What happens to the body after a miscarriage. Symptoms and causes of early miscarriage, what to do after. Treatment of spontaneous miscarriage

Miscarriage refers to the spontaneous termination of pregnancy. Up to 1/5 of all cases of conception end in miscarriage, and the likelihood of this pathological phenomenon is higher before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Symptoms of a miscarriage rarely go unnoticed, and sometimes this allows a woman to see a doctor in time, get treatment and keep the baby.

Spontaneous (spontaneous abortion), as doctors often call miscarriage, is classified into three types, depending on the timing of its onset:

  1. Interrupt biochemical pregnancy. In this case, the uterine cavity is cleared of the embryo during the first to third weeks of pregnancy, determined only by taking an analysis for the presence of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood and urine. A woman most often perceives the released blood as menstruation and does not even suspect that she could become pregnant.
  2. Early miscarriage (spontaneous abortion). Pregnancy is terminated before 22 weeks, and the weight of the fetus does not exceed 400 grams.
  3. Late miscarriage, or premature birth. In this case, the symptoms of the pathology are observed after the 22nd week of pregnancy, and the baby can often be saved.

What are the features of early incomplete miscarriage?

A woman's spontaneous miscarriage can be complete or incomplete. In the first case, all parts of the fetus and its membranes, as well as amniotic fluid, are excluded from the uterus. An incomplete miscarriage occurs when some parts of the fetus remain in the uterine cavity. Typically, incomplete miscarriage occurs in early pregnancy. Most often, the patient’s embryo is expelled, but the amniotic membranes are not separated.

To prevent serious consequences from developing, the woman needs cleansing and other treatment methods (for example, the administration of drugs that contract the walls of the uterus and push out blood and remnants of the membranes). Precisely because there is a possibility of incomplete miscarriage, an ultrasound of the genital organs should be performed after it. If the result of your first pregnancy was an early miscarriage, further attempts at conception should be made only after a thorough examination!

Probability of miscarriage by week of pregnancy

During gestation, there is a period that is most threatening for spontaneous termination of pregnancy. The risk of miscarriage is especially high during early- in the first month. If we consider the risk of pathology by week, it is as follows:

  • In the first trimester - 14-21 days, or the third week of pregnancy, as well as the period from 8 to 12 weeks.
  • In the second trimester, the threatening period occurs at 18-22 weeks of pregnancy, that is, the danger is great 4-5 months after conception.
  • In the third trimester, the period of possible premature birth usually occurs at 28-32 weeks of pregnancy, that is, spontaneous expulsion of the fetus occurs at 7-8 months of pregnancy.

The expectant mother should be especially careful during these periods and be sure to follow all doctor’s recommendations!

Why does a woman’s body reject the fetus?

The causes of miscarriage at a very early stage are most often associated with the presence of defects in the embryo that are incompatible with life. In this regard, treatment and attempts to maintain pregnancy until 12 weeks are not advisable. If a woman is unable to get pregnant for a long time, or she insists on preserving the fetus, doctors are often able to prevent a miscarriage. But a pregnant woman should be warned about the risk of genetic defects in the fetus and, if possible, undergo the necessary examination.

Early miscarriage may have the following reasons:

  • “breakdown” of genes during the fusion of egg and sperm (these reasons cause miscarriage of biochemical pregnancy at the earliest stage - in the first month);
  • disruptions in hormonal balance, diseases of the endocrine glands;
  • tumors of the reproductive system;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • severe pathologies of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels;
  • drug addiction, maternal alcoholism, toxic poisoning in the first month of pregnancy;
  • severe stress, nervous shock;
  • heavy physical activity, injuries;
  • history of abortion;
  • taking certain medications, x-ray examination.

Sometimes the causes of miscarriage are previous surgeries. abdominal cavity and uterus, infectious diseases (rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes, influenza, tonsillitis, any STIs). There are also immunological reasons for the threat of termination of pregnancy - for example, Rh conflict in parents.

The causes of late miscarriage are often due to inflammatory processes in the placenta or uterine cavity. Sometimes these reasons are associated with the pathological development of the placenta and disruptions in its functioning - with detachment, aging. The likelihood of miscarriage is high if the placenta at any stage stops producing the nutrients the baby needs. There are many factors that can provoke symptoms of spontaneous abortion at any stage, but some of them can be successfully prevented by the expectant mother.

Stages of miscarriage

Signs of a miscarriage can occur in a woman at the very beginning of the pathological process. In total, there are several stages during spontaneous abortion:

  1. Threat stage. If treatment is started at this time, the pregnancy can be maintained. Sometimes a woman has a risk of miscarriage throughout her pregnancy.
  2. The second stage, or the beginning of abortion. Even if the expectant mother went to the hospital not at the threat stage, intensive treatment measures often help save the baby.
  3. The third stage, or miscarriage, is in progress. In this case, the woman is already undergoing a spontaneous abortion, and this condition is irreversible. The fertilized egg dies and leaves the uterus completely or partially.
  4. The fourth stage, or completed abortion. The uterine cavity is cleared of fetal debris, and the organ restores its size. At this stage, it is imperative to do an ultrasound of the genital organs.

Threatened miscarriage: how to recognize the symptoms in time

Symptoms of threatened miscarriage in the early stages usually boil down to the following manifestations:

  • pain in the abdomen (in its lower part);
  • vaginal bleeding (usually the blood comes in the form of spotting scarlet or brown discharge within 1-3 days);
  • sometimes the pain becomes very severe and is accompanied by cramps.

If a woman did not know that she managed to get pregnant, she may mistake the symptoms of a threat for another menstruation. Therefore, experts clarify that there are indirect signs of miscarriage that distinguish it from menstruation. Among them:

  • diarrhea and nausea;
  • pain in the form of spasms;
  • weight loss;
  • blood from the vagina, alternating with mucus discharge;
  • aching pain in the lower back.

Symptoms of a threatened miscarriage can also appear late in pregnancy, more often at 4-5 months. In this case, subjective signs of pathology may include frequent nausea, nagging abdominal pain, reddish-brown discharge or bright blood spots, increased urge to urinate, and dizziness. The duration of the first stage of miscarriage is not necessarily short: sometimes this condition lasts several days and requires emergency hospitalization.

Clinical picture of an incipient miscarriage

At the second stage, when the miscarriage is already underway, the symptoms of the pathology become more noticeable. They boil down to cramping pain in the abdomen and sacrum, general weakness, and severe dizziness. Blood flows out of the vagina in the form of clots, and these secretions intensify with movement. Immediate consultation with a doctor at this stage in some cases leads to saving the baby, for which conservative or surgical treatment is performed.

