Maternity leave. Is it possible to go on maternity leave later than expected and how to do it Go on maternity leave after 30 weeks

Pregnant women are granted special maternity leave. It usually starts 70 days before your expected due date.

How long does it take to go on maternity leave in Russia?

What week and exact date will the doctor tell you at the antenatal clinic appointment at 6 months of pregnancy. Usually people go on vacation from the 30th week of pregnancy - at a period of 7 months.

Maternity leave lasts 140 days for uncomplicated natural childbirth. 70 days are given before childbirth and 70 after. The doctor determines the date, but often it does not coincide with the actual date of birth. Therefore, regardless of it, after 140 days, according to the law, the vacation ends.

A pregnant woman expecting more than one child is sent on leave 84 days before giving birth, gives birth and rests for another 110 days. A total of 194 days, instead of 140.

Extension of leave by law

When childbirth is complicated, for example, if a pregnant woman undergoes a caesarean section, then she claims 86 days of leave after childbirth. To do this, in the maternity hospital the doctor writes out a certificate of incapacity for work to provide to the employer in addition to the main sheet.

Registration of maternity leave

The doctor indicates the expected date of birth in the pregnant woman’s card. You can ask your doctor to set the date a few days or even a week earlier if you don’t want to work longer, but he is not obligated to do this.

The doctor determined the exact date and told me when to come for a certificate of incapacity for work. To apply for sick leave you must take:

  • passport;
  • SNILS insurance certificate.

The doctor will issue a sick leave certificate and provide a certificate of registration at an early date. Next, the pregnant woman at work writes an application for maternity leave, to which she attaches a certificate of incapacity for work.

Example: how many days before giving birth do people go on vacation?

Masha is expecting one child; the doctor has determined the expected date of birth for January 1, 2018. Let's subtract 70 days to find out the date of going on vacation. We will receive: October 22, 2017. The date falls on Sunday - a day off, so Masha will go on maternity leave from Monday, October 23, 2017. Let's assume that Masha gave birth without complications on January 7, 2018. Let's add 140 days to October 23, 2017, and we get March 13, 2018 - the end date of maternity leave.

Is it possible to go on maternity leave before 30 weeks of pregnancy?

A woman has the right to take 28 days of annual paid leave before going on maternity leave and then immediately go on maternity leave. But this is not the limit. If a woman is not feeling well or is at risk of miscarriage, she can take sick leave and, for example, undergo treatment in a hospital or go into confinement, then she can take annual paid leave, and then go on maternity leave.

Benefits during maternity leave

An example of calculating benefits for BiR

Masha worked for 10 years for an organization that made contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the FSS). Masha went on maternity leave on December 31, 2018; we take into account the amount, including personal income tax, that her employer paid her for 2016 and 2017.

Masha earned 1,500,000 rubles over the past 2 years. We divide this amount by the number of days for the two previous years and multiply by the number of days of maternity leave. In 2016 there were 366 days, and in 2017 there were 365 days, in total we get 731. But from these days we will subtract the days when Masha was on sick leave or when there were no Social Insurance contributions for her - she did not work officially, she was sick.

It turned out that Masha was sick for 31 days, which means we subtract 31 days from 731 and get 700 days. And we know that Masha was expecting one child, which means 140 days.

Let's calculate: divide 1,500,000 rubles by 700 days and multiply by 140. We get 300,000 rubles. But she will not receive this amount, since there is an upper limit on benefits payments. For 2018 - 282,493 rubles.

  • 301,095.20 rubles for 140 calendar days;
  • 335,506.08 rubles for 156 calendar days;
  • 417,231.92 rubles for 194 calendar days.


  • 51,919.00 rubles for 140 calendar days;
  • 57,852.60 rubles for 156 calendar days;
  • 71,944.90 rubles for 194 calendar days.

Holiday to care for the child

At the end of maternity leave, the young mother is not required to go to work; the next one begins - for care up to 3 years. After giving birth, you must write an application at work and provide the following documents:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the father’s place of work confirming that he did not take leave for up to three years.

If you are tired of being on maternity leave, or other circumstances arise, you can go back to work, and your spouse, grandparents, and guardians can take parental leave.

Until the child turns three years old, parental leave can be taken in turns. For example, his mother stays with him until he is one year old, his father rests from one to two years old, and his grandmother rests until he is three years old.

