Shampoo with white clay at home. How to make your own shampoo at home. Recipes from nettles, soap nuts, ash, laundry and baby soap, eggs, cocoa. Egg shampoo recipes

Oily hair requires special care using special shampoos. Purchased funds are gradually losing their popularity due to large quantity shortcomings. A good alternative to these are home remedies. A well-chosen shampoo recipe for oily hair allows you to not only cleanse your hair, but also regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. Find out what harm store-bought products can cause and how to prepare an effective shampoo for oily hair at home.

The harm of store-bought shampoos

The composition of all store-bought hair care products is approximately the same. Their action is aimed at short-term strong degreasing of hair and skin, and not at the work of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, to maintain hair in normal condition, it is necessary to use such shampoos regularly and often (daily or once every 2 days).

Shampoos can cause significant damage to hair due to the ingredients they contain. The main dangers are:

  • Lauryl phosphates. They cleanse your hair quickly, but dry out your scalp. This makes it too sensitive, easily inflamed and very flaky.
  • Petroleum products eg mineral oil. A strong carcinogen that, with frequent use, causes the development of skin cancer.
  • Formaldehyde-based preservatives. The substance is not used in its pure form in the cosmetics industry. Preservatives based on it cause dermatitis and can trigger asthma with daily use of shampoos.
  • Artificial Flavors- a common cause of allergies and bronchial asthma.

Attention! Since shampoos are not medicines, manufacturers are not required to obtain toxicity and carcinogenicity certificates for them. The use of unsafe products can lead to deterioration in the quality of hair, scalp diseases and baldness.

Benefits of homemade shampoos

In shampoos prepared according to traditional recipes, the inclusion of harmful components is completely excluded. Unlike commercial products, home remedies eliminate the problem of excess oiliness, rather than masking it by drying out the skin with frequent washing.

Positive properties of homemade shampoos:

  • restoration of normal functioning of the sebaceous glands and elimination of excess sebum production;
  • nutrition of skin and hair follicles;
  • preventing premature hair loss;
  • getting rid of oily dandruff (flakes of several flakes);
  • acceleration of hair growth;
  • improved combing by reducing tangles;
  • giving a natural healthy shine;
  • no risk of allergies - all shampoo components are selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

Often, when using a home remedy, hair goes through an addiction phase. During it, even repeated washing does not help desired result, and the hair looks unkempt. After adaptation period The hairstyle becomes neat and stays clean longer.

Component Properties

Certain components are required should be present in homemade shampoos when used on oily hair:

  1. Herbal decoction. Provides complete skin hydration and nutrition. The component relieves inflammation and irritation. Depending on the base of the decoction, the shampoo acquires additional properties - narrowing and cleansing pores, accelerating hair growth and increasing the smoothness of its surface.
  2. Essential oils. They are added separately or included in the product as part of one of the shampoo components. Oils have an antiseptic effect, which relieves irritation and dandruff, narrows the sebaceous glands and normalizes their functioning, eliminating excess fat production.
  3. Vinegar. Not included home remedy, and is used after washing it off to rinse the hair. It is necessary to remove residual dirt and give strands fullness and shine.

Hair wash should be prepared only from high-quality ingredients. Do not use old or expired ingredients for shampoo. They will only harm your hair and scalp.


The recipes presented below are effective when used on oily hair types. The choice of product depends on individual preferences. It is allowed to alternate several types of products to reduce fat content and provide a visual effect of well-groomed curls.

On oak decoction

The product not only washes away fat, but makes curls shiny and well-groomed. The skin gradually becomes healthier.

Add 4 tablespoons of oak bark to 1 liter of water and bring the product to a boil, boil for another 5 minutes and cool. The cold decoction is filtered, 5 drops of tea tree essential oil are added to it. One serving is enough for one wash of medium-length hair.


Mustard powder cleanses well and gives volume to the hair. The product strengthens hair follicles by activating blood circulation in the scalp.

First, a decoction of calendula is prepared. To do this, dry raw materials are filled with water (in a ratio of 2 tablespoons of herbs per 1 liter of water) and brought to a boil. Then the broth is infused at room temperature.

For 1 serving of homemade shampoo, add 1 large spoonful of mustard powder to 2 liters of cold infusion. After steeping the mixture for 10 minutes, wash your hair with it for at least 7 minutes.

Important point! Do not use the product more than 3 times a week.


Ingredients for shampoo:

  • 3 raw yolks;
  • 4 teaspoons of ground hop cones;
  • 1 large spoon of cognac;
  • 1 large spoon of oak bark decoction.

