Beautiful congratulations on your 30th birthday to your friend. Congratulations to your daughter on her anniversary

Thirty years for a woman is a wonderful date, which most representatives of the fair sex meet full of strength and energy, having behind them certain life experience, a life partner and children.

At this age, young women have usually already decided on their desires and priorities in life.

Therefore, on the one hand, choosing a gift for a friend’s 30th birthday can be relatively simple, especially if you have known her for a long time, but on the other hand, you want your congratulations to be original and unforgettable.

What to give a friend for her 30th birthday

Everything will depend on the lifestyle of the one whose thirtieth birthday is approaching.

If your friend is constantly busy caring for a small child, then her greatest desire will be at least a few hours of rest “for herself.”

Give her a certificate for visiting a spa or bath complex and keep her company - for her it will be tantamount to flying to another planet.

A friend who works in an office from dawn to dusk will enjoy being in the fresh air - give her a one-day trip to a recreation center for her 30th birthday, where she can walk through green meadows, fish or ride horses. In winter, it can be a skating rink, a ski slope or sledding entertainment, the main thing is clean air, cheerful company and picturesque landscapes.

If it is not possible to have a joint “outing,” then jewelry, wristwatches, perfumes, or beautiful lingerie can be wonderful gifts for your thirtieth birthday.

A universal gift for girls and women aged 15 and older - a certificate for participation in a photo shoot.

How to congratulate your friend on her 30th birthday in an original way

In addition to a valuable gift, you usually want to please your close friend with some original surprise that would remain in her memory for a long time. And this requires, perhaps, more creativity than choosing a gift for 30 years. Much also depends on the time you have and your financial capabilities.

First, let's look at the surprises that you can prepare with your own hands.

  • release of a festive wall newspaper - on a large Whatman paper you can place (stick) printed collages of photographs, write funny poems and wishes, decorate with decorative elements (stickers, rhinestones, beautiful pictures from magazines);
  • publication of a thematic magazine - let it be an issue about the life and work of your friend from infancy to the present day. Confidentially ask her parents for childhood photographs, ask them what she was interested in before. If you’ve been friends since school, who else but you should publish a magazine from the “life of remarkable people” series;
  • creating a desk wall calendar is a very glamorous option, because you will choose the best photos of your friend for each of the 12 months of the year, starting with the month of her birth. The calendar will delight her for at least a whole year - until her next birthday;
  • design of a personal card - on the front side of an A4 postcard you can place a beautiful holiday photo of your friend (you can print the photo on a color printer), as a text of congratulations - select lines from poems by different poets that, in your opinion, reflect the personality of your friend.

It will take some time to prepare such surprises.

If there is very little time left before your friend’s birthday, companies specializing in entertainment and congratulations can come to your aid.

The options can be very different:

  • presentation (delivery) of bouquets, balloons, compositions of sweets and toys is useful if it is not possible to present a gift in person directly on your birthday;
  • congratulations on your 30th birthday, sounding on the waves of your favorite radio station, will please any woman;
  • A very effective (but expensive) option would be to invite professional vocalists to perform your friend’s favorite song (you can even invite them to the office), or professionals who, using climbing equipment, will look right into the window with a bouquet of flowers.

Summarizing all of the above, we can safely say that congratulating a friend on her 30th birthday in a beautiful and unusual way is a completely doable task.

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Thirty years - that's cool!
Anniversary? Can't be!
So every minute
It needs to be put to good use!

Beer, vodka, cola, whiskey...
And forget the word “no”!
Shish kebab, bowls with salad -
The banquet continues!

And we're not drunk yet,
We sit in the corner
We compose a unique
Anniversary congratulations!

Youth rushed by headlong.
Childhood and youth are behind us!
Happiness is all in the past...
Don't expect any more joy!

Only adult concerns
And boring things
Notorious job
Took away all my freedom!

Thirty years is certainly a long time!
A third of life's journey.
Let along the path of life
It'll be fun to go!

It's not a cat, it's not a fish,
This is not a gray sparrow.
This is the best card!
Exactly thirty! Anniversary!

Presents are being collected
Like mushrooms in a box.
And also from the president
Congratulations have been delivered!

He wishes you fun
Away from various troubles!
What a morning without a hangover,
Whatever harms the cake!

What would guests do without a gift?
They didn’t show up at the door!
And what about your foreign car?
No one could overtake!

You bloomed like a May rose
In drops of fresh morning dew.
30 years is the age of maturity,
Women's wisdom and beauty.

30 years is a sweet fairy tale,
What drives men so crazy.
At 30 you are especially beautiful
At 30 you are still young!

Let the glasses sparkle with champagne,
Let the ballads sound until the morning,
Stay as beautiful as you are.
Happiness, light, smiles, kindness...

I wish you on this anniversary
Be a little more cunning
And the most beautiful and kindest of all,
Don’t you dare think badly!

Career so that it only goes up,
And in the children's bedroom there is only laughter.
And let the husband carry it in his arms,
Cooked dinner, didn't piss me off!

Let positivity be with you
Always walk confidently.
There will be more health than the sea,
May it always smell and bloom!

Happy thirtieth birthday, dear! Let your youth bloom with the brightest colors in the palette of life. I wish that everywhere and always those around you can adequately appreciate your qualities and feel sincere respect and warmth for you.

30 years is a wonderful anniversary.
The best age, without a doubt.
We wish you bright days,
There are only bright impressions in life.

Happiness without boundaries, mutual love,
Live without sorrows and worries,
Time to devote to yourself, your loved one,
Get younger every year.

At 10 years old you were just a sprout,
At 20, you were a bud.
At the age of 30 she blossomed like a flower,
It blossomed with unearthly beauty.

I wish you a long, long time
Do not fade, but only bloom.
And friends, and good luck, and happiness
To gain a lot in your life.

You are exactly thirty today.
What a wonderful anniversary!
I want to have a lot of fun
And relax with friends.

