Diseases of the nails on the toes and hands, photos, descriptions, symptoms. What diseases can be recognized by the nails? How to determine health by nails - a few diagnostic tips What color should healthy nails be?

Determining the disease by nails

The nail plate is visible to the naked eye, which often helps the specialist prescribe the correct examination and treatment for the patient. You can identify a particular disease by assessing the relief, color, and shape of the nail. Also, clues can be various patterns and stripes on the nail plate, their color and location. An important indicator is the structure of the nail, its hardness and fragility. Knowing all the intricacies of the violation of the nail plates, you can assume the presence of certain health problems and begin to solve them in time.

Diagnosis of nails by condition

If the appearance of the nails has become brittle, brittle and peels off easily, then this indicates a lack of minerals in the body, such as calcium and zinc.

Thickened nails may be a sign of fungal infections. With this disease, the nail plate often turns yellow. At an advanced stage, detachments from the nail bed may appear.

Also, splitting and splitting of the nail indicate problems in gynecology.

Diagnosis of nails by shape

The shape of the nail plate can say a lot. For example, if it is convex and has a round shape, then it can be assumed that there are problems with the cardiovascular system. People with this nail shape are often diagnosed with a heart defect, as well as problems with the thyroid gland and respiratory system.

A concave nail plate signals a lack of iron in the body. You should pay attention to your hemoglobin, since a decrease in it in the body gives a lot of unpleasant symptoms. Provide your body with iron.

Diagnosis of nails by color

Diagnosis by nail holes

You can often catch a disease by the tail by detecting it at the very beginning. Just pay attention to the nail hole. Its absence or reduction on at least one nail plate may be an alarming sign.

Diagnostics by relief

Ideally, our nail plate should be smooth and even. If the body's functioning is disrupted, it can change. So, when depressions appear on the nail, one can judge problems with the skin and joints, such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and osteochondrosis.

Convex lines along the nail may also be observed, which indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the sinuses and teeth.

Transverse grooves on the nail indicate pathology in the functioning of digestion. It is necessary to pay attention to the liver, intestines, and pancreas. The same picture can be seen with a lack of a microelement - zinc.

Convex arc-shaped lines signal a decrease in protein in the body.

Diagnosis of the time of onset of the disease

It is known that in about six months our nail plate is completely renewed. About one millimeter of nail grows per week. Based on this, you can calculate the approximate time of the onset of a particular abnormality in the body. Looking at the picture, we can assume that problems in the body began about 4-5 weeks ago.

Interesting fact: Men's nails grow much faster. Growth is particularly rapid in warm climates and in the summer.

Diagnosis of diseases by fingernails when a pattern appears

An alarming sign may be the appearance of a dark vertical stripe on the nail. This pattern indicates a possible disease - melanoma.

If you notice a similar line on your nails, you should immediately consult a doctor, since melanoma is a fast-growing tumor.

Multiple white spots merging together indicate an acute lack of zinc and calcium.

Patterns on the nail plate indicate a severe form of psoriasis. The nail splits into two parts.

A blue nail, partially or completely, indicates hemorrhage that could occur as a result of injury.

What organs are the fingernails responsible for?

The condition of the nails of the thumbs tells us about our neuropsychic system and is responsible for the functioning of our brain.

The appearance of the nail of the index fingers tells about the respiratory system. If any deformities appear on the nail of the index finger, you should undergo a chest examination. Often with this picture, chronic diseases such as bronchitis can appear.

A modified nail on the middle finger indicates disorders in the digestive organs, such as the liver, intestines, stomach, pancreas, as well as possible inflammation in the female part.

The state of the endocrine gland and lymphatic system is judged by the nail of the ring finger.

The nail plate of the little finger characterizes the functioning of the heart and vascular system.

Doctors can often miss an important point about your health, since many women resort to applying decorative gel polish, which makes it impossible to visually assess the condition of the nail plates.

Interesting fact: Manicure is considered a fairly ancient activity. Some sources mentioned nail design as early as 4,000 years ago.

Problems with fingernails and nutrition

As has already become clear, the phenomena on the nails are just a consequence. To eliminate the cause, you need to consume foods whose deficiency causes changes in the nail plates. For example, if you find white spots on your nails, then you should eat foods rich in zinc, iron and calcium. Zinc is found in poultry, seafood, legumes, cheese, beets, tomatoes, and pumpkin seeds. Rich in calcium: cottage cheese, milk, green peas, cucumbers, apples, low-fat cheese. Iron-containing foods: buckwheat, liver, apples, pomegranate. It will be useful to use a special product made from bovine blood protein - hematogen.

When the nail plate becomes completely white, you need to radically reconsider your diet and stop eating fatty, fried, and spicy foods. You need to switch to light foods, avoid taking aggressive medications and alcohol, and focus on protein foods such as liver, vegetables, non-acidic fruits, boiled beef, low-fat dairy products, jelly, dry wheat bread.

