How to clean crystal to make it shine. How to wash crystal at home to make it shine? Vinegar or citric acid

Crystal is a beautiful and aesthetic material with an exquisite and luxurious shine. Crystal tableware will decorate every holiday table, and a chandelier will add gloss, aristocracy and elegance to the interior. In addition, various decorations are made from this material.

But crystal is a fragile and capricious material. Without proper care, it gradually becomes dull, cloudy and loses its shine. And crystal products often leave stains and fingerprints.

Therefore it is important to ensure proper care for crystal glassware and select suitable cleaning products. Then the material will retain its shine and transparency for a long time. Let's look at how to clean crystal at home.

Rules for caring for crystal

You can wash crystal in lukewarm water at temperatures up to +35 degrees. Sudden changes in temperature must be avoided, otherwise the material becomes even more fragile. Do not use water that is too hot or too cold, otherwise the crystal will crack or even break. Do not leave products in water for a long time, otherwise plaque or rust will appear.

After washing, the product should not be left to dry naturally on a towel, stand or wire rack. Items must be wiped dry. To do this, take paper napkins or microfiber cloths. This fabric does not leave lint, marks or streaks.

When washing glasses or glasses with thin stems, hold the product by the bottom. If you are afraid of breaking or damaging your fine or rock crystal dishes, place a soft towel on the bottom of the container. Crystal products cannot be used in the oven or microwave.

After washing or cleaning, experts advise rinsing your crystal glassware in cool water and vinegar. Then it will not darken or become covered with streaks, and the crystal will remain transparent and shiny. Instead of vinegar, you can also dilute ammonia, lemon juice or acid in water.

Inexpensive and thick crystal without patterns or gilding can be washed in the dishwasher. To do this, use a gentle or gentle washing mode with temperatures up to 50 degrees above zero. See what dishes can be washed in the dishwasher.

Do not clean crystal with abrasive compounds or powders, as they leave scratches. You cannot use soap for cleaning, otherwise it will leave a film and the material will crack. Let's take a closer look at how to clean crystal until it shines.

Basic cleaning method

For cleaning, it is best to use special crystal cleaners, microfiber cloths and paper towels. Glass cleaning products and some traditional methods. To get rid of dust for a long time, wipe dry objects with a woolen cloth or use antistatic glass sprays.

Profile crystal and glass cleaner is great for cleaning a crystal vase or glassware. It will clean dirt, wash away dust and is suitable for everyday care of crystal products. To clean, take a plastic bowl, place a soft cloth on the bottom, pour cool water and add detergent.

Rinse the items in the prepared solution; if they are heavily soiled, leave in the solution for several hours. Then rinse the products in water with the addition of vinegar, ammonia, citric acid or lemon juice.

The gold-plated dishes are first left in warm water, then gently wiped, avoiding painted areas. Then the products are rinsed in cool water with the addition of vinegar. After washing, items are wiped dry.

Finally, dry the items with a wool or microfiber cloth. By the way, experts advise wearing linen or cotton gloves when washing. You can drop a few drops of essential oil onto a woolen cloth. Tea tree, lavender, juniper or citrus oils work well.

Essential oil will prevent dust from sticking and give your products a pleasant, fresh aroma. Besides, essential oils. They disinfect, eliminate germs and fungus, remove bad smell. Oil can also be added to cleaning products.

Folk remedies for washing crystal glassware

1. Vinegar is the best disinfectant folk remedy to clean crystal from yellowness, cloudiness and blackness, and plaque. Vinegar restores shine and transparency to products. To prepare the solution, mix a liter of water, a spoonful of vinegar and half a spoonful of salt. Place the dishes in the resulting mixture, rinse the items, rinse and wipe dry;

2. Lemon juice whitens yellowed and clouded crystal. It adds shine to products and restores their former attractiveness. appearance, perfectly removes fat. If the material has turned yellow or darkened, leave the dishes in water with lemon juice for 20 minutes and then rinse clean water;

