Discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester - normal or pathological? What does white and watery discharge mean? Dangerous discharge during pregnancy photo

Discharge from the genital tract during pregnancy is a symptom that requires the closest attention of the expectant mother. By this sign you can judge whether everything is in order with a woman’s health. The nature of the discharge is of great importance at any stage of pregnancy, but today we will focus on late-stage secretion. There is very little left before the birth and it would be good if the expectant mother reached the finish line absolutely healthy. Let's figure out which discharges during pregnancy in the third trimester can be considered safe, and which accompany the development of a particular disease.

First, let's find out which picture should not alarm a pregnant woman. The physiological norm of discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester is considered to be transparent, whitish or beige mucus - it is this secretion that guarantees that everything is fine with the expectant mother. Such discharge in scientific terminology is known as leucorrhoea. They consist of dead, desquamated vaginal cells and natural bacterial microflora, which is usually present within the internal genital organs of a healthy woman. Pregnancy cannot proceed without the secretion of leucorrhoea. If a pregnant woman has no discharge at all or it is very scanty, it is worth consulting a gynecologist about this.

The discharge of leucorrhoea is accompanied by every stage of pregnancy development - the mucous substance is a product of the activity of the hormonal system of the female body. As the expected date of birth approaches, the nature of the discharge changes: the leucorrhoea becomes thinner and there is a lot of it. This metamorphosis occurs under the influence of the female sex hormone estrogen. Liquid discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester does not pose a danger to mother and baby. Ideally, leucorrhoea does not bother or embarrass a woman. They have a neutral odor and are not accompanied by itching or burning. Daily pads (they need to be changed every 3 hours) will help the expectant mother feel as comfortable as possible.

Brown discharge in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

If traces of brown or brownish mucus with a noticeable smell of raw meat appear on your underwear, you need to make an appointment with a doctor. Such a picture at a late stage of the “interesting” position means that a certain amount of blood has penetrated into the natural mucus. Only a doctor can determine the nature of the mucus and decide whether a pregnant woman needs emergency hospitalization. In most cases, brown discharge is a serious reason for the expectant mother to go to the hospital. Sometimes there is a need for medical supervision of a pregnant woman until birth.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, such discharge, or brown leukorrhea (as this phenomenon is scientifically called) is a sign of blood loss in the vessels that nourish the uterus. Such blood loss is not dangerous to the life of the fetus, but small but regular bleeding deprives the baby of a full volume of oxygen. Hospitalization of the mother in this case allows doctors to protect her from any stress and closely monitor the well-being of the baby in her womb.

Alternatively, the appearance of brown mucus in a pregnant woman in the third trimester of pregnancy may signal placenta previa. The incorrect location of the baby's place in the uterus determines the method of delivery. Doctors will examine the pregnant woman and decide how the baby will be born - naturally or through a cesarean section.

Yellow and green discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester

Pathological mucus that occurs during late pregnancy does not always have a brown tint. Also, expectant mothers are faced with leukorrhea that has a greenish or yellow tint. Such vaginal secretion is a serious reason for an urgent visit to the antenatal clinic.

Quite often, yellow discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester indicates the presence of a sexually transmitted disease in the mother. For example, gonorrhea is expressed by the obvious yellowness of the sexual secretion. If the yellow color of the mucus changes quickly green tint, things are bad - this is a signal of an acute inflammatory reaction or the obvious presence of a dangerous infection in the female body.

However green color mucus does not always indicate danger - if the expectant mother is undergoing treatment and takes antibacterial agents, then this type of discharge can be caused by these medications. Then the appearance of greenish leukorrhea indicates a correctable disorder of the vaginal microflora, nothing more.

In any case, the expectant mother has no right to draw conclusions based on information received from any Internet resource. Only a doctor can determine a reliable diagnosis.

Sometimes it turns out that yellow spots on underwear are not mucus, but just traces of urine. Then the pregnant woman has no reason to worry. Leakage, when urine is released literally drop by drop, occurs at those moments when the expectant mother briefly tenses - for example, laughs or sneezes. It will not be possible to do anything to eliminate such a delicate problem - you can’t argue with physiology. The discomfort will disappear immediately after the baby is born.

Thick vaginal discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

When there is very little time left before giving birth, the level of estrogen in the blood of the expectant mother rises, and the blood itself begins to intensively flow to the woman’s genitals. As a result, the nature of the discharge may change from liquid to thicker mucus. As a rule, shortly before the baby is born, the discharge takes on the consistency of raw egg white. This is considered the norm provided that the thick leucorrhoea does not smell of anything. A thick, unpleasant-smelling, yellowish secretion indicates the development of a bacterial infection in the body. Let's run to the doctor!

Thickening of the vaginal leucorrhoea and the acquisition of a sour odor indicate candidiasis. This condition is popularly called thrush. A yeast infection appears as the body's response to a surge in hormones during late pregnancy. White curdled discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester requires urgent treatment, otherwise the same infection attacks the child during childbirth. The modern pharmacological market offers a wide range of drugs to combat thrush, but you should not start self-medication, since in this case the expectant mother risks not only her health, but also her child.

