Presentation. Sensory education of children. Sensory development of young children Presentation sensory education early age

A child's sensory development is
development of his perception and
formation of ideas about
properties of objects and various
phenomena of the surrounding world

Sensory standards

these are generalized sensory
knowledge, sensory experience,
accumulated by humanity over
the entire history of its development

Sensory education influences

Mental development;
Development of independence;
Development of attitude towards the environment.

Sensory sensations


Sensory development of educational activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education is carried out in the integration of educational areas

Sensory education of young children occurs in different types of activities:

Subject activities and games with
composite and dynamic toys.
Experimenting with materials and
substances (water, sand, dough, etc.)
Communication and joint games with adults and

The importance of sensory education is that it

- is the basis for intellectual development;
- organizes the child’s chaotic ideas received
when interacting with the outside world;
- develops observation skills;
- prepares for real life;
- has a positive effect on the aesthetic sense;
- is the basis for the development of imagination;
- develops attention;
- gives the child the opportunity to learn new skills
subject-cognitive activity;
- ensures the assimilation of sensory standards;
- ensures the development of skills in educational activities;
- influences the expansion of the child’s vocabulary;
- affects the development of visual, motor, figurative and other
types of memory.

Tasks of sensory development of young children

Develop color discrimination skills
perceive size, group,
compare and generalize objects according to these
Develop visual skills in children
examination of objects;
Develop visual response to objects
the surrounding world, notice their shape, color;
Develop cognitive processes;
Develop fine motor skills

Objective of the project

increase the level of knowledge
early childhood pupils
sensory development

Project objectives

Analyze educational and methodological
literature on sensory development;
Supplement didactic material on
sensory development of young children;
Develop information sheets for
parents with recommendations for sensory
development at an early age.


1. Principle
orientation of the educational process.
2. The principle of developing, stimulating
cognitive activity
orientation of classes.
3. The principle of increasing independence
and children's activity.

Basic methods and forms of teaching children

1. Pedagogical situations
2. Game educational situations
3. Work with subject and plot
4. Didactic games and exercises
consolidation of the concept of shape, color, size
5. Exercises to develop fine motor skills,
visual perception
6. Tasks to perform objective actions
7.Elementary productive actions


Stage I: information-analytical (preparatory)
Stage II: creative (basic)
Stage III: final

Stage I: information and analytical

Stage I: information-analytical
Studying specialized literature;
Production of games and development aids
sensory skills;
Study of individual characteristics and
children's needs;
Selection of practical and game material
for children (tasks, games and exercises);
Methodological developments in sensory
education (color, shape, size).

Stage II: creative

Stage II: creative
Purchasing and creating educational games using
development of sensory-motor skills;
Conducting work with parents on the topic: “What
such sensory development. Why is it necessary
develop?" Consultations, conversations, joint games,
decorating a corner for parents.
To form in children the basics of cognitive,
caring, creative attitude towards
the surrounding world;
Introducing children to didactic material and
Conducting didactic games and educational games;
Children's research activities;

Marina Khramova
Presentation “Sensory development of young children”

This presentation was shown to parents at a parent meeting dedicated to topic: "Sensory development of young children" .

Target: Introducing parents to games developing sensory abilities in children.


1. Introduce parents to the standards sensory development of young children.

2. Encourage parents to create conditions for the formation of perception as the initial stage of cognition of the surrounding reality.

3. Expand parents’ understanding of exercises and games for development tactile sensitivity, visual and auditory perception.

Introduced parents to the features sensory development of children at this age. Sensory education develops in children fine motor skills of the fingers, various hand movements when performing various manipulations with objects. For development fine motor skills in this presentations sample games were shown for sensory development of children.

Publications on the topic:

Sensory development of young children 1 word The process of cognition of a small person differs from the process of cognition of an adult. Adults understand the world with their minds, small children with their emotions.

Self-education report “Sensory development of young children” Video In the 2014-2015 academic year, I continued the topic of self-education: “Sensory development of young children.” Development of sensory abilities.

Sensory development of young children The period of early childhood is characterized by intensive development of the perception process. Not by chance.

Methodological development “Sensory development of young children” Explanatory note Early childhood is a special period of formation of organs and systems and, above all, brain function. Early age is the best.

