What to give to a classmate? What to give to a classmate for his birthday What to give to classmates as a souvenir

A gift for classmates is, first of all, a sign of attention. It is necessary to select it based on age and preferences. It is important to consider what grade your classmate is in, because if he is already finishing school, then a children's gift will no longer suit him. However, this does not mean that the gift should not be funny, but always serious. In this article we will look at what to give to a classmate.

Gift for junior high school students

Sweets will always remain a wonderful gift for primary school children. You can buy inexpensive candies in the shape of cars, animals, or fancy creatures. You can buy a kinder surprise, which is now available in a variety of sets. There is also a standard milk chocolate egg, and there is also a sweet set from a small case with various delicacies.

At the same time, you can give a practical gift. For example, it could be an electronic watch. Computer mouse, if your classmate is already into computers, but if he has a mobile phone, then you can give him a case as a gift.

Gifts for high school students

You should give a high school student a really nice gift, like shower gel or deodorant. Moreover, it is advisable to choose high-quality products that can be purchased in specialized salons. The gifts mentioned above are also suitable, namely a case for a smartphone or tablet, you can give a beautiful men's bracelet or pendant. It is worth remembering that many guys love to play computer games. Therefore, you can give a subscription to a gaming magazine, a subscription to PlayStation Plus, which allows you to receive free games from Sony every month. In addition, you can give a computer game.

However, when choosing gifts, special attention should be paid to the preferences of classmates. For example, if you know that your classmate likes to play computer games, then you should ask about the genres of their favorite games. You can also find out if he has a console or plays on a computer. If your classmate plays console games but prefers a PC, then you need to find out the characteristics of his computer. So that it doesn't happen that the game simply won't be able to start.

You should not give any clothes, with the possible exception of a headdress. After all, not all guys are able to appreciate such gifts; at the same time, it can be quite difficult to choose clothes that fit. The same applies to perfume, since all people have different tastes, and the aroma that you like may not necessarily be liked by your classmates.

There are many options and ideas in the section that you should get acquainted with. It is quite possible that you will find your ideal gift option among them.

08/20/2017 08/21/2017 by Detki-malavki

Two weeks of vacation, New Year and Christmas holidays are a real gift for schoolchildren who are tired of homework, a six-day schedule and demanding teachers. Therefore, according to tradition, like adults, children and teenagers begin preparing for a fabulous time, choosing gifts for their loved ones.

However, if you can exchange congratulations with your family on New Year's Eve, then it is best to exchange a gift with your best friend who is a student in the same class on the last day of school. This means that it is best to think through the idea and budget for purchasing a suitable item in advance.

So, what to give your classmate for New Year 2018 to please and demonstrate the importance of your friendship? We’ll tell you in today’s article, and also share interesting options and ideas designed for different amounts.

Top inexpensive gifts, list

A budget gift is no different from an expensive one if it is chosen with love. Therefore, if you have no more than 500 rubles in your piggy bank, then it is best to choose one of the inexpensive options that schoolchildren most often choose.


Unfortunately, not all parents will be happy if their child brings a living gift into the house. It happens that one of the family members has an allergic reaction to food, fur and even saliva of pets. Therefore, in order not to get into trouble, check with your boyfriend or girlfriend in advance to see if he and his family are okay with having livestock.

Symbol of the year

The patron of 2018 will be the Yellow Earth Dog, which means that you can choose a small but useful or beautiful souvenir as a gift. For example, a good solution would be a piggy bank, a small watch with an alarm clock, a mug, a Christmas tree decoration with a picture of a puppy, or a spinner with a print reminiscent of the color of a Dalmatian.

Framed photo

To remind your classmate of the happy moments spent together, you can give her a Kalash consisting of several photos, placed in a wooden or metal frame.


What girl doesn't love chocolate?! Therefore, to please, it is enough to present your favorite sweets: sweets, cake, a bar of Belgian chocolate or fruit.

In addition to the above, you can buy a diary, accessories or hair jewelry, a CD with your favorite movie or game, a soft toy, tickets to the cinema or to the skating rink.

Gift for a classmate from 7 to 10 years old

Little girls are not interested in expensive gifts consisting of certificates, flowers and jewelry. Therefore, the most practical thing would be to buy a soft toy, doll or movie ticket to a cartoon.

