What are you capable of for the sake of love? What are you capable of for the sake of love?

The strong love of the Myrrh-Bearing Women led them to follow the Lord to the Cross, forced them to run to the tomb of the Savior and allowed them to be the first to believe in His Resurrection.

And in the current world, which is by no means kind or fair, it is love that allows ordinary women to become myrrh-bearers - to bring peace and happiness to their families, build harmonious relationships, raise children, make life more beautiful and joyful.

And what are our mothers capable of for the sake of love? PravLife took them by surprise with this question on the eve of the Week of Myrrh-Bearing Women, but it turned out that they had to tell them about the most important thing in life.

“I have strength tests - this is my husband’s hobby”

Mother Victoria Mogilnaya:

With my husband, Rev. Nikolai Mogilny (leader of the Ionin “youth team”, cares for prisoners)

“I thank God that my love for my loved ones has not been seriously tested, so that now, with a smart look and age-old sadness in my eyes, I give out pompous phrases about how omnipotent my feelings are. However, I completely forgot. I have tests of strength - this is my husband’s hobby. When I see him in a helmet, moon boots and on a motorcycle, I feel like just a superhero who could strangle a hated object, but with the power of his own generosity he chooses Love. But seriously, this is a very difficult question. And I don't know what to answer. I dream of being guided by God’s call: “love your neighbor as yourself.” When I love, then I can find the answer to what I am capable of for the sake of my neighbor. In the meantime, there’s nothing to brag about.”

With kids

From the article “The Right to Dream” by Mother Victoria for the Orthodox family magazine “Family”:

“And although it is customary to call a husband and wife two halves of one whole, every time I am surprised by a simple discovery - how different these halves are. Our parents loved us differently, gave us different toys, we have different first childhood memories, our small and great tragedies of life are not at all similar.

And when a man and woman create a “union of unbreakable love,” they very little understand what it is like to accept another person completely. Not only with those virtues and positive qualities for which they fell in love, but entirely... With the right to his dream, the right to his outlet - the space where his soul, and not my soul, rests.

With my husband, Rev. Nikolai Mogilny

Allowing another to be happy is completely different from making another happy. Giving trust, respect and love unselfishly is not easy, feeling the boundaries of another person is even more difficult. It’s a pity to let his soul go out into the open window for a while. And we ourselves suffer, watching how our only God-given life partners cackle and wither in our suffocating embrace.

Integrity and unanimity in marriage are the Tabor heights of relationships, and the many-mile path to this peak is overcome more easily if we walk hand in hand with each other. And friendship, as one great actress said, unites people much more powerfully than love.”

“Love is a naked heart that you give to another with trepidation and hope”

Mother Ksenia Karpenko:

With her husband, Prodeacon Alexander Karpenko and daughter

“I think that the feelings that we experience in the very depths of our hearts cannot be conveyed in any words, even the most sublime ones. What is love for me, what can it motivate me to do?

Love is my husband, my children, my mother. Love is a feeling that I, as a woman, desperately need. Love is a naked heart that you give to another with trepidation and hope. This is my air - that without which life has no strength. Love is the happiness of finding yourself with the help of the one you love, who loves you.

Protodiak with my husband. Alexander Karpenko (editor-in-chief of "Fomas in Ukraine")

Love is a Gift from above. I am deeply convinced of this. Love taught me a lot: to be more patient, kinder, more attentive. She continues to teach me how to live in joy and gratitude.”

"My love is in the little things"

Mother Natalya Belyanova:

“Love headlong is not for me. Maybe this is inherent in the individual and necessarily through God, but my love lies in the little things. And since I have a very subtle, filigree perception of everything and everyone, I see so much where this love is needed.

And I believe that our life consists of little things. Therefore, my love is constant service. To make a person better, easier - to help, to console.

I can give up what I personally need right now, some business, for the sake of a specific action for another person. This happens very often. Therefore, it turns out that I often neglect my work.

I can’t say that this is always easy for me, but it’s such a character trait, and, thank God, that it exists.

With my husband, Rev. Sergius Belyanov (they publish the children's magazine "Droplets")

And this is not self-denial. Because to say that I renounce myself is wrong. I probably wouldn’t be able to completely renounce myself - I build my personality in such a way as to show love. And you grieve more when you can’t do it.

And we can also say that my love is capable of giving. I am learning to give thanks all the time - when you give a benefit and are grateful.

With my husband, Rev. Sergiy Belyanov

And you constantly find yourself in circumstances that are unusual and unusual for you. It turns out that whether you want it or not, you find ways to act for the sake of love. I am learning to accept these circumstances with gratitude and joy. And share this joy and love."

“Life does not tolerate the subjunctive mood”

Mother Ekaterina Nemchinova:

With my husband, Rev. Alexander Nemchinov (also a musician, together they publish the Samaritan magazine)

“Love is an amazing feeling, it is a state of some kind of extreme joy of the whole being, it is a gift - to be able to love and be loved. And this applies to various facets of life - love for God, love for parents, love for a spouse, love for children.

What can a person who experiences this joy do to maintain it? It seems to me that’s all! It’s very difficult for me to say anything more specific. Because talking about what I would do in this or that case is not entirely correct, life does not tolerate the subjunctive mood.

Talking about some cases from the past is also difficult. I have never had a situation where I said to myself: “But I will do this solely for the sake of love.” It seems to me that even if a person does something for the sake of love, he is unlikely to realize it, he simply does it without thinking.

With my husband, Rev. Alexander Nemchinov

But I can give examples of female feats for the sake of love that embody my ideas about this. This is Margarita Tuchkova, who throughout her life kept the memory of her beloved husband, founded the Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery, became a monk, carried her cross, and until her death hour had no doubts about her chosen path.

Margarita Tuchkova

Princess Natalya Dolgorukaya, who abandoned her court career, her titles, position in society, material wealth in order to be close to her husband, in order to share with them the trials sent to him. She also became a monk after the death of her husband. But summing up her life, she wrote: “I consider myself happy.”

Princess Natalia Dolgorukaya

And the wives of the Decembrists. I don’t understand when people talk about them with ridicule. 11 amazing women, who, I note, knew nothing about the activities of their husbands, and accordingly could not share their beliefs, but they shared punishment, exile and life full of hardships in a harsh region with them to the fullest. Who did this precisely for the sake of love, voluntarily giving up everything that had made up their life up to that moment. They put themselves in danger just to be close to their loved ones. We were able to support them, and it was this support that gave their husbands the strength to survive.

“Mom scolds me, but I can’t leave my husband”

Mother Natalya Gulyaeva:

With my husband, Rev. Georgiy Gulyaev (press secretary of the Donetsk diocese)

“My mothers, both one and the other, tell me all the time: “God, you’re leaving three children, where are you going?!” There's war there!" And I explain to them: “You see, the fact that I have three children there is yes. But in Donetsk I still had the very first, the most important, the most demanding child. With whom, I hope, I will live my old age, get sick and die.”

I have never had to make such a choice in my life! But if you choose in this situation between children and husband, I, of course, choose my husband.

With my husband, Rev. Georgy Gulyaev

People can't understand this. Because when there was peacetime, they scolded me that “how is it possible: you grab the children and leave for the whole summer, and leave him alone?!” And in Donetsk the environment is bad, and I took my children to Western Ukraine and made them healthier - to the Lviv region, where I grew up. Now the situation is the opposite: I give up everything, but people don’t feel the same way again.

This is such a moment in life. Yes, I’m very afraid, I listen, I don’t sleep at night - they’re shooting. Today I was on the bus and sobbed and cried while we passed these checkpoints. What's going on and how scary it is! And I’m torn between two fires: the children are there, and I can’t keep them here - it’s dangerous. And still I go, because I understand that the priest is bored. That he won’t be able to do this alone for so long either - he needs me now more than the children.

Children will grow up and leave anyway - children never need parents. The kids miss me now, but they're doing okay. And when they grow up, I should stay with my father. And I have to care for him, cherish him, because it’s more correct.

Mom scolds me: “I forbade you, but you went again!” But she just can't understand it. Although now she lives for her husband, and not for me. And in any situation she makes a choice in his favor.

And I can't leave my husband. I left him anyway - we’ve been going on dates with each other for a year now, about once every three months. Either he comes to us, then we come to him.

With kids

The Gulyaev family has three children - son Alexander (16 years old), daughters Sofia (12 years old) and Polina (8 years old). Now the children are in Kherson, in Fr.’s hometown. George. This time, leaving for her husband, Mother Natalya left the children in the care of her friends. Mother plans to stay in Donetsk for nine days.

“The last time I was in Donetsk with my children was during the winter holidays. We got into the car in the icy conditions and, by hook or by crook, came to dad for all the holidays. But the truce ended two days earlier, and we barely escaped the bombing. The children were scared, of course. At Easter, I was in Kherson with my children, and my father was in Donetsk.