If brown spots appear, remove any sugar from your diet. Sweets are only allowed with fructose. An excellent choice would be dishes made from cereals and pasta. For meat, preference should be given to beef, chicken, and turkey. Dairy products are also acceptable. But you need to be careful with fruits, because despite their sour taste they contain a large amount of sugar.

This is important: Drink more water, as if there is a lack of it in the body, your nails become dry and brittle.

In all other cases, a diet will not hurt, but limiting foods cannot eliminate the pathology, which is why a doctor’s visit will be necessary.

Nail defects cannot be ignored. It is not for nothing that a person is given such a visual representation of his body on his nail plate. Pay attention to your body's signals and stay healthy!

Vertical ridges or white spots on the nails are usually harmless. If your nails are curved upward and spoon-shaped, it may be due to iron deficiency anemia, hemochromatosis (excess iron absorption), heart disease, or hypothyroidism.

Nails are often viewed purely from an aesthetic point of view, but they are more than just a platform for bright colors and artful manicures. The shape, texture and color of your nails are a window into the body, and while some nail symptoms are harmless, there are others that indicate chronic conditions, including cancer.

  • Simple nail care tips

As noted by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD):

"Nails often reflect our overall health. Changes in nails, such as discoloration or thickening, can signal health problems including liver and kidney disease, heart and lung disease, anemia and diabetes."

If you notice any significant changes in your nails, including swelling, discoloration, or changes in shape or thickness, contact your dermatologist right away. Perhaps there will be nothing wrong with this, but perhaps it will be caused by a deeper problem (for example, problems with nails are typical for patients with diabetes).

Below we will talk about 10 nail symptoms that you may notice at one time or another in your life, and what they say about your health.

10 nail symptoms and what they say about your health

1. Yellow nails

Nails may turn yellow with age or due to the use of acrylic nails or polish. Smoking can also cause yellow nails. If your nails are yellow, thickened, and crumbling, a fungal infection may be the culprit.

Less commonly, yellow nails may be associated with thyroid disease, diabetes, psoriasis, or respiratory conditions (such as chronic bronchitis).

2. Dry, cracked or brittle nails

Lifestyle may play a role here, such as having your hands constantly in water (washing dishes, swimming, etc.), frequent use of nail polish remover, exposure to chemicals (such as cleaning products), or living in an area with low humidity .

Cracks and separation can also be caused by a fungal infection or thyroid disease, especially hypothyroidism. Brittle nails can also be caused by a lack of vitamins A and C or the B vitamin biotin.

3. Thickening of the terminal phalanges

At the same time, the fingertips become larger and the nail bends downward. This may be a sign of low blood oxygen levels and is associated with lung disease. Thickening may also be associated with liver or kidney disease, heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and AIDS.

4. White spots

Small white spots on the nails are usually the result of trauma to the nails. This is not a cause for concern - they will disappear or grow back on their own. Less commonly, white spots that don't go away can be caused by a fungal infection.

5. Horizontal grooves

Horizontal grooves can also be caused by injury or a serious illness with a high fever (such as scarlet fever or pneumonia). John Anthony, MD, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, explained it to TIME magazine:

“This is usually the result of direct trauma to the nail or a more serious medical condition - in which case they appear on several nails at the same time... The body literally says, “I have better things to do than do my nails,” and stops their growth.”

Horizontal furrows, also known as Beau-Reil's furrows or Beau's lines, can also be caused by psoriasis, untreated diabetes, circulatory diseases, or severe zinc deficiency. Another type of horizontal lines are Mess' streaks - these are horizontal streaks of discoloration that can be caused by arsenic poisoning, Hodgkin's disease, malaria, leprosy, or carbon monoxide poisoning.

6. Vertical grooves

Vertical furrows are generally a normal sign of aging and are not a cause for concern. With age they may become more noticeable. In some cases, ridges on the nails can be caused by a lack of nutrients, including vitamin B12 and magnesium.

7. Spoon nails

Nails that curve upward at the edges and look like a spoon may be a sign of iron deficiency anemia, hemochromatosis (excess iron absorption), cardiovascular disease or hypothyroidism.

8. Indentations on the nails

If your nails have pinpoint depressions or pits, this is often a sign of psoriasis. Indentations in the nails can also be caused by connective tissue disorders (including Reiter's syndrome) or alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that leads to hair loss.

9. Darkening of nails

Black streaks or painful growths on your nails require immediate medical attention as they may be caused by melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

10. White nails with pink stripes

If the nails are mostly white with a narrow pink stripe at the top (Terry's nails), it may be a sign of liver disease, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, or diabetes. Sometimes Terry's nails can also be caused by aging.

Do you bite your nails? This may lead to infection.