Go, captivating everyone with your beauty.
Be loved. Live lovingly.
Men sigh after you,

Have fun now and tomorrow
So as not to be sad and bored.
Wake up, wash your face, eat breakfast
And - conquer the peaks again!

Let your prosperity be strong,
There will be no emptiness in the soul.
Let everything be as you want
It will be as you dream.

The best age is thirty,
It's time for maturity.
You are beautiful like a girl
But, like a woman, she is wise.

Majestic movements
They get it by thirty.
Happy Birthday!
You should be lucky at thirty!

Let the dream burn without smoldering,
Don't miss her!
In honor of this anniversary

Birthdays, anniversaries -
So year after year goes by.
Gradually we, growing up,
We write notes in a notepad:

With whom, when to meet,
Where to call
So that there is a queue in the salon,
Secure it to yourself.

I want to wish you
And now, and for later:
Women's happiness, great
Let him protect your home.

Wake up with your sweetheart
And the kids will grow up with him.
Let life be successful -
You've only reached thirty...

Wonderful age - 30 years old,
Beautiful, young, wonderful!
Bouquet of joyful moments
It won't let you get bored in vain.

May all your dreams come true,
May good luck be with you.
Happiness to your home and kindness,
Let sadness forget about you!

Your anniversary is just a reason to say again,
What a wonderful, bright person you are!
From my pure heart I want to wish
Happy life and love forever!

Let your every day not pass by:
Seize the moment, you need to live in the present!
And remember: all dreams are possible,
Just smile, be kind, more often!

May the sun shine brighter today
Today you have thirty in total;
Let there be many flowers and smiles,
Let everything bloom for you everywhere!

On your anniversary I wish you
Health and success throughout your journey;
Love and happiness - an ocean without end
And it’s as if the rose is always blooming!

Turning 30 is often scary
Young ladies and maidens.
But you already understood
Previously there was only a warm-up.

Congratulations on your anniversary
And I wish like a doe
Graceful, sophisticated
Jump over this line.

Stay as sweet as you are
Smart, bright, mischievous.
Be harsh if necessary
Be funny if you want.

On your anniversary, on your birthday,
Please accept simple congratulations!
At just thirty years old,
We wish that she does not know troubles.

To grow younger and bloom,
She was always friendly.
And so that with its beauty,
You deprived men of peace.

Thirty years is the beginning of life,
There is only success ahead,
You are smart, slim, beautiful,
You will outshine everyone with your beauty,
We wish you on your anniversary
Develop and grow
Always strive for the best
And go with a smile!

You turn 30 today.
May all your dreams come true,
Life will be filled with happy colors,
The days and nights will be wonderful.

Happy birthday to you!
May there always be joy and inspiration,
Kindness and harmony live in the heart,
There will be no disagreements in the family.

You are beautiful, like the most delicate flower
And full of love and boundless charm.
Be the most desired and loved
And always so one - unique!

» Happy 30th birthday greetings to a beautiful friend

Happy 30th birthday greetings to a friend - funny

You're 30 years old, friend.
You are already a mother, a wife.
Even if the day is stormy,
You are all glowing with happiness.
But I know your dreams
And therefore I wish
Relax at sea more often
Drive in a shiny BMW.
Dress up "haute couture"
Go to the SPA, get a manicure,
Don't get fat from chocolate
Dance until you drop.
Sitting in silence over tea,
Enjoying without getting bored!
All the homework
So that the husband does it willingly.
Anything is possible - it's true!
You just have to believe in a miracle,
And the whole world is at your service!
Happy birthday my friend!

Here are your glasses and knitting needles,
A brand new ball of wool -
Hurry up and get involved with them
In a quiet warm corner.
From now on, my friend is TV,
Interlocutor - Kiselev,
And the pressure will rise -
Call the clinic.
30 years is such a date!
Don't get sick, give everyone fire!
Happy anniversary, dear
My old stick!

Happy anniversary, dear friend! May you have everything that cannot be bought: true sincere love, true friends, health and happiness! Let hopes become reality and promises come true! I wish you that your beauty blossoms every day, and that goodness and prosperity are constant companions!

Happy birthday to my friend
I hasten to congratulate you.
Today is the anniversary,
Dear, with you.
Turned thirty
But this is nonsense.
After all, you look 20,
My beauty.
Bloom and smile
Let the whole world be happy.
We don't play like children,
Let's have a big feast.

Dear friend, dear,
Today all the words are to you.
You, accepting congratulations,
Dream and think about yourself!
Today is your special holiday,
You are thirty years old today!
I wish you two more for thirty
Live without sorrows and troubles.
Be young, beautiful, wise.
Appreciate everything that is with you.
And if it gets very difficult,
Share your troubles with me!
I wish you happiness and luck,
And warm affectionate love.
Believe in the best, drive away doubts
And only take care of happiness!

Your age is so wonderful
The look is mysterious and clear,
You are divine, luxurious,
It’s impossible to look enough!..
You are like an angel, sweet, gentle,
Like a snow-white snowdrop,
You all glow, flutter,
You give us warmth and happiness!
Be a beautiful princess
Be a lady - unique,
Moderately proud, unique,
And always phenomenal!

Candy girl,
The girl of a dream.
Let the "thirty-year-old"
But it’s good!
Birthday note
Joy has come.
Dear friend,
Always be like this:
Positively bright
With a sparkling light,
Simply real!

What can I wish for you, girlfriend?
On such a wonderful anniversary?
Be the very, very, very best.
Forward to success, don’t be timid!
Let a lot have been achieved,
Don't relax along the way.
Turning thirty is just the beginning
More prizes are yet to come!
Take care of what is dear to your heart,
Have good health,
Let the family be a strong rear,
And the rest - overcome!

As a child, you and I shared
All secrets for two.
We discussed all the suitors,
Both yours and mine.
We are no longer children,
There is a family, a job, a home.
But as before, at dawn
We want to chat together.
It's a pity, there is no time at all,
Life, cleaning, husband, affairs.
But today there will be a reason
To congratulate you.
It's a friend's birthday,
She is thirty years old today.
With words of admiration
I give you a bouquet.

What can I wish for you, friend?
You and I know each other...
No, I won’t tell you how many years ago
Otherwise I’ll tell you about age.
We've been friends for a long time.
So, I wish you happiness with your husband,
There are a million beautiful dresses
And a small trainload of shoes.
May your stockings never tear,
And don’t let your hair split,
There will be candies without calories,
Let everyone forget about age.
Do you want a dacha in Hawaii?
And an island in the Pacific Ocean?
I wish them for you too,
Then I will come to you.

Thirty is not a vice.
This is not a long time.
You are still young
There is a sparkle in the eyes.
And today is the anniversary,
On the brightest, brightest day
I want to wish you
A guiding star.
Let it light the way
Guides to hope and faith.
Let him fill the house with happiness,
There will be many guests there.
Let your dreams come true
My husband always gives flowers.
So that on this bright anniversary
The house gathered relatives.

30th anniversary to friend, congratulations, wishes

Anniversary is a milestone holiday,

Life is a significant result!

After all, today you are 30,

You are like a rose petal!

Congratulations on a wonderful day!

You are a friend like a diamond

Clean, light and shiny,

The best option in friendship is!

Always be loved by fate

And beautiful and beautiful!

May you be lucky in love

Move forward boldly!

And may fortune help you,

Showers everyone for good reason!

Be who you are!

After all, being friends with you is just an honor!

Congratulations on your anniversary

My dear friend

Congratulations many times!

I wish you happiness - the sea,

And diamonds - just right!

Happy anniversary - congratulations!

I always want to be a flower,

Gentle, light and pleasant!

Everything will become favorable!

I want to wish you

Don't go to the doctor for a long time!

To be healthy is not to get sick,

And always sing with a smile!

Always flutter like a butterfly,

At 30, it’s a sin not to fly!

In general, happiness and love,

The ocean of passion is in the blood!

My dear, girlfriend!

30 years have come unnoticed,

Just don’t be sad - don’t,

After all, they are the color of bright life!

I sincerely congratulate you!

An anniversary is a reason for joyful meetings!

And love surrounds you,

Happy 30th anniversary to my friend

Having crossed one more line,

We sum up the results of the life we ​​have lived.

Throwing away everyday life, meaningless vanity,

We ascend to the victory podium.

Your anniversary is one of these victories.

A wonderful age, aspirations for better things,

Flight of the soul and every new day

My heart is open to love and inspiration.

May this bright holiday increase your strength.

We wish you, dear, to blossom over the years.

May women's fate help you

Be happy and never be discouraged!

Wishes in verses for a friend on her anniversary

Age is not the most important thing in life!

The years are like a metronome.

We'll wait and see, God willing,

Maybe we'll understand something.

Thirty years is a holy date,

A continuous stream of bright feelings.

Be cheerful and rich

Don't worry.

Let a miracle happen to you

Dreams will come true,

For love to be reborn with a soul,

Shine with happiness brighter than the morning star!

Thirty years is a wonderful date.

You are as fresh and sweet as ever.

The years fly away forever,

You always remain young.

And poems and flowers this evening,

And confessions are as pure as dew.

Unload your fragile shoulders,

Take a break from the bustle of the world.

We congratulate you, dear!

Let smiles weave your destiny,

The path is paved with the light of joy,

Happy 30th birthday greetings to a friend

Today you are thirty years old, friend,
Forget about what sadness and boredom are.
We will cheerfully celebrate this noble anniversary,
You'd better pour some wine into our glasses.
I wish you to always go your own way,
So that you go among God's favorites,
So that your Angel protects you everywhere,
And he jealously protected from various troubles. Today we have a great reason to have fun,
It's my friend's thirtieth birthday.
And on this sonorous, bright anniversary of yours,
Many close and beloved guests came.
You, my dear, always go boldly through life,
May spring never stop blooming in your soul,
Let your years only improve you,
May no trouble ever touch you. My dear, beloved and faithful girlfriend.
I came to congratulate you on your thirtieth birthday,
So for your loud and important anniversary,
Just grab a snack and fill up the glass.
Well, now I’ll start wishing you everything,
So that you can always cope with difficulties,
So that sadness and trouble do not touch you,
May you always be happy, my friend! Your anniversary is a temple of joy and hope,
Today we will divide it in half with you,
Today you will hear more than one pleasant word,
You're thirty, who expected this?
Let these lines become a bouquet of congratulations,
May your every dawn be happy,
So let's quickly fill the glasses,
And with a snack we’ll remember the past with you. Today there are only familiar faces around,
There are flowers everywhere, your bright laughter sounds,
Just think - you're turning thirty,
Your life will now take a steep turn.
It's because you never stand still
You drive away sorrows and sadness from yourself,
Today you and your family and friends are together,
You are starting a new life, a blessed path. Today is your anniversary - you are already thirty years old,
But there are no barriers to happiness,
You are beautiful, energetic, friendly and smart,
You are full of sincerity, love and warmth.
Today, girlfriend, accept my congratulations,
You always remain the mistress of your destiny.
May fate always favor you,
May your guiding star shine brightly. An anniversary is a temple of joy.
We will split it in half with you
Today there is joy, and a song, and a word.
You're 30! So little for you!
And there is so much fun in fate,
And the moon shines like a horseshoe.
Congratulations - a bouquet of lines,
They contain love, sunset, and dawn
Your life. Let's fill the glasses,
To have more wine,
So that spring comes knocking on us.
To youth itself, surprised
She came to us and brought flowers.
So that you can see dreams
And colored, and even golden.
So much happiness is still ahead
All sorrows passed like rain.
And you and I became different. To you, pretty child,
We, classmates, are calling!
Tell us the truth, without joking,
Is it really 30? We know
From your distant youth,
But your face is unfading!
So is it you, that girlfriend,
What flashed in our youth?
You remain young, old lady,
How have you deceived nature?
We have grown a belly, we are respectable,
They put pince-nez over my eyes,
And you are still pretty,
And you jump; like a dragonfly!
Yes, you are a witch, that's for sure
Have a wonderful, young life, girlfriend.
We need to drink to this urgently.
Pour it quickly, where's the mug? I see familiar faces
Flowers, congratulations and laughter,
To think - you're already thirty,
Life has started to take off!
But you don't stand still,
Everything will be both joy and sadness,
Today we are all together,
Let me at least pull your ears! Great age - 30 years old
There are no barriers to happiness,
You are charming, beautiful and smart,
You have overcome the step to success.
Dear friend, congratulations,
Always be the master of your destiny,
May you be lucky in everything, always,
May your path be illuminated by a lucky star. Congratulations on your 30th anniversary,
I wish you to always be on top,
May only happiness and good luck await you ahead,
May your dreams come true.
Let desires and possibilities coincide,
May there be many sunny days,
Be desired and loved always,
Let there always be a reason for fun. You are thirty years old today
My friend's dear
There is not a single day
So that you and I don't share
Women's secrets, affairs,
Something about work, about family,
Sometimes it happened that at night
We were secretive about ourselves.
And from my heart I wish you,
All the best and goodness,
Because you're the only one
Reliable and wise for all of us.
There's a rainbow sparkling in the sky,
The world is washed after the rain,
The sun plays like a ray,
Everyone congratulates you
Happy birthday dear
Peace, sun and warmth!
You're so young
You were made for love.
Thirty years is the beginning
Female kind beauty.
Let the stars shine for you,
Happy fate to you! Girlfriend, good friend,
Today you are thirty years old.
No, it’s not a banquet here, but a feast,
Where can you speak quietly about yourself?
Talk, have a little drink,
And smoke a cigarette,
Think about how we can survive now,
So that there are no losses and so that there is no whining.
Let's not remember the old things,
Let's just drink to you,
So that time is not wasted,
Let fate spoil you! Quiet snowflakes flew by,
No, not from heaven, in your heart,
A tear quietly creeps down my face,
You decided to feel sorry for yourself.
So what? Now you're over thirty
You are beautiful, become and smart.
Let the tears on your eyelashes dry,
And in life you became strong.
Oh, friend, you are my friend!
There's a lot more to come in life,
Meet your best friend
To hold you to my chest!
Friends gathered at the table today,
To chat about our own, about women’s.
So have a little drink, remember the past,
And tell my dear friend,
That we congratulate her together
With her thirty years.
We wish you good health and may she be lucky
Long may she be friends with us.
Boundless happiness, joy to you,
For such people the sun shines in the sky.
More prosperity in a difficult fate,
And don’t think about your daily bread. Dear sunshine, you are my friend,
Happy birthday to you,
Always be beautiful, like spring itself,
I wish you joy and happiness.
Always be a mistress and a glorious wife,
And for the children a wonderful mother,
And so perky, forever young,
So that you don't have to cry.
Golden sun, warm rain
On your thirtieth birthday I wish you.
Kindness of heart, affection for you,
May your friends all adore you. Never lose your friends!
After all, they are part of your life.
If grief happens suddenly,
They will help, even in thoughts.
We have such a friend,
And he will understand, regret, give advice,
He will take his heart out of his chest for you,
And he will tell you how to live with this grief.
Congratulations dear,
Thirty years is not scary for you.
Let your life be golden
I wish you grace, lovingly. You are thirty years old today,
The glass is filled with wine.
Tell me, friend, a secret,
How is time stopped?
You are so fresh and good
As soon as from graduation,
Men watch without breathing
And women are so strict.
I would like to wish
Love and beauty
And never lose heart,
The most wonderful fate! Dear, dear friend,
Today is your anniversary.
The evil blizzard will not swirl
Over your female destiny.
I want them to bring joy
Cranes on the wings of spring,
So that everyone around you loves you,
They would be honest with you.
Thirty years is quite a bit
Before the gates of earthly eternity.
And your troubles go away,
Always be beautiful, young!
I'll give you a bouquet of daisies,
As a symbol of feminine purity.
You've become just a year older
Today is thirty - and flowers
Beautiful and gentle, like you
Men give them with love.
Let your dreams come true,
You will never know the hardships.
I congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you a sea of ​​earthly blessings,
Forget sadness without regret,
May you have beautiful and colorful dreams. A fairy tale, as beautiful as in childhood,
It's here again for you.
Like in a very distant kingdom
You are a princess, they give everything lovingly,
And sweets, and, of course, roses,
The most beautiful in the world,
At the age of thirty, dreams are already gone,
To the little girls on the planet.
Because now I will wish you
So that life will be kind to you,
So that a miracle can always happen,
Be beautiful and wise! At thirty, life begins again
For a beautiful time in life,
The fire of passion is just burning,
They are very generous in their love for you
Many worthy men
They look at you with admiration
Peaks are easily conquered
Modern and difficult existence.
Congratulations to my dear friend
And I ask God for her,
I am healthy, happy and I know
What will my word help her? Never ask fate
No wealth, no money, no gold.
I send my prayers,
May you be rich in health.
For people to love you
May you be kind and calm.
At thirty, fate is favorable
May he reward you so worthy.
Birthday has come today
I want to wish you well,
So that success finds you quickly,
But the problems were beyond my reach. The anniversary has finally arrived
The guests sit at the table for a long time,
Pour the glasses fuller,
And all the talk today is about
What we wish you love,
Beauty and health to you.
May all your days be happy
What is left for you according to fate.
My dear friend,
Thirty years is very little.
Your lot will be happy
And a lot of earthly goodness to you!
Happiness, joy, goodness
Today we wish.
Let the spark of love flare up,
Let them respect you
At work, also at home,
May you always be healthy.
Never know the damage
Let trouble go around the house.
I congratulate my friend
She's thirty today
I wish you happiness, joy,
God's protection to her. The fourth decade has begun,
What does he mean to us?
Three times more happiness will happen,
Only strong love will happen again.
Let happy days happen
Grief will dissipate, all sadness will disappear.
Loved ones don't leave
Today they wish you good luck.
We have always been true friends,
Best friends for many years.
And neither fire nor sadness will separate us,
Let our time strengthen our friendship. I was invited today
For your birthday.
What surprised me greatly,
After all, there will be trouble no matter what.
30 years is a long time
Everyone else has no idea.
And even if you are already old,
You warmed the hearts of many people.
I can wish now
Good health, love.
I definitely won't lie to you,
May happiness be in your blood. We love your birthday
After all, this is a sure reason for fun.
You will be showered with congratulations,
This is joy, it’s your birthday!
And let it burn inside
The joy of a new dawn.
And let it happen to you
Moments of happiness every time.
We love you even then
When you're inspired and drunk.
We will only repeat the words of congratulations,
That will seal our friendship for years.
You are beautiful, let everyone know
Your soul freezes with laughter!
And let it all just be flattery,
She gives you all the honor!
We are ready for wishes,
Now say it again.
There will be a lot of flattery in them again,
But how can we get around your beauty?
Let your dreams come true
May life give us heavenly paradise.
May you be happy, dear,
So kind, frankly, unobtrusively beautiful.
Dear, beloved friend,
What do we mean to each other?
How can you pronounce words of love?
How to find words for congratulations?
I wish beauty
And good luck in life.
I wish you kindness
Happiness is just a bonus.
You're a little drunk now
Is it important?
As always, smart, kind,
You are beautiful and brave! I strive to wish you
Great joy.
I'll explode with wishes,
I won't be modest.
I'm lucky to have you
Dear, beloved friend.
Even the grief is all gone,
Where else can you find such a friend?
Let lilies of the valley bloom in your soul,
Forget-me-nots are blooming.
Happiness, tender candy and dragee,
Gives moments of joy.
You are a true support and foundation
My happy days.
I ask heaven's cover,
So that our happiness may be more genuine.
I wish you
Health, smiles,
I wish you
Forgiveness of all mistakes
May your dream also strive
Only come true at this glorious hour.
Let the troubles be forgotten.
And you will be happy, and so will we. What kind of holiday? Maybe New Year?
What awaits us all today?
It's a nice birthday
And it's time to prepare congratulations!
Let there be a word of beauty in them,
That left its mark on your destiny.
There will be happiness and good luck in them,
Well, how could it be otherwise?
And let career successes happen,
Sorrow and problems are forgotten.
We only want light
Getting the right advice from life!

Congratulations to a girl on her 30th birthday in Prose

Thirty anniversary It is considered a certain milestone after which a young girl becomes a mature woman. So, whoever thinks so, let him go to the f... to the farm to catch butterflies. A woman is at an age at which she feels comfortable. Perhaps today she is a young girl, tomorrow she is a wise woman, and after tomorrow she is a capricious child. I wish you to always be the one you want at any age. With your natural beauty and love of life, this is not at all difficult. Congratulations on this wonderful anniversary!

Dear friend, Congratulations on your thirtieth birthday! Today, you look more impressive than ever! You are simply amazing. I say this absolutely sincerely, and not for the sake of a catchphrase. I have always been amazed at how you combine tenderness and charm with prudence and perseverance. You set goals for yourself in life and with a smile, you easily achieve them. At the same time, you remain a friendly person with an open heart. I'm proud to be your friend. Happy Birthday.

Let those who say that female friendship It doesn’t happen, it will be embarrassing. After all, you and I, my dear hero of the day, are a clear refutation of this stupid aphorism. You are like a sister to me, who will always understand, forgive and share both joy and sadness with me. With you, the troubles seem insignificant and the holiday is a thousand times more fun. For your kindness and tolerance, may God give you eternal youth and excellent health.

Thirty is a cool age! You are just as young, slim and energetic as you were at 18, but at the same time, your smart little head works differently. Therefore, at the age of 30, new prospects and opportunities open up before you. You can pursue a career or take care of a family, or maybe you will combine both. The main thing is that your choice will be balanced and conscious. At 30 years old, you can enjoy attention from men, but not allow them, like a naive girl, to take advantage of you. Whatever you do in the next...twenty years, I am sure you will achieve success in any field, because you are a beautiful and smart woman. Happy anniversary!

Happy thirtieth birthday! Let magic suddenly happen on this holiday, and you will become thirty times healthier and more beautiful, luck will come to you thirty times more often, your husband will love you thirty times more, and the amount on your bank card will increase at least thirty times.

30 years - age, which makes us think. This is the milestone that separates golden youth from maturity. In our youth it seems to us that everything is still ahead. At thirty, a lot is still ahead, but a lot is already behind. And involuntarily you begin to rethink what you have lived through and there is a desire to go back to the past and fix something, change something. I wish you not to regret the mistakes that, inevitably, every person makes in his life, to draw the right conclusions and look into the future with a positive attitude. Rejoice in the successes you have achieved in thirty years. Let everything that was good in life be multiplied, and the experience gained, “son, difficult mistakes,” will serve you well in the future. You are a young, interesting, smart woman, so now you can make any dream come true. Dare, achieve what you want and be happy!

For some reason I associate the word anniversary with pre-retirement and retirement age, therefore, looking at such an attractive, slender, young, and why be shy, sexy girl, I propose to congratulate the birthday girl on her next coming of age. Name, you become more and more perfect with every new birthday. I don’t want to make pretentious speeches about the next stage in your life and summing up the results. Let me just say: congratulations, you are super! May you have a super mood, super gifts and super fun on your super birthday.