3. To remove limescale and red wine stains, you can use Coca-Cola or another similar carbonated drink. Pour the liquid into the crystal container and leave for a few minutes. Then rinse and rinse as usual;

4. Old and severe stains are removed using potato broth. Take the potato boiling liquid when it has cooled down a bit and place the crystal glassware in it. Leave the items for 15 minutes, then rinse and rinse using the standard method;

5. Yellowish or yellowed crystal can be rubbed with raw potato slices, rinsed in a blue solution and finally rinsed in clean water;

6. For regular cleaning, you can use the following mixture. Mix two tablespoons of water and crushed chalk, a quarter teaspoon of blue. Wash the crystal using the usual method, and then apply the resulting solution to the material and wipe with a microfiber or flannel cloth until completely dry;

7. You can wash the crystal so that it shines using ammonia. It restores the original shine of crystal and glass products with cloudiness. To clean, mix ammonia and water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Place the items in the resulting solution and leave for a few minutes. Then wipe the items dry.

How to clean a crystal vase

A solution of organic acid will help to clean a crystal vase from white deposits that appear due to constant contact of the material with water. Take citric, oxalic or acetic acid and dilute it in water.

Leave the products in the resulting solution for several hours. Then pour half a cup of peas, rice or potato peelings into the container, cover with a lid and shake. After manipulation, rinse the vase in cool water.

A vase or decanter with a narrow neck can be washed using a special brush with a long handle. If this is not the case, use raw mashed potatoes or shredded paper. Place the products in a container, pour in slightly warm water and close the container with a lid. Shake well and then rinse in clean water.

Often we are faced with the fact that traces of blooming greenery appear inside the vase. To prevent this from happening, change the water regularly and throw away the flowers in a timely manner. Baking soda will help remove such marks. To do this, pour warm water into a container and add baking soda in the amount of a tablespoon of the product to half a glass of water.

Leave the composition for a few minutes, then close the neck and shake the vase. After treatment, rinse the product in cool water and rinse in a weak vinegar solution. A solution with vinegar will also help remove green deposits.

How to wash a crystal chandelier

Cleaning a crystal chandelier can be quite difficult, since removing the lamp and pendants, washing it, and then hanging it back is a time-consuming and troublesome task. However, you can wash the chandelier without removing it from the ceiling. Before washing, be sure to turn off the electricity and unscrew the light bulbs.

To clean crystal lamps, use the same products and follow the same rules as for crystal glassware. Do not spray cleaner directly onto the crystal. First, apply the mixture to a cloth or gloves. Wash the chandelier only with gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints on the product. In addition, small parts and elements of the lighting device will not slip out of gloved hands.

Remove dust using a soft brush or paint brush. In this case, cleaning must be carried out carefully so that the pendants do not touch each other. Cleaning begins from the top of the lampshade and moves in a circle. Clean each element separately.

IN Soviet time Crystal dishes were found in almost every home, and some still have them to this day. Today, luxury glass household items are also in demand among lovers of beauty and sophistication. However, they require special care, because over time they can become covered with a yellow coating that is difficult to remove.

Find out some simple ways and secrets on how and what to wash crystal glassware so that it shines like new.

How to clean crystal until it shines

The surface of crystal objects often has a complex relief pattern, which can be quite difficult to remove grease and other contaminants from. But even if you inherited a completely unsightly-looking vase or salad bowl, do not rush to classify it as unnecessary things or throw it in the trash. Use our simple tips on how to clean your crystal to make it sparkle. Most of the funds that give good result, are quite affordable in price, and are available in the arsenal of any housewife.

Boiled potatoes

The use of this vegetable for cleaning yellowed surfaces is due to the high content of starch in its composition, which actively breaks down fat. In order to clean a salad bowl in this way, you should boil several peeled tubers, which can then be eaten, and the broth should be cooled.