And I just accepted: come what may. My mother tells me: “It’s scary there, they’re bombing there!”

And I ask: “Is it okay that my husband lives here, where they’re bombing?!” Why can’t I live with him in the same way – at least for a while?!” I'm scared, but he's scared too. Well, how could it be different?! At least he's enjoying some kind of joy. He does not know how to live alone, without a family. Just like I don’t know how to live without him.

And the priest, in turn, also sacrifices - he stayed there for the sake of the people. He says: “I can’t leave them - they need me. I love you, you are my family. But I am a shepherd, and this is my flock, and I cannot leave these unfortunate people without pensions and the most necessary things. That would be the end of everything." So the priest is also in Donetsk for the sake of love.”

A heightened sense of “love” is probably inherent in both old and young, and in particular in young people. then it blows your mind, you don’t understand anything, you don’t understand and you breathe only exclusively with the object of your love. as you know, in all couples without exception, one loves, and the other allows himself to be loved, allows himself to hide out of sight for a while, allows himself not to pick up the phone, not to answer a text message.... and then he. who loves goes crazy, he is insane in his passions and actions...

I remember my youth - when I loved. Ah ah ah! how I loved it! only someone who loved like this - boldly, fiercely - can truly understand him. who is "sick of love" now...

I even went on foot to Kangalassy once, and another time to the DSK... in the frost. For what? Why? the illness... now it’s gone... now I won’t go and at anyone else who goes, I’ll look reproachfully and say only “m-deeee”... but then... there was a lot of things “then”. Then poems were born, full of emotions, sorrow and happiness, and fear. Many human actions can be explained by this disease. and now it’s funny to even remember :)

It was not given to be born as a bird,

There are no wings behind my back, only hands,

And at night I don’t dream about the sky,

And the cold abyss of separation.

You know - I miss you very much!

Days, weeks - like long years.

And the stars shine every night

Leaves streaks on the cheeks...

... And the bird that knocks on your window,

Having exchanged freedom for the steel of shackles,

Trying to make a nest in your destiny -

You wound her with the blades of words.

And maybe you are just a liar, not a tyrant,

As soon as you ask for mercy, you will forgive everything,

Traces of wounds will remain in the soul,

You won’t see their smile under the pen...

Meanwhile, it trembles behind the glass

In the form of a bird and calls to fly,

And beats his wing with force in despair

My soul... but you didn’t look


The sky opened up, tore into pieces,

Hit by thunder, pierced by a thunderstorm

And it began to rain. A misfortune happened -

I had to part with you for a long time.

The sun will appear, the winds will dry

Wet steppes, chilly distances,

But the distance between us has become a wall,

And again the weight of sadness weighs me down.

The light and the chirping of spring are not pleasing,

The sun does not please, does not warm - it scorches.

The color of the sky is the color of your eyes, only suffering

Brings. I don’t see them - my heart hurts.

But only in the cold will awakening come

From a long, strange, muddy sleep,

And only spring will I ask for forgiveness -

Your return is Spring.

or something else...

My love's last breath

Hot, as before, as then,

When it seemed to be born from the flames,

And there was no water available to her.

Pleasant, good and gentle,

Crazy, breaking out of her shackles,

Huge, like a boundless ocean,

And I didn’t want to see the shores.

And rushed along the stormy current,

Sweeping away all obstacles on the way,

She flew without doubt, without embarrassment,

And I could still go a long way.

She was not afraid of distances,

She knew how to understand and forgive,

But only one wave of misunderstanding

I managed to extinguish this torch...

My love's last breath,

She faded away without burning to the ground,

And I whisper to her quietly goodbye:

Thank you for at least being there!

There comes a moment in everyone's life when a person thinks about the meaning of his existence. Of course, we can say that the meaning of life lies in procreation, in knowledge of the world, in creativity and self-realization, in accepting everyone and everything, in charity and philanthropy, in a friendly attitude towards others, in participation and helping people. All this can be called in one word - love. We come into this world and wish for the only happiness - to know and comprehend love. With all our souls we dream of finding our soul mate, who will be the one and only. We want to find a soul close to us, regardless of age and position in society. “I want love,” we repeat like a prayer, an appeal to the universe, we scream and ask for love, because existence in a vacuum is unbearable.

We come into this world to experience the only bright true feeling. We have been waiting for it for many years, reading classics, watching romantic films and thinking, well, when will this reward come down from heaven, and remember ourselves, feeling this feeling for the first time. A person in love sees the world in different - bright colors, it is filled with dreams and goals, vibes of light emanate from it. After all, truly the main purpose of a person is to love. And love is, first of all, the ability to give! There is truly no better formulation of this feeling. Give your warmth, care, affection, attention, smile, laughter, support. What is better than love? How reverently and tenderly you need to treat her, how you need to take care of her and desire her, how good it is when she comes, how good it is when she exists. How many truly magnificent novels and films have been made on this topic.
A conversation on the classic topic of love took place with the director of the Antares training center, master of psychology Irina Nikolaevna Mikhailova. She graduated from St. Petersburg Technical University. Peter the Great” and “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management” in Kiev. A practicing psychologist creates and conducts personal growth training, business training, training for children and parents, and individual consultations. He is the author of the book “Relationships with My Child.” Irina Nikolaevna is the main character of the program “Formula for Success” (TV-7), co-author of the documentary film “The Reality of Dreams”. Married. Both of her daughters live and work in Kyiv. The youngest daughter is 26 years old and graduated from journalism. She is in private practice and advises people. The eldest is 31 years old, a lawyer by training, conducts business consultations and is also looking for herself.
Irina Nikolaevna looks simply amazing - she is full of energy, feminine, calm, modest and natural. Irina Nikolaevna, due to her profession and character, cannot help but be an interesting and fascinating interlocutor. She has enormous knowledge and is happy to share information in a simple and accessible form. Communication with her instills calm and fills you with harmony. According to Irina Nikolaevna, her youth is her attitude towards people, accepting people and conducting trainings.

What is love?

Every person deep down dreams of love, consciously or unconsciously, because love is the best thing in life. Of course, every person is capable of loving in a way that only he can. Everyone puts their own meaning into this feeling. There is no definition of love. The classic formula of love is to give without asking in return. This is humble acceptance and forgiveness, because otherwise these are already different emotions. There are different stages of love. Love is when the body reacts and the soul reacts.

Why don't we feel each other? Love is a gift and not everyone is capable of experiencing love.

All people are capable of experiencing love. Children love naturally and sincerely. When a person grows up, his consciousness begins to occupy a large place in him, and he ceases to feel. He begins to think, calculate, analyze, compare, calculate. Again, it often gets burned. I'm not even talking about upbringing, when hasty intimacy was considered ugly, sinful, unnecessary, but now this is the other side of the extreme, when there is sex, but no love. There is technology. And love, it must develop. Love takes time. Maybe you liked the person right away, but in order to understand love or not, it must mature. This requires time, foreplay, the soul must turn on, then an interesting conversation. Love is there at first sight, but it may not be recognized. The process begins at the soul level. Something clicked in the subconscious, but the conscious mind has not yet recognized it. The subconscious understands that there is an attraction to this person, you want to come closer to him.

Why is this happening?

There is such a version that our souls come to earth for some reason. We gain some experience every day. For example, a person cannot keep his emotions to himself and writes SMS, letters to his loved one - such importunity is always repulsive. Give it to me, I need you, I can’t live without you - it stresses the other out. But this is all at the level of the internal state. You need to understand that this is YOUR love. Each person decides for himself whether this is good or bad. Let him decide for himself that it is good to love another person and not demand love in return.

What causes a neurotic state?

Any neurotic state occurs in people when they want something and cannot get what they want.

Does love happen often?

When asked whether it often happened, in your practice or the practice of your colleagues, that people fall in love with each other while undergoing training and begin to experience love, Irina Nikolaevna replied that, unfortunately, not. “It is well known that at any training a lot of people open channels for love, they are ready to love, they are ready to accept another person, they are ready to experience feelings, they are ready to give a lot, they are very attractive. A huge number of men and women, boys and girls are always nearby and it would seem that you can make couples right there - why go far, because everyone is beautiful and open to the world, to each other, but no - the feeling of falling in love does not happen, because love “This is a gift from above,” says Irina Nikolaevna. In principle, I’m ready, in principle I love, I want, but this happens at the level of vibrations, so rarely do anyone get carried away with each other, this is statistics. This requires a response within! When the vibrations coincide, then there is an unconscious attraction of people to each other. Falling in love seems like passion.

Scientists have studied the biochemical processes that occur in the body and have come up with a formula that passion lasts about 2 years, and then the passion passes, your eyes open and you think: “who is this next to me?” For some people, passion lasts about six months. When passion lasts, consciousness is completely turned off.

How does passion arise?

How does passion arise, how do people feel that they are suitable for each other? Does it matter what psychotype a person has, is the sexual component that arises between them dominant? So many people meet each other but fail to love or fall in love. But if people fall in love, what kind of mechanism operates between them?

“I think the body reacts unconsciously. Their vibrations coincide energetically. At the same time, each person emits some kind of waves, and when the waves coincide, something inside the person reacts and turns on, and this has nothing to do with the mind, with consciousness, with the mind, with the intellect,” says Irina Nikolaevna. “Someone may say that this is not for you at all, but the human body reacts, and the soul reacts, the soul feels warm nearby,” adds the master.

Why does love exist without reciprocity?

When asked why there is a discrepancy in vibrations when you realize that a person likes you but he doesn’t, Irina Nikolaevna answered philosophically that love is my feeling, what does another person have to do with it? When asked why, if the vibrations coincide, there is unrequited love or attraction, Irina Nikolaevna answered that the soul of that person is simply occupied with another object, it is possible that he reacts in some way, but this is a different level. “If people are very different in their level of development and level of aspirations, this also simply pushes them away from each other. They may not even consider each other as loved ones. It turns out that consciousness does influence this and makes some kind of selection. That is, everyone has a minimum conscious level, below which men and women do not consider each other,” says the master.

Why can't a woman fall in love?

All people are capable of love. Many people are simply closed to love. Their feelings are closed. They don’t listen to their body, they don’t listen to their soul, they search with their brains, they have a program: “I want to find a prince who will provide for me, who will support me. At the same time, such people have high expectations for their partner - what he should be like, what he should do,” says Irina Nikolaevna. Many reasons lie in the fact that they were burned once, that their soul is callous and frozen, because they are afraid to show their feelings and be offended, deceived...

What can you do if you are in unreciprocal love?

First of all, ask yourself the question, what kind of person should I be in order for such a man/woman to love me. Because the level of aspirations also greatly influences the consciousness of others. As a rule, with unrequited love, he or she does not want to talk to each other - Irina Nikolaevna replied to this, that love doesn't require talking!

How to attract the attention of the object of unrequited love?

To the banal question, how can you see a man/woman if he/she does not get in touch and refuses to communicate, Irina Nikolaevna answered that all this happens at the energy level. “We are talking about feelings, and this means that we feel each other, to one degree or another. Feelings do not need words; they can silently feel another person. I often communicate with people who change during training. At the same time, there are terrible relationships in the family and the husband has not been interested in his wife for a long time, and then she blossoms. She has a completely different state, she is changing from the inside. And suddenly, he sees her. He will definitely notice her,” says Irina Nikolaevna. When asked how people who are not mutually passionate about each other can feel each other, Irina Nikolaevna answered that if a person is not passionate about another person, his soul is simply busy. In this case, you can easily interrupt your passion, and the feeling will come stronger. “ The fact is that I am convinced that nothing happens by chance. Therefore, if a person is intended for another person, then he will definitely see him. It is very important what state a person is in, because if a person experiences nervous neurotic love, like “accidental death” (words from Zemfira’s songs), then this is a painful state that destroys him as a person.

Love is not possessive

When a woman says: “I need him,” or a man says: “I need her,” this is the wrong wording. With the same success, he/she can answer: “But what about me, what if you need/need me?” Love is not a possessive feeling. This is not a thing. But when love is a free and inspiring feeling, then it inspires deeds and gives strength to both. It is necessary to change the energy of love vibrations to pleasant, warming, caring, sensitive, gentle, feminine, warm, free. There should be no priority: “give it to me,” there should be a priority: “take it.”

What are relationships built from?

“It is unknown what relationships are built from,” says Irina Nikolaevna. Sometimes relationships are simple and easy from the beginning, but it all ends in a breakup. And sometimes relationships are very difficult to establish, people take a long time to get used to each other and this is also not an indicator that they will last a long time. There are no rules when building relationships. A person is always controlled by a motive, and this must be understood. If a person has something to appreciate, you should always give him a chance to once again show what he is. And if the soul is drawn to him, then you need to forgive him and allow yourself to be with him, despite any principles, because they do not exist. We manage our own lives. Only we decide how to live.

How to be attractive to a man?

We conduct “Woman’s Magic” training at our center. In this training, I give advice and recommendations on how to become feminine and attractive and how to give energy to a man. A woman can receive energy from nature, and a man from a woman, so if he sees that a woman is filled with energy, then he wants her. But a woman who is available and has many partners does not accumulate energy. She's like a squeezed lemon. This is an external doll with nothing inside. But the woman who has accumulated energy in herself is of great value to a man. This is all at the subconscious level. We think that we need to dress brighter to be more attractive. Of course, clothing plays a role; we all react to bright colors. But a girl can be beautifully and brightly dressed, but there is nothing inside. Energy needs to be accumulated. To be attractive you need to wear red because it is sexy and men react to it. A woman must bring out the hunter in a man, otherwise he may not be interested in her. Although now everything is changing - now there are a lot of women and very few men. A woman should seem weak, like a little girl. She must recognize his masculinity, strength and admire him.

Men are from Mars

Now the situation is such that there are fewer men. They have practically no one to hunt. There are a lot of cynical and confident bitchy women who don't care, so they are hunted. They awaken the hunter. When it’s simple, a man is not interested. Men have historically been expected to pursue women, and such conditions are very difficult to create in our society. Women should keep this in mind.

If a woman is constrained in bed

“If a man falls in love with a woman, then the way she behaves in bed is not a barrier for him. If it’s ordinary sex, it may worry him, but when he likes her, it makes him feel sympathetic and special. A woman definitely needs to work with stiffness. If a girl is pure, then this state of hers should only encourage a man to perform exploits. If she managed to carry herself through many years and maintain her integrity, not to be confused with chastity, then she deserves an adult and understanding man, and she will definitely meet him. Men are attracted by the fact that he can teach a girl something, that he is authoritative - he must feel this. There are such little things, ugly, so “nothing”, it seems, and next to her is a real man. Husband. And only because she appreciates the man in him,” says Irina Nikolaevna.

How to see a man in a man?

You can see a man in every man; it only takes a little practice to recognize it. This is strength and masculinity. It is always there, but may not be manifested. Maybe she doesn’t show up in relation to one woman, but another will look at him differently, and he will become courageous next to her. And if you let a man down, then the man will run away from such a woman or will be henpecked. Recognize a man, admire him, meet him halfway, say that he is right, “I agree,” “I was wrong,” do not be afraid to seem weak - and the man will calm down if he is wary. When one person wants something and the other person agrees, aggression disappears, and this should always be taken into account when building any relationship.

When does love end?

Love develops into a bright feeling of friendship. Relationships develop, they do not stand still. People change and appear to each other in a new form. We must understand that in a few years people will not be the same as before. You can develop endlessly. Relationships will develop if partners love each other and thank each other for their support, attention, understanding, and inspiration.

Do you need to control yourself if you want to see your loved one?

There are situations when everything falls out of hand, and you only want to be with this man/woman. And he/she is not interested in you. Do you need to control yourself, not write, not call, not send emails, not shout into the void? If necessary? Should you show your emotions? Irina Nikolaevna answered that showing emotions is sometimes good, sometimes bad. Of course, it is better to talk about the emotions that you feel inside, because when they dry up, everything will look as if nothing had happened, and if you voice the sensations, it will mean that the person is still able to feel.

You can’t burden yourself, and this happens all the time, so you get tired of the relationship. If you don’t burden yourself, such love will be attractive. Why do they run after those who run away? She snorted and he ran after her. She only comes to him - he immediately becomes uninterested. Neurosis can be put on paper - writing letters to him and then tearing them up, or writing letters on a computer and deleting them - this is an effective way.

Love is endless

Even when a man and a woman quarrel, any words cannot be the end. You should never be offended by your loved ones. You always need to understand that he/she had a reason to experience one or another state of aggression, pain, or disappointment at a given moment in time. In fact, any relationship has no beginning and end - everything is endless. At any moment, everything can be corrected and everything can be changed. If today a man says: “I don’t need you,” then tomorrow he can say something else. Nobody knows how and what affects other people. If a woman does not attract a man as a lover, then she can influence him as a friend: “I understand and accept you” - this is her main trump card.

We must understand that everything is changeable, that sincerity has always been valuable. If you are in a state of love, then allow yourself to be in this state. And we must not forget that true love does not require anything in return.

Love is like a gift

Love has come to you - thank the Universe for giving you such a feeling in place of emptiness.

If a woman has feelings for a man, but he does not, then he is not to blame for this - on the contrary, he inspired the woman to have feelings. At the same time, it doesn’t matter how ridiculous or stupid, according to him and those around him, a woman’s love looks.

“This is your love, do with it what you want,” says Irina Nikolaevna. You love, it means alive / alive, the heart is alive, it is filled. There will never be anyone like him/her again, and this must be accepted. You need to listen to your heart and enjoy life. If you want to meet others - meet, if you want to suffer - suffer, if you want to be sad - be sad and you shouldn’t feel humiliated. Humiliation is when a person feels humiliated! You shouldn't do this to yourself. Who are the judges? Love cannot humiliate a person. If a woman loves, then she must love with the love of Christ. She should just want the other person to feel good and comfortable with her, light and easy. A woman’s love should exude joy, attraction, passion, tenderness, then a man will think, compare, evaluate and rethink something.

Through films a dream is born

There are many films that help women and girls become more attractive to men. These are films with actress Audrey Tautou and films by actress and director Renata Litvinova. Both of them are classically involved in the birth of a dream. Many people remember Audrey Tautou as the main character of the film “Amelie”. Audrey Tautou: “He who does not have a single dream is already dead. My dreams are to develop over the years. The concept remains the same: feel good in the present.”

Films about love by Renata Litvinova

Renata Litvinova has always attracted attention - with her unusualness, detachment, and talent. If we consider modern films, then the best director and actress of the 21st century according to media ratings is Renata Litvinova. She has a special handwriting and style. Her films are imbued with femininity, meaning and love. All her films are about love. In her mind, the meaning of life is to experience love for someone. From an interview with her: “Actually, there is probably simply no meaning in life, everyone assigns it to themselves. But in my version, the point is to experience love. Higher powers send a series of dramatic circumstances to my heroine. But these circumstances are not accidental. Thanks to these dramatic, from the point of view of the average person, circumstances, my heroine came to a certain point “x” and met person “y” there. And I experienced love.” Renata Litvinova believes that if you love, you should never doubt or rely on the opinions of others. After all, love is such a rare phenomenon! She is convinced that under no circumstances should one ignore love, refuse it in preference to money/connections/any other benefit - this is punishable. When asked by a Glamor magazine correspondent about why love passes, Renata replied: “It doesn’t pass, it must, like a snake, shed its skin, move into another bend. It changes. Because it is impossible to burn with these sexual fires all your life, I It seems so absurd. Then another degree of intimacy must come - closer ... "

Infatuation and love

Falling in love and love are two completely different stories. Falling in love is fleeting; once you fall in love, you are constantly in an elevated state. With love, you know, it’s more difficult. This is a completely separate, big topic.

Love can never be short-term, it holds us for years and years. It cannot be accompanied by resentment, because it is an absolutely sacrificial feeling. Like a sentence. Now you have been sentenced, and you will always forgive everything to your loved one. It seems to me that those who love are loved by God. After all, he becomes what the Lord asks everyone to be.

But look how many angry men and women, children and elderly people, drivers and doctors there are around. The people on the other end of the line are like dogs that have been kicked. Why are they like this? In my feeling, it’s because no one loves these people, which means no one needs them, and - what’s worst - they themselves don’t love anyone. That's why they become... meaningless. Anger is not without cause. If we talk about the meaning of life, which, by the way, everyone assigns to themselves, then, in my opinion, everything is very simple: you need to find someone whom you can truly love and to whom you can give all of yourself. I am convinced: without love a person is nothing. Well, let it not be mutual. Let be! Of course it hurts. Who said that love is only pleasure? Of course, there are moments of euphoria and bliss, but at the same time there is pain that is always with you. But you are given something to see. It's impossible to decipher this. I don't have a first, second or third love. It seems to me that she may be the only one, it is impossible to love many times.

About men

And men somehow mutated strangely, you know? They are not like my father and grandfather. Some are completely different. Such a third gender, mysterious creatures. Such a bright masculine principle begins to slowly fade. They have less responsibility, fewer principles... Men become more compromising.

What is love?

When do you truly love another person?.. Yes, then other laws apply. I know people have moments of passion and then they hate each other. But true love involves precisely the moment of sacrifice. It seems to me that this distinguishes true love from unreal love. Love nourishes a person and makes him more sublime. There is destructive love, but then it is not love. This means that one of the two does not love.

If there is no love

If there is no love, you need to change the relationship, why live together? For the sake of the children, it is necessary to maintain relationships, the child must communicate with his father, and he, in turn, must be not indifferent to his problems. There is still a tightly driven stereotype in women that they need to be married. By all means... Why? If there is love, I do not need to be married. But this scheme is mine, maybe it doesn’t suit others? After all, I work, I earn money myself, I don’t need anything from anyone. It will be problematic for me to dictate terms - only in an amicable way. I knew a little about my husband, only that he builds bridges. That's all. After the divorce, I even learned more about him as a person. I looked closely. But eyewitnesses say that there are happy endings - they live for fifty years together and never stop loving each other, and do not betray, and do not be greedy, but sacrifice. And they don’t fight, they don’t reproach, and when death comes, it takes them one by one. It would be nice to wish such love to everyone. But such love exists. I know for sure. Or so I want to know.

In my life I have met a lot of people who want love, but cannot love anyone. I have an acquaintance who didn’t love anyone for 38 years, but now he has finally fallen in love. It's like waking up!

About quarrels

True, I think that sometimes quarrels can be useful, because at these moments you still defend the right to be who you are. After all, what is conflict? This is when you don’t agree with something, but they push you.

About children

There is something of a parrot in parents, you keep repeating that this is not possible, that is not possible, but no one listens to anyone. I didn't listen myself. You need to love your child so that he knows how much he is loved and how valuable he is. I am just a bow that shot an arrow into the sky, and now it flies on its own. Well, of course, we need to invest in education, we need to read books, we need to throw the TV out of the apartment forever, we need to go to museums and we need to communicate, socialize. And I’m so afraid of everything... I personally hate the Internet as a devourer of human life and time. This is a whole list of worries for the one you love. And there are also dangerous moments that disgust me in people - a cold heart, ruthlessness, indifference, satiety, lack of meaning in life... But here, in my opinion, everything is simple: if you want a child not to do something, don’t do it yourself . And I would also like my daughter to know what love is. This is the most important motivation in a person’s life - to love. To be with the one you love.

About death

There is no need to be afraid of death. Life is a drama, and death is a transformation.

Director about himself

Honestly, I am a very positive woman. There are much darker people. People take it and hang out. You keep kicking and kicking them. A person may burst into laughter for half an hour, and then again, it’s like falling into a coma. And there are many such people. It's like they're under some kind of injection. And I am a positive, whirlwind woman.

...Fall also has its positive side. There is no need to be afraid of this. Even I like to fall into depression for a while, it can be nourishing for me. And to be all the time in some kind of stability, in contentment... This, it seems to me, is some kind of piece of meat, not a person. A person must suffer!

"Antares" is communication, education and development, travel and celebration, change for the better!

The training center "Antares" by Irina Mikhailova conducts psychological trainings: Personal Growth training, "Theory and Practice of Performance", "NLP Techniques", "Cash Flow", "Woman's Magic", trainings for teenagers, training for organizations to create a team.

“If you are tired, problems are piling up one after another, everything is annoying and you have no strength, or if you want to improve your personal life, family relationships with your parents, children, loved one, if you want to increase your income and feel satisfaction from... what do you do, if you want to improve your health, have more energy and joy in life - come to the training,” says Irina Nikolaevna. “Our trainings are dynamic and bright. They include the maximum amount of practice and opportunities to gain new experience. The Antares training center has established itself as famous for the practical results of training graduates, as well as for its interesting form of conducting the process,” says Irina Nikolaevna.

The essence of the Antares center trainings

When asked what the essence of the center’s training is, Irina Nikolaevna answered the question with a question: “Who does not admit for a moment that what has been achieved today is his personal ceiling? Who wants to know more about themselves and the people around them? Who intends to translate this knowledge into real action? Who does not intend to be content with vegetation, but longs to achieve great success? If this is you, come to us. In short, training is an opportunity to learn something that is not taught in any institute, but which is absolutely necessary for life. The development path that participants go through in the training cannot be completed independently. Let's walk it together!”

“Back to the topic of love, I can say that love is good. Feeling is good. Of course, it happens that love makes people suffer, but when it ignites in us, this is the best and truly natural state of harmony with the world. Yesterday you didn’t love this person yet, but today you have feelings for him. Everything is changeable in this world. People's mood is changing. Emotions change and the person himself changes. The feeling can be switched. A woman can be turned on by another man, or a man by another woman. Any feeling must be treated with care, then it will be positive for one and, accordingly, another person. Love is development. This is work on yourself. I repeat, nothing in life is given to us just like that. Everything is natural. And the people who meet on our way, our teachers and students. And we must not forget that the whole world is love,” says Irina Nikolaevna.

Thank you very much, Irina Nikolaevna, for the very valuable and interesting information. Thank you for being able to instill peace, harmony and normalize your state of mind. I wish you to continue to prosper in Mariupol and improve people’s emotional background with my skill, enthusiasm and desire to change something in the souls of everyone!

If even a little information helps one of the lovers in the city of Mariupol, and they look at the world with a different, calm and bright look, then our conversation was not accidental. And I would like to wish the people of Mariupol true love! Cherish the love!

Angelina Alexandrova