How not to hiccup - getting rid of hiccups in children and adults. Hiccups in newborns - causes and treatment How to stop hiccups in babies after feeding

When hiccups overwhelm an adult, it does not cause any reaction in us, but in babies this phenomenon means that something is wrong and can even serve as a signal of illness. Read on to find out what you need to do to make hiccups go away in a newborn.

The best way to stop hiccups in newborns is through calming.

How to get rid of hiccups in a newborn?

Babies hiccup both because of illness and because of temporary inconveniences, such as cold or thirst. In order to get rid of the problem correctly and permanently, you need to understand the cause of this phenomenon. It is from where the hiccups came from that it will become clear how to treat them. So, why does a baby hiccup, what can you do about it, and how can you stop newborn hiccups?

In case of hypothermia

One of the most common causes of this phenomenon in children is hypothermia. If the baby is cold, his muscles begin to contract, which is quite natural. This can happen if a window is open in the room or the air conditioner is turned on, or if the baby is not dressed for the weather. To clarify the situation, touch the baby by the elbows or knees to check if he is cold. If hypothermia is indeed the culprit, then it will be enough for you to warm the baby to rid him of the problem, and in the future you will not make such a mistake.

Parents should remember that a child needs a slightly different temperature. For example, if an adult is warm, then a child may be hot.

In case of feeding errors

Most young mothers have no idea how to feed their baby properly. Because of this, the child may suffer, and the consequence may include hiccups. To prevent this from happening, you need to remember a few tips:

  • The baby should not overeat, since the walls of his intestines are still too thin to withstand a heavy load.
  • The baby should be fed at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • If the milk comes in very actively and the baby does not have time to swallow it, then in a hurry, along with the food, he swallows air, which then comes out with hiccups. If you want to fix the problem, let your baby catch his breath before feeding again.
  • If the baby is bottle-fed, you need to monitor the hole in the nipple, since a low-quality nipple can lead to this phenomenon. There are special nipples where the entry of air is prevented.
  • After feeding, infants are usually kept in an upright position for some time so that what they eat goes down the esophagus without difficulty. The baby needs this kind of support from his parents until all his organs are strengthened.
  • The mother must deal with the problem, because the baby is not able to cure itself.

With increased excitability

Little ones are very impressionable, and sometimes it is emotional shock that causes contractions of the diaphragm. To help the baby, you need to remove the irritant. It could be many things: too harsh a light, a loud sound, an unexpected touch, fright. In general, this can be any stressful situation; for some babies, even strangers are such a factor. It is worth ridding the baby of the problem, which is why you need to calm him down and help him cope with stress. Just hug him and let the baby know that he is not in any danger. Such simple measures will be enough to make this problem caused by increased excitability go away.

To stop hiccups, it would be a good idea to talk to your child in a whisper and explain to him everything that, in your opinion, he may not understand. Also, doctors recommend not to show the baby to a large number of people at first, because this can cause the baby to become confused and also get emotional stress.

Hiccups in infants due to illness

Sometimes hiccups are not an independent phenomenon, but a harbinger of a disease. If you notice that your baby has been hiccupping for a week, do not ignore it. If your child continues to hiccup for at least half an hour, there is cause for concern. The baby also hints to you that there is a problem if he cries a lot or if he has shortness of breath.

Hiccups in children can signal helminthiasis.

Hiccups may indicate the presence of worms in the baby's body; it may also mean that the baby has problems with the spinal cord or pancreas. This phenomenon occurs in some diseases of the central nervous system. In any case, you should immediately contact your pediatrician, and he will refer you to the right specialist who will get rid of the obsessive phenomenon in your baby.

Since hiccups usually bother adults, many people find that they also bother babies. However, children usually do not experience discomfort. In fact, many newborns can sleep through bouts of hiccups without being disturbed, and the hiccups rarely impede or have any effect on the baby's breathing.

Most hiccup episodes last from a few minutes to an hour. In any case, there is nothing to worry about. In fact, many babies find hiccups quite funny. Hiccups in a baby are normal body reflexes and parents should not worry at all.

Why does the child hiccup?

The baby hiccups even in the womb, from the second trimester. When a woman is pregnant, sometimes she feels that the baby's body is pulsating rhythmically. Perhaps at this moment the fetus has hiccups.