Thirty is a great age. You already know what you want from life. You have the desire, experience and knowledge to achieve your goal. You have formed a social circle, only real girlfriends, friends and truly close people remain. And you still have your whole life ahead! I wish you a destiny filled with pleasant impressions and joyful events, unfading beauty, unfading youth, true love, millions of smiles, compliments, kind words and grace in your soul. And may the number of your achievements increase thirtyfold in the next thirty years, and may the young fire in your eyes shine brighter and brighter. Happy anniversary!

Today, on your thirtieth birthday, I want to wish you difficulties on your life path. They temper and make us stronger. That's the kind of cynical and disgusting person I am. I wish you to drown in money more often, cry with laughter, choke with love and annually face a painful choice - the Bahamas, the Canaries or the Maldives? May you have no peace from luck and luck. May illnesses, troubles, evil people and... happiness never come to visit you. Because happiness will have a permanent residence in your soul. Let cosmetologists, makeup artists and plastic surgeons refuse to deal with you, because they will be powerless to change your appearance for the better, because there is nowhere better. You are a strong and strong-willed woman and I am sure you will cope with all these difficulties.

On this beautiful, festive evening I want to say a toast in your honor - a wish. May everything you have bring you happiness and satisfaction. Let you not have only what you don’t need for free. Let your dreams and desires be real, and their implementation unexpected and fantastic. I wish you to enjoy everyday life, from communicating with loved ones, from a cup of your favorite green tea, from watching TV series, from cooking dinner and from breakfast with your spouse. Our life consists of these little things. And if you appreciate these little things, you will be happy, and fate will give you even more joy and satisfaction. Happy thirtieth birthday.

Thirty years old is no longer a girl, but I can’t even dream of retirement. Wonderful age. You have beauty, intelligence, and you know how to earn money. I was also lucky with my husband. Live and be happy. I don’t even know what to wish you? Health? - It's corny. Beauty and youth? “It’s stupid to wish for what you have.” Material well-being? - Well, if only its increase. Happiness? “I’m not blind, and I see how your happy eyes sparkle.” I wish you new, vivid impressions, positive emotions and pleasant, intimate sensations. Let each new year of life be better than the previous one, and so on for at least a hundred years. Happy anniversary.

I thought for a long time what to give you for your anniversary to surprise with your present. You are a financially secure girl, you basically have everything, so it’s very difficult to impress you. Giving a useless thing is unreasonable, why ruin your mood on a holiday. Giving jewelry or cosmetics is stupid, because every woman has her own taste, and I would have to choose a gift with you. What a surprise this is. That's why I decided to give you a banal congratulatory envelope with crispy pieces of paper inside. I know you already have these, but I’m sure mine won’t be superfluous. Exchange them in the store for something you really like, I won't be offended. Congratulations!

Let your wildest dreams come true, the most pleasant dreams will come true, and the most beautiful stars will become guiding stars. You are a kind, beautiful girl, a wonderful friend and you deserve to be happy. Your gorgeous thirty-year anniversary is a good reason for your many girlfriends and friends to say warm words of congratulations and wishes to you. Enjoy the fireworks of sincere compliments and confessions. He's a good person and it's nice to congratulate him. So keep in mind that all congratulations come from the bottom of my heart and I hope they will give you a lot of positive emotions and a charge of positivity for the whole year, until your next birthday! Happy anniversary!

Dear friend! Happy Birthday! At your age, there are still so many interesting and amazing things ahead! May there be more pleasant moments in your life. I want you to never give up. I really appreciate and love you, friend!

WITH Happy anniversary to you, dear! Everything: happiness, good luck, success in your professional development and in your personal life. Smiles and laughter, the brightest and happiest! Always remain yourself, because you are a very kind and sunny person! I wish you inexhaustible health, a clear mind, an upward career ladder with a minimum number of obstacles. So that everyone around you appreciates you as you deserve, and your closest and dearest, friends and family will always be there and support you. Love in life is what makes life worth living. Please accept these sincere congratulations in verse on your 30th birthday.

P I congratulate you on your 30th birthday and wish that every day of your life will be filled with optimism, fresh ideas and interesting meetings. May you have excellent health and cheerful mood. I also wish that every morning you are greeted with bright sunshine and the smiles of loved ones. I wish you great happiness and good luck. May success and good luck always be your inseparable companions. And any difficulties in life were fleeting and instantly overcome.

P According to one of the famous beliefs, it is beauty that will save the world. This means that you are one of the saviors of all things. Let me congratulate you on this significant holiday - your 30th birthday and wish you happiness, good luck and love on this day!

D my darling! You have lived in the world for thirty wonderful years, filled with many happy and joyful moments, amazing discoveries and pleasant meetings and discoveries. Of course, over these three decades there have been many sad moments, losses, and failures. But you understand that life is impossible without them, and it is these particles of sadness that highlight true happiness even better. I don’t want you to be smart - you have enough intelligence and can’t be taken away from it, but beautiful - every year you become more and more beautiful. I wish you happiness - inspiring, lifting to heaven. Or quiet, peaceful, homely. Exactly what you want!

P Our beautiful birthday girl! 30 years is a magnificent age, the blossoming of beauty, health and self-realization. This is a wonderful time of strength, aspirations and fulfillment of desires. So we sincerely wish you in your work - perseverance and inspiration to strive for career heights, health and strength - to overcome all life's difficulties, in the circle of loved ones - warmth and kindness, respect and love for you from friends. May the road of life be clean and easy, may your fellow travelers be sincere, may good luck always accompany you on the road, and may each passing year add to your life experience. We wish you prosperity, peace in the home, harmony in the soul. And may all your dreams come true!

T Thirty years for a woman is that age when you still look like a girl, but your head already works like an adult. We wish to preserve this combination of qualities for as long as possible. Happy anniversary!

Happy 30th birthday greetings to a girl

Happy anniversary, dear!
30 years are already behind me.
Let's wish to live without knowing
Not a single problem!
Always be beautiful, stylish,
Take a swim in the river of love.
Let's wish you to be happy
Always live in abundance.
Today everything is here for you,
Family and friends gathered.
Our most important covenant is
Be healthy until you are a hundred years old!

Thirty years is a golden time,
The best age for a woman is a fact
Beautiful and smart and very young,
And any business is resolved in the hands!
I wish you happiness and health,
And boundless love, so that there is fire in the blood,
Happy Anniversary from the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart, congratulations,
Have fun and joyfully, live to be a hundred years old!

What does a girl at thirty need?
Family, work and friendship!
May God grant you this
And it will protect you from all failures!
I know for sure that you can do it easily
Make all your dreams come true!
Be cheerful, bright, beautiful
And always crazy happy!

May you be thirty years old today,
But three dozen is extremely little!
Live a fun life, no problems, no troubles
And so that you don’t feel it for years!
Stay beautiful as you are now.
Be loved, healthy and rich!
Catch the attention of admiring eyes
Any men - single and married!

Happy anniversary! 30 years is a joke.
Become happier every minute
Bloom like a rose, like a violet in the forest,
Have skill, knowledge, ingenuity,
To always be the first in every matter,
And don’t dare to approach you with anxiety,
Your life is filled with tender love,
So that you have health as strong as a rock!

We wish to protect youth from mutterings,
Let your head spin again from dating,
Let your faithful companion renew his wings,
To open the doors to the unknown.
We wish you to live, there is no need to look back,
Search and find unexpected treasures.
And even if the rain knocks on the windows
The soul will remain cozy, tender, warm!

Cherche la femme...Found! Blinding beauty
Charming glowing reason
Men's insomnia, feelings boiling in the chest,
Sometimes all-consuming animal passions.
You, charming one, are thirty today.
Live! Love! And forget about caution.
Either be a gentle cat, or be a tigress,
Desire, be capricious! You are a woman! Everything is possible!

In the thirtieth year of life
Wisdom comes to us
Many important changes
Happens to everyone.
Already have relatives
The closest circle
And also family, neighbors,
And, of course, best friend.
At this age all doors
They open wide
And cherished dreams
Executed smoothly!

Happy anniversary to you, my beloved! You have entered a new time of flowering and beauty, on this day you look so young and charming that it is difficult to take your eyes off you. I ask you, stop counting your years and looking for flaws in yourself, frowning your cute forehead in frustration. Believe me, every day you become more beautiful and attractive, driving me crazy with your charisma and seductiveness. On your anniversary, I wish you to remain for the rest of your life the same cheerful laugh, an interesting conversationalist, a real beauty, a true woman for life. Congratulations my dear.

Who defines the boundaries of maturity? Who's to say when you should stop being young? I believe that you are always who you want to be. And now, on your thirtieth birthday, you have the strength and opportunity to do this. No one is stopping you from being the woman you strive to be. Happy anniversary and good luck with everything.

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You are extraordinary as always
You look great at 30
Dear friend, happy anniversary!
I'm in awe of your energy.
The years are slowly passing by
May happiness come in return
I wish you to be joyful
And love one man.
At your thirty today
He will sing and have fun,
I wish not to forget my friends
And always boldly step forward.

Happy 30th birthday to you,
I want you to be happy.
Forward, quickly went to the top
And she just lived happily.
Let everything be as it will be.
And let your dreams come true.
And you won't forget this moment,
Always love so sincerely.

It's my sister's birthday
She is 30 years old today
I bring congratulations as a gift
And a beautiful pink bouquet
Today you are beautiful as usual
And your friends are around
And to congratulate you personally
My whole family has arrived!

What does thirty years mean?!
For a woman - like the morning dawn!
The mind is so clear and the distance is still bright,
The soul is tender and so full of warmth!
I congratulate you on your anniversary,
I wish you love and good luck in life!

Among the diapers, cutlets
Life has just begun! -
It's been thirty years now
Thirty years are coming!
You are beautiful, slim,
Happiness is in children and with my husband.
At thirty years old the forehead does not wrinkle,
Be a cheerful young lady!
And cook pilaf and borscht -
We will come to you with vodka!
This is not age - thirty years:
The color of spring is burning within you!

Wonderful age, friend:
You still can; you already know how!
So let him come for you
Snow-white big Cadillac!
He will bring a handsome prince
And he will give you eternal May.
Thirty years is a wonderful age!
Don't be sad and let's pour it!

Thirty arrived unexpectedly,
Lightly hit his temples.
Don't be sad, because life is wonderful!
Trust your dear friends!
What is age if everything is as it should be?
And screw the crisis!
With you loving, beloved,
And don’t lose faith in your strength!
We wish you to celebrate the anniversary,
Not just the holiday table.
And also come up with competitions,
Participate in them later.

When was the first anniversary?
Which means ten years
You learned how to make friends
And she could eat about a dozen sweets.

By the age of twenty you
She showed her talents to the world,
The beauty of gentle frequency
You captivated passers-by for eternity.

Today there is no girl in the world
Smarter, more soulful and sweeter,
Let the wind be fair in thirty years
More fun, bright days will come!

Sweet aroma of bouquets,
Bright cards of wishes,
And elegant boxes of secrets
They will bring a wave of warm confessions.

Divine manicure on fingers
A snow-white smile from under a strand,
It’s hard to take your eyes off the blush,
Everyone on this day is ready to do anything for you.

Don't be shy to be yourself, liberated,
Thirty years both paint and promise you
To continue to be young and in love,
So fly through life like angels soar!

Don't be sad, away from whims,
You're not little, after all.
But adults have surprises
So believe in miracles again.

Let me be a year older today
It used to be twenty nine
But that makes it even more beautiful
Became a virgin at this time!

Forget about what happened
Imagine for a moment:
Birthday frozen
As a child, around five years old!

Birthday is not a reason
For a gathering of friends,
But thirty years is a serious reason,
Uniting people.

