45 gr. fine sea salt (not iodized), pour hot water (180 ml.) into the bulk mixture, stir. The granules must completely dissolve, otherwise they will burn the skin when treating the face. Freeze the solution by first placing it in the cells of the mold or bag.
  6. Black or green tea. Cosmetic ice can only be prepared from loose leaf tea; bagged products are not suitable (they are not strong enough). Brew 3 pinches of green or black tea in 270 ml. hot water, cover and leave for 45 minutes. During this time, the tea leaves will become strong; you need to strain it. Pour 30 ml into tea. lemon juice or add citric acid on the tip of the knife. Dissolve the granules and send them to freeze.
  7. Kefir. Ice made from fermented milk products has lightening properties, so you should be careful when using it. To prepare the composition, you will need kefir with a fat content of 3% or more; you can use yogurt. Do not dilute it with water, immediately put it in the freezer, packaging it in bags/forms.
  8. Cucumber and aloe vera. Take a large stem of aloe vera (plant age - 2-3 years), wash and grate on a fine grater. Do the same with two cucumbers, then combine the ingredients. Dilute the mixture with drinking water to the consistency of milk, pour into the compartments of ice bags, and place in the freezer.
  9. Milk. Grate a large potato tuber along with the peel using a small-hole grater. Pour milk (fat content from 3.2%) into the prepared porridge so that the volume is enough to fill all the molds. Send the product to freeze; to enhance the effect, you can pour in 3-5 ml. any natural oil(olive, castor, burdock, corn, etc.).
  10. Hibiscus. Red tea has diuretic properties and is also effective in eliminating dark circles under the eyes. To prepare the mixture, brew a pinch of hibiscus in 250 ml. boiling water Leave to infuse for 10 minutes, no longer, strain. Freeze the tea and use carefully to avoid staining your skin. After use, it is recommended to wash your face with cold water.
  11. Raspberries. Grind two handfuls of fresh raspberries using a blender, add 70 ml. whole milk and 10 gr. honey. Stir the mixture until smooth with a mixer or whisk, and pour into the cells of the mold. Freeze cosmetic ice and use no more than once every 2 days.
  12. Lemon juice. It is not recommended to use citrus juice in its pure form for girls with a dry type of epidermis. To prepare a gentle composition, you need to dilute the juice of two lemons with purified water in a 2:1 ratio. If you wish, you can not squeeze out the liquid, but use the pulp passed through a blender. It is convenient to freeze the mixture in ice trays (not bags).
  13. Mint and strawberry. Take half a bunch of fresh mint, wash it and grind it in a mortar. Place a handful of frozen or fresh strawberries in a blender bowl and grind into porridge. Mix mint with berry mixture, add 50 ml. milk and pack into molds. Freeze the composition in small portions to preserve the beneficial properties.

The technique of rubbing the skin with ice cubes is reminiscent of a massage. During the procedure, it is important to adhere to the lines that are worked out in a certain sequence. Thanks to the regular use of cosmetic ice, all metabolic processes in tissues improve, the elasticity of the dermis and the immune system increase.

Video: ice toner for face