The process of cognition of a small person differs from the process of cognition of an adult. Adults understand the world with their minds, small children with their emotions. Cognitive.

Long-term plan for self-education “Sensory development of young children” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “General developmental kindergarten No. 135” Long-term plan for self-education.

Outline of the parent meeting “Sensory development of young children” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 97" Plan - summary of the parent meeting In the early group.

In our early childhood group, we pay special attention to the sensory development of children. To attract the child's attention to the properties of objects.

A child’s sensory development is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc. The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood can hardly be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the functioning of the senses and accumulating ideas about the world around us. A child's readiness for school largely depends on his sensory development. Research conducted by child psychologists has shown that a significant part of the difficulties that children encounter during primary education (especially in 1st grade) are associated with insufficient accuracy and flexibility of perception.

We can highlight the main tasks in the sensory education of children from birth to 6 years. In the first year of life, this is the enrichment of the child with impressions. Conditions should be created for the baby so that he can follow moving bright toys and grab objects of different shapes and sizes. In the second or third year of life, children must learn to identify color, shape and size as special characteristics of objects, to accumulate ideas about the main varieties of color and shape and about the relationship between two objects in size. Starting from the fourth year of life, children form sensory standards: stable ideas about colors, geometric shapes, and relationships in size between several objects, enshrined in speech. Later, they should be introduced to shades of color, to variations of geometric shapes, and to the relationships in size that arise between the elements of a series consisting of a large number of objects.

Simultaneously with the formation of standards, it is necessary to teach children how to examine objects: grouping them by color and shape around standard samples, sequential inspection and description of the shape, and performing increasingly complex visual actions. Finally, a special task is the need to develop analytical perception in children: the ability to understand color combinations, dissect the shape of objects, and isolate individual dimensions of size. Based on these tasks, a system of didactic games and exercises has been developed.

Games for developing the sense of touch (tactile perception) Touch includes tactile (superficial) sensitivity (sensation of touch, pressure, pain, heat, cold, etc.). To develop your child’s tactile perception, play with a variety of natural materials and objects that differ in surface structure. Give your baby different toys: plastic, rubber, wooden, soft, fluffy.

You can make an interesting tactile album yourself from scraps of fabric of different textures: burlap, wool, silk, fur. You can also add a sheet of polyethylene, flower wrapping paper, mosquito nets, velvet, corrugated and sandpaper, foil and much more. Play with pine cones, prickly chestnuts, ribbed walnuts and smooth acorns. It is also useful to play with various cereals: put your hands in the box and look for a hidden small toy.

1. develop the ability to distinguish colors, focusing on their uniformity or heterogeneity when applied; denote the result with the words “such”, “not such”; act by imitation; 2. introduce children to the names of primary colors (red, blue, yellow, green); 3. develop the ability to select a color based on a sample and check it by trying it on, focus on color as a significant sign, and select a color based on a word.

Perception of shape is specified in the following tasks: 1. develop the ability to practically distinguish shape - redistribute fingers on an object depending on the shape in order to hold the object in the hands; 2. develop the ability to correlate the shape of objects using samples, to correlate planar and volumetric forms in practical action with objects; 3. make the shape of the object meaningful for the child, teach him to rely on it in his activities; 4. develop the ability to see the shape in an object, correlate the shape of a slot and an inlay, compose a whole from different geometric shapes, selecting the ones you need using samples and trying on, make a choice based on a sample, check it by superimposing, isolate the outline of an object; 5. consolidate knowledge of the names of forms, select a form by its name.

Perception of size is specified in the following tasks: 1. develop the ability to focus on the size of objects, correlate hand actions with the size of objects, correlate planar and three-dimensional figures by size, trying options and fixing the correct ones, take into account size in practical actions with objects, correlate objects by size; 2. consolidate the verbal designation of quantities (“big”, “small”, “more”, “less”); 3. form an attitude towards quantity as a significant feature; 4. pay attention to the length, height and width; introduce the words “long”, “short”, “high”, “low”, “wide”, “narrow”; 5. develop the ability to correlate objects by length, height and width in actions with them, visually identify objects of sharply different sizes, connect a visual image with a word, teach visually and by word to select and correlate quantities; 6. pay attention to the relativity of the size of objects; 7. develop the ability to select quantities by word name.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Sensory development of young children in different types of activities. Teacher of MADOU d/s No. 49 “Firefly” Pirogova Valentina Anatolyevna. Nizhny Novgorod

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Object of study: The process of sensory development of young children. Subject of research: Didactic and educational games and exercises for the development of sensory perception in various types of activities.