Care allowance

This benefit is paid until the child turns one and a half years old. WITH . The person caring for the child can receive benefits and compensation; the grandmother will receive benefits based on her earnings.

To receive you need:

  • application for benefits;
  • birth or adoption certificate of the child being cared for;
  • birth or adoption certificate of previous children in the family;
  • salary certificate for the last two years from previous places of work.

Usually, the employer asks you to write a statement and submit documents along with the vacation application. Basically, the monthly benefit is 40% of average earnings.

Example of calculating care allowance

Masha’s payments for two years amounted to 1,500,000 rubles, and she worked only 700 out of 731 days, the rest was on sick leave.

When calculating this benefit, we will also subtract days spent on sick leave or on parental leave.

Let's calculate: 1,500,000 divided by 700 (number of days worked), multiplied by 40% (to multiply by 40%, multiply by 40 and divide by 100) and multiply by 30.4 (average number of days in a month), we get 26,057 rubles .

  • The benefit from January 1, 2019 cannot be less than 4,512 rubles if the first child was born, and 6,284 rubles (from February 1, 2019 - 6,554.89 rubles) if the child is the second and subsequent.
  • The maximum from January 1, 2019 is 26,152.27 rubles. Therefore, Masha will receive 26,057 rubles every month until the child reaches one and a half years old.

If she wants to go to work, and her husband goes on maternity leave, then he will receive an allowance calculated from his income for two years.

Is it possible to work on maternity leave?

You can only work on leave under the BiR under a civil law contract, then you will be paid benefits and paid for work under the contract. In addition, you can not go on maternity leave for a while, if the employer does not mind, and continue to work. In this case, the salary will be paid, but the days worked will be deducted from the benefit, and the benefit amount will be less.

An employer cannot pay wages and maternity benefits at the same time.

Working on maternity leave

  • part-time work;
  • under a civil contract;
  • at home.

Part-time working hours are not established by law. You can work three hours a day, two days a week, or you can work seven and a half hours, five days a week, this will also be considered part-time. The main thing is to come to an agreement with the employer and not arouse suspicion in the Social Insurance Fund.

Is work experience valid during maternity leave?

The length of service fully includes maternity leave, as well as one and a half years of parental leave.

If the mother or father took out care leave several times (for several children), a total of a maximum of 6 years of such leave can be included in the length of service (clause 3, part 1, article 12 of the Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ).

The remaining one and a half years of maternity leave are not counted towards the length of service. An exception is maternity leave to care for a child with a disability. In this case, the length of service will include the entire period of caring for him.

Returning from maternity leave

A pregnant young mother has every right to leave maternity leave on her next maternity leave. You will have to choose whether to use the new sick leave and receive maternity benefits or receive care payments for up to a year and a half further.

An employer cannot provide two benefits and two vacations at the same time.

Dismissal during maternity leave

An employer can fire a woman on maternity leave only if:

  • liquidation of a legal entity;
  • termination of the activities of the individual entrepreneur.

You can resign at your own request at any time. Therefore, if an employer persuades you to sign a letter of resignation of your own free will and promises mountains of gold, you cannot agree. Most likely, after signing the papers, the pregnant or already mother will not see either the gold or the employer.

Annual paid leave before maternity leave

It is possible to go on another annual leave and add it to maternity leave if the pregnant woman has not yet taken it during the current year. Even if she has not worked the required six months, she can use it, and the employer’s opinion does not matter.

You can take all the allotted days, or you can only take part, if it’s more convenient.

Annual leave after maternity leave

A young mother has the right to take annual paid leave both after maternity leave and after maternity leave for up to 3 years. It will be calculated for the 12 months that she worked before going on maternity leave. Therefore, there is no need to worry about payment, the employer will pay for it, and the woman will receive the same amount as she would have received for leave before maternity leave.


Is it possible to extend maternity leave after 3 years of maternity leave?

Since 2014, there has been an amendment to Article 11 of Federal Law No. 173, according to which parental leave up to 1.5 years is taken into account in the length of service. At the same time, the maximum number of such one and a half year maternity leave cannot exceed three, that is, maternity leave for up to 3 years with a fourth child will no longer be included in the length of service.

Parents are mistaken that they can extend child care up to 4.5 years (3 times 1.5 years).

Until the age of 4.5 years and even up to 6 years, maternity leave can only be extended by agreement with the employer, if he agrees to keep the employee’s job for that long. In this case, he will have to either partially pay the salary or allowance from his own funds.