Thick secretions from the genital tract can also be a sign of chlamydia or bacterial vaginosis. The first infectious disease is sexually transmitted, the second is the result of an imbalance in the body and in the cervical canal. The attending physician is informed about the alarming symptom as early as possible - pathologies that are not treated in time result in premature birth, as well as infection of the newborn baby. Children whose mothers encountered bacterial vaginosis during the third trimester of pregnancy and struggled with it for a long time are often born miniature and premature.

Doctors say that the easiest way to prevent the appearance of pathological yellow leucorrhoea during pregnancy is by maintaining careful hygiene of the genitals. In addition, natural yoghurt must be present in the expectant mother’s diet - this is a reliable prevention of the development of fungal infection.

Watery discharge during late pregnancy

Practice shows that during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, many women experience the discharge of watery leucorrhoea. The condition requires immediate diagnosis - the pregnant woman may be leaking amniotic fluid. The situation is not critical, however, it is regarded as pathological condition. The expectant mother may be admitted to the hospital to observe her for a while, find out what factor caused the leakage and, of course, eliminate it.

Pink discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

Let’s also consider a situation where a woman develops pink leucorrhoea shortly before giving birth. Obviously, this color of mucus is provided by the admixture of blood present in it. You should always pay attention to this condition, even if the discharge is pale and the pink tint is barely noticeable. So, how dangerous is this state of affairs during late pregnancy?

Pink mucus may bother the expectant mother after she has been examined by a gynecologist. In this case, there is slight damage to the delicate walls of the vagina by a gynecological speculum or vaginal sensor of an ultrasound machine. But such discharge is short-term in nature: from several minutes to a couple of hours. Very soon, all damaged mucous membranes return to normal and the leucorrhoea loses its pinkish tint. However, as you understand, we are talking about an examination during the 1st or 2nd trimester of pregnancy. The reasons for the appearance of pink leucorrhoea during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester are completely different.

Pale pink mucus is a known symptom of cervical ectopia. The pathology concerns the condition of the epithelium of the internal genital organs and does not pose a danger to the mother and her baby. A woman should seriously address this problem after giving birth. However, the origin of the disease is of no small importance for the mother and child. If during the examination it turns out that cervical ectopia appeared due to the development viral infection in the body, the problem will most likely be solved by surgical medication.

Another reason for the appearance of pinkish and clearly pink discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy may be placental abruption. But unlike cervical ectopia, this is a very dangerous condition for the tandem of mother and baby. A pregnant woman requires urgent hospitalization if the doctor confirms the diagnosis. Most often, the placenta exfoliates prematurely if it experiences a heavy load due to polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies. To save the child from progressive hypoxia, doctors stimulate natural labor or initiate emergency delivery by cesarean section.

If you are nearing your due date, pink, gelatinous discharge mixed with brownish streaks or lumps on your underwear is most likely a mucus plug that has been protecting your pregnant uterus throughout your pregnancy. Most often, the cork comes out in parts and this process can last from several hours to several weeks. Naturally, you need to immediately inform your obstetrician-gynecologist about what you see.

In any case, the expectant mother should first of all listen to herself: if pinkish discharge poses a danger, she will feel it. Perhaps the mucus will smell unpleasant or be accompanied by some kind of general malaise.

Discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy: let's summarize

While carrying a child, a woman by nature is supposed to be calm and peaceful. So, let's once again summarize what is important to remember about vaginal discharge so as not to worry in vain.

  1. White discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester does not bode well, but this does not apply to foul-smelling mucus accompanied by a burning sensation.
  2. If the baby is due to be born very soon, the presence of thick and dense mucus on the underwear indicates the passage of the uterine plug, opening the way for the baby. Within 2 – 3 days the long-awaited meeting will take place! A brownish secretion shortly before the expected date of birth indicates the imminent onset of labor.
  3. Vaginal secretion, colored in any color other than white and pure beige, is often a symptom of a particular condition (disease). There are many reasons (fungal activity, infection or STD) why the physiological color of leukorrhea at the final stage of pregnancy becomes yellow, greenish or brown. In this case, you need to seek help from doctors. The doctor will either rule out the presence of pathology and reassure the expectant mother, or prescribe the woman adequate treatment so that her health returns to normal as soon as possible without any consequences for the fetus.

For more than six months now, the baby who “settled” there six months ago has been living and developing safely in his mother’s tummy. Without any special complications, mommy entered the 7th month, which means the third trimester of pregnancy has begun: the last stage and meeting with such a dearly beloved baby.

The baby is already practically formed, and now his organs and systems are being actively improved. The baby gradually gains weight and grows, his movements become more and more noticeable: either the baby will push from the inside with his hand, or he will rest with his foot. If at the beginning of the third trimester movements are frequent, then as the period increases the baby has less and less space in the uterus, movements become less frequent, but stronger, sometimes even painful.

Over the previous period, the uterus has significantly increased in size - the mother’s tummy has become rounded and proudly protrudes forward; as the pregnancy increases, the woman feels more and more clumsy and helpless, and by the end of pregnancy she often cannot tie her shoelaces without outside help.

Late pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of training contractions, the so-called Braxton-Hicks contractions, through which the uterus “warms up” in preparation for the upcoming birth.