If desired, add 5-7 drops of citrus essential oil. The product is mixed until smooth and applied to the head for 10 minutes as a mask. Afterwards it is washed off with warm water. Daily use is allowed. From such washing, the hair becomes healthy and acquires a beautiful silky shine.


Lemon juice in shampoo is the main, but not the only component. The juice of 1 lemon is mixed with a teaspoon of almond oil, raw yolk and a tablespoon of vodka. If possible, add a tablespoon of calendula decoction. After mixing, the shampoo is ready for use.

You should wash your hair with it for at least 3-5 minutes. Regular use of the product makes the curls shiny, soft and smooth, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is completely restored.


The yolk is mixed with the same amount of honey and 10 ml of olive oil is added. You can add 3-4 drops of rose essential oil. The composition is evenly applied to the hair and scalp and left for 20 minutes. This cleanser also functions as a nourishing mask. The composition is washed off with warm water. You can rinse your head with chamomile infusion. Honey with egg yolk gives hair shine and volume.

Regular use of the mixture allows you to achieve intensive growth and improve hair structure.

To care for oily hair, you need to choose only high-quality products. The best option is homemade formulations. Completely natural, they not only cleanse strands, but also have a positive effect on the scalp.

Useful videos

Our readers' favorite natural shampoo.

How to prepare shampoo for oily hair at home?

You can't envy those with oily hair. The only factor by which you can classify your hair as oily is the need to wash your hair daily or every other day.

In order to combat this problem, you should use a special shampoo for oily skin heads.

Using just a cleansing shampoo for your hair is not enough; you also need to know how to wash your hair properly. According to experts, you should wash your hair as your hair gets dirty.

Yes, indeed, such a statement is correct, but certain rules must be followed:

  1. An effective shampoo for oily hair will have even more results if you wash it off with boiled, filtered or distilled water. If this is not possible, then at least rinse your strands with it.
  2. The rinse water should be acidified by adding a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of liquid. Or two tablespoons of chamomile flower tincture per 500 ml of water with a small addition of citric acid.
  3. An excellent result when treating oily hair can be achieved by simply rinsing with cold water; this blocks the secretion of oil by reducing the size of the pores.
  4. If your hair is very oily and its ends are dry as a result of constant washing, try to apply shampoo only to the beginning of the hair, without rubbing it into your head.

When using a cleansing shampoo for oily hair, the water for rinsing it off should be warm, and if health allows, then completely cool. When using hot water, you will only further stimulate the sebaceous glands, increasing the oiliness of your hair.

When choosing which shampoo to wash oily hair, you must take into account that it should not only reduce the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also block their subsequent appearance. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a medicated shampoo for oily hair that contains natural herbal extracts, antibacterial components, vitamins C, K, A, and also in the case of dandruff with the addition of zinc, sulfur and tar.

Should include extracts of sage, burdock root, coltsfoot, horsetail and nettle. When choosing a suitable detergent the following rules must be adhered to:

  • if after several washing procedures, your hair begins to comb well, shines and does not become greasy for a long time, then this shampoo for oily scalp is suitable for you;
  • do not forget to carefully study the composition of the detergent indicated on the bottle;
  • in order to choose an effective shampoo for oily hair, use a sampler, this will help you not waste money and not take up a lot of space in the bathroom;
  • Shampoo should be changed no more than once every two months, since with its constant use the skin gets used to it, as a result of which the effect may be lost.

Try making homemade shampoo for oily hair, because there is nothing better than such a product. One of the most simple recipes like this: beat three egg yolks thoroughly with a whisk, then add 20 grams of cognac and mix - that’s it, the hair wash is ready.

Pay attention to cosmetics that do not contain aggressive substances; natural shampoo for oily hair should contain only natural elements that have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and tonic effects.

Homemade shampoo for oily hair, the recipes for which are given below, is no worse than the store-bought version, and to some extent even better. After all, only natural ingredients are added to its composition, which refresh oily hair and strengthen the action at the root, giving a feeling of cleanliness throughout the day.

A shampoo recipe for oily hair can include a variety of ingredients. All that remains is to choose the most suitable and simple option for your specific case.

Mustard shampoo

Mustard-based shampoo for very oily hair is the fastest and easiest to prepare at home. It can not only cope with pollution, but also strengthen the roots, enhance hair growth and give it volume. To prepare it, stir a tablespoon of mustard powder in two liters of boiled, cooled water. Wash your hair with this composition for 5-7 minutes, then rinse well with water.

