How many people work and vacation in different countries. How holidays are celebrated differently in Russia and America

There are many national holidays in Russia, when people all over the country do not work and have special celebrations. The major holidays are: New Year's Day, Women's Day, May Day, Victory Day, and Independence Day.

The first holiday of the year is New Year"s Day. People see the new year in at midnight on the 31st of December. They greet the new year with champagne and listen to the Kremlin chimes beating 12 o"clock.

There are lots of New Year traditions in Russia. In every home there is a New Year tree glittering with colored lights and decorations. Children always wait for Father Frost to come and give them a present. Many people consider New Year's Day to be a family holiday. But the young prefer to have New Year parties of their own.

A renewed holiday in our country is Christmas. It is celebrated on the 7th of January. It"s a religious holiday and a lot of people go to church services on that day.

Non-official "Men"s Day" is the 23d of February, it is a public holiday called "The Homeland Defenders Day". All men in Russia are liable for call-up (including reservists), so they all are celebrities. On this day women usually give men small gifts.

On the 8th of March we celebrate Women's Day when men are supposed to do everything about the house and cook all the meals. This is pretty nice — at least once a year women can take a break and forget about all those dishes, cooking , kids, take a magazine and relax on a coach.

The 1st of May is the Day of Labour. During Soviet time there were huge demonstrations on this day, as everyone was obliged to show his loyalty to the state; now only communists organize meetings on this date.

The greatest national holiday in our country is Victory Day. On the 9th of May, 1945, the Soviet Army and its allies completely defeated the German fascists and the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War ended. A magnificent memorial on Poklonnaya Gora has been built to commemorate the Victory. Many veterans take part in the military parade and lay wreaths on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Radio and television broadcast popular war songs. A lot of guests from different countries of the. world come to Moscow to participate in the celebrations.

Independence Day is a new holiday in our country. On the 12th of June, 1992, the first President of Russia was elected.

The 1st of September is the Day of Knowledge — it"s the beginning of a school year. Children go to schools with flowers for teachers, there are meetings before the classes start.

The 12th of December—the Constitution Day. This day the first Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted in 1993 (previous Constitutions were all Soviet Unions).

Russians love to celebrate. We adopted the Western holidays such as St. Valentine, and Halloween. We also appreciate Chinese New Year, Muslim and Jewish holidays, as Russians are very tolerant to other religions.

We also celebrate Easter and lots of professional holidays which are not public holidays and banks, offices and schools do not close.


There are many national holidays in Russia. People all over the country are off work and special celebrations are being held. Main public holidays: New Year, March 8, May 1, Victory Day and Independence Day.

The first holiday of the year is New Year. People celebrate the New Year at midnight on December 31st. They celebrate the New Year with champagne and listen to the Kremlin chimes counting down 12 strokes.

There are many New Year traditions in Russia. Every home has a Christmas tree sparkling with colored lights and decorations. Children are always waiting for Santa Claus to come and give them gifts. Many people believe that New Year is a family holiday. But young people prefer to organize their own New Year's parties.

A renewed holiday in our country is Christmas. It is celebrated on January 7th. This is a religious holiday and many people go to church services on this day.

The unofficial “Men's Day” is February 23rd; it is a holiday called “Defender of the Fatherland Day.” On this day, women usually give men small gifts.

On March 8th we celebrate Women's Day, when men are expected to do all the housework and cook all the food. This is pretty good - at least once a year women can relax and forget about all those dishes, cooking, children, grab a magazine and relax on the couch.

May 1st - Labor Day. During the Soviet Union, huge demonstrations were held on this day, as everyone had to show their loyalty to the state; Now only communists organize rallies on this day.

The biggest national holiday in our country is Victory Day. On May 9, 1945, the Soviet army and its allies completely defeated the German fascists and World War II and the Great Patriotic War ended. A majestic memorial was built on Poklonnaya Hill to commemorate the victory. Many veterans take part in the military parade and lay wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Radio and television broadcast popular war songs. Many guests from around the world come to Moscow to take part in the celebrations.

Independence Day is a new holiday in our country. On June 12, 1992, the first president of Russia was elected.

September 1st - Knowledge Day - is the beginning of the school year. Children go to schools with flowers for teachers, and lines are held before classes begin.

December 12th is Constitution Day. On this day in 1993, the first Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted (the previous ones were Constitutions of the Soviet Union).

Russian people love to celebrate. We have adopted Western holidays such as Valentine's Day and Halloween. We also respect Chinese New Year, Muslim and Jewish holidays, as Russians are very tolerant of other religions.

We also celebrate Easter and many professional holidays that are not days off and banks, offices and schools do not close.

In Russia there are officially 8 public holidays, and in America there are 11.

There are no national holidays in the USA. Each of the 50 states individually proclaims its own holidays. The federal government has approved 11 holidays for government employees; they are also called official or state holidays. Among them there are those with purely American roots, which have no analogues in the commemorative dates of other countries. This is Luther King Day - the third Monday in January, President's Day (George Washington's birthday) - the third Monday in February, Columbus Day - the second Monday in October, Thanksgiving Day - the fourth Thursday in November, etc. And with exact dates, such as Inauguration Day - January 20, Veterans Day November 11. Please note that most of the listed holidays have dates on Monday so that Americans can rest for three days in a row and do not have to postpone the weekend.