We don't forget you
You are our star in the darkness,
And sometimes we suffer without you,
After all, you beckon with something in the depths!

30 years is a special age.
Life leads us forward slowly,
We want to wish you that
The soul has not aged over the years.
So that creativity does not leave,
So that the table is wide with wine,
To make music sound in the house,
To make your wife love you more.
Birthday is a responsible step,
Thirty years in life means something.
Be happy and healthy, like Hercules.
May luck not leave you!

You, a man in the prime of your life,
Don't use up your strength yet.
So there's more to you
Storm and storm.
To always keep you in shape,
That's what the athletes say
So that your health is normal,
A strong mind and a keen eye.
Thirty years is not yet a milestone,
To give up positions,
Therefore, in matters of success,
I (We) would like to wish.
Well, as usual,
In congratulations write,
Allow in your personal life,
We wish you health and happiness!

We wish you a Happy Birthday!
May your thirtieth birthday be for us
It will become a bright holiday, mood,
Good luck, good luck to you, good luck.

May your cup be full of good health,
Happy, bright, wonderful days.
So fleeting, alas, is our life.
Strive for good fruits in it.

Let there be earthly beauties,
Their splendor is at your feet.
Your children are dear and dear
They love their parents dearly.

May your 30th anniversary
Will give you a series of pleasant days!
Let there be hope and love in them,
And happiness gives joy again and again!

Let everyone around treat you with soul,
Luck will bring great success!
All the best dreams come true
And on your birthday you get flowers!

Live to at least a hundred!
Let the cup not be empty!
And may life be thirty years
They bring you their bright light!
A star in the window, comfort in the house.
So as not to be like a stagnant pond,
And it was like a noisy river.
And I reached out for my hand
To happiness, like to that star.
So as not to be afraid of heights,
To make your soul brighter
On your thirtieth birthday! Happy anniversary!

To the most wonderful lady in the world
We wish you fifteen thirty years,
Ten centuries and a couple of centuries,
Joyful dreams and beautiful flowers.
Your anniversary is only the first of “thousands”,
You won't find anyone like you anywhere.
Let it be. This is how we dream.
And if you wish, we will fulfill it!

When thirty years come,
We give a bouquet of lilies of the valley.
When this day comes,
The soul rejoices and sings.
Congratulations on this holiday
We, as one, hurry up.
We would like to wish you happiness,
And don’t get tired of celebrating!

There are many anniversaries in life,
Thirty years only once.
Every year a new page
Opens up for us.

And today on your thirtieth birthday,
On this anniversary holiday,
We wish you a house and a dacha,
Lots of children, a faithful husband to spare.

I came to your birthday
My dear bosom friend,
Accept, dear, congratulations,
May you always be so joyful.

I came to your birthday
And not just for a simple anniversary,
Thirty years is no reason to worry,
This is a reason to entertain your guests!

If you can refute the hackneyed phrase that “there is no such thing as female friendship,” you are happy, because you have had great luck - to know all the delights of friendship. They say that we choose friends, but time leaves the best ones.

And now the time has come when your best friend turns 30 years old. It would seem that all the most difficult, interesting and dangerous things have already been experienced, many wishes have been fulfilled, gifts have been given and given... And so you want to do something like that, not like everyone else, and not in order to stand out, but then to prove How much do you value your friendship with her?

3 components of an ideal wish

So, if you don’t know, but really want to know how to congratulate your friend on her 30th birthday in an original way, then you should consider the following.

1) Surprise

Nothing delights more than the effect of surprise. Of course, at first this may cause some confusion, but then... it will develop into delight and, as a result, into a good mood.

A banal bouquet delivered to your home, for example, at 7 am, can also be unexpected, and the bouquet contains a congratulation written to your friend in prose or verse, like these:

or these:

She will be no less pleased to “accidentally” see a banner or banner near her house with her photo and congratulations.

A flash mob is another way to make your best friend’s 30th birthday unforgettable. Imagine: she wakes up from your call, you ask her to look out the window, and what does she see?!

In the courtyard, a group of guys dancing with umbrellas gives her an amazing dance, and at the end they write congratulations on her anniversary with umbrellas.

There are a lot of cool ways to congratulate a friend on her 30th birthday, the main thing is to remember the effect of surprise, which plays an important role.

2) Creativity

Agree, you can spend more than one thousand rubles and even dollars to surprise your beloved friend, but the result will, frankly, be so-so. Or you can simply make a postcard or poster with your own hands, you don’t have to resort to all sorts of rhyming, but in your own words, dictated from the depths of your heart, just congratulate her.

You can give her a “Book of Wishes”, having previously collected in it the warmest, sincere and tender wishes for goodness, love and female happiness from all friends and acquaintances. The book will turn out to be “weighty” and at the same time priceless, and at the very end you can write a wish by hand, like this:

You can also create a video greeting. To do this, it is not at all necessary to complete a directing course; it is enough to arm yourself with a large number of photographs of your friend and a computer - that’s all. If the photos are not on a flash drive, but on paper, you will have to scan them.

All! Now all that remains is to choose a melody (perhaps it will be your voice slowly reading congratulatory poems), arrange the photographs in chronological order and process them using a special program. Believe me, such a surprise will not soon be forgotten.

You can use your creative skills at any moment of the celebration. So, for example, a skillfully staged “Ambulance” skit will truly become the highlight of the entire holiday.

Sketch of congratulations to a friend “Ambulance”

So, you already understand that a creative approach is one of the important criteria for holding an unforgettable holiday. Third left:

3) Pleasant emotions

You will say that there is nothing important in this. You are wrong. If your girlfriend is a modest, smart, intelligent person who works at a school or library, for example, and you decide to give her a gift in the form of a pirate party or give her (even the most expensive) ticket to a rock concert... it’s unlikely that the surprise will be successful , agree. Pleasant emotions remain when a person feels comfortable, and it doesn’t matter where, it matters with whom. Author: Karina Nurzhenyan