Most nail symptoms are caused by systemic problems, trauma, or lifestyle factors, which include nail biting. Those who bite their nails are susceptible to paronychia, a skin infection around the nails.

When you chew your nails, bacteria, yeast, and other microorganisms can penetrate tiny cuts or abrasions, causing swelling, redness, and pus to accumulate around the nail.

Sometimes you have to resort to surgery. Bacterial infections due to nail biting are, in fact, one of the most common nail problems, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).

Nail biting typically begins in childhood, peaks during adolescence, and then slowly (or suddenly) stops. If you are an adult who can't break the habit, or you are the parent of a child or teen who bites their nails, We offer simple ways that effectively help you stop biting your nails:

  • Keep a journal to figure out what triggers you to bite your nails, such as boredom or watching TV, and then try to avoid those triggers as much as possible.
  • Wrap your fingertips with plaster or tape
  • Keep your nails short
  • Keep your hands busy, for example, knitting
  • Consider behavioral therapy, such as habit reversal training or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
  • Apply something unpleasant to your fingertips (vinegar, hot sauce, or special products sold in stores)

Proper nutrition is the path to healthy nails

If you eat a balanced diet of whole foods, you are likely giving your body more than enough of the vitamins and minerals it needs to function.

If not, there is a good chance that your body is lacking important nutrients. Not only can this lead to chronic diseases, but your nails (as well as your hair and skin) will suffer as well.

Healthy protein sources are important such as whey protein, grass-fed eggs, and grass-fed meats (beef is also a good source of zinc, which is essential for the production of proteins like those found in fingernails).

Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which are found in leafy greens, berries and other whole foods are also beneficial for healthy nails. One example is biotin, vitamin B7.

The body needs biotin for the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and amino acids, but is best known for its role in strengthening hair and nails.

Biotin may play a role in the accumulation of keratin, which makes up nails. Some of the best sources of biotin are the yolks of organic eggs from pastured chickens. Omega-3 fats from animal sources are also important.

Most people eat too many inflammatory omega-6 fats (think vegetable oil) and too little anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats, which can lead to health problems like depression, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes, just to name a few. Inflammation can also interfere with nail development.

The ideal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 is 1:1, but in a typical Western diet it ranges from 1:20 to 1:50. Brittle or soft nails are common signs of an omega-3 and omega-6 imbalance. Try cutting back on vegetable oils and eating more animal-based omega-3s through krill oil, sardines or anchovies.

Take care of your nails from the inside with the right nutrition While it is important as described above, it is equally important to protect your nails from overexposure to water or chemicals.

When washing dishes, wear rubber gloves with a cotton lining, for example, and also minimize the use of nail polish, nail polish remover, and avoid artificial nails. A simple polish will give your nails a beautiful, smooth shine without any polish.

An added bonus is that your nails will grow stronger thanks to increased blood circulation, and you won't have to worry about chipping polish.

It's a good idea to cut your nails relatively short., using nail scissors or tweezers. Trim them straight and slightly rounded towards the center - this will help keep them strong.

Adding extra moisture to your nails will also help (as will your skin), so try rubbing coconut oil into them regularly. Also, try not to trim your cuticles, as this can damage the nail bed, and hangnails should be trimmed rather than pulled off to avoid damaging living tissue.

Finally, if you notice any unusual or alarming symptoms on your nails, refrain from covering them with polish or artificial nails. Instead, see a holistic health professional who can help you figure out if there's a problem behind it.published by .

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening; consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatment methods.

© Joseph Mercola

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

A fresh manicure instantly boosts your self-confidence. It doesn't matter if you prefer red or blue polish, nails that look attractive will lift your spirits. But it is also important to take into account what is hidden under the varnish. It turns out that your nails tell you a lot about the state of your body! Their appearance reflects your health. If something is wrong with your nails, you may need to consider a lifestyle change or visit a doctor. Look at your nail plates before your manicure and evaluate how normal their appearance seems to you.


Nails consist of several dense layers; when the plate is weakened, these layers can separate from each other. As a result, the top of your nail begins to chip. This may be due to frequent hand washing, excessively cold or dry weather, exposure to nail polish, acrylic glue, or nail polish remover with acetone. The problem can be corrected by using dishwashing gloves, avoiding gel and acrylic extensions, and using moisturizers and strengthening varnish. If all this does not help, you should consult your doctor and think about your lifestyle. Possibly, poor diet and lack of vitamins are preventing the normal growth of your nails and causing them to split.

Nails with holes

If you feel like there are a lot of tiny holes in the surface of your nail, this could be a sign of various diseases, such as psoriasis. According to statistics, about fifty percent of people with various forms of this disease may experience such disorders. Other symptoms include thickening of the nail plate, changes in shape or color, tenderness, or pain. If you notice any of these symptoms, visit a dermatologist for an examination. Psoriasis can be cured using ointments with steroids, this also applies to nail psoriasis. Your problem can be solved! Even if the reason is something else, such holes are an alarming sign that absolutely cannot be ignored.