Oak shampoo

Since ancient times, a decoction of oak bark has been used for oily scalp. This substance allows you to make your hair smooth and well-groomed, and you can use it both as a rinse and as a shampoo.

To prepare homemade shampoo for oily hair based on oak bark, take four tablespoons of oak bark per liter of water. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. After cooling, the product is ready for use.

Rye shampoo

Natural shampoo for oily hair based on rye bread strengthens damaged follicles, removes impurities and restores damaged areas. Soak a piece of rye bread in ¼ glass of water, adding a tablespoon of mustard powder to it. Wash your hair with this product, rubbing it into the scalp. You can leave it on your hair for a while so that more nutrients are absorbed.

Corn and egg shampoos

To create corn shampoo, you will need to mix one teaspoon of sea salt with one spoon of table corn. Apply the dry composition to the roots, then rinse with heated water.

Therapeutic egg-based shampoo for oily hair adds shine, making your hair silky and healthy. To prepare it, you will need to mix a tablespoon of cognac, four tablespoons of hop cones and three yolks. This product can be used not only as a detergent, but also as a nourishing mask.

Lemon and clay shampoos

To mix lemon shampoo you will need an egg yolk, a teaspoon of almond oil and a tablespoon of vodka. This product allows you not only to cope with oily hair, but also to give softness, shine and smoothness.

Clay shampoo works great on very oily hair. To create it, you will need to mix a tablespoon of horsetail decoction and two tablespoons of clay. Daily clay masks will also be helpful.

Dry shampoos for oily hair

Of course, shampoo recipes for oily hair are simple, but what to do if you are on the road? And it’s simply not possible to prepare such a remedy? In this case, dry shampoo is suitable for you, which can be used in every place, wherever you are. After applying it to your hair, you need to lightly ruffle it with your fingers so that the substance is evenly distributed along the entire length, and then remove all excess with a comb.

You will immediately notice that all the fat has disappeared from your hair - it has been adsorbed, and your hair has gained volume and become more airy.

Most girls realized a long time ago that natural hair cosmetics can give even the most advanced brands a run for their money. That is why many of today's eco connoisseurs are faced with a pressing question: “How to make shampoo at home?” We are happy to answer it!

Natural shampoos for dry hair

Shampoo made from eggs and vodka

  • Water - 1/4 cup;
  • Ammonia – 1 tsp;
  • Vodka – half a glass
  • Yolks – 2 pcs.

How to do:

  1. Mix the yolks with ammonia and vodka.
  2. Add water.
  3. Let's soak wet hair shampoo and massage for at least 5 minutes.
  4. We wash it off.

Tansy shampoo

  • Tansy – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Water – 400 ml.

  1. Pour boiling water over the grass.
  2. Let it sit for a couple of hours and strain through a sieve.
  3. We wash our hair every other day. Course - 1 month.

Lemon shampoo

  • Oil (sunflower or olive) – 20 g;
  • Store-bought shampoo – 1 teaspoon;
  • Yolk - 1 pc.;
  • Carrot juice – 20 g;
  • Lemon juice – 20 gr.

How to prepare:

  1. Mix everything.
  2. We wash our hair with this mixture.

Yolk shampoo

This recipe is accessible and simple. Take the yolk of 1-2 eggs and rub it into damp strands for five minutes. Wash off with running water.

With added gelatin

  • Any shampoo – 1 part;
  • Gelatin – 1 part;
  • Yolk – 1 pc.

How to do:

  1. Mix dry gelatin with store-bought shampoo and yolk.
  2. We break up all the lumps.
  3. Wash your hair with this mixture for about 5-10 minutes.


  • Castor oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • Yolk – 1 pc.;
  • Olive oil – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Beat the yolk in a clean bowl.
  2. Add oil.
  3. Wash your hair with the resulting mixture.

You can enrich your homemade shampoo with oil (cosmetic and essential). Rose, chamomile, rosemary, jojoba, lavender, coltsfoot, grape seed oil, jasmine, myrrh, neroli are suitable.

Shampoos for hair prone to oiliness

Pomegranate shampoo

  • Water – 1 l;
  • Pomegranate (crushed peel) – 3 tbsp. spoons.

How to do:

  1. Pour water over the pomegranate peel.
  2. Cook for 15 minutes.
  3. We wash my hair every 3 days. Course – 2 months.

From oak bark

  • Oak bark (crushed) - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water – 1 l.

Learning to cook:

  1. Fill the oak bark with water.
  2. Boil for about 10 minutes.
  3. Wash your hair. Course - 2 months.
  4. For prevention, we use it for rinsing.