Then the dishes are placed in the resulting liquid and left to soak for at least a quarter of an hour. If necessary, increase the time. Then you can remove acidified dirt from the surface with a regular damp sponge, without adding detergents.

This is interesting: There is another way to wash crystal using potatoes. The peeled raw tuber is grated, and the resulting mass is distributed over the glass. After five minutes, you can easily wipe off years of stains.

Dish detergent

Washing liquid or gel dissolves in a small amount hot water. The concentration of the substance must be high enough. In addition, you can add cleaning powder.

Dishes in such a complex composition should be soaked for at least half an hour. There is no need to worry about damage to the appearance due to hot water - most crystal objects have quite thick walls that will not burst under the influence of hot water. high temperatures. The main thing is not to pour boiling water over them.

Afterwards, all that remains is to rinse the glass with enough cool running water and wash away any remaining soap suds.


You can restore the former shine to your favorite salad bowl with the help of ammonia. To do this, alcohol is combined in equal proportions with water and applied to the surface with a cotton pad. Before using the product, it is recommended to clean the crystal as much as possible from dust and other dirt.

Sea salt and table vinegar

If the question arises of how to wash your crystal from stubborn stains, then use one of the most effective products.

  1. Dilute table vinegar and sea salt by eye (do not skimp on ingredients) in the required amount of water. To ensure that the components dissolve quickly, use warm liquid.
  2. Soak the dishes in the resulting mixture and leave for a while. When the coating is gone, thoroughly rinse the items under running water.

Advice: if not available sea ​​salt, use regular stone. On average, per liter of liquid you need to add a tablespoon of bulk ingredient, and the same amount of vinegar at a concentration of 9%.

How to get rid of yellowness

Before simply washing yellowed crystal, you need to prepare and use effective “homemade” cleaning compounds.

Tooth powder + blue

  1. Combine a glass of water with the same amount of tooth powder (you can buy it inexpensively at almost any store) and add ½ teaspoon of blue. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Spread the mixture over the contaminated areas on the crystal surface and leave for a while. Don't worry about the bluish tint, it won't leave marks on the material.
  3. Wipe with a woolen cloth, removing the product along with the dirt.

Soap solution

The best option for washing glasses and glasses. To do this, you need to dilute the detergent in a basin with warm water, beat the solution into foam, and then place the dishes in the container.

After some time, the items are cleaned with a regular foam sponge, and then rinsed and polished with a soft cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide

You can wash crystal from yellowness in the following way:

  1. Pour five liters of warm water (average temperature 30 degrees) into a basin or bucket, add one tablespoon of ammonia and three tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Immerse the dishes in the solution for half an hour. Afterwards, remove any remaining stains with a cloth soaked in the same liquid, and then wipe the glass dry with a microfiber cloth.

How to clean a crystal vase

This item is most often difficult to clean from the inside of a white or marsh-colored coating. The first is formed by the evaporation of water and is of calcareous origin, the second appears after a long stay in a vessel.


Using alcohol or vodka, you can give the vase the shine of a new object. To do this, soak a soft cloth in the substance and wipe the contaminated surface.

To remove plaque inside the vase, fill it with a light alcohol solution and leave it for a while, then rinse it and, if possible, wipe it with a dry cloth.

Coca Cola

The aggressive properties of this carbonated drink are known to everyone, and therefore it is often used to combat all kinds of pollution.

To clean the inside of a crystal vase, just pour soda into it and leave it for a while. Afterwards all that remains is to rinse the product.

Soluble tablets for dentures

Original and effective method cleaning a flower vase. The only drawback is the long waiting period for results. To achieve this, you need to fill the container with warm water to the brim and add the drug. After eight hours, the vessel will again acquire an attractive appearance.

Important: the required number of tablets increases in proportion to the size of the vase. So, for a small one you will need one piece, for a large one - three.

Knowing how to bring back the vintage crystal glassware shine, you can update it, and again with pride with glasses and salad bowls made of luxurious glass. However, it is better not to wait for severe contamination, but to systematically care for crystal objects.