Nail deformity

Sometimes fingernails or toenails may become rounded and thickened. This process happens gradually, and many people do not even notice it. It may be a sign of a disease such as emphysema. If your nails were not originally round, you should get examined by a doctor; an x-ray of the chest area will not hurt. It is better to take precautions and find out about the development of the disease in time than to ignore such an obvious sign.


If you type on a computer every day, it's not surprising that your nails will break from time to time. However, if this happens too often, it is likely that your nail plate is dehydrated. To avoid this, you should use less alcohol-based antibacterial hand gels, plate-drying varnishes and remover liquids with acetone. If the problem persists, it may be a sign of a serious health problem. Brittle nails indicate a lack of vitamins such as folic acid and B vitamins. This can also be a sign of thyroid disorders. You may want to have a blood test done to check your condition. In this case, your doctor will be able to tell you what changes you need in your lifestyle, care system or diet in order for your nails to become strong again.

Yellow nails

Chances are you rarely go without a manicure on your nails. Many women love nail polish and wear it constantly. This can cause the nail plate to take on an unpleasant yellow tint. According to some reports, this occurs as a result of a chemical reaction between the polish and the keratin in the nails. Because of this, they turn yellow, but in most cases this can be easily corrected with lemon juice, which restores the color of the plate. It is enough to make a bath. If your nails are yellow without any connection to the polish, the problem is much more serious. This could be a sign of a fungal infection, in which case you will need antibiotics. Yellow nails can also be a sign of diabetes. In this case, you will need medications and insulin. Do not ignore this problem under any circumstances, as in the future the situation may become critical.

White spots

If you've ever damaged your nail, you've probably noticed white spots appearing. This is quite common and the stain will disappear as the nail grows. If the entire nail turns white, it may be due to kidney failure. In addition, some antibiotics can have this effect. Make an appointment with your doctor if your nails appear much whiter than usual. You will be able to determine the cause if it is more serious than it seems at first glance.

Redness or darkening

If the surface under your nails becomes red or dark, there is likely not enough blood flowing to the nail bed. This may be a sign of liver disease, heart disorder, kidney failure, or diabetes. It may also signal anemia or thyroid problems. If your nails suddenly change color and appear dark, do not ignore this symptom. You should have a blood test to rule out the possibility of serious illnesses.

Vertical stripes

This may look completely unattractive, however, grooves along the entire length of the nail are not dangerous. This is a common sign of aging, a kind of wrinkle on the nail bed. You can take care of the youthfulness of your face, and the same can be done for the youthful appearance of your nails. Keep your nails sufficiently moisturized and do not smoke. Keep your hands warm to keep blood circulation stable, do not expose your skin to ultraviolet radiation - apply sunscreen. All these measures will help you maintain the freshness and beauty of your hands, and at the same time, the smooth surface of your nails.

Beautiful nails - healthy nails

Now you know what nail problems can signal various diseases. It's worth finding out what perfect nails look like! A healthy nail has a slight natural shine. If you apply polish too often, your nail plate can become too dry, and gel or acrylic extensions can even destroy the top layer. Polishing your nails can also be harmful; if you rub off too much, the nail becomes thin and more prone to splitting. As a result, the nail bed is exposed to more intense impact and can be injured, such injury may even be irreversible - your nail will forever lose its previous shape. To protect yourself from common infections, take care of your hygiene. For example, when visiting the shower or gym, always wear shoes; when going to the shower, you should wear rubber slippers. Toenails should be cut short. Watch for fungal diseases: as soon as they appear on the skin, begin treatment. It is much more difficult to cure affected nails than to prevent their disease. You are welcome to bring your own tools to the nail salon. If you agree to use salon products, make sure they are clean: all disposable items must be removed from the closed packaging in your presence. Above all, never put your hands or feet in dirty water.

According to Tibetan medicine, nails are a by-product of bones. Look at the size, shape, surface and outline of your nails. Also see if they are flexible, soft, tender or brittle and break easily.

If your nails are dry, hooked, rough, or break easily, which means wind prevails in the body.

When the nails are soft, pink, tender, easily bendable and slightly shiny, then bile predominates in the body.

If the nails are thick, strong, soft, very shiny, with the same contour, then mucus predominates.

Long lines on nails indicate poor absorption of food in the digestive system. Transverse grooves on the nails indicate poor nutrition or advanced diseases.

Sometimes the nails are protruding, convex, bulbous, similar to drumsticks. This condition of the nails indicates weakness of the heart and lungs.

When the nail is spoon-shaped and concave so that it can hold a drop of water, this indicates iron deficiency.

White spots on the nail indicate a lack of zinc or calcium.

Nail coloring may indicate specific problems.

If the moon is a crescent at the base of the nail (blue- means liver disorders; red- a sign of heart failure).