Symptoms of miscarriage include sharp pain throughout the abdomen and lower back, significant blood loss and ovum from the uterus. If the fetus died a few days before delivery, the woman may see a small bubble gray, whole or divided into parts. In case of incomplete miscarriage, cleaning of the uterus (curettage) is urgently carried out, without which the consequences can be tragic.

What happens after a miscarriage and how long will the bleeding last?

Signs of a miscarriage are primarily uterine bleeding and pain, which occur with varying severity and duration for each woman. Blood flows because when the fetus detaches and passes through the birth canal, small vessels are injured, that is, wound surfaces are formed. You should definitely monitor how long the blood is released. Normally, this period is 4-10 days. If after 14 days you still experience bleeding, you should definitely consult a doctor and have an ultrasound done. Such symptoms may indicate infection of the uterus or the presence of remaining parts of the fetus in it. In some cases, a woman has to undergo surgery or undergo medication treatment.

Possible complications of miscarriage

The consequences of a miscarriage can be quite serious. Fortunately, any complications are rare, and in most cases the body independently releases parts of the embryo and membranes.

Sometimes a life-threatening miscarriage occurs in the later stages or when trying to induce it at home using improvised (folk) remedies. Complications include:

  • Septic abortion. An infectious lesion of the uterus can lead not only to severe inflammation in the pelvis, but also to sepsis.
  • Repeated miscarriages. For some women, improper treatment during the first failed pregnancy leads to further miscarriages or the inability to become pregnant.

Diagnosis of threatened miscarriage

The main method for identifying signs of miscarriage is ultrasound of the uterus. During the study, at the threat stage, segmental contractions of the organ walls are detected, which often resolves after hormonal treatment. If a miscarriage is visualized in progress, then an ultrasound will indicate detachment of the fertilized egg and a strong contraction of all the walls of the uterus. To find the cause of repeated abortions, genetic tests are often performed to look for “broken” chromosomes. Of great importance in diagnosing spontaneous abortion is the collection of anamnesis and the presence of clinical signs.

Drug treatment for threatened miscarriage

If a decision is made to continue the pregnancy, the doctor must do everything possible to make this happen. A woman is prescribed pills for miscarriage and injections, including:

  1. sedatives, restoratives;
  2. hormonal medications (usually containing progesterone, for example, Duphaston);
  3. antispasmodics to eliminate increased tone uterine walls;
  4. vitamins, especially often folic acid.

Such drugs will help a woman in the early stages of pregnancy. If the threat of miscarriage continues at a later stage, a ring is placed on the cervix or it is sutured.

Treatment after miscarriage: pills

If it is not possible to stop a spontaneous abortion, the doctor chooses one of the following tactics:

  1. Expectant. In case of a complete miscarriage, the woman does not require any treatment, and within 2-6 weeks her reproductive system will recover from the pathological process.
  2. Drug treatment of miscarriage. It consists of taking special tablets that will complete the removal of parts of the fetus from the uterine cavity.
  3. Surgery. It will be required if there are complications or structural features of the woman’s genital organs (for example, if the uterus is bent).

Miscarriage pills are also used to perform medical abortion(misoprostolol). After taking them, strong contractions of the uterus occur within 24-72 hours, resulting in a miscarriage. After such treatment, an ultrasound of the uterus should be done to record its complete cleansing of the remnants of the membranes.

Curettage (cleaning the uterus) after a miscarriage

Cleaning the uterus should be done if the fetal rejection was partial. Cleaning, or curettage, is sometimes ignored by the doctor or the patient herself, which can lead to severe inflammatory processes and even the inability to become pregnant in the future.

Before cleaning, the woman is given an enema and pubic hair is removed. The anesthesiologist will select the type of anesthesia depending on the indications and contraindications. Using speculums and dilators, the doctor opens the cervix, and then uses a special curette to remove the fertilized egg and its membranes. Then the uterine cavity is curetted to prevent inflammation. After a miscarriage, a histological examination of the collected material is required. After a woman has undergone cleansing, she must follow all doctor’s prescriptions during the rehabilitation period. Sexual activity after curettage is excluded for 2 months.

How to restore moral health after a miscarriage

If the physical body works normally 1-2 months after a spontaneous abortion, then the woman’s psychological well-being can take much longer to recover. Often a failed mother tries to get pregnant right away, but this is strictly prohibited. Life after the loss of a child is difficult, but you shouldn’t become isolated and drive yourself to despair. If a woman develops depression, it will not be easy to get out of it. Some ladies experience anger and rage, others experience melancholy, and others look for a way out in alcohol. To relieve post-abortion stress disorder, it is better to visit a qualified psychologist and maintain contact with loved ones. A woman should remember that previously restoring moral health is another step towards the next attempt to get pregnant and finally become a mother!

Sex life after miscarriage

Usually the menstrual cycle resumes a few weeks after a miscarriage. Therefore, you should use the usual methods of contraception, since getting pregnant during this period is extremely undesirable. But sex life should not be started earlier than 1.5 months after spontaneous abortion (after curettage, this period is extended to 2 months). Otherwise, inflammation and damage to tissues that have not yet recovered may begin.

Pregnancy after miscarriage: when to plan

You should try to conceive again no earlier than 6-12 months after the miscarriage. Some women strive to get pregnant after the menstrual cycle has normalized, but this is only possible with complete physical and moral rehabilitation. In other cases, planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage causes great fear in the woman, and the couple stops trying. Therefore, you should act as your own heart tells you, but do not rush. It is better to carefully prepare for future motherhood and prevent the tragic story from repeating itself.

How to prepare for a new pregnancy

If you are unable to get pregnant after a miscarriage, or abortions are repeated again and again, you should undergo an examination to identify the cause of such events. The diagnostic program, in addition to histological examination of the membranes and embryo, should include:

  • tests for all STIs;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • tests for hormones, including those produced by the thyroid gland;
  • blood glucose level;
  • general clinical studies;
  • genetic tests (as prescribed by a doctor);
  • tests for the biocompatibility of the blood of spouses.

Preparing for pregnancy after a miscarriage should include proper nutrition, taking vitamins (especially vitamin E, folic acid), refusal of both spouses bad habits and excessive coffee consumption. Since an overdose of vitamins A and D can cause a miscarriage, you should inform your doctor about taking medications containing them. Sometimes a woman is recommended to be vaccinated against certain infectious diseases, for example, rubella, chickenpox.