Crystal glassware- good decoration for festive table. Earlier enjoyed wild popularity, as did chandeliers made of fragile glass. Now there is a special demand forno, but it has not lost its relevance.

Therefore, the housewife should have several ways in stock, how to clean crystal at home. To make the sun's rays play merrily on the chandelier and the dishes to shine, you needproperly care for glass.

The use of folk recipes

Cloudy, yellowed crystal will leave an unpleasant impression on the owner. Do you want to use the products longer and not blush in front of the guests? Means, You need to familiarize yourself with ways to keep fragile glass clean and shiny if you don’t have the right chemicals in your home.

Every housewife should know how to wash crystal at home. Use chemicals or home remedies mi . Folk recipes They work no worse than household chemicals, plus they are safe.

Water after boiling potatoes

In potatoes contains enough starch to clean a crystal vase from plaque. Also Can .

How to wash crystal with potatoes - basic cleaning methods:

  1. Place the contaminated items in the water in which the potatoes were boiled for 15–20 minutes. Rub gently with the soft side of the sponge.
  2. Boil the potatoes, drain the liquid. Grind it with a knife/grater. Cover dirty areas with the paste. After 15 minutes wash away water. This method is suitable if the glass is cloudy.

When preparing dishes for a holiday, always use the first option for using potatoes. The root vegetable will refresh the crystal and add shine.

Vinegar or citric acid

To clean crystal at home, use table vinegar. This is the most powerful disinfectant.

How to wash crystal:

  1. Prepare a solution of warm water and vinegar. For 1 liter of liquid there is 1 tbsp. l. facilities. If you use citric acid, then the proportions are the same.
  2. Soak a cloth in the solution and wipe all the glasses. To clean a vase, pour the solution into it and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse with water.

Vinegar/citric acid are deodorizing agents. If the dishes stood in the sideboard for a long time and no one used them, plates/glasses.

Use the suggested solutions to get rid of unpleasant odors. If you have crystal ashtrays in the house, soak them in vinegar for 30 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide

You can easily wash the vase until it shines. It is recommended to clean crystal from yellowness using this proven method - the use of hydrogen peroxide.

Peroxide restores natural shine. It is necessary to wear gloves when cleaning products.

How to wash crystal to make it sparkle:

  1. Prepare a solution of 5 liters of warm water, 3 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide. Add 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  1. Pour liquid in a vase, in the remaining solution soak it.
  2. Leave for 10 minutes, rinse with a sponge, let it sit for a while longer.
  3. Drain waste solution, rinse with clean water.

This method can be used to clean old crystal by increasing the soaking time.

You can restore the shine by simply wiping it with cotton wool soaked in peroxide (ammonia). If there are no stains, there is no need to soak.

Rice and baking soda

It is more difficult to wash a crystal vase than a salad bowl. It’s hard to reach the bottom with your hand if the container is narrowed, and you can’t clean it with a brush.

Use rice and baking soda if you don't know how to clean your crystal. Rice acts as an abrasive, but once saturated with water, it does not scratch the surface. Baking soda cleans and dissolves fat and green deposits.

How to clean a crystal vase from white deposits:

  1. Take 3 tbsp. l. rice
  2. Pour into the bottom, add water and shake.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes. Shake again.
  4. Discard the used fluid.
  5. Wash in clean water.

No need to rub. Rice and soda will do all the work for you. Means eliminates the musty smell or aroma that appears after flowers have been left in a vase for a long time.

Coca Cola

Washing vases is not a problem if you have Coca-Cola, Sprite or Pepsi in the house. They can get rid of lime deposits.

How to clean a crystal vase:

  1. Pour the carbonated drink into the container.
  2. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Close the hole and shake well. The white coating will come off the walls.
  4. Rinse with clean water.

Phosphoric acid effectively removes green stains on the bottom and sides of containers.