So why does a baby hiccup while still in the womb?:

  • the brain sends a signal to the fetus's diaphragm to contract, and when it contracts, the fetus sucks in amniotic fluid, which causes hiccups;
  • Fetal hiccups also occur when the baby develops a sucking reflex and thus sucks in amniotic fluid;
  • Rarely, a significant increase in hiccups may be a sign that the umbilical cord is wrapped around the fetus's neck and restricting the flow of oxygen, known as cord compression.

You don't have to worry too much about this. But if anxiety increases, tell your doctor and he will order an ultrasound to check if everything is normal.

Common causes of hiccups in newborns:

  1. Immature diaphragm. A newborn often hiccups when its immature diaphragm contracts suddenly and irregularly. As the baby grows, the contractions of the diaphragm, along with the muscles between the ribs and abdomen, become more synchronized and stronger, which gradually reduces the frequency and severity of hiccup episodes.
  2. Overfeeding. This is one of the common reasons why a baby hiccups after feeding. Rapid distension of the stomach or its fullness can provoke a spasm of the diaphragm muscle, which will lead to hiccups.
  3. Swallowing air. This is another reason why babies hiccup. Most babies tend to swallow a lot of air when feeding, which can also lead to hiccups. The occurrence of hiccups in an infant also depends on the position in which the baby is fed and other factors, such as whether you allow the baby to burp frequently during feeding to reduce the amount of air swallowed.
  4. Decrease in temperature. Hiccups can also occur if your body temperature suddenly drops. Since a newborn baby is less able to maintain his body temperature, any significant changes in the environment can significantly affect his body temperature. Therefore, it is recommended to keep children warm and comfortable.
  5. Mother's diet. The baby often hiccups due to the mother's diet. No matter what the mother drinks or eats, the nutrients consumed are transferred to the baby through. Newborns are more likely to experience hiccups after feeding if the mother consumes peanuts, eggs, wheat, caffeine, chocolate, citrus fruits and soy products before feeding the baby. For best results, avoid foods that may cause your baby to hiccup for at least an hour before feeding.
  6. Acid reflux. Regular hiccups, even when the baby is not overfed or swallowed air, can signal a possible underlying problem. (known as GERD) is a condition in which some stomach contents regurgitate into the esophagus. This may cause pain and hiccups. However, hiccups are not usually the only symptom of GERD. Other indicators that a child may experience include colic-like behavior associated with pain, nighttime whims, frequent regurgitation and abdominal pain after. If your baby hiccups frequently or has any other symptoms associated with GERD after making feeding changes, talk to a specialist about the problem.
  7. Allergy. The baby may be allergic to certain proteins found in formula or even breast milk, which in turn causes inflammation of the esophagus called eosinophilic esophagitis. As a reaction to the condition, the diaphragm spasms, causing hiccups.
  8. Irritants in the air. Babies have a sensitive respiratory system, and any airborne irritant, such as fumes, pollution, or intense aroma, can trigger a cough. Repeated coughing puts pressure on the diaphragm, causing it to vibrate. This may be the reason why your baby hiccups.

How to get rid of hiccups in a child?

Even if hiccups are almost always harmless, it is better to relieve your child of these spasms.

Try it the following methods if the baby is tormented by hiccups, but one at a time:

  • One of the simple ways to stop hiccups in a newborn is to lactation. Hiccups occur when the diaphragm becomes irritated. Drinking a small amount of breast milk and allowing it to flow slowly can cause the diaphragm to relax and return to normal movement;
  • give the baby some sugar. It was a popular remedy for hiccups in ancient times. If your baby is old enough to eat solid food, place a few sugar crystals under his tongue. If he is too young to consume solids, you can dip the pacifier in some freshly prepared sugar syrup and place the pacifier in his mouth. Or dip your finger in the syrup and give it to your child.

    Make sure the pacifier and finger are clean.

    Sugar will ease the tension in the diaphragm, thereby stopping the baby's hiccups;

  • baby back massage. This is a more direct way to relieve your newborn from hiccups. Place your child in an upright sitting position and gently rub in a circular motion on his back from the lower back to the shoulder. You can also place your baby on your stomach and do the same movements;

    Be gentle and don't apply too much pressure. The idea is to relieve tension in the diaphragm.

