Gift for a child on March 8th for a girl. Sweets in unusual packaging, simple and tasteful

Girls expect gifts on March 8th just as they do on birthdays and New Years. You can’t ask what exactly they want: that way there won’t be a surprise. And it is very difficult to guess their desires on your own. We will help you with this by telling you about the interests of girls at different age periods of life.

On International Women's Day, not only women, but also young representatives of the fair sex: girls, teenagers and young girls are waiting for attention. They expect gifts from those closest to them and believe that they will definitely be given something special. What to give a girl on March 8th? Let's try together to guess the wishes of our daughters and granddaughters.

What gift is suitable for a girl under 6 years old?

The girl still has few responsibilities. Every day for her is time that can be devoted to games. Therefore, the toy is a long-awaited gift. Everyone will love the beautiful doll with toy furniture and a set of accessories. The little housewife will be delighted with the toy kitchen and set of dishes.

But even playing can be useful. Give a little girl an educational toy, or even better, a game for the whole family. A construction set is suitable for developing spatial imagination, and a puzzle is suitable for developing imaginative and logical thinking. For girls under 4 years old, choose sets with large parts, and for those older, choose sets with small ones. This will further develop fine motor skills.

Memory, attention and thinking will help develop walking board games. At least two people should play them: you will have a good reason to spend time with your child. This category includes thematic lotto games that broaden your horizons. A fun game of twister will help develop flexibility.

Even at preschool age, a girl is a small woman who wants to look beautiful and attractive. Therefore, she will be glad to receive such a gift in the form of a set of beautiful hair clips, a headband, children's cosmetics or plastic jewelry.

How to surprise a 6-7 year old girl on March 8

This is a special age: at 6-7 years old, a girl is already in first grade. And now the timid and shy first-grader needs your understanding, attention and support more than ever. After all, first grade is a time of change and self-organization. Children, finding themselves in an unfamiliar environment, find new friends. But the main thing is that they have a sea of ​​responsibilities. What should parents do? Help and pamper! And March 8th is an excellent occasion for this. On this day, you can please your little princess with not only useful, but also very pleasant gifts.

If a girl is already interested in fashion, you can give her a real lady's suitcase. In it she will find jewelry, combs and hairpins for creating beautiful hairstyles and a children's cosmetics set. She will also appreciate a handbag with a long and wide belt.

Girls with a creative nature will love craft kits. The technique does not have to be already familiar to the needlewoman if she likes to learn new things. Choose a cross stitch or bead embroidery kit, good felt-tip pens or paints and brushes with an album. Or maybe she will like to sculpt or make crafts from felt?

Dreamy people will love a night light with soft light that projects the starry sky onto the ceiling and walls. Girls will be delighted with new pajamas with images of their favorite cartoon characters. They will fall asleep in it, anticipating a night full of miracles and magic.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Choosing a gift for a girl 8-10 years old

At this age, studying begins to take up most of the day: the number of lessons and school subjects has increased. And she has almost no time left for games. But she's still a child, so don't deprive her of the opportunity to have fun or do something with her hands. The main advice is not to give the girl things related to her studies (unless she herself has asked you for it).

A personal diary with a lock would be a good gift. It will be possible to keep secrets in it, and no one will be able to reveal them. If a girl is already dreaming of summer, you can be a little ahead of her time and give her a scooter, roller skates or a new bicycle. For a growing housewife, give her a cookbook with detailed recipes and bright pictures. Everyone will love to receive as a gift a large soft toy or a magical tree with crystals that grows right before their eyes.

Gift for a teenage girl 11-14 years old

Once girls enter middle school, they enter adolescence. They are less interested in dolls. Now they want to look beautiful, fashionable and stylish. And for this they need cosmetics, high-heeled shoes and a small handbag instead of a bulky backpack. Yes, you can splurge on cutting-edge gifts like jewelry, expensive perfume, a tablet, or a new phone. But it’s better to wait until your birthday for such gifts. March 8 is a reason to please, but not spoil a teenager.

Board games - for attention, luck, accuracy or simply educational - for cheerful girls and friendly company. Puzzles and puzzles will help develop logical thinking and keep your child engaged.

Everyone will love to receive a new dress, shoes or a new handbag as a gift. A win-win option is a large teddy bear.

Creative people will be pleased to receive kits for scrapbooking, embroidery, sculpting or painting on fabric or ceramics as a gift. You can delight inquisitive teenagers with kits for young scientists. After all, assembling a model of a solar-powered water heater or growing a crystal with your own hands is very exciting.