One of the most widespread holidays is Good Friday, celebrated on the Friday before Easter. The date of the holiday is moving, determined according to the church calendar. This holiday is not established by the US federal government, but is a holiday in some states. Easter in both countries falls on Sunday, but their dates this year are very different. March 27 in the USA and May 1 in Russia. By the way, last year the difference was only a week. On Columbus Day and Veterans Day, despite the fact that these days are official holidays, many companies in the United States continue to work. But at the same time, everyone in the United States has a day off on the Friday after Thanksgiving.

In Russia, all holidays always have exact dates assigned to them. In total, Russians have 8 officially approved holidays with rest on these days. The Government of the Russian Federation annually, at the end of the year, adopts resolutions on the transfer of days off to optimize the production calendar.

The most favorite holidays in both countries are Christmas and New Year. Christmas in the USA is a pre-New Year family holiday. On this day, December 25, Americans have a bunch of gifts under their Christmas tree, and their houses sparkle with numerous decorations made of multi-colored lights. Moreover, snowmen, Santa Clauses, and all sorts of little animals stand at almost every house, and no one encroaches on them to drag them away. Christmas in the USA is celebrated more brightly than New Year. And fasting is not as strict as in Russia. The main thing is not to get angry, to show concern for your neighbors, not to swear, and to behave with dignity in society. In Russia, Christmas is celebrated after the New Year celebration on January 7 at the end of Lent. It turns out that Russians celebrate the New Year during Lent, when the church also prohibits meat, dairy and fish foods, alcohol and all kinds of entertainment. But few people adhere to this during the New Year holidays, which last from January 1 to Christmas on January 7 and are called the New Year holidays of Russians. It is also customary to give gifts on New Year's Day.

Americans are very impressed by Thanksgiving, which precedes Christmas and gradually flows into it. There is no such holiday in Russia.

It's a national harvest festival, no one works. Stuffed turkey with cranberry sauce and a large pumpkin pie have become a tradition and a kind of symbol of the holiday. In the morning, all TV channels broadcast live broadcasts of the parades that take place on this day in all cities. Many people take part in them: artists singing from improvised stages on cars, student orchestras dancing in time with the music, and gymnasts performing various tricks. You’re simply amazed at how beautiful everyone’s costumes are and how much they love it all. And the main attraction is the huge inflatable toys that float above the demonstrators. The parade ends, as always, with the appearance of Santa Claus and his wife Mrs. Santa Claus, the forerunners of the coming Christmas, on the five reindeer. There is no idea about the Snow Maiden here. And, really, where is our Russian Snow Maiden’s mother?

Independence Days are similar in both countries: in the USA on July 4 and Russia Day on June 12, characterized by the adoption of declarations on the state sovereignty of countries. In both countries, these holidays are celebrated on a large scale and end with evening fireworks.

The same name - Labor Day has another holiday, but it is celebrated in different ways. In Russia, as throughout Europe, Labor Day falls on the first of May and is perceived from the perspective of the history of the labor movement. During this time, some take part in rallies and demonstrations, while others prefer to go to the dacha and dig beds, opening the gardening season.

In the United States, this holiday is celebrated on the first Monday of September and is considered an additional holiday. On this day, Americans have picnics and cook their favorite outdoor barbecues.

Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday of May in memory of those killed in all wars and, in general, all deceased US citizens. On this day, special ceremonies are held in cemeteries, churches and other public places.

This holiday can be compared with May 9 – Victory Day in Russia, where it is celebrated more solemnly and is popularly called “a holiday with tears in our eyes.” In the morning, the solemn laying of wreaths on the graves of soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War begins, honoring the surviving veterans, of whom there are fewer and fewer every year... Then parades of troops, demonstrations of military equipment and fireworks in hero cities.

In Russia, relatively recently, on November 4, 2005, a holiday was introduced - National Unity Day. Until 2005, there was a communist holiday on November 7, which is associated with the Bolsheviks coming to power in 1917 and the establishment of the socialist system in the country. Everyone got used to it and celebrated it with parades, demonstrations, ceremonial meetings, concerts and festive tables. National Unity Day remains an incomprehensible holiday for many Russians. How can there be unity if, on the contrary, we see how the stratification of society is deepening on many grounds: social, political, national... It’s just that a holiday has been established, but, in my opinion, the authorities have not yet created an effective basis for it. Rest day and that's it.

Although Halloween is a working day in the United States, it is celebrated everywhere, and all the action takes place on the streets at dusk.

For us Russians, Halloween remains exotic and controversial. According to sociological surveys by the Levada Center, four out of five Russians surveyed know about the holiday, and only one in twenty celebrates it. The Orthodox Church has a very negative attitude towards this holiday, calling it a “carnival of evil.” Indeed, the first impression of houses decorated with cobwebs, gallows, cemeteries and dead people with glowing eyes is terrifying. And so far this does not exist in Russia. Pumpkins with candles inside have begun to appear in some Russian store windows, but other “decorations” remain unacceptable to Russians. But American children are taught from a young age not to be afraid of all this. They play by pressing the pedal of the skeleton, which causes its jaws to open, its eyes to light up, and its bony hands to reach out to the child. Horror! But only for us, and not for American children, who are just amused by all this.

This is not the first year that I have been participating in this holiday with my granddaughters. After a family celebration, adults and children usually dress up. These are mainly costumes of American cartoon characters. The whole crowd goes for a walk around the residential complex. Children have pumpkin-shaped containers for sweets, which are distributed to children in every illuminated house. Children call and bowls of candy are brought out to them. All the children take one or two candies, not handfuls, and run to another house. In most cases, there is no need to call, because tables with treats are set up in front of the house. Giving candy to children means appeasing evil spirits and distracting them from a given house. On this day, numerous companies in suits meet. Princesses in lush dresses, and even with a long train, are especially impressive. Usually there are a lot of Batmans, pirates, butterflies and all sorts of animals. We never saw anyone drunk. Our granddaughters picked up a whole pumpkin of candy.