An increase in urination is also considered normal for this period: the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, “forcing” it to empty itself more often. At the same time, a significant size of the abdomen provokes frequent pain in the lower back and back; phenomena such as swelling and varicose veins veins

From now on, mom should take care: rest more often while lying down with her legs elevated on a pillow, regularly spend time in the fresh air, taking long 2-hour walks. It is very important to continue to monitor your weight: normally, the increase should not exceed 300 g per week.

Nausea in the third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester, like the first, is considered a rather difficult and dangerous period of pregnancy, so a woman needs to carefully listen to her feelings and pay close attention to any changes in her condition. After all, if in the first trimester nausea, as one of the “components” of toxicosis, is considered normal, then nausea in the second trimester of pregnancy may indicate a serious complication - gestosis. Preeclampsia in the second half of pregnancy poses a sufficient threat to the development of the fetus and to the health of the mother; other signs indicating it, in addition to nausea, may be a sharp jump in weight, significant swelling, and increased blood pressure.

In addition, nausea in the third trimester of pregnancy may indicate problems with liver function, possible poisoning (some women even share memories of how nausea in their case was a consequence of iron poisoning).

But, at the same time, experts reassure, nausea does not necessarily signal any serious problems, but can only be caused by changes in the size of the uterus, which now pushes the stomach upward, occupying most of the abdominal cavity.

Be that as it may, it is advisable to immediately and without hesitation consult a doctor: finding out whether such a condition poses a threat is possible only with specialized intervention.

Discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the nature of the discharge may either remain the same or change somewhat - both in the absence of blood in the discharge, abdominal pain, and qualitative changes in the discharge are considered normal. So, discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy can be thick, liquid and even watery, the main thing is that it does not mix with bad smell, the discharge was not curdled or foamy and was not accompanied by itching or burning. The appearance of yellow or greenish discharge, as well as discharge with unpleasant smell against the background of discomfort indicates the addition of an infection. It is necessary to establish what pathogen caused such qualitative changes during an examination by a doctor, who will prescribe adequate treatment.

A more dangerous situation is considered to be one in which the discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy takes on the character of bleeding. In this case, most likely, we will talk about low placentation, when the placenta fits too tightly to the uterine os or extends onto the cervix; scarlet blood with this diagnosis can be separated after physical effort or sexual intercourse.

In addition, bleeding can be caused by premature placental abruption: external bleeding is then similar to menstrual bleeding, accompanied by unpleasant and even painful sensations in the abdomen. If even blood clots appear in the discharge, and especially if their appearance is accompanied by pain, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible. After all, it is quite possible that the situation poses a certain danger; bed rest may be required, and in some cases, hospitalization. In addition, if the placenta does not take over on its own in the future correct position, the birth will be carried out by caesarean section. In the worst case, with poor indicators, there may even be a need to stimulate premature birth.

If the pregnancy is not accompanied by such complications and everything goes on as usual, then a few days before giving birth the mother will still encounter changes regarding discharge. So, at some point in the last stages, thick mucous discharge, colored pink, will make itself felt. This is a mucus plug, the release of which indicates the immediate proximity of the onset of labor: when the mucous plug comes out, you should be prepared for labor contractions to begin any day now.

Ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy

Ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy is a mandatory routine examination, usually performed at 32-34 weeks. The task of the latter, actually “prenatal” ultrasound examination- assessment of the development of the baby’s organs and systems, as well as determination of readiness maternal body for the upcoming birth. So, during an ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy, the doctor assesses the size of the fetus and confirms the date of birth, determines the correspondence of fetal development to the scheduled date of delivery.

The presentation of the fetus is determined during an ultrasound examination, which makes it possible to determine the tactics of labor management (breech or breech presentation may be an indication for caesarean section). The purpose of ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy is also to determine the degree of maturity of the placenta and its location, assessing the uteroplacental and fetoplacental blood flow.

As on more early stages, in the third trimester of pregnancy, ultrasound can detect fetal development. Although gross pathologies can be determined during the first and second planned ultrasound, some diseases of the baby, for example, renal hydronephrosis (fluid in the kidneys), appear only towards the end of pregnancy. Having identified this or that pathology, the doctor will be able to decide on further tactics: a premature delivery may be necessary or a decision will be made on surgical intervention immediately after the birth of the child.

Colds in the third trimester of pregnancy

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the risk of catching a cold increases again, and at this stage, colds again pose a fairly serious danger. Although at the beginning of the third trimester the placenta sufficiently provides a barrier to the penetration of viruses and infections, in some cases the placental barrier may not work, allowing pathogens to pass to the baby. Viruses entering the amniotic fluid can be dangerous if they “break through” the weakened placental barrier: the child may swallow toxic water, which can lead to serious complications.

A cold is dangerous in the third trimester of pregnancy and its “ability”, if prolonged, can lead to premature birth. In the late “prenatal” stages, a cold significantly complicates the process of childbirth - a woman’s weakened body copes with childbirth with great difficulty. In addition, colds in the last stages of pregnancy often become an indication for hospitalization - immediately after birth, the baby is isolated from the mother in order to avoid an attack of infection on the infant’s defenseless body.

A cold in the third trimester of pregnancy requires mandatory and immediate treatment, which is further complicated by the ban on most medications. First of all, the patient will need bed rest - under no circumstances should you suffer a cold on your feet. Approved remedies for the treatment of colds are strictly regulated; by and large, only decoctions based on medicinal herbs and their roots are used (for gargling and oral administration), saline solutions (for rinsing the nose and gargling), inhalations using, again, medicinal herbs and with the addition of soda and salt. By the way, the expectant mother should also be careful with herbs; not all of them have an exclusively and guaranteed positive effect. Experts include linden blossom, coltsfoot, plantain, licorice (teas), as well as thermopsis herb, calendula flowers, oregano, chamomile, marshmallow root or herbs (decoctions for expectoration). You can gargle a sore throat with a decoction of chamomile with the addition of soda, and use saline solutions or drops to rinse your nose.

To prevent colds, first of all, you should avoid places with large crowds of people, especially during the “virus rampant” seasons. In addition, it would be a good idea to dress according to weather conditions, avoid drafts, and follow a diet that includes sufficient amounts of vitamins.

Temperature in the third trimester of pregnancy

But it is not always possible for a pregnant woman to endure a cold without an increase in temperature: viral and infectious diseases, as is known, are very often accompanied by a reaction of the body in the form of a temperature syndrome. And in this case, many problems can also arise: heat weakens the placental barrier and makes the baby vulnerable to viruses and infections. Therefore, it is also necessary to “understand” the temperature, but this must be done competently and in accordance with certain rules.

Thus, experts recommend not lowering the temperature to 37.7-38 degrees, and if the temperature rises significantly, use exclusively folk remedies. But we are not talking about rubbing with vinegar or vodka - although such actions can reduce the temperature, they can also harm the baby due to the penetration of toxic substances into the skin and blood. But a safe “helper” in the fight against high fever is a warm drink: warmed milk with honey, linden blossom decoction, tea with raspberries and lemon, dried fruit compote. Warm drinks help you sweat and therefore reduce your temperature by releasing sweat.

It is also not recommended to lie down under a warm blanket or wear woolen socks at elevated temperatures, because this can, on the contrary, increase the temperature even more. As an antipyretic as a last resort - if teas and decoctions do not help - a one-time dose of Paracetamol is allowed. Under no circumstances should you use Aspirin! This drug can provoke uterine bleeding and is toxic to the fetus.

And one more thing: in some cases, a temperature in the third trimester of pregnancy at levels of 37-37.4 degrees can be considered normal. A slightly elevated temperature may be due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and increased level progesterone in the body.

Nutrition in the third trimester of pregnancy

Nutrition in late pregnancy is of great importance for the normal well-being and full development of the child. Now the baby is almost fully formed and is actively gaining weight; the mother’s task is to “provide” him with the nutrients and beneficial substances necessary for this. Thus, nutrition in the third trimester of pregnancy must include a daily intake of protein, the source of which is boiled lean meat and fish. But a pregnant woman should be careful with fish: some types of fish contain quite a large amount of mercury, which is harmful to the baby. The optimal “option” for a woman is cod, salmon, tuna, but it is better to avoid king mackerel. Again, eggs, dairy and fermented milk products will provide your baby with protein and additional calcium.

It is advisable to enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits - a sufficient amount of fiber will prevent constipation, and vitamins and minerals will maintain vitality and the body in good shape. Useful products for pregnant women at any stage, including in the third trimester of pregnancy, are beef, beef liver, pomegranate and tomato juice, which maintain hemoglobin levels and prevent the development of anemia.

It is better to avoid flour products, confectionery products, sweets, and sweet soda for a while - they can provoke additional weight gain, which is undesirable during pregnancy. In addition, you should exclude fatty and spicy foods from your diet: in addition to the fact that such food can cause heartburn, it also retains fluid in the body and the development of edema. To avoid such a situation, you should limit your salt intake, and also carefully maintain a water-drinking balance: the amount of liquid consumed per day should not exceed 1.5 liters, including juices, soups, milk, and fruits.

It is better to take food in fractions, often and in small portions, eating when there is a need for it. Food should be healthy and natural; it is better to avoid fast food and all kinds of semi-finished products. In general, your daily calorie intake should be about 3,000 kcal.

Vitamins in the third trimester of pregnancy

Vitamins in the third trimester of pregnancy are still “relevant” and necessary, both for the mother and for the baby, who is growing by leaps and bounds. Of course, the optimal option is considered to be one in which the expectant mother receives all vitamins and microelements from food - and therefore such attention is also given to the issue of balanced nutrition. But it happens that a woman may be advised to take additional vitamins; in this case, the choice of the most suitable multivitamin complex should be discussed with a doctor. So, what vitamins must be supplied to the body of the expectant mother in the third trimester of pregnancy?

Vitamin A- necessary for the growth and development of the baby’s skin, bones, mucous membrane of the eyes, for the normal functioning of the mother’s liver and immune system, as well as for the prevention of anemia (promotes the absorption of iron);

B vitamins- participates in the creation of the baby’s blood cells and prevents the occurrence of seizures in the mother;

Vitamin C- strengthens the walls of blood vessels, supports the immune system, however, exceeding the dose is not recommended, as this may lead to the development and/or worsening of preeclampsia;

Vitamin E- prepares the baby’s lungs for independent breathing, reduces the threat of premature birth;

Vitamin K- takes part in the regulation of blood clotting, prevents possible bleeding;

Vitamin D- together with calcium, maintains the normal state of bone tissue, required for the development of the child’s bones and teeth.

Sex in the third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester, actually the final stage of pregnancy, the woman is already looking forward to the moment when the hassle associated with bearing a child and its subsequent birth will be a thing of the past. Since by the end of a woman’s pregnancy, expectant parents have even more “tasks” (by the time of contractions you should be fully “fully armed”, having taken care of the baby’s supplies in advance), intimate pleasures somewhat fade into the background. And the expectant mother’s sexual desire “fades away” somewhat: a large belly makes it difficult to move normally and turn over in bed, debilitating heartburn makes itself felt from time to time, the pregnant woman becomes increasingly tired and increasingly requires rest.

This means that a man will have to be as attentive and patient as possible to his wife in the situation, partially “pacifying” the desires of the flesh for a while. Thus, the third trimester of pregnancy is considered one of the most important and quite dangerous periods, during which it is advisable to limit sexual activity. This is especially important in the 8th month, when intense physical contact can provoke uterine contractions and cause premature birth.

You should not practice intimate caresses if the baby is in cephalic presentation - there is a danger of injury to the placenta during muscle contractions of the uterus. Sex is also prohibited in the third trimester if the amniotic fluid has already broken, when the child, in the absence of protection from the amniotic sac, is vulnerable to infections.

The doctor will tell the couple how much sex is possible in the third trimester of pregnancy. In general, if the pregnancy is progressing normally and without any serious complications, infrequent lovemaking is still acceptable, the main thing is to choose positions that allow you to avoid pressure on the stomach and excessively deep “male penetration.”

The birth of a new life leads to global transformations within the mother’s body: the hormonal background is rearranged, the outlines of the body acquire smoother lines, and the emotional state of the woman is radically different from the previous one. Vaginal discharge during pregnancy are also different different dates gestation. And it is the secretion of the gonads that often becomes an indicator of the well-being of the mother and her unborn baby.

In this article we will talk about what kind of discharge occurs during pregnancy, we will determine the normal variants and signs of a potential threat. To understand the essence of the issue more deeply, we will look at the problem in the context of the life stories of ordinary women.

Light discharge from the genitals

Olga, 25 years old: “Vaginal discharge at week 22 became watery, itching, burning and redness of the labia appeared. For what reason may such discharge appear during pregnancy in the second trimester? The tests during registration were clean.”

Anna, 26 years old: “I’m waiting for my first child. I have been monitoring my health very closely throughout this period. At the thirty-sixth week, more translucent mucus began to come out. I have to constantly change panty liners. What does this mean?"

As can be seen from the stories above, white discharge in a pregnant woman can have completely different consistency and accompanying symptoms.

First of all, it should be remembered that a change in the secretion of the sex glands is a natural and logical process, because fundamental changes occur in the female body.

Under the influence of progesterone

Until 8-10 weeks, the secretion is usually thicker and creamier. The reason for this lies in the active production of progesterone - one of the main hormones of the “interesting situation”.

Mucus plug formation

From the tenth to the thirteenth week, the secretion may become more liquid and will have a pronounced mucous character. This is also the norm for initial stage gestational age. The period up to the fourteenth obstetric week is marked by such an important event as the formation of a mucous plug - reliable protection of the unborn baby from infections and other adverse events. external factors.

Under the influence of estrogen

After week 14, estrogen “comes into play”, under the influence of which the leucorrhoea becomes more transparent and abundant. It is always worth remembering the individual characteristics of the body. In one case or another, the nature of secretion may vary. But the general trend continues. What kind of discharge should there be during pregnancy? this period? Natural leucorrhoea should have light shade(transparent to white-yellow). Moreover, symptoms such as irritation, itching, hyperemia, swelling, pain upon contact of the mucous membrane with urine should not be present.


If the listed symptoms occur, then such discharge is not considered normal. Sometimes the reason may lie in an allergic reaction to some personal care items (hygienic product, washing powder, synthetic fabric underwear, fragrance component of daily wipes). Even if such a reaction had not previously arisen, with the birth of a new life the situation could change dramatically.


When itching and hyperemia are complemented by a secretion in the form of grains of cottage cheese with a sour smell, then we are talking about fungal infection. This disease is popularly called “thrush”, and in the medical community – candidiasis. The disease can occur at any time, causing the woman increased discomfort with its manifestations. The cause of the development of the disease may be a decrease in immune defense or an imbalance in the vaginal microflora.

Fungal discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester requires mandatory treatment, since the baby may become infected at the time of delivery. That is why cheesy secretion at 9 months is a reason for a detailed conversation with the doctor about antifungal sanitation of the vagina before the approaching birth.

A common cause of profuse, watery leucorrhoea during any week of pregnancy is bacterial vaginosis.

Brown secretion: normal or pathological?

Marina, 27 years old: “An incomprehensible situation forced me to write. Or rather, discharge at 23 weeks. They Brown, homogeneous and intense. It would seem that nothing hurts, but I feel broken throughout my whole body. And the baby seemed to calm down - I didn’t feel his movements at all for a couple of days. It's getting scary."

Christina, 18 years old: “I found out that I’m pregnant.” One thing I don’t understand is how is this possible? There was no delay! My period came on time. True, we walked quite a bit and only 2 days. But they were! If I hadn’t started to feel sick, I wouldn’t have known for another month what a surprise awaited me!”