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Purpose of the study: To develop sensory perception of young children through different types of children's activities.

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Educational environment: Replenished with home-made games: “Magic Bag”, “Build a House”, “Roll-Ons”, “Find the Stick”, “Match the Ball to the String”. Rugs: button, push-button, lace-up. Board games for educational development were purchased: “Dwarfs and Houses”, “Square and Circle”, “Big and Small”. The following gaming elements have been added: “Beetle”, Panel with Velcro.

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Research hypothesis: In the process of sensory development in young children: the child’s chaotic ideas obtained during interaction with the outside world are streamlined. there is an opportunity to master new ways of subject-cognitive activity. sensory standards are assimilated. the foundations are laid for the development of imagination and attention. there is a positive effect on the development of visual, auditory, motor, figurative and other types of memory. The child’s vocabulary is enriched. there is a positive effect on the aesthetic feeling.

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Stages of sensory education Stage I. Using the technique of overlaying objects on top of each other, comparing them by size, color, shape. Teachers teach children to examine objects, for example, when picking up a ball, they teach them to place their palms on top of it, rounding them and involuntarily making them similar to the shape of the object. Children grasp other toys that have edges in a different way. They grasp them from the side, their fingertips fix the edges, and experience working tension. Children take hollow objects differently: they fold their fingers into a pinch and lower the toy into the hollow space. Stage II. Using the technique of examining objects. The coordination of hand movements under the control of the eye becomes more perfect, which allows children to place mosaic elements in the nests of the panel, place parts of building sets on top of each other, and accurately influence another object with an object. The position of the hand when examining objects, fixing their shape, is carried out on the basis of visual-tactile kinesthetic connections. In this case, it is as if a “cast” is being taken: the eye teaches the hand, and the hand teaches the eye. Stage III. Using a technique to highlight individual properties and compare objects according to a specified criterion, establishing a connection between them. Children, together with their teachers, begin to establish the causal relationship of the phenomena they observe: if you do not close part of the nesting doll tightly, it will fall apart; If you don't put the top of the pyramid on, the rings will fall off the rod. Generalization processes develop, on the basis of which concepts are formed. Children begin to identify and generalize the qualities and properties of objects. The apple is red, the flag is also red, the ball and scarf are red. Stage IV. The use of experimentation in substantive activities. At this stage, young children change their attitude towards their actions - they persistently achieve results, strive to divide an object into parts (disassemble a pyramid, a nesting doll). By performing these actions, kids explore objects and properties. The actions are in the nature of experimentation. Teachers working in early age groups continue to teach children to correlate the shape and size of parts with the hole in the box, the color of the fungus with the color of the table, and purposefully correlate parts or features with each other. Children begin to establish a connection between an action and a result, and in order to get a satisfying result, they take into account mistakes and clarify their actions. V stage. Using instrumental actions when working with children. Actions with blocks gradually turn into constructive activities. Children not only reproduce the actions shown, build buildings, but also try to build familiar objects themselves. They begin to draw and sculpt. Actions with objects-tools are transferred to other types of activities.

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The main task of sensory development is to create conditions for the formation of perception as the initial stage of cognition of the surrounding reality. Knowledge of the surrounding world begins with the perception of objects and phenomena. The first type of perception available to a child in infancy up to 1 year, he learns to distinguish objects primarily by shape. The most difficult property to master, since each time the standard is a different object. It is formed on the basis of experience through movement, as the motor sphere and speech develop (spatial concepts are fixed in words). Formed on the basis of experience gained through actions, emotional experiences of ongoing life events, external signs of changes in the environment and objects; perception of movements - consists of sensations of body posture, limbs, movements and is consolidated into a holistic dynamic image. Combining sensations from different senses: visual, gustatory, olfactory, tactile and motor, auditory, which give a more correct and comprehensive understanding of any object or phenomenon. The main task of perception, which is carried out through the complex integration of information from all types of perception. It is carried out in coordinated work with the intellectual processes of thinking, speech, memory and imagination. From birth, children distinguish all the colors of the spectrum and even some shades, but it is more difficult for them to take into account the color characteristics of objects when acting with them: color cannot be touched, it is only accessible to visual observation. Memorizing and correctly using words denoting color is a very complex and difficult process, its formation ends only by the age of five.