Salt bath

If there is no desirewipe or wash crystal glassware, use this technique.

Sea salt crystals contain not only beneficial substances, but also cleansing compounds.

How to use correctly:

  1. The crystal vase is soaked in a solution prepared from a pack of sea salt and 6 liters of water.
  2. The process lasts 2 hours.
  3. Crystal rinse and dryin a natural way.

The salt will return shine crystal. After using it, there will be no traces left on the vase from dripping water drops.


Starch will help remove dust stains from vases, dishes and chandeliers. This is a non-abrasive substance and is cheap.

What to do? Apply a little starch to a cloth and wipe the product to the desired result.

They can , add shine.

Chalk and blue

This method is ideal if the stains are simple.

How to wash crystal to make it shine - advice from experienced housewives:

  1. Rinse soap solution. Will do dishwashing detergent. Soap is not allowed. When you turn it on after drying, the crystal parts will become hot and crack as a result.
  2. Then prepared a solution of 2 tbsp. l. chalk and ¼ tsp. blue (sold in hardware and construction stores).
  3. No need to soak. Solution apply on the surface with a cloth, special attention devote to those places where the crystal has become tarnished.
  4. Wipe flannel cloth until dry.

This method is not recommended for use on plates and glasses. Blue cannot be ingested; only figurines, flower vases, and chandeliers are treated with it.

Features of washing in a dishwasher

When caring for crystal it is forbidden use modern technology. To make the dishes shine, they put her down into the dishwasher.


  1. Choose a delicate wash mode.
  2. Water temperature - 40 °C.
  3. Do not put copper, aluminum or silver with crystal.
  4. Use regenerating salt for hard water in your region.
  5. Buy cleaning products in tablet form.or liquid form. Crystal cleaning products are purchased in retail and hardware stores.
  6. Fix the glasses well. This will help to wash the crystal better and not break it.
  7. If after washing you are not satisfied with the result, rinse the devices in warm water with vinegar added.Crystal is brought to shine.

The dishwasher can rinse dishes until they squeak. After cleaning, the glasses will not be cloudy. The main thing is to choose the right temperature and the appropriate program.

Professional chemistry for chandeliers

Crystal chandeliers can be cleaned with chemicals. Using it, you don’t have to remove the pendants or the structure itself. When buying products in a store, be sure to ask the seller to show, How to wash crystal to make it shine and not just look clean.

You cannot care for it with abrasive substances. For expensive glass, buy liquid compounds.

How to wash crystal to make it shine:

  • Canyon Cleaner Lamp;
  • Universal Anti-Dust;
  • Antistatik 100 - against dust.

If it is possible to disassemble the chandelier, it is better to do so.

Ultrasound device

"Retona" doesn't wash clothes well, but it cleans crystal perfectly. For cleaning, use only dishwashing detergent.

Pour water into a basin and add the gel. Immerse the dishes in the container, do not put too many utensils.

The ultrasound device is placed in the middle of the pelvis, with the crystal placed around it. Plug in. After making sure that the indicator on the power supply lights up, go do other things for about 60 minutes.

The duration of the procedure depends on the number of dishes and the degree of contamination.

Secrets of care

When washing crystal products, several rules must be followed.Advice from experienced housewives will help keep your dishes safe.

Care secrets:

  1. Keep dishes at some distance from each other.
  2. Do not place glasses upside down.
  3. If the dishes are broken, buy clear epoxy resin and restore them.
  4. Don't wash hot water. Crystal will become yellow color. Use a warm solution for washing. Rinsing is carried out at the same temperature. Sudden changes will lead to cracking or clouding.
  5. Try to remove any leftover food before it hardens. Make your cleaning easier.
  6. Cover the bottom of the basin or sink with a rag, or put rubber. They will soften the blows and the dishes will not break.
  7. Avoid using fleecy fabrics.
  8. Washing dishes with gold-plated rims is carried out with a vinegar solution. Do not put cutlery in the dishwasher.
  9. Wash glasses by holding them not by the stem/stand (they are fragile), but by the bowl.
  10. Finish cleaning the glass by wiping it with a cotton towel. Otherwise, marks will remain on the glasses/dishes detergent or drops of water.