The reason for extending the leave may be the unsatisfactory condition of the child. A special medical advisory commission (SMC) issues a certificate to the employee for the employer. The conclusion must be received annually.

If there are no grounds for extending the maternity leave, the employer has the right to refuse the employee and even fire her if she does not come to work and in the event of a lawsuit, the law will be on his side.


Hello! At my work, I am planning an annual promotion from September 1, I need to go on leave for employment and economics at the end of 07/21/2019, its end will be on 12/08/2019 (approximately). Since my salary is greater than the upper limit, I expect to receive the maximum allowance for BiR in the amount of 301 thousand rubles. At the same time, it is very important for me to get an entry in the work book about a promotion as soon as possible, so that the length of service with a higher position begins to count - I need this for my resume later. I don’t know how to do this so as to make an entry in the work book with a higher position as early as possible and not lose the payments due to me? Because the monthly allowance on leave under the BiR is about 75 thousand, and on maternity leave 26 thousand, maybe I should go to work for a couple of days after the leave under the BiR (having received 300 thousand benefits in full), they will register me in the labor register with a higher position, and then go on maternity leave again to care for a child?

Do I have the right to issue sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth not from 30 weeks of pregnancy for 140 days, but from 32 weeks? And if I still have this right, will the number of days on the sick leave for these two weeks be reduced or not? The fact is that my obstetrician at the Women's Clinic tells me that she does not have the right by law to issue a sick leave later than 30 weeks. Explain what should I do? Circumstances have turned out that I need to work these two weeks. (Olga)


Dear Olga! The expectant mother has the right to decide for herself when to go on maternity leave - 70 days before giving birth, as the law allows, or later. At the same time, according to the rules, a health worker at an antenatal clinic is obliged to issue a sick leave certificate to a woman in any case from 30 weeks of pregnancy and cannot do this at a later date. According to the instructions for the examination of temporary disability, “8.1. For pregnancy and childbirth, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued by a doctor - an obstetrician-gynecologist, and in his absence - by a doctor conducting a general consultation. A certificate of incapacity for work is issued from 30 weeks of pregnancy at a time for a duration of 140 calendar days (70 calendar days before childbirth and 70 calendar days after childbirth). In case of multiple pregnancy, a certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth is issued from the 28th week of pregnancy, while the total duration of prenatal and postnatal leave is 180 days.” It is unlikely that you will be able to find a doctor who will take upon himself the responsibility of sending you on sick leave after 30 weeks. If you decide to go on maternity leave later, then simply leave the received certificate of incapacity in your hands and present it to the employer along with an application for maternity leave when you consider it necessary. The employer, in turn, will issue you maternity leave based on this sick leave from the date that you indicate in the application for actual maternity leave. The Social Insurance Fund (SIF) draws attention: if the expectant mother goes on maternity leave not from the 30th week of pregnancy, but later, then the part of the leave that was not used before the birth (and, accordingly, the benefit for this time) does not transfer to the postpartum period. That is, in any case, a young mother can be on maternity leave for no more than 70 days after giving birth (86 days for complicated births, 110 days for the birth of twins, triplets, etc.), and will receive maternity benefits only for those actually spent in maternity leave days. Since the FSS will not allow double payment: both maternity leave and wages, that is, it will not reimburse payment for maternity leave to your employer in the part when you worked and received wages. Some advise taking 30 weeks of maternity leave as required, and for the required time (in your case 2 weeks) drawing up a civil law contract or a contract agreement for the performance of your labor functions, but this is a dubious way out of the situation, since the employer may also have problems with reimbursement tomorrow for your sick leave from the Social Insurance Fund. The legal way to get sick leave discharged after 30 weeks of pregnancy is to register with the housing complex after 30 weeks of pregnancy.

In Russia, a woman in labor has the right to take maternity leave after the thirtieth week of gestation. Such time off is called maternity leave or simply maternity leave. However, it should not be confused with maternity leave; maternity leave is a broader concept that also includes a period of time off to care for a child, which can be taken by a woman after the birth of a child and last until the child is one and a half years old.

This is not all the components of the maternity leave; after taking time off to care for the child, the mother or other guardian has the right not to go to work for another year and a half, retaining her place. In some cases, this period can be extended to three years. Thus, a woman in labor is allowed to go on maternity leave two and a half months before delivery, that is, from the 30th week of pregnancy, and return to work three or four and a half months after the birth of the baby, but she will receive child support benefits only a year and a half after delivery. True, one compensation payment is accrued until the child turns three years old, but its amount is only 50 rubles per month.