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2. Introduce children to different types of sensory pre-standards (big, like a house; round, like a ball...) and standards of color, shape and size.

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3. Formation in children of generalized methods of examining objects. Comparison, correlation, juxtaposition, ordering, grouping of objects among themselves are generalized methods that are formed at the stage of early childhood and allow one to successfully solve a certain range of tasks for distinguishing color, shape, and size. The sequence of actions of a child when examining objects The object is perceived as a whole Its main parts are isolated and their properties are determined (shape, size, etc.) The spatial relationships of the parts relative to each other are identified (above, below, right, left) Isolation of smaller parts and establishment of their spatial location in relation to the main parts Repeated perception of the object

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4. Support the child’s interest in joint activities with adults. To promote the child’s mastery of the means and methods of cognition in a variety of types of typical children’s activities.

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Examples of games for sensory development (in various types of joint activities) Game is a universal way of raising and teaching a small child. Games that develop sensory perception are very necessary for a young child. They bring joy, interest, confidence in themselves and their capabilities into a child’s life. At an early age, the visually effective method is the leading one. When organizing games with children, the following feature should be taken into account: the more analyzers (visual, tactile, auditory, motor, olfactory) are involved in perception, the more active the child, the deeper the impression and the stronger the memory, therefore, the higher the qualitative aspect of sensory education and learning development.

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Cognitive and research activities Observations in nature and experimentation with natural materials (cones, chestnuts, walnuts, pebbles, cereals....): “Compare the leaves”, “Whose footprints are bigger?”, “Let’s feed the animals”, “Which bush is higher?” or a tree? Games - experiments with water (pour, pour, throw everything into the water, catch it out of the water, tint, change the temperature...) Games with sand, clay “Sensitive palms”...

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Cognitive and research activities Educational games with objects (collapsible toys, nesting dolls, pyramids, volumetric inserts, insert frames, boxes with holes for pushing, cubes, balls...) “Matryoshka toy”; “Let’s assemble a pyramid” “Show me what I’m talking about”; “Toy store” “Mailbox”... Didactic games for developing ideas about size: “Which is bigger?”, “Big-small” “Stringing beads”, “Matryoshka dolls lined up” “Sort out the cones (snowflakes, carrots, balls, leaves ...)

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Cognitive and research activities Didactic games for the formation of ideas about color: “Match by color”, “Find a pair”, “Put the nesting doll on the train” “Dress the dolls beautifully”, “Colored meadows” “Place them in boxes”, “Dwarfs and houses” “Find the stick”, “Balloons”, “Collect beads by color” “Catch a fish”, “White and black pebbles”, “Color lotto”...

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Cognitive and research activities Didactic games for the formation of ideas about the form: “Pass the ball”, “Mailbox”, “Build a house”, various “Insert frames”, Montessori frames “Magic bag”, “Circle everything (silhouettes)” “Find an object of a similar shape", "Match the lid to the jar"

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Cognitive and research activities Didactic games for the formation of ideas about orientation in space: “What has changed?”, “Up and down,” “Where is the ball?” “Errands”, “Let’s collect the squares”, “Cut pictures” “Where are our hands?”, “Find your soul mate”, “Toys play hide and seek” “What is missing from a bear, a bunny, a fox......

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Didactic games for developing ideas about time: “When does this happen?” “Let’s collect the dolls for a walk”... Didactic games for developing ideas about taste, smell, texture, sound: “Find out by touch”, “Wonderful bag” “Where it rings”, “Musical hide and seek” “Who woke up the puppy?”, “ Who lives in the house? “Vegetables and fruits”, “Treats”... Cognitive and research activities

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Productive activity Construction: games with large and small builders (plastic, wooden, soft...) games with Lego (large and small) games with educational cubes “Fold the pattern” games with mosaics of several types (in shape and size) “ Beads for stringing" games with various lacing...