Prevention of miscarriage

It is not always possible to insure against spontaneous termination of pregnancy, since it is impossible to take into account various gene mutations and the influence of chronic diseases. But there are several tips that, if followed, will bring real results in preventing miscarriage. Among them:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition;
  • combating physical inactivity and stress;
  • weight normalization;
  • taking vitamins.

All recommendations are suitable for implementation even before pregnancy. After conception, you should avoid putting stress on your stomach, not take alcohol even in small doses, visit your doctor regularly and take all the medications he prescribes. Even after the first failure, you should not despair, because with the right approach, most women will experience the joy of motherhood!

Miscarriage is known to be the reason why 20% of all pregnancies end. Typically, such spontaneous abortion occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, so it is during this period that special care must be taken. Often, a miscarriage occurs when a woman does not even suspect that she is pregnant, and perceives the discharge after a miscarriage as another menstruation.

The causes of miscarriage vary - stress, heavy lifting, unhealthy lifestyle or a strong fall. Many young girls who find themselves in a situation want to provoke a spontaneous abortion, without thinking about the consequences of a miscarriage. Fear of parental wrath or lack of Money encourage young and inexperienced women to act rashly, the consequence of which may be infertility. The consequences after a miscarriage can be different, depending on the period of time the woman consults a doctor. Timely detection of a miscarriage sometimes helps doctors save the life of the child, while delaying seeking medical help can lead to the death of the mother.

In view of all the above data, every woman needs to know what the causes, symptoms and consequences of miscarriage are in order to protect herself from such an unfavorable process.

Symptoms, causes and consequences of miscarriage

The most common symptom of an impending miscarriage is bleeding, which should alert a pregnant woman. They also talk about a possible miscarriage and back pain, dizziness, pain in the uterus and ovaries. The consequences of a miscarriage, in addition to physical illness, infertility and illness, can also be psychological. Some women recover within a few months; for some, depression may last more than a year. The best way to get rid of this consequence of a miscarriage - a new pregnancy.

The causes of miscarriage cannot always be identified; the most common among those that were identified during studies of this process in the female body are hormonal disorders, genetic predisposition, genital infections, uterine disorders, chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus that are incompatible with life, various infections, tissue rupture and autoimmune factors.

The most common cause and consequences of miscarriage is a lack of progesterone in a woman’s body, the most important hormone for maintaining pregnancy. It is this hormone that is responsible for the success of implantation of the fertilized egg, and, accordingly, its lack in the mother’s body leads to rejection of the fertilized egg. An equally common cause of miscarriage is an excess of male sex hormones - androgens, which suppress the production of progesterone and tarragon. For a successful pregnancy, the genetic compatibility of the future parents is no less important. If the mother’s blood Rh factor is negative and the father’s is positive, the woman’s body will perceive the fetus as a foreign body and begin to reject it.

Serious consequences after a miscarriage are observed when a woman turns to remedies traditional medicine to provoke spontaneous abortion. The longer the pregnancy, the higher the risk of death for the mother, since, having decided to provoke a miscarriage with the help of traditional medicine, she does not take into account that the tissues of the formed fetus will begin to come out along with the discharge after the miscarriage, and some of the dead tissues and membranes will remain in a woman's uterus. Therefore, the longer the pregnancy, the more tissue will be in the uterine cavity, and the correspondingly higher the risk of death, since these tissues begin to rot inside the woman, poisoning the body.

The consequences of a miscarriage in early pregnancy are not serious and do not threaten the life and health of the woman. Gynecologists advise, for preventive purposes, to perform curettage of the uterus after a miscarriage, and then, after 2 weeks, to perform a control ultrasound.

It is widely believed that the consequence after a miscarriage is repeated termination of pregnancy. Alas, according to statistics, it is true, but it occurs only in cases where the cause of the miscarriage has not been established, or, having established it, the woman has not undergone adequate treatment.

Thus, the consequences of a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, if a woman consulted a doctor on time and did not use traditional medicine, do not have a negative impact on her life. In cases where health care If not provided on time, uterine bleeding may occur, accompanied by large loss of blood, which cannot be stopped independently at home.

Consequences of miscarriage: prevention

Prevention of this condition is a necessary measure for every woman in whose life a miscarriage has occurred. At first glance, a number of necessary measures to neutralize the possibility of a miscarriage seem to be a difficult task, but if you think about it, the consequences of a miscarriage can be so dire that any difficulties become not so impossible.

First of all, a woman who wants to get pregnant should prepare for this event in advance. Both she and the future father of the child must undergo thorough examinations to check their genetic compatibility, because a miscarriage can also occur due to incompatibility of Rh factors. If the results of the examinations are negative, then the woman should be prepared for the fact that the preservation of the desired pregnancy will begin at an early stage.

In the presence of any infectious diseases, high-quality treatment of the body is necessary, and only after that can we talk about conceiving a child. During pregnancy, remembering the consequences of a miscarriage, it is better for a woman to visit crowded places less often, avoid stressful situations and generally try to receive only positive emotions.

If the expectant mother has bad habits such as smoking and abuse alcoholic drinks, pregnancy planning can only take place a year after getting rid of them.

Women whose first pregnancy occurs at the age of 35-40 years should be especially attentive to their own health, regularly examined at the antenatal clinic and by a gynecologist.

Of course, no one can be notified in advance about force majeure situations, so the risk of injury and stress is always present in the life of every pregnant woman. The only thing a woman can do is to avoid physical activity, discuss with her doctor the possibility of using sedatives such as valerian or motherwort tincture in stressful situations, and, of course, avoid bumps and falls on the stomach.

One in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage; More than 80% of miscarriages occur in the first 3 months of pregnancy. However, their actual number may be underestimated, since most occur in the early stages, when pregnancy has not yet been diagnosed. No matter when your miscarriage occurs, you may feel shock, despair and anger. A sharp decrease in estrogen can cause a decline in mood, although most women become depressed without it. Best friends or even family members sometimes refer to what happened as a “bad period” or “a pregnancy that wasn’t meant to be,” which only adds to your grief. Many women feel guilty, thinking that something wrong was the cause of their miscarriage. What if it's because of the weights you've been lifting at the gym? Because of the computer at work? Or over a glass of wine with lunch? No. Remember that the vast majority of miscarriages are due to chromosomal abnormalities. Only a small proportion of women (4%) with a history of more than one miscarriage suffer from some kind of disease that requires diagnosis and treatment. It is important to find moral support after the incident. Give yourself time to go through all 4 stages of grief—denial, anger, depression, and acceptance—before you try to get pregnant again. Understand that this is an illness and share your pain with someone you trust. Your partner is grieving the loss just as you are, now is the time to support each other. Finally, remember that in most cases, even women who have miscarriages go on to have healthy children in the future.

Classification of miscarriage

Spontaneous miscarriages can be classified according to many criteria.

Of practical interest are classifications based on differences in gestational age, degree of miscarriage development (pathogenetic sign) and clinical course.

Spontaneous - miscarriages are distinguished:

  1. By gestational age: a) early - in the first 12-16 weeks of pregnancy, b) late - in 16-28 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. According to the degree of development: a) threatening, b) beginning, c) in progress, d) incomplete, e) complete, f) failed. If spontaneous miscarriages recur during successive pregnancies, they speak of a habitual miscarriage.
  3. According to the clinical course: a) uninfected (not febrile), b) infected (feverish).

At the core pathogenesis Spontaneous miscarriage may be due to the primary death of the fetal egg due to toxicosis of pregnancy, acute and chronic infections, hydatidiform mole, etc. In such cases, reactive changes usually occur in the pregnant woman’s body, entailing contractions of the uterus with the subsequent expulsion of the dead fertilized egg. In other cases, reflex contractions of the uterus occur primarily and precede the death of the fetal egg (secondary death of the fetal egg), which occurs from a disruption in the connection of the fetal egg with maternal body due to detachment of the placenta from its bed. Finally, both of these factors, i.e., contractions of the uterus and death of the egg, can be observed simultaneously.

Until 4 weeks of pregnancy, the fertilized egg is still so small that it takes up an insignificant place in the total mass of the falling membrane. Contractions of the uterus can completely or partially remove the falling membrane from its cavity. If the part of the membrane in which the egg is implanted is removed from the uterine cavity, a spontaneous miscarriage occurs, which the pregnant woman either does not notice at all or mistakes for heavy menstrual bleeding. By removing part of the falling membrane that does not contain the fertilized egg, the egg can continue to develop after the contractions have stopped. In such cases, slight bleeding from the pregnant uterus may even be mistaken for menstruation, especially since a small amount of menstruation-like discharge sometimes occurs in the first month of pregnancy. Further observation of the pregnant woman reveals the true picture.

If contractions of the uterus precede the death of the fertilized egg and cause its detachment from the bed in the area of ​​the decidua basalis, where a rich vascular system is developed, a short but severe bleeding occurs, quickly bleeding the patient, especially if half or a region is detached.

The closer to the internal os of the uterus the egg is implanted, the more severe the bleeding. This is explained by the lower contractility of the uterine isthmus compared to its body.
Sometimes the fertilized egg of early pregnancy exfoliates entirely and, having overcome the obstacle from the internal uterine os, descends into the cervical canal. If at the same time the external pharynx turns out to be impassable for the egg, it seems to get stuck in the canal of the cervix and stretches its walls, and the cervix takes on a barrel-shaped appearance. This form of miscarriage is called cervical abortion (abortus cervicalis).

Miscarriage in late dates pregnancy (after 16 weeks) proceeds in the same way as premature birth: first, the opening of the uterine pharynx occurs with wedging of the amniotic sac into it, then the opening of the amniotic sac, the birth of the fetus and, finally, detachment and birth of the placenta. In multiparous women, the membranes often remain intact, and after the opening of the uterine pharynx, the entire fertilized egg is born entirely at once.

Types of miscarriage

Depending on what was discovered during the examination, your doctor may name the type of miscarriage you experienced:

  • Risk of miscarriage. If you are bleeding, but the cervix has not begun to dilate, then this is only a threat of miscarriage. After rest, such pregnancies often continue without further problems.
  • Inevitable miscarriage (abortion in progress). If you are bleeding, your uterus is contracting and your cervix is ​​dilated, a miscarriage is inevitable.
  • Incomplete miscarriage. If some of the tissue of the fetus or placenta is expelled, but some remains in the uterus, this is an incomplete miscarriage.
  • Failed miscarriage. The tissues of the placenta and embryo remain in the uterus, but the fetus died or did not form at all.
  • Complete miscarriage. If all the tissue associated with the pregnancy comes out, it is a complete miscarriage. This is common for miscarriages occurring before 12 weeks.
  • Septic miscarriage. If you develop a uterine infection, it is a septic miscarriage. Urgent treatment may be required.

Causes of miscarriage

Most miscarriages occur because the fetus does not develop normally. Abnormalities in a child's genes and chromosomes are usually the result of random errors during the division and growth of the embryo - not inherited from the parents.

Some examples of anomalies:

  • Dead egg (anembryony). This is a fairly common occurrence and is the cause of almost half of miscarriages in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Occurs when only the placenta and membranes develop from a fertilized egg, but no embryo.
  • Intrauterine fetal death (frozen pregnancy). In this situation, the embryo is present, but it dies before any symptoms of miscarriage appear. This also occurs due to genetic abnormalities of the fetus.
  • Bubble drift. Hydatidiform mole, also called trophoblastic disease of pregnancy, is uncommon. This is an abnormality of the placenta associated with disturbances at the time of fertilization. In this case, the placenta develops into a rapidly growing cystic mass in the uterus, which may or may not contain an embryo. If the embryo does exist, it will not reach maturity.

In some cases, the woman's health status may play a role. Untreated diabetes, thyroid disease, infections, and hormonal imbalances can sometimes lead to miscarriage. Other factors that increase the risk of miscarriage include:

Age. Women over 35 have a higher risk of miscarriage than younger women. At 35 years of age the risk is about 20%. At 40 years old, about 40%. At 45 - about 80%. The age of the father may also play a role.

Here are the possible causes of miscarriages:

Chromosomal abnormalities. During fertilization, the sperm and egg each contribute 23 chromosomes to the future zygote and create a set of 23 carefully selected pairs of chromosomes. This is a complex process, and the slightest disruption can lead to a genetic abnormality, which will stop the growth of the embryo. Research has shown that most miscarriages have a genetic basis. The older the woman, the more likely such anomalies are.

Hormonal imbalance. About 15% of miscarriages are mediated by hormonal imbalances. For example, insufficient progesterone levels can prevent the embryo from implanting into the uterine wall. Your doctor can diagnose the imbalance through an endometrial biopsy, a procedure usually performed at the end of the menstrual cycle to assess ovulation and the development of the lining of the uterus. Treatment uses hormonal drugs that stimulate the development of the embryo.

Uterine diseases. Fibrous tumor of the uterus can cause miscarriage; Such tumors often grow on the outer wall of the uterus and are harmless. If they are located inside the uterus, they can interfere with implantation of the embryo or blood flow to the fetus. Some women are born with a uterine septum, a rare defect that can cause miscarriage. The septum is a tissue wall that divides the uterus in two. Another reason may be scarring on the surface of the uterus, as a result of surgery or abortion. This excess tissue can interfere with embryo implantation and also impede blood flow to the placenta. A doctor can detect these scars using x-rays, and most are treatable.

Chronic diseases. Autoimmune diseases, heart, kidney or liver disease, and diabetes are examples of disorders that lead to approximately 6% of miscarriages. If you have any chronic illness, find an obstetrician-gynecologist who specializes in pregnancy management for such women.

Heat. It doesn't matter how healthy a woman is normally if you have heat(above 39 °C) in the early stages, this pregnancy may end in miscarriage. Elevated temperature is especially dangerous for an embryo up to 6 weeks.

Miscarriage in the 1st trimester

During this period, miscarriages occur very often, in approximately 15-20% of cases. In most cases, they are caused by a fertilization anomaly, which causes abnormalities in the chromosomes of the fetus, making it non-viable. We are talking about a mechanism of natural selection, which does not imply anomalies on either the mother's or the father's side.

Physical activity has nothing to do with it. Therefore, you don’t have to blame yourself for the fact that you, for example, didn’t get enough rest, nor feel responsible for it. A miscarriage that occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy does not require further special examination, except in cases of two or three consecutive spontaneous abortions.

Miscarriage in the 2nd trimester

From the 13th to the 24th week of amenorrhea, miscarriages occur much less frequently - approximately 0.5%) and, as a rule, are provoked by infection or abnormal opening (gaping) of the cervix. For preventive purposes, you can do a cerclage of the neck, and in case of infection, take antibiotics.

What does not cause miscarriage?

These daily activities do not cause miscarriage:

  • Physical exercise.
  • Lifting or physical exertion.
  • Having sex.
  • Work that excludes contact with harmful substances. Some studies show that the risk of miscarriage increases if the partner is over 35 years old, and the older the father, the greater.
  • More than two previous miscarriages. The risk of miscarriage is higher if a woman has already had two or more miscarriages. After one miscarriage, the risk is the same as if you have never had a miscarriage.
  • Smoking, alcohol, drugs. Women who smoke and drink alcohol during pregnancy have a greater risk of miscarriage than women who do not smoke or drink alcohol. Drugs also increase the risk of miscarriage.
  • Invasive prenatal examinations. Some prenatal genetic tests, such as human chorionic villus or amniotic fluid testing, may increase the risk of miscarriage.

Symptoms and signs of spontaneous miscarriage

Often the first sign of miscarriage is metrorrhagia ( vaginal bleeding occurring outside of menstruation) or palpable contractions of the pelvic muscles. However, bleeding is not always a symptom of a miscarriage: we are often talking about a disorder in the 1st trimester (it affects one woman in four); in most cases, pregnancy continues unimpeded.

A threatened miscarriage (abortus imminens) begins either with the destruction of the falling membrane, followed by cramping contractions of the uterus, or with the occurrence of contractions, followed by blood discharge from the uterus - a sign of the beginning detachment of the fertilized egg from its bed. The initial symptom of a threatened miscarriage is, in the first of these options, slight bleeding, in the second, cramping contractions of the uterus. If the process that has begun does not stop, it moves to the next stage - the state of an incipient miscarriage.

Thus, the diagnosis of a threatened miscarriage is made if there is a sign in pregnancy based on one of the mentioned symptoms - minor cramping pain in the lower abdomen and sacrum and slight bleeding from the uterus (or both symptoms together), provided that there is no shortening of the cervix uterus and opening of the uterine pharynx. With a two-handed examination performed during contractions, the uterus is compacted, and the compaction remains for some time after the patient has stopped feeling pain from contractions.

Incipient miscarriage (abortus incipiens).. At this stage of miscarriage, cramping pain in the abdomen and sacrum and blood discharge from the uterus are simultaneously observed; both of these symptoms are more pronounced than in the stage of threatened miscarriage. As with a threatened miscarriage, the cervix is ​​preserved, the external os is closed. The compaction of the uterus during contractions is more pronounced than during a threatened miscarriage. If the connection with the uterus is broken only on a small surface of the fertilized egg, for example, less than one third, its development can continue and the pregnancy is sometimes carried to term.

As the process progresses, contractions intensify and become painful, as during childbirth; bleeding also increases. The cervix shortens, the pharynx gradually opens, up to the size necessary for the passage of the fertilized egg. During a vaginal examination, due to the opening of the cervical canal, an examining finger can be inserted into it, which palpates parts of the exfoliated ovum here. This stage of the development of a miscarriage is called abortion in progress (abortus progrediens). In such cases, the fertilized egg is born partially or entirely.

When only parts of the fertilized egg are expelled from the uterine cavity, they speak of an incomplete miscarriage (abortus incom-pletus). In such cases, the main symptoms are: heavy bleeding with large clots, which can lead to acute and severe bleeding of the patient, and painful contractions. A two-manual gynecological examination reveals blood clots, often covering the entire vagina, a shortened and softened cervix, patency of the cervical canal along its entire length for one or two fingers; the presence in the vagina, in the cervical canal and in the lower part of the uterine cavity of parts of the exfoliated fertilized egg, if it was not expelled from the uterus before the examination, an increase in the body of the uterus, some softening (uneven), roundness and pain, short-term contraction of the uterus under the influence of the examination and etc.

A complete miscarriage (abortus completus) is said to occur when the entire fertilized egg is expelled from the uterus. A vaginal examination reveals that the uterus has decreased in volume and is dense, although the cervical canal is open, the bleeding has stopped, only scanty bleeding is observed; After 1-2 days, the cervix is ​​restored and the cervical canal closes. However, although the fertilized egg is expelled from the uterus as if entirely, in the cavity of the latter there are usually still fragments of the falling membrane and villi that have not lost contact with the uterus, etc. When the uterus has expelled the fertilized egg entirely, it can only be decided after clinical observation of the patient and repeated two-manual gynecological examination. In all other cases, it is more correct to clinically consider each miscarriage as incomplete.

A failed miscarriage is recognized after clinical observation on the basis of cessation of growth of the uterus, which had previously increased in accordance with the duration of pregnancy, and then its reduction, the appearance of milk in the mammary glands instead of colostrum, a negative Ashheim-Tsondeka reaction (appears no earlier than 1-2 weeks after death of the fertilized egg), minor bloody discharge from the uterus, and sometimes the absence of them.

One or another stage of development of a miscarriage is established (which is of great practical importance) based on the mentioned signs of each of them.

Complications of miscarriage may include the following: pathological processes.

  1. Acute anemia, which often requires immediate intervention. If a woman who has a miscarriage is healthy in all other respects, especially if the body’s compensatory ability is full, then with timely and appropriate measures taken to combat acute anemia, death from the latter is very rarely observed.
  2. Infection. During a miscarriage, a number of conditions are created that favor the development of the septic process. These include: an open uterine pharynx, which makes it possible for microorganisms from the cervical canal and vagina to penetrate into the uterine cavity; blood clots and remnants of the fertilized egg located in the uterine cavity, which serve as a good breeding ground for microorganisms; exposed placental area, which is an entrance gate easily permeable to microorganisms; the patient's exsanguinated state, which reduces the body's resistance to infection. In each case, it is necessary to determine whether there is an infected (febrile) or uninfected (non-febrile) miscarriage. An infected miscarriage will be indicated by the presence of at least one of the following signs: high temperature, palpation or percussion pain in the abdomen, pain in the uterus not associated with its contractions, as well as pain in its appendages and fornix, admixture of pus in the blood flowing from the uterus, general intoxication phenomena. body (fast pulse, depressed or excited state of the patient, etc.), if they are not caused by other reasons, etc.
  3. Placental polyp. The formation of such a polyp is usually observed in cases where a small part of the placental tissue is retained in the uterine cavity. Blood oozing from the uterine vessels due to insufficient contraction of the uterus gradually permeates the remaining placental tissue, then layers on it, organizes and takes on the appearance of a polyp. The lower pole of the polyp can reach the internal pharynx, which does not contract completely due to the presence of a placental polyp (like a foreign body) in the uterus. This process is accompanied by slight bleeding from the uterus, which can last up to several weeks or even months, periodically intensifying. The entire uterus contracts poorly. When the polyp reaches a size that causes uterine irritation, contractions begin and bleeding intensifies.
  4. Malignant degeneration of the epithelium of chorionic villi retained in the uterus - chorionepithelioma.

Treatment of spontaneous miscarriage

The main issue that should be resolved at the first examination of a pregnant woman with signs of miscarriage is the possibility of maintaining the pregnancy. At proper care and treatment of a patient with a threatened miscarriage and, somewhat less frequently, with an incipient miscarriage, pregnancy can be saved; Once a miscarriage has developed, it is impossible to maintain the pregnancy. From this follows the doctor’s tactics when treating a patient with spontaneous miscarriage.

Having established the presence of a threatening and incipient miscarriage, the pregnant woman is immediately placed in maternity hospital, where a medical and protective regime should be organized. Its necessary elements are bed rest, physical and mental rest, strengthening faith in maintaining pregnancy (psychotherapy, hypnosis), normal or, if necessary, extended sleep, etc.

Drug treatment is carried out taking into account the identified etiological factors that caused the miscarriage. But since this is difficult to establish in most cases, medication measures are aimed at increasing the viability of the fertilized egg and eliminating the increased excitability of the uterus. Prescribe sodium bromide (1-2% solution orally, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day), glucose (20 ml of a 40% solution intravenously once a day), it is useful to keep the patient on outdoors(V winter time frequent inhalation of oxygen); for infectious etiologies, injections of penicillin (50,000 units every 3 hours) and other drugs are used; if there are contractions - opium preparations (opium tincture 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day orally or opium extract 0.015 g in suppositories - 2-3 suppositories per day); Progesterone injections are effective (5-10 mg daily for 10 days). After this, take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course after 5-10 days. Continuous injections of large doses of progesterone over a long period of time sometimes have an adverse effect on the course of pregnancy, in particular on the viability of the fetus.

Vitamins A, B2, C, D, E are also useful. They are prescribed in their pure form or products containing these vitamins are recommended: fish fat, brewer's yeast, etc.

The administration of ergot, ergotine, quinine, pituitrin and other similar hemostatic agents is strictly contraindicated and is a gross medical error, since they increase uterine contractions, and at the same time contribute to further detachment of the ovum.

If these activities do not give the desired effect, bleeding and contractions intensify and the miscarriage moves to the next stage - abortion is in progress, it is not possible to maintain the pregnancy. In such cases, in the first 3 months of pregnancy, if there are no contraindications (infected miscarriage), they resort to instrumental emptying of the uterine cavity - removal of the fertilized egg or its remains from the uterine cavity, followed by curettage.

After 3 months of pregnancy, the patient is prescribed conservative treatment: cold on bottom part abdomen, quinine (0.15 g orally every 30-40 minutes, 4-6 times in total) and alternated with injections of pituitrin 0.25 ml every 30-45 minutes, 4-6 times in total. After the birth of the fetus, the placenta, if it is not born on its own, is removed with a finger inserted into the uterine cavity, and its remains are removed using curettes.

In the postoperative period, bed rest, application of cold to the suprapubic area, uterine contractions are prescribed: liquid ergot extract - 25 drops 2 times a day, ergotine 1 ml intramuscularly 2 times a day, etc. With a fever-free course of the postoperative period and good general condition and the patient’s well-being can be discharged 3-5 days after surgery. Before discharge, a thorough general and necessarily special gynecological (two-handed) examination must be performed.

Treatment of patients with an infected, febrile miscarriage is carried out either strictly conservatively (medications), or actively (surgery), or actively expectantly (elimination of infection followed by instrumental removal of the remaining fetal egg). When choosing a method of managing a patient, you should be guided by her general condition and the severity of the infectious process.

In this case, they distinguish:

  1. uncomplicated infected miscarriage, when only the fetal egg or the fetal egg along with the uterus is infected, but the infection has not spread beyond the uterus;
  2. complicated infected miscarriage, when the infection has spread beyond the uterus, but the process has not yet been generalized;
  3. septic miscarriage, when the infection is generalized.

Complicated infected and septic miscarriage is usually observed with criminal intervention for the purpose of expulsion.

When treating patients with an infected uncomplicated miscarriage, some obstetricians prefer immediate instrumental evacuation of the uterine cavity. Another, large part of obstetricians adheres to the active expectant method: for 3-4 days the patient is prescribed bed rest and drugs that tonic the muscles of the uterus (cold on the lower abdomen, orally quinine, pituitrin, ergot preparations, etc.) and aimed at eliminating the infection ( sulfa drugs, antibiotics). After the signs of infection disappear, the uterine cavity is carefully emptied surgically.

Finally, a number of obstetricians prefer strictly conservative management of patients, without any intrauterine intervention. For this purpose, the above remedies are supplemented with injections of estrogen hormone, pituitrin or thymophysin, given orally castor oil etc., in order to stimulate uterine contractions and promote spontaneous expulsion of the remaining fertilized egg from the uterus. Instrumental emptying of the uterus is resorted to only in case of severe bleeding that threatens the patient’s life.

With any of the listed methods of managing patients with an infected uncomplicated miscarriage, measures are taken to increase the patient’s body’s defenses and tone. This is achieved good care, a rational diet, easily digestible, high in calories, containing a sufficient amount of vitamins, and other activities.

Having tested for many years each of the listed methods of treating patients with uncomplicated infected miscarriage - incomplete and complete, we were convinced of the advantages of the active expectant method. We resort to urgent instrumental evacuation of the uterus only in exceptional cases, when severe bleeding from the uterus threatens the patient’s life and must be stopped immediately.

Treatment of patients with a complicated infected miscarriage, i.e. when the infection has spread beyond the uterus, should only be conservative, since surgical intervention in such cases usually leads to the occurrence of peritonitis or sepsis. Surgical intervention may be necessary only in those exceptional cases when sudden bleeding of the patient and incessant bleeding from the uterus create an immediate threat to the patient’s life.

When treating patients with missed miscarriage, competing methods are expectant-observational and active - one-stage instrumental evacuation of the uterine cavity.

Considering the danger that threatens a pregnant woman when a dead fertilized egg is retained in the uterus, caused by infection, intoxication, malignant degeneration of villi, etc., one should strive to empty the uterine cavity as soon as the diagnosis of the disease is definitely established. In case of a failed miscarriage, treatment begins with the prescription of drugs that stimulate uterine contractions and thereby provoke the onset of a miscarriage: injections of estrogen hormone 10,000 units are made daily for 2-3 days. After this, 60 g of castor oil is given orally, and after half an hour, hydrochloride quinine is given 6 times, 0.2 every 30 minutes; after taking the fourth quinine powder, make 4 injections of pituitrin, 0.25 ml every 15 minutes. Then a hot vaginal douche is prescribed, and the temperature of the liquid should not exceed 38° for the first time; in the future it is gradually increased within the limits of the patient’s endurance. Often, the fetus lingering in the uterus is expelled completely or partially without instrumental intervention, which is subsequently resorted to to remove the remnants of the fetal egg.

Even in cases where this method of treatment does not lead to the goal, i.e., the expulsion of the fertilized egg retained in the uterus, it is useful, as it increases the tone of the uterine muscles. This creates favorable conditions for subsequent surgical removal of the fertilized egg: with a well-contracted uterus, bleeding rarely occurs during and after the operation and there is no perforation of the uterus during the operation.

Treatment for placental polyp consists of instrumental removal (curettage).

Prevention of spontaneous miscarriage

Prevention of spontaneous miscarriage should precede or begin with the appearance of its first symptoms. In the antenatal clinic, at the first visit to a pregnant woman, those women who have a history of spontaneous miscarriages or premature births, especially when there were several of them (“habitual miscarriage”, “habitual premature birth”), and women with various pathological conditions, which can cause spontaneous miscarriage. Preventive measures consist of prescribing anti-inflammatory treatment, correcting the abnormal position of the uterus, combating toxicosis of pregnancy, hypovitaminosis, eliminating and preventing mental and physical trauma; in appropriate cases - prohibition of sexual intercourse during pregnancy, transfer to a lighter type of work, etc.

Pregnant women with a “habitual miscarriage,” as well as those with threatened and incipient miscarriage, should be placed in a maternity hospital, in a pregnant ward. Of great importance is strengthening the patient’s faith in the possibility of maintaining pregnancy, as well as carrying out therapeutic measures: maintaining rest, extended sleep, prescribing progesterone, painkillers, drugs that reduce uterine excitability, multivitamins, especially vitamin E, etc.

If deep ruptures of the cervix occur during childbirth, its integrity must be restored immediately after childbirth. If this has not been done, then in order to prevent further spontaneous miscarriage, it should be performed before the next pregnancy. Plastic surgery on the neck - restoration of its integrity.

The course of treatment after a miscarriage includes prescribing the necessary medications to prevent the consequences of this difficult event, and most importantly, diagnosing and eliminating the cause of the miscarriage.

In addition to the gynecologist, a woman must also be observed by a general practitioner, cardiologist, endocrinologist, or urologist in order to exclude the presence of other diseases of the body, which may also be concomitant factors for termination of pregnancy. To identify the causes of a miscarriage, it is necessary to take tests for hidden infections, hormones, and undergo an ultrasound. Examination and treatment after spontaneous miscarriage are recommended not only for the woman, but also for her partner.

Planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage

Until the next time you try to conceive you must wait at least 6-12 months. During this time, the body will regain strength, and you will undergo the necessary course of treatment. In addition to medication, try to lead a healthy lifestyle. Give up bad habits, unbalanced nutrition and stress.

Many women resort to treatment after a miscarriage folk remedies- These are various herbal preparations and decoctions. However, you should not self-medicate without first discussing it with your doctor. Herbs, if used incorrectly, can cause harm and delay treatment for an even longer period. Therefore, it is better to trust modern medicine.

A miscarriage is the spontaneous interruption of embryo development in the early stages of pregnancy. Loss of pregnancy can occur in any trimester. In the early stages the fetus dies, last weeks there is a chance to save the baby. If a girl has a miscarriage, then after it the body should be restored so that complications do not arise.

Possible complications after a miscarriage

Any type of termination of pregnancy leads to severe consequences. Therefore, girls are not recommended to have abortions early age. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes restructuring. Physical changes and hormonal changes occur in it.

After the development of the fetus is interrupted, it has to change again and adapt to the normal regime. Hormonal imbalances impair the functioning of all organs, which can lead to serious pathologies.

In addition, the following complications may occur due to miscarriage:

  • Isthmic - ecclesiastical insufficiency. Pathology appears due to severe damage to the cervix. Most often it occurs during the first abortion while carrying the first child. This is due to the fact that the cervix is ​​not elastic enough during the first pregnancy. Therefore, during an abortion, when the canals expand, she is injured. The likelihood of a cyst developing increases.
  • Low attachment of the egg. During an artificial abortion (surgical operation), the endometrium, on which the placenta is fixed, is damaged. After scraping, the tissues become thinner and adhesions form on them. It takes quite a long time for the endometrium to recover. Therefore, if the next pregnancy after a miscarriage occurs early, there is a possibility that the embryo will not be able to attach to the walls and the girl will be diagnosed with fetal diligence.
  • Rhesus conflict. If a pregnancy is terminated, the risk of Rh conflict increases, provided that the girl has a negative blood type. Due to curettage, the concentration of oxytocin in the female body increases, which causes an acute form of Rh conflict.
  • Uterine rupture. If the walls of the uterus are weak and loose due to repeated miscarriages, then the vagina may not withstand such pressure. As a result, during a new pregnancy, the uterus ruptures.

To avoid serious consequences and preserve the body, you need to take care of your health immediately after an interruption. The girl must take care of herself and take all possible measures so that the next pregnancy does not end the same way. The recovery period is quite long, but it is important to complete it fully.

How long does it take to bleed after a spontaneous abortion?

After a miscarriage, a woman begins to bleed (often dark red or brown in color). This is due to the fact that when the fetus is detached, the vessels of the uterus are damaged, which causes internal bleeding. During this period, the risk of infection of the genital and reproductive organs increases. Therefore, a girl should be very careful when using various methods protection.

If after a miscarriage there is a delay in menstruation and severe chest pain, then the reason for this is the remainder of placenta particles in the womb. This can occur in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. In this situation, the test done will show positive result, because hCG level does not decrease due to the presence of fetal remains inside. If this complication occurs, surgical cleaning will be required.

How long does it take to bleed? It is impossible to give exact figures for how long the bleeding will last, since the body is female. Everyone needs different time for recovery and healing. According to doctors' reviews, on average, bleeding stops within 7–10 days. If heavy menstruation has not stopped after 2 weeks, then you need to consult a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe tests, and you may need to undergo an ultrasound. During this period, hCG drops significantly, which can be dangerous to health.

Pathological bleeding is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • weakness, fatigue;
  • constant feeling of sleepiness even after waking up;
  • toxicosis;
  • migraine;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • prostration.

All these signs with prolonged release of blood particles indicate that pathological processes have arisen in the body that require drug treatment.

Lifestyle after miscarriage

While recovering from a miscarriage, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. During this period, hygiene, nutrition and sex life play an important role. In addition, it is important that the girl can recover both mentally and physically.


After an interruption, it is important to adhere to the following rules regarding female hygiene:

  1. In a day water treatments are carried out at least 2 times. It is advisable to take a warm shower 2-3 times a day. Taking hot baths and steaming during this period is prohibited, as this may increase bleeding due to vasodilation. It is also not recommended to swim in open reservoirs, the sea and public showers.
  2. During the first days of sick leave, a woman is only allowed sanitary napkin. On days 4–5, you can use tampons. It is necessary to change gaskets 5-6 times a day, regardless of contamination.
  3. When washing the body and vagina, it is best to use sulfate-free natural detergents. It is advisable to use baby soap and shower gel. It is not recommended to use deodorants, creams and body lotions/milks, as they can cause irritation in the groin area.


Often girls complain that their lower abdomen hurts after an abortion. If the doctor does not identify gynecological complications, then the problem is in digestion. Therefore, the girl is recommended to adjust her diet. It will help improve metabolism, launch recovery processes in the body, and increase muscle tone.

The girl’s menu should include the following products:

  • lean poultry meat;
  • fish;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • greenery;
  • tea, fruit drinks, juices, purified drinking water;
  • porridge;
  • durum pasta.

Sex life

Since after premature pregnancy The woman’s uterus and vagina are injured, increasing the risk of infection. You can't have sex. If we talk about how long it takes to have sex again, the gynecologist should warn the spouses that sex is allowed only 1–2 months after a miscarriage. Over time, the walls of the uterus will recover, and it will be possible to gradually try to establish intimate life. But not before the deadline.

Physical rehabilitation

After an abortion, the girl must stay in the hospital for 2-3 days under the supervision of doctors. Restorative procedures will help heal damaged areas and quickly return the ovaries to full function.

The doctor prescribes medication, which includes:

  1. Prophylactic antibiotics (To reduce the risk of infectious complications).
  2. Anti-inflammatory antibiotics (Relieve inflammation and acute pain).
  3. Contraceptives for oral administration (Regulon).

The patient is prescribed drugs to increase progesterone levels (Duphaston) and immunoglobulin to quickly restore the body and minimize the risk of Rh conflict. To restore blood vessels, the drug Borovaya uterus is prescribed.

To eliminate the risk of complications, it is recommended:

  1. Avoid sex for at least 1 month.
  2. Do not visit places with high air temperatures (bathhouse, sauna).
  3. Do not take hot baths (it is also forbidden to steam or stay in warm water for a long time).
  4. Eliminate alcohol and cigarettes from your life.
  5. Follow all doctor's recommendations regarding medication and lifestyle.

How to restore moral health

Improve psycho-emotional state For women who have lost a child, it is much more difficult than resuming reproductive work. Depression and nervous breakdowns are possible during the rehabilitation period. It is especially difficult to cope with the loss of a child at 37 weeks of pregnancy, when dramatic changes have already occurred in the body.

To completely restore psychological condition girls, you will need:

  • support from loved ones;
  • psychological assistance from a qualified psychologist;
  • sedatives;
  • time to pull yourself together and come to terms with your loss.

A spontaneous miscarriage will in any case leave a wound in the soul. But a woman must be able to cope with this and prepare herself for re-fertilization and the birth of a baby.

How to prepare for a new pregnancy

After the body has been completely rehabilitated, the woman can become pregnant again. It is important to understand that ovulation after such a stressful state will occur much less frequently due to injury to the organs. Therefore, sometimes it is not possible to get pregnant for a long time.

  1. Protect a woman from stress, tension, nerves and excitement.
  2. Get rid of bad habits for both future parents.
  3. How can you take different groups of medications?
  4. Adjust your diet.
  5. Visit a gynecologist and get advice on taking vitamins.
  6. Undergo a full medical examination and determine whether there are any risks for the unborn baby.

If a woman becomes pregnant too quickly after a miscarriage, there is a possibility that it will be difficult to carry the child to term, since the body has not been fully restored.

Watch a video about how a girl coped with depression after a frozen pregnancy:


The loss of a child during pregnancy is a serious trauma for a woman, which causes a lot of harm to the female body. After a spontaneous abortion, the expectant mother needs to properly recover and rehabilitate herself. It is important to approach the treatment methods correctly and do not forget to consult a doctor. A woman should be prepared for the fact that the treatment will not be easy and quite lengthy.