What to give to a young girl aged 15-17

At this age, personality formation ends. The girl turns into a charming girl with her own tastes and sense of style. Yes, her main activity is still studying. But she devotes no less time to her appearance. Young girls dream of a gift that emphasizes their beauty.

At the age of 15-17, you can give a beautiful watch or jewelry. They don't have to be expensive: silver items and jewelry are popular these days. For a girl, a gift such as a facial or hair care kit, cosmetics or cosmetic bag will be useful. One of the desired gifts is perfume with a delicate aroma.

What to give to a girl student on March 8

For a girl student who is interested not only in her own appearance, but also, for example, in a computer, a capacious USB flash drive or laptop bag is suitable as a gift.

A gift for March 8 should make girls happy, because it is their day. Therefore, you need to give them what they dream of, and their desires largely depend on their age. But there is a universal gift that both little princesses and adult women will be happy with - a bouquet of flowers. Present them with their favorite flowers for the holiday, be it daisies, tulips or roses. For young ladies, it is better to choose white or pink flowers. Leave a bouquet of red roses to give to an adult woman.

Of course, parents, relatives and friends want to give a gift that the girl will be very happy with and will find a use for. Therefore, you need to choose it with special care. Your reward for this will be the eyes of the little beauty sparkling with happiness.

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

With the onset of spring and preparation for the first spring holiday, parents, teachers and boys begin to think about what to give a girl on March 8th. A gift for a young representative of the fair sex should be special and suitable both in age and in the theme of the holiday.

It is worth remembering that March 8 is a day of solidarity for working women, and not just a holiday of spring and kindness. Therefore, this day should remind growing girls of their capabilities and fortitude.

In addition, traditional flowers and sweets are more suitable as gifts for older women and girls and are more formal and business-like in nature. At the same time, a girl can receive toys, cosmetics, and trinkets for any other holiday - birthday or New Year.

Girls are different. Not all girls enjoy playing with dolls and cross-stitching. Many girls prefer to assemble construction sets, ride a bike or paint the walls in their room.

Any activity you enjoy can become a good hobby, develop your creative mind or physical strength. You only have to watch a child to understand what he needs to be happy.

Therefore, only parents, knowing their child, will answer exactly what can be given to a girl on March 8th. However, there are several universal gifts that can interest a girl or give some ideas to relatives and friends who are desperate in search of a present.

What can you give to a girl:

Present Description

Books. This could be a great gift for girls who love and don't like to read. If a girl likes certain books, then you can try buying her something new from her favorite author or genre.

For example, if a girl likes books about Harry Potter, then you can offer her other fantasy authors - Pratchett, Tolkien, Dahl. These authors have both serious works and books for children.

A girl who doesn't like reading may like interactive books with lots of illustrations and interesting tasks.

Plant. This gift will decorate a girl’s room and teach the girl responsibility, because the plant needs to be looked after, watered and provided with light. If the girl is quite active and disappears all day in class and on the street, then the gift may be unsuccessful.

But needlewomen and homebodies will absolutely love it. It is better to choose small, unpretentious young plants without inflorescences.

You can set a task for the girl: if she takes care of the plant properly, it will bloom beautifully and decorate her room.

Creator's Kit. This is a difficult choice, because there are very, very many ready-made kits offered by craft stores.

The kits include all the necessary materials, as well as instructions for creating any craft, from cross stitch to stained glass.

Alternatively, you can choose from a variety of puzzle games, including jigsaw puzzles.

Notebooks and diaries. Many girls love to keep a diary and write down their thoughts, so a beautiful notebook can be a wonderful gift.

Bookstores also offer ready-made illustrated diaries on certain topics.

A watch is a useful gift, especially if the girl is constantly busy, goes to clubs and sections and needs to keep track of the time.

A beautiful watch with cartoon characters or simply an original design will decorate your wrist and remind you of the time.

Of course, there can be many more gift options. It all depends on the personality of the girl herself and the budget available to the donor.

Advice! Don't just give a sweet gift. Candy can be an addition or a polite gesture from the guest. Little girls, as a rule, receive a handful of candies for every holiday, so March 8 will not stand out in any way. In addition, teenage girls are unlikely to appreciate sweets as a gift, especially from a loved one.

March 8 is a good reason to find out what a girl lives and thinks about. This is a day of respect for women of all ages, so it is better to give the girl small, but useful and practical gifts than to formally make do with trinkets and sweets.