  • keep baby upright after feeding. Hold your baby upright for 15 minutes after feeding. Staying upright will keep the diaphragm in its natural position, preventing any muscle flutter. You can also gently rub his back to encourage him to burp, which will allow the air swallowed during feeding to escape. This will relax the diaphragm, thus reducing the chances of hiccups;
  • distract the child. Every time your baby suffers from bouts of hiccups, try to distract him with a rattle. Hiccups are caused by muscle spasms, which can be caused by nerve impulses. Changing the neural stimuli through touch (such as a massage) or through some sensory input (observing a favorite toy) can reduce the frequency of a child's hiccups, if not stop them entirely;
  • try . There is no scientific evidence to support dill water for treating gastrointestinal problems in infants. However, it is one of the most popular solutions for treating stomach discomfort that has caused hiccups in babies. Check with your pediatrician before giving your child dill water.

You can try one or more of the above methods for hiccups. It is important to remember that in a state of increased anxiety, you can sometimes do things that will do more harm than good to the child. Therefore, control your emotions and evaluate your actions wisely.

How to prevent hiccups in children?

You can prevent your baby from getting hiccups by being careful with what he eats. According to many pediatricians, overfeeding is a common cause of hiccups in babies. Never feed your baby large quantities at one time, as this will cause severe distension of the stomach.

Remember about the following points when feeding a small child:

  1. Feed your baby in small amounts over a longer period of time rather than filling his stomach in one sitting. This will help prevent overfeeding, which is a cause of hiccups in babies.
  2. Keep your baby upright when breastfeeding/bottle feeding at an angle of 35 - 45 degrees as this will ensure a smooth flow of milk through the esophagus.
  3. When your baby is old enough to sit, you can feed him in a sitting position. Position your baby with his back to you to support his back. Feeding while sitting will prevent air from being swallowed.
  4. Hear the sound your baby makes while feeding. If he is making too much noise, he is probably swallowing a lot of air. Adjust the pacifier in your mouth so that there is a small air gap in it. When breastfeeding, make sure your baby's mouth covers the entire nipple.
  5. Clean and wash your bottle regularly to prevent milk from collecting in the nipple. An obstruction during feeding can cause the baby to swallow more air than milk, causing hiccups.
  6. Never let your child sleep with a full bottle. Unlike the breast, where milk flows only when you suck, a bottle provides a constant flow of milk. Apart from being life-threatening and increasing the risk of tooth decay, it can also cause overfeeding, which in turn leads to hiccups.

When a child hiccups, what should you not do?

There are certain hiccup remedies that are suitable for adults. Never try them on your babies, as getting rid of hiccups in a newborn can have adverse consequences.

  1. Never try to scare your newborn if they are hiccupping to get them to stop hiccupping. The loud bang of an exploding plastic bag, commonly used for hiccupping adults, can cause damage to infants' sensitive eardrums.
  2. Sour candies are great for adults, but are not intended for children. Even if your baby is over 12 months old, it is not recommended to feed him sour candy or other acidic foods to relieve hiccups. Most sour candies contain powdered edible acid, which may not be healthy for your baby.
  3. Don't slap your child too hard on the back. The ligaments in your baby's skeleton are still flexible, and any shock or brute force can cause serious damage to them. For this reason, never slap your baby hard on the back to prevent him from hiccupping. You can knock gently, but any excessive force may cause damage.

Hiccups in a child are a temporary nuisance. But if it repeats frequently, then it’s time to visit the doctor.

When to contact a specialist?

  • if it is gastroesophageal reflux. If a child constantly hiccups and always regurgitates a little liquid, we can assume the presence of gastroesophageal reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux is usually accompanied by other signs, including irritability, arching of the back, and crying a few minutes after feeding. If you suspect reflux, contact your pediatrician immediately;
  • hiccups interfere with sleep and feeding. It is normal for a baby to hiccup from time to time, but if the hiccups are interfering with his daily activities such as eating, sleeping and playing, then you should take him to the doctor. When hiccups become chronic and interfere with daily activities, the baby automatically shows signs of discomfort. This means that hiccups may be caused by another cause that requires medical attention;
  • when hiccups last for hours or days. Babies, including newborns, may hiccup almost daily for a few minutes or up to an hour. If they generally feel comfortable and happy, then there is no reason to worry. But if the hiccups show no signs of abating and continue for an abnormally long time, then the cause may be serious.