Achieve brilliant results not difficult . The main thing is to be careful, because crystal is very fragile.

Dishes left in the sideboard for a long time will become dull within a few months. Therefore, it is necessary to clean it even when you are not going to use it, you need to maintain its shine.

Crystal products look majestic and luxurious, the play of light on the edges of glasses and chandeliers is mesmerizing. Crystal tableware will never go out of style. Now it is expensive and not of such quality. Take good care of the set handed down by your grandmother, and the dishes will delight you with their shine for a long time.

Many of us have crystal products at home, which we place on the table when a feast is planned. Let them say that crystal has long gone out of fashion; we cannot imagine a festive or just a cozy evening without crystal. Crystal is an expensive glassware, and we want it to serve us longer. Therefore, it is advisable for every housewife to know the basic rules for caring for such dishes. And another important question is how to clean crystal at home. And in such a simple way, and without unnecessary material costs.

Crystal products require a careful attitude from the owner. We hope that our advice will not be superfluous. So, how to properly wash crystal.

  1. The water temperature for washing crystal should not be more than 30-35 degrees, otherwise it may crumble over time due to temperature changes. Hot water makes the crystal cloudy, yellowish appears, and it stops ringing.
  2. Products made of fine crystal, as well as those with a gilded coating, are washed only by hand. Real crystal is not dishwasher safe. He is afraid of vibration and contact with other dishes. You can wash the crystal in the dishwasher if it is thick, low grade - that is, almost glass. Check first to see if the machine has a delicate mode.
  3. You won't be able to wash crystal with abrasives - they will cause scratches on the dishes. The same applies to metal sponges - wash only with a soft dish sponge.
  4. When washing crystal glasses, hold them not by the stems, but by the base of the glass.
  5. Why shouldn't crystal glassware be left to dry naturally? Because there will be stains and stains on it.
  6. If you want the crystal to shine, wipe it with a cloth soaked in alcohol.

Cleaning crystal with folk remedies

Over time, gray and green deposits, clouding, and streaks may appear on the crystal. Plaque appears on crystal glasses due to contact with alcohol and hard water. As a result, the question arises: how to clean crystal? Of course, the easiest way is to buy special remedy, and use it. But sometimes there are times when you don’t have such chemicals at hand, and you don’t know how to wash crystal. There are several simple, time-tested recipes.

Potato boiling water

This option is always convenient, since it only requires warm water from boiling potatoes in their jackets. Dip the crystal in warm potato water and leave in it for 5-10 minutes. Then wipe the crystal with a sponge and rinse cold water, and wipe dry with a microfiber cloth.

Vinegar or citric acid

Simple folk remedy Cleaning crystal is vinegar. For 1 liter of water you need to take 1 table. a spoonful of ordinary vinegar. You can replace vinegar with citric acid in the same proportion. There is no need to soak anything - you can simply wipe glasses or other dishes with a sponge soaked in this solution. Once the crystal is clean, wipe it with a microfiber cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

We wash yellowed crystal with hydrogen peroxide - it makes crystal glassware simply sparkle. Take a bowl with 5 liters of water at 30 degrees, add 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the water, and 1 table. a spoonful of ammonia. Mix the solution, lower the dishes there for 30 minutes. After this time, we take out the dishes and wipe them with a sponge soaked in the same water. Wipe dry with a cloth.

Over time, a white coating from hard water appears on the inner surface of crystal vases, as well as a green coating from flowers. There are 4 good ways to clean a crystal vase.

  • We clean a large vase like this: take ½ cup of rice and ¼ cup of baking soda, pour it into the vase. Fill everything with warm water and shake. Rice will clean the bottom, and soda will remove the musty smell. After this, drain the water, rinse and dry.
  • A small vase is washed on table 2. spoons of rice, and 1 table. spoon of soda. The steps are the same as in the first option.
  • Soda solution: add 5 tbsp. tablespoons of soda in a shallow bowl, add 5 tbsp. spoons of water. Stir. We take a newspaper, tear it into pieces, and put it in a vase. Pour in the solution, shake. Leave for 30 minutes, shake again. Pour out the solution and rinse.
  • Crushed eggshells. Place 1 tbsp in a vase. a spoonful of soda, and prepared 1 tbsp. crushed spoon eggshells. Fill with warm water and shake. Pour out the contents and rinse the vase.

The video shows how to clean crystal.

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How to wash crystal at home to make it shine?

Takes ~8 minutes to read

Crystal tableware has always symbolized luxury, prosperity, and sophistication. But unfortunately, it is used infrequently, which cannot but affect its appearance. Therefore, the question of how to wash and care for crystal so that it shines and sparkles is very relevant.


Features of crystal products

The peculiar shine and refraction of light in crystal products look very solemn and beautiful. In order for crystal dishes to serve for a long time and please their owners, they should be stored separately from each other, at a short distance. If it happens that two glasses stick to one another as a result of storage, do not try to separate them immediately. They may simply burst. In such cases, you should fill one glass with warm water, and the second with cool water (but not hot or cold). The glasses will easily peel apart from each other.


Cleaning crystal from various contaminants

To quickly clean dishes from dust, you need to use a solution of 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and 0.5 tbsp. l. salt. Wash the crystal with this solution, then rinse in warm water and wipe dry.


If crystal items have been left idle for a long time and have darkened over time, they should be soaked in a solution of any dishwashing detergent. Then rinse with water and vinegar and wipe.

If the crystal is very dirty and traces of juice or wine have not been washed off, place it in potato broth for a while.


Vintage items may turn yellow. This is where half a raw potato will come to the rescue. You need to rub the surface with it, then rinse in a light blue solution.

What means and how to wash crystal dishes to make them shine?

Let's start with the fact that first of all, crystal glassware needs to be washed. To avoid breaking the dishes, place a towel in the washing container. The washing solution can be prepared either with the addition of crushed soap or with any other detergent. The washing process itself is almost the same as with any other dishes, only more carefully.


Shot glasses and glasses should be held by the bottom when washing to avoid damage. After this, all glassware should be rinsed from soap in clean water and wiped dry with a cotton towel. Water temperature is of great importance: crystal should only be washed in water at room temperature. Hot water can cause it to burst, and cold water will cause it to fade.

And only after thorough washing can you begin procedures that can restore the shine to crystal. There are quite a few such methods:

  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed chalk, 1/4 tsp. blue, 2 tbsp. l. mix water, apply to the product, wipe thoroughly with a flannel or woolen cloth until completely dry and the blue color is eliminated;
  • Apply regular potato starch to the products using a napkin and wipe until the stains disappear;
  • 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, 0.5 tbsp. l. salts: you can additionally soak the crystal in this mixture if there are more significant stains on it, for example, green dried plaque on flower vases;
  • sea ​​salt and vinegar are mixed in water, and the dishes are also soaked in this solution. This is done to remove green or brown sediment;
  • A vinegar solution is used to clean crystal dishes with gold-plated fragments. After soaking and washing, the product is wiped with a woolen cloth. For products with gold plating, it is not recommended to use detergents with aggressive ingredients; they contribute to the abrasion of the gilding;
  • liquid in which potatoes were cooked. In order to soak dishes in it, they must first be cooled to room temperature. It is recommended to leave the dishes in the broth for a few minutes, and then rinse in clean water and rub with a towel. This decoction perfectly removes heavy dirt and greasy stains;
  • a soda solution will do an excellent job of removing traces of vinegar;
  • You can grate raw potatoes and use this mixture to clean crystal. Then rinse the product in a weak blue solution, rub with a woolen cloth until the blue stains are eliminated;
  • To give crystal glassware a noble shine, you can rub it with medical alcohol. Just apply it to the fabric and rub it into the crystal.

Cleaning a crystal vase from white deposits


    In order to remove old white deposits from hard water from a vase, you first need to fill it with water with a dissolved aspirin tablet and leave for 10 hours. When time will pass, you need to pour out this water and pour a solution of water and vinegar into the vase (3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). After this, the product is polished with a clean cloth until it shines. If the vase has a narrow neck and you need to use a brush, you need to do it very carefully so as not to scratch the surface.

    Another good way to remove yellowness and white plaque is tooth powder. Soak the vase in the tooth powder solution until it is completely covered with liquid. A few hours of soaking is enough, then you need to thoroughly dry the vase and clean it until it shines.

    A swab dipped in medical alcohol can very well and easily remove white plaque spots inside the vase.

    An aqueous solution of sea salt with the addition of vinegar works well against white plaque spots. To do this, you just need to pour this mixture inside the vase and leave for a few minutes, then rinse the vase with warm water and dry with a towel, bringing it to a shine.

How to remove yellowness from a crystal chandelier until it shines

A crystal chandelier is an excellent interior decoration. To look expensive and delight the eye with the play of light, it must be perfectly clean. When dirty, lampshades and hanging elements transmit less light and look very unpresentable.


If the chandelier has removable pendants, it would be better to remove them. To clean them, you can prepare any of the following solutions:

  • water with ammonia. This product will help restore the former shine and radiance;
  • water, vinegar and salt in equal proportions;
  • water, soda and soap;
  • water and dishwashing detergent. This solution is indispensable for removing grease and soot.

For effective cleaning, crystal elements need to be kept in the solution, then thoroughly and carefully washed in it. After this, rinse in clean water and polish until shiny using a fiber cloth.

The part of the chandelier that cannot be removed from the ceiling will have to be washed directly on the ceiling.

To begin with, of course, it is necessary to de-energize it. All non-removable elements of the chandelier should be wiped soft cloth, soaked in a solution of water (1 l) with ammonia (1 tsp) or ammonia (1 tsp).

Pollution can also be removed with vodka. To do this, you need to apply vodka to a cotton pad and wipe away the dirt. After cleaning the chandelier, you need to wait until it is completely dry, only then you can turn on the light.

Can crystal be washed in the dishwasher?

Today there are many options for dishwashers with different functions and modes. But you need to be extremely careful with crystal products. Manufacturers generally do not recommend using a dishwasher to clean crystal. But some models still allow you to use this function, although the risk of damage remains. The first thing that negatively affects the appearance of such dishes is changes in water temperature. Usually crystal is washed with warm water, but due to a sharp temperature change, the glass may lose its shine.

Another important point is the choice of detergent. Here, preference should be given to delicate mixtures, since the powders contain abrasive particles that can scratch the crystal.

From all of the above, we can conclude that crystal products can be washed in the dishwasher. You just need to follow three main rules:

  1. Choose a dishwasher with a delicate cycle.
  2. Use only non-abrasive detergents.
  3. Clean crystal without lead.

Rules for caring for crystal products

In order for the dishes to have a brilliant shine, they must be wiped with a soft cloth previously soaked in alcohol. The alcohol will evaporate very quickly, and only shine will remain on the surface.

It is strictly forbidden to use soda to clean crystal - it darkens.

Since crystal itself is a very fragile material, it is contraindicated to wash it in hot or cold water. The same applies to food - it is better to put slightly cooled food in such a bowl.

Modern dishwashers can clean crystal to a shine with a simple rinse. After washing, the crystal should be wiped dry with a cotton towel. It is not advisable to use terry cloth in this case, as it will leave lint on the surface.

Never place crystal in a microwave or oven.

When using these simple tips and rules for caring for crystal products, your dishes will sparkle festive table and delight everyone with your splendor.