Pale nail color indicates anemia. Excessive redness of the nails indicates an excess of red blood cells. Yellow nails indicate liver weakness or jaundice. Blue nails indicate a weak heart and lungs.

White specks on the ring finger indicate calcium deposits in the kidneys. If there are white specks on the index finger, this indicates an accumulation of calcium in the lungs.

Each finger has a connection with a specific organ. Thumb associated with the brain and skull, and pointing- with the lungs. Middle finger associated with the small intestine nameless- with the kidneys, and little finger- with heart.

In ancient China, primary diagnosis was made by the condition of nails and points on the body.

Currently, this method has become very popular, as it can be done independently.

You yourself can diagnose yourself and your loved ones and identify emerging disorders in the body.

Look closely at your nails. You will see that the holes have become much thinner than before or even disappeared completely. Only on the thumbs the holes are still large and light.

Heavy smokers or people who have lung problems will have small and thin sockets. Oriental medicine, by the way, believes that if a person does not have a hole on his thumb, then everything is not right with his head. The majority of people still have a hole on their thumb, but what about others?

It is believed that the index finger reflects the condition of the large intestine. If the hole on it has significantly decreased or is even absent, you need to pay special attention to the condition of the intestines, liver and pancreas. Inflammatory processes and gynecological diseases are also reflected in the nail holes of the index fingers.

N The claws of the middle finger are responsible for the circulatory and vascular systems. If there is no hole on the nail of the middle finger, the person has problems with blood pressure, veins and capillaries.

The hole on the nail of the ring finger reflects the functioning of the endocrine system. The absence of a hole on the nail of this finger indicates metabolic disorders and problems with the lymphatic system.

The holes on the nails of the smallest finger are responsible for the condition of the heart and small intestine. That is why, with age, it is the little finger hole that disappears first. The small intestine becomes clogged and as a result the hole disappears. All this leads to disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system (the socket of the ring finger becomes thinner), the heart cannot withstand negative changes (the socket on the nail of the middle finger disappears), and the last to give up is the large intestine.

Nail diagnostics:

1 - normal nail shape.
2 - short, flat nail - organic heart disease.
3 - large crescent size - tachycardia.
4 - absence of a crescent - heart neurosis.
5 - large convex nail - pulmonary tuberculosis.
6 - a convex nail with a large crescent - a congenital form of tuberculosis.
7 - flat curved nail - bronchial asthma.
8 - tube-shaped high nail - a harbinger of possible oncology.
9 - club-shaped nail phalanx - congenital forms of mental disorders, rigidity, aggressiveness.
10- concave nail - hereditary forms of alcoholism.

11 - flattened-fragmented nail - helminthic infestation.
12 - brittle grooves on the nail - lime deposits..
13 - slag (salt) layers on the nail - acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
14 - elongated nail - diabetes mellitus.
15 - nail of the ring finger in the form of a semicircle - kidney pathology
16 - almond-shaped veins (waves) on the nail - rheumatism.
17 - bitten nail - neuroses, gastritis, sexual dysfunctions in women.
18 - stripes and inclusions on the nail - diseases of the spleen and small intestine.
19 - stripes on the nail - intestinal diseases.
20 - triangular nail - diseases of the spine and spinal cord.
21 - holey nail - pathology of the spleen.
22 - flat nail with an elevation on the index finger - pathology of the spleen.

Diagnostic signs by nail color

Pink nail
- in a healthy person.

Yellow color- a sign of liver pathology.

Bright red- about erythremia.

bluish purple occurs with congenital heart defects.

White spots on nails, then perhaps a disruption of the central nervous system.

And yellowish spots on the nails may be signs of brain dysfunction.

cyanotic- cardiovascular pathology.

Pale nails, flat or curved, with longitudinal grooves- a sign of anemia - anemia, lack of iron and vitamins.

White may occur with damage to the adrenal cortex (Addison's disease).

Pale pink, transparent- changes in the blood, anemia.

Milky white- with cirrhosis of the liver,

Black- for thrombosis of the brachial artery and diabetic gangrene.

Gray during an attack of malaria.

Bluish-white color- you need to see a neurologist and gastroenterologist.

Bluish (cyanotic) nails is one of the symptoms of heart or pulmonary failure that occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. Often accompanied by shortness of breath and weakness.

Changing nail color can be caused by nicotine, liver and gallbladder problems, and infectious diseases.

Bluish or greenish skin color at the base of the big toe- digestive problems

Nails don't grow well- you need to contact an endocrinologist. Such changes occur with thyroid disease.

Fragility and brittleness of nails- this is a lack of minerals such as iron, calcium, as well as vitamins B and D. It is the body’s signal that requires short-term use of special medications to prevent more serious diseases.

Long-term studies have shown that it is the nails that reflect the early onset of any disease. They carry information about future diseases long before symptoms appear.

Shape and structure of nails.

Fig. 1 Nails are enlarged, convex (like a watch glass) - may be a sign of a respiratory, cardiac or liver chronic disease.

Fig. 2 Nails are brittle and thin, concave, reminiscent of a spoon (koilonychias) - a sign of a violation of mineral metabolism, skin problems, anemia, thyroid diseases, this also indicates a lack of iron.

Fig. 3 Transverse deepened stripes (Beau’s line) - with a temporary slowdown in the growth rate of the nail. And transverse grooves on the nails indicate a poor, unbalanced diet or advanced diseases.

Fig. 4 Longitudinal grooves - predisposition to rheumatism, intestinal problems, poor digestion leading to the formation of gas, poor digestion of food, a feeling of general fatigue, irregular menstruation, sexual weakness, depression, nervousness, insomnia, etc.

Fig. 5 Absence of a hole on all fingernails - possible lack of vitamin B-12, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, neurosis.

Fig. 6 A greatly enlarged hole on all fingernails is a sign of cardiac weakness.

Fig. 7 A holey nail is a malfunction of the spleen or pancreas.

Fig.8 The nail is flat, split at the end - characteristic of the presence of worms. In medical terms, this is “helminthic infestation”, “enterobiasis” and so on.

Fig.9 White transverse strokes - lack of zinc or calcium.

Fig. 10 Red hole - indicates cardiovascular, autoimmune or endocrine problems, rheumatic diseases.

Additional signs

long lines on nails-poor absorption of food in the digestive system, inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, in addition, this signals a lack of vitamin B12 and iron. It is also a signal of decreased liver and kidney function - which can cause a feeling of general fatigue;

short flat nail- typical for people with organic heart disease, which is expressed in sensitivity to “stuffiness”, aversion to heat, physical fatigue;

large crescent size- tachycardia;

absence of crescent-characteristic of cardiac neurosis;

elongated nail- observed in diabetes mellitus.

ring finger nail in the shape of a semicircle-characteristic of various kidney pathologies;

stripes and blotches on the nail-manifest in diseases of the spleen and small intestine;

triangular nails-typical for persons with diseases of the spine and spinal cord;

growths at the end of the nails- chronic lung infection;

brittle nails- a sign of insufficient iron or vitamin A in the body, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, kidneys and poor blood supply;

absence of holes- heart neurosis, insufficiency and circulatory disorders;

blue holes- a sign of liver dysfunction;

red holes- symptom of heart failure;

bullies- this is a signal of a lack of proteins, vitamin C and folic acid. The reason for this may be either insufficient consumption or poor digestibility;

peeling nails- a signal about energy depletion of the digestive system, disorders in the blood circulation, reproductive and nervous systems.

Many diseases can be identified by the nails. Remember that you cannot use only one diagnostic method; you need to compare three or four methods, and only after that, draw conclusions.

By the way, if we look at the nails of our grandparents, we will be very surprised - the condition of their holes may be better than those of their children or even grandchildren. It's about today's lifestyle, poor nutrition and poor environment. Our situation is unenviable, but there is still good news - if you follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle, all the holes will gradually return to their rightful place.

Start with the simplest cleansing of the body and maintaining the organ system that is most vulnerable to you.

Authors: Morozova O.G., Zdybsky V.I., Shcherbakov S.S., Yavlyansky Yu.V.
Publisher: Kharkov: SPDFL Mosyakin V.N.
Year: 2014
Pages: 204
Medium quality
Format: pdf
Size: 59 MB

The monograph presents extensive material on tongue diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine. A system of individual analysis and differentiation of the patient's signs and symptoms is outlined, taking into account the picture of the tongue to identify a clinically significant syndrome. In turn, having determined the main syndrome in accordance with the terms of traditional Chinese medicine, the reflexologist can not only prescribe appropriate therapy, but also make a prognosis for the further course of the disease.

The beauty of language diagnostics is its simplicity and efficiency. Whenever there is a complex disorder full of contradictions, language examination can help identify the underlying pathological process.

The monograph is intended for reflexotherapists, cadets of specialization cycles, PAC and thematic improvement at academies of postgraduate education, and students of medical institutes.

The text is illustrated with 54 figures and 8 tables.

Download from turbobit.net Diagnosis by language in traditional Chinese medicine (59 MB)
Download from dfiles.ru Diagnosis by language in traditional Chinese medicine (59 MB)

This book highlights a completely new aspect of palmistry: by appearance, skin color, muscle density, nails and palm lines, you can diagnose and determine the nature of any disease.

With the help of diagnostic palmistry you can:

Find out about your predisposition to a particular disease and prevent it;
detect the disease at an early stage;
consult a doctor in a timely manner for medical help;
trace trends in the development of the disease.

Even if you have never encountered palm reading, it only takes 5-7 days to master the basic skills of clinical diagnosis.

Download from turbobit.net
Treatment and diagnosis by palm. Atlas with illustrative examples (5.1 MB)
Download from depositfiles.com Treatment and diagnosis by palm. Atlas with illustrative examples (5.1 MB)

Author: Avdeenko A.A.
Series: Psychological workshop
Publisher: Phoenix
ISBN: 978-5-222-15355-0
Year: 2009
Format: PDF
Pages: 71
Russian language
Good quality
Size: 1.3 MB

The book examines issues of a little-studied area of ​​palmology - onychognostics. From the perspective of a promising direction developing in science - psychological anthropology and ancient occult ideas about man - the importance of nails in determining a person’s character, characteristics of his behavior, attitude to life problems, predisposition to certain diseases is considered.

The book will undoubtedly be of interest to those who are trying to understand the hidden mechanisms of human actions, for whom non-standard approaches to considering the nature of human existence are acceptable, and who are interested in issues of human science.

How to find out everything about your health from your nails and hair. Diagnostics and recovery Konstantin Grigoriev

Nail diagnostics

Nail diagnostics

A healthy person's nails are pink, shiny, smooth and fully consistent with the shape of the finger.

However, any changes in the structure, shape, or color of nails are the first signals of disorders in the body. You probably yourself have noticed that strange white spots appear on your nails, your nails change color, etc., but you just couldn’t explain these phenomena. In traditional medicine, there is also no exact answer yet as to why such changes occur and how they are related to the functioning of the body.

The only explanation today is provided by alternative oriental medicine.

The human body is permeated with energy channels that cannot be seen even with the help of complex instruments. Energy comes to us from the outside, is distributed throughout the body, filling every cell.

In Eastern medicine, it is believed that a person has 12 main channels. Energy moves through them throughout the body. In addition to the channels, there are 8 more vessels that serve as reservoirs that regulate the distribution of energy in the human body. If these reservoirs are filled and in good shape, then energy can circulate properly throughout the body. If stagnation occurs in the meridians and channels, then the distribution of energy is disrupted, which can lead to the development of the disease. What does filling the body with energy depend on?

The answer is simple and complex at the same time: the energy of our body depends on all factors together. Consciousness, mood, weather, time of day, food - all this inevitably affects how harmoniously the channels and meridians of the body will work.

For example, when a person is angry, the flow of energy through the liver begins to move incorrectly and unevenly.

If a person experiences sudden fear, the flow of energy in the bladder channel sharply weakens. In this case, the body’s defense mechanism begins to work, bringing the energy balance back to normal. If its resources are insufficient, contraction of the bladder leads to involuntary urination.

During the day, the nature of the movement of flows changes depending on the work of the channels, since they work differently at different times: for example, in the heart channel the flow of energy is strongest between 11 and 13 hours.

As you can see, all phenomena are easily explained.

What do nails have to do with this energy system?

The fact is that energy does not arise in the human body on its own. It needs to be obtained from outside. So, it comes through special points that are located at the tips of the fingers. Each channel (that is, an organ or system) has its own “supplier” of energy. For example, the thumb is connected to the endocrine system (as well as the eyes and spleen); index - with the digestive tract (large and small intestine); medium - with the immune system, heart; the ring finger is with the respiratory system, liver and lungs, and the little finger is with the excretory system (kidneys, bladder and genitals).

Therefore, changes in the movement of energy in the channel are immediately reflected on the nails. And when a person copes with the disease, they become even and smooth again.

The nail reflects illnesses almost instantly. Some nail diseases can be seen 2-3 years before they manifest - the onset of pain or discomfort that forces you to see a doctor.

One of the authorities in the field of nail diagnostics today is considered to be the South Korean professor, the founder of Su Jok therapy (acupuncture) Park Jae Woo. Let's try to diagnose our body, based on the relationship it has identified between nails and internal organs and systems.

The connection between fingernails and toenails, internal organs and endocrine glands according to Park Jae-woo

The connection between the organs and the fingers and toes is as follows.



* Yin sense organs provide taste, tactile and tendon-muscular sensitivity. Yang sense organs are the organs of vision, hearing, and smell.

Let's draw our first conclusions

Now we will carefully consider the general condition of the nails on each finger and draw the first conclusions.

Thumb Let's start the description with the thumb. It is closely connected to the brain. Therefore, spots, thickenings, and changes in the shape of the hole in the thumbnail may indicate pathology of the blood vessels of the brain. This is especially noticeable in long-term smokers.

Forefinger The index finger is responsible for the lungs and large intestine. The reduction or disappearance of the nail hole of this finger indicates serious disturbances in the functioning of the relevant organs. The appearance of white specks on the index finger is a signal of calcium accumulation in the lungs.

Middle finger The middle finger reflects the state of the vascular system and small intestine. Therefore, a decrease in the hole on it is an indicator of corresponding violations. White specks on the nail indicate poor absorption of calcium in the intestines. In addition, pathologies of the middle finger nail can be associated with inflammatory processes in the organs of hearing, vision, smell, as well as with some gynecological diseases.

Ring finger The disappearance of the hole at the base of the nail of the ring finger indicates a malfunction in the endocrine and lymphatic systems, insufficient function of the thyroid gland, kidneys, bladder, and possibly some other endocrine glands.

Little finger

The little finger gives information about the most important organ - the heart, as well as the state of the female reproductive organs and the stomach. Nail disorders are associated here with hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart rhythm disturbances, gastritis, stomach ulcers, etc. A large lunula of the little finger may indicate a predisposition to tachycardia, and its absence may indicate cardiac neurosis.

Nail diagnostics according to the canons of oriental practices is today recognized even by traditional medicine as the most reliable and safe. Of course, in order to make a more accurate diagnosis yourself, a number of additional characteristics should be taken into account.

We clarify the diagnosis

How to find out about disorders in the body by the color of your nails A change in nail color is the first signal that you need to worry about your health. The appearance of yellow or blue spots, black veins or white lines on the nails instead of the normal pink hue indicates certain malfunctions in the body.

Colorless nails

Discoloration of nails is usually observed when:



General deterioration of health (for example, a cold);



Using low-quality varnish.

Yellow nails

Yellow spots or complete yellowing of the nail is a consequence of smoking, and also indicates a violation of fat metabolism. A yellowish tint to the nails may indicate:

Respiratory tract diseases;

Poor blood circulation;

Liver disease;

Fungal infection;

Age-related changes;

Taking certain medications.

Green nails A greenish tint is a signal of a possible infection in the nail plate and in the body as a whole, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Blue nail shade A blue tint to the nail plate indicates possible problems with the respiratory system, or more precisely, with the lungs. If blue lines appear on your nails, you should be examined for skin cancer.

Black veins and red-brown spots on the nails

If you find small black veins on your nails, then most likely this is due to a disturbance in the functioning of the heart, so do not delay visiting a cardiologist.

The appearance of red-brown spots on the nail plate indicates a lack of certain substances in the body:

Folic acid;

Vitamin C.

White spots on nails and white lines

According to ancient legends, white spots on the nail plates are a sign of happiness and good luck. However, from a medical point of view, their appearance most likely indicates a lack of zinc and iron in the body. The presence of white marks on the nails may also indicate problems with such organs as:

The cardiovascular system;

Nervous system.

However, it should be taken into account that white spots may just be a sign of injury to the base of the nail. The nail holes become whitish if the skin does not receive enough nutrition.

How to find out about problems in the body by the shape and texture of nails

The processes occurring in our body leave their mark on the texture of the nails. As a result of many years of research, Dr. G. Schinner was able to identify more than forty diseases by the appearance of nails. Here are the most common ones.

If the ends of your nails naturally curl, that is, the likelihood of you having problems with the heart and respiratory tract. In this case, you should not put off visiting a doctor, since only he will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

Concave nails (spoon-shaped) indicate anemia caused by a lack of iron in the body. Concave nails also warn that alcohol is definitely contraindicated for you.

Nails in the form of hemispheres indicate a tendency to pulmonary diseases. By the way, this observation was made by Hippocrates, which is where the name “Hippocratic nail” comes from.

If the shape of your nails resembles squares, then you most likely have a genetic predisposition to hormonal disorders.

Convex, onion-like nails may indicate weakness of the heart and lungs. Quite often, this shape of nails can be found in patients with tuberculosis.

Flat and thin nails- This is a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Flattened and crushed nails warn that worms most likely have appeared in the body.

Triangular shaped nails as a rule, characteristic of those suffering from diseases of the spine and spinal cord.

Taking a close look at your nail texture should also give you some ideas about your health.

“Hole nails” - nails whose surface appears to be riddled with indentations - indicate problems with the spleen.

Horizontal dents may remain after a diet that has had an adverse effect on the body.

Layers on the nail resembling salt deposits indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and an unbalanced diet.

Almond-shaped veins on nails warn about the danger of rheumatism.

Appearances bulges in the form of balls on the surface of the nail - a sign of a protracted viral disease.

The presence of grooves on the nail speaks of lime deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Pronounced vertical stripes indicate poor digestion or a predisposition to arthritis. Horizontal grooves are an indicator of stress or an infectious disease.

And here thickening of the nail plate, or hypertrophy, usually occurs as a result of internal disorders of the body (such as infections).

The reverse process occurs when nails suddenly become thinner and bendier(nail plate atrophy) most likely indicates that you have chronic diseases.

Brittle, brittle nails they talk about a malfunction of the ovaries, as well as a deficiency of vitamins B and D, iron and calcium.

This text is an introductory fragment.