The second month of pregnancy, my throat hurts. What can pregnant women do for a sore throat? Traditional methods of treatment

You have a sore throat during pregnancy - how to treat it using approved medications and recipes traditional medicine? A sore throat is extremely unpleasant for you, so you need to deal with it quickly and effectively.

Causes of this symptom

Why might your throat hurt during pregnancy? The reasons are no different from those of any other person. Usually these are inflammatory processes caused by viruses or bacteria:

  • ordinary sore throat;
  • chronic tonsillitis during exacerbation;
  • pharyngitis or laryngitis;

Such conditions are usually accompanied by general symptoms such as irritability, fever, coughing or sore throat. It is important to note any changes in your health.

  • Sometimes your sore throat can be a sign of an allergy to something. Even if allergies have not been observed before, pregnancy can become a provoking factor. Signs confirming an allergy are sneezing and nasal congestion, watery eyes, and the appearance of a rash on the skin. Read more about allergies during pregnancy >>>;
  • Other causes are not throat diseases - they are damage or dryness of the throat mucosa due to unfavorable environmental conditions. There are usually no other signs.

Whatever the reason, treatment for sore throat during pregnancy is necessary. Infection and allergies can harm your child, and dry and damaged mucous membranes bring discomfort to you.

What do we have to do

How to treat a sore throat during pregnancy? The answer to this question will depend on the condition that caused your pain. The basis of treatment should be elimination of the cause, and symptomatic remedies can be used as a supplement.

You can take medications and home remedies for this. Keep in mind that not all medications are allowed for pregnant women, and some can only be taken in certain trimesters of pregnancy. The same goes for home remedies - not all of them are as harmless as you might think.

First trimester

If your throat hurts during early pregnancy, this condition should be eliminated immediately. In the fetus, this period is the most important stage of growth and maturation, the formation of all organs. Read more about this in the article Development of a child in the womb >>>. However, this is precisely what complicates the treatment problem - almost all medications are prohibited for you.

What to do if your throat hurts during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, how to treat it? There are some medicines that consist of natural ingredients, which means they will not harm either you or the child.

  1. Among such products, Aqualor throat can be noted - this is a spray based on sea water. It does not contain preservatives or various additives, making it absolutely safe for you. You can use it for a sore throat of either an infectious or allergic nature;
  2. Another drug, although not of natural origin, is still not prohibited for use in pregnant women. This is Miramistin spray. It has an antiseptic effect and you can use it for various infections of the pharynx and larynx accompanied by sore throat;
  3. It is not advisable to use self-prepared products at this stage of pregnancy. You cannot know exactly how your body will react to this or that home remedy. The only safe home remedy is sucking on a stick of butter. This will soften the mucous membrane a little and reduce pain.

In the second trimester

How to treat a sore throat during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester? At this time, all of the above drugs that you could use for early stages. Since the formation of the main systems of the fetal body has already been completed, the list of approved drugs is expanding.

You can use sprays, rinses, and lozenges.

  • Lyzobact are absorbable tablets containing lysozyme and pyridoxine. They allow you to restore damaged mucous membranes and significantly reduce pain and sore throat. You can take them one tablet every two hours;
  • Grammidin - this drug contains an antiseptic component. You can use it for inflammatory throat diseases caused by viruses and bacteria;
  • Tantum Verde throat irrigator has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. You do not need to dilute it with water - the solution is completely ready for use;
  • If you don’t want to take medications, you can use folk remedies. As a rinse, you can prepare a herbal infusion of chamomile, sage and oregano. These herbs have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects;
  • Diluted lemon juice with honey has not only an analgesic, but also a general strengthening effect. This fruit is the best source of vitamin C. Squeeze half of one lemon into a glass of warm water and add a spoonful of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and take orally or rinse.

For throat diseases, it is generally recommended to drink more fluids - but only if you are not bothered by swelling in your legs. You can drink mineral water, compotes, cranberry and lingonberry juice.

In the third trimester

The last months of pregnancy are considered the safest in terms of treatment (read about what happens during this period in the article 3rd trimester of pregnancy >>>). However, you should not abuse medications or take them uncontrollably. Some of them may cause premature birth.

Therefore, if you have a sore throat during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester, rather than treating it, it is better to take proven medications that you calmly used in earlier stages. Lugol's drug is also approved - in the form of a solution for lubricating the mucous membrane or a spray for irrigating it.

Attention! Please note that this medicine is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to iodine or thyroid disease.

From folk remedies you can take all of the above. You can also use propolis tincture to gargle, and if you have propolis in your in kind, it can be melted and lubricated on the throat to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

In addition, you can find a lot of useful information in the article How to gargle during pregnancy?>>>

Prevention measures

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. You probably knew this from an early age. Therefore, it is important to take preventive measures, especially if you have a tendency to inflammatory throat diseases or some chronic foci of infection. What will they be?