The best gift is handmade

Parents, brothers and sisters with a creative approach always know what to give a girl on March 8th. If your head doesn’t give you rest, and you have plenty of time for creativity, then you can come up with something original and original. Even a simple thing made with love can pleasantly surprise and make a young lady happy.

Several ideas and master classes for hand-made gifts are offered, and the video in this article will clearly show how to make a gift for a girl.

So, the simplest thing you can make is a postcard. A simple card with satin flowers looks beautiful and spring-like.

To make such a postcard, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • satin fabric;
  • canvas or canvas;
  • thick paper for the base of the card;
  • thread and needle;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • beads;
  • candle and matches.

Instructions for implementation:

Action Description

cut a small square (about 7x7 cm) from the canvas and unravel the edges to create a fringe;

cut circles of different sizes from satin fabric for the petals;

singe the edges of the candle so that they bend slightly;

connect the petals together, sewing a bead in the center, as shown in the photo;

make leaves: cut ovals from green fabric and singe along the edges;

make several colors, repeating steps 2-4, and try on all the details on the canvas;

glue the elements to the canvas;

bend the paper in half to make a blank for the postcard;

glue the canvas with flowers on top of the card;

the postcard is ready!

The box is a great gift for a girl. You don’t have to do it yourself, just buy and paint the blank or decorate it in decoupage style.

The box itself can be made from matchboxes, gluing them together and decorating them with scrapbooking paper, lace, ribbons, and accessories. You can also cover a cookie or candy box with paper or fabric, transforming it into a box. It may turn out to be an original author's item.

It is recommended to watch what other gifts you can make from scrap materials in the selection of videos:

Advice! If you can’t create something yourself or simply don’t have enough time, don’t despair. You can buy a gift and wrap it yourself. Packaging can be the most unusual of ordinary materials. Just look at a few packaging options to get inspired.

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What if there are a lot of girls?

March 8 gifts for girls at school can become a real problem for teachers and parents' committees. The main problem is to fit your ideas (if any) into the expected budget without offending or depriving any of the girls in the class. The task, of course, is not an easy one, but it is also quite doable.

Collective gifts are usually small and symbolic. It is very difficult to please each child individually, so something neutral and practical is chosen as a gift. Since this is a gift at school, it should be useful in class, study and development.

In addition, it is worth remembering that even a simple pencil will be used for its intended purpose, but a trinket, especially if you didn’t like it, will remain gathering dust somewhere on the mezzanine. Therefore, it is better to invest in a gift wisely than just for show.

Present Description

A flash drive is a useful thing necessary for studying. Funny multi-colored flash drives of different shapes will help brighten up your school days.

A set of pens and stationery will definitely come in handy during the lesson. In today's stores you can find a wide variety of beautiful pens, pencils, and erasers.

Stickers are a fun and colorful gift.

You can choose different stickers for different girls.

They can be with cartoon characters or on a specific topic.

Wallets don't have to be leather or expensive.

Simple fabric wallets of different colors and shapes will delight any girl.

Instead of a wallet, there can be beautiful pencil cases with several compartments.

Board and intellectual games (cards) can keep a whole group of people busy, not only girls, but also boys.

Games for every taste can be selected individually for each girl.

This is a very good gift option, because children will be able to play together in each gifted game.

Ecocube is an unusual and at the same time gentle gift.

Every girl will have the opportunity to grow a plant - a herb, a seasoning, a flower or a whole tree.

You only need to do a little - plant the seeds in the soil and water them.

Everything you need is included in the set, including a wooden pot.

Coloring books are no longer just children's fun.

Many adults purchase beautiful coloring books with small details as an anti-stress measure.

Original coloring books will also delight girls of different ages.

3D puzzles make a fun gift. By connecting the parts, you can assemble a full-fledged figure.

If desired, you can purchase 3D puzzles of cartoon characters, zodiac signs or flowers.

For each girl you can choose your own figure.

Various little things - candy, a hair tie, a mirror, crayons for drawing, an eraser, badges, a brooch, a bracelet, a keychain and many other things can fit into an original package.

The little things can be different for everyone, and the girls, if they don’t like something from their gift, can always change among themselves.

The price of the presented gifts does not exceed 500 rubles. Of course, if you have the budget, you can expand wider, but these small souvenirs will be enough to surprise and keep the girl busy.

These are general recommendations and universal gift ideas. When choosing an individual gift, you should take into account many factors: hobbies, age, character of the girl. A gift for a first-grader girl is different from a gift for a teenage girl. You should definitely remember this so as not to make a mistake with your choice and accidentally offend the girl.