Valentine's Day and Valentine's Day in Russia are similar holidays, although they are not a day of rest. Valentine's Day in the USA is February 14, characterized by boxes of chocolates and heart-shaped cards, bouquets of roses and lilies. Russia has long had its own Valentine's Day. However, the holiday has become widely known only in recent years. Since July 8, 2008, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity has been celebrated in all Russian cities. It is also called the Day of Peter and Fevronia. Peter and Fevronia left earthly life on the same day, taking monasticism in old age, and 300 years later they were canonized. The symbol of the holiday is chamomile, a flower that is especially popular among all lovers.

International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8 in Russia, as well as in a number of European countries. In Russia, this is a day off for which all men are obliged to prepare and give gifts to women. If there is no gift from a man, then this is considered a lack of attention and can lead to a quarrel. In institutions and industries, it is also customary for women to contribute gifts from men. The same date marks awards for women who have achieved success in work or social activities.

I also like the holiday of April 1 - the Day of Jokes and Laughter, when daily newspapers print all sorts of nonsense and you can’t believe anything, and television programs are filled with performances by comedians, parodists and comedy films. If in Russia this day, as usual, begins with a morning April Fool's joke like “Wake up! I overslept for work!”, or “your back is white”, then in the USA the media, as a joke, every year announce a list of the stupidest people. And they play jokes on their neighbors on this day, both in Russia and in the USA.

In general, holidays are great! And let them be in everyone’s soul even on weekdays.

Irina Kinger,

America is a huge multinational country, on whose territory representatives of completely different ethnic faiths live. This greatly influenced the formation of cultural traditions and customs of this country. Almost every American region brought something new to the US culture, inspired by the spirit of the era of colonialism, when the lands of the states were inhabited by the British, Spaniards, Dutch, Germans and other peoples.

US federal holidays

Americans, like representatives of other nations of the world, are very fond of various holidays. There are a huge number of them here. Interestingly, there are no clearly defined public holidays in the United States. As a result, each American state has the right to appoint its own, depending on the prevailing ethnic composition of the population on its territory. Features of religion are key in establishing a particular holiday.
There are countless such national holidays in the United States. But, despite the diversity of peoples and customs, certain holidays have been established in the United States, which are celebrated throughout the country, regardless of nationality, religion or skin color. Such holidays in the USA are called federal holidays. These include 11 main holidays.

- they begin to celebrate it on the night of January 1, as a rule, with noisy, cheerful companies in restaurants, clubs, casinos, carnivals and parties. The main attribute of the American New Year is the Baby doll - a baby in a diaper. Throughout the year, the child grows and gradually ages. At the beginning of the year, young Baby replaces him and everything begins again. On New Year's Day, Americans give each other greeting cards and souvenirs. In the evening, friends and family gather at the festive table to celebrate this wonderful holiday.

Martin Luther King Day- It is officially customary to celebrate on the 3rd Monday of January. On this significant day, the United States remembers the great fighter for freedom and independence, Martin King. In all the churches of the country, services and sermons are held dedicated to the life and work of this incredible person. All television and radio broadcasting channels broadcast programs about Martin Luther and other famous freedom fighters. This day is officially declared a holiday in the country.

US Presidential Inauguration– in accordance with the US Constitution, it is customary to hold it on January 20. This is a luxurious ceremony dedicated to the official inauguration of the American President. This grand event is usually held in Washington DC, right in front of the magnificent Capitol building. The President, surrounded by a huge crowd of spectators, takes the oath of office and makes his crowning speech. The celebration ends with a big parade, and in the evening a fabulous ball is held for everyone. On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump was inaugurated. He became the new President of the United States.

Presidents Day USA– falls on the 3rd Monday of February. The origins of the holiday date back to 1782 - George Washington's first public celebration of his birthday. In the 19th century, this day became an official public holiday. High-ranking officials and famous public figures organize gala balls and luxurious buffets. Ordinary people have fun in bars, restaurants and taverns. This day is considered an official holiday throughout the country.

Memorial Day– Americans celebrate on the last Monday of May. National Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, dedicated to all those who died in brutal bloody wars, tragic disasters, victims of natural disasters (avalanches, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes). Commemorative events are held in city cemeteries, services, sermons and masses are held in churches. The symbol of the holiday is huge red poppies. Flower sellers with large baskets of poppies take to the streets of cities and suburbs. Proceeds from the sale of flowers go to charity. Therefore, in the USA it is difficult to meet a person on this day without poppies in their hands. This date is given special significance in America.

independence Day– In the USA it is customary to celebrate the 4th of July every year. This is a great national holiday dedicated to the freedom and independence of the country. Every building in the country, every store, restaurant or office, every home is decorated with American flags. In the United States, this day is usually celebrated with family. Many celebrate this event in the lap of nature - they go out into the countryside and have fun picnics, or cook a barbecue in their yard. In city parks, various entertainment events and sports competitions are held - patriotic music plays, barbecues and hot dogs are fried, fireworks explode, people sing and dance in national costumes. The symbol of the holiday is the world famous Statue of Liberty. In a huge noisy stream, Americans rush to the symbolic memorial. Due to the large number of applicants, it is very difficult to get to Liberty Island on this day.

Labor Day– in America it falls on the 1st Monday of September. On this solemn day, festive demonstrations and processions take place in all cities and suburbs of the United States. America honors people who have made invaluable contributions to the arts, industry, politics, sports, economics and development of the country. Newspapers and magazines are full of greeting cards and advertisements dedicated to all working people. This holiday is usually celebrated outdoors - cozy campsites and picnics are organized, barbecues and sausages are fried over the fire.

Columbus Day– officially celebrated on the 2nd Monday of October. It is known from history that in October 1492, the great Italian traveler Christopher Columbus reached the coast of America. During the day, the US national flag flies above all the main buildings of the country. Solemn masses are celebrated in churches, and parades are held on city streets. Grand holiday concerts and shows are held in the squares of New York and San Francisco. Interestingly, in some individual states this day is not celebrated (California, Nevada).

Veterans Day- celebrated in the USA in November - the 11th. Americans take to the streets of cities to pay tribute to all those who died in terrible, cruel wars, as well as to honor all the veterans who took part in one or another armed conflict. On this day, military parades are held in city squares, and funeral masses are celebrated in churches. The laying of wreaths at the Monument to the Unknown Soldier, located in the nation's capital at Arlington Cemetery, is symbolic. The most solemn events are held here. Veterans gather together, remember the terrible events of their lives and remember their fallen comrades with a kind word or prayer.

Thanksgiving Day– in America it is celebrated on the last Thursday of November. A huge family gathers at the festive table, everyone thanks fate for all the good things that have happened in their lives. The symbol of the holiday is roast turkey. In the center of the table there is a large basket filled with apples, chestnuts, grapes, oranges, nuts - as the personification of wealth and well-being. Houses are decorated with bouquets of chrysanthemums and small branches with ripe berries. All churches in the United States hold solemn services. And costume parades are held on city streets.

Americans celebrate every year on December 25th. This is one of the most beloved holidays in America. Both adults and children are waiting for it with impatience and trepidation. Long before the holiday, streets and houses are decorated with bright multi-colored garlands. At the entrance you can see huge figures of Santa Claus, fairy-tale gnomes, funny snowmen or reindeer. Almost every home sparkles with the main attribute of the holiday - a decorated Christmas tree. Gifts and greeting cards are prepared in advance. Traditionally, pies and cookies are baked on this day. But the main Christmas dish is stuffed turkey. On Christmas Eve, many Americans go to the city square to have a lot of fun. The atmosphere of warmth, kindness and celebration reigns here. Children hang colorful stockings by the fireplace and believe that Santa will visit them at night and bring them a bunch of gifts.

Other holidays

In addition to federal holidays, many other significant dates are celebrated in the United States.

- In America they celebrate annually on February 2. Americans say that on this day, after a long winter, the groundhog wakes up to predict how early spring will be. If the day is sunny, it means spring will be late, but if the weather is cloudy, spring is already in a hurry. This wonderful animal lives in the city of Punxsutton (Pennsylvania). Every year on February 2, a crowd of onlookers gathers at Turkey Mountain, where several gentlemen, dressed in traditional tuxedos and top hats, come to perform the main ritual - to pull the little “fortune teller” out of the hole.

Valentine's Day– It is customary to celebrate February 14th. On this day, all lovers exchange bright multi-colored valentines - small greeting cards in the shape of hearts, and give gifts. Men send their ladies large armfuls of flowers.

Kindness Day- celebrated annually in February - the 17th. This holiday was adopted on the initiative of large international charitable foundations. On this day, Americans bring goodness to the country - the smiles do not leave their faces, everyone in need will be able to receive help and care. Charity and charity foundations are especially active; people from all over the country send their donations here.

St.Patrick 's Day- This is a truly Irish holiday. Since there are a huge number of representatives of this nationality in the United States, this day is celebrated in this country with great joy. On March 17, the Irish, dressed in green, take to the streets of cities and suburbs to honor the memory of St. Patrick, the patron saint of all of Ireland. The parades are noisy and fun - national songs are played, accompanied by folk dances. Irish flags are everywhere.

Halloween– in America it is celebrated on October 31st. This holiday originates in the distant past from ancient Celtic culture. Americans believe that unclean spirits walk the streets on this night. On this day, holiday treats are prepared in every home in order to appease the spirits and not bring trouble upon themselves. People take to the streets in the guise of monsters, mummies, monsters, holding in their hands the main attribute of Halloween - a lantern carved from a pumpkin. Village scarecrows are installed in courtyards. On this day, children go from house to house and beg for sweet treats.

April Fool's Day– as in Russia, it is celebrated annually on April 1. In America, on this day, festive dinners are held and gifts are given. There is an atmosphere of fun in the country - jokes, practical jokes and good mood.

International Earth Day– falls on April 22. The holiday is dedicated to ecology, nature conservation, protection of plants and animals. This day is designed to unite all inhabitants of the vast planet in order to protect and preserve the world around us. In city parks, shock workers are organized to clean up and plant landscaping, garden plots and courtyards are landscaped, and a lot of events dedicated to environmental disasters are held.

George Washington's Birthday– in the USA it is celebrated in February – on the 22nd. All the merits of the first American president are remembered; programs dedicated to the life and work of George Washington are broadcast on television. The festive lunch is accompanied by a delicious cherry pie.

Father's Day– celebrated in the country on the 3rd Sunday of June. On this day, all fathers receive congratulations and gifts. Delicious lunches are prepared for them.

Religious Freedom Day– Americans celebrate annually on January 16th. On this day, all educational and business institutions organize special events dedicated to the history and religion of the United States. Decades ago, President Thomas Jefferson first passed a religious freedom law in Virginia.

Robert E. Lee's birthday- celebrated in January - on the 19th. The holiday is dedicated to the talented military leader Robert Edward Lee. On this day, Americans pay tribute to the memory and respect of this famous man and remember his invaluable services.

Freedom Day– in America it is celebrated on the first of February. Decades ago, on February 1, Abraham Lincoln signed legislation to abolish slavery. Laying wreaths at the famous Liberty Bell is considered a traditional gesture. It embodies the symbol of freedom and independence of all the American people. Festive events and concerts are held in city squares.

Abraham Lincoln's Birthday- celebrated annually in February - the 12th. On this day, Americans remember all the merits of this talented and powerful man. Wreaths are laid and flowers are brought to his memorial, located in Washington.

Women of Color Day– American women celebrate the first day of spring – March 1st. The main goal of this holiday is to convey to millions of people the problems of racism that exist in every country in the world. Created in the United States, the Association of Colored Women is designed to unite all segments of the population, regardless of skin color or religion, and is designed to protect the majority of the population from gross manifestations of racism. This Association aims to restore cooperation between different ethnic groups.

Doctor's Day is a national American holiday celebrated on March 30th. On this day, all representatives of this wonderful profession are honored. The symbol of this significant date is a bright red carnation.

Cesar Chavez Day– dedicated to a great man who actively defends the labor rights of ordinary agricultural workers. It is celebrated on the last day of March.

Orthodox and Catholic Easter Americans celebrate April 24th. This is a great church holiday celebrating the miraculous resurrection of the son of God - Jesus Christ.

Arbor day– in America it is celebrated on the last Friday of April. The history of the holiday is rooted in the ancient culture of the Aztec tribes. It is dedicated to planting trees, beautifying and landscaping city parks and streets.

Vietnam Veterans Day– In the USA they celebrate April 30th. On this day, Americans remember all those who died in that terrible war, and also honor veterans.

Mothers Day– celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of May. It is dedicated to all American mothers.

National Flag Day- Americans celebrate in June - on the 14th. On this day, residents of the United States honor the national Star-Spangled Banner. Red color symbolizes courage and endurance, white represents purity, blue is a symbol of hard work and justice.

July 18 celebrated in the USA National Hot Dog Day. It is dedicated to a traditional American dish.

Memorial Day for the Victims of Hiroshima– residents of the United States celebrate August 6th. On this day, Americans remember the terrible events of 1945. They pay tribute to all those who died in this terrible disaster.

Elvis Presley Memorial Day- a significant date, which is celebrated on August 16. It is dedicated to the world famous singer and musician – Elvis Presley.

American Women's Equality Day– falls on August 26th. In 1971, this holiday was introduced by the famous American woman - politician, lawyer - Bella Abzug. It aims to protect and equalize the rights of American women.

Sweets day- a wonderful holiday for adults and children, celebrated on the 3rd Saturday of October. On this day, it is customary to give each other all sorts of sweet gifts, bouquets of roses, and confession of love.

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There are many national holidays in Russia, when people all over the country do not work and have special celebrations.

The major holidays are: New Year's Day, Women's Day, May Day, Victory Day, and Independence Day.

The first holiday of the year is New Year"s Day. People see the new year in at midnight on the 31st of December. They greet the new year with champagne and listen to the Kremlin chimes beating 12 o"clock.

There are lots of New Year traditions in Russia. In every home there is a New Year tree glittering with colored lights and decorations. Children always wait for Father Frost to come and give them a present. Many people consider New Year's Day to be a family holiday. But the young prefer to have New Year parties of their own.

A renewed holiday in our country is Christmas. It is celebrated on the 7th of January. It"s a religious holiday and a lot of people go to church services on that day.

On the 8th of March we celebrate Women's Day when men are supposed to do everything about the house, cook all the meals and give women flowers.

The greatest national holiday in our country is Victory Day. On the 9th of May, 1945, our army completely defeated the German fascists and the Great Patriotic War ended. We"ll never forget our grandfathers and grandmothers who died to defend our Motherland. We honor their memory with a minute of silence and put flowers on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Independence Day is a new holiday in our country. On the 12th of June, 1992, the first President of Russia was elected.

We also celebrate Day of the Defender of Motherland on the 23d of February, Easter, Day of Knowledge and lots of professional holidays which are not public holidays and banks, offices and schools do not close.

Holidays in Russia

There are many holidays in Russia, during which people throughout the country do not work and hold special events.

Main holidays: New Year, International Women's Day, May 1st, Victory Day and Independence Day.

The first holiday of the year is New Year. People celebrate the New Year at midnight on December 31st. They welcome the New Year with champagne and listen to the Kremlin chimes at 12 o'clock.

There are many New Year traditions in Russia. Every home has a sparkling Christmas tree with colorful lights and decorations. Children are always waiting for Santa Claus, who comes and gives them gifts. Many people believe that New Year is a family holiday. But young people prefer to hold New Year's parties.

A renewed holiday in our country is Christmas. It is celebrated on January 7th. This is a religious holiday and many people go to church services on this day.

On March 8th we celebrate International Women's Day, when men should do everything around the house, cook food, and give women flowers.

The biggest national holiday in our country is Victory Day. On May 9, 1945, our army completely defeated the German fascists and the Great Patriotic War ended. We will never forget our grandfathers and grandmothers who died defending our Motherland. We honor their memory with a minute of silence and laying flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Independence Day is a new holiday in our country. On June 12, 1992, the first president of Russia was elected.

We also celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23, Easter, Knowledge Day and many professional holidays that are not public holidays and banks, offices and schools do not close on these days.

There is no country in the world whose people do not celebrate holidays. Residents of some countries celebrate their favorite holidays so enchantingly that you simply must visit them at the height of the celebration.

According to the latest data, residents of Austria and Malta celebrate the holidays more than others. These countries have officially established 38 official holidays. Germany and Greece have 37 each. The French and Spaniards celebrate 36 holidays, the Japanese - 15. The Netherlands and the USA have 10 official holidays, Brazil - 9, and Cuba has only 8.

In each country, the same holiday is celebrated differently, preserving the traditions of their ancestors and protecting the originality of the culture of their country.

Are you going on vacation? Here are some great ideas on what country to go to and what time to go!


Austria is a country of bright contrasts. Slavic and Roman-Germanic cultures are mixed here, and this is the reason for many state and religious holidays. Every traveler will find something for themselves here. Aesthetes and refined people will certainly enjoy the Vienna Balls, where tens of thousands of foreign tourists come to the Austrian capital every year to participate. Every year in Vienna more than 300 balls are given, but the most popular is considered to be Vienna Opera Ball. It is held in February at the Vienna Opera. The impressive scale of this event with more than 120 years of history is amazing in scope: about 5,000 ball participants and about a hundred service personnel (cooks, waiters, musicians, tailors...). The Vienna Ball is a social event equated to a public holiday. The president of the country is always present at the ball. If you are lucky enough to receive an invitation, take care of your outfit right away. There is an extremely strict dress code for all ceremony participants. Ladies are required to wear a tiara, gentlemen are required to wear a tailcoat. And learn to dance the Viennese waltz to show off your skills at the most fabulous ball on the planet.


Malta is not only a gentle sea and beautiful sandy beaches, life is in full swing here, and every day it prepares a lot of entertainment and new experiences for tourists. The Maltese are a very distinctive people. You only have to meet a Maltese once in your life, and you will never confuse him with any foreigner again. In this country it is customary to live in clans and the main interest of any Maltese is his family. But at the same time, cultural life on the islands is in full swing. People here simply love holidays and cannot imagine their life without sweets. All year round, Malta hosts a variety of festivals, thematic exhibitions and fairs, performances and sporting competitions. One of the most popular is wine and music festival Marsovin Summer Wine Festival, which is held in late July - early August. The festival takes place in the luxurious Upper Barrakka Garden in the capital of Malta, Valletta. Visitors who pay for admission receive a set of tokens that can be exchanged for more than 20 wine tastings, as well as enjoy delicious snacks and take an active part in the entertaining show program. It is noteworthy that non-drinking tourists are allowed into the festival absolutely free. The organizer of this wine celebration is Malta's oldest winemaking family, Emmanuel Delicata.


When it comes to alcohol festivals, you can't lose sight of Germany's most important festival. Oktoberfes t, which is held annually in the German city of Munich. According to experts Oktoberfest is recognized as the largest national festival in the world. The peculiarity of this autumn festival is that only Munich breweries have the right to participate in it. The beer served to guests is also brewed specially – Oktoberfest beer, and outside the festival period it is called “March beer” or “Viennese beer”. If you are a fan of noisy feasts with plenty of drinks and delicious snacks, then you simply must come to Munich between mid-September and early October.

The history of Oktoberfest dates back to 1810. The first ancestor of the modern festival took place on the occasion of the wedding of King Ludwig I and his bride, Princess Theresa (whose name is now given to the meadow where the beer festival is held). The main drink at the festival is undoubtedly Oktoberfest beer. However, in the tents you can also find a variety of soft drinks, as well as other alcohol. You can satisfy your hunger by tasting fried ruddy chicken "Hendl", grilled fish baked on skewers, small and large salted pretzels "Brezn", aromatic Bavarian sausages and frankfurters, potato and cabbage salads, and lovers of traditionally masculine snacks will appreciate pork hams "Schweinshaxe" and spit-roasted bulls. The festival is not complete without various attractions. During the entire beer festival (it lasts 16 days), guests take part in a rich show program, which includes various parades and even horse races. Everywhere you can see dancers dressed in national Bavarian costumes. The waiters are all dressed in national clothes.

The opening of the festival is an unusually beautiful and exciting spectacle. At exactly noon, the mayor of Munich uncorks a beer barrel - this is the signal for the start of the festival. A colorful costume parade takes place through the streets of Munich. The length of the procession route is six kilometers. At the head of the procession, riding on a beautiful horse, holding a melodious bell in her hand, follows a young German woman in the guise of a nun. Following are the carriages of the Bavarian administration and the mayor of Munich, as well as decorated carts with a foamy drink. In the column are folklorists, artists dressed in historical German costumes, and orchestras of wind instruments. People carry beautifully decorated garlands and branches in their hands. Every year, Oktoberfest welcomes about six million beer fans from all over the world, and the festival itself is broadcast by various television and radio companies around the world.


- this is the warm sun and gentle sea, white and blue tones with bright splashes of colorful flowers, olives, fur coats and sirtaki... You fall in love with this country at first sight, and the ancient architecture, which keeps the secrets of the gods of Olympus, captivates and delights any tourist. Traditionally, tourists choose Greece for their summer holidays. But if you visit this amazing country at the end of March, you will be able to take part in grandiose ceremonial events on the occasion of the most important holiday - Independence Day, which is traditionally celebrated on March 25. This public holiday coincides with the Christian holiday of the Annunciation and is therefore celebrated especially widely. The action begins with solemn services that take place in all temples and churches of the country. From all sides you can hear the joyful ringing of bells and festive melodies performed by philharmonic and brass orchestras. In every Greek city and even in the smallest villages, ceremonial parades are held with the participation of students, various societies and organizations, and the laying of wreaths at the memorials of freedom fighters. On specially installed stages, the Greeks show patriotic performances, hold concerts and other cultural events. The cities of Athens and Thessaloniki traditionally hold military parades. After the end of the official part of the holiday, the main square of Greece, Syntagma, turns into a huge dance floor, where creative groups from all over the country give performances. On Independence Day, all museums and archaeological sites in Greece hold interesting events and are open to visitors completely free of charge.


France is a country of love and beauty. Sensual, passionate, it attracts and captivates tourists with its centuries-old architecture, the heady aroma of French perfume and the pervasive spirit of romance. Holidays here are divided into national and local, specific to a particular region or even city. But there is one holiday that perfectly reveals and emphasizes the sensuality of the French - this Valentine's Day.

What could be more romantic than celebrating Valentine's Day with your partner in France? Buildings and shopping pavilions, squares and restaurants - everything is buried in hearts and other romantic paraphernalia. The tradition of giving each other valentines with love quatrains has gained wide popularity in France. It is also customary here to give your loved ones little Cupids, souvenirs and sweets in the shape of hearts, red or pink underwear and present pink yoghurts and mousses. On February 14, restaurants and cafes in France are crowded with loving couples of all ages. Everywhere you can hear both timid and confident words “I love you” in different languages. Valentine's Day in France has long been considered the most ideal day to propose marriage to your beloved.

Along with a glass of sparkling champagne and a delicate French dessert, the beloved lady is presented with a velvet box containing a fiansai - an engagement ring. If you are in love and full of romance, then Valentine's Day spent in France will add a spark to the fire of your love and fill your relationship with French charm.


Burning and seething with passions, Spain is the perfect place for passionate natures who always know exactly what they want and are used to taking everything from life. The Spaniards are a passionate and cheerful nation. More than anything else, local residents love siesta and fiesta, flamenco and bullfighting, as well as playful and gambling La Tomatina – “Tomato Festival” dedicated to the passing summer. And if bullfighting or flamenco does not surprise the sophisticated tourist, then the traveler, tired of the summer sun and slightly bored with the winter fun of playing snowballs, is simply obliged to visit the town of Buñol, located in the eastern part of the country, in the last week of August.

At 11 o'clock in the afternoon, a special rocket is launched directly from the roof of Buñol Town Hall - a symbol of the beginning of the La Tomatina festival. After this, trucks filled to capacity with ripe and juicy tomatoes drive out onto the streets of the town. Festival participants run up to the trucks under tomato fire, snatch the juiciest fruits and, with joyful cries, take revenge on the participants who managed to hit them. During the “fights,” all establishments in the area are closed, since about forty thousand fans of tomato battles are involved in the battle, and the number of tomatoes can be calculated in tens and even hundreds of tons.

By visiting this wonderful festival, you will plunge into an atmosphere of unbridled fun and excitement, as if you are returning to your barefoot and happy childhood.


Japan is an amazing country. In the life of any Japanese, 15 official holidays alternate with tiny miracles: the blossoming of sakura and plum trees, fragrant chrysanthemums and wisteria... Romantic residents of the Land of the Rising Sun love to create holidays for themselves on days of admiring the full moon, which have been popular among the Japanese for more than 10 centuries. In general, celebrating holidays here is easy and pleasant.

If you are a romantic by nature, then you should definitely go to Tokyo in late March during the cherry blossom season. It blooms for about two weeks. People began to admire the blossoming of Japanese cherry trees many centuries ago, and this tradition gained wider popularity during the period of calm and peace - Heian at the court of Emperor Kammu. In those days, Japanese aristocrats and people close to the emperor could enjoy poetry or play various games for a long time under the canopy of cherry blossoms.

When sakura is in bloom, all city parks and alleys, squares and areas of Buddhist temples are filled with crowds of tourists. Evening sightseeing is especially popular among tourists, when the trees are specially illuminated, which gives the walks a certain mystery and an even greater trace of romanticism.


The Dutch are committed to traditional holidays such as New Year, Christmas, Easter and Victory Day. But at the same time, they are big fans of festivals. Perhaps the most colorful and eventful experience for a tourist will be the annual flower parade that starts in the city of Aalsmeer at the beginning of September. Several million flowers of all possible varieties and colors flood the 2.5 kilometers from Aalsmeer, through Amstelveen and into the historical center of Amsterdam. On the day of the festival, all cars, houses, and fences are decorated with bright flower garlands. Hundreds of Dutch companies that grow and sell flowers, using maximum creativity, decorate cars and special moving platforms with freesias, chrysanthemums, tulips, roses and lilies. This incredibly beautiful sight is definitely worth visiting Holland at the end of September! When the flower procession reaches Dam Square, the concert begins. Attending the parade is absolutely free for everyone.


The USA is a country with rather traditional views on holidays. Americans, like residents of many other countries, especially revere Christmas. Also popular here are Thanksgiving, Memorial Day and Independence Day, which is celebrated on the 4th of July. But every year it comes more and more firmly into our lives. beloved by many Halloween or All Hallows' Eve, which falls on October 31st. If you are a lover of thrills and funny pranks, then you will definitely enjoy celebrating Halloween in the United States of America.
It is generally accepted that traditional Halloween came into American culture thanks to the Irish, where this popular holiday has a centuries-old history. The basic idea of ​​Halloween is taken from paganism. An ancient Irish belief says that the souls of all the previously deceased return and collect tribute from the living in the form of something edible on the night of November 1st.

In the United States, Halloween is awaited just as much as Christmas. American adults and children prepare costumes in advance for this all-American “carnival of evil spirits.” Loving owners even dress their pets in Batman or Spiderman costumes. It is worth noting that in Canada the tradition of celebrating Halloween is widespread.

New York and Los Angeles are considered to be the generally recognized “capitals” of Halloween, since All Hallows’ Eve is celebrated here in a particularly colorful and pompous manner. The main accessories of the celebration were pumpkin lanterns in the form of ghost heads, and the main tradition was begging for sweets - Trik or trak. The ritual of begging for sweets has become a favorite pastime of American children. On the night of October 31, children, always dressed up in themed costumes, go to neighboring houses and offer the owners to pay off the owners with sweets, otherwise they threaten to smear raw eggs and soot on windows and doors or overturn garbage cans. Halloween is not an official holiday, but, despite this, residents of the United States have managed to preserve and honor the traditions of the celebration for more than two centuries.


The word “Brazil” somehow involuntarily brings to mind old Ostap Bender and his “crystal mast of childhood” - Rio de Janeiro, where there is coffee dumping, all the residents wear white pants and dance the Charleston. Rio is an amazing city. Here you can see one of the newest Wonders of the World - the statue of Jesus Christ the Redeemer, installed on Mount Corcovado. In addition to the statue, in the capital you will visit the legendary white beaches of Leblon, Ipanema and Copacobana, enjoy authentic Brazilian cuisine and plunge into a pulsating and vibrant nightlife.

If you are tired of monotonous workdays, and a beach holiday seems too lazy, then you should visit Rio da Janeiro 40 days before Easter. It is at this time that the most pompous, enchanting and fiery carnival takes place there. A riot of colors, crazy energy and fiery samba rhythms will give you an incredibly positive festive mood and a boost of energy for the whole year.

The Brazilian Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is held for several days in a row and finishes at the Sambodrome, a special stadium with an area of ​​85 thousand square meters. At the Sambodrome, the best samba schools compete in dance skills, as well as in the colorfulness and richness of costumes and the brightness of the scenery. The Brazilian carnival is such an enchanting and exciting event that it is impossible to just watch it; you will definitely want to become a participant and merge with the rainbow crowd to the rhythm of the fiery samba. To do this, a tourist needs to purchase a suit, the cost of which starts at $200.

The Brazilian carnival is not just a holiday, it is a way of life. Immediately after its end, Brazilians begin to prepare for the next carnival: practicing their dance skills, sewing breathtaking costumes, and inventing new decorations for the festive parade.

If you crave bright impressions, a charge of positivity, and want to have fun until you drop, then go to fiery Brazil for the most famous carnival in the world and “have a blast” in Rio de Janeiro to the fullest.


Cuba is famous throughout the world for its rum and cigars, Caribbean exoticism and gorgeous beaches. Cubans are cheerful and open, very fond of holidays and nightlife. At night, Liberty Island is immersed in the rhythms of Spanish guitar and African drums, fiery salsa, rhythmic cha-cha-cha and sensual rumba, and nightlife visitors are treated to cocktails, among which Mojito, Daiquiri, Cuba Libre and Cuba Bella are especially popular.

If you prefer to celebrate the New Year in warm countries, then Cuba is an ideal place to celebrate the New Year, especially since Cubans celebrate Liberation Day on January 1. By visiting Liberty Island at this time, you will find yourself in the grip of two holidays at once and get a double dose of pleasure.

It is customary to celebrate the New Year in Cuba on a grand scale. Most traditions have Spanish roots. Thus, Cubans wear new clothes on New Year's Eve, giving preference to red and yellow colors (symbols of good luck and wealth). At midnight, it is customary to open the doors of houses wide, thus letting in the New Year and seeing off the Old Year. Cubans also get rid of old water by pouring it out of windows, and eat twelve grapes when the chimes strike. In Havana, the center of celebrations is the Cathedral Square. A grand banquet is held there and dance and music show called Tropicana. Restaurants also open their doors to visitors, enticing them with Cuban cuisine, which can be enjoyed to the accompaniment of guitars and bagjos. On New Year's Eve, residents and tourists are entertained by the best musicians and dancers of Cuba. Closer to midnight, crowds of people pour into the streets to congratulate each other and admire the bright festive fireworks.

On January 1, Cuba, not having had time to recover from the noisy fun of New Year's Eve, finds itself in the grip of one of the most significant holidays for the locals - Liberation Day. It is customary to celebrate it on a grand scale. Preparations for large-scale celebrations on the occasion of Liberation Day begin many months in advance. On January 1, residents of Liberty Island and tourists can expect military parades and a fiery speech by the commandant. City streets are once again filled with crowds of happy, smiling people. And mass festivities with Latin American chants and dances, accompanied by the consumption of rum and alcoholic cocktails, continue until the morning.

If you are a big fan of the exotic, the warm sea, fiery dances and miss the USSR a little, then the New Year in Cuba is exactly what will make you happy.