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Sensory Development of Children “A child’s mind is at his fingertips.” Sukhomlinsky V.A. “Hands are the visible part of the cerebral hemispheres.” Emmanuel Kant “Every movement of a child is another fold in the cerebral cortex.” Maria Montessori Performed by category II teacher Davydova E.N. Karaganda 2015 Department of Education of Karaganda KGKP I\with “Ainalayyn”

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Sensory education is the purposeful improvement and development of sensory processes (sensations, perceptions, ideas) in children.

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The sensory development of a preschooler is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste and the development of the motor sphere. Sensory development forms the foundation of the general mental development of a preschooler.

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The goal of the project: to theoretically substantiate the features of the formation of sensory skills in preschool children. Object of study: sensory development of children in preschool age. Subject of research: features of the formation of sensory skills in preschool children. The objectives of this project include: * characterize the concepts of “sensory” and “motor” and analyze the connection between sensory and motor; * consider the development of sensorimotor processes in children; * study ways to develop sensorimotor skills in preschool children.

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Sensation is a reflection in a person’s consciousness of individual properties and qualities of objects and phenomena that directly affect his senses. The senses include taste, touch, smell, hearing and vision. Perception is a complex cognitive activity that includes a whole system of actions that make it possible to detect an object of perception, identify it, measure it, and evaluate it. There are visual, auditory, tactile perception. There are also complex types of perception: the perception of space and time.

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Sensory development is inextricably linked with motor development. What is motor skills? Motor skills, translated from Latin - movement. There are gross motor skills and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills are a set of actions to perform a task. Running, crawling, jumping, walking, bending, etc. . Fine motor skills are the ability to manipulate small objects and perform more precise actions. Fine motor skills involve small muscles. Buttoning, tying knots, playing musical instruments, drawing, cutting. Fine motor skills develop a child's creativity.

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Sensorimotor is the ability to control movement and emotions, this is the coordination of eyes and movement, the coordination of hearing and movement. that sensorimotor (from the Latin sensus - feeling, sensation and motor - engine) is the mutual coordination of sensory and motor components of activity: receiving sensory information leads to the launch of certain movements, and those, in turn, serve for regulation, control or correction sensory information.

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Age-related features of the sensory development of children From one to two years, navigate in 3-4 colors, name some, select according to a pattern, navigate in three or more contrasting values ​​(assemble a three-seater nesting doll and other inserts after the display) assemble a pyramid in descending size from four (five) rings contrasting values, correlate the configuration of a volumetric geometric figure with a planar image, apply it to the sample (places inserts of different sizes or shapes into similar holes on the board) within the sheet, draw vertical, horizontal, round, short and long lines

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navigate in three or more contrasting values, navigate in 6 colors, name them, select according to a pattern, assemble a pyramid of 5-8 rings of different sizes, correlate the configuration of a three-dimensional geometric figure with a planar image, apply to a sample (places inserts of different sizes or shapes into similar holes on board) make up a whole from 4 parts, cut pictures, folding cubes From two years to three

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distinguish objects by shape (cube, brick, ball, prism) navigate the relationship of planar figures (circle, oval, square, rectangle) compare, correlate, group homogeneous objects by color, shape, size identify the shapes of objects by tracing them along the contour of one , then with the other hand, within the sheet, draw vertical, horizontal, round, short and long lines from three to four

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From four to five Jumps on one leg, walks on a log. Jumps alternately on one or the other leg. Goes up the stairs. Can glide on two legs. “Creation exhibitions”, where crafts are demonstrated, are accompanied by stories about how it was made. Manual skills teach a child to overcome difficulties, develop his will and cognitive interests. Draws with pencils or crayons. Buildings with more than 9 cubes. Folds paper more than once. Identifies objects in a bag by touch, sculpts from plasticine (from 2 to 3 parts), laces shoes, fastens buttons

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The sixth year of life: “the hand is preparing for school” If a child’s hand has been developed since birth, then in the sixth year of life he improves in “manual skill”: he masters more complex methods of cutting, gluing, bending, winding, pouring, folding, using fabric, paper , wire, foil, auxiliary and natural materials; uses various tools and tools: pens, pencils, brushes, felt-tip pens, scissors, hammer, rakes, brushes, watering cans, etc. Jumps well, runs, jumps over a rope, jumps alternately on one or the other leg; runs on his toes. Rides a two-wheeler, skates, plays hockey, skis.