A beautiful and unusual surprise is a great opportunity to please not only adult women, but also young ladies. Surely this is the time to train young gentlemen to be gallant and polite at all times. And, of course, don’t forget about pleasant surprises for your classmates on the holiday. It doesn’t have to be the same small toys, keychains or other souvenirs purchased at the store. Gifts for girls on March 8 at school: what to choose?

Gifts for girls at school on March 8 should not only be beautiful and unusual, but also useful. Of course, the choice of gift directly depends on the age of the children. In any case, all souvenirs in this case can be divided into 3 main groups:

  • identical small souvenirs (stickers, notepads, soft toys, notepads, funny cards, sets of felt-tip pens or sweets);
  • individual for each classmate (this could be an elegant cosmetic bag, a craft set, a convenient organizer, a disk with a classmate’s favorite game, a book or even a small set of cosmetics, handbags or scarves);
  • handmade surprises (postcards, photo collages, delicious “bouquets” of sweets or even a multi-tiered “cake” of sweets).

Themed gifts for girls of different ages on March 8 at school can be different, but they must be created with humor, be useful and give a good mood. Depending on the age of your classmates, these could be:

  1. Juniors (1st - 4th grade). Most often, these are the simplest and at the same time cute gifts, which parents help choose. These could be cute notebooks, sets of felt-tip pens, bright heart stickers or funny soft toys.
  2. Secondary (grades 5 - 7) This is the time for individual options that you can please young ladies with. Cute jewelry, funny keychains, boxes for girlish secrets, beautiful organizers, cute diaries with a secret or creativity kits - all this will perfectly lift your spirits.
  3. Seniors (grades 8 - 11) It's time for real "adult" surprises. Moreover, at this age you can no longer ask your parents for money, but earn it yourself during the holidays. This could be a stylish handbag or scarf, a flash drive, original handmade soap, a cute cosmetic bag, or a movie ticket to your favorite movie.

Most often, girls of any age can be given fresh flowers as gifts on March 8th at school. These can be not only small bouquets of traditional mimosas, tulips or freesias. Small baskets with flowers look great (they can even be the same so that no one is offended). Another great idea is fresh flowers in pots, such as bright crocuses.

In 11th grade, a certificate for some interesting master class or group photo session would be an excellent gift. Such photos will be an excellent souvenir, as will a joint trip to the cinema to see a new film.

What to give girls on March 8th at school, ideas

But what to give girls at school on March 8, if their parents haven’t allocated much money for it, but you want to give your classmates something very special? In this case, souvenirs made with your own hands will be a great help. The main thing is that they are made with humor and definitely lift your spirits.

If you decide to give homemade souvenirs to girls in your class on March 8th at school, it could be:

  • an original photo collage (such an original poster will surely decorate the classroom and lift everyone’s spirits);
  • homemade pens made of thick paper with funny inscriptions (you can come up with unusual ones, from an ordinary pen and self-adhesive paper);
  • a “bouquet” of sweets and corrugated paper in a flower pot (this is a fun and also tasty alternative to fresh flowers);
  • a notebook, photo album or a stylish photo frame made using the scrapbooking technique (in 11th grade, this could well be a frame or album made specifically for a graduation photo shoot).

The idea of ​​decorating albums using the fashionable scrapbooking technique is an excellent alternative to the traditional graduation album. Such albums, prepared with your own hands for classmates, will be an excellent memory. Moreover, in such an album there will certainly be a place not only for graduation photos, but also for pleasant little things: for example, movie tickets, stickers and other things.

If you decide to pamper your classmates with goodies, you should give all the girls at school an original “sweet cake” made with your own hands on March 8th. With such a surprise you will create a pleasant atmosphere and Have fun celebrating March 8th. It's very easy to make yourself and is a much better idea than a ready-made set of sweets. To create it you only need:

  • several types of candy;
  • colored cardboard or cookie box of the required size;
  • corrugated packaging paper;
  • tape (not only regular, but also double-sided);
  • glue;
  • gift ribbon.

This cake is very easy to make:

  1. Let's form the basis. An empty cookie box is coated with glue on the outside and inside and then covered with wrapping paper. On the outside, the base is tied with a gift ribbon. We make a lid from colored cardboard and decorate it with wrapped candies.
  2. We fill the finished “base” with candies, arranging them with flowers.
  3. We close with the “top cake”, that is, with a lid.

Any surprise must be original and appropriate. This may well be a surprise made with your own hands. For example, it could be a bright “bouquet of candies,” a beautiful diary, or a stylish keychain for a young fashionista. Such a sign of attention in combination with a bouquet of flowers will certainly lift everyone’s spirits.