Mustard with water

  • Mustard powder - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Water – 2 l.

And so, let's prepare:

  1. Pour mustard powder into a bowl.
  2. Add warm water there.
  3. Wash your head there.

Nettle shampoo

  • Water – 1 l;
  • Vinegar – 0.5 l;
  • Nettle – 100 gr.

  1. Pour vinegar and water over the nettles.
  2. Boil for half an hour.
  3. Filter through a sieve.
  4. Add 2-3 cups of the prepared broth to a bowl of water.
  5. Wash your hair.

Eggs and camphor

  • Yolk – 1 pc.;
  • Water – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Camphor oil - on the tip of a teaspoon.

How to do:

  1. Mix water with camphor oil and yolk.
  2. Wash your hair for 7 minutes.
  3. We wash it off.

For oily and combination types essential oils may also come in handy. Feel free to use esters of cedar, pine needles, geranium, burdock, grapefruit, thyme, tea tree, basil, cypress, bergamot, calendula, orange, mint, ylang-ylang, lemon.

See also: 4 super recipes

Shampoos that are suitable for normal type

Bread shampoo

  • Rye bread – 3 pieces;
  • Water - about a glass.


  1. Chop the bread into pieces.
  2. Fill with hot water.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, rub the mixture through a sieve.
  4. Wash your hair for 10 minutes.
  5. We wash it off.

Honey and mustard shampoo

  • Kefir – 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Olive oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • Mustard – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Honey – 1 teaspoon.

How to do:

  1. Combine mustard with kefir.
  2. Add oil and honey.
  3. We wash our hair, wait 10-20 minutes and rinse.

Based on white clay

  • Water – 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • White clay – 2 tbsp. spoons.

How to do:

  1. Mix clay with water.
  2. Wash your hair.
  3. Rinse with lemon water.

Beer shampoo

This homemade shampoo is also familiar to our mothers and grandmothers. Apply any beer (about 50 ml) to your hair, massage for about a quarter of an hour and rinse with water.

Herbal shampoo

  • Calendula flowers – 1 part;
  • Light beer – 200 ml;
  • Hop cones – 1 part;
  • Birch leaves – 1 part;
  • Burdock root (chopped) – 1 part.

How to cook:

  1. Mix all the herbs and burdock root.
  2. Pour 50 grams of the composition with beer.
  3. We insist for about an hour.
  4. Filter through a sieve and wash your hair.

Homemade dry shampoo

To make dry shampoo at home, you need a little time and a small set of ingredients.

Recipe No. 1

  • Baking soda – 1 part;
  • Oatmeal – 4 parts.

Learning to cook:

  1. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix with baking soda.

Another effective recipe:

Recipe No. 2

  • Feed grain – 1 part;
  • Corn starch – 1 part.

How to do:

  1. Grind the feed grain in a coffee grinder.
  2. Combine it with corn starch.

Recipe No. 3

  • Cosmetic clay – 6 parts;
  • Talc – 1 part;
  • Soda – 1 part.

And this is how to do it:

  1. Mix soda with talcum powder.
  2. Add clay.

Recipe No. 4

  • Cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. spoon;
  • Flour (oat or wheat) – 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to do:

1. Mix flour with cocoa.

Recipe No. 5

  • Corn starch – 2 parts;
  • Ground almonds – 1 part;
  • Orris root (ground) – 1 part.
  1. Grind almonds and orris root.
  2. Mix all the ingredients.

How to use dry shampoo?

Step 1. Tilt your head over the bath and apply dry shampoo to it. For convenience, you can pour it into a salt shaker with large holes.

Step 2. After 5 minutes, rub your head with a clean and dry towel.

Step 3. Comb out the remaining powder with a thin comb.

A few more words about natural shampoos

As you can see, making shampoo at home is quite simple. It remains only to clarify a few important points.

  • Homemade shampoos cannot be stored for a very long time; they spoil in literally 2-3 days. As for bread, egg and gelatin shampoo, one day is enough for them. Ideally, these products should be prepared right before washing your hair.
  • If you want to stock up on shampoo for two or three treatments ahead, be sure to store it in the refrigerator and warm it in a water bath before applying it to your strands.
  • A natural shampoo should match your hair type.
  • To understand whether a particular product is right for you, you need to test it for about 30 days. If you don't like the effect, try another recipe.
  • If an allergy occurs, immediately discard this mixture.
  • Homemade natural shampoo is not suitable if the hair is washed very poorly and does not want to be combed.
  • It should also be noted that homemade shampoos provide little foam, because they do not contain the appropriate surfactants.
  • Before applying the product, the strands need to be well moistened.

We hope that thanks to our recipes your hair will radiate only beauty and health.

Healthy and well-groomed hair- result proper care after them. The main thing is to achieve this task by choosing an effective cosmetic product, among which natural shampoos prepared at home are especially popular. But how to do this, and why they are good - that is the question.

The beauty of hair is ensured by proper care of it with the help of cosmetics, the most popular among which are natural shampoos prepared by yourself. Everyone probably knows what harm parabens, preservatives, and surfactants contained in a regular hair wash do to our hair. In addition, such chemicals tend to concentrate in our body and cause various diseases.

Often, many cosmetics consumers think that buying shampoo in a store is much easier than making it yourself. But such an erroneous opinion arises only due to a lack of knowledge or time, and also, in most cases, a lack of desire to do this. To dispel these fictions, let's say that preparing homemade shampoo is absolutely not labor-intensive and time-consuming. And the effect you get after using it will please you much more than treatments in a beauty salon.

Since the main function of a hair wash is to cleanse it of excess fat and dirt. And care and restoration is the path nourishing masks, balms, massage. And only with some effort, you will become the owner of gorgeous hair.

There is no difficulty in making shampoo at home. Mostly they are prepared from natural ingredients: soda, honey, clay, mustard, bread or egg yolk. Unlike store-bought hair washing products, which most contain surfactants and silicone that do not bring health to our hair, natural shampoos are highly safe and effective and are suitable for cleansing the entire body.

Most effective means for hair, according to our readers, is a unique Hair MegaSpray spray; world-famous trichologists and scientists had a hand in its creation. The natural vitamin formula of the spray allows it to be used for all hair types. The product is certified. Beware of fakes. Hairdressers' opinion.. "

In addition, no matter how we are assured of the exclusivity of chemical shampoos, their use often causes brittle and split hair, the appearance of dandruff, thinning hair, and allergic reactions and peeling of the skin. The effect of a product prepared by yourself will be absolutely opposite. The active elements of natural shampoo adhere to dirt molecules, removing them by simply rinsing the strands in water.

This method does not have an aggressive effect on the scalp and hair structure, since it does not split and does not penetrate into the deep layers.

Let's take a closer look beneficial features main components natural shampoos made by hand. You can prepare a similar hair cleanser using only baking soda and lemon juice. Such ingredients are easy on your wallet and have excellent cleansing properties.

The uniqueness of this shampoo lies in the alkaline environment of soda. Thanks to this, the soda solution easily copes with any impurities and neutralizes the acids secreted by the skin. But due to the fact that an acidic environment is better suited to the scalp, after the procedure, rinse your hair with a solution of water and lemon juice.

Bread baked from rye flour will help give your hair lightness and volume. In addition, it perfectly fights the appearance of dandruff. You can prepare the product by simply soaking several pieces of black bread in warm water. This method of care, extending the time of application of the composition, is used not only as a shampoo, but also as a restorative hair mask.

Clay, flour, fermented milk, beer and banana shampoos also have a good cleansing and nourishing effect. To enhance the effect, various essential oils are added to such compositions. But after use, be sure to rinse your hair with acidic water. After such procedures, the hair will not only be clean, but also smooth and well-groomed.

Shampoos, made at home and consisting of a combination of herbs, esters, oils or food products, not only perform their main function of cleaning the scalp and hair 100%, but also have medicinal properties, eliminate cross-section and fragility of strands. The most enviable advantage of such products is the comprehensiveness of hair care. But in order to fully satisfy you with the expected effect, you should make such shampoos strictly according to the recipe, and familiarize yourself with the rules of use and storage.

When resorting to egg shampoo, know that the main ingredient that brings results is the yolk. Therefore, it should be separated from the protein. When washing off the resulting mixture from your hair, do not use hot water, since the yolk can simply curl, and such flakes will be very difficult to comb out.

When preparing any homemade shampoo, it is better to use a blender so that no lumps form, and the composition is liquid, applied evenly to the hair and washed out easily. Be sure to check the resulting shampoo for allergic reactions before use. To do this, apply a little product to the inside of your wrist and evaluate the result. This is necessary so that unforeseen situations do not arise later. For example, an egg is considered a rather dangerous allergen and can cause itching, irritation, and contribute to the appearance of dandruff.

Applying homemade shampoo is no different from regular shampoo.

  • First, treat the roots with it and massage movements rub into skin.
  • Next, distribute the mixture over the entire length of your hair, passing strands between your palms. You should not rub your curls against each other, as such actions negatively affect the hair structure, increasing its fragility.
  • After application, you should hold the homemade shampoo for another 10-15 minutes and let it thoroughly absorb into each hair.

  • It is not recommended to wash off this product with regular running water. It is better to use melted or mineral water for this. The resulting effect will also be enhanced by rinsing your hair in a herbal infusion of chamomile for light brown hair and oak bark or nettle for more dark hair.

After such procedures, the use of balms and conditioners is completely eliminated. You should also forget about the hairdryer; your hair should dry on its own, along its entire length. And only after that you can pick up a comb. You can use homemade shampoo every day, but after a month it is better to change the recipe and ingredients.

Shampoos made from natural ingredients do not have a long shelf life. On average it is about three days. Before reusing a product that has been in the refrigerator, it should be heated in a water bath. But, for example, compositions containing egg and rye flour or bread should definitely be used in the first couple of hours, and after that, the remaining mixture can be thrown away. Moreover, if you prepare a fresh portion of shampoo for each procedure, the effect will be more noticeable.

Popular DIY shampoo recipes

Making your own shampoo at home is not difficult. And its usefulness is incomparable to chemicals for washing hair. There are many folk recipes that perfectly cleanse and restore curls. Here are some of them.

Mustard shampoo

To prepare it, dilute 1 tbsp. l mustard to 2 l of melted warm water and wash your hair with this solution. This product is more suitable for oily strands. Its main property is to eliminate oily shine and prevent rapid hair contamination.

Yolk-oil shampoo

Mix 1 teaspoon of oil with the yolk and rub the resulting mixture into your curls. Castor or natural oils are perfect for this. olive oil. This shampoo will the best solution for dry and brittle hair.

To cleanse your hair, you can use sour dairy products or kefir in its original form. The procedure is simple.

  1. Apply curdled milk to your hair and cover your head plastic bag, and wrap a towel on top.
  2. Leave to soak for thirty minutes, then rinse with water.
  3. Next, you should rinse your hair with an acidic solution.

Natural homemade dry shampoos

There are situations in life when it is not possible to wash your hair, but you are already planning to go out. In this case, baby powder, flour or starch would be an excellent substitute for dry shampoo. For those with dark hair, dry cocoa is more suitable, as it will enrich your own color and give your hair a pleasant aroma.

Naturally, the fundamental positive quality of homemade shampoo is its safety and naturalness. And besides this, the effectiveness and usefulness of such products is much higher than that of their chemical counterparts. Experiments in choosing your own shampoo will not bring absolutely any harm, since they are prepared in minimal portions for one use and do not have time to deteriorate.

Another pleasant point will be the cost-effectiveness of such compositions. Since the main components can be found at own kitchen or purchase in a store at a fairly modest price. In addition, natural shampoos have a number of the following advantages:

  1. Saturate hair and scalp with beneficial substances.
  2. Strengthen and restore the structure of strands.
  3. Actively fight fat content.
  4. Nourishes hair.
  5. Promote growth.

In conclusion, there is only one thing to add. If you started using natural shampoos, then you should forever abandon their chemical counterparts. Since their combined use will not bring results, but may give an absolutely opposite result. After using homemade cosmetics, your hair will shine with new strength and they will make you happy every day.

Hair as an element female beauty need constant care. Using natural ingredients in the form of shampoos will make your hair healthier and more beautiful. Shampoo made at home with your own hands will give them a well-groomed appearance.

The main advantage of homemade shampoo is its naturalness. Such shampoos do not contain parabens, silicone, preservatives, formaldehyde and surfactants. In addition to the main function - cleansing, these shampoos, due to the presence of useful, natural ingredients in them, nourish the scalp and hair.

Benefits of natural shampoos:

But when using them, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Due to the lack of preservatives, the maximum shelf life can be no more than a week, some only a few days. Preferably prepare before use.
  2. It is important to maintain storage temperature. Optimal temperature 2-5 degrees.
  3. Before use, you must do an allergy test. Apply a small amount to the back of your hand or elbow. Here the skin is more tender, and the reaction will appear in a quarter of an hour. If there is no itching or redness, the composition is suitable for use.
  4. The components must be suitable for the hair.
  5. If the hair is poorly washed, the result of use is not visible, change the product.

Yeast shampoo

It is known to use yeast as masks. Yeast is widely used in homemade shampoo. Doing it yourself will not be difficult, because yeast is available in any household. This component dissolves fat and has a beneficial effect.

For preparation you need: 25 g of yeast, eggs (2 pcs.), honey.

  1. Mix the yeast and honey, add the eggs as the dough rises.
  2. Apply to your head and leave for a quarter of an hour. If possible, put a plastic bag over your head. This will allow you to achieve the most effective positive result.
  3. After use, to soften, rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Anti-dandruff shampoo with alcohol

Shampoo is prepared according to the following principle. You need to steam several pieces of black bread pulp with water and wait until it swells. Instead of water, you can use herbal decoctions: oak decoction, chamomile, burdock root.

After cooling, add 10 ml of alcohol. You can use herbal tinctures with alcohol: birch tincture, calendula or nettle tincture. Rub the resulting mixture onto your hair and head. Leave for half an hour.

Coffee shampoo

The recipe for making coffee shampoo is quite simple. Mix coffee, egg, cognac (oak bark tincture is allowed). Apply to hair and massage the head, wrap in a plastic bag. Leave for half an hour and rinse. Not recommended for light hair, it will change the color and give a dark tint. To soften, it is advisable to rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Shampoo with henna

Colorless henna, for those who do not want to change their hair color. It visually adds volume. It is necessary to dilute henna with kefir or herbal decoction of your choice. Apply the composition to the head and hair. Application up to half an hour is allowed. This shampoo is suitable for oily hair that tends to dry out.

Homemade soap-based shampoo

For shampoo, you need to take natural soap, baby soap, glycerin soap, or pharmacy soap mixtures. Add herbal infusions and/or oils to the soap. Steam the herb and let it brew. To prepare the base, you need to grate the soap and add oil to the shavings.

Mix the infusion and soap shavings and let sit until dissolved. soap shavings. After using this shampoo, it is advisable to rinse your hair with lemon or vinegar water. Usage period is about a week.

Shampoo with white clay

How to make your own shampoo at home from white clay. You will need half a glass of clay and the same amount of warm water, mixing until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. This is the basis. Herbal infusions of chamomile, birch, and jasmine petals can be used as a liquid to dilute the clay.

It is allowed to add aromatic or essential oils. Massage the resulting mixture onto the scalp. Leave for a while and wash. Soften by rinsing with lemon or vinegar water.

Soda based composition

Due to its alkaline properties, baking soda will perfectly and effectively wash your hair, removing greasy film and accumulated dirt. For medium hair, it is enough to dissolve a quarter glass in water. The soda solution should be about a glass. To dilute soda powder, the use of herbal infusions is allowed.

In combination with oak infusion, burdock root infusion, and chamomile decoction, this remedy, in addition to cleansing, will perform a nutritional function. Apply to damp hair, massaging the roots to remove oiliness. Rinse off. It is advisable to rinse with lemon water after use.

Shampoo with mustard for hair growth

Shampoo with mustard can be used as a hair mask to stimulate growth. This product is suitable for oily hair. Dilute a third of a glass of mustard powder in half a liter of liquid. To dilute the powder, you can use herbal decoctions of birch leaves or buds, burdock root, chamomile, and sage.

Add aloe juice (optional). Massage the solution into the skin and hair and wash. The fact of burning indicates an improvement in blood circulation to the hair roots, and accordingly, growth is stimulated. Can be diluted to the consistency of sour cream and used as a solution. After use, rinse your hair with lemon or vinegar water.

Gelatin composition

This shampoo has no restrictions on hair type. Required: 2 tbsp. l. quickly dissolving gelatin, herbs for infusion, honey, aloe juice (optional), oils, soap base or baby shampoo.
Steam the herb, strain, add gelatin until it swells. Heat a little until it dissolves. Add soap, honey and oils to the mixture. After use, rinse with lemon water.

Shampoo with yolk

Mix the yolk with liquid (1:1), lubricate hair, lather and wash. The liquid can be replaced with herbal infusions, but take into account the type of hair.

Tansy shampoo

To do this, you need to prepare an infusion of tansy. Take one spoon of flowers, steam (1 glass), leave for about 3 hours. Brew effectively in a thermos.
The infusion will prepare faster and will be richer. Strain and use preferably after two days.

Nettle shampoo

Similarly with other herbal shampoos, you first need to prepare a decoction: steam 30 g of dry herb with ½ liter of liquid. Infuse, strain and pour in 100 ml of vinegar. Ready to use.

Banana shampoo

To get banana shampoo you need to: peel the banana, add the egg and lemon juice and bring until smooth. Add drops if desired cosmetic oils, oil vitamins.
Apply the resulting composition, grind, and leave for about half an hour. Wash and rinse with chamomile or nettle infusion, depending on hair color.

Kefir shampoo

Dilute kefir, with any percentage of fat content, with water and wash your hair with this liquid. Rinse with lemon or vinegar water. It is allowed to add dark bread to kefir. Cooking will take about an hour. Mix the bread pulp with kefir and leave until the bread swells. Beat the mixture until smooth. Store for about a day, as the bread in kefir will ferment.

Rye shampoo

Soak a piece of rye crumb in liquid. Leave until it swells. It will turn out to be a mush, it is better to strain it, the crumbs are difficult to wash out. Apply the mixture to your hair and rub. Leave for 10 minutes, wash. This is a way to get rid of dandruff.

Cooking with rye flour will take about half an hour. Pour warm milk or a water solution of herbs. Let it swell. Strain the resulting mass. Let's get the so-called rye milk (infusion). They are used in this form, but additional components can be added: honey, lemon juice, aloe juice, oil vitamins.

Apply to damp hair. Ideally, put on a plastic bag and leave for up to half an hour, the hair will absorb the beneficial substances. The composition washes off perfectly. After use, to soften, rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Jasmine shampoo with honey

Main property: moisturizes and nourishes hair. It is prepared with soap. Grate soap (baby soap or pharmacy soap composition), add a decoction of jasmine petals and honey. Stir until the soap shavings dissolve. Apply to damp hair, massage and wash. Storage for up to a week.

Composition with castor oil

Castor oil shampoo is designed to nourish dry hair. Getting ready for soap based.
Dissolve the grated soap in a decoction of herbs of your choice, add oil and egg. Apply to damp hair, rub and wash.

Cognac shampoo

Cognac shampoo suitable for fatty people hair, it eliminates unaesthetic shine. You need to mix cognac and egg. Bring the ingredients until smooth, apply to a damp head, rub in and wash.

Composition with oak bark

Oak bark, with constant use, will help eliminate dandruff. Pour liquid over the crushed bark, boil and simmer for a quarter of an hour. You can add aromatic oils to the decoction if desired.

Use the product for 2 months. It is worth considering that blonde hair this shampoo will give dark shades.

Sour milk as shampoo

Kefir is not the only fermented milk component of shampoo that you can make yourself at home. Like kefir, there is always sour milk or yogurt on the farm.

Lactic acids provide a protective film from the negative influence of the external environment. Apply milk to hair, rub into scalp, cover with a plastic bag. Leave for half an hour, wash and rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Soapwort decoction as shampoo

Soapwort is a herbaceous plant.
Due to the huge content of substances called saponins in the root, it has the ability to foam.

You can prepare several types of shampoo:

Dry shampoo with cornstarch

Dry shampoo is a godsend for those who don’t have time to wash their hair. Starch-based dry shampoo can easily cope with this task. It is necessary to sprinkle the hair with dry starch, beat and shake it, shake out the starch, and, if necessary, remove the residue with a dry towel. Comb your hair with a thick comb.

Shampoo with healthy oils

Depending on the result, hair will be suitable for: burdock, castor, sage, rose, jojoba, etc. It is necessary to mix the yolks, alcohol (vodka), an oil solution of sage and roses into a homogeneous mass.
The composition eliminates peeling and itchy skin. Rub in, massage thoroughly and rinse. Rinse with lemon or vinegar water.

Beer shampoo

The secret of this remedy is simple. Wet your hair with beer and rinse after a few minutes. The components contained in beer will nourish the skin.

Salt shampoo for deep cleansing

An effective and inexpensive method of deep cleaning is ordinary salt. On average, you need 30 g. Dilute the salt in liquid or kefir. To dilute salt, you can use herbal infusions of chamomile, nettle, calendula, and birch. Wet the hair with the resulting solution and massage the skin. Rinse off with water, reuse is recommended after half a month.

Birch shampoo

There are several options for making birch shampoo with your own hands at home. The base component is birch leaves or birch buds. Prepare the infusion according to the standard procedure and use every three days.

Pomegranate shampoo

The product will do oily hair, since pomegranate peels have an astringent, tannic effect. You will need: pour liquid (1 liter) of pomegranate peel (20 g), boil and cook for a quarter of an hour. You can brew pomegranate peels in a thermos and leave overnight. Cool and apply every three days.

How and in what way to make your hair attractive will depend on the shampoo you make at home with your own hands. The main thing is that the selected components are suitable for the hair type and provide them with health and a spectacular appearance.

Video on how to make your own shampoo at home

How to make shampoo at home:

Making your own shampoo: