A 9 month old baby has a runny nose. Drops for the common cold for children under one year of age: a list of the best and effective for the treatment of rhinitis. How is the treatment carried out?

Unfortunately, colds can occur even in children under one year of age. Stuffy nose, cough, sore throat, heat- How can I help you to a small child to quickly relieve these symptoms? What products are approved for use in children aged 9 months? We will talk about this in our article.

For all parents, when their children are ill, there are three simple rules, following which they will help the baby’s body confidently fight the virus and recover as quickly as possible. They should be observed in case of high fever, cough, sore throat and runny nose:

  1. Plenty of warm drinks. Provide your baby with an enhanced drinking regime: water, mother’s milk or warm mixture, as well as compote, are suitable for this.
  2. Cool and humid air in the room. This rule is especially true for runny nose and fever. Ventilate the room more often during the day, and at night maintain a comfortable temperature for sleeping. Air humidity is no less important. In addition, do not wrap your child in warm clothes, thinking that this way he will recover faster. At high temperatures this is simply unacceptable.
  3. Don't overfeed your baby. If he doesn't have an appetite, don't force feed him. This overloads the liver and the illness may last longer. As soon as the baby feels better, he will definitely catch up on food.

How to treat a cough in a 9 month old baby

A cough in children under one year of age signals parents that they should definitely call a doctor. Since the baby’s immunity has not yet been fully formed, any infection that is not cured on time can lead to complications, including bronchitis and pneumonia.

The child must be seen by a doctor to determine the type of cough and make a diagnosis. Only after this will it be possible to say what to give a nine-month-old baby for a cough.

If a 9-month-old child has a severe cough, how to treat this disease? It is best to wait for a doctor's consultation. If this is not possible, purchase cough medicine after first identifying whether the cough is dry or wet. For children, it is possible to use syrups “Ambrobene”, “Lazolvan”, “Ambroxol” and some others. Read the instructions carefully and do not exceed the dosage.

How to cure snot in a 9 month old baby

When a child is 9 months old, his nose is very stuffy and he is bothered by a runny nose - this is a headache for all family members. The baby is restless during the day and cannot sleep peacefully at night. To alleviate his condition, you must first follow the three rules indicated in the first chapter. In addition, rinse your nose with special drops with sea salt or regular saline solution. To remove snot, first moisten it with drops and then suck it out using an aspirator (such as Otrivin Baby) or a baby enema. However, you should not use these remedies often so as not to increase swelling in the nose.

When a 9-month-old child has severe snot, how to treat a runny nose is decided by the pediatrician. Usually "Nasivin" or "Vibrocil" is prescribed, one drop in each nostril. Try to use them only before bed, no more than 3 times a day, as they have a bad effect on the nasal mucosa, drying it out. In addition, raise the head of your child’s bed at night, this will make it more comfortable for him to sleep during a runny nose.

How to bring down the temperature of a 9-month-old baby

An increase in body temperature is always the correct protective reaction of the body to the invasion of a foreign virus or bacteria. This means that the body fights on its own and there is no need to interfere with it.

When it comes to children, many parents, even with a temperature of 37 in a child of 9 months, raise the alarm. Although in fact, up to a year this may be the norm for a baby. In what case should you lower your temperature and call a doctor?

Antipyretic medicine should be given when a nine-month-old baby has a high temperature of over 38.5 degrees. In other cases, do not rush with medications and do not interfere with the body’s fight. In this case, you need to call a doctor and analyze the possible causes of the increase in temperature. These could be diseases such as acute respiratory viral infections, otitis media, teething syndrome or a post-vaccination reaction. Yes, two latest options are most appropriate when the child is 9 months old and the temperature is 38 without symptoms. However, you still need to consult with your doctor.

If a 9-month-old baby has a temperature of 39, how to bring down the temperature effectively and quickly? To do this, you will need antipyretics based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. Other drugs (aspirin, analgin and those containing them) are prohibited. Your first aid kit should always have rectal suppositories and syrups for temperature. It is advisable that one product be based on paracetamol, the other - ibuprofen. This way you can identify what is more effective for your child, as well as combine them. These can be syrups “Nurofen”, “Efferalgan”, “Panadol” and suppositories “Cefekon-D”, “Efferalgan” and others. As a last resort, when nothing is at hand, give your baby a quarter of a Paracetamol tablet dissolved in water. You can repeat taking the antipyretic no earlier than 6 hours.

Which parent has not encountered such a problem as a child's runny nose? Liquid snot in a child almost always becomes the main sign of an incipient acute respiratory infection or allergy. But does clear snot in a child require treatment? We'll talk about this in our article.

Why do they arise?

How to treat clear snot in a child?

First of all, you need to do everything possible to make the room where the child is comfortable.

If the snot is caused by a virus entering the nasal mucosa, pay attention to the temperature and humidity in the room.

At the same time, know that if a child’s snot flows like a stream, it means that the necessary requirements for compliance temperature regime and you follow the control of humidity in the children's room, and the body is on the mend. But if you see clear (or white) thick snot in your child, it means you haven’t worried enough about the humidity in the room. To avoid liquefying them locally with saline solution so often, use a humidifier and do wet cleaning, this will make it easier for your baby to breathe and improve the condition of the skin.

If you find that your child is developing a viral illness, try to give him as much fluid at room temperature as possible to replenish the lack of fluid in the body. It will also be useful to rinse your nose with a saline solution, which you can buy ready-made at a pharmacy or prepare yourself (add one teaspoon of table salt per liter of warm boiled water).

However, if the above measures do not help, you should seek help from a doctor so that he can prescribe special treatment depending on the child’s illness.

Snot in a child. How to properly treat and recognize the disease?

An ordinary children's non-infectious runny nose actually does not require treatment. Rubbing mustard on tiny heels, declaring quarantine at home and depriving the little one of walks for a week can only do harm. But there are also opposite situations when the cause of a runny nose is a serious viral disease. Then procrastination and unjustified optimism from the category of “doing the rest” threaten with serious complications. How to behave competently when your baby's nose is wet.

Externally, the nozzles are transparent and liquid. They practically do not interfere with breathing, but sometimes, if they are slightly thickened or there are a lot of them, they can interfere with falling asleep.

This is “snot in a bad mood” - it happens when teeth are cutting, anxiety, or sudden changes in temperature. They can appear at about the age of one to one and a half months - when the mucous membrane “matures”. An important point is that physiological snot never affects the child’s somatics. Appetite, sleep, and mood remain normal when they appear. From the same series is the snot that appears in a child after returning from a walk. Rinse the spout well with sea water. Regular pharmacy saline solution will also work. You can also prepare it yourself: in a glass of water, dilute a teaspoon of salt and soda, taken on the tip of a knife. Such snot in a child is the result of immaturity of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. It is still loose - it reacts to any irritant, from house dust to a sharp change in temperature.

  • The mucous membrane of the nasopharynx in children should always be moist - this creates a barrier to infections coming from the air. It is necessary to instill saline solution 3-4 times a day. Many people, by inertia and grandmother’s advice, clean their noses with cotton swabs or swabs. Although rarely do any children like it.
  • It’s much more painless and effective to do this: put some drops in your nose, massage the wings of your nose, and put a couple more drops in your mouth. Anatomically, the pharynx and nasal passage communicate. As a result, the sniffles will either dissolve and the baby will swallow them (there is nothing terrible about that!), or they will sneeze out.
  • Swimming with diving is very useful for “knocking out” physiological snot.
  • A good prevention for physiological sniffles is an oil massage. Apply peach, rosehip or other vegetable oil to the wings of the nose and massage lightly. If, at the sight of a turunda, your baby does not make screams similar in strength to a fire siren, then it would be a good idea to lubricate the nose with oil from the inside as well.

    Opponents of instilling saline solution believe that when salt dries, it dries out the mucous membrane. This is true. But at the same time, it forces cells to intensively renew and regenerate. To prevent excessive dryness from bothering the baby, pediatricians recommend instilling saline solution regularly or alternating with oil massage. Important: you should absolutely not put oil into your nose!

    By the way, doctors, in principle, approve of “grandmother’s” advice to slip a thick book under the head end of the mattress. This is done so that the baby’s head is higher than the stomach, which helps avoid regurgitation and not blocking the nose. This is especially important when the baby is snotty. A soft pillow is not suitable - the surface of the top of the mattress should be slightly raised.

    A sign of this scourge is that the mucus is necessarily colored, yellowish or greenish in color. Usually the nasal discharge is thick. These snot, in turn, are divided into two large groups: they are caused by a bacterial or viral infection. In any case, both of these problems cannot be ignored. In the worst case, thick mucus can clog the villi of the bronchi, causing bronchitis or even pneumonia. No one needs otitis media and inflammation of the nasopharynx either. To prevent thick mucus from going into the bronchi, it must be diluted to allow it to flow out. Let the child's snot be in three streams, but complications will pass.

    Nasal discharge caused by a viral infection affects the entire body. The baby first develops fever, intoxication, lethargy, weakness, loss of appetite, then a runny nose and often lacrimation develop. As a result, the baby, as they say, falls apart.

    Snot in a child. caused by a bacterial infection, indicate the presence of a focus of inflammation. They are the first sign of the disease. First, a runny nose appears, and then general malaise and other symptoms appear.

    Snot in a child, treatment

    Here are the main steps to a clean nose:

  • reduction of body temperature (calf and shoulder compresses, homeopathy)
  • detoxification therapy (drinking plenty of fluids)
  • taking antipyretics based on paracetamol or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • the use of vasoconstrictors to prevent complications: bronchitis. pneumonia, sinusitis. otitis media Both traditional vasoconstrictors and modern means containing sea water as an additional component. The doctor will specify the scheme of such treatment. If after 3-4 days there is no positive effect, they often move on to taking antibiotics. What and according to what regimen to take will again be determined by the doctor. Important rule— no more than 3-4 medications can be taken per course of treatment.

    Why does a child have clear snot?

    A runny nose is a common problem that parents face, regardless of the age of their child. Nasal discharge can be very different - thick or thin, clear, white, yellow or green. Clear snot in a child can have many causes, on which the treatment of this nasopharynx condition depends.

    Causes of clear nasal discharge

    Pediatricians say that immediately after the birth of a child, it is considered normal for a clear liquid to flow from the baby’s nose. This condition of the child’s body can be caused by the following factors:

  • adaptation to a new environment
  • consequences of a long stay of the baby in the womb
  • disturbances during childbirth.

    A runny nose in newborns is called physiological, since the appearance of clear snot in an infant is caused by the characteristics of the children's nasopharynx. Up to 2.5 months, the functioning of the nose and nasopharynx of a newborn baby is established, so before this age, parents may notice how clear liquid flows from their baby’s nose. Physiological runny nose can develop in the presence of certain factors that create uncomfortable conditions for the functioning of the children's nasopharynx. Dry indoor air also contributes to this state of the body. The inability of a newborn to blow his nose leads to snot accumulating in the nasopharynx, making breathing difficult. In this case, you will need daily care for your baby's nose. With a physiological runny nose, in addition to the release of colorless mucus, the child is also worried about nasal congestion. Another common reason that causes clear snot is the process of teething. It is known that the blood supply to the nasopharynx and gums is closely interconnected; during teething, the blood flow to the gums increases, as a result of which it also increases in the nose. With increased blood flow, mucus is produced at an accelerated pace, which is why nasal discharge is one of the symptoms of teething in babies.

    Allergic reaction

    With the arrival of spring, when plants begin to bloom, allergic reactions often occur in adults and children. They can present with a variety of symptoms, one of which is the formation of clear mucus. To recognize an allergic runny nose, parents should carefully observe their child for some time; as a rule, snot begins to appear immediately after contact with the allergen. An allergic reaction of the nasopharynx can occur upon contact with fluff, animal hair, dust, and pollen. In addition, sometimes the appearance of snot is accompanied by other signs of allergies:

  • rash on the body
  • swelling of the mucous membranes
  • itching of the skin
  • redness and watery eyes.

    In this case, the main task of the parents is to protect the baby from contact with the allergen; in severe cases, when shortness of breath is observed, the child should be given antihistamines and seek medical advice. medical care. To carry out the correct treatment, the child must be shown to several specialists at once - a pediatrician, an allergist and a nutritionist.

    Viral runny nose

    Viral rhinitis is accompanied by fever, sore throat

    The most common causes of runny nose in children are acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. On initial stage development of a viral disease, there is a discharge of liquid transparent snot from the nasopharynx in the child. The following clinical picture is also characteristic of the disease:

  • temperature increase
  • sneezing
  • labored breathing
  • a sore throat.

    In this case, a runny nose may appear at the beginning or end of the course of the disease.

    Viral rhinitis is dangerous because pathogenic microorganisms can enter the ear or throat cavity, causing inflammation of these organs.

    In the later stages of the disease, liquid discharge may turn into clear, thick snot in the child. With an infectious runny nose, adults first produce clear snot, which over time can acquire a yellowish or greenish tint. This process is due to the fact that pathogenic microorganisms are present on the mucous membrane of the human nasopharynx. If the discharge is abundant, vasoconstrictor drugs are used - Sanorin, Otrivin, Nazivin, Vibrocil. When a clear liquid flows from a child’s nose, taking such drugs is contraindicated, because in this way the body independently fights the infection.

    How is the treatment carried out?

    Treatment of clear snot in a child should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor, since such a symptom may indicate several diseases. Regardless of the cause of rhinitis, parents should regularly clean the baby’s nose, thereby improving nasal breathing. To do this, you can use a special device for suctioning mucus - a nasal aspirator. If the clear mucus in the nose is so thick that it is difficult to remove it from the nasal cavity, the mucus must first be thinned. Solutions based on sea water, as well as decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, sage, and St. John's wort, are well suited for this. You need to drop a few drops into each nasal passage of the child, and then use an aspirator. It is important to adhere not to symptomatic treatment, but to take actions aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. Parents should promptly contact specialists who will tell you how to treat clear snot in a child, having previously established an accurate diagnosis.

    How to remove snot from a 9 month old baby?

    If snot appears in a 9-month-old child, treatment should be started, but a runny nose in a 9-month-old child must be treated correctly so that there are no complications.

    Diseases of the upper respiratory tract occupy one of the first places in the structure of childhood diseases. The most susceptible to infections are the baby's ears, throat and nose. Undoubtedly, breastfeeding builds strong immunity and enables the body to resist viruses and bacteria. However, a baby can also easily get sick after contact with a carrier of the virus, especially if the sick person is in close contact with the baby.

    The most dangerous period for viral diseases is the autumn-winter period. And also the fact that the structure of the baby’s nasal passages is such that a slight swelling of the mucous membrane can provoke the appearance of nasal congestion and snot. The process of catching a cold is also complicated by the fact that a baby at this age cannot blow his nose on his own, which leads to thickening of snot in the nose and can provoke complications.

    Snot in a 9-month-old child not only complicates nasal breathing, the baby still cannot breathe well and correctly through his mouth, and this causes him discomfort while eating. In addition to swelling and nasal discharge, a runny nose in children is accompanied by dryness and a burning sensation in the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Therefore, a child’s nasal passages are very sensitive and require careful handling, especially during a runny nose.

    To treat a runny nose, you need to use medications designed specifically for children. In addition, babies in the first year of life are very susceptible to various changes, the baby’s nose requires careful care, the mucous membrane warms, moisturizes the air that enters it and traps a significant number of microorganisms and viruses.

    There is no need to insist on eating during illness, it is better to give more warm drinks, and be sure to treat a runny nose in a 9-month-old child, otherwise it can turn into inflammation of the ears and otitis media. You need to try to keep the baby upright so as not to let the mucus stagnate, and during sleep you can even put the baby on a pillow.

    You can treat a runny nose with herbal inhalations, or use an aroma lamp with tea tree or eucalyptus oil extract. And try to free the baby’s nose as snot accumulates in it using an aspirator (suction bulb), instill saline solution into the nose - this will prevent thickening of the snot. At 9 months, the baby can already instill vasoconstrictor drops, such as Nazivin for newborns or euphorbium compositum, but no more than 3 times a day and no more than 5 days, and always after consultation with a pediatrician. In the room where the sick child is, you need to do wet cleaning more often and ventilate the room in the absence of the baby.

    Snot flows like a stream, what to do in a child

    The child has clear snot

    Nasal mucus, which is produced in a baby in the same way as in an adult, does not pose a particular threat. A runny nose indicates, first of all, that the body has begun an attack, viral or allergic, and it has reacted to the “enemy.” By secreting mucus, the body fights viruses or allergens, preventing them from spreading.

    If the snot is caused by allergens, eliminate them if possible (keep in mind that allergens may include feather pillows, various exotic plants, as well as plants with a strong odor, pets, and household chemicals).

    Yellow snot in a child

    Signs of the transition of the pathology to the second, catarrhal stage are a violation of the sense of smell and the appearance of copious mucous discharge from the nasal cavity. In some cases, patients complain of ear congestion and increased lacrimation. The duration of the catarrhal stage varies between 2-3 days.

    The onset of the third stage of rhinitis development is associated with the addition of a bacterial infection. The main factor increasing the risk of infection is weakening of local immunity. At this stage, patients complain of the appearance of difficult-to-discharge, thick, yellow discharge from the nose. As a rule, the duration of the third stage does not exceed 10 days, but with weak immunity, the recovery period can increase to one month, and the disease can enter the chronic stage.

    Treatment of yellow runny nose is not an easy task, requiring the development of a complex therapeutic program that includes a wide range of different procedures. In order to prevent the appearance of edema, the patient is prescribed vasoconstrictor drops and sprays based on oxymetazoline, xylometazoline, phenylephrine or naphazoline. At the same time, persons using such drugs in treatment must remember that prolonged and too frequent use of them can lead to a significant decrease in their effectiveness and to drug dependence.

    In some cases, the treatment program may include the use of antibacterial drugs. Antibiotics can be prescribed in the form of tablets, nasal sprays, suspensions and capsules, or in the form of injections. Thanks to taking such drugs, patients manage not only to completely eliminate the source of infection, but also to prevent its spread to the nasopharynx, ears and brain.

    Due to the fact that the main reason for the appearance of yellow snot in adults and children is weakened immunity, patients are required to be prescribed medications that strengthen the body’s immune forces. In addition, patients are recommended to correct their lifestyle, diet, rest and work schedule and pay sufficient attention to the prevention of respiratory tract pathologies.

    A superficial approach to the treatment of rhinitis, accompanied by the discharge of yellow mucus from the nasal passages, can become one of the reasons for the development of a whole complex of related pathologies. That is why drawing up a therapy program and selecting medicines, intended to eliminate all manifestations of yellow runny nose, should be handled by an experienced doctor. Patients who do not experience a feeling of relief after 3-4 days of intensive treatment are advised to contact specialists again to clarify the diagnosis and correct the therapeutic program.

    Snot in children

    A runny nose is an unpleasant and rather uncomfortable occurrence in every person’s life. And when snot is observed in children, it brings quite a few negative emotions not only to the children, but also to their parents. It’s not so easy to get rid of snot, especially since some particularly effective medications are generally contraindicated for a child. Therefore, parents will need unprecedented willpower and patience to save their child from this harmful disease.

    A runny nose occurs in a child as a result of inflammation in the nasal mucosa. It can be either a symptom of one of the more serious diseases or an independent illness, the treatment of which is much simpler. With any treatment, you should not miss the process, because even simple snot can lead to unprecedented complications, the treatment of which is much more difficult.

    Green snot in a child

    Green snot in a child indicates a bacterial infection in his body. They don't appear right away. Such intense snot in a child may be preceded by clearer, copious nasal discharge. As bacteria multiply and die, the color of the snot changes. Dead cells collect in the excreted mucus, so by the end of the runny nose a saturated green color and they acquire a special viscosity. Sometimes, green snot in a child may indicate the presence of sinusitis.

    Self-treatment should not be carried out without consulting a doctor, but the situation should not be missed. After examining the child, antibacterial agents or antibiotics are almost always prescribed. You should rinse your nose with saline solution several times daily. Firstly, it helps remove residual mucus without irritating the already irritated nasal mucosa. Secondly, it will prevent new bacteria from entering the child’s weakened body. Don’t forget about walks in the fresh air and regular ventilation of rooms, since overdried mucous membranes are quite difficult to tolerate the “heavy” suffocating air stored indoors.

    Cough and snot in a child

    You should not delay treatment for a long time when a child’s cough and snot have just appeared. These two symptoms will not go away on their own. Only diligent care and treatment of parents will help the child get rid of these annoying symptoms. They indicate that the child has a cold. This means we should start treating it and prevent the virus from spreading in the body.

    If there is no fever and the cough and runny nose are not severe, you can try inhalation treatment. In this case, you can make both oil ones with juniper, lemon, fir, spruce, lemon, eucalyptus oils, and brew medicinal herbs - eucalyptus, spruce. After inhalation, the respiratory tract will calm down and become decontaminated. There will be a copious secretion of mucus, both from the nose and throat. Steaming the legs with a small addition of mustard powder also gives an excellent effect. Radish with honey will make your child’s cough productive and will not cause irritation to the mucous tract. The child’s nose is washed 3-5 times a day with saline solutions.

    In cases where a child’s cough and snot are accompanied by even a slight increase in temperature, a visit to a doctor is mandatory. Self-medication at home can only worsen the situation.

    Baby has snot for a month

    There are cases when a simple clear runny nose develops into more serious diseases. This is due to self-treatment and parents’ refusal to see a doctor. Many parents are not even alarmed that the child has had snot for a month and no enviable progress towards recovery has been observed.

    It is no longer worth postponing a visit to the pediatrician, and now also to the ENT specialist, since the refusal of appropriate treatment by specialists has caused various complications that should be eliminated immediately.

    The child has a fever and snot

    A runny nose is not always accompanied by a fever, but if adequate prevention and treatment measures are not taken, a fever may appear quite soon. If a child has a fever and snot, then most likely the reason lies in viral infection. For young children, you should immediately consult a doctor, and for older children you can try to treat it yourself. You should not abuse antipyretic tablets for fever and runny nose. Start using them no earlier than the temperature rises above 38 degrees. If, after two doses of antipyretics, the child’s temperature has not dropped to normal, then contacting a pediatrician is mandatory. Perhaps the causes of the disease are much more serious.

    Snot in a child

    Children have a runny nose quite often. As a rule, it is especially often observed in preschool children and those who attend kindergartens. Less commonly, a runny nose occurs in children under 1.5 years of age.

    If snot appears in infant, then this circumstance will bring a lot of concern not only to the baby, but also to his parents. Nasal congestion and occasional discharge will prevent your child from eating normally, causing him to become angry and cry. In addition, his sleep will worsen and the process of falling asleep will be disrupted. You need to be extremely careful with a runny nose in children under one year old. In a small child, the structure of the nasopharynx is slightly different than in adults, so infection develops there easily. This is why young children are at high risk of developing complications from a simple runny nose. A runny nose is scientifically called rhinitis.

    The child has a stream of snot - what to do?

    A runny nose brings a lot of unpleasant feelings to an adult, but how much trouble and worry does a mother have if her baby suddenly starts running snot literally like a stream from his nose? A child cannot tolerate discomfort in silence; a runny nose in children is accompanied by a bad mood, whims, and very often sleep disturbances and an increase in body temperature. How to deal with such a bouquet? How to help your child cope with the problem faster? Only a doctor can answer this question.

    The child has a stream of snot, what to do, how to help the baby?

    First of all, do not panic; excessive worrying will not lead to anything good. All efforts must be directed towards fighting the disease and its manifestations. First of all, you need to try to make the little person feel better, for whom the mucus accumulated in the nasopharynx is preventing him from breathing.

    To do this, you need to regularly rinse the child’s nose with saline solution and remove mucus from the sinuses using an aspirator or an ordinary rubber spray. You can purchase a saline solution at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To prepare it yourself, you need to dissolve table or sea salt in warm boiled water.

    Determining the cause of a runny nose in a child

    A runny nose, or rhinitis - inflammation of the nasal mucosa, is a very common occurrence in children at an early age. The reasons for its appearance and progression may be as follows:

  • cold viral infections
  • allergy.

    Medicine also knows of such cases when the cause of a runny nose was foreign objects that accidentally ended up in one of the child’s nasal sinuses. In this case, rhinitis goes away almost immediately after removing the object from the baby’s nostril.

    Viral rhinitis

    In this case, to eliminate a runny nose, care must be taken to remove the viral infection from the body. As a rule, in particularly difficult cases, doctors prescribe antibiotics to the patient. However, in order to make it easier for the baby to breathe, it is also recommended to use baby nasal drops based on natural essential oils. An integrated approach to the problem will help you get rid of the disease and its unpleasant symptoms very quickly.

    Allergic runny nose

    A child has a stream of snot, what to do if the cause of a runny nose is an allergy? In this situation, you must immediately contact a medical institution to determine the cause of the allergy. It is possible to establish the root cause of this phenomenon and eliminate its consequences, in this case allergic rhinitis, only after conducting a range of laboratory tests.

    Snot flows like a stream

    Yes, what do they call them, these drops. with silver. which ones are made at the pharmacy? ugh you

    We have one branded product that helps very well. Take 20-30 grams vegetable oil, add 3-4 drops of sage essential oil. Stir well. Heat the container (you can use a regular vodka glass) in a cup with hot water up to 37 degrees. Place 3-4 drops of the resulting warm oil into each nostril every hour.

    In general, sage essential oil is a powerful antiseptic and cleanser for the upper respiratory tract. This method is very helpful in fighting a runny nose: apply 2-3 drops of sage oil to a damp diaper and place it on the radiator. As the fabric dries, you need to change it.

    Regarding washing: this is stress for the child, and not always justified. The fact is that correct technique Not everyone knows how to wash. If washed incorrectly, water (sorry, already with snot) can linger in those cavities where it should not be. This only makes the situation worse. Droplets like aquamaris, and no sprays with fancy attachments.

    Even at any stage of a runny nose, it would be good to drop some warm Otipax into the ears at night (it’s better when the child falls asleep to lie on each side for a little while) and cover it with small cotton wool.

    Treating a runny nose in an infant

    Mommy will only be happy when her baby is completely healthy and radiates only joy around him. But little children are more susceptible to various diseases than others, infections most often “stick” to them, and then mothers begin to have sleepless nights, headaches and thousands of tips on how to help the child. Runny nose in an infant is also not uncommon, but this disease needs to be treated somewhat differently than in older children, since infants require a special approach and caution.

    Physiological runny nose

    Every parent should be aware of such a phenomenon as physiological runny nose in an infant, which often appears before the age of 2.5 months. This runny nose is not infectious; it is considered an absolutely normal phenomenon, which is caused by the start of the baby’s mucous membrane. The body, as it were, specifically tests the “wet in the nose” condition, and when they begin to treat it externally with various methods, the body thinks that the “test” has failed, and after a while it carries out it again. Thus, a runny nose appears with enviable frequency without any particular reason.

    It is not worth treating a runny nose in a baby who is not yet 2.5 months old unless there are compelling reasons (he has not been in contact with people who carry the infection and has not caught a cold).

    Causes of a runny nose in an infant

    Now let's talk about what can cause a real runny nose, accompanied by a high temperature in a child, excessive lethargy, or, conversely, liveliness.

    Viruses (flu, ARVI).
    Cold air.
    Allergens ( wool, animal fluff, dust, pollen).
    Foreign body in the nose ( balls, beads).
    Hypothermia of the baby's body, especially the feet.
    Injuries to the nasal mucosa.
    Exposure to harmful factors ( smoke, dust, strong odors).

    How to treat a runny nose in an infant?

    Even if your baby has caught some kind of infection and his nose is running heavily, he needs to be shown to a doctor as soon as possible, and before that, make the first attempts at help that will ease the baby’s runny nose, and he will at least sleep more peacefully.


    If the baby has an acute runny nose, but his general condition is quite stable and satisfactory, then it does not require serious intensive treatment. The only thing a mother can do is regularly wet clean the room to humidify the air, and also ventilate the room for a few minutes every hour.

    At elevated temperatures

    How to treat a runny nose in an infant what if frequent heavy nasal discharge is also accompanied by high fever? First of all, the child needs a constant supply of water, that is, quite often the child needs to be given boiled water at room temperature (at least a few drops). If a child does not want to eat, there is no need to force him at these moments. Be sure to remove any accumulated mucus from your nose.

    To relieve a runny nose

    To cure a runny nose in an infant, you must first of all find out its cause, and in this matter only pediatrician. At this time, a mother can only ease the lot of her child and help him breathe. Vasoconstrictor drugs They are used not only for adults, but also for children, including infants, only the dosage varies significantly. The best option There will be nasal drops for infants. More than 5-7 days chemicals cannot be used! Try not to buy drops yourself, because each baby may have their own reaction - consult your doctor and only then go to the pharmacy.

    Putting your nose in the right place Thus:
    - warm up the drops by dipping them in warm water for a few seconds;
    - tilt the baby’s head back and inject 2-3 drops into the nasal passage;
    - immediately tilt the child’s head down and close the outlet of the nose (press the nostril to the nasal septum);
    - In the same way, introduce the drops into the other nasal passage;
    - if you do everything correctly, the child will not swallow the medications, but they will act directly on the mucous membrane in the nose.

    If you categorically do not accept chemistry, then you can use the most primitive means for nasal instillation - this saline solution . You can buy it at the pharmacy or make it at home yourself: take boiled water (1 l) and 9 g. salt (1 tsp). To put drops in your nose, you can use nozzle suction (an irreplaceable thing for infants who do not know how to blow their nose). Fill up the nozzle suction cup and press it once so that the liquid is sprayed into one nostril. You shouldn’t pinch the other nostril, because snot should pour out through it. However, this must be done with the utmost caution, because at such a tender age, fluid can easily pass into the Eustachian tube from the nose (it connects the child’s nose and ear), and as a result, everything can end in otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear).

    When the runny nose goes away

    Do not rush to rejoice if your baby’s snot stops flowing like a stream - now the stage of crusts in the nose begins (the amount of moisture in the nose decreases, and the snot begins to dry out, forming unpleasant crusts). For an adult this condition is quite tolerable, but for a small nose it is very unpleasant. Do not try to pick out dried snot with your fingers - you will only make it worse. To begin with, the crusts in the nose need to be softened - this is easiest to do by lubricating the mucous membrane with baby oil ( Vaseline, peach, chlorophyllipt oil solution). When the crusts are softened enough, they can be easily removed using cotton swabs.

    If your baby is healthy and does not experience serious stress, then normal height and his weight is guaranteed, and you will sleep peacefully and feel like the happiest parents on this planet!

    A runny nose, or rhinitis, occurs quite often in children. Depending on the reason for its appearance, it has different consistency and color. Some parents do not consider snot in children to be a dangerous phenomenon, expecting that it will go away on its own over time. However, if a child has a stream of snot, this cannot but be a cause of concern. Let's look at why a child's snot flows and how to help him in this condition.

    When is a runny nose in a baby not dangerous?

    Liquid snot in a child during the first two to three months of life is called a natural, or physiological, runny nose. It occurs in almost all newborns. In the mother's womb, the baby is in a liquid environment, which is why the superficial mucous membranes cannot fully develop. Therefore, in a newborn baby, the nasal mucosa is imperfect and is not yet fully ready to function in new conditions. Thus, a physiological runny nose is an adaptation of the baby’s body to a new living environment.

    In order to help the baby during this period, you need to maintain the air temperature in the room where he is located no higher than 22ºC. In addition, it is necessary to constantly humidify the air in the room: carry out regular wet cleaning, use additional humidification methods (dishes with water placed in the room, air humidifiers). Gradually, a physiological runny nose goes away on its own.

    It is not uncommon for a baby to have snot when teething. In this case, transparent mucus has a liquid consistency. Doctors explain this phenomenon by the fact that the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities are located very close. When the gums become inflamed before tooth eruption, irritation from the oral cavity passes into the nasal cavity, since they have a common blood supply. The nasal glands then begin to actively produce mucus. This condition does not pose a risk to the child's health. If necessary, you can help your baby by sucking out excess mucus from his nose using an aspirator or a small rubber bulb.

    Strong snot in a child is a sign of a cold

    In most cases, a child’s snot starts flowing in a stream during the first day of the onset of a cold. This condition is called infectious rhinitis (runny nose). Rhinitis of this type is one of the most common phenomena in people. of different ages, but it occurs more often in young children than in adults.

    Infectious runny nose is caused by influenza viruses, acute respiratory viral infections, and acute respiratory infections. Entering the nasal passages with air, viruses penetrate the epithelium of the mucous membrane, where they multiply within 1-3 days. The integrity of the mucous membrane is disrupted, an inflammatory process develops and the permeability of the vascular wall to blood plasma increases, which leads to the leakage of liquid mucus. As a rule, rhinitis occurs during the off-season, when changes in air temperature are recorded, and local immunity is reduced due to hypothermia. Especially often to the appearance this phenomenon leads to hypothermia of the legs.

    If proper treatment is not started on the first day of the appearance of liquid snot in a child, after 3-4 days a bacterial infection will join the viral infection. This is evidenced by the appearance of thick greenish-yellowish discharge from the nasal passages. In the case where a child has snot, but his condition remains satisfactory and his body temperature is normal, you can do without drug treatment. First of all, you need to ensure that your nose is regularly cleared of mucus. Small children who do not yet know how to blow their nose need help by sucking out the mucus using an aspirator, a small syringe or a syringe without a needle. Older children need to be shown how to properly blow their nose using each nostril in turn. It is best to use disposable paper handkerchiefs, since fabric ones, when used frequently, become a source of infection.

    To moisturize the nasal mucosa, the doctor usually prescribes drops based on a solution sea ​​salt or saline solution (Aqua Maris, Aquamarine). Oil solutions of vitamin A soften the nasal mucosa well and prevent it from drying out. You need to drip 1-2 drops into each nostril of the baby. In addition, if a child has snot, you can use foot baths using mustard plasters or mustard powder. Traditional methods of treating a runny nose have a good effect. Before starting any treatment, you should consult your pediatrician to avoid unwanted side effects.

    Liquid snot in a child with allergic rhinitis

    Severe snot in a child may be one of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis (runny nose) is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by an allergic reaction of the body to certain irritants (allergens). The most common allergens include:

  • household and book dust mites;
  • mold spores;
  • pollen of some plants;
  • insect bites;
  • some food products;
  • medicines;
  • cosmetic and household aerosols.
  • In addition to runny nose, signs of allergic rhinitis include itching and burning in the nose, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. The doctor can determine the exact allergen substance after special tests and allergy tests.

    If a child has snot due to contact with an allergen, this contact must be eliminated. In many cases, after this the runny nose gradually stops. However, it is often impossible to cope with allergies without special therapy. Complex treatment includes the creation of a hypoallergenic lifestyle and the use of medications. A course of treatment is carried out with drugs of systemic (tablets) and local (drops and sprays) action. These medications include: Zyrtec, Claritin, Suprastin, Tavegil, Fenistil. Allergen-specific immunotherapy is considered the most effective treatment for allergic rhinitis. It consists of introducing microdoses of an allergen to a child, as a result of which he develops insensitivity to it.

    What to do if your baby has sniffles and sneezing

    The manifestation of a runny nose in a baby is an extremely unpleasant symptom that worries both parents and the small child. Mucus accumulated in the nose makes it difficult to eat and sleep properly. The baby becomes restless, he is constantly angry, because it is impossible to eat either from the breast or from the bottle. Breathing becomes difficult. In infants, the structure of the nasopharyngeal tract differs from its structure in adults. And this creates favorable conditions for reproduction there large quantities microorganisms. That is why a runny nose should cause special concern in a child under one year old. Especially if sneezing is added to it.

    When you experience a runny nose and sneezing, the first thing you might think of is, of course, a cold. Most often, symptoms such as cough and fever join later. In addition, such a manifestation may indicate the presence of an allergy.

    But there are other reasons that have nothing to do with colds or allergies. Let's consider full list reasons:

    • Allergy.
    • A developing cold.
    • Vascular response to stimuli.
    • Physiological features.

    Any reason indicates that the body needs to get rid of negative flora.

    If other causes, such as fever and cough, are not added to a runny nose and sneezing, it makes sense to talk about allergies. It is possible that sneezing will occur separately without the presence of snot. This phenomenon occurs quite often. It is likely that in addition to these signs, your eyes will become very watery and your nose will itch.

    This phenomenon is very common in hot summer months. In infants, the cause is often ordinary household dust or the appearance of mold on the walls. In this case, it is necessary to regularly carry out wet cleaning in the apartment. In addition, the source allergic reaction Can be pollen, pet hair, or bird fluff.


    The most common cause of snot in a child. When the body is hypothermic, a favorable environment is created for the proliferation of harmful bacteria. Self-defense occurs: these microorganisms are removed from the nasal mucosa by running the nose and sneezing. The virus penetrates through inhaled air - airborne droplets. The source may be communication with a sick person.

    But this does not mean at all that the child will get sick. The baby’s immunity plays a big role here. And if he's on breastfeeding, the immune system is developing in the right direction. By receiving antibodies through mother's milk, the child has a high chance that he will not get sick.

    And if infection has already occurred, then the snot begins to flow in a stream and without stopping. After a few days, a fever and cough may develop. The snot becomes thicker. Due to his tiny age, the baby cannot get rid of them on his own. The mucous membrane loses its ability to protect the body from the penetration of viruses. It can go further: into the lungs and bronchi. Therefore, it is so important to treat the first manifestations of a cold in an infant, when he has just begun to show signs of concern.

    This type of runny nose often has several stages:

  • Within 1 - 2 days, the baby experiences unpleasant symptoms: itching in the nose and throat. Possibly burning and dryness. He cannot say this, so he expresses his inconvenience through anxiety and excessive tearfulness.
  • The second stage begins with a profuse runny nose. The snot flows like a stream, has a liquid consistency and is transparent. Congestion appears and it becomes difficult to breathe. Red eyes and sneezing also cause great discomfort, especially when feeding.
  • The appearance of thick nasal discharge usually characterizes the transition to the third stage of the disease. Breathing becomes easier, general condition begins to return to normal. As a rule, this happens on the 7th - 8th day.
  • But this condition still needs to be treated. After all, it could be a bacterial infection that will not go away on its own.

    Vascular response to stimuli

    The body of a small child is not fully adapted to environmental conditions. Therefore, any strong odors, tobacco smoke, chemicals and other irritants may cause discomfort. It is often expressed by sneezing and alternate nasal congestion. There is a severe headache, sleep may be disturbed, and muscle weakness appears.

    The reason for this reaction is also the wrong food, not according to age. The baby’s gastrointestinal tract is already unable to withstand too spicy foods. In addition, the vascular system is still too weak to consume such food.

    Physiological features

    Narrow nasal passages at birth are a feature of the baby. With age, this feature changes. The structure of the partitions in the nose becomes ordinary, like in any person. But up to 3 months, parents may be scared by frequent sneezing or the appearance of liquid snot. If after a couple of days the symptoms do not become more frequent and take on a different character, we can talk about physiological characteristics.

    There is no need to do anything special here. It is enough to regularly clean the nose with cotton wool soaked in Vaseline oil. The resulting crusts are also removed with turundas or an aspirator. But first you should soften the crusts with saline solution.

    In addition to these features, a child, especially under one year, can stick various small objects into his nose. This will also trigger symptoms. Only ENT can help here.

    Factors that cause colds

    Unfortunately, this is the most common reason, especially in children after 3 months. After all, up to 3 months, these manifestations more often indicate physiological feature body. Therefore, it is so important to protect the baby from acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and similar viruses and bacteria. The most common factors include the following:

      Wet cleaning of the apartment. This is regardless of the cause. The fact is that microbes that have settled in the nasal cavity can be transmitted by airborne droplets. Thus, they settle on furniture, toys, things, and the floor. In turn, this only provokes their reproduction. Wet cleaning helps get rid of harmful flora present on various things with which the child comes into contact.

    In addition to these methods, we must not forget about the role of drinking plenty of fluids for the child. Warmth will also help overcome this insidious disease. In the absence of elevated temperature, warming procedures, including inhalations, can be used. This can be done using essential oils or medicinal drugs. It’s good to brew ordinary pharmaceutical chamomile. She is an excellent antiseptic. But all remedies are discussed only with a doctor.

    Can a child have a runny nose when teething?

    Instillation of mother's milk into the nose is still very widely used in the treatment of runny nose in infants. This is justified as follows: “milk contains a lot of all sorts of useful things, these useful things will kill all the bad microbes” - that is, no one says that dripping milk will immediately make your nose suffocate. I consciously draw attention to this, since even the above justification considers breast milk not as a means of symptomatic treatment of a runny nose, but as an action for the future - they say, “we will drip milk, we will kill bad microbes faster, we will recover faster.”

    Firstly, the concentration of protective substances in any snot is many times higher than in any milk.

    I wrote in detail on this topic in the book “ORZ: a guide for sensible parents.”

    I emphasize once again: no one, anywhere, ever uses any milk for disinfecting purposes. The sad exception is our mothers, who are taught by our grandmothers and sometimes, unfortunately, by our doctors.

    Don’t give nonsense advice—no milk! this is the best environment for bacteria to multiply.
    Evgeniy Olegovich, I know about your negative attitude towards putting breast milk in babies’ noses. But many doctors, on the contrary, strongly advise giving a drop of human milk for any runny nose in a baby, they say it contains a lot of immunoglobulins and other useful substances.

    Secondly, elementary life experience convincingly demonstrates that no one, anywhere, ever uses any milk for disinfecting purposes. Moreover, it is simply impossible to imagine a better environment for bacteria to multiply.

    Only a woman who is tired of her husband, everyday life, pregnancy, childbirth and has lost common sense due to emotional stress, sleepless nights and the negative influence of the environment can think of dripping milk into her nose.

    A runny nose in a baby is an indicator that the child’s body has acquired protective functions. immune system. In such a situation, it is important to try to help the immune system overcome the infection on its own, and not, on the contrary, interfere with it. In order to ensure the proper functioning of the child’s nasal mucous membranes, it is necessary to regularly clean and moisturize the nasal passages. Only after such procedures, if necessary, resort to drug therapy.

    The appearance of a runny nose indicates the normal functioning of the body’s protective functions.

    The main symptoms of a runny nose in infants

    In infancy, the child is not yet able to breathe through the mouth, and since his nasal passages are quite narrow, the mucous membrane, swelling, makes breathing very difficult. As a result, a simple runny nose in an infant is a very tiresome symptom that causes severe discomfort to the baby. With a clogged nose, the baby becomes capricious, refuses to eat, and sleeps poorly.

    Usually a runny nose in a newborn lasts about two weeks. At first, the baby experiences copious mucus secretion, and during a cold or due to hypothermia, it may also be accompanied by a rise in body temperature.

    Plus, if the runny nose is very strong, then in the area of ​​​​the nose and above upper lip it can cause irritation and lead to swelling.

    A runny nose is most often accompanied by:

    • copious watery discharge from the nose;
    • deterioration of general condition against the background of elevated temperature, starting from 37 ° C;
    • the appearance of shortness of breath and disruption of normal breathing;
    • deviations from the usual rhythm of life, including disturbances in sleep, wakefulness and diet;
    • refusal of the breast or bottle and frequent breaks in the sucking process.

    In cases where the cause of a runny nose is an allergy, it is characterized not only by watery discharge, but also attacks of sneezing, redness of the eyes and itching near the nose. Also, when there is a runny nose or congestion in the respiratory tract, an infant unconsciously reaches out with his hands to his nose and rubs it.

    In some cases, a runny nose is accompanied by a general deterioration in the body’s condition, and the temperature rises

    Types of runny nose and their causes

    In total, there are 4 main types of runny nose. He can be:

    1. . Such a runny nose in infants often occurs at 1-3 months and does not require therapy. Its appearance is explained quite simply. During pregnancy, while the baby lived inside the mother, he was constantly in liquid. As a result, the formation of mucous membranes begins only after birth. At the initial stage, the nasal passages are completely dry, only a few weeks after birth the production of mucus begins. Since this mechanism has not yet been established and the passages are quite narrow, the child may develop clear liquid discharge in small quantities. Snot one month old baby- this is a natural phenomenon that is not dangerous for the baby and does not cause him any particular inconvenience. After some time, such a runny nose in an infant goes away on its own without treatment, which in such a situation can only cause harm.
    2. Infectious or viral. The cause of the disease is an infection provoked by either a bacteria or a virus, and snot acts as a protective reaction of the body.
    3. Allergic. It can be triggered by all sorts of allergens - for example, dust, flowers, household chemicals, animals or foods from the mother's diet, which he gets through her milk during breastfeeding. In this case, watery eyes are added to a runny nose.
    4. Vasomotor. It is rare in infants. Appears when there are problems with the vessels of the nasal mucosa.

    You should also not exclude the possibility of congenital pathologies of the nasal passages and nasopharynx - for example, a deviated nasal septum, complete or partial fusion of the choanae, hemangiomas, polyps and tumors. Such deviations from the norm can cause mucus discharge in a 3-4 month old baby.

    In infants, the most common pathology is fusion of the choanae. In this case, the exit to the nasopharynx from the nasal passages is blocked, resulting in a complete or partial cessation of breathing through the nose. It is advisable not to skip or delay a preventive examination by an ENT specialist - usually carried out at 3 and 12 months.

    A preventive examination by an ENT doctor will allow you to early stage identify congenital diseases and, if necessary, treat them

    Possible complications after a runny nose

    A runny nose in a baby can subsequently cause various complications.

    Chronic runny nose

    Chronic runny nose is very widespread. Periodically, the baby's nasal passages become clogged in turn, as a result, breathing through the nose becomes difficult and sometimes even impossible. Treatment of this condition is significantly more complicated compared to ordinary rhinitis. However, it is quite possible to carry out treatment at home.


    Sinusitis is an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses. It can be provoked, like other diseases, by contaminated physiological fluid, which, due to the lack of tightness in the nasopharynx, can spread throughout the entire respiratory system. The main problem is that due to poor development of the sinuses at an early age, sinusitis can occur without visible symptoms. You can treat sinusitis, as well as similar inflammations, such as tonsillitis or pharyngitis, at home.

    Otitis media

    The danger of a runny nose in a child under six months of age is associated precisely with high risk development of this disease. There are 2 explanations for the fact that children at this age are susceptible to this complication:

    • Firstly, until 5-6 months the baby lies down a lot, and in this position it is not difficult for mucous secretions to flow into the middle ear through the auditory tube.
    • Secondly, at this age the auditory tube itself is short and wide. This structure contributes to the development of otitis media.

    The main symptom of otitis media is pain in the ear area. At the same time, the baby begins to behave restlessly, constantly turning his head in different directions. In this situation, a mandatory examination by an ENT specialist is required. In the future, without proper attention, the baby may develop purulent discharge from the ears. This signals that the inflammatory process has reached a critical point. Plus, pus leaking from the ear means that the eardrum has ruptured.

    If you react to the symptoms in a timely manner and take the necessary measures, otitis media can be treated at home. In addition, when the baby is already sitting, crawling or learning to walk, closer to 8-9 months, the likelihood of otitis drops sharply. Plus, the auditory tube gradually develops; by 7-11 months it lengthens and becomes wider. As a result, a runny nose in a 9-month-old child is dangerous not because of otitis media, but because of other respiratory diseases.

    Basic approaches to treatment

    The natural desire of any mother, as soon as the baby’s snot starts flowing, is to help him get rid of it. However, the treatment of a runny nose directly depends on the exact reasons that led to its appearance. Before you try to cure a child with various methods, you need to understand why the baby has snot, and for this you need to have him examined by a pediatrician. The doctor, having seen the nasal discharge and assessed the patient’s condition, will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

    In case of ARVI

    In the first six months, breastfed children rarely experience ARVI. This is due to the fact that breast milk contains a large amount of immunoglobulins that protect children's body from infections of viral and bacterial nature. In infancy, experts recommend using the minimum number medications so as not to provoke a possible allergic reaction.

    In case of ARVI, parents should resort to the following measures:

    • Clean your nose with saline solutions. To do this, you can buy regular saline solution at the pharmacy or make a special solution for instillation into the nose at home. Boiled water in its pure form is not suitable for these purposes, as it will cause irritation of the nasal mucosa. Examples of pharmaceutical antiseptics are Furacilin and Miramistin.
    • Use antiviral nasal drops. They are based on interferon. They help strengthen local immunity and prevent the virus from spreading.
    • Resort to the help of local immunomodulators. The most commonly prescribed nasal drops are Derinat. However, many pediatricians are of the opinion that it is not worth treating ARVI in infants with immunomodulators, since their immunity is in the process of formation and their use can negatively affect their health.

    For a runny nose with ARVI, Derinat nasal drops are successfully used
    • Treat with homeopathic drops. Their use is quite common in the treatment of snot in infants. With rare exceptions, they do not cause an allergic reaction. In the first year of life, homeopathic drops “Euphorbium Compositum” are usually prescribed.

    For complications of a bacterial nature

    Complications of a bacterial nature include diseases such as otitis media, sinusitis, adenoiditis, and conjunctivitis. Typically, in such situations, antibacterial therapy is required, which consists of using:

    • Local antibiotics. They are usually included in nasal drops. The use of local antibiotics is contraindicated for children under 2-3 years of age. However, in severe cases of otitis or sinusitis, the pediatrician may prescribe them with a lower dosage.
    • Systemic antibiotics. Their use is justified in case of prolonged purulent runny nose, which signals the presence of sinusitis in the baby. Also, penicillin antibiotics are highly effective against streptococcal and staphylococcal infections. Unfortunately, penicillin can often cause allergies in infants, and then the doctor prescribes an antibiotic from a different group.
    • Vasoconstrictor drops. They are used as an anesthetic for otitis media, as such drops quickly relieve swelling and reduce pain in the ear. In addition to otitis media, they can be prescribed in case of prolonged difficulty breathing through the nose. Lack of oxygen due to impaired breathing can negatively affect the overall development of the body's nervous system. For newborns, drops with a mild effect, for example, Otrivin, are more suitable. “Vibrocil” or “Nasivin” is used after 1 year (we recommend reading:).

    • Antiseptic drops. “Protargol” is the most popular among mothers of infants. This silver solution is widely used among ENT specialists. It is important to follow the dosage when using it, since an overdose causes severe drying, tightening of the mucous membrane and accumulation of silver in the body.

    During allergies

    For the treatment of allergic rhinitis, antihistamines, vasoconstrictor drops, or hormonal medications can be prescribed if the baby has long-term nasal congestion. However, it usually goes away if all possible allergens are eliminated. To do this you need:

    • Do a high-quality wet cleaning in the room where the child spends most of his time. Take away everything that collects a lot of dust, this also applies to soft toys.
    • If possible, it is worth buying a humidifier and air purifier, a water filter (more details in the article:).
    • Conduct a check for certification and quality of children's products. This applies to toys, clothing, care products and formula.
    • Review the diet of a nursing woman.
    • If a runny nose appears at the initial stage of introducing complementary foods, reconsider the components of the infant’s menu.

    The cause of a runny nose may even be an allergy to certain complementary foods.

    Plays an important role in therapy proper care. First of all, it is necessary that the air in the toddler’s room is always clean, cool and humid. In addition, overheating should be avoided, as this will cause dry crusts to form in the newborn’s nose as a result of drying out mucous membranes, making it difficult to breathe through the nose.

    6 prohibited practices in the treatment of infantile runny nose

    There are a number of actions that should not be done when treating snot in a child. These include:

    1. Nasal rinsing. The consequences of such a procedure may be inflammation of the middle ear due to fluid entering the Eustachian tube during washing, or coughing, and in some cases laryngospasm, due to fluid entering the nasopharynx and pharynx.
    2. Use of sprays. At the age of up to one year, the baby does not yet know how to hold his breath when liquid is injected, which as a result can enter the lungs and the baby can choke. So the use of sprays is allowed only after reaching 3 years of age.
    3. Use of concentrated solutions. The child may get a burn to the mucous membranes, which causes a severe allergic reaction.
    4. Nasal instillation with oil solutions. There is an opinion that the oil causes the cilia of the epithelium to stick together, which reduces the protective functions of the nasal mucosa. Frequent use of such solutions is undesirable.
    5. Steam inhalations. Such procedures are dangerous due to burns of the body and respiratory tract, and laryngospasms.
    6. Treatment folk remedies, for example, instilling mother's milk. This approach can lead the baby to intensive care.

    Nasal sprays can only be used by older children

    The most common questions when a baby has a runny nose

    Infancy is an important period in the development and formation of a healthy body. To avoid unnecessary worries and worries associated with snot and its treatment, it is better to inquire with your doctor and ask him exciting questions. Among their many, the most frequently asked are:

    How long does a runny nose usually last?

    It all depends on the reason that caused it. In the case when it relates to the respiratory symptoms of ARVI, the duration ranges within 1 week. A bacterial infection is characterized by green or yellow discharge that lasts up to 2 weeks. If the snot does not stop after a two-week period, this indicates a possible allergic reaction.

    What is the treatment for a runny nose in a newborn?

    The basic principles of therapy are the same as those infants older. However, it is worth taking into account the anatomical features of the baby, such as the sensitivity of the mucous membrane and the narrowness of the nasal passages. Cleaning your nose should be done very carefully. It is important to monitor the dosage of medications and not overuse nasal vasoconstrictor drops and hormonal drugs.

    Subsequent use of a large number of topical medications during the neonatal period can lead to allergic rhinitis and dysbacteriosis of the intestinal microflora. In cases where a runny nose is physiological in nature, treatment is not required. The period of formation of the mucous membrane can last up to 10 weeks, it is accompanied by copious mucus secretions.

    What measures can be taken to help a baby with a severe runny nose?

    When a baby produces too much mucus and it accumulates in the nasopharynx, this is a direct path to otitis media. You should suck out the snot using special baby aspirators and continue to do this as mucus accumulates.

    Often mothers are concerned about how to remove green mucous discharge from the nose, because children do not yet know how to blow their nose like adults. Young children need mechanical assistance to clear their nasal passages. Cotton pads, previously dipped in a saline solution, or devices designed specifically for suctioning out snot can be used as an aid.

    Nasal aspirators are considered safe from the first days of life. However, they should be used only in case of acute rhinitis; for everyday care, it is better to use cotton wool pads. Syringes and small syringes are not suitable for such purposes, as there is a high risk of injury to the mucous membrane.

    You can remove mucous secretions using a mechanical or electric aspirator

    Another problem that parents of infants face is prolonged snot. A runny nose in a child 6 months and a year old can be a sign of teething and the symptom lasts until they erupt. Usually this is a clear liquid discharge without fever or other symptoms of ARVI. Also, if a child continues to sneeze with green or yellow discharge after an illness or cold, this indicates a complication or infection. It is necessary to resort to drug treatment, and sometimes antibacterial treatment.

    Inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by congestion, difficulty breathing, and sneezing, is called a runny nose. This simple and safe (misconception of many) disease can be isolated, or can be accompanied by other pathologies. Treatment of a runny nose in children under one year of age should be carried out with competent treatment and means, especially in infants, since there is a risk of developing serious complications.

    Types of runny nose in infants

    A runny nose is a commonly diagnosed inflammation of the nasal mucosa in children. It affects both teenagers and children school age, and newborns/infants. In medicine, it is customary to distinguish the following types of runny nose:

    1. Infectious. Occurs against the background of influenza, measles, acute respiratory viral infection.
    2. Catarrhal (chronic). For a long time, and the congestion does not go away either day or night.
    3. Allergic. All signs of a runny nose appear periodically and are most often associated with the seasons of the year - for example, grass blooms in the spring, poplar fluff flies in the summer, and ragweed blooms in the fall.
    4. Vasomotor. It is diagnosed in children with weakened immune systems, for whom even a small draft, provided they have warm clothes, threatens to develop into a runny nose.

    In the case of acute rhinitis (runny nose), three stages of rhinitis can be diagnosed:

    • dry;
    • wet;
    • purulent.

    Runny nose in infants - features of the course

    Newborns are characterized by the development of a physiological runny nose - a condition that is associated with the adaptation of the nasal mucosa to the outside world and independent breathing. In the womb, the child did not breathe through the mouth and nose - oxygen came through the blood through the umbilical cord.

    After birth, the body must get used to/adapt (go through a period of adaptation) to new living conditions and the nasal mucosa simply “calculates” the required amount of mucus that should be produced. It is during this period that the baby may experience nasal congestion and the presence of mucus.

    Read what is best to use nasal drops for a runny nose.

    With a physiological runny nose, the child does not experience discomfort and behaves absolutely calmly, so fever, whims and sleep disturbances cannot be associated with this condition.

    Symptoms of a runny nose

    For each stage of acute rhinitis (runny nose) there are symptoms:

    • at the beginning of the disease (dry stage)– the nasal passages are dry, young patients experience unpleasant sensations (“itching”), and mild headaches develop;
    • wet stage– mucus begins to accumulate in the nasal passages light color, the mucous membrane swells significantly and there is complete nasal congestion;
    • purulent– nasal discharge acquires a yellow-green tint, a stretchy and viscous structure.

    Snot in children is highly treatable, and in some cases, treatment of snot in children occurs without the intervention of doctors or the use of medications. If a runny nose lasts more than 3 weeks, then the risk of the disease becoming chronic increases significantly.

    You can familiarize yourself with the causes of nasal swelling without a runny nose.

    Diagnostic measures

    The doctor must differentiate a common runny nose from infectious diseases in which the symptoms may be similar - for example, diphtheria, measles.

    Treatment of runny nose in children from birth to 12 months

    The peculiarity of a runny nose in children under one year of age is a problem in its treatment. The fact is that the baby is not able to blow his nose and the release of mucus is difficult - it accumulates in the nasal passages, which can lead to the rapid development of chronic rhinitis.

    If a child sneezes and has snot, it is necessary to treat comprehensively:

    • provide the necessary humidity in the child’s room– you can use special humidifiers or place containers with water, hang wet rags over the radiators;
    • Clear your nose of mucus regularly using cotton wool for children under 9 months of age or an aspirator for older children.

    Many parents put mother's breast milk into their nasal passages because it is believed to have antibacterial properties - this is a mistake! It is much more effective to use a weak saline solution for instillation (5 grams of salt in half a glass of water).

    Drug treatment

    If an infant has a runny nose, then treatment should be extremely safe - in no case should you use drops and aerosols/sprays, for example, which are recommended for older children, to relieve symptoms!

    For babies aged 3 months and older, you can use Nazivin drops - they have a vasoconstrictor effect. If the baby is already 5 months old, then you can dilute the accumulated mucus in the nasal passages with a physiological solution of sodium chloride and then carry out the procedure of sucking out the liquid (aspiration). Find out how to properly rinse your child's nose.

    It is also possible to take homeopathic remedies approved by your doctor. No less effective means in the fight against runny nose is Aquamaris.

    According to the instructions, children can rinse their nose with Aquamaris from birth.

    TO good means for nasal congestion in babies aged 5-6 months include Otrivin, Xylene and Vibrocil. In the period from 7 months and older, you can safely drip Interferon - it has not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive effect.