Period of pregnancy from which you can go on maternity leave

The standard date for going on leave is the day seventy days before the expected date of birth, that is, from the 30th week of pregnancy. From this day on, the woman in labor is allowed to take time off. However, in case of medical indications, you can take time off earlier. To do this, it is not necessary to get sick; increased fatigue at work and the inability to work effectively are sufficient grounds for taking early leave before the 30th week.

You can also take time off after the thirtieth week of pregnancy. To do this, you only need a statement from the woman in labor requesting this and indicating the date when the woman in labor intends to take leave. However, remember that time off is granted after the 30th week of pregnancy and, accordingly, is seventy days before the expected date of birth and up to seventy days after the actual date of birth. If you go on maternity leave late, then no one will later compensate the mother in labor for the missing period of time off; she will not be able to extend her leave after the birth of the child for the duration of the period that she did not use.

It is interesting that when pregnant with more than one fetus, the duration of time off before giving birth is 84 days, and it does not depend in any way on how many fetuses the woman in labor has. Whether she is pregnant with triplets or six, the leave period will still be 84 days from the 30th week of pregnancy, unless, of course, there are medical indications for earlier hospitalization. Residents of territories affected by radiation contamination can count on 90 days of leave from the 30th week of pregnancy:

  • upon resolution of a burden with complications, the duration of leave is 86 days;
  • for the birth of twins or more children, the leave is 110 days;
  • in the case of premature birth, the total duration of leave for the period both before and after the birth of the baby should be 156 days.

The amount of benefits accrued during maternity leave in 2015

During this leave, employed women are entitled to receive benefits. Unemployed women cannot receive these payments unless they are:

  1. Full-time students.
  2. Fired during maternity leave.

It is worth noting that the employer has no right to fire a woman before the end of her maternity leave for any reason, even if the woman in labor violates labor discipline and moral standards. The law firmly protects her right to keep her job. Dismissal can only occur if she herself wants to leave or as a result of the complete liquidation of the organization in which she worked. In case of voluntary dismissal, the woman does not retain the right to payments, but in case of liquidation of the organization, the state will assume her obligations. Female students also receive benefits without being employed.

Other categories of women must have an employer who pays social insurance contributions in order to receive payments during maternity leave. Unemployed people do not receive payments during maternity leave and later, since this benefit is designed to compensate for the woman’s lost income; if there was no income, then there is nothing to compensate. Thus, this benefit is actually a social insurance, which is financed by the withheld part of employees' salaries.

The benefit is calculated in the amount of the woman’s average income for the two previous years before going on maternity leave. The total amount of earnings for this period is divided by the number of days in these years, taken as 730. After this, the daily earnings received are multiplied by the number of days spent on leave. The amount received is paid to the woman only after permission from the burden, since in order to receive this benefit, it is necessary to present a birth certificate of the child.

The same principles make it possible to calculate the amount of benefits due to female students and those dismissed upon liquidation of the organization. But they will receive payments not at their place of residence, but at the department of the social protection service. Although the benefit amount begins to accrue from the 30th week of pregnancy, it is paid in a lump sum after the pregnancy is resolved. As you can see, it’s easy to calculate how much it will cost a woman to take maternity leave with the help of a simple calculator. This payment can be withdrawn ten days after receiving the birth certificate.

Documents required to receive payment

Once the burden is resolved, you can submit documents to receive payment. You must submit:

  • certificate of income from previous place of work;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • sick leave;
  • certificate of registration;
  • statement.

The response period is ten days; if the application is granted, the funds must be transferred to the mother’s account in a lump sum, no later than the end of the month.

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For women who are officially employed, sooner or later the question of maternity leave arises. But these terms are not suitable for everyone. Some want to leave before the allotted time, while others prefer to work, as they say, “until the last minute.” Today we will look at whether it is possible to go on maternity leave later and how not to lose money payments.

While expecting a baby, every woman experiences changes in her body. As the fetus grows, it is subjected to heavy loads.

By the end of the 30th week, it becomes difficult for expectant mothers to move, swelling of the limbs and back pain occur. Therefore, you can go on maternity leave for 30 weeks. She will be able to prepare everything necessary for the birth of the baby.

The maternity leave conditionally includes maternity and child care leave.

Maternity leave dates depend on several factors:

  1. During a singleton pregnancy, the mother can safely go on vacation after reaching 30 weeks;
  2. A woman expecting twins can expect to be placed on maternity leave at 28 weeks;
  3. Workers living in areas with poor ecology can go at - 27 weeks.

Maternity leave for pregnancy lasts about 70 days before the onset of labor and 70 days after the birth of the baby. If two children are born, then you can count on a larger number of days: 84 days before the birth of the children, and 110 days after their birth.

So, we can say that you can go on maternity leave after reaching 30 weeks. Only if there are any complications, maternity leave can be reduced.

How to correctly calculate the date of your maternity leave

When registering at the clinic, 40 weeks of pregnancy are calculated to determine the date of expected birth. This calculation is approximate. Only after the first screening will it be possible to objectively say about the expected timing of the birth of the child.

It is determined depending on the development of the baby in the womb. Then you will be able to clearly understand in what dates you can receive sick leave for maternity leave.

Depending on the number of children and the course of pregnancy, the timing of maternity leave may vary. A woman who is expecting twins can safely apply for maternity leave upon reaching 28 weeks, and in case of complications, she can count on paid maternity leave starting from the 27th week.

In case of premature birth, sick leave is issued for 156 days, and maternity leave is already issued on an urgent basis.

Not only pregnant women, but also those adopting an infant can apply for maternity leave. In this case, a vacation of 70 days is provided.

The date of departure directly depends on the condition of the pregnant woman. If the pregnancy progresses well, the employee goes on maternity leave at the required 30 weeks.

In case of health problems, a woman in labor may leave three weeks earlier than expected. In this case, there will be no more payments; they will be calculated based on earnings, but in no case will they exceed the amount established by the state.

Is it possible to go on maternity leave later?

Working women are entitled by law to paid maternity leave. Of course, the amount of the benefit will not correspond to the salary of the expectant mother. Therefore, most female workers express a desire to work until the last minute.

According to the law, this option is not prohibited, but for the employee the amount of cash payments she will receive from the state will be slightly modified. In such a situation, the number of days that the expectant mother worked at the enterprise and for which she received wages will be deducted from the maternity days provided by law. When making such a decision, it is necessary to contact the antenatal clinic and warn that she has decided to postpone her maternity leave for a certain period of time.

There are exceptions, based on which it is possible to retroactively apply maternity leave. This happens if the body still cannot cope with the stress, and there is a threat of premature birth. Then the employees of the antenatal clinic have the right to issue sick leave retroactively.

It is possible to go on maternity leave later than expected, but there is a risk of losing part of the benefits that a woman should receive for pregnancy and childbirth. It is worth weighing everything before making such a responsible decision. After all, if the salary is several times higher, then you can shift your maternity leave.

How can you officially move maternity leave?

Comparing the amount of official benefits and wages, any woman wants to receive decent wages as much as possible. Therefore, the question is about remaining at work for as long as possible and receiving full wages. When applying for maternity leave, the question arises whether it is possible to receive payments, but at the same time remain at your job.

It is possible to receive full maternity benefits and remain at work. Only in this case, it is necessary to reach an agreement with management. So, a woman takes out a legal maternity leave and continues to work, and her salary is calculated under the guise of bonuses.

In this case, the woman has the right to devote a minimum amount of time to work. You don't have to sit full time. It is enough to show up at work 2-3 hours a day to complete the required amount of work.

In this case, good relationships with management will come into play. If it is possible to reach an agreement, then it is worth trying on mutually beneficial terms.

Thus, if a woman decides to officially postpone her vacation, then she needs to think through all the nuances in advance. It is possible not only to receive maternity benefits, but also to receive wages by performing simple tasks at work. It is worth maintaining good relations with management so that in the future it will be possible to agree on partial pay during maternity leave.

Is it profitable?

If you decide to go on maternity leave after 30 weeks, it is worth considering whether this will be beneficial for you. Indeed, in this situation, you are not insured against possible risks:

  1. Premature birth. Labor can begin at 32 and 38 weeks. At this stage, the woman will not receive full payments.
  2. There is a risk of not receiving full wages. After all, a woman can work for only a few weeks, for which she will receive only part of the salary, and will lose part of the cash payments.
  3. Deterioration of health. At such times, it becomes more difficult for a woman to move around and maintain a full work schedule. Firstly, this is fraught with poor health and a threat to life for the expectant mother and her child. Secondly, if your health worsens, the work done will not always be productive.