Alina, 30 years old: “The early stages of pregnancy went well - no problems or complications, but the discharge at week 30 turned everything upside down. She stumbled on the stairs and fell on her side. After that I saw several small drops of brown on the underwear. Almost spent on saving. But now let's go again. What is their reason?

Brown discharge can sometimes be completely harmless. An example is the so-called implantation bleeding, when on the 9-10th day after fertilization the fertilized egg implants into the uterine wall.

One of pathological reasons Brown or red-brown vaginal secretion in the first third of the term can cause ectopic implantation of the fertilized egg, which is extremely dangerous to the health and even life of the woman. See photo. Brown secretion in this case may precede the development of active bleeding. In parallel with the dark secretion, there may be pain in the area where the fertilized egg is supposedly located, as well as general malaise.

Brown discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy always indicates some kind of disorder.

Most often they are either the first signal warning or about a threat spontaneous miscarriage, or the onset of such an equally dangerous condition as placental abruption. In the first case, a woman may feel nagging or cramping pain in the abdomen and lower back, weakness, malaise and pressure fluctuations, and in the second, most often a deterioration in her health early stage not observed at all.

Frozen pregnancy

Another rather tragic reason why they go dark brown discharge– fading of fetal development. The gradual peeling of the membranes causes such secretion. At the same time, nagging pain may be felt in the lower abdomen and sacral region.

Cervical erosion

Brownish secretion can also be caused by erosive lesions of the cervix. In this case, the secretion becomes quite thin, and their number will increase after sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination. As the size of the uterus grows, especially in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, areas affected by erosion begin to bleed more intensely. You will be interested to see the photo. Follow the link to the article.

Blood on laundry: what could it mean?

Yana, 23 years old: “For what reason can bloody discharge appear in the ninth month of pregnancy? There are still about 20 days until the birth. In the evening I suddenly got sick and my stomach became like stone, and then I noticed traces of blood on my underwear. I feel fine, but somehow anxious? Should I run to the doctor tomorrow, or can it still work out?”

Polina, 27 years old: “Bleeding appeared at 27 weeks. I won’t say it’s a lot, but it’s a rich color. There is nothing at rest, but if I start to move actively, it starts to bleed. I'm on vacation. I wouldn’t want to interrupt my vacation for a frivolous reason. What could such vaginal discharge mean during pregnancy?”

Olga, 23 years old: “I am now in my fourteenth obstetric week. Suddenly blood began to flow with bubbles. I've never seen anything like this! Like foam! There was vomiting not because of the taste of the products, but even because of the smells of many. Sometimes, on the way to work, I had to get off the tram three times - such nausea. There is constant drowsiness and weakness. What is this strange discharge?

Bloody secretion is almost always dangerous. And it doesn’t matter, on the fifth obstetric week there is a woman or on the twenty-seventh. Each period has its own dangers.

The only exception may be bloody secretion at the time of implantation of the fertilized egg, but in such a case the amount of blood is so insignificant that calling it bleeding is a huge stretch.

In all other cases, the presence of blood will signal that the well-being of the expectant mother and her baby is at risk.

Ectopic pregnancy

If a woman develops bloody issues in the first trimester (approximately 6-13 weeks), accompanied by intense pain and deterioration in general condition, then this blood loss can be triggered by an ectopic pregnancy.

Hydatidiform mole

Another rare but probable cause of bleeding in the first three months of pregnancy is hydatidiform mole. The characteristic signs of this dangerous condition are: early acute toxicosis, malaise and, accordingly, a bloody secretion, its structure resembling foam.

Hydatidiform mole is a dangerous pathology that can provoke the development of an oncological process, so if suspicious symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Placental abruption

Placental abruption is a common cause of bleeding. In the vast majority of cases, a woman does not have pain, and blood appears during moments of physical stress and disappears at rest. Sometimes a woman first notices light red or pink marks on her underwear, which, as the pathology progresses, can abruptly give way to heavy bleeding. Detachment can lead to serious consequences, including the death of the fetus, so at the slightest suspicion you should call “ ambulance».

Mucus and blood with clots are characteristic signs of a frozen, ectopic pregnancy or an incipient miscarriage.

With all these abnormal processes, pain and malaise are present. Only a gynecologist can accurately name the cause of bleeding after conducting an appropriate examination.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy

Natalia, 32 years old: “At week 38, the discharge turned a rich yellow color. I read the reviews of girls on the forums, but could not understand what was happening to me. There are painful pulling sensations on the right side. Is it dangerous?"

Irina, 22 years old: “I’m now at the thirty-fourth week. The discharge is yellowish, quite liquid, and sometimes there is slight itching. I passed the tests, did an ultrasound - everything is fine. The doctor said not to panic and prescribed Linex to support the microflora. I didn’t notice any significant changes after the course. What should I do? Is this normal discharge?”

Light yellow discharge during pregnancy can be considered normal only if its quantity is moderate and there is no discomfort in the intimate area.

The reason for their appearance may be fluctuations in hormone levels. At the very beginning of the gestational period, such secretion can accompany the period of implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterine cavity.


If such vaginal secretion has a specific odor, causes swelling of the lips major and minor, itching of the vulva and painful sensations when emptying the bladder, then most likely the culprit is the addition of an infectious pathogen. For example, a similar picture can be observed when infected with chlamydia, gonorrhea or trichomoniasis. Gardenelosis is another opportunistic provocateur of dark yellow secretion from the vagina.

Leakage of amniotic fluid

Light yellowish discharge in later stages may well turn out to be leaking amniotic fluid. So, for example, at the 40th week of the gestation period - a sure sign that you should not hesitate to visit the maternity hospital - the baby is in a hurry to be born. Similar discharge in the second trimester is much more insidious. You should immediately seek the help of a doctor - there is a high risk of premature labor.

Purulent green secret: causes and dangers

Violetta, 24 years old: “I’m expecting my second child. Is green discharge normal at 14 weeks? They are not very strong, but their smell worries me - it smells like spoiled fish. What does this color of pregnancy discharge and this terrible smell indicate?”

Yulia, 22 years old: “Strange ones have appeared. They have a dark green color. The doctor insists on hospitalization and says labor needs to be stimulated. But I am against stimulation. I want my child to be born on his own, without the use of harmful medications. However, the way the discharge looks worries me. Are these symptoms normal? last weeks deadline?

Green discharge during pregnancy is not considered normal. They can occur both at the beginning of pregnancy, and in the middle, and in the last month of pregnancy. However, the reasons that cause them may be different in each case.

Purulent discharge in the first trimester, as well as in the second, is often explained by the active proliferation of pathogenic microflora resulting from STI infection. More often, in the presence of such a secretion, a diagnosis is made of “colpitis”, which is caused by various microorganisms (chlamydia, gonococci, streptococci) or “cervicitis”, caused by inflammation localized in the cervix.

Sometimes an imbalance in the vaginal microflora can provoke secretion with a greenish tint. In both cases, secretion is often accompanied by an unpleasant odor, irritation of the mucous membrane, and itching.

Greenish discharge late in pregnancy, especially if labor is delayed, may indicate a leak. amniotic fluid, stained with meconium. Postmaturity is fraught with the development of oxygen starvation of the fetus. If labor has not started before 42 weeks, you can’t delay any longer. It is necessary to induce labor artificially or resort to delivery by caesarean section.

When carrying a baby, every woman should pay a lot of attention to her health. It is necessary to include wholesome and healthy foods in the diet, as well as monitor physical activity. Hygiene of the external genitalia is also important during this period. The intensity and color of the mucus secreted indicates the condition of the mother's body.

Is mucous discharge in pregnant women normal or pathological?

After conception, a restructuring of the hormonal system occurs in the body of the expectant mother. This is reflected in the quantity and consistency of sexual discharge.

In the early stages of pregnancy, women secrete from the genitals a colorless, viscous, thick substance that looks like raw egg white. Small white clots may be observed in it. The increase in the amount of mucus secreted is explained by the fact that it closes the cervical canal, into which pathogenic microflora can enter from the genital tract.

At the beginning of the third month, sticky discharge, reminiscent of snot, becomes more abundant, and is often accompanied by nagging pain in the abdominal area. This should not cause concern to the expectant mother, since at 9-10 weeks the position of the uterus changes.

In the second trimester, a woman’s production of the hormone estrogen increases significantly (we recommend reading:). At the same time, the viscosity of the vaginal secretion released into the large quantities. At 21-22 weeks, the discharge becomes grayish or milky in color.

Discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester becomes even more abundant. If the mother is completely healthy, they have no smell. To avoid discomfort during this period, pregnant women are recommended to use panty liners.

Throughout the entire gestation period, the secreted secretion should be transparent without the presence of foreign odors. If the mucus produced has an unpleasant odor, is yellow, green, pink, or contains blood particles, you should seek medical help.

Causes of mucus formation during pregnancy

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The cervical canal is located inside the cervix, which opens into the vagina. It is covered by columnar epithelium, in which mucus is produced. The mucous membrane of the cervix contains a large number of endocervical glands, which secrete a viscous, viscous secretion that fills the cervical canal. This secretion prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the uterine cavity, as it has bactericidal properties.

Changes in hormonal levels in women affect the amount of vaginal discharge. Before conception, mucus production depends on a certain phase of the menstrual cycle. During pregnancy, the production of various hormones doubles, helping the mother cope with the increased load.

An increase in progesterone concentration in the first weeks of pregnancy leads to thickening of cervical mucus. The change in the consistency of the secretion is due to the need to protect the embryo from microorganisms that can enter the uterus from the vagina.

For normal development and maturation of the fetus in the third trimester, estrogens are necessary. They regulate the education of all internal organs and baby's bone tissue. The increased activity of hormones contributes to the release of a large amount of mucous secretions, which at this stage become more liquid.

Discharge color

The nature of vaginal secretion is one of the most important parameters, which can be used to determine how much the processes occurring in the mother’s body during pregnancy correspond to the norm. If a woman is healthy and pregnancy proceeds without abnormalities, clear mucous discharge that does not have a characteristic stagnant odor is considered normal. When the color of the secretion does not correspond to the norm, a woman should consult a specialist. The cause of unnatural changes may be the accumulation of pathogenic microflora, as well as various pathologies and infections that can pose a threat to the development of the child.

White discharge

Vaginal secretion white It is considered normal if it does not contain clots or blood impurities. Discharge similar to egg white is observed in women in the first months of pregnancy.

If white cheesy inclusions are noticeable in the transparent mucus, it has a pronounced beer smell and is accompanied by itching in the genital area, this may indicate the development of vaginal candidiasis in the mother. This disease requires mandatory treatment as it can cause serious complications.

White discharge in the third semester may indicate illness if the mother exhibits the following symptoms:

  • rashes on the body;
  • burning during hygiene procedures;
  • nagging pain in the abdomen and back;
  • the appearance of a putrid odor from the genitals.


Yellow jelly-like discharge is a sign of some sexually transmitted infections. Vaginal secretions acquire a yellowish tint due to a purulent process.

If the expectant mother notices that the mucus secreted in large quantities has become liquid and yellow, then most likely an infection with trichomoniasis has occurred. The characteristic symptoms of this disease are:

  • itching and burning in the labia area;
  • painful urination;
  • pustules on the vaginal mucosa;
  • yellow foamy discharge with a pungent odor.

If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic. Trichomoniasis can cause dangerous consequences for the health of mother and baby.

Very thick vaginal secretions with a yellow tint are a sign of gonorrhea. When the expectant mother becomes infected, nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen, burning in the genital area, pain during urination, swelling and redness of the labia.

If treatment is not started in time, the disease can cause spontaneous abortion. In women who have had this disease, there is a violation reproductive functions, which in most cases leads to infertility.

Green discharge

Green mucus during pregnancy indicates an inflammatory process in the genitals. Vaginitis (colpitis) is a group of diseases characterized by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. The causative agents of the disease are gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia, mycoplasma, Treponema pallidum, mycobacterium tuberculosis and other pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition, the discharge takes on a greenish tint when there is a threat of miscarriage or the pregnancy is fading. The same color of mucus is observed with bacterial vaginosis and cervicitis. The diagnosis is made based on the results of a gynecological smear examination.

The appearance of green discharge in the 3rd trimester may be a sign of inflammatory damage to the membranes (more details in the article:). Untimely treatment can lead to infection of the amniotic fluid, and subsequently the baby itself. Infected women have a high body temperature and an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood. To save a child in such a situation, long-term inpatient treatment is necessary.

Brown discharge

Mucous discharge during pregnancy acquires a brown tint when placental abruption occurs. This phenomenon has been observed in recent weeks due to excessive formation of amniotic fluid. To avoid fetal hypoxia in such a situation, it will be necessary to carry out procedures that accelerate the activation of labor.

Shortly before the baby is born, the mother may periodically experience brown, streaked discharge. This occurs due to the release of the mucus plug, which is a dense clot formed from the secretion of the cervical glands. During gestation, it performs a protective function. The plug blocks the cervical canal, creating a barrier between the uterine cavity and the external environment.

Pink slime

The cause of pink discharge is microcracks formed in the vaginal mucosa. They may appear as a result of mechanical damage during sexual contact, medical examination or collection of biological material. In this case, the color of the mucus returns to normal after 2-3 days.

Prolonged vaginal discharge pink shade is a characteristic sign of ectopia or erosion of the cervix. The cause of these diseases is infections of viral and bacterial etiology.

Bright pink streaks in the white mucus released by the expectant mother are a sign of a threatened miscarriage. The woman experiences severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the back.

In the last trimester, pregnant women often have pink droplets in their vaginal secretions. This phenomenon is considered normal because the body is preparing for delivery.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

The expectant mother should be wary of the appearance of discharge containing blood or pus, since this is a clear sign of infection, which can lead to spontaneous abortion. Associated symptoms When infected, there are nagging pains in the lower back, cramps in the lower abdomen, burning in the vagina, pain when urinating.

To eliminate the threat that has arisen, you must consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests. Timely diagnosis and treatment in most cases help to avoid dangerous consequences.

Treatment methods

The treatment method for the appearance of discharge containing blood elements depends on the established diagnosis. When a threat of miscarriage is identified, therapeutic measures are taken aimed at preserving the fetus and normalizing its further development. If the cause of bleeding is ectopic pregnancy, emergency surgery is required.

For vaginal candidiasis, the expectant mother is prescribed antifungal agents approved for use during pregnancy. Since the main cause of the disease is reduced immunity, a woman also needs to take medications that increase the body’s natural resistance.

If bacterial infections of the genital organs are detected, the pregnant woman must take a course of antibiotics. The choice of drugs for treatment is made by a gynecologist and depends on the severity of the disease. When prescribing medications with antibacterial properties, the doctor must take into account the likelihood of side effects on the body of the woman and baby.

Prevention measures

Pregnancy is an important period in the life of every mother. To give birth to a healthy and strong baby, she needs to take responsibility for her health throughout the entire nine months.

Heavy discharge in the initial stages is a normal physiological process. To avoid infection in the first trimester of pregnancy, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene. If there is intense vaginal secretion, it is necessary to use daily anion pads with antibacterial properties. They need to be changed several times a day as needed.

When choosing underwear, you should give preference to models made of natural material, since synthetics promote the growth of pathogenic bacteria. To restore vaginal microflora, it is recommended to take probiotics.

To avoid sexually transmitted diseases during pregnancy, you should only have sex with one trusted partner. If he has signs of infection, it is necessary to use barrier contraceptives.