Observe whether your baby's hiccups are accompanied by an abnormal sound such as . In such cases, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

Patience and observation will help you and your baby smile through the hiccups. Home remedies are simple methods to suppress and even prevent hiccups in your baby. Always remember that if your baby hiccups, it is completely normal and does not harm the baby. So never worry about it as it is a natural event. Some basic precautions during feeding will help manage your baby's hiccups. When hiccups are chronic, consult your pediatrician.

Inexperienced mothers, when the baby starts to hiccup, are very worried. After all, they do not yet know what is happening to the child, what is bothering him, and whether it needs to be treated. Hiccups occur frequently in infants. There are several common situations in which a baby begins to hiccup. The article examines all these main cases and gives recommendations on what needs to be done.

What is hiccups?

Hiccups in newborns are a breathing disorder. It begins when the diaphragm contracts in the form of shocks and sudden breathing movements. Hiccups in themselves are not a disease, but they are a sign of some kind of disorder in the child’s body. To know how to rid a newborn of hiccups, you need to find out the mechanism of this phenomenon.

What is hiccups - explanation

Hiccups occur involuntarily in all people. It is the body's reaction to various external or internal stimuli.

At the same time, the diaphragm contracts and along with it the intercostal muscles. Inhalation occurs, and then the airways suddenly close. The air flow is suddenly blocked and there is a feeling that the person does not have enough air. Knowing their own experience, parents are worried and think that this bothers the baby, who is one month old, just as much as it bothers adults. In fact, this does not cause any trouble for newborns.

Therefore, you need to stop worrying and find out what leads to hiccups in a child and how to help him.?

Causes of hiccups

Why do newborn babies hiccup often? Hiccuping is a reflex. The baby begins to hiccup involuntarily, just like sneezing. There are several reasons why newborns do this:

  • stress;
  • the child is cold;
  • air collected in the stomach after feeding;
  • from overeating;
  • due to being in an awkward position;
  • various diseases.

The baby will never hiccup unreasonably; this is a consequence of various irritants. Therefore, each of these reasons requires the attention and help of parents.

Air in the stomach

The purpose of hiccups is to help the baby get rid of the air that has accumulated in his stomach. Therefore, this often happens to children after feeding. When the air has left the stomach, the child calms down. The most common cause of this phenomenon in newborns is air in the stomach, which they swallowed along with milk during feeding.

The vertical position and rocking on the arm will remove air from the stomach

This will help rid the stomach of air. If after feeding the newborn hiccups, he can be put back to the breast or given a bottle (with artificial feeding or mixed feeding). Many mothers of children testify that this helps a lot.

Hiccups from overeating

Hiccups in children begin after heavy feeding. Excess food leads to stretching of the stomach, accumulation of air in it, regurgitation occurs, and the stomach hurts. Therefore, infants should be fed on demand and in a calm environment, not brought to a state where he becomes very hungry and begins to swallow air along with the milk.

Most often, a formula-fed baby can overeat, because formula is very high in calories. They are not suited to the stomach of a newborn baby in the same way as breast milk. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of pediatricians when artificial feeding. It is necessary to feed the baby only according to the schedule and give him the required amount of formula, without overfeeding him. Formulas are not digested and absorbed as well as mother's milk. Therefore, the baby must be fed hourly so that each portion is completely absorbed and he does not spit up.


Various stress factors can cause hiccups, that is, convulsive contractions of the diaphragm, in a baby:

  • loud sounds (car horn, music, people started shouting);
  • the child was left alone;
  • the appearance of strangers.

Fear and stress can cause hiccups

Some parents try to put their child to sleep only in complete silence. But doctors recommend teaching a baby to sleep to moderate environmental noise. Sleep will be restful. Only sharp and loud music or other sounds can scare him. Sometimes the baby begins to get nervous when he is left alone in the room. This can also be a sign of stress. To stop the hiccups, you need to pick him up and it will stop. If the baby is on formula, you need to give him water. If you have a baby, then offer the breast. The children calm down after this.

Lability of the nervous system leads to hiccups from stress, but the baby calms down just as quickly.?


Hiccups because a newborn is cold occur much less often than when there is air in his stomach. The best room temperature for a newborn is 22 degrees. Komarovsky recommends maintaining a temperature of 19 degrees in the children's room. If the room is colder, the blood vessels narrow, the muscles contract, and then spasms of the diaphragm occur. Determining the cause of hiccups in this case is not difficult. You need to try to touch the baby's limbs, they will be cold. Then parents just need to put a jacket on the child and hold him close. He will quickly warm up and calm down. The newborn's arms and legs should always be warm and his lips pink.

The child is cold after bathing and hiccups


Slight dehydration in a baby can lead to hiccups. It often occurs in newborns who are bottle-fed. Pediatricians recommend frequently offering formula-fed infants a drink of water. This prevents a lack of fluid in their body. To help your baby get rid of hiccups caused by dehydration, you need to give him a bottle of water. We need to make special children's teas. Chamomile and other herbs have the additional benefit of treating intestinal colic.

This happens less often in children who are breastfed. Mother's milk contains enough liquid, and there is no need to give the baby additional water. But this can happen in extreme summer heat. Therefore, such babies also need to be offered a bottle of water.

If you give breastfeeding or drink, the hiccups go away

Hiccups in diseases

The common causes of hiccups in newborns are described above, when parents can themselves determine the cause and help the child. But there are rare cases when this occurs in children due to various diseases, for example, inflammation (laryngitis, tracheitis) or a tumor of the esophagus or stomach. Therefore, it is necessary to show the child to a pediatrician and examine the baby to exclude various pathological conditions.

In itself, hiccups in a child are not a disease. It is a consequence of the imperfection of his body, which grows and develops. Therefore, if the baby is examined by a doctor and determines that the newborn is healthy, but the baby still does not stop hiccupping, parents do not need to worry. Over time, his body will get stronger, and involuntary contractions of the diaphragm will stop.

Infants, especially after feeding, often experience hiccups. Usually it is not a sign of pathology and occurs in almost every person, regardless of gender and age. Young parents should know that this symptom cannot be a reason to panic. You just need to find the causes of the phenomenon and take measures to get rid of hiccups in a newborn.

In the vast majority of cases, hiccups in an infant are not a manifestation of any disease. It is worth paying attention to the condition of the baby if he hiccups for too long or often.

If there is no pathology, then the causes of hiccups are:

What do we have to do

In most cases, you can get help at home and stop hiccups without resorting to the services of medical personnel. Parents should ensure that the infant does not lie in wet diapers, so that the air temperature in the room is within normal limits. If during feeding the baby cannot burp air on his own, then after eating he should be held upright; a light massage in the form of stroking the back also helps.

When the little one is breastfed, then in order to rid the baby of hiccups, it is enough to simply put it on the breast. This attachment will replace both feeding and drinking. In addition, the baby calms down at the same time if he was scared of something before. After eating, you can take a diaper, warm it with an iron and apply it to your tummy. This action will help fight hiccups and reduce the severity of cramps due to flatulence. Instead of a warm diaper, you can use a warm bath, with the baby's chest and stomach completely immersed in water.
In some cases, lukewarm water, which is given to the baby to drink in a bottle or from a spoon, can get rid of the problem in such a situation. It is believed that massaging the child's ear or applying a spoon or coin to the earlobe to cool it helps.

Traditional methods

The simplest folk way to remove hiccups from a newborn is to drop a few drops of chamomile infusion or one drop of lemon juice under the baby’s tongue. To prepare chamomile infusion, you need to take a small spoon of the raw material and brew it in a glass of boiling water. Use after cooling and straining.

Dill water can eliminate the problems of diaphragm spasms and abdominal pain. To prepare it, just take half a tablespoon of dill seeds and brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and give your baby one small spoon 3-4 times a day.

When to go to the doctor

These recipes using natural remedies are safe and will help quickly solve the problem if there is no serious illness.

If you cannot stop hiccups in newborns, and it lasts more than two hours, this may be a sign of pathology of the nervous system, disorders of the digestive tract, or infection with worms. Sometimes endless hiccups manifest as a complication of intrauterine hypoxia.

A prolonged attack leads to the fact that the baby cannot perform full breathing movements, his body experiences a lack of oxygen, and mental and physical development is impaired. Therefore, you should consult a doctor to stop hiccups by eliminating the cause of their occurrence.

Your baby has been born, which means you have entered a new, caring and troublesome period. The realities of motherhood do not always coincide with expectations, so it is better to inquire in advance about the characteristics of the child’s body. Hiccups in a newborn occur in almost 100% of cases. “Is it dangerous? What is the reason? How to deal with this? - we’ll talk about this in this article.

What is hiccups?

Before you understand the cause and method of getting rid of hiccups in a child, it is worth understanding what they are? At the border of the chest and abdominal cavities there is a section of muscle tissue called the diaphragm. When this muscle contracts, a hiccupping sound and spasmodic movement of the baby's chest are heard.

In most cases, hiccups are not a sign of any abnormalities; they only require more careful care for the newborn baby. However, depending on the reasons, hiccups can not only be short-term, but also last up to an hour. Your baby is worried and you are with him, which means you need to help the baby calm down and cope with the attack.

Causes of hiccups

Contraction of the diaphragm can be provoked by several circumstances. In order to help your child, you need to correctly determine the cause of the disease. In most cases, the fact that a baby often hiccups is caused by the following:

  1. Hypothermia. The reason for the sharp decrease in the child’s body temperature is the circulating cold air in the room;
  2. Fright. With a sharp sound, bright light, in an unusual environment, among new people or animals, the child begins to get nervous, reflexively causing muscle contractions;
  3. Lactation . There may be several reasons for the occurrence of hiccups during feeding:
  • With a rapid flow of milk from the breast, the baby is forced to swallow very quickly, and the milk has a direct impact on the walls of the diaphragm, causing muscle contractions.
  • If feeding is improper, the newborn swallows air along with food. This happens because the baby is not suckling correctly;
  1. Thirst. The cause of hiccups is drying out of the oral mucosa;
  2. Bloating. Insufficient development of the lower gastrointestinal tract and increased bowel activity place increased pressure on the child’s diaphragm. For more information on how to deal with colic, see: Soft tummy >>>
  3. Disruption of the functioning of nerve centers. This reason is the most rare. Hiccups occur when the brain is damaged during pregnancy or labor.

As you can see, the causes of diaphragmatic spasm can be caused by both external and internal factors. All babies experience hiccups from time to time. If the baby does not show any worries, then you should not worry either.

Situations where hiccups occur

To understand why newborns often hiccup, simply observing the baby’s health and behavior is not always enough. It is important to recognize the cause and decide what exactly needs to be corrected. Various situations can trigger the appearance of hiccups.

Hiccups after feeding

Hiccups are very common in newborns after feeding. What should I do to solve this problem? The occurrence of such a situation suggests that the cause is improper food intake. Let's look at what conditions should be observed when feeding:

  1. The feeding process itself should take place in a calm environment. Mom and baby should not be distracted by anything. All thoughts should be positive and aimed at eating;
  2. Proper latching of the baby to the breast can prevent the cause of hiccups. The feeding position should be comfortable for both you and the baby. The newborn's head and body should be in line. The top of the baby's head, lying on the elbow, should be slightly higher than the nipple and slightly thrown back;
  3. When bottle-fed, the baby also sits in the mother's arms. Bottle feeding should mimic breastfeeding. Eye contact between mother and baby is required;
  4. When artificial feeding, it is necessary to choose the right pacifier. If the hole is too large, the baby will not have time to properly swallow a strong stream of milk. The child will choke, swallow air, and after a while hiccups will begin;
  5. There is no need to feed your baby formula in excess. If there is too much food, a full stomach will put pressure on the diaphragm. The hiccups will continue until the food is digested;
  6. When breastfeeding, you should not take your baby off the breast until he does it himself. If you see that there is a lot of milk and the child cannot yet cope with such a volume of incoming milk (infants under the age of 1.5 months are more likely to do this), then you can express the milk a little before feeding. Read how to do this in the article How to Express Breast Milk by Hand >>>
  7. If the child ate quickly, greedily, and there is reason to believe that the child swallowed air, then after finishing feeding the baby should be held upright (with good and proper feeding, holding the baby upright after feeding is not necessary). During the first 15 minutes after feeding, the air accumulated in the stomach will release on its own. If you put the baby to bed earlier, not only hiccups are possible, but also severe regurgitation. Find out from the article why does a baby spit up after feeding?>>>.
  8. Hypothermia. This point is indirectly related to improper feeding, but directly related to the appearance of hiccups. The child must be dressed appropriately.

It is recommended to unwrap the baby during meals so that the skin rests, is enriched with oxygen, and the body is hardened. But don’t overdo it, the baby’s hands and feet should always be warm. If it is inconvenient to wear warm clothes, then covering the baby with a blanket on top will be enough.

Hiccups due to hypothermia

You want your child to grow up strong and healthy, so you begin to harden the young body from childhood. This is right! But remember that there must be moderation in everything. Hypothermia is a common cause of hiccups. Taking air baths is good, but you shouldn’t completely undress your child for half an hour. Cross-ventilation of the room is excellent, but it is better to take the baby to another room during this time.

Important! A small child should wear one more layer of clothing than an adult. This rule should be followed not only when walking outside, but also while indoors.

It’s easy to figure out how to get rid of hiccups in a newborn if the room is cold or the window is wide open. You can determine that your baby is cold by touching the base of his neck. If it’s cold there, it’s worth warming up the baby: cuddle him, cover him with a blanket or put on an extra blouse.

Fighting hiccups

Hiccups have been plaguing your baby for a long time. The arms and legs are warm, they were fed in compliance with all the rules, but the cause has not yet been identified. There are many ways to stop hiccups in a newborn:

  • if the child is older than 6 months, then give the child a drink of plain water or a weak chamomile decoction, taking into account the conditions set out in the article When can you give water to a newborn >>
  • eliminate exposure to irritating factors: turn off the TV, dim the lights, turn down the music volume, etc.;
  • calm the baby down: hug, sing a song, lull him to sleep;
  • do massage and gymnastics;
  • bathe or just wash;

Hiccups are a physiological condition; the older your child gets, the less they will appear. With age, the imperfections of the digestive tract will disappear, and the baby will no longer be bothered by frequent contractions of the diaphragm.

How mothers deal with hiccups

Elena, 36 years old

My child did not develop hiccups immediately after breastfeeding, but about an hour later. I didn’t know what to associate this reaction with. The grandmother kept advising me to give the child some water to drink. I kept refusing, because why give the child more milk when he has enough of my milk.

I tried to change the linen in his room, suddenly the colors scared me off, but that was not the reason. I couldn’t answer the question: why does a newborn hiccup? Ultimately, I decided to change the baby’s feeding position. Since the eating process lasted about 30 minutes for us, it was easier for me to do it lying down.

I corrected the position - I sit down, and put the baby on a special pillow. Imagine my surprise that the child’s hiccups stopped. This is what the right position means.

Marina, 23 years old

Having read in a magazine how dangerous overheating is for a baby, I began to wrap him up less. At first, no visible changes were observed, the child was comfortable in a thin shirt at a room temperature of about 18 o C. After a couple of days, the child began to develop hiccups, for no apparent reason.

I didn’t attach any importance to this, because these are physiological features. Yes, the baby’s arms and legs were slightly cool, but this is hardening. But day after day the hiccups continued with some frequency. My little one did not sneeze, did not cough, but hiccupped. The problem was resolved when I started putting socks on the baby. They may not be very warm, but apparently this was enough for the child to feel comfortable.

Evgeniya, 32 years old

My baby has never had any particular problems with hiccups. I monitor my baby's health very closely. It was not a cause for concern for me that the child began to have hiccups a couple of times a week. But still, this is not the most pleasant feeling, so I began to look for the cause and way to solve this problem.

I will not frighten a newborn or cut off his access to oxygen, as adults struggle with this. I use this recipe: I just give him the breast right away. He calms down and the hiccups go away immediately.

Be healthy! Let your everyday life with your baby go without problems!