In order to make it profitable to go on maternity leave later than planned, it is necessary to maintain a good relationship with the employer. Then a woman can safely go on maternity leave at 30 weeks, and at the same time remain at work, without threatening her own health and without losing money.

Is it possible not to take maternity leave?

When the time comes for maternity leave, the question becomes: is it possible not to take it at all? It is possible only if the mother wants to secure a job and return to her duties immediately after the birth of the baby, or rather, 70 days after his birth. Thus, a woman in labor will receive maternity benefits, and any relative can receive cash payments for child care.

Thus, not only a pregnant woman, but also her immediate relatives can go on maternity leave. They can be not only the husband of a pregnant woman, but also her mother or father.

Which relatives are entitled to maternity leave?

Few people know that not only mom and dad, but also their parents can apply for maternity leave. Accordingly, both grandparents can go on maternity leave.

Many grandparents fear that they will simply lose their work experience, which affects the timing of their retirement. Grandparents have exactly the same rights as mom and dad. The employee retains his job for three years. At the end of maternity leave, both grandparents can easily return to their positions.

If the parents of a woman in labor have expressed a desire to sit with their grandson, then they need to provide documents to register the maternity leave. To do this, it is enough to provide the employer with an application and a birth certificate.

In addition, until the child reaches one and a half years of age, the grandmother or grandfather will receive a care allowance. It is important to understand that the benefit will be calculated based not on the mother’s salary, but on the income of the person for whom the maternity leave is issued. Payment will be calculated as a percentage of wages for the last two years.

How much will relatives who go on maternity leave instead of a working woman receive?

Cash accruals that are paid for child care will be accrued only for officially employed persons. A prerequisite is regular cash contributions to the state insurance fund of the working population.

The accruals amount to about 40% of the average salary over the past two years. The amount of cash payments should not exceed the amount established by the state. The maximum amount of money that is paid to a relative who goes on maternity leave is usually fixed and should not exceed 24 thousand rubles per month.

There are some restrictions on cash payments. If a grandmother or grandfather goes on maternity leave not for the first time, then the amount they will be able to receive is reduced significantly, and will be only three thousand rubles a month.

In addition to cash receipts, which are accrued until the child reaches one and a half years old, the mother is entitled to maternity benefits. It is important to understand here that only a woman who is expecting a child can receive accruals. None of her relatives have the right to claim this category of cash payments.

In addition, cash payments for pregnancy and childbirth also have certain restrictions. Thus, the amount of cash accruals cannot exceed 60 thousand rubles per month. This is the maximum amount a wife can receive.

The parents of the expectant mother have the right to be on maternity leave and work part-time, while the amount of cash payments remains the same. This option is absolutely legal and does not affect anything.

Thus, not only the mother of the unborn child, but also her immediate relatives have the right to receive cash payments for child care.

Documents for registration of maternity leave

When going on maternity leave, many women wonder what documents they need to collect in order to receive cash deductions. First of all, you need to obtain a certificate, which is issued at the antenatal clinic about reaching the 30-week period. Based on this document, the employee must write an application addressed to her employer to begin processing her maternity leave.

To receive benefits, you must collect the following package of documents:

  1. A certificate from a medical institution, which is issued for 140 days, in case of a single pregnancy and its normal course;
  2. Document on early registration with the antenatal clinic;
  3. Application addressed to the director of the company where the woman works;
  4. Income form for the last two years.

A pregnant woman has the right to receive cash benefits for pregnancy and childbirth. When calculating these payments, remember that they amount to 40% of a woman’s salary.

Sometimes a woman has to choose, either stay at work and receive a salary, and the cash benefits are reduced significantly, or be part-time at the workplace and receive bonuses at work for the volume of tasks completed.

In addition, if work is so important for a woman, then not only mom or dad, but also grandparents can go on maternity leave. At the same time, without losing your job and work experience, which affects your pension.

To receive maternity benefits, you do not need to collect a large package of documents; you just need to get the edits from the antenatal clinic and write applications, and wait for the first maternity payments to arrive. It should be remembered that only the first year and a half of child care is paid, the remaining year and a half is not.

But the job is retained for three years. Based on this, relatives can safely help raise the child without fear of losing their jobs and without losing the earnings they received in their position.

How can a grandmother go on maternity leave and receive points and benefits in 2019:

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