  1. First of all, you need to avoid any hypothermia - both general and local (drinking ice cream and cold drinks). This leads to the activation of microbial flora living on the mucous membranes;
  2. Timely eliminate chronic foci of infection - chronic tonsillitis, carious teeth. It is best if you do this while preparing for pregnancy;
  3. Maintain good immunity. To do this, you need to take special prenatal vitamins, eat well, get outdoors regularly, and avoid stress. About how to organize healthy eating during pregnancy, learn from the book Secrets of proper nutrition for the expectant mother >>>;
  4. Carefully observe oral hygiene, regularly gargle at least a simple boiled water. This is especially important to do after visiting public places;
  5. And the main point of prevention is that you need to try to avoid contact with infectious patients. You can easily get a sore throat from them.

If a sore throat does appear, you need to start treating it immediately. How to cure a sore throat in a pregnant woman? It’s not difficult, it’s enough to know which drugs can be used during pregnancy and which are contraindicated. But if the pain does not go away, and your health noticeably worsens, this is a reason to seek treatment. medical care. Self-medication is also not always useful.

What is not allowed for pregnant women

In conclusion, it is necessary to say what is not recommended to do to eliminate a sore throat during pregnancy.

  • Uncontrolled use of medications. Any antibiotics used for systemic treatment can harm the baby. Therefore, you cannot take them on your own. There is only one drug with an antibacterial effect that is not contraindicated for you during pregnancy. However, it is also prescribed with caution and according to strict indications;
  • You cannot use more than two medications at once. If a drug does not help you, it is better to consult a specialist;
  • During pregnancy, almost all physiotherapeutic procedures are contraindicated. Even if you have some kind of device for this at home, for example, a magnet or a quartz lamp, put off using them until the baby is born.

A sore throat is a sensation well known to every person. But if in general cases the treatment of this ailment does not pose a serious problem, then for a pregnant woman the process of getting rid of pain can be delayed.

Many medications are prohibited during pregnancy due to the risk of adverse effects on the fetus. Therefore, the expectant mother’s arsenal includes a few approved medications and folk remedies.

If your throat hurts, you cannot ignore these sensations, because pain serves as a signal of developing trouble in the body. The feeling of pain, soreness, or “lump” in the throat can be caused by various reasons:

  • viral lesions of the larynx (pharyngitis, ARVI and others);
  • bacterial infections (sore throat);
  • fungal infections;
  • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane (bones from fish or berries, hard food);

Despite the fact that painful sensations in the throat are not always a sign of a serious illness, only a doctor can determine their cause. Therefore, during pregnancy you should not take such symptoms lightly, trying to get rid of the unpleasant sensations on your own.

Such self-medication can lead to the disease moving into an advanced stage and manifesting itself with unpleasant complications.

Available methods of treating a throat during pregnancy

Prescribing treatment is preceded by determining the cause of pain and discomfort in the throat.

The diagnosis is made based on examination and complaints of the patient.

If this is not enough, the woman's blood and throat swab are taken. This will allow you to determine the nature of the disease (viral, bacterial or fungal) and prescribe appropriate treatment.

If the cause of pain in the larynx is toxicosis, measures are taken to reduce its severity. To do this, the pregnant woman’s diet and regimen are adjusted; in severe cases, medication support or inpatient treatment is prescribed.

A viral infection can be successfully cured with the help of folk remedies and approved medications, while a bacterial infection requires antibiotic therapy.

Fungal infection of the larynx is treated with therapy aimed at eliminating pathogenic flora.

Unpleasant sensations from mechanical damage to the laryngeal mucosa usually go away on their own. You can make your well-being easier during the period of tissue restoration with the help of natural antiseptics.

Sore throat as a manifestation allergic reaction, is treated by identifying and eliminating the allergen. If necessary, antihistamines are prescribed, which relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat and, thereby, contribute to the disappearance of unpleasant sensations.

Sprays and lozenges

Lizobact is also a safe lozenge for use during pregnancy.

They have a local antiseptic effect and are effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Lizobact is prescribed 2 tablets 3-4 times a day, Faringosept - 1 tablet 3-5 times a day. The tablets should be dissolved slowly in the mouth without chewing.

Popular sore throat lozenges such as Strepsils, Septolete and others are banned due to their xylometazoline content.

For irrigation, a spray, Stopangin, Ingalipt, Hexoral or Miramistin is prescribed. Sprays are used 2-3 times a day after meals. The effectiveness of aerosols and tablets increases if they are used immediately after gargling.

If a sore throat appears as one of the symptoms of an acute respiratory infection, you should not use Coldact, Theraflu, Flukold and other drugs.

For the treatment of ARVI, doctors recommend bed rest, purification and humidification of the air in the room, plenty of warm drinks and local remedies for the treatment of the throat: irrigation, gargling with herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus), saline solutions, etc.

Medicines in solutions

Inflamed tonsils can be treated several times a day with special solutions (chlorophyllipt oil solution, Lugol, Hexicon,).

This method allows the product to remain on the mucous membrane longer, providing a therapeutic effect. To treat the throat, you need to wrap your finger in a piece of cotton wool or gauze, moisten it in the solution and lubricate the tonsils.

This procedure can cause discomfort, including vomiting, so treatment must be done as quickly as possible.

Rinse solutions are indicated in the early stages

Regular rinsing can quickly improve the well-being of a pregnant woman. During this procedure, the throat is cleared of bacteria and viruses, the inflamed mucous membrane is moisturized and softened.

You can gargle a sore throat during pregnancy with the following ingredients:

  • Honey and soda.

Add 1 teaspoon of honey and baking soda to a glass of warm water (about 40°C).

  • Chamomile.

Pharmaceutical chamomile is now sold in the form of filter bags. This form of release allows you to brew your herb conveniently and quickly without wasting time on measuring.

2 filter bags are filled with half a glass of boiling water and left for 20 minutes. Then the remaining raw materials are squeezed out, the volume of the resulting infusion is brought to the volume of 1 glass with warm water.

  • Soda and salt.

A quarter teaspoon per glass of warm water.

  • Saline solution.

Half a teaspoon of salt (preferably sea salt, but regular salt will do) per 200 ml of water.

  • Furacilin.

The tablets dissolve in a glass of warm water. When rinsing with furatsilin, do not allow the solution to be swallowed.

The effectiveness of rinses directly depends on their frequency: good result Give gargling every 2-3 hours. After the procedure, you must refrain from eating and drinking for half an hour. Any rinse solution should be warm.

It is especially good to use solutions to treat a sore throat in the early stages of pregnancy.

Compresses and inhalations: features of procedures

Inhalations can reduce discomfort in the throat and moisturize dry mucous membranes.

For them, you can use a special inhaler, or if you don’t have one, use an ordinary saucepan and a thick towel.

For inhalations, decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, string, coltsfoot) are used. Another old but effective remedy is to breathe steam over a pan of regular boiled potatoes.

The duration of inhalation should not exceed 10 minutes.

For a compress on the throat, you can also use a chamomile decoction (2-3 tablespoons of raw material per 2 glasses of water). A napkin or towel is soaked in the resulting infusion, applied to the neck and tied with a scarf on top. It is necessary to hold the compress until the towel cools down; you can repeat the procedure several times a day.

A warming compress can be made using the most readily available materials - for example, ordinary table salt. To do this, coarse salt is heated in a dry frying pan and poured into a cloth bag.

The bag is tied and wrapped on all sides with a towel. Then the towel is applied to the neck and tied with a scarf on top. The compress should heat, but not too much, otherwise you may get burned.

Inhalations are carried out 1-1.5 hours after meals.

After inhalation or a compress, you should not go outside for an hour, get too cold, or be in a draft.

How can you treat a throat safely and quickly?

You can temporarily relieve pain in a simple and long-known way - warm milk.

A glass of milk is brought to a boil, then 1 teaspoon of honey and butter are added to it. Let the resulting mixture cool slightly and drink in small sips. The milk should be hot, but not scalding, otherwise the discomfort will only intensify.

This proven method can reduce pain when swallowing and eliminate a sore throat. You can drink milk with butter and honey up to 3 times a day.

Not all traditional methods can be used while pregnant. Pregnant women are prohibited from soaring their feet, using mustard plasters, or wearing mustard night socks. All these methods are fraught with a lack of oxygen in the child.

It is not recommended to treat a sore throat on your own during pregnancy.

You can temporarily alleviate your condition with the help of rinses and other safe methods, but the diagnosis must be entrusted to a doctor .

During pregnancy, the likelihood of allergies increases, so even traditional methods should be used with caution (especially the use of herbs). If treatment does not bring relief within 4-5 days, you should consult your doctor again. He will select a different, more effective treatment regimen.

In the evening I felt great and didn’t worry about anything, but in the morning I had a sore throat. One can only guess why the throat hurt. Perhaps the expectant mother ate a double portion of ice cream, drank cold milk or juice, or maybe she simply “caught” the virus in public transport. It’s too late to find out the cause; we need to help the body recover faster.

Why can a woman feel a severe sore throat during pregnancy? The cause can be either hypothermia (wet weather, wet feet, drafts) or viruses. The fact remains that you don’t have to look for the causes of a sore throat, you need to act. A sore throat may be due to an incipient cold - ARVI, flu or sore throat. It is possible that the expectant mother “caught” a more serious virus: measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria or rubella. This must be taken into account and in order to be on the safe side and not harm yourself and the baby, it is better to immediately seek help from a medical institution. The doctor will prescribe treatment and you will quickly recover.

Why does a pregnant woman often catch colds?

Surely many expectant mothers have noticed that while carrying a baby, immunity is greatly reduced and as soon as you get even a little cold or get your feet wet, a runny nose begins and a sore throat begins to bother you. It is obvious that immunity decreases, since the body is unable to cope with the double load. Therefore, starting from the first weeks of pregnancy and right up to childbirth, a woman needs to monitor her health. This does not mean that at the first sign of a cold you need to run to the pharmacy for pills, no. Remember that during pregnancy, taking medications can harm the fetus, so you need to be careful and better stop taking medications. How then to treat? There are many other proven ways to get rid of a sore throat - this is traditional medicine.

  1. Inflammation of the tonsils and mucous membrane of the throat is caused by bacteria - these are staphylococcus and streptococcus. These bacteria are destructive for the fetus, so it is necessary to begin treatment at the first symptoms in order to prevent the development of the disease and relieve pain. Do not forget that treating a throat in an interesting position can only be done using safe methods.
  2. As soon as you feel that your throat is sore and sore, it’s time to take urgent action; gargling with a saline solution with the addition of soda will help. For 2 glasses of water (it should be warm), take 1 tbsp. salt or the same amount of soda. The alkaline environment creates reliable protection in the oral cavity from harmful microorganisms. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with just soda or just saline solution; you can alternate gargles: treat your throat with saline solution in the morning, and after a couple of hours prepare an anti-inflammatory infusion from a mixture of eucalyptus leaves, strawberries and chamomile flowers. This mixture will help relieve inflammation and sore throat. On the 1st day you need to gargle every hour, the next day after 2 hours and so on until complete recovery.
  3. You can relieve severe sore throat during pregnancy with the help of inhalations, choose safe means, the same soda or salt, chamomile flowers or potato decoction will do. It’s okay if you don’t have a special inhaler, you can do the inhalation yourself, like our grandmothers did to us in childhood. For home procedures You need to prepare a decoction and boil water in a kettle. Pour boiling water into the teapot, add the concentrated medicinal decoction and very carefully inhale the steam that will come out of the teapot spout. Be careful not to get burned. To enhance the effect, cover your head terry towel. By the way, you can breathe over boiled potatoes. Boil a couple of potatoes in water, drain. Place the hot potatoes in a bowl and mash them with a fork right into the skins. Place a towel over your head and inhale the hot steam. After inhalation, it is better not to go outside, even to the balcony. Wrap yourself up in a blanket and watch your favorite movie or read a book. Your feet should always be warm; wear slippers or warm socks. Inhalations can be done up to 8 times on the first day and the number of procedures can be reduced every day.
  4. Remember that local treatment for a sore throat alone will not be enough; you need to take care to quickly remove infection and viruses from the body. What can be done? You need to drink more warm liquid; for a pregnant woman, herbal tea with a spoon of honey is suitable (from herbs you can drink chamomile, linden, brew raspberry or black currant leaves). You can also drink sour drinks - juices (grapefruit, orange) or make yourself a sour fruit drink from sea buckthorn or viburnum with the addition of lemon.
  5. You need to take vitamin C every day; every pregnant woman needs it, even if she doesn’t have a sore throat.
  6. Try to get more rest and limit physical activity. Now we need to help the body cope with the disease faster, so the best thing for a pregnant woman is to remain in bed for at least 3 days. Of course, you shouldn’t lie in bed all the time, but staying at home these days is simply necessary. You can wrap yourself in a warm blanket and do some handicrafts, read a book, watch an educational program or a positive film.
  7. Remember that traditional folk methods of treating colds are thermal procedures and are contraindicated during pregnancy. It is necessary to keep your legs, as well as your neck and chest warm, but you should not float your legs or put on mustard plasters. You can tie a warm scarf around your neck or put on a woolen sweater with a turtleneck, wrap your feet in a blanket or put on warm socks. You shouldn't overheat, just like you shouldn't take a steam bath.
  8. An intensive fight against sore throat should be carried out in the first 3 days of the disease, as soon as you feel the first signs of malaise. This way you can help the body recover faster and relieve pain.
  9. Remember that immediately after rinsing or inhaling you will feel better and the pain will go away, do not stop and continue treatment.

How to treat a sore throat during pregnancy

Since the majority pharmaceutical drugs If it is contraindicated for a pregnant woman, you can cope with a sore throat using folk remedies.

Remedies for sore throat during pregnancy:

  • lemon – you can gargle with lemon juice. By the way, such a rinse will help you quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations. You need to prepare half a lemon, water and a little honey. Squeeze the lemon into a glass of water (take boiled water or from a filter), add a spoonful of honey, and stir. That's it, the rinse solution is ready. When you gargle, do not be surprised if you feel a tingling sensation in your throat - this is a normal reaction of the body;
  • honey - this drug has been known to mankind since ancient times as medicinal drug. Honey is not dangerous for a pregnant woman, with the exception of allergies. Honey water with the addition of 1 tsp will help get rid of sore throat. soda You need to put 1 tsp per glass of water. honey, the water should be warm so as not to experience discomfort during rinsing. You can gargle with this solution every hour, at least on the first day. Regularity is important here, then you can alleviate the condition and recover faster;
  • chamomile - this pharmaceutical drug is used to treat many ailments. Prepare a decoction for gargling: for 1 liter of water (boiling water), take 3 tablespoons. dry pharmaceutical chamomile. You need to infuse chamomile for at least 5 hours, then strain and gargle with warm solution as often as possible. After 3-5 rinses, you will feel the pain gradually subside.

It is clear that best treatment sore throat during pregnancy is gargling with soda or saline solution. But not only these remedies will help quickly relieve pain. You can gargle with other solutions, for example, prepare a salt-soda solution with the addition of iodine. If you are not allergic to this drug, then you need to take 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water. l. salt and soda, and then add a few drops of iodine right before rinsing. For 1 glass of solution you will need only 2 drops of iodine. You can gargle only after meals, several times a day.

Herbs for rinsing: chamomile, sage and eucalyptus. It is prohibited to use other herbs for treatment during pregnancy, so as not to harm the baby.

In addition to traditional gargling with herbs and a decoction of salt and soda, you can gargle sea ​​salt, and the more often the better. Apple cider vinegar is great for sore throats; add 1 teaspoon of vinegar to 1 glass of water. Or you can make this aromatic rinse: chop garlic (3 cloves) and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave the mixture for an hour, then you can strain and gargle up to 4 times a day.

Red beets will also help get rid of discomfort in the throat. You need to chop the vegetable and squeeze it to get juice. We need an incomplete glass, add vinegar (1 tbsp) to it and that’s it, you can gargle with this solution several times a day (up to 5 times) until you feel better.

If you suffer from frequent sore throats, we offer a magical remedy that will help you quickly get rid of a sore throat and prevent the development of this terrible disease. For 1 glass of water (warm, boiled), you need to take 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide (3%), stir and gargle several times a day. You will see that the pain will quickly subside and you will forget about it.

Rinse with a popular pharmaceutical product - furatsilin. Yellow tablets have more than once helped many people with sore throats. These tablets are allowed to be used during pregnancy. You need to grind 5 pieces, pour in 1 liter of boiled warm water, mix furatsilin powder thoroughly and gargle. You will need 1 glass of solution for rinsing; you can add hydrogen peroxide to the rinsing solution (1 tsp per 1 glass).

What else do you need to know about furatsilin? This is not an antiseptic, so don't expect an immediate effect. Furacilin solution has an antimicrobial effect, but microbes begin to die only 6 days after the start of treatment. Therefore, if you decide to gargle with furatsilin solution, then you need to do this for 5-6 days. If you are not allergic to this drug, you can gargle with furatsilin solution during pregnancy, but it is best to first consult a doctor.

The list can be supplemented with such folk remedies approved for use during pregnancy - carrot juice, cranberry juice (diluted with sea water and add honey) and horseradish juice (also diluted).

What tablets and sprays will help with sore throat during pregnancy

What to do if your throat starts to hurt at work and the expectant mother does not have the opportunity to run home and make a gargle? There is a list of pharmaceutical drugs that can be used by pregnant women. Of course, without fanaticism and only in emergency cases, so as not to harm the fetus.

Approved medications for pregnant women are Ingalipt and Hexoral aerosols. It contains no substances harmful to the fetus. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe you other drugs that can also be used during pregnancy, but not for a long period and with caution: these are Bioparox and Givalex. "Oracept" can be used, but only very carefully so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

Tablet approved drugs are only Faringosept; all other tablets and lozenges are not advisable to use in the 1st trimester.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, it is allowed to dissolve the Neo-angin and Angi-sept tablets, but not often. Take moderation in everything.

For irrigation and inhalation of the throat, you can use the above-described solution of furatsilin, as well as the preparation "Rotokan", "Givalex" and "Chlorophyllipt" (if there is no allergy).

Remember that the popular anti-cold medications Flukold, Coldrex, Aspirin and Ibuprofen cannot be taken during pregnancy, because these drugs act on the entire body, that is, the child will also suffer. It is forbidden to buy such tablets for sore throat: “Septolete”, “Strepsils” and “Falamin”, because they contain the substance xylometazoline - this drug is prohibited during pregnancy.

What not to do if you have a sore throat

You already know that at the first signs of illness, you must immediately begin treatment.

You need to know what an expectant mother can and cannot do:

  • self-medicate with medications. The pills you took before conception should no longer be taken as they can harm the fetus. Before taking the pill, you need to consult your doctor and also read the instructions very carefully, especially the “Contraindications” section;
  • Remember that there is no need to overuse vitamins. It is a misconception that you need to take a loading dose of vitamin C. If you are already taking a vitamin complex for pregnant women, then this is enough;
  • You cannot overheat - this means that you are prohibited from steaming your feet, taking a hot bath and using mustard plasters.

To quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms and cure a cold, you need to start treatment as early as possible. And also - get more rest, ventilate the room in which you sleep or spend a lot of time, and do not eat heavy food. Nutrition should be balanced, so load up on fruits and vegetables, don’t forget about dairy products, and eat dietary meat. The body needs strength to cope with the disease.

During pregnancy, every woman should be very careful about her health. It is during this period that every woman’s body is very vulnerable and therefore, at the first symptoms of any disease, treatment must begin. But you need to take into account that during pregnancy a woman should not take most medications, as they can harm the unborn baby. Right now we will tell you what to do if you have a sore throat during pregnancy, what diseases there may be and how they should be treated so as not to harm the baby.

First you need to figure out why the sore throat appeared. There may be several reasons for this pain. During pregnancy, infectious or cold diseases often plague women, so the cause of a sore throat will be easy to detect. This may be ordinary, which is not very difficult to treat. It will not be dangerous if it is treated quickly. Pharyngitis may also be the cause. This is an inflammatory process that can begin in the throat. It can also be easily cured with safety for the health of the woman and the unborn baby.

But if you have ordinary pain without other significant symptoms, then in principle you can get rid of the pain on your own using proven means. But you still need to consult a doctor, at least by calling. Only after the approval of your doctor, start using this or that product.

It is worth noting that a sore throat may accompany a cough or even heat. With such symptoms, it is not recommended to treat this pain yourself, but to immediately consult a doctor. After all, the consequences can be bad, especially for a pregnant woman.

How to treat a throat?

There are proven, folk remedies that can easily help you get rid of a sore throat and will not harm your body or your unborn baby one bit.

    • Lemon juice will be able to safely get rid of a sore throat and at the same time will also help supply the body with vitamin C. You can make an effective gargle that will quickly overcome a sore throat. To do this you will need half a lemon, plain water and honey. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, mix it with a glass of boiled water and add a tablespoon to this solution. Mix everything thoroughly and gargle with this solution. After all, it is worth remembering that during such a period a woman’s stomach will be very vulnerable and such a solution can... Therefore, just gargle and the next day the pain will gradually subside. When gargling, your throat will tingle and this is absolutely normal. But this remedy will be safe and will relieve your throat pain within a day.
    • Honey, as is known, is also a very useful remedy in treatment. Moreover, it is not dangerous for a pregnant woman. You can prepare a solution of honey and soda to get rid of a sore throat. To do this, you need to heat the water to 40 degrees and dissolve a teaspoon of soda and a teaspoon of honey in it. Mix all the ingredients well and gargle with this remedy every hour. It is very important to perform this procedure regularly, as otherwise it will not be effective. Use this remedy and you will see that the pain will go away within a day and your throat will be much easier.
    • is also very effective means during treatment. You just need to use chamomile solution to get rid of a sore throat. Preparing a chamomile decoction will be very simple. You just need to pour 3 tablespoons of regular chamomile from the pharmacy with a liter of boiling water. After five hours, the chamomile will definitely infuse. After this, you will need to strain the chamomile and gargle with this product. It is recommended to gargle with chamomile solution every time before eating. Just a few gargles and you will forget about your sore throat.
  • If a sore throat is caused by a cold, such as the flu virus or ARVI, then there is a high probability of dry or wet cough. This is very dangerous disease for the fetus, like almost any other thing. How to cure a cough safely and quickly.
  • And if you have a stuffy nose and difficulty breathing, then Pinosol can help you. Because it does not increase blood pressure. Does he have side effects and contraindications during pregnancy - you will learn from.
  • It seems like everything hurts during pregnancy. And it is important to distinguish minor pain from those that are symptoms of disease. After reading, you will find out the causes of pain in the right side.
  • Kefir It can also help get rid of sore throat during pregnancy. There is a very effective rinse with kefir, which is not very well known. For this rinse you will need one percent kefir. It will need to be heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees and then gargle with it several times a day. Five times a day is enough and the pain will begin to go away.
  • Iodine in reasonable quantities it is a very effective remedy for sore throat. But it is worth considering that it is better for pregnant women to use this remedy as a last resort if the throat is very sore. For this solution, you need to dissolve about ten drops of iodine in water. Do not overdo it with this remedy, because when gargling, your throat will sting very much. It is also worth noting that iodine should be dissolved in warm water, not hot. Boiling water will kill you immediately beneficial features iodine and then there will be no point in rinsing. You will feel an improvement after the first procedure. Continue to use this remedy until complete recovery, but do not increase the amount of iodine in the water.

  • Black tea It is also an effective remedy for treating a throat. You need to brew the tea very strongly and gargle with it every hour, at least. This remedy will be very useful and will quickly help get rid of pain. For the expectant mother who does not really like the taste of strong tea, you can put a little honey in it. The solution will become even healthier and the taste will improve.
  • Milk can also be used as a remedy for sore throat. You just need to mix a glass of boiled milk and one tablespoon of butter. You can add a teaspoon of honey to the solution, then the product will become more useful. This solution will need to be drunk warm in small sips. The throat will immediately warm up, and the beneficial substances will help it recover quickly. Repeat this procedure the next day. And if you have a severe sore throat, it is recommended to increase the number of glasses you drink per day to three or four.

Also, in addition to folk remedies, there are also thermal procedures that will help get rid of a sore throat and will not harm the expectant mother. But we must remember that during these procedures the woman should not have an elevated body temperature and should not have less than thirty weeks left before giving birth. Also when high blood pressure It is recommended to consult a doctor about thermal procedures. If all these factors are absent, then you can safely treat your throat with thermal procedures.

Foot baths are very effective means. To do this, you need to keep your feet in warm water, in which you must first dissolve the mustard. You can soak your feet in regular warm water, but mustard will be a more effective remedy. Add it to water at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. After the procedure, your feet must remain warm, so immediately wash them off the mustard and put on warm socks.

are a very useful remedy for a sore throat. They warm up the entire throat and relieve pain in a safe way. It is recommended to take a regular bath with menthol and inhale this solution for about 15 minutes under a terry towel. Perform this procedure before going to bed and immediately go to bed in a warm room, then the remedy will work quickly.

Mustard plasters can also help with sore throat. You can easily warm your feet with them and then the sore throat will go away immediately. To do this, you need to apply mustard plasters to your heels, cover your feet with film and put on socks. Keep mustard plasters on your feet for no more than an hour and remove immediately. This procedure is very effective, because when the legs warm up, the throat will immediately begin to clear up.

Now you know that sore throat during pregnancy is not so dangerous if you quickly begin to treat it and use it the right means. Do not torment the body with various medications, but use proven remedies that will not harm the unborn child. I hope you can take the most suitable recipe for yourself from this article and quickly and safely get rid of a sore throat.


  1. Elena

    Awesome article! information, in addition to being useful, carries hope and positivity, which are so important for the psyche of a pregnant woman

  2. Alyonish

    “It could be a regular sore throat that heals in two days.”
    Regular WHAT excuse me??
    Sore throat is an infectious disease!!! They treat him for two weeks, not two days.
    The author is clearly writing about something he doesn’t know.
    After reading these words, the desire disappeared. There is no trust in the advice of such a layman. Sorry.

  3. Anya

    When I was pregnant and had a cold for a couple of days, I tried to cope only with rinsing, when I felt that my tonsils were even swollen and it was very painful to swallow, I had to go to the doctor. They prescribed pharyngosept, I have known this medicine for several years and it’s strange that I didn’t think of taking it myself. A very mild drug.

  4. Martha

    Who is the author of this nonsense? Any warming procedures on the legs of pregnant women are contraindicated! Mustard plasters should not be used either! The safest thing is dry heat - warm socks and a scarf at night) You can make potato applications on the chest, rub yourself with turpentine and camphor oil.

  5. Kate

    I recently got sick, I was only twelve weeks along and I was terribly afraid that I would harm the baby. But when my throat hurt completely unbearably, I went to the doctor. I was prescribed pharyngosept. I didn’t buy it right away, it seemed like any drug would cause harm. But then I read here and in some other discussions that Faringosept is safe. Then I bought this medicine, which also turned out to be not expensive. Indeed a very good drug, now my treasure and I feel good.

  6. Yulia

    Let me tell you, I was also prescribed Faringosept, but the doctor was in charge if she prescribed me treatment because I have less than 6 years of gestation. The instructions say that no investigations were carried out at earlier stages. I don’t know how to start rejoicing or how to rinse

  7. Inna

    Julia, faringosept is very good and actually safe drug, tested by me both during pregnancy and during guards. Unfortunately, I often get colds, so I consider myself an expert in treating sore throats. And now I treat my throat only with this drug, since it acts more mildly than all other strepsils and others.

  8. Aina

    I'm at breastfeeding took faringosept. I can say that I was very pleased. At the pharmacy I had doubts about the purchase, since drugs like decatylene and others are much more expensive, but the pharmacist said that such a price does not mean low quality. Subsequently, I was convinced of this myself, since the throat went away already on the third day after the start of treatment, and my daughter did not have any rashes.

During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother tries to treat herself with care. She avoids public places, eats healthy food, and spends more time in the fresh air. But due to serious hormonal changes, immunity still fails during this period. A woman may develop a cold. How to cure a sore throat during pregnancy without harming the baby? What methods should I use for a speedy recovery?

Common Causes of a Sore Throat

Susceptible to ENT diseases a large number of people, regardless of their gender and marital status. Some people have to be treated with antibiotics several times during the cold period. Sinusitis does not spare anyone, especially pregnant women. What can cause an unpleasant symptom in an expectant mother?

There are many reasons why women have a sore throat during pregnancy:

  • Viral infections cause serious harm to both mother and baby. In advanced cases, they can provoke miscarriage or premature birth;
  • A cold that starts during a cold period can cause pharyngitis. It must be treated not with antibiotics, but with folk remedies;
  • allergies cause a sore throat, discomfort, and sore throat due to a reaction to chemicals, pollen, dust, and pet hair. In this case, liquid transparent discharge from the nose appears, lacrimation and deterioration in well-being are possible;
  • after eating food that injures the mucous membrane of the throat (spicy, hot, cold), a sore throat may appear. They pass over time if they are not provoked further, and do not require special medical supervision;
  • pathogenic fungi can cause damage to the tonsils.

The sore throat can be cutting and sharp. Accompanied by cough, nasal congestion, tinnitus, shortness of breath. It is necessary to pay attention to other symptoms: fever, headaches, dizziness, weakness. Allergic manifestations may cause itching, redness of the skin, burning, and rash.

With a mechanical injury to the throat, other than a sore throat, no other symptoms occur. When your throat hurts severely, accompanied by alarming signs of illness, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication during pregnancy is extremely dangerous for mom and for the unborn child.

The throat can also bother you for other reasons:

  • indoor air is too dry;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • chronic stress;
  • thyroid pathology;
  • relapses of ENT diseases;

How can you be treated during pregnancy?

After the examination, the doctor will definitely tell you how to treat a sore throat. Most of the potent drugs that people usually use for ENT diseases are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Treatment methods for pregnant women are limited to:

  • rinsing;
  • inhalations;
  • bed rest;
  • warm drink.

When a patient constantly has a sore throat, the doctor refers her for laboratory diagnostics and, having received the results of the examination, may prescribe:

  1. Symptomatic.
  2. Antiviral.
  3. Antibacterial therapy.

If you have a sore throat in the early stages, you need to understand that it is during this period that the disease can be dangerous for the further development of the embryo.

You should definitely visit a doctor if:

  • pain does not go away after using inhalations and regular rinsing;
  • the throat hurts very much, despite following all the doctor’s instructions;
  • the temperature has increased;
  • general weakness appeared, appetite decreased;
  • there is a cough or runny nose;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen began and is observed bloody issues from the vagina.

When the throat hurts in the 2nd trimester, at the beginning or end of pregnancy, the patient needs:

  • observe bed rest. Limiting physical activity will speed up recovery;
  • Provide yourself with plenty of fluids. It will reduce fever, remove toxins, eliminate moisture loss due to heavy sweating;
  • eat fresh fruits, lean meats, cereals. Avoid hard, cold, spicy foods;
  • take vitamins designed specifically for pregnant women.

It is forbidden:

  • prescribe antibiotics, increase the recommended dose or extend the treatment course;
  • warm up: put mustard plasters, jars, apply heating pads;
  • remove purulent plaque from the tonsils yourself - this will aggravate the course of the disease, injure the mucous membrane, and spread the infection further;
  • reduce antibiotic treatment prescribed by your doctor. Unpleasant symptoms may disappear in a short period of treatment, but the pathogen will not die, which is fraught with relapse.

List of approved drugs

Almost all expectant mothers know that the medications they used to relieve a sore throat before pregnancy are prohibited from being used during this period. Some of the substances contained in seemingly harmless sprays and lozenges can cause miscarriage and premature birth at any stage. Antibiotics are especially dangerous; they should be taken only after consultation with a doctor and under his strict supervision. So how to treat a sore throat?

There are a number of lozenges and sprays that can be used for treatment. The active components in their composition are absorbed into the blood in minimal quantities and do not harm the child.

Comparative table of drugs

Drug name Active components Action Features of application
Miramistin (spray)MiramistinAntiseptic with anti-inflammatory, analgesic effectGargling or irrigating the throat no more than 3-4 times a day
Hexoral (aerosol)HexethidineLocal antisepticThere is no data on the effect of the drug on pregnant and lactating women
Lizobact (lozenges)Lysozyme hydrochloride, pyridoxine hydrochlorideA powerful antiseptic that kills pathogenic floraAllowed at all stages of pregnancy. Use under the supervision of a specialist
Faringosept (lozenges)Ambazone monohydrateAntiseptic for internal useTaken as directed by a specialist
Stopangin (solution and spray)


essential oils

Antiseptic with bactericidal and bacteriostatic actionDue to the alcohol content in the spray, it is contraindicated in the 1st trimester
Tantum Verde (spray, tablets, solution)BenzydamineAntiseptic with analgesic effectAllowed only after consultation with a doctor
Inhalipt (spray)SulfanilamideAntiseptic with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effectsThe drug should not be used at the beginning of pregnancy and in the 3rd trimester
Chlorhexidine (solution, spray, ointment)Chlorhexidine bigluconateAntiseptic with bacteriostatic effectDespite the absence of prohibitions for use by pregnant women, long-term use is not recommended

If a sore throat is accompanied by a fever and the pregnant woman feels unwell, the doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These include Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. They will relieve fever, eliminate inflammation, and relieve pain.

You can also use Lugol's solution. It is based on iodine. The product should be used to lubricate inflamed tonsils. For a runny nose, it is permissible to use herbal nasal drops Pinosol. This medicine will quickly relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and serve as a good antiseptic.

Sore throat. Treat yourself correctly! (video)

Effective folk remedies

Regular gargling helps relieve sore throat:

  1. Herbal decoction (chamomile, sage, calendula are suitable). A large spoonful of dry herbal raw materials is enough for a glass of boiling water. Infuse the decoction in a water bath for 20-30 minutes and dilute ½ with water. Rinsing should be done every 2 hours.
  2. Rinsing with a solution helps natural oil tea tree. Add a few drops to a glass of warm water and gargle.
  3. Otolaryngologists do not encourage the use of soda, but people have been successfully fighting sore throat with this remedy for decades. For a glass of water, take ½ small spoon of soda, a couple of drops of iodine and ¼ small spoon of salt. Rinsing is carried out 4 times a day.

For treatment you can use:

  1. Honey. Its healing properties have helped many cold sufferers. Add a spoonful of honey to warm milk and drink it at night.
  2. Red beets have natural antiseptic properties. The washed beets are peeled, grated and the juice is squeezed out. Then mix it with a large spoon of vinegar. The resulting product is used to gargle a sore throat every 2-3 hours.
  3. Garlic is an excellent medicinal product. 3 small cloves are crushed and poured with a glass of water. Let it brew and gargle three times a day.
  4. Sea salt is diluted in 50 ml of warm water and gargled several times a day.

Rinses can be alternated. Before irrigating your throat pharmaceutical products After rinsing, you need to wait 15-20 minutes to medicinal properties the plants worked.

Protect yourself from viral infections impossible. If a person comes into contact with germs, he will definitely get sick. Preventive measures are to strengthen the immune system.

If a woman during pregnancy will:

  • maintain a sleep schedule and sleep at least 8 hours;
  • eat foods rich in fiber and vitamins;
  • take a walk every day;
  • avoid communication with sick people;
  • carry out wet cleaning of the house daily;
  • maintain personal hygiene, including washing hands with soap;
  • frequently ventilate the room;
  • do not overexert yourself and avoid nervous stress,

then the disease can be overcome as soon as possible. It must be remembered that timely consultation with a doctor will help to avoid serious consequences and complications in pregnancy.