Take the test

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Spring comes on March 8 - men know this, and this is exactly what women at any age think. Long before the holiday, sons, brothers, husbands and fathers think about what to buy and give to their women on March 8 or what sisters, grandmothers, wives and daughters can make with their own hands.

And if choosing a gift for an adult woman is not so difficult, then choosing a gift for a daughter or a girl in your son’s class is much more difficult, because you won’t be giving phones and gold jewelry. We invite you to use our gift ideas for girls under 11 years old on March 8th.

What to give to a girl under 11 years old on March 8

Of course, all girls love sweets and plush toys, but we need more practical ideas.

Here is a list of good gifts for girls:

What else can be given to girls under 11 years old on March 8 depends on their hobbies and life interests. Some people like jewelry, and some people collect soft toys even as teenagers. The most sensitive girls will not remain indifferent to such gifts as an electronic butterfly, a glowing pillow, a popcorn machine, a desktop planetarium, and an exclusive jewelry flash drive.

Take the choice of a gift for a girl on March 8th seriously, consider the options we offer - and you will certainly find exactly the gift that your princess has been waiting for for a long time!

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Choosing gifts for little ladies is always exciting, especially if we are talking about a girl of 7-9 years old. What is interesting to young beauties at this age? Babadu knows how to surprise a girl and what to give her on March 8th.


  • Doll. At this age, children still play with dolls, but not with baby dolls, as before, but with toy models or dolls based on popular cartoons about princesses.
  • A large mansion with furniture will become a cozy nest for your favorite dolls.
  • Thematic set. The birthday girl will certainly be delighted with a gift in the form of a set with small animals. At this age, toys from the Sylvanian Families series are popular; girls also love My Little pony sets.
  • 7-9 year old girls are little ladies. They love to dress up and do their hair. Buy your child a stylist set: with such a toy, your little one will be able to experiment with hairstyles and learn how to take care of herself.
  • Soft toy. A teddy bear or a bunny - such gifts always delight a girl. Feel free to choose a large soft toy. An interesting present is an interactive plush animal.
  • Children love active board games for a fun company. If your daughter is interested in puzzles, give her a Perplexus ball. An interesting gift - .
  • Constructor from the Lego Princesses series. Children love Bunchens Velcro sets. An unusual gift is a cardboard construction set from which you can assemble a house or some kind of animal.

For the soul

  • . One of the best gifts for children of all ages. A collection of fairy tales or a book in the adventure genre is suitable for this age. Children like to read detective stories and fantasy.
  • Encyclopedia. Of all the books of an educational nature, the girl will most like the book. You can buy an encyclopedia dedicated to art.
  • At the age of 8-9 years, girls willingly keep personal diaries, so you can present a regular diary or buy the girl an original personal diary in combination with an anti-stress coloring book.
  • Coloring by numbers. If your daughter loves to draw, buy her a color by number book. You don’t have to be a professional artist to depict a real masterpiece on canvas. Coloring by numbers is a great leisure activity.
  • At this age, the child masters the basic types of needlework: knitting, sewing, embroidery. You can buy a toy sewing machine and, together with your daughter, sew an outfit for a doll. Introduce your child to the technique of creating toys and jewelry from. A fun activity - . Girls also like sets for, but a gift in the form of a set for.
  • 3D pen. This is a gift for those who love to draw and create. With a 3D pen, drawings literally come to life in the air. The girl will be able to draw a fairytale castle, a princess, characters from her favorite fairy tales and cartoons, and then play with the figures that resulted from her creativity.

For a little schoolgirl

  • A beautiful filled pencil case is one of the options for an inexpensive gift.
  • Not a school one, but one with which it is convenient to go to training or go on a trip.
  • Experiment kit. Theory is boring, but if you learn the basics of science experimentally, then studying becomes much more interesting. With the experiment kit, your little researcher will create an original scent herself, experiment with growing plants, and grow an unusual crystal.

For the young fashionista

  • Lipstick, eye shadow, nail polish are the minimum that should be in a little lady's cosmetic bag.
  • Dress. Buy your daughter a beautiful dress and have a real ball in the evening.
  • . A little student goes to school with a backpack. What should you bring to visit your friend? Of course, with a fashionable bag that will fit all the little things a princess needs.
  • This cute accessory will complement the look of a little lady.
  • Hair ornaments. A beautiful hairstyle, decorated with a bow or headband, is what emphasizes the feminine side of a girl.