Gift for a classmate from 10 to 13 years old

Here the ideas grow, as does the girl’s age... as little princesses grow up, they develop hobbies related to sports, handicrafts, dancing and even drawing. Therefore, as an option, give your classmate an attribute related to her hobby.

Gift for a classmate aged 14-17 years

Teenage girls will not remain indifferent to orchids, certificates, an individual photo shoot, iPhone accessories, or a silver bracelet.

Photo of an idea of ​​what to give a classmate for New Year 2018:

School and student years are the happiest time in the life of every person. To remember the past, former classmates and fellow students periodically gather for alumni reunions.

This is always a very joyful and interesting event - many friends have not seen each other for a long time, during this time many interesting and significant things have happened in their lives.

Some gather for such events every year, from the moment of graduation, some meet for the first time ten years after school and college. The tradition of giving gifts to former desk mates and teachers remains unchanged.

However, the choice of these very gifts usually becomes a real test for many people - nervous shopping begins and frantic budget calculations begin.

If you have a meeting of classmates or fellow students coming up, this article is for you!

Gifts for classmates

When faced with choosing a surprise for people with whom they spent the best years of their lives, many are faced with a budget problem - after all, you need a lot of gifts, and the funds do not always allow it.

This problem is especially typical for those who have just recently graduated and have not yet had time to get on their feet. Therefore, presents for the alumni meeting day should be both sincere and budget-friendly:

Gifts for teachers

Almost each of us at school or college had a favorite teacher or teacher with whom the staff had particularly good relations.

As a rule, this is the class teacher or group supervisor, but there are exceptions. These people are often no longer young and have long since left school, while some are still doing what they love.

Favorite teachers are always welcome guests at alumni meetings - they are invited to the celebration and given generous gifts from the staff. What to give to a former teacher?

We wish you a warm and fun graduate evening!

Many of us have wondered what to give a classmate for the New Year? In the elementary grades, this question disappears on its own. Usually gifts for such events are collective, and there is no need to stand out and give something from yourself. At an older age, when adolescence approaches, one of your classmates begins to like and arouse interest. In this case, it is necessary to choose an individual gift, but one that will be remembered for a long time.

What to give to a classmate in junior year?

When you choose a gift for a classmate, you need to understand that this is, first of all, just a sign of attention, except for those cases when the girl likes her classmate. It shouldn’t be too serious or insanely expensive, it’s a small gift for the holiday.
Young children will prefer to see and receive any sweets as a gift. Therefore, it is easy to choose a New Year's gift if it is primary school. Today, many stores will be able to offer a chocolate toy, a car or something else as a gift.

The sweet set will be an appropriate gift for the New Year. It’s nice that you received attention and it’s delicious, which is also very important. If you know your classmate’s hobbies, you can give a child who plays computer games a mouse or rug with an unusual design.

The gift can also be practical. Today there is not a single child in school who does not have a cell phone. Knowing your phone model, you can choose a case for it as a gift. An inexpensive children's electronic watch can also be a cool and pleasant gift. Any classmate will like it, and he will appreciate your impulse.

Gift for a high school student

Having matured, we already understand that a simple gift can be regarded in any way. To prevent this from happening, you need to know which classmate you want to give a gift for the New Year. This is a boy you like or just a friend with whom you grew up in the same yard since childhood. Here it is imperative to set priorities in advance, otherwise in adolescence all children can be ridiculed very cruelly.

In many cases, when choosing a gift, we rely on many nuances. A not too expensive perfume can be a good gift for the New Year. Older children will appreciate such a gift and may like it. Shower gel or deodorant is also suitable. Many people like to smell nice, and therefore a gift would be appropriate. Find out your classmate’s tastes in fragrances in advance, so that he doesn’t end up simply passing on your gift or putting it away on the shelf.

You can choose a gift from any computer games. It is advisable to find out in advance what genre of games your classmate prefers, and what kind of computer he has at home. This way you can choose a suitable version of the game with an acceptable resolution. Here you can choose something suitable from the new products. Fortunately, they appear on store shelves almost every day and their selection is very large.

The souvenir can also be a wonderful New Year's gift for a classmate. Go shopping and see how many cool and interesting things they offer. Small souvenir pillows with a picture of your favorite football team, or a mug and name.
Today, many people use MP3 speakers, their design is huge, there are cars to choose from, cola cans and many more options. As a gift, such an MP3 will be magnificent and unforgettable. Anything teenagers are interested in can be chosen as a gift.

If you go to volleyball together, you can give a T-shirt or ball. Maybe you often visit the cinema, here you can choose a ticket for any new film. Moreover, during the New Year holidays there are often premieres in cinemas. Also, if your classmate is fond of reading books, then you can give a paid application with a selection of e-books.

Today, in the world of the latest technology and computers, almost all gifts focus on gadgets, applications and games. When choosing a gift for a classmate, you must understand that he is your age and most likely is interested in something similar to your hobbies.

Gift for a classmate

Any age has its own gifts, if in the younger class a sweet is suitable, then in the older class a slightly more serious gift is needed. You can always look and focus on what your classmate is interested in. If he is a fan of computer games, then a gift from the same category will become more expensive for him.

Maybe you have common hobbies, for example, you love football, in which case you can buy tickets for any upcoming match and go there together. The same can happen with the theater: preferring the stage, a classmate may enjoy going to any performance.
Many ideas can arise for a New Year's gift for a classmate. The most important thing about your gift is the attention you will give to your classmate. Any trinket will become pleasant if it is presented with all your heart. Let this holiday of sweets and Christmas trees be remembered for your unusual attention and a pleasant surprise.

If you still haven’t been able to decide on a gift for your classmate, then stop your attention on a simple musical card. Now any site can help you with this. Let it be a cool congratulation and a ringtone for your phone. The important thing is that you did not forget to congratulate him on the holiday and chose a gift in the form of a congratulation.

Quite often, relations between classmates are friendly, so on various holidays they give each other gifts. In general, it can be noted that most often these gifts are inexpensive, but if chosen correctly, they are very pleasant and relevant.

The holidays on which classmates most often exchange gifts between each other are Birthdays and New Year. Less often, friends give each other something on February 23, as well as on less popular, themed holidays. It should be taken into account that specialized gift shops are quite expensive for schoolchildren, so the choice should be made locally, focusing on the budget allocated by the parents and the interests of the friend.

What to give to a classmate in elementary school

In elementary school, it is customary to give classmates something inexpensive, but useful or entertaining. Gifts for classmates of the younger teenage group are varied, but have their own specifics:

Firstly, these are computer games. Now this is the most popular entertainment among primary schoolchildren, so you can safely go to a friend’s birthday with a good computer game, a new product that he does not have.

In the era of torrent distribution, such a gift will still be relevant, since stores sell gift licensed boxed versions of games that are inexpensive, but leave a very pleasant impression on the birthday boy. By the way, computer games in gift editions will be relevant for middle and high school students;

Secondly, these are various accessories for electronic devices. Even in elementary school, almost everyone now uses phones, smartphones, tablets and other electronics. Gifting your friend a new fashionable case for his mobile device, good in-ear headphones or something similar would be a very good decision;

Thirdly, these are computer accessories. They are inexpensive and will be a very useful gift for a friend. These include mouse pads and mice themselves (you can choose a beautiful gaming mouse with different functions), a headset, a webcam, and much more;

Fourthly, this is some kind of thing with the symbols of a friend’s favorite musical group, his favorite movie or cartoon. Nowadays there are a lot of T-shirts, caps and other things on sale on a wide variety of topics. You can even order something unique on the Internet, with the desired picture placed on the clothes. It's also inexpensive.

What to give to a classmate in middle school

In middle school, friends' interests become more serious, but most of the gifts listed above are also great for them. Additionally, you can note new solutions that are worth paying attention to when choosing:

Since children aged 10-14 years begin to develop more focused interests, specialized themed board games are perfect for gifts. They will be a wonderful alternative to computer topics and, if properly selected according to the interests of the birthday person, will bring him a lot of joy and positive emotions;

Accessories for a friend's hobbies. If he rides a bike, it could be an upgrade to his bike, a new helmet, or something similar. If a friend is interested in something else, but also an active sport or recreation, choose something good on the appropriate topic.

What to give to a classmate in high school

In high school, almost all the gifts listed above are relevant. With the only exception that things can be given that are more expensive, of higher quality and good. It all depends on the finances you will have to purchase the gift. But in the case of high school students, the search field expands significantly, since by this age a person has a lot of interests and it is quite easy to please him with something good.