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three periods of sensory development: Infancy The act of looking at objects develops; Grasping is formed, leading to the development of the hand as an organ of touch and an organ of movement; Visual-motor coordination is established, which facilitates the transition to manipulation in which vision controls the movement of the hand; Differentiated relationships are established between the visual perception of an object, action with it and its naming by an adult. Early age A new type of external orienting actions is emerging - trying on, and later - visual correlation of objects according to their characteristics; An idea of ​​the properties of objects arises; At preschool age, visual perceptions become dominant when familiarizing themselves with the environment; sensory standards are mastered; purposefulness, planning, controllability, and awareness of perception increase; with the establishment of a relationship with speech and thinking, perception is intellectualized.

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Methods for the development of sensorimotor skills in preschool children The importance of a child’s sensorimotor development for his future life poses to the theory and practice of preschool education the task of developing and using the most effective means and methods of sensorimotor education in kindergarten. The task of the kindergarten is to ensure the most complete development of pupils, taking into account age characteristics at the stage of completion of preschool education, to prepare them for school. Range of tasks of sensorimotor education: 1. Improving motor functions (development and improvement of general (gross) and manual (fine) motor skills, formation of graphomotor skills. 2. Tactile-motor perception. 3. Development of auditory perception. 4. Development of visual perception. 5. Perception of shape, size, color 6. Perception of special properties of objects (taste, smell, weight) 7. Perception of space and time.

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Tools for solving the problem: * Scientific and methodological literature * Study of best practices * Diagnostics * Games, exercises, tasks for the development of sensory standards * Frontal and subgroup classes * Creation of a developmental environment * Working with parents identifies two main sensorimotor methods - examination and comparison. A survey is a specially organized perception of a subject (object) with the aim of using its results in any practical activity. Comparison is both a didactic method and at the same time a mental operation, through which similarities and differences between objects (objects) and phenomena are established

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Classification of games necessary for the development of preschool children: . Sensory games These games provide experience with a wide variety of materials: sand, clay, paper. They contribute to the development of the sensory system: vision, taste, smell, hearing, temperature sensitivity. All organs given to us by nature must work, and for this they need “food”. Motor games (running, jumping, climbing). Not all parents like it when their child runs around the apartment and climbs on high objects. Of course, first of all you need to think about the child’s safety, but you should not prohibit him from actively moving.

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Educational games: 1. "Catch the pussy" The teacher touches different parts of the child's body with a soft toy (pussy), and the child, with his eyes closed, determines where the pussy is. By analogy, you can use other objects to touch: a wet fish, a prickly hedgehog, etc. 2. “Wonderful bag” Objects of different shapes, sizes, textures (toys, geometric shapes and bodies, plastic letters and numbers, etc.) are placed in an opaque bag. . The child is asked to find the desired item by touch, without looking into the bag. 3. “Handkerchief for a doll” (identifying objects by the texture of the material, in this case determining the type of fabric) Children are offered three dolls in different handkerchiefs (silk, wool, knitted). Children take turns examining and feeling all the handkerchiefs. Then the handkerchiefs are removed and placed in a bag. Children find the right handkerchief for each doll by touch in the bag.

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D/i “Hide the Mouse” D\i “Carousel” D\i “Dress up the Sun” D\i “Shapes” Games with sand and water Doll corner

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Games using toys and objects 15.Counting sticks Select a set of counting sticks in two contrasting colors and place them on the table in front of the baby. Then put a stick of one color on the right, and a stick of a different color on the left and ask the child to sort the sticks by color: Let's put the sticks into two piles - here they are all like this, and here - like this! After your child completes the task, summarize: You laid out everything correctly - here are all the green sticks, and here are all the pink ones. Well done! Games using shapes and pictures 20. Choose a color picture! Place several pictures of different colors in front of the child - for example, red, blue, yellow flowers. Ask your child to find a flower of a given color: Find the red flower